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2023-08-10 21:41:18
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I wanna make my tennis racket strung.




球拍 用英语怎么说

2023-08-07 13:12:243


YONEX一般指尤尼克斯尤尼克斯(YONEX) 是世界最出名的羽拍,也是每一个羽毛球爱好者都想拥有的羽拍,为了统治羽拍市场,也为了尽量满足不同使用需求,尤尼克斯研发了大量的型号,让人眼花缭乱。作为世界知名的羽拍专业制造商,尤尼克斯完全体现日本工艺的精益求精,羽拍牢牢占据世界第一的地位,同时网球拍也得到许多知名球星的喜爱。序言在2009年,李宁公司强势崛起,拿下了中国国家羽毛球队的赞助权;VICTOR(威克多)公司拿下了韩国队的赞助权。YONEX在中国地区的影响力有一定降低,但在全球范围来看,YONEX仍然是当之无愧的王者,而且VICTOR(威克多)目前的优势在于服装以及羽球(性价比),虽然李宁已经具备了一定的研发能力,并成功研发了多项专业的技术专利,但是在未来的很长一段时间里,YONEX仍是羽毛球拍的第一品牌。发展简史1946年 米山丰成立了 Yoneyama 公司,初期生产钓鱼网与木制漂流物。1957年 公司转向生产高尔夫球、网球及羽毛球产品。1961年 第一支 "Yoneyama"羽毛球拍问世。两年之后,Yoneyama 公司成为国际品牌羽毛球产品制造商。1969年 Yoneyama 推出世界第一支铝制羽毛球拍--#700.今天,世界上超过80%的运动员使用 Yonex 羽毛球拍。1973年 Yoneyama 公司进入网球球拍生产领域,使公司产品多元化。1978年 公司的新 "YY" LOGO面世,由蓝色和绿色组成,而且很快在羽毛球和网球界为人们所熟知。一年之后,公司与商标均改为 Yonex。1980年 公司推出世界第一只超轻羽毛球拍 --- Carbonex 8。同年,它赢得了全英羽毛球公开赛。1982年 Yonex 推出令人感到惊喜的R系列网球拍。R-1 是世界第一支方形网球球拍,而超轻的 R-7网球拍赢得法国及温布顿。之后采用一系列轻型材料制造球拍,Yonex 开始在高尔夫球杆制造领域采用相似的尝试,如使用石墨。1983年7月 Yonex 推出第一支全碳球拍Carbonex 2。1984年 Yonex 公司在美国建立了一个子公司,独立操作。总部设在加州。1989年 Yonex 成为全英羽毛球公开赛的独家赞助商。1990年 Yonex 发明了A.D.X。Widebody 高尔夫球杆在同年 PGA巡回赛中打出412码的超长距离。1992年 Yonex 签约赞助莫尼卡.塞莱斯,进一步支持网球运动。Yonex 与塞莱斯一同登上世界排名第一,并使塞莱斯成为赢得大满贯的最年轻的女运动员之一。同年8月 利用等角网球拍设计原理,Yonex 推出了世界第一支等角 widebody 羽毛球拍----等角 500。1993到1995年 Yonex 赞助的球员在奥运会羽毛球比赛中包揽金、银牌。除此之外,Yonex成为巴塞罗那奥运会官方指定器材赞助商。1994年10月 Yonex 成为美国羽毛球公开赛冠名赞助商。1994年 Yonex 推出了超级 A.D.X。并赢得1994年美国公开赛。1995年7月 Yonex 在东京股票交易市场上市。Yonex与年仅14岁的网球天才玛蒂娜.辛吉斯签署了一份赞助协议。1996年 Yonex 推出了在传统的铁杆中加入了石墨和钢,成为超级 A.D.X。1996年 Yonex 成为亚特兰大奥运会官方指定赞助商及羽毛球器材供应商。在比赛中,Yonex 包揽几乎所有奖牌,赢得每一光辉时刻。1996年 Yonex 在日本正式成立 Teradomari 国家俱乐部。1996年 Yonex 在超级 A.D.X中首次加入了钛这一超级金属。钛开启了一个新的科技时期,借助超级 A.D.X 的产品,Yonex带动了高尔夫球运动的发展。1996年 塞莱斯使用 Yonex SRQ-500 加长球拍。1997年初 理查德.克拉吉塞克使用新的超级RD-TOUR成为温布顿男单冠军。同时17岁的辛吉斯成为最年轻的温布顿女单冠军。1997年 16岁的辛吉斯使用 RD-70 加长球拍赢得澳网并成为世界排名第一。YONEX伴随辛吉斯及塞莱斯迅速成长。1997年 米山丰,Yonex的创办人,成为Yonex主席并且任命了米山小作为 Yonex 的总经理。公司推出了PPS,比标准的石墨轻了30%。1997年11月 Yonex 赞助球员,斯科特·霍什参加雷德杯,同时嬴得密尔沃基巡回赛。1998年 霍什与 Yonex 续约。同年,YONEX 陪伴霍什已长达十年。1998年3月 Yonex 赞助年轻球员,在中学和大学中推动体育运动发展。这是一个非盈利机构。1998年Yonex 赞助的球员马塞罗·里奥斯和玛蒂娜·辛吉斯双双排名世界第一。这是 Yonex 历史上的第一次。1999年1月 由于在对年轻球员培养方面所做出的贡献, 米山丰获得来自美国洛杉矶的 Vince Lombardi 青年奖。Yonex 签下年轻的澳洲球员莱顿.休伊特。1999年1月 辛吉斯使用 Yonex 球拍第三次获得澳网冠军。1999年 Yonex 成为日本职业高尔夫球协会赞助商。1999年3月 由于米山丰主席对全英羽毛球公开赛的连续支持,得到英国羽毛球协会与安德鲁王子的特别奖赏。Yonex 是2000年悉尼奥运会官方指定羽毛球器材赞助商。在悉尼 YONEX 球拍嬴得了金,银和铜牌。Yonex 在日本市场推出了第一双用全新材料“力量垫子”制作的步行鞋。2000年 YONEX 与塞莱斯签署了一份新赞助合同,包括球拍,球鞋和服装。2000年 YONEX 推出了V系列高尔夫球杆。休伊特嬴得美国公开赛,并成为历史上最年轻的男单一号。2001年 Yonex 推出的 Cyberstar3000。在日本取得了绝佳的销售业绩。2001年 Yonex 全新的V-350 ,钛头木杆。得到了美国高尔夫 尤尼克斯(14张)球选手协会认可。2001年 霍什使用V-350嬴得了两站PGA巡回赛。由于霍什的出色表现再次入选雷德杯。日本政府表彰米山丰主席对体育运动所做出的贡献。2001年 经过五十五年,Yonex成为一家成功的跨国公司,总部设在日本。子公司遍布全世界,包括英国、德国、加拿大、台湾和香港。Yonex 不断生产高科技运动器材,力求使每个运动员发挥最高水平。2001年 创造世界最高杀球速度的一代TI10羽拍诞生(傅海峰)2002年 中国国家队几乎人手一把MP99羽拍。2003年林丹获得2008年奥运冠军所使用的一代AT700羽拍诞生2007年 AT900系列羽拍诞生,几乎控制了整个男子羽坛2008年 奥运会所有的获奖羽毛球选手都是YONEX的签约球员,影响力达到历史顶峰。2009年,YONEX失去了对中国羽毛球队的赞助权,失去了重要的明星集团,被李宁公司获得(但这里面有扶持国有品牌的因素);失去了韩国队的赞助权,由VICTOR(威克多)公司获得,但YONEX本身在产品上的强大实力,影响力,在羽坛的地位仍然是一家独大。100周年纪念版国际著名的运动器械厂商尤尼克斯在全英羽毛球公开赛100周年来临之际特别生产了ARCSABER-100羽毛球拍(弓箭100)。百年精华荟萃,见证历史时刻,极具收藏价值。ARCSABER-100羽毛球拍以红黑色为主色调的设计,庄严而隆重,在拍面的三点和九点钟的位置,呼应了源自传统英格兰旗帜的抽象图案。  拍身中杆位置更增添了雄狮含球的第100届全英赛独有的夺目标志,象征挥拍斗士的霸气,尽显全英赛的沉淀和大气!  YONEX尤尼克斯弓剑100LTD(弓箭100)ARCSABER-100羽毛球拍(全英公开赛100周年纪念版)  硬度:中硬  拍框材质:高系数碳素 + 叠杯碳素纳米管拍杆材质:高系数碳素纤维球拍重量:3U(85-89克)球拍长度:674mm(加长10mm)球拍平衡点:295±3mm推荐主线拉力:19-22磅推荐横线拉力:21-24磅最高穿线磅数:质保范围内:最高24磅适合球员级别:中高级、职业级2品牌历史编辑1946至19741946年(昭和21年)继承父业由木制工业起步米山稔社长在新泻县三岛郡冢山村,继承父业开创的木制工业,即开始了桐木栓的生产1957年(昭和32年)开始羽毛球拍的生产米山副社长在SanBatta的金泽工厂学习技术,并作为SanBatta的承包商开始羽毛球拍的生产1958年(昭和33年)创立米山制作所创立株式会社米山制作所,接受进入运动界后第一次获得中小企业厅长官奖1961年(昭和36年)设立东京办事处设立东京办事处以扩大国内、国外业务的发展1962年(昭和37年) 发售YONEYAMA品牌羽毛球拍开始发售YONEYAMA品牌羽毛球拍NO.1000和NO.2000号,东京营业所迁址文京区汤岛20坪的事务所。1963年(昭和38年) 设立YONEX SPORTS株式会社设立贸易公司 - YONEX SPORTS株式会社(现为YONEX海外部) ,开始在欧洲、美国等地区销售 ,羽毛球拍的生产、销售达到日本第一1965年(昭和40年) 开始生产、销售羽毛球设立MINORU SPORTS有限公司(现为东京工厂),开始制造并销售羽毛球。1966年(昭和41年) 在新加坡开设第一家海外代理商公司名更改为YONEYAMA RACKETS LTD.在新加坡开设第一家海外代理商。1968年(昭和43年)设立东京工厂设立YONEYAMA RACKETS LTD.东京工厂,以增强羽毛球的生产能力1969年(昭和44年)开始生产网球拍YONEX开始生产制作网球拍,10月完成铝制网球拍第一号“T-7000”1970年(昭和45年)全日本实业团体羽毛球锦标赛上YONEX第一次获得冠军。1971年(昭和46年)实现羽毛球世界第一终于达到羽毛球界世界第一的目标东京办事处搬到目前总部所在地(东京BUNKYO-KU区)1973年(昭和48年)变更LOGOYONEX LOGO标志变为 ,蓝和绿被选为公司标准颜色1975至19891974年(昭和49年)变更公司名称公司名称由YONEYAMA RACQUETS LTD.变更为YONEX SPORTS LTD.1978年(昭和53年) 设立大阪办事处在大阪市天王寺区设置大阪事处(现为大阪分公司)开办YONEX贸易株式会社(现为海外营业部)的台湾办事处YONEX LOGO更改为1979年(昭和54年)东京总公司大楼竣工东京总公司大楼竣工开始运作三宅一生设计的运动服装新泻县长冈市建成5块网球场地网球拍获得全美职业网球协会的公认1980年(昭和55年)与金夫人、纳芙拉蒂诺娃签约发售全球首次打破100g壁垒的“B-8500 Carbonex8”,并极为畅销公布与美国的比利·简·金和纳芙拉蒂诺娃、英国的戴昂·弗洛姆霍尔兹签订了职业选手员工合同推出ISOMETRIC形状的“R-1”“R-2”“R-3”1981年(昭和56年)设立德国分公司在西德设立本地法人YONEX SPORTS GmbH(现为YONEX GMBH)羽毛球作为国际羽毛球联盟的公认球被定为第9届尤伯杯用球,打破RSL公司垄断的壁垒建造作为网球拍新工厂的总公司(现为新泻生产部)第二工厂1982年(昭和57年)进军高尔夫事业公司名由YONEX SPORTS LTD.改为YONEX CO., LTD.正式进军高尔夫业务1983年(昭和58年)设立美国分公司开始在YONEX株式会社东京工厂(现为东京工厂)生产拍线纳芙拉蒂诺娃使用“R-22”获得历史上第一次大满贯米山社长(现为会长)获得新加坡的奥委会颁发的文化功劳奖在美国设立YONEX AMERICA INC(现为YONEX CORPORATION USA)1984年(昭和59年)在名古屋市中区设置名古屋营业所在名古屋市中区设置名古屋营业所(现为名古屋分公司)YONEX成为全英羽毛球公开赛的冠名赞助商在东京工厂建造第二工厂。力图补充拍线的生产在新泻县三岛郡越路街建造总公司(现新泻生产本部)第三工厂1986年(昭和61年)纳芙拉蒂诺娃的广告被评为读卖广告大赛的优秀奖。1987年(昭和62年)设立英国分公司福冈市博多区设置福冈营业所英国设立分公司YONEX U.K.LTD.米山社长(现为会长)获得蓝绶奖章。召开盛大的创业40周年纪念聚会。1988年(昭和63年)设立台湾分公司台湾设立本地法人优乃克股份有限公司(生产公司)在香港设立本地法人YONEX SPORTS HONG KONG LIMITED(销售公司)在长冈市新产开设YONEX高尔夫练习场1990至19971990年(平成2年)与塞莱斯(美国)签署职业选手员工合约YONEX株式会社东京工厂、YONEX贸易株式会社被吸收合并为YONEX CO., LTD.纳芙拉蒂诺娃使用“RQ-180”在温伯顿网球公开赛上获得第9次冠军,这是温伯顿历史上前所未有的冠军次数与塞莱斯(美国)签署职业选手员工合约1991年(平成3年)设立加拿大分公司成立加拿大分公司YONEX CANADA LTD.1992年(平成4年)YONEX签约选手在巴塞罗那奥运会上独占鳌头巴塞罗那奥运会上,羽毛球项目全部24枚金牌中22枚被YONEX的签约选手夺得;并且,羽毛球是此次奥运会的唯一大赛用球1994年(平成6年) 与辛吉斯(瑞士)签署职业选手员工合约伊达公子进入全英公开赛4强,打破日本网球历史纪录。亚特兰大奥运会羽毛球项目决定采用YONEX的比赛用球、场地胶、球网、球柱等。在东京证券交易所市场第二部上市股票。在新泻证券交易所上市股票。建拍线专用的高科技设备生产的东京工厂第二工厂。推出300CC的DECA HEAD球棒“Titan Carbon300”。与14岁天才少女辛吉斯(瑞士)签署职业选手员工合约。1995年(平成7年)YONEX开始滑雪板事业广岛YONEX公开赛上,JUNBO尾崎赢得第7次冠军,共赢得90场胜利。塞莱斯时隔28个月后正式复出,即在加拿大公开赛上夺冠。YONEX开始滑雪板业务。纳芙拉蒂诺娃推出单打比赛。共赢得167场胜利。1996年(平成8年)YONEX选手克拉吉塞克进入温布顿决赛伊达公子在FED杯德国站战胜格拉夫,赢得了这场特别的胜利。温布顿网球公开赛男子决赛在YONEX选手克拉吉塞克(荷兰)与马拉比亚·华盛顿之间对决。亚特兰大奥运会的羽毛球项目上,使用YONEX的选手获得全部24枚金牌中的23枚。1997年(平成9年) 新社长就任16岁零3个月的辛吉斯取得世界第一的排位,成为网球历史上最年轻的世界冠军 。米山稔社长成为会长,米山宏作专务就任社长。1998至20051998年 YONEX 再次更改LOGO标志 设立非盈利机构YONEX SPORTS振兴财团基金会,以支持小学、中学及大学各级青少年体育运动的发展和教育(6月17日文部大臣认可)。米山会长获美国童子军洛杉矶议会颁发的伦巴迪奖,以承认在青少年培养上的功劳。YONEX 签约网球选手里奥斯和辛吉斯分别在世界男、女球手排名中达到世界第一YONEX 改变昭和53年所定的LOGO标志,变更1999年 米山会长获英格兰羽毛球协会颁发的功劳奖在第100届全英羽毛球锦标赛上,安德鲁王子给米山会长颁发了由英格兰羽毛球协会授予的特别功劳奖,以感谢米山会长对全英羽毛球赛的支持2000年 YONEX成为悉尼奥运会器材赞助商成为悉尼奥运会羽毛球项目的官方器材赞助商进军日本国内休闲鞋市场,采用一种新型吸震材料“POWER CUSHION”2001年 YONEX新泻工厂获得国际认证YONEX签约球手- 休伊特成为网球史上最年轻的排位第一的网球选手YONEX新泻工厂获得ISO14001国际认证2002年 YONEX进军中国市场YONEX正式进军中国市场,授权广州市威健体育用品有限公司经营和销售YONEX产品2003年 YONEX球拍成为ATF指定用拍与亚洲网球协会(ATF)达成协议YONEX球拍成为亚洲网球协会指定用拍2003年羽毛球世锦赛上YONEX选手包揽所有项目的金牌2004年 YONEX成为雅典奥运会羽毛球项目器材赞助商 YONEX成为雅典奥运会羽毛球项目的器材赞助商2003/2004在印尼和马来西亚、2004在新加坡被授予“超级品牌”的荣誉称号YONEX成功签约苏格兰高尔夫选手-蒙哥马利,该选手曾在世界范围内赢得过37项比赛的胜利。2005年 米山稔成为YONEX集团的荣誉会长2005年在香港被授予“超级品牌”称号米山稔成为YONEX集团的荣誉会长2005年英国《ACE》网球杂志公布的14个世界著名网球品牌综合性能测试评比中YONEX网球拍排名第一2006至20102006年 YONEX成为汤尤杯冠名及器材赞助商YONEX成为5月份在日本举办的尤伯杯决赛阶段的冠名赞助商YONEX成为10月份在日本举办的日本羽毛球公开赛的冠名赞助商YONEX全球代理商大会在大阪召开获得品质管理体系“ISO2001”的认证,YONEX高尔夫1号木杆获得世界第一殊荣2007年 YONEX网球拍05、06、07连续三年获评世界第一2008年 YONEX成为汤尤杯冠名及器材赞助商。YONEX获得北京奥林匹克运动会羽毛球项目官方指定器材供应商,并且为 羽毛球、网球、残奥会网球项目提供穿线服务。签约选手包揽羽毛球项目全部24枚奖牌,网球项目摘获女单金牌、女双铜牌。同年,YONEX签约网球选手伊万诺维奇获得法网冠军,晋升世界第一的最高女单排名。2009年研制出ArcSaber Z-Slash羽毛球拍。赞助苏迪曼杯、世锦赛、中国羽毛球公开赛等赛事,冠名中国江苏羽毛球队,囊括中国第11届全运会男、女团金牌2010年 成为广州亚运会羽毛球项目器材供应商,并为羽毛球、网球、软式网球大会唯一指定穿线服务YONEX连续27年成为历经百届的全英羽毛球公开赛冠名赞助商。ArcSaber Z-Slash羽毛球拍创造出世界最快球速421公里/小时,被载入吉尼斯世界纪录大全同年,YONEX科技的集大成者VOLTRIC系列诞生,并推出了第一款VT-70,采用全新性能的三角能量系统(“TRI-VOLTAGE SYSTEM”),在扣杀时能充分发挥拍头的力量,在前半场的控制中充分发挥前所未有的操控性能,由大马一哥李宗伟代言,成为YONEX力推的全新一线产品。3发展史编辑YONEX羽毛球拍的变迁史是以木、碳素、钛为基础并不断突破的球拍科技发展史,也是YONEX向新材料不断挑战的历史。成立于1946年的日本YONEX公司在羽毛球器材领域处于世界领先地位。作为一家以科技为本的公司,YONEX始终着眼于对新材料、新设计的研究和开发,并不断探索提升比赛质量的新方法。早在木制羽毛球拍的全盛时期,YONEX就已经开始积极地研究和开发新材料和新技术,并不断为羽毛球运动的发展作出贡献!1973年起,YONEX 蓝绿色组合的“YY”标识开始起用,并逐渐成为羽毛球场上人们熟知的标志。现在世界上超过80%的专业羽毛球球运动员都选择使用YONEX产品。YONEX(1962)1962昭和37年(1962年),使用米山木拍B-2000的中央大学夺得关东联赛冠军,当时引起的茶色旋风至今仍是人们谈论的话题。当时有一句特别引人注目的广告词是“耐力型选手用拍,最适合用于练球”。其强有力的拍框成为人们讨论的中心话题。YONEX(1968)1968昭和43年(1968年),YONEX在拍框与拍杆连接部分开发了世界专利T型接头,大大提高了球拍的稳定性和耐用性。YONEX在日本国内推出了第一款采用T型接头的金属羽毛球拍ALMINA S;该款球拍的拍框和拍杆通过T型接头来连接,成功地将铝和碳素结合起来,很快成为世界市场上最畅销的产品。正是这一畅销商品使YONEX羽毛球拍的销售在昭和46年达到世界第一,并且最终成为可以持续保持30年以上的No.1品牌。YONEX(1969)1969昭和44年(1969年),YONEX推出世界上第一支长杆球拍B-8000,是当时全球羽毛球选手喜爱的信心之作;该款球拍凭借特有的大甜区以及有力的击球感,迅速成为当时最畅销球拍。YONEX(1973)1973昭和48年(1973年),YONEX发售的B-9100球拍在那些追求打球手感的人群中所得到的支持是根深蒂固的,成为木制拍框和不锈钢细长拍杆结合的经典。曾在全英公开赛获得7连冠及在68年至76年间8度夺冠的“羽毛球之神” Rudy Hartono(印度尼西亚)对该款球拍极为衷爱。YONEX(1974)1974昭和49年(1974年),YONEX推出采用精悍黑色的新款球拍B-8100;该球拍可以产生时速为280公里/小时的扣杀速度,其出众的快速性能被当时的羽毛球选手所推崇,当时很多羽毛球选手都曾一度拥有过这只球拍。YONEX(1978)1978昭和53年(1978年),YONEX推出的CAB-8球拍是由特殊铝合金拍框加上碳素拍杆构成,是羽球拍历史上最早的拍框重量低于100克的超轻商品;其碳素拍杆可以像树枝那样自由弯曲,使羽毛球运动的快速化有了进一步的提高。YONEX(1982)1982昭和57年(1982年),也就在长期畅销的CAB-8面市的4年后,YONEX推出了全碳素拍框及拍杆的CAB-15,这意味着世界上第一支全碳素球拍终于诞生了。当时被称为“黑豹”的印度尼西亚选手林水镜出演广告的主角。极具压倒性的弹跳扣球掀起了羽毛球运动的高潮。YONEX(1984)1984昭和59年(1984年),YONEX开始发售全碳素拍框及拍杆的CAB-20。该款球拍的拍框与拍杆采用T型接头连接,其内部的T型接头与以前相比有了大大的改进,改变了羽毛球拍的外观;有效改善了连接部的松动问题,并提高了控球性能。攻守性能俱佳的CAB-20,面市至今已超过20年,却仍然畅销全球。YONEX(1992)1992平成4年(1992年),YONEX推出石墨钛拍框与超细碳素拍杆结合的ISO-500球拍。该款球拍的特点是球拍的横/竖拍线长度基本相等,甜区向拍面上部扩展,以此增大甜区面积。ISO-500是首次采用方型拍面,材质是由柔韧的钛纤维与碳素复合而成,从而增加了拍框的强度,并提高了拍面的稳定性;同时直径仅7mm的超细拍杆保证了挥拍的速度性。YONEX(2004)2004平成16年(2004年),YONEX发售的NANOSPEED 7000是一款采用了新一代纳米碳素材质的羽毛球拍。其原理是将直径为0.7纳米的碳素分子复合体“弗拉纶”添加至纤维的间隙中。在提高强度的同时减轻了拍体的重量;这种最尖端的科技,将羽毛球运动提升至一个新的层次。YONEX另外,在1992年,羽毛球被正式列为巴塞罗那奥运会正式比赛项目,YONEX成为巴塞罗那奥运会羽毛球项目的指定器材赞助商。使用YONEX球拍、穿着YONEX服装、鞋子的选手囊括了羽毛球项目所有的金、银、铜牌;值得注目的是在最近几届的奥运会上,奖牌榜上90%以上的选手都使用的是YONEX羽毛球拍;在2000年悉尼奥运会上,羽毛球项目的全部5个项目的金牌获得者都使用的是YONEX球拍;在2004年的雅典奥运会上,YONEX赞助的选手夺得了羽毛球项目24枚奖牌中的22枚。YONEX的生产地YONEX 的生产地有三个:高端球拍都在日本本土生产,中端球拍在台湾生产,
2023-08-07 13:12:362


There are two table tennis bats
2023-08-07 13:12:595

连词成句 have rackets I rennis three a and basketball

I have three tennis rackets and a basketball .
2023-08-07 13:13:174


与钢头和缓和钢轴的2副羽毛球球拍 * 2 Shuttlecocks 方便的*运载和存贮袋子 * 6集合或主要纸盒(每个外箱6套) *处理了与非编织的依托的乙烯基袋子 作为附加的图片的*包裹 * 4与缓和钢轴、热处理的T连接器和绳圈的羽毛球球拍。 * 2 Shuttlecocks * 4六角PVC波兰人, dia=0.875 ", 61 "在地面之上 *与3/4 "顶面磁带的20ft x 1+1/2ft (3一层)没有节的网 *绳索组装: 4pcs 锁网抛锚的* : 4pcs *比分网夹子: 2pcs (黑颜色) 方便的*运载或存贮袋子 *一内在棕色箱子: 材料:B3B,箱子大小: 67.5*24.5*5.5cm *一指南: 75gsm无木头纸,大小:29*21cm,共计:4sheets,唯一黑色打印了双方,二针*一是用说明标签: 250gsm与褐色后面,颜色打印一的4的双重委员会支持,大小: 63*35cm *一袋子: 非编织的织品,大小: 68*25*6cm * 6袋子或主要纸盒 *喂表现羽毛球球拍: 4台个人计算机,材料: 钢 *喂表现shuttlecocks :2台个人计算机 被设置的* PVC六角杆: 4pcs, dia :1.25 ", *杆基地安定器: 2pcs, dia : 1.25 " *绳索组装: 4pcs 锁网抛锚的* : 4pcs * EZ锁网: 1pcs,大小: 20 " *1.5" *比分网夹子: 2pcs (黑颜色) *完成调整到61的净系统"在地面之上 计分在网的* 方便的*运载或存贮袋子 *一内在棕色箱子: 材料:B3B,展开大小: 80*70cm *一指南: 75gsm无木头纸,大小:29*21cm,共计:4板料,唯一黑色打印了双方,二针*一是用说明标签: 250gsm双重白板, 4颜色打印了双方,大小: 25.4*14cm *一袋子: 牛津布料,大小: 67*24.5*6.8cm * 6袋子或主要纸盒
2023-08-07 13:13:271


2023-08-07 13:13:376


We don"t have any tennis rackets.(some一般用于肯定句,而any一般用于否定句和一般疑问句)Does Helen have a baseball bat?(改一般疑问句时,如果原句中有be动词(am is are及其过去式等),就将be动词提前,如果没有,就加助动词(do或does,当主语是一二人称或名词复数,即:I 和you时,用do;主语是三人称或名词单数时,用does,比如Helen),然后谓语动词变成原形就ok哈,比如这道题,has变成have)补充哈:has是have的单数形式,当句中主语是单数时,就用has,否则就用have;does和do跟has和have是一个意思,是单复数的区别。
2023-08-07 13:14:133

谁能帮忙把这句英语成分划分一下啊 。。。Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a sport?

为您解答Table tennis主语 also known as ping-pong, 插入语is 系动词a sport表语( in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth across a table using small rackets. )定语从句定语从句中in介词 which关系代词 two or four players从句主语 hit从句谓语 a lightweight ball 从句宾语back and forth 方位状语across a table地点状语 using small rackets方式状语 In which在定语从句中做状语,相当于in the sport
2023-08-07 13:14:243


daoyt组成单词today。n. 今天; 今日; 现在; 当今; 当代。adv. 现在; 当今; 在今天; 在今日; 当代。 例句:I haven"t been able to get much work done today.我今天未能干多少工作。
2023-08-07 13:14:455


Hello today is I do report, I am looking forward to the day has for a long time. Today is Friday, the weather is great! My name is X, this year 12 years old. At home, I love my family; In school, I love my teacher and concern of my classmate, to this, I think I am a happy man. I like to eat food is chicken legs, hamburgers, French fries and ice cream. I like to eat fruit is grape, mango and strawberry. I have two badminton racquet, a badminton and a tennis. But I never play with them, because I don"t like to exercise. My hobby is a movie, because I think every movie for us about a truth. However, my favorite movie is narnia, this is a very magical
2023-08-07 13:15:045


The Beatles is undoubtedly The most influential band last century. In 8 years of time, they not only change the rock and pop, moreover, forever changed all music appearance. In 1956, ronaldoNehemiah · more Donegan Lonnie gedaliah (within) and Chris idzikowski Lawrence his interests Jazz Band (Chris Jazz Band) the Barber, with a woody the whitbread bart Island Line "crazy scored rowLine of the top 10 list. (Chris idzikowski Lawrence his interests in 1967 recording a band called "Catc - all" song, this is Paul McCartney in 1957-1960 write) Ronnie more later. Gump withinA series of successful song (such as "CumberlandGap", "for Man") began sweeping the British Isles "Skiffle" music frenzy.Members introducedJohn lennonJohn Winston Lennon (John Lennon), The famous British rock band "The Beatles" (The Beatles, also translated do "beetle") member, rock of The all-time greats of musicHome, one of the beatles" soul, poet, social activist, anti-war person.Paul McCartneyPaul McCartney (for McCartney) is considered to be the top of the 20th century music mark, he by guinness world records as the history of the most successful composer. Whether it is not as the beatlesDuring, Paul McCartney wrote a total of, or assist wrote more than 50 first 10 big popular songs. He owns 60 run-away best-seller and 1 million of single sales. His song "Yesterday" is historyRecord the greatest number of songs, and in the American television aired more than 700 million times. He put the band for of 1977 single "Mull of Kintyre" became the first one in the UK salesMore than 200 million hits album, and holds the British "not charity single" sales record. For in singing, McCartney is a guitar and bass guitar, piano and play the drums are achievement, talentPeople.James Paul McCartney (Sir James McCartney) for the British Empire highest knighthood owners (will made of the British"re foundation trilogy ", JaneSays the MBE), McCartney in 1942 for June 18, born in Liverpool, a British singer, musicians, music creators, a variety of musical performers, poet, entrepreneurs, painter, recordProducer, filmmakers, animal protectors. His career is that he become beatles climbed breakthrought when. As one of The founders of The Beatles members elected to The rock and roll hall of fame.For John Lennon McCartney and the combination of history"s most successful most influential songwriting combination, they wrote many rock history"s most popular songs. Leave after Beatles forMcCartney has become a successful solo with and his first wife Linda McCartney Eastman, singer, composer Denny Laine formed put band. In recent years, his long lifeJump in film, music and classical music, and electronic as a solo artist, release the numerous songsGeorge Harrison (George Harrison), British musician, a guitar player, singer and songwriter, music producer, filmmakers, the beatles tonic guitarist, singer, with oneAs one of the most well known beatles.George harrison as the beatles tonic guitarist, harrison called silence of the beatles head. Because faith India theology, harrison widened the band members"s field of vision and the beatles music diversity. Beatles solutionAfter the scattered, harrison solo career is very successful. 1970 issues "things" album in Britain, America, Norway achieved sales of the first. 1971 because ravi shankar sweet card pleading painHarrison hosted for Bangladesh concert, creating a rock music charity precedent. In 1973, "living in a material world" album sales still chart-topping. Since then, the music business harrisonNot very successful, but in a high level of art critically-acclaimed affirmation. In 1987 and Jeff Lynne cooperation, covers the James Ray 1960s Got My Mind Set on You, "take again in businessToo brilliant success. Since George with its charm of personality established a strong lineup band, and achieved The Wilburys"ll remarkable achievement. As a movie producer, harrison manual moviesThe company produced Madonna movie Shanghai surprise "outstanding works. 1997 harrison diagnosed with larynx, 2001, died. After the demise of harrison before friends held George harrison memorialConcert. 2004 as a solo artist was elected to the rock and roll hall of fame. 2009 in Hollywood walk, and establish the George harrison humanitarian award.achievementAlthough throughout The 1970s, about The Beatles (Beatles) back to The composite of continuous speculation, but in 1980, with lennon in The streets of New York being stabbed, The Beatles thoroughlyInto the museum.styleCrazy & your (Rock) British Invasion (British Invasion) British Psychedelia (UK) psychedelic Folk - Ro
2023-08-07 13:15:363


I"m Wanglin and also a boy.I"m twelve year old.My job is a student and study in Class 1 Grade 7 at Xiangyang middle school.My family includes my grandparents ,my parents and my sister.My hobbies are play valleyball and tennis .I have a pair of tennis rackets.上面是我自己写的,下面是找的,你自己选吧。I am Wang, male, a 12-year-old this year. My career is a student at Xiangyang time first-year secondary school in a group. My phone is 4326366, my family members have grandparents, parents, sister and me. I love to play volleyball and tennis, I have a pair of tennis rackets.
2023-08-07 13:15:485


1946至19741946年(昭和21年)继承父业由木制工业起步米山稔社长在新泻县三岛郡冢山村,继承父业开创的木制工业,即开始了桐木栓的生产1957年(昭和32年)开始羽毛球拍的生产米山副社长在SanBatta的金泽工厂学习技术,并作为SanBatta的承包商开始羽毛球拍的生产1958年(昭和33年)创立米山制作所创立株式会社米山制作所,接受进入运动界后第一次获得中小企业厅长官奖1961年(昭和36年)设立东京办事处设立东京办事处以扩大国内、国外业务的发展1962年(昭和37年) 发售YONEYAMA品牌羽毛球拍开始发售YONEYAMA品牌羽毛球拍NO.1000和NO.2000号,东京营业所迁址文京区汤岛20坪的事务所。1963年(昭和38年) 设立YONEX SPORTS株式会社设立贸易公司 - YONEX SPORTS株式会社(现为YONEX海外部) ,开始在欧洲、美国等地区销售 ,羽毛球拍的生产、销售达到日本第一1965年(昭和40年) 开始生产、销售羽毛球设立MINORU SPORTS有限公司(现为东京工厂),开始制造并销售羽毛球。1966年(昭和41年) 在新加坡开设第一家海外代理商公司名更改为YONEYAMA RACKETS LTD.在新加坡开设第一家海外代理商。1968年(昭和43年)设立东京工厂设立YONEYAMA RACKETS LTD.东京工厂,以增强羽毛球的生产能力1969年(昭和44年)开始生产网球拍YONEX开始生产制作网球拍,10月完成铝制网球拍第一号“T-7000”1970年(昭和45年)全日本实业团体羽毛球锦标赛上YONEX第一次获得冠军。1971年(昭和46年)实现羽毛球世界第一终于达到羽毛球界世界第一的目标东京办事处搬到目前总部所在地(东京BUNKYO-KU区)1973年(昭和48年)变更LOGOYONEX LOGO标志变为 ,蓝和绿被选为公司标准颜色1975至19891974年(昭和49年)变更公司名称公司名称由YONEYAMA RACQUETS LTD.变更为YONEX SPORTS LTD.1978年(昭和53年) 设立大阪办事处在大阪市天王寺区设置大阪事处(现为大阪分公司)开办YONEX贸易株式会社(现为海外营业部)的台湾办事处YONEX LOGO更改为1979年(昭和54年)东京总公司大楼竣工东京总公司大楼竣工开始运作三宅一生设计的运动服装新泻县长冈市建成5块网球场地网球拍获得全美职业网球协会的公认1980年(昭和55年)与金夫人、纳芙拉蒂诺娃签约发售全球首次打破100g壁垒的“B-8500 Carbonex8”,并极为畅销公布与美国的比利·简·金和纳芙拉蒂诺娃、英国的戴昂·弗洛姆霍尔兹签订了职业选手员工合同推出ISOMETRIC形状的“R-1”“R-2”“R-3”1981年(昭和56年)设立德国分公司在西德设立本地法人YONEX SPORTS GmbH(现为YONEX GMBH)羽毛球作为国际羽毛球联盟的公认球被定为第9届尤伯杯用球,打破RSL公司垄断的壁垒建造作为网球拍新工厂的总公司(现为新泻生产部)第二工厂1982年(昭和57年)进军高尔夫事业公司名由YONEX SPORTS LTD.改为YONEX CO., LTD.正式进军高尔夫业务1983年(昭和58年)设立美国分公司开始在YONEX株式会社东京工厂(现为东京工厂)生产拍线纳芙拉蒂诺娃使用“R-22”获得历史上第一次大满贯米山社长(现为会长)获得新加坡的奥委会颁发的文化功劳奖在美国设立YONEX AMERICA INC(现为YONEX CORPORATION USA)1984年(昭和59年)在名古屋市中区设置名古屋营业所在名古屋市中区设置名古屋营业所(现为名古屋分公司)YONEX成为全英羽毛球公开赛的冠名赞助商在东京工厂建造第二工厂。力图补充拍线的生产在新泻县三岛郡越路街建造总公司(现新泻生产本部)第三工厂1986年(昭和61年)纳芙拉蒂诺娃的广告被评为读卖广告大赛的优秀奖。1987年(昭和62年)设立英国分公司福冈市博多区设置福冈营业所英国设立分公司YONEX U.K.LTD.米山社长(现为会长)获得蓝绶奖章。召开盛大的创业40周年纪念聚会。1988年(昭和63年)设立台湾分公司台湾设立本地法人优乃克股份有限公司(生产公司)在香港设立本地法人YONEX SPORTS HONG KONG LIMITED(销售公司)在长冈市新产开设YONEX高尔夫练习场1990至19971990年(平成2年)与塞莱斯(美国)签署职业选手员工合约YONEX株式会社东京工厂、YONEX贸易株式会社被吸收合并为YONEX CO., LTD.纳芙拉蒂诺娃使用“RQ-180”在温伯顿网球公开赛上获得第9次冠军,这是温伯顿历史上前所未有的冠军次数与塞莱斯(美国)签署职业选手员工合约1991年(平成3年)设立加拿大分公司成立加拿大分公司YONEX CANADA LTD.1992年(平成4年)YONEX签约选手在巴塞罗那奥运会上独占鳌头巴塞罗那奥运会上,羽毛球项目全部24枚金牌中22枚被YONEX的签约选手夺得;并且,羽毛球是此次奥运会的唯一大赛用球1994年(平成6年) 与辛吉斯(瑞士)签署职业选手员工合约伊达公子进入全英公开赛4强,打破日本网球历史纪录。亚特兰大奥运会羽毛球项目决定采用YONEX的比赛用球、场地胶、球网、球柱等。在东京证券交易所市场第二部上市股票。在新泻证券交易所上市股票。建拍线专用的高科技设备生产的东京工厂第二工厂。推出300CC的DECA HEAD球棒“Titan Carbon300”。与14岁天才少女辛吉斯(瑞士)签署职业选手员工合约。1995年(平成7年)YONEX开始滑雪板事业广岛YONEX公开赛上,JUNBO尾崎赢得第7次冠军,共赢得90场胜利。塞莱斯时隔28个月后正式复出,即在加拿大公开赛上夺冠。YONEX开始滑雪板业务。纳芙拉蒂诺娃推出单打比赛。共赢得167场胜利。1996年(平成8年)YONEX选手克拉吉塞克进入温布顿决赛伊达公子在FED杯德国站战胜格拉夫,赢得了这场特别的胜利。温布顿网球公开赛男子决赛在YONEX选手克拉吉塞克(荷兰)与马拉比亚·华盛顿之间对决。亚特兰大奥运会的羽毛球项目上,使用YONEX的选手获得全部24枚金牌中的23枚。1997年(平成9年) 新社长就任16岁零3个月的辛吉斯取得世界第一的排位,成为网球历史上最年轻的世界冠军 。米山稔社长成为会长,米山宏作专务就任社长。1998至20051998年 YONEX 再次更改LOGO标志 设立非盈利机构YONEX SPORTS振兴财团基金会,以支持小学、中学及大学各级青少年体育运动的发展和教育(6月17日文部大臣认可)。米山会长获美国童子军洛杉矶议会颁发的伦巴迪奖,以承认在青少年培养上的功劳。YONEX 签约网球选手里奥斯和辛吉斯分别在世界男、女球手排名中达到世界第一YONEX 改变昭和53年所定的LOGO标志,变更1999年 米山会长获英格兰羽毛球协会颁发的功劳奖在第100届全英羽毛球锦标赛上,安德鲁王子给米山会长颁发了由英格兰羽毛球协会授予的特别功劳奖,以感谢米山会长对全英羽毛球赛的支持2000年 YONEX成为悉尼奥运会器材赞助商成为悉尼奥运会羽毛球项目的官方器材赞助商进军日本国内休闲鞋市场,采用一种新型吸震材料“POWER CUSHION”2001年 YONEX新泻工厂获得国际认证YONEX签约球手- 休伊特成为网球史上最年轻的排位第一的网球选手YONEX新泻工厂获得ISO14001国际认证2002年 YONEX进军中国市场YONEX正式进军中国市场,授权广州市威健体育用品有限公司经营和销售YONEX产品2003年 YONEX球拍成为ATF指定用拍与亚洲网球协会(ATF)达成协议YONEX球拍成为亚洲网球协会指定用拍2003年羽毛球世锦赛上YONEX选手包揽所有项目的金牌2004年 YONEX成为雅典奥运会羽毛球项目器材赞助商 YONEX成为雅典奥运会羽毛球项目的器材赞助商2003/2004在印尼和马来西亚、2004在新加坡被授予“超级品牌”的荣誉称号YONEX成功签约苏格兰高尔夫选手-蒙哥马利,该选手曾在世界范围内赢得过37项比赛的胜利。2005年 米山稔成为YONEX集团的荣誉会长2005年在香港被授予“超级品牌”称号米山稔成为YONEX集团的荣誉会长2005年英国《ACE》网球杂志公布的14个世界著名网球品牌综合性能测试评比中YONEX网球拍排名第一2006至20102006年 YONEX成为汤尤杯冠名及器材赞助商YONEX成为5月份在日本举办的尤伯杯决赛阶段的冠名赞助商YONEX成为10月份在日本举办的日本羽毛球公开赛的冠名赞助商YONEX全球代理商大会在大阪召开获得品质管理体系“ISO2001”的认证,YONEX高尔夫1号木杆获得世界第一殊荣2007年 YONEX网球拍05、06、07连续三年获评世界第一2008年 YONEX成为汤尤杯冠名及器材赞助商。YONEX获得北京奥林匹克运动会羽毛球项目官方指定器材供应商,并且为 羽毛球、网球、残奥会网球项目提供穿线服务。签约选手包揽羽毛球项目全部24枚奖牌,网球项目摘获女单金牌、女双铜牌。同年,YONEX签约网球选手伊万诺维奇获得法网冠军,晋升世界第一的最高女单排名。2009年研制出ArcSaber Z-Slash羽毛球拍。赞助苏迪曼杯、世锦赛、中国羽毛球公开赛等赛事,冠名中国江苏羽毛球队,囊括中国第11届全运会男、女团金牌2010年 成为广州亚运会羽毛球项目器材供应商,并为羽毛球、网球、软式网球大会唯一指定穿线服务YONEX连续27年成为历经百届的全英羽毛球公开赛冠名赞助商。ArcSaber Z-Slash羽毛球拍创造出世界最快球速421公里/小时,被载入吉尼斯世界纪录大全同年,YONEX科技的集大成者VOLTRIC系列诞生,并推出了第一款VT-70,采用全新性能的三角能量系统(“TRI-VOLTAGE SYSTEM”),在扣杀时能充分发挥拍头的力量,在前半场的控制中充分发挥前所未有的操控性能,由大马一哥李宗伟代言,成为YONEX力推的全新一线产品。
2023-08-07 13:16:161


2023-08-07 13:16:453


2023-08-07 13:17:075


when is your birthday?
2023-08-07 13:17:227


2023-08-07 13:17:546

Barry and Kim are twin(孪生的) brother and sister. But they like different sports. Barry likes soc

小题1:D小题2:C小题3:B小题4:D小题5:C 试题分析:巴里和金是一对孪生兄妹。但他们喜欢不同的运动。巴里喜欢足球和排球。金喜欢打网球。她是在学校的网球俱乐部,她每天打网球。她也喜欢棒球。小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“He has 9 soccer balls in his bookcase. He also likes volleyball. He has 2 white volleyballs and 2 blue volleyballs.”理解可知。Barry有13个球,故选D。小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“She is in the school tennis club and she plays tennis every day.”理解可知。她是在学校的网球俱乐部,故选C。小题3:词义理解推测题,根据文中语句理解可知different表示不同的,故选B。小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“She likes tennis.和She also likes baseballs.”理解可知。Kim喜欢网球和棒球,故选D。小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“She has 7 tennis balls and 2 tennis rackets in her room.”理解可知。选择项C是错误的。点评:阅读中注意短文后面的问题.然后带着问题再读短文,找出与答题内容相关语句,反复阅读,反复分析,然后确定答案.阅读中要善于从短文信息中总结推测出所需答案,注意所填答案与短文中相关语句的关系,与相关单词短语的关系.
2023-08-07 13:18:101


There are twenty basketballs,twelve football,twenty-five volleyballs,forty table tennis rackets and one hundred and fifty table tennis ball.
2023-08-07 13:18:203

改写句子 英语初一谢谢

We are students.He has tennis rackets.they like playing sports.I am a player.Those are my parents.l am in class one,grade seven.there are watchs on the table. that are its brothers.they are his dogs.第八题我不知道
2023-08-07 13:19:203


Thank you for your rackets as gift
2023-08-07 13:19:403


* 2 Badminton Rackets with Steel heads and Tempered Steel Shafts * 2 Shuttlecocks * Convenient Carry and Storage Bag * 6 sets/master carton (每个外箱6套) * Handled vinyl bag w/ non-woven backing * package as attached pictures * 4 Badminton Rackets with Tempered Steel Shafts, Heat Treated T-Connectors and Grommets. * 2 Shuttlecocks * 4 Hexagonal PVC Poles, dia=0.875", 61" Above Ground * 20ft X 1+1/2ft (3 ply) Knotless Net with 3/4" Top Tape * rope pack: 4pcs * locking net anchor: 4pcs * score net clip: 2pcs (black color) * Convenient Carry/Storage Bag * one inner brown box: material:B3B, box size: 67.5*24.5*5.5cm * one manual: 75gsm wood-free paper, size:29*21cm, total:4sheets, single black printed both sides, two stitches * one hangtag: 250gsm duplex board w/ brown back, 4 color printed one sides, size: 63*35cm * one bag: nonwoven fabric, size: 68*25*6cm * 6 bags/master carton * Hi-performance badminton rackets: 4 pcs, material: steel * Hi-performance shuttlecocks :2 pcs * PVC hexagonal pole set: 4pcs, dia:1.25", * pole base stabilizer: 2pcs, dia: 1.25" * rope pack: 4pcs * locking net anchor: 4pcs * EZ lock net: 1pcs, size: 20"*1.5" * score net clip: 2pcs (black color) * Complete net system adjusting to 61" above the ground * Scoring right on the net * Convenient carry/storage bag * one inner brown box: material:B3B, unfolding size: 80*70cm * one manual: 75gsm wood-free paper, size:29*21cm, total:4 sheets, single black printed both sides, two stitches * one hangtag: 250gsm duplex white board, 4 color printed both sides, size: 25.4*14cm * one bag: oxford cloth, size: 67*24.5*6.8cm * 6 bags/master carton与钢头和缓和钢轴的2副羽毛球球拍 * 2 Shuttlecocks 方便的*运载和存贮袋子 * 6集合或主要纸盒(每个外箱6套) *处理了与非编织的依托的乙烯基袋子 作为附加的图片的*包裹 * 4与缓和钢轴、热处理的T连接器和绳圈的羽毛球球拍。 * 2 Shuttlecocks * 4六角PVC波兰人, dia=0.875 ", 61 "在地面之上 *与3/4 "顶面磁带的20ft x 1+1/2ft (3一层)没有节的网 *绳索组装: 4pcs 锁网抛锚的* : 4pcs *比分网夹子: 2pcs (黑颜色) 方便的*运载或存贮袋子 *一内在棕色箱子: 材料:B3B,箱子大小: 67.5*24.5*5.5cm *一指南: 75gsm无木头纸,大小:29*21cm,共计:4sheets,唯一黑色打印了双方,二针 *一是用说明标签: 250gsm与褐色后面,颜色打印一的4的双重委员会支持,大小: 63*35cm *一袋子: 非编织的织品,大小: 68*25*6cm * 6袋子或主要纸盒 *喂表现羽毛球球拍: 4台个人计算机,材料: 钢 *喂表现shuttlecocks :2台个人计算机 被设置的* PVC六角杆: 4pcs, dia :1.25 ", *杆基地安定器: 2pcs, dia : 1.25 " *绳索组装: 4pcs 锁网抛锚的* : 4pcs * EZ锁网: 1pcs,大小: 20 " *1.5" *比分网夹子: 2pcs (黑颜色) *完成调整到61的净系统"在地面之上 计分在网的* 方便的*运载或存贮袋子 *一内在棕色箱子: 材料:B3B,展开大小: 80*70cm *一指南: 75gsm无木头纸,大小:29*21cm,共计:4板料,唯一黑色打印了双方,二针 *一是用说明标签: 250gsm双重白板, 4颜色打印了双方,大小: 25.4*14cm *一袋子: 牛津布料,大小: 67*24.5*6.8cm * 6袋子或主要纸盒
2023-08-07 13:19:491


They don"t have an English class every day.There are some tennis rackets.Is that your basketball?No,Tommy doesn"t.
2023-08-07 13:19:593

It is cold todoy .(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) Their rackets are (on the table).(对括号提问

Whose dress is it?There is a pen in Jim"s bag.My class has sixteen boys and fourteen girls.Where are their shoes?Whose is this shirt? Who has this shirt?
2023-08-07 13:20:083


1 Look at these babies ( baby ) .They are very lovely.2 How many _foods____ ( food ) does a man have ?3 There __are___ (be) five basketballs,three volleyballs and ten tennis rackets in his room.4 There isn"t __any___ (some) water in the glass.5 Happy _Children"s____ (child) Day, boys and girls !6 Do you know what I _really___ (real) like?7 Are there any _sheep___ (sheep) on the farm?8 Eat more vegetables if you want to be _healthy___ (health).9 Jenny often _has___ (have) egg and milk for breakfast.10 Can you show me _your___ (you) shopping list?
2023-08-07 13:20:163


初一英语期中考试卷听力部分(15分)A. 根据你所听到的句子从ABC三个答案中选出一个适当的答案。( )1、.A、.I am Jim. B、.I am 12. C、.I am a student.( )2、.A、.Yes, I do. B、.I don"t know .C、.No, I am not French.( )3.A.She doesn"t like tennis.B.She likes baseball very much.C.Yes, she does.( )4.A.The door is closed. B.It"s in the drawer. C.It"s a bookcase.( )5.A.My room number is 101. B.I don"t like this number. C.It"s 8356791.B)听对话,选出正确的答案。( )1.Where is the tennis racket?A. In the drawer. B. On the sofa.C. Under the bed. D. Behind the door.( )2.Does Jenny have a computer?A. Yes, she is.B. No ,she isn"t.C. Yes, she does.D .No,she doesn"t.( )3.What does Kate have? A.A baseball. B.A basketball. C.A baseball and a basketball.( )4.Does Susan have a video tape?A. Yes, she does.B. No, she doesn"t.C. Yes, she do.D. No, she don"t.( )5.What is that in the drawer?A. It"s a baseball.B. It"s a basketball.C. It"s a tenis.D. It"s a ping-pong.C)短文理解。(从ABC三个选项中选出一个与你听到的短文内容相符的答案。)( )1.Polly ,Gina and Jenny are _____.A.sister B.couins C.friends( )2.They have _____for breakfast. A.eggs B.French fries C.hamburgers( )3.They have hamburges for ______. A.lunch B.dinner C.lunch and dinner( )4.Jenny likes ______ A.French fries B.broccoli C.French fries and dinner.( )5.Gina likes ______. A.French fries and broccoli B.French friesC. broccoli笔试部分(85分)二.根据句意写单词(10分)1. Your father"s father is your g______. 2. Jenny is my pen f______.3. I don"t have a tennis r______.4. let"s play v_____.5. He doesn"t play sports, he only w_____ them on TV.6. —Let"s play soccer.—That sounds I_______.7.I don"t like math. It"s d______.8.My father and mother are my p_______.9.We should eat lots of v_______.10.She eats lots of h_______ food every day.三.选择题。(15分) ( )1.______!Is he your teacheA.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Ok D.See( )2.Mr Green _____ two children. A.doesn"t have B.have C.doesn"t has D.don"t have( )3.My sister Sue ____ a new coat,but I _____ A.has, don"t B.have, doesn"t C.doesn"t have ,don"t D.don"t have, does( )4.Let"s ______ play ping-pong B.playing ping-pong the ping-pong ping-pong ( )5.How old is ____mother? A.Kay B.Kay"s C.she D.he6your dresser is nice.—_______.A.Ok B.Yes,it is. C.Thank you. D. No, it isn"t.( )7.I have ___uncle. B.a C. the D. ( )8.— Do they have a computer? --_______A. No, they haven"t B. No, they aren"tC. No, they doD. No, they don"t( )9.Tom and Peter ____fruit very much.A。likes D.eats ( )10.There ___some books ,a pencil case and a pen in his desk. B.have C.are D.don"t have( )11._____ your bag in the desk? A. Do B. Is C.Are D.Does( )12.—Are ___you teachers? - -Yes , they are. A.this B.that C.the D.these( )13.—Is that your family photo? --_____. A.Yes, they are B.Yes, he is C.Yes, that is D.Yes, it is( )14.—Are those maps? --Yes ,______ A.those are B.they are C.they"re D.these are( )15.—Where is my football? --It"s ___the table ____the floor. A.on, under B.on ,on C.under, under D.under,on四.用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.There are some _____(watch) over there.2.My brother ___(play)volleyball every day..3.____(she) family name is Bush.4. Bruce ____ (not eat) oranges. 5. Let ____(we) watch TV.五.句型转换。(5分)1.C-A-S-E, case.(划线部分提问)________________________________2.They are on the dresser.(变一般疑问句并)作否定回答)————————————————————3.The soccer ball is under the desk. (划线部分提问)_______________________________4.This is a tomato. (变复数形式) ____________________________5.He has two brothers.(一般否定句,并作否定回答) _______________________ 六.补全对话,每空一词。(10分)Bill:What do you like to eat,Sandra?Sandra:Well,I like salad,but I 1 like broccoli.Bill:And your brother and sister? What do 2 like to 3 ?Sandra:My 4 likes bananas and oranges,but he 5 like hamburgers. My 6 likes carrots. She 7 vegetables. We like lots of 8 food.Bill:And I really (真的) 9 ice cream.C you like ice cream, Sandra? Sandra: Yes, I do.1._______ 2________3_______4_______5_________6________7________8_______9_______10_________七.完型填空。(每空1分,共10分) Do you know the girl? She is 1 good friend. She is 2 English girl. 3 name is Lucy. 4 twelve. My 5 is Fangfang. 6 a Chinese girl.I"m fourteen. Lucy 7 a small sports collection. She has 8 tennis racket,three basketballs,and four soccers, but I only have 9 baseball. Lucy and I 10 sports every day. 1.A.I B. you C .me D. my 2.A.a B. an C. the D./ 3.A.His B. he C. Her D. Her"s 4.A. She B. She"s C. Her D. His B. book C. friend D. bag 6.A.I B. I"m C. She D. She"s 7.A.have B. has C. doesn"t have D. doesn"t has B. five C. three D. four 9.A.a B. two C. three D. four 10.A.plays B play C. playing D. to play八.阅读理解(20分) (一)如果是你,你想玩电脑还是打网球?Mila: Let"s play computer games.Ella: That sounds like fun. Where"s your computer ?Mila: I don"t have a computer. Do you have a computer?Ella: No, I don"t. But I have a TV. Let"s watch TV.Mila: No, that sounds boring.Let"s play tennis. I have a tennis racket.Ella: Good,. Where is it?Mila: On the sofa. Do you have a racket?Ella: No, I don"t. Does your brother have a racket?Mila; Yes, he does. And he has tennis ball. 第4页( )1.—Does Mila have a computer?--___________. A.She has two computers. B.Yes, she does.C.No, she doesn"t. ( )2.—Does Ella have a TV?--___________. A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn"t. C.Yes, she is.( )3.—Does Ella have a tennis racket?--__________. A.Yes, she does. B.She has two tennis rackets. C.No, she doesn"t.( )4.—Does Mila have a tennis racket?--___________. A.She has two tennis rackets. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she doesn"t.( )5.—Does Mila"s brother have a tennis rackets?--___________.A. He doesn"t have tennis balls. B.Yes, he does.B. No,he doesn"t. (二) 你家有这么多人吗?Nora is an old woman. She has a big family. There are ten people in her family. Her husband is Dan. They have three children, two daughters and a son. Peter ‘s wife is Alice. They"re Mike and Amy"s parents. Linda is Rose and John"s child. Becky and Rose are sister.Peter is Linda"s uncle. Becky is Amy"s aunt. Dan and Nora are children"s grandparents.( )1.—How many people are there in Nora"s family? --________.A. ten B. two C. Three D. A big family( )2.—Who are children"s grandparents? --__________.A. Mike and Amy B.Linda and RoseC. Nora and Dan. D Peter and John( )3.—Who is Linda"s uncle?--___________. A. John B. Peter C. Dan D. Mike ( )4.Becky and Rose are _______.A. brother B. sister C. uncle D. grandparents( )5.Alice is ______wife.A. Peter"s B. John"s C. Dan"s D. Mike"s (三)Dear friend, My name is Wang Ying. I"m a Chinese girl. I"m 13. I"m from Qingdao,. China. Do you know Qingdao ? It"s very beautiful (美丽). I"m in No 1 Middle School. There are 900 students and 50 teachers in our school.ThereAre 45 students in our class, 25 girls and 20 boys. My English teacher is Miss Zhang. I like English. English is interesting. Her class is fun, too.My math teacher is Mr Liu. His class is boring. I don"t like math. It"s so difficult. I have a good friend. Her name is Zhao Ling. She is 14. I want to find a pen friend. Please write to me. Yours, Wang Ying1. I"m a Chinese ____________.2. Miss Zhang is my _____________.3. Mr Liu is my ________. 4. Zhao ling is my __________.5. I like __________.6. I didn"t like ____________.7. English is _____________.8. Math is __________.9. English teacher"s class is ___________.10. Math teacher"s class is _________.九. 书面表达(10分) 你想参加学校的体育俱乐部吗?写一段话,向教练介绍你自己(如:姓名,年龄,班级,爱好及家人的一些情况和爱好) (字数50-60字)[url=]免费课件、教案、论文、试卷、在线考试的好地方[/url]
2023-08-07 13:20:522


比赛以11分为一局,采用三局二胜或五局三胜制。比赛分团体,单打,双打等数种。 乒乓球运动于十九世纪末起源于英国。最初只是一种活动性游戏,球是用轻而富有弹性的材料制成,拍子阳雪茄烟盒盖之类的木质板,象打网球一样在桌上打,故称之为"桌上网球" , 1900年年左右,由于轻工业的发展,球才改成用赛璐珞制成的空心球。此后,乒乓球运动便逐步发展起来。第一次大型乒乓球比赛于1900年年12个月在英国伦敦举行。参加比赛的有三百多人。比赛时,男运动员要穿上浆领子的衬衣和坎肩,女运动员要穿裙子甚至还要戴帽子。 1903年,英国人古德发明了胶皮球拍,有力地促进了乒乓球技术的发展。从1926年年到1951年,世界各国选手大都使用表面有圆柱形颗粒的胶皮拍。击球时增加了弹性和磨擦力,可以使球产生一定的旋转,因而出现了削下旋球的防守型打法。这一打法在欧洲流行长久,不少运动员采用这种打法获得了世界冠军。这一时期乒乓球运动的优势在欧洲,其中匈牙利队成绩最突出,在117项次世界冠军中,他们获57,5项次,占欧洲队的一半。五十年代初,奥地利人发明了海绵球拍,日本运动员道德在世界比赛中使用,并一举夺取得第十九届世界锦标赛的四项冠军,打破了欧洲运动员的垄断地位。由于日本运动员利用这种球拍创造的远台长抽进攻型打法,具有正手攻球力量大,速度快,发球抢攻威胁大等优点,因而速度慢,旋转弱,攻击力不强的欧洲防守型打法被逐渐取代,使日本夺得了五十年代乒乓球运动的优势, 1952年到1959年,在49项次世界冠军中,日本队夺得24次项次,占47 % ,这是乒乓球运动水平的第一次大提高。 阿拉伯文到英语朝鲜语到英语德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语法语到德语法语到英语荷兰语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语西班牙语到英语希腊语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文英语到朝鲜语英语到德语英语到俄语英语到法语英语到荷兰语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语英语到西班牙语英语到希腊语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体)英语到中文(简体)中文到英语中文(繁体到简体)中文(简体到繁体)
2023-08-07 13:21:142


  This is Jane and Tom opinions on some television programs  Hello,I"m Jane .I like playing volleyball because it"s interesting,I have 8 volleyballs.  My friend Tom prefers soccer and tennis,beause he thinks it"s fun,he has  8 soccer balls and 6 tennis rackets.Linda likes reading because it"s relaxing.She had collected many books and magzines.  补充:  Jane: hey tom, have you watched the TV timetable for this week?  Tom: I see no reason why I would miss that out. What do you think of it?  Jane:  Boring stuffs as always, why the director just can"t be bothered of  making it a bit more interesting? I am sure Wery can make more fun in  this job.  Tom: I don"t know Wery much, but I am a little agree about  your opion, what i mean is, what does this program stand for? It is such  a meaningless show.  Jane: I am certainly agree.
2023-08-07 13:21:211


My name is 名字. I"m a 学生.I"m of China . l"m几岁. I"m in 几middle school. My telephone number is 号码
2023-08-07 13:21:311


Hello!I am a school reporter.There is the result of the students sports interest: Tim has eight volleyballs and three soccer balls,and he likes playing soccer very much. Lucy is a active girl.She has five tennis and six tennis rackets.She likes to play tennis. Linda likes playing basketball and she has seven baeketballs.
2023-08-07 13:21:511


2023-08-07 13:22:012


中文:在运动史上,乒乓球运动可以算是一项年轻的体育运动,它只有100多年的历史,比起田径运动(两千年以上)来,它可算是名副其实的后辈。 1890年,几位驻守印度(India)的英国海军(navy)军官偶然发觉在一张不大的台子上玩网球颇为刺激。后来他们改用空心的小皮球代替弹性不大的实心球,并用木板代替了网拍,在桌子上进行这种新颖的“网球赛”,这就是table tennis得名的由来。 Table tennis出现不久,便成了一种风靡一时的热门运动。20世纪初,美国开始成套地生产乒乓球的比赛用具。最初,table tennis有其它名称,如Indoor tennis。后来,一位美国制造商以乒乓球撞击时所发出的声音创造出ping-pong这个新词,作为他制造的“乒乓球”专利注册商标。Ping-pong后来成了table tennis的另一个正式名称。当它传到中国后,人们又创造出“乒乓球”这个新的词语。 在日语里,乒乓球叫做“桌球”。乒乓球运动的很多用词是从网球变来的。打乒乓球所用的球叫ping-pong ball或table-tennis ball,乒乓球台叫ping-pong table,台面称court,中间的球网称net,支撑球网的架子叫net support。英文:In sports, table tennis sports can be a young sport, it is only 100 years of history, the athletics sports (2000 more than, it can be to younger worthy of the name.In 1890, several stationed India (the) of the British navy (as) in a little chance that officers of the table tennis quite stimulation. Then they use hollow ball instead of elasticity is small, and proves that the racquet, instead of the board in the table tennis for this new ", "this is the origin of the name of two.Two appear soon became of a popular sport rage. At the beginning of the 20th century, America began to produce table tennis game complete appliance. First, the other two of a name, such as Indoor of. Then, an American manufacturers to table tennis hit the sound made by utilizing ping pong - create the new, as he made "table tennis" patent, trademark. The Ping pong - two later became the official name of another. When it was introduced to China, people and create a "table tennis" the new words.In Japanese, table tennis is called "table tennis". Many of the words from the table tennis exercise. Table tennis ball is used to playing ping pong - or two - of playing table tennis, called the ping pong - two, mesa, the court said among, support the net says that the reality of shelf.
2023-08-07 13:22:122

2023-08-07 13:22:211


这个 不好发 但是 挺难 的 我 初二了 初一期中考了79 不过 听力简单 、
2023-08-07 13:22:443


wiki上抄的,应该能满足吧 Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight, hollow ball back and forth with rackets. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. 乒乓球,同时也称为ping-pong,是一种2或4个运行员用球拍来回击打一个空心小球的运动。 这种运动需要一张用网在中间隔开的硬桌子。希望采纳
2023-08-07 13:22:531


Ⅰ. 1. sports 2. Letu201fs 3. basketballs 4. sounds 5. collection 6. has 7. watches 8. difficult 9.interesting 10. boring Ⅱ. 1. A 题意:你有两只乒乓球拍吗?由two可知bat的形式应是复数,故选A。 2. B 题意:“这些是什么?”“它们是足球。”由these可知答语中主语的形式应是复数,应用they来指代,所以答案为B。 3. D 题意:她每天做运动。当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要用第三人称单数形式,play的第三人称单数是plays,否定形式应是doesnu201ft play。故选D。 4. B 题意:你看电视吗? look at强调动作,see强调看的内容,“看电视”和“看球赛”一般用watch,由于do引导的一般疑问句后跟动词原形,所以不用watches,故选B。 5. A 题意:“我们看电视吧。”“不,听起来很无聊。我们打篮球吧。” boring意为“无聊的”,interesting和fun意为“有趣的”,difficult“困难的”,根据题意应选A项。 6. C 题意:“我们踢足球吧!”“听起来好极了。”球类前不加冠词,故选C。 7. D 题意:“你的弟弟有钢笔吗?”“是的,他有。”does引导的一般疑问句的肯定答语应是Yes, he does.故选D。 8. A 题意:我喜欢在电视上看足球比赛。“在电视上”应用介词on。 9. C 题意:他不打棒球。由于he是第三人称单数,所以助动词为does,否定形式为doesnu201ft,does后跟动词原形,be动词后不能跟动词原形,故选C。 10. A 题意:我妈妈喜欢排球,她认为排球令人轻松。relaxing “令人轻松的”,boring“无聊的”,difficult“困难的”,not good“不好的”,根据题意应选A。 11. D 题意:“我们打网球吧!”“听起来不错。”根据题意应是“听起来”而不是“看起来”;又由于that是单数所以动词要用第三人称单数形式,故选D。 12. B 题意:我爸爸有十只网球拍。he为第三人称单数, have的第三人称单数是has,故选B。 13. A 题意:我们喜欢足球。我们有五个足球。根据题意是 “喜欢足球”,we是复数,所以like用原形,故选A。 14. D 题意:“你们有电视机吗?”“是的,我们有。”本句是do引导的一般疑问句,由于do是助动词,所以肯定答语应是Yes, we do.故选D。 15. C 题意:我们玩电脑游戏吧! let后跟不带to的不定式,结构为let sb. do sth.,故选C。Ⅲ. 1. has 2. donu201ft 3. them 4. sounds 5.doesnu201ft Ⅳ. 1. What does;have 2. Does;have;No;doesnu201ft 3. donu201ft play 4. They have;rackets 5. Does he like Ⅴ. 1. plays sports 2. Do;have 3. Letu201fs play 4. soundsinteresting 5. watch; on Ⅵ. 1. A 根据句意是做自我介绍,所以应是“我的”名字。 2. C 句意是“我有两个朋友”,I是第一人称,所以用动词原形have。 3. C 从下文人名可确定是sisters,如果是朋友,friend应用复数形式。 4. A their是形容词性物主代词“他们的”,B项和C项是单数形式,D项“我们的”不符合句意。 5. B all指三者或三者以上,A、C、D三项都是单数形式。 6. B I是第一人称,所以用动词原形like。A项不合逻辑。 7. D 由too“也”可知两人的爱好是一样的,都是soccer ball。 8. C 句意是“她有三个篮球”,she是第三人称单数,所以应是has 。 9. B 句意是“我们放学后打篮球”,we是复数,后用动词原形。be动词后不跟动词原形,所以C项不正确。 10. A 表示“在电视上”应用介词on。Ⅶ. 1. A 根据文中第三句话“I have a sister,but I donu201ft have a brother.”可知答案为A。 2. D 根据文中“I like sports.”“I collect 4 tennis rackets.”和“I like ping-pong, too.”可知答案为D。 3. C 根据文中“I play ping-pongwith my friends.”可知答案为C。 4. B 根据短文内容可知Becky是11岁; Becky没有兄弟; Becky也喜欢乒乓球。只有B项和原文相符。 5. B 根据短文的最后几句话可知Becky是想交朋友。故选B。 6. 54 balls 7. Yes, theydo. 8. Neal 9. No, he doesnu201ft. 10. She likesvolleyball. Ⅷ. 1. C 2. G 3. F 4. D 5. A Ⅸ. One possibleversion: My good friend I have a good friend. His name is Tim. He likes sports.He has a small sports collection. He has five baseballs, eight volleyballs,four soccer balls and three basketballs. He plays sports every day.
2023-08-07 13:23:161


Where are these tennis rackets
2023-08-07 13:23:241


  在七年级的英语中,句型转换也是一个重要知识,那么七年级英语怎样句型转换呢?下面是我为你整理的七年级英语句型转换的方法,希望大家喜欢!   七年级英语句型转换的方法   单数句与复数句相互改写   将句子改为复数句或单数句的关键是“牵一发而动全身”,要注意人称代词和物主代词的单复数的相互转化,动词的原形和第三人称单数的相互转化,名词以及量词的单复数的相互转化。这就要求同学们对相关知识要熟练掌握。   例如:She has a tennis racket. 改成复数句为:They have some tennis rackets.。由此能够看出主语变了,其后的动词也变了,一个网球拍变成了一些网球拍。Those are backpacks.改成单数句为:That is a backpack.。   改为一般疑问句   将陈述句改为一般疑问句分两种情况。第一种是句子中含有be动词(常见的有am,is,are)。这种情况只需把be动词提到句首,将句号变为问号即可。特别注意:如果陈述句中主语是第一人称的I,那么在变为一般疑问句时将其变为第二人称,同时其所对应的be动词也要跟着改变。例如:I am a teacher.变为一般疑问句应该为Are you a teacher?。   第二种情况是句子中不含be动词。在这类陈述句中要借助于do 或does,do和does 的选择是根据句子主语的人称和数来定的:   (1)当主语为第三人称单数形式或不可数名词的时候,用does;   (2)主语为第一人称、第二人称,以及表示复数意义的词做主语时,用do。   (3)另外还可以根据陈述句中的动词是否为第三人称单数形式来判断。例如:1) Tim has a good watch.变为一般疑问句为Does Tim have a good watch? 2) Tom and Jerry like playing football 变为一般疑问句为 Do Tom and Jerry like playing basketball?   一些题目要求改写句子之后做相应的回答,只要一般疑问句改写正确之后,相应的回答也就迎刃而解了。   肯定句与否定句相互改写   肯定句的改写和否定句的改写是一个互逆的过程。改写为否定句,要看句子中是否有be动词。有be动词的,在be动词后加not;没有be动词的,在动词前加donu2019t 或doesnu2019t。donu2019t 和doesnu2019t的选择与一般疑问句中do或does 的选择方法是相同的。切记,如果动词前用了doesnu2019t,那么这个动词不能要从三单形式变为原形。例如: Mary likes healthy food. 变为否定句为 Mary doesnu2019t like healthy food.。   改为肯定句的时候,要注意把doesnu2019t去掉之后动词要变成第三人称单数形式。例如:Tony doesnu2019t like vegetables.变为肯定句为 Tony likes vegetables.。   对划线部分进行提问   对划线部分提问这类题型最重要的是确定特殊疑问词,由此我们也就知道对划线部分提问其实就是把所给句子变成特殊疑问句(特殊疑问词+一般疑问句)。   我们目前经常用到的特殊疑问词有:what(对事物提问)、why(对原因提问)、who(对人提问)、when(对时间提问)、how(对状况和方式提问)、how old(对年龄提问)、how much(对价格提问)、where(对地点提问)。准确把握划线部分所对应的特殊疑问词之后,再加上一般疑问句形式,这种题型就解决了。   例如:My favorite subject is science.(对划线部分提问),science 属于事物,所以特殊疑问词确定为what;原句变为一般疑问句之后为Is your favorite subject science?,What替代了science放到句子最前面,最终变为What is your favorite subject?。   同义句改写   同义句的改写其实就是同样的意思用不同的方式来表达。例如:My favorite subject is math. 它的同义句为I like math best. 注意:Someoneu2019s favorite u2026.. is u2026.. 与 进行同义转换的时候要注意选择上义词。例如:He likes ice cream best. 同义替换为 His favorite food is ice cream.   合并句子   合并句子的实质就是概括句子。例如:This is my father. This is my mother. 在这两个句子中,这个加这个就是这些,mother和father就是父母,所以将这两句话合并到一起就是These are my parents. 另外一个例子: She is my daughter. He is my son 这两句话合并到一起就是 They are my children.   英语句型转换学习方法   肯定句改否定句的方法 :   1、 在be动词后加not。如:is not , are not , am not, was not, were not;   2、 在can,should, will等后加not。如:cannot, should not, will not;   3、 上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式donu2019t/doesnu2019t/didnu2019t。   4、 some 改成any。   如: I am a girl. u2192 I am not a girl.   You are a student. u2192You are not a student.   u2192You arenu2019t a student.   This is Tomu2019s bag, u2192 This is not Tomu2019s bag.   u2192 This isnu2019t Tomu2019s bag.   答题方法是;否定词not在be后边。   肯定句改一般疑问句的方法:   1、 把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。   2、 把can,shall, will等放到句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。   3、 上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did帮忙,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。   注意:句首的第一个字母要大写,句尾标点应为“?”。   如:   I am in Class 6. u2192Are you in Class 6?   You are from America. u2192Are you from America?   It is an orange. u2192Is it an orange?   答题方法是:要想提问,be提前,句末“?”别忘了。   4、 就一般疑问句回答   一般疑问句有两种回答,即:肯定回答和否定回答。其中,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。 语句顺序为:Yes + 主语 + am /is/ are/was/were.|can.|do/does/did|; No + 主语+ am not/ isnu2019t/ arenu2019t/wasn"t/weren"t.|can"t.|don"t/doesn"t/didn"t|.。如:   —Are you an English teacher?u2192Yes, I am. /No, I am not.   —Is that a bird? u2192Yes, it is./ No, it isnu2019t.   对划线部分提问   “就划线部分提问”是小学阶段英语学习的难点,但是一旦掌握了规律,就变得容易多了。 小学英语对划线部分提问之答题口诀 :   一代:用正确的疑问词代替划线部分。   二移:把疑问词移至句首   三倒:颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your),   四抄:照抄句子剩余部分。   ☆总结关键就是:“特殊疑问词+一般疑问句”(即: 先根据划线部分找到特殊疑问词; 再把没划线的部分变成一般疑问句的语序。)   ★特殊疑问词的确定要根据划线内容而定,在小学阶段常出现的有以下几种:   1.划线部分是“事或物”,特殊疑问词用what   如: This is a book.   ---What is this?   I often play football on Saturdays .   ---What do you often do on Saturdays ?   2.划线部分是“人”,特殊疑问词用who   如:He is my brother. ---Who is he ?   3、划线部分是“地点”,特殊疑问词用where   如:The box is on the desk.---Where is the box ?   4、划线部分是“时间”,特殊疑问词用what time或when   如:It"s seven twenty . ---What time is it ?   I usually get up at six . --- When do you usually get up?   5、划线部分是“年龄”,特殊疑问词用how old   如:I am twelve . ---How old are you?   My father is thirty-three . ---How old is your father ?   6、划线部分是“职业”,特殊疑问词用what   如:Mike is a worker. ---What is Mike ?   7、划线部分是“颜色”,特殊疑问词用what colour   如: My hat is blue . ---What colour is your hat?   8. 划线部分是“数量”,特殊疑问词用how many或how much   如:I can see five kites .---How many kites can you see ?   There is some milk in the glass. ---How much milk is there in the glass ?   9、划线部分是“多少钱”,特殊疑问词用how much   如:This pen is nine yuan . ---How much is this pen ?   10、划线部分是“形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词”,特殊疑问词用whose   如:That is my book . ---Whose book is that ?   The bag is yours. ---Whose is the bag ?   同义句型转换   同义句型转换,是把意思相同或相近的句子用不同的词汇、短语及句型表示出来。如:   Iu2019m Peter. u2192 My name is Peter.   Tom is tall. u2192Tom isnu2019t short.   Iu2018m fine. u2192I"m all right.   我们现在学过的大多数句型,在一般情况下(就是不排除有特殊情况)都可以用简单的公式来记忆。   1.肯定句变否定句   1) 主语+be动词+u2026.   *I am a teacher.u2192 I am not a teacher.   He is a doctor. u2192 He is not a doctor.   They are students. u2192Theyu2019re not students.   2) 主语+do动词的不同形式+u2026.   I play computer games everyday. u2192I donu2019t play computer games everyday.   He plays computer games everyday. u2192He doesnu2019t play computer games everyday   We played computer games yesterday.u2192 We didnu2019t play computer games everyday   2肯定句变一般疑问句   1)问:be动词+主语+u2026?   答:Yes, 主语+be动词。/No, 主语+be动词+not.   I am a teacher. u2192Are you a teacher?   Yes, I am. No, I am not.   He is a doctor.u2192 Is he a doctor?   Yes, he is. No, he is not.   They are students. u2192Are they students?   Yes, they are. No, they are not.   2) 问:助动词+主语+do动词的原形+u2026?   答:Yes, 主语+助动词。/No, 主语+助动词+not.   I play computer games everyday.   u2192Do you play computer games everyday? Yes, I do. No, I donu2019t.   He plays computer games everyday.   u2192Does he play computer games everyday? Yes, he does. No, he doesnu2019t.   We played computer games yesterday.   u2192Did you play computer games yesterday? Yes, we did. No, we didnu2019t.   句型转换的口诀   1.问“谁”用who;   2.问“谁的”,用whose;   3.问“地点哪里”,用where;   4.问“原因”,用why;   5.问“身体状况”,用how;   6.问“方式”,用how;   7.问“年龄”,用how old;   8.问“多少”,用how many;   9.问"价钱”用how much;   10.问“哪一个”,用which ;   11.问“什么”,用what;   12.问“职业”,用what;   13.问“颜色”,用what colour;   14.问“星期”,用what day;   15.问“什么学科”,用what subject;   16.问“什么时候”,用when;   17.问“几点”用Whatu2019s the time?或 What time is it?
2023-08-07 13:23:331

英语作文《dear alice》

Thanks for your family photo and your letter. Now letme tell something about myselfMy name is Tom.I am12year old.I am a boy. I live in China I have a great sports collection.I have two soccer balls six tennis rackets and two basketballs. I play sports every day.For breakfast I like to eat eggs apples and oranges.For lunch I like to eat hamburgers and French fries. For dinner I like to eat chicken and salad. And for dessert I like to eatice cream.
2023-08-07 13:23:431

七年级上册英语小短文 大约50词左右

2023-08-07 13:24:086

Hardware Store 歌词

歌曲名:Hardware Store歌手:"Weird Al" Yankovic专辑:The Essential Weird Al YankovicHardware StoreWeird Al YankovicPoodle HatEver (ever) happens in this townFeelin" low down (down), not a lot to do around hereI thought that I would go right outta my mindUntil a friend told me the newsHe said, "(Hey), you know that vacant lotRight beside the gas station? Well, somebody bought itAnd on the spot they"re gonna build a shopWhere we can go buy bolts and screws"Since then I"ve been walking on air (air)I can barely brush my teeth or comb my hair"Cause I"m so excited and I really don"t careI"ve been waiting since last JuneFor this day to finally arriveI"m so happy (happy) now just to be alive"Cause any minute now I"m gonna be insideWell, I hope they open soonI can"t wait no, (no I) I can"t wait (oh when)When they gonna open up that door?I"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware storeIn my sleeping bag I camped out overnightRight in front of the store, then as soon as it was light outI pressed my nose right up against the glassYou know, I had to be first in lineGonna get me a flashlight and a broomWant a pair of pliers for every single room in my houseSee those hacksaws? Very, very soonOne of them will be all mineGuys with nametags walking down the aislesRows of garden hoses that go on for miles and milesBrand new socket wrenches in a plethora of stylesAll arranged alphabeticallyAnd they"re doing a promotional stuntThere"s a great big purple sign out frontThat says every 27th customerWill get a ball pein hammer freeI can"t wait no, (no I) I can"t wait (oh when)When are they gonna open up that door?I"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware storeI"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware store(breathe)Would you look at all that stuff ...They"ve got allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats, electric heatersTrash compactors, juice extractor, shower rods and water metersWalkie-talkies, copper wires safety goggles, radial tiresBB pellets, rubber mallets, fans and dehumidifiersPicture hangers, paper cutters, waffle irons, window shuttersPaint removers, window louvers, masking tape and plastic guttersKitchen faucets, folding tables, weather stripping, jumper cablesHooks and tackle, grout and spackle, power foggers, spoons and ladlesPesticides for fumigation, high-performance lubricationMetal roofing, water proofing, multi-purpose insulationAir compressors, brass connectors, wrecking chisels, smoke detectorsTire gauges, hamster cages, thermostats and bug deflectorsTrailer hitch demagnetizers, automatic circumcisersTennis rackets, angle brackets, Duracells and EnergizersSoffit panels, circuit brakers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makersCalculators, generators, matching salt and pepper shakersI can"t wait no, (no I) I can"t wait (oh when)When are they gonna open up that door?I"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware storeI"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware storeI"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware store
2023-08-07 13:24:241

英语作文 我的收藏品 怎么写啊

My name is Tony,I"m a student.I have three footballs ,four basketballs,two America footballs,six tennis rackets and ten basballs.
2023-08-07 13:24:323


2023-08-07 13:24:412

求助翻译 诗人 这篇文章

Poetry is life , not skill .False poets just want to imitate , do write in poetry obtained . So, they finally are the lost .Prior acts ; poet is the life practitioner .The poet"s life is not self- interest , personal chores, but the lives of all human beings .Poet cursed sin, not under the law the first few , but by life"s profound break those premises . Therefore, no separate world sinners , all human offenders , the reality is that the human evidence of a crime .Poet praises ideals, not out of rational judgment , not for the moment the grounds of human dreams and those who dig deep premises . Poet is a human soul explorers . He can not satisfy his perspective that can not be hidden truth.Light hidden in the darkness below , the poet is bright Addicts of darkness Addicts . Poet For everything else, do not take the attitude of escape . Poem itself is the highest bravery.Poet reading the work of others , just want to see themselves in others , the study does not contain subordinate means that research is lazy theft rackets.Behavior itself is created , people can not steal other people "s behavior. Man standing on top of the poet , while standing beneath humanity . But he would never compromise with careless congregation , deal .Poets are sensitive society is lame , the poet will not really understood by the community . Poet SageVision next era of true, those in the community is raving mad .Poet "s behavior in the community will often grotesque head of the poet who often become life"s fancy dress .Freelander poet , he often burdened with the fate of the times in front of the distant drilling, but he was too heavy to bear , after all !A good poem , it must be the highest point in contemporary culture . It requires the cooperation of the Scientific Revolution completion of the human mission.Poet is human"s one good poem
2023-08-07 13:24:532


In the campus every day many,large and small things.There is a happy thing,there is anger and a guilty thing,but let me the deepest impression or thathelp students things. Jingle bell!After class,I and a few students unable to hold oneself back out of the teaching building towards the playground,we played "watermelon" game,just messing around.When only listen to "ouch" a loud cry,I look back,it is our class female students Meng Si containing time after table tennis case the sixth grade,being a big brother with the table tennis rackets on her forehead,thenher forehead can muster a big package,
2023-08-07 13:25:021


2023-08-07 13:25:266


(100分钟,满分100分)I 听力部分(20分)Hello, boys and girls, 晃晃脑袋热热身,竖起耳朵,来攻克难关吧。一、听句子,选择你所听到的单词。(共5分,听两遍)1. A. table B. name C. class D game2. A. pen B. desk C. please D. bed3. A. sit B. fine C. twelve D. five 4. A. hello B. OK C. how D. zero5. A. computer B. excuse C. ruler D. you二、根据所听内容选择恰当的图片。(共5分,听两遍)三、根据听到的问题,选出正确的答语。(共5分,听两遍)11. A. It"s a ring. B. This is a case. C. That"s a ruler.12. A. It"s yellow. B. It"s my baseball. C. It"s on the chair.13. A. Yes, I have. B. No, I don"t. C. I have one.14. A. My mother. B. My uncle. C. My cousin.15. A. That sounds fun. B. It"s a soccer ball. C. They"re boys.四、听短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共5分,听两遍)16. What"s the English girl"s name?A. Meimei. B. Linda. C.Jenny.17. Are the two girls students?A. Yes, they"re. B. No, they aren"t. C. Yes, they are.18. Who is twelve?A. Meimei. B. Linda. C. Jenny.19. What class are they in?A. They are in Class Nine. B. They are in Class Seven. C. They"re in Class Six.20. What"s Linda"s telephone number?A. It"s 648-9657. B. It"s 256-3698. C. It"s 926-3657.II 笔试部分(80分)五、选择填空。(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1. --- Good morning, class! --- !A. Hello B. Good morning, Li Lei C. Good morning, Mr. Xiong D. Thank you2. --- Hello, . --- Hi, Lucy.A. Mr. Green B. Green Mr. C. Mr. Daniel D. Green Daniel3. --- Nice to meet you! --- A. Good morning! B. Hello! C. Nice to meet you, too! D. I"m fine.4. --- Can you play ? --- No, I can"t. But I can play .A. the guitar; the soccer B. guitar; soccer C. the guitar; soccer D. guitar; the soccer 5. --- How do you do? --- A. Fine. Thank you. B. How do you do? C. Good. D. How are you?6. --- Sit down, please! --- .A. Hello. B. You sit down. C. Thank you! D. OK.7. --- are you from?--- I"m from Shanghai.A. What B. Who C. Where D. When8. Kangkang and Jim from Japan. A. is B. are C. am D. comes9. --- Are you Kate? --- A. Yes, I"m. B. Yes, I am. C. I am. D. No, I am.10. --- is that? --- That"s Wang Lin.A. What B. Where C. Who D. Which11. --- Do you like your school?---_________A. I like. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I do.12. This is English book and that is Chinese book.A. a; a B. the; the C. a; an D. an; a13. --- is the pen? --- It"s black red.A. What color; and B. How color; and C. What color; or D. How color; or14. The students study _____ school _____ Monday to Friday.A. in; on B. at; from C. in; at D. at; of 15. Tom isn"t a boy. He is an boy.A. Chinese; Chinese B. English; Chinese C. English; English D. Chinese; English16. Can you spell name?A. you B. your C. he D. him17. There _________a lot of fish in the water.A .is B. are C. have D. be 18. --- ? --- Yes. W-A-T-C-H watch.A. Is it a watch B. Can you spell watch C. How do you spell watch D. He can spell watch.19. are my cousins, and is my brother.A. This; that B. These; those C. Those; that D. That; this20. I need some school things. Please them to school me.A. take; to B. B. bring; for C. take; for D, bring; of六、完型填空。(20分)ALook! This is a picture of Mr. Green"s family. In the picture we can 21 Mr. Green, Mrs. Green, their son Jim and their 22 Susan.Mr. Green is sitting in a 23 . He is reading the newspaper. He is a policeman and he 24 very hard. Mrs. Green is doing housework(家务). She is a 25 in a children"s 26 . Jim is a middle school student. He is reading a book. Look at the little girl. She is playing 27 her toys on the floor. She is Susan. She is very 28 and doesn"t go to school. 29 is that behind Susan? It is a cat. What"s the cat 30 ? It"s sleeping.21. A. look for B. see C. look22. A. daughter B. mother C. sister23. A. taxi B. desk C. chair24. A. sits B. reads C. works25. A. teacher B. nurse C. bank clerk26. A. store B. hospital C. library27. A. to B. with C. for28. A. old B. lazy C. young29. A. Where B. Who C. What30. A. doing B. do C. sleepingB Look at the girl. She is 31 good friend. She is 32 English girl. 33 name is Kate. 34 twelve. My 35 is Fangfang. 36 a Chinese girl. I"m eleven.Kate 37 a small sports collection. She has 38 tennis rackets, tennis racket, three basketballs, and five baseballs, but I only 39 a soccer ball. Kate and I both 40 sports every day.31. A. his B. her C. your D. my32. A. a B. an C. the D. 33. A. His B. She C. Her D. She"s34. A. She B. She"s C. Her D. Her"s35. A. name B. book C. friend D. bag36. A. I B. I"m C. She D. She"s37. A. have B. has C. doesn"t have D. don"t have38. A. one B. two C. three D. four39. A. has B. have C. doesn"t have D. don"t have40. A. plays B. play C. playing D. to play七、阅读理解。(20分)ALook at this. It"s a blue bag. It is my bag. What"s in it? Look, this is my English book. It"s blue, too. My Chinese book is also in my bag. It is yellow. This is my pencil case. It"s big and nice. I like English and Chinese. My bag is my good friend.41. My bag is . A. yellow B. blue C. nice D. big42. --- What"s in my bag? --- . A. My English book B. My Chinese book C. My pencil case D. All the three43. My Chinese book is also in my bag. "Also" means(意思是) . A. 也 B. 颜色 C. 不在 D. 放进44. My is my good friend. A. Chinese book B. English book C. pencil case D. bag45. My pencil case is . A. yellow B. blue C. nice D. my friendBHello! My name is Zhou Aiguo. I"m from Wuhan. I live (居住) at Zhongshan Road. My English name is Tim. I like drawing pictures. I"m now studying at Sheshui Secondary School. Peter is my good friend. He is in Class 8, Grade 7. We are in the same class. My telephone number is 8329746. You can write letters to me. Remember (记住) my post code is three one zero zero one two. You can send e-mails to me. My address is I like to be your friend.根据短文内容完成下面的表格。八、交际用语配对,从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语。(10分)A B56. Can you spell it? A. Thank you.57. Are the basketballs next to the box? B. All right.58. Do you have a watch? C. Yes, they are. 59. Your jacket is nice. D. Yes. R-U-L-E-R, ruler.60. Please call John at 8964318. E. No, but I have a clock.九、书面表达。(10分)提示:Mike 是一个体育用品收藏爱好者,他收藏的有8个乒乓球拍,5个网球拍,10个篮球,7个排球,4个足球,但他没有收藏到棒球,他不仅喜爱运动,而且还喜欢看电视。要求:短文必须包含提示中的内容。字数50左右。
2023-08-07 13:25:561


2023-08-07 13:23:031

虚拟机VMware开不了摄像头,大神帮帮我! .Guide for Debian : sudo apt-get install gccsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgradesudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)sudo rebootsudo apt-get install makesudo chmod 544 ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundlesudo ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundleGuide for ArchLinux : sudo pacman -R linux&&sudo pacman -Sy linux-ltssudo rebootsudo pacman -S linux-lts-headers gcc makeAlternative solution : Search GitHub for vmware patches .sudo chmod 544 ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundlesudo ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundleGuide for RedHat Fedora : sudo dnf install kernel-headers-$(uname -r) kernel-devel-$(uname -r) gcc makesudo chmod 544 ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundlesudo ./VMware-Workstation-Full-14.1.1-7528167.x86_64.bundleAdditional operations : sudo pacman -S gksusudo cp -f /bin/gksu /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-gksuGuide for others : Use different package managers .
2023-08-07 13:23:031

linux 怎样用dpkg 安装软件

我的理解是你想要在Linux上安装一个软件。1、不同的Linux会提供不同的包管理系统,可以下载不同格式的软件包,并用以下命令安装。redhat/centos一般是rpm:rpm -i xxxx.rpmdebian/ubuntu是dpkg:dpkg -i xxx.debarch linux是pacman: pacman -U xxx.tar.xz2、因为软件包一般会依赖其它软件包,自己安装处理依赖比较麻烦。可以用各自的工具:redhat/centos:yum install xxxdebian/ubuntu:apt-get install xxxarch linux: pacman -S xxx3、有的软件包提拱可执行的,可以chmod +x,然后执行xxx.run安装。4、实际上那些安装的程序,只是将相应的文件copy到指定的目录。5、对提供xxx.tar.gz的安装程序,一般直接解压到指定位置,就可以运行了。
2023-08-07 13:22:531