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2023-08-10 21:30:28
TAG: 英语

杭帮菜(Hangzhou dishes)

西湖醋鱼 West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy

糖醋排骨 Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs

杭州酱鸭 Hangzhou duck

砂锅鱼头豆腐 Stewed Fish Head with Tofu in Pottery Pot







楼上不对啊!!龙井茶Dragon Well tea {long-jing} tea这是金山词霸的进出口商品的翻译。
2023-08-07 13:06:165

请问龙井茶怎么说啊 ?

Longjing tea
2023-08-07 13:06:415


井茶 Longjing tea/Lungching / Dragon Well Tea 碧螺春 Biluochun tea/ Pi Lou Chun 普洱 Pu"er Tea 黑茶 Dark tea 绿茶 green tea 红茶 black tea 因为这些茶是中国制造的,所以翻译成英语时是用音译的,就像中国的‘功夫"写成英文是Kungfu
2023-08-07 13:07:111


Longjing Tea, West Lake Dragon Well TeaAs a type of green tea gaining a great reputation all over the world, Longjing tea grows near West Lake, Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province, and is characterized by its green color, delicate aroma, mellow taste and beautiful shape.With a long history of over 1,200 years, Longjing tea was named after the Dragon Well in Longjing Village which lies at the north-west foot of Wengjiashan Mountain in the west part of West Lake. Thanks to Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty , Shifeng Longjing tea has earned a high reputation. The legend went that the Emperor Qianlong visited Lion Peak Mountain during his Hangzhou travels, and he saw some ladies picking the tea at the foot of the mountain. He was so interested in their movements that he decided to have a go himself. While picking the tea, he received the news of his mother"s illness, so he carelessly put the leaves in his right sleeve and left Hangzhou for Beijing. He visited his mother immediately upon his arrival in Beijing, and Empress Dowager smelt the fragrance of the leaves from his sleeves and wanted to have a taste. Emperor Qianlong ordered it to be brewed for her, and she found herself completely refreshed after drinking a cup of tea, and she even praised it as a remedy for all ills. From then on, Shifeng Longjing tea was listed as the tribute tea especially for Empress Dowager.Both the picking and making processes of Longjing tea are elaborate in order to make sure it retains its high quality and original flavor, according to which Longjing tea is classified into six grades . Much importance is emphasized on the timeliness of the leaves being picked, and the tea leaves which are picked before the Qingming Festival or after the Grain Rain Period are considered to be the top grade, while the ones picked before the Grain Rain Period or after the Qingming Festival are considered worthless.Longjing tea is a delicious beverage with potential health benefits owing to its rich antioxidants; however, it"s also rich in caffeine which could deleteriously affect some tea drinkers.
2023-08-07 13:07:211


Long Jing picked at the best season, selling directly after processing!
2023-08-07 13:07:314


Longjing is a green tea。英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。它以Angles的名字命名,Angles是古老的日耳曼人民之一,后来移居到大不列颠地区,后来以他们的名字英格兰命名。这两个名字都源于波罗的海半岛的安格利亚(Anglia)。英语与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语最相关,但其词汇已受到其他日耳曼语语言(尤其是北挪威语(北挪威语))以及拉丁语和法语的很大影响。
2023-08-07 13:07:401


t just wasn"t meant to be
2023-08-07 13:07:502


龙井问茶,这是西湖的新十景之一,到这里主要是学习茶的知识并品茶。总体一句话,就是体验茶文化的地方。我觉着:Enjoying Tea culture at Longjing 可以用。或者更直接一些,因为龙井茶非常有名,很多外国人都知道,所以也可以:Longjing (tea)Culture.
2023-08-07 13:08:281


if you visit to huangzhou,i will let you taste the tea of west lake which is named longjin.本来可以简单点,但加了定语从句字会多,可以凑字
2023-08-07 13:08:493


Longjing shrimp is a famous dish in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. It belongs to the Zhejiang cuisine -- Hangbang Cuisine. The dish is named after the selection of Longjing tea and shrimp before and after Tomb-sweeping Day.Tea has been prepared in ancient times. According to the Tang "Tea fu", tea is "zi rice vegetable essence, attack meat of shan Shan greasy".According to legend, in the late Qing Dynasty, Anhui chefs have been using "bird tongue", "eagle claws" and other tea to fry river shrimp.Fried shrimps with longjing teaThe gourmet Gao Yang mentioned in Food of The Past and The Present, "Weng Tonghe created a longjing shrimp, namely the Fried shrimp with Longjing tea of West Lake, which really matches the peng Fang fish."According to legend, hangzhou chefs, inspired by Su Dongpo"s poem "Looking at the South of the Yangtze River", selected "green, fragrant, sweet and beautiful" longjing new tea and fresh river shrimp for cooking.Since 1920s, longjing shrimps have been popular in hangzhou people"s families. In the 1930s, Changshu chefs included it in their recipes; In 1956, Longjing shrimp was listed among hangzhou"s famous dishes. It was on the menu in Hangzhou hosted by Premier Zhou Enlai during US President Richard Nixon"s visit to China in 1972.
2023-08-07 13:09:093


2023-08-07 13:09:204


teas gone cold Im wondering why Igot out of bed at allThe morning rain clouds up my windowand I can"t see at allAnd even if I could itll all be graybut your picture on my wallIt reminds me that its not so badits not so badMy teas gone cold Im wondering why Igot out of bed at allThe morning rain clouds up my windowand I cant see at allAnd even if I could itll all be graybut your picture on my wallIt reminds me that its not so badits not so bad第一次试着写信居然含着泪水手中握着的圆珠笔早就已经喝醉回忆已被封闭剩下只有一个傀儡心中没有开头要去哪里找寻结尾我真的开始自我质疑爱你是否有罪我忏悔闭上双眼也阻止不了我流下来的泪水曾经的幸福画面在眼前悄悄地溜走曾经的快乐时光现在变得一无所有为什么你会松开我紧握的双手难道这个结果就是你想要的自由离我而去的时候你没有选择回头说再见的时候嘴里没有一丝停留不停的喝酒 给自己找个失去你的借口到最后还是找不出忘记的理由拿着你的相片在外面哭了整整一宿My teas gone cold Im wondering why Igot out of bed at allThe morning rain clouds up my windowand I can"t see at allAnd even if I could itll all be graybut your picture on my wallIt reminds me that its not so badits not so bad黑暗中你隐隐约约出现在站在我的对面旁边的墙上写着我们曾经说的誓言从白头到老一直说到海枯石烂多么好的明天但保质期却只到今天金色阳光照在我的身上只有黯淡对着镜子微笑 笑容竟然如此悲惨想要一个下雨天一个人在大街上抽着熄灭的香烟回忆甜蜜的从前但那只是从前现实的今天已经把美好的昨天背叛我要去哪里找寻我们约定好的明天脑子里浮现的还是那句最后的再见我想不会再见现实让原本的幸福离我越来越远给自己找一个封闭的空间撕掉所有有关你的相片把一切关于你的记忆全部遗忘在这个根本不愿遗忘一切的黑白房间My teas gone cold Im wondering why Igot out of bed at allThe morning rain clouds up my windowand I can"t see at allAnd even if I could itll all be graybut your picture on my wallIt reminds me that its not so badits not so bad这世界有黑的(有白的)有反的有正的无法颠倒的眼睛看到的是黑不黑白不白我在想的 努力去改变眼前的一切可是得到最后都是这么让人得不到渴你还是令人悲伤一人躲在家里面点燃了所有可以点燃的香烟外面下着雨的天气感觉一切非常糟糕好像世界全部都已经被毁灭我可以获得什么 我可以得到什么我到底尊重什么 Iwant both shit如果所有的一切的诺言同时再出现在我的眼前浮现我想试着毁灭所有的获得可是最后这一切获得又给我得到什么I dont be want fuck but...为什么人们总是在说爱你不能给了他了shit shit
2023-08-07 13:09:513


西湖the West Lake
2023-08-07 13:10:013


红茶 black tea .绿茶 green tea .浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea .砖茶 brick tea .(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡 black coffee .牛奶咖啡 coffee with milk;white coffee .速溶咖啡 instant coffee .牛奶 milk .全脂奶 whole milk .奶酪 milk curd .奶粉 powdered milk .炼乳 condensed milk .麦乳精 malted milk .矿泉水 mineral water 不含酒精的饮料 soft drink .汽水 soda water .桔子水 orangeade .水果汁 ;果子露 fruit syrup .烈性酒 liquor;spirit .葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine .甜酒 sweet wine .不甜的酒 dry sweet wine .汽酒 bubbing wine .黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine(Shaoxing wine) .白葡萄酒 white wine 红葡萄酒 red wine;port .雪利酒 sherry .味思美酒;苦艾酒 Vermouth .罗木酒 rum .白干;高梁酒 white spirit .白兰地 Brandy .苹果酒 cider .威士忌 whisky .松子酒;金酒 gin;dry gin .伏特加;俄得克酒 vodka .五味酒 punch .鸡尾酒 cocktail .啤酒 beer .生啤酒draught beer 黑啤酒dark beer .雪碧sprite 芬达fanta .可乐coke菠萝汁 pineapple juice橙皮酒 curacao淡色啤酒 ale 菊花茶 chrysanthemum tea果子露 fruit syrup黑樱桃甜酒 maraschina鸡尾酒 cocktail龙井茶 lungching tea炼乳 condensed milk茉莉花茶 jasmine tea矿泉水 mineral water柠檬水 lemon squash酸乳酪 yogurt速溶咖啡 instant coffee香槟酒 champagne樱桃白兰地 cherry brandy扎啤 draught beer竹叶青 bamboo-leaf green椰汁 coconut juice脱脂奶 skimmed milk苹果酒 cider圣代 sundae慕斯 mousse
2023-08-07 13:10:091


新西湖十景 Ten New Views of the West Lake 宝石流霞 Precious stone hill floating in rosy clouds 黄龙吐翠Yellow Dragon cave dressed in green 满垅桂雨Sweet osmanthus rain at Mannjuelong 虎跑梦泉 Dream of the tiger spring 九溪烟树 Nine creeks in misty forest 龙井问茶 Enjoying tea at dragon well 云栖竹径 Bamboo-lined path at Yunqi 玉皇飞云 Flying clouds over jade Emperor hill 吴山天风 Sky wind over Wu Hill 阮墩环碧 Ruan Gong islet submerged in greenery
2023-08-07 13:10:202


关于喝茶的英语口语   饮茶的习惯不仅仅是中国人发明的,在世界上的其他一些地方也是饮茶的发明地,例如印度、非洲等。下面是我分享的关于喝茶的英语口语,欢迎大家阅读!   龙井茶真好喝啊!   Laura:   The tea smells good. What tea is it?   这茶真好闻。是什么茶呢?   Benjamin:   It"s a special green tea named Longjing Tea from Zhejiang province.   这是一种特殊的绿茶,名叫龙井茶,来自浙江省。   Laura:   What"s special about it except its pleasant smell?   除了清新的香味,它还有什么特别的吗?   Benjamin:   You can see that it keeps the original color of the tea leaves very well.   你可以看到它很好地保持了茶叶原来的.颜色。   Laura:   They must have some special methods to do this during the process.   他们一定是在生产过程中用了特殊的方法。   Benjamin:   Probably. I love green tea. It"s one of my daily necessities.   很有可能。我喜欢绿茶。它是我日常的必需品。   Laura:   Then, do you have “tea time” every day? I mean, do you drink tea at a settled time?   那么,你每天有喝茶的时间吗?我是想问,你会在固定的时间喝茶吗?   Benjamin:   Not really. But I really love to have after-meal tea.   那倒不是。不过我特别喜欢在饭后喝茶。   Laura:   What"s the advantage about tea?   茶的好处是什么?   Benjamin:   There are a lot of them. In hot or warm days, tea helps to dispel the heat and brings on an instant cool with a feeling of relaxation. Moreover, the tea leaves contain a number of chemicals which are good for people"s health.   这可多了。在天热的时候,茶可以驱热,立刻会带来一种凉爽而轻松的感觉。而且,茶叶中含有很多有益于人体健康的化学成分。   Laura:   Does that mean the stronger the better?   那是不是茶泡得越浓就越好呢?   Benjamin:   No. Constant drinking of over-strong tea would do harm to people"s health. So don"t make your tea too strong.   不是。常喝过浓的茶对身体有害。所以别把茶泡得太浓了。   Laura:   Got it. What"s the proper time for tea?   知道了。喝茶的适当时间是什么时候?   Benjamin:   It"s fine for most time of the day. But don"t have tea before bedtime.   一天中大多数时间都可以。但是睡觉前别喝茶。   Laura:   Why?   为什么?   Benjamin:   It will give rise to occasional insomnia. OK, let"s enjoy the tea before it gets cold.   那会增大偶然失眠的几率。好了,我们快喝茶吧,别等它凉了。   你给推荐一种茶吧   Waitor:   Would you like something to drink?   你想喝点什么?   Jenny:   Yes please. Do you have any teas?   好的,你们有茶吗?   Waitor:   Of course we have lots of teas?   当然,我们有很多。   Jenny:   What do you recommend?   你给推荐一种吧?   Waitor:   What about a green tea or perhaps a jasmine tea?   你看绿茶或茉莉花茶,怎么样?   Jenny:   Whatu2019s this one?   这是什么?   Waitor:   Thatu2019s Oolong tea u2013 itu2019s a Cantonese tea.   这是乌龙茶-是一种广东茶。   Jenny:   Ok, Iu2019ll try that.   好吧,我想试试。 ;
2023-08-07 13:10:271


Longjing (Dragon Well) Tea is most famous for its unique fragrance and flavor; flat, slender strips of tea leaves in bright green liquid. Furthermore, Longjing tea aids one"s health in many ways regardless of your age. It is used to deter food poisoning, refresh the body, stop cavities, fight viruses, control high blood pressure, lower the blood sugar level, and to prevent cancer. Hence, Longjing tea is regarded as the elixir for health and is widely sold and accepted all over the world. The name Longjing is from a small village on the Fenghuang Hill, in Hangzhou Zhengjiang Province. It is said that residents in ancient times believed that a dragon dwelled there and controlled the rainfall. As a result, people went there from all the surrounding areas whenever there was a drought to pray for rainfall, from as early as the Three Kingdoms Period (221-280).Longjing tea is grown in the Longjing mountain area of Hangzhou, southwest of the West Lake. The fertile land is both rich in phosphorus and sub-acidic sand. This region prevents the cold current from the north and holds back the warm current from the south, thus the growing area of Longjing tea can be coated by cloud and mist for long periods of time. With such favorable growing conditions, needless to say, Longjing tea is considered the best tea in China.The tea has a long history; more than 1000 years. Its earliest record may be found in the book named chajing, the first book on tea in the world, written by the Chinese expert of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Lu Yu. Longjing tea was not given its name until the Southern Song Dynasty. Hangzhou as the capital of the country carried out further development in tea production. Knowledge of the tea began to spread and became known all over the country by the times of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.Especially in the Qing Dynasty, the fame of Longjing tea became widespread throughout the country. One of the most remarkable emperors of the Qing Dynasty, Qianlong, paid four visits to the growing area of Longjing tea, not only to enjoy sipping tea, and to write and sing poems to praise the tea, but also to watch the process of picking and roasting it with serious intent. He was so interested in Longjing tea that he named the eighteen tea trees in front of the Hugong Temple "royal tea". From that time forward, the tea became increasingly popular for everyone.By the early 20th century, Longjing tea was witnessing its highest popularity in history. The Chinese government has made a great effort to promote it and introduce advanced technology in planting, picking and roasting of the tea since the founding of the People"s Republic of China in 1949. Subsequently, a high quality standards system for tea grading was set up. All these innovations contributed to the standardization of the tea production.According to local custom, the right time for picking the tea leaves is very short. The period between Qing Ming and Grain Rain (from April 5 to 21) each year is generally considered the prime time to get the highest quality Longjing tea. The brewing method we highly recommended is to put a pinch of dry, roasted tea leaves into a porcelain or transparent glass cup and pour hot water at about 85C into the cup. Sip and enjoy!In conclusion, Longjng tea is famous both because of its good quality, as well as its historical interest and the cultural connotation it has endured. Chinese Longjing tea has not only the value of tea when it is consumed, but it is also the symbol of cultural values of China.
2023-08-07 13:10:531


有关西湖龙井的英文诗句西湖龙井,Xihu Longjing tea英语短句1.13.The Longjing tea tea-growing region distributes in "the spring,summer, fall, and winter prosperity, the sleet clear cloudyrespectively reveals wonderfully"
2023-08-07 13:11:011


We bought a tea called Longjing
2023-08-07 13:11:192


四级作文龙井是第二套。龙井是2021年6月英语四级考试全国第二套试卷的翻译真题,真题如下:龙井是一种绿茶, 主要产自中国东部沿海的浙江省。龙井茶独特的香味和口感为其赢得了“中国名茶”的称号,在中国深受大众的欢迎,在海外饮用的人也越来越多。龙并茶通常手工制作,其价格可能极其昂贵,也可能比较便宜,这取决于的生长地、采摘时间和制作工艺。龙井茶富含生素C和其它多种有益健康的元素。经常喝龙井茶有助于减轻疲劳,延缓衰老。翻译:Long jing is a type of greentea which is mainly produced inZhejiang Province in the coastal area in east China . With theunique fragrance and flavour ,theteais well recognized asChina"s Famous Tea which enjoys great popularity at homeand also increasing popularity overseas .Longjingis usuallyhandmade.Itcanbe extremely expensive or comparativecheap , which depends on the origin , the picking time andthe workmanship .Asit contains rich Vitamin C and manyother beneficial elements ,thetea helps relieve fatigue anddelay the aging process if one drinks it regularly.
2023-08-07 13:11:301


龙井虾仁 [网络] longjing prawns; longjing shrimp; everything not saved will lost; Fried Shrimps with Longjing Tea;
2023-08-07 13:11:482

龙井虾仁 英语介绍

Longjing Shrimp materials: the new fresh shrimp 1000 grams (about 250 or so, the size of uniform), the new Longjing Tea (super) 1 grams or fresh tea leaves (one bud two leaves) of about 5 grams, egg 1, taste accuracy 2.5 grams , Shao liquor 15 grams, salt 3 grams, wet starch 40 grams, Shuzhu You 1,000 grams (about consumption 75). System of law: The shrimp peeled out of shrimp, which is single-handedly pinch the shrimp"s head in one hand and pinch the shrimp tail, shrimp and neck will be a squeeze, shrimp that is reborn shelling out. The shrimp into a small bamboo basket and Sheng, repeatedly washed with water to the shrimp white, Sheng into the bowl, add salt and egg white, lightly stir with chopsticks are added to the sticky, wet starch, MSG, mix well, put it aside for a hours, so that infiltration of shrimp sauce, stand-by. Will Longjing tea brewing with 50 ml boiling water, 1 minutes, 30 ml disposable tea, tea and juice left unused. Use fresh leaves roughly the case. Will be set in the fire Heat wok, pot, after sliding under the lard, to four mature, into the shrimp and quickly draw casual with chopsticks until the shrimp was jade white, into the colander Lek to lard, dark onion cook in soy pot (ie, the pan fried with onion, green onions with, when to go, leaving their Congxiang not see the green onions), and then into the oil with shrimp, quickly pour tea and juice together, cooked into Shao sprinkle, shake a few times, pan presentation, branding for a white jade shrimp, fresh, green tea, fragrance, color Zeya Li, unique flavor of the Longjing shrimp. Food law: for food consumption. Longjing shrimp is subject to Su "rest of the dead person think of their native country, and the new fire test new tea, while Love Poem and Wine," inspired by the use of Longjing tea "color green, sweet-scented, sweet, form the United States" four absolutely, and stocking fresh Live river shrimp match, create Hangzhou dishes
2023-08-07 13:12:511


Ten views of the West Lake
2023-08-07 13:13:012

龙井虾仁 英语介绍 给我点用英语介绍龙井虾仁这道菜的吧

Longjing Shrimp materials: the new fresh shrimp 1000 grams (about 250 or so, the size of uniform), the new Longjing Tea (super) 1 grams or fresh tea leaves (one bud two leaves) of about 5 grams, egg 1...
2023-08-07 13:13:081

龙井 迷梦 英语歌词

这是中间的歌词,望采纳,不容易啊、I appreciate love and need your helpim a heathy-grow man try to do learn(love) myself and my life ok cause bless with the futureA familiar hope is this so important
2023-08-07 13:13:171


问题一:碧螺春茶的英语怎么写? 以前使用spring tea 现在使用比较多的是BIluochun tea 问题二:碧螺春,茉莉花茶用英语怎么说 碧螺春,茉莉花茶用英语怎么说 Spring Snail, Ja *** ine Tea 碧螺春,茉莉花茶用英语怎么说 Spring Snail, Ja *** ine Tea 问题三:龙井茶、碧螺春、毛峰、普洱茶、红茶、绿茶的英语各怎么说? 井茶 Longjing tea/Lungching / Dragon Well Tea 碧螺春 Biluochun tea/ Pi Lou Chun 普洱 Pu"er Tea 黑茶 Dark tea 绿茶 green tea 红茶 black tea 因为这些茶是中国制造的,所以翻译成英语时是用音译的,就像中国的‘功夫"写成英文是Kungfu 问题四:英文翻译 碧螺春冲泡方法 Enjoy Biluochun general use glass, Add boiling water around 85 ℃. The proportion of tea and water properly, usually 1:50 (1 g of tea with 50 ml of water). Brewing should be poured into the first cup 1 / 3 of the water immersion, until the fragrance of tea light emitted, then along the rim of a cup to pour over Qiba Fen. Brewed tea that moderate shade, taste fresh, dense, light green leaves. Never use boiling water, brewing Biluochun, it will destroy the tea in the chlorophyll, to turn yellow; The polyphenols in tea also ui tears nutrients under high temperature oxidation, yellow tea; Many aromatic pounds at high temperatures likely to be volatile, so that to reduce the *** ell of tea. In addition, tea drinking Biluochun also note that another growth did not wait to drink the first cup of tea drinking to 2 / 3, you should drink the second cup with water, it will give the tea concentration remained the same. 问题五:茶的名称象龙井茶、碧螺春、毛峰、普洱茶、红茶、绿茶的英语各怎么说?还有哪些茶并译成英语? 龙井、毛峰、碧螺春等这些茶都属于绿茶!红茶和乌龙茶是经过发酵的,而绿茶不经过发酵。外观可以看出,发过酵的茶外观发暗。而绿茶泛出碧绿色。冲泡以后也可以分辨,红茶和乌龙茶汤汁发红,绿茶汤汁青绿。 问题六:碧螺春的英文叫什么? bi luo chuen tea 我查过的 希望可以帮助你主机嘎嘎 没错的是叫这个 问题七:碧螺春茶怎么形容 碧螺春茶的特点是条索紧结,卷曲如螺,白毫毕露,银绿隐翠,叶芽幼嫩,冲泡后茶味徐徐舒展,上下翻飞,茶水银澄碧绿,清香袭人,口味凉甜,鲜爽生津, 问题八:请为碧螺春茶叶写一段广告语 碧螺春茶中骄子水中仙子 品一杯洞庭碧螺春 游一会人间仙境处 问题九:碧螺春茶叶的等级 洞庭碧螺春等级是根据国家标准确定的。国家标准对洞庭碧螺春茶按产品质量分为特一级、特二级、一级、二级、三级五个等级,其中特一级、特二级最为名贵。碧螺春茶每年春分前后采摘,谷雨前后结束,以春分至清明采制的明前茶品质最为上乘。通常采一芽一叶初展,芽长1.6―2.0厘米的原料,叶形卷如雀舌,称之“雀舌”。 一般过了4月20日的茶叶,当地人就不叫碧螺春了,而叫炒青。碧螺春等级详解特一级:条索纤细,卷曲成螺,满身批毫,银绿隐翠,色泽鲜润,香气嫩香清幽,滋味甘醇鲜爽,汤色嫩绿清澈明亮,叶底嫩匀多芽,在鲜叶挑拣上从碧螺春茶一芽一叶(俗称一棋一xxx芽似xxx叶如旗)炒制,改为单芽,此茶是碧螺春当中的极品,挑拣的用时也比其他的茶叶多一倍的时间特二级:条索纤细,卷曲成螺,茸毛披覆,银绿隐翠,清香文雅,浓郁甘醇,鲜爽生津,回味绵长。叶底嫩匀多芽.特二级茶是碧螺春中的上品,,是需要高档洞庭碧螺春人士必选。一级:条索尚纤细,卷曲成螺,白毫批覆,匀整,嫩爽清香,滋味鲜醇爽口,汤色绿而明亮、,叶底细嫩,绿,明亮.是挑拣一芽一 叶而炒制有一嫩(芽叶)三鲜(色、香、味)之称。当地茶农对碧螺春描述为:铜丝条,螺旋形,浑身毛,花香果味,鲜爽生津。一级茶叶质量优异,价格又适中。二级:卷曲如螺,白毫毕露,银绿隐翠,叶芽幼嫩,冲泡后茶味徐徐舒展,上下翻飞,茶水银澄碧绿,清香袭人,口味凉甜,鲜爽生津,二级茶叶质量好,价格合适,性价比最高,家里自己品尝或与朋友分享,是不二选择。三级:条索纤细,卷曲成螺,茸毛披覆,银绿隐翠,清香文雅,浓郁甘醇,鲜爽生津,回味绵长,一般我们自己招待朋友也是选用这个茶,三级茶叶价格优势明显,质量又好,是办公室及居家日常用茶的首选。特级炒青价格低,产期大约四月既雨前茶,此时天气转热,茶叶生产速度很快,所以芽叶会长大很多,茸毛自然没有早春的多,但炒青并不是碧螺春里差的茶叶,此茶口味较早春的茶叶稍浓,耐泡。该品适合中等收入爱品碧螺春的朋友选用,价格适中,该品适合个人爱品碧螺春且口味较浓的朋友选用,一级炒青茶外形尚成螺,色泽深绿。尚整,稍有青壳碎片,滋味尚纯正,汤色黄绿,叶底尚嫩欠匀,稍有青张,绿稍深。
2023-08-07 13:13:241

苏堤和白堤 用英语怎么说? 能告诉我在哪里找到的吗??谢谢

分类: 社会民生 解析: 西湖West Lake 玉泉Jade Spring 孤山Solitary Hill 三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 湖心亭Mid-Lake Pavilion 阮公墩Ruangongdun Islet 断桥Broken Bridge 白堤Bai Causeway 苏堤Su Causeway 宝石山Baoshi(Precious Stone)Hill 虎跑Tiger Spring龙井Dragon Well 苏堤春晓Spring Draw on the Causeway 曲院风荷Windy Lotus in the Winding Courtyard 平湖秋月Autumn Moon on Calm Lake 断桥残雪Remnant Snow on Broken Bridge 花港观鱼Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor 柳浪闻莺Orioles Singing Among Willows
2023-08-07 13:13:331


Dear Tom: I"m very glad to know that you will have a holiday in our tianjin form your yesterday letter.I Just also have one month to share with you. There are so many landscapes in tianjin.And we also can drink longjing tea and enjoy so many delicious foods.We can study the langue form each other. Please tell me the No. of the flight and when you will arrive in your next letter that I can recive you in the airport.Please remember me to your family. Yours sincerely Wangpeng亲爱的汤姆: 从你昨天的来信中得知你要来我们天津度假我感到非常的高兴,我正好也有一个月的时间我们一起共渡。 在天津有许多的风景点,并且我们可以喝龙井茶,品尝众多美味,而且我们可以学习对方的语言。 请在你的下次来信中告诉我你将乘哪班飞机,什么时间到达机场,我可以去接你,请带我问候你的家人。 你真诚的王鹏
2023-08-07 13:13:552


  唐代茶圣陆羽的茶经在历史上吹响了中华茶文化的号角。从此茶的精神渗透了宫廷和社会,深入中国的诗词、绘画、书法、宗教、医学。下面是我精心为你整理的茶文化英语句子与翻译,一起来看看。   茶文化英语句子与翻译   中国是茶的故乡,茶文化的发祥地。   China is the hometomn of tea and cradle of tea culture.   丰富了茶文化的内涵。   And help tourists understand the local tea culture.   这里常常举行茶道表演,以使茶文化更加深入人心。   Tea ceremonies are often held here so as to make tea culture better known among common people.   本店也将不定期的举办名茶鉴赏会与茶文化的基本知识讲座。   We will also host occasional tea appreciation with the basic knowledge of tea culture lectures.   8世纪中叶出现了第一个茶文化的先驱,是陆羽。   With Luwuh in the middle of the eighth century we have our first apostle of tea.   是世界上第一部有关于茶文化的著作。   Was the world"s first literature on tea culture.   因此,茶文化园的这些特色,必能吸引很多游客观光、休闲。   And an overpass and a Service Center will be set up here along the superhighway.   中国茶文化的发展及在和谐社会建设中的作用   China"s Tea Cultural Development and Its Role in Harmonious Society Construction   如果你对茶文化感兴趣,你可以去中国学习。   If you are interested in tea culture you can study it in China.   这里可是中国茶文化之乡啊。   It is after all home to Chinese tea culture.   茶文化茶叶的选购   嫩度   嫩度是决定品质的基本因素,所谓“干看外形,湿看叶底”,就是指嫩度。一般嫩度好的茶叶,容易符合该茶类的外形要求(如龙井之“光、扁、平、直”)。此外,还可以从茶叶有无锋苗去鉴别。锋苗好,白毫显露,表示嫩度好,做工也好。如果原料嫩度差,做工再好,茶条也无锋苗和白毫。但是 不能仅从茸毛多少来判别嫩度,因各种茶的具体要求不一样,如极好的狮峰龙井是体表无茸毛的。再者,茸毛容易假冒,人工做上去的很多。芽叶嫩度以多茸毛做判断依据,只适合于毛峰、毛尖、银针等“茸毛类”茶。这里需要提到的是,最嫩的鲜叶,也得一芽一叶初展,片面采摘芽心的做法是不恰当的。因为芽心是生长不完善的部分,内含成份不全面,特别是叶绿素含量很低。所以不应单纯为了追求嫩度而只用芽心制茶。   条索   条索是各类茶具有的一定外形规格,如炒青条形、珠茶圆形、龙井扁形、红碎茶颗粒形等等。一般长条形茶,看松紧、弯直、壮瘦、圆扁、轻重;圆形茶看颗粒的松紧、匀正、轻重、空实;扁形茶看平整光滑程度和是否符合规格。一般来说,条索紧、身骨重、圆(扁形茶除外)而挺直,说明原料嫩,做工好,品质优;如果外形松、扁(扁形茶除外)、碎,并有烟、焦味,说明原料老,做工差,品质劣。 以杭州地区绿茶条索标准为例: 一级 二级 三级 四级 五级 六级 细紧有锋苗 紧细尚有锋苗 尚紧实 尚紧 稍松 粗松 可见,以紧、实、有锋苗为上。   色泽   茶叶色泽与原料嫩度、加工技术有密切关系。各种茶均有一定的色泽要求,如红茶乌黑油润、绿茶翠绿、乌龙茶青褐色、黑茶黑油色等。但是无论何种茶类,好茶均要求色泽一致,光泽明亮,油润鲜活,如果色泽不一,深浅不同,暗而无光,说明原料老嫩不一,做工差,品质劣。   茶叶的色泽还和茶树的产地以及季节有很大关系。如高山绿茶,色泽绿而略带黄,鲜活明亮;低山茶或平地茶色泽深绿有光。制茶过程中,由于技术不当,也往往使色泽劣变。 购茶时,应根据具体购买的茶类来判断。比如龙井,最好的狮峰龙井,其明前茶并非翠绿,而是有天然的糙米色,呈嫩黄。这是狮峰龙井的一大特色,在色泽上明显区别于其它龙井。因狮峰龙井卖价奇高,茶农会制造出这种色泽以冒充狮峰龙井。方法是在炒制茶叶过程中稍稍炒过头而使叶色变黄。真 假之间的区别是,真狮峰匀称光洁、淡黄嫩绿、茶香中带有清香;假狮峰则角松而空,毛糙,偏黄色,茶香带炒黄豆香。不经多次比较,确实不太容易判断出来。但是一经冲泡,区别就非常明显了。炒制过火的假狮峰,完全没有龙井应 有的馥郁鲜嫩的香味。   整碎   整碎就是茶叶的外形和断碎程度,以匀整为好,断碎为次。 比较标准的茶叶审评,是将茶叶放在盘中(一般为木质),使茶叶在旋转力的作用下,依形状大小、轻重、粗细、整碎形成有次序的分层。其中粗壮的在最上层,紧细重实的集中于中层,断碎细小的沉积在最下层。各茶类,都以中层茶多为好。上层一般是粗老叶子多,滋味较淡,水色较浅;下层碎茶多,冲泡后往往滋味过浓,汤色较深。   茶叶的品质好坏,在没有科学仪器和方法鉴定的时候,可以通过色、香、味、形四个方面的来评价。而用这四个方面来评定茶叶质量的优劣,通常采用看、闻、摸、品进行鉴别。即看外形、色泽,闻香气,摸身骨,开汤品评。   ①色泽——不同茶类有不同的色泽特点。绿茶中的炒青应呈黄绿色,烘青应呈深绿色蒸青应呈翠绿色,龙井则应在鲜绿色中略带米黄色;如果绿茶色泽灰暗、深褐,质量必定不佳。绿茶的汽色应呈浅绿或黄绿,清澈明亮;若为暗黄或混浊不清,也定不是好茶。红茶应乌黑油润,汤色红艳明亮,有些上品工夫红茶,其茶汤可在茶杯四周形成一圈黄色的油环,俗称“金圈”;若汤色时间暗淡,混浊不清,必是下等红茶。乌龙茶则以色泽青褐光润为好。   ②香气——各类茶叶本身都有香味,如绿茶具清香,上品绿茶还有兰花香、板栗香等,红茶具清香及甜香或花香;乌龙茶具熟桃香等。若香气低沉,定为劣质茶;有陈气的为陈茶;有霉气等异味的为变质茶。就是苦丁茶,嗅起来也具有自然的香气。花茶则更以浓香吸引茶客。   ③口味——或者叫茶叶的滋味,茶叶的本身滋味由苦、涩、甜、鲜、酸等多种成分构成。其成分比例得当,滋味就鲜醇可口,同时,不同的茶类,滋味也不一样,上等绿茶初尝有其苦涩感,但回味浓醇,令口舌生津;粗老劣茶则淡而无味,甚至涩口、麻舌。上等红茶滋味浓厚、强烈、鲜爽;低级红茶则平淡无味。苦丁茶入口是很苦的,但饮后口有回甜。   ④外形——从茶叶的外形可以判断茶叶的品质,因为茶叶的好坏与茶采摘的鲜叶直接相关,也与制茶相关,这都反应在茶叶的外形上。如好的龙井茶,外形光、扁平、直,形似碗钉;好的珠茶,颗粒圆紧、均匀;好的工夫红茶条索紧齐,红碎茶颗粒齐整、划一;好的毛峰茶芽毫多、芽锋露等等。如果条索松散,颗粒松泡,叶表粗糙,身骨轻飘,就算不上是好茶了。
2023-08-07 13:14:491


  茶,是中华民族的举国之饮。它像一粒种子,随着茶文化一起根植于华夏文明,传承至今。下面是我为大家精心整理的关于茶文化高中英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。   中国茶文化   in China , tea has a very long history and has formed the Chinese tea culture. At the same time, tea is beneficial to our health, thus it is well received by many people. Chinese tea culture is both extensive and profound, which not only contains the level of material culture, but also includes a deep level of spiritual civilization. Referring to Chinese tea, we can trace it back to ancient times, which flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Since then, the spirit of tea has penetrated into the court and society, going deep into Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy , religion and medicine. For thousands of years, China has accumulated a great deal of culture in tea cultivation and production, moreover, enriching the spiritual culture of tea.   在中国,茶具有非常悠久的历史,并且已经形成了中国茶文化。与此同时,茶有益于我们的健康,因此受到许多人的喜爱。中国茶文化博大精深,不但包含物 质文化层面,还包含深厚的精神文明层面。谈到中国的茶叶。可以追溯到远古时代,它是从唐代与宋代兴盛起来的。从此茶的精神渗透到了宫廷和社会,深入到中国 的诗词、绘画、书法、宗教和医学。几千年来,中国积累了大量关于茶叶种植、生产的物质文化,而且丰富了有关茶的精神文化。   茶文化   China is the home of tea, is the birthplace of tea culture. The discovery and utilization of tea in China, has a history of four thousand or five thousand years, and long fill do not decline, spread throughout the world. Tea is one of the world"s most popular, the most popular, beneficial to the physical and mental healthy green drinks. Tea into the world in one, advocate" tea, a world".   Tea culture including tea tasting techniques, art appreciation, operation means of tea a better environment for the taste of the tea of my mood. The process of form and spirit of unity, is the process of the formation of the tea culture phenomenon. It originated long ago, has a long history, profound culture, and religious activity. The whole world has more than 100 countries and area residents are fond of tea. Some places tea tea as a kind of enjoyment of the arts to promote. The tea is identical, each has its own merits. The Chinese people have always had a "guest to tea" custom, which fully reflects the Chinese national civilization and politeness.   中国是茶的故乡,也是茶文化的发祥地。茶的发现和利用,在中国已有四五千年历史,且长盛不衰,传遍全球。茶已成为全世界最大众化、最受欢迎、最有益于身心健康的绿色饮料。茶融天地人于一体,提倡“天下茶人一家”。   茶文化包括茶叶品评技法、艺术操作手段的鉴赏、品茗美好环境的领略等整个品茶过程的美好意境。其过程体现形式和精神的相互统一,是饮茶活动过程中形成的文化现象。它起源久远,历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,与宗教结缘。全世界有一百多个国家和地区的居民都喜爱品茗。有的地方把饮茶品茗作为一种艺术享受来推广。各国的饮茶方法相同,各有千秋。中国人民历来就有“客来敬茶”的习惯,这充分反映出中华民族的文明和礼貌。   茶文化   It is 4,000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea.   Thereu2019re many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world.   Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china.   Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories.   It has been discovered that drinking tea does a lot of good to peopleu2019s health. A cup of tea can make you relaxed and refreshed. And itu2019s said that green tea can prevent cancers. Thatu2019s why tea is becoming more and more popular with people.   中国人开始种植和喝茶4000年了。   在中国有许多种茶,其中龙井茶是世界著名的。   茶通常在茶套里喝。一套茶具由一个茶壶和茶杯,都是中国制造的。   大多数中国人喜欢喝茶。茶不仅是在茶馆和餐馆,而且在家里。在办公室或工厂休息时,人们也会喝杯茶。
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The West Lake is also well worth visiting.
2023-08-07 13:15:366


品茶的高级表达英语:Advanced expression of tea tasting。品茶,就是品评茶味;饮茶。一般来说,这是一种较为优雅和闲适的艺术享受。明·杨慎《和章水部沙坪茶歌》:“君作茶歌如作史,不独品茶兼品士”。柳亚子《寄毛主席延安》诗:“云天倘许同忧国, 粤海难忘共品茶”。泡好茶要有优质泡茶的水、有好的器皿和舒适的环境。硬件都有了,没有好的软件也是枉然,这个软件就是泡茶的技巧。泡茶技巧分广东潮汕功夫茶与福建闽南一带为代表的闽南功夫茶,闽南功夫茶因泡茶用具不同又分盖杯功夫茶、紫砂功夫茶。要获取一杯上好的香茗,需要做到茶、水、火、器四者相配,缺一不可。这是因为饮茶器具,不仅是饮茶时不可缺少的一种盛器,具有实用性,而且饮茶器具还有助于提高茶叶的色、香、味,同时,一件高雅精美的茶具,本身还具有欣赏价值,富含艺术性。力求茶的质地优良,水质纯净,冲泡得法,茶器精美,这是饮茶的基本要求。但要使饮茶从物质享受上升到精神和艺术的享受,那么,品茶与周围环境间的关系就显得相当重要了。清山秀水,小桥亭榭,琴棋书画,幽居雅室,当然是理想的品茗环境了。选配茶具要因茶制宜:自古以来,比较讲究品茶艺术的茶人,者注重品茶韵味,崇尚意境高雅,强调“壶添品茗情趣,茶增壶艺价值”。认为好茶好壶,犹似红花绿叶,相映生辉。一般说,饮用花茶,为有利于香气的保持,可用壶泡茶,然后斟入瓷杯饮用。饮用大宗红茶和绿茶,注重茶的韵昧,可选用有盖的壶、杯或碗泡茶;饮用乌龙茶则重在“啜”,宜用紫砂茶具泡茶;饮用红碎茶与工夫红茶,可用瓷壶或紫砂壶来泡茶,然后将茶汤倒入白瓷杯中饮用。如是品饮西湖龙井、洞庭碧螺春、君山银针、黄山毛峰等细嫩名优绿茶,除选用玻璃杯冲泡外,也可选用白色瓷杯冲泡饮用。
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2023-08-07 13:16:433

dont worry 龙井说唱 求全部歌词 尤其中间副歌 的全部英语

2023-08-07 13:16:501


Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway Windy Lotus in the Winding Courtyard Autumn Moon on Calm Lake Remnant Snow on Broken Bridge Viewing Fish At Flower Harbor Yellow Dragon Spits Green Drinking Tea at Dragon Well 春天到来的高素 苏堤春晓 在结束庭风莲 曲苑风荷 秋湖平静的月亮 平湖秋月 剩余的碎雪桥 断桥残雪 花港观鱼 花港观鱼 黄龙羊青 黄龙吐翠 在龙和喝茶 龙井问茶
2023-08-07 13:17:002

杭湖旅游景点介绍英语 杭州旅游景点英语

用中、英语介绍杭州景点4、5句话,谢谢West Lake Hangzhou is located in the western area of Hangzhou City"s historic center. There are dozens of lakes called West Lake worldwide, but "West Lake" usually refers to the Hangzhou West Lake. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around 6.5 square kilometers. The circumference is around 15 kilometers. West Lake is famous for Bai, Yang and Su Causeway.西湖杭州位于杭州市历史中心的西部地区。世界上有几十个叫西湖的湖泊,但“西湖”通常指的是杭州西湖。西湖三面环山,面积约6.5平方公里。周长约15公里。西湖以白堤、杨堤和苏堤而闻名于世。Introduction pierce the scenic West Lake in Hangzhou, south of the Five Dock Yunqi, the Hollywood landscape of wooded hills, Bamboo-shaded, streams Ding Dong. very cool. Penny Yunxi one kilometer long track flanked by Bamboo-shaded, meandering paths depth murmur Qingxi according trails, Jiao graceful blend of birds from the forest out, and the whole environment was quiet cool and downtown, particularly Health and fitness feel relaxed. Shuangxin excitement. 杭州西湖风景简介 位于五云山南麓的云栖坞里,为林木茂盛的山坞景观,翠竹成荫,溪流叮咚,清凉无比。长 一公里的云栖竹径,两旁翠竹成荫,小径蜿蜒深入,潺潺清溪依径而下,娇婉动听的鸟声自 林中传出,整个环境幽静清凉,与闹市相比,格外使人感到恰适轻松,爽心悦目。 _est Lake Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15_ilometers. The whole lake is divided into5_ections, namely the Outer Lake, North Inner Lake, Yue Lake and Little South Lake, by Gu Hill, Sudi Causeway, Baiti Causeway and Ruangong Mound. The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake. The beauty of the West Lake lies in its lingering charm that survives the change of seasons in a year and of hours in a day. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in West Lake, which are known as the Double-Ten Sights in West Lake. The Ten Sights in West Lake are Melting Snow at Broken Bridge(断桥残雪), Spring Dawn at Sudi Causeway(苏堤春晓), Sunset Glow over Leifeng Hill(雷峰夕照), Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard(曲苑风荷), Autumn Moon on Calm Lake(平湖秋月), Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows(柳浪闻莺), Viewing Fish at Flowers Harbor(花港观鱼), Evening Bell at Nanping Hill(南屏晚钟), Three Pools Mirroring the Moon(三潭印月), and Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds(双峰插云). The Ten New Sights in West Lake are Dream Spring of Hupao(虎 跑梦泉), Tea-tasting at Dragon Well(龙井问茶), Gem Bathed in Flowing Rosy Clouds (宝石流 霞), Heaven Wind over Wushan Mountain(吴山天风), Scud over Yuhuang(玉皇飞云), Yellow Dragon Spitting Greenness(黄龙吐翠), Rains of Sweet-scented Osmanthus Over Hills (满陇桂雨), Trees in Mist by the Nine Rivulets (九溪烟树), Ruan Mound in Green(阮墩环碧), Cloud Dwelling and Bamboo Path (云栖竹径). The West Lake is also famous for its historical flavor with numerous celebrities. National heroes Yue Fei, Yu Qian, Zhang Ruoshui and Qiu Jin were all buried along the West Lake, leaving their illustrious names and noble spirits in the green hills and blue waters. Moreover, many ancient poets and artists, such as Bai Juyi, Su Dongpo, Liu Yong and Pan Tianshou, had also left countless famous writings.Hangzhou is one of the important tourism cities in China, famous for its natural beauty and historical and cultural heritages. Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the province as well. It is one of the 15_ice-provincial level cities in China. Hangzhou is located on the low reaches of Qiantang river in southeast China, with a distance of 180 kilometers to Shanghai. It is one of the key cities in the Yangzi Delta area. Hangzhou is of subtropical monsoon climate, with distinctive four seasons and mild atmosphere and favorable geographical positions and natural conditions. Hangzhou has 6 districts, 2 counties and5_ounty-level municipalities under its jurisdiction. Hangzhou covers a total area of 16596 square kilometers, with a population of 6.08 million, including 683 square kilometers of city proper area and city population of 1.69 million people . Hangzhou is one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. The human being had lived and prospered in this land4700 years ago, which is called "Liangzhu Culture". Hangzhou had once been the capitals of Wu and Yue kingdoms of Five Dynasties during the 10th Century and capital of Southern Song Dynasty during the 12-13th Century. It is one of the seven ancient Chinese capitals, famous for its historical and cultural heritages. The city has a history of more than 2200 years since it was established as a county by the First Emperor Qing.求杭州历史文化和风景名胜的英文介绍,要全!The discovery of ancient human fossils at wuguidong site in Hangzhou confirmed that there were ancient human beings living on the land of Hangzhou 50000 years ago. The excavation of Xiaoshan cross Lake Bridge site confirmed that there were modern human beings living here as early as 8000 years ago.杭州乌龟洞遗址古人类化石的发现证实五万年前就有古人类在杭州这片土地上生活,萧山跨湖桥遗址的发掘证实了早在8000年前就有现代人类在此繁衍生息。It is said that when Xia Yu controlled the flood, the whole country was divided into Kyushu, and the vast area to the south of the Yangtze River was generally called Yangzhou. In the 21st century B.C., during the southern tour of Xia Yu, the princes of the general assembly, Yu Kuaiji (now Shaoxing), once sailed here by boat and gave up their Hangzhou (the "hang" is the ark) here, hence the name "Yuhang".传说在夏禹治水时,全国分为九州,长江以南的广阔地域均泛称扬州。公元前21世纪,夏禹南巡,大会诸侯于会稽(今绍兴),曾乘舟航行经过这里,并舍其杭(“杭”是方舟)于此,故名“余杭”。扩展资料:风景名胜:杭州拥有两个国家级风景名胜区——西湖风景名胜区、“两江两湖”(富春江——新安江——千岛湖——湘湖)风景名胜区;两个国家级自然保护区——天目山、清凉峰自然保护区;七个国家森林公园——千岛湖、大奇山、午潮山、富春江、青山湖、半山和桐庐瑶琳森林公园。一个国家级旅游度假区——之江国家旅游度假区;全国首个国家级湿地——西溪国家湿地公园。杭州还有全国重点文物保护单位25个、国家级博物馆9个。全市拥有年接待1万人次以上的各类旅游景区、景点120余处。著名的旅游胜地有瑶琳仙境、桐君山、雷峰塔、岳庙、三潭映月、苏堤、六和塔、宋城、南宋御街、灵隐寺、跨湖桥遗址等。2011年6月24日,杭州西湖正式列入《世界遗产名录》。参考资料来源:百度百科-杭州用英文介绍杭州西湖West Lake, located in the west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is one of the first national key scenic spots in China and one of China"s top ten scenic spots. It is one of the main ornamental freshwater lakes in mainland China, and is one of the few World Heritage Sites and the only lake cultural heritage in China.西湖,位于浙江省杭州市西面,是中国大陆首批国家重点风景名胜区和中国十大风景名胜之一。它是中国大陆主要的观赏性淡水湖泊之一,也是现今《世界遗产名录》中少数几个和中国唯一一个湖泊类文化遗产。The West Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, covering an area of 6.39 square kilometers, about 2.8 kilometers wide from east to west, 3.2 kilometers long from north to south, and nearly 15 kilometers around the lake.西湖三面环山,面积约6.39平方千米,东西宽约2.8千米,南北长约3.2千米,绕湖一周近15千米。The lake is separated by Gushan, Baidi, Sudi and Yanggong Dikes. According to the size of the area, there are five water faces, namely, West Lake, Xili Lake, Beili Lake, Xiaonan Lake and Yuehu.湖中被孤山、白堤、苏堤、杨公堤分隔,按面积大小分别为外西湖、西里湖、北里湖、小南湖及岳湖等五片水面。Su Di and Bai Dike cross the lake, Xiao Wei Chau The three small islands of Huxinting and Mekongdun stand in the heart of the West Lake. The Leifeng Pagoda in Xizhao Mountain and the Baoding Tower in the Gem Mountain are separated by the lake, thus forming “One Mountain, Two Towers, Three Islands, The basic pattern of the Three Dykes and Five Lakes.苏堤、白堤越过湖面,小瀛洲、湖心亭、阮公墩三个小岛鼎立于外西湖湖心,夕照山的雷峰塔与宝石山的保_塔隔湖相映,由此形成了“一山、二塔、三岛、三堤、五湖”的基本格局。扩展资料:杭州西湖上的著名景点:1、苏堤春晓位于西湖的西部水域,_骶嗪靼对500米, 范围约9.66公顷。北宋元_五年(1090年) ,著名文人苏轼用疏浚西湖时挖出的湖泥堆筑了一条南北走向的长堤。堤上建有六桥,自南向北依次命名为映波桥、锁澜桥、望山桥、压堤桥、东浦桥和跨虹桥。后人为纪念苏轼,将此堤命名为"苏堤"。苏堤是跨湖连通南北两岸的唯一通道,穿越了整个西湖水域,因此,在苏堤上具备最为完整的视域范围,是观赏全湖景观的最佳地带。在压堤桥南御碑亭处驻足,如图画般展开的湖山胜景尽收眼底。苏堤自北宋始建至今,一直保持了沿堤两侧相间种植桃树和垂柳的植物景观特色。春季拂晓是欣赏"苏堤春晓"的最佳时间,此时薄雾蒙蒙,垂柳初绿、桃花盛开,尽显西湖旖旎的柔美气质。2、曲院风荷位于西湖北岸的苏堤北端西侧22米处,范围约0.06公顷,以夏日观荷为主题,在视觉上呈现出"接天连叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红"的特色。曲院,原为南宋(1127-1279)设在洪春桥的酿造官酒的作坊,取金沙涧之水以酿官酒。因该处多荷花,每当夏日荷花盛开、香风徐来,荷香与酒香四处飘溢,有"暖风熏得游人醉"的意境。3、平湖秋月位于孤山东南角的滨湖地带、白堤西端南侧,是自湖北岸临湖观赏西湖水域全景的最佳地点之一。以秋天夜晚皓月当空之际观赏湖光月色为主题。"平湖秋月"景观完整保留了清代皇家(17-18世纪)钦定西湖十景时 "一院一楼一碑一亭"的院落布局。用英语介绍西湖,五句加中文美丽的杭州西湖位于浙江省杭州市西面,它以其秀丽湖光山色和众多名胜古迹闻名中外,在我国30多处以“西湖”命名的湖泊中,最为著名,被誉为人间天堂。杭州西湖风景区以西湖为中心,分别为湖滨区、湖心区、北山区、南山区和钱塘区,总面积达49平方千米。杭州西湖三面环山,景区由一山(孤山),两堤(苏提、白堤),三岛(阮公墩、湖心亭、小瀛洲),五湖(外西湖,北里湖,西里湖、岳湖和南湖),十景(曲院风荷、平湖秋月、断桥残雪、柳浪闻莺、雷峰西照、南屏晚钟、花港观鱼、苏堤春晓、双峰插云)构成。IslocatedinthebeautifulWestLakeinHangzhou,Hangzhou,ZhejiangProvince,thewest,whichwithitsbeautifullakesandmountainsandmanyfamousmonumentsinthecountrypunishablebymorethan30"WestLake"asthenameofthelake,themostfamous,knownasaparadiseonearth.????HangzhouWestLakeScenicAreatotheWestLakeasthecenter,respectively,lakearea,lakearea,northernmountains,NanshanDistrict,andQiantangzoneswithatotalareaof49squarekilometers.????HangzhouWestLakesurroundedbythemountain,scenicareasfromthemountain(Gushan),twoembankment(Sautet,Shiratsutsumi),Mishima(Yiianpier,pavilion,smallYingChow),fivelakes(outsidetheWestLake,NorthVillageLake,XiliLake,YueLakeandSouthLake),ShiJing(Quyuanfenghe,RedBeansLove,brokenbridgeandsnow,Liulangwenying,leifengXiZhao,NanpingEveningBell,Huagangguanyu,SudiChunxiao,TwoPeaksPiercingtheClouds)constitute.本人绍介一下本人比较熟悉的景点,柳浪闻莺、三潭印月、西泠印社、孤山和平湖秋月.北山区的黄龙洞、紫云洞、岳坟、玉泉、灵隐寺南山、钱塘区的玉皇山、虎跑、六和塔、九溪、龙井、烟霞三洞等景点。柳浪闻莺位于西湖东南岸,这里原为南宋御花园“聚景园”。沿湖广植扬柳,每当烟花三月,如烟似雾的柳丝随风摇曳,宛如碧浪翻空,在那望不尽的柳荫深处,时而传来呖呖的莺啼声,清脆悦耳十分动人,“柳浪闻莺”即源于此。三潭映月又名小瀛洲,是外西湖中最大的一个岛屿,小瀛洲湖中有湖,岛中有岛,岛间桥栏相接,亭轩台榭点缀其间,水中金鱼嬉游,岸上金桂婆娑,柳暗花明风景诱人。湖面上有三座石塔,原建于宋,重建于明。塔高约2米,塔基为扁原形石座,塔身为球形,中空,四周环有五个小圆孔,塔顶作葫芦形。每至中秋月夜,放明烛于塔内,洞口蒙以薄纸,灯光外透宛如15个月亮,月光、灯光、湖光交相辉映,塔影、月影、云影融成一片,十分迷人。西泠印社位于孤山西部之巅,创于清光绪三十年(1904年),是我国最早研究金石篆刻的一个学术团体。它在保存金石、研究印学,开展篆刻创作等方面都作出了有益的贡献。社址倚山而建,园林布局小巧玲珑,白墙素影,淡雅高洁,步道铺砌块石,廊架缠绕藤萝,花影遍地
2023-08-07 13:17:071


千岛湖用英语怎么说 千岛湖 Qiandao Lake 千岛湖 Qiandao Lake千岛湖用英文怎么写 Qiandao Lake或Thousand-Island Lake 千岛湖的英语怎么说?急! Thousand-Island Lake Bird Island 杭州的“千岛湖”和“龙井茶园”用英语怎么说啊?? 千岛湖 的确是“Qiandao Lake”,但是千岛湖啤酒却是Cheerday Beer。 龙井茶园 “Longjing Tea Plantation" 龙井以前经常被说成Dragon Well,其功这是以前为了迎合国外的说法,现在很多场合更多地采用了Longjing的说法。 千岛湖的英文怎么写? 浙江千岛湖 应该翻译成: three-thousand-island lake ,ZheJiang Province ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~
2023-08-07 13:17:221


   I was so happy that I think this is one of my Unforgettable Trip   When I was a primary school student, my family and I took a trip to five cities which were in the south of China.   First, we came to Nanjing by plane. That was the first time I had taken the plane and it took us an hour and a half to get there. We arrived in Nanjing in the morning. At 11:30 we went to a restaurant to have lunch. The food tasteddelicious. In the afternoon we went to “Zhongshanling”. It was the place that preserve the tomb of Mr. Sugshan.   The next day, we came to Wuxi and then Suzhou where we visited the region of rivers and lakes of “周庄”. It was a beautiful and old place. The house there were along the river and the women always washed clothes at the bank.   The fourth day, we came to Hangzhou where We visited “The West Lake. It was very beautiful and the water was clear .As we all know,Hangzhou is famous for silk and tea, so we bought some beautiful silk and famous tea of “龙井”.   The last place that we visited was Shanghai. It was one of the biggest city is China. The night view in Shanghai was more beautiful than Beijing. We visited the TV tower of“东方明珠”. It was the third tallest tower in the world. Standing in the tower you could see the whole city. In the evening, we lived ina hotel with 25 floors. I was very excited that evening.   This trip took us seven days and we went back to Beijing by plane. The plane was very very big. There were three engine rooms. I felt happy and I would never forget the trip.
2023-08-07 13:17:401

求 龙井迷梦 歌词(要有英语那部分)

yo我想要乘坐梦想的列车去寻找成功后那一幕幕的景色可信号灯一直闪烁着红色老师的喇叭在慵懒的广播被海水浸透的上衣衬托出彷徨焦躁不安的我终于等到了发车的许可我冲上去发现上面挤满乘客追寻梦想的人太多而我只是他们里面的其中一个没有人会让步相互拥挤相互摩擦梦想的列车谁也不愿在此错过一天又一天一站又一站身边的人一个接一个的消失掉做出自己放弃的选择而我还在看着窗外静静的等待着(这里我不会)2007年还是一个人享受孤独生活的压力环绕在我的周围感到如此无助时间没有给我任何机会它永远不会停住滴答滴答滴秒针转得飞速其实我应该感到知足家人朋友还在我的身边温暖幸福取代内心孤独还在回想当初早期梦想太阳被迷茫所解读每个人的身边都好像如此的企图不敢再去面对停下了脚步回头去寻找那梦中的归宿蓝天、白云躺在广阔草原我再一次赌上我的明天美了这那梦想的画面我不顾一切梦永远不会结束我不再留恋(听不清 , 见谅 )从此踏上了新的征途一个人那是件当做筹码去赌是赢是输结局我自己来背负再次踏上了我的说唱之路我到底得到了什么(什么)梦中前进的是谁(是谁)我是否失去了很多(很多)现实中怎样挽回(挽回)乌云遮住了天空(天空)彩虹预示着成功(成功)付出像阵阵微风(微风)命运被轻轻吹动(吹动)生活带来了快乐(快乐)悲伤伴随着生活(生活)快乐悲伤在诉说(诉说)生活就是我梦中看到的
2023-08-07 13:18:071

感谢 龙井 里的英文歌叫什么?

  龙井里的英文歌叫感谢。  歌手: 龙井说唱  所属专辑:《龙井说唱》  歌曲标签:内地  歌词如下:  让我能在社会中生根与发芽  我感谢我的朋友他们对我的帮助  感谢他们在我痛苦时贴心的关注  感谢他们永远会站在我的身边  用友谊去撑起那共同的明天  我感谢我的她她对我付出的爱  感谢她对我的照顾每晚的饭菜  感谢她对我的支持理解与期待  是她让我感觉温暖有家的存在  I wanna thank you hey wanna thank you hey  hey hey just wanna thank you o thank you o  I wanna thank you hey wanna thank you hey  hey hey just wanna thank you o thank you o
2023-08-07 13:18:173

my tour of hangzhou英语作文

National Day is coming, we are very excited, is released, run wild birds, to the bosom of nature. The first day, National Day with our family went to visit hangzhou is famous for the world. Composition nets arriving Sat in the car, see everywhere, decorations, pedestrians and head are hung shop "National Day" signs, igawa slip a dime of street stalls came from customers and shouts of bargaining and sound my eyes, my ears at beautiful soft straight. Small lotus composition nets In the landscape and pedestrians, we came to the west side, see the rippling water reflecting the yews, HuaFang in green lake, let me drive slowly of sushi"s poem: to put a west lake, weak makeup thick than. Around west lake is a tree made of green edge. Li, the green GuShan siminghu appears to be beautiful and elegant. The east and west GuShan bai causeway of su, like two green sash, gentle floating in water. In the middle of the three islands - small yingzhou, house, RuanGong pier, set in green bosk books. The bright green and white water shook as the reflection, general. Fairyland In this picturesque the lake for a walk, see, how can make people relaxed and happy! We went on a guided tour of fresh air, and came to the mountain of the dragon. The guide says: "everyone his hands and face cleaning, go LingYinSi pay." Then the father played well, we strived with cool water washing hands and face. Heard that touched the old stone dragon can improve the dragon, I touched the whole half an hour before coming from the longjing village. Last LingYinSi is. We first came to see the cheerful TianWangDian, pleasure, then came the Ursa major palace, we saw the personality of the Buddha, Buddha is behind the bodhisattva beauty docile, listen to adults said that can keep us safe and healthy bodhisattva, I quickly kneel before KouTou devout bodhisattva in prayer. LingYinSi top layer is YanDian, said China"s guide YanDian bless children learn first, then I set his ass for worship dozens. But since it was already late, then we LingYinSi left. Then I found a steady stream of visitors is still known as "paradise, hangzhou, no wonder everyone was mosey! 国庆节到了,我们兴奋极了,犹如出笼的小鸟,脱缰的野马,投向大自然的怀抱. 国庆节第一天,我们全家一起去闻名天下的杭州游玩. 小荷作文网 坐在车上,只见到处张灯结彩,人头济济,车水马龙,商店门口都挂着“庆国庆”的招牌,街边那多如牛毛的小摊上不时传来阵阵吆喝声和顾客门的讨价还价声,看得我两眼冒金花,听得我耳朵直发软. 小荷 作文网 在山水和行人的伴随下,我们来到了西湖边,只见碧波荡漾的湖水里倒映翠绿的垂柳,画舫在湖中缓缓的行驶,让我想到了苏轼的一句诗:欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜. 围绕着西湖的是一圈树木织成的绿色镶边.十里明湖中,葱绿的孤山显得格外秀美典雅.孤山东边的白堤和西湖的苏堤,就象两条绿色的绸带,轻柔的漂浮在碧水之上.湖心的三个小岛——小瀛洲、湖心亭、阮公墩,掩映在绿书丛中.明净的湖水晃动着绿岛和白云的倒影,仿佛仙境一般.在这如画的西湖边走一走,看一看,怎么能让人不心旷神怡呢! 我们在导游的带领下,又来到了空气清新的龙井山.导游说:“大家把自己的手和脸清洗一下,再去灵隐寺拜佛.”于是爸爸把井水打了上来,我们争先恐后的用清凉的井水洗手洗脸.听说摸了老龙井石上的龙可以提高成绩,我整整摸了半个小时,才依依不舍的离开了龙井村. 最后一站是灵隐寺.我们先来到了天王殿,看到了乐呵呵的弥勒佛,然后又来到了大雄宝殿,我们看到了慈眉善目的如来佛,如来佛背后是美丽善良的观音菩萨,听大人说,菩萨能保佑我们平安健康,我急忙跪在菩萨前虔诚叩头祈祷.灵隐寺最高一层是华严殿,导游说华严殿是保佑小朋友学习第一的,于是我撅着屁股一连拜了几十个才罢休. 天色已晚,我们意犹未尽的离开了灵隐寺.这时我发现游人依然络绎不绝,杭州素有“人间天堂”的美称,怪不得游人都流连往返呢!
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2023-08-07 13:18:352


An Unfettable Experience 高一(6)韩天放 This summer holiday,I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus,we could see all kinds of buildings which were great. rooms. I felt happy and I would never fet the trip. In the morning,we got to the hotel where we lived. After breakfast,we began to our travel. First we took the bus to the Sea Park. There are so many different kinds of fishes that I couldn"t believe my eyes. We also saw the show of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restaurant. The seafood which was very famous in China was delicious. After lunch we went swimming. The sea was blue and beach was golden. We all enjoyed ourselves in the sea. Finally we went back the hotel where we lived. We had a happy day. In this trip,we also went to some places which were interesting and famous in Dalian,went shopping and so on. Several days later,we left Dalian. On our way home,we were very happy. This was the reason why we didn"t feel tired. In all,we had a good holiday. 高一英语作文“An Unfettable ...”优秀范文欣赏之:An Unfettable Experience An Unfettable Experience 一次难忘的经历 高一(6)班 耿欢 Last summer,I went to Beidaihe for my holiday with my family. We took a train because the way is not far. We lived in a big hotel where could see the sea . We stayed there for three days. The first day,we went for a walk along the seaside,and then we went swimming and took a lot of interesting photos there. The second day,we went to a famous market and bought many keepsakes. I was going to bring these keepsakes for my friends. The last day,we had a good picnic on the seaside with the natives. They acted all kinds of programmes and made us feel happy. It"s a very good journey,and we all enjoyed ourselves on those days. If I have another holiday,I will go there again. 高一英语作文“An Unfettable ...”优秀范文欣赏之:An Unfettable Experience An Unfettable Experience 高一(6)胡德军 I like traveling very much. My trip to XiAn is really unfettable. Before I went there,I always wanted to see Bin Ma Yong,so I chose to go there. I went to there by train with my parents and I had breakfast in the hotel. Then we went there by bus. When I got off the bus,I was very excited. I saw a lot of false man whose hand with all kinds of things. I took many pictures. Finally we went back the hotel in the afternoon. Though I was very tired,I felt very happy. I dwill never fet it for ever. 高一英语作文“An Unfettable ...”优秀范文欣赏之:An Unfettable Experience An Unfettable Experience 高一(6)班 张凤贤 During the last summer holiday,I went to the Amusement Park of Beijing. My elder brother told me that it was an interesting place. We started out by car at 6:00. I saw a lot of people including a foreigner who has blue eyes . First I went to play roller coaster that was very exciting. Then I went to play corsair that was very unfettable. Finally I also played any other games,which I had never played. And I enjoyed many beautiful sights. I was so happy that I think this is one of my Unfettable Trip. 高一英语作文“An Unfettable ...”优秀范文欣赏之:An Unfettable Trip An Unfettable Trip 高一(7)王峥 When I was a primary school student,my family and I took a trip to five cities which were in the south of China. First,we came to Nanjing by plane. That was the first time I had taken the plane and it took us an hour and a half to get there. We arrived in Nanjing in the morning. At 11:30 we went to a restaurant to have lunch. The food tasted delicious. In the afternoon we went to “Zhongshanling”。 It was the place that preserve the tomb of Mr. Sugshan. The next day,we came to Wuxi and then Suzhou where we visited the region of rivers and lakes of “周庄”。 It was a beautiful and old place. The house there were along the river and the women always washed clothes at the bank. The fourth day,we came to Hangzhou where We visited “The West Lake. It was very beautiful and the water was clear . As we all know,Hangzhou is famous for silk and tea,so we bought some beautiful silk and famous tea of ”龙井”。 The last place that we visited was Shanghai. It was one of the biggest city is China. The night view in Shanghai was more beautiful than Beijing. We visited the TV tower of “东方明珠”。 It was the third tallest tower in the world. Standing in the tower you could see the whole city. In the evening,we lived in a hotel with 25 floors. I was very excited that evening. This trip took us seven days and we went back to Beijing by plane. The plane was very very big. There were three engine    tom:   hello,tom.i have recived your letter.i can tell your some information about my school.we have an activities that last 2 hours at half past three in the afternoon.we have many groups of stadying.such as math,puter,scientist,english and dancing.there are many banks and p.e teams.students can choose for themselves.students take part in activities everyday,they like balls best,they all have a good time.not only playing but also learning.such as english conner,because it is very necessary to study students,everyone should develop all his or her advertage and so,students can have a good time everyday 我也只有高二的英语水平,临时发挥写得不怎么好   Ladies and gentlemen, Today I"m very happy to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of “Shall a senior school student take a part-time job in holidays?” Some of us are having problems with our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries. I fully understand why we are not fortable about it, but there"s no need to feel too sad. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries to make sure we"re not getting into any trouble. They have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we might do the same. Or perhaps they just want to connect with us but are doing it all wrong. My suggestion is: Tell them we want them to trust us as much as we"d like to trust them. If you don"t think you can talk to them, write them aletter and leave it lying around-they are bound to read it. That"s all,thank you! Yours, Li Hua
2023-08-07 13:18:441


  相信大家都听过著名的西湖龙井,西湖龙井是我国十大名茶之一,不少人都会去购买西湖龙井,西湖龙井的辨别方法很简单。下面是我为你整理的西湖龙井怎么辨别好坏的相关内容,希望对你有用!  西湖龙井辨别好坏的方法   看产地   西湖龙井居中国名茶之冠,主要是和其产地有关。很多业内人士都知道,只有西湖区168平方公里范围内才称得上是龙井茶西湖产区,在这里种植、成产、炒制出来的龙井方可以使用“西湖龙井”这个称谓。除了西湖产区之外的杭州其他地区所产的龙井茶都不能称为西湖龙井茶,大家在这点上弄清楚了,辨别的时候就比较容易了。   采摘时间   茶的好坏很大部分取决于采摘的时间,西湖龙井的茶叶之所以这么名贵在采摘时间上也是比较讲究的。一般都是在清明前三天采摘,主要是采一芽一叶和一芽两叶初展的芽叶,到清明之后就停止采摘,采摘熟练的人员一天最多也只能采12两。而很多假西湖龙井都不是在这个时节采摘的,而且也不一定是一芽一叶或一芽两叶的。   观其形   正品西湖龙井茶叶为扁形,叶片整齐,宽度一致,大多为绿黄色,光滑挺直,芽叶均匀成朵,不带碎片或者是夹蒂。而市面上其他龙井茶叶颜色看起来是那种嫩绿色的,大家这点要分清,虽然西湖龙井也是绿茶,但是并非以绿色来分高低,所以外表看起来颜色极绿的,就不要相信是正品了。   看汤色   在我们冲泡茶叶的时候,我们也可以通过观察汤色来辨别真伪。正品的茶叶冲泡的汤色澄清,汤色呈现黄绿色,看起来没有任何杂质,泡开后的茶叶颗颗肥壮美丽。但是假西湖龙井在冲泡的时候,汤色看起来相对就要浑浊一些,有些时候还会发现里面有细微的茶叶碎片,很显然大小和质量就不过关。   查防伪标识   在每个真正西湖龙井的包装上面,大家都会看到很多个标识,其中大家要注意的就是下图这个防伪标识。在标识上有验证码防伪涂层、产区、监制单位、地理标志、查询网址和电话。我们可以刮开防伪涂层获得验证码。通过拨打防伪标识上的电话或者是登陆网站进行真假辨别。   西湖龙井的功效作用   (1)消臭、助消化功效:口臭时食物残渣在酶的作用下形成甲基硫醇化合物产生臭味。西湖龙井茶汤可抑制这种酶的活性,起到消除口臭的作用,更能刺激分泌更多的消化液,有助于淀粉、蛋白质和脂肪的分解,帮助消化。   (2)减肥养颜:龙井茶中的咖啡碱、肌醇、叶酸、泛酸和芳香类物质等多种化合物,能调节脂肪代谢。茶多酚和维生素C能降低胆固醇和血脂,所以饮龙井茶可减肥,不过冷饮会适得其反。   (3)延缓衰老:龙井茶中的茶多酚可以有效清除多余的自由基,防止脂肪酸的过氧化。   (4)消除疲劳:龙井茶中的咖啡碱能兴奋中枢神经系统,帮助人们振奋精神、增进思维、消除疲劳、提高工作效率。[6]   (5)防龋齿:龙井茶中含有氟,氟离子与牙齿的钙质有很大的亲和力,能变成一种较为难溶于酸的“氟磷灰石”,就像给牙齿加上一个保护层,提高了牙齿防酸抗龋能力。   (6)抑制癌细胞:龙井茶中含有15%左右的儿茶素,而儿茶素的抗氧化力是维他命C的40~100倍,能够抑制血管老化,从而净化血液。   (7)利尿:龙井茶叶中的咖啡碱和茶碱具有利尿作用,可用于治疗水肿、水滞瘤。   (8)强心解痉:龙井茶叶中的咖啡碱还具有强心、解痉、松弛平滑肌的功效,能解除支气管痉挛,促进血液循环,是治疗支气管哮喘、止咳化痰、心肌梗塞的良好辅助药物。   (9)抑制动脉硬化:龙井茶叶中的茶多酚和维生素C都有活血化瘀防止动脉硬化的作用。   (10)治夜盲症,抗干眼病、抗肿瘤等:龙井茶中含有一定量的维生素A ,龙井茶明目的功效与维生素A有很大的关系。   (11)抗菌抑菌:龙井茶中的茶多酚和鞣酸作用于细菌,能凝固细菌的蛋白质,将细菌杀死。皮肤生疮、溃烂流脓,外伤破了皮,用浓茶冲洗患处,有消炎杀菌作用。口腔发炎、溃烂、咽喉肿痛,用茶叶来治疗,也有一定疗效。   西湖龙井的传说   相传在乾隆期间,皇帝下江南体察民情,在杭州看到茶女在采茶,有一天,皇帝看到几个茶女在十多颗非常绿的茶树前采茶,于是乎他也学起来的样子来,采了一把茶。不料太监急报太后生病,请皇上回宫,皇上一听也顾不了那么多,便把采好的茶顺手放进衣裳的口袋里,便速速回京。乾隆皇帝回到京城,病怏怏的太后闻到一股清香便便觉得非常舒服,问皇上这是什么,皇上也是觉得奇怪,自己明明什么也没有。然后不经意摸了一下口袋,原来是那把在杭州采回来的茶散发出的清香,回京的途中它已经被风干了,却散发了清新不已的香气。   因为闻起来那么舒服,太后便想着要喝上一口,宫女泡好茶送到太后面前,太后闻一下顿时觉得十分舒服,喝上一口觉得整个人都被疏通了一样,喝了几杯后,太后竟然觉得本来不舒服的身体竟然慢慢好了起来。其实啊,太后只是海鲜吃得太多了,肝火旺,胃部也不舒服。西湖龙井不仅可以解渴解滞,而且还可以降火,后被太后誉为灵丹妙药。 猜你喜欢: 1. 西湖龙井的不适宜人群 2. 西湖龙井茶的功效与作用 3. 龙井茶用英语怎么说 4. 龙井茶怎么分辨好坏最容易
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2023-08-07 13:17:191


2023-08-07 13:17:2110


1. 关于白孔雀的唯美诗句 关于白孔雀的唯美诗句 1.描写孔雀的优美句子 孔雀那小巧的头上像插着几朵翡翠花,展开的彩屏像一把巨大的羽毛扇,一个个黑环,黑、绿、黄相间,像是无数只大眼睛. 只见一只花孔雀把尾巴抖得哗哗响,那漂亮的尾巴就像仙女手中的彩扇,慢慢散开,又像透亮的珍珠撒在它身上,非常美丽. 孔雀飞起来就如同一朵绮丽的绿色彩云,从山顶上飘过. 只见花孔雀拖在尾后的长长的羽毛都挺直起来,围成一个圆圈,像一把五颜六色的大花伞,又像一块圆形的彩缎. 孔雀开屏时,犹如一把碧纱宫扇,尾羽上那些眼斑反射着光彩,好像无数面小镜子. 2.形容孔雀外表华丽的优美词句 孔雀开屏时,犹如一把碧纱宫扇,尾羽上那些眼斑反射着光荣,如同很多面小镜子。 只见一只花孔雀把尾巴抖得哗哗响,那秀丽的尾巴就像仙女手中的彩扇,渐渐散开,又像透亮的珍珠撒在它身上,十分秀丽。 孔雀飞起来就如同一朵瑰丽的绿色彩云,从山顶上飘过。 孔雀那细巧的头上像插着几朵翡翠花,打开的彩屏像一把宏大的茸毛扇,一个个黑环,黑、绿、黄相间,像是很多只大眼睛。 孔雀飞起来就如同一朵瑰丽的绿色彩云,从山顶上飘过。 那儿的孔雀多得出奇,路边上,野地里,三个一群,五个一伙,如同美人儿拖着翠色的长裙子,四处转游,底子也不避人。 只见花孔雀拖在尾后的长长的茸毛都笔挺起来,围成一个圆圈,像一把五颜六色的大花伞,又像一块圆形的彩缎 3.形容孔雀外表华丽的优美词句有哪些 形容孔雀外表华丽的优美词句有: 1. 孔雀开屏时,犹如一把碧纱宫扇,尾羽上那些眼斑反射着光荣,如同很多面小镜子。 2. 只见一只花孔雀把尾巴抖得哗哗响,那秀丽的尾巴就像仙女手中的彩扇,渐渐散开,又像透亮的珍珠撒在它身上,十分秀丽。 3. 孔雀飞起来就如同一朵瑰丽的绿色彩云,从山顶上飘过。 4. 孔雀那细巧的头上像插着几朵翡翠花,打开的彩屏像一把宏大的茸毛扇,一个个黑环,黑、绿、黄相间,像是很多只大眼睛。 5. 孔雀飞起来就如同一朵瑰丽的绿色彩云,从山顶上飘过。 6. 只见花孔雀拖在尾后的长长的茸毛都笔挺起来,围成一个圆圈,像一把五颜六色的大花伞,又像一块圆形的彩缎 7. 孔雀翎系由孔雀山庄的主人耗尽心血打造成功的。当时,三十六名无敌于天下的黑道高手为了毁灭孔雀山庄,竟结下血盟,联手进攻,结果全部丧生在孔雀翎下,从此,孔雀翎名扬天下。在此后的三百年间,也有近三百人死于孔雀翎,他们不是一流宗主,就是一代绝顶高手,都因进犯孔雀山庄而毙命。 8. 孔雀那小巧的头上像插着几朵翡翠花,展开的彩屏像一把巨大的羽毛扇,一个个黑环,黑、绿、黄相间,像是无数只大眼睛。 9. 孔雀山庄也唯赖孔雀翎,数百年来一直屹立江湖,八面威风。到孔雀山庄庄主秋凤梧(小武)之父那一代时,孔雀翎不幸被遗失在泰山之巅,未能找回,但江湖中未有人知,秋凤梧仍然能与娇妻爱子过着平静幸福的生活。 10. 孔雀生活在笼子里面,透过笼子一样可以看得见蓝天,会有种生活在广阔蓝天下的假象,只有在试图挣扎飞向更高更远时,才会突然发现笼子是那样的坚不可摧,属于自己的只有一个狭小的牢笼,这是孔雀的生活。 11. 孔雀天堂飞,万里不回首。虽饮孟婆汤,不忘上辈情。想我游侠时,白马饰金羁,连翩西北驰,孤独沙漠陲。勇彪若豹螭,无人敢匹敌。 12. 孔雀喜欢跳舞,动作优美。喊凤跟着学,还唱着好听的歌:“孔雀啊,孔雀,你的羽毛像金子一样闪亮,你住在太阳的家乡……” 13. 孔雀园里的孔雀非常漂亮,蓝蓝的脖子,银白色的小嘴,黑色的眼睛,头上还插着几朵蓝色的羽毛,银色的爪子。 14. 那儿的孔雀多得出奇,路边上,野地里,三个一群,五个一伙,好像美人儿拖着翠色的长裙子,四处转游,根本也不避人那儿的孔雀多得出奇,路边上,野地里,三个一群,五个一伙,好像美人儿拖着翠色的长裙子,四处转游,根本也不避人。 15. 孔雀头上有几根彩色的翎毛,一抖起来,那翎毛轻轻颤动,惹人喜爱,它有一对凤眼,尖尖的嘴,细长的脖子,上面长着像鱼鳞花纹一样的羽毛,这些羽毛蓝里透绿,尾巴末端是桃形,最外一圈……,油光油光的,在阳光照耀下,闪闪发光,显得更加美丽. 16. [kǒng què] 孔雀 (雉科孔雀族鸟类通称) 17. 孔雀(英文名称:Peafowls) 仅2属3种。孔雀属包括2种,全长达2米以上,其中尾屏约1.5米,为鸡形目体型最大者。头顶翠绿,羽冠蓝绿而呈尖形;尾上覆羽特别长,形成尾屏,鲜艳美丽;真正的尾羽很短,呈黑褐色。雌鸟无尾屏,羽色暗褐而多杂斑。栖息于森林的开阔地带。杂食性。1雄配数雌。蓝孔雀分布于印度和斯里兰卡;绿孔雀分布于东南亚,中国仅见于云南西部和南部,野生数量稀少,为中国国家一级保护动物。孔雀肉可食用,已人工养殖,白化品种称白孔雀,全身雪白。刚果孔雀1936年才被发现,体长70厘米,雄性体黑色,头顶具白色簇羽,雌性绿色和棕色。分布于非洲热带地区。 4.描写孔雀美丽的羽毛的句子 1、动物园里的孔雀看到美女来到它的身边的时候,就会张开它那带有无数棵星光斑斓的耀眼的大尾巴,来向人们示美,就好像是和美女的一场无声的选美比赛。它在人们面前走来走去,好像它就是一名长胜冠军。让人们看的眼花缭乱,目瞪口呆。 2、喊凤7岁了,要到民族小学读书了。两只小孔雀咬住她的筒裙,不让她走。喊凤说:“听话,我去读书了。我学会识字,学会算术,就来教你们。”两只小孔雀还是紧紧地跟在喊凤身后。喊凤的妈妈只好把它们轰开。 3、见一只花孔雀把尾巴抖得哗哗响,那漂亮的尾巴就像仙女手中的彩扇,慢慢散开,又像透亮的珍珠撒在它身上,非常美丽。 4、接着,我又遇到了一只白孔雀,它浑身上下都是白色的羽毛,非常美丽。我想找一根它的羽毛作为纪念,可是怎么也找不着。我想摸一摸它身上的羽毛,可是不知怎么的,那只孔雀猛地跳了起来,好像是别的孔雀啄了它的尾巴。 5、孔雀飞起来就如同一朵绮丽的绿色彩云,从山顶上飘过。 6、孔雀开屏的时候,我看见孔雀尾巴上有一团白色的绒毛,就像雪白的梅花一样。它开的屏非常漂亮。像一把大扇子,每一根翎毛上都有一个个黑色的羽毛,好像一只又一只小眼睛。孔雀屏前面还有一个地方是绿颜色的。我觉得孔雀开屏的时候,好像一位美丽的公主。 7、孔雀开屏了,它的羽毛吸引着每一个人,但我呢,但其他人呢,我们难道就不应该像孔雀一样向人们展示出自己的风采吗? 8、孔雀开屏时,犹如一把碧纱宫扇,尾羽上那些眼斑反射着光彩,好像无数面小镜子。 9、孔雀开屏在民间有各式各样的说法。有人说它得意洋洋地向人们展示自己的羽毛的美丽;有人说它听到人们对它的赞美,报答人们的好意;还有人说它与穿著华丽衣服的人们比美,看谁更漂亮等等。 10、孔雀翎系由孔雀山庄的主人耗尽心血打造成功的。当时,三十六名无敌于天下的黑道高手为了毁灭孔雀山庄,竟结下血盟,联手进攻,结果全部丧生在孔雀翎下,从此,孔雀翎名扬天下。在此后的三百年间,也有近三百人死于孔雀翎,他们不是一流宗主,就是一代绝顶高手,都因进犯孔雀山庄而毙命。 11、孔雀那小巧的头上像插着几朵翡翠花,展开的彩屏像一把巨大的羽毛扇,一个个黑环,黑、绿、黄相间,像是无数只大眼睛。 12、孔雀山庄也唯赖孔雀翎,数百年来一直屹立江湖,八面威风。到孔雀山庄庄主秋凤梧(小武)之父那一代时,孔雀翎不幸被遗失在泰山之巅,未能找回,但江湖中未有人知,秋凤梧仍然能与娇妻爱子过着平静幸福的生活。 13、孔雀生活在笼子里面,透过笼子一样可以看得见蓝天,会有种生活在广阔蓝天下的假象,只有在试图挣扎飞向更高更远时,才会突然发现笼子是那样的坚不可摧,属于自己的只有一个狭小的牢笼,这是孔雀的生活。 14、孔雀天堂飞,万里不回首。虽饮孟婆汤,不忘上辈情。想我游侠时,白马饰金羁,连翩西北驰,孤独沙漠陲。勇彪若豹螭,无人敢匹敌。 15、孔雀喜欢跳舞,动作优美。喊凤跟着学,还唱着好听的歌:“孔雀啊,孔雀,你的羽毛像金子一样闪亮,你住在太阳的家乡……” 16、孔雀园里的孔雀非常漂亮,蓝蓝的脖子,银白色的小嘴,黑色的眼睛,头上还插着几朵蓝色的羽毛,银色的爪子。 17、那儿的孔雀多得出奇,路边上,野地里,三个一群,五个一伙,好像美人儿拖着翠色的长裙子,四处转游,根本也不避人那儿的孔雀多得出奇,路边上,野地里,三个一群,五个一伙,好像美人儿拖着翠色的长裙子,四处转游,根本也不避人。 18、青碧色的天幕,雪白色的云游移。印鉴在泛漪的湖泽里。河狸先生和雅美夫人唱着轻快地歌谣在下游凿木头,阿懒趴在岸上逗弄水里鸭四先生刚下水的的小宝宝,欢腾声惊起偷睡的鼹鼠小欧。细细密密的芦苇草在风的指挥棒下摇弄腰肢,一只通体雪白的小孔雀像一片云飘过! 19、小孔雀慢慢地长大,越来越美丽了。喊凤带它们到小河边饮水、洗澡,到竹林里捉虫,到草滩上吃嫩草,做游戏。 20、这里的孔雀把我深深吸引住了。于是我拾起一根孔雀羽毛作为纪念,并且让妈妈帮我和孔雀合一张影。 21、只见花孔雀拖在尾后的长长的羽毛都挺直起来,围成一个圆圈,像一把五颜六色的大花伞,又像一块圆形的彩缎。 22、只见一只花孔雀把尾巴抖得哗哗响,那漂亮的尾巴就像仙女手中的彩扇,慢慢散开,又像透亮的珍珠撒在它身上,非常美丽。 5.有关蝴蝶的优美诗句 蝴蝶飞 【唐】李贺 杨花扑帐春云热,龟甲屏风醉眼缬。 东家蝴蝶西家飞,白骑少年今日归。 蝴蝶 【唐】齐己 何处背繁红,迷芳到槛重。 分飞还独出,成队偶相逢。 远害终防雀,争先不避蜂。 桃蹊牵往复,兰径引相从。 翠裛丹心冷,香凝粉翅浓。 可寻穿树影,难觅宿花踪。 日晚来仍急,春残舞未慵。 西风旧池馆,犹得采芙蓉。 玉蝴蝶 【唐】温庭筠 秋风凄切离,行客未归时。 塞外草先衰,江南雁到迟。 芙蓉凋嫩脸,杨柳堕新眉。 摇落使人悲,断肠谁得知。 蝴蝶二首 【唐】徐夤 缥缈青虫脱壳微,不堪烟重雨霏霏。 一枝秾艳留教住,几处春风借与飞。 防患每忧鸡雀口,怜香偏绕绮罗衣。 无情岂解关魂梦,莫信庄周说是非。 拂绿穿红丽日长,一生心事住春光。 最嫌神女来行雨,爱伴西施去采香。 风定只应攒蕊粉,夜寒长是宿花房。 鸣蝉性分殊迂阔,空解三秋噪夕阳。 蝴蝶三首 【唐】徐夤 不并难飞茧里蛾,有花芳处定经过。 天风相送轻飘去,却笑蜘蛛谩织罗。 苒苒双双拂画栏,佳人偷眼再三看。 莫欺翼短飞长近,试就花间扑已难。 栩栩无因系得他,野园荒径一何多。 不闻丝竹谁教舞,应仗流莺为唱歌。 寒蜂采菊蕊 【唐】耿湋 游飏下晴空,寻芳到菊丛。 带声来蕊上,连影在香中。 去住沾馀雾,高低顺过风。 终惭异蝴蝶,不与梦魂通。 锦瑟 【唐】李商隐 锦瑟无端五十弦,一弦一柱思华年。 庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶,望帝春心托杜鹃。 沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。 此情可待万追忆,只是当时已惘然。 题槿花 【唐】戎昱 自用金钱买槿栽,二年方始得花开。 鲜红未许佳人见,蝴蝶争知早到来。 6.有谁知道有关于蝴蝶的唯美诗词比如:蝴蝶很美,终究蝴蝶飞不过沧海 《锦瑟》李商隐锦瑟无端五十弦,一弦一柱思华年。 庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶,望帝春心托杜鹃。沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。 此情可待成追忆?只是当时已惘然。(第二联,大抵说往事如烟)《春夕旅怀》崔涂(唐)水流花谢两无情,送尽东风过楚城。 蝴蝶梦中家万里,杜鹃枝上月三更。故园书动经年绝,华发春唯满镜生。 自是不归归便得,五湖烟景有谁争?(此诗用清丽的语言,工整的格律,把惜春,思乡之情表现得形象生动,富有诗意)《骄儿诗》李商隐欲争蛱蝶轻,未谢柳絮疾。(写少年活泼飞奔追蝴蝶抓柳絮)《杂诗之八》(晋)张协述职投边城,羁束戎旅间。 下车如昨日,望舒四五圆。借问此何时?蝴蝶飞南园。 流波恋旧浦,行云思故山。闽*越衣文,胡马愿度燕。 土风安所归,由来有固然。《和主薄季哲怨情》(南朝)谢眺花丛乱数蝶,风帘入双燕。 《春感诗》(唐)李白尘萦游子面,蝶弄美人钗。《古意二首》(之二)(南朝)梁武帝飞飞双蛱蝶,低低两差池。 《曲江二首》(之二)(唐)杜甫朝回日日典春衣,每日江头尽醉归。酒债寻常行处有,人生七十古来稀。 穿花蛱蝶深深见,点水蜻蜓款款飞,传语风光共流转,暂时相伴莫相违。[水调歌头](泛湘江)(宋)张孝祥此事天公付我,六月下沧浪。 蝉蜕尘埃外,蝶梦水云乡。[思佳客](宋)吴文英迷蝶无踪晓梦沉,寒香深闭小庭心。 《晚日后堂》(南朝梁)简文帝萧纲岸柳垂长叶,窗桃落细跗。花留蛱蝶粉,竹翳蜻蜓珠。 《答外》刘令娴(女)鸣鹂叶中响,戏蝶花间鹜。《满江红·点火樱桃》(南宋)辛充疾蝴蝶不传千里梦,子规叫断三更月。 听声声枕上劝人归,归难得。(希望王师北定思念故乡)《青陵台》(唐)李商隐青陵台畔日光斜,万古贞魂绮莫霞,莫讶韩凭为蛱蝶,等闲飞上别枝花。 《李义山诗集》《咏蝴蝶》(北宋)谢逸狂随柳絮有时见,舞入梨花何处寻。江天春晚暖风细,相逐卖花人过桥。 (谢逸作蝴蝶诗三百首,人号谢胡蝶,《豫章诗话》 )《荆南竹枝词·咏梁祝》(清)史承豫读书人去剩荒台,岁岁春风长野苔。山上桃花红似火,双双蝴蝶又飞来。 宁波梁祝墓上,宜兴祝英台读书处,常有蝶聚,当地设“双蝶节”于农历三月一日 (祝英台生日)《江行》(唐朝)鱼玄机大江横抱武昌斜,鹦鹉洲前万户家。画舸春眠朝未足,梦为蝴蝶也寻花。 后二句,极言江上春色迷人,虽在梦寐之中,亦觉情思摇漾。空灵隽妙,传神语外。 《晴景》(唐)王驾雨前初见花间蕊,雨后兼无叶里花。蛱蝶飞来过墙去,应疑春色在邻家。 7.跪求:有关于“鲛人”的优美诗句 沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。---李商隐,锦瑟 鲛人潜织 唐 康翊仁 珠馆冯夷室,灵鲛信所潜。幽闲云碧牖,滉漾水精帘。 机动龙梭跃,丝萦藕淬添。七襄牛女恨,三日大人嫌。 透手击吴练,凝冰笑越缣。无因听札札,空想濯纤纤。 鲛人曲 元 杨维桢 鲛人居,钱塘湖。 自从剑客过湖去,世人不识真仙儒。 灵丹掷湖水,湖水清如酤。 江妃惜不得,贮在明月壶。 鲛人夜饮明月腴,夜光化作眼中珠。 手擎莲叶盘一株,盘中走珠汞不如。 世人无仙意,波心荡漾青头凫。 烹龙炮凤日日千金厨,何以洒君心热宁君躯。 洒君热,宁君躯,须饮鲛人明月珠。 天竺国胡僧水晶念珠 唐 无名氏 天竺胡僧踏云立,红精素贯鲛人泣。细影疑随焰火销, 圆光恐滴袈裟湿。夜梵西天千佛声,指轮次第驱寒星。 若非叶下滴秋露,则是井底圆春冰。凄清妙丽应难并, 眼界真如意珠静。碧莲花下独提携,坚洁何如幻泡影。 渼陂西南台 唐 杜甫 高台面苍陂,六月风日冷。蒹葭离披去,天水相与永。 怀新目似击,接要心已领。仿像识鲛人,空蒙辨鱼艇。 错磨终南翠,颠倒白阁影。崷崒增光辉,乘陵惜俄顷。 劳生愧严郑,外物慕张邴。世复轻骅骝,吾甘杂蛙黾。 知归俗可忽,取适事莫并。身退岂待官,老来苦便静。 况资菱芡足,庶结茅茨迥。从此具扁舟,弥年逐清景。 次韵家弟碧线泉 宋 陈与义 七孔穿针可得过,冰蚕映日吐寒波。 练飞空咏徐凝水,带断疑分汉帝河。 川后不愁微步袜,鲛人暗动卷绡梭。 才高下视玄虚赋,对此区区转患多。 香闺十咏·鲛绡帨 宋 张玉娘 半幅生绡雪色寒,鲛人相赠比琅玕。 华清浴罢恩波媚,南浦伤时咏雨斑。 8.带“沐”的唯美诗句有哪些 1、《九歌 少司命》年代:u2002先秦 作者: 屈原 秋兰兮蘼芜,罗生兮堂下。 绿叶兮素枝,芳菲菲兮袭予。夫人兮自有美子,荪何以兮愁苦?秋兰兮青青,绿叶兮紫茎;满堂兮美人,忽独与余兮目成。 入不言兮出不辞,乘回风兮驾云旗。悲莫悲兮生别离,乐莫乐兮新相知。 荷衣兮蕙带,儵而来兮忽而逝。夕宿兮帝郊,君谁须兮云之际?与女沐兮咸池,晞女发兮阳之阿;望美人兮未来,临风怳兮浩歌。 孔盖兮翠旌,登九天兮抚彗星。竦长剑兮拥幼艾,荪独宜兮为民正。 2、《菩萨蛮·城隅静女谁人见》年代:u2002宋 作者: 苏轼 城隅静女谁人见,先生日夜歌彤管。谁识蔡姬贤,江南顾彦先。 先生那久困,汤沐须名郡。32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333365633936 惟有谢夫人,从来见拟伦。 3、《浣溪沙》年代:u2002宋 作者: 张元干 月转花枝清影疏。露华浓处滴真珠。 天香遗恨罥花须,沐出乌云多态度。晕成娥绿费工夫。 归时分付与妆梳。4、《贺新郎·云卧衣裳冷》年代:u2002宋 作者: 辛弃疾 云卧衣裳冷。 看萧然、风前月下,水边幽影。罗袜尘生凌波去,汤沐烟江万顷。 爱一点、娇黄成晕。不记相逢曾解佩,甚多情、为我香成阵。 待和泪,收残粉。灵均千古怀沙恨。 当时、匆匆忘把,此仙题品。烟雨凄迷损,翠袂摇摇谁整。 谩写入、瑶琴幽愤。弦断招魂无人赋,但金杯的皪银台润。 愁殢酒,又独醒。5、《临江仙·住世都无菩萨行》年代:u2002宋 作者: 辛弃疾 住世都无菩萨行,仙家风骨精神。 寿如山岳福如云。金花汤沐诰,竹马绮罗群。 更愿升平添喜事,大家祷祝殷勤。明年此地庆佳辰。 一杯千岁酒,重拜太夫人。6、《贺新郎·家有仙禽二》年代:u2002宋 作者: 刘克庄 家有仙禽二。 早追随、先生杖屦,互乡童子。旦旦池边三薰沐,夜夜山中警睡。 且伴我、人间游戏。此老生平哀大陆,到未梢、始忆华亭唳。 评往事,败佳思。 古云鹤算谁能纪。 叹归来、山川如故,人民非是。但愿主君高飞去,莫爱乘轩禄位。 更赛过、令威千岁。假使焦山真羽化,待华阳贞逸铭方瘗。 我拍手,渠展翅。7、《沁园春·申伯嵩神》年代:u2002宋 作者: 无名氏 申伯嵩神,李白长庚,萧何昴精。 恰先公三日,金仙氏降,后公三日,吕洞宾生。五百仙班,一千佛号,喜听胪声传集英。 君恩重,早升华监寺,扬厉朝廷。金瓯已覆香名。 正天下苍生须太平。看黄麻一命,难留五马,蟠桃三熟,会庆千龄。 一尉凄凉,有官守者,莫到公堂称寿觥。三熏沐,但焚香清夜,遥拜台星。 8、《拟行路难》年代:u2002南北朝 作者: 鲍照 今年阳初花满林。明年冬末雪盈岑。 推移代谢纷交转。我君边戍独稽沉。 执袂分别已三载。迩来寂淹无分音。 朝悲惨惨遂成滴。暮思遶遶最伤心。 膏沐芳余久不御。蓬首乱鬖不设簪。 徒飞轻埃舞空帷。粉筐黛器靡复遗。 自生留世苦不幸。心中惕惕恒怀悲。 9、《鹧鸪天·雨沐芙蓉秋意清》年代:u2002宋 作者: 赵善括 雨沐芙蓉秋意清,可人风月满江城。怜风爱月方留恋,对月临风又送行。 人渐远,酒须倾,只凭一醉遣多情。重来休厌刘郎老,明月清风有素盟。 10、《休沐东还胄贵里示端》年代:u2002唐 作者: 韦应物 宦游三十载,田野久已疏。休沐遂兹日,一来还故墟。 山明宿雨霁,风暖百卉舒。泓泓野泉洁,熠熠林光初。 竹木稍摧翳,园场亦荒芜。俯惊鬓已衰,周览昔所娱。 存没恻私怀,迁变伤里闾。欲言少留心,中复畏简书。 世道良自退,荣名亦空虚。与子终携手,岁晏当来居。
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