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make up of与consist of的区别

2023-08-10 14:55:43

consist vi.由……组成;由……构成(常和介词of构成固定搭配)

made up of由……组成

[例如] One year consists of 365 days.


The team consists of 10 members.


Society is made up of people with different abilities.


[辨析] consist of; make up; be made up of

consist of常用整体作主语,表示“整体由部分组成”,引申为“包含有”,不能用于被动语态。make up用部分作主语,表示“部分构成整体”,用于主动语态;如果用整体作主语,必须用被动结构be made up of,这时可以和consist of互换。另外,make up还可以表示“化装;编造”。


consist of:由什么组成。

make up of:组成了什么。


10 students make up of our class.

our class consists of ten students.

还有一点区别,make up of如果用被动,就表示由什么组成,而consist of无被动,本身就表示由什么组成。































































名词 行政区域的意思
2023-08-07 09:33:593


2023-08-07 09:34:254


Hong Kong consists of 18 administrative districts: Islands Kwai Tsing (Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi) North Sai Kung Sha Tin Tai Po Tsuen Wan Tuen Mun Yuen Long Kowloon City Kwun Tong Sham Shui Po Wong Tai Sin Yau Tsim Mong (Yau Ma Tei Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok) Central and Western Eastern Southern Wan Chai There are several cities and towns within Hong Kong the largest of which include Kowloon Victoria (Hong Kong Island) Tseun Wan New Town and Sha Tin New Town. These entities however are not granted any formal administrative status and are either administered as parts of districts (e.g. Sha Tin New Town) or divided up amongst districts (e.g. Tsuen Wan New Town and Kowloon). 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/a/a1/Hk_map_18/800px-Hk_map_18 参考: WEB SEARCH Central & Western District 中西区 Eastern District 东区 Southern District 南区 Wan Chai District 湾仔区 Yau Tsim Mong District 油尖旺区 Wong Tai Sin District 黄大仙区 Kwun Tong District 观塘区 Sham Shui Po District 深水埗区 Kowloon City District 九龙城区 Sai Kung District 西贡区 Kwai Tsing District 葵青区 Tai Po Disctrict 大埔区 North District 北区 Tsuen Wan District 荃湾区 Sha Tin District 沙田区 Tuen Mun District 屯门区 Yuen Long District 元朗区 Islands Dictrict 离岛区 参考: 中国香港18 区特色邮票
2023-08-07 09:34:411


问题一:关于“省市区镇”的英文翻译 英语的习惯是从小到大的顺序写地名,这个地址翻译成英语是 No. D, C Road, B 矗own, A District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*) 问题二:镇用英语怎么说 50分 你好! 镇 town 英[ta?n] 美[ta?n] n. 城镇,市镇; 小村庄; 城镇居民; 商业中心; [例句]Parking can be tricky in the town centre. 在市镇中心停车可能会挺费事。 问题三:中文里的 省,市,镇,区,街道,社区等用英文如何表达?或者中英文中有没有相对应的说法?有劳各位帮忙 直辖市 municipality directly under the Central Government; 自治州 autonomous prefecture; 县 county; (自治县autonomous county) 市 city; (较大的市 large city; 设区的市 city divided into districts; 不设区的市 city not divided into districts;) 乡 township; 民族乡ethnic township; 镇 town 村就是village 问题四:区是英语怎么说? region, area, zone, territory. district 问题五:请问“江苏省某某市某某区某某镇某某村”第几号用英文怎么翻译 第几号用英文,钉是把数字放在最前面。比如: 123 Small Village, Mid District, Large City, Jiangsu
2023-08-07 09:35:191


Sartu District词典释义Sartu DistrictSa"ertu
2023-08-07 09:35:272


Fángchénggǎng (Chinese: 防城港), formerly Fangcheng Various Nationalities Autonomous County (1978.12.25~1993.05.23), is a prefecture-level city in the south of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, People"s Republic of China.Fangchenggang a coastal city is in southern Guangxi, bordering Vietnam. Its area is 6,181 km2 (2,386 sq mi), 120 km2 (46 sq mi) of that urban.AdministrationFangchenggang has 2 urban districts, 1 county, 1 county-level city, 19 townships, 13 towns, 283 villages, and 19 sub-districts.Districts:Gangkou District (港口区)Fangcheng District (防城区)County-level city:Dongxing (东兴市)County:Shangsi County (上思县)
2023-08-07 09:35:381

“厂区”翻译为plant site合适嘛?怎样翻译更为贴切呢?

plant area
2023-08-07 09:35:472


2023-08-07 09:36:076


旅游景区是指具有吸引国内外游客前往游览的明确的区域场所。那么你知道景区的英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来景区的英文说法,供大家参考学习。   景区的英文说法: scenic spot 英 [u02c8 spu0254t] 美 [u02c8sinu026ak spɑt]   景区相关英文表达: 景区讲解 Presentation about Scenic Spots 景区开发 scenic area exploitation 著名景区 famous scenic spots 景区管理 touri *** district management 景区环境 environment of scenic spot   景区英文说法例句: 1. Protection of sites, habitats and landscapes is of uppermost priority. 保护遗址、栖息地和风景区是重中之重。 2. The Sun Yat - sen"s Mausoleum area is a world - famous scenic spot. 中山陵园风景区景色秀美,是享誉海内外的 世界级 景区. 3. They flocked to the West Lake scenic area and downtown areas. 西湖景区和市中心地区游人如织. 4. The Pengyuan has totally five the view Districts is 22 beauty spots. 彭园共有五个景区二十二个景点. 5. Qingshui Bend is yet another major scenic spot of the area. 清水湾蛇曲地貌是这里的另一精品景区. 6. Venue: Alu Ancient Cave Scenic Area of Luxi County. 地点: 泸西县阿庐古洞景区. 7. Walking a dozen kilometres upstream at the Fishing Bay. 沿溪水逆流而上十余公里,便是撵鱼坝景区. 8. Can apple orchard in the area directly to Pakistani MTR ride. 也可在苹果园地铁乘坐中巴直达景区. 9. Hikers stop to take in the view at Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument. 登山者停下来俯瞰大上升阶梯国家景区. 10. Grand View Park lake water around the whole area. 大观园内湖泊水系通达全景区. 11. Rent in the scenic spot provided Tibetan horses, enjoy a gallop. 可在景区内租藏族同胞提供的马匹, 尽情驰骋一番. 12. The above areas are not open. No visitors allowed. 以上景区尚未开放, 请游客止步! 13. Mashan Guling Cave is 117 km south to Nanning , capital of Guangxi province. 马山古零神奇洞景区具有区位好、穴景观神奇 、 发潜力大、景好的特点. 14. It is not allowed to tip waste in a nature reserve. 禁止在自然景区乱扔垃圾. 15. The cement road to the scenic spot has been acplished. 县城到景区水泥路面铺设已全面竣工.
2023-08-07 09:37:581


Yunlong Lake is located in the south of Xuzhou and includes various attractions including the Aquatic World Lakeside Park, Ten Thousand Person Swimming Pool, Lotus Island, Apricot Flower Garden, Bonsai Garden, and Jinshan Pagoda. Along the lake one can see the natural beauty in all four seasons: peach flowers and willows in spring; red pomegranates in summer; maple trees in autumn; and plum blossoms set against white snow in winter.Yunlong Lake offers visitors recreational activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing. In the evening, lanterns are set up around the lake, making nightly activities enjoyable also. Aquatic World is situated on the island in the center of the lake. The building it is housed in is shaped like a whale diving. Inside visitors can find displays of more than 150 rare fish species from 35 of China"s countries and districts.
2023-08-07 09:38:061


[divide into sections;division into districts]∶区别划分行政区划 [plan]∶亦作区画。谋划;筹划怎么区划,可以两全?--《禅真后史》
2023-08-07 09:38:141


Tianjin area - 16. Tianjin has jurisdiction over 13 districts, three counties (Jinghai County, Ninghe, Jixian). District includes: First, the city six districts Heping District, Nankai District, Hexi District, east of the river area, Hebei District, Hongqiao District, Second, around the city in four districts Dongli District, West Green area, Jinnan District, Beichen District, 3, outer suburbs the second district Wuqing, Baodi District 4, Binhai New Area (formerly Tanggu, Hangu and Dagang 3 Administrative Region, in 2009 the State Council approved the merger of 11 menstrual Binhai New Area) County include: Jinghai County, Ninghe, Jixian Township 240 in 2009 the State Council approved to adjust the Tianjin Binhai New Area administrative divisions of Tianjin Binhai New Area known as "China"s economic growth in the coming third pole." Tianjin Binhai New Area is located in the eastern coastal region, from Tianjin Port, Development Zone, bonded, and Tanggu, Hangu and Dagang three divisions, and an area of 2270 square kilometers. Tianjin Binhai New Area is located in the east coast, an area of 2270 square kilometers of Binhai New Area Planning coastline 153 kilometers, as at the end of 2008, Binhai New Area resident population of 2.0288 million people. In September 2009 to remove the Tanggu District, Hangu District, Dagang District 3 District, the formal establishment of Binhai New Area administrative body. January 11, 2010, Tianjin Binhai New Area government agencies officially inaugurated. In late October 2009 until the end of January 2010, Binhai New Area management system is divided into five stages in an orderly fashion. From mid-November in early January next year, after another election of the first District, the District Commission for Discipline Inspection agencies, the District People"s Congress, the District of the CPPCC Standing Committee members, District Government Mayor, Deputy Mayor, the District Court, District Procuratora
2023-08-07 09:38:281


关于“分开英语divide”如下:英语单词"divide"意为分开或分割。以下是关于"divide"这个词的解释和用法的分段回答:首先,"divide"作为一个动词,常表示将某物分成两个或多个部分。这可以是在空间上将物体分隔开,也可以是在时间上或概念上进行划分。例如,我们可以说"Divide the cake into equal slices"(将蛋糕切成均等的小块)或者"Divide the day into different time slots"(将一天划分为不同的时间段)。其次,"divide"还可以表示造成分歧或分裂。这通常是指在观点、意见、政治或社会问题上的分歧。例如,我们可以说"The controversial issue divided the community"(这个有争议的问题分裂了社区)或者"The proposal divided the board members"(这个提案在董事会成员中引起了分歧)。另外,"divide"也可以表示分配或分享。这意味着将某物平均分配给每个人或每个组织。例如,我们可以说"They divided the profits equally among the team members"(他们将利润平均分配给团队成员)或者"The inheritance was divided among the siblings"(遗产被分配给兄弟姐妹们)。此外,"divide"还可以表示划分地理区域或行政辖区。例如,我们可以说"The country is divided into provinces"(这个国家划分为省份)或者"The city is divided into different districts"(这个城市划分为不同的区域)。最后,"divide"在数学中也具有特定的意义。它表示将一个数除以另一个数,得到商和余数。例如,我们可以说"Divide 10 by 2"(将10除以2)。总之,"divide"是一个多功能的英语单词,它可以表示分开、分割、划分、造成分歧、分配等概念。这个词在不同的语境中有着不同的用法,我们需要根据具体情况来理解和使用它。
2023-08-07 09:39:211


2023-08-07 09:39:504


首先导入三个js文件(注:最后)显示:<div data-toggle="distpicker"><label>省市区街道:</label><select id="province1" style="width:80px" required="true"></select><select id="city1" style="width:80px" required="true"></select><select id="district1" style="width:80px" required="true"></select></div>拼接成:xx省-xx市-xx区的格式保存在后台,这里我保存的是对应的value值function submitForm(){var sheng="";var shi="";var qu="";sheng=document.getElementById("province1").value; shi=document.getElementById("city1").value;qu=document.getElementById("district1").value;$("#location").val(sheng+"-"+shi+"-"+qu);$("#dlg_form").submit();}回显:我这个回显是在编辑时,$(#).trigger();方法是根据当前操作的下拉框是省或是市来初始化之后的下拉列表框,比如我先选择了省,则市和区就会被初始化var str=node.location;var strs = new Array();strs=str.split("-");$("#province1").val(strs[0]);$("#province1").trigger("change");$("#city1").val(strs[1]);$("#city1").trigger("change");$("#district1").val(strs[2]); (factory) {if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {// AMD. Register as anonymous module.define("ChineseDistricts", [], factory);} else {// Browser globals.factory();}})(function () {var ChineseDistricts = {86: {110000: "北京市",120000: "天津市",130000: "河北省",140000: "山西省",150000: "内蒙古自治区",210000: "辽宁省",220000: "吉林省",230000: "黑龙江省",310000: "上海市",320000: "江苏省",330000: "浙江省",340000: "安徽省",350000: "福建省",360000: "江西省",370000: "山东省",410000: "河南省",420000: "湖北省",430000: "湖南省",440000: "广东省",450000: "广西壮族自治区",460000: "海南省",500000: "重庆市",510000: "四川省",520000: "贵州省",530000: "云南省",540000: "西藏自治区",610000: "陕西省",620000: "甘肃省",630000: "青海省",640000: "宁夏回族自治区",650000: "新疆维吾尔自治区",710000: "台湾省",810000: "香港特别行政区",820000: "澳门特别行政区"},110000: {110100: "北京市市辖区"},110100: {110101: "东城区",···},820000: {820001: "花地玛堂区",820002: "花王堂区",820003: "望德堂区",820004: "大堂区",820005: "风顺堂区",820006: "嘉模堂区",820007: "路凼填海区",820008: "圣方济各堂区"}};if (typeof window !== "undefined") {window.ChineseDistricts = ChineseDistricts;}return ChineseDistricts;});distpicker.js(function (factory) {if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {// AMD. Register as anonymous module.define(["jQuery", "ChineseDistricts"], factory);} else if (typeof exports === "object") {// Node / CommonJSfactory(require("jquery"), require("ChineseDistricts"));} else {// Browser globals.factory(jQuery, ChineseDistricts);}})(function ($, ChineseDistricts) {"use strict";if (typeof ChineseDistricts === "undefined") {throw new Error("The file "" must be included first!");}var NAMESPACE = "distpicker";var EVENT_CHANGE = "change." + NAMESPACE;var PROVINCE = "province";var CIRY = "city";var DISTRICT = "district";function Distpicker(element, options) {this.$element = $(element);this.options = $.extend({}, Distpicker.DEFAULTS, $.isPlainObject(options) && options);this.placeholders = $.extend({}, Distpicker.DEFAULTS); = false;this.init();}Distpicker.prototype = {constructor: Distpicker,init: function () {var options = this.options;var $select = this.$element.find("select");var length = $select.length;var data = {};$select.each(function () {$.extend(data, $(this).data());});$.each([PROVINCE, CIRY, DISTRICT], $.proxy(function (i, type) {if (data[type]) {options[type] = data[type];this["$" + type] = $select.filter("[data-" + type + "]");} else {this["$" + type] = length > i ? $select.eq(i) : null;}}, this));this.bind();// Reset all the selects (after event binding)this.reset(); = true;},bind: function () {if (this.$province) {this.$province.on(EVENT_CHANGE, (this._changeProvince = $.proxy(function () {this.output(CIRY);this.output(DISTRICT);}, this)));}if (this.$city) {this.$city.on(EVENT_CHANGE, (this._changeCity = $.proxy(function () {this.output(DISTRICT);}, this)));}},unbind: function () {if (this.$province) {this.$, this._changeProvince);}if (this.$city) {this.$, this._changeCity);}},output: function (type) {var options = this.options;var placeholders = this.placeholders;var $select = this["$" + type];var districts = {};var data = [];var code;var matched;var value;if (!$select || !$select.length) {return;}value = options[type];code = (type === PROVINCE ? 86 :type === CIRY ? this.$province && this.$province.find(":selected").data("code") :type === DISTRICT ? this.$city && this.$city.find(":selected").data("code") : code);districts = $.isNumeric(code) ? ChineseDistricts[code] : null;if ($.isPlainObject(districts)) {$.each(districts, function (code, address) {var selected = address === value;if (selected) {matched = true;}data.push({code: code,address: address,selected: selected});});}if (!matched) {if (data.length && (options.autoSelect || options.autoselect)) {data[0].selected = true;}// Save the unmatched value as a placeholder at the first outputif (! && value) {placeholders[type] = value;}}// Add placeholder optionif (options.placeholder) {data.unshift({code: "",address: placeholders[type],selected: false});}$select.html(this.getList(data));},getList: function (data) {var list = [];$.each(data, function (i, n) {list.push("<option" +" value="" + (n.address && n.code ? n.address : "") + """ +" data-code="" + (n.code || "") + """ +(n.selected ? " selected" : "") +">" +(n.address || "") +"</option>");});return list.join("");},reset: function (deep) {if (!deep) {this.output(PROVINCE);this.output(CIRY);this.output(DISTRICT);} else if (this.$province) {this.$province.find(":first").prop("selected", true).trigger(EVENT_CHANGE);}},destroy: function () {this.unbind();this.$element.removeData(NAMESPACE);}};Distpicker.DEFAULTS = {autoSelect: true,placeholder: true,province: "—— 省 ——",city: "—— 市 ——",district: "—— 区 ——"};Distpicker.setDefaults = function (options) {$.extend(Distpicker.DEFAULTS, options);};// Save the other distpickerDistpicker.other = $.fn.distpicker;// Register as jQuery plugin$.fn.distpicker = function (option) {var args = [], 1);return this.each(function () {var $this = $(this);var data = $;var options;var fn;if (!data) {if (/destroy/.test(option)) {return;}options = $.extend({}, $, $.isPlainObject(option) && option);$, (data = new Distpicker(this, options)));}if (typeof option === "string" && $.isFunction(fn = data[option])) {fn.apply(data, args);}});};$.fn.distpicker.Constructor = Distpicker;$.fn.distpicker.setDefaults = Distpicker.setDefaults;// No conflict$.fn.distpicker.noConflict = function () {$.fn.distpicker = Distpicker.other;return this;};$(function () {$("[data-toggle="distpicker"]").distpicker();});});main.js$(function () {"use strict";var $distpicker = $("#distpicker");$distpicker.distpicker({province: "福建省",city: "厦门市",district: "思明区"});$("#reset").click(function () {$distpicker.distpicker("reset");});$("#reset-deep").click(function () {$distpicker.distpicker("reset", true);});$("#destroy").click(function () {$distpicker.distpicker("destroy");});$("#distpicker1").distpicker();$("#distpicker2").distpicker({province: "---- 所在省 ----",city: "---- 所在市 ----",district: "---- 所在区 ----"});$("#distpicker3").distpicker({province: "浙江省",city: "杭州市",district: "西湖区"});$("#distpicker4").distpicker({placeholder: false});$("#distpicker5").distpicker({autoSelect: false});});
2023-08-07 09:40:031


2023-08-07 09:40:241


2023-08-07 09:40:323


甲乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原变异及其展示了乙肝病毒表面抗原蛋白片段抗原dicslosed,其中变其中的片段(vHBsAg)蛋白包含一个修改`1`决定因素中有一个氨基酸的位置比乙肝表面抗原序列145甘氨酸等。“ dicslosed ”应该是两个词 或者是“disclosed”“disclosed ”披露1.帮忙翻译2.网页翻译3.暴露;揭露4.网络翻译disclosed ballot1.记名投票2.公开投票adquately disclosed1.适当披露disclosed factoring1.分为公开型保理2.公开型保理disclosed principal1.身份公开的本人2.身份公开的被代理人“dics”:DICS1.数字图像校正系统2.西班牙3.数字通信实验设施dics1.赌了那个dics brake1.盘式制动器pad kit, dics1.衬垫组件copy compact dics1.刻录光盘“losed”失访losed1.普通成员rattus losed1.黄毛鼠losed nozzle1.闭式喷油嘴losed fiber optic adapter1.密闭式光纤适配器the place that i losed you1.失去你的地方希望这个答案对您有所帮助
2023-08-07 09:40:443


1. 用英语介绍北京(短一些) Beijing, the capital of People"s Republic of China, the political, cultural, transport, tourism and international exchange center. At latitude 39 ° 56 "east longitude 116 ° 20",Yong Tai West Bank, the North pillow Yanshan, the east Bohai Sea, south Huabeidabengyuan, connecting China"s northeast, northwest and the hub of the Central Plains, resulting in the shape of the "Gulf”potential, it "since ancient times Beijing Bay," said. From the city"s 11 districts and counties of 7. China"s four municipalities in the first place. 70 years ago,in the city survive, and then extended to the thistle Yan City, from the Yan Tang GENERAL City to the Youzhou, mostly from the Yuan to the Ming and Qing Dynasties of Teikyo. Today, after several generations of Beijing operations, which have numerous brilliant Royal Park landscape and rich cultural heritage rich, the world"s largest palace the Forbidden City, China"s largest worship of heaven Parthenon Temple of Heaven, was rare in the world of the Royal Summer Palace Gardens, one of the Eight Wonders of the World Great Wall,。And Beijing"s largest tomb group that the Ming Tombs, and Zhoukoudian Beijingyuanren sites have been listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage. 2. 急,用英语简短描述北京 Modern Beijing Beijing thrives today as the political and cultural capital of China as well as a center of international activity and an important socialist base. Great changes have taken place since the founding of the People"s Republic of China in 1949. The city walls were demolished to facilitate transportation and allow for general expansion. By 2001, the population exceeded 12.5 million, and the total municipal area was increased to over 17,800 square kilometers. The city is presently divided into 16 districts: Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chongwen, Xuanwu, Chaoyang, Haidian, Shijingshan, Fengtai, Shunyi, Changping, Mentougou, Tongzhou, Fangshan, Daxing, Huairou and Pinggu. In addition to these urban districts, the municipality is comprised of two counties: Miyun and Yanqing. Plans for future development retain the symmetrical layout of the old city on its north-south axis, extending out into the suburban districts. From Dingfuzhuang in the east to Shijingshan in the west and from Qinghe in the north to Nanyuan in the south, the overall plan covers an area of 1,000 square kilometers. A traffic network of four concentric beltways, 28 radial roads, and underground and suburban railways are being further developed to link the city center with outlying areas and surrounding towns. With Tian"anmen at the center, offices along 38-kilometer-long Chang"an Boulevard will concentrate on state, political and economic affairs. The areas around the Palace Museum (Imperial Palace or Forbidden City) and city gates as well as the lakes -- Zhongnanhai, Beihai and Housanhai -- have been designated landmark districts. And with a look to the future, an increasing number of historical, cultural and revolutionary sites are being renovated and opened to the public. 3. 英语介绍北京的作文 Beijing (Běijīng) is the capital of the People"s Republic of China"s four municipalities directly under the central one of the central, national political, cultural and international exchange center. Beijing is located in the northern end of the North China Plain, south-east and some areas of Tianjin and linked to the rest of the surrounding Hebei Province. Beijing for China"s second largest city, but also China"s total air traffic hub of the most important domestic and international exchange center. Beijing has successfully hosted the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Beijing has more than 3,000 years of history and 850 years of history of capital, is the world"s historical and cultural city and one of the ancient capital of China"s four. Its geographical position, the All-China political center is an ideal location. As early as 70 years ago, the Beijing Zhoukoudian area on the emergence of a primitive community of "Peking Man" was first seen in Beijing recorded in the name of "thistle." Only a very small number of global cities like Beijing as long as a country"s political and cultural center. "Encyclopedia Britannica" Beijing will be described as "One of the world"s great cities" (the world"s great cities), and asserted that "the city in the history of China is the most important component. In China over the past eight Century, regardless of whether a long history, Beijing almost all major construction has an indelible national and historical significance. " Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Beihai, etc. There are numerous monuments for the city to add more gorgeous colors. Today"s Beijing, has developed into a modern international metropolis: Financial Street has long been China"s real financial management; Beijing Central Business District Beijing is opening to the outside world and a symbol of economic strength. In addition, the Chinese National Grand Theater, Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3, China Central Television headquarters building, the "bird"s nest" of the new building has become a modern symbol of Beijing. Walk in the Beijing Hutong alleys between the colored race in the world you can see. Beijing is also the oldest of its stylish new look to welcome each of 20,000,000 passengers near.。 4. 描写北京的句子英语用therearebeijingis写5句话 There are many places of interest in Beijing 北京有许多名胜。 There are many people in Beijing. 北京有许多人。 Beijing is a big city. 北京是个大城市。 Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国首都。 There are so many cars in Beijing. 北京有许多车。 5. 用英文介绍北京,简单一点` Do you 2008 is very important to BeiJing? Because the Omlypic is play in the BeiJing. BeiJing start to bulit the place for the Omlypic,they built a egghouse,if you look from thr outside,it look like a egg.BeiJing"s famous food BeiJing roast duck,it was so yummy.They have many different kind of food,if you go to BeiJing,you should try the food.Also,BeiJing had selling the luck animal,which would be show up at the Omlypic. 2)We"re welcome you to come to our hotel,we will do our best to serve you. 6. 用英语介绍北京 The Temple of Heaven was initially built in Yongle year 18 of the Ming Dynasty (in 1420). Situated in the southern part of the city, it covers the total area of 273 hectares. With the additions and rebuild during the Ming, Qing and other Dynasties, this grand set of structures look magnificent and glorious, the dignified environment appears solemn and respectful, it is the place for both Ming and Qing Dynasty"s Emperors to worship Heaven and pray for good harvest. The northern part of the Temple is circular while the southern part is square, implies "sky is round and earth is square" to better symbolize heaven and earth. The whole compound is enclosed by two walls, dividing the whole Temple into inner and outer areas, with the main structures enclosed in the inner area. The most important constructions are the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, the Circular Mound Altar, Imperial Heaven, The Imperial Vault of Heaven, Heaven Kitchen, Long Corridor and so on, as well as the Echo Wall, the Triple-Sound Stone, the Seven-Star Stone and others of historic interest and scenic beauty. The Temple of Heaven is a comprehensive expression of the unique construction techniques from Ming and Qing Dynasties, it is China"s most treasured ancient architecture, it is also the world"s largest architectural complex for worship heaven. In 1998, it was included in the "list of the world heritages" by the United Nation"s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Do you know? There are four wonderful sounds in the Temple of Heaven! It"s worth your time to study the four wonderful sounds. 1. The echo from the Echo Wall - There is a circular wall around The Imperial Vault of Heaven, this is the famous Echo Wall. One person"s mere whisper at any point close to the wall can be heard clearly on the other side if you draw your ear close to the wall, it is so clear that it is like talking on the phone. Do you want to know why? This is possible because the wall is round and hermetically constructed with smooth, solid bricks, so the sound wave can transmit to the other side via the extremely smooth inner circle. 2. The sound of the Dialogue Stone - If you speak while standing on the 18th stone in front of The Imperial Vault of Heaven, the sound can clearly pass to the northeast corner of the north side hall and the northwest of the west side hall that are both 36 meters away. The sound can be heard just as well on the stone when speaking from the corners of these two side halls, this is what we call the "Sound of the Dialogue Stone". 3. Repeating sounds of the Triple-Sound Stone - In front of the steps leading away from the hall is the Triple-Sound Stone. If you stand on the first stone and call out or clap your hands, the sound will echo once; on the second stone, the sound will be heard twice; and on the third stone, the sound will repeat three times. Hence it inherited the name. This is because the distances that the sound wave reflected from the round wall to the stone are different, the number of echo is also different. Take a guess which flagstone is at the center of the Echo Wall"s? The third one. The echo actually gets repeated more than 3 times, it"s just the sound is too weak to be heard after the 4th echo. 4. The hollow of the Heaven"s Center Stone - There is a stone plate in the center of the Circular Mound Altar called the Heaven"s Center Stone. Shouting aloud standing above, you will hear the reverberation of the echo. This is due to the refraction of the sound. Beijing Municipality As the capital of the People"s Republic of China, Beijing is the nation"s political, economic, cultural and educational center as well as being the most important center in China for international trade and communications. It has been the heart and soul of politics and society throughout its long history. By the time of the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), it was serving as the capital of the Yan Kingdom. Because of its role in the life and growth of China, there is an unequalled wealth available for travelers to discover as you explore Beijing"s ancient past and enjoy its exciting 21st Century world. In 2008 when Beijing hosts the Olympic Games, Beijing will show the world something so special that everyone will be awestruck by Beijing"s latest accomplishments combined with its ancient history. What to see The magnificent Forbidden City is the world"s largest and best-preserved imperial palace complex. Surrounded by a moat that is six meters deep and a ten-meter high wall are 9,999 rooms - just one room short of the number that ancient Chinese believed represented divine perfection. Once having entered the Forbidden City, 。 7. 用一小段英文介绍北京,3句4句就行,没有北京的其他著名中国城市或 and Zhoukoudian Beijingyuanren sites have been listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage,Yong Tai West Bank, the North pillow Yanshan, the east Bohai Sea, south Huabeidabengyuan, connecting China"s northeast, northwest and the hub of the Central Plains;s largest palace the Forbidden City, the political, cultural, transport, one of the Eight Wonders of the World Great Wall, it &quot, resulting in the shape of the "Gulf”potential, and then extended to the thistle Yan City, from the Yan Tang GENERAL City to the Youzhou. China"s four municipalities in the first place, tourism and international exchange center. At latitude 39 ° 56 "east longitude 116 ° 20". 70 years ago, was rare in the world of the Royal Summer Palace Gardens; said;since ancient times Beijing Bay,in the city survive,&quot. From the city"s 11 districts and counties of 7, China"s largest worship of heaven Parthenon Temple of Heaven, mostly from the Yuan to the Ming and Qing Dynasties of Teikyo. Today, after several generations of Beijing operations, which have numerous brilliant Royal Park landscape and rich cultural heritage rich, the world"s Republic of ChinaBeijing, the capital of People",。And Beijing"s largest tomb group that the Ming Tombs
2023-08-07 09:41:471


Fuyang city is located in the northwest of anhui, huanghuai plains south, is located in the eastern part of our country in the mid-latitudes, belongs to the warm temperate zone semi-humid climate zone, four seasons, warm climate, moderate rainfall, sunshine, abundant species resources. Withdraw in 1996 to set up the city, and it governs linquan, tai, FuNa, stands on four counties, springs, "east," 3 "states JieShouShi district and county, covers an area of 9775 square kilometers, population 10.26 million, is the most populous city in anhui province. Here has a long history, the humanities wei sheng. Called you Yin, involving state, shun cheong, is guanzhong, BaoShu teeth, f ROM, the country of poem, ouyang xiu, Su Shiceng in this offer. Blush just states has worked with in the history of the west lake hangzhou west lake, eight river in fuyang city ecology and innovative county park, di ditch ecological garden is the national AAAA level scenic spot. Fuyang paper cutting, flower-drum lanterns on novelty, claimed yesterday painted pottery, etc included in the national nonmaterial cultural heritage list, FuNaXian shang dynasty unearthed bronze ware Long Huzun is listed as one of the top ten national bronze ware in China
2023-08-07 09:41:573

急需 用英文介绍淮安的人文

Huai"an (Chinese: 淮安; pinyin: Huái"ān), known as Huaiyin (Chinese: 淮阴; pinyin: Huáiyīn) before 2001, is a prefecture-level city in northern Jiangsu province, People"s Republic of China. It borders Suqian to the northwest, Lianyungang to the north, Yancheng to the east, Yangzhou to the southeast, and the province of Anhui to the southwest.The prefecture-level city of Huai"an administers 8 county-level divisions, including 4 districts and 4 counties.Chuzhou District (楚州区) Huaiyin District (淮阴区) Qinghe District (清河区) Qingpu District (清浦区) Jinhu County (金湖县) Xuyi County (盱眙县) Hongze County (洪泽县) Lianshui County (涟水县) These are further divided into 127 township-level divisions, including 84 towns, 33 townships and 10 subdistricts.Ancient ChinaThe area of Huai"an spans over ancient canal of Huai River and the name of Huai"an takes the hope of the residents for lasting peaceful Huai River.Pre-History Chinese mythology recounts that Yu the Great, the Chinese leader with a legendary ability for flood control techniques, was constantly taming the Huai River here in Huai"an area.Traces of the activities of ancient Chinese living in about 5000 to 6000 years ago have been found in the area. The most famous one is the Qingliangang Hill Civilization.Xia, Shang and Zhou DynastyThe borough area had been properly developed, and was leading China in convenience of transportation and irrigation. Gangou Drain (the section between Huaiyin and Yangzhou of the Grand Canal of China) connected the Yangtze River and the Huai He delta region. The Qian Road and Shan Road that traversed the region reached Southern and Northern China. Thus, Huaiyin was critical area for several strong states in Spring and Autumn period. The region was occupied by the Wu, Yue and Chu states, one after another.Qin and Han DynastyAfter Qin Dynasty consolidated all states in China, County System was promoted throughout China. Huaiyin County (Matou Town of Huaiyin District today), Xuyi Country (Northern town of Xuyi County today), Dongyang (Maba of Xuyi County today) was built in the region today.In a movement of rebelling farmers during the later years of Qin Dynasty, the people of Huai"an supported the rebel forces, including the famous militia Han Xin who was highly honored for his bravery and meritorious deeds.In the epoch of West Han Dynasty, Huaipu County (Western Lianshui County today), Sheyang County (Southeast of Chuzhou District today) and Fulin County (under the water of Hongze Lake today) were built.During the Qin and Han Dynasty, great improvements, especially in irrigation, were made to agriculture and manufacturing. In the later years of East Han Dynasty, the Governor of Guanglin, Cheng Deng, built the Gaojiayang Levees (Hongze Lake Levees today). 30 miles in total, which kept out flood waters, and protected farmlands. He also built Pofu Pool for farm irrigation. Iron-made apparatus and bull-farming were widespread. Though a few wars and battles took place, agriculture, transportation and logistics made fair progress. The express way built by the first Qin Emperor went through the region, and the West Way of Gaogou Drain built by Cheng Deng, improved traffic between Yangtze and Huai He area.The site of the prefecture headquarter in imperial time Jiaotong Pagoda Gate tower in Huai"anHandicrafts and business also developed during this period, while culture and the arts were at high levels, as well. Home-teaching and private schools flourished in Han Dynasty and many famous artists appeared, for example, the Han-text composers Mei Chen and Mei Gao, and Chen Lin, one of the Seven Scholars of Jian"an.Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern DynastiesSui, Tang and Five DynastiesSong and Yuan DynastyMing and Qing Dynasty[edit] R.O.China[edit] Since P.R.ChinaWhole area of Huaiyin was occupied by Chinese communist army in December 1948 and became the territory of P.R.China.District of HuaiyinDistrict of Huaiyin was established on April 21, 1949, operating 10 counties, which were: Huaiyin, Huaibao (built of west parts of Huai"an and Baoyin section of the Grand Canal of China and county office located at town of Chahe), Siyang, Shuyang, Guanyun, Suqian, Suining, Xin"an (built of parts of Shuyang and Suqian and county office located at town of Xin"an), Pisui (built of southern Longhai Road of Pixian and northern Suining and county office located at town of Tushan) and Lianshui. The district office was at Huaiyin County.Huaibao County was dissolved on May 12, 1950 to Huaiyin, Huai"an and Baoyin County (belonging to District of Yangzhou). And District of Huaiyin had 9 counties then.The city area of Huaiyin County was separated as Qingjiang City on December 18, 1950 and District of Huaiyin then had 1 city and 9 counties.With the establishment of Jiangsu Province in January 1953, District of Huaiyin was transferred to the province. Xin"an County was renamed to Xinyi County and county office of Pisui was moved to town of Yunhe. District of Huaiyin then had Qingjiang City and 9 counties, Huanyin, Lianshui, Guanyun, Siyang, Shuyang, Xinyi, Suqian, Pisui and Suining. The district office was sited at Qingjiang City. Later in the year, Suining, Pisui and Xinyi was given to District of Xuzhou and then District of Huaiyin had one city and six counties.Qingjiang City was promoted to prefectual level of Jiangsu Province though was still operated by District of Huaiyin. Soon the district was joined by Huai"an County from District of Yancheng and in December by Sihong County from District of Suxian and Xuyi County from District of Chuxian in Anhui Province. The amount of all counties belonging to District of Huaiyin was 9.In 1956 Hongze County was created from parts of Sihong, Huaiyin and Xuyi County with the county office sited at town of Gaoliangjian. The amount of counties then was 10.In 1957 Xin"an Administrative Office was built from joint parts of Guanyun and Lianshui County and soon later renamed to Guannan County. The counties number reached 11.Huaiyin County was merged in 1958 to Qingjiang City which was renamed to Huaiyin City and operated by District of Huaiyin, which had one city and 10 counties then.However in 1964, Huaiyin City was renamed back to Qingjiang City and Huaiyin County was restored but the county office was sited in Qingjiang City.Xuyi County was transferred to District of Luhe in 1966 and District of Huaiyin then had one city and 10 counties.Huaiyin RegionDistrict of Huaiyin was renamed to Huaiyin Region in 1970 with the region office sited at Qingjiang City, operating Qingjiang City and 10 counties, which were Guanyun, Guannan, Shuyang, Suqian, Siyang, Lianshui, Huaiyin, Huai"an, Hongze and Sihong.Xuyi County was returned by Luhe Region in 1971 as well as new transferred Jinhu County. Then one city and 12 counties belonged to Huaiyin Region.In 1975 the office of Huaiyin County was relocated at the town of Wangyin.Huaiyin CityQingjiang City was renamed to Huaiyin City again in 1983 and operated directly by Jiangsu Province with the end of Huaiyin Region. Meanwhile 11 counties, which were Guannan, Shuyang, Suqian, Siyang, Lianshui, Huaiyin, Sihong, Huai"an, Hongze, Xuyi and Jinhu, was transferred to new Huaiyin City while Guanyun County to Lianyungang City. The municipal area of Huaiyin City was split into two districts, Qinghe and Qingpu. Then 11 counties and 2 districts were belonging to Huaiyin City.Suqian and Huai"an County was promoted to county-level cities in December 1987 by the order approved by Department of State, then renamed to Suqian and Huai"an City respectively. At the moment, Huaiyin City was operating 2 cities, 9 counties and 2 districts.Suqian City was promoted to prefectual level of Jiangsu Province in 1996 and Shuyang, Siyang and Sihong County was transferred to Suqian City while Guannan County to Lianyungang City. After the adjustment, Huaiyin City had 5 counties, which were Huaiyin, Lianshui, Jinhu, Hongze and Xuyi, and 2 districts, Qinghe and Qingpu and was operating Huai"an City.Huai"an CityBy the order approved by Department of State on December 21, 2000, Huaiyin City was renamed to Huai"an City with the city office sited at Qinghe District while Chuzhou District was established from original Huai"an City with the district office at town of Huaichen and Huaiyin District was established from original Huaiyin County with the district office at town of Wangyin. The county borders were also be slightly modified.Now Huai"an City are operating over 4 districts, Qinghe, Qingpu, Chuzhou and Huaiyin, and 4 counties, Xuyi, Lianshui, Jinhu and Hongze.[edit] Notable peopleHan Xin (died 196 BC), late Qin Dynasty military general under Liu Bang, enfeoffed the Marquess of Huaiyin. Wu Cheng"en (1500–1582), Ming Dynasty novelist, author of the Journey to the West. Guan Tianpei (January 8, 1781-February 26, 1841), Chinese national hero; martyred during the Opium Wars. Zhou Enlai (1898–1976), prominent Communist Party of China leader, Premier of the People"s Republic of China since 1949 till death.
2023-08-07 09:42:451


In bold red and purple -- in somebody"s favor and have a powerful influence OR famous and popular
2023-08-07 09:42:582


2023-08-07 09:43:105


写作思路:先介绍一下杭州的总面积,接着介绍一下杭州的常住人口,再说一说历史文化等等,语音要通顺符合逻辑。正文:Hangzhou, or "hang" for short, was formerly known as Lin"an and Qiantang. It is the capital of Zhejiang Province, a vice provincial city, and the core city of Hangzhou metropolitan area. It is also the capital of Zhejiang Province, the economic, cultural, scientific and educational center of Zhejiang Province, and one of the central cities in the Yangtze River Delta approved by the State Council.杭州,简称“杭”,古称临安、钱塘,是浙江省省会、副省级市、杭州都市圈核心城市,国务院批复确定的中国浙江省省会和全省经济、文化、科教中心、长江三角洲中心城市之一。By 2019, the city has 10 districts, 2 counties and 1 county-level city under its jurisdiction, with a total area of 16853.57 square kilometers and a built-up area of 648.46 square kilometers. At 0:00 on November 1, 2020, Hangzhou has a permanent resident population of 1193601.截至2019年,全市下辖10个区、2个县、代管1个县级市,总面积16853.57平方千米,建成区面积648.46平方千米。2020年11月1日零时,杭州市常住人口1193.601万人。Hangzhou is located in East China, the lower reaches of Qiantang River, the southeast coast, the north of Zhejiang Province, and the south end of Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal. It is the core city of Dawan district around Hangzhou Bay and an important international e-commerce center.杭州地处中国华东地区、钱塘江下游、东南沿海、浙江北部、京杭大运河南端,是环杭州湾大湾区核心城市、国际重要的电子商务中心。There are many cultural relics in Hangzhou. There are a large number of natural and cultural landscape relics around the West Lake. The representative ones are the West Lake Culture, Liangzhu culture, silk culture, tea culture, and many stories and legends handed down.杭州人文古迹众多,西湖及其周边有大量的自然及人文景观遗迹,具代表性的有西湖文化、良渚文化、丝绸文化、茶文化,以及流传下来的许多故事传说。Hangzhou has a history of more than 2200 years since it was established as a county in Qin Dynasty. It is one of the seven famous ancient capitals in China. It was once the capital of Wu Yue State and Southern Song Dynasty. Because of its beautiful scenery, it is known as "paradise on earth".杭州自秦朝设县治以来已有2200多年的历史,中国著名的七大古都之一,曾是吴越国和南宋的都城。因风景秀丽,素有“人间天堂”的美誉。Thanks to the convenience of Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal and trading ports, as well as its developed silk and grain industries, Hangzhou used to be an important commercial distribution center in history.杭州得益于京杭大运河和通商口岸的便利,以及自身发达的丝绸和粮食产业,历史上曾是重要的商业集散中心。
2023-08-07 09:44:011


2、Beijing is capital city of China.
2023-08-07 09:44:456


In ancient times Yueyang was called "Baling or Yuezhou" and is a historic and cultural city with a long history of more than 2,500 years. Located at the northeast of Hunan Province, neighboring Jiangxi Province in the east and Hubei Province in the north, Yueyang was a hinterland of military importance during the past dynasties. Nowadays, renowned for so many historic interests, Yueyang is ranked as one of the "China"s Top Tourism Destination Cities".Yueyang City"s governance covers 3 municipal districts (Yueyang Lou District, Junshan District, Yunxi District), 4 counties (Yueyang County, Huarong County, Xiangyin County, Pingjiang County) and 2 county-level cities (Miluo City, Linxiang City). In Yueyang, the white and beautiful gardenia is its city flower while the flourishing Duying (Long-flowered ehretia) tree is its city tree. The flowers and the trees add a charming lustre to Yueyang.However, Yueyang"s real charm rests with human cultural relics as well as the natural landscape. The well-known Yueyang Pavilion (Yueyang Lou) is one of the three famous pavilions in South China. China"s second largest freshwater lake Dongting Lake is a good tourist destination in Yueyang. On the lake is located an island called Junshan Hill and is also a good tourist resort. From a cultural aspect, the Miluo River is worthy of a visit because it is the place where the story about "Qu Yuan (339BC-278 BC) Drowning in the Miluo River" happened.Yueyang is prolific in natural resources due to its rich soil: Yueyang is the agricultural products base for producing high-quality grain, cotton, pigs, fish etc. The agricultural by-products like organic tea, organically grown vegetables and high-quality fruit, Dongting Lake shrimp sell well on the market. Moreover, the freshwater resource is plentiful and advantageous for the development of the plant industry, freshwater fisheries industry and the shipping industry.Yueyang is a burgeoning industrial city: The Petroleum and Chemical Industry is flourishing, which makes Yueyang the biggest petroleum and chemical base in the mid-south area of China; paper-making, the textile industry and the machine industry are also well developed. Yueyang boasts of Dongting Ramie Textile Printing and a Dyeing Mill which is the biggest in Asia with the textiles being sold to the countries in Southeast Asia and the Occident.In Yueyang, tourists need no worries in regard to transportation. Tourists can reach Changsha Huanghua International Airport which is only 130 kilometers (80.78 miles) from Yueyang and takes about one hour"s ride on the high-speed motorway to Yueyang. The high-speed motorway system for road transportation has been long established in Yueyang and radiates in all directions. Transportation by water is also convenient in Yueyang because Yueyang is the only port in Hunan Province which is beside the Yangtze River.
2023-08-07 09:45:111


1.坚持不懈,从不间断。每天至少看 10-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。 (Never give up, keep working on. Speak English at least 10-15 minutes every day. The best time to learn English is in the morning and the evening.) 2.方法要灵活多样。一种方式学厌了,可以变换其他的方式,以便学而不厌。 (Different kinds of ways to learn English. One way is boring, you can use other ways, so that you won"t feel bored.) 223.上下相连,从不孤立。记忆英语要结合上下文,不要孤立的记单词和短语,要把握句中的用法。 (Connect up to down, don"t make it alone. According to the passage, remember the words and phrases, try to graspe the meanings of the words. ) 4.熟记常用语,确保准确无误。把常用的交际用语背熟,俗能生巧。 (Remember useful expressions, and make sure it"s right. Practice makes perfect.) 5.尽量用第一人称来记习惯用语和句型,以便记忆牢固。 (Try to Remember idioms and setences with the first calling, make sure to remember deeply.) 6.多方位多角度来学英语。要经常读报、听广播、看外语电影、听外语讲座、读课本和别人交谈等方式来学英语。 (Learn English in different ways. Read newspapers, listen to the radio , watch English movies, listen to English lectures, read textbooks and talk with each other ect.) 7.敢于开口说英语,不要怕犯错误。人人都会犯错,这是在所难免的,只要敢说,就一定能学好。 (Speak English as much as possible, don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone can make mistakes, it is possible. Try your best to learn it well.) 8.要创设情景,加强交际训练。语言的运用离不开场景的强化训练,只有交际,才能学好。 (Set up situation, strength comunacation practice. Language can"t leave away from the situation, you"d better do more practising and you can learn it well.)
2023-08-07 09:41:121


Politics face: Probationary member of the Party
2023-08-07 09:41:131


2023-08-07 09:41:143


国内最有名的经济型酒店有:如家,莫泰,汉庭,锦江之星等等。春秋旅行网 经济型酒店版块有详细介绍
2023-08-07 09:41:173


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2023-08-07 09:41:201


根据个人情况据实填写,28岁以下的学生、青年,入团的可以填写团员,没入团的填写群众。满28岁且不在团内担任职务的填写群众,加入中国共产党的填党员,简历通常用来展示一个人的政治身份、立场和观点,主要用于个人人事档案、户籍的填写。 政治面貌:政治面貌,也有的称做政治面目,表明了一个在政治上的归属,是一个人的政治身份最直接的反映,是指一个人所参加的政党、政治团体;间接表明本人思想倾向、政治立场和政治观点。政治面貌主要用于个人人事档案、户籍等填写项目。 中华人民共和国国家标准局发布了“政治面貌代码“(英文Codes for political affiliation),以适用于使用信息处理系统进行人事档案管理、社会调查、公安户籍管理等方面工作时信息处理之间的信息交换。
2023-08-07 09:41:231


中国医科大学不是双一流大学。中国医科大学(China Medical University),简称中国医大(CMU),位于辽宁省沈阳市,是国家卫生健康委员会、教育部与辽宁省人民政府三方共建高校,入选卓越医生教育培养计划、拔尖创新人才培养项目。国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、特色重点学科项目、国家级人才培养模式创新实验区、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校。入选辽宁省一流大学重点建设高校,成为“国内高水平大学重点建设高校”。学校前身为1931年创建于江西瑞金的中国工农红军军医学校。1932年学校更名为中国工农红军卫生学校。1940年在延安,正式更名为中国医科大学。1948年在沈阳接收原国立沈阳医学院,1949年接管合并原私立辽宁医学院。中国医科大学是原卫生部部属高等医学院校,2000年改为省部共建学校。2015年获批为辽宁省人民政府、国家卫生健康委、教育部共建高校。截至2022年9月,学校有沈北、和平2个校区,校园占地面积153.5万平方米,教学科研仪器设备总值82236万元;设有19个学院、2个研究院、2个教研部,开设本科专业26个;在6个学科门类拥有学位授予权。7个学科具有一级学科博士学位授予权;在职教职工17908人,专任教师907人;全日制在校生18839人,其中博士生1362人,硕士生7051人,普通本科生9602人,外国留学生824人。拓展资料:双一流大学包含建设世界一流大学和建设世界一流学科,从国家提出双一流大学建设出发点来说,一流学科建设高校算双一流大学,如果说一流学科建设高校不算双一流大学的话,那么双一流大学建设那就只是建设那42所世界一流大学,显然是不妥的,也与国家的出发点相违背。
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工作分析的意义有哪些? 正确答案:(1)工作分析是人力资源规划的基础企业内各项工作责任的大小、任务的轻重、时间的约束、工作条件的限制等因素决定了企业所需的不同人员。通过对部门内各项工作的分析,得到各部门人员编制,继而得到人力资源需求计划。(2)工作分析对人员招聘具有指导作用通过工作分析,可明确企业各项工作的目标与任务,规定各项工作的要求,同时提出各职位任职人的心理、生理、技能知识和品格等要求。在此基础上,企业可以确定人员的任用标准。(3)工作分析有助于员工培训与开发工作工作分析明确规定了完成各项工作所应具备的知识、技术和能力及其他方面的素质与条件等要求。根据这些信息,企业可以针对不同的工作要求、任职人员的具体情况,设计不同的培训方案。(4)工作分析为绩效评价提供了客观的标准与依据从人力资源管理程序上看,工作分析是绩效考核的前提,工作分析为员工的绩效评价的内容、标准等确定提供了客观依据。(5)工作分析有助于薪酬管理方案的设计任职人员所获得的薪酬高低主要取决于其从事的工作性质、技术难易程度、工作负荷、责任大小和劳动条件等,而工作分析正是从这些基本因素出发,从而使各项工作在组织中的重要程度或相对价值得以明确。以此为依据制定的薪酬水平保证了工作和担任岗位职责的劳动者与劳动报酬之间的协调和统一。(6)工作分析有利于把握员工的安全与健康工作分析反映了完成各项工作的环境与条件,如说明某项工作是否具有危险性。而且,在某些危险的工作中,工人为了安全完成工作,也需要了解一些有关危险的信息,从而有助于减少来自于工伤事故的巨额赔偿责任和不合法的风险。(7)工作分析有利于改善员工的劳动关系工作分析为每个工作岗位的任职者提供了客观标准,成为组织对员工进行提升、调动或降职的决策依据;工作分析保障了同工同酬,并使员工明确了工作职责及以后的努力方向,必然使员工积极工作,不断进取;工作分析获得其他有关信息也使管理者更为客观地进行人力资源管理决策。(8)工作分析有利于职业生涯规划与管理通过工作分析对组织中的工作要求和各项工作之间的联系的研究,组织可制定出行之有效的员工职业生涯规划。同时,工作分析也使员工有机会或有能力了解工作性质与规范,制定出适合自身发展的职业道路。(9)工作分析有助于工作设计工作工作分析通过人员测定和分析,不断对工作进行重新设计和改进,推动各工作在组织中的合理配置,以促进组织的科学化,保证生产过程均衡,协调地进行生产要素配置的合理化、科学化,提高组织生产效益。
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1,限制因子影响这时,生物体的生存和发展主要受这一因子的限制,这就是限制因子。例如,在干旱地区,水是限制因子;在寒冷地区,热是限制因子;在光能到达的海洋部分,矿物养分是限制因子等。任何生物体总是同时受许多因子的影响,每一因子都不是孤立地对生物体起作用,而是许多因子共同一起起作用。因此任何生物总是生活在多种生态因子交织成的复杂的网络之中。但是在任何具体生态关系中,在一定情况下某个因子可能起的作用最大。2,发现史这说明必需提供一定种类和数量的矿物养分才能形成产量。他还注意到,收获物的多少常决定于某种最低量的基本养分,因为尽管其他养分过量存在,也不可能代偿这个基本养分的缺乏。所以,必不可少的养分中在数量上接近临界最低的一个,有成为限制因子的趋势,这一原理通常被称为“最低量律”。1840年,德国农学家和植物生理学家丁.李比希(Justus Liebig)研究了各种化学物质对植物的影响,他发现,各种作物的产量,通常不受它所需要的大量营养元素的限制,反而受到那些只是微量需要的原料产生的限制。只要稍微加入所缺的微量元素,如微量元素硼(B)、镁(Mg)、铁(Fe)等,作物产量马上明显地提高。田间作物收获量的多少,严格地与肥料中矿物质的多少成比例。3,环境条件1913年,美国动物学家 V·E·谢尔福德曾把这一概念称作“耐受原理”,即某类生物的多度或分布被超过该生物所能耐受的最高限和最低限的因子所控制。这一原理对于生存条件来说是正确的,但对于非生存条件的生态因子则只能部分适用。例如当前人类活动产生的废物被排放到环境中,正日益成为限制因子,但生物对污染物只有耐受上限而不存在耐受下限。后来又发现,除养分外,其他的环境条件(如水分和温度等)也影响植物的生长;而且动物也受食物、水、温度的影响。于是最低量律被扩大到包括植物和动物的各种环境要求。在多种多样的生态因子中,只有那些为生物生存所不可缺少的(构成生存条件的)因子,如养分、水、温度和光等处于最低量时才成为限制性的。另一方面,某种生态条件(物质或能量)太多也同样起限制作用。一般说来,生物对于大多数生态因子有一定的耐受极限(耐受上限和耐受下限)。
2023-08-07 09:41:282


应聘简历政治面貌怎么写 应聘简历政治面貌怎么写,相信大家在求职的时候都会填写个人的基本信息,其中一项包括政治面貌,很多人不知道如何正确填写。下面是关于应聘简历政治面貌怎么写,欢迎阅读。 应聘简历政治面貌怎么写1 政治面貌分为中共党员、中共预备党员、共青团员、民 革党员、民盟盟员、民建会员、民进会员、农工党党员、致公党党员、九三学社社员、台盟盟员、无党派人士、群众这13类。 根据个人情况据实填写,28岁以下的学生、青年,入团的可以填写团员,没入团的填写群众。满28岁且不在团内担任职务的填写群众,加入中国共产党的填党员,简历通常用来展示一个人的政治身份、立场和观点,主要用于个人人事档案、户籍的填写。 政治面貌: 政治面貌,也有的称做政治面目,表明了一个在政治上的归属,是一个人的政治身份最直接的反映,是指一个人所参加的`政党、政治团体;间接表明本人思想倾向、政治立场和政治观点。政治面貌主要用于个人人事档案、户籍等填写项目。 中华人民共和国国家标准局发布了“政治面貌代码“(英文Codes for political affiliation),以适用于使用信息处理系统进行人事档案管理、社会调查、公安户籍管理等方面工作时信息处理之间的信息交换。 应聘简历政治面貌怎么写2 一、政治面貌到底是什么? 政治面貌代表的是一个人的政治身份。对于我们普通公民而言,政治身份似乎没有什么影响,但是对于当权者或者机构组织而言,政治面貌就很重要了,在对个人考察方面或者职位提升方面,政治面貌都有很大的影响。因此在个人简历的填写中,不可忽略这一栏。 二、政治面貌有哪几类? 严格说来,政治面貌分为13类: 中共党员、中共预备党员、共青团员、民 革党员、民盟盟员、民建会员、民进会员、农工党党员、致公党党员、九三学社社员、台盟盟员、无党派人士、群众。 但其实,大部分政治面貌你都用不上! 非严格的说,99.9%的同学只能用到以下四种: 中共党员、中共预备党员、共青团员、群众。 三、政治面貌怎么填呢? 1、如果某人加入了中国国民党革命委员会,则他的政治面貌就是民 革党员。 2、如果是加入了中国共产党,他的政治面貌就是中共党员。 3、如果申请了党员,还处于组织考察期,离正式党员还有一段时间,这个就属于中共预备党员。 4、如果加入中国共青团员,那你的身份就是共青团员,基本就是你加入何组织,就是何身份。 5、如果你没有参加任何政治组织,那么你的身份就与全国人民中的绝大多数都一样,你就是传说中的平头老百姓。在栏内直接写群众即可。 无党派人士不同于群众,它除了要求不加入任何组织外,还需要有一定的政治社会影响,并且一般都具有较高的学识。 按照一般来说,除非是国企或者公务员序列,不然不会对政治面貌特别关心,但是如果你是党员或者其他民主党派人士,还是可以写上,因为不优秀不会吸纳进这个集体。若是团员,则不必写上,因为全天下的年轻人几乎都是团员,并不能凸显我们的优势。 应聘简历政治面貌怎么写3 政治面貌有以下13类可填选: 01、中共党员 02、中共预备党员 03、共青团员 04、民革会员 05、民盟盟员 06、民建会员 07、民进会员 08、农工党党员 09、致公党党员 10、九三学社社员 11、台盟盟员 12、无党派人士 13、群众(现称普通居民,与居民身份证相对应) 政治面貌填选的作用: 政治面貌,也有的称做政治面目,表明了一个在政治上的归属,是一个人的政治身份最直接的反映,是指一个人所参加的政党、政治团体;间接表明本人思想倾向、政治立场和政治观点,政治面貌主要用于个人人事档案、户籍等填写项目。 中华人民共和国国家标准局发布了“政治面貌代码“,以适用于使用信息处理系统进行人事档案管理、社会调查、公安户籍管理等方面工作时信息处理之间的信息交换。
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支付宝提现也将收费:每人累计2万元免费提9月12日下午消息,支付宝刚刚发布公告表示,自2016年10月12日起,支付宝将对个人用户超出免费额度的提现收取0.1%的服务费,个人用户每人累计享有2万元基础免费提现额度。在用完基础免费额度后,用户可以使用蚂蚁积分兑换更多免费提现额度。  提现是指用户通过第三方支付平台把资金转到银行卡的行为。据介绍,支付宝的提现涉及“提现到本人银行卡”和“转账到他人银行卡”两个功能。按照调整后的规则,支付宝也对超出免费额度的部分按提现金额的0.1%收取服务费,单笔服务费不到0.1元的则按照0.1元收取。  公告显示,除了提现之外,使用支付宝进行消费、理财、购买保险、手机充值、水电煤缴费、挂号、缴纳交通罚款、使用手机支付宝转账到支付宝账户、还款等服务不受任何影响,用户免费使用的同时还可以获得蚂蚁积分。在用完免费额度后,用户累积的蚂蚁积分可以用于兑换免费提现额度。支付宝方面介绍,目前兑换比例是,1个蚂蚁积分可以兑换1块钱的免费提现额度,上不封顶。  此外,对于余额宝,支付宝公告表示,余额宝资金转出,包括转出到本人银行卡和转出到支付宝余额将继续免费。不过,2016年10月12日起,用户从余额新转入余额宝的资金,转出时只能转回到余额,不能直接转出到银行卡。用户如果余额里有钱担心被收费,现在把钱转入余额宝会是一个最佳选择。  支付宝方面在公告中表示,收费的原因是“综合经营成本上升较快”,调整提现规则是为了减轻部分成本压力。  而此前,微信宣布提现收费时也表示“并不是追求营收之举,而是用于支付银行手续费。”(徐利)
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2023-08-07 09:41:021

阅读用英语怎么说 阅读的英语是什么

  1. 读英语就是读,英式发音[riu02d0d],美式发音[riu02d0d]。   2. Read是一个英语单词,主要用作名词、动词和形容词。当作为名词使用时,它被翻译为“阅读;阅读”作为及物动词使用时,可译为“阅读;当作为不及物动词使用时,它被翻译为“阅读;阅读”,当用作形容词时,它被翻译成“博学的”
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2023-08-07 09:41:011


根据个人情况据实填写,28岁以下的学生、青年,入团的可以填写团员,没入团的填写群众。满28岁且不在团内担任职务的填写群众,加入中国共产党的填党员,简历通常用来展示一个人的政治身份、立场和观点,主要用于个人人事档案、户籍的填写。 根据个人情况据实填写,28岁以下的学生、青年,入团的可以填写团员,没入团的填写群众。满28岁且不在团内担任职务的填写群众,加入中国共产党的填党员,简历通常用来展示一个人的政治身份、立场和观点,主要用于个人人事档案、户籍的填写。 政治面貌: 政治面貌,也有的称做政治面目,表明了一个在政治上的归属,是一个人的政治身份最直接的反映,是指一个人所参加的政党、政治团体;间接表明本人思想倾向、政治立场和政治观点。政治面貌主要用于个人人事档案、户籍等填写项目。 中华人民共和国国家标准局发布了“政治面貌代码“(英文Codes for political affiliation),以适用于使用信息处理系统进行人事档案管理、社会调查、公安户籍管理等方面工作时信息处理之间的信息交换。
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对于人力资源部门来说,工作分析让人又爱又恨,为什么爱?因为大家都知道工作分析非常重要,它是一切人力资源甚至管理工作的基础,做好了就能凸现出人力资源部门的价值。那有为什么恨呢?因为费了九牛二虎之力做出来之后,发现根本没在实际工作中用起来。那么工作分析到底该如何做才能有价值呢?1 工作分析是对组织中某个特定职务的设置目的、任务或职责、权力和隶属关系、工作条件和环境、任职资格等相关信息进行收集与分析,并对该职务的工作做出明确的规定,且确定完成该工作所需的行为、条件、人员的过程。 即从人、事、环境进行分析,人→知识、技能、能力,事→任务、职责、责任,环境→工作的具体环境,工作分析的结果→岗位说明书。 2 工作分析的内容: 6W1H 。why→为什么设置此岗位 whom→工作关系,上下级,职位层级等 what→做什么,即岗位职责 where→在哪里做,工作地点、环境 when→什么时候做,工作频率、周期 who→谁来做,任职资格 How→怎么做,用的方法、工具、资源 1 确定工作分析的目标 :工作分析要有明确的目标,不要为了做而做, 以终为始, 要 明确是为了解决什么问题而做工作分析; 2 确定工作分析的侧重点 :根据工作分析的目标确定工作分析的侧重点,例如为了招聘和为了调薪所做的工作分析所需要收集的信息就是不同的; 3 确定欲收集的信息 :根据目标和侧重点去收集所需要的信息; 4 选定收集信息的方法 :问卷调查、访谈、工作日志、关键事件分析等; 5 信息的收集与整理 6 确认与调整: 工作分析收集到的信息要与部门领导和任职者进行确认,并根据他们的意见进行调整与修改,这是非常重要的一个环节, 工作分析内容一定要得到部门领导与岗位任职者的确认 ; 7 形成工作说明书 8 培训与动态维护 :工作说明书做好后,要根据工作说明书内容对员工进行培训,且随着公司战略或业务、职位内容的变化而进行调整,工作说明书应该是 动态化 的,而不是做完就完了,只有动态的工作说明书才能发挥实时价值; 工作分析并不只是人力资源部门的事情,不管工作分析是处于何种目的,都需要业务部门能够了解工作分析的内容,通过工作分析,员工可以清楚的了解工作职责和流程,部门领导可以清楚了各下属的工作范围和衔接情况,便于工作的调配安排、奖金分配等事宜,所以,无论什么样的情况下,至少都要 让业务部参与到工作分析当中 ;具体参与者如下: 1 各部门负责人→撰写部门职位说明书 2 所分析职位任职者→提供工作信息 3 所分析职位直接上级→撰写职位说明书(除现有工作内容外,还要基于未来的工作预测工作内容) 4 人力资源部→工作组织,技术指导 并非任何时候都适合做工作分析,选错时机事倍功半,选对时机事半功倍,适合做工作分析的时机: 1 新工作出现时 :增加新的岗位、设立新的公司/部门等,这些时候可以自然导入工作分析; 2 工作流程变动时 :工作流程的变动会导致岗位职责的变动,自然也需要做工作分析以梳理流程; 3 人员管理出现问题时 :比如人员流失率高、职责不清、内部沟通不畅、突发事件过多等,这个时候需要用工作分析来了解问题,解决问题; 1 工作分析 要有一定的目的和侧重点 ,应基于问题和目的去做,而不是为了做而做,最后导致工作分析流于形式,没有发挥任何价值; 2 工作分析 一定要有业务部门的参与 ,没有业务部门参与的工作分析是不可能产生价值的; 3 人力资源部主导工作分析 不应该从专业方面出发,而应以解决老板和业务部门的问题为出发点 ; 4 并非所有的企业都要做详细的工作分析 ,例如初创企业,其战略方向本就不那么清晰,这个时候以工作计划为导向就可以,不需要做详细的职位说明书; 小结:看上去很复杂的工作分析,其实并没有我们想象的那么复杂, 重要的是是否有清晰明确的目标,更加重要的是要以解决问题为出发点去进行工作分析 , 这样的工作分析才能产生价值。 其实不仅仅是工作分析,我们所有的工作都应以解决问题为出发点,带着问题去工作才能得到更好的结果。
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Justin贾斯廷。 名字含义诚实、公正、正直,诚实,有正义的名字 诚实、公正、正直 从拉丁名字Iustinus,这是从JUSTUS派生。这是几个早期圣徒的名字,包括在罗马被斩首的二世纪的基督教哲学家贾斯汀·殉难者。它也由两个拜占庭皇帝承担。 扩展资料   英语(英文:English)是一种西日耳曼语,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的`Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。   英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;这是该语言受到法语影响的时期。早期现代英语始于15世纪后期引进的的印刷机到伦敦,在印刷国王詹姆斯圣经和开始元音大推移。
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  导语:冰箱的分类大概有这样几种:冷气强制循环式也就是无霜冰箱,冷气自然对流式也叫有霜冰箱。有霜冰箱和无霜冰箱的区别是,有霜冰箱的冰箱结构简单,耗电量很小,温度的无效性比无霜冰箱差一点,使用起来不是很方便。再大范围的分一点,就是亚温带冰箱、亚热带冰箱和热带冰箱。我们国家使用的大多是前两种。无霜冰箱使用方便,现在市场上很多都是无霜冰箱。   无霜冰箱原理是什么   无霜冰箱,专业行业称呼是冷气强制循环式冰箱,使用冷风来进行制冷。无霜冰箱的蒸发器经常使用的是翅片管式,一般放置在冷冻室和冷藏室之间的夹层中,或者放置在冰箱内后上部。是利用一只小型风扇来进行强压迫,是冰箱内部的空气形成对流,以此来达到冷却的目的,所以就看不到霜的产生。   冷气强制循环式冰箱的优点是:    1.自动除霜,蒸发器不会和食物直接接触,通过加热系统对蒸发器升温,融霜之后马上又能够恢复制冷。   2.干净清爽,在无霜冰箱内部,干净清爽没有多余的水分,食物不会冻结在一起。再由于不断循环的冷风,经过了除臭系统,使得冰箱内部的气味能够持续清新,减少了食物之间串味的现象。   3.温度准确,温控点温度,任意点的温度,里面的温度都很准确。这个较直冷式的冰箱温度控制更加准确。   4.制冷均匀,冷风制冷,能够遍布冰箱内部的.每个角落,是冰箱内温度稳定而又均匀。   直冷式无霜冰箱有一个缺点是:耗电量大,制造的成本比较高。   无霜冰箱工作原理详解   无霜冰箱工作原理是,通过化霜定时器累计计算压缩机工作,在17小时-24小时后,停止对压缩机与循环风扇的供电。这时候同时给经过温度保险给蒸发器、节水槽加热丝供电、化霜温控器,当化霜温控器监测达到临界点时断开给加热丝供电,这样循环一个除霜的过程结束。定时器恢复给压缩机供电,再延迟几分钟给循环风扇供电,然后重新制冷开始这样一直持续的循环。   1.化霜定时器作用:断开压缩机的供电并给蒸发器、接水槽加热丝供电。   2.蒸发器加热丝作用:蒸发器加热除霜   3.接水槽加热丝作用:接水槽加热除霜   4.化霜温控器作用:控制化霜时的温度   5.双金属片或者温度保险作用:防止化霜温控器失灵的保护装置
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