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Carbon Di-Oxide什么意思

2023-08-07 05:53:332

carbon dioxide是什么意思

carbon dioxide -英:[u02cckɑu02d0bu0259n dau026au02c8u0252ksau026ad]美:[u02cckɑu02d0rbu0259n dau026au02c8ɑu02d0ksau026ad]n.二氧化碳; 例句:Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance.减少大气层中的二氧化碳含量极其重要。
2023-08-07 05:53:435


2023-08-07 05:54:131


二氧化物英语dioxide。词组短语carbon dioxide二氧化碳titanium dioxide二氧化钛sulfur dioxide二氧化硫chlorine dioxide二氧化碳silicon dioxide[化]二氧化硅sulphur dioxide[化]二氧化硫manganese dioxide二氧化锰lead dioxide[化]二氧化铅liquid carbon dioxide液态二氧化碳nitrogen dioxide[化]二氧化氮zirconium dioxide二氧化锆carbon dioxide laser二氧化碳激光器;二氧化碳雷射双语例句The carbon14 atoms oxidize to carbon dioxide which gets blown about and mixed up with lower atmosphere.碳14原子氧化生成二氧化碳,向四周散去并与低空的大气混合。Soft drinks contain carbon dioxide.软饮料中含有二氧化碳。Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.植物可以吸收二氧化碳释放氧气。Acid rain is caused by sculptures dioxide spewed from factories and power plants.酸雨的形成是从工厂和发电厂被排放的二氧化物引起。
2023-08-07 05:54:251


2023-08-07 05:55:273

carbon dioxide是什么意思

答:carbon dioxide的意思是碳氧化合物,又名二氧化碳。二氧化碳化学式为CO2,常温常压下是一种无色无味或无色无臭而其水溶液略有酸味的气体,也是一种常见的温室气,还是空气的组分之一,主要应用于冷藏易腐败的食品、作致冷剂、制造碳化软饮料和作均相反应的溶剂等。是一种无机物,不可燃,通常也不支持燃烧,低浓度时无毒性。它也是碳酸的酸酐,属于酸性氧化物,具有酸性氧化物的通性,其中碳元素的化合价为+4价,处于碳元素的最高价态,故二氧化碳具有氧化性而无还原性,但氧化性不强。
2023-08-07 05:55:441


2023-08-07 05:56:161


二氧化碳:Carbon Dioxide ( /ˈkɑːrbən/ /daɪˈɑːksaɪd/ )一氧化碳:carbon monoxide (/ˈkɑːrbən/ /məˈnɑːksaɪd/ )
2023-08-07 05:56:242


2023-08-07 05:56:321


  二氧化碳可以跟水反应生成碳酸,CO2+H2O=H2CO3,二氧化碳可以跟澄清石灰水反应,使澄清石灰水变浑浊,CO2+Ca(OH)2=CaCO3(沉淀)+H2O。   二氧化碳(carbondioxide)是一种碳氧化合物,是空气中常见的化合物。常压下为无色、无味、不助燃、不可燃。略溶于水中,形成碳酸,碳酸是一种弱酸。二氧化碳一般可由高温煅烧石灰石或由石灰石和稀盐酸反应制得,主要应用于冷藏易腐败的食品(固态)、作致冷剂(液态)、制造碳化软饮料(气态)和作均相反应的溶剂(超临界状态)等。研究表明:低浓度的二氧化碳没有毒性,高浓度的二氧化碳则会使动物中毒。
2023-08-07 05:56:411

carbon dioxide和greenhouse gas的区别?

carbon dioxide是二氧化碳,greenhouse gas是温室气体。温室气体是大气中能吸收地面反射的长波辐射,并重新辐射回地面的气体。它们使地球表面变得像温室一样暖和,由此得名。温室气体包括二氧化碳、水蒸气和甲烷等,因此,二者区别是二氧化碳只是温室气体的一个种类,不能代表所有的温室气体。
2023-08-07 05:56:491


2023-08-07 05:56:593


随着二氧化碳的不断增加With the increase of carbon dioxide
2023-08-07 05:57:153


2023-08-07 05:57:263


Low-carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to life. It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.(低碳生活就是把生活作息时间所耗用的能量要尽量减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量。低碳生活,对于我们这些普通人来说是一种生活态度。它给我们提出的是一个愿不愿意和大家共创造低碳生活的问题。)Taomi Shui can be used to wash their hands every day, clean furniture, water the flowers and so on. Clean, natural moisture; 2. Scrap paper will pave the lowest in the closet can not only absorb moisture, can absorb the smell in the closet; 4. Drink tea residue, dry it, make a tea pillow comfortable, and help to improve sleep;(每天的淘米水可以用来洗手、擦家具、浇花等。干净卫生,自然滋润; 2.将废旧报纸铺垫在衣橱的最底层,不仅可以吸潮,还能吸收衣柜中的异味; 4.喝过的茶叶渣,把它晒干,做一个茶叶枕头,既舒适,又能帮助改善睡眠;)Lifestyle to reduce energy consumption when, thereby reducing the carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for us ordinary people, an attitude, not ability, we should actively promote and to practice the "low carbon" life, pay attention to energy saving, fuel-efficient, water saving, solar terms, starting from scratch.(生活作息时所耗用能量要减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放。低碳生活,对于我们普通人来说,是一种态度,而不是能力,我们应该积极提倡并去实践"低碳"生活,注意节电、节油、节水、节气,从点滴做起。)
2023-08-07 05:58:131

翻译 Make use of the carbon dioxide(CO2)given off dy a baking soda and lemon juice……

2023-08-07 05:58:212

(2013·高考湖北卷)Carbon dioxide,which makes a________between us and the sun,prevents heat from

D 选D。句意:二氧化碳是我们和太阳之间的一道屏障,它使地球上的热量不容易释放出大气层,于是地球就变得越来越暖和。四个名词选项的主要含义:difference“分歧,区别”;comparison“比较”;connection“联系”;barrier“障碍,屏障”。语境说地球的热量因二氧化碳而不容易释放出大气层,因此这里选D,表示“障碍,屏障”。
2023-08-07 05:58:291

carbon dioxide is said ________ the earth twice as quickly as previously feared.

2023-08-07 05:58:373


Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is a chemical compound composed of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded to a single carbon atom. It is a gas at standard temperature and pressure and exists in Earth"s atmosphere in this state. CO2 is a trace gas comprising 0.039% of the atmosphere.Carbon dioxide is used by plants during photosynthesis to make sugars, which may either be consumed in respiration or used as the raw material to produce other organic compounds needed for plant growth and development. It is emitted during respiration by plants, and by all animals, fungi and microorganisms that depend either directly or indirectly on plants for food. It is thus a major component of the carbon cycle. Carbon dioxide is generated as a by-product of the combustion of fossil fuels or the burning of vegetable matter, among other chemical processes. Amounts of carbon dioxide are emitted from volcanoes and other geothermal processes such as hot springs and geysers and by the dissolution of carbonates in crustal rocks. High levels of CO2 are used to increase plant growth in some tightly closed commercial greenhouses.[1][2][3]As of April 2010[update], carbon dioxide in the Earth"s atmosphere is at a concentration of 391 ppm by volume.[4] Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide fluctuate slightly with the change of the seasons, driven primarily by seasonal plant growth in the Northern Hemisphere. Concentrations of carbon dioxide fall during the northern spring and summer as plants consume the gas, and rise during the northern autumn and winter as plants go dormant, die and decay. Taking all this into account, the concentration of CO2 grew by about 2 ppm in 2009.[5] Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas as it transmits visible light but absorbs strongly in the infrared and near-infrared.Before the advent of human-caused release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, concentrations tended to increase with increasing global temperatures, acting as a positive feedback for changes induced by other processes such as orbital cycles.[6] There is a seasonal cycle in CO2 concentration associated primarily with the Northern Hemisphere growing season.[7]
2023-08-07 05:58:451


green life, low-carbon future
2023-08-07 05:58:552


二氧化碳固定(carbon dioxide fixation)也称二氧化碳同化、碳素同化。绿色植物在它的叶绿体中存在一个特有的酶促机构,催化CO2转变成还原性的有机化合物。这一过程称为CO2固定,也称CO2同化(CO2 assimilation)。CO2固定通过循环途径进行,此途径即为卡尔文循环(Cavlin cycle)卡尔文循环的场所就在叶绿体基质中。二氧化碳的固定反应式:二氧化碳的固定反应式为C+O2==CO2。二氧化碳,一种碳氧化合物,化学式为CO2,化学式量为44.0095,常温常压下是一种无色无味或无色无嗅(嗅不出味道)而略有酸味的气体,也是一种常见的温室气体,还是空气的组分之一(占大气总体积的0.03%-0.04%)。碳是一种非金属元素。
2023-08-07 05:59:051


低碳生活英语作文篇一:英语低碳生活范文 低碳生活 现在全世界都在倡导“低碳生活”(low-carbonlife),即:降低二氧化碳的排放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。 提示词语:begoodfor,everyone,rideabike,think,makeadifference,environment,suggest,reuse ★范文 Low-carbonlifeisgoodforeveryone.Tohelpwiththeenvironment,takingforgettoturnoffthelightswhenIleavetheclassroom.Ithinkreusebooksaslongaspossible.Andmoneyonexpensiveclothes.Ifeveryonedoessomethingfortheenvironment,Ibelievetheearthwillbeabetterplace. Weshouldliveacarbonlife.Ialwaysremembertoturnoffthelights,theTVandthefanswhenIleavetheclassroom.WhenIamnot whenIfinishwashingtheclothes,Iusethewatertocleanthefloor参考: Lowcarbonlifeispopularnowadays.Itsaimistoreducetheenergyinourdailylife,especiallyreducetheemissionsofcarbondioxide.Itiswell-knownthattheairpollutionismoreandmoreserious.Soweshoulddosomethingtoprotectourearth.如今,低碳生活是很受欢迎的。其目的是为了减少我们日常生活中所消耗的能量,尤其是减少二氧化碳的排放量。众所周知,空气污染越来越严重。所以我们应该做些什么来保护我们的地球。 Firstly,weshouldtakemorebusinsteadofdrivingcars.Aspeople"slivingstandardhasimproved,therearemoreandmorepeopledrivingprivatecars.Thisphenomenonisoneofthecausesforairpollution.Becauseitsgaswillproducelotsofcarbondioxide,whichmayenventuallyleadtoairpollution.Secondly,whenweleaveourhouseorclassroom,wewouldbetterturnofthelights,fansorairconditioning. 首先,我们应该多坐公车而不是开车。随着人们生活水平的.提高,越来越多的人开私家车。这一现象是造成空气污染的原因之一。因为它排放的气体会产生大量的二氧化碳,这可能最终导致空气污染。其次,当我们离开我们的房子或教室时,我们最好把灯,风扇或空调关了。 Tomakeouruniqueearthbetter,weshouldappealpeopletolivealowcarbonlife.Itisalsowillbethemaintrendsinthefuture.Let"sdosomethingforourmotherearth.让我们唯一的地球变得更好,我们应该呼吁人们过低碳生活。这也将是未来的主要趋势。让我们为我们的地球母亲做点事情吧。 低碳生活英语作文篇二:低碳生活英语作文 The Nowadays,withmoreandmoresuchastheincreasingglobaltemperture,theandthesea-levering,peoplearerecognizingtheimportantofdevelopingthelow-carboneconomicnow. Therearemanywayswecandotoreachthelow-carboneconomic.Fristly,othersfuelswhichismorecleanandmoregreentoinsteadoftheusingofcarbon.Secondly,weshouldhavetheconsciousanddosomethingwhichwecanmake,forinstance,rantherthanwhenyougoout,thethingthatcanberecycle used,theuseof.Lastbutnotleast,weshouldorother,inwhichwaywecannotonlyimprovetheenvironment,butalsocanmakeourhomemorebeauty. Inmyopnion,themostimportantthingtoreachthe low-carboneconomiciseveryonemusttrytheirbestdowhattheycandoforit.Onceeveryonehavethesenceoflow-carboneconomicandhavetheactionbythemselves,itwillbeearliertoreachit. 低碳生活英语作文:让我一起低碳生活吧 Presently,anewlifestylecalledlowcarbonlifeisspreadingeverycornerofourcountry.Theconceptsoflowcarbonarelowenergyandnowaste.ItissuchasignificantprojectthatIcan‘twaittopresentmyideasonhowtopromoteit.Onthefirstplace,ano-cardayissupposedtosetupeveryweekinourschool.Becausecarsnotonlycauseseriousairpollutionbutalsowasteenergy.Onno-carday,neitherstudentsnorteachersareallowedtodrivetoschool.Meanwhile,justwalk,jump,cycleorrun.Useourlegsandenjoythefun. Onthesecondplace,wehadbestnotuseplasticbagsanymore.Noonecanstandthe“whitepollution”。So,itiswisetousebagswhichcanbereusedagainandagain.Finally,onethingthatweshouldkeepinmind:everybigthingcomesfromthesubtle.Therefore,asstudents,weoughttoturnoutthelightsthemomentweleave,turnoffthetapintime,andreuseourtextbookandsoon. Allinall,itweighsgreatlyforallofustoputthelowcarbonlifestyleintopractice.Justsetourmindtothese:no-carday,noplasticbags,andnowaste.Let‘sdoitnow.
2023-08-07 05:59:331

138.Some plants can take in carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) we breathe out and give ______ oxygen to us.

2023-08-07 05:59:555


中文名称:一氧化碳 英文名称:carbon monoxide;CO定义1:无色无臭有毒性的气体,分子式CO,分子量28,是有机物氧化或燃烧的中间产物。 应用学科:大气科学(一级学科);大气化学(二级学科)定义2:碳或含碳化合物不完全燃烧时产生的一种无色无味的气体。 应用学科:生态学(一级学科);全球生态学(二级学科)
2023-08-07 06:00:133

求翻译:carbon dioxide build-up in the atmosphere,谢谢

2023-08-07 06:00:225


2023-08-07 06:00:441


carbon dioxide CO2hydroxid H2O
2023-08-07 06:00:556

carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP是什么意思?

carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP每单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放量
2023-08-07 06:01:471

why are trees important (参考词语,take in carbon dioxide,oxygen,desert)

你好,我是GROTESQUE1010:(请认真阅读,不要浪费我的写作苦心哦^@@^祝学习顺利)Trees are important because they give us two of life"s essentials, food and oxygen.As we evolved, they provided additional necessities such as shelter, medicine, and tools. In addition, trees are discovered to be satisfied with the needs of our modern lifestyles. For example, our streets, parks, playgrounds and backyards are lined with trees that create a peaceful environment. Therefore, trees are an important part of every community. They are not only increased our quality of life by bringing natural elements, but also provide our wildlife habitats into urban settings. As the matter of fact, we could gather under the cool shade. Furthermore, trees provide during outdoor activities with family and friends. Many neighborhoods are also the home of very old trees that serve as historic landmarks and a great source of town pride.Most importantly, trees contribute to our environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.
2023-08-07 06:02:461


Low-carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption,thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions.Low-carbon life,for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to life.It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.(低碳生活就是把生活作息时间所耗用的能量要尽量减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量.低碳生活,对于我们这些普通人来说是一种生活态度.它给我们提出的是一个愿不愿意和大家共创造低碳生活的问题.)Taomi Shui can be used to wash their hands every day,clean furniture,water the flowers and so on.Clean,naturalmoisture; 2.Scrap paper will pave the lowest in the closet can not only absorb moisture,can absorb the smell in the closet; 4.Drink tea residue,dry it,make a tea pillow comfortable,and helpto improve sleep;(每天的淘米水可以用来洗手、擦家具、浇花等.干净卫生,自然滋润; 2.将废旧报纸铺垫在衣橱的最底层,不仅可以吸潮,还能吸收衣柜中的异味; 4.喝过的茶叶渣,把它晒干,做一个茶叶枕头,既舒适,又能帮助改善睡眠;)Lifestyle to reduce energy consumption when,thereby reducing the carbon,especially carbon dioxide emissions.Low-carbon life,for us ordinarypeople,an attitude,not ability,we should actively promote and to practice the "low carbon" life,pay attention to energy saving,fuel-efficient,water saving,solar terms,starting from scratch.(生活作息时所耗用能量要减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放.低碳生活,对于我们普通人来说,是一种态度,而不是能力,我们应该积极提倡并去实践"低碳"生活,注意节电、节油、节水、节气,从点滴做起.)
2023-08-07 06:02:561


dioxide是二氧化物的意思。dioxide的相关短语有carbon dioxide二氧化碳,Carbon Dioxide无水碳酸,Arsenic dioxide二氧化砷,niobium dioxide二氧化铌,chlorine dioxide二氧化氯(面粉漂白剂,又称Dyox),chromium dioxide二氧化铬,dioxide chlorine二氧化氯。可造句如下:1、The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide.两种主要的燃烧产物是水蒸气和二氧化碳。2、Mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide.火星的大气层极其稀薄,几乎全部由二氧化碳构成。3、Carbon dioxide is a necessary result of the oxidation of carbon compounds.碳化合物氧化后必然会产生二氧化碳。4、The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40%.倡议将强制规定把二氧化碳排放量降低40%。
2023-08-07 06:03:391

: The villain in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. It does not seem to be a villain. It is not very

2023-08-07 06:03:591


My View on Reducing Carbon Emission   Billion tons of carbon dioxide is let off into the air each year, which in part cause global warming and climate changes. Life on this planet will be gravely affected unless we take measures to reduce carbon emission. To achieve this aim, I think the entire society should form the concept of energy-saving and do what we can in our daily life.   First, replace the traditional electric bulbs with the energy-saving ones. By saving energy this way, we can reduce a lot of Carbon emission. Second, choose public transportation instead of driving your own car. We can imagine that the fewer cars on the road, the less carbon dioxide will be emitted into the air. Third, when you are shopping, select the goods with simple package. If we select the goods with simple package, we will produce less garbage and thus reduce carbon emission resulting from burning the garbage. And don"t forget to use recyclable bags instead of plastic ones when shopping.   Therefore, reducing carbon emission in our daily life is very easy. As long as we all make efforts to do that every day, we can help to reduce billion tons of carbon emission every year. 我认为在减少碳排放 数十亿吨的二氧化碳释放到空气中,这在一定程度上导致全球变暖和气候变化。生活在这个星球上就会受到严重影响,除非我们采取措施来减少碳排放。为了实现这一目标,我认为整个社会应该形成节能的概念和做我们可以在我们的日常生活中。 首先,取代传统的灯泡节能的。通过这种方式节约能源,我们可以减少大量的碳排放。第二,选择公共交通而不是开自己的车。我们可以想象,更少的汽车在路上,更少的二氧化碳会被释放到空气中。第三,当你购物时,选择简单的产品包。如果我们选择简单的产品包,我们将产生更少的垃圾,从而减少燃烧垃圾产生的碳排放。别忘了使用可循环利用的袋子代替塑料袋购物。 因此,在我们的日常生活中减少碳排放是非常容易的。只要我们都努力做,每一天,我们可以帮助减少每年数十亿吨的碳排放。
2023-08-07 06:04:081


Acetone丙酮 1.001 090Hydrochloric acid 氯化氢1.000 447Air空气 . . . . . . . 1.000 292Hydrogen 氢气 . . . . . . 1.000 132Ammonia氨 . . . . . 1.000 376 Hydrogen sulphide硫化氢 . . . . 1.000 634Argon氩 . . . . . . . 1.000 281 Methane甲烷 . . . . . . 1.000 444Benzene苯蒸汽 . . . . . . 1.001 762 Methyl alcohol甲醇蒸汽 . . . . . 1.000 586Bromine 溴蒸汽 . . . . . . 1.001 132 Methyl ether 甲醚 . . . . . 1.000 891Carbon dioxide二氧化碳 . . . . 1.000 449 Nitric oxide 一氧化氮 . . . . . . 1.000 297Carbon disulphide 二硫化碳蒸汽 . . . 1.001 481 Nitrogen 氮气 . . . . . . 1.000 298Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳 . . . 1.000 338u2020 Nitrous oxide 二氧化氮 . . . . . 1.000 516Chlorine 氯气 . . . . . . 1.000 773 Oxygen 氧气 . . . . . . 1.000 271Chloroform 氯仿蒸汽 . . . . . 1.001 450 Pentane 戊烷蒸汽 . . . . . . 1.001 711Ethyl alcohol乙醇蒸汽 . . . . . 1.000 878 Sulphur dioxide 二氧化硫 . . . . 1.000 686Ethyl ether 乙醚 . . . . . 1.001 533 Water vapour水蒸气 . . . . 1.000 256Helium 氦气 . . . . . . 1.000 035
2023-08-07 06:04:302


1。 dioxide <化>二氧化物 最常用的如: Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳 其他举例如下:aggressive carbon dioxide 生效二氧化磷 americium dioxide 二氧化镅 anatase titanium dioxide 锐钛型 二氧化钛 barium dioxide 二氧化钡; 过氧化钡 butadiene dioxide 二氧化丁二烯(粘合剂用改性剂) calcium extended titanium dioxide 钙钛白 californium dioxide 二氧化锎 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 cerium dioxide 二氧化铈 cesium dioxide 二氧化铯 chloride process titanium dioxide 氯化法钛白 chlorine dioxide 二氧化氯(面粉漂白剂, 又称Dyox) chormium dioxide 二氧化铬 cobalt dioxide 二氧化钴 columbium dioxide 二氧化铌 copper dioxide 二氧化铜 cyclohexadiene dioxide 二氧化环已二烯; 二环氧基环已烷 Dichlorothiolane dioxide 二氯丁砜, 二氯环丁砜 diethyl dioxide 过氧化二乙基 diphosphine dioxide (亚烷基)双氧膦 free sulphur dioxide 游离的二氧化硫 germanium dioxide 二氧化锗 gold dioxide 二氧化金 iodine dioxide 二氧化碘 lead dioxide 二氧化铅 liquid carbon dioxide 液态二氧化碳 liquid sulfur dioxide 液体二氧化硫 magnesium dioxide 二氧化镁 manganese dioxide 二氧化锰 molybdenum dioxide 二氧化钼 neodymium dioxide 二氧化钕 neptunium dioxide 二氧化镎 nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮 osmium dioxide 二氧化锇 paint grade titanium dioxide 涂料用二氧化钛; 涂料用钛白 palladium dioxide 二氧化钯 platinum dioxide 二氧化铂 rhenium dioxide 二氧化铼 rhodium dioxide 二氧化铑 ruthenium dioxide 二氧化钌 selenium dioxide 二氧化硒 silicon dioxide 二氧化硅 sodium dioxide 过氧化钠 solidifed carbon dioxide 固体二氧化碳; 干冰 strontium dioxide 二氧化锶 sulfate process titanium dioxide 硫酸法钛白 sulfuric dioxide 二氧化硫 tantalum dioxide 二氧化钽 tellurium dioxide 二氧化碲 thorium dioxide 二氧化钍 tin dioxide 二氧化锡; 氧化锡 titanium dioxide 二氧化钛 total sulfur dioxide 总二氧化硫量 tungsten dioxide 二氧化钨 uranium dioxide 二氧化铀 vanadium dioxide 二氧化钒 zirconium dioxide 二氧化锆 2。monoxide <化>一氧化物 以上述二氧化物英文说法类推:则carbon monoxide 为一氧化碳...3。trioxide <化>三氧化物arsenic trioxide 三氧化二砷 cesium trioxide 三氧化二铯 diantimony trioxide 三氧化二锑 dibismuth trioxide 三氧化二铋 diboron trioxide 三氧化二硼 dichromium trioxide 三氧化二铬 di-iron trioxide 三氧化二铁 dilead trioxide 三氧化二铅 dititanium trioxide 三氧化二钛 gold trioxide 三氧化二金 indium trioxide 三氧化二铟 lanthanum trioxide 三氧化二镧 nitrogen trioxide 三氧化二氮 phosphorus trioxide 三氧化二磷 rhenium trioxide 三氧化铼 selenium trioxide 三氧化硒 sulfur trioxide 三氧化硫 tellurium trioxide 三氧化碲 thallium trioxide 三氧化二铊 4。tetroxide (化)四氧化物按以上氧化物的英文说法继续类推即可希望可以帮到你。:)
2023-08-07 06:04:401


Live a Low-carbon Life As is known to us all,our environment is getting worse and worse,and a low carbon life is becoming more and more popular among people.A low carbon life can be of great use for us.It can help save energy and cut down the pullution.It can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is the main cause of greenhouse effect,and can help keep our environment beautiful and cleanTherefore,we should live a low carbon life.First of all,when we go out,we should take a bus or ride a bike instead of driving a car.Cars not only let out carbon dioxide but also waste energy.Second,we had best not use plastic bags which can bring about the white pollution.We should use the environmentally friendly bags.Third,it"s of great use to plant trees.Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.Finally,we should start with small things,Therefore,as students,we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave,turn off the tap in time,and reuse our textbooks and so on.
2023-08-07 06:04:501


1 应该是there are,carbon dioxide是复数,详见百度词典里面的第三个例句 2 我觉得答案错了。这道题还有前后句吗?
2023-08-07 06:05:071


一般的生物都内含碳元素,所以含碳的物质称为有机物质 (除少量的例外、如二氧化碳及一氧化碳是无机物质。) 碳天然存在三种同位数 (isotope) ,就是 Carbon-12 、Carbon-13 同 Carbon-14 。Carbon-12 是稳定的碳,而 Carbon-14 会 decay 变成 Carbon-12。当生物仲有生命时,生物内含两种碳,而且虽然 Carbon-14 会 decay 变成 Carbon-12,但生物在生时,内含的碳可以同大自然周围的碳互换,所以两种碳的水平是稳定的。 但当生物死后,内含的碳就不会再进行互换,含存的 Carbon-14 就会因 decay 而开始而其 half-life (半衰期) 速度而变少。[一个半衰期内含的碳-14 会减少一半。] 由于 Carbon-14 以半衰期速度而变少,通过量度 (已故的) 生物的 Carbon-14 含量,就可以知道该生物是在那个年代死去的。 一般会以 Carbon-14 监定的物品有生物化石、木制古董家俱、陈年有机制的物品、古尸等。 参考: 自己 (化学学士、现职出土物文修复) The carbon 14 isotope is radioactive. It is present in atmospheric carbon dioxide which is an important material in photosynthesis. After a tree dies it no longer takes in carbon dioxide. The carbon 14 already present in the wood decaying slowly. Scientists can estimate the age of the wood by paring the amount of carbon 14 left in the wood to be amount of carbon 14 in living tress. The age of bones from animals can be estimated in a similar way as animals take in carbon 14 in the food. 参考: my chemistry book carbon-14 dating 放射性碳测定年龄 放射性碳测定年龄给考古学家提供了基本的年代框架。
2023-08-07 06:05:311

高中英语作文:低碳生活 Low-carbon Lifestyle

1.目前低碳生活成为一种流行 2.低碳生活指的是…… 3.作为大学生我应该怎么做 With the advent of the global environmental protection campaign, “low-carbon” has become an increasingly popular expression, a catch phrase, among the environmentally-conscious people. White-collar workers pride themselves on going to offices on bicycles, on foot, or even on roller skates instead of being “the men behind the wheel”. Housewives save water after washing vegetables or clothes for flushing the toilet. Everybody seems to be an environmental activist nowadays. 随着全球性环保运动的出现,“低碳”一词在那些有着环保意识的人们中间,已成为一个日趋流行的语汇,或曰“口头禅”。白领员工们对于骑车上班、步行上班、甚至滑着轮滑上班倍感骄傲,而不必再做那所谓的“呆坐在驾驶舵后面的有车一族”。家庭主妇们也乐此不疲地在洗衣或洗菜之后,将水保存起来,用以冲厕。当下,每个人似乎都成为了环保积极分子。 By “low-carbon lifestyle”, we refer to a pattern of life involving minimum emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most important greenhouse gas produced by human activities, primarily through the combustion of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is detrimental to human, animal and plant life because it is the primary contributor to global warming that threatens to raise the sea level, leading to the extinction of animals and plants, and ultimately to that of human beings. There is only one Mother Earth for human beings and, literally speaking, preserving the Earth means preserving humanity itself. 所谓“低碳生活方式”, 是指一种仅涉及最低限度二氧化碳排放的生活模式。二氧化碳是人类活动 (主要经由化石燃料的燃烧)所产生的最主要的温室气体。二氧化碳之所以对人类、动物和植物的生命有害,因为它是全球暖化的主要推手,威胁着致使海平面上升,导致动植物灭绝,并最终导致人类本身的灭绝。对于人类而言,只有一个地球母亲,因此,就事论事地讲,保护地球亦即意味着保护人类自身。 The pursuit of a low-carbon lifestyle seems to be a vogue to many people but, in essence, it is a long-term necessity. As college students, there are many ways we can become involved in low-carbon endeavors. We can conserve water, recycle our textbooks, and turn off lights on leaving our classrooms. We can resort to public transportations like buses and subways instead of taxis or private cars. Most importantly, we should reduce the use of computers by rejecting meaningless computer games. Even as students, we have a whole range of channels to pursue a low-carbon lifestyle that is beneficial to ourselves and to humanity as a whole. 追求低碳的生活方式,对许多人而言似乎是种时尚,但本质而言,它却是一项长期的必然。作为大学生,我们有多种多样的方式来投身于低碳事业。我们可以节约用水,循环利用教科书,离开教室时随手关灯。我们在出行时可利用公交车或地铁等公共交通,而放弃出租车或私家车。最重要的是,我们可以通过摒弃那些无聊的电子游戏而减少对电脑的使用。即使作为学生,我们有一系列广泛的渠道,来追求低碳的生活方式,既有益于我们自己,亦有益于全人类。
2023-08-07 06:05:381


  下面是我整理的过低碳生活 英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。   过低碳 生活英语 作文一:On the Low-carbon Life   Recently, it is very popular to live a low-carbon life. It not only results jt^omJbejpEomstionfifthejgovemmestjbuLaJsojEises^utjofjthejpeapleu2019s internalheart.   Living a low-carbon life is of great importance to every one. First of all, it can protect the environment to a great extent. Second, it can save the limited natural resources and energy, and will leave a better world for our offspring.jThird, it is a healthy lifestyle and will help mould a harmonious social atmosphere.   Therefore, how to create a low-carbon life is necessary for us to consider. To begin with, we should save the energy, such as the electricity, water and domestic gas. Second, when we go out we can walk or ride a bike instead of by car. Third, we should not use the plastic bags which are hard to break down. If so, we can live a low-carbon life and gain the happiness of it.   过低碳生活英语作文二:   Currently,my school is launching an activity whose theme is that actions change the world to advocate the low carbon living.   In the activity,we are required to go to school or some other place by bike or by foot as much as possible instead of by bus.And when the Christmas comes,sending e-greeting cards instead of tridional cards of which are made of wood as we know.Besides,we should use both sides of every piece of paper and we should save water as well as electricity.   I believe that only we do thus can we have a better living environment.   目前,我的学校正在开展一项活动,其主题是行动改变世界,提倡低碳生活。   在活动中,要求我们去学校或其他地方的一些骑自行车或步行尽可能而不是乘车。当圣诞来临,发送电子 贺卡 而不是以传统的卡片是用木头做的我们都知道。此外,我们应该利用每一张纸的两面我们应该节约用水用电。   我相信只有这样,我们才能有更好的生存环境。   过低碳生活英语作文三:   Today"s society is a highly developed technological society. However, the shortcomings in the development process are obvious, such as: carbon dioxide, and environmental pollution. But the most serious should be the carbon dioxide problem.   Now the problem of global warming because of excess emissions of greenhouse gases. Excessive amount of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a diversified economy and La Nina phenomena lag disorder. Two levels of glaciers melting, polar animals lose their chance of survival at the same time, will lead to rising sea levels, many coastal cities into the water did not result in a few years later. Therefore, we must take the necessary measures to reduce the environmental impact of carbon dioxide. From   For example: tree-planting activities, reduce fossil fuel use, we can from our own, to promote low-carbon living.   今天的社会是一个高度发达的科技社会。然而,在发展过程中的缺点是显而易见的,如:二氧化碳,和环境污染。但最严重的应该是二氧化碳问题。   现在全球变暖的问题,因为温室气体的过量排放。过多的二氧化碳排放量,创造了一个多元化的经济和拉-妮娜现象滞后障碍。两极的冰川融化,极地动物失去了生存的机会,同时,将导致海平面上升,许多沿海城市的水没有导致几年后。因此,我们必须采取必要 措施 ,减少二氧化碳对环境的影响。作文地带。   例如:植树活动,减少化石燃料的使用,我们可以从我们自己,促进低碳生活。   过低碳生活英语作文四:   Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country. The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste. It is such a significant project that I canu2019t wait to present my ideas on how to promote it.   On the first place, a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. On no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school. Meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run. Use our legs and enjoy the fun.   On the second place, we had best not use plastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”. So, it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again.   Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing comes from the subtle. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.   All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste. Letu2019s do it now.   过低碳生活英语作文五:   Today"s society is a highly developed technological society. However, the shortcomings in the development process are obvious, such as: carbon dioxide, and environmental pollution. But the most serious should be the carbon dioxide problem.   Now the problem of global warming because of excess emissions of greenhouse gases. Excessive amount of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a diversified economy and La Nina phenomena lag disorder. Two levels of glaciers melting, polar animals lose their chance of survival at the same time, will lead to rising sea levels, many coastal cities into the water did not result in a few years later. Therefore, we must take the necessary measures to reduce the environmental impact of carbon dioxide. From   For example: tree-planting activities, reduce fossil fuel use, we can from our own, to promote low-carbon living.
2023-08-07 06:05:461


9.2碳循环 9.2.1碳水库 一个水库是水池或来源,如碳元素。有各种各样的全球的碳,其中有一些是巨大的大小,其中有一些是相对小的(表格3)。最大的碳水库是在地球上发现的碳酸盐岩的沉积。这个水库是4个数量级大于碳酸盐岩储层中发现的海洋和6个数量级大于碳水库发现大气中的二氧化碳。如果考虑到这三个水库,很明显,大部分用于光合作用是碳在最小的气氛。因此,它是最小的水库是最积极的循环。这是小的、积极的循环等储层大气二氧化碳,受扰动人类活动的痕迹。事实上,自从全球工业化开始于19世纪末期,人类已经影响了一些较小的碳水库。利用化石英尺(例!渠道很小,消极的碳储层)和森林砍伐的一个小例子,活性炭储层)是两种行为,减少了固定的有机碳在这些水库和添加到大气中二氧化碳的储层(表4)。 在大气中二氧化碳的增加已经不像巨大的预期。这是由于碳酸盐岩储层中发现的海洋作为缓冲间大气和泥沙碳水库的平衡方程,如下图所示。 因此,一些多余的二氧化碳已经释放了被海洋吸收。然而,仍被网罗effiux二氧化碳进入大气中大约7 - 109吨/年。这种不平衡的问题是,由于大气的二氧化碳是一种小型碳水库,结果的持续的净effiux过去100年左右已经有28%增加大气中的二氧化碳,从0.026% 0.033%。由于大气二氧化碳的增加,这可能导致全球变暖的温室效应。温室效应的气体造成的气氛,来自太阳的热量,使地球变暖。这个效果并不仅仅因为二氧化碳;其他气体,如甲烷、氟碳化合物(含氯氟烃),并使用笑气添加到这个问题。
2023-08-07 06:05:542


dioxide的意思:二氧化物。dioxide是一个英文单词,名词,意思是“二氧化物 ”。短语搭配:1、carbon dioxide二氧化碳,二氧货碳,一氧化碳,氧化碳。2、manganese dioxide二氧化锰,氧化锰,自然界为软锰矿,过氧化锰。3、selenium dioxide二氧化硒,氧化硒,二氧化,亚硒酐。4、thorium dioxide二氧化钍,氧化钍,翻译。5、Chromium Dioxide二氧化铬。6、Titamium Dioxide 氧化钛。7、Hafnium dioxide 二氧化铪。8、vanadium dioxide 二氧化钒。双语例句:1、Dissolved carbon dioxide makes the water more acidic.溶解的二氧化碳使水更具酸性。2、Humans take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.人吸入氧气,呼出二氧化碳。3、Burning fossil fuels uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide.燃烧化石燃料消耗氧气并产生二氧化碳。4、Industrialized countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions.工业化国家必须减少二氧化碳的排放。5、Sulphur dioxide is a pollutant and a major contributor to acid rain.二氧化硫是一种污染物,并且是形成酸雨的主要因素。以上内容参考:百度百科—dioxide
2023-08-07 06:06:131


1. 低碳经济,即low-carbon economy2. 碳足迹,即carbon footprint3. 低碳技术,即low-carbon technology4. 低碳发展,即low-carbon development/growth5. 低碳生活方式,即low-carbon lifestyle6.低碳社会,即low-carbon society,同理就有“低碳社区”,“低碳城市”和“低碳世界”,即low carbon community, low-carbon city和low-carbon world。
2023-08-07 06:06:292

英语作文 为什么要实行低碳经济.要现场写

Low-carbon life is the lifestyle of the time to minimize energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for those of us ordinary people is an attitude to life. It gives us is a willing and we were creating a low carbon life issues.(低碳生活就是把生活作息时间所耗用的能量要尽量减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量。低碳生活,对于我们这些普通人来说是一种生活态度。它给我们提出的是一个愿不愿意和大家共创造低碳生活的问题。)Taomi Shui can be used to wash their hands every day, clean furniture, water the flowers and so on. Clean, natural moisture; 2. Scrap paper will pave the lowest in the closet can not only absorb moisture, can absorb the smell in the closet; 4. Drink tea residue, dry it, make a tea pillow comfortable, and help to improve sleep;(每天的淘米水可以用来洗手、擦家具、浇花等。干净卫生,自然滋润; 2.将废旧报纸铺垫在衣橱的最底层,不仅可以吸潮,还能吸收衣柜中的异味; 4.喝过的茶叶渣,把它晒干,做一个茶叶枕头,既舒适,又能帮助改善睡眠;)Lifestyle to reduce energy consumption when, thereby reducing the carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. Low-carbon life, for us ordinary people, an attitude, not ability, we should actively promote and to practice the "low carbon" life, pay attention to energy saving, fuel-efficient, water saving, solar terms, starting from scratch.(生活作息时所耗用能量要减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放。低碳生活,对于我们普通人来说,是一种态度,而不是能力,我们应该积极提倡并去实践"低碳"生活,注意节电、节油、节水、节气,从点滴做起。)
2023-08-07 06:06:371

英语作文:My Low - carbon Life 为题 英语好的进来啊

2023-08-07 06:06:482

what is Calcium carbonate

Calcium carbonate is a chemical pound with the formula CaCO3. It is a mon substance found in rocks in all parts of the world and is the main ponent of shells of marine ani *** s snails coal balls pearls and eggshells. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime and is created when Ca ions in hard water react with carbonate ions creating limescale. It is monly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid but excessive consumption can be hazardous. Calcium carbonate shares the typical properties of other carbonates. Notably: it reacts with strong acids releasing carbon dioxide: CaCO3(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) it releases carbon dioxide on heating called a thermal deposition reaction or calcination (to above 840 °C in the case of CaCO3) to form calcium oxide monly called quicklime with reaction enthalpy 178 kJ / mole: CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g) Calcium carbonate will react with water that is saturated with carbon dioxide to form the soluble calcium bicarbonate. CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O → Ca(HCO3)2 This reaction is important in the erosion of carbonate rocks forming caverns and leads to hard water in many regions. An unusual form of calcium carbonate is ikaite with crystal water CaCO3·6H2O. Ikaite is stable only below 6 °C. 参考: Me Calcium carbonate is a chemical pound with the formula CaCO3. It is a mon substance found in rocks in all parts of the world and is the main ponent of shells of marine ani *** s snails coal balls pearls and eggshells. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime and is created when Ca ions in hard water react with carbonate ions creating limescale. It is monly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid but excessive consumption can be hazardous. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Calcium_carbonate
2023-08-07 06:06:551


2023-08-07 06:07:051


碳酸钾和稀硫酸生成硫酸钾、水、二氧化碳。硫酸钾,化学式Ku2082SOu2084,是一种无机盐,一般K含量为50%u301c52%,S含量约为18%。硫酸钾纯品是无色结晶体,农用硫酸钾外观多呈淡黄色。硫酸钾的吸湿性小,不易结块,物理性状良好,施用方便,是很好的水溶性钾肥。 二氧化碳(carbondioxide),化学式CO2。是空气中主要成分之一,是常见的温室气体,一种气态化合物,碳与氧反应生成其化学式为CO2,一个二氧化碳分子由两个氧原子与一个碳原子通过共价键构成。二氧化碳常温下是一种无色无味、不可燃的气体,密度比空气大,略溶于水,与水反应生成碳酸,所以二氧化碳是碳酸的酸酐。
2023-08-07 06:07:121


C what主语从句,在从句中做主语 什么控制着二氧化碳在大气层的流动,大家都已经明白
2023-08-07 06:07:237


2023-08-07 06:08:091