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英文Beijing roast dusk是否加s?

2023-08-10 01:03:19







Beijing roast duck
2023-08-07 01:53:5010


问题一:烤鸭用英语怎么说? 烤鸭: [ kǎo yā ] 1. roast duck 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 他最喜欢吃的菜是烤鸭。 His favorite dish is roast duck. 2. 来吧,史密斯先生,别客气。烤鸭是要趁热吃的。 Now e, Mr Smith, just help yourself. The roast duck has to be eaten piping hot. 3. 还有,我非常想吃妈妈做的北京烤鸭和春卷。 By the way, I miss Mom"s Peking roast duck and spring roll very much! 问题二:北京烤鸭用英语怎么说? Bei Jing Duck 问题三:我们带足够的钱去吃了北京烤鸭 翻译英文 We took enough money and ate the Beijing roast duck. 问题四:北京烤鸭的英文名字是什么 实际上准确地翻译是Peking Duck. 但如若是以意思翻译, 则是 Roasted Beijing/Peking Duck 问题五:急~!!!全聚德烤鸭用英语怎么说? 北京王府井全聚德烤鸭店 Beijing Wangfujing Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant 问题六:北京烤鸭好吃英文怎翻译 你好! Beijing roast duck is delicious 望采纳谢谢!
2023-08-07 01:54:401


北京烤鸭的英文表达是 "Peking Roast Duck"。其中,"Peking" 是北京的旧称,而 "Roast Duck" 则指的是烤鸭。这个名称意味着这道美食的起源和特色。"Peking Roast Duck" 在国际上广为人知,是中国美食中最具代表性的之一。它通常被视为中国菜单上必点的特色菜。食客通常会亲眼目睹厨师们将鸭子烤至金黄色,并将其切成薄片。在食用时,人们会将薄片鸭肉搭配葱、黄瓜和甜面酱一起卷入烤饼或薄饼内,再一口咬下。北京烤鸭的制作过程非常复杂,但结果令人称赞。传统的制作方法包括选用品质优良的北京填鸭,在烤制前对鸭子进行特殊处理,如去毛、内脏和水分,然后用特制的调料涂抹鸭皮,进行间断性的烤制。这种独特的技巧使得鸭肉保持了鲜嫩多汁的特点,而皮脆则带来了独特的口感。许多中国餐馆和中餐厅在全球范围内提供北京烤鸭。它既是中国传统文化的象征,也是国际美食爱好者眼中的佳肴。无论是在国内还是国外,品尝一份正宗的 "Peking Roast Duck" 绝对是一次难忘的美食体验。
2023-08-07 01:54:481


北京烤鸭的英文:Beijing Roast Duck。北京烤鸭是具有世界声誉的北京著名菜,起源于中国南北朝时期,《食珍录》中已记有炙鸭,在当时是宫廷名菜。用料为优质肉食鸭,果木炭火烤制,色泽红润,肉质肥而不腻,外脆里嫩。北京烤鸭分为两大流派,而北京最著名的烤鸭店也即是两派的代表。它以色泽红艳,肉质细嫩,味道醇厚,肥而不腻的特色,被誉为“天下美味”。明初年间,老百姓爱吃南京板鸭,皇帝也爱吃,据说明太祖朱元璋就“日食烤鸭一只”。宫廷里的御厨们就想方设法研制鸭馔的新吃法来讨好万岁爷,于是也就研制出了叉烧烤鸭和焖炉烤鸭这两种。叉烧烤鸭以“全聚德”为代表,而焖炉烤鸭则以“便宜坊”最著名。金陵烤鸭是选用肥大的草鸭为原料,净重要求在2.5公斤左右。据说,随着明成祖(即朱棣)篡位迁都北京后,也顺便带走了不少南京里烤鸭的高手。在嘉靖年间,烤鸭就从宫廷传到了民间,老“便宜坊”烤鸭店就在菜市口米市胡同挂牌开业,这也是北京第一家烤鸭店。而当时的名称则叫“金陵片皮鸭”,就在老“便宜坊”的市幌上还特别标有一行小字:金陵烤鸭。在1864年,京城名气最大的“全聚德”烤鸭店也挂牌开业,烤鸭技术又发展到了“挂炉”时代。它是用果木明火烤制并具有特殊的清香味道,不仅使烤鸭香飘万里而且还使得“北京烤鸭”取代了“南京烤鸭”,而“金陵片皮鸭”只能在港澳、深圳、广州等南方几个大城市的菜单上才能见到。全聚德在刚刚上市的9个交易日中,疯狂地拉出8个涨停板,让人为之疯狂。全聚德集团总经理邢颖曾透露,上市融到的4亿元资金将全部用于升级全聚德供销链环节。同时,他们研制的电子烤鸭炉将逐渐普及到店面。于是,电子烤鸭炉激起了众多非议。有专家指出,全聚德烤鸭的手工技艺经过百年传承,是全聚德传统文化的一部分,应该保留下来,如果烤鸭全部都以工业化流水线进行生产,显然其中蕴藏的文化内涵就会大打折扣。“自动化、标准化是好东西,但并不是每个行业的‘圣经"。全聚德之所以能够卖出198元一套的高价,也在于这些烤鸭都是手工烹饪的艺术品,而非机器批量生产的工业品。这和现在手工艺品热销一样。”消费者如是说。
2023-08-07 01:55:291


北京烤鸭是Beijing Duck 因为鸭子是可数名词,所以通常情况下北京烤鸭可数.例句:I want to buy three Beijing Ducks.但表示北京烤鸭这个种类时,不可数,意思是一类事物,当然不可数.例句:Beijing Duck is my favorite foot.
2023-08-07 01:56:051


Beijing roast duckBeijing roast duck, Beijing Quanjude roast duck store food, with its ruddy color, entrance crisp, mellow flavor, fat but not greasy features, known as the first Beijing delicious, fame at home and abroad.Beijing roast duck is locally rare Beijing duck made of, it is one of the world"s most high-quality a duck. Legend, the pure Beijing duck breeding, about originated two thousand years ago, because Liao, gold, Yuan emperors frequently in the northern grasslands of hunting, I got this white duck, after artificial rearing, continued, to obtain the fine varieties. Now, Beijing duck has become the world"s rare species, renowned overseas.北京烤鸭北京烤鸭,是北京全聚德烤鸭店的名食,它以色泽红润,入口鲜嫩,口味醇厚,肥而不腻的特色,被誉为北京第一美味,名声享誉海内外。北京烤鸭是用当地的名贵北京鸭制成的,它是当今世界上最优质的一种肉鸭。传说,这种纯北京鸭的饲养,约起源于两千年前,是因辽、金、元的帝王经常在北方的草原上狩猎,偶获此纯白鸭,后经人工饲养,一直延续下来,才获此优良品种。现在,北京鸭已成为世界上名贵鸭种,蜚声海外。
2023-08-07 01:56:141

北京烤鸭用英语说 可数吗?

北京烤鸭是BeijingDuck 因为鸭子是可数名词,所以北京烤鸭英语复数为BeijingDucks.
2023-08-07 01:56:222

北京烤鸭用英语说 可数吗?

北京烤鸭是Beijing Duck 因为鸭子是可数名词,所以通常情况下北京烤鸭可数。例句:I want to buy three Beijing Ducks.但表示北京烤鸭这个种类时,不可数,意思是一类事物,当然不可数。例句:Beijing Duck is my favorite foot.
2023-08-07 01:56:461


1.北京烤鸭[名]BeijingRoastDuck。 2.[例句]我要北京烤鸭和一些蔬菜。 3.I&amp。 4.#39。
2023-08-07 01:57:011


1. 烤成的鸭比生鸭重量减轻1/3左右,色呈枣红,油润发亮,皮脆肉嫩,腴美香醇,处焦里嫩,香气扑鼻。 一般成品重2公斤左右,用刀片成柳叶片,以108片为合格,趁热上席,当客片下,下刀快如闪电,片片带皮,令人叹为观止。 Roasted duck than duck weight about 1/3, color is red, shiny bright, crisp skin and tender meat, delicious taste, place Jiao tender, fragrant. The general yield of about 2 kg weight, leaf blade into, with 108 pieces of qualified, while it is hot on the table, when the guest piece, the knife as quick as lightning, patches of skin, it is as the acme of perfection. 2. "北京烤鸭"吃法多样,最适合卷在荷叶饼里或夹在空心芝麻烧饼里吃,并根据个人的爱好加上适当的佐料,如葱段、甜机酱、蒜泥等。 喜食甜味的,可加白糖吃,还可根据季节的不同,与以黄瓜条和青萝卜条吃,以清口解腻。 片过鸭骨架加白菜或冬瓜熬汤,别具有风味。 烤后的凉鸭,连骨剁成0.6厘米宽、4.5厘米长的鸭块,再浇全味汁,亦可作凉菜上席。 " Beijing duck " eat a variety, the most suitable folders or in the hollow sesame eat in the lotus leaf cake, and according to personal preferences with appropriate condiments, such as onion, sweet sauce, garlic and other machine. Eating sweet, can add sugar to eat, can also according to different seasons, with cucumber and green radish to eat, to clear the mouth of greasy. Tablets had duck skeleton with cabbage or wax gourd soup, do not have the flavor. Cold duck roasted, bone cut into 0.6 cm wide, 4.5 cm long duck pieces, and then poured the sauce, as well as the dish on the table. 3. 同学们,今天我给大家介绍的是北京烤鸭。 北京烤鸭是北京驰名中外的京菜代表之一。 讲到北京烤鸭,那可是脍炙人口,盛名鼎鼎。 吃烤鸭,北京最著名的一家便是前门外的全聚德烤鸭店了,在那儿,每天应市的烤鸭约有百把只,人们吃烤鸭都要在前一二天预定,才能入座。 北京烤鸭味儿好,看相也好。 橘黄色的鸭皮里包着外脆内嫩的鸭肉,令人垂涎三尺。 裹上葱白、沾上甜酱吃更是满口留香,异常鲜美。 北京烤鸭的做法非常复杂:先要把处理后的鸭子在入炉之前,灌进开水,这样烤鸭子时,鸭子才会熟得快,也会使鸭肉外脆内嫩。 接下来就是烤了。 鸭子进炉后,先烤鸭子被刀切了的右背侧,使热气从刀口处进入鸭膛,把鸭肚子里的水煮沸。 烤了6至7分钟后,当鸭子右背侧的鸭皮烤成橘黄色时,就翻过来,用火烤鸭子的左背侧3至4分钟,然后烤鸭背4至5分钟,接着就照上面的步骤循环地烤,直到鸭肉全部上色成熟为止。 这样烤出来的鸭子,鸭皮鲜黄松脆,肉质鲜嫩。 这样,烤鸭就做好了。 烤鸭上桌后,有专业的切割员把鸭肉切成薄薄的肉片,包在鸭肉外面的薄饼也讲劲道。 吃完鸭子后剩下的鸭架子可以加上嫩豆腐或黄牙白做成汤,鸭油能用来熬蛋,做成布丁似的菜,吃起来也妙不可言。 吃烤鸭时也挺有讲究。 我喜欢把鸭片沾上甜酱和葱白来吃,真是“口水直流三千尺”呀!难怪北京烤鸭有“天下第一美味”、“京师美食,莫过于鸭,而炙者尤佳”的赞语呢! 同学们,听了我的介绍,你们是不是也“口水直流三千尺”了呢?那就赶快行动起来,向着“北京烤鸭”进军吧。 The clas *** ates, today I give everybody introduction is Beijing roast duck. Beijing roast duck is one of the famous cuisine is representative of Beijing. Beijing roast duck, it is win universal praise, fame Ding ding. The roast duck, one of Beijing"s most famous home is outside the front door of the Quanjude roast duck restaurant, there should be the duck, about 100 only every day, people eat roast duck are scheduled for the first one or two days, can seat. Beijing roast duck taste good, looks good. Orange duck skin wrapped in crisp outside and tender inside the duck, a drool with envy. Wrapped in white, with sweet sauce to eat is full of fresh, delicious anomaly. Beijing roast duck is very plex: first put the processed duck in the furnace before, into the boiling water, such as roast duck, the duck will be cooked quickly, also can make the duck crispy outside and tender inside. The next step is to bake. The duck into the oven, bake the right dorsal duck was cut, so that the hot air from the mouth into the chamber to duck, duck belly in boiling water. Bake 6 to 7 minutes, when the dorsal duck right skin duck baked into orange, turned on, the left dorsal roast duck for 3 to 4 minutes, and then roast duck back 4 to 5 minutes, then according to the above steps until the duck cycle baked, all color maturity. This baked duck, duck skin fresh pine crisp, fresh meat. In this way, the roast duck is done. Roast duck on the table, there are professional cutting member of the duck meat cut into thin slices, wrapped in duck out pizza also speak effort. The remaining after eating duck duck shelf can be added to the tender bean curd or yellow teeth white soup, duck oil can be used to boil the egg pudding, made like food, eat it too wonderful for . The roast duck is very important. I like the duck with sweet sauce and scallion white to eat, really " slobber DC three thousand feet ."! No wonder Beijing roast duck has " the best in all the land of delicious ", "the capital of food, than a duck, and sunburn. " praise! Students, after listening to my introduction, you is it right? " Slobber DC three thousand feet "? Then take action as soon as possible, toward the " Beijing duck " to enter.
2023-08-07 01:57:171


2023-08-07 01:57:362


14)Reduce heat to 300°F; roast 10 minutes. 15)Reduce heat to 250°F; roast until tender (if used, a meat thermometer stuck in thickest part of thigh should register almost 180°F). 16)Now increase heat to 450°F, remove foil and roast 10 minutes. 17)Remove from oven and serve hot.
2023-08-07 01:58:404


Peking Duck is a famous duck dish from Beijing that has been prepared since the imperial era, and is now considered one of China"s national foods.The dish is prized for the thin, crisp skin, with authentic versions of the dish serving mostly the skin and little meat, sliced in front of the diners by the cook. Ducks bred specially for the dish are slaughtered after 65 days and seasoned before being roasted in a closed or hung oven. The meat is eaten with pancakes, scallion, and hoisin sauce or sweet bean sauce. The two most notable restaurants in Beijing which serve this delicacy are Quanjude and Bianyifang, two centuries-old establishments which have become household names
2023-08-07 01:58:492


除此之外北京还有著名的北京烤鸭的英文翻译_百度翻译除此之外北京还有著名的北京烤鸭In addition, there is the famous Beijing roast duck in Beijing 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译
2023-08-07 01:58:591


roast duck
2023-08-07 01:59:095


ENGLISH: The Beijing roast duck origins from the West roasted the goose the end of the Qing by is stationed Shandong"s German to spread. Famous Beijing Quanjude Roast duck Shop is the Shandong hotel adds the sweet sauce green onion with the lotus-leaf pancake volume duck skin to eat the law is typical Shandong eats the law. This saying the suspicious place is the Beijing roast duck is the Qing Dynasty passes on like the folk by the palace. Old shop Beijing Quanjude Roast duck Shop constructs in the Qing Dynasty Tongzhi three years (1864) but in this before very early Ming and Qing Dynasties" imperial palace had roast duck this food. 中文: 北京烤鸭起源于西方的的烤鹅,清末由驻山东的德国人传入。 大名鼎鼎的北京全聚德烤鸭店就是山东饭店,用荷叶饼卷鸭 皮加甜面酱大葱的吃法是典型的山东吃法。 这一说的可疑之处是北京烤鸭是清代由宫廷传如民间的。 老字号的北京全聚德烤鸭店建于清代同治三年(1864),而 这以前很早的明清的皇宫中已有烤鸭这道菜了。 唔知d文法系咪一定岩~ 因为系用网翻译嘅~ 你最好自己睇下LA~ 我都帮你改咗d嫁la....... en. *** /wiki/Peking_duck i explain thoroughly
2023-08-07 01:59:241


We ate the really famous Beijing Duck.
2023-08-07 01:59:334

Beijing Roast Duck是什么意思

2023-08-07 01:59:525


问题一:北京的英语怎么说 Beijing; Peking. Beijing是前中国官方正式的叫法。。 Peking用在一些传统叫法上如 Peking University 北京大学;Peking duck北京烤鸭。。大部分的中国教师会教学生 Peking是有贬低,或者不敬的意思。。 其实国外好多地方都是用的Peking,而不是Beijing。而且在欧洲很多地方都能看到Peking这个词。。应该说是没有什么贬义的,只是旧称而已。例如北大现在还被称为Peking University, 清华还被称为Tsinghua University。 在七十年代末,中国向联合国提出了一项提案,要求在后来国际上采用汉语拼音来表述中国人的人名,地名。这个提案当然获得了通过。所以在后来,Peking才有了Beijing的叫法。对此还曾经有老外问我到底是怎么回事,可见他们对此也不太清楚,更谈不上贬义了。 问题二:”北京”用英语怎么说 巧了,今天上课时老师刚刚讲过。嘿嘿! 目前只有三个专用名词一定要用“Peking” Peking Duck――北京烤鸭 Peking Opera――京剧 Peking University――北京大学 其余都用“Beijing” PS:楼上的太不厚道了,竟然盗用我的答案。 问题三:中国北京用英文怎么说? BEIJING CHINA 正确 国外都是先说小地名再说大地名 和我过的书信地址恰恰相反 问题四:欢迎来到北京用英文怎么说 wele to beijing 问题五:你现在在北京吗?英语怎么写的 are you in Beijing? 问题六:北京用英语怎么写 Peking 问题七:北京市地址英语怎么写 No. 17 PICC Plaza North Street, Chaoyangmen Dongcheng District Beijing 问题八:你打算什么时候去北京用英文怎么写 when are you leaving for beijing? 问题九:你在北京工作吗?英语怎么写 do you work in Beijing? are you working in Beijing? 第二句强调你现在正在北京工作吗
2023-08-07 02:00:201


Beijing Duck or Beijing Roast Duck Beijing Roast duck is thought to be one of the most delicious dishes all over the world; most visitors ing to Beijing will never fet to have a try. Eating Peking duck is seen to be one of the o things you are absolutely supposed to do while in Beijing. How roast duck was made? You might want to know more about how Peking Roasted Duck is made. The ducks are raised for the sole purpose of making the food. Force-fed, they are kept in cages which restrain them from moving about, so as to fatten them up and make the meat parably tender. Special farms supply plump Beijing ducks weighing an average of 2.5 kilograms each. The o famous Beijing condiment shops, Liubiju and Tianyuan, supply the dark tangy bean sauce spread on the pancakes. The fragrant sesame oil and refined sugar are also specially selected. Finally, only the wood of fruit trees such as date, peach and pear are used in the roasting process to give the meat its unique fragrance. 这段是做法: Select a duck with whole skin. First the ducks are rubbed with spices, salt and sugar, and then kept hung in the air for some time. Cuts open the belly and draw, and then insert a 2 inch long piece of wood to support the chest bone and to stretch the skin. Hook the duck by the neck, spread diluted maltose over it. Hang the duck in an airy place to dry. The stuffed duck is hung in the roaster and kettles of hot water are placed in front to fill out the duck. Proper timing and temperature are important and the duck is turned often enough to roast them pletely and evenly. (Try 350°F turn every 15 minutes, total roasting time about 40 minutes). Roast until golden brown with rich grease perspiring outside and have a nice odor.   beijing roast duck taste good, looks good. brown duck skin wrapped in crisp outside and tender inside the duck, a most delicious, but also with the sauce is full of fresh, so eat up lead a person to endless aftertastes. beijing roast duck is very plex, the first after the treatment of duck in the furnace before, into the boiling water, it will make roast duck, duck crispy outside and tender inside. bake 6 to 7 minutes, right dorsal duck duck baked into orange, turned on the fire, roast duck left dorsal 3 to 4 minutes. then according to the above steps until all the coloring roast duck, maturity. in this way, roasted duck is done. roasted duck on the table, there are professional cutting to cut into thin slices of duck. the remaining after eating duck duck shelf can add some material to make soup, duck oil can be used to boil the egg, make a pudding like dish, eat up too wonderful for words. when eating roasted duck is also very good. i like the duck pieces with the sauce and scallion white to eat, "wow"! watching really "slobber dc three thousand feet"! no wonder the beijing roast duck is "the best in all the land of delicious" praise! students, after listening to my introduction, you is it right? "slobber dc three thousand feet"? then take action as soon as possible, starting towards the "beijing roast duck". 北京烤鸭味儿好,看相也好。褐色的鸭皮里包着外脆内嫩的鸭肉,美味至极,而且沾上酱汁更是满口留香,令人吃起来回味无穷。 北京烤鸭的做法很复杂,先要把处理后的鸭子在入炉之前,灌进开水,这样烤鸭子时,才会使鸭肉外脆内嫩。烤了6至7分钟后,鸭子右背侧的鸭皮烤成橘黄色时,就翻过来,用火烤鸭子的左背侧3至4分钟。接着就照上面的步骤循环地烤,直到鸭肉全部上色成熟为止。这样,烤鸭就做好了。烤鸭上桌后,有专业的切割员把鸭肉切成薄薄的肉片。吃完鸭子后剩下的鸭架子可以加上一些材料做成汤,鸭油能用来熬蛋,做成布丁似的菜,吃起来也妙不可言。吃烤鸭时也挺有讲究。我喜欢把鸭片沾上酱汁和葱白来吃,“哇”!看着真是“口水直流三千尺”呀!难怪北京烤鸭有“天下第一美味”的赞语呢! 同学们,听了我的介绍,你们是不是也“口水直流三千尺”了呢?那就赶快行动起来,向着“北京烤鸭”出发吧。
2023-08-07 02:00:341


What"s your favorite Chinese traditional food?
2023-08-07 02:01:174


2023-08-07 02:01:251


2023-08-07 02:01:491

北京烤鸭到底是Beijing Duck还是Beijing roast Duck

Beijing roast Duck
2023-08-07 02:02:007


2023-08-07 02:02:282


Beijin roast duckuff01
2023-08-07 02:02:514


问题一:烤鸭用英语怎么说? 烤鸭: [ kǎo yā ] 1. roast duck 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 他最喜欢吃的菜是烤鸭。 His favorite dish is roast duck. 2. 来吧,史密斯先生,别客气。烤鸭是要趁热吃的。 Now e, Mr Smith, just help yourself. The roast duck has to be eaten piping hot. 3. 还有,我非常想吃妈妈做的北京烤鸭和春卷。 By the way, I miss Mom"s Peking roast duck and spring roll very much! 问题二:北京烤鸭的英语怎么说 有3种:roast Be丹jing duck Peking duck fried pork stomach and chicken gizzard 问题三:北京烤鸭用英语怎么说? Bei Jing Duck 问题四:“北京烤鸭”用英语怎么说 北京烤鸭由来已久 用 Peking roast duck 问题五:急~!!!全聚德烤鸭用英语怎么说? 北京王府井全聚德烤鸭店 Beijing Wangfujing Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant 问题六:我们带足够的钱去吃了北京烤鸭 翻译英文 We took enough money and ate the Beijing roast duck.
2023-08-07 02:03:321


2023-08-07 02:03:443


不需要了,因为Peking Duck 已经是特指,很明确了。不用再用the 去明确它了。
2023-08-07 02:03:511


“北京烤鸭很美味”的英文:The Beijing Duck is delicious.改为感叹句:How delicious the Beijing Duck is!
2023-08-07 02:04:011


1. 烤成的鸭比生鸭重量减轻1/3左右,色呈枣红,油润发亮,皮脆肉嫩,腴美香醇,处焦里嫩,香气扑鼻.一般成品重2公斤左右,用刀片成柳叶片,以108片为合格,趁热上席,当客片下,下刀快如闪电,片片带皮,令人叹为观止. Roasted duck than duck weight about 1/3, color is red, shiny bright, crisp skin and tender meat, delicious taste, place Jiao tender, fragrant. The general yield of about 2 kg weight, leaf blade into, with 108 pieces of qualified, while it is hot on the table, when the guest piece, the knife as quick as lightning, patches of skin, it is as the acme of perfection. 2. "北京烤鸭"吃法多样,最适合卷在荷叶饼里或夹在空心芝麻烧饼里吃,并根据个人的爱好加上适当的佐料,如葱段、甜机酱、蒜泥等.喜食甜味的,可加白糖吃,还可根据季节的不同,与以黄瓜条和青萝卜条吃,以清口解腻.片过鸭骨架加白菜或冬瓜熬汤,别具有风味.烤后的凉鸭,连骨剁成0.6厘米宽、4.5厘米长的鸭块,再浇全味汁,亦可作凉菜上席. " Beijing duck " eat a variety, the most suitable folders or in the hollow sesame eat in the lotus leaf cake, and according to personal preferences with appropriate condiments, such as onion, sweet sauce, garlic and other machine. Eating sweet, can add sugar to eat, can also according to different seasons, with cucumber and green radish to eat, to clear the mouth of greasy. Tablets had duck skeleton with cabbage or wax gourd soup, do not have the flavor. Cold duck roasted, bone cut into 0.6 cm wide, 4.5 cm long duck pieces, and then poured the sauce, as well as the dish on the table. 3. 同学们,今天我给大家介绍的是北京烤鸭. 北京烤鸭是北京驰名中外的京菜代表之一. 讲到北京烤鸭,那可是脍炙人口,盛名鼎鼎.吃烤鸭,北京最著名的一家便是前门外的全聚德烤鸭店了,在那儿,每天应市的烤鸭约有百把只,人们吃烤鸭都要在前一二天预定,才能入座. 北京烤鸭味儿好,看相也好.橘黄色的鸭皮里包着外脆内嫩的鸭肉,令人垂涎三尺.裹上葱白、沾上甜酱吃更是满口留香,异常鲜美. 北京烤鸭的做法非常复杂:先要把处理后的鸭子在入炉之前,灌进开水,这样烤鸭子时,鸭子才会熟得快,也会使鸭肉外脆内嫩.接下来就是烤了.鸭子进炉后,先烤鸭子被刀切了的右背侧,使热气从刀口处进入鸭膛,把鸭肚子里的水煮沸.烤了6至7分钟后,当鸭子右背侧的鸭皮烤成橘黄色时,就翻过来,用火烤鸭子的左背侧3至4分钟,然后烤鸭背4至5分钟,接着就照上面的步骤循环地烤,直到鸭肉全部上色成熟为止.这样烤出来的鸭子,鸭皮鲜黄松脆,肉质鲜嫩.这样,烤鸭就做好了. 烤鸭上桌后,有专业的切割员把鸭肉切成薄薄的肉片,包在鸭肉外面的薄饼也讲劲道.吃完鸭子后剩下的鸭架子可以加上嫩豆腐或黄牙白做成汤,鸭油能用来熬蛋,做成布丁似的菜,吃起来也妙不可言. 吃烤鸭时也挺有讲究.我喜欢把鸭片沾上甜酱和葱白来吃,真是“口水直流三千尺”呀!难怪北京烤鸭有“天下第一美味”、“京师美食,莫过于鸭,而炙者尤佳”的赞语呢! 同学们,听了我的介绍,你们是不是也“口水直流三千尺”了呢?那就赶快行动起来,向着“北京烤鸭”进军吧. The classmates, today I give everybody introduction is Beijing roast duck. Beijing roast duck is one of the famous cuisine is representative of Beijing. Beijing roast duck, it is win universal praise, fame Ding ding. The roast duck, one of Beijing"s most famous home is outside the front door of the Quanjude roast duck restaurant, there should be the duck, about 100 only every day, people eat roast duck are scheduled for the first one or two days, can seat. Beijing roast duck taste good, looks good. Orange duck skin wrapped in crisp outside and tender inside the duck, a drool with envy. Wrapped in white, with sweet sauce to eat is full of fresh, delicious anomaly. Beijing roast duck is very complex: first put the processed duck in the furnace before, into the boiling water, such as roast duck, the duck will be cooked quickly, also can make the duck crispy outside and tender inside. The next step is to bake. The duck into the oven, bake the right dorsal duck was cut, so that the hot air from the mouth into the chamber to duck, duck belly in boiling water. Bake 6 to 7 minutes, when the dorsal duck right skin duck baked into orange, turned on, the left dorsal roast duck for 3 to 4 minutes, and then roast duck back 4 to 5 minutes, then according to the above steps until the duck cycle baked, all color maturity. This baked duck, duck skin fresh pine crisp, fresh meat. In this way, the roast duck is done. Roast duck on the table, there are professional cutting member of the duck meat cut into thin slices, wrapped in duck out pizza also speak effort. The remaining after eating duck duck shelf can be added to the tender bean curd or yellow teeth white soup, duck oil can be used to boil the egg pudding, made like food, eat it too wonderful for words. The roast duck is very important. I like the duck with sweet sauce and scallion white to eat, really " slobber DC three thousand feet ."! No wonder Beijing roast duck has " the best in all the land of delicious ", "the capital of food, than a duck, and sunburn. " praise! Students, after listening to my introduction, you is it right? " Slobber DC three thousand feet "? Then take action as soon as possible, toward the " Beijing duck " to enter.
2023-08-07 02:04:251

北京烤鸭的做法 英语写

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 北京烤鸭的做法 英语写 解析: Beijing Duck or Beijing Roast Duck Beijing Roast duck is thought to be one of the most delicious dishes all over the world; most visitors ing to Beijing will never fet to have a try. Eating Peking duck is seen to be one of the o things you are absolutely supposed to do while in Beijing. How roast duck was made?You might want to know more about how Peking Roasted Duck is made. The ducks are raised for the sole purpose of making the food. Force-fed, they are kept in cages which restrain them from moving about, so as to fatten them up and make the meat parably tender. Special farms supply plump Beijing ducks weighing an average of 2.5 kilograms each. The o famous Beijing condiment shops, Liubiju and Tianyuan, supply the dark tangy bean sauce spread on the pancakes. The fragrant sesame oil and refined sugar are also specially selected. Finally, only the wood of fruit trees such as date, peach and pear are used in the roasting process to give the meat its unique fragrance. 这段是做法: Select a duck with whole skin. First the ducks are rubbed with spices, salt and sugar, and then kept hung in the air for some time. Cuts open the belly and draw, and then insert a 2 inch long piece of wood to support the chest bone and to stretch the skin. Hook the duck by the neck, spread diluted maltose over it. Hang the duck in an airy place to dry. The stuffed duck is hung in the roaster and kettles of hot water are placed in front to fill out the duck. Proper timing and temperature are important and the duck is turned often enough to roast them pletely and evenly. (Try 350°F turn every 15 minutes, total roasting time about 40 minutes). Roast until golden brown with rich grease perspiring outside and have a nice odor.
2023-08-07 02:04:331


Kaoya is one of the famous foods in Beijng
2023-08-07 02:04:431


Beijing Roast Duck: A Culinary DelightBeijing Roast Duck, also known as Peking Duck, is one of the most famous and delicious dishes in Chinese cuisine. Renowned for its crispy skin and tender meat, this culinary masterpiece has become a symbol of Beijing"s rich gastronomic heritage.The history of Beijing Roast Duck dates back to the imperial era of China. It was originally a delicacy enjoyed by the imperial court, but eventually made its way to the common people, becoming a beloved dish for locals and visitors alike. Today, it has gained international acclaim and is savored by food enthusiasts worldwide.The preparation of Beijing Roast Duck is a meticulous process that requires both skill and patience. The traditional method involves selecting a specific breed of duck and air-drying it for several hours. This process allows the skin to become thin and crispy while the meat remains succulent and flavorful. The duck is then roasted in a special oven until the skin turns golden brown, creating an irresistible aroma that fills the air.When served, Beijing Roast Duck is usually carved tableside by skilled chefs. The thin, crispy skin is carefully separated from the succulent meat, creating a perfect balance of textures. It is typically enjoyed wrapped in thin pancakes, along with finely sliced scallions, cucumber, and sweet bean sauce. The combination of the tender meat, crunchy vegetables, and savory sauce creates a burst of flavors in every bite.Beyond its exquisite taste, Beijing Roast Duck holds cultural significance in Chinese cuisine. It embodies the essence of the city"s culinary heritage and reflects the artistry and precision deeply embedded in Chinese gastronomy. It is often served on special occasions and celebrations, symbolizing abundance, unity, and happiness.Many renowned restaurants in Beijing specialize in serving authentic Beijing Roast Duck. These establishments pride themselves on preserving the time-honored traditions and delivering an unforgettable dining experience. Visitors to Beijing should not miss the opportunity to indulge in this iconic dish and immerse themselves in the rich culinary culture of the city.In conclusion, Beijing Roast Duck is a culinary delight that has captured the hearts and palates of people around the world. Its combination of crispy skin, tender meat, and exquisite flavors makes it a true gastronomic masterpiece. When visiting Beijing, be sure to savor this iconic dish and experience the rich cultural heritage it represents.
2023-08-07 02:04:502


晚饭我们吃了北京烤鸭We have Beijing roast duck for dinner.晚饭我们吃了北京烤鸭We have Beijing roast duck for dinner.
2023-08-07 02:05:172

北京烤鸭的做法 英语写

Beijing Duck or Beijing Roast DuckBeijing Roast duck is thought to be one of the most delicious dishes all over the world; most visitors coming to Beijing will never forget to have a try. Eating Peking duck is seen to be one of the two things you are absolutely supposed to do while in Beijing.How roast duck was made?You might want to know more about how Peking Roasted Duck is made. The ducks are raised for the sole purpose of making the food. Force-fed, they are kept in cages which restrain them from moving about, so as to fatten them up and make the meat comparably tender. Special farms supply plump Beijing ducks weighing an average of 2.5 kilograms each. The two famous Beijing condiment shops, Liubiju and Tianyuan, supply the dark tangy bean sauce spread on the pancakes. The fragrant sesame oil and refined sugar are also specially selected. Finally, only the wood of fruit trees such as date, peach and pear are used in the roasting process to give the meat its unique fragrance.这段是做法:Select a duck with whole skin. First the ducks are rubbed with spices, salt and sugar, and then kept hung in the air for some time. Cuts open the belly and draw, and then insert a 2 inch long piece of wood to support the chest bone and to stretch the skin. Hook the duck by the neck, spread diluted maltose over it. Hang the duck in an airy place to dry. The stuffed duck is hung in the roaster and kettles of hot water are placed in front to fill out the duck. Proper timing and temperature are important and the duck is turned often enough to roast them completely and evenly. (Try 350°F turn every 15 minutes, total roasting time about 40 minutes). Roast until golden brown with rich grease perspiring outside and have a nice odor.
2023-08-07 02:05:381


in this world or in the next, there is no middle way.
2023-08-07 02:05:482


I think Beijing roast duck tastes delicious
2023-08-07 02:06:092


How to Eat Peking Duck in BeijingHow to order: An average-sized duck will feed up to 8 or 10 people. Single diners and couples can sometimes order half ducks, or take home a lot of doggy bags (ducky bags?).Etiquette: A chef will arrive with your duck and carve it. Carving is an art form; a skilled chef can carve up to 120 slices in four or five minutes, with at least a sliver of deep red skin on each piece to strike a balance between succulence and crunchiness. Watch closely and compliment his carving skills. Don"t be afraid to applaud when he finishes.Eat like an expert: It"s polite to first serve a few slices of duck to your guests, then serve yourself. Don"t stick to just the leaner parts of the duck. Savor the skin.The basic ingredients for wrapping the duck include crepe-like pancakes, scallions, cucumbers and a hoisin (plum) sauce. Spread a thin layer of plum sauce over a pancake. Add a few slivers of scallion and cucumber, then one or two slices of duck. Fold the bottom and side flaps of the pancake. The ingredients should poke out the open top, and you should be able to munch on the finished wrap with one hand, as you would a burrito.Note, too, that the Chinese don"t like to waste anything, especially food, and chefs can get very creative with parts Westerners will consider extraneous. Popular side dishes include boiled duck liver, shredded duck wings, seasoned duck feet, even fried duck hearts. Eat these sans pancake, and try other condiments such as pickled vegetables, crushed garlic and white sugar. If you"re squeamish, opt for vegetable or seafood sides, or duck in spring rolls and steamed buns. Soup prepared with the leftover bones of the duck are also common.Wash it down: Local beers such as Yanjing Beer and Beijing Beer go great with Peking duck, though the Chinese are also fond of soda at large dinners. In the past few years Chinese wines like Great Wall and Grace Vineyards have become popular with locals. If you have Chinese hosts, they may also order a strong liquor, like the distilled rice wine baijiu, for a toast. Whether you go for the potent stuff or drink something non-alcoholic, just remember to wish everyone “gan bei,”—literally, “empty glasses.”
2023-08-07 02:06:192


Add onion sweetened soybean paste, can be equipped with cucumber, radish, fermented flour paste a little pick with chopsticks, a major contributing factor in the lotus leaf on the cake, put a few films duck covered in the above, add onions on a few, radish or cucumber, the Netherlands Leaf roll up cake, is really very delicious.
2023-08-07 02:06:291


drink alcoholhave a cup of teaeat baked duck
2023-08-07 02:06:392


2023-08-07 02:06:586


2023-08-07 02:07:152


I really liked Beijing roast duck here.
2023-08-07 02:07:283


北京烤鸭第一种吃法:  据说是由大宅门里的太太小姐们兴起的。她们既不吃葱,也不吃蒜,却喜欢将那又酥油脆的鸭皮,蘸了细细的白糖来吃。以后,全聚德跑堂一见到女客来了,便必然跟着烤鸭,上一小碟白糖。  北京烤鸭第二种吃法:  甜面酱加葱条,可配黄瓜条、萝卜条,用筷子挑一点甜面酱,抹在荷叶饼上,放几片烤鸭盖在上面,再放上几根葱条、黄瓜条或萝卜条,将荷叶饼卷起,真是好吃无比。  北京烤鸭第三种吃法:  蒜泥加甜面酱,也可配萝卜条等,用荷叶饼卷食鸭肉也是早年受欢迎的一种佐料。蒜泥可以解油腻,将片好的烤鸭蘸着蒜泥、甜面酱吃,在鲜香中更增添了一丝辣意,风味更为独特。不少顾客特别偏爱这种佐料。Beijing roast duck eat first: It is said by the great gate of a big house in the rise of the ladies. They do not eat onions or garlic to eat, but it will be like butter and crisp the duck skin, dip a thin white sugar and eat. After Quanjude waiter to see a female customer comes, it will inevitably follow the roast duck, a small dishes on white sugar. The second Beijing roast duck eat: Add onion sweetened soybean paste, can be equipped with cucumber, radish, fermented flour paste a little pick with chopsticks, a major contributing factor in the lotus leaf on the cake, put a few films duck covered in the above, add onions on a few, radish or cucumber, the Netherlands Leaf roll up cake, is really very delicious. Beijing roast duck eat a third: Add garlic fermented flour paste can be assigned, such as radish, lotus leaf roll cake eating duck is also a popular seasoning early years. Garlic can be oily solution, the film will be a good duck garlic dip, eat fermented flour paste, adding more Xianxiang hot ray of Italy, more unique flavor. Many customers prefer this special seasoning.
2023-08-07 02:07:371


2023-08-07 02:08:015


9月19日上午,四级考试刚刚结束,话题#四级翻译喝酒喝茶吃烤鸭#就冲上了热搜。这次四级翻译三套题,主题分别是:北京烤鸭、白酒、茶文化。有考生表示,这就是一场“鸿门宴”。一个北京烤鸭的翻译,让不少人直呼:翻车!“北京烤鸭” 这道传统名菜的英文说法就是 “Peking roast duck”。原本以为这是给“吃货”考生的送分题,结果考生写了“Bejing coast duck”。另一个白酒,更是把人考“醉”了:白white+酒wine=white wine白酒?如果你真这样写,老师顶多给你个拥抱,想要给你分怕是不可能了。白酒是一种很烈的酒,它在英文中有三种表达:Spirits(度数较高的)蒸馏酒,烈酒Liquor酒精饮料,泛指各种酒Baijiu白酒,“white alcohol”或者 “white spirit”也可以。而考到茶文化这题时,网友也是翻车了,有网友说:“神农喝茶提了神,我drinking like six god,喝了像六神,冲脑子呢?”扩展资料网友热议:1、作文考网上图书馆,翻译考茅台,我连酒这个单词都不会写,只好用water代替。2、预测题看了烤鸭,考试考了茶。3、估计下午得考名著了。4、我喜欢吃烤鸭,但是我不想拿它做题。5、周黑押再现江湖。6、照这个趋势,吃喝抽烫就差烫头没考了。参考资料来源:中国日报-四级考试题:喝酒、喝茶、吃烤鸭……网友痛哭:这就是场“鸿门宴”
2023-08-07 02:09:111

Mike 上周去了北京,他看望了奶奶,然后吃了北京烤鸭,参观了故宫,拍了很多照翻译成英文

回答和翻译如下:Mike 上周去了北京,他看望了奶奶,然后吃了北京烤鸭,参观了故宫,拍了很多照。Mike went to Beijing last week. He visited Grandma, ate Peking Roast Duck, visited the Forbidden City and took many pictures.
2023-08-07 02:09:261

英文演讲比赛 介绍中国饮食文化 我想介绍北京烤鸭 介绍到一半不知道怎么写了应该都介绍什么

2023-08-07 02:09:482


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