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2023-08-09 23:05:55
保密协议(NDA) non-disclosure agreement
保密协议 confidentiality agreement



2023-08-07 00:49:496


2023-08-07 00:50:107

confidentiality agreement是什么意思

confidentiality agreement保密协议双语对照词典结果:confidentiality agreement机密性协定; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He did not provide details of the deal, citing a confidentiality agreement with lawyers forthe former detainees. 他以政府与这些前在押人员的律师达成了一个保密协议为由而没有提供有关这个交易的细节。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-08-07 00:50:451


保密范围confidential scope
2023-08-07 00:50:534

confidentiality and intellectual property

第12条-卖方承诺转让给买方的结果服务的各种性能产生本合同,并可以保护的知识和/或工业产权或其他方式,这应是专属财产,买方。 第13条-的卖方承认并同意的价格,中提到的购买价格,包括薪酬转让上述权利和交付给买受人。
2023-08-07 00:51:041


2023-08-07 00:51:301


这是份保密涵 为了保密 给你发到百度Hi里了 请注意查收 发件人是“喜羊羊在线”
2023-08-07 00:51:384


2023-08-07 00:51:473


2023-08-07 00:51:541

保密协议 翻译 急 急急

在此无关时便会被视为以防止任何一方从deisclosing任何机密资料,按照传票或其他强制司法当局或其他政府process.privides说,一些部分必须作出这种披露及时,使其他通知任何此类强制披露,并协同有关其他在每一个合理的办法,以限制这种披露和保护机密的condidential信息的问题。 2 。终止后,各部分将迅速返回到其他所有condidential信息透露给它的下面以什么形式出现,它可能包括但并不限于文本的全部或部分therof 。 英文部分是没有翻译出来
2023-08-07 00:52:082


2023-08-07 00:52:192


microsoftbd ,正确。学习了,走人
2023-08-07 00:52:417


信息/数据的定义提供服务方的义务保密事项保护限制接触:接触的职工的人数,只限于为了提供服务而必须的(职工)数据的处理:提供服务以外的理由任何人无权进行处理。除标准条款中的关于提供服务方的陈述和保证规定,任何人无权导出数据。同意遵循本协议的规定下提供服务。否则,将即刻通知XXX保证导入有效的技术安全措施。同意迅速处理和回答XXX的要求并且根据实际情况与主管机关合作。提供服务方同意在XXX的要求下对XXX的员工进行审查。关于违约的通知:在安全问题或者提供服务方出现任何违约情况时提供服务方将立刻通知XXX,提供详细的关于违约以及补救措施的信息。分包:不允许任何没有XXX事先书面同意的分包。XXX应当与提供服务方同等接触分包商。责任违约责任分包的情况下提供服务方依然承担责任适用法律 中国与监督部门的合作:由专门负责调整的人员联络服务提供方
2023-08-07 00:53:094


Chapter seven Terms about the secretyBoth mutual agreement of confidentiality obligations, either in the implementation of this agreement in the process acquired other commercial secrets (commercial secrets belonging to a party and (or) all of its affiliates, as was its secret technology, business or any other aspect of the information, this information is not known to the public , will bring economic benefits, relevance, and to take protective measures.) should be confidential and not disclosed, but the implementation of the agreement only purpose use.
2023-08-07 00:53:214


注意保密,不得外泄的翻译是:Pay attention to confidentiality and must not leak
2023-08-07 00:53:281


2023-08-07 00:53:351


  【谅解备忘录】[MemorandumofUnderstanding]简称MoU,直译为谅解备忘录。用中国人的说法就是协议。  意指“双方经过协商、谈判达成共识后,用文本的方式记录下来”,“谅解”旨在表明“协议双方要互相体谅,妥善处理彼此的分歧和争议”。由报道知:“谅解备忘录”相应的英文表达为“memorandumofunderstanding”,有时也可写成“memoofunderstanding”或“MOU”。  日常生活中,memorandum(memo)常用来形容“为防遗忘而写的便条”,如memopad(记事本)。此外,与其搭配的词组有engagementmemorandum(业务备忘录),auditmemorandum(查帐备忘录)。谅解备忘录的组成内容一般包括:1、合作机会ThePotentialCooperation2、保密Confidentiality3、协议语言Language4、协议期限Duration5、不可变更Modification6、终止Termination7、法律适用GoverningLaw8、其他细节OtherConditions在谅解备忘录中,除保密(Confidentiality)、终止(Termination)、法律适用(GoverningLaw)、费用分摊、排他性谈判、争议解决条款之外,其余的条款对双方都不具备法律约束力。在正式条约签订之前,谅解备忘录双方对该协议均不具有任何法律义务。
2023-08-07 00:53:531


2023-08-07 00:54:171


2023-08-07 00:54:251

Confidentiality Agreement 和 non-disclosure agreement 有什么区别?该怎么翻译?

Confidentiality Agreement 保密协议;non-disclosure agreement 非披露(不泄露)协议;两个协议,叫法不同,意思相近
2023-08-07 00:54:331


2023-08-07 00:54:401

信息安全的cia 3性是指

信息安全的cia 3性是指:i指的是完整性(Integrity)。完整性(Integrity)指信息在输入和传输的过程中,不被非法授权修改和破坏,保证数据的一致性。在信息安全等级保护工作中,根据信息系统的机密性(Confidentiality)、完整性(Integrity)、可用性(Availability)来划分信息系统的安全等级,三个性质简称CIA。信息安全ISO(国际标准化组织)的定义为:为数据处理系统建立和采用的技术、管理上的安全保护,为的是保护计算机硬件、软件、数据不因偶然和恶意的原因而遭到破坏、更改和泄露。中国企业在信息安全方面始终保持着良好记录。华为早就坦坦荡荡地向世界公开宣布,愿意签署无后门协议,也愿意在任何国家建立网络安全评估中心,接受外方检测。
2023-08-07 00:54:491


2023-08-07 00:55:041


master article, security: restricted
2023-08-07 00:55:131


2023-08-07 00:55:211


机密布告: 这一个信息 (包括任何的附件) 可能包含Molex 的机密信息,受到法律保护。如果这条信息是机密的,没有寄件人的许可,把它转给个人而不是想要知道信息的特定人员手里是被禁止的。这条信息是给特定人员的。如果你不是那个特定的接收人的话, 随意的删除,任意的揭发,复印,或把它随便的发出去,任何这样的行为都是严格禁止的。 中国日本人
2023-08-07 00:55:401


2023-08-07 00:55:481


NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT   保密协议This Non-Disclosure Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the later of the two signature dates below by and between xxxxxxx., a Delware corporation, and _________________.本保密协议(以下称“协议”)自xxxxxxx(一个位于Delware(特拉华)的公司)与_________________签订之日起生效。IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES AND COVENANTS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT AND THE MUTUAL DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS:以本协议的双方相互承诺和保证以及双方不(对外)公开保密信息为对价,双方约定如下:1. Definition of Confidential Information and Exclusions.   保密信息的定义及除外条款(a) "Confidential Information" means nonpublic information that a party to this Agreement (“Disclosing Party”) designates as being confidential to the party that receives such information (“Receiving Party”) or which, under the circumstances surrounding disclosure ought to be treated as confidential by the Receiving Party. "Confidential Information" includes, without limitation, information in tangible or intangible form relating to and/or including all business, technical, and financial information (including, without limitation, specific customer requirements, customer and potential customer lists, marketing andpromotional information, trade secret, copyright, and trademark information, and information concerning a party"s employees, agents, divisions, practices, policies, operations, and pricing information), as well as information received from others that Disclosing Party is obligated to treat as confidential. Except as otherwise indicated in this Agreement, the term “Disclosing Party” also includes all Affiliates of the Disclosing Party and, except as otherwise indicated, the term “Receiving Party” also includes all Affiliates of the Receiving Party. An “Affiliate” means any person, partnership, joint venture,corporation or other form of enterprise, domestic or foreign, including but not limited to subsidiaries, that directly or indirectly, control, are controlled by, or are under common control with a party. (a)“保密信息”意为本协议的一方(以下称“公开方”)向接收此等信息的一方(以下称“接收方”)指明信息为机密的非公开的信息,或应被接收方视为机密信息的信息。“保密信息”包括但不限于相关的有形或无形的信息,和/或包括所有业务信息,技术信息和金融信息(包括但不限于特定客户的需求,客户和潜在客户名单,营销和促销信息,商业秘密,版权,商标信息以及有关一方的雇员,代理人,下属各部门,业务领域,政策,经营和价格信息),以及虽来自于他人但公开方有义务将其作为机密的信息。除非本协议另行约定, “公开方”还包括公开方的所有附属公司,除非另行约定,“接收方”还包括接收方的所有附属公司。“附属公司”意为国内或国外的任何个人,合作企业,合资企业,公司或其他形式的企业,包括但不限于直接或间接控制,被控制或与一方共同控制的子公司。(b) Confidential Information shall not include any information, however designated, that:(i) is or subsequently" target="_blank" ="a.其次,接着">subsequently becomes publicly available withoutReceiving Party"s breach of any obligation owed Disclosing Party;(ii) became known to Receiving Party prior to Disclosing Party"s disclosure of such information to Receiving Party pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; (iii) became known to Receiving Party from a source other than Disclosing Party other than by the breach of an obligation of confidentiality owed to Disclosing Party; or (iv) is independently developed by Receiving Party.(b)保密信息不应包括如下任何信息,除非被明确指定的:(1)在接收方未违反公开方的任何责任的情况下,信息随后为大众所知的信息;(2)依照本协议的条款,在公开方未向接收方公开该等信息之前就被接收方知晓的信息;(3)接收方从别处而非公开方得知,并且在未违反公开方的保密责任的情况下,被接收方知晓的信息;或(4)由接收方自主研发的信息2. Obligations Regarding Confidential Information.   有关保密信息的义务(a) Receiving Party shall:接收方应该:(i) Refrain from disclosing any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party to third parties for five(5) years following the date that Disclosing Party first discloses such Confidential Information to Receiving Party, except as expressly provided in Sections 2(b) and 2(c) of this Agreement;在公开方将该等保密信息向接收方公开之日起的随后伍(5)年不向第三方公开公开方的任何保密信息,本协议第二款(b)和(c)明确规定的除外。(ii) Take reasonable security precautions, at least as great as the precautions it takes to protect its own confidential information, but no less than reasonable care, to keep confidential the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party;采取合理的安全防范措施,至少尽可能采取防范措施保护其自己的保密信息,并采取合理的谨慎措施保守公开方保密信息的机密性。(iii) Refrain from disclosing, reproducing, summarizing and/or distributing Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party except in pursuance of Receiving Party"s business relationship with Disclosing Party, and only as otherwise provided hereunder; and不公开,不复制,不总结和/或传播公开方的保密信息,根据接收方与公开方业务关系,本协议另行规定的除外。(iv) Refrain from reverse engineering, decompiling or disassembling any software code and/or pre-release hardware devices disclosed by Disclosing Party to Receiving Party under the terms of this Agreement.依据本协议条款,不对任何软件代码进行反向工程,反编译或拆解和/或预先发布公开方向接收方公开的硬件设备。(b) Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information of Disclosing Party in accordance with a judicial or other governmental order, provided that Receiving Party either (i) gives the undersigned Disclosing Party reasonable written notice prior to such disclosure to allow Disclosing Party a reasonable opportunity to seek a protective order or equivalent, or (ii) obtains written assurance from the applicable judicial or governmental entity that it will afford the Confidential Information the highest level of protection afforded under applicable law or regulation. (b)接收方可根据司法或其他政府命令公开公开方的保密信息,前提是接收方在该等公开之前向签署人公开方提供合理的书面通知以便允许公开方有合理的机会寻求保护令或相等的令,或(ii)获得来自合适的司法或政府单位出示的书面保证,该等单位根据适用法律或法规可给予保密信息最高等级的保护。(c) The undersigned Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information only to Receiving Party"s employees and consultants (including legal, accounting, or other professional advisors) on a need-to-know basis. The undersigned Receiving Party will have executed or shall execute appropriate written agreements with its employees and such consultants sufficient to enable it to comply with all the provisions of this Agreement, and shall be responsible for any breach of the confidentiality restrictions herein by such employees and consultants.(c)签署人接收方只可将保密信息在仅限于需要知道的范围内公开给接收方的雇员及顾问(包括法律顾问,会计顾问或其他专业顾问)。签署人接收方与其雇员及顾问将签署或应该签署适当的书面协议使其能够遵守本协议的所有条款,并对其雇员及顾问违反保密性限制规定负责。(d) Receiving Party shall notify the undersigned Disclosing Party immediately upon discovery of any unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information or any other breach of this Agreement by Receiving Party and its employees and consultants, and will cooperate with Disclosing Party in every reasonable way to help Disclosing Party regain possession of the Confidential Information and prevent its further unauthorized use or disclosure.(d)接收方一旦发现接收方,其雇员及顾问使用任何未经授权的保密信息,公开保密信息或违反任何其他本协议规定的情形,应该立即通知公开方,并与公开方一起以合理的方式帮助公开方重新获得保密信息,并防止其被进一步未经授权使用或公开。
2023-08-07 00:55:561


谅解备忘录是什么意思如下:谅解备忘录(memorandum of understanding),指处理较小事项方面的条约。例如,1995年5月31日《中华人民共和国外交部和新加坡共和国外交部关于建立磋商制度的谅解备忘录》双方经过协商、谈判达成共识后,用文本的方式记录下来,“谅解”旨在表明“协议双方要互相体谅,妥善处理彼此的分歧和争议”。法律义务:在谅解备忘录中,除保密(Confidentiality)、终止(Termination)、法律适用(Governing Law)、费用分摊、排他性谈判、争议解决条款之外,其余的条款对双方都不具备法律约束力。在正式条约签订之前,谅解备忘录双方对该协议均不具有任何法律义务。扩展资料:谅解备忘录的组成内容一般包括:1、合作机会 The Potential Cooperation2、保密 Confidentiality3、协议语言 Language4、协议期限 Duration5、变更 Modification6、终止 Termination7、法律适用 Governing Law8、其他细节 Other Conditions。
2023-08-07 00:56:031


2023-08-07 00:56:322

confidential source是什么意思

2023-08-07 00:56:4115


2023-08-07 00:57:073

保密协议 不可绕过条款 英文叫什么

Confidentiality AgreementNon-circumvention Term
2023-08-07 00:57:292


trade secrets 或者commercial confidentiality
2023-08-07 00:57:362


保密协议 CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENTThe undersigned acknowledges that he/she will be permitted access or may gain access to certain Confidential Information, as defined in that certain General Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement, entered into by and between AVL List GmbH and__ (the "Agreement"). 协议下方的签名表示签署者将获准或可能获准接触由某公司与____(此处填己方公司名称)共同遵守的、由《机密性与非公开协定总则》(以下简称《协定》)具体规定的特定保密信息。The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has read the Agreement and hereby agrees to recognise and maintain the confidentiality and non-use obligations assumed by _____________________ in the Agreement, to the same effect as if the undersigned were a party to the Agreement. 协议下方的签名表示签署者已仔细阅读《协定》,并特此同意承认和承担《协定》中赋予____(此处填己方公司名称)的各项机密性与非使用义务,同时签署者被视同为《协定》中的一方。签署日期: 签名:(本公司员工的个人签名。)
2023-08-07 00:57:471


第4条。保密义务4.1(保密义务)在生活本协议终止或期满时本后,经销商应保密的信息披露本协议的供应商,不得使用这些信息用于其他目的的产品比分销。4.2(上传播的限制)经销商可能会传播信息披露的分销商本协议项下的分销商的员工只需要知道的基础。然而,这样的员工应遵守的保密义务,如果他们是分销商本身。4.3(异常)本条规定的保密义务,不得申请到的信息:(1)进入公有领域的披露;(2)将进入公共领域披露后通过无过错的分销商;(3)没有收到来自第三方的保密义务:第5条。市场信息报告供应商和经销商应当定期和/或任何一方的要求,提供相互的信息和必要的市场报告,以促进产品的销售。分销商应定期提供供应商的市场条件下,库存,销售及相关产品的分销商的其他活动的报告。第6条。遵守法律 分销商应遵守所有法律,规则及规例适用于它的活动根据此协议,采购和维护所有必要的执照及许可证开展其业务和开展业务的方式,以免造成不利影响产品的声誉,供应商或制造的产品。
2023-08-07 00:57:572


翻译成英(So what is a commercial secret? Trade secret is one that can bring economic benefits for the rights or the rights holders can gain a competitive edge, the right to take measures to protect the confidentiality of technical information and business information, trade secrets have secrets, novelty, practicality and value .World Trade Organization TRIPS provides that: "undisclosed information" is a trade secret.)
2023-08-07 00:58:053


亲爱XXX, 它是一次宜人和建设性的交谈与您在电话。 谢谢您的时间和您的兴趣在我们提供的服务上。 我们是集中于搜寻的一家执行搜索公司中部到高级管理位置。 多数我们的客户是Fortune 500美国和欧洲多民族公司象IBM,朗讯科技公司,小山谷, Nokia,可口可乐, Mead约翰逊,华纳Lambert和耐克等和一些卓著的地方公司。 请参观www.fmces.com为关于我们的详细信息。 我们是感兴趣和恳切的在保留与您的一个长期关系。 您是否请提供我们您的履历,我们可能达成更好的理解对您经验和您的事业期望? 您的履历处理以严密的机密; 您的认同在信息之前所有发行是需要的在您的履历。 在接受您的履历以后,我们将保持您被通知关于市场信息,您也许把兴趣。 附有请找出我们的简历形式作为您的参考或者您能送我们您的准备好履历和您的最近相片。 盼望您的关于可能的合作的反应和进一步讨论在我们之间在不久的将来中。 感谢和最好祝愿 Niki Zhong 未来管理咨询有限公司 电子邮件: niki 广州办公室: 电话: 8620-83634601-216; 电传: 8620-83634484 上海办公室: 电话: 8621-53830303; 电传: 8621-53838355 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 机密笔记: 信息包含在这电子邮件也许是机要的和意欲只为它演讲的人或个体对。如果您不是意欲的接收者, 对这个电子邮件的任一个传播, 复制或其他用途被禁止。如果您接受这电子邮件错误, 请通知发令者和帮助删除材料从您的计算机。谢谢。
2023-08-07 00:58:151


This message contains the secret to ask you to keep secret, keep to the leak. thank you for your co-operation.
2023-08-07 00:58:233


所有的信息安全技术都是为了达到一定的安全目标,其核心包括保密性、完整性、可用性、可控性和不可否认性五个安全目标。保密性(Confidentiality)是指阻止非授权的主体阅读信息。它是信息安全一诞生就具有的特性,也是信息安全主要的研究内容之一。更通俗地讲,就是说未授权的用户不能够获取敏感信息。对纸质文档信息,我们只需要保护好文件,不被非授权者接触即可。而对计算机及网络环境中的信息,不仅要制止非授权者对信息的阅读。也要阻止授权者将其访问的信息传递给非授权者,以致信息被泄漏。完整性(Integrity)是指防止信息被未经授权的篡改。它是保护信息保持原始的状态,使信息保持其真实性。如果这些信息被蓄意地修改、插入、删除等,形成虚假信息将带来严重的后果。可用性(Availability)是指授权主体在需要信息时能及时得到服务的能力。可用性是在信息安全保护阶段对信息安全提出的新要求,也是在网络化空间中必须满足的一项信息安全要求。可控性(Controlability)是指对信息和信息系统实施安全监控管理,防止非法利用信息和信息系统。不可否认性(Non-repudiation)是指在网络环境中,信息交换的双方不能否认其在交换过程中发送信息或接收信息的行为。信息安全的保密性、完整性和可用性主要强调对非授权主体的控制。而对授权主体的不正当行为如何控制呢?信息安全的可控性和不可否认性恰恰是通过对授权主体的控制,实现对保密性、完整性和可用性的有效补充,主要强调授权用户只能在授权范围内进行合法的访问,并对其行为进行监督和审查。除了上述的信息安全五性外,还有信息安全的可审计性(Audiability)、可鉴别性(Authenticity)等。信息安全的可审计性是指信息系统的行为人不能否认自己的信息处理行为。与不可否认性的信息交换过程中行为可认定性相比,可审计性的含义更宽泛一些。信息安全的可见鉴别性是指信息的接收者能对信息的发送者的身份进行判定。它也是一个与不可否认性相关的概念。 为了达到信息安全的目标,各种信息安全技术的使用必须遵守一些基本的原则。最小化原则。受保护的敏感信息只能在一定范围内被共享,履行工作职责和职能的安全主体,在法律和相关安全策略允许的前提下,为满足工作需要。仅被授予其访问信息的适当权限,称为最小化原则。敏感信息的。知情权”一定要加以限制,是在“满足工作需要”前提下的一种限制性开放。可以将最小化原则细分为知所必须(need to know)和用所必须(need协峨)的原则。分权制衡原则。在信息系统中,对所有权限应该进行适当地划分,使每个授权主体只能拥有其中的一部分权限,使他们之间相互制约、相互监督,共同保证信息系统的安全。如果—个授权主体分配的权限过大,无人监督和制约,就隐含了“滥用权力”、“一言九鼎”的安全隐患。安全隔离原则。隔离和控制是实现信息安全的基本方法,而隔离是进行控制的基础。信息安全的一个基本策略就是将信息的主体与客体分离,按照一定的安全策略,在可控和安全的前提下实施主体对客体的访问。在这些基本原则的基础上,人们在生产实践过程中还总结出的一些实施原则,他们是基本原则的具体体现和扩展。包括:整体保护原则、谁主管谁负责原则、适度保护的等级化原则、分域保护原则、动态保护原则、多级保护原则、深度保护原则和信息流向原则等。 中国信息安全测评认证中心是中国信息安全最高认证,测评及认定项目分为信息安全产品测评、信息系统安全等级认定、信息安全服务资质认定、信息安全从业人员资质认定四大类。信息安全产品测评:对中国外信息技术产品的安全性进行测评,其中包括各类信息安全产品如防火墙、入侵监测、安全审计、网络隔离、VPN、智能卡、卡终端、安全管理等,以及各类非安全专用IT产品如操作系统、数据库、交换机、路由器、应用软件等。根据测评依据及测评内容,分为:信息安全产品分级评估、信息安全产品认定测评、信息技术产品自主原创测评、源代码安全风险评估、选型测试、定制测试。信息系统认定:对中国信息系统的安全性进行测试、评估。对中国信息系统的安全性测试、评估和认定、根据依据标准及测评方法的不同,主要提供:信息安全风险评估、信息系统安全等级保护测评、信息系统安全保障能力评估、信息系统安全方案评审、电子政务项目信息安全风险评估。信息安全服务资质认定:对提供信息安全服务的组织和单位资质进行审核、评估和认定。信息安全服务资质是对信息系统安全服务的提供者的技术、资源、法律、管理等方面的资质和能力,以及其稳定性、可靠性进行评估,并依据公开的标准和程序,对其安全服务保障能力进行认定的过程。分为:信息安全工程类、信息安全灾难恢复类、安全运营维护类。信息安全专业人员资质认定:对信息安全专业人员的资质能力进行考核、评估和认定。信息安全人员测评与资质认定,主要包括注册信息安全专业人员(CISP)、注册信息安全员(CISM)及安全编成等专项培训、信息安全意识培训。
2023-08-07 00:58:321


2023-08-07 00:58:533


2023-08-07 00:59:042

英语口语测试 介绍 信息安全专业

Information security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.[1] The terms information security, computer security and information assurance are frequently used interchangeably. These fields are interrelated and share the common goals of protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information; however, there are some subtle differences between them. These differences lie primarily in the approach to the subject, the methodologies used, and the areas of concentration. Information security is concerned with the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data regardless of the form the data may take: electronic, print, or other forms.Governments, military, financial institutions, hospitals, and private businesses amass a great deal of confidential information about their employees, customers, products, research, and financial status. Most of this information is now collected, processed and stored on electronic computers and transmitted across networks to other computers. Should confidential information about a businesses customers or finances or new product line fall into the hands of a competitor, such a breach of security could lead to lost business, law suits or even bankruptcy of the business. Protecting confidential information is a business requirement, and in many cases also an ethical and legal requirement. For the individual, information security has a significant effect on privacy, which is viewed very differently in different cultures.The field of information security has grown and evolved significantly in recent years. As a career choice there are many ways of gaining entry into the field. It offers many areas for specialization including Information Systems Auditing, Business Continuity Planning and Digital Forensics Science, to name a few.
2023-08-07 00:59:141


Abstract Personnel Management System is a business unit indispensable part of its content for business decision-makers and managers, are essential, so the personnel management system should be able to provide users with adequate information and efficient means for. Company to the initial implementation of a computerized personnel management, personnel management computer in the preliminary application received. So that personnel managers are always based on accurate and timely information to decision-making personnel, and management. Only computer to be modern society, have increased the amount of information and personnel, the timely collection, processing, finishing, storage, retrieval, transmission, feedback to policy makers. To play its unique features. Namely: (1) on the importation of personnel data, numerical computing and logical operators, to solve various problems. (2) the personnel information processing to solve the problem of data processing, personnel decision-makers to provide the basis for the decision-making. (3) of the personnel management of data and computer sequence, a memory storage capacity. Practice has proved that when the amount of information management and complexity of the reach a certain limit, that is, the management of labor intensity over its sustainability, it must adopt new management tools, namely the use of computer technology information collection, processing, transmission and depositors Receptacles, and personnel can use the basis of information, efficient, reasonable, appropriate management. In this way, personnel information system with computer applications, development and continuous improvement, computer information management personnel in the position of benefits is important. Because of this, to achieve modernization of Personnel Management, a scientific management methods and advanced technological means in order to maximize the efficiency of personnel management. Modern personnel work in increasing the amount of information, confidentiality is growing, and continuously improve the density of information, relying on traditional management methods and means of operation have been unable to do a good job in personnel management. The computer as a data-processing systems, personnel management has gradually become an important means of modernization, in personnel management are playing an important role. Generally speaking, computer information systems and personnel in the role are: (1) were faster than the computer can provide information to the value of personnel data; (2) than the computer can provide updated personnel data; (3) than the computer can provide more accurate personnel data; (4) the computer can handle more than one of the personnel data, and so on. That is why we use the computer replace the personnel manual to establish information systems, computer and personnel information systems, the primary function can be summarized in the following three points: First, can be highly efficient, high-capacity gathering, processing, storage and personnel information, significantly improve the personnel management information system for the quality and efficiency. Second, can make the best of the entire personnel management system of comprehensive, accurate system to provide the personnel information, personnel can work to promote the standardization and management system and the system of indicators and sound, thereby enhancing the level of administration. Third, can provide the processing of personnel information, to meet the special requirements of personnel management, adapt to the new situation on the faculty ranks of the new requirements and help options, the optimal decision-making. At present, the number of units and personnel departments for computer applications also limited to a simple stand-alone applications, with the passage of time, the complex task, the needs of users, their applications will be expanded. In short, the extensive application of computer, computer and personnel management information system established, adapted to the socio-economic objective of the requirements of modern personnel management is a big step forward. Today we use computers to the personnel files of the initial management of the modernization of the development and use, it has greatly enhanced the personnel management of the working efficiency of workers, the personnel management (file, wages) in heavy manual extricate themselves with more Creative energy in the management of activities which enable decision-making, planning and other management activities more scientific, accurate and flexible. Therefore, the establishment of computer and personnel management information system is an inevitable trend in the development of an objective. While in the area of personnel management generally can not use a computer, but the long term, personnel management and computer modernization is not split. Neglect or refuse to use computer technology, it is impossible to truly and fully realize the modernization of Personnel Management. As China"s economy, technology, and strengthen the development of human resources management, we must strive to create conditions, promote the use of modern computer and personnel management. For the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and work hard
2023-08-07 00:59:352


With the development of computer networks and the Internet, LAN security more and more people"s attention and concern. Both in the LAN or WAN, there is a natural and human factors such as potential threats and network vulnerabilities. Therefore, the LAN should be able safety measures in all directions for a variety of threats and vulnerabilities, so as to ensure that the network of information confidentiality, integrity and availability. In order to ensure the safety and smooth flow of information, research safety and preventive measures LAN is imminent.Keywords: local area network security computer network security
2023-08-07 00:59:467


密码体制分为私用密钥加密技术(对称加密)和公开密钥加密技术(非对称加密)。1、对称密码体制对称密码体制是一种传统密码体制,也称为私钥密码体制。在对称加密系统中,加密和解密采用相同的密钥。因为加解密密钥相同,需要通信的双方必须选择和保存他们共同的密钥,各方必须信任对方不会将密钥泄密出去,这样就可以实现数据的机密性和完整性。对于具有n个用户的网络,需要n(n-1)/2个密钥,在用户群不是很大的情况下,对称加密系统是有效的。但是对于大型网络,当用户群很大,分布很广时,密钥的分配和保存就成了问题。对机密信息进行加密和验证随报文一起发送报文摘要(或散列值)来实现。比较典型的算法有DES(Data Encryption Standard数据加密标准)算法及其变形Triple DES(三重DES),GDES(广义DES);欧洲的IDEA;日本的FEAL N、RC5等。DES标准由美国国家标准局提出,主要应用于银行业的电子资金转帐(EFT)领域。DES的密钥长度为56bit。Triple DES使用两个独立的56bit密钥对交换的信息进行3次加密,从而使其有效长度达到112bit。RC2和RC4方法是RSA数据安全公司的对称加密专利算法,它们采用可变密钥长度的算法。通过规定不同的密钥长度,,C2和RC4能够提高或降低安全的程度。对称密码算法的优点是计算开销小,加密速度快,是目前用于信息加密的主要算法。它的局限性在于它存在着通信的贸易双方之间确保密钥安全交换的问题。此外,某一贸易方有几个贸易关系,他就要维护几个专用密钥。它也没法鉴别贸易发起方或贸易最终方,因为贸易的双方的密钥相同。另外,由于对称加密系统仅能用于对数据进行加解密处理,提供数据的机密性,不能用于数字签名。因而人们迫切需要寻找新的密码体制。2、非对称密码体制非对称密码体制也叫公钥加密技术,该技术就是针对私钥密码体制的缺陷被提出来的。在公钥加密系统中,加密和解密是相对独立的,加密和解密会使用两把不同的密钥,加密密钥(公开密钥)向公众公开,谁都可以使用,解密密钥(秘密密钥)只有解密人自己知道,非法使用者根据公开的加密密钥无法推算出解密密钥,顾其可称为公钥密码体制。如果一个人选择并公布了他的公钥,另外任何人都可以用这一公钥来加密传送给那个人的消息。私钥是秘密保存的,只有私钥的所有者才能利用私钥对密文进行解密。公钥密码体制的算法中最著名的代表是RSA系统,此外还有:背包密码、McEliece密码、Diffe_Hellman、Rabin、零知识证明、椭圆曲线、EIGamal算法等。公钥密钥的密钥管理比较简单,并且可以方便的实现数字签名和验证。但算法复杂,加密数据的速率较低。公钥加密系统不存在对称加密系统中密钥的分配和保存问题,对于具有n个用户的网络,仅需要2n个密钥。公钥加密系统除了用于数据加密外,还可用于数字签名。公钥加密系统可提供以下功能:A、机密性(Confidentiality):保证非授权人员不能非法获取信息,通过数据加密来实现;B、确认(Authentication):保证对方属于所声称的实体,通过数字签名来实现;C、数据完整性(Data integrity):保证信息内容不被篡改,入侵者不可能用假消息代替合法消息,通过数字签名来实现;D、不可抵赖性(Nonrepudiation):发送者不可能事后否认他发送过消息,消息的接受者可以向中立的第三方证实所指的发送者确实发出了消息,通过数字签名来实现。可见公钥加密系统满足信息安全的所有主要目标。
2023-08-07 01:00:041


MUE即:Medication use evaluation,意为为药物利用评估。MIE即:Mie散射,意为为广泛的粒子散射的最常用最基础的算法。YOE即:Years of Experience,意为多年的经验。依据药物原理、光学科技,多年深入研究,诞生了国家级保密配方及多项科研专利,一直活跃于美肤前沿!姆米又的先进技术源于雅诗兰黛国际化妆品中央研究所。多年来,该中心致力于护肤的研究与发展,将最新的专业护肤知识和研究成果介绍给广大消费者,满足各地女性消费者肌肤的不同需求。愿成为中国大陆美白化妆品第一品牌。MUEMIEYOE是土生土长的巴黎品牌,最早属于格瑞斯家族所建立的皮肤美容疗养医院专业美容护理产品,在世界一线化妆品品牌中名气一直不大,因为在法国MUEMIEYOE一直推崇院装版,靠一支冰点cc霜行走巴黎,这肯定远远是不够的,但MUEMIEYOE一直坚持自己的想法,至今这都是一个不可理解的谜。  The products of Ninexin International (China) Cosmetics Group are passing us in China every day. The feast which time has given us is shared by all cosmetic companies in China every year. Our brand has been trusted by the consumers all over the world, we have stepped into one of the China"s most successful manufacturers of cosmetics. In fact, thousands of people are using the products of Ninexin International (China) Cosmetics Group every day.■姆米又燕麦小分子肽红霜限量礼盒●主要功效:美白、补水、抗衰老,绿色生化工艺提取出来的胶原分子碎片,需在实验室长时间提取,供应量有限!1:燕麦小分子肽三维洁面膏 Oat Micro Molecular Peptide 3D Face Cleansing Cream2:燕麦小分子肽三维神奇水 Oat Micro Molecular Peptide 3D Miracle Water 氢化蓖麻油、双(甲基)咪唑烷基脲和碘丙炔醇丁基氨甲酸酯、羟苯甲酯、EDTA二钠、羟苯丙酯。3:燕麦小分子肽逆时光粉底SPF30++Oat Micro Molecular Peptide Time Reverse Foundation4:姆米又红霜 MUEMIEYOE Red Cream系九鑫国际拳头产品,胶原碎片抗衰老效果独特,28天效果显著,薏苡仁和芦荟能软化角质层,护肤成分有效渗入肌肤,帮助水油平衡,肌肤变得柔软湿润,并能减少面部细纹;锁水滋润,滋润肌肤的多种营养物质,随水份一起渗透形成滋养的保护膜,滋润不油腻,达到保湿效果。■姆米又甘草桑叶白霜限量礼盒Oat Micro Molecular Peptide Red Cream Limited Gift Set●主要功效:美白,补水,源自中国新疆甘草桑叶,绿色生化工艺提取,需在实验室长时间提取,供应量有限。1:甘草桑叶美白补水洁面膏Licorice Mulberry leaves Whitening Moisturizing Face Cleansing Cream2:甘草桑叶美白神奇水 Licorice Mulberry leaves Whitening Miracle Water3、甘草桑叶美白补水粉底 SPF18+++ Licorice Mulberry leaves Whitening Moisturizing Foundation4、姆米又白霜 MUEMIEYOE White Cream甘草桑叶提取物美白肤色的功效是九鑫国际实验室经历三年的科学成果,于2010年向全国美容企业提供半成品,科学。安全,效果有保障。【密集滋养】密集滋养肌肤有效锁住水分,令肌肤水盈剔透,细腻光滑。■姆米又玻尿酸蓝霜礼盒Hyaluronic Acid Blue Cream Limited Gift Set●主要功效:以植物为原料,用发酵法提取玻尿酸,生产过程天然、驰净。九鑫国际实验室技术国际领先,能够自主控制产物分子量的大小。超强补水、高清爽、低营养、男士使用效果同样杰出1:高保湿锁水洁面膏 High Efficiency Moisturizing Water Locking Face Cleaning Cream   2:补水保湿玻尿酸原液 Moisturizing Hyaluronic Acid Essence Liquid3:高保湿锁水粉底 High Efficiency Moisturizing Water Locking Foundation4:姆米又蓝霜 MUEMIEYOE Blue Cream本品系九鑫国际拳头产品,具有独特的锁水功能,配合姆米又补水保湿玻尿酸原液的吸水能力,效果立竿见影。■姆米又甘草桑叶补水淡化香氛乳:Licorice mulberry leaf Hydrating fading Perfume Lotion●【皇冠梦想香氛】:SINCE1944的甜美香氛(JS079)长达6年的保密探索,纯正无刺激,香味持续24小时(衣物留香72小时)给予至美嗅觉感受,FEELTHEBESTOFMUEMIEYOECrown Dream Cashmeran:The sweet cashmeran(JSO72) last 6 years confidentiality study Since 1944,Pure without Stimulant and 24 hours,let you enjoy the it pure frangance feeling. FEELTHEBESTOFMUEMIEYOE■姆米又小分子肽补水淡化逆龄香氛乳Small Molecule Peptide Hydrating fading time reverse Perfume Lotio●【衬衫忘记香氛】:SINCE1944的原始香氛(JS099)长达6年的保密探索,纯正无刺激,香味持续24小时(衣物留香72小时),给予致真嗅觉感受,FEELTHEBESTOFMUEMIEYOEShirt Memory Cashmeran:The original cashmeran(JSO72) last 6 years confidentiality study Since 1944,Pure without Stimulant and last 24 hours,let you enjoy the it pure frangance feeling. FEELTHEBESTOFMUEMIEYOE。■姆米又玻尿酸补水香氛乳●【雨伞守候香氛】:SINCE1944的纯正香氛(JS072)长达6年的保密研究,纯正无刺激,香味持续24小时(衣物留香72小时),给予至纯嗅觉感受,FEEL THE BEST OF MUEMIEYOE。■姆米又玻尿酸补水面膜 Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Perfume Mask●【卓越功效】:3D立体动力补水系统,补水、锁水、储水,源源活水沁入肌肤形成立体水网,弹润肌肤锁住水份,缓解肌肤干、粗、油、皱四大缺水难题,呈现柔嫩水灵美肌。超强补水,高清爽、低营养,男士使用效果同样杰出!■姆米又甘草桑叶淡化补水面膜Licorice mulberry leaf Hydrating fading Perfume Mask●【卓越功效】:改善肌肤的缺水、萎黄、粗糙状态;净化空气污染,修护日光给肌肤带来的伤害,让肌肤水嫩,活力重现、淡化、补水。源自中国新新疆甘草桑叶,经九鑫国际实验室绿色生化工艺提取,需要实验室长时间提取,供应量有限!■姆米又小分子淡化补水逆龄面膜Small Molecule Peptide Hydrating Fading Time Reverse Perfume Mask●【卓越功效】:补水、淡化、逆龄。减少肌肤皱纹细纹,改善松弛状态,防御肌肤胶原蛋白流失,增加皮肤弹性。■姆米又逆龄提拉菁致眼霜■姆米又淡化晶钻圈圈眼霜■双效臻白护肤标准版[循环保湿,循环美白]1、双效臻白丝滑洁面膏 100g ual Effect Whitening & Smoothening Cleanser●卓越功效:温和的配方,能深度清洁肌肤污垢,并补充肌肤适量的水份,洁净的同时又不会损坏肌肤的天然皮脂膜,同时还能辅助淡化暗黄的肤色,高效美白并更新老化的角质。 ●成分:去离子水、甘油、肉豆蔻酸、棕榈酸、硬脂酸、椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱、椰子油二乙醇酰胺、氢氧化钾、PEG-6000二硬脂酸酯、羟苯甲酯、羟苯丙酯、甲基异噻唑啉酮、乙二胺四乙酸二钠、香料。2、双效臻白柔肤水 120mlDual Effect Whitening Skin Toner●卓越功效:能瞬间补充肌肤水份,同时给予肌肤增添活力,有利于营养成分的渗透吸收;均衡皮肤PH值,并有效分解黑色素,令肌肤一整天持续白润饱满状态,与CC霜配合有很强的亲肤能力,效果更佳。●成分:去离子水、透明质酸钠、丙二醇、芦芭油、聚丙烯酰胺/C13-14 异链烷烃/月桂醇醚、羟苯甲酯、羟苯丙酯、香料等。3、双效臻白 修复霜 60gDual Effect Whitening & Repairing Cream●卓越功效:循环保湿,循环美白,全天滋养,预防肌肤因缺水和养份产生暗哑、幼纹、老化等肌肤问题;补水修复成分深入缺水受损细胞,强力提升细胞活力及再生能力。● 成分:去离子水、甘油、辛酸/癸酸甘油三酯、肉豆蔻酸异丙酯、1.3丁二醇、环聚二甲基硅氧烷、三甲基甘氨酸、丙烯酸钠/丙烯酰二甲基牛磺酸钠共聚物、异十六烷、聚山梨醇酯-80、聚二甲基硅氧烷醇、粉防己(STEPHANIATETRANDA)根提取物、泛醇、卡波姆、三乙醇胺、羟苯甲酯、乙二胺四乙酸二钠、香料、[CI 19140]、[CI 42090]。4、双效臻白隔离 CC霜 50gDual Effect Whitening Makeup CC Cream●卓越功效:蕴含多重滋养、修护精华、柔和地作用于肌肤。既能调节肤色,发挥极佳的遮瑕及修饰作用;又有助于隔绝外界侵害,具有舒缓、隔离、控油的功效。卓越的吸收性,为肌肤提供丰富的水分与养分,具有多重分解黑色素的能力。持续一整天的多效调养,简化繁杂的化妆程序,轻松打造自然、持久、细腻的薄透裸妆。●成分:去离子水、甘油、丙二醇、凡士林、聚乙二醇-30二聚羟基硬脂酸酯、白油、二氧化钛、透明质酸、二甲基硅油、棕榈酸异丙酯、辛酸三甘油酯、角鲨烷、霍霍巴油、VC磷酸酯、氧化铁、甲酯、丙酯、双咪唑烷基脲、香精。■双效美白护肤旗舰版[打击黑色素]1、双效美白补水洁面膏 120gDual Effect Whitening & Hydrating Cleanser2、双效美白调理(水乳合一) 120mlDual Effect Whitening & Regularizing Emulsion(combine toner and emulsion)3、双效美白霜(加强型) 50gDual Effect Whitening Cream (reinforced)4、双效美白矿物粉底液 40mlDual Effect Whitening Mineral Foundation Toner■水嫩臻白护肤院装版(居家美容良品) (原装引入法国MUEMIEYOE) Whitening&Whitening Skin Care Salon Set(Excellent Product For Household Beauty Care)1水嫩CC洁面乳 80g2水嫩CC按摩膏 80g3冰点臻白CC霜 50g4水嫩CC精华乳 50g■男士 焕能醒肤绝配组合MEN"S SHINING&ACTIVATING PERFECT SET 1.男士 醒肤补水祛油洁面膏 Men"s Activating & Hydrdating Oil Removal Cleanser 净含量:150g2.男士 净爽补水调理霜 Men"s Refreshing & Hydrating Cream 净含量:50g
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Six, security system and the competition restriction1. To d school industry interests and protecting the school of business secret, formulated for the security system, the school all employees must be strictly observed.2. As mentioned in these provisions refers to the commercial secret is not known to the public, can bring economic benefits to the school, is practical and take security measures by the school of technical information and business information, and the school in accordance with laws and regulations, or about the agreement, foreign obligation of confidentiality issues.3. May become school commercial secrets of the technical information including management system, teaching reform program, teaching methods, and the recruitment hire scheme, wages rewards and punishment system and so on.4. May become enterprise business secret business information including students list, the student family information, to recruit students to plan,5. Any employees may not spying on, to ask job has nothing to do with the business secret; In any way leak of commercial secrets of the enterprise.6. Strictly abide by the school secret documents, materials, file registration, borrowing and security system, the secret documents should be stored in a secret facilities in file cabinets, use the secret documents, material, archives shall be subject to the approval of the director of office of the principal or sample; Not in a public place to talk about school secrets and handover secret documents.7. The secret documents and material, archives not to rob the copy, excerpts and outreach. Because of the job needs them, should according to relevant provisions of the office of the principal or approval.是吗?
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