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2023-08-09 21:14:34
TAG: 英语 内容

content 英["ku0252ntent] 美[u02c8kɑ:ntent]

n. 内容; 满足; (书等的) 目录; 容量;

adj. 满足的,满意的; 愿意的; 心甘情愿的;

vt. 使满足,使满意;

[例句]Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve


[其他] 第三人称单数:contents 复数:contents 现在分词:contenting过去式:contented 过去分词:contented



内容的英文 内容的英文怎么读

1、“内容”的英文:content。 2、content 读法 英 [kɑntent] 3、美 [kɑ:ntent]     4、n. 内容; 目录; 含量 5、adj. 满足的; 满意的 6、vt. 使 ... 满足; 使 ... 安心
2023-08-06 23:45:581


  内容,指事物所包含的实质性事物。三层含义:1、物件里面所包容的东西;2.事物内部所含的实质或意义;3.哲学名词,指事物内在因素的总和,与“形式”相对。那么你知道内容用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   内容英语说法1:   content    内容英语说法2:   Substance    内容的相关短语:   自由内容 free content ; u0153uvre libre ;   内容开放 Contenu ouvert ; Open content ;   内容管理 content management ; Content management ;   教学内容 Teaching contents ; content of courses ; teaching material ; table of contents   内容分析 content analysis ; Analysis of the teaching material ; Analysis of the Content   内容翔实 substantial in content   重复内容 duplicate content ; repeated content ; the repetitious parts of biology   留言内容 Message ; content ; Message Contents ; text   网站内容 Site Content ; Web Site Content ; Content ; Berliner Zeitung    内容的英语例句:   1. I thought you might like to read the enclosed.   我想你或许想要读一下信封里的内容。   2. His prose is vigorous and dense, occasionally to the point of obscurity.   他的散文文笔有力、内容庞杂,有时几近晦涩。   3. They stopped you as soon as you deviated from the script.   一旦你偏离了剧本的内容,他们就会喊停。   4. To use a well-worn cliche, it is packed with information.   说得老套一点,其内容翔实。   5. His last book, "Needful Things", was a retread of tired material.   他的上一本书《必需品》尽在重复些老掉牙的内容。   6. I didn"t let on to the staff what my conversation was.   我没有将谈话内容向员工们透露。   7. He"s just written a book, nicely illustrated and not too technical.   他刚写完一本书,插图精美,内容也并不艰涩。   8. Even the quality papers agreed that it was a triumph.   即使是内容严肃的报纸也认为这是一次胜利。   9. With stockbroking it was the same thing, year in year out.   证券经纪工作每年都重复着一成不变的内容。   10. He wore a hidden microphone to secretly tape-record conversations.   他身上藏了一个传声器,打算偷偷录下谈话内容。   11. Throughout, she illustrates her analysis with excerpts from discussions.   自始至终,她摘引讨论内容来阐明她的分析。   12. Stricter controls were placed on the content of video films.   对录像片内容实行了更为严格的监管。   13. Much of the plan runs counter to European agriculture and environmental policy.   该计划的很多内容与欧洲农业及环境方面的政策相冲突。   14. All those three books are compacted and compressed into one book.   那三本书的内容全都压缩进一本书了。   15. I commend Ms. Orth on writing such an informative article.   我对奥思太太写出内容如此翔实的文章表示赞许。
2023-08-06 23:46:061


2023-08-06 23:46:181


Hello, my name is Amy and I have always liked you, but because of I am a student, can"t fly to distant Canada to see you, can be silent support you. I heard you next year will come to China is? We Chinese fans are very like you, so I hope you can to multiple local tour, so that I can see you. Come on! Justin bieber, we will holding you.
2023-08-06 23:46:483


英文书信是一种最常用的应用文体,对于普通的私人信件通常由五部分组成: 1.信头:指发信人的地址和日期.写在信纸的右上角,可以从靠近信纸的中央写起.信头上面要留空白.先写发信人地址.地址的写法与汉语不同,要先写小地方,后写大地方.在地址的下面写上日期.日期的顺序是:月、日、年,或者:日、月、年.例如:May 17 2003.在年份之前有一个逗号. 2.称呼:指对收信人的称呼.写在信头之下,从信纸的左边开始.写信给熟悉的人,一般用Dear…或My dear…作称呼.如:Dear Li Lei,Dear Miss Thomas或My dear Dad. 3.信的正文:指信的主体部分.从称呼的下一行第一段顶边写.从第二段起每段第一个词都缩进3或5个字母写. 4.结束语:指正文下面的结尾客套话.一般从信纸的中央靠右写起,第一个字母大写,末尾用一逗号.在非正式的社交信中,常用Yours或Sincerely.假如对方是亲密的朋友,可用Sincerely yoursYours等. 5.签名:指发信人签名.写在结束语的下面,稍偏右. 另外,英文信封写法与汉语的不同.一般把收信人的地址写在信封的中央或偏右下角.第一行写姓名,下面写地址.发信人的姓名和地址写在信封的左上角,也可以写在信的背面. 英文书信的格式 1、 信头(Heading) 指发信人的姓名(单位名称)、地址和日期,一般写在信纸的右上角.一般公函或商业信函的信纸上都印有单位或公司的名称、地址、电话号码等,因此就只需在信头下面的右边写上写信日期就可以了. 英文地址的写法与中文完全不同,地址的名称按从小到大的顺序:第一行写门牌号码和街名;第二行写县、市、省、州、邮编、国名;然后再写日期.标点符号一般在每一行的末尾都不用,但在每一行的之间,该用的还要用,例如在写日期的时候. 2、 日期的写法: 如:1997年7月30日,英文为:July 30,1997(最为普遍); July 30th,1997; 30th July,1997等.1997不可写成97. 3、 信内地址(Inside Address): 在一般的社交信中,信内收信人的地址通常省略,但是在公务信函中不能.将收信人的姓名、地址等写在信头日期下方的左角上,要求与对信头的要求一样,不必再写日期. 4、 称呼(Salutation): 是写信人对收信人的称呼用语.位置在信内地址下方一、二行的地方,从该行的顶格写起,在称呼后面一般用逗号(英国式),也可以用冒号(美国式). (1)写给亲人、亲戚和关系密切的朋友时,用Dear或My dear再加上表示亲属关系的称呼或直称其名(这里指名字,不是姓氏).例如:My dear father,Dear Tom等. (2)写给公务上的信函用Dear Madam,Dear Sir或Gentleman(Gentlemen).注意:Dear纯属公务上往来的客气形式.Gentlemen总是以复数形式出现,前不加Dear,是Dear Sir的复数形式. (3)写给收信人的信,也可用头衔、职位、职称、学位等再加姓氏或姓氏和名字.例如:Dear Prof. Tim Scales, Dear Dr.John Smith. 5、 正文(Body of the Letter): 位置在下面称呼语隔一行,是信的核心部分.因此要求正文层次分明、简单易懂.和中文信不 同的是,正文中一般不用Hello!(你好!)正文有缩进式和齐头式两种.每段书信第一行的第一个字母稍微向右缩进些,通常以五个字母为宜,每段第二行从左面顶格写起,这就是缩进式.但美国人写信各段落往往不用缩进式,用齐头式,即每一行都从左面顶格写起.商务信件大都采用齐头式的写法. 6、 结束语(Complimentary Close): 在正文下面的一、二行处,从信纸的中间偏右处开始,第一个词开头要大写,句末用逗号.不同的对象,结束语的写法也不同. (1)写给家人、亲戚,用Your loving grandfather,Lovingly yours,Lovingly等; (2)写给熟人、朋友,用Yours cordially,Yours affectionately等; (3)写业务信函用Truely yours(Yours truely),Faithfully yours(Yours faithfully)等; (4)对上级、长辈用Yours obediently(Obediently yours),Yours respectfully(Respectfully yours)等. 7、 签名(Signature) : 低于结束语一至二行,从信纸中间偏右的地方开始,在结束语的正下方,在签完名字的下面还要有用打字机打出的名字,以便识别.职务、职称可打在名字的下面.当然,写给亲朋好友的信,就不必再打了. 8、 附言(Postscript) : 一封信写完了,突然又想起遗漏的事情,这时用P.S.表示,再写上遗漏的话即可,要长话短说.通常在信末签名下面几行的左方,应于正文齐头. 注意:在正式的信函中,应避免使用附言. 9、 附件(Enclosure) : 信件如果有附件,可在信纸的左下角,注上Encl:或Enc: 例如:Encl:2 photos(内附两张照片).如果福建附件不止一项,应写成Encl:或Encs. 我们有时可看到在称呼与正文之间有Re:或Subject:(事由)字样.一般在信纸的中间,也可与“称呼”对齐.还应在底下加横线,以引起读信人的注意,使收信人便于在读信之前就可了解信中的主要内容.事由一般在公务信函中使用,也可以省略. 英文书信的格式及信封的写法 1、信纸的右上角写上日期,如September 8,也常用简写Sep. 8;非正式的信件,年代常省略;正式的书信则不只会写上年代,还会把发信者的住址写在日期的上方. 2、接下来在信纸的左方写收信人的称呼语,通常用Dear开始,再接着写名字(一般都用first name ),如Dear Susan (亲爱的苏珊);至于名字的后面则通常打上逗号或留白. 3、称呼语写完后,通常会先空一行才开始写信的本文. 4、本文结束后,再写上结尾语,如See you (再见)、( With) Best wishes(祝你平安)、Yours always (永远是你的挚爱)、Yours ever (永远爱你的)、Your friend (你的友人)、Truly yours (挚友)、Sincerely yours或Yours sincerely或Sincerely (最诚挚的友人)、Love (爱人,避免用在两个男士间的信件)…等. 注意: (1)结尾语的第一个字母要大写,最后还要加上逗点. (2)若要针对收信的对象,将结尾语加以区分,则对于比较亲密的对方,可以用Sincerely yours、Yours sincerely或Sincerely;对于一般的朋友可用Your friend;如果是儿女写给父母,就用Your loving son(daughter);对长辈则写Respectfully yours,至于生意上的往来就用Faithfully yours. 5、在结尾语下面的署名必须亲自签名,不可用打字的,而且在签名之后,也不加任何的标点符号. 二、英文信封的写法 1、在信封的左上角写「寄信人」的名字和住址. 2、在信封的中间或右下角偏左的地方写「收信人」的名字和住址. 3、寄信人不自称Mr.、Mrs.或Miss,但是在收信人的姓名前则必须加上尊称Mr.、Mrs.或Miss以示礼貌. 4、住址的写法与中文相反;英文住址原则上是由小至大,如必须先写门牌号码、街路名称,再写城市、省(州)和邮政区号,最后一行则写上国家的名称. 5、在信封的右上角贴上邮票. 6、信封上的邮政区号(zip code),在美国州名之后以五位数阿拉伯数字表示,前三位数代表州或都市,后两位数表示邮区,至于邮政区号10027的念法是one double o two seven. 7、住址中常用字:有简写的多用简写: 楼 F(e.g. 2F) 巷 Lane ( e.g. Lane 194) 段 Section;Sec. (e.g. Sec.Ⅱ ) 弄 Alley (e.g. Alley 6) 路 Road;Rd.( e.g. Chunghua Rd.) 街 Street;St.(e.g. Yangkwang St.)
2023-08-06 23:47:591


primary coverage
2023-08-06 23:48:226


你好!内容丰富Rich content
2023-08-06 23:48:423

会议内容 英语怎么说

2023-08-06 23:48:537


What is about?
2023-08-06 23:49:125

无论采取哪种形式,都要讲清楚以下内容 用英语怎么说

Whatever form you take, you must make the followings clear .
2023-08-06 23:49:324


The analysis letter u25a1especially u25a1and u25a1front u25a1unfolds with thedepartment u25a1u25a1regulation u25a1u25a1, lay between u25a1"the letteru25a1u25a1u25a1Cheng?hsing omni-directionally to teach u25a1the reform methodwith the department". Including teaches u25a1u25a1to allow, to teachu25a1the method and the method, u25a1the regulation system, testsu25a1aspect the and so on way reform. u25a1u25a1many years teach u25a1thereform u25a1u25a1, formed the three-dimensional teaching material, MATLABhave taught in u25a1the hall u25a1and u25a1u25a1teach u25a1the center u25a1to use,u25a1u25a1u25a1u25a1u25a1u25a1as well as u25a1u25a1u25a1and so on the achievement
2023-08-06 23:49:492


必修. Compulsory选修 Elective副修 Minor合格Qualified中等 Average良好Good优秀Excellent
2023-08-06 23:49:592


When walking into the vermilion wooden mansion gate,things become suddenly enlighted in front of the eye.On the capacious land a grand and resplendent palace erects magnificently.The pedestal of the white marble is equisitely carved.The spectacular scene makes you feel yourself in imperial palace.
2023-08-06 23:50:074


A artist stayed on a farm to paint for a holiday.The artist want to give pay to the farmer,but the farmer want to get the artist"s painting to his son and make his son do not want to become a artist. 一位画家在一个农场画了一个假期的画,他想给农夫钱,农夫只是想要画家的一幅画给他儿子看,以此让他儿子不想再成为画家. 翻译: 一位画家到一个美丽的乡村度假并小住在一个农场里.每天他都带着自己的颜料和画刷去作画,一直到晚上才停止回到农场和这个农场主的家人共进晚餐,之后就回床休息. 在他假期快要结束的时候他想支付一些(住宿费)给农场主,但这位农场主说:“不,我不需要钱,请给我留下一幅你的画吧.钱又有什么用呢,不到一个星期它又会被使用去了,但你的画还会留在这儿.” 这位画家很高兴并感激这位农场主给他的画以这么高的评价. 这位农场主笑着回答:“这还不是因为我有个儿子在英国,他成为一名画家,等他在一个月后回来的时候我就会拿你的画给他看,我想然后他就不会再想成为一名画家了.”
2023-08-06 23:50:271


2023-08-06 23:50:372


The content of speech
2023-08-06 23:50:474


2023-08-06 23:50:572

补充内容 英语

What do you want to be when you grow up?
2023-08-06 23:51:094

内容用英语怎么说 内容用英语如何读

1、内容的英语:content,英 [u02c8ku0252ntent , ku0259nu02c8tent] 美 [u02c8kɑu02d0ntent , ku0259nu02c8tent]。n. 内容;目录;含量。adj. 满足的;满意的。vt.使 ... 满足;使 ...安心。 2、content的基本意思有三:第一,可表示“所容纳之物,所含之物”,指某一物体中所含的具体东西; 第二,表示一本书或文章中所包含的“内容”,可以是具体的内容,也可以是抽象的内容; 第三,表示某一容器的“容量”或某一物质在另一物质中的“含量”。 3、content表示“内容”时用单数和复数的意思不同,用复数表示具体的内容,而用单数则表示与形式相对应比较抽象的“要旨,内含”; 在表示“含量,容量”时只能用单数; 表示“所容纳之物,所含之物”时多用复数。 4、content的基本意思是“使满足,使满意”,指做一些让人高兴的事情,以使他人感到满足,其宾语多为人。 5、content主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。 6、content常用于content oneself with结构,表示“满足于…”。
2023-08-06 23:51:351


1、内容的英语:content,英 [_k_ntent , k_n_tent] 美 [_kɑ_ntent , k_n_tent]。n. 内容;目录;含量。adj. 满足的;满意的。vt.使 ... 满足;使 ...安心。2、content的基本意思有三:第一,可表示“所容纳之物,所含之物”,指某一物体中所含的具体东西; 第二,表示一本书或文章中所包含的“内容”,可以是具体的内容,也可以是抽象的内容; 第三,表示某一容器的“容量”或某一物质在另一物质中的“含量”。3、content表示“内容”时用单数和复数的意思不同,用复数表示具体的内容,而用单数则表示与形式相对应比较抽象的“要旨,内含”; 在表示“含量,容量”时只能用单数; 表示“所容纳之物,所含之物”时多用复数。4、content的基本意思是“使满足,使满意”,指做一些让人高兴的事情,以使他人感到满足,其宾语多为人。5、content主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。6、content常用于content oneself with结构,表示“满足于?”。
2023-08-06 23:51:501


2023-08-06 23:51:571

有什么内容 用英语怎么说

2023-08-06 23:52:091


2023-08-06 23:52:331


learning content学习内容翻译解析:content ["ku0254ntent] n. 内容,目录;满足;容量adj. 满意的vt. 使满足例句:1.因此,学习是基于不同的学习内容而言的。The learning matter is therefore structured on the basis of different learning content.
2023-08-06 23:52:491


? 胡笳汉月 ( 2006) ? 昭君出塞 ( 2006) ? 暗哨 ( 2006)
2023-08-06 23:52:593


2023-08-06 23:53:071


1.企业法人代表 legal representative of company;2.兹证明... This proof…3.任职..公司的证明 assignments. Company"s proof4,资信证明 the credit proved5.公证公认 notarizations6.资产证明property proofs
2023-08-06 23:53:141


新年英语内容如下:1、Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.恭贺新禧,万事如意。2、Good luck in the year ahead!祝吉星高照!3、May you come into a good fortune!恭喜发财!4、Live long and proper!多福多寿!5、May many fortunes find their way to you!祝财运亨通!6、I want to wish you longevity and health!愿你健康长寿!7、I wish you good health in the new year.祝你身体健康。8、Warm wishes to you and your family for a wonderful New Year!祝你和你的家人有个美好的新年。9、Wishing you a happy and abundant New Year!祝你有个愉快和丰盛的新年!
2023-08-06 23:53:341


activity content
2023-08-06 23:53:501


jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the wayoh what fun it"s to ride in a one horse open sleighhei, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the wayoh what fun it"s to ride in a one horse open sleighwe wish you a merry christmas,we wish you a merry christmaswe wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year !we wish you a merry christmas,we wish you a merry christmaswe wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year !you better watch out, you better not crybetter not pout, i"m telling you whysanta claus is coming to townhe"s making a list and checking it twicegonna find out who"s naughty and nicesanta claus is coming to townhe sees youwhen you"re sleepinghe knows when you"re awakehe knows if you"ve been bad or goodso be good for goodness sake
2023-08-06 23:54:012

研究内容” 用英语怎么说

2023-08-06 23:54:112


快乐暑假英语手抄报内容:1、Summer fun, like many paintings, let me open a fishing painting to share!That day, it"s sunny, sunny, flowers everywhere, cicadas sing "to know", the frog "quack" to laugh, I followed the adults came to the fishing pavilion to fishing together.2、In this summer vacation, I have a happy and full, in addition to finish the summer homework, every weekend, rt-mart supermarket hold activities, such as: making a cake, racing, the animation English dubbing, etc., I have attended. But I think the happiest time of the summer vacation is to go to a rotten apple park to play.3、summertime is the besttime of the year.there is no school for monthsi get to do what i want.with no tests no homework,i"m as free as a bird.i do many things during the summer vacation.i relax by reading books watching tv.i also hang out with my friends travel with my family.however,i don"t play in summer.i take advantage of the free time to learn more.for example,last summer i learned to swim.this summer i might study computers or english.summer vacation flies by fast,so it"s important to do as as you can.4、My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable。I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays.It is very beautiful there.there are green plants,clear rivers,lovely animals kind people.I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there.Iwrote down what happened in my diary every day.besides that,I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons.I helped them read english improve their spoken english.Their parents thanked me for this.5、This summer holiday I plan to go to the beach.I will go there with my parents and cousins.We"ll stay there for three days at the local hotel.The trip will be the most wonderful one that I have ever had.Because we will do a lot of things there,such as playing volleyball ,windsurfing ,having barbecue at night.I"m really looking foward to it.
2023-08-06 23:54:181


英语小报可以写的内容如下:短文:Hello,my name is Ouyang Yihang.I live in a big house.It has a toilet,a livingroom,a study and three bedrooms.There is a big and beautiful TV in the living room. There is a small TV in my mother and father"s bedroom.I like my house.职业的英语单词:教师 teacher 医生doctor农民farmer工人worker护士nurse司机driver作家writer 厨师 cook 记者 reporter建筑者 builder 男警察 policeman 女警察 policewoman 画家 painter 学生 pupilTo be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.既当演说家,又做实干家。Variety is the spice of life.变化是生活的调味品。Bad times make a good man.艰难困苦出能人。
2023-08-06 23:54:341


2023-08-06 23:55:065

英语小报我的假期 内容

一部分可以命名为:new words about vacation.写和假期有关的英语单词 一部分写回顾以前的假期,命名为look back.找一点十年前的小朋友们是怎么样过假期的.比如说休息,和小朋友们玩 相对的一部分写现在的假期,命名为the situation now.写现在小朋友们怎么样过假期.很明显的就是大家都有补习,study 再有一部分写希望将来的假期是什么样的,命名为look forword.写自己希望的假期是什么样的 最后再来一部分写国外的假期, 命名为colorful and wonderful.找一些图片就行了.
2023-08-06 23:55:322


Tibet Lhasa "force god commercial plaza" projectQinghai province of xining city "force union square commercial" 9 # # building design single to 23Kunshan city jiangsu province China resources land holdings "KunYu nine" first and second stage, and the third phase overall planning and villa, garden design single house.Inner Mongolia "hailaer passenger" monomer designHebei tangshan huamao "old wind Wells plot" Tuscan style design single villaInner Mongolia chifeng city "SongShanOu second kindergarten" monomer designBeijing"s daxing district "sand valley residents after housing reconstruction project" overall planning
2023-08-06 23:55:414


  《简·爱》Jane Eyre是十九世纪英国著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作!那么,如何用英语介绍简爱主要内容!接下来,我就和大家分享简爱主要内容英语介绍,希望对大家有帮助!   简爱主要内容英语介绍   Tells the story of a British woman who has been an orphan in the trials of freedom and dignity, perseverance, and ultimately happiness. The novel Fascinating shows the twists and turns of love experience of the hero and heroine, and celebrates the removal of all old customs and prejudices, and successfully created the image of a woman who dares to resist and dare to fight for freedom and equality.   简爱主要内容中文介绍   讲述一位从小变成孤儿的英国女子在各种磨难中不断追求自由与尊严,坚持自我,最终获得幸福的故事。小说引人入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见,成功塑造了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象。   简爱点评赏析   《简·爱》创作于英国谢菲尔德,是一部带有自传色彩的长篇小说,它阐释了这样一个主题:人的价值=尊严+爱。《简·爱》中的简爱人生追求有两个基本旋律:富有 *** 、幻想、反抗和坚持不懈的精神;对人间自由幸福的渴望和对更高精神境界的追求。这本小说的主题是通过对孤女坎坷不平的人生经历,成功地塑造了一个不安于现状、不甘受辱、敢于抗争的女性形象,反映一个平凡心灵的坦诚倾诉的呼号和责难,一个小写的人成为一个大写的人的渴望。   《简·爱》是部脍炙人口的作品、毋庸置疑的名著。英国十九世纪著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,当时人们普遍认为《简·爱》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平”的写照,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。一个有尊严和寻求平等的简·爱,这个看似柔弱而内心极具刚强韧性的女子也因为这部作品而成为无数女性心中的典范。   小说设计了一个很光明的结尾--虽然罗切斯特的庄园毁了,罗切斯特自己也成了一个残疾人,但我们看到,正是这样一个条件,使简·爱不再在尊严与爱之间矛盾,而同时获得满足--她在和罗切斯特结婚的时候是有尊严的,当然也是有爱情的。   这本小说告诉我们,人的最美好的生活是人的尊严加爱,小说的结局给女主人公安排的就是这样一种生活。虽然我们觉得这样的结局过于完美,甚至这种圆满本身标志著肤浅,但是我依然尊重作者对这种美好生活的理想--就是尊严加爱,毕竟在当今社会,要将人的价值=尊严+爱这道公式付之实现常常离不开金钱的帮助。人们都疯狂到似乎为了金钱和地位而埋没爱情。在穷与富之间选择富,在爱与不爱之间选择不爱。很少有人会像简这样为爱情为人格抛弃所有,而且义无反顾。《简·爱》所展现给我们的正是一种化繁为简,是一种返璞归真,是一种追求全心付出的感觉,是一种不计得失的简化的感情,它犹如一杯冰水,净化每一个读者的心灵,被认为是人生追求的二重奏。   她的生活遭遇令人同情,但她那倔强的性格和勇于追求平等幸福的精神更为人们所赞赏。   在里德太太家,10岁的简面对舅母、表兄妹的歧视和虐待,已经表现出强烈的反抗精神。当她的表兄殴打她时,她勇于回击;当舅母嚷着叫自己的孩子远离她时,她高喊“他们不配和我在一起”;当她被囚禁在空房中时,想到自己所受到的虐待,从内心发出了“不公正”的呐喊。在孤儿院,简的反抗性格更为鲜明,这和她的朋友海伦·彭斯忍耐顺从的性格形成了明显的对比。海伦·彭斯虽遭迫害却信奉“爱你的仇人”,在宗教的麻痹下没有仇恨,只有逆来顺受。而简对冷酷的校长和摧残她们的教师深恶痛绝。她对海伦说:“假如她用那根条子打我,我要从她手里把它夺过来,并且当面折断它。”充分表露了她不甘屈辱和不向命运妥协的倔强性格。   小说主要描写了简·爱与罗切斯特的爱情。简·爱的爱情观更加深化了她的个性。她认为爱情应该建立在精神平等的基础上,而不应取决于社会地位、财富和外貌,只有男女双方彼此真正相爱,才能得到真正的幸福。在追求个人幸福时,简·爱表现出异乎寻常的纯真、朴实的思想感情和一往无前的勇气。她并没有因为自己的仆人地位而放弃对幸福的追求,她的爱情是纯洁高尚的,她对罗切斯特的财富不屑一顾,她之所以钟情于他,就是因为他能平等待人,把她视作朋友,与她坦诚相见。对罗切斯特说来,简·爱犹如一股清新的风,使他精神为之一振。罗切斯特过去看惯了上层社会的冷酷虚伪,简·爱的纯朴、善良和独立的个性重新唤起他对生活的追求和向往。因而他能真诚地在简面前表达他善良的愿望和改过的决心。   简·爱同情罗切斯特的不幸命运,认为他的错误是客观环境造成的。尽管他其貌不扬,后来又破产成了残废,但她看到的是他内心的美和令人同情的不幸命运,所以最终与他结婚。小说通过罗切斯特两次截然不同的爱情经历,批判了以金钱为基础的婚姻和爱情观,并始终把简·爱和罗切斯特之间的爱情描写为思想、才能、品质与精神上的完全默契。   简·爱是个不甘忍受社会压迫、勇于追求个人幸福的女性。无论是她的贫困低下的社会地位,或是她那漂泊无依的生活遭遇,都是当时英国下层人民生活的真实写照。作者能够把一个来自社会下层的觉醒中的新女性摆到小说的主人公地位,并对主人公为反抗压迫和社会偏见、力争取独立的人格和尊严、为追求幸福生活所作的顽强斗争加以热情歌颂,这在当时的文学作品中是难能可贵的。   《简·爱》是一部具有浓厚浪漫主义色彩的现实主义小说。整部作品以自叙形式写成。大量运用心理描写是小说的一大特色。全书构思精巧,情节波澜起伏,给读者制造出一种阴森恐怖的气氛,而又不脱离一个中产阶级家庭的背景。作者还以行情的笔法描写了主人公之间的真挚爱情和自然风景,感 *** 彩丰富而强烈。这部优美、动人并带有神秘色彩的小说,至今仍保持着它独特的艺术魅力。 的人 1.对简爱的英语评价 2.简爱中的经典英文句子 3.简爱英文读书笔记精选 4.简爱的经典英语段落 5.简爱经典英语句子摘抄 6.英文版《简爱》读书笔记
2023-08-06 23:55:481


8 products XXXX assembly machine work program 8.1 Zongjing Ban to send orders to the injection department, injection department in accordance with the order requirements, contact the relevant departments, ready to machine and related materials. 8.2 Therefore, the machine with automatic detection function, only qualified products can be produced, so the injection of the Department of good machine, by the specialized staff can be produced. 9 XXXXX plug cable processing ...
2023-08-06 23:55:551

"内容概述" 英语怎么说 急急急!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2023-08-06 23:56:023


2023-08-06 23:56:122


描述This is a photo of my family.The man in the middle is my eldder brother.And the girl on the right is my elder sister.The girl on the left is me.We were eating outside.It"s obvious that we were all happy at that moment.I love them all. It"s a happy family.
2023-08-06 23:56:211


具体如下:The article is mainly written with "honesty" as its main topic and "events" as its proof.文章主要以“诚信”为主题,以“事件”为证明。The article tells us the truth because of a bet:black eyes gave her the heart of the fireball in order not to want blue feathers to die.这篇文章告诉我们一个打赌的真相:黑眼睛给了她火球的心,为了不想让蓝色的羽毛死去。and finally told the wise owl the truth of the incident, because of his honest quality, the wise owl reced the loss of the tribe.最后告诉了聪明的猫头鹰事件的真相,因为他的诚实品质,聪明的猫头鹰避免了部落的损失。This story tells us to have an honest heart and a sincere heart to others.这个故事告诉我们要有一颗诚实的心和一颗真诚的心。
2023-08-06 23:56:291


2023-08-06 23:56:451


(1) England : A, the seller had the right to require the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A practical implementation 或1, the two sides shared the relief measures : (1) damages (2) Actual performance (3) of goods delivered two batches, Sellers breach of relief : (a) British law : A, the purchaser had the right to reject the goods B, the buyer has the right to obtain damages C, The buyer against the seller the right to the delay in delivery damages D, the buyer to the seller the right to make up ground secured E. damages, the actual performance (2) CISG : A, The buyer can ask the seller to fulfill the actual B, the buyer can cancel the C, the buyer may request price D, The buyer can claim damages 3, the buyer default of relief : (a) British law : A, The seller asked the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A, B, the actual performance, declared the contract void C, to set the rules D, E claim damages, requesting payment of interest 1) England : A, the seller had the right to require the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A practical question of implementation added : one, two relief measures : (1) damages (2) Actual performance (3) two batches delivery of the goods, the seller breach of relief : (a) British law : A, the purchaser had the right to reject the goods B, the buyer has the right to obtain damages C, The buyer against the seller the right to the delay in delivery damages D, the buyer to the seller the right to make up ground secured E. damages, the actual performance (2) CISG : A, The buyer can ask the seller to fulfill the actual B, the buyer can cancel the C, the buyer may request price D, The buyer can claim damages 3, the buyer default of relief : (a) British law : A, The seller asked the buyer to pay the contract price and interest B, The seller asked the buyer the right to not accept the goods to the buyer for damages caused by the C, the seller had the right to terminate the contract of D, buy or not to pay the price under the circumstances, the seller retains title to the goods, therefore, the seller was entitled to retention of the goods, or the buyer in the case of insolvency. The seller is entitled to exercise power outage, or the right to resell. (2) CISG : A, B, the actual performance, declared the contract void C, to set the rules D, E claim damages, requesting payment of interest
2023-08-06 23:57:064


Summer is the second season in a year. I love summer very much. In summer, it"s hot, and sometimes it"s rainy. People wear T-shirts, shorts and sunglasses. 夏姑娘像个孩子,经常变脸。一会儿碧空如洗,骄阳似火;一会儿天低云暗,电闪雷鸣;一会瓢泼大雨,倾盆滂沱;一会儿潇潇雨歇,虹桥飞架南北。不过,在树林的小鸟却不在意夏姑娘的脾气,他们每天心情都很好,白天晚上轮流歌唱。
2023-08-06 23:57:162


英语新年小报内容参考如下:01、May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you。Best wishes。愿新年不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欢喜的日子。祝福你。02、Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things。传统佳节之际,献上殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意!03、May you have the best New Year ever。愿你度过最美好的新年!
2023-08-06 23:57:231


math weather 天气我忘了
2023-08-06 23:58:493

英语手抄报 内容:学英语50词

And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British poet) 勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人, 乔叟) Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune .(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher) 与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源.(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图) Genius17 without education is like silver in the mine. (Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。 (美国总统 富兰克. B.) The roots of education are bitter , but the fruit is sweet .(Aristotle , Ancient Greek philosopher ) 教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。( 古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德) CULTURE 文化篇 A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight .(P. B. Shelley , British poet ) 伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱. P. B) A novel is a mirror walking along a main road .( Stendhcl , French writer ) 一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。 (法国作家 司汤达) Art is a lie that tells the truth .( Picasso , Spanish painter ) 美术是揭示真理的谎言。 (西班牙画家 毕加索) Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain , American novelist ) 幽默被人正确地解释为“以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑”。(美国小说家 马克·吐温) The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency.( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet ) 文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落。这两者走下坡路的时间是齐头并进的。(德国诗人 歌德 . J . W .) When one loves one"s art no service seems too hard .( O. Henry, American novelist ) 一旦热爱艺术,什么奉献也不难。 (美国小说家 欧·亨利)
2023-08-07 00:00:021

今天要介绍的内容主要有四个部分 英语怎么说

Ask the content introducing that to have four parts mainly today
2023-08-07 00:00:131


People s Mark Twain (Mark Twain ,1835-1910) is a famous American novelist, and his many works. 他擅长使用幽默和讽刺,针砭时弊时一针见血,毫不留情,其创作将现实主义的刻画和浪漫主义的抒情和谐地统一。 He specializes in using humor and irony, point out problems when sharply, relentless, its creation will be realistic characterizations and lyrical romanticism harmonious unity. 他的作品对后来的美国文学产生了深远的影响,人们普遍认为马克·吐温是美国文学史上的一大里程碑。 His work on the later American literature had a profound impact, it is generally considered the history of American literature Mark Twain is a major milestone. 马克·吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师。 Mark Twain is American literature of the founder of critical realism, the world-famous short story master. 他经历了美国从“自由”资本主义到帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观厌世的发展阶段。 He went through the United States from the "free" capitalism to the development of imperialism, their ideas and creativity are reflected from the light make fun of the bitter irony then pessimistic stage of development. 作品文字清新有力,审视角度自然而独特,被视为美国文学史上具划时代意义的现实主义著作。 Fresh and powerful works of writing, examine the natural and unique perspective, is considered a landmark in the history of American literature realism works. 19世纪末,随着美国进入帝国主义发展阶段,马克·吐温一些游记、杂文、政论,等的批判揭露意义也逐渐减弱,而绝望神秘情绪则有所伸长。 The late 19th century, with the United States entered into the imperialist stage of development, some of Mark Twain travels, essays, political commentary, and other critical disclosure significance of gradually weakened, while the mysterious mood of despair is somewhat elongated. 马克·吐温被誉为“美国文学中的林肯”。 Mark Twain as the "Lincoln in American Literature." 他的主要作品已大多有中文译本。 His main work has been mostly a Chinese translation. 【主要情节、主人公】 【Main plot, the hero】 《汤姆·索亚历险记》是马克·吐温的四大名著之一。 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is one of Mark Twain"s four masterpieces. 小说描写的是以汤姆·索亚为首的一群孩子天真浪漫的生活。 Tom Sawyer is a novel description of a group of children led by naive romantic life. 他们为了摆脱枯燥无味的功课、虚伪的教义和呆板的生活环境,作出了种种冒险经历。 Their homework to get rid of dull, dull false teachings and the living environment, and made all kinds of adventures. 汤姆.索亚天真活泼,一天他约哈克夜间去坟场玩耍,目睹伊江杀人的惨案,经思想斗争揭发了伊江的罪恶。 Tom. Sawyer lively, one day he Yue Hake cemetery at night to play, witnessed the murder of the tragedy in Iraq river, discovered by the ideological struggle of the Iraqi river of evil. 伊江企图杀害汤姆,结果失足坠入深谷而死。 Ie tried to kill Tom, the result Shi Zuzhui into the ravine and died. 汤姆和哈克发现了伊江埋的一箱金子,两人平分,都成了富翁。 Tom and Huck found in Iraq buried in a box of gold river, the two equally, have become rich. 小说对美国虚伪庸俗的社会习俗伪善的宗教仪式进行了讽刺和批判。 American hypocrisy and vulgar novels of social customs were hypocritical religious satire and criticism. 【内容简介】 【Introduction】 故事发生在19世纪上半叶密西西比河畔的一个普通小镇上。 The story first half of the 19th century, the Mississippi River in an ordinary town. 汤姆·索亚是个调皮的孩子,他和同父异母的弟弟一起接受姨妈波莉的监护。 Tom Sawyer is a mischievous child, he and his half-brother, aunt Polly with the acceptance of guardianship. 他总是能想出各种各样的恶作剧,让波莉姨妈无可奈何,而他也总能想尽办法来躲避惩罚。 He can always come up with a variety of pranks, so helpless Aunt Polly, and he always tried their best to avoid punishment. 一天,汤姆见到了可爱的姑娘贝基·撒切尔,她是撒切尔法官的女儿。 One day, Tom met a lovely girl, Becky Thatcher, she is the daughter of Judge Thatcher. 汤姆一见到她就对她展开了攻势。 Tom saw her she launched a major attack. 而他的爱似乎也得到了回应。 His love seems to get a response. 镇上有一个孩子叫哈克贝利·费恩。 The town has a child called Huckleberry Finn. 他的父亲总是酗酒,父母一直打架,因此他跑出来自己生活。 His father is always drinking, parents have been fighting, so he ran out of their own lives. 他看起来和文明社会格格不入,大人们都不喜欢他,可汤姆和他却是好朋友。 He looked fit and civil society, large people do not like him, Tom, and he is a good friend. 有一天他们约好晚上一起去墓地,却看到了意想不到的一幕。 One day they went to an appointment at the cemetery has seen an unexpected scene. 他们看到鲁滨逊医生、恶棍印第安·乔和喝得醉醺醺的莫夫·波特。 They see doctors Robinson, villain Injun Joe and Muff Potter drunk. 在他们混乱的厮打中,印第安·乔把医生杀死了,然后又嫁祸于被打昏的波特身上。 In their chaotic tussle in Injun Joe killed the doctor, and then put the blame on Porter who was beaten unconscious. 汤姆和哈克被吓坏了,立了血誓决不泄密。 Tom and Huck were terrified, established a blood oath never leaked. 波特被捕以后,汤姆十分内疚,经常去看望他。 Porter was arrested, Tom is guilty, often to see him. 此时的汤姆事事不顺,贝基生了他的气,不再理睬他,波莉姨妈也总是呵斥他,他觉得没有人关心他。 Tom at this time everything is unfavorable, Becky gave birth to his gas, ignoring him, aunt always scold him, he felt no one care about him. 子是,汤姆、哈克和村上的另一个孩子一起乘小船去了一个海岛。 Son, Tom, Huck, and Murakami"s another child with a boat to the island. 可没过多久,他们便发现村里的儿门以为他们淹死了,正在搜寻他们的尸体。 Can not long before they found the door that the village children who drowned, are searching for their bodies. 汤姆晚上悄悄回到了姨妈家,发现波莉姨妈正在为他的"死”悲痛欲绝。汤姆觉得十分惭愧。最终,他们三个人在村民们为他们举行葬礼的时候回来了。夏天来临时,汤姆便感到更加不安,因为法官将对波特的罪行作出判决。汤姆终于战胜了恐惧与自私,指出了印第安·乔就是杀人凶手。可凶手还是逃走了。后来,汤姆又想出了一个主意:寻找宝藏。汤姆和哈克偶然发现了印第安·乔和他的一大笔不义之财。但他们却不知道他把钱藏在哪里了。在贝基和同学们外出野餐时,哈克得知印第安·乔要去加害道格拉斯寡妇,因为她的丈夫曾经送他进过监狱。幸亏哈克及时报信才避免了一场悲剧的发生,可印第安·乔再一次逃之天天。此时,汤姆和贝基在野餐时走进了一个山洞,因为洞太深而找不到回来的路,被困在里面。他们在山洞里再一次遇见了印第安·乔。村民费尽周折救出汤姆和贝基之后封死了山洞。后来汤姆告知村民印第安·乔还在里面。当他们找到他时,他已经死在山洞里了。恶人得到了应有的报应。汤姆和哈克再次回到山洞里,找到了那笔宝藏。 Tom quietly back to his aunt at night and found that Aunt Polly was for his" death "distraught. Tom feel so ashamed. In the end, three of them were in the village for the funeral when they come back. Summer comes, Tom they feel more insecure because of the crimes the judge will make a decision Porter. Tom finally overcome fear and selfishness, that is the murderer of Injun Joe. may be the murderer or fled. Later, Tom came up with an idea: to find treasures. Tom and Huck accidentally found Injun Joe and his ill-gotten gains for a large. but they do not know where he hid his money was. Becky and students out in the picnic, Huck learned Joe Douglas to go to harm Indian widow because her husband, who had sent him to prison. Thanks Huck messenger before time to avoid a tragedy, can once again escape of Injun Joe every day. At this point, Tom and Tony base in the picnic into a cave, because the hole too deep and can not find the way back, trapped inside. They met again in the cave of Injun Joe. villagers had to be painstakingly seal rescued after Tom and Becky dead cave. Later, Tom Injun told the villagers are still inside. When they found him, he had died in a cave. the wicked get their due reward. Tom and Huck to return to the cave, found that document treasures.
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