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ext 是什么意思

2023-08-09 19:52:35
TAG: ex ext
  1. Ext是一个强大的js类库,以前是基于雅虎UI,现在已经完全独立了。

  2. 主要包括data、widget、form、grid、dd、menu,其中最强大的应该算grid了,编程思想是基于面向对象编程(oop),扩展性相当的好。可以自己写扩展,自己定义命名空间。

  3. 主要包括三个大的文件:ext-all.css,ext-base.js,ext-all.js(包括所有的类库,您可以根据需要进行删减。官方网站提供这一接口),在引用ext类库的时候,这三个文件必不可少。

  4. 它提供了丰富的,非常漂亮的外观体验,成为众多界面层开发人员的追捧!其核心的组件基本覆盖了我们构建client的常用的组件。




abbr. exterior 外部的; external 外部的;externally 外部地; extent 范围;


EXT是延伸文件系统(英语:Extended file system,缩写为 ext或ext1),也译为扩展文件系统,一种文件系统,于1992年4月发表,是为linux核心所做的第一个文件系统。



1 在包装时检查箱子的内外,应干净和无活物,植物或动物,土壤和水的污染物。2 有任何土壤,泥炭,生的绿色植物,或污秽的苔藓,旧袋子材料,旧轮胎,牧草,谷壳,或箱内任何上述曾用过污染过的材料
2023-08-06 23:07:552

internally connected和externally connected分别是什么意思啊

internally connected是内部连接 也就是局域网连接成功 externally connected是外部连接 也就是互联网连接 应该是vista下的吧
2023-08-06 23:08:121

intently with和intently of的区别

2023-08-06 23:08:192


内外兼修/释义指人的修养从内外进行全面提升内外兼修是汉语成语,“修内”即“修心”,道教不仅主张修炼形神、内丹和外丹的炼养,同时也十分强调提高个人内在的道德修养。 它要求人多多积善立功,以洗去自己的罪恶。“内外兼修”通常也指人的修养从内外两个层面所进行的全面提升。“内”指内在道德修养、文化内涵,“外”指人表现出的行为举止、言语表情。所谓“内外兼修”即是指重视外在表现合乎礼仪的同时重视内在道德修养的提升,最终达到“表里如一”完成自身修养的全面提升。
2023-08-06 23:08:282


2023-08-06 23:09:221


当我在这种状态下,我打我的男朋友一样, 意思如上.....
2023-08-06 23:09:334


shape是动词用句号正常啊,问号才不正常。这几句HOW开头的不是问句。HOW在这里意思是 以。。。方式, 如何 怎样。我们使用语言的方式从内到外塑造、形成我们的世界。你使用自我对话的方式-关于你自己和世界,你对自己说了什么 直接形成你自己和世界的经验。你传递交流的方式形成了世界回应你的方式。算是主语从句
2023-08-06 23:09:511


看完3L的回答,我发现3L更像是中学生。。。people换person不避免重复使用了吗 且different person你有听说过么various names 多样的名字 和前面的diffenrent不仅显不出多样化,反而令人觉得古怪various初中生的单词,怎会觉得超纲differentiate 我觉得完全可以To companies/ To a company, 哪有To company为什么要thought过去式呢? 这含有过去成分吗,表示人普遍认为,一般式即可
2023-08-06 23:10:014


【Argan oil】: 摩洛哥坚果油(Argan oil)是一种从摩洛哥坚果树的内核中提取的植物油,流行于摩洛哥。重要有食用和美容两种用途。在摩洛哥,摩洛哥坚果油是用在早餐蘸在面包或淋在蒸粗麦粉或面食上。世界范围内,它是作为个人护理产品和心脏健康的美食产品的高端的成分赢得声誉。 【烹饪用】: Culinary argan oil (argan food oil) is used for dipping bread, on couscous, salads and similar uses. Amlou, a thick brown paste with a consistency similar to peanut butter, is produced by grinding roasted almond and argan oil using stones, mixed with honey and is used locally as a bread dip. 干油(干食品烹饪油)蘸在面包上或拌沙拉等类似的使用。棕色,厚浆类似于花生酱Various claims about the beneficial effects on health due to the consumption of argan oil have been made. Researchers have concluded that daily consumption of argan oil is "highly likely" to be one factor that helps prevent various cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity.[8]对健康有很大好处。每日消费干油有助于防止各种癌症、心血管疾病、肥胖等。The results of a nutritional intervention study, in which volunteers consumed either argan oil or animal fats (butter) in their diet, were published in 2005. The results showed that—as with olive oil and some other vegetable oils—regular dietary intake of argan oil instead of butter reduced harmful cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.[9] 2005年发表的营养干预研究发现,在志愿者的饮食中分别添加干油或动物油脂(黄油)用作对照,结果显示,正常饮食中摄入的摩洛哥坚果油代替黄油能有效降低血液中有害胆固醇和甘油三酯。 【 美容使用】: Moroccans traditionally use unroasted argan oil to treat skin diseases, and as a cosmetic oil for skin and hair: 摩洛哥人传统上使用未经焙烧的Argan油治疗皮肤疾病,以及皮肤和头发的美容油。"In cosmetics, argan oil is advocated as moisturizing oil, against juvenile acne and flaking of the skin as well as for nourishing the hair. This oil has also medicinal uses against rheumatism and the healing of burns ... Externally, argan oil is used ... for hair as brilliantine, to fortify and ... in the treatment of wrinkled or scaly dry skin."[10]摩洛哥坚果油可作为一种保湿油,对青少年痤疮和剥落的皮肤以及滋养头发有显著的功效。也做药用于风湿和烧伤的愈合,治疗皱纹或有鳞的皮肤干燥等。Argan oil has become increasingly popular for cosmetic use. The number of personal-care products on the US market with argan oil as an ingredient increased from just two in 2007 to over one hundred by 2011. It is sometimes mixed with pomegranate seed oil due to its antioxidizing benefits,[11][12] with vendors promoting this blend as an all-in-one serum both for skin and hair.[13] Argan oil is also sold without additives as a natural skincare and hair care product.,[14][15] Argan油对化妆品的使用越来越普及。Argan油作为原料添加进个人护理产品,Argan油也作为一种天然无添加剂的护肤和护发产品出售。The increasing popularity of argan oil has prompted the Moroccan government to plan for increased production, with their aim being to increase annual production from approximately 2,500 to 4,000 tonnes by 2020.[16]【参考资料】:
2023-08-06 23:10:102


气缸盖 气缸盖构成了发动机气缸的顶端,用来打开和关闭排气歧管及进气歧管通向燃烧室的进气口和排气口。它也包含了附加的气门导管以固定阀门以及阀座、供水通道、提供安装燃料的喷射器、连接阀操作件的螺纹孔和部分对接气缸盖的非螺纹孔。加工表面间允许用适当垫片密封燃烧室和其他开口。 某些内联的柴油发动机使用单一的汽缸头组件供应所有气缸,气缸数通常多达六个。某些发动机也用单个气缸盖配双气缸。大型发动机的每个气缸通常使用一个单独的气缸盖。 缸盖通常用合金铸造,和铸造发动机缸体的过程类似。内部通道由砂芯铸造,完工后移除砂芯。而其他开口和表面由机床锻造。关键部分要有流经排气座的制冷剂,外加冷却液喷嘴,用来引流制冷剂到最热的部位。 气缸盖的问题包括开裂导致的气压或液体内漏或外渗、冷却水套生锈和结垢造成的散热效果不良、热变形、气门导管和桥接导管磨损、阀座磨损或损坏。 可用冲压钢、铸铁,铝气缸盖罩和垫圈覆盖气门和喷油器的操作件,防止漏油和进灰。
2023-08-06 23:10:241


2023-08-06 23:10:323


行动-过程-对象-图示理论 这一理论是基于皮亚杰对建构主义解释的学习理论视角,并形成对心理建构的描述,这种心理建构可能发生在理解数学概念的时候。这些建构物被称作行动、过程、对象和图示。
2023-08-06 23:10:513


针描述, : 电压。 能够 地面。 端口0, 端口0是一个8位的排水口,双向I / O端口。作为一个输出端口,每个密码可以沉八TTL调制输入。当一个书面端口0别针,大头针可作为highimpedance输入。 端口0也可配置的多路公共汽车在loworder地址/数据访问的外部程序和数据的记忆。在这种模式下,具有内在的pullups不可。 端口0也得到了代码的字节编程和输出在闪光灯程序验证码字节中。在程序需要外部pullups核查。 港口1 港口1是一个8位双向I / O端口和内部pullups。这个港口1输出缓冲器会沉/源四个TTL调制输入。当一个书面港口1针,他们把高的内部pullups,可作为输入。作为输入,港口1针,对外低低的将电流源(掩模投影成像干涉光刻技术)因为内部pullups。 此外,P1.0和P1.1可以配置为计时器/柜台输入(P1.0 2外部数/ T2)和定时器/柜台(P1.1 2触发输入/ T2EX),分别于下表所示。 港口1还受到阶地址字节编程和核实。在闪光 港口2 港口2是一个8位双向I / O端口和内部pullups。这个港口2输出缓冲器会沉/源四个TTL调制输入。当一个书面港2针,他们把高的内部pullups,可作为输入。作为输入,港口2针,对外低低的将电流源(掩模投影成像干涉光刻技术)因为内部pullups。 港口2散发出的高阶地址字节在旱季期间,从外部程序存储器存取到外部数据存储器使用16位址(MOVX @ DPTR)。在这个应用程序、港口2使用强大的内部pullups排放证书时。访问期间,使用外部数据存储器地址(8)、港口MOVX @扶轮的内容2放出P2特殊功能寄存器。 港口2也得到了高阶位和一些控制信号的地址在闪光编程和验证。 港口3 3是一个8位港口的双向I / O端口和内部pullups。这个港口3输出缓冲器会沉/源四个TTL调制输入。当一个书面港口3针,他们把高的内部pullups,可作为输入。作为输入端口3针,对外低低的将电流源(掩模投影成像干涉光刻技术)因为pullups。 3也用于港口的各种特色的法,详见下表。 3也受到一些端口为Flash规划和控制信号的核查。
2023-08-06 23:11:011

各位大人们,救救我吧。 机械图纸上的英文实在…… 求救。会的帮忙翻译一下吧。 在线等。

2023-08-06 23:11:104


的例子,紧耦合的行动,出现在我们的研究Tetris的发挥( kirsh和maglio , 1994年) 。在这方面的研究,我们发现,当试图决定在何处设立一个Tetris的一块球员的首选,以旋转的身心健康, "一块,而不是旋转精神的形象作品。因为它需要之间的700和1250 ms6旋转 一种精神的形象,一Tetris的作品,但只有150余至450余旋转一块对外,一个球员可以输入相同的精神状态(知道什么是旋转一块看起来像)更快和较少的精神努力执行一项行动,对外而非表演,它弱智。怪不得科目宁愿旋转件外部。的例子,相辅相成的行动松耦合在时间与心理过程,帮助他们可以找到在拼图令人费解。一活动的老跳汰机看到puzzlers花的比例,他们的时间,这样做是分组 件到明显的桩根据形状和颜色。角落件,边缘件,件类似的男性和女性插座,可靠分成集群。这有两个作用:件,否则可能被strewn约,是有组织的在一个突出的感知方式,让玩家可以减少,预计所需的时间找到适当的感知件( kirsh , 1995年) 。和作品是类似,可以更容易地区别,因为他们的分歧,站出来时,他们旁边的对方,而他们雷同的立场时,他们周围的不同形件。球员始终是建设专案类别,或组合,以帮助他们。又一个例子的行为策略,相辅相成的方式可视化系统的工程,可以观察到当人们指望硬币据报道,在( kirsh , 1995 ) 。受试者给予20-30硬币,角及宿舍strewn约一个地区的大小1 8 11页纸。他们被要求以计数的硬币,尽快,因为他们可以,考虑到有必要的准确性。给他们的考验,在三个条件:一个静态条件下,在这里他们必须解决这个问题没有指出或感人的硬币,指着条件的地方,他们可能指向的对象或使用他们的手在任何他们喜欢的方式,并充分运动条件,他们在那里都是免费的重新排列物体会。在静态条件下,他们约20 %的慢,比在指向条件,约百分之五十的慢,比在充分移动的条件。错误也下降了60 % ,与指向和80 % ,与重新安排
2023-08-06 23:11:192

什么是银行的treasury product?

财政预算或财政审计Major Responsibility:· Design & structure treasury products (esp. FX/FX Option/Interest Rate Option/Money Market) for retail banking business;· Work closely with internal parties, e.g. legal, compliance, credit risk, market risk, etc, to ensure timely launch of new products;· Provide product training & seminars internally & externally;· Conduct timely market review & competitive analysis & product strategy
2023-08-06 23:11:272


2023-08-06 23:11:352


2023-08-06 23:11:543

第三方物流 中翻英

Third party logistics (Third-Party logistics , 3 PL), is also called (contract logistics) committee outside logistics (logistics outsourcing) or contract logistics , third party logistics is always logistics and supplies white silk managing the easiest to be misunderstood noun of middle.At present not universally accepted definition, but principle lies in third party logistics , some "speciality companies "provide another company (let us say one manufacturer) or much logistics function. (If keeping famous third party logistics in a storehouse , transporting externally) supplier wraps up ... such as DanzasAEI , Exel Logistics , Menlo Logistics , Penske Logistics.Logistics company necessaries has a third party what time to list below: 1. And have the formal contract prepared between the user, time limit at least 1 year 2. Emphasize both sides relational expression, but be not that business is dyadic. 3. Emphasize the both sides benefit and visitor inhibition and generation feasibility. 4. And, the customer maintains the long range relation. 5. Policy and reality that can explore possibility on self"s own initiative is engaged in.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、
2023-08-06 23:12:052


校正一个费尔巴哈式定理六圈利埃米尔亚诺夫楼凡lamoen欣然指出,必要的部分定理[ 1 ]不举行。在布置图1,这是有可能一个圆(05)以外的三角形的外接圆的切线,和“新”圆,但在一个点之间的交流、b_和角点相切本圈(群),(05)和(3)与两侧不满足是三角形的定理。同样,它也可能发生界(物理学)和(朵)两侧公元前和使切点不满足塞瓦定理。我们特此修改声明如下的定理。定理。让A,B,C 1的痕迹的内点上的副线三角形。构建三圈(群),(氧)和(3)以外的三角形这是切向两侧A,B,C 1也分别相切外接圆的美国广播公司。圆的切线的外部这三个圆圈也切线的三角形的内切圆。工具书类[ 1 ]·埃米尔亚诺夫,费尔巴哈定理的一个类型,六圈,论坛几何。,1(2001)173–175。利埃米尔亚诺夫:18 - 31 proyezjaia街,卡卢加,俄罗斯248009电子邮件地址:emelyanov@kaluga.ru出版日期:2001年12月31日。通讯编辑:保罗
2023-08-06 23:12:152


2023-08-06 23:12:352

idea 中有个功能是synchronize **.java ,这个功能是什么作用呢?

2023-08-06 23:12:463


(1) 概括美国的立场的一种方法是论述美国人比中国人更珍惜原创性和独立性。美国和中国的文化差异也可以在他们面对恐惧时得到体现。中国的老师害怕如果技能不能较早的获取,那么他们可能永远都学不到了,相反,他们对于创造性的却没有如此积极。美国人只害怕如果创造性不能较早的获取,那么可能他们就永远学不到了,相反,技能可以在之后补上。(2)当我处于这一状态时,我也与我的男朋友吵架。因为打字聊天对话缺乏情感线索而误读他的意图。因为系统持续瘫痪,这种争吵可以持续数小时。他这样做,系统依旧瘫痪,我们的争吵也激烈的继续着。(3)我从来没有认识到像上班着装,正常睡觉等日常规律的重要性。我从来没有想过我在工作中对于同事们有如此的依赖。我开始理解为什么长期的失业会有如此的危害性,为什么没有外部的支持,常规的计划会导致高频度的药物滥用,犯罪和自杀。
2023-08-06 23:12:577

新人请教个问题identified externally是什么意思

identified externally 外部识别。identifiedv.确认;辨认;认出( identify的过去式和过去分词 );支持externallyadv.在(或从)外部,在(或从)外面,外表上
2023-08-06 23:13:501

internally connected和externally connected分别是什么意思啊

internally connected是内部连接 也就是局域网连接成功 externally connected是外部连接 也就是互联网连接 应该是vista下的吧
2023-08-06 23:13:571


2023-08-06 23:14:041


Some Jobs Are Newly HeuristicHeuristic work has little structure and requires a high degree of creative thinking. The word heuristic comes from the Greek heuriskein ― to discover and learn. Don"t think only of the Madison Avenue types brainstorming over some wildly innovative ad campaign for a client. In sales, marketing, medicine, architecture, design, computer science, planning, management, and hundreds of other job types, heuristic workers create important knowledge for firms ranging from HR policies, procedure manuals, and complex sales contracts to new products and business strategies.Heuristic work is almost impossible to automate, notwithstanding advertisements for "software that thinks." It lacks explicit procedures and requires extensive collaboration and learning. When it comes to heuristic work, two (or more) brains really are better than one. Heuristic workers aren"t just knowledge generators. They"re voracious knowledge consumers. They"re the engine of wealth creation in a knowledge economy, while procedural workers are the gear mechanisms that make things work.Whereas salespeople from a generation ago may have had high procedural content, the new ones are heuristic workers. The soaring volume of information flow within corporations reflects the growing complexity of modern jobs. For example, a heuristic worker in business development needs sophisticated tools to help build sales plans and forecasts; access marketing information; identify and understand targets; manage accounts and relationships; find resources such as subject matter experts; access product, service, and pricing information; develop winning proposals and presentations; create contracts and manage the negotiations internally and externally; track and manage interactions; and learn about what works and doesn"t from experienced peers and colleagues.Executive Decisions Must Be KnownExecutive work is also creative, but its main output is decisions that determine the course of the firm. Executives set corporate values, policy, strategy, objectives, and rules. Executives are employees of corporations and as such have a responsibility to work on behalf of their firms. However, they"re also the employers ― setting the course, monitoring, and controlling the firm. They shape the transparency policy of their corporations, setting the parameters for visibility into their behavior and performance. Executives also define the corporate culture through their own behavior.The Transparency MandateIn the traditionally opaque corporation, people hoarded knowledge, hoping it would bring personal power and success. Now individuals must be encouraged to share knowledge; corporate success depends on it.
2023-08-06 23:14:141

太极经典之《十三势行功心解》- 武禹襄

以心行气,务令沉着,乃能收敛入骨; Use your mind to exercise your internal energy. Let the internal energy sink and be attached to your body. Eventually, the internal energy can be condensed into the bone marrow. 以气运身,务令顺遂,乃能便利从心。 Drive the internal energy to move your entire body; make certain that the internal energy circulates smoothly and completely. Eventually the internal energy can follow the direction of your will. 精神能提得起,则无迟重之虞,所谓头顶悬也; If essence and spirit can be raised, then there is no need for concern with being slow and awkward; this is called extending and suspending the crown point. 意气须换得灵,乃有圆活之趣,所谓变转虚实也。 If mind and internal energy can be freely exchanged, then there is much satisfaction in performing smoothly and dynamically; this is called exchanging negative and positive. 发劲须沉着松静,专注一方; When transferring internal power, it should be sunk attached, relaxed, and completed. The power should also be concentrated in one direction. 立身须中正安舒,支撑八面。 When performing, you should be centered, balanced, stable, and comfortable. You should also control the eight directions. 行气如九曲珠,无往不利(气遍身躯之谓); Circulating your internal energy is just like guiding a thread through the nine-channeled pearl. Then nothing can block the circulation. 运动如百炼钢,无坚不摧。 Eercising your internal power is just like refning metal into the purest steel. Then nothing can not be destroyed. 形如搏兔之鹄,神如捕鼠之猫。 In performing the forms, you should be like the eagle which glides serenely on the wind, but which can swoop instantly to pluck a rabbit from the ground.Your mind should be centered, like the placid cat-peaceful but able to respond instantly to the scurrng mouse. 静如山岳,动如江河。 When in stillness you should be as the mountain. When in motion you should move like the water of the river 蓄劲如开弓,发劲如放箭。 When condensing the internal power, it should be like the pullig of a bow; when projecting the internal power, it should be like the shooting of an arrow. 曲中求直,蓄而后发。 In T"ai Chi movement, follow the curve to be aware of the straight line. In internal exercise, reserve the energy for transferring the power. 力由脊发,步随身换。 Transfer of power comes fom the spine. Change of position follows the movement of your body. 收即是放,断而复连; Therefore in T"ai Chi "drawing in" leads to "projecting out"; "interruption" leads to "connection." 往复须有折迭,进退须有转换。 When you move in and out, your entire body acts like an accordion, folding and unfolding. When you move forward and backward, your stance changes in a varied, dynamic manner. 极柔软,然后极坚刚;能呼吸,然后能灵活。 In T"ai Chi, being very sof and pliable leads to being extremely hard and strong. Command of proper breathing techniques leads to command of free and ufb02exible movement. 气以直养而无害,劲以曲蓄而有余。 Cultivate internal energy in a direct way only, and you will do yourself no harm. Store internal power in an indirect way only, and you will buid great reserves. 心为令,气为旗,腰为纛(dào)。先求开展,后求紧凑。乃可臻于缜密矣。 In transferring power, your mind acts like a banner, internal energy acts like a ufb02ag, and your waist acts like a pennant. In perfecting your forms, begin with large and extended movements, which , with time, will become compact and concentrated. 又曰:彼不动,己不动;彼微动,己先动。 Also it is said: If there is no motion, you will remain still. If there is even a slight change, you have already moved accordingly. 劲似松非松,将展未展;劲断意不断。 Interna power should remain in a state of equlibrium between relaxed and not-yet-relaxed, extended and not-yet-extended. Even if internal power is interrupted, the mind should remain in continuous action. 又曰:先在心,后在身。腹松气敛入股。神舒体静,刻刻在心。 As it is said. First you should exercise your mind, then discipline your body. Relax your abdomen and let interal energy condense into your bone marrow. Make your spirit peaceful and your body calm. Pay attention to your mind at all times. 切记一动无有不动,一静无有不静。 Bear in mind that once you move, everything should be in motion; when you are still, everything should be in stilness. 牵动往来气贴背,而敛入脊骨。 Wen practicing Push Hands, as you move forward and backward the internal energy should attach to your back and condense into your spinal column. 内固精神,外示安逸。 Your spirit should be controlled internally; externally you should appear calm and comfortable. 迈步如猫行,运劲如抽丝。 When changing position, you should move like a cat. Exerising the internal power is like the delicate reeling of silk. 全身意在精神,不在气。在气则滞。有气者无力,无气者纯刚。 Your entire body should be controlled by the mind and spirit. Do not attempt to control your body solely by the breathing, because this will make your movements slow and plodding. Controling the body by breathing yields no internal power; it is only by avoiding such error that you can develop the purest and strongest internal power. 气若车轮,腰如车轴。 Interal power should be likened to the spinning of a wheel. The waist turns like the axle of a wheel in motion. 武禹襄(1812-1880),号廉泉,清代直隶广平府人。禹襄曾祖静远以武痒生授卫千总职;祖父大勇,弱冠游武摩;父烈,邑摩生。长兄澄清,举人,官河南舞阳县知县;次兄汝清,进士,官刑部四川司员外郎。伯仲三人受家教,均习武。
2023-08-06 23:14:211


使用的浮动薪酬,以奖励个人的效果。公司不能继续奖励员工的努力,与基地的加薪幅度。增加的只是适当的奖励机制,为永久的进步,在技能和能力,这必然决定了更高层次的贡献,整个雇员的职业(例如,进步,在训练或新聘请阶段) 。在何种程度上个人的贡献上述预期水平是可变的-依赖于现任的技能和努力。奖励超出预期也应变量和依赖的结果。更多的技能,可能有助于更好的结果,但并不能确保他们。一,雇主应支付不存在的知识和技能,而是为应用知识和技能,结果在更高水平的生产力。 浮动薪酬必须开始发挥更大的部分在总薪酬方程,如果公司打算支付的表现,并能配合的薪酬更直接的贡献。这些行动将有助于一个组织要达到的目标,打破就业壁垒,鼓励更广泛的雇员的贡献,并增加工作力量的灵活性,同时保持程序是内部公平,外部竞争力,在法律上站不住脚的,和成本效益。 一个可行的解决方案,雇员为基础的支付程序,严重依赖于人才的一线管理人员和地点的风险,该公司的能力,以维持一个内部公平,市场竞争,在法律上站不住脚的薪酬制度。灵活性和效率所取得的少,就业的区别是所取得的重新设计工作和员工培训服务,在更广泛的能力,而不是由修补与薪酬结构。 公司将始终有一个需要控制固定薪金费用,在形式的基薪。因此,工作应予以赔偿,根据其预期的贡献水平,不应该有一个非常广泛。个别雇员,另一方面,可能会执行显着高于或低于预期的贡献水平。雇员的表现变量将影响到个人的技能和努力应该得到回报,通过浮动薪酬来的程度,实际的结果超过预期的结果。图。 1 。例如加宽的最低,最高的中点 三级27800美元三点四六零万美元四点一七万美元级4 32000 40000 4.80万级5 36800 46000 5.52万级6 42300 52900 6.35万级7 48700 60800 7.3万波段2 3.2万-6 3500
2023-08-06 23:14:433


2023-08-06 23:14:525

求一篇英文作文:美丽只是外表 支持论点或不支持都可以

Is beauty only skin deep?In life it can be hard to define terms that we use everyday. Defining beauty is one of these difficult things. When most people think of beauty they think of appearance, especially what is on the outside and most visible. However it could be argued that true beauty is deeper, more than “skin deep”. This essay will address the issue of true beauty.Most of what we see and watch around us, reinforces set stereotypes of skin deep or superficial beauty. This includes what we watch on television, the internet and advertising that surrounds us every day. Nearly all of these things reinforce the idea the beauty is only skin deep. Beautiful enticing women are used to sell us everything from food to clothing. Muscular well chiseled men try to sell us underwear, beer and aftershaveEven some advertisements purported to be discouraging beauty myths still reinforce the idea that beauty is is on the outside rather than on the inside. This “skin deep” understanding of beauty is also very pervasive, subtle and widely accepted.Christian theology affirms superficial beauty. Christians believe people are drawn to a creation made by God as good and visually beautiful. The Christian can praise God for the beautiful muscular body of the man, or the curvaceous body of a woman. The Christian can praise God for the beautiful mountains, sunset, and creation we live in.Christian theology also understands that our perception of the world is tarnished by our rejection of God as the creator. Christians understand this to mean that our view of beauty is also tarnished and that we end up worshiping the beautiful world God has given us, rather than honouring itu2019s creator. In failing to worship God first, something in our very nature looses itu2019s beauty in the process. Christians understand that itu2019s only though restored relationship with God that we can again appreciate real true beauty and begin to understand it as something that is far more than skin deep.More generally to argue that beauty is only skin deep is particularly narrow. Itu2019s difficult to believe that the average person on the street would affirm this as being true. Our society often seems torn, on the one hand we surround ourselves with set patterns and stereotypes of what true beauty is. On the other hand people always seem to seek to redefine or reject stereotypes of beauty. One evidence for this comes from the many internet memes that circulate on social media that affirm that true beauty comes from within. These are not Christian in nature suggesting that people understand that something is not quite right when it comes to how our society looks at beauty. They would seem to suggest that beauty is indeed more than skin deep.The definition of true beauty would include both internal and unseen things not just the external and seen. It could be argued that the order in which our world operates is beautiful even though we canu2019t visually “see” it. It could also be argued that things from Mathematics to feelings such as love, care and joy are all part of a world which is more than just visually or superficially beautiful.While valuing external beauty Christian theology also teaches the value of beauty that is also hidden. Christians would argue that internal unseen values such as “love”, “peace” “joy”and are beautiful, when motivated by a desire to follow Jesus. A person may very well be “ugly” on the outside but very “beautiful” on the inside. Conversely a person may be very beautiful on the outside but on the inside very, very “ugly”.In conclusion what is “true beauty”? This essay has argued that it is an internal and an external thing. Is beauty only skin deep? The answer clearly is no. Beauty in both internally and externally is affirmed both in Christian theology and the society in which we live.
2023-08-06 23:15:451

擦药 用英文怎么说?

put on the medicine
2023-08-06 23:15:565


  大雁塔景区是一处佛教圣地,与唐代高僧玄奘法师有密切的关系,唐僧取经译经的故事就发生在这里。我为大家整理了大雁塔英文导游词,欢迎大家阅读。更多相关内容请关注导游词栏目。   大雁塔英文导游词   As the symbol of the old-line Xian, Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a well-preserved ancient building and a holy place for Buddhists. It is located in the southern suburb of Xian City, about 4 kilometers (2.49 miles) from the downtown of the city. Standing in the Da Ci"en Temple complex, it attracts numerous visitors for its fame in the Buddhist religion, its si-mp-le but appealing style of construction, and its new square in front of the temple. It is rated as a National Key Cultural Relic Preserve as well as an AAAA Tourist Attraction.   This attraction can be divided into three parts: the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the Da Ci"en Temple, and the North Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda.   Big Wild Goose Pagoda   Originally built in 652 during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), it functioned to collect Buddhist materials that were taken from India by the hierarch Xuanzang. started off from Chang"an (the ancient Xian), along the Silk Road and through deserts, finally arriving in India, the cradle of Buddhism. Enduring 17 years and traversing 100 countries, he obtained Buddha figures, 657 kinds of sutras, and several Buddha relics. Having gotten the permission of Emperor Gaozong (628-683), Xuanzang, as the first abbot of Da Ci"en Temple, supervised the building of a pagoda inside it. With the support of royalty, he asked 50 hierarchs into the temple to translate Sanskrit in sutras into Chinese, totaling 1,335 volumes, which heralded a new era in the history of translation. Based on the journey to India, he also wrote a book entitled "Pilgrimage to the West" in the Tang Dynasty, to which scholars attached great importance.   First built to a height of 60 meters (197 feet) with five stories, it is now 64.5 meters (211.6 feet) high with an additional two stories. It was said that after that addition came the saying-"Saving a life exceeds building a seven-storied pagoda". Externally it looks like a square cone, si-mp-le but grand and it is a masterpiece of Buddhist construction. Built of brick, its structure is very firm. Inside the pagoda, stairs twist up so that visitors can climb and overlook the panorama of Xian City from the arch-shaped doors on four sides of each storey. On the walls are engraved fine statues of Buddha by the renowned artist Yan Liben of the Tang Dynasty. Steles by noted calligraphers also grace the pagoda.   Da Ci"en Temple   Da Ci"en Temple is the home of Big Wild Goose Pagoda. In 648, to commemorate the dead virtuous queen, royalty ordered the building of a temple named "Ci"en" (Mercy and Kindness), for which the status and scale far exceeded all others. Today, with an area of 32,314 square meters (38,648.5 square yards), one seventh of the original area, it still retains its grandeur.   Before the temple, there stands a statue of hierarch Xuanzang, the meritorious hierarch. Walking on and acroa small bridge, visitors will see the gates of the temple. With guarding lions, the temple seems stately for lions were said to function as talismans.   Entering the temple you will see two buildings-Bell Tower in the east and Drum Tower in the west. Inside the Bell Tower hangs an iron bell 15 tons (14.76 grotons) in weight. It was molded in 1548 in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Along the central axis are arranged the Hall of Mahavira, Sermon Hall, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and the Hall of Xuanzang Sanzang. In the Hall of Mahavira are three carved statues of Sakyamuni, and 18 arhats as well as Xuanzang. The Sermon Hall is where Buddhist disciples would listen to a sermon. A bronze statue of Amitabha is dedicated and a Buddha statue is collected by Xuanzang as oblation. The Hall of Xuanzang Sanzang is north of Big Wild Goose Pagoda. In this hall are Xuanzang"s relic and a bronze statue of a seated Xuanzang. The inner wall is chiseled with murals depicting this hierarch"s story. Renowned as the contemporary Dunhuang Buddhist storehouse praised by UNESCO, it is the biggest memorial of Xuanzang.   大雁塔导游词   大雁塔景区是一处佛教圣地,是国家AAAA级景区,与唐代高僧玄奘法师有密切的关系,唐僧取经译经的故事就发生在这里。所有佛教寺院,都是僧众供佛、礼佛、诵经的道场,而大慈恩寺、大雁塔与其他寺院相比究竟有什么特别之处呢?古今中外和尚如云、高僧无数,那么唐僧玄奘何许人也?   唐僧取经的故事为什么广为流传,今天大家参观过这个景区后,就会找到以上问题的答案。相信大家都知道《西游记》唐僧取经的故事吧? 然而在这个景区却没有《西游记》神话中“唐僧师父”,也找不到降妖除魔的“孙悟空、猪八戒和沙和尚”。   但你会感受到一个活生生的、真实的唐僧玄奘西天取经故事。要说玄奘何许人?我们说他是一位顶天立地的中国人,是一个具有民族精神和爱国主义情怀的中国人。他又是一个得道的高僧,唐太宗尊称他是“法门之领袖”,唐高宗称他是“真如之冠冕”。   各位游客,我们现在来到了大雁塔南广场。本景区由主景区即大慈恩寺、大雁塔和南北广场、东西两苑组成,占地约500亩。在广场的中央矗立着一尊唐僧玄奘西天取经的高大铜像。只见他气宇轩昂,身披袈裟,手执锡杖,迈着坚定的步伐,好象正奔波在西行取经的路途上。身后就是他开创的慈恩祖庭,是他主持的译经道场大慈恩寺,以及他所修建的大雁塔。   玄奘(602-664年),俗姓陈名祎,河南偃师人,自幼聪慧超群,勤奋好学。13岁被朝廷破格录取,在洛阳净土寺剃度为僧。玄奘先后周游全国十余省,遍访十余位高僧名贤,拜学经典,穷尽各家学说,誉满京师,被誉为“释门伟器和佛门千里驹。” 在全国各地游学后,他回顾佛教传入中国600年以来、佛经残缺不全,教义分歧,派别纷争的状况。玄奘在对佛经研习中,对佛经的质疑之处多达百余条。   他决意到佛教发源地---天竺国,也就是现今的印度,去探求佛教的精蕴,以解众疑,弘扬佛法。公元627年他结伴上表奏请,申请赴印求法,未得到朝廷的批准。其他人纷纷退缩,而他不为所动,矢志不改,并且利用出国之前3年时间,从佛经研究、语言梵文及物质精神等方面作了充分准备。遂违禁出关,即违法偷渡出境,昼伏夜行,只身前往,开始了他西天取经的艰难历程和传奇故事。现在请大家继续参观。   现在我们来到大慈恩寺,寺院的正门称为山门,也叫三门,分别称为空门、无作门、无相门,象征着佛教的三解脱之门。大家看,门上的牌匾是江泽民同志亲自题写的“大慈恩寺”几个金光闪闪的大字。慈恩寺创建于隋开皇九年(公元589年),初名“无漏寺”.公元648年,唐高宗李治作太子时,为其母以追荐冥福修建寺院,故得名“慈恩寺”。寺院虽系太子李治为其母追福而建,也表达了其父唐太宗怀念文德皇后的心愿。   唐太宗和文德皇后从小结发,情深意长,13岁即“嫔于太宗”,当时太宗李世民才17岁。太宗即位时,立其为皇后。文德皇后为人贤良正直,顾全大局,严于律已,她为了大唐社稷,力避裙带之嫌,她坚持不愿自己兄弟子侄担任朝廷要职。而对于魏征、房玄龄等忠勇良臣,却全力保谏爱护。皇后的申明大义,正直贤慧,成为大唐贞观盛世的良佐栋梁。   在临终遗言时还强调“不可厚葬,俭薄送终”。如此贤淑开朗,确不愧为一位有胆识、有胸怀的女政治家。对文德皇后的去世,太宗十分悲恸,向近臣表白:“朕非不知天命而无益之悲,但入宫不复闻规谏之言,失一良佐,故不能忘怀耳!”所以大慈恩寺的创建,实际是唐太宗父子两代为文德皇后祈福之举,也是唐王朝对一代贤后的纪念。   唐代大慈恩寺位于长安城南晋昌坊东半部,约398亩,总共1897间,僧众300,为长安规模宏伟之佛教寺院之一。在慈恩寺建成之初,朝廷特地迎请从印度取经回到长安、正在弘福寺译经的玄奘担任寺院的上座住持,大慈恩寺遂成为当时中国佛教界的最高学府而辉煌一时。唐末以后因战事不断,寺院逐渐荒芜,经历代多次维修,至公元1446年,才奠定了今日寺院规模。   现在寺院的范围东西阔160米左右,南北长318米左右,共计93亩,该寺院主要建筑,由南向北依次排列着山门、钟鼓楼、东西配殿、法堂藏经楼,大雁塔及玄奘三藏院。东西两侧分别为方丈院、僧院、寺管院、文管院等。   我们大家走进山门,可以看到钟、鼓二楼对峙,东侧钟楼内悬挂有一口铁铸的“雁塔晨钟”。该钟铸造于公元l548年,钟上铸有“雁塔晨钟”4个苍劲的大字,这口雁塔晨钟自造成启用至今天,一直作为大慈恩寺行仪规范,是本寺佛教活动和众僧生活的组成部分。晨钟作为佛教大型法器,是召集众僧进行法事之用。   寺院僧人们每天闻钟而起,闻鼓而眠。当拂晓时分,晨钟那洪亮的阵阵钟声划破晨曦朝霞,回绕在西安城南上空,共敲3阵,每阵36响,共鸣108响,表示断除尘世人生108种烦恼,祈祷盛世太平、万民安乐、五谷丰登。   西侧鼓楼悬挂一面大鼓,寺院称为暮鼓,为横置座鼓形式,钟、鼓均为寺院大型法器。东西配殿原为东观音殿,现为客堂,西为地藏殿。   现在我们来到大雄宝殿参观。高台上的大雄宝殿为寺院的中心建筑,大雄宝殿的匾额金光闪闪,系已故中国佛教协会会长赵朴初先生所书。大殿前香火兴旺,大殿内供奉有佛祖三身佛像,中为法身佛毗卢遮那佛,西为法身佛卢舍那佛,东为应身佛释迦牟尼佛。   佛像两侧是佛的弟子,东为迦叶,西为阿难,两旁还有普贤菩萨塑像和文殊菩萨像,均为明代雕塑,分别象征真理和智慧。另外东西两厢排列着包括玄奘在内的18尊罗汉像,此种排列是将佛的16位声闻尊者与其说者庆友、译者玄奘共列为18罗汉,为我国18罗汉较早的排列形式,以后还有其它排列形式。   罗汉是小乘佛教修行的最高境界,指已消除一切烦恼进入涅槃,不再生死轮回,应受天人供养者。罗汉的三义即为:杀界,就是断绝贪、嗔、痴等一切烦恼;应供。应受外人供养;不生,永远进入涅槃,不再进入生死轮回。在大殿供奉的主尊背后塑有立于大海鳌头之上的南海观音菩萨像及众菩萨、龙女、木叉等150身人物,还有善财童子53参求法学道故事,生动有趣,生动展示出南海之中普陀洛伽山观音菩萨说法道场的蓬莱仙境。   在大雄宝殿西侧墙壁上镶嵌着几通“雁塔题名记”碑,象这样的雁塔题名碑在我景区有几十通。“雁塔题名”始于唐代,指得是在长安考中的状元和进士,齐集大雁塔题名,以及武举在小雁塔题名的文化活动,明嘉靖十九年(1540年)陕西乡试题名碑文就有:“名题雁塔天地间第一流人第一等事也。”   唐代诗人白居易在公元800年考中进士后赋诗道:“慈恩塔下题名处,十七人中最少年。”一时成为佳话。人称“寒酸孟夫子”的孟郊,在46岁才中进士,他赋诗曰:“昔日龌龊不足夸,今朝放荡思无涯。春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。”他登科后“春风得意”的著名诗句,成为脍炙人口的美谈。   在古都长安雁塔题名活动虽延续一千多年,而进士题名仅仅延续到唐末。因为自唐末以后各朝各代,长安城不再是国都京城,陕甘两省乡试举人仿效唐进士雅举在雁塔进行题名活动。在大慈恩寺院内和大雁塔上,至今尚存的明清两朝乡试举人题名碑有73通。另外在荐福寺小雁塔院内至今也保存有明清武举题名碑17通,也称“雁塔题名”。因为在大小雁塔仿效唐人题名于塔壁、颇具唐风遗韵,后来逐渐形成为文题大雁塔、武题小雁塔。这些都是研究我国科学制度的历史资料。   大殿北面为两层高的法堂藏经楼,上层藏有玄奘曾翻译的经卷,下为法堂,供奉着一尊阿弥陀佛像,系明代铜铸鎏金佛像。法堂还陈列着玄奘供奉的佛座、玄奘负笈图及窥基、圆测碑拓画像等。圆测市新罗国王孙,由年出家来到中国后,从学于玄奘门下;窥基是玄奘嫡传弟子,本是开国元勋尉迟恭的侄子,每当出门有三车厢随,故有“三车和尚”的绰号。由此可见玄奘在当时的名声与地位。   现在,大家来到大雁塔脚下,大雁塔原称慈恩寺浮图。玄奘法师为了妥善保存从印度取经带回的大量佛经和佛舍利,于公元652年附图表上奏,经朝廷批准,在本寺西院,建造5层佛塔。每层皆存舍利,共一万余粒。玄奘法师亲自参加建塔劳动,搬运砖石,历时两年才建成。   至于“雁塔”的名称由来,有数种说法。而玄奘自己编撰的《大唐西域记》中所述的佛教故事最为可信。据玄奘的《大唐西域记》记载,佛教在早期分大乘和小乘两宗,大乘戒食肉,小乘不戒。古印度摩揭陀国有一座王舍城,城外帝释山上有一寺院,寺院和尚信奉小乘教,一天,中午将过,众僧饥肠辘辘,午饭尚未着落,甚为埋怨。   有一和尚忽见空中群雁飞过,随口出戏言:我等诸僧多日没有吃肉了,若菩萨有灵,应知我们的困境呀!话音刚落,即见头雁退着飞,到了这个僧人前便折断翅膀掉了下来,众僧人大惊,明白是如来设法教育他们,众僧急忙跪拜,并将那只雁葬于院中。上建一塔,取名雁塔,从此归信大乘,不再吃肉。这就是雁塔名称的由来。   “雁塔”一词前加一“大”字,一是因塔的建筑宏伟壮丽,二是后建的荐福寺塔也随着称为雁塔,为了区别,遂分别称为大雁塔、小雁塔。玄奘在印度求法时,还专程前往参礼了这座有名的雁塔。   玄奘法师亲自组织建造的这座佛塔,因砖表土心,风雨剥蚀,40多年后逐渐毁坏。武则天长安年间(公元701--704年)女皇武则天和王公贵戚施钱重建。遂将大雁塔改建为七层宝塔,人称七级浮图,较前更加庄严雄伟。人们常说得:“救人一命,胜造七级浮图”,概由此而来。   千百年来,大雁塔一直是古城西安的象征和标志性建筑。高耸入云的大雁塔,象征着玄奘法师崇高的人格品质和伟大精神。   大雁塔是典型的仿木构楼阁式砖塔,更以“唐僧取经”故事驰名中外。大雁塔由塔座、塔身、塔刹组成,通高为64.7米,门楣门框上雕刻有唐代线刻画。四门楣分别以流畅生动的阴刻线雕有佛、菩萨、金刚力士画像。特别是西门楣线刻画中,那讲经说法的佛祖,神情端庄慈祥,30尊各路菩萨神态自若、栩栩如生。是今天我们研究唐代建筑、佛教艺术和历史文化的珍贵资料。   在雄伟的大雁塔底层南门洞两侧嵌置着唐太宗所撰“大唐三藏圣教序”碑,和唐高宗作太子时所撰“大唐三藏圣教序记”碑,两通“二圣”丰碑,均由当时的中书令(宰相职)褚遂良所书。像这样两碑碑文和碑额都相对排列,左右对称。镶嵌于佛塔,这是绝无仅有的。碑文下方又雕刻有衣带飘逸,舞姿飞动的舞乐天人,细看“序”碑乐师所执乐器为管乐,而“记”碑乐器为弦乐。如此天乐舞姿,犹如佛国仙境。   有人称雁塔圣教序碑为“二圣三绝碑”。一是二圣御撰——太宗李世民撰《序》,太子李治撰《记》之威名,二是玄奘取经——赞扬玄奘西天取经宣扬佛法之内容,三是大家书法——褚遂良之书法名作,四是立于皇都——长安城内佛门大慈恩寺的庄严神圣之地。所以此碑为国宝中之瑰宝,名碑中更享盛名。
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By the sounds of H4 input and output (I/O) interface is introduced.The 1 interface is a digital signal input (which can also be used as a coaxial output in the USB signal input).2 interface for digital optical signal input.3 interface for USB signal input (USB line connected to the computer).4 interface for power supply DC input.5 interface for the microphone input interface.6 interface for analog 2 channel RCA output.7 3.5 headphone output.4 signal input:A:optical input port. (supported by the highest 192KHz/24BIT input)B:coaxial coaxial input and RCA interface SPDIF digital source input (the highest support 192KHz/24BIT input), and in USB mode the interface to a USB coaxial output (highest 48KHz/16BIT PCM digital audio output support) (so the interface can be input or output accuracy, low jitter coaxial digital signal, good SPDIF bi-directional I / O interface.)C:USB input port, using USB line to connect the computer, making it become a multi-functional external sound card.D:USB input mode 3.5 microphone analog audio input (support for the highest 48KHz/16BIT single channel input) for PC voice recording, etc., can real-time monitoring. (has a microphone, a lot of fans in only when listening to the music, tend to forget to turn it off, that from the microphone to introduce unnecessary noise, thus affecting the listening effect).3 way output (the three paths are able to simultaneously output):A: left and right channel RCA analog stereo audio output interface.B: 3.5 headphone socket analog audio output.C: a USB to the coaxial source digital audio output, can be directly output DTS or ASIO AC3 source code, the USB coaxial output interface with the coaxial input interface. (can support the highest 48KHz/16BIT digital PCM audio output)Note: when USB, optical fiber, coaxial with the same time, USB priority, that is the same time to allow only USB work or optical fiber or coaxial signal input. When using USB chat, RCA simulation can also output audio or Cara OK, but must be external power. If you don"t meet externally connected with the power supply, the DAC side can only as advanced USB to coaxial digital audio signal and USB Microphone use, more functions will not be available, headphones there no sound at all.* frequency response: 20Hz-20KHz, 24V/1A in the case of power supply, V audio output voltage amplitude can be larger than 4V.* S/N SNR: ordinary RCA port output: -90dB;By the harmonic distortion: ordinary RCA port output: <0.01%;DAC 16bit, 20bit optical fiber coaxial with the support of 24bit, the digital stream of an arbitrary number of bits;9:28 DAC coaxial and fiber supports the following sampling frequency: 32kHz, 44.1KHz, 48Khz, 88.2kHz, 96KHz, 192Khz, arbitrary sampling rate and the true meaning of the digital 24bit/192KHZ audio decoder;The minimum power consumption. The =6.2W (24V power supply, the input sampling rate 24bit, 192KHZ optical decoding)The minimum power consumption. The =5.6W (24V power supply, the input sampling rate 24bit, 96KHZ optical decoding)The minimum power consumption. The =5.1W (24V power supply, the input sampling rate 24bit, 48KHZ optical decoding)The minimum power consumption. The =5.0W (24V power supply, the input sampling rate 24bit, 44.1KHZ optical decoding)* USB support 48KHZ/16bit put straight, and to support the USB to coaxial digital audio output 16bit/48KHZ, 16 bit 48Khz mono recordings (Note: This is a USB sound card, not USB card reader, namely the USB interface of the machine is connected to is for you to be duped sound card USB output of computer, is not to be used as storage card reading and writing);
2023-08-06 23:16:401

third-person objective 和 third-person limited

叙事包含两个层面的问题:人称(person)和角度(angle)两个层面交叉组合成形成叙事角度(narritive point of view)人称包括 第一人称(first-person),第二人称(second-person),第三人称(third-person)角度分为 主观(subjective)或 客观(objective) 或 全能(omniscient)或有限(limited)角度多用于第三人称对照下来third-person objective 就叫客观第三人称,与third-person observer第三人称观察者角度一样,就是只能观察到,没有内心活动的描写third-person limited就叫有限第三人称,大部分时候与主观第三人称是相通的,只限于某一个相关角色的认知范围内,比如说我正研究的《哈利波特》就是用这个人称视角写的,读者所知道仅限于哈利的认知范围内。
2023-08-06 23:16:492

求一篇英文作文:美丽只是外表 支持论点或不支持都可以

Is beauty only skin deep?In life it can be hard to define terms that we use everyday. Defining beauty is one of these difficult things. When most people think of beauty they think of appearance, especially what is on the outside and most visible. However it could be argued that true beauty is deeper, more than “skin deep”. This essay will address the issue of true beauty.Most of what we see and watch around us, reinforces set stereotypes of skin deep or superficial beauty. This includes what we watch on television, the internet and advertising that surrounds us every day. Nearly all of these things reinforce the idea the beauty is only skin deep. Beautiful enticing women are used to sell us everything from food to clothing. Muscular well chiseled men try to sell us underwear, beer and aftershaveEven some advertisements purported to be discouraging beauty myths still reinforce the idea that beauty is is on the outside rather than on the inside. This “skin deep” understanding of beauty is also very pervasive, subtle and widely accepted.Christian theology affirms superficial beauty. Christians believe people are drawn to a creation made by God as good and visually beautiful. The Christian can praise God for the beautiful muscular body of the man, or the curvaceous body of a woman. The Christian can praise God for the beautiful mountains, sunset, and creation we live in.Christian theology also understands that our perception of the world is tarnished by our rejection of God as the creator. Christians understand this to mean that our view of beauty is also tarnished and that we end up worshiping the beautiful world God has given us, rather than honouring itu2019s creator. In failing to worship God first, something in our very nature looses itu2019s beauty in the process. Christians understand that itu2019s only though restored relationship with God that we can again appreciate real true beauty and begin to understand it as something that is far more than skin deep.More generally to argue that beauty is only skin deep is particularly narrow. Itu2019s difficult to believe that the average person on the street would affirm this as being true. Our society often seems torn, on the one hand we surround ourselves with set patterns and stereotypes of what true beauty is. On the other hand people always seem to seek to redefine or reject stereotypes of beauty. One evidence for this comes from the many internet memes that circulate on social media that affirm that true beauty comes from within. These are not Christian in nature suggesting that people understand that something is not quite right when it comes to how our society looks at beauty. They would seem to suggest that beauty is indeed more than skin deep.The definition of true beauty would include both internal and unseen things not just the external and seen. It could be argued that the order in which our world operates is beautiful even though we canu2019t visually “see” it. It could also be argued that things from Mathematics to feelings such as love, care and joy are all part of a world which is more than just visually or superficially beautiful.While valuing external beauty Christian theology also teaches the value of beauty that is also hidden. Christians would argue that internal unseen values such as “love”, “peace” “joy”and are beautiful, when motivated by a desire to follow Jesus. A person may very well be “ugly” on the outside but very “beautiful” on the inside. Conversely a person may be very beautiful on the outside but on the inside very, very “ugly”.In conclusion what is “true beauty”? This essay has argued that it is an internal and an external thing. Is beauty only skin deep? The answer clearly is no. Beauty in both internally and externally is affirmed both in Christian theology and the society in which we live.
2023-08-06 23:17:001


2023-08-06 23:17:126

英语文章翻译 = =

2023-08-06 23:17:348

Delphi 使用HTTPRIO控件后在关闭程序窗口时报cannot terminate an externally created thread

cannot terminate an externally created thread无法终止外部创建线程从提示信息推测,建议查看程序在结束之前,是否有线程没有正常关闭。
2023-08-06 23:18:051


5,retaliating 反击,报复
2023-08-06 23:18:132


综合法  有些句子单独使用一种翻译方法是很难翻译好的,需要用几种方法进行综合处理,然后  再按照时间顺序,主从结构或逻辑关系等重新排列,即进行句子重组。  我们先来看一句汉译英:  例1 除了服务于说本族语者的需要外,英语也是科学、技术和其他领域一些重要著作  编撰时所使用的语言,这些著作并非总是由以英语为母语的人所编撰的。  这句话虽然很长,但其实只说明了一个问题--英语是一个什么样的语言?由句子可知,  英语有以下功能:服务于以母语的人;在科学等领域编撰著作时使用。英语还具有一个特征:  用于科学等领域的书籍编撰时,并非总是由以英语为母语的人来担纲。而在英语的两个功能  中,本句尤其突出他的第二个功能,所以在翻译本句时要注意重点和句子结构的重组,有些  部分可以处理成修饰语成分。  译文:English is a language in which some of important works in science,  technology and other fields are being produced, not always by native speakers,  besides serving the needs of its native speakers.  我们再来看一个由英文转换到中文的例子:  例2 The technical aspects or applications of knowledge are equally necessary  for man and are of the greatest importance, because they also contribute to defining  him as man and permit him to pursue a life increasingly more truly human.  译文:对人们来说,知识的技能及其应用是同样必不可少的,并且也是至关重要的,因  为它们也有助于对人类本身下定义,同时允许人类追求日益真实的人的生活。  以上10类翻译策略和方法只有在平常的翻译实践中经常使用才能感受到它们的精妙之  处。事实上,理论总是不断地被总结、优化和发展之中,除了上面介绍的这些方法之外,还  有很多种翻译策略被我们大家有意或无意地运用着。读者在学有余力的情况下可以试着自己  去探索、发现其他的翻译策略,多动脑筋,学会观察,善于总结。  练习(7)  例1._______________ (我们确定搞两个开放):namely, to open up both externally  and internally.  例2. _____________ (不用说)that he"s been there before.  例3. _____________ (真想不到)that he had done a thing like that.  例4. Premier Zhou ________________(一心想着人民的利益).  例5. ____________(她非常不情愿地)that she agreed to help.  例1. We have decided on an open policy in two respects  解析:本题考查了语序的调整。"两个开放"在原句中充当宾语,但是英语却不能说two  opens,只能理解成"在两个方面实行开放政策"。因此,"搞两个开放"应处理成"动词+宾语+  状语"的结构。另外,"搞"字在英语中没有一个绝对的对等词,而且"搞"在汉语是一个动词,  经常带一些宾语、状语、补语,这些成分和"搞"字一起传情达意。读者在英译的时候应注意  对"搞"字的准确翻译。如:  你到底在搞什么?  What the hell are you doing?  大量的数学作业搞得我头昏脑胀。  A great number of math exercises make my head swim.  你最好耐心一些,否则会把事情搞僵了。  You"d better be patient, or you might bring things to a deadlock.  这兄弟俩看起来很像,别把他们搞错了。  The two brothers are very much alike. Don"t mistake one for another.  他思路搞通了,精神也就愉快了。  Once he straightened out his ideas,he became cheerful again.  这孩子把房间搞得一团糟。  The kid made the room a total mess.  例2. It"s needless to say  解析:考生应留意否定词译法,即在have,there be及情态动词后面加no 或not,在  实义动词前面加上do或does not,在某些省略句中加上no。本题考查的是派生词用法。和  汉语不同,英语单词词根可以加上前缀或后缀以改变单词本义,如ab-,dis-,im-,ir-,  il-,mal-,non-,un-,under-,less等都是表示否定意义的词缀。 翻译一直追求“信”“达”“雅”。“信”和“达”是基础,“雅”是一种延伸。而在考试中,同学们只要做到“信”和“达”就可以了。“信”意味着忠实原文的意思;“达”表示行文要通畅。  下面是六级考试中翻译部分的注意点:  1. 词汇量达标  这个要求已经是老生常谈了,但我还是要反复强调一点,无论你有什么高招和技巧,没有词汇给你做基础,做任何部分都是不成功的。词汇量哪里去积累?大家可以通过记忆英语课堂上学的单词,也可以买本高频词汇看看,或者通过做题来积累一些词汇。词汇这个事情是个长久战,谁能坚持到最后,谁就是胜利者!  2. 注意时态  根据一些调查,发现同学们考试翻译时,容易一看到中文就马上翻译成英语,连前面的句子信息都省略不看,在此,我非常不赞同这个做法,前面的句子或短语包含的不只是信息也有时态之类的,如果直接上手写,那么也就是等于直接放弃这最好拿的得分点。  3. 注意用词  四六级翻译考察同学们的语言应用能力,所以在考试时,大家应尽量把自己的语言水平表现出来,所以应避免使用一些过于简单的词汇,而选择一些更高级的词汇,例如"have to"可以换成"be obliged to","help to"可以换成"contribute to"这样做之后,整个句子会亮眼很多。  4. 注意搭配  这里的搭配主要指一些固定搭配,如“学习知识”不能用"learn knowledge",而必须用"acquire knowledge","concern"后面的介词必须跟"over"而不是"of",这些都是我们要好好学习的地方,可以通过日常积累,比如看英文报刊等等。  5. 懂得变通词汇  很多同学会碰到这样一件事,就是忽然间想不起一个词对应的英文单词是什么。不要急,在这种情况下,放弃是绝对不对的,我们可以另辟蹊径,一种方法是试着用几个词去解释这个单词,二是找个相近的英文单词来代替。如“匿名”对应的单词是"anonymity",我们可以用"a unknown name"或者直接用同义词"pseudonym"来代替。  总之,翻译其实是很好拿分的,只要主要以上几点,外加词汇量达标,那么就完全ok啦!
2023-08-06 23:18:241


Responsibilities: 职责1、Maintain current the purchasing working process for Raw material 具备现今原材料采购工作程序2、Weekly place Purchase order to suppliers based on the Raw Material Planning 按照原材料采购计划每周下采购订单3、Coordinate internally and externally for any delivery problem 内外协调交货中出现的问题4、Communicate with vendor for any urgent case or issue 与卖主沟通出现的紧急情况和问题5、 Responsible for document preparation of oversea vendors payment and internal company payment, work close with Import dept to follow up the sheet of customs clearance 负责海外卖方付款及国内公司付款文件的准备工作,与进口部门密切合作对清关手续进行跟踪6、Work close with purchasing team to identify if receiving amount match invoice amount. 与采购组密切合作来检查所收到的数量是否与发票金额一致7、Work close with Operation Account to make sure payment for oversea vendors in time 与财务部门密切合作来确定给海外卖方及时付款8、Manage the performance of the suppliers. 管理供应商的表现9、Provide forecast to suppliers 提供给供应商采购预告Qualification: 资质1、Understand the purchasing process 知道采购程序2、Experienced in trading, transportation, import and export. 在毛衣,交通,进出口方面有经验3、Fluent English in written and oral 琉璃的书面和口头英语4、Strong problem solving skill. 很好的解决问题技巧5、Strong communication skill. 沟通技巧6、Initiative 工作积极7、More than 4 years experience. 4年以上经验
2023-08-06 23:18:454


1无组织排水将被用于排除庭院的雨水(第一句你的原句有误吧,应该是will be adopted) 2对于当前状态,主变压器不设灭火设备,每个变压器将提供小车式干粉灭火器3按照设计标准、便携式干粉灭火器提供外部和内部的电气控制的营造物4生活污水将用综合污水处理设施处理,然后在变电站外排出5一个中央通风装置应该被安装在电气控制建筑里
2023-08-06 23:18:562


Anhui thinks to send the 斯 ( nations) trade limited companyAnhui thinks to send the 斯 international trade limited company locates the province 亳 state City of Anhui, is good reputation that one of medicine City a cities, possess the " the native district of 华佗 , the country of the medicine material".Tight the city of 邻 in that company nine line, carry on the back to depend the beautiful the river of 涡 in scenery, rely on the Chinese · 亳 state Chinese herbal medicine material bargain center. My company is a medicine material species that Chinese herbal medicine material process primarily and the domestic and international import and export is a main 专 camp business enterprise, the main management has:White 芍 , balloonflower, yellow 芪 , the skin of 丹 , licorice...etc. Chinese herbal medicine material totally 200 remainings grow.Cooperate with Nanking university now, produce the super and thin powder of every kind of Chinese herbal medicine material;Its main characteristics:According to the material of different, a valid material for can amounting to 1.0~~2.0 microns, product of the product is much easier than to absorb and increases the usage efficiency of the valuable Chinese herbal medicine material avoided the usage method wrong but result in to the material breakage in effect.With other filler and other to use the material to smash at the same time, the product can proceed 灌 capsule etc. packing directly. These thin powderses used for the hairdressing primarily, the health care article, food additive and Chinese herbal medicine wash a product for, currently we develop to have exported Korea, Japan, the United States and Southeast Asia etc. nation. The company keeps promise with the honesty, the highest principle in customer proceeds with Chinese and Foreign new old businessman the extensive trade cooperation! With all sincerity the businessman outside the world opens with my company the exhibition trade has dealings with! Contact the person:Liu lock pillar 康娜Address:On foot street E District in province 亳 state City friend 阳 in Anhui No.7The Chinese herbal medicine material is super and thin to smash the techniqueItem general situationExperiment the proof with Nanking medicine department university etc. unit examination with the animal through the Chinese medicine section university, super and thin Chinese herbal medicine material at internal use, use outside, all easy for glue the 膜 to absorb with skin.The super and thin Chinese herbal medicine material useds for clinical, can increase the curative effect of the medicine with make use of degree, combining may act for the decoction process, taking more convenient.Therefore, will be modern super and thin smash the technique combine together with traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy, ising quickly the important path that Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese medicine modernize. The " center" makes use of by oneself the equipments that design and processing technology, proceeded with the Chinese herbal medicine material of mineral number 100 kinds of each 异 of kinds to plant, animal the super and thin turning handles, obtaining the good result. Main characteristics1, according to material of different, the thin degree in product can amount to 1.0~2.0 micron(12500 eyes-6250 eyes)2, the much easier than absorption in valid material of the product3, can increases to a large extent the usage efficiency of the valuable Chinese herbal medicine material4, avoid because of the decoction, withdraw the etc. method to the material breakage in effect5, use with filler and other medicines the material to smash at the same time, the product can proceed 灌 capsule etc. the packing directlyMarket applicationAccording to the inquisition, current local Chinese herbal medicine material, such as the pollen, ant, freeze to fuck the powder etc. to all much use with the primitive appearance, the medicine utilization is low, nasty need the super and thin the species that smash amount to 160 variety, the year smashes the deal reaches the few kiloton, if the pollen amounts to annually 500 tons are above.And these are super and thin to turn the product exports to have great capacity, the international market need to be measured very big.The current product that we develop there has been 4 kinds of exits arrives the United States, Holland, Belgium, Japan.Anticipating the pollen exports to measures to 300 tons/ year, ant, freeze to fuck the powder etc. amount to 200 tons/ years are above.
2023-08-06 23:19:052


微控制器是C-HMOS技术首先使用的理想载体,有以下几个原因:首先,它们通常是独立的设备,设计者可以构建一个完全单芯片的CMOS微控制器系统。其次,它们广泛应用于电池供能的系统中,这些系统CMOS设备是必须的。而且,由于它们在一块单芯片上包含了RAM、ROM和随机逻辑,设计者获得了一块独立设备上CMOS的硬件主要构成,特别是对于80C49和80C51来说,设计者已经熟悉了这两者不需多大改动就可以获得CMOS的好处。在开发80C49和80C51的过程中,NMOS和C-HMOS间的结构差异被最小化了。结果,设计者无需重新学习指令、开发工具和现有的硬件设计。即使软件加上几个指令后就可以在某个特定应用中极大地减小该部分的能量消耗。80C51的高性能特别是定位于需要低能耗的高端8位微处理器,80C51具有所有8051的结构特征,包括它的增强的CPU和输入输出功能。芯片上存贮器大小为4K字节,可扩展至64K字节。板子上还有两个16位的时间计数器、一个全双工的串口、一个用于控制的布尔处理器,图2b显示了80C51在扩展和端口两种模式下的pinot.在电气性能上与80C49类戏,80C51电压范围4到6伏,4.5-5.5伏间与TTL兼容, 4.5伏以上,芯片工作在15MHZ以上。与80C49相同,80C51位低能量散热提供了空闲模式,这种模式在一个新的叫做PCON的寄存器上设置一个比特位就可以初始化,PCON寄存器放在之前没使用的芯片区域。当该比特置位的时候,CPU停止工作,时间计数器中断,串口继续正常工作。复位或任何中断都将结束空闲模式。如果中断结束了空闲模式,所有寄存器数据都保持不变,为中断服务。空闲模式的实现方式与80C49相似,即把芯片上的时钟分成两路信号,一个给CPU,一个用于激活的空闲电路。使用该技术空闲模式下的电流为1mA(电压6V,操作频率15MHZ)PCON寄存器其他比特位可以设置成标志位,决定一个中断是否可以正常使用或是否可以中断空闲模式。这些标志位可以使中断有双重作用,而不是只在这种模式下起作用。
2023-08-06 23:19:131

intellij 创建一个文件自动就add到git了,这个怎么取消

git reset 文件路径
2023-08-06 23:19:323


摘要本文以屈臣氏的自有品牌战略为基础,结合相关理论知识和屈臣氏具体实施的自有品牌策略,以及我国零售企业发展自有品牌的现状,运用合理的研究、论证方法,对我国零售企业如何发展自有品牌战略提出建议。本文首先提出了研究自有品牌的背景及现实意义,罗列了自有品牌理论知识来源的有关文献,并就作者的写作思路和研究方法进行了介绍。然后,阐述了自有品牌的基本概念和相关论知识,根据零售企业自有品牌的发展历程,描述了零售企业自有品牌的分类、供应和差异化策略等特点以及零售企业自有品牌的内涵,文章还提及了零售企业实施自有品牌战略存在的风险。本文的第三部分着重对屈臣氏自有品牌战略的实施进行了分析,通过剖析屈臣氏的自有品牌实施策略,揭示了零售企业要想发展自有品牌必须具备的前提条件:较大的经营规模、良好的商业信誉、完善的质量管理体系,论证了实施自有品牌战略能够为零售企业带来竞争优势:产品差异化优势、成本价格优势、促销优势、顾客的忠诚优势和经营渠道的控制优势。最后,根据屈臣氏实施自有品牌战略得出的结论——我国零售企业发展自有品牌战略势在必行,结合我国零售企业发展现状,提出了我国零售企业发展自有牌的基本思路——“合理定位、外抓营销、内抓管理”,并给出了具体操作建议。主题词:自有品牌零售企业屈臣氏ABSTRACTBasing on the brand strategy of A.S.Watson&Co.Limited and the status of private brand of the retailing in China,with the relevant theoretical knowledge and reasonable research and evaluation methods,this thesis proposes how to develop private brand strategy of the retail enterprises.Firstly,the article brings forward the background and function of studying the private brands,listing the relevant literature of theoretical knowledge,introducing the author"s ideas and research methods.Then,it presents the basic concepts and theories of knowledge relevant.In according with private brand of retail enterprises in the development process,the article describes the classification,strategies of supply and diversity of the retail enterprises"private brand,explaining the connotation of private brand in retailing.It also mentioned the risk of implementing private brand strategy by the retail enterprises.The third part focuses on the private brand strategy of A.S.Watson &Co.Limited.Through analyzing the Watson"s private brand strategy,it reveals the prerequisites for the retail enterprises to develop their private brand as follows:a larger operating scale,a good business reputation,and a perfect quality management system.The article evaluates the competitive advantages of brand strategy for the retailing,which are product differentiation advantages,cost advantages,marketing advantage,customer loyalty advantages,and channels control advantages.Finally,the article draws the conclusions from the case of Watson"s private brand strategy.It is imperative under the situation for Chinese retail enterprises to develop private brand.According to the statusquo of China"s retail business"development,it put forward the basic viewpoint of developing the private brand strategy for the retailing,which is marketing externally and management internally,giving specific operational recommendations.Keywords:private brand retail enterprises Watsons
2023-08-06 23:19:451

英语翻译 急用啊 谢谢

文学传统的背景,表现的措施,制定了从成本计算和会计制度,已被批评为鼓励短期termism (银行和wheelwright , 1979年;海斯和garvin , 1982年) ,缺乏战略重点(斯金纳, 1974年) ,鼓励当地优化(大厅, 1983年;南联盟和考克斯1989年) ,鼓励减少的差额,而不是不断改善(约翰逊和卡普兰, 1987年;林奇和交叉, 1991年),而不是被外在的重点(卡普兰和诺顿, 1992年) ,甚至破坏竞争力美国制造业(海斯和阿伯纳西, 1980年)。在当时,许多性能测量系统在英国和美国在经济上受到严重偏见和它一直辩称,系统而特别设计的外部报告被不适当地用来管理企业(海斯和阿伯纳西, 1980年) 。在企图为克服这些批评,性能测量框架已经制定了鼓励一个更为平衡的看法。举例来说,基冈等人。 ( 1989年)提出的两者之间取得平衡内部和外部措施和之间的金融和非金融措施;两岸和林奇( 1988-1989 )描述一个金字塔的措施,整合的表现,通过层次的组织;菲茨杰拉德等人。 ( 1991 )区分的结果和其决定因素和卡普兰和诺顿( 1992 )之间的四个角度其他平衡计分卡"" 。这些框架,因此多维,更注重非财务信息在试图纠正的平衡。他们的目的是提供一个平衡的措施,包括外部的成功,以及内部的表现,的措施,旨在使一个早期迹象显示未来的业务表现,以及作为纪录,已经取得的成绩,在past.these新的绩效衡量框架可能已经回答了这个问题他什么类型的措施,应一家公司使用吗?但是他们没有想到提供具体的意见,以一间公司实施绩效测量系统。这样做一个管理的过程中,需要有若干不同的做法,在文献上。然而,在每年年底的这些管理流程,参与管理已达到的阶段,决定什么来衡量,但没有得到实施。下一节因此,发展一个框架,以协助与了解阶段的执行情况和嵌入。分阶段在业绩计量系统的实施这是建议在这里指出,发展业绩计量系统可分为三个主要阶段(见图1 ) 。这些国家是:( 1 )设计的表现措施;( 2 )实施的表现措施;( 3 )使用性能的措施。
2023-08-06 23:19:541

different culture in the world英语作文

第一篇:These days,I have talked with some people who come from other countries.It is very interesting and I have learned many knowledges not only about language but also about the culture.For example I just talked with my teacher about singer.she asked me whether I known Elvis Presley."who?"I said that I never hear about the Elvis Presley.She was very amazing and said Elvis Presley is a very famous singer in America just like Michael Jackson. I "……". And then I asked another friend from America,He said "of curse he is very famous but not anymore today ,many older people like his music." I“……”.Maybe I should listen to American songs more.My dear friends do you have some good songs to recommend?Hello,ladies and gentleman.My name is Singing,a kindly girl from Guangdong Teachers College of Foreign Language and Arts.It"s my pleasure to talk to you about the Culture.Yes,it"s a wide topic,different culture in different place,even in the same city,it must have the diversity of cultural in this city.As far as the culture be concerned,because of the communication.It"s undeniable that people need communication,need expression and need the understand of each other,so the diversity of culture is being more and more important.On a large scale,it"s obvious that the diversity of culture is different from countries,such as cultural values,cultural dimensions,and something different insocial customs.Is it a complex culture?But how can we balance the diversity of culturel?Firstly,talk about the cultural values.Differences between Chinese values and Western values are reflect clearly that culture diversity is impact of our communication.For instance,Chinese values and American values are different in conception of the self,the Chinese are collectivist,placing high value on group cooperation and individual modesty,but on the contrary,the Americans are individualist,placing high value on self-reliance and freedom from externally imposed constraints.It"s a general phenomenon that so many Chinese are used to beginning their English conversation with "My English is poor."But at the beginning of a presentation,the American will say,"I believe that my presentation will be of great value to anybody present."This is a part of cultural diversity,just in conception of the self,it"s obvious that we can"t try to balance this phenomenon,but we can try to accommodate to each other,that"s may be the first thing to balance the cultural diversity.Secondly,talk about the cultural dimensions,it"s sometimes amazing how different people in other cultures behave,as far as I know,cultural dimensions include power distance,masculinity and femininity,uncertainty avoidance and so on,as with the uncertainty avoidance,cultures of low uncertainty avoidance have less concern about ambiguity and uncertainty and have more tolerance for a variety of opinions,but in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance have low tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity,like in France,cultures are used strong uncertainty avoidance,in contrast to The United States,Canada and so on.It"s the habit,not a really problem,but because of that,you may find there is so many different things in the world,in the colorful world,never mind their behaviour,it"s unmodifiable cultural dimensions,that"s the second thing to balance the cultural diversity.第二篇:Lastly,talk about the social customs,I wanna say an important thing about the social customs,that is punctuality.In topic of punctuality,Americans tend to place more emphasis on punctuality than people in many other places do,but in Spain or India,an hour later or even two hours later is common,nobody thinks anything of it.That"s a deeply gap between Americans and Spanish.For instance,if someone invented you to a party by host in six o"clock,usually the person arrived in fifteen minutes is American,in one hour is Spanish,in two hours is Indian.Different people in different countries have different culture,we must treat with different ways.As an American want to meet an Indian in seven o"clock,he/she may asks this Indian arrived in half past five o"clock.In general,cultural diversity may be a problem between countries,but accommodation with each other can boost the cultural integration,so many cultures in one world,so colorful world we live in.
2023-08-06 23:20:042