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2023-08-09 17:23:14
TAG: 英语







“你呢”的英文表达:1、What about you?what about一般表示建议,征求意见。例如:I want a hamburger. What about you?我想要一个汉堡,你呢?2、How about you?how about更多是强调感受。例如:I feel a little hot. How about you?我觉得有点热,你觉得呢?3、And you?这句话是一种顺接的口语,当回答完对方的问题时,想反过来问他时可用此句。例如:How old are you? I"m 20. And you? 你几岁?我20岁。你呢?you的用法you是第二人称代词,意为“你,您,你们”,用作主语或宾语或用于介词之后,也可单独使用。you也可与名词或形容词连用,用于生气地称呼某人时,作“你这个,你们这些”解。例句:1、Some battles you win, some battles you lose.胜败乃兵家常事。2、If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.如果你等待,发生的只有变老。
2023-08-06 21:28:471


2023-08-06 21:29:061


What/How about you?寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语。例如:I am from Beijing.What about you?我是北京人,你呢?what about you读音:英[wu0252t u0259u02c8bau028at ju],美[wɑu02d0t u0259u02c8bau028at ju0259]释义:你呢;那你呢;你怎么样how about you读音:英[hau028a u0259u02c8bau028at ju],美[hau028a u0259u02c8bau028at ju0259]释义:你呢;你怎么样;你怎么样呢扩展资料how about和what about的区别1、How about可以用来表达对事物的惊讶:“How about those dogs?”“What about”则没有这项意思。如果提供多项事物让人选择,那么必须使用“How about”:“Here are three jackets you might buy. How about the grey one?”。2、What about:若是征求意见或打听消息,只能使用“What about”“What about the university?” (强调 about 这个字)这是“How about ....”无法表达的意思。
2023-08-06 21:29:161


what about youuff1fHow about youuff1f
2023-08-06 21:29:3413


you句子有How are you
2023-08-06 21:30:1913


你好!你呢?How about you?
2023-08-06 21:31:212


  1. Do you   2. what about you   4. You   5. How about you   例句:   1、可是,你怎么知道神爱你呢?   But how do you know god loves you?   2、我不明白如果是上帝在考验你呢?   I don"t understand.what if god is on your case?   3、况且有你那位陪你呢他到哪儿去拉?   Besides you got yours to be with you.where is he?   4、他们是应该拥抱你呢?   Are they supposed to hug you?   5、到底是什么阻拦了你呢?   What would keep you from doing that?
2023-08-06 21:31:281


and youuff1f
2023-08-06 21:31:3811


  一、英语单词:What about you   二、双语例句:   1   我怎样才能认出你呢?   How will I recognize you?   2   哦,亲爱的斯蒂芬,你对我这么好,叫我怎么感谢你呢?   Oh Stephen darling, how can I ever thank you for being so kind?   3   你呢?愿意到巴黎生活并且为我工作吗?   What about you? Would you like to come and live in Paris and work for me?   4   如果你自己都认为做女人一文不值,又怎么能期望别人尊重你呢?   If you set no value on being a woman yourself, how can you expect others to?   5   别再理他了,他正在捉弄你呢。   Don"t have any more to do with him, he"s trying to make a fool of you.   6   老吴,有人找你呢。   Lao Wu, somebody is looking for you.   7   “要喝点什么吗?”—“不了,谢谢,”迈克尔说。他看了一眼威尔弗雷德。“你呢?”   "Something to drink?" — "No, thanks," said Michael. He glanced at Wilfred. "How about you?"   8   “最近怎么样,老兄?”——“还不错,你呢?”   "How are you, mate?" — "Not bad, mate, how"s yourself?"   9   你家里人日夜盼念着你呢!   Your family is longing to see you.   10   我怎么能找到你呢?   How will I find you?   11   忘了你的孩子&你呢?   And forget about your kids what about you?   12   我怎么能不爱你呢?你有我缺乏的生命热情。   Life that I lack.   13   你的同事会如何评价你呢?   How would your colleagues evaluate you?   14   不,我们不会,你呢?   Sandy: No, we can "t.Can you?   15   蒂娜:我们什么时候会再见到你呢?   Tina: When will we be seeing you again? 你呢用英语怎么说
2023-08-06 21:33:081


and you? 那你呢。
2023-08-06 21:33:284


2023-08-06 21:33:503

你呢? 用英语说

and youuff1f
2023-08-06 21:33:596


问题一:你们英文怎么说 you 问题二:"你们"用英文怎么说?具体点.谢谢! you [ju:, ju] pron. 你, 你们 you [ju:, ju] pron. [sing., pl.][人称代词第二人称, 主(格), 宾(格)] 你, 您, 你们, 诸位 (泛指)一个人, 任何人 (用以引起他人注意)喂! (招呼不知其名的人) you n. 与你无异的人 你的性格 the real you 真正的你; 你的真正性格 In everything, she is another you. 她从各方面看来与你毫无区别。 【说明】you 在一般写作中常用作不定代词, 比用 one 更亲切; 如: It"s a good story book, if you like detective stories. 如果您喜欢看侦探小说, 这本书是一本很好的书。 you-all [5ju:C:l, 5ju:l] pron. (美南部)[卑]你, 你们 you"d [ju:d, jJd] =①you had ②you would you"ll [ju:l, 弱jul]=①you will ②you shall After you! 请您先走! all of you 你们全体 between you and me 咱俩私下说; 不向外人讲 That"s ... for you ! [口](常用作贬义)这就是...的问题所在; 这就是...的特点 There"s ...for you ! [口]你瞧多么...! (用来引起对方注意, 多作反语表示讽刺) There"s gratitude for you! 瞧! 人家多么感激你呀! (实际含义要根据上下文而定, 既可能是正面的, 也可能是反面的) You ain"t seen nothing yet. [美俚]精彩[厉害]的还在后面呢。(好戏在后头哪!) You and me both. [美俚]咱俩情况一样; 我十分同意你的话。 you and yours 你与你的家属(或财产) You are on it [美俚]就这么办了; 这事就这样定了。 You bet ! [美俚]当然?; 一定是那样。 You said it. [美俚]知道了。(对别人所说的话表示十分赞同的一种感叹用语)我完全同意。(“That sure was a good show.“You said it.“那的确是一场好的表演。“我完全同意) You tell them. [美俚]我也不反对。(赞同或鼓励某人说下去) you [ju:, ju] pron. [sing., pl.][人称代词第二人称, 主(格), 宾(格)] 你, 您, 你们, 诸位 (泛指)一个人, 任何人 (用以引起他人注意)喂! (招呼不知其名的人) you n. 与你无异的人 你的性格 the real you 真正的你; 你的真正性格 In everything, she is another you. 她从各方面看来与你毫无区别。 【说明】you 在一般写作中常用作不定代词, 比用 one 更亲切; 如: It"s a good story book, if you like detective stories. 如果您喜欢看侦探小说, 这本书是一本很好的书。 you-all [5ju:C:l, 5ju:l] pron. (美南部)[卑]你, 你们 you"d [ju:d, jJd] =①you ha......>> 问题三:你们的英文 祝你们英文 问题四:你,你们用英语怎么说 you 问题五:随便你们的英语怎么说 It"s up to you (guys) >>>> 你们决定吧 Whate俯er you say >>>> 你们说了算 问题六:你应得的,用英语怎么说 You own it. 或者 You have worked for it. 或者 You earned it. 问题七:你愿意吗 用英语怎么说 楼主,你好! Are you willing to xxxx? 比较常用而且正式。 例如,结婚时,牧师常说的,Are you willing to marry him? 嫁给他,你愿意吗? Would you like to xxxx? 比较常用于口语中,更多表示喜欢什么,偏向于什么。 例如,饭店,服务员常说的,Would you like to have tea or coffee? 省略时,Tea or Coffee? 朋友对你说,Would you like to go with me? 你愿意跟我走吗? 问题八:你是谁 英文怎么说 电话里应该是 who is that?英语的习惯,在电话里面称呼对面都是that,称呼自己都是this,比如接电话第一句:this is James,who is that?我是James,你是哪位。 日常对话中如果问你是谁要看你具体问什么,如果想问的是名字一般是what"s your name.如果问的是职业一般是what are you. who are you很少用,但是也能用,虽然确实有你说的那种意思,但是那种意思是要语言环境的,并不是who are you 一定就是你以为你是谁的意思,也可以表达你是谁的意思,这个要看这个句子的语言环境。 问题九:看你的 英文怎么说 It"s up to you. 问题十:我想你们了,你们想我吗?用英语怎么说? I miss you guys,and you?这样比较口语
2023-08-06 21:34:321

那你呢用英语怎么说 那你呢用英语说

1、那你呢用英语说:how about you。读作:英[hau u0259u02c8baut ju]、美[hau028a u0259u02c8bau028at ju]。 2、你的英语是:your,是指一个人。你们的英语是:yours,指两个上以上,多数人,你的后面加“s”。
2023-08-06 21:36:021


你是要写成What about yours吗?那要加的
2023-08-06 21:36:112


表达你的怎么样how about yours?
2023-08-06 21:36:335

你的呢 用英语怎么说

2023-08-06 21:36:539


You people?英语里应该没有这样用的吧?你怎么会想到这句话啊?
2023-08-06 21:37:133


2023-08-06 21:37:335

你说呢 用英语怎么说

What about you?
2023-08-06 21:37:5212

......呢 用英文怎么写?

And u2026?
2023-08-06 21:38:165

你说呢用英语怎么翻译 谢谢

What do you think of it?
2023-08-06 21:38:332


What about you?
2023-08-06 21:38:569


What do you think?
2023-08-06 21:39:146


2023-08-06 21:39:325


and you
2023-08-06 21:39:545


2023-08-06 21:40:113


“你们的”用英语表达是:your,例句:这是你的课室。 This is your classroom.
2023-08-06 21:40:2114

那你呢? 用英语怎么说?小学五年级水平

And you?
2023-08-06 21:40:565


What about you?How about you?And you?
2023-08-06 21:41:463


And you?What about you?How about you?
2023-08-06 21:42:151


and you?
2023-08-06 21:42:302


你呢用英语翻译为:what about you? about: adv.大约;左右;将近;几乎;到处;处处;各处; prep.关于;对于;目的是;为了;涉及…方面;忙于;从事于; adj.在附近的;四处走动的;在起作用的;在流行中的 扩展资料   You should think about what your clothes say about you.   你应该思考你的衣服展现了你的"什么特点。   Apart from what you see and smell in a supermarket, what about what you listen to?   除了你在超市里看到的和闻到的,那你听到的呢?   What about you? No story to tell?   那你呢?没有什么故事要说吗?   It"s only human nature to be worried about change.   对变革有忧虑不过是人之常情。
2023-08-06 21:42:371

你呢 用英语怎么说

2023-08-06 21:43:185

你呢 用英文怎么说

你好!你呢 and you?
2023-08-06 21:43:414


问题一:你呢用英语怎么说 and you ? 问题二:你呢?用英语怎么翻译呀? How about you和 what about you都可以。。。 问题三:那你呢? 用英语怎么说? And you? 或者 what about you? 问题四:我该怎么称呼你?用英文怎么说? 我该怎么称呼你? What should I address you? 很正规的... What should I call you?普遍 What"s your name?普遍 Is it okay if I call you xxx?普遍 Can I call you Bill? [真名William]普遍 How do I address you? 很正规的... 问题五:到你了,用英语怎么说 你好,这道题的正确答案是: It"s you turn. 到你了。 *************************************************** ^__^祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问, 如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! *************************************************** 问题六:你要吗?英文怎么说? Do you want? 问题七:先生你好,请问怎么称呼您呢用英语怎么说 Hi sir, How shall I address you?
2023-08-06 21:44:011


2023-08-06 21:44:178


2023-08-06 21:44:571


你呢?的英语单词怎么写? What about you?你呢? 请采纳支援 你呢用英语怎么说 and you ? 你呢?用英语怎么翻译呀? How about you和 what about you都可以。。。你呢 用英语怎么说 What about you?或And you? 你线上吗 用英语怎么说? Are you on line 那你呢? 用英语怎么说? And you? 或者 what about you? 到你了,用英语怎么说 你好,这道题的正确答案是: It"s you turn. 到你了。 *************************************************** ^__^祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问, 如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! *************************************************** 你说对了 的英语怎么写 最直接丹译:What you said is right或者这么说,也可以的:You are right望五星采纳~ 我该怎么称呼你?用英文怎么说? 我该怎么称呼你? What should I address you? 很正规的... What should I call you?普遍 What"s your name?普遍 Is it okay if I call you xxx?普遍 Can I call you Bill? [真名William]普遍 How do I address you? 很正规的... 那你呢?用英语翻译出来 What about you? And you? 不同的语境有不同的翻译。
2023-08-06 21:45:041


-how was your day?那天过得怎样?-you tell me?你说呢?
2023-08-06 21:45:153


are you
2023-08-06 21:45:271


What do you say?
2023-08-06 21:45:384


回答:What about you? 你呢?
2023-08-06 21:45:542

“你是什么” 用英语怎么说?

Who are you?
2023-08-06 21:46:179


What about yours?
2023-08-06 21:46:482


问题一:“你说什么”用英语怎么说? 很简单,口语化一点,就一个Pardon?或者Excuse me?就解决了 问题二:你说的算用英语怎么说 It is up to you 希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢! 问题三:你说的是什么意思,英文怎么翻译 你好! 正确答案为: What"s the meaning of what you said? 或 Wha供 does what you said mean? What you said 你所说的。 ^___^ 祝你学习进步! 如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! *************************************** 问题四:你说的都对。 用英语怎么说 You are right about all. 问题五:你呢 用英语怎么说 What about you?或And you? 问题六:你呢?用英语怎么翻译呀? How about you和 what about you都可以。。。 问题七:你懂吗?用英语怎么说? 你懂吗?用英语 1,Do you understand? 2.Can you reak my mind? 3.Do you know? 4.Do you got it? 例句 You know , they weren " t trying to hustle anybody. 你懂吗,他们不会打扰任何人。 问题八:你说的话是什么意思?用英语怎么翻译 都不对,下确说法是:1. What do you mean by saying that ?2. What does what y阀u said mean?3.What do your words mean? 问题九:“你的意思是”用英文怎么说? what is your meaning? 问题十:你说的非常对,用英文怎么说 you are right what you said
2023-08-06 21:46:551


2023-08-06 21:47:0613

你们呢? 英文翻译

what about you ?
2023-08-06 21:47:352


问题一:你多大了用英语怎么说。 您好! 可以说:H供w old are you? 或者:What"s your age ? 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持! 问题二:你多大了的英语怎么说 Hold old are you 问题三:你多大年龄了!用英语怎么说? how old are you 问题四:你多大了用英语怎么说 how old are you ?? 问题五:你多大年龄了英语翻译 How years of age are you?(你几岁了?) 问题六:你猜我有多大了,用英文怎么说 you guess how old am i 问题七:问,你几岁了用英语怎么说 How old are you 问题八:你的妹妹多大了 英语怎么说 How old is your sister 问题九:能说一下你今年几岁了怎么说英语 Can you please tell me how old you are? May I ask how old you are? How old are you?
2023-08-06 21:47:581


问题一:你在干什么用英语怎么说 1. What are you doing 2. What the hell are you doing 3. What are you about 4. what r u doing 问题二:你在干什么呢.用英语怎么说 what are you doing? 问题三:你在干什么的英文 What are you doing 问题四:你在干嘛?用英语怎么说 What are you doing 问题五:你在中国做什么工作用英语怎么说? 你在中国做什么工作? What do you do in China? 问题六:你究竟在干什么? 用英语怎么说? 电影中表示不满情绪:what the hell are you doing? 一般我们在学校学习都会用:what are you doing on earth ? 问题七:你正在干什么 用英语怎么说 What are you doing now? 问题八:你在哪儿干什么呢用英语怎么说 Where are you? What do you do ? 问题九:“你在干什么”用英文怎么翻译,谢谢。 你在干什么是:what are you doing ? 还有其他一些常用语也给你吧。希望你猜那我的答案、谢谢。 1. Absolutely not. 绝对不是。 2. Are you ing with me? 你跟我一起去吗? 3. Are you sure? 你能肯定吗? 4. As soon as possible. 尽快。 5. Believe me. 相信我。 6. Buy it . 买下来! 7. Call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。 8. Can you speak slowly? 请您说得慢些好吗? 9. e with me. 跟我来。 10. Congratulations. 恭喜恭喜。 11. Do it right! 把它做对。 12. Do you mean it ? 你是当真的吗? 13. Do you see him often? 你经常见到他吗? 14. Do you see it? = Do you understand? 你明白了吗? 15. Do you want it? 你要吗? 16. Do you want something? 你想要些什么? 17. Don"t do it . 不要做。 18. Don"t exaggerate. 不要夸张。 19. Don"t tell me that. 不要告诉我。 20. Give me a hand . 帮我一下。 21. Go right ahead. 一直往前走。 22. Have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快。 23. Have a nice day. 祝你一天过得愉快。 24. Have you finished? 你做完了吗? 25. He doesn"t have time. 他没空。 26. He is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了。 27. How are you doing? 你好吗? 28. How long are you staying ? 你要呆多久? 29. I am crazy about her. 我对她着迷了。 30. I am wasting my time . 我在浪费时间。 31. I can do it . 我能做。 32. I can"t believe it . 我简直不能相信。 33. I can"t wait . 我不能再等了。 34. I don"t have time . 我没时间了。 35. I don"t know anybody. 我一个人都不认识。 36. I don"t like it . 我不喜欢。 37. I don"t think so . 我认为不是。 38. I feel much better. 我感觉好多了。 39. I found it . 我找到了。 40. I hope so . 我希望如此。 41. I knew it . 我早知道了。 42. I noticed that. 我注意到了。 43. I see. 我明白了。 44. I speak English well. 我英语说得很好。 45. I think so . 我认为是这样的。 46. I want to speak with him. 我想跟他说话。 47. I won. 我赢了。 48. I would like a cup of coffee, please. 请给我一杯咖啡。 49. I"m hungry. 我饿死了。 50. I......>>
2023-08-06 21:48:401