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2023-05-19 19:25:33



smoking is obviously harmful to human beings. it causes health problems and its a waste of money. even when all people knows about this fact, people are still smoking carelessly. they think that this is a cool and fashionable thing to do.

smoking causes health problems such as lung cancer. nicotine could reach to all part of your body within ten seconds. a kind of toxic, carbon monoxide blinds the red cells causing the transfer of oxygen to be slower.smoking also causes bad breath and gum damages. it also reduces the ability to smell or taste. it could even cause eye problems.

some poor people are addicted to smoking and they eventually spend all their money on cigarettes. this is a waste of money! money isnt that easy to earn and poeple are just wasting it on cigarettes which harm their selves. some careless smokers may even cause fire by throwing their "waste" on easily inflammable materials. this isnt fair because innocent people are punished without doing anything wrong.

its shocking of how people are selfish and careless. they don"t treasure their body and the environment. smoking is a bad habit so it must be stopped.


Smoking Is Harmful

  It is said that about half of people in China smoke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students

  As we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings. More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.

  Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

  In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop smoking at once.






Smoking is not a good habit, either for the individual smoker or for society as a whole.

First of all, smoking is not healthy, leading to more deaths than any other preventable cause. Smokers live about 14 years less than normal people. Babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are often born with defects. Smoking also causes cancer, damages organs, and weakens the immune system.

In addition, smoking can also harm those nearby, in terms of second-hand smoke. Health care expenses raised by the consumption of tobacco creates a social cost on everyone as well.

The main chemical in tobacco, nicotine, is addictive, so quitting can be hard. It would have been best to never started smoking at all. Still, for smokers, quitting is still the wisest choice. Excise taxes are imposed on tobacco, and employment and health care favor non-smokers, precisely because smoking is bad for everyone.



1、smoking:n.吸烟; 抽烟;v.吸(烟); 抽(烟); (习惯性) 吸烟,抽烟; 冒烟;2、[词典]smoke的现在分词;3、[例句]Smoking is now banned in many places of work.现在许多工作场所禁止吸烟。4、[其他]原型:smoke.
2023-01-08 19:47:271


英[ˈsməʊkɪŋ] 美 [ˈsmoʊkɪŋ]
2023-01-08 19:47:392


2023-01-08 19:47:563


  吸烟是从哥伦布发现新大陆之后,至今有几百年历史。吸烟的危害,不仅仅危害人体健康,还会对社会产生不良的影响。那么你知道吸烟用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    吸烟的英语说法1:   smoke    吸烟的英语说法2:   Cigarette smoking    吸烟的相关 短语 :   请勿吸烟 No Smoking ; No smoking,please ; Please No Smoking ;   不准吸烟 no smoking ; dilarang merokok ; Featuring KT ; Rauchen verboten   制止吸烟 NO smoking   停止吸烟 Stop Smoking ; Cessation smoking ; to stop to smoke   谢谢吸烟 Thank You for Smoking   吸烟行为 behavior cigarette smoking ; Smoking behavior ; smoking ; smoking behaviour   克制吸烟 No Smoking   吸烟管理 smoking management    吸烟的英语例句:   1. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.   吸烟会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。   2. Smoking is now banned in many places of work.   现在许多工作场所禁止吸烟。   3. 10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking.   吸烟导致每年有1万人死于慢性肺病。   4. Ramesh had reclined his seat and was lying back smoking.   拉梅什把椅背调低,倚在上面吸烟。   5. Those electing to smoke will be seated at the rear.   那些想吸烟的人将坐在后排。   6. He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.   他喝咖啡和吸烟都比以前少了,饮食也均衡了。   7. As a major health risk hepatitis is second only to tobacco.   肝炎是仅次于吸烟的主要健康隐患。   8. Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor spit.   候车室的公告牌要求人们不要吸烟和随地吐痰。   9. David began to dislike all his television heroes who smoked.   戴维开始讨厌所有他曾喜欢的吸烟的电视偶像了。   10. If you continue to smoke, keep trying to break the habit.   如果你还在吸烟的话,就尽量戒除这个习惯吧。   11. Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease.   在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位。   12. The company aims to lure smokers back to cigarettes.   该公司旨在把吸烟人士诱回到香烟上来。   13. Thankfully the smoking of cigarettes is on the decline.   令人欣慰的是,吸烟量在逐渐下降。   14. There may be certain times of day when smokers crave their cigarette.   吸烟者可能会在一天中的某些时刻特别想吸烟。   15. The fertility of women who smoke is half that of non-smoking women.   吸烟女士的生育能力是不吸烟女士的一半。
2023-01-08 19:48:101


戒烟的英文翻译是quit smoking或者swear off smoking或者give up smoking。例如:我应该戒烟。I ought to give up smoking.
2023-01-08 19:48:1815


  抽烟是指人体通过口腔将烟草燃烧时产生的气体吸入体内的行为,是一种不健康的生活习惯。那么,你知道抽烟的英文是什么吗?   抽烟的英文释义:   smoke   tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)   smoking   blow the clouds   抽烟的英文例句:   妇女在大众面前抽烟并非不常见。   It is not uncommon for women to smoke in public.   别再抽烟了,否则你会毁了自己的健康。   Stop smoking now, or else your health will be ruined.   请原谅,我在这儿抽烟了。   Excuse me for my smoking here.   在办公室里抽烟可以吗?   Is it okay to smoke in the office?   我讨厌他在教室抽烟。   I got sick of his smoking in the classroom.   我已经半年不抽烟了。 抽烟的英文单词   I have stopped smoking for half a year.   (有关抽烟)许多年轻人出于好奇而开始抽烟。   Many young people begin to smoke out of curiosity.   我们常常听说有关抽烟对抽烟者产生的不良影响。   We hear a lot about the negative effects of smoking on the smoker.   他们两人都抽烟上瘾,都在艰难地摆脱抽烟这种习惯。   They are both addicted to nicotine and have a hard time kicking the smoking habit.   你不应当在教室里抽烟。   You must not smoke in the classroom.   她叫他们不要在屋子里抽烟。   She told them not to smoke in the room.   我们不容许在图书馆里抽烟。   We don"t tolerate smoking in the library.   医生告诫病人不要抽烟。   The doctor warned the patient against smoking.   你抽烟时把烟吸入肺里吗?   Do you inhale when you somke?   我抽烟是出于习惯,而不是为了乐趣。   I smoke out of habit, not for pleasure.   你也抽烟吗?   Do you smoke?   请不要抽烟。   Do not smoke.   我既不喝酒,也不抽烟。   I neither drink,nor smoke.   好的,我可以告诉你抽烟的一些好处,然后你来决定怎么做。   Ok, I can tell me some advantages of smoking, and then you can decide how todo.   “这是不抽烟的另一个很好的理由” 。   This is another good reason not to smoke.   我忘记你不喜欢抽烟了。   I forget that you dislike smoking.   如果主人不喜欢你在那里抽烟,你又怎么办呢?   What if the host doesn"t like you smoke there?   你抽烟吗?   Do you smoke?   我讨厌烟鬼在我旁边抽烟。   I hate chimneys smoking next to me.   我抽烟您介意吗?   Mind if I smoke?   我讨厌抽烟。   I hate smoking.   她讨厌抽烟。   She hates smoking.   他既不喝酒也不抽烟。   He neither drinks nor smokes.   太太:"不先生,他不抽烟."   No, Sir, he does not smoke.
2023-01-08 19:50:041


厮磨king音标:英["sməʊkɪŋ]    美["smoʊkɪŋ]
2023-01-08 19:50:192

No smoking.中的No和smoking各是什么词性?什么是 动名词??

2023-01-08 19:50:331

烟用英文怎么讲?是Smoking 还是Somking?

2023-01-08 19:50:4115


smoking ["sməukiŋ] n. 抽烟;冒气adv. 冒着烟adj. 准许吸烟的v. 吸烟;冒烟(smoke的现在分词
2023-01-08 19:51:426


SmokingIt is almost known to all that smoking is bad for people"s health. Scientific researchs show that smoking can lead to heart disease,cancer and other problem.The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year.Still,many people find it difficult to stop smoking.One reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behaviour,and habits,whether good or bad are not easy to be given up.Another reason is the effect of nicotine,the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do.Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. In many cities,smoking is forbidden in public places.The danger of smoking is warned of everywhere.And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes.World "No Tobacco Day" is observed every year as the biggest compaign against smoking.
2023-01-08 19:52:121

don"t smoking

Different and Better Ways To Say "I DON"T LIKE IT!" Say this Instead!
2023-01-08 19:52:202


smoke 可以作名词和动词.作名词的时候泛指一切烟雾. smoking 是动名词或现在分词,动名词表示“吸烟的行为”,现在分词表示“正在冒烟的” 不定式的构成方式就是 to+动词原形 所以肯定不能加ed 不定式自身有时态的变化,包括to do,to have done,to be doing 等等.
2023-01-08 19:52:311


Smoking Nowadays, there has been a widespread concern among people over smoking. It is reported that the number of people who hold the habit keeps increasing. Even worse, more and more teenagers begin to take up the habit. However, it"s known that smoking is harmful to both the smokers and people around them. To begin with, scientific research shows that smoking can lead to lung cancer, heart attack and other diseases. So, when the smokers puff at their cigarettes, they may have much greater chance of losing their health. What" more, smoking is also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Those non-smokers are liable to become the victims of smoking and may develop the same diseases as the smokers do. In my opinion, smoking is a bad habit. Everyone especially the young people should strive to get rid of it. The non-smokers should also take up fight for cleaner air, which may be a forceful push for the smokers to break away from smoking.
2023-01-08 19:52:431


2023-01-08 19:52:501


吸烟这个词语用英语表达翻译为 : smoke / have a smoke
2023-01-08 19:52:582


2023-01-08 19:53:106

Smoking kills 是什么烟

2023-01-08 19:53:374


2023-01-08 19:54:598


抽烟的英语:smoking。读音:英[ˈsməʊkɪŋ]、美[ˈsmoʊkɪŋ]。释义:n. 抽烟;冒气。adv. 冒着烟。adj. 准许吸烟的。v. 吸烟;冒烟(smoke的现在分词)。smoking造句如下:1、Smoking is strictly prohibited for minors.未成年人严禁吸烟。2、This smoking event attracted many young people.这个生动有趣的活动吸引了很多年轻人。3、Smoking is not permitted anywhere in this theatre.本剧院内任何地方都不准吸烟。4、We have always had a no smoking policy, sir.先生,我们一直都有禁烟政策。5、I"m cutting back on smoking for my children.我正在为了孩子戒烟。
2023-01-08 19:55:301

don"t smoking对还是错

Don"t smoke.不要吸烟.对的. 但是,一般.禁止吸烟用.No smoking.
2023-01-08 19:55:392

英语问题 词组"禁止吸烟"是No smoking还是no smoke

No smoking 禁止停车No parking绝对的绝对
2023-01-08 19:55:525


HOW TO STOP SMOKING i think smoking is a really bad habit.and if you get used to the habit,you can hardly get rid of it.smoking is harmful to everyone. so we must stop smoking.if you are a smoker,you"ll find it hard to stop smoking. but in order to keep healthy,you must stop it. so many people may ask,"how to stop smoking?" in my opinion,there are many ways to prevent you from smoking. first,throw all the cigerettes you have,so when you want to smoke,there are no smoke at hand. sencond,do more exercise to keep fit third,always remember: i must get rid of smoke
2023-01-08 19:56:281


stop smoking
2023-01-08 19:56:348

No smoking.中的No和smoking各是什么词性

2023-01-08 19:57:229

to smoke 和smoking有什么区别

smoke n.烟;吸烟 v.冒烟 smoking是smoke的现在分词, to smoke和smoking都不会单独使用,要看前面是什么连接的,有很多都是固定的搭配,例如like smoking,would like to smoke 一样,基本上都是固定的搭配. 另外smoking可以用作主语,例如smoking is bad for us.吸烟对我们有害.
2023-01-08 19:57:561

smoking前加定冠词吗 为什么呢

2023-01-08 19:58:083

smoke和smoking的区别是什么, 还有,不定式后什么时候加动词原形什么时候不用,受不受时态限制?

2023-01-08 19:58:222

吸烟的英语怎么说 吸烟的英语如何说

1、吸烟的英语英式读法是[sməʊk];美式读法是[smoʊk]。 2、抽烟的英文单词是smoke。作名词意思是烟;抽烟;无常的事物。作动词意思是吸烟;以烟熏;冒烟。 3、禁止吸烟有两种说法,一种是No Smoking,读作[nəʊ] [sməʊkɪŋ],另一种是Smoke-free,读作[sməʊk][friː]。
2023-01-08 19:58:391

不要抽烟,为什么不用don"t somking.而要用don"t smoke呢?

2023-01-08 19:58:466

No smoking 中smoking 是名词还是动名词?

2023-01-08 19:59:143


2023-01-08 19:59:262

smoking-free cigarettes是什么意思

smoking-free cigarettes无烟香烟双语对照词典结果:smoking-free cigarettes[医]无烟香烟; 以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-01-08 19:59:352

smoke也可以作为名词的吸烟翻译,那有没有no smoke呢

楼主您好:没有no smoke,只有no smoking。或者是Don"t smoke。名词 n. 1.烟[U]She cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke. 她受不了香烟的气味。 2.烟状物;烟雾;水汽[U]3.一口烟;纸烟,雪茄烟[C]She offered him a smoke. 她敬了他一支烟。 4.乌有;混乱[U]Our plan ended in smoke. 我们的计划成了泡影。 5.烟灰色[U]6.【俚】大麻[U]不及物动词 vi. 1.冒烟,喷烟A chimney could be seen smoking in the distance. 看得见远处的烟囱在冒烟。 2.冒雾气,冒水汽3.抽烟;【俚】抽大麻烟My father has cut out smoking. 我父亲已戒烟了。 4.(如烟似地)弥漫,升腾及物动词 vt. 1.抽(烟、烟斗)My grandfather used to smoke a pipe. 我祖父过去吸烟斗。 2.熏制;熏赶;熏染The boys decided to smoke out the snakes from the hole. 男孩们决定用烟把蛇熏出洞。 She has learned to smoke fish and ham. 她学会了熏制鱼和火腿。 3.用烟幕掩护
2023-01-08 19:59:446

to smoke 和smoking有什么区别

to smoke强调动作smoking强调状态
2023-01-08 20:00:132

do your mind my smoking here?这里smoking为什么是名词?抽烟不是动作吗,应该是动词呀,为什么是名词?

2023-01-08 20:00:216

为什么是Cigarette Smoking而不是smoking cigarette或者 cigarette smoked?

Cigarette Smoking 这里意思是“吸烟”,是抽象名词。动名词相当于抽象名词。该短语属于名词作定语。即名词Cigarette修饰动名词 Smoking 。而a (the) smoking cigarette或者 a (the) cigarette smoked是具体名词。属于分词作定语。本句明显指的是 抽象概念 故应该用Cigarette Smoking
2023-01-08 20:00:492

smoke也可以作为名词的吸烟翻译,那no smoke,有没有这种说法呢

没有烟 可以这么说
2023-01-08 20:01:004

No Smoking和Not Smoking哪个正确?

No Smoking
2023-01-08 20:02:046

smoking前应加什么介词(for by to with)?

这个问题不在于smoking,就这个词来说前面无法定下来用哪个介词,但是它前面的动词可能决定smoking前用什么介词,如His son was addicted to smoking last year。他儿子去年吸烟上瘾。再如,His son has cut down on smoking now.他儿子现在已经减少吸烟了。
2023-01-08 20:02:251


2023-01-08 20:02:312

rich,affluent 有什么区别??

做名词时:rich 拥有很多财富的人affluent 很有财力的人 做名词时意思差不多做形容词时affluent富裕的,占有或具有大量财富的;有充裕的钱的供给的rich 则可以指拥有丰裕物质财富的,也可以指自然资源的丰富优质; 它还可以指贵重的,浓厚的。。。
2023-01-08 19:56:153

服装英语中的fit comments是什么意思?

2023-01-08 19:56:154

performing services是什么意思

例句出自《中国注册会计师职业道德基本准则 》Article 8 The CPA must not render services or hold positions which conflict with the audit or other 【attestation functions he performs】.第八条、注册会计师不得兼营或兼任与其【执行】的审计或其他【鉴证业务】不相容的其他业务或职务.performing attestation functions==履行,执行鉴证业务
2023-01-08 19:56:163


1. 比字组词有哪些词语 比字组词如下: 比赛、对比、评比、相比、比如、比喻、比较、比值、好比、比附、比翼、比拼、比率、比试、正比、比年、比岁、比及、反比、比重、比肩、比照、排比、比分、比来、类比、打比、无比、配比、比特、比邻、比拟、比例、比划、比量、卢比、比价、比配、比热、亲比。 比时、比绍、比儗、桑比、偏比、比句、比笼、堪比、比事、按比、俦比、比栉、中比、比玉、肩比、比仿、比偶、比象、解比、比并、题比、比体、洽比、比假、比伦、德比、比党、等比、条比、比竹、比盘、比期、比坐、拼比、鳞比、敦比、据比、法比、乃比、比次。 “比”释义 1、动词的意思是 (1)并列;并排。 (2)连接,接近。 (3)比较;考校;核对。 2、形容词的意思是接近,亲近。 3、名词的意思是比较两个同类数量的倍数关系,其中一数是一另一数的几倍或几分之几。 扩展资料: “比”说文解字 (比) 密也。今韵平上去入四声皆录此字。要宻义足以?之。其本义谓相亲密也。馀义俌也、及也、次也、校也、例也、类也、频也、择善而从之也、阿党也。皆其所引伸。许书无篦字。 部分词语解释 1、比赛:动词,在体育、生存等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低。 2、比如:表示下面举例。 出自《史记·游侠列传》:“比如顺风而呼,声非加疾,其埶激也。” 译文:如果顺着风呼叫,声音并没有加快速度,但是也可以很快。 3、比较:指对比几种同类事物的异同、高下。 出自明唐顺之《答江五坡提学书》:“比较同异,叅量古今。” 译文:对比同类事物的异同,从古论今。 4、比例:是一个数学术语,表示两或多个比相等的式子。在一个比例中,两个外项的积等于两个内项的积,叫做比例的基本性质。 5、偏比:为偏袒亲近。 出自《续资治通鉴·宋宁宗庆元元年》:“至於李祥 ,老成笃实,非有偏比,盖众听所共孚者。” 译文:至于李祥,他老成笃实,不是偏袒亲近,而是人们这样说。 2. 比字的组词有哪些 对比、 比赛、 比方、 评比、 比如、 相比、 比较、 攀比、 比喻、 比值、 好比、 比附、 比肩、 比拼、 比翼、 正比、 比岁、 类比、 不比、 比况、 比及、 伦比、 配比、 反比、 比量、 比分、 比例、 比重、 比率、 比特、 比试、 排比、 比照、 比画、 比年、 无比、 较比、 比对、 栉比、 比邻 3. 第四个字是比的成语 今非昔比 现在不是过去能比得上的。多指形势、自然面貌等发生了巨大的变化。 鳞次栉比 栉:梳篦的总称。象鱼鳞和梳子齿那样有次序地排列着。多用来形容房屋或船只等排列得很密很整齐。 无与伦比 伦比:类比,匹敌。指事物非常完美,没有能跟它相比的。 周而不比 周:亲和、调合;比:勾结。关系密切,但不勾结。指与众相合,但不做坏事。 句栉字比 犹言逐字逐句仔细推敲。 鳞次相比 多用来形容房屋或船只等排列得很密很整齐。同“鳞次栉比”。 无其伦比 指事物非常完美,没有能跟它相比的。同“无与伦比”。 无有伦比 没有比得上。 无与为比 犹无与伦比,无可比拟。 硕大无比 形容极大。同“硕大无朋”。 鱼贯雁比比喻连续而进,犹如鱼群相接,雁阵行进。 枝对叶比 枝叶相对并列。比喻骈体文对偶句式。 诸如此比 许多与此相类似的事物。 4. 异同可以组什么四字成语 大同小异dà tóng xiǎo yì [释义] 异:差异。大体相同;稍有差异。 [语出] 北魏·杨炫之《洛阳伽蓝记·闻义里》:“惠生在乌场国二年;西胡风俗;大同小异;不能具录。” [辨形] 异;上边是“巳”;不是“己”。 [近义] 一模一样 神肖酷似 [反义] 迥然不同 大相径庭 [用法] 用于比较人或事物差别不大时。一般作谓语。 [结构] 联合式。 [辨析] 与“同中有异”有别:~通常意在强调“同”的一面;“同中有异”强调“异”的一面。 [例句] 现在许多武打影片;其内容都是~。 [英译] differ only in *** all points 5. 好怎么组四字成语 不怀好意、 游手好闲、 言归于好、 好高骛远、 好吃懒做、 重修旧好、 好心做了驴肝肺、 夺人所好、 叶公好龙、 争强好胜、 好自为之、 吃力不讨好、 好说歹说、 好言好语、 好为人师、 好事多磨、 好心好意、 恰到好处、 好大喜功、 大好河山、 大树底下好乘凉、 不知好歹、 好了疮疤忘了痛、 好好先生、 好声好气、 百年好合、 花好月圆、 拿手好戏
2023-01-08 19:56:181


  1、阳光下,油菜花是奔放的。南风吹过,涌起一股又一股金色的波浪,在阳光的照耀下闪过来一波又一波亮光。油菜花田里,清新、自由、沁人心脾的香味与热烈、灿烂、无言以表的色彩调和成了一把熊熊燃烧的火焰,吸引着炙烤着那双稚嫩的脚丫。在灿烂的油菜花田中,我成了一个逐光的少年,狂热地向前无尽地奔去,奔去……   2、山边梯田里的油菜花也该相续开放了,黄黄的油菜花就重叠在这错落有致的田野里,早早的起来,霁雨成烟,大地朦胧在浪漫的情调里,真是如痴如醉。当你步入这花的海洋,有诗情,你会吟诗释怀;想放歌,你会激情四海;忆友人,你会旧梦重缘;思故里,你会把酒当歌。   3、油菜花的外貌极是平凡。它们没有月季、玫瑰、牡丹那样层层叠叠的花瓣与多变的姿态,奇异的色彩。它们只是自始至终的黄色,那样充满朝气的黄色,仿佛那阳光沉淀下来了,沉淀在薄薄的花瓣尖上。   4、油菜花海是汉中的一道靓丽的景致线,每一年春季,汉中盆地和浅山丘陵的百万亩油菜花同时喜放,把汉中打扮成一个伟大的.山川盆景。在2009年中国最美油菜花海评比中,汉中油菜花海素压群芳,一举成为花魁,成为中国最锦绣的油菜花海。   5、油菜花一般在四月份左右绽放,我最欢油菜花跳舞了。风一吹,花朵就像一个个少女穿着黄裙子翩翩起舞。叶子就像一把扇子,上下晃动。油菜花的粒子可以榨油,菜夹可以做肥料,油菜花盛开的时候养蜂人可以让蜜蜂来采蜜。   6、油菜花开了,春天已经到来。叶子油绿,挂着些许的黄花,有蝴蝶在飞,蜜蜂在歌唱,农闲的人在晒太阳。多么美好的季节啊。   7、春暖花开的季节,田间的油菜花烂漫盛开,金黄色染尽山野,形成金色的海洋。油菜花长在冬季,开在春天。一到春天,它们就拼命地往上生长。油菜花很少单独一朵生长,总是一大片一大片地开放。   8、油菜花开得正旺的时候,远远望去大地像铺上了一条金色的地毯,又像大自然撒了一地的金子,还像一副美丽的图画。走近它,浓浓的花香弥漫了整个世界。当时我觉得自己也是棵油菜花了。   9、油菜花又开了,满坡满野的金黄,那是它们的热烈在那片丰茂的绿叶中闪烁。在这清明的前后,在这样一个温暖馨香的季节里,是老鼠嫁女的好日子。   10、我们一起在油菜花丛中穿梭、躲藏。闻着夹杂着泥土芬芳的阵阵花香,踏着松软的土地,做着快乐的游戏,我们好像身处天堂、仙境一般。金黄的花丛让我们流连忘返。“呵呵呵……”我们那爽朗的笑声在田野上空久久地回荡。   11、北方正遭雾霾的蹂躏,烟雨江南的空气中弥漫着泥土芬芳,放眼望去,层层叠叠的油菜花,娇嫩可人。   12、远看那些油菜花,就像给大地铺上了一层厚厚的地毯,又像金色的沙滩泛着海水的光亮。一阵风吹过,它们有的弯腰,有的点头,似乎在向我们打招呼。   13、油菜花四片花瓣,整齐地围绕着花蕊,朴实个性。花瓣十分精致,有细细的纹路,那是技艺多么高超的雕刻家也无法雕琢出来的。中间的花蕊弯曲着凑在一块,仿佛在说着悄悄话。它有粗壮的根茎,茂密的叶,有着像栽种它们的农民们一样的淳朴与粗犷。   14、油菜花在农民伯伯的呵护下都绽开了笑脸,一眼望去就像金黄色的海洋,微风轻轻一吹,层层翻滚美丽极了。油菜花呀,油菜花,你不像别的花儿娇弱,你不需要细心的呵护,却给人们带来许许多多实在的东西。   15、尽管油菜花没有郁金香那么迷人,没有牡丹那么高贵,更没有玫瑰那么耀眼,但它还是我心中的花。   16、我们一起向右边的小桥走去,然后直走右边就是油菜花地,青绿色的茎托着嫩绿的小花,远远望去就向一大片金子,微风吹来油菜花轻轻的摆动美极了。   17、推开窗户,眼球瞬间被远处的油菜花田吸引住了,油菜花随风舞动,像是春天里的舞女,又如道人手中的拂尘,洗去我一身的抑郁。哦,又是一年春来到。   18、油菜花就像金色的小喇叭。它们有的是五个瓣,有的是四个瓣,呈十字形。它们就像一位位小姑娘,在绿叶的衬托下格外美丽。我不禁遐想:大地是舞台,天空是观众,而油菜花是演员,在翩翩起舞。   19、油菜花是一种平淡无奇的花,没有菊花的多姿多彩,没有牡丹的国色天香,没有水仙花的冰清玉洁,没有茉莉花的芳香,因此没人赞美它,但是我却十分喜它。   20、记得上次离开老家田里才星星几点黄色油菜花开得不多,像是用笔蘸了黄颜料后挥洒出的墨点;而这个礼拜回来一看,却是漫山遍野一片金黄,刺得眼睛都有些痛了,好象谁不小心把颜料桶弄翻了似的。
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2023-01-08 19:56:102

签证申请中的“applicant"s comments”什么意思?

这一栏是问你, 你是否有任何多余的(除申请表中的信息)事情你需要告诉的, 关于签证的事情.
2023-01-08 19:56:101


富二代:affluent second generation或者 rich second generation 官二代:the officiallings或者official second-generation
2023-01-08 19:56:091