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2023-08-09 16:17:58


秘书长 Secretary-General

(国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of Commission for

(国务院各部)部长 Minister

部长助理 Assistant Minister

司长 Director

局长 Director

省长 Governor

常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor

市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor

区长 Chief Executive, District Government

县长 Chief Executive, County Government

乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government

秘书长 Secretary-General

办公厅主任 Director, General Office

(部委办)主任 Director

处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief

科长/股长 Section Chief

科员 Clerk/Officer


人民法院院长 President, People"s Courts

人民法庭庭长 Chief Judge, People"s Tribunals

审判长 Chief Judge

审判员 Judge

书记 Clerk of the Court

警督 Supervisor

警司 Superintendent

警员 Constable


会长 President

主席 Chairman

名誉顾问 Honorary Adviser

理事长 President

理事 Trustee/Council Member

总干事 Director-General

总监 Director

董事长 Chairman

执行董事 Executive Director

总裁 President

总经理 General Manager; C.E.O(Chief Executive Officer)

经理 Manager

财务主管 Controller

公关部经理 PR Manager

营业部经理 Business Manager

销售部经理 Sales Manager



2023-08-06 21:07:523


2023-08-06 21:08:012


秘书长 secretary manager副秘书长 vice secretary manager
2023-08-06 21:08:155


2023-08-06 21:08:293

general secretary和secretary general有何区别

general secretary:总书记;秘书长secretary general:秘书长
2023-08-06 21:08:371

带"总"字的头衔的正确英语说法 Title Terms

带"总"字的头衔的正确英语说法 Title Terms 头衔中带"总"字的可真是不少呢。但是这些"总"翻译成英文可不都是一样的哦! 1. 用chief 或 -in-chief Chief Accountant总会计师 Chief Architect总建筑师 Chief Designer总设计师 Chief Editor; Editor-in-Chief总编辑 Chief of General Affairs总务主任 Chief Engineer; Engineer-in-Chief总工程师 Chief of General Staff总参谋长 Commander-in-Chief总司令 2.用general或-general General Accountant总会计师 General Agent总代理商 General Consul总领事 General Designer总设计师 General Dispatch Officer总调度员 General Manager总经理 Auditor-General总稽查 General Secretary; Secretary-General总书记 Consul-General总领事 General Store Supervisor总务管理员 Director-General总干事 3.用专门的词来表示 Chairman; President总裁 Controller总监; 总管 Dean of General Affairs总务长 Governor总督 Head Clerk总管(商家) President总统 Prime Minister; Premier总理 ;
2023-08-06 21:09:011


2023-08-06 21:09:115


Hello professor li ,nice to meet you,I am student secretary-general. The earth is our survival home, but pollution to the environment is more and more serious. Many people do not know the green consumption, therefore, I would like to invite you to our school and take "how to do a green consumer" lecture,It can help our students to establish environmental consciousness.If you accept our invitation, please give us a letter, thank you!We are looking forward to your come.
2023-08-06 21:10:343


1, the host introduced guests 2, the host announced the opening of a standing playing of the national anthem 3, please instructor list and announced that the President granted the letter of appointment 4, the President requested last 5, the last party branch secretary: 6, the chairman will make his inaugural speech 7, the President took the Vice President, the Secretary-General and to the letter of appointment and the list of ministers 8, vice chairman of the Association led all members of the Association oath 9, please committee secretary, and gentlemen: 10, the host announced the successful conclusion of the General Assembly.
2023-08-06 21:10:434


第一章 总则第一条 本会名称:“WORLD WALKING ASSOCIATION”,缩写为“WWA”。中文译名为:世界徒步协会,简称:世界徒协。第二条 本会是一个面向全球徒步运动专业提供指导、评估、认证、交流与培训的国际性社团机构。第三条 本会宗旨:遵守各个国家和地区的法律、法规和政策;指导和推动世界徒步运动的发展;加强徒步运动国际化的交流与合作;促进体育、旅游、文化的结合。第四条 本会总部设在国际大都市香港,各大洲设有分支机构,各国设立代表处。第二章 会员第五条 个人会员:凡有识之士,不分民族、国籍、性别、年龄、职业和信仰,只要热爱徒步运动,热心社会公益事业,承认本会宗旨和章程,积极参加本会组织的活动,服从本会的工作指导和监督,均可申请加入本会。第六条 会员单位:企业、事业组织和社会团体,不论国籍、地域,只要在当地经过注册,具有合法地位,热爱徒步运动,热心社会公益事业,承认本会宗旨和章程,积极参加本会组织的活动,服从本会的工作指导和监督,均可申请加入本会。第七条 会员具有选举权和被选举权及退出本会权,会员有参加本会组织的相关活动权,对本会有监督权、建议权。第八条 凡给徒步运动做出贡献的团体或个人,本会将予以结传、参观、考察、学习、深造的机会;凡欲为该事业发挥最大能力及其合理要求者本会将予以鼎力相助。第三章 组织机构第九条 本会最高权力机构是会员代表大会。会员代表应是德才兼备,有突出的业绩,具有地域、民族、行业、性别等各个方面代表性的会员。第八个五年计划十条 会员代表大会的职权是:1、确定本会宗旨,制定或修改本会章程;2、选举产生执行委员会(简称执委会)委员;3、听取、审议、批准主席所作的工作报告;4、决定终止事宜;5、决定其它重大事宜。第十一条 会员代表大会每四年召开一次。议事规则为少数服从多数,各项决议获三分之二到会代表同意即为通过。第十二条 本会执行机构及常设机构:1、由会员代表大会选出执委会,作为本会的执行机构;2、在会员代表大会休会期间,由执委会行使其权力;3、由执委会选举产生主席、副主席;4、设执行主席、秘书长,由主席提名,执委会批准,协助主席工作;5、副秘书长由秘书长提名,经主席批准,协助秘书长工作;6、本会设立秘书处,作为常设机构,由秘书长主持其日常工作。第十三条 执委会每年召开一次。为提升议事效率,可采用现代信息手段召开。第十四条 本会直属机构:本会根据实际工作需要,经执委会决定,设立各专业委员会、各洲分会、各国代表处,结合各专业和本地区的具体情况和特点,在总会的指导下,积极开展工作,及时沟通信息,推动当地徒步运动的不断发展。第十五条 本会及直属机构均须在所在国家和地区法律、法规允许的范围内开展工作,因此,协会及各直属机构均须聘请常年法律顾问,以保障各项事务的规范健康性开展。第十六条 本会抵制和追究一切对本会的侵权行为,依法维护自身的权益。第十七条 组织原则,即“四个共享”法则:市场共享、信息共享、人才共享、资源共享,以此实现世界徒步协会的凝聚作用,使各会员单位共同受益、共同进步。第四章 资产管理第十八条 本会的资产来源:1、会费;2、捐赠;3、开展活动或服务的收入;4、其它合法收入。第十九条 本会的资产必须用于徒步运动的发展,不得在会员中分配。第二十条 本会及各直属机构依照所在国家或地区有关法律、法规建立和健全财务管理制度,并定期公布,按时向上级报告收支情况和经营业绩,认真接受有关部门的审计或审核,对有贪污行为或其它违法者,开除本会,并按有关法律、法规严肃处理。本会也将定期或不定期的对各直属机构的财务情况进行检查或抽查。第二十一条 本会的资产,任何组织和个人不得侵占、私分和挪用。第五章 处罚第二十二条 本会会员、会员单位因刑事犯罪受到所在国家、地区法律制裁者,其法律责任自负,并从受制裁开始,被视为自动脱离本会,失去会员资格。第六章 附则第二十三条 根据工作需要,可在本章程确立的原则指导下,经执委会批准,制定有关方面的管理条例和实施细则。第二十四条 本章程未尽事宜需要增补时,需经会员代表大会讨论通过。第二十五条 本章程解释权归本会执委会。第二十六条 本章程从被批准之日起生效。Chapter one General provisionsArticle 1 This Association name: WORLD WALKING ASSOCIATION , abbreviates as WWA . The Chinese translated name is: World Walking Association, is abbreviated as: World Walking Association.Article 2 Will one take exercises speciality offer guidance, assess, authentication, international corporation organization that exchange and train on foot across the globe originally, headquartered in Hong Kong of international metropolis, there are branches in every continent, various countries set up the representative office.Article 3 This Association aim: Observe laws and regulations and policy of all countries and regions; Development instructing and promoting the world to move on foot; Strengthen and move the exchange and cooperation of the internationalization on foot; Promote sports, travel, combination of culture.Article 4 The address of general headquarters of this Association: FLAT C,23/F.,LUCKY PLAZA,NOS.315-321 LOCKHART ROAD,WANCHAI,HONG KONG.Chapter two MemberArticle 5 Individual member: All knowledgeable people, do not assign nationality, nationality, sex, age, job and faith, unless so long as it love it move on foot, public servises socials enthusiastic,it acknowledge originally can aim and charter, participate in the activity that will originally be organized, the job guidance that will originally obey and supervising actively, can apply to join and originally know.Article 6 Member unit: Enterprise, undertaking organization and public organization, no matter the nationality, region, so long as registered in the locality, unless unless legal status it have, it love move on foot, public servises socials enthusiastic,acknowledge originally can aim and charter, participate in the activity that will originally be organized, the job guidance that will originally obey and supervising actively, can apply to join and originally know.Article 7 Member have the right to vote and stand for election and withdraw, can weigh originally, member have, participate in copies of relevant activity right that will organize, to having the right to supervise, proposing right.Article 8 The group or individual giving and moving and contributing on foot, will originally form the chance spread, visited, investigated, studied, taken an advanced study; Want, give play to most great ability and person who require rationally can give for undertaking this tripartite equilibrium aid originally.Chapter three OrganizationArticle 9 The highest authority of this Association is member"s representative assembly. The representatives of members have both ability and political integrity, have outstanding achievements, have members with representative all respects such as region, nationality, trade, sex,etc..Article 10 The functions and powers of member"s representative assembly are:1, Can confirm originally aim, make or originally can revise charter;2, Elected Executive Committee members;3, Listen to, review, approve the work report that the president makes for;4, Determine to stop the matters;5, Determine other great matters.Article 11 Member"s representative assembly holds once every four years. The rules of procedure are that the minority is subordinate to the majority, every resolution obtains 2/3.Article 12 The executive body of this Association and permanent establishment:1, The Executive Committee elected by member"s representative assembly, the executive body as this Association;2, At time when member"s conference adjourns, the Executive Committee exercises its power;3, The Executive Committee elects a president;4, Have executive chairman, vice-president, general secretary, nominated by the president, the Executive Committee sanctions, assist president in president"s work;5, The deputy secretary-general is nominated by the general secretary, with the approval of president, assist general secretary in general secretary"s work;6, This will be the establishment of a secretariat as a permanent body, chaired by the Secretary-General of their daily work;Article 13 The Executive Committee holds once every year. In order to promote agenda efficiency, can adopt the modern information means to be held.Article 14 Organization directly under this Association:Know according to the needs of real work, the Executive Committee determines, set up every professional committee, every continent branch, representative offices of various countries, combine detailed conditions and characteristic of every speciality and this area, under the guidance of federation, carry on the work actively, communicate in time, promote the constant development that the locality moved on foot.Article 15 And carry on the work in the organization directly under range that must be allowed in the laws and regulations of countries and regions where one stays, so association and must engage long-term legal adviser while being each organization directly under, in order to getting healthy development of norm to ensure the affairs.Article 16 Will originally resist and investigate all pairs of torts of this Association, safeguard one"s own rights and interests in accordance with the law.Article 17 Organizational principle, i.e. the rule that four share : Market share, information sharing, talent"s sharing, resource-sharing, with the world agglomeration function of the association on foot of this realization, make every member unit progress commonly benefitedly and together.Chapter four The assets are managedArticle 18 The assets source of this Association: 1, Membership dues; 2, Donate; 3, Launch the income of the activity or service; 4, Other lawful earned incomes. Article 19 Originally will assets last development that take exercises on foot,can"t assign on member.Article 20 Originally will set up and perfect the financial management system according to where one stays country or regional relevant laws and regulations while being each organization directly under, and announce regularly, report the situation of revenue and expenditure and business performance to higher authorities on time, accept the audit of the related departments or check conscientiously, to corrupting the behavior or other lawbreakers, dismiss and originally know, and deal with seriously according to relevant laws and regulations.Will originally be fixed too or irregular checking or spotting check each organization directly under financial situation.Article 21 Assets of this Association, any organizations and individuals can"t occupy, divide secretly and divert.Chapter five PunishmentArticle 22 Because the person who receives the country where one stays, regional legal sanction of the crimes of this Association member, member unit, its legal liability is conceited, and since punished, considered as and broken away from and originally known automatically, lose membership.Chapter six Supplementary provisionsArticle 23 According to the needs of work, but under the guidance of principle that this charter establishes, often Executive Committee sanctions the affair, make the management rule concerned and implementing regulations.Article 24 When the unaccomplished matter of this charter needs augmenting, need to be passed through discussion by member"s representative assembly.Article 25 The power of interpretation of this charter belongs to this Association Executive Committee.Article 26 This charter comes into force from the day of sanctioning.
2023-08-06 21:10:511


注册to register ;to matriculate学生社团或协会 student clubs or unions社团mass organizations 学校社团联合会Students" Federation 演讲give a lecture;make a speech志愿者联盟Volunteers" League学生会Student Council队友group members三下乡Serving the country people in the three aspects /Volunteer activities for the country people /Bringing three voluntary services to the countryside or rural communities义教voluntary teaching团委the League Committee团支书Secretary of the Youth League Branch Committee副书记Vice Secretary优秀团日活动Excellent League Activity级长chairman of the class Committee秘书长secretary-general辅导员助理assistant to the political instructor/assistant管理协会the management society年级/届the class of ~模拟交易the Mock Trade Fair成果展示会a display of achievement优秀干事excellent clerical worker党会a party-member meeting艺术节Arts Festival迎新(晚会)to welcome the freshmen(a welcome party for the freshmen)晚会主持人the host on the entertainment/evening party礼仪队reception team/protocol team校运会the University Sports Meet招聘会a job fair广播站the broadcasting station饭堂a cafeteria/canteen勤工俭学work-study program志协the Volunteers association外联部the public relations department宣讲会career talk军训the military training管理学苑Journal for the School of Management Students援藏Aiding Tibet党建小组 Study Group on the Party Construction文体委员 Recreation and Sports Secretary学习委员Study Secretary/Commissioner生活委员Life Secretary组织委员Organization Secretary宣传委员Publicity Secretary咨询部部长secretary of consulting department品行积极分子Model Student in Moral Conduct/AcademicRecords/Social activities综合奖学金the scholarship for comprehensive performance学业单项奖the scholarship for academic record文体单项奖the scholarship for recreation and sports新生奖学金the scholarship for freshmen先进班集体the advanced class文明班集体 the well-behaved class红旗团支部red-banner/advanced league branch优秀流动客商Excellent Buyer(at the Mock Trade Fair)促销员sales
2023-08-06 21:11:191


China"s "police" in 2004, the Ministry of Public Security is determined by the March 14 date for the international police. Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization - TERPOL) was founded in 1923, initially known as the International Criminal Police Commission, with its headquarters in Vienna, Austria. During World War II, the organization moved to the German capital Berlin, once controlled by Nazi organizations. World War II After the resumption of normal operation of the organization, headquartered in Paris, France moved to .1956, the organization changed its name to the International Criminal Police Organization, or Interpol .1989, the organization"s headquarters in Lyon, France. International Criminal Police Organization, including the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Secretariat and the National Central Bureau. Plenary session of its highest organ of state power by members of the composition of the delegation; of the Executive Committee elected by the General Assembly of 13 members composed of representatives of To oversee the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly, to prepare the agenda of the General Assembly, the Secretary-General to oversee the management and so on; by the Secretary-General and the Secretariat of the organization"s technical, administrative staff, is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee, Editor A variety of publications, and other fugitives wanted for crimes; National Central Bureau of the organization is in the permanent body, is responsible for countries with the international police organization Interpol cooperation among member states. As of September 2005, the International Criminal Police Organization a total of 182 Member. Interpol Headquarters have built a more than 150 million international criminal offender information in the archives of the material and for the identification of a currency and other securities of the authenticity of the laboratory. It sent respectively to inform the International Red , Green, blue, black four-color marking priority themes and content. Interpol"s e-mail network system can handle 1,000,000 in Arabic, English, French and Spanish, the various "briefing." Publication "of the International Criminal Comment on the police "(10 per year) and" counterfeit coins and objects "(technical journals). Interpol"s aim is to guarantee and promote the criminal police departments in the member countries to prevent and combat criminal cooperation. Its main task is to bring together and review information on international crime, crime research; with the member responsible for the exchange of information between the ; To collect all kinds of criminal cases and criminal fingerprints, photographs, archives; notification important clues to criminals, wanted for arrest and extradition of criminals important key elements; related to the preparation of criminal information and so on. International Criminal Police Organization to convene a plenary session every year and often held a variety of international or regional seminars. Organization of the day-to-day with National Central Bureau to maintain close relations and international organizations to pursue. "Red notices" is the organization in the fight against international crime The use of a rapid emergency arrest warrant. In 1984, China joined the International Criminal Police Organization, Interpol set up the same year, China National Central Bureau of .1995, the 64th Interpol General Assembly session in Beijing. Over the years, China and Interpol has always maintained close cooperative relations .
2023-08-06 21:11:302


问题一:文秘用英语怎么拼? 文秘 Secretary文秘人员 Secretarial Clerk ; clericalstaff 前台文秘 Reception and Secretary ; ACSH ; Receptionist SEC 文秘写作 SECRETARY WRITING 高级文秘 secretarial 文秘英语 English for the Secretary 文秘桃 Marid 文秘翻译 Secretary and Interpreter 文秘技巧 Secretarial Skills 法律文秘 secretary for legal affair 问题二:秘书用英语怎么说? 你好! 秘书 secretary 英[?sekr?tri] 美[?sekr?teri] n. 秘书; 干事,书记员; 部长,大臣; [例句]My grandfather was secretary of the Scottish Miners "Union. 我的祖父是苏格兰矿工工会干事。 问题三:秘书部用英语怎么说 secretary dep丁rtment 是通常我们所指的秘书部,如学生会里的,公司里的,事业单位里的,用这个就可以了,部长可以说secretary department minister 要是指国家的:General Office of the State Council,这里的秘书长由称Secretary-General 明白了吗 问题四:我是做文秘的用英语怎样翻译 - 百度 i"m a secretary. i"m working as a secretary. 问题五:一等秘书用英文怎么说 一等秘书 [名] first secretary (diplomatic tide); [例句]按照预先安排的计划,他打电话给一等秘书,请求约见大使。 Working to a prearranged plan, he rang the First Secretary and requested an appointment with the Ambassador 问题六:秘书英语怎么说 secretary
2023-08-06 21:11:371

翻译为英文 副秘书长 行政部主任 会员部 不要拿百度翻译这些答案来回答 部分有问题

deputy secretary general,Executive Director,membership department
2023-08-06 21:11:462


The opposite of yin,
2023-08-06 21:13:212


2023-08-06 21:14:075


2023-08-06 21:14:504


  在英语中,如果定语是由一个单词表示时,通常要前置。而由一个词组或一个句子表示时,通常则后置。而以下情况是由单个单词作定语并后置的几种现象。  一、形容词enough作定语,而着重点又是强调它所修饰的那个名词,或者它所修饰的名词起形容词作用且前面不加冠词时,通常要后置。例如:  I haven"t time enough to do the work.我没有足够的时间做那件工作。  He hasn"t man enough to admit his mistake.他没有勇于认错的大丈夫气概。  二、当定语是一个形容词,它所修饰的是由any-,every-, some-等跟-body, -one,-thing构成的复合代词时,通常后置。例如:  There is some- thing important in today"s newspaper.今天的报纸上有条重要新闻。  He wanted to get someone reliable to help in this work.他想找个可靠的人帮忙做这项工作。  三、它所修饰的词前面有用以加强语气的the one等之类的词语时须后置。定语由形容词表示,它所修饰的词是起名词作用的anywhere,somewhere等时,也须后置。例如:  This is the one thing needful.这是唯一需要的东西。  Can you find anywhere quiet?你能找个清静的地方吗?  He has been sent to somewhere particular.他被派到某个特定的地方去了。  四、定语由here,there,in,out,home,above,below,abroad,before,yesterday等副词充当时,往往要后置。例如:  He is on his way home.他在回家途中。  Can you tell me something about the social system there?你能给我讲讲那里的社会制度吗?  It had been fine the day before.前一天的天气很好。  五、定语为现在分词或过去分词时,如果它强调的不是比较永久的特点,而是分词本身的动作,则通常要后置。例如:  Most of the people singing are the students.唱歌的人多数是学生。  Their high standard showed the progress made.他们的高水平表明了他们取得的进步。  六、定语由某些以-able或-ible结尾的形容词充当时,有时也后置。这类后置定语有时只表示暂时的特征、现象等。例如:  It"s the only solution possible.这是唯一可能采取的解决办法。  Are there any tickets available?还有票吗?  That"s the only star visible now.那是颗现在唯一可见的星。  七、有些只具有表语功能的形容词作定语时,必须后置。例如:  He was the only person awake at the moment.他是那时唯一醒着的人。  He is one of the few workers alive today who took part in the strike.他是参加过这次罢工还活着的少数工人之一。  八、else用来修饰复合代词、疑问代词等时,必须后置。例如:  Little else remains to be done.没有剩下什么事要做的了。  Who else wanted to go there?还有谁想去那儿?  九、在某些固定搭配中,单词作定语也常常要后置。例如:  the sum total总数  secretary general秘书  the third person singular第三人称单数
2023-08-06 21:15:194

UN General Assembly什么意思

2023-08-06 21:15:485

限定词与其他形容词有什么区别? 限定性从句与非限定性从句是什么?

限定词与形容词的差别有以下几个方面:一、当限定词与形容词同时出现在一个名词词组里时,通常的顺序是:限定词在前,形容词在后。二、限定词的选择受名词中心词的类别的严格限制,而形容词的选择虽也受词汇意义的限制,但没有语法意义上的限制。三、限定词对名词中心词只在所指意义上起限定作用,而形容词作为前置修饰语则起描写作用。四、限定词通常只能前置,而形容词作名词修饰语时既可前置又可后置。五、除few, little, many, much外,限定词一般没有比较级和最高级形式,而形容词通常有比较级和最高级。六、限定词用以限定名词所指的范围,对名词起泛指或特指、定量或不定量等限定修饰作用;而形容词是用来表示名词的性质、特征的。Many/few/his children 许多/几乎没有/他的孩子Naughty/lovely/clever children 淘气的/可爱的/聪明的孩子限定词一般不用作表语(少数表示数量的限定词few,many,much除外),而绝大多数形容词都可用作表语。除了few,little,many,much外,限定词没有比较级和最高级形式,而大多数形容词有比较级和最高级形式。七、限定词总是位于名词之前,而形容词作定语时有的可置于被修饰词之后。例如:This/his/Tom"s/every/the bookA kind woman, a handsome guy, a clever boyThe secretary generalThe attorney generalSomething interestingThe notary publicThe president elect限定性从句与非限定性从句是什么一、在句中作用不同 限制性定语从句对被修饰的先行词有限定制约作用,使该词的含义更具体,更明确。限制性定语从句不能被省略,否则句意就不完整。 非限制性定语从句与先行词关系不十分密切,只是对其作一些附加说明,不起限定制约作用。如果将非限制性定语从句省去,主句的意义仍然完整。 二、外在表现形式不同 限制性定语从句因与先行词关系密切,所以不可以用逗号将其与主句隔开;而非限制性定语从句与先行词关系不十分密切,所以可用逗号将其与主句隔开。 例 1. Do you remember the girl who taught us English? 你还记得教我们英语的那个女孩吗? 例 2. Clock is a kind of instrument which can tell people time. 钟是一种能够告诉人们时间的仪器。 例 3. This is the place where he used to live. 这就是他过去居住的地方。 例 3. This is the place where he used to live. 这就是他过去居住的地方。 例 4. Mr. Zhang, who came to see me yesterday, is an old friend of mine. 张先生昨天来看我,他是我的一位朋友。 例 5. We walked down the village street, where they were having market day. 我们沿着村里的大街向前走去,村民们正在那里赶集。 析:在前三个例句中,定语从句与先行词关系密切,为限制性定语从句,不可用逗号将其与主句隔开。在后两个例句中,定语从句与先行词关系不密切,为非限制性定语从句,可用逗号将其与主句隔开。 三、先行词内容有所不同 大多数限制性和非限制性定语从句的先行词往往为某一个词或短语,而特殊情况下非限制性定语从句的先行词也可为整个主句,此时非限制性定语从句常由 which 引导。例 1. A middle-aged woman killed her husband, which frightened me very much. 一个中年女子杀害了自己的丈夫,这令我十分恐惧。 析:由语境可知,令“我”恐惧的内容应为“中年女子杀害了自己的丈夫”这整个一件事,因此先行词为整个主句,此时应由 which 引导定语从句。 例 2. A five-year-old boy can speak two foreign languages, which surprises all the people present. 一个五岁男孩会讲两门外语,这令所有在场的人感到非常惊讶。 析:由语境可知,令所有在场的人感到惊讶的内容是“一个五岁男孩会讲两门外语”这整个一件事,因此先行词为整个主句,此时应由 which 引导非限制性定语从句。 四、关系词的使用情况有所不同 (一) that 不可用于引导非限制性定语从句 所有关系代词和关系副词均可引导限制性定语从句,大多数关系代词和关系副词可引导非限制性定语从句,但 that 不可。 例 1. 他送给他母亲一台彩电作为生日礼物,这使她非常高兴。 误: He gave his mother a color TV set for her birthday, that pleased her a lot. 正: He gave his mother a color TV set for her birthday, which pleased her a lot. 例 2. 他没通过这次考试,令我很失望。 误: He didn"t pass the exam, that disappointed me. 正: He didn"t pass the exam, which disappointed me. 值得注意的是,不少同学误认为只有 which 才能引导非限制性定语从句,这个观点是不正确的。使用非限制性定语从句时,如果先行词指人,则用 who , which 或 whose 引导非限制性定语从句;先行词指物可用 which 引导非限制性定语从句;先行词表时间或地点且在从句中作时间状语或地点状语时,可用 when , where 引导非限制性定语从句。(二)关系代词替代情况不同 关系代词 whom 在限制性定语从句中作宾语时可用 who 代替 whom ,但 whom 在非限制性定语从句中作宾语时不可用 who 来代替。 例 1. This is the girl whom I met in the street. 这是我在街上遇到的那个女孩。 析:先行词 the girl 在限制性定语从句中作宾语,可用 who 代替 whom . 例 2. A young man had a new girl friend, whom he wanted to impress. 一个年轻的小伙子新交了一个女朋友,他想给她留下深刻的印象。 析:先行词 a new girl friend 在非限制性定语从句中作宾语,不可用 who 代替 whom . 在限制性定语从句中,先行词指人时可用 that 代替 who/ whom ,但在非限制性定语从句中先行词指人时,不可用 that 代替 who/whom (三)关系代词省略情况不同 关系代词在限制性定语从句中作宾语时可以省去,非限制性定语从句的所有关系词均不可省。 例 1. This is the book (which/that) he lost yesterday. 这就是他昨天丢的那本书。 析:先行词 the book 在限制性定语从句中作宾语,关系代词 which 或 that 可以省略。
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高三英语词组1. set down 记下;写下2. in the first place 首先;第一;原先3. burst into sth. 突然而猛烈地发出或产生某事物4. centre on/upon 将某人(某事物)当作中心或重点5. concentrate on 专心致志于6. Tour de France 环法自行车赛7. keep track of 记录;掌握……的线索;保持对……的联系8. stand out 突出;出色9. be diagnosed with... 被确诊患有……(疾病)10. in a row 连续,一连串11. lead do sth. 致使某人做某事12. apply for 提出申请(或要求等)13. make for 走向;向……前进;有利于,有助于;倾向于14. get a better understanding of... 更充分地理解……15. head down to... 向……进发,动身16. hang ten (冲浪运动中)作十趾吊17. in the name of 以……的名义;代表18. push on(with sth.)毅然继续(做某事)19. run out of 耗尽;用光20. apart from... 除……外(尚有)21. set sail(to/from/for...) 起航22. compete for 为……而竞争23. in search of 寻找24. give birth to 生;产生25. as long as (表示条件)只要……26. at the height of 在……顶点;在(事业等)的高峰27. for once and always 一劳永逸地28. be made up of 由……构成;组成29. as a consequence(of )作为(……的)结果30. the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦31. go walkabout到灌木丛中闲逛32. break out(指激烈事件)突然发生33. feed...on给(人或动物)食物;喂养;饲养34. round up使集合在一起35. stand for代表,代替;象征,意味着36. have a strong/great influence on...对……有重大影响37. benefit from...从……受益38. differ from...和……不同39. be fond of喜欢40. have fun with开玩笑41. set foot on踏上42. give birth to生;产生43. in area在面积上44. keep out(使)在外45. all the year round终年46. have access to接近(或进入)的方法(或权利、机会等)47. on a large scale大规模地;大范围地48. pass away去世;逝世49. belong to属于50. base...on...把……基于……51. at first sight 乍一看(之下)52. be born into 出身于53. have an appetite for 爱好……54. look out for 照料,照看……55. put together 把……放在一起;把……加在一起56. work out 做出;设计出;制订出;算出57. make contributions to 对……作出贡献58. adapt to 适应59. take into consideration 考虑到,顾及60. in charge(of) 处于控制或支配地位;负责61. hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联的62. get across 传播;为人理解63. appeal to 有吸引力;呼吁;上诉64. keep an eye out for sb./sth. 留心或注意某人或某物65. make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通66. apply... to... 运用;应用67. lose heart 泄气;灰心68. take it easy 别紧张;放松点69. keep up 维持;保持;使某事物处于高水平70. common sense 常识;情理71. leave behind 忘带;留下72. lose one"s way 迷路73. come to an end 结束;中止74. live through sth. 经历某事物而幸存75. tie up 系;拴;捆76. at stake 在危险中77. go for 为……去努力获取78. lose weight 减肥79. be to blame 该受责备;应负责80. be upset about... (对……感到)不安的;不快的;心烦意乱的81. associate... with... 使发生联系;使联合82. protect... from... 保护……免于……83. be promoted with (用……手段来)宣传,推销84. create/form a positive image of 塑造/形成一个正面的形象85. point out 指出86. think twice 重新考虑87. believe in 相信;信仰88. set off for... 出发,动身到……89. be accustomed to 习惯于……90. on all fours 匍匐,趴着91. come to a decision 决定下来92. come to an agreement 达成一致;达成协议93. come to a conclusion 告终;下结论94. take up 拿起;着手处理;开始(从事于)95. care for 喜爱;照顾96. leave alone 不管;随……去97. in want of 需要98. close up (尤指暂时)关闭;使靠近99. care about 介意……,在乎,关心100. safety standards 安全标准101. working conditions 工作条件102. social conscience 社会道德103. .a poor excuse 一个差劲的借口104. bring in 赚入……;获利105. be badly-off 生活穷困106. fall asleep 入睡107. have no eye for 不关心;不在意108. far from 远离;一点也不109. comment on 评论,批评,解释110. in face of 面对……,在……面前,不顾……111. in favor of 支持……,赞同……;为有利于……112. in praise of 称赞……113. in hope of 抱着……的希望114. in charge of 掌管,负责115. in memory of 为了纪念;为追悼……116. in honor of 为了纪念117. in search of 搜寻118. in need of 需要119. turn down 拒绝120. as follows 如下121. end up in 以……告终,以……为结局122. one by one 一个接一个地;逐个地123. date back to (时间)追溯到124. get it wrong 误解125. on the contrary 相反的是;反而126. toast to 干杯;祝酒127. make sense of 弄懂……的意思128. in other words 换句话说;换言之129. take risks 冒险130. experiment with 进行试验;进行实验131. piles of 一大堆;一大批;一大团132. fall behind 落后于133. come across (偶然)遇见134. make progress 取得进步135. 调整……;调解……136. as a consequence 因此137. regardless of 不顾,不管,不拘138. take place 发生139. thanks to 多亏了,由于140. wake up 醒来;叫醒141. stay up 挺住;坚持不睡觉142. broaden one"s horizons 开阔眼界143. in the beginning 开始;起初144. lay off 解雇;不理会;使下岗145. make matters worse 使情况更困难或更危险146. get rid of 摆脱147. make ends meet 使收支相抵;量入为出148. be devoted to 献身……的;专心于……的149. play a role in 在……中起作用150. medical treatment 医疗151. reach a decision 决定下来;下结论152. aim at 瞄准;针对;目的在于153. take measures to ... 采取措施来(做)……154. make a living 谋生155. depend on 依靠;取决于156. live on 以……为主食;靠……生活157. prevent... from ... 阻止,阻挡;制止;妨碍158. provide ... for ... 为……提供……159. meet the needs of 满足……的需要160. be burdened with ... 使负重担161. put pressure on ... 给……施压,增添压力162. state-owned companies 国有企业163. lose weight 减肥164. ready-made clothes 成衣165. make fun of 取笑某人166. attend to 处理;照顾;关照167. take pride in 对……感到自豪168. do up 打扮;梳妆169. let down 不支持;使失望170. at length 最后;终于;详细地171. at a time 一次a) go far (人)大有前途;成功172. come into being 形成173. as to 关于174. be accused of 被控诉,控告;被指责,谴责175. et free 使获得自由;释放176. refer to 参考;涉及;谈到;指的是177. turn to 转向,变成;求助于178. adapt to 使适应,使适和179. get accustomed to 变得习惯于180. for a moment 片刻;暂时181. live through 度过;经受住182. break out in tears 突然大哭起来183. cut off 切掉;割掉;剪下;切断;隔绝184. tear at 撕,扯……185. lay off 解雇;不理会;使下岗186. make matters worse 使情况更困难或更危险187. get rid of 摆脱188. make ends meet 使收支相抵;量入为出189. be devoted to 献身……的;专心于……的190. play a role in 在……中起作用191. medical treatment 医疗192. reach a decision 决定下来;下结论193. aim at 瞄准;针对;目的在于194. take measures to ... 采取措施来(做)……195. make a living 谋生196. depend on 依靠;取决于197. live on 以……为主食;靠……生活198. prevent... from ... 阻止,阻挡;制止;妨碍199. provide ... for ... 为……提供……200. meet the needs of 满足……的需要201. be burdened with ... 使负重担202. put pressure on ... 给……施压,增添压力203. state-owned companies 国有企业204. lose weight 减肥205. ready-made clothes 成衣206. make fun of 取笑某人207. attend to 处理;照顾;关照208. take pride in 对……感到自豪209. do up 打扮;梳妆210. let down 不支持;使失望211. at length 最后;终于;详细地212. at a time 一次213. go far (人)大有前途;成功214. come into being 形成a) as to 关于b) be accused of 被控诉,控告;被指责,谴责c) set free 使获得自由;释放d) refer to 参考;涉及;谈到;指的是e) turn to 转向,变成;求助于f) adapt to 使适应,使适和g) get accustomed to 变得习惯于h) for a moment 片刻;暂时i) live through 度过;经受住j) break out in tears 突然大哭起来k) cut off 切掉;割掉;剪下;切断;隔绝l) tear at 撕,扯……m) stick with继续支持;保持联系n) through thick and thin 不顾艰难o) pull out of从……中退出p) cater to满足某种需要或要求q) for the sake of由于;为了……的利益r) in reality事实上;实际上s) keep an eye on 照料;照管t) take sth.into account考虑;体谅u) as a whole 总的说来;作为整体v) once again再一次w) live up to依照……行事;做到;不辜负(期望)x) 认为……y) on one"s own独自,靠自己,独立z) the majority of大多数;大部分aa) .a pie chart饼状图bb) .a bar chart柱状图cc) 使……(和……)调和,相配dd) be suspected of 被猜疑,被怀疑ee) .take measures to ...采取措施(做……)ff) .be familiar with 对……熟悉gg) .be made up of构成;组成hh) 把……认为……ii) on the other hand 另一方面jj) .attach to 伴随……kk) .be aware of 察觉到,感觉到,获悉ll) be suitable for适合做……mm) .guard...against... 守护……(免于……),保护nn) make the best use of充分利用oo) on the surface 表面上的,外表上pp) as a matter of fact 实际上215. be satisfied with 对……满意216. lose face 失面子217. by means of以……,借着……218. put ... to use使用,用,利用219. in demand有需要的;吃香的220. so as to为了,目的是221. sit for参加(考试)222. concentrate on 集中;专心;专注223. to begin with首先;第一;起初224. drop out (of)(从活动、竞赛等中)退出;辍学225. result in产生某种作用或结果226. be skeptical of怀疑227. take in把(某人)带进;领入228. rely on依赖;依靠229. as far as(远)至(某处);到……程度230. lifelong learning 终身学习231. work out解决;计算出;详细拟订232. have a lot in common有很多共同之处233. be suited for适合做……,对……适宜234. take place发生,产生;进行,举行235. turn down拒绝,不接受236. be set in以……为背景237. pass on传递238. go wrong不对头,出毛病;失败239. except for除……之外;若无240. be in love with爱上某人241. learn about听到,获悉242. take one"s revenge on sb.for sth.因某事向某人报仇243. break into pieces(使)成为碎片244. keep...out of使……置身于外245. at the time of在……的时候246. turn out 结果(是),证明(是),原来(是)247. as for关于,至于248. at times有时,不时249. get straight to the point直奔主题250. varieties of各种各样的251. to one"s surprise让某人吃惊的是252. as soon as一……就……253. one after another一个接一个地,连续不断地254. come to light显露出来,暴露255. over and over again256. tell...apart一再;多次;反复257. get hold of抓住;拿住;握住258. make a beeline for径直朝……走去259. as a matter of fact事实上;说真的;实际上260. keep in touch保持联系261. feast on大吃大喝;享受美食262. make a distinction between...and...区分;区别263. make sense有意义;有道理;讲得通264. apply for申请;请求265. straight away立刻地;毫不犹豫地266. fit in(with) 与……相适应;与……相协调267. hold back退缩;踌躇268. take a while用一些(一段)时间269. approve of赞同;赞许270. have common with sb.和某人有共同之处271. take part in参与;参加272. make contributions to为……作出贡献273. Secretary General of the United Nations联合国秘书长274. make a difference有关系;有影响;有意义275. be eager to do sth.渴望做……276. open up打开,张开;开发;开辟;揭露;展现277. at times有时,不时278. as a consequence结果;后果279. be due to 应归于280. become involved in使卷入,使陷入;拖累281. make the adjustment to适应于282. take off脱下;(飞机)起飞283. put on穿上,戴上284. be popular with受(某人)欢迎285. get in touch with和……取得联系286. dream of梦想;向往287. make use of利用288. set up树立;开办;设立;创立;建立289. as well as也,又290. come true实现,达到291. be up to胜任,适于
2023-08-06 21:16:241


Secretary的读法:英[ˈsekrətri],美[ˈsekrəteri]。一、释义secretary这个词主要用于指职业秘书、政府内阁成员、某些宗教或组织领袖的助手等职位。Secretary可以指秘书,主要指为高级或领导人员提供文秘、协调和组织工作的职业人员。Secretary可以指部长,某些国家或地区中,部长一词也称为secretary,例如“国务卿”可以被译为“Secretary of State”。Secretary可以指内阁成员,在某些国家或地区,内阁成员的职位也被称为secretary。在政治、宗教和组织等方面,书记也常被称为“secretary”。二、组词1、company secretary指公司的秘书,主要负责公司文件和记录的管理,以及公司法律事务的处理。2、 personal secretary指个人秘书,主要为某个人提供文秘和协调工作的服务。3、school secretary指学校的秘书,主要负责学校行政和管理事务的处理。secretary造句:1、As a personal secretary, her job is to manage her boss"s schedule, answer calls, and draft emails.作为个人秘书,她的工作范围非常的广泛,日常就是管理老板的日程安排、接听电话和起草电子邮件。2、The secretary general of the United Nations is responsible for overseeing the work of the UN and promoting global cooperation.联合国秘书长负责监督联合国的工作并促进全球合作。3、The press secretary held a press conference to answer questions from journalists about the company"s new products.新闻秘书举行了一次新闻发布会,回答了记者有关公司新产品的问题。4、The school secretary helped to organize a fundraising event to support the school"s sports teams.学校秘书帮助组织了一次筹款活动,以支持学校的运动队。
2023-08-06 21:16:431

general assembly 和congress的区别

general secretary和secretary general两者都可做秘书长讲,表达“总书记”时只能用general secretary;表达“联合国秘书长”时只能用secretary generalgeneral secretary总书记;秘书长This afternoon,General Secretary *** (name)will have talk。
2023-08-06 21:17:211


宾语补足语(简称“宾补”)是存在于“主——谓——宾——宾语补足语”这个句子型式中的一个句子成分。请你结合下面的英语句子及其翻译来加深理解:(要理解句子,关键还是要会分析句子。如果会分析句子了,英语语法就好学了。)We found nobody in.我们发现没有人在里边。(我们发现里边没人。)She believes you a good boy.她相信你是个好孩子。They thought him dishonest.他们认为他不诚实。在这三个句子中,谓语动词found,believes,thought直接涉及的是nobody,you,him(是宾语),而不是后面的词in,a good boy,dishonest。 后面的词in,a good boy,dishonest是对宾语nobody,you,him的补充,意即“发现(found)”“nobody”“怎么了(in)”;“认为(believes)”you"(是)怎样的(a good boy)“;”觉得(thought)“him"怎么样(dishonest)"。而The girl stood here,full of confidence.这个句子,和上面我给你的例句的结构是不一样的,更何况还有逗号分开。其中的full of confidence是形容词短语作状语。如果写成The girl stood here,being full of confidence.你能明白吗?学习英语语法时,有些语法问题可以结合汉语来理解,并找出其不同,这样你的进步就快了。在We should know the culture past and present.这个句子中,past and present作为定语放在了它们所修饰的单词culture的后面,可以说是他们的一种习惯吧。不过这两个词作定语的时候也可以放在它们所修饰的单词的前面。例如:The list of past champions includes many British internationals. 历届冠军榜中包括很多英国世界冠军。A South Korean newspaper said today the event will be smaller than in years past. 一份韩国报纸今天说活动的规模不会有前些年那么大。(上面两句中,past的意思是“过去的;以前的”)Most shops have remained closed for the past three days. 过去3天大多数商店一直都没有营业。...the momentous events of the past few days. 过去几天的重大事件。(上面两句中,past的意思是“刚过去的”)下面是一些基本情况:(你在网上搜“英语中做定语后置的词”就可找到很多。)以下情况,形容词作定语时一般放在所修饰的名词之后:1. 形容词修饰不定代词或地点副词时。如:There is nothing important.I want to find somewhere quiet.注意:不定代词前若有限定词时,形容词就不后置。如:They did the necessary something.2. 以字母a开头的形容词,如alive, ashamed, alike, afraid, asleep, awake等作定语时。如:He was the only man alive at that time.The girl ashamed is my sister.3. 以-ible, -able结尾的形容词,如possible, unspeakable, imaginable等作定语时。如:We must get in touch with them in every way possible.Beijing is an interesting place ima- ginable.4. 表示度量的形容词短语作定语时。如:A bridge twenty meters long is being built.There is a building eight metres high in our school.5. 形容词加介词短语或不定式短语作定语时。如:I know the actor suitable for the part.The boys easiest to teach were from the countryside.6. 用and或or连接的表示反义或近义的两个或两个以上形容词作定语时。如:The women, old and young, stayed at home.The boy, tired, hungry and thirsty, is lying there.7. 有些从法语或拉丁语中派生出来的形容词作定语时。如:from time immemorial远古以来 secretary general秘书长另外,有些形容词前置或后置都可以,但意义不同。试比较:The people present at the meeting are all workers. 出席会议的人都是工人。He gave us a talk on the present situation. 他给我们作了一个目前形势的报告。希望能帮到你。如果觉得我的意见可行就采纳。祝你进步!
2023-08-06 21:17:311


冬荫功演职员表:导演 普拉奇亚·平克尧 Pratya Pinkeaw 演员 托尼·贾 Phanom Yeerum ...... KhamPetchtai Wongkamlao ...... Mark波昂科·德昂马莱 Bongkoj Khongmalai ...... Pla金星 Byeol Kim ...... Madame RoseNathan Jones ...... T.K. (as Nathan B. Jones)阮明智 Johnny Nguyen ...... Johnny (as Johnny Tri Nguyen)Lateef Crowder ...... Capoeira FighterJon Foo ...... Wushu Fighter (as Jonathan Patrick Foo)Damian De Montemas ...... VincentDavid Asavanond ...... Officer Rick (as David Chatchavan Asavanod)Sotorn Rungruaeng ...... Kham"s FatherAmonphan Gongtragan ...... GoongNutdanai Kong ...... Kham (9 years old)Dean Alexandrou ...... BodyguardTony Chu ...... ThugDon Ferguson ...... Body GuardJohn Ladalski ...... FighterJohn Lamond Jr. ...... Chief Inspector LamondRic Lawes ...... Australian Secretary GeneralAndrew Lawton ...... Officer Rick (voice: English version)Erik Markus Schuetz ...... Johnny"s BodyguardHeinz Ollesch ...... Big GuyDaniel O"Neill ...... Ron Smoorenburg ...... Kham"s opponentBrice Stratford ...... ThugDavid Ussawanon ...... Eddie Vee ...... Kham (voice: English version)帕姆瓦瑞·尤德卡默尔 Pumwaree Yodkamol ...... Girl on the streetNick Koleszar ...... Cop searching house for suspect (uncredited)Damian Mavis ...... Bodyguard (uncredited)你看一下她在电影里的名字,对照一下就知道啦!
2023-08-06 21:17:531


2023-08-06 21:18:031

turning red好句

turning red 电影经典好句如下:1、Today"s honor student, tomorrow"s UN Secretary General. The ancestorswould be so proud.今天的优等生,明天的联合国秘书长,老祖宗们一定会为你骄傲的。2、You"ll figure this out, Mei. Just be the calm, mature, adult you totally are. Yougot this.你能搞定的,美,你是个冷静、稳重的大人了,你能行的。3、I know how hard it is to keep the beast in.我知道压抑这头野兽有多难。4、People have all kinds of sides to them, Mei, and some sides are messy. Thisside of you made me laugh.人有很多面的,美,有些方面会比较糟,但你的这一面让我开心。5、The door will open only if we sing from our hearts.只有我们发自内心地歌唱门才会敞开。6、I"ve been obsessed with my mom"s approval my whole life. I couldn"t risk losing it. But losing you guys is worse.我一辈子都在纠结于妈妈的认可,我不能冒险失去它,可我更不能失去你们。7、I"m just so sick of being perfect. I"m never going to be good enough for her,or anyone.我只是厌倦了完美,对她和其他人来说我永远都不够好。8、I"m finally figuring out who I am. But I"m scared it will take me away from you.我终于明白了自己是谁,但我害怕这会把我从你身边带走。9、Don"t hold back, for anyone.不要为了任何人退缩。10、This is me.我就是我。
2023-08-06 21:18:101


2023-08-06 21:12:452


who are you?who 谁 are 是(第二人称或复数) you 第二人称 你的意思
2023-08-06 21:12:461


2023-08-06 21:12:471

白卡纸 白板纸 白牛皮纸,三者有什么区别?

2023-08-06 21:12:533


英语Who are you?日语あなたは谁ですか?
2023-08-06 21:12:563


2023-08-06 21:12:572


“预计做某事” 就是 “打算做某事”,可以翻译为 be going to do sth.、plan to do sth. 或 be to do sth.
2023-08-06 21:12:571


问题一:请问牛皮纸的密度和灰板纸的密度,想知道具体数值, 1、纸的密度专业术语应该是纸的紧度。 2、牛皮纸根据国标GBT 13024-2003(箱板纸)之技术要求,紧度(密度)规定如下: 克重≤220g的:优等品0.7,一等品0.68,合格品0.65(g/cm3) 克重>220g的:优等品0.72,一等品0.7,合格品0.65(g/cm3) 3、由于灰板纸没有专门的国标,根据GB/T 451.3-2002纸和纸板厚度的测定:本标准适用于各种单层或多层的纸和纸板,但不适用于瓦楞纸板来判定,灰板纸的紧度(密度)在0.625(g/cm3) 4、紧度越高,纸的厚度越薄,相应挺度会提高,主要不同纸类不同的指标。 希望以上对你有所帮助。 问题二:牛皮纸重量规格 牛皮纸的规格一般是这样来描述的: 克重/平米 * 牛皮纸的幅宽(卷轴的牛皮纸的宽度)。 常用的规格就那么几种 ,80g*720mm 、 80g*920mm、80g*980mm、80g*1020mm、 80g*1120等 问题三:牛皮纸的厚度怎么计算的? 您可以搜索一下《纸张厚度与克种对照表》, 牛皮纸厚度与克重换算 如下: 基重 厚度mm(毫米) 43 0.060-0.070 63 0.090-0.100 84 0.125-0.135 106 0.145-0.155 120 0.185-0.195 154 0.220-0.230 158 0.240-0.250 162 0.250-0.260 不同产地牛皮纸克重与厚度也有所差异 问题四:牛皮纸的规格有哪些,每卷的长度是多少? 平板牛皮纸规格:787×1092毫米,850xll68毫米,787×ll90毫米,857×ll20毫米。印刷常 牛皮纸 用规格是:787*1092mm,889*1194mm 200g的牛皮纸意味着:一张一开大小的牛皮纸的重量是200g. 纸张通常以这种方式衡量其品质. 200g的很厚,适合做纸袋 50g适合做笔记绩子的内页。 一开纸的尺寸是:787×1092mm , 多数书的版权页上都写有这个尺寸, 所谓2开,就是该纸张对折, 再对折为4开,再对折8开,16开,32开…… 我们一般的课本书籍都是32开的, 16开的为一般杂志的尺寸大小。 另外有一种大度尺寸为850×1168mm 。 卷一般这么表示: 100-120克/M2,门幅2米,卷长1500米以上的 gr=克。m2=平方米 80gr/m2=每平方米80克 问题五:0.7mm是多少g的牛皮纸 用长*宽*厚度得到体积、要注意单位、 再乘上钢板的密度可得重量。 问题六:牛皮纸吨价换算成平方价的公式? 1mt是5200人民币, 那么1kg就是5.2 那么1g就是0.0052 70g一平方就是 用 70*0.0052=0.364元/m2 问题七:请问牛皮纸有几种规格分别是多少?还有各种规格的价格? 10分 牛皮纸的规格一般是这样来描述的: 克重/平米 * 牛皮纸的幅宽(卷轴的牛皮纸的宽度)。 所以牛皮纸的规格就相当多了,同一材质的牛皮纸价格基本上是一样的,按吨计费。 打个比方:我们做牛皮纸袋,一般袋用牛皮纸的克重从70g/m2 ----100g/m2, 宽度从 500mm--1330mm, 这中间任意的克重*幅宽组合,都可以称之为一种规格。而常用的规格就那么几种 ,80g*720mm 、 80g*920mm、80g*980mm、80g*1020mm、 80g*1120等等等等,而只要他们是同一材质的牛皮纸,各个规格的价钱都一样。例如进口本色伸性纸 以上几个规格的价钱目前都是 7400/吨。 你说的牛皮纸淋膜意思也是一样的。 问题八:牛皮纸的重量500g和600g有什么区别 额,没太明白,
2023-08-06 21:13:011

cad 做平面图的技巧

建几个图层 比较好
2023-08-06 21:13:014


你好英语翻译Beyond the expected"
2023-08-06 21:13:041

你是谁啊, 用英语怎么说啊

who are you?
2023-08-06 21:13:079


2023-08-06 21:13:116


2023-08-06 21:12:342


2023-08-06 21:12:312


高压打气筒原理:空气通过三个依次减小的气缸,对同一气体进行三次压缩,从而产生高压气体。当外管往上提时,空气即从气筒外管下端的中套上的小孔进入气筒内,这时将手柄往下压时,气体就会经过设置在内管顶端的单向阀门进入气筒内管,顺着皮管进入轮胎的气门。而当第二次再将手柄往上提时,单向阀门关闭,再次下压时空气冲开单向阀进入轮胎,如此的往返循回的过程。扩展资料高压打气筒主要特性:1、适用于自行车、篮球、排球、足球等各种球类和自行车充气。具有通用性,紧密式设计,结构坚固。2、高压打气筒可打前、後避震器亦可当一般随车迷你打气筒。3、美、法式两用气嘴-适用任何自行车型。4、球类与其他充气物品均适用。5、打气软管除了可随意变换角度外,关节处更可以360度旋转,方便任何角度打气。参考资料来源:百度百科-打气筒 (汉语词汇)
2023-08-06 21:12:301


预计到达时间英文Estimated Arrival Time.
2023-08-06 21:12:292


2023-08-06 21:12:2413


2023-08-06 21:12:231


问题一:共计25元用英语怎么说 你好! 共计25元 A total of 25 yuan 问题二:共计的英文 共计 基本翻译 sum to count矗up to total add up to amount to 网络释义 共计:e to | run into | count up to 问题三:总计用英语怎么说 in total或者totally 问题四:总计,总共________怎么用英语说啊??? inglomh 问题五:预计英文用英语怎么说 预计 predict;to estimate;anticipated;antipate;plan on更多释义>> [网络短语] 预计 Expected;estimate;predict 预计负债 Anticipation liabilities;Accrued liabilities;estimated liabilities 预计残值 Estimated residual value;estimative remnant value 问题六:共计306,25元的英语怎么说,亲们,快点 totally: thirty thousand six hundred and twenty five. totally:30625. 问题七:合计:用英语怎么翻译。 in total total 问题八:长久之计,用英语怎么说 A permanent穿arrangement 他发现这样做不是长久之计he found that that would not answer forever 问题九:共计三个月 用英语怎么说 three months in all 问题十:用英语翻译这些数加起来共计100 这些数加起来共计100: The sum of these numbers is 100. 采纳哦
2023-08-06 21:12:221


fuck you
2023-08-06 21:12:1815


2023-08-06 21:12:162


2023-08-06 21:12:145


使用打气筒时,要把它的出气管接到自行车轮胎的气门上,气门的作用是只允许空气从打气筒进入轮胎,不允许空气从轮胎倒流入打气筒.打气筒的活塞和筒壁之间有空隙,活塞上有个向下凹的橡皮碗.向上拉活塞的时候,活塞下方的空气体积增大,压强减小,活塞上方的空气就从橡皮碗四周挤到下方.向下压活塞的时候,活塞下方空气体积缩小,压强增大,使橡皮碗紧抵着筒壁不让空气漏到活塞上方,继续向下压活塞,当空气压强足以顶开轮胎的气门芯时,压缩空气就进入轮胎.同时筒外的空气从筒上端的空隙进入活塞的上方  实际上打气筒就是一个最简单的单向阀!当拉杆往上提时,此时装在拉杆下端的皮碗收缩,空气即从气筒盖上的小孔(有的没有孔,则是从拉杆与盖的间隙较大处进入)进入气筒内,这时将拉杆往下压时,皮碗扩张而贴紧气筒内壁将空气往下压!气体只能从气筒底部一个小孔眼顶上小铁珠(有的是用小铁片)顺着皮管进入轮胎的气门!   而当第二次再将拉杆往上提时,皮碗再度收缩.此时小铁珠落下,关闭小孔,使第一次还没有完全注人轮胎内的空气,不会因此而被抽出!   也就是如此的往返循回的过程.
2023-08-06 21:12:131