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2023-08-09 10:19:18

Dad(Daddy), Happy Father"s Day, Happy Every Day.


1、you"ve been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more.


2、on this special day, i want to say i"m proud of you,appreciate all you"ve done for me and i love you.


父亲节(Father"s Day),顾名思义是感恩父亲的节日。约始于二十世纪初,起源于美国,现已广泛流传于世界各地,节日日期因地域而存在差异。


中国大陆官方没有设立正式的父亲节。但内地民众习惯上使用6月第三个星期日当做父亲节;中国台湾父亲节是8月8日。中国台湾的父亲节订于每年的八月八日,又称为“八八节”。这是因为“八八”和爸爸相近,而且“八八”两字连缀起来,又好象一个 “父”字,所以父亲节特别被定于八月八日。




Dad, Happy Father"s Day, Happy everyday



意思是父亲节快乐。父亲节(Father"s Day),顾名思义是感恩父亲的节日。约始于二十世纪初,起源于美国,现已广泛流传于世界各地,节日日期因地域而存在差异。最广泛的日期在每年6月的第三个星期日,世界上有52个国家和地区是在这一天过父亲节。节日里有各种的庆祝方式,大部分都与赠送礼物、家族聚餐或活动有关。中国官方没有设立正式的父亲节。但大陆民众习惯上使用6月第三个星期日当做父亲节;台湾地区定于每年8月8日,又称为“八八节”。中国各式各样的祝福方式与国外人们庆祝父亲节的方式不同,我国人们庆祝父亲节的形式多种多样。人们用不同的方式表达着对父亲的感激之情。照片见证父女感情分享与父亲30年来的成长“萌照”,从1岁的“小米豆”,到30岁的“大萌子”,北京女孩赵萌萌的身边,总有父亲的陪伴,她的母亲则用相机记录了父女俩的30年。父亲节,赵萌萌将她和父亲每一年的合照上传网络,时光变迁下的父女情感动上万网友。拍摄微电影回忆与父亲的点滴生活:一部由20多名警察子女参与录制的微电影——《最可靠的人》,曾引来了许多网友关注。虽然视频只有短短5分多钟,但家属们发自内心的话,让很多人为之感动。视频短片由民警利用业余时间制作,在给 “警察爸爸”们送上一份特殊礼物的同时,也希望更多的人了解警察的酸甜苦辣。
2023-08-06 17:47:221


  父亲节快到了,用英文和中文写一封信给你最亲爱的爸爸吧!以下是我给大家带来父亲节写给爸爸的一封信中英文范文,供大家参阅!   父亲节写给爸爸的一封信中英文范文篇1   Dear dad   You raise me up,let me have the life.You are my beloved friends and relatives,as the saying goes :a father"s love.Your love as high as a mountain,let me feel warm.Your kindness to me to return, who grass-inch heart,return in the apartments!   I get dizzy with success you told me not to do so,in my sad for me,wiped away tears,thank you,my dearest father.   Dad,I love you.   Best wishes   亲爱的父亲   你养育了我,让我有了生命.你是我最挚爱的朋友和亲人,俗话说:父爱如山.你的爱就像山那么高,让我有了温暖.你对我的恩情难以回报,谁言寸草心,报答三春晖!   你在我得意忘形时告诫我不能这么做,在我难过时为我擦干眼泪,我最挚爱的爸爸.   爸爸,我爱你!   最好的祝福   父亲节写给爸爸的一封信中英文范文篇2   Happy Fathers Day,Dad 爸爸,父亲节快乐   Dear Dad,   Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Fatheru2019s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.   Youu2019ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Fatheru2019s Days together. I havenu2019t always been with you on Fatheru2019s Day nor have I been with you for all of your birthdays. It wasnu2019t because I didnu2019t want to be with you. Iu2019ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way.   You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other, father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys.   The Father-Daughter Duel of u201954 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the u201854 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.   Our relationship improved immensely when I married a man you liked, and things really turned around when we begin making babies right and left. We didnu2019t have a television set, you know, and we had to entertain ourselves somehow. I didnu2019t know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but I didnu2019t have to wait long to find out. Those babies adored you then just as they adore you now. When I see you with all your grandchildren, I know youu2019ve given them the finest jpgt a grandparent can give. Youu2019ve given them yourself.   Somewhere along the line, the generation gap evaporated. Age separates us now and little else. We agree on most everything, perhaps because weu2019ve learned there isnu2019t much worth disagreeing about. However, I would like to mention that fly fishing isnu2019t all youu2019ve cracked it up to be, Dad. You can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah...   Iu2019ve been happily drifting for a lot of years, Dad, and I didnu2019t see you getting older.   I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine. Numbers never seemed important. But the oddest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didnu2019t immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day. Or maybe I saw my own.   Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa.   I didnu2019t know then that I would remember that day for the rest of my life. This week, weu2019ll plant kohlrabi together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I donu2019t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is. And the funny thing about it is, well, I donu2019t know quite how to tell you this, Dad...I donu2019t even like kohlrabi...but I like planting it with you.   I guess what Iu2019m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today. Honoring a Father on Fatheru2019s Day is about more than a Dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school functions, graduations, and weddings. It isnu2019t even so much about kohlrabi, u201954 Chevrolets, and fly-fishing. Itu2019s more about unconditionally loving children who are snotty and stubborn, who know everything and wonu2019t listen to anyone. Itu2019s about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking. Itu2019s about loving someone more than words can say,and itu2019s wishing that it never had to end.   I love you, Dad.   亲爱的爸爸:   今天我在商场的时候, 我读了好长时间的有关父亲节的贺卡。那些卡片上面的文字很特别,也或多或少地表达出了我对您的感受。我挑选读过一次后,又挑选读了一遍,但那并不是一张贺卡所能表达出我想对您说的话的。   爸爸,您也知道,我们父女俩曾有一段时间因为代沟不在一起过,比如年龄、个人阅历、观点、发型、化妆、服装、音乐、作息时间以及男朋友,因为这些,我们的观点也非常对立。您站在大分离的一端,我站在大分离的另一端。   那时,您教我学开那部道奇旧车,可我却不管您喜欢不喜欢执意要开雪拂兰u201954那辆车。当时,我们父女俩关于雪拂兰汽车的争执也调到了最高挡。可那天晚上,您却报警说雪拂兰车被盗。之后,一个警官把我护送到家,可他太年轻了,根本不明白我们父女俩之间的政治斗争,可他也不小了,对一个16岁的流鼻涕的小孩却没有太多的耐心。爸爸,您倒对这件事处理得很体面,而我想那可能是我一生中最糟糕的一个夜晚吧。   在我嫁了一个您喜欢的女婿后,我们俩之间的关系才缓和了好多。后来,我们为了好好地生个孩子,就离开了,我们之间的那些事情也就结束了。这事您也知道,我们没有电视机看,我们就只好自娱自乐了。我不知道我还能对作为外公外婆的您和妈妈抱什么期望,但是,不要等到很久我就会找到答案。过去那些孩子热爱您,现在他们还像以前那样热爱您。当我看见您和您的外孙在一起的时候,我知道您都已经给了他们最好的礼物,您把心都掏给他们了。   就是这样,您我之间的代沟慢慢消失了。现在年龄和其它一些问题的差异把您和我分开,可我们在很多事情的上的看法都是一样的,这可能是因为我们明白了没有那么多的事情值得我们争辩吧。然而,我想提示一下的是,爸爸,飞蝇钓鱼是您最喜欢的一种钓法,您可以说些您想做的手腕动作,站姿和一些没有用的话什么的。   爸爸,虽然我已经漂泊很多年了,但是我很快乐。然而,我却发现您没有变老,还是那么年轻。   随着年龄的增长,我认为您和我之间的关系慢慢地融洽了好多,就像是一瓶好酒,越陈越香。家人看起来好像没有一点意义似的,但是,上周发生了一件最奇怪的事情,我站在停车标志旁,看见您开着车要拐弯。可是我并没有立刻反映到那是爸爸您。因为那个人开着车,又在那部大车的车轮后面,就显得他岁数很大,身体也很虚弱的样子。可我却感到不知道从哪里飞来的一记耳光似的重重地打在我的脸上,也许,那是我第一次看见您的年龄,也许,只有我自己看见罢了。   爸爸,我想我想要说的话是每个作儿女的今天想和他们爸爸要说的话。过父亲节,给父亲这么一个大的荣誉,决不是因为爸爸给家里挣多少钱,和家人一起共进晚餐,参加学校活动,参加毕业典礼和婚礼的原因,也不止是一起栽苤蓝菜,开雪拂兰u201954车和飞蝇钓鱼的事,也不止是您毫无理由地爱那些流鼻涕又很淘气,而且什么都懂,就是不听话的小孩。这就是尊重对方,分享快乐,认同和忍受他人,给予和接受吧,您对别人的爱也是不能用言语来表达的,希望这些永不终止。   爸爸,我爱您   父亲节写给爸爸的一封信英文范文   Dear Dad,   Today is fatheru2019s day, for so many years Iu2019ve been seekig a way to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it!   Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because you will keep me on the right path. Iu2019m blessed to have you.   Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words, but by what you have done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, your responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life.   Thank you for always appreciating my work, no matter how tiny it is! You have made me realize that itu2019s capacity not scores that really counts.   Dad, I love you and I will love you forever!   Yours beloved,   Li Ming
2023-08-06 17:48:001


dad,happy Father,s Day
2023-08-06 17:48:081


【 #英语资源# 导语】父亲节短文 小时候,父亲是座山,用他高大伟岸的身躯给我们的童年以温暖;长大后,父亲是条 河,用他日夜兼程的血脉给我们的生命以洗礼。父爱是一本厚重的书,耐人寻味;父爱更像 一杯甘醇的酒,回味无穷。父爱的默默无闻,正如山的沉默,蕴含着无穷的力量。当我们遇 挫受阻时,父亲会给我们越挫越勇的精神。父爱虽没有延长的柔水,没有体贴温馨的话语, 但却能深深地刻在我们的心上。父爱虽然平淡,但淡而有味,让我们的心灵蒙受滋养。父亲 犹如一个指南针,告诉我们人生该通往何处,正如文学大家塞万提斯所说:父亲的德行是子 女的遗产。 父亲节里感谢父亲多年以来的悉心教导和关爱,给父爱以礼赞。 为大家准备了五年级父亲节英语作文【十篇】,供大家参考阅读。 【篇一】五年级父亲节英语作文   Dear Dad,   As Fathers Day is coming,I am writing to you to send all my best wishes for you。During the days you work outside,I miss you so much。Thank you for giving me a warm family and making me live happily。Now,I have grown up,and you dont need to worry about me any more,I can look after myself well at home。   I hope you take good care of yourself,for you know,I love you,daddy。   Happy Fathers Day,and have a good time。 【篇二】五年级父亲节英语作文   My father is a nice man。 He likes to play computer games。 He is an owner of a factory which produces many things 。He is good at designing。 He works very hard。 I love him very much because, sometimes, I can help him to do something in his factory 。He is always on business trips because he has his business everywhere so it takes up too much of his time 。 Therefore, he doesn"t have any time to play with me but I don"t blame him for that。 I often spend a lot of my time on the computer, so I have something to do。 My mother is usually on the phone and tells my father to get home early but my father doesn"t listen to her。 So my mother and I sometimes are upset and I don"t like my father in a sense that he always gets home late。 【篇三】五年级父亲节英语作文   父亲节?就是今天。大家一定要问我,父亲没有参加怎么过节啊?请你们接着向下看呗!   Fathers day? Today。 Everyone must ask me, how can I celebrate the festival without my father? Please keep looking down!   今天是父亲节,我和妈妈早早的就约定好,要去我姥姥家过父亲节。于是,早晨醒来的第一件事,就是忙着写作业,以便有更多的时间玩上一会儿。因为昨天写了语文和数学,今天只要写完英语就OK了。   Today is fathers day。 My mother and I agreed early that we would go to my grandmas house for fathers day。 So the first thing I wake up in the morning is to be busy with my homework so that I can have more time to play for a while。 Because yesterday I wrote Chinese and math, today I just need to finish writing English。   很快,作业写完了。我们便匆匆忙忙地下楼买一些水果,直奔姥姥家。今天的天儿可真热,不一会儿的功夫,我就大汗淋淋了。   Soon, the homework was finished。 We hurried to buy some fruit in the basement and went straight to grandmas house。 Its really hot today。 After a while, Ill be sweating。   来到姥姥家,小弟弟面带微笑地迎接过来,“我想死你了,想死你了!”我们也来了个热烈的拥抱。一转身,当我看到小哥哥的时候,便与他一起对电脑发起了进攻,丝毫没有发现一个天大的奇事,完全沉浸在游戏里。   When I came to grandmas house, my little brother greeted me with a smile。 "I miss you, I miss you!" we also gave us a warm hug。 As soon as I turned around, when I saw my little brother, I launched an attack on the computer with him。 I didnt find a big miracle at all。 I was totally immersed in the game。   吃饭的时候,我才猛然发现,今天父亲节的餐桌上竟然没有一个父亲。除了母亲外,就是我们这三个将来的父亲。呀哈!今天的父亲节可真是别样,一个父亲都不在家,这叫什么父亲节呀?光我们吃喝玩乐,那些支撑着家庭的父亲们,却仍然在不停地为生计而忙碌着。   When I was eating, I suddenly found that there was no father at the table on fathers day。 Besides the mother, we are the three future fathers。 Aha! Todays fathers Day is really different。 A father is not at home。 Whats fathers day? We eat, drink and play, but the fathers who support the family are still busy for their livelihood。   后来才知道,姥爷出远门谈生意去了;爸爸临时有事不能回来了;姨夫和小舅舅也是工作忙脱不开身。都说父爱如山,父爱伟大,我今天真正体味到了。父亲们真的很辛苦!真的很伟大!   Later, I learned that my grandfather had gone far to talk about business; my father couldnt come back temporarily; my uncle and my uncle were busy with their work。 Its said that fathers love is like a mountain。 Fathers love is great。 I really appreciate it today。 Fathers are really hard! They are really great!   此时此刻,我想起了和爸爸一起做游戏的情景;想起了和爸爸对打时的可笑模样;想起了和爸爸一起太多太多的画面。可是,今天是爸爸的节日,爸爸却不在家。能不说这是别样父亲节吗?   At this moment, I think of the scene of playing games with my father; I think of the funny appearance of fighting with my father; I think of too many pictures with my father。 However, today is Dads festival, but dad is not at home。 Cant you say its another fathers day?   在这里,我衷心地祝愿所有的父亲:节日快乐!笑口常开!   Here, I sincerely wish all the fathers: happy holidays! Always smile! 【篇四】五年级父亲节英语作文   父亲节又快来临了。   Fathers Day is coming again。   父亲节,是一个多么值得怀念的日子啊!从我来到人世,父亲就牵着我的小手,用那伟大而平凡的父爱,带我走过了十多年,这期间有幸福,有愉快,有苦,有累。我不会忘记,在我面对成功时,父亲是如何夸奖我,又告诉我“人外有人,天外有天。”也不会忘却,当我面对挫折时,父亲是如何鼓励我,安慰我。几千多个昼夜里,我的笑容使他欣慰,我的烦恼,使他担心,我的匆忙使他着急,我的事成了他的.事,他时时牵挂着我。我明白我在父亲眼里永远是他的孩子,是个长不大的孩子,他会永远给予我更多的关心,更多的爱护,他就像一个守护天使,永远守护着我。   Fathers day, what a memorable day! Since I came to the world, my father took my little hand, with the great and ordinary fathers love, took me through more than ten years, during which there was happiness, happiness, bitterness and tiredness。 I will not forget how my father praised me when I faced success, and told me that "there are people outside, there are days outside。" I will not forget how my father encouraged me and comforted me when I faced setbacks。 For thousands of days and nights, my smile comforted him, my troubles worried him, my haste worried him, my business became his business, he always cared about me。 I know that I will always be his child in the eyes of my father。 He will always give me more care and love。 He is like a guardian angel who will always protect me。   时间飞逝,十岁了,十周岁了,虽然我不怎么乖,但还挺听话,这让父亲更加心疼我,爱护他的女儿。   Time flies, ten years old, ten years old。 Although Im not very good, Im still obedient, which makes my father love me more and love his daughter。   今年的父亲节,面对一张满含心意的贺卡,父亲会怎样呢?我不知道,但我知道,我可以为父亲祈祷,为父亲之祝福,虽然父亲不再年轻,不再帅气,但他是我的骄傲!他用平凡的父爱为我撑起一片爱的蓝天!   This years fathers day, in the face of a heartfelt greeting card, what will father do? I dont know, but I know that I can pray for my father and bless him。 Although my father is no longer young and handsome, he is my pride! He used ordinary fathers love to support a blue sky of love for me!   站在窗前,一阵轻柔的风拂过我的脸,我向它许下心愿:愿父亲一生平安,得到子女的回报! 【篇五】五年级父亲节英语作文   Once, when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus。 Finally, there was only one family between us and the ticket counter。   This family made a big impression on me。 There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12。 You could tell they didnt have a lot of money。   Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean。 The children were well—behaved, all of them standing in line, two—by—two behind their parents, holding hands。 They were excitedly jabbering about the clowns, elephants, and other acts they would see that night。   One could sense they had never been to the circus before。 It promised to be a highlight of their young lives。 The father and mother were at the head of the pack, standing proud as could be。   The mother was holding her husbands hand, looking up at him as if to say, "Youre my knight in shining armor。"   He was smiling and basking in pride, looking back at her as if to reply, "You got that right。"   The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted。 He proudly responded, "Please let me buy eight childrens tickets and two adult tickets so I can take my family to the circus。"   The ticket lady quoted the price。 The mans wife let go of his hand, her head dropped, and his lip began to quiver。 The father leaned a little closer and asked, "How much did you say?"   The ticket lady again quoted the price。 The man didnt have enough money。   How was he supposed to turn and tell his eight kids that he didn‘t have enough money to take them to the circus? Seeing what was going on, my dad put his hand in his pocket, pulled out a $20 bill and dropped it on the ground。 (We were not wealthy in any sense of the word!) 【篇六】五年级父亲节英语作文   Hi, my name is Cindy。 I have a good father。 I like him very much。   My father is a policeman。 He is tall and strong。 He looks very cool in the black police uniform。 He works in the police station and he is very busy every day。 He likes helping people。 So he often goes everywhere by his motor cycle。 When he sees the people in the trouble, he will try his best to help the people。   He is a good policeman。 And many people like him very much, too。 They often say: “Mr Li, you are a good policeman。 We like you very much。” But my father always has a point: Helping people is his duty。   My father likes reading books very much。 Because he thinks: A good book is a good friend。 So he reads books after work every day。 Sometimes he plays games with me。 We are very happy。 I like him very much, because my father is not only my father, but also my good friend。   This is my father。 He is a good father。 I like my father very much! 【篇七】五年级父亲节英语作文   Fathers Day is a fairly new celebration in the British calendar compared with Mothers Day, which has been a very popular and well celebrated festival in the UK for a very long time。   The origins of the celebrati on are American and it was inspired by the actions of a man named William Smart。   He was a veteran of the US Civil War and his wife died giving birth to their sixth child。 He raised six children alone without remarrying, which was undoubtedly unusual back in those days。   His daughter, Sonora Dodd, realised when she was an adult what her father had sacrificed for his children。 It was in the early 1900s and she was actually at church one day, listening to a sermon on Mothers Day。   She thought there should also be a Fathers Day celebration。   And so the tradition was born, on the third Sunday every June, close to the anniversary of Sonoras fathers death。 Britain took the idea of Fathers Day from the American celebration and it has been celebrated officially since the 1970s 【篇八】五年级父亲节英语作文   Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa。   I didn"t know then that I would remember that day for the rest of my life。 This week, we"ll plant kohlrabi together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not。 I don"t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is。 And the funny thing about it is, well, I don"t know quite how to tell you this, Dad。I don"t even like kohlrabi。but I like planting it with you。   I guess what I"m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today。 Honoring a Father on Father"s Day is about more than a Dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school functions, graduations, and weddings。 It isn"t even so much about kohlrabi, "54 Chevrolets, and fly—fishing。 It"s more about unconditionally loving children who are snotty and stubborn, who know everything and won"t listen to anyone。 It"s about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking。 It"s about loving someone more than words can say,and it"s wishing that it never had to end。   I love you, Dad。 【篇九】五年级父亲节英语作文   There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them, whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them。   In fact, fathers love is as strong as mothers, but normally, fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings。 Fathers love is deep and silent, thats why most people think their father love them less。   If you carefully go through your childhood memory, you will notice your father is always there when you need them, though they never said it out loud how much they love you, fathers like a shelter when the storm coming, fathers like a door when there is danger outside, father is someone no matter how you treat him, he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free。 So please cheer for the love of father! 【篇十】五年级父亲节英语作文   You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it。 You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other, father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys。   The Father—Daughter Duel of 54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the 54 Chevy whether you liked it or not。 The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father—daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old。 You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life。   Our relationship improved immensely when I married a man you liked, and things really turned around when we begin making babies right and left。 We didnt have a television set, you know, and we had to entertain ourselves somehow。 I didnt know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but I didnt have to wait long to find out。 Those babies adored you then just as they adore you now。 When I see you with all your grandchildren, I know youve given them the finest gift a grandparent can give。 Youve given them yourself。
2023-08-06 17:48:151


祝爸爸父亲节快乐的英文是Happy Father"s Day。父亲节是一个表达孝敬和感恩之情的节日,旨在让人们回归家庭,关注父亲的角色和影响。这个节日最早来源于美国,第一次庆祝是在1910年的6月19日,取代了当时盛行的父亲纪念节。如今在全球范围内,父亲节已经成为每年一度的欢庆节日。每年的父亲节通常在6月的第三个星期日举行。在这一天,人们会给爸爸们送上贺卡或礼物,或是制定一些创意活动来表达对父亲的关爱和感恩之情。一些家庭会组织聚餐、户外活动、旅游等,共度一个愉快的周末。父亲节既是感恩之日,也是回归家庭的时刻。在这一天,我们可以通过各种方式表达对爸爸的感激之情,回报他们为我们所做的一切。值得注意的是,我们不仅要在这一天表达对父亲的关爱,更要在日常生活中给予他们更多的关注和照顾。英文造句I called my dad early in the morning to say "Happy Father"s Day" and thank him for all the love and support he has given me over the years. (我早上给我爸打电话说“祝父亲节快乐”,感谢他多年来给我的所有爱和支持。)例句:I wrote "Happy Father"s Day" on a card and gave it to my dad along with a heartfelt thank you for always being there for me. (我在卡片上写下了“祝父亲节快乐”,并对父亲时刻在我身边表达了感激。)例句:My family and I prepared a special meal for my dad on Father"s Day to show him how much we love and appreciate him. (我们家为父亲准备了一份特别的午餐,以表达对他的爱和感激之情。)
2023-08-06 17:48:251


Happy father"s day
2023-08-06 17:49:052


1、父亲节快乐的英语:Happy Fathers Day。 2、父亲节快乐!我爱您:我的爸爸。Happy Fathers Day! I love you: My father. 3、亲爱的爸爸,我爱您,祝您父亲节快乐!Dear Dad, I love you, Happy Fathers Day! 4、爸爸,父亲节快乐!我爱你!你的儿子张浩伦。Dad, happy Fathers day! I love you! Your son Zhang Haolun.
2023-08-06 17:49:131


1、父亲节快乐的英语:Happy Fathers Day。 2、父亲节快乐!我爱您:我的爸爸。Happy Fathers Day! I love you: My father. 3、亲爱的爸爸,我爱您,祝您父亲节快乐!Dear Dad, I love you, Happy Fathers Day! 4、爸爸,父亲节快乐!我爱你!你的儿子张浩伦。Dad, happy Fathers day! I love you! Your son Zhang Haolun.
2023-08-06 17:49:211


happy Father"s Day
2023-08-06 17:49:292


happy father"s day.
2023-08-06 17:49:591


Happy Father"s Day....
2023-08-06 17:50:301


DearI love youHappy Father"s Day
2023-08-06 17:51:025


Let"s happy to the Fathers"Day!
2023-08-06 17:51:245

Happy father's day !是什么意思?

2023-08-06 17:51:4114


2023-08-06 17:52:465


父亲节的英文是 Father"s Day , 母亲节的英文则是 Mother"s day。 当你要说父亲节快乐跟母亲节快乐,则是 Happy Father"s Day 跟 Happy Mother"s day 。 下面列举出父亲节跟母亲节的相关英文例句,赶快学起来,下次就会罗! 1. Father"s Day 父亲节 例:Happy Father"s Day ( to you)! (祝你)父亲节快乐。 例:Today is Father"s day, I wish all fathers happy today! 今天是父亲节,我祝所有的父亲快乐! 2. Mother"s Day 母亲节 例:Mom, happy Mother"s Day to you! 妈,母亲节快乐! 例:Mother"s Day is an important day. 母亲节是一个重要的一天。 Father"s Day, Father"s Day 中文, Father"s Day 意思, Father"s Day 翻译, Mother"s day, Mother"s day 中文, Mother"s day 意思, Mother"s day 翻译, 母亲节 快乐 英文, 母亲节 英文, 母亲节快乐 英文, 父亲节 快乐 英文, 父亲节 英文, 父亲节快乐 英文
2023-08-06 17:53:171


2023-08-06 17:53:291

关于ipod touch4内的陀螺仪原理

三轴陀螺仪:同时测定6个方向的位置,移动轨迹,加速。 单轴的只能测量一个方向的量,也就是一个系统需要三个陀螺仪,而3轴的一个就能替代三个单轴的。3轴的体积小、重量轻、结构简单、可靠性好,是激光陀螺的发展趋势。应用   三轴陀螺仪角速传感器还有加速度传感器不一定是陀螺仪,也许是单纯的加速度计呢。飞机、轮船或导弹中的指示仪,其核心部分就是定向指示仪,它是一个装在能自由转向的小框架上的小飞轮(陀螺啦)。在这个装置中,轴承的摩擦力矩很小,可以忽略不计。另一方面,刚体结构高度对称,其质心集中在连杆中心处。这样,当飞轮绕自身对称轴高速转动时,无论如何改变框架的方位,其中心轴的空间取向都始终保持不变。(专业说法是:定向指示仪所受到的合外力矩为零,其角动量守恒)这是定向指示仪的重要特性。   如果在飞机上装上三个定向指示仪,并使三个小飞轮的自转轴相互垂直,飞行员就可以通过飞轮轴相对于机身的指向来确定飞机的空间取向。船舶上装上定向指示仪,海员可用它来确定海轮的航向。鱼雷,火箭中也装有定向指示仪,起到自动导航的作用。在鱼雷前进的过程中,定向指示仪的轴线方向保持不变。当鱼雷因风浪等影响,前进方向改变时,鱼雷的纵轴与定向指示仪之间就出现了偏差,这时可启动有关器械改变舵的角度,使鱼雷回复到原来的前进方向。火箭中,则采用改变喷气方向的方法来校正飞行方向。   在工程上,陀螺仪是一种能够精确地确定运动物体的方位的仪器,它是现代航空,航海,航天和国防工业中广泛使用的一种惯性导航仪器,它的发展对一个国家的工业,国防和其它高科技的发展具有十分重要的战略意义。传统的惯性陀螺仪主要是指机械式的陀螺仪,机械式的陀螺仪对工艺结构的要求很高,结构复杂,它的精度受到了很多方面的制约。自从上个世纪七十年代以来,现代陀螺仪的发展已经进入了一个全新的阶段。1976年 等提出了现代光纤陀螺仪的基本设想,到八十年代以后,现代光纤陀螺仪就得到了非常迅速的发展,与此同时激光谐振陀螺仪也有了很大的发展。由于光纤陀螺仪具有结构紧凑,灵敏度高,工作可靠等等优点,所以目前光纤陀螺仪在很多的领域已经完全取代了机械式的传统的陀螺仪,成为现代导航仪器中的关键部件。和光纤陀螺仪同时发展的除了环式激光陀螺仪外,还有现代集成式的振动陀螺仪,集成式的振动陀螺仪具有更高的集成度,体积更小,也是现代陀螺仪的一个重要的发展方向。   现代光纤陀螺仪包括干涉式陀螺仪和谐振式陀螺仪两种,它们都是根据塞格尼克的理论发展起来的。塞格尼克理论的要点是这样的:当光束在一个环形的通道中前进时,如果环形通道本身具有一个转动速度,那么光线沿着通道转动的方向前进所需要的时间要比沿着这个通道转动相反的方向前进所需要的时间要多。也就是说当光学环路转动时,在不同的前进方向上,光学环路的光程相对于环路在静止时的光程都会产生变化。利用这种光程的变化,如果使不同方向上前进的光之间产生干涉来测量环路的转动速度,这样就可以制造出干涉式光纤陀螺仪,如果利用这种环路光程的变化来实现在环路中不断循环的光之间的干涉,也就是通过调整光纤环路的光的谐振频率进而测量环路的转动速度,就可以制造出谐振式的光纤陀螺仪。从这个简单的介绍可以看出,干涉式陀螺仪在实现干涉时的光程差小,所以它所要求的光源可以有较大的频谱宽度,而谐振式的陀螺仪在实现干涉时,它的光程差较大,所以它所要求的光源必须有很好的单色性。   2010年,苹果公司创新性地在新产品iPhone 4 中置入“三轴陀螺仪”,让iPhone的方向感应变得更加智能,从此手机也有了像飞机一样的“感应”,能够知道自己“处在什么样的位置”。编辑本段手机方面的应用  最近两家技术研究机构对iPhone4内新增的MEMS 陀螺仪进行了详细的拍照研究,挖出了iPhone4新增陀螺仪的一些奥秘之处,这些机构同时还指出在苹果的另外一款新产品iPad平板电脑中本来也计划要 加入这种陀螺仪设计,不过后来由于某种原因放弃了这个计划,但有可能在下一代iPad中会加入这种功能。   UBMTechInsights网站经过研究发现iPhone4中所用的陀螺仪芯片其实是意法半导体公司的产品,这是一款三轴陀螺仪芯片,这家公司还同时为iPhone和iPad产品提供加速度传感器芯片。   TechInsights网站的高级分析师Steve Bitton则发现在苹果iPad机型的主板上,有一个空出的芯片位,这个空位的面积正好与iPhone4中陀螺仪芯片的大小相符合,同时空位的位置也正好设在加速度传感器芯片的旁边,而且同样靠近处理器芯片。   这个发现显示苹果原来本有计划在iPad上设置这种三轴陀螺仪,不过他们最后放弃了这个计划,也许将来他们会向iPad里加入这款芯片吧。   不过iPad主板上这个空位预留的针脚数目却与意法半导体为iPhone4开发的陀螺仪芯片不相吻合,而与另外一家厂商 InvenSense开发的同类功能芯片相吻合。   Gyroscope   “当苹果iPad刚刚上市时,InvenSense还是市场上独家能够提供三轴数字型陀螺仪芯片的厂商,因此当时苹果可能打算选用这家厂商的芯片。可见苹果确实曾经计划在iPad中加入陀螺仪芯片,不过最后放弃了这个计划而已。”   iFixit公司则更进一步,对iPhone4的陀螺仪内部结构进行了拍照分析,他们也发现这款芯片是意法半导体公司的产品,芯片的外壳封装上打有“ AGD1 2022 FP6AQ”的字样。而这款MEMS(微电机系统)陀螺仪芯片内部集成有微型电机系统,可用于测量手机的运动方向数据。   通过拍摄芯片的X光照片,研究人员发现这款芯片与意法半导体公司推出的 L3G4200D 非常相似,芯片内部包含有一块微型磁性体,可以在手机进行旋转运动时产生的科里奥力作用下向X,Y,Z三个方向发生位移,利用这个原理便可以测出手机的运动方向。而芯片核心中的另外一部分则可以将有关的传感数据转换为iPhone4可以识别的数字格式。   另外,iFixit 和 Chiwporks公司的网站上还放上了其它几种MEMS陀螺仪芯片的放大图片,感兴趣的读者可以欣赏一下:
2023-08-06 17:53:332


The Advantage of job interview Nowadays,job interview plays an important role in some companies" recruitment procedure.Generally,its advantages can be listed as follow: First,it help the company examine the applicators impartially in the interview .Some applicators may cheat in his personal resume.Through the interview,the recruiter may judge whether a applicator has cheated in his resume and then decide whether he is suitable for the position he apply for . Second,job interview provide some applicators who have no high diploma more opportunities to gain the job.He may show his good quality in the interview .At last ,job interview promote the communication between the recruiter and the applicator. It help the applicator know more about the company"s policy ,such as the salary,the welfare.At the same time the recruiter also know what the applicator want . Generally speaking,job interview do favor not only for the recruiter but also for the applicator.
2023-08-06 17:53:331


2023-08-06 17:53:3412


2023-08-06 17:53:4114


Nowadays,job interview plays an important role in some companiesu2019 recruitment procedure.Generally,its advantages can be listed as follow: First,it help the company examine the applicators impartially in the interview .Some applicators may cheat in his personal resume.Through the interview,the recruiter may judge whether a applicator has cheated in his resume and then decide whether he is suitable for the position he apply for . Second,job interview provide some applicators who have no high diploma more opportunities to gain the job.He may show his good quality in the interview .At last ,job interview promote the communication between the recruiter and the applicator. It help the applicator know more about the companyu2019s policy ,such as the salary,the welfare.At the same time the recruiter also know what the applicator want . Generally speaking,job interview do favor not only for the recruiter but also for the applicator.
2023-08-06 17:53:421

求文档: 陀螺仪传感器ENC-03工作原理

陀螺仪的原理就是,一个旋转物体的旋转轴所指的方向在不受外力影响时,是不会改变的。人们根据这个道理,用它来保持方向,制造出来的东西就叫陀螺仪。我们骑自行车其实也是利用了这个原理。轮子转得越快越不容易倒,因为车轴有一股保持水平的力量。陀螺仪在工作时要给它一个力,使它快速旋转起来,一般能达到每分钟几十万转,可以工作很长时间。然后用多种方法读取轴所指示的方向,并自动将数据信号传给控制系统。 现代陀螺仪是一种能够精确地确定运动物体的方位的仪器,它是现代航空,航海,航天和国防工业中广泛使用的一种惯性导航仪器,它的发展对一个国家的工业,国防和其它高科技的发展具有十分重要的战略意义。传统的惯性陀螺仪主要是指机械式的陀螺仪,机械式的陀螺仪对工艺结构的要求很高,结构复杂,它的精度受到了很多方面的制约。自从上个世纪七十年代以来,现代陀螺仪的发展已经进入了一个全新的阶段。1976年 等提出了现代光纤陀螺仪的基本设想,到八十年代以后,现代光纤陀螺仪就得到了非常迅速的发展,与此同时激光谐振陀螺仪也有了很大的发展。由于光纤陀螺仪具有结构紧凑,灵敏度高,工作可靠等等优点,所以目前光纤陀螺仪在很多的领域已经完全取代了机械式的传统的陀螺仪,成为现代导航仪器中的关键部件。和光纤陀螺仪同时发展的除了环式激光陀螺仪外,还有现代集成式的振动陀螺仪,集成式的振动陀螺仪具有更高的集成度,体积更小,也是现代陀螺仪的一个重要的发展方向。 现代光纤陀螺仪包括干涉式陀螺仪和谐振式陀螺仪两种,它们都是根据塞格尼克的理论发展起来的。塞格尼克理论的要点是这样的:当光束在一个环形的通道中前进时,如果环形通道本身具有一个转动速度,那么光线沿着通道转动的方向前进所需要的时间要比沿着这个通道转动相反的方向前进所需要的时间要多。也就是说当光学环路转动时,在不同的前进方向上,光学环路的光程相对于环路在静止时的光程都会产生变化。利用这种光程的变化,如果使不同方向上前进的光之间产生干涉来测量环路的转动速度,这样就可以制造出干涉式光纤陀螺仪,如果利用这种环路光程的变化来实现在环路中不断循环的光之间的干涉,也就是通过调整光纤环路的光的谐振频率进而测量环路的转动速度,就可以制造出谐振式的光纤陀螺仪。从这个简单的介绍可以看出,干涉式陀螺仪在实现干涉时的光程差小,所以它所要求的光源可以有较大的频谱宽度,而谐振式的陀螺仪在实现干涉时,它的光程差较大,所以它所要求的光源必须有很好的单色性。
2023-08-06 17:53:421


2023-08-06 17:53:441

关于英语人数的说法 :)

one thousand peoplefifty thousand people
2023-08-06 17:53:459


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2023-08-06 17:53:523


The Advantage of job interview Nowadays,job interview plays an important role in some companies" recruitment procedure.Generally,its advantages can be listed as follow: First,it help the company examine the applicators impartially in the interview .Some applicators may cheat in his personal resume.Through the interview,the recruiter may judge whether a applicator has cheated in his resume and then decide whether he is suitable for the position he apply for . Second,job interview provide some applicators who have no high diploma more opportunities to gain the job.He may show his good quality in the interview .At last ,job interview promote the communication between the recruiter and the applicator. It help the applicator know more about the company"s policy ,such as the salary,the welfare.At the same time the recruiter also know what the applicator want . Generally speaking,job interview do favor not only for the recruiter but also for the applicator.
2023-08-06 17:53:521


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2023-08-06 17:54:022


Company Name Head Count(这是我见到的英文原文,不会错的)
2023-08-06 17:54:035


《高等教育学》,人民教育出版社,福建教育出版社,1984 潘懋元主编,所以感觉是时间不对
2023-08-06 17:54:092


女孩英语表示为girl。girl的英式发音为[gu025c:l],美蠢镇者式发音 [gu025c:rl]。意思有:女孩,姑娘,未婚女子,女职员,女演员,(男人的)女朋友。拓展资料1、I must have been a horrid little girl.我一定是个人见人烦的小女孩。2、We had a little girl.我们有一个小女儿。3、I"ve been with my girl for nine years.我旅脊同我女朋友交往9年了。4、She"s just given birth to a baby girl她刚生了一个女孩。
2023-08-06 17:54:091


绕一个支点高速转动的刚体称为陀螺(top)。通常所说的陀螺是特指对称陀螺,它是一个质量均匀分布的、具有轴对称形状的刚体,其几何对称轴就是它的自转轴。 在一定的初始条件和一定的外力矩在作用下,陀螺会在不停自转的同时,还绕着另一个固定的转轴不停地旋转,这就是陀螺的旋进(precession),又称为回转效应(gyroscopic effect)。陀螺旋进是日常生活中常见的现象,许多人小时候都玩过的陀螺就是一例。人们利用陀螺的力学性质所制成的各种功能的陀螺装置称为陀螺仪(gyroscope),它在科学、技术、军事等各个领域有着广泛的应用。比如:回转罗盘、定向指示仪、炮弹的翻转、陀螺的章动、地球在太阳(月球)引力矩作用下的旋进(岁差)等。下面将首先利用角动量定理分析陀螺旋进的成因,再对几种陀螺仪的原理进行简要的介绍。以上回答你满意么?
2023-08-06 17:53:261


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2023-08-06 17:53:225


陀螺仪原理 陀螺仪的原理就是,一个旋转物体的旋转轴所指的方向在不受外力影响时,是不会改变的。人们根据这个道理,用它来保持方向,制造出来的东西就叫陀螺仪。我们骑自行车其实也是利用了这个原理。轮子转得越快越不容易倒,因为车轴有一股保持水平的力量。陀螺仪在工作时要给它一个力,使它快速旋转起来,一般能达到每分钟几十万转,可以工作很长时间。然后用多种方法读取轴所指示的方向,并自动将数据信号传给控制系统。 在现实生活中,陀螺仪发生的进给运动是在重力力矩的作用下发生的。陀螺仪特性 陀螺仪被用在飞机飞行仪表的心脏地位,是由于它的两个基本特性:一为定轴性(inertia or rigidity),另一是逆动性(precession),这两种特性都是建立在角动量守恒的原则下。定轴性 当陀螺转子以极高速度旋转时,就产生了惯性,这惯性使得陀螺转子的旋转轴保持在空间,指向一个固定的方向,同时反抗任何改变转子轴向的力量,这种物理现象称为陀螺仪的定轴性或惯性。其惯性随以下的物理量而改变:  1、转子质量愈大,惯性愈大  2、转子旋转半径愈大,惯性愈大  3、转子旋转速度愈大,惯性愈大。逆动性 在运转中的陀螺仪,如果外界施一作用或力矩在转子旋转轴上,则旋转轴并不沿施力方向运动,而是顺着转子旋转向前90度垂直施力方向运动,此现象即是逆动性。  逆动性的大小也有三个影响的因素:  1、外界作用力愈大,其逆动性也愈大;  2、转子的质量惯性矩(moment of inertia)愈大,逆动性愈小;  3、转子的角速度愈大,逆动性愈小。  而逆动方向可根据逆动性原理取决于施力方向及转子旋转方向。参考答案:传感器专家网
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2023-08-06 17:53:102


  陀螺仪原理是指陀螺仪工作的原理,螺旋仪是一种用来传感与维持方向的装置,基于角动量守恒的理论设计出来的。陀螺仪主要是由一个位于轴心且可旋转的转子构成。 陀螺仪一旦开始旋转,由于转子的角动量,陀螺仪有抗拒方向改变的趋向。  陀螺仪多用于导航、定位等系统常用实例如手机GPS定位导航、卫星三轴陀螺仪定位。陀螺仪基本上就是运用物体高速旋转时,角动量很大,旋转轴会一直稳定指向一个方向的性质,所制造出来的定向仪器。不过它必需转得够快,或者惯量够大(也可以说是角动量要够大)。不然,只要一个很小的力矩,就会严重影响到它的稳定性。
2023-08-06 17:53:092


young girl; maid; maiden; girl; lass
2023-08-06 17:53:079


2023-08-06 17:53:072


招聘是人力资源管理的工作,当中过程包括招聘广告、二次面试、雇佣轮选等。负责招聘工作的称为招聘专员(Recruiter),他们是人力资源方面专家,或者是人事部的职员。聘请的最后选择应该是用人单位,他们与合适的应征者签署雇佣合约。定义  招聘也叫“找人”、“招人”、“招新”。就字面含义而言,就是某主体为实现或完成某个目标或任务,而进行的择人活动。主体有法人,比如政党、企事业单位、机关、团体;也有自然 轰动一时的肚皮招聘广告人,比如乱世英雄、个体老板。无论是法人还是自然人,都必须以拥有为应聘者所需求的资源条件为前提,否则,即使皇帝也难以完成招聘的任务,比如崩溃王朝的皇帝。  招聘,一般由主体、载体及对象构成,主体就是用人者,载体是信息的传播体,对象则是符合标准的候选人。三者缺一不可。培训是一种有组织的知识传递、技能传递、标准传递、信息传递、信念传递、管理训诫行为。目前国内培训以技能传递为主,时间在侧重上岗前。 为了达到统一的科学技术规范、标准化作业,通过目标规划设定、知识和信息传递、技能熟练演练、作业达成评测、结果交流公告等现代信息化的流程,让员工通过一定的教育训练技术手段,达到预期的水平提高目标。一般招聘和培训是相辅的,一种类型是在招聘入职后进行新员工培训、技能培训等等;另外一种类型是公司先举办培训课程,通过考试再择优录取,所以说两者是相辅的。
2023-08-06 17:53:033


陀螺仪,是一种用来感测与维持方向的装置,基于「角动量守恒」的理论设计出来的。陀螺仪多用于导航、定位等系统。地下管线检测也有用到一种陀螺仪,全名叫做地下管线惯性定位仪。零偏科技的地下管线惯性定位仪是采用航空航天器的自主导航技术一- 惯性导航技术,对地下管道的三维位置信息进行测量的设备。主要特点是测量精度不受电磁干扰影响,不受管道埋深影响,适用于各种口径、材料的管道,测量速度快,测量结果可靠。
2023-08-06 17:53:003


印度和中国的时差是:中国比印度快2小时30分钟。印度使用德里时间,中国使用北京时间,新德里于格林威治时区东5.5区,比北京东8区差2.5小时。印度的西边境线刚好落在东5时区的中央子午线附近,东边境落在东6时区的中央子午线附近,于是,整个印度就选择了两个时区子午线的中间点作为印度的“中央子午线”,于是就产生了这0.5小时的时差。时差是指:两个地区地方时之间的差别称作为时差。随地球自转,一天中太阳东升西落,太阳经过某地天空的最高点时为此地的地方时 12点,因此,不同经线上具有不同的地方时。同一时区内所用的同一时间是区时(本区中央经线上的地方时),全世界所用的同一时间是世界时(0度经线的地方时)。区时经度每 15 度差一小时,地方时经度每1 度差 4 分钟。各地的标准时间为格林威治时间(G.M.T)加上 (+) 或减去 (-) 时区中所标的小时和分钟数时差。时差的计算方法:两个时区标准时间(即时区数)相减就是时差,时区的数值大的时间早。比如中国是东八区(+8),印度是东5.5区(+5.5),两地的时差是2.5小时,中国比印度快2小时30分钟。
2023-08-06 17:52:581


2023-08-06 17:52:5511

“人数”和“次数”两个名词怎么说? (我想用英文做一个图表)

人数: Numbers次数:reps
2023-08-06 17:52:554


2023-08-06 17:52:521


2023-08-06 17:52:516

女孩用英语怎么说 如何用英语表达女孩

1、女孩英语表示为girl。girl的英式发音为[gu025c:l],美式发音 [gu025c:rl]。意思有:女孩,姑娘,未婚女子,女职员,女演员,(男人的)女朋友。 2、例句: must have been a horrid little girl.我一定是个人见人烦的小女孩。
2023-08-06 17:52:511