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2023-08-09 09:16:58
TAG: 英文

你好。答案是肯定的 翻译成英语是:The answer is affirmative.



The answer is yes.


The answer is yes.


The answer is affirmative./

The answer is yes./

The answer is sure./

The answer is certain./

The answer is for sure.


The answer is sure


The answer is certain.

The answer is for sure.



  一、英文单词:   sure; certain; affirm; definite   二、双语例句:   1   她的回答是肯定的。   Her answer is in the affirmative.   2   去不去,我们还不能肯定。   We are not sure yet whether we"ll go or not.   3   我们肯定能按时完成任务。   We can certainly have the job finished on time.   4   他肯定会来。   It"s definite that he"ll come.; He is sure to come.   5   你能肯定你看得真切吗?   Can you be positive about what you saw?   6   肯定有人告发我们了。   Somebody must have informed on us   7   你肯定你该起床了吗?   Are you sure you should be up?   8   他问我是否准备好了,我给出肯定的回答。   He asked me if I was ready. I answered in the affirmative.   9   我闭了会儿眼,肯定是睡着了。   I closed my eyes for a minute and must have dozed off.   10   他不会再出现了,因为他现在肯定听说了。   There"s no chance that he"ll surface because he"s bound to have heard by now   11   我肯定是睡着了。   I must have dropped off to sleep   12   你肯定忘了关浴室的龙头了。   You must have left a tap running in the bathroom   13   我会把它给本杰明看,他肯定会知道。   I"ll show it to Benjamin. He"s bound to know   14   我显然不能代表其他人的意见,可是我认识的人当中肯定没有人会有这样的想法。   Obviously I can"t speak for other people, but certainly no one I know would entertain the idea.   15   她是一个非常温柔的女人,你现在肯定知道了。   She"s a very sweet woman, as you no doubt know by now. 肯定的英文是什么
2023-08-06 17:05:301


Of course
2023-08-06 17:05:426


2023-08-06 17:06:012


That"s for sure.
2023-08-06 17:06:115


问题一:"给予肯定" 英文怎么说 give recognition 给与肯定 gain recognition 得到肯定 问题二:肯定英语怎么说 sure certainly of course 问题三:那是肯定的用英语怎么说 absolutely一般口语用的比较多,肯定语气较强。 i"m sure Of course 问题四:英文怎么翻译,至少我得到了你的肯定? At least I met your approbation. approbation 赞许,认可 习惯用语: meet *** "s approbation 得到某人的肯定 问题五:肯定成绩的英文怎么说 肯定成绩 [词典] affirm the achievements; [例句]在肯定成绩的同时,也要清醒地看到,我们正面临前所未有的困难和挑战。 While acknowledging our achievements, we must be clearly aware that we face unprecedented difficulties and challenges. 问题六:“我可以肯定地说...”用英语怎么说? i can firmly tell you that... 问题七:要得到别人的肯定英语怎么说 To get someone"s sure, I need to make great efforts one time 问题八:是的!我非常肯定!英文怎么说? 如果单纯的翻译这句话 那么就是 如果有上下文 那可以说的口语化一些 例如(Sure !! I swear it.)(当然啦 我发誓) 问题九:“受到肯定”的英文怎么说? Something has been positively recognized by SOMEBODY 问题十:得到XX的肯定 英语翻译 得到某人的认可 Get someone"s approval get one"s recognition 希望帮到你!
2023-08-06 17:06:421


2023-08-06 17:06:525


  有种纠结叫做别人不信的事儿,可你偏偏信了。作为相信真理掌握在少数人手中的你知道有哪些表达肯定的英语说法吗?下面来学习一下吧。    表达肯定的英语说法:   1. (There are) no two ways about it   英文中这个短语表示“没有第二种选择”、“不可能有两种意见”,强调一件事“毫无疑问”,“别无选择”!   例:It was the wrong decision—there are no two ways about it.   这个决定毫无疑问,肯定是不对的!   2. You can bet your life   都说生命诚可贵,如果一件事到了能拿命赌的地步,说明这件事已经非常肯定了。   例:You can bet your life that he"ll be late.   你放心吧,他不迟到才怪呢。   3. Make no mistake about it   为了强调一件事的真实性和准确性,你可以在表达中加上这个短语,表示“绝对就是这样”,“完全可以肯定”。   例:Make no mistake (about it), if we don"t address these problems now, they will only get worse.   如果我们现在不解决问题,事情只会越来越糟,肯定就是这样。   4. Put/set the seal on sth   英文中seal有“盖章”的意思。西方签署正式文件的时候,都会用蜡油盖章封印。通常事情进行到这一步,就板上钉钉了!英文里也用这个短语表示事情已经很明确了。   例:The goal set the seal on their victory.   这次攻门确定了他们的胜利。   5. Beyond a shadow of a doubt   看到事情跳出疑云,昭然若揭,说明你已经十拿九稳,相当肯定。   例:She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was lying.   她十分肯定就是他在撒谎。    肯定的相关例句:   1. I would imagine she"s quite lonely living on her own.   我猜想她一个人过肯定很孤独。   2. But legal experts are not sure if such a charge can stick.   但法律专家们不能肯定这一指控是否成立。   3. I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.   我相信他肯定非常担心黛安娜。   4. If something"s a sure-fire hit then Radio One will play it.   如果哪首歌一定会火,那么第一频道肯定会播出。   5. They are bound to take time to readjust after a holiday.   他们肯定需要时间重新适应假期结束后的生活。   6. If there was any disappointment it was probably temporary.   即便有点儿失望,也肯定是暂时的。   7. I feel certain that it will all turn out well.   我觉得最后肯定会皆大欢喜。   8. There are thousands of students absolutely gagging to come to this university.   肯定有成千上万的学生都渴望到这所大学念书。   9. He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter.   他几乎肯定失去了今冬去印度旅行的机会。   10. The uncertainty created by this situation must be confusing for you.   这种局面所造成的不确定性肯定让你感到困惑。   11. The ethnic populations are so intermingled that there"s bound to be conflict.   各民族人口如此杂居,肯定会发生冲突。   12. I"mdefinitely going to get in touch with these people.   我肯定会跟这些人取得联系。   13. One thing I am sure of was that she was scared.   有一点我能肯定,那就是她当时被吓到了。   14. I"ll show it to Benjamin. He"s bound to know.   我会把它给本杰明看,他肯定会知道。   15. Come on now. You know you must be hungry.   好,来吧,你肯定已经饿了。
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2023-08-06 17:08:162


I"m sure. I bet.(我敢肯定)
2023-08-06 17:08:252


must 是必须sure 是当然definitely 是绝对是不同的情况,要用不同的词,没有万能词。
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2023-08-06 17:09:005


Undoubtedly, definitely。英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。它以Angles的名字命名,Angles是古老的日耳曼人民之一,后来移居到大不列颠地区,后来以他们的名字英格兰命名。这两个名字都源于波罗的海半岛的安格利亚(Anglia)。英语与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语最相关,但其词汇已受到其他日耳曼语语言(尤其是北挪威语(北挪威语))以及拉丁语和法语的很大影响。nitely。
2023-08-06 17:09:181

肯定性的单词 英语翻译怎么说

affirmative words/ expressionsaffirmative[u0259"fu0259:mu0259tiv]adj.肯定的,正面的n.肯定语,赞成方面例句与用法-词形变化-英英解释-查看全部例句与用法:1.One who supports a proposal or takes the affirmative side in debate.赞成者,投赞成票者支持某项提议或在辩论中正方的人2.An affirmative vote or voter.赞成票或投赞成票者
2023-08-06 17:09:271


当我们判定一个句子是肯定还是否定,我们多会首先从形式上加以裁判。在汉语里有“不”“非”等,在英语里有“no”“not”等来表示否定,而用“是”“yes”来表示肯定。   句中使用了表示否定意义的词的句子为否定句,反之则为肯定句。在绝大多数时候,句子的形式及其传达的意义是统一的。然而,无论中文还是英文,都会出现由于表达的习惯,语气的不同以及修辞等目的,用否定句式表达肯定含义,用肯定形式表达否定含义的言不由衷的情况。笔者试着做了一个并不全面的归纳,以期抛砖引玉。   在英语中,时常为了达到某种交际的目的而采取一种以否定句式来表达肯定含义的修辞方法,以加强语气或使语气更加委婉含蓄。我们常使用一些特殊的手段来达此目的。第一,词汇和短语手段。cannot/couldn`t或can/could+否定词(not,never,hardly,scarcely,etc) eg: I can`t wait to see him.(=I`m excited to see him.) 。否定词(no,not,little,nothing,none,nobody,etc) 与but,beyond,except,etc)连用eg: Nobody but Peter can do it well.(=Only Peter can do it well.)。第二,使用一些特殊的句式,否定形式的虚拟语气句eg: If he had not study hard, he could not go to college now.(Thanks to his hard work, he is in college now.),否定的一般疑问句, eg: Don`t you think we should try again?(=I think we should try again.)或特殊疑问句.eg: There is a lift, but why not use the lift?(=You should use the lift since there is a lift.) 。过去时的no sooner…than否定结构的句子eg: No sooner had she got to Guangzhou, she called me.(=She called me the moment she reached Guangzhou.)。含有not+表瞬间动作的动词+till/untill短语或从句.eg: He didn`t come back till 12:00(=He came back at 12:00.)。   与此同时,又有一些肯定的句式表达着否定的含义。我们也借助一些词汇和句型来达此目的。在名词及短语中,常见的有absence不在,stranger不熟悉,eg: I am a stranger in this city.(=I am not familiar with this city.);动词及短语有escape逃过,ignore忽略,miss错过,eg: I missed the early bus.(I didn`t catch the early bus.);形容词及短语有last不愿意的,deaf to不听,blind to看不见,eg:He is the last man I want to see.(=I don`t want to see him at all.),介词及短语except, instead of. eg: I`d like all kinds of food except noodle.(=I don"t like to noodle.);在复合句中包含before引出的状语从句, He left before I got there(=when I got there he wasn`t there.)。   英语中为表达否肯含义的肯否句式精彩纷呈,了解,熟悉并掌握这些表意手段不仅可以帮助我们正确地理解英文,还可以丰富我们的表达手段。以肯表否或以否表肯的语言现象说明:学习语言不仅要注意语句的表层结构(surface structure),更要研究其深层结构(deep stucture),即要研究其形式和传达的意义之间的各种不同类型的生成关系,切不可不求甚解,望文生义,将语句误解或错用。
2023-08-06 17:09:361


are you sure
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2023-08-06 17:10:074


问题一:"给出肯定的回答"英文怎么说 顺手采纳答案 给出肯定的回答 的英语是give a positive answer 例句: 问我是否准备好了,我给出肯定的回答。 He asked me if I was ready. I give a positive answer问题二:否定回答用英语怎么说 简单地说就是在动词后面加not,有is、am、are的句子会在这些词后面加not,I am (not) a boy.没有is、am、are的句子会在动词前加don"t或者do not,I (don"t)like basketball. 如果有must、may、can这类的词,在这类词后面加not,I can (not )walk. 一般是根据句子的不同情况进行改动。问题三:你害怕吗用英文怎么说,并肯定回答。 Are you afraid? 你害怕吗? Yes! 是的问题四:你的假期怎么样用英语说并做肯定回答和否定回答 噢 还有就是,目前我在学的ABC天卞英语中心的老师要我明白,事实上要掌握好英语应该是不费力地~必然要有一个适宜的研习情境与练口语对象,老师水平是关键 标准口音(建议找欧美外教)很重要 不间断经常练习口语 1 on 1家教式教学才能有更.好.的学习成效..课程结束后还要复习听取课堂录音档 把所学知识融会贯通~如果真的无口语交谈的人的情况 那么就到可可或沪江拿到课外教材练习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想 一下子语境会进步许多 学习效益会非常迅速明显的!肯定 Yes, she is.否定 No, he isn"t. 问题五:你能给我一个肯定的答案吗?用英语怎么说? Can you give me a positive answer? 希望我的回答能够帮到您,祝学习进步! (*^__^*)问题六:答案是肯定的英文怎么说The answer is sure The answer is affirmative affirmative 英 [??f?:m?t?v] 美 [??f?:rm?t?v] adj. 肯定的; 赞成的,同意的; 积极的,乐观的;问题七:答案是肯定的英文怎么说 正式的说法是:The answer is affirmative. 问题八:你能给我一个肯定的答案吗?用英语怎么说? Can you give me a certain answer
2023-08-06 17:10:141


highest lowestlargest leastmaximtum seldombiggest smallestlongest shortestquickest slowesthottest coldest
2023-08-06 17:10:224


肯定: sure,certain,affirm,definite否定:negate,deny,negative
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2023-08-06 17:10:401

对...确定,对...肯定/有把握 英语翻译

be sure of sth.
2023-08-06 17:10:532

得到认可 得到肯定 用英语怎么说

be recognized
2023-08-06 17:11:055


certain 英[u02c8su025cu02d0tn] 美[u02c8su025cu02d0rtn] adj. 确实; 确定; 肯定; 确信; 无疑; (不提及细节时用) 某事,某人,某种; pron. (不提及人或事物的名称时用) 某些;[例句]She"s absolutely certain she"s going to make it in the world她坚信自己会出人头地。[其他] 比较级:more certain 最高级:most certain
2023-08-06 17:11:332


affirm; approve; confirm; regard as positive; 欢迎采纳
2023-08-06 17:11:401


"一定"和 "肯定" 在英文中有不同的表达方式。"一定"的英文表达方式可以是 "definitely"、"certainly"、"absolutely"、"for sure" 或者 "without a doubt"。这些词语都可以表示确定、肯定的意思。例如:"I will definitely be there."(我一定会去。)"She is certainly qualified for the job."(她肯定有能力胜任这份工作。)"You can absolutely count on me."(你可以毫无疑问地依靠我。)"I will be there for sure."(我肯定会在那里。)"There"s no doubt that he is talented."(毫无疑问,他很有才华。)"肯定"的英文表达方式可以是 "sure"、"positive"、"confident"、"convinced" 或者 "assured"。这些词语都可以表示确信、肯定的意思。例如:"I am sure he will pass the exam."(我确信他会通过考试。)"She is positive that she can do it."(她对自己能做到充满信心。)"I am confident in my abilities."(我对自己的能力很有信心。)"He is convinced of the benefits of exercise."(他坚信锻炼的好处。)"She felt assured of her decision."(她对自己的决定感到放心。)
2023-08-06 17:12:061

肯定/一定 英语怎么说

2023-08-06 17:12:273


问题一:那是肯定的用英语怎么说 absolutely一般口语用的比较多,肯定语气较强。 i"m sure Of course 问题二:“我可以肯定地说...”用英语怎么说? i can firmly tell you that... 问题三:我敢肯定用英语怎么说 I"m sure. 问题四:得到XX的肯定 英语翻译 得到某人的认可 Get someone"s approval get one"s recognition 希望帮到你! 问题五:我只要你的肯定 和你的支持用英语怎么说 我来告诉你怎么写。。。。那就是。。。。到百度查一下 要不就去那个中英文转换的那个网站找 问题六:肯定的用英语怎么说 以便用英语怎么说 肯定的 definitely. positive 是的,肯定的 Yes, definitely. 以便 so that in order to to the effect that in order that on order that 我们努力学习,以便我们能更好地工作。 We study hard so that we may work better.
2023-08-06 17:12:341


肯定在英语有三个用法,I "recognize " your answer. =我肯定你的回答,The result is a "must ". =这结果是肯定的,You "certainly " will not to be there. =你肯定去不了。
2023-08-06 17:12:411


例句Mozart"s compositions are undoubtedly among the world"s greatest.莫扎特的作品无疑位列于世界上最伟大的作品之中。Undoubtedly, political and economicfactors have played their part.毫无疑问,政治和经济因素起了作用。Country music was undoubtedly one of the forerunners of rock and roll.乡村音乐无疑是摇滚乐的先导之一。拓展无疑 undoubtedly 毫无疑问地;无疑,必定;无疑地;无庸置疑地..毫无疑问Undoubtedly(毫无疑问),coffee is not for everyone.无庸置疑地unknown不知道的,未知的 undoubtedly无庸置疑地,的确地 un-
2023-08-06 17:13:171


肯定成绩 [词典] affirm the achievements; [例句]在肯定成绩的同时,也要清醒地看到,我们正面临前所未有的困难和挑战。While acknowledging our achievements, we must be clearly aware that we face unprecedented difficulties and challenges.
2023-08-06 17:13:401

英语翻译 肯定或否定怎么回答?

He isn`t wearing glasses,is he? 他不戴眼镜,是吗? 肯定回答:Yes,he is.(不,他戴.) 否定回答:No,he isn"t.(是,他不戴眼镜.) 回答反意疑问句和回答一般疑问句一样,肯定回答用"Yes,+肯定结构";否定回答用"No,+否定结构".这与汉语习惯有所不同.例如: -He"s a doctor,isn"t he?他是医生,对吧? -Yes,he is.对,他是医生.(No,he isn"t.不,他不是医生.) -He isn"t a doctor,is he?他不是医生,对吧? -Yes,he is.不,他是医生.(No,he isn"t.对,他不是医生.)
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2023-08-06 17:14:111


certainly, for certain, of course, surely, for sure, undoubtedly,no doubt 等等都是可以的,
2023-08-06 17:14:401


你肯定?翻译:Are you sure ? 意思就是你确定?你肯定?sure形容词 a. 1.确信的,有把握的[Z][F][+(that)][+wh-][(+about/of)]I"m not sure whether our team will win. 我不能肯定我队是否能赢。 We are sure of his innocence. 我们确信他是无辜的。 2.一定的,必定的[Z][F][+to-v]She is sure to write to you. 她一定会给你写信的。 3.确实的;可靠的One thing is sure, he won"t let you down. 有一点是确定的,那就是他不会让你失望。 Exercise is a sure way of losing weight. 运动是减肥的可靠办法。 4.稳健的;稳固的副词 ad. 1.【美】【口】的确;一定;当然It"s sure cold outside. 外面实在很冷。
2023-08-06 17:14:461


肯定这个意思吗?definitely; certainly; surely精锐
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certainly undoubtedly absolutely
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肯定句通俗点说就是陈述句。举例: she is a teacher她是一个老师。这就是一个肯定句。包含主谓宾!
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针对一个否定的陈述句应答时,依据客观事实,确认对方“否定”说法,即表示赞同. 其实,回答的形式与怎对一个肯定的陈述句一模一样.只是中文翻译(思维)不同,意思也一样. 针对一个否定的问句(反诘问句)应答时,也一样: 针对前否、后法意义问句. 未完.
2023-08-06 17:16:141

答案是肯定的英文怎么说The answer is sure

直接用The answer is yes就可以了啊
2023-08-06 17:16:222


Yes,it is.和No,it isn"t
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Yes. I couldn"t be more sure
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2023-08-06 17:16:482


statement sentence
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win one"s approbation
2023-08-06 17:17:363

英语否定表示肯定 用法

这是英文学习过程中,这是很多人会碰到的问题~1.不管是肯定问句还是否定问句,你回答的都是事实,而不是同同意不同意问话的人。所以无论问句是肯定疑问句还是否定疑问句,回答方式都是相同的。例: 1. Is he a boy?他是男生吗? Yse, he is.是,他是男生 No, he is not.不,他不是男生 2. Isn"t he a boy?他不是男生吗? Yes he is.是,他是男生 No, he is not. 不,他不是男生从上面两例看,不管人家是肯定问、还是否定问,你的答案都一样。另一个记法是,yes就是 yes, no就是 no,绝对没有Yes, he is not. No, he is.(这是中文逻辑下的产物。)再针对助动词的否定疑问句,还是和上面的Be 动词一样,不论否定还是肯定的问句,回答方是都一样:是就是,不是就不是。例: Don"t you like me?你不喜欢我吗? Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢你(当然,很多人主张这个Yes的中文要翻译成「不」) No, I don"t.不,我不喜欢你(同样的,有很多人主张这个No要翻译成「是」)最後,简单再提醒你一次,Yes不加 not. No了就要not。这样就不会搞错了~
2023-08-06 17:17:462


2023-08-06 17:17:574