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2023-05-19 19:24:21
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affliction 英[əˈflɪkʃn]美[əˈflɪkʃən]n. 苦恼,痛苦; 灾难; 哀伤,忧伤; <天>受克星体;[例句]His mind is not a mind for affliction.他的头脑是不受苦恼的影响的。
2023-01-08 19:19:051


可数,参考柯林斯字典affliction affliction afflictions 词义: An affliction is something which causes physical or mental suffering. (FORMAL)例句:Hay fever is an affliction which arrives at an early age....the afflictions of modern society.
2023-01-08 19:19:111

那些永远记不住的单词|Afflict 折磨痛苦【231】

英  [ə"flɪkt]  美  [ə"flɪkt] vt. 折磨;使痛苦;使苦恼 给他人制造痛苦和烦恼就是afflict,它和现代单词inflict, conflict都带有同样的词素( fligere ),拉丁文原意都是打击和针对他人的意思。它常见的主语包括病痛、问题等。 AIDS and cancer are maladies that afflict humanity. 爱滋病和癌症是折磨人类的疾病。 Urban planners and economists have been trying for years to find solutions to the plethora of traffic problems that  afflict  urban communities. 这些年来,城市规划专家和经济学家一直在寻找有效途径来解决这个令大众痛苦的交通问题。 与afflict相比较,inflict带有更多的自我承担的意思,比如:it"s a problem that people inflict upon themselves(这是一个人们自己造成的问题)。而conflict(冲突)因为含有con-的前缀,则带来了相互影响和伤害的意味。 它的名词affliction包含伤痛,苦难的意思,比起suffering,它的程度更加平缓和书面化,美国新闻记者Finley Dunne在谈到新闻记者的使命时,他用这句话来概括: Comfort the afflicted , and afflict the comfortable.  为伤痛者疗伤,让安逸者不安 如果用suffer the comfortable,则意义就十分不准确了。 每天更新一篇文章,记住和深度理解一个单词,英语上一个新台阶,从此轻松啃下英文原著。欢迎回复补充用例和记忆方法。 查看往期单词 我是 明道 创始人任向晖,通过写作而学习,通过学习而存在。
2023-01-08 19:19:161


英音 [ ə"flikt ] ; 美音 [ ə"flikt ] 及物动词: 使苦恼,使遭受,折磨词形变化:形容词:afflictive;副词:afflictively;名词:afflicter;时态:afflicted,afflicting,afflicts。同义词:smite;ail,pain,trouble。英语句子The poor old man was afflicted with diabetes.那可怜的老人受到糖尿病的折磨。These United States are confronted with an economic affliction of great proportions合众国面临着极大的经济困难。As for his quest of a bride, the thought of continuing afflicted him with anxiety and heartburn至于找老婆这件事,一想到还没着落,就急得他心口灼热。indebtedness that is an affliction;一种不幸的负债;
2023-01-08 19:19:221

求分析这句英语的成分,Shocked to learn of your mother"s death I express heartfelt condolence in

Shocked to learn of your mother"s death(状语:原因,相当于Because I was shocked...), I主语 express谓 heartfelt condolence宾语 in your affliction定语,修饰condolence译文:得知你母亲去世的消息,我感到十分震惊,并对你的不幸表示衷心的慰问
2023-01-08 19:20:206


2023-01-08 19:20:451


emotional suffers
2023-01-08 19:20:555


2023-01-08 19:21:192


1.不知道行不,老师今天刚讲了一个词--dédramatiser(v.)他解释为“淡定”,这是动词呵呵2.“等待”--attendre3.“悲伤”---triste(adj.) tourment(n.)
2023-01-08 19:21:292


aff的意思就是affliction 痛苦术,这个插件其实是给痛苦术这种dot类职业准备的,毁灭一共就一个献祭真心不用affdots
2023-01-08 19:21:392

暗黑地牢代码怎么用 暗黑地牢代码使用方法详解

杂项设定  文件shared/rules.json  里面记录了游戏内各个基础效果的详细概率和设定,每个系列设定我只给出第一行的内容以便查找。  第一行 设定  player_crit_multiplier_table 暴击伤害和增减压  combat_retreat_chance 战斗撤退  passed_turn_stress_dmg 跳过回合压力  deaths_door_self_stress_chance 死门压力  hallway_per_tile_stress_damage_fwd 走廊压力  killing_blow_relief_chance 消灭敌人减压  effectiveDifficultyDungeonStartingStress地牢开始时受到压力  affliction_base_onset_chance 折磨/美德概率  stress_affliction_resisted 折磨压力  affliction_camping_meal_balk_chance 折磨时扎营拒绝概率  curioTriggerChance_low 手贱概率  quirks_max_positive 怪癖上限  quirks_max_locked_positive 锁定怪癖上限  quirk_negative_locked_after_turn_count负面怪癖锁定  disease_after_quest_min_resolve_level副本后疾病  dotHallwayStepRatio 走廊减火炬  darkness 各个火炬值附加效果  meals_table 扎营食物  camp_restore_torch 扎营相关  scouting_enter_dungeon_scout_chance侦查  death_party_stress_chance 阵亡压力  max_provisions_before_full 吃食物上限  surprise_corridor_party_base_chance 惊吓  ambush_camping_base_chance 夜袭概率  stall_party_size_threshold 拖延
2023-01-08 19:21:491


  亲人的英文:   one"s close relatives   参考例句:   Love one"s fellow men and associate with the virtuous   泛爱众而亲人Kinsman helps kinsman,but woe to him that hath nothing.   亲人帮亲人,无亲来帮愁煞人。She"s spending Christmas with her people.   她与亲人一起过圣诞节. I sympathize with you in your bereavement.   我对你痛失亲人表示同情。The affliction of a Bereaved family   一个失去了亲人的家庭的`痛苦The sky is deep blue, and the yearning heart is expecting my dear family afar.   湛蓝的天幕,想念的心,我远方的亲人。Survivors of the disaster who lost their relatives are much to be pitied.   在那场灾难中失去了亲人的幸存者是很值得同情的。How could he do such an awful thing to his own kith and kin?   他怎么会对自己的亲人做出这样糟糕的事呢?I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your Bereavement.   我祈祷我们的上帝能缓和你们丧失亲人的痛苦。We were deeply grieved at your bereavement.   你失去了亲人,我们为你深感悲痛。one是什么意思:   num. 一;同一个、最重要的一个   det. 代替a或an,表示强调;某位(用于不太熟悉之人的姓名之前)   pron. 任何人;一个人;一个事物;其中的一个人   One, Taipei, one way.   台北单程票一张。This one is not a spoof.   这个就不是开玩笑了。One and one make(s) two.   一加一等于二。 close是什么意思:   v. 关闭;封闭;结束,结清;使靠拢,使愈合   adj. 接近的;亲密的;紧密的;严密的;不透气的;势均力敌的   adv. 接近;紧密地   n. 结束;终止   close unchanged   收盘时股价 Wright was close.   怀特是个吝啬的人。 The wound has closed.   伤口已愈合。relatives是什么意思:   n. [relative] 的复数形式;亲属,关系词   relative extreme   相对极值 Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.   成功是一个相关名词,他会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚(联系)。Einstein fathered relativity.   爱因斯坦创立了相对论。
2023-01-08 19:21:561

an imperial affliction有没有这本书

 并不是一本真实存在的书,作者在一次访谈里说了,不过主要是基于两本书,一本是Infinite Jest,另一本是The Blood of the Lamb。
2023-01-08 19:22:071

ample,abundant,enough三者的区别 都有点足够的.丰富的.意思.怎么区别呢.谢谢

ample ["?mpl] 基本翻译 adj.丰富的;足够的;宽敞的 网络释义 ample:充足的|宽敞的|广大的 ample evidence:充分证据 Ample Growth:鸿长企业 abundant "b?nd?nt] 基本翻译 adj.充裕的;丰富的;盛产 网络释义 abundant:丰富的,高丰度的|丰富的,大量的,充足的|丰富,充足的 Abundant Step:滑行步 abundant afflictions:烦恼多 enough [i"n?f] 基本翻译 n.充足;很多 adj.充足的 adv.足够地,充足地 int.够了! 网络释义 enough:足够的|忍无可忍|足够 not enough:不够|还不够|美中不足 fortunate enough:足够幸运
2023-01-08 19:22:252


最近这么多人问类似的问题,afflictionlogo,TKshirt天癸 这两个算是吧
2023-01-08 19:22:522


天赐manna (by nature也可指代天赐,等等)相关例句 1.Father: A banker provided by nature. 父亲:天赐的银行家。2.Occurring at an opportune time; providential. 天赐的,最合适宜的在合适的时间发生的;天赐的3.God sends meat and the devil sends cooks. 鲜肉由天赐,劣厨乃鬼遣。4.Follow your bliss. 所以,追随你的天赐之福吧!5.A visit of punishment or affliction or of comfort and blessing regarded as being ordained by God. 天罚,天赐被认为由上帝降临的惩罚、折磨、安慰和祝福
2023-01-08 19:23:016

Be JOYFUL in hope, PATIENT in affliction, FAITHFUL in prayer翻译下

对希望开心 对折磨耐心 对祷告诚心
2023-01-08 19:24:064


hardship, misery, suffering
2023-01-08 19:24:403


be vexed; be worried短语和例子别烦恼    dont worry; don"t worry不烦恼    man struggles upwards water flows downwards打扰,烦恼    bother担心,烦恼    worry about断烦恼    sever afflictions发愁,烦恼    worry发怒, 烦恼    fret and fume烦恼,担心    get sth on one"s mind烦恼冰    the ice of moral affliction i.e. its congealing chilling influence on bodhi烦恼病    restless impairment请点击输入图片描述烦恼藏    the store of moral affliction or defilement contained in the five烦恼道    the way of temptation or passion in producing bad karma烦恼的    agonising; carking; distraught; fretful; touchy烦恼地    agonisingly; agonizingly; plaguily; teasingly烦恼歌    djxiaoyu rmx烦恼海    the ocean of moral affliction which engulfs all beings烦恼河    the river of moral affliction which overwhelms all beings烦恼境    life"s distresses and delusion烦恼林    the forest of moral affliction烦恼魔    the māras of the passions烦恼泥    the soil or mud of moral affliction out of which grows the lotus of enlightenment烦恼树    the trouble tree烦恼物    annoyer烦恼习    the habit or influence of the passions after they have been cut off烦恼 令人满足的 【词性不符    vexation gratifying烦脑    annoyance
2023-01-08 19:24:531

英语 同病相怜 怎样说

同病相怜:sympathize with each other;share the same affliction; suffer the same fateBoth Jane and Elizabeth felt uncomfortable, and sympathized with each other.简和伊丽莎白都感到很不自在,两人同病相怜。和...... 同病相怜:be in the same boat with...
2023-01-08 19:25:051

Emily Dickinson 的这首诗叫什么名字?表达了什么含义?

2023-01-08 19:25:121

蕾哈娜《s&m》歌词 中文

2023-01-08 19:25:191

WOW 痛苦SS 英文原版有翻译没啊

TK WL我来纯搞笑的-_-
2023-01-08 19:25:262


Autsm゛陌亡 抑心 crofy Bitter、泪海 Monday‘倦情 Flower * 刺心 Review(旧爱) Lonesome.孤寂 执着 Paranoid Promise丶陌影 陌路、 Lucky。 心荒 Goddess Lost。 迷茫者゛ Timeless。落尘 时光谎言゛ sea Only one"默爱 冷忆ゆ Conquer 落幕丶sunshine AIlianˊ单人行 Anesthesia麻醉 控心丶Crazy°つ hobo (流浪者) 心疤 Heart scar 释怀° Believeヾ 难舍情 Separate Frustrated.失落 离沫倾城 winter° Outlier(局外人) 谁是我的only one 卑微暗恋 Inferio Amice丶回忆说晚安 De Ja Vu 幻觉记忆 交换末日 - Brave ° 未眠觉醒 awakening Minemine╰无心无痛 ゛Memor°情若寒ご Moment如此的伤痛℡ Ruo▕ 时光停驻于此 Try miss || 旧恋人゛ perfunctory.(敷衍) Painful love(痛爱) messy 遗置角落的念 One、Life 独厮守 ぢ. 凉城 〔Triste anima〕 Afflictionˇ ≡ 苦情 The only⌒?虚幻の承诺 Drink alone(独自买醉) Private Love 私有爱情 Fold the love(藏匿爱情) Lost heart hurts失心而疼 Desperate struggle拼命的挣扎
2023-01-08 19:25:351


2023-01-08 19:25:411


Na na na na Come on Na na na na Come onNa na na na na Come on Na na na na Come on, come on, come onNa na na na Come on Na na na na Come onNa na na na na Come on Na na na na Come on, come on, come onNa na na naFeels so good being bad (Oh oh oh oh oh)使坏的感觉真不错There"s no way I"m turning back (Oh oh oh oh oh)我拒绝回到那个温柔顺从的自己Now the pain is my pleasure cause nothing could measure (Oh oh oh oh oh)痛并快乐着的感觉让我欲罢不能Love is great, love is fine (Oh oh oh oh oh)爱的美好只有做了才知道Outta box, outta line (Oh oh oh oh oh)突破束缚和禁锢The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more (Oh oh oh oh oh)带着快感的痛楚让我想要更多Cause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经Cause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经Na na na na Come on, come on, come onI like it-like it Come on, come on, come onI like it-like it Come on, come on, come onI like it-like it (Na na na) Come on, come on, come onI like it-like itJust one night full of sin (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)这一晚充满了罪恶Feel the pain on your skin (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)我能感受到你身体上的痛楚Tough, I don"t scream mercy, it"s your turn to hurt me (Yeah, oh, oh, oh, oh)因此我不会叫你仁慈点,应为现在该你来虐爱我了If I"m bad, tie me down (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)如果我使坏,那你就把我捆绑起来吧Shut me up, gag and bound me (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)让我乖乖闭嘴,用东西塞住我嘴巴来限制我Cause the pain is my pleasure, nothing comes better (Yeah, oh, oh, oh, oh)痛苦所带来的快乐是其他任何事物达不到的Cause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经Na na na na Come on, come on, come onI like it-like it Come on, come on, come onI like it-like it (Na na na) Come on, come on, come onI like it-like it Come on, come on, come onI like it-like itS-S-S & M-M-M S-S-S & M-M-MOh, I love the feeling you bring to me, oh, you turn me on我太享受你带给我的感觉你让我HIGH到了极点It"s exactly what I"ve been yearning for, give it to me strong我在为什么而嘶吼你懂的重重的鞭打我吧And meet me in my boudoir with my body suit on-on-on我会穿上制服在我的房间里等你I like it-like itCause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经
2023-01-08 19:25:581


HURT [伤害] Helpless 无助 Deceive(欺骗) Fracture(破碎) Hurt 伤害 Dummer. ゛浅时光 nostalgia 旧梦 crazy miss[思之如狂] shielding-屏蔽 Temptation 无奈 Next Life(下辈子) Lonely(孤独的) Solitude(孤独) Anguish(痛苦) woeful(可悲的) Go To DieAutism゛孤独患者 weak 软弱 Traitor (叛徒) Monologue 独角戏 Private Love 私有爱情 Collapse(崩溃) Humble(卑微的) NothingRecky.窒息 Faith wither 信念枯萎 Rending(撕裂) weep(哭泣) Delusion(妄想) Deplore(痛惜) Tombstone(墓碑) Without(没有你) Relieved 释怀 肤浅っ゛shallow Redundant(多余) Despair(绝望) Sorrow(伤心) Affliction苦情 South blocks 南荒 Regre(悔) 奢望(Expect) Empty city 拾心ヾ secular(世俗) Lovemove on (离开) agoni(痛苦) Uninstall memories 卸载回忆 Tired 累了 sadness(悲伤) Solitude(孤独感) Tired(累了) Fedad(已凋谢的) °interment(埋葬) Lonelycity 孤城 Soulless(失魂者) Like to cry 喜哭 sad(悲哀的) Edelweiss、离殇 mirthless(无趣) Gossip(流言蜚语) Heart slave (心奴) Grieved(伤心) Break Down破裂 From(离人) Tears°(眼泪) The humble (卑微) Trance(恍惚) Laugt Me Alone(笑我孤独) Irritability 烦躁 Love alone 独自喜欢 detainment 挽留 FetterDelusion(妄念) Waive(放弃) Can not be cured 不可治愈 Manjusaka 凄美 passing(经过) single[单身] Scavengers[拾荒者] Spoil me 溺爱我 Perfunctory(敷衍) Aardia 无心 Suspicion 猜疑 The blame 黑锅 Perish(死亡) FALSE 虚伪 Screaming 声嘶力竭 sickgirl(病女) tearful(泪流满面) 花刺 Flower thorn- Lost Heart Hurts 失心疼 painful(痛苦的) Destiny 宿命。 tortuous(曲折) Burden(负担) cemetery°囚碟 Sad(伤心) lose(丧失) Chill(失意) Solitary(孤僻) Vulnerable″脆弱
2023-01-08 19:26:141


2023-01-08 19:26:212


Na na na naCome onNa na na naCome onNa na na na naCome onNa na na naCome on, come on, come onNa na na naCome onNa na na naCome onNa na na na naCome onNa na na naCome on, come on, come onNa na na naFeels so good being bad (Oh oh oh oh oh)使坏的感觉真不错There"s no way I"m turning back (Oh oh oh oh oh)我拒绝回到那个温柔顺从的自己Now the pain is my pleasure cause nothing could measure (Oh oh oh oh oh)痛并快乐着的感觉让我欲罢不能Love is great, love is fine (Oh oh oh oh oh)爱的美好只有做了才知道Outta box, outta line (Oh oh oh oh oh)突破束缚和禁锢The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more (Oh oh oh oh oh)带着快感的痛楚让我想要更多Cause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经Cause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经Na na na naCome on, come on, come onI like it-like itCome on, come on, come onI like it-like itCome on, come on, come onI like it-like it (Na na na)Come on, come on, come onI like it-like itLove is great, love is fine (Oh oh oh oh oh)爱的美好只有做了才知道Outta box, outta line (Oh oh oh oh oh)突破束缚和禁锢The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more (Oh oh oh oh oh)带着快感的痛楚让我想要更多Cause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经Na na na naCome on, come on, come onI like it-like itCome on, come on, come onI like it-like it (Na na na)Come on, come on, come onI like it-like itCome on, come on, come onI like it-like itS-S-S & M-M-MS-S-S & M-M-MOh, I love the feeling you bring to me, oh, you turn me on我太享受你带给我的感觉你让我HIGH到了极点It"s exactly what I"ve been yearning for, give it to me strong我在为什么而嘶吼你懂的重重的鞭打我吧And meet me in my boudoir with my body suit on-on-on我会穿上制服在我的房间里等你I like it-like itCause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经
2023-01-08 19:26:301


a blessing in disguise
2023-01-08 19:26:363


术士:Demon Skin 魔甲术Summon Imp 召唤小鬼Shadow Bolt 暗影箭Immolate 献祭Conglagrate 燃烧Curse of Weakness 虚弱诅咒Corruption 腐蚀术Life Tap 生命分流Curse of Agony 痛苦诅咒Fear 恐惧Summon Voidwalker 召唤虚空行者Creat Healthstone 制造治疗石Drain Soul 吸取灵魂Health Funnel 生命通道Drain Life 吸取生命Unending Breath 魔息术Create Soulstone 制造灵魂石Searing Pain 灼热之痛Felsteed 召唤地狱战马Summon Succubus 召唤魅魔Ritual of Summoning 灵魂仪式Rain of Fire 火雨Shadowburn 暗影灼烧Eye of Kilrogg 召唤基尔罗格之眼Sense Demons 感知恶魔Drain Mana 吸取法力Detect Invisibility 侦测隐形Curse of Tongues 语言诅咒Create Firestone 制造火焰石Banish 放逐Enslave Demon 牺牲恶魔Summon Felhunter 召唤地狱猎犬Hellfire 自坟Shadow Ward 防护暗影Create Spellstone 制造法术石Dreadsteed 召唤恐惧战马Howl of Terror 恐惧嚎叫Dark Pact 黑暗契约Death Coil 死亡缠绕Curse of Elements 元素诅咒Soul Fire 灵魂之火Inferno 召唤地狱火Summon Felguard 召唤恶魔卫士Shadowfury 暗影之怒Ritual of Doom 召唤末日使者Curse of Doom 厄运诅咒Haunt 鬼影缠身Chaos Bolt 混乱之箭Fel Armor 邪甲术Incinerate 烧尽Soulshatter 灵魂碎裂Seed of Corruption 腐蚀之种Unstable Affliction 痛苦无常
2023-01-08 19:26:481

ample,abundant,enough三者的区别 都有点足够的.丰富的.意思.怎么区别呢.谢谢

ample ["?mpl] 基本翻译 adj.丰富的;足够的;宽敞的 网络释义 ample:充足的|宽敞的|广大的 ample evidence:充分证据 Ample Growth:鸿长企业 abundant "b?nd?nt] 基本翻译 adj.充裕的;丰富的;盛产 网络释义 abundant:丰富的,高丰度的|丰富的,大量的,充足的|丰富,充足的 Abundant Step:滑行步 abundant afflictions:烦恼多 enough [i"n?f] 基本翻译 n.充足;很多 adj.充足的 adv.足够地,充足地 int.够了! 网络释义 enough:足够的|忍无可忍|足够 not enough:不够|还不够|美中不足 fortunate enough:足够幸运
2023-01-08 19:26:541

I want to tell you that we all________ (sympathize) you in your afflictions.

2023-01-08 19:27:042


n.烦恼, 麻烦, 动乱, 纠纷, 疾病, 故障, 问题vt.(使)烦恼, 麻烦, 打扰, 麻烦自己, 费神, 费心]n.(名词)A state of distress, affliction, danger, or need:苦恼:烦恼,痛苦,危险或匮乏的状态:in trouble with the police.与警察闹纠纷A cause or source of distress, disturbance, or difficulty:忧虑:烦恼、烦扰或困难的原由:One trouble after another delayed the job.一个又一个麻烦耽搁了工作An effort, especially one that causes inconvenience or bother:麻烦,不便:尤指导致麻烦或烦扰的努力:went to a lot of trouble to find this book.费了好大劲才找到这本书A condition of pain, disease, or malfunction:痛苦,疾病或故障:heart trouble.心脏疾病v.(动词)troub.led,troub.ling,troub.les及物动词)To agitate; stir up.烦扰;激起To afflict with pain or discomfort.使痛苦或不适To cause mental agitation or distress to; worry.使焦虑或不安;忧虑To inconvenience; bother:使不便;烦扰:May I trouble you to close the window?能麻烦您关下窗吗?v.intr.(不及物动词)To take pains:费苦心:They trouble over every detail.他们为每个细节煞费苦心
2023-01-08 19:27:341

pay a compliment和comfort它们分别是什么意思? a compliment(to sb.) 夸奖;称赞 Simon paid his girlfriend a compliment on her new dress. 西蒙赞美他女朋友的新衣服。 2.comfort vt. 1.使舒适 2.安慰 不可数名词 n.[U] 舒适;安逸 · He had saved enough money so that he could live in comfort. 他攒了不少钱,足以舒舒服服地过日子。 不可数名词 n.[U] 安慰 anything that makes trouble or sorrow easier to bear · The medicine gave me some comfort. 药物减轻我的痛苦 · We could give him no comfort (We could not comfort him). 我们无法安慰他。 可数名词 n.[C] 给予慰藉的人或事物 someone or something that brings help or kindness · She was a great comfort to me. 她对我来说是个安慰。 · Your letter was a great comfort to me. 你的信对我是巨大的安慰。 · creature (=material) comfort 物质享受 · Dutch comfort 不起作用的安慰 · increase travel comfort 增加旅行的舒适 · ordinary comfort 普通的安慰 · winter comforts 冬令用品 · live in comfort 生活安逸 · a source of comfort 享乐的源泉 · read with comfort 安逸地读书 · comfort in adversity 逆境中的安慰 · administer spiritual comfort 给予精神安慰 · derive comfort from 从…得到安慰 · enjoy comforts of life 过舒适生活 · speak comfort to a person 对某人说些宽慰的话 · take comfort from reading 从读书中求宽慰 及物动词 vt. 安慰;使舒服 make someone feel better, happier, etc. · He did his best to comfort (to give comfort to) the unfortunate man. 他尽力安慰那个不幸的人。 · "Don"t you want a candy, daddy?" he comforted. “爸,你吃不吃块糖?”他安慰说。 vt. 安慰;使安逸舒适 assure befriend cheer console content ease enjoyment gladden plenty relieve satisfaction satisfy solace soothe sunshine n. 不适,痛苦;庆贺 affliction aggravation congratulation disappointment discomfort distress grief v. 使悲伤;使恶化 aggravate lament pain
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2023-01-08 19:28:061


一般来讲英语很朴实,就用I"m sorry.或者I"m so sorry.如果想很正式或者表现得文绉绉一些,可以用Please accept my condolences. 也可以把上两者用在一起。
2023-01-08 19:28:152

either of谓语动词用单数还是复数

单数。either of的意思是:pron.任何一个。例句:You may take either of the roads.两条路你随便走哪一条。either of 表示“两者之一”,其后谓语动词用单数。 either of例句 Does either of the parties want to stop the fighting? 双方中没有一方想停止战斗吗? She drove away before either of them could speak again 没等他俩中任何一人再开口,她就驾车而去。 Do either of you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol? 你们俩有人吸烟或喝酒吗? Mary was a better rider than either of them and she excelled at outdoor sports 玛丽的骑术比他们俩都要好,而且她擅长户外运动。 In Britain, we have so far escaped, in large measure, either of these afflictions. 在英国,我们迄今为止已经远远地避开了这两类麻烦。
2023-01-08 19:28:291


brightbrightAHD:[brºt] D.J.[bra!t]K.K.[bra!t]adj.(形容词),bright.est Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts; shining.发亮的:放射或反射大量光的;照耀的Comparatively high on the scale of brightness.亮度较高的Full of light or illumination:明亮的:a bright sunny day; a stage bright with spotlights.阳光灿烂的一天;被聚光灯照得通亮的舞台Characterizing a dyestuff that produces a highly saturated color; brilliant.鲜亮的:能印染出饱和浓度高的色彩的染料的;鲜亮的Glorious; splendid:显赫的;辉煌的:one of the bright stars of stage and screen; a bright moment in history.舞台和银幕上一颗璀璨的星辰;历史上的辉煌一刻Full of promise and hope; auspicious:前景光明的,充满希望的;兴盛的:had a bright future in publishing.出版业拥有光明的未来Happy; cheerful:幸福的;欢快的:bright faces.欢快的面容Animatedly clever; intelligent.机灵的;聪慧的High and clear:清晰嘹亮的:the bright sound of the trumpet section.喇叭吹奏部分高亢的声音
2023-01-08 19:28:362

joe的by any means 歌词翻译

Can"t believe myself 无法相信自己Don"t know what to do 不知该做些什么Such a foolish move 这是多么愚蠢To walk out on you 抛弃了你Now I"m stuck on sick 现在我很苦恼Trying to win you back 试着请你原谅When all of this could have been avoided 这一切本来可以避免If I had just told the truth 如果我告诉你真相About where I"ve been 告诉你我到底在哪里About what I needed告诉你我到底需要什么About what I meant告诉你我的意思When I said I"m feening From more than you had(这个feen?是不是打错拉?不知道什么意思。。惭愧。。)Now more than anything I just need one more chance 现在我需要你多给我一次机会I gotta get you back我需要你回到我身边By any means用任何方法Back by any means我需要你回到我身边back by any means 回到我身边I don"t care what it takes baby I"ll do anything无论我付出任何代价,宝贝,我能为你做任何事I"ll do anything任何事都能做I"ll do anything任何事都能做You don"t belong in the cold你不应该被我冷落You shouldn"t be alone你不应该孤独Baby come back宝贝回来吧This is your home 这是你的家I gotta get you back 我需要你回到我身边By any means不管用任何方法Back by any means我需要你回来Back by any means 我需要你回来Back by any means我需要你回来Woman I can"t lie女孩我不该欺骗你To tell the truth说实话I"ve been sitting here in this room我一直在这间房里等待着Like why why why就像在问“为什么,为什么,为什么”And I"ve come to the conclusion我已知道答案Of what I need to do什么是我需要的Switch things up when it comes to you你做你的事Cut things off when it comes to me我做我的事(指互不干涉) That means do things differently这意味着以不同方式做事情So I"m B-E double G-I-N-G-U to C-O-M-E(。。。什么东西啊这??)小女不明白,,惭愧。。)Back to J-O-E-P-L-E-A-S-E please!请你回到乔身边! Baby don"t you get it 宝贝你可明白You are my addiction我对你是如此入迷And I was your affliction而我却是你的折磨Girl I learned my lesson女孩,我已得到教训I want you back 我想你回来By any means用任何方法Back by any means 我需要你在我身边Back by any means 我需要你在我身边I don"t care what it takes baby无论付出任何代价,宝贝I"ll do anything我能做任何事I"ll do anything我能做任何事I"ll do anything我能做任何事You don"t belong in the cold你不该受冷落You shouldn"t be alone你本不该孤独Baby come back宝贝回来吧This is your home这是你的家I gotta get you back 我需要你在我身边By any means无论用任何方法Back by any means我需要你在我身边Back by any means我需要你在我身边Back by any means我需要你在我身边Baby just tell me where you are宝贝告诉我你在哪里And I"ll come right now 我会马上来接你This you know你知道的I wanted ground cuz letting you go was我想知道原因,因为是我放的手My biggest mistake so far这是我到现在为止犯的最大的错误But im allowed a few of those但是你总要允许我犯几次错吧I swear I wont make no more我发誓我不会再犯错了Tell me that we can start over告诉我我们能重新开始I"ll do better我会做的更好I won"t never hurt your heart我不会再让你伤心Or do anything to pull us apart或是做任何再让我们分开的事I just wanna be closer我只想让我们更亲近Cause my greatest fear因为我最大的恐惧Is waking up tomorrow是一早醒来Without you being here却发现你不在我身边I want you back我想让你回来By any means 用任何方法Back by any means我需要你在我身边Back by any means我需要你在我身边I don"t care what it takes baby不论付出任何代价,宝贝I"ll do anything我能做任何事I"ll do anything我能做任何事I"ll do anything我能做任何事You don"t belong in the cold你不该被冷落You shouldn"t be alone你本不该孤独Baby come back宝贝回来吧This is your home这是你的家I gotta get you back我只想你回来By any means不论用任何方法Back by any means我需要你在我身边Gotta get you back by any means我要让你回到我身边Back by any means不管用任何方法————————————————————————————————————joe 《by any means》做任何事累啊。。这歌挺长的。。一句一句慢慢翻译真累。。呵呵希望对你有帮助。
2023-01-08 19:28:452

rihanna 《s&m》中文翻译

转感谢原译者“朗动MH”Na na na naCome onNa na na naCome onNa na na na naCome onNa na na naCome on, come on, come onNa na na naCome onNa na na naCome onNa na na na naCome onNa na na naCome on, come on, come onNa na na naFeels so good being bad (Oh oh oh oh oh)使坏的感觉真不错There"s no way I"m turning back (Oh oh oh oh oh)我拒绝回到那个温柔顺从的自己Now the pain is my pleasure cause nothing could measure (Oh oh oh oh oh)痛并快乐着的感觉让我欲罢不能Love is great, love is fine (Oh oh oh oh oh)爱的美好只有做了才知道Outta box, outta line (Oh oh oh oh oh)突破束缚和禁锢The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more (Oh oh oh oh oh)带着快感的痛楚让我想要更多Cause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经Cause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经Na na na naCome on, come on, come onI like it-like itCome on, come on, come onI like it-like itCome on, come on, come onI like it-like it (Na na na)Come on, come on, come onI like it-like itLove is great, love is fine (Oh oh oh oh oh)爱的美好只有做了才知道Outta box, outta line (Oh oh oh oh oh)突破束缚和禁锢The affliction of the feeling leaves me wanting more (Oh oh oh oh oh)带着快感的痛楚让我想要更多Cause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经Na na na naCome on, come on, come onI like it-like itCome on, come on, come onI like it-like it (Na na na)Come on, come on, come onI like it-like itCome on, come on, come onI like it-like itS-S-S & M-M-MS-S-S & M-M-MOh, I love the feeling you bring to me, oh, you turn me on我太享受你带给我的感觉你让我HIGH到了极点It"s exactly what I"ve been yearning for, give it to me strong我在为什么而嘶吼你懂的重重的鞭打我吧And meet me in my boudoir with my body suit on-on-on我会穿上制服在我的房间里等你I like it-like itCause I may be bad, but I"m perfectly good at it这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经这种感觉让我疯狂,我的确是很在行Sex in the air, I don"t care, I love the smell of it野战,也许是个不错的选择,因为我爱那野性的味道Sticks and stones may break my bones粗糙的地面磨蹭着我的皮肤But chains and whips excite me铁链的束缚皮鞭的挥打刺激着我的神经
2023-01-08 19:28:541

【★德语大侠请留步★】br- , dr- ,dl-,gl-咋发音?

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2023-01-08 19:29:004


2023-01-08 19:29:156


每一个英雄的几率都不一样。要尽量洗掉英雄的负面怪癖,每一个正面怪癖+5%苦恼抗性,抗性越高压满之后越容易正面爆发。还有装备可以加15苦恼(affliction)抗性的,装两个15%。正面最多7个怪癖加起来有65%概率了,再加上基础苦恼抗性,可以一搏了,所以越到游戏后期越压力满了越不容易崩溃。游戏攻略:先手必胜: 尽量挑选高速度的团队下地城,抢占先手先把敌人槌死,这样下一轮打你的人就少一个,最好的治疗手段就是不要受伤不要累积压力。挑选目标时比起本回合已经动作过的先揍还没动作过的,如果能在敌人开始动作以前就将其扑杀就是赚到;柿子挑软的捏: 敌人团队里总有几只是血低没有PROT%的,或是后排巫师祭司疯人会大量制造压力但防御能力差的,优先干掉他们,除了可以快速让敌人减员以外还可以避开它们制造的压力伤害或不良状态;集中火力: 把敌人全部打到剩1HP他还是会咬你或补同伴的血,与其用盗贼的grapeshot这类看似总伤高的范围技,不如选单体伤害高的,集中攻击先把单一目标,重复一次,死人没有伤害,没有压力。
2023-01-08 19:29:421

谁能帮我找到纪伯伦《组歌》中的《幸福之歌》的英文啊 急急急

2023-01-08 19:30:092

求一首英文歌,女声,快歌,里面的歌词的开头I LIKE I LIKE I LIKE I LIEK,I LIKE LIke...

Rihanna-S&M,或者是Selena Gomez的Love you like a love song.
2023-01-08 19:30:183


2023-01-08 19:30:311


一号A. 我想知道的事情之一,可能会设法将名单东西听说在常识 日本卜 笔名不见经传的西方世界,或许有助于了解一个主题的一些游戏. 一饿鬼是一个整体,在佛经中谈过几次列为一类动物 可能重生为. 能否成为一个饿鬼千奇百怪, 但最明显的是,通过挂职财富,食物,或是某特定对象. 这六个鬼遭受折磨; 饥渴、热、冷、疲劳与恐惧. 他们通常被形容成大型机构小小的四肢 一小口,细长颈,可能扣子. 虽然他们挨饿、干渴不断寻找食物和水, 最饿鬼不能喝酒或吃有节由于其小脖子. 重要的一点是,饿鬼不是好人,因为他们生活在人类身上; 他们的痛苦是因为自己折磨. 有人可能认为这是在决定是否帮助部分居民的游戏.
2023-01-08 19:30:374

compassion和sympathy意思相同 用法有什么不同

首先,来源不同compassion 来自拉丁语 sympathy 来自希腊语sympatheia 其次,用法 compassion 同情 Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children. 她对于没有母亲的孩子们充满了怜悯心. I have been a prisoner,so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison. 我曾经是个犯人,因此我对其他在监狱里的人深表同情. 对比一下这两个句子! 还有,一般sympathy比compassion更常用!
2023-01-08 19:30:522

有谁知道cross-laboratory airflow是什么意思吗?

2023-01-08 19:31:042