barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-09 06:00:25


词义:名词:游行;列队表演,展示;检阅,阅兵;阅兵场;一系列(人或事);夸示,炫耀;<英>(用于街道名称中)商业街,公共广场;<英>(常指远离大街的)一小排店铺 。


固定搭配:The Big Parade 大游行。


1、Felipe was in uniform for the parade.费利佩穿着游行服装。

2、He is not one to parade his achievements.他不是一个爱炫耀自己成就的人。

3、The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle.狂欢节游行场面热烈,蔚为大观。



排队的英文是line up。一、音标:英[ˈlaɪnʌp];美[ˈlaɪnʌp]。二、第三人称单数:lines up。三、现在分词:lining up。四、过去式:lined up。五、过去分词:lined up。六、line up的短语搭配:1、line up排队;排成行;整队;产前问题分析。2、Please Line Up请按顺序排队;请排队等候入场;请按顺序出入;请排队等候。3、line up a wall筑人墙。4、Select Line Up选取上一行。5、Change Line-Up改变球员次序。6、line-up station管线组对台。7、line-up clamp对直夹具。line up的双语例句:1、In fact,things don"t line up right.事实上,事情的发展方向并不正确。2、We line up and sing.We play,too.我们排队和唱歌。我们也做游戏。3、Would you help me to line up my watch?你能帮助我把我的表调准吗?4、You should line up your future works.你应该列出未来的工作计划。5、The plane circled twice,trying in vain to line up with the runway.飞机盘旋了两圈,试图对准跑道降落却没成功。
2023-08-06 15:14:181


排队用英语怎么说 Queuing 排队。英文翻译。短语 排队 stand(wait) in line/queue on a queue/ standing in lineGe in line 或Stand in line 排队到。。。用英语怎么说 排队到。。。例句用英语怎么说,比如我等了又等,终于排到我了: 排队到.. Got to the end of the queue . 我等了又等,终于排到我了: I have been queuing for a long time, and got there finally. 或倒装: I finally got there after queuing for long time. 都可以。 我已在你的另一道提问回答了你,你似乎不大信任我的答案。 排队 queuing 或 queue up, 我是居住在英国很久的华伦,你大可以信任我给你的答案是正确的。 很希望会对你有帮助。 中文翻译 5分 首先,我们可以用“stand in line”来表示。 另外我们也可以用“wait in line”来表示。 虽然和前者意思差不多,不过这里只不过它更强调等候,比如说:I patiently waited in line until it was my turn. (我耐心地排著队等轮到我。) 在比较混乱的情况下,叫大家“排队”该怎么说呢? 这时候我们用“line up”。比如说,公交车的售票员说的“不要挤,排队上车!”就是“Don"t push. Line up and get on the bus!”如果某天某个商店的衣服降价甩卖,人们争先恐后地抢购,这个时候售货员说,请大家排队,不要挤就是“Please line up! Don"t push!” 还有就是form a line;line up;classify;list;fell in ; 请注意,在英语“排队”的用法中,要区别英国英语与美国英语的不同: 1)queue [kju:] up:(英) 排队(等候); 如:The post office was really busy--we had to queue for ages to get served. 邮局非常忙--我们不得不排了好长时间的队等候。 queue up for a bus;排队等候公共汽车; jump a queue(名词):插队,加塞儿,不按次序排在别人的前面;(push in:英,非正式--插队,加塞儿); 2)line up (美) 排队(等候); 如:Line up, everybody! 大家排好队! The men were being lined up for an inspection. 男人们正在排队接受检查。 The teacher lined the pupils up according to height. 老师把学生按个儿高低排好队。 去排队 用英文怎么讲? 是对 老外叫的吗 不可以严厉的叫他去排队 老外都很讲究礼貌的呀 你应该说 打捞了! 请排队!谢谢! Excuse me ! Please stand in line ! Thanks ! 插队和排队等候用英语分别怎么说 jump the queue v.插队, queue up v.排队等候 排队的英文是什么 Line up 请问?排队等候,用英语怎么说? Wait in line 排队的英文翻译是什么? 5分 排队 form a line; line up; classify; list;
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2023-08-06 15:15:011


Ge in line 或Stand in line
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line upqueue up
2023-08-06 15:15:435


排队line up
2023-08-06 15:16:104


英文有lining这个单词排队的用法lining英 [ˈlaɪnɪŋ] 美 [ˈlaɪnɪŋ] n. 衬套;衬里,里子;衬料v. 排队(line的现在分词)line英 [laɪn] 美 [laɪn] n. 线条;排;行列;界线vt. 排队;用线标出;沿…排列成行;给…安衬里vi. 形成一层;排队;击出平直球第三人称单数: lines 复数: lines 现在分词: lining 过去式: lined 过去分词: lined
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问题一:去排队 用英文怎么讲? 是对 老外叫的吗 不可以严厉的叫他去排队 老外都很讲究礼貌的呀 你应该说 打捞了! 请排队!谢谢! Excuse me ! Please stand in line ! Thanks ! 问题二:排队用英语怎么说 Queuing 问题三:请排队 /不要插队 用英语怎么说 Line up please, don"t jump the queue! More questions! ―――精锐南方商城 问题四:排队到。。。用英语怎么说 排队到。。。例句用英语怎么说,比如我等了又等,终于排到我了: 排队到.. Got to the end of the queue . 我等了又等,终于排到我了: I have been queuing for a long time, and got there finally. 或倒装: I finally got there after queuing for long time. 都可以。 我已在你的另一道提问回答了你,你似乎不大信任我的答案。 排队 queuing 或 queue up, 我是居住在英国很久的华伦,你大可以信任我给你的答案是正确的。 很希望会对你有帮助。 问题五:请排队的标准英语口语该怎么说? 10分 Please line up 问题六:请问?排队等候,用英语怎么说? Wait in line 问题七:排队英语怎么说? Line up line是线的意思,站成线,很直,就是排队.嘻嘻
2023-08-06 15:16:371


line up to eat dinner(s)
2023-08-06 15:16:492


问题一:没有不用杀毒软件就能杀所有病毒的办法 安装个键还原软件,安装国外知名的杀软和一个国产的卫士,基本可以了。 如果这样还中毒,只能说你运气太好了。 问题二:那里有一行人排队用英语怎么说 A group of people are queuing up. 问题三:你在咨询,让后面排队的人等久了,英语怎么说抱歉的话 你在咨询,让后面排队的人等久了 You are consulting, let the people waiting in line for a long time 你在咨询,让后面排队的人等久了 You are consulting, let the people waiting in line for a long time 问题四:我前面还有多少人在排队? 英语怎么说? How many people are queuing in front of me 问题五:每次路过那家店,我总是看到好多人在排队。英文怎么说 Every time pass by the shop, there are a lot of people queuing up 问题六:每当吃饭排队的人多时 许多人都来插队用英语怎么说 Whenever we wait in line to eat, everyone start cutting lines. (请采纳
2023-08-06 15:16:561


  排队指呈现整齐的线形排列,而我们在日常生活和办事过程中也避免不了排队,遵守规则排队等候已成为现代社会文明的标示。那你知道排队等候用英文要怎么说吗?    排队等候英语释义:   wait in line ;   queue up    排队等候英语例句:   他们排队等候进入电影院。   They queued to get into the cinema.   打电话预先定座肯定胜似排队等候。   Making reservations on the phone sure beats waiting in line.   当然,如果负载超过了系统的容量,则不管最大讯息的值是多少,讯息都将排队等候。   Of course, should load exceed the capacity of the system, messages willqueue up irrespective of the Maximum Messages value.   有人说,就排队等候这件小事已经成为了文明的标识。   It says that such simple behavior as waiting in line has always been one of the hallmarks of civilization.   昨天是春运火车票开售的第一天,买票的人并未花太长时间排队等候,但不少车次的票很快就售完了。   NO one had to wait too long in the queue when Spring Festival rail ticketswent on sale yesterday, but many routes sold out quickly.   “我们知道您是大忙人”他们边说,边从你排队等候的车窗边快速闪过。   We know you are busy people, they say, moving so fast you line up at drive-thru windows.
2023-08-06 15:17:031


  排队,指呈现整齐的线形排列。下面就由我为大家带来关于排队的 英语 短语 集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于排队的相关短语   排队程序 queuing routine;   排队存取 queued access;   排队存取法 queued access methods;   排队存取方式 queued access method;   排队分析 queuing analysis;   排队管理程序 queue manager;   排队规则 queuing discipline;   排队过程 queuing process;   排队缓冲器 queuing buffer;   排队寄存器 queue register;   排队控制 queue control;   排队控制块 queue control block;   排队论 queuing theory; waiting line theory;   排队模型 queuing model;   排队期望人数 expected number in the queue;   排队器 queue equipment;   排队请求 queue request;   排队顺序存取法 queued sequential access method;   排队通信存取法 queued telecommunication access method;   排队文件 queue file;   排队问题 queuing problem;   排队研究 queuing study;   排队溢出 queue overflow   关于排队的相关短句   (顺次排列成行) form a line; line up; queue up:   stand in a queue; queue up for...; wait in [on] line;   排队等候   chow line;   排队等候进餐的行列   line up to wait for the sale of tickets;   排队等票   line up for tickets   排队买票   (归类排列) classify; list:   arrange the problems in order of importance and urgency   把问题按轻重缓急分类排队   关于排队的相关例句   1. The queue for places at the school has never been longer.   排队申请上这所学校的人数达到历史最高峰。   2. Make sure you join the queue inside the bank.   在银行里一定要排队。   3. We all had to queue up for our ration books.   我们都得排队领取定量配给票证薄。   4. There was still a queue for tickets on the night.   晚上仍然有人在排队买票。   5. Their health-care system suffers from queues, shortages and ropey equipment.   他们的医疗体系有很多不足:要排队等候,资源短缺,设备陈旧。   6. Thirty four people were slaughtered while queuing up to cast their votes.   有34人在排队投票时遭到残杀。   8. She waited in the bus queue.   她排队等公共汽车。   9. Passengers queued dejectedly for the increasingly dirty toilets.   乘客沮丧地排队等候使用越来越脏的厕所。   10. I had to join a queue for the toilets.   我只得排队等着上厕所。   11. I hate lining up in the cold to go to the cinema.   我非常讨厌在大冷天里排队等着看电影.   12. Don"t push in; wait in line like everyone else.   别挤进来, 要像大家一样挨个儿排队.   13. For nearly two hours, I waited my turn at the barbershop.   我在理发店(排队)等了差不多两个小时.   14. The students entered the school in procession.   学生们排队进入学校.   15. People are lining up to buy commemoration stamps.   人们正在排队购买纪念邮票.   关于排队的双语例句   咖啡馆人手不够,所以我们不得不排队等候。   The cafeteria is short handed so we"ll have to wait in line.   许多人排队等著看那部电影。   A lot of people were queuing for the film.   学生们排队取新书。   The students all stand in line to get their new books.   我可不太喜欢排队的事。   I don"t much like this queuing lark.   我看你得排队。   I think you"re meant to queue.   可修排队系统是一种重要的排队论模型。   The repairable queue system is an important model of queue theory.   另外两名则进去银行排队。   The other two entered the bank and stood in line.   孩子们排队等候买票。   Children queued up for tickets.   该起床去排队买早点了。   Then it was time to roll out and line up for morning chow.
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wait for bus in a queue
2023-08-06 15:17:184


1.Children will line up outside the cafeteria doors in an orderly manner. 孩子们要食堂门外依次排队. 2.Children will be assigned tables by classrooms. 孩子们按班级分桌. 3.Children will clean their tables and floor before they leave the lunchrooom. 孩子们要在离开食堂前清理桌面和地面. 4.Children will talk in low voices while eating. 孩子们吃饭时要轻声低语. 5.Children can"t run in the lunchroom. 孩子们不能在食堂跑动. 6.Children will be respectful to fellow students,lunchroom personnel. 孩子们要尊敬同学和食堂老师. 7.Children must raise hands before throwing food away. 孩子们要在倒剩饭前举手.
2023-08-06 15:17:371


wait in a queue 排队等候双语例句:1.You must always wait in a queue. 你必须一直排队等候。2.And so the visitors wait in a queue measured in kilometres, and hours. 那么旅客便在数公里长的队伍中等待,一等便是几个小时。3.Wait in a queue within the designated area, follow the order when getting on or getting off the vehicle, take good care of the older and children, do not squash or run. 候车时请在指定区域排队,上下车辆请遵守秩序,照顾好老人小孩,切勿拥挤抢行。
2023-08-06 15:17:473

请问自觉排队用英文怎么说啊 谢谢!

Please line up!
2023-08-06 15:17:565


wait in a queue to pay 排队等候 queue up for wait in line wait for one"s turn wait in a queue
2023-08-06 15:18:111


get your number in the queue
2023-08-06 15:18:214


我们需排队等着轮到我们We need to wait in line for our turn.我们需排队等着轮到我们We need to wait in line for our turn.
2023-08-06 15:18:311


问题一:请问热饮第二杯半价还有那边排队结账英语怎么说?求英语大神们TAT谢谢!! Hot drink will be at half the price for a second cup stand in line there to pay, pls. 最近在国外看到一种说法 buy one get one 50% off 问题二:热饮第二杯半价还有那边排队结账英语怎么说 If you buy two cups of hot drinking,the secound one will be half price Please pay for your bill there 问题三:英文“结账”怎么说,要平常生活中说的 结账,付款在英语口语中要说 foot the bill , foot 是动词,bill是账单的意思。“埋单”就是根据这个意思翻译成中文的。如果日常生活中在餐馆结账,要表达“我来结账”,就是另一层意思,通常说It is my treat. 我来买单。 问题四:结账台用英语怎么说 cashier 问题五:请自觉排队点餐谢谢合作英语怎么说 please ,queue in line for your turn ;thanks for your cooperation. 问题六:英语翻译 A: I am sorry, please billing here (receipts) and then to take this single front (side) checkout checkout. Unnecessary queuing. Single and then take the cash register (single checkout) to here (I am here ) you need to take the red wine. Thank you for ing again. 还有其他语言的 日语: 私は申しUありませんが、ここでご请求书(领书)を取る、それから、この1つのフロント(サイド)チェックアウトチェックアウト。待ち行列不要です。それから1つのレジを取る( 1つのチェックアウト)をここに(私はここ)の赤ワインを取る必要があります。再び来るいただきありがとうございます。 法语 Je suis désolé, s"il vous pla?t ici de facturation (re?us), puis de prendre ce seul avant (latéraux) checkout checkout. Files d"attente inutiles. Simple et prendre ensuite la caisse enregistreuse (une seule caisse) à ici (je suis là), vous devez prendre le vin rouge. Thank you for ing again. 意大利语: Mi dispiace, ti preghiamo di fatturazione qui (entrate) e poi a prendere questo singolo anteriore (lato) di checkout di checkout. Inutili code. Unico e quindi prendere il registratore di cassa (unico checkout) fino a qui (io sono qui), si deve prendere il vino rosso. Grazie per aver scelto di venire di nuovo. 问题七:超市里人们正排队在收银台结账,小明因为急着要回家,就插到了队伍的前面,如果你也在场,你会怎样劝告他 要是都说有事插队不就乱套了,急不在一时,还是自觉排队的好。 问题八:使用多点自由购快还是排队结账快呢? 肯定是多点自由购快啦,使用多点自由购的用户可以利用APP自行扫码付账,最后出示付账所得的订单条码就可以离开超市,而排队还要在收银台经历不知道多久的等待,身心疲惫。 问题九:现在车上经常贴着“熊出没注意”是什么意思? 5分 “熊出没注意”是在日本北海道提醒人们注意熊,起到警示的作用。贴到车上,无非就是告诉别人车主比较厉害,小心点,离车远点。但是现在贴的太多了,就没有新意了。 “熊出没注意”的原意是这样的:北海道标志性的动物有两样,一是猫头鹰,再一个就是熊。各处观光点度假地的商店里总能见到这两位。过去,大概北海道的熊是够多的,所以人们在熊经常出没的地方,张贴“熊出没注意”的警示标语。现在,这条警示标语变成了商标,黄底黑字,做在T恤、酒杯等许多商品上,成了北海道的一个特色。 现在..很多人由于对此不甚清楚而沦为哈日典型的例子.想起上次一个清纯女生穿着写no underweart恤招摇, 在此诚恳建议:不懂的英文单词不要穿;不知道来历的标志不要用!!!
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英文line介绍如下:line,英文单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“排成一行;划线于;以线条标示;使…起皱纹”,作不及物动词时意为“排队;站成一排”,作名词时意为“路线,航线;排;绳,人名;(英)莱恩;(俄)利涅”。基本用法1.line的基本意思是“线,线条”,指在物体表面上留下的长的痕迹,既可以是直的,也可以是弯的;既可指具体的线,也可指抽象的线。具体的线如电话线、绳子、铁路线等;抽象的线如行业、专长、方针、路线等。2.line作“行”解时是单位词,其后常可接“of+ n. ”, of后的名词如是不可数名词表示复数意义时, line用复数形式;of后的名词如是可数名词,用于复数意义时,line和该名词均用复数形式。3.line还可作“赤道”解,其前须加定冠词the。4.“a line of+ n. ”作主语时,谓语动词的数由line决定,而不依其后的名词。5.line的基本意思是“用线表示,画线于”,引申可指“排成一行”“排队,排齐”。line还可作“给…加衬里”解,作此解时,常与介词with连用。6.line可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。短语搭配、Transmission Line[电讯]传输线 ; 输电线 ; 输电线路 ;[电讯]传输线路Maginot Line马奇诺防线 ; 马其诺防线 ; 马其诺防地 ; 诺防线lateral line体侧线 ; 支线 ; 侧线器官Line Islands莱恩群岛 ; 列岛群岛 ; 至列岛群岛Curzon Line寇松线Wallace Line华莱士线 ; 华理士分界线 ; 分界线Hindenburg Line兴登堡防线line printer[计]行式打印机 ; 一次一行印刷机 ; 打印机 ;[计]宽行打印机line graph[数]线图 ; 曲线图 ; 线形图 ; 折线图
2023-08-06 15:18:451

是在这排队吗 英文

Queue here?比较口语
2023-08-06 15:18:583

实用英文| 5个基本的英国日常礼仪

大家对英国礼仪的印象是什么?就觉得是个绅士国家,但又说不出有什么礼仪吗?一起来看看5个英国基本的日常礼仪吧! 1. shake hands 握手 不论是碰到熟人还是第一次见面,在英国握手是很基本的礼仪,记得力道不要太重也不要太轻,而且握手时要看对方眼睛。当然微笑也不能少,通常是两人一见面会先向对方笑一下说hi,然后握手打招呼。 2. hold the door 替别人扶著门 如果你推开门要走出去,刚好你后面也有人要出去,你会稍微扶著门给对方空间,还是直接一走了之?在英国,不论你认不认识对方,稍微扶著门也是个基本礼仪喔。 3. Queueing up / Getting in line 排队 英式英文的排队是queueing,我们常见的get in line是美式英文喔。排队的礼仪很基本,在英国也是一样,就是不要插队(Push in),如果插队的话很没礼貌。 4. cover your mouth when you sneeze/cough 咳嗽、打喷嚏时捂住嘴巴 在英国人们不会吐痰在路边,他们要打喷嚏或咳嗽时一定会盖住嘴巴,而且很有趣的一点是,如果对方是认识的人,他们会说Bless you. 5. Please, thank you, sorry 请、谢谢、对不起 英国是个绅士国家,或许有点礼貌过头了,所以他们最常挂在嘴边的字就是请、谢谢、对不起,如果你碰到英国人一直说这些,也不要觉得他们很做作或太客气,那就是他们的习惯。 礼仪, 英国
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2023-08-06 15:19:3212


attention, 立正 at ease, 稍息face right, 向右看face left, 向左看left turn, 向左转right turn, 向右转back turn,向后转joging 慢跑ready, 预备action, 开始stop, 停止Let"s run! 大家一起跑步
2023-08-06 15:20:292

在排队取号等接待的情况下 怎么用英语说

在排队取号等接待的情况下英文翻译In the queue, take the number and other reception
2023-08-06 15:20:371


1.Keep in line for food; 2.Do not be noisy/speak loudly; 3.Have meal at your own seat 4.Keep the table clean when finish your meal 5.Do not waste food 1,must wait for their feeding 2,prohibits loud talk and laugh 3,must sit in their seats dining 4,after dinner to clean up their table 5,waste food ban 1st,must line up takes food 2,the prohibition chats loud 3,must sit after own seat goes to eat 4,the food must clean up own dinner table 5,prohibition waste food
2023-08-06 15:20:461

排队英语怎么说 排队翻译成英文是啥

1、排队:queue up。 2、发音:英 [kju: u028cp] 美 [kju u028cp]。 3、例句:As hundreds queue up at the water-holes, bitter fights break out. 几百人在水坑边排队,激烈的争斗不时爆发。
2023-08-06 15:21:231


  排队,指呈现整齐的线形排列,对于日常维持秩序来说是很重要的。那么你知道排队用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习排队的英语知识吧。    排队英语说法   queue   line up   form a line    排队的相关短语   排队论 queueing theory ; waiting line theory ; Queue Theory ;   优先排队 priority queuing ; priority queue ; PQ ; Preferential Queuing   排队原则 queue discipline ; queuing discipline   排队延迟 queueing delay ; queueing theory ; queue delay   输出排队 output queue ; output work queue ; output queuing ; CICOQ   公平排队 FQ FairQueuing ; Fair Queuing ; CIF-Q ; FairQueueing   排队系统 queuing system ; LB-PD-C ; ACD    排队的英语例句   1. The queue for places at the school has never been longer.   排队申请上这所学校的人数达到历史最高峰。   2. Make sure you join the queue inside the bank.   在银行里一定要排队。   3. We all had to queue up for our ration books.   我们都得排队领取定量配给票证薄。   4. There was still a queue for tickets on the night.   晚上仍然有人在排队买票。   5. Their health-care system suffers from queues, shortages and ropey equipment.   他们的医疗体系有很多不足:要排队等候,资源短缺,装置陈旧。   6. Thirty four people were slaughtered while queuing up to cast their votes.   有34人在排队投票时遭到残杀。   7. The characters plain ceaselessly about food queues, prices and corruption.   那些人不停地抱怨购买食品要排队、物价问题以及 *** 的问题。   8. She waited in the bus queue.   她排队等公共汽车。   9. Passengers queued dejectedly for the increasingly dirty toilets.   乘客沮丧地排队等候使用越来越脏的厕所。   10. I had to join a queue for the toilets.   我只得排队等著上厕所。   11. I hate lining up in the cold to go to the cinema.   我非常讨厌在大冷天里排队等著看电影.   12. Don"t push in; wait in line like everyone else.   别挤进来, 要像大家一样挨个儿排队.   13. For nearly two hours, I waited my turn at the barbershop.   我在理发店排队等了差不多两个小时.   14. The students entered the school in procession.   学生们排队进入学校.   15. People are lining up to buy memoration stamps.   人们正在排队购买纪念邮票.   排队英语阅读:原来超市里这样排队结账最快!   It can be one of the most frustrating things in life – waiting in line at the supermarket   在超市排队结账真是一件非常让人懊恼崩溃的事。   But new research shows that a few simple "life hacks" can make the process much quicker and pain-free than you may think.   但最新调查研究表明,几个简单的生活小技巧可帮助我们加快结账排队速度,并且没有我们想象中那么复杂麻烦。   Choosing to be served by female cashiers, standing in queues that feed into several tills and spying on other shoppers" grocery shop are just some of the ways to avoid the dreaded queues.   选女收银员结账,排有若干个收款台的队伍,“偷瞄”其他顾客所买的杂货都能让我们避免那令人抓狂的长队。   And opting for checkouts on the left or queuing behind shoppers with a trolley could also help cut down the amount of time waiting in line.   此外,选择左手边结账口或排在推著购物车的顾客后面也能减少队伍等待时间。   The "life hacks" have emerged after researchers found that the average Briton spends between one and six months of their life standing in line at the shops.   生活小妙招的出现源于研?a href="" target="_blank">咳嗽狈⑾钟⒐?艘簧?骄??ǚ巖坏搅?鲈率奔湓谏痰昱哦拥群颉?/p>   De *** os, a US organisation that promotes maths, technology and data, has spent months *** ysing supermarket data and has revealed the best ways to beat the queues.   一家专业研究数字、技术和资料的美国机构De *** os花费了数个月时间对超市资料进行了分析,并提出了不用长时间排队等候的最佳方式。   Dan Meyer, a former maths teacher turned chief academic officer at De *** os, said it takes a baseline of 41 seconds for each customer to pass through a till, with an additional three seconds added on per item they are purchasing.   曾是一名数学老师、后成为De *** os首席学术官的达恩·迈尔表示,每名顾客通过收银台平均要用41秒,购买的物品每件再额外增加3秒。   "Every person requires a fixed amount of time to say hello, pay, say goodbye and clear out of the lane," he told the New York Times.   他在接受《 *** 》采访时表示:“每个人说你好、支付多少钱、再见以及结完账腾出空位的时间都是固定不变的。”   He said the data showed that standing in line with numerous customers who are buying fewer items – such as basket shoppers at the "10 items or less" checkout – can be a bad choice.   他说道,资料显示,排在很多购物少的顾客后面——比如在“10件或少于10件”结账口使用购物篮的顾客,会是个很糟糕的决定。   Instead, he says it actually works out quicker to stand behind one person with a trolley full of items, as the face-to-face interaction time is quicker than having to wait for the cashier to greet numerous shoppers.   相反,站在一个购物车满满当当的顾客后面速度会更快,因为和等待收银员一个个问候顾客相比,面对面交流时间减少能够加快排队速度。   Meanwhile, Robert Samuel, founder of the New York-based Same Ole Line Dudes – a service that stands in line on behalf of customers - said most people are right-handed and therefore tend to queue on the right-hand side.   同时,纽约Same Ole Line Dudes公司一家专门代客排队的服务机构的创始人罗伯特·塞缪尔表示,由于大多数人是右撇子,所以多倾向于站在右边队伍排队。   He advises customers to queue on the left, and said he opts for female cashiers.   他建议顾客站在左边,并表示他会选择女性收银员。   "This may seem sexist, but I prefer female cashiers. In my experience they seem to be the most expedient at register transactions and processing," he told the newspaper.   他在接受《 *** 》采访时表示:“虽然这似乎有点性别歧视,但我确实更倾向于选女收银员。根据我的亲身体验,女收银员在结账交易处理上更快捷利索。”   His other advice includes always facing bar codes toward the cashier, removing the hangers of clothes before they are scanned and splitting the items between yourself and a friend to get through the tills quicker.   他还提出了一些其它建议,比如将商品条形码正对收银员、在收银员扫码前把衣服上的衣架摘去、将自己和朋友买的东西分开来等等,这些都能加快结账速度。 猜你喜欢: 1.食堂排队全警示语 2.排队的英文是什么 3.安静地排队的英文怎么写 4.插队的英文 5.挂号用英语怎么说
2023-08-06 15:21:301

英语翻译 排队用英文怎么说?

首先,我们可以用“stand in line”来表示. 另外我们也可以用“wait in line”来表示. 虽然和前者意思差不多,不过这里只不过它更强调等候,比如说:I patiently waited in line until it was my turn.(我耐心地排着队等轮到我.) 在比较混乱的情况下,叫大家“排队”该怎么说呢? 这时候我们用“line up”.比如说,公交车的售票员说的“不要挤,排队上车!”就是“Don"t push.Line up and get on the bus!”如果某天某个商店的衣服降价甩卖,人们争先恐后地抢购,这个时候售货员说,请大家排队,不要挤就是“Please line up!Don"t push!” 还有就是form a line;line up;classify;list;fell in ; 请注意,在英语“排队”的用法中,要区别英国英语与美国英语的不同: 1)queue [kju:] up:(英) 排队(等候); 如:The post office was really busy--we had to queue for ages to get served.邮局非常忙--我们不得不排了好长时间的队等候. queue up for a bus;排队等候公共汽车; jump a queue(名词):插队,加塞儿,不按次序排在别人的前面;(push in:英,非正式--插队,加塞儿); 2)line up (美) 排队(等候); 如:Line up,everybody!大家排好队! The men were being lined up for an inspection.男人们正在排队接受检查. The teacher lined the pupils up according to height.老师把学生按个儿高低排好队.
2023-08-06 15:21:401

英语翻译 排队用英文怎么说?

首先,我们可以用“stand in line”来表示. 另外我们也可以用“wait in line”来表示. 虽然和前者意思差不多,不过这里只不过它更强调等候,比如说:I patiently waited in line until it was my turn.(我耐心地排着队等轮到我.) 在比较混乱的情况下,叫大家“排队”该怎么说呢? 这时候我们用“line up”.比如说,公交车的售票员说的“不要挤,排队上车!”就是“Don"t push.Line up and get on the bus!”如果某天某个商店的衣服降价甩卖,人们争先恐后地抢购,这个时候售货员说,请大家排队,不要挤就是“Please line up!Don"t push!” 还有就是form a line;line up;classify;list;fell in ; 请注意,在英语“排队”的用法中,要区别英国英语与美国英语的不同: 1)queue [kju:] up:(英) 排队(等候); 如:The post office was really busy--we had to queue for ages to get served.邮局非常忙--我们不得不排了好长时间的队等候. queue up for a bus;排队等候公共汽车; jump a queue(名词):插队,加塞儿,不按次序排在别人的前面;(push in:英,非正式--插队,加塞儿); 2)line up (美) 排队(等候); 如:Line up,everybody!大家排好队! The men were being lined up for an inspection.男人们正在排队接受检查. The teacher lined the pupils up according to height.老师把学生按个儿高低排好队.
2023-08-06 15:21:501


in the line
2023-08-06 15:22:015


问题一:去排队 用英文怎么讲? 是对 老外叫的吗 不可以严厉的叫他去排队 老外都很讲究礼貌的呀 你应该说 打捞了! 请排队!谢谢! Excuse me ! Please stand in line ! Thanks ! 问题二:排队到。。。用英语怎么说 排队到。。。例句用英语怎么说,比如我等了又等,终于排到我了: 排队到.. Got to the end of the queue . 我等了又等,终于排到我了: I have been queuing for a long time, and got there finally. 或倒装: I finally got there after queuing for long time. 都可以。 我已在你的另一道提问回答了你,你似乎不大信任我的答案。 排队 queuing 或 queue up, 我是居住在英国很久的华伦,你大可以信任我给你的答案是正确的。 很希望会对你有帮助。 问题三:排队用英语怎么说 Queuing 问题四:请问?排队等候,用英语怎么说? Wait in line
2023-08-06 15:22:181


问题一:排队上车用英语怎么说 wait the bus in a queue 问题二:英语翻译 1.我们要排很长时间的队才能得到服务(queue up) 2.人们在排队等车(queue 30分 English translation 1. We had to wait a long time for the team to get the service (queue up) 2. The people in the queue waiting for the bus (queue) 3. He vivid imitation of the president (impression) 4. His speech left us with a deep impression (impression) 5. If you behave properly, the interviewer will leave a bad impression (impression) 6. This area rarely have happened (such thing) 7. I have never encountered that kind of bizarre things (such thing) 问题三:上下车的时候请排队的英语句子 Please line up when you get off the bus. 上下车的时候请排队 问题四:每个学生都在排队等车的英文 英文 Every student is waiting in line car. 每个学生都在排队等车。
2023-08-06 15:22:261


问题一:去排队 用英文怎么讲? 是对 老外叫的吗 不可以严厉的叫他去排队 老外都很讲究礼貌的呀 你应该说 打捞了! 请排队!谢谢! Excuse me ! Please stand in line ! Thanks ! 问题二:排队用英语怎么说 Queuing 问题三:请排队 /不要插队 用英语怎么说 Line up please, don"t jump the queue! More questions! ―――精锐南方商城 问题四:排队到。。。用英语怎么说 排队到。。。例句用英语怎么说,比如我等了又等,终于排到我了: 排队到.. Got to the end of the queue . 我等了又等,终于排到我了: I have been queuing for a long time, and got there finally. 或倒装: I finally got there after queuing for long time. 都可以。 我已在你的另一道提问回答了你,你似乎不大信任我的答案。 排队 queuing 或 queue up, 我是居住在英国很久的华伦,你大可以信任我给你的答案是正确的。 很希望会对你有帮助。 问题五:请排队的标准英语口语该怎么说? 10分 Please line up 问题六:请问?排队等候,用英语怎么说? Wait in line 问题七:排队英语怎么说? Line up line是线的意思,站成线,很直,就是排队.嘻嘻
2023-08-06 15:22:371


"请有序排队"的英文翻译 "Please line up in order" 排队 [词典] form a line; line up; classify; list; fell in; [例句]她排队等公共汽车。She waited in the bus queue
2023-08-06 15:22:471


2023-08-06 15:23:164


1.Pls stand in line. 2.Don"t jump the queue./Don"t disturb the order. 3.It"s good for you .
2023-08-06 15:23:551


问题一:我们不得不排队等候 用英语怎么说 We have/had to wait in line We have/had to wait in a川queue wait in a queue /wait in line排队等候; 在队中等待; 问题二:中文翻译 5分 首先,我们可以用“stand in line”来表示。 另外我们也可以用“wait in line”来表示。 虽然和前者意思差不多,不过这里只不过它更强调等候,比如说:I patiently waited in line until it was my turn. (我耐心地排着队等轮到我。) 在比较混乱的情况下,叫大家“排队”该怎么说呢? 这时候我们用“line up”。比如说,公交车的售票员说的“不要挤,排队上车!”就是“Don"t push. Line up and get on the bus!”如果某天某个商店的衣服降价甩卖,人们争先恐后地抢购,这个时候售货员说,请大家排队,不要挤就是“Please line up! Don"t push!” 还有就是form a line;line up;classify;list;fell in ; 请注意,在英语“排队”的用法中,要区别英国英语与美国英语的不同: 1)queue [kju:] up:(英) 排队(等候); 如:The post office was really busy--we had to queue for ages to get served. 邮局非常忙--我们不得不排了好长时间的队等候。 queue up for a bus;排队等候公共汽车; jump a queue(名词):插队,加塞儿,不按次序排在别人的前面;(push in:英,非正式--插队,加塞儿); 2)line up (美) 排队(等候); 如:Line up, everybody! 大家排好队! The men were being lined up for an inspection. 男人们正在排队接受检查。 The teacher lined the pupils up according to height. 老师把学生按个儿高低排好队。 问题三:翻译英文:DHL货量增加并出现爆仓现象,到达DHL仓库均需排队等待卸货,因此上网和中转时效将有不同程 30分 DHL shipping volume surged and reached full capacity. Goods arriving at DHL warehouse are clued for unloading, and therefore the schedule for online and transfer is subjected (to change according to the actual situation). 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答,如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~
2023-08-06 15:24:041


排队上车用英语怎么说 wait the bus in a queue 英语翻译 1.我们要排很长时间的队才能得到服务(queue up) 2.人们在排队等车(queue 30分 English translation 1. We had to wait a long time for the team to get the service (queue up) 2. The people in the queue waiting for the bus (queue) 3. He vivid imitation of the president (impression) 4. His speech left us with a deep impression (impression) 5. If you behave properly, the interviewer will leave a bad impression (impression) 6. This area rarely have happened (such thing) 7. I have never encountered that kind of bizarre things (such thing) "上车"用英语怎么说 上车 get on the bus挨次上车 get on the bus范one after another 排队上车 queue up for a bus 快上车吧! Hurry up and get on the bus! 上下车的时候请排队的英语句子 Please line up when you get off the bus. 上下车的时候请排队 每个学生都在排队等车的英文 英文 Every student is waiting in line car. 每个学生都在排队等车。
2023-08-06 15:24:111


Please wait in line/queue.
2023-08-06 15:24:291


当我们在等公交车时,我们应该排队等.We should (line ) up and ( wait) when we wait ( for) a bus.
2023-08-06 15:24:381


queue up for payment / check-out
2023-08-06 15:24:573


1 cainers甚disappeinted赔偿金 如果你想要知道更多,你可以上网 3帝国stata buijding是正确的,是你的前面 4那可怕的海啸造成的损失约2万人的生活 5请到收银台 6 tanami警告7能天气警报 8 stang在9号线将Recouds《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》 11这是dangerons 10 E-home 12动作片13中东 14个非常重要的人在一15an为中心 下面的改为被动语态 16这是butlding。我非常喜欢它 17岁的约翰。studengt回答这个问题么 18要修理你的赛车。
2023-08-06 15:25:083


Hello! (How do you do?) 你好!2. How are you?-I"m fine. Thank you,and you? 你好吗?我很好。谢谢,你呢?3. Good morning / afternoon/evening/night. 早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。4. Excuse me.(sorry. I"m sorry) 打搅一下(对不起/不好意思)5.Thank you! 谢谢你!6.You are welcome. 不用谢。7. How are you today? 今天还好吗?8.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。9What"s your name? 你叫什么名子啊?10.My name is ×××. 我叫×××。11.What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么?2.What"s wrong with you? (What"s the matter?)你怎么了?(出什么事了?)13. It"s time for class. 该上课了。14. Come in please. 请进。15. Let"s get ready for class! 让我们准备上课吧!16. Line up please! 排队!17.Attention please! 立正!18. At ease. 稍息。19. Turn left/right! 向左/右转!20. One bye one please.No pushing. 一个一个来。不要挤。21. Let"s go back to the classroom. 让我们回教室去。22. It" time for (breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner) 该吃早餐了/该吃午餐了/该吃晚餐了23. Please eat up. Take your time. 把它吃完。慢慢吃。24. Would you like some rice!来点米饭吧!25. Help yourself. 请吃,别客气。26.Please have some fish/vegetables. 吃点鱼/蔬菜吧。27. Do you want anymore? 还要吗?28.Anything to drink? 喝点啥?
2023-08-06 15:25:151


Are you in line?
2023-08-06 15:25:404


插队和排队等候用英语分别怎么说 jump the queue v.插队, queue up v.排队等候 “插队的人”用英文怎么说 jump the queue 插队例句:If you jump the queue other people will not be pleased. 如果你插队,其他人不会高兴的。 Don"t jump the queue when you wait for a bus. 等候公共汽车时不要插队 英语插队到别人前面怎么翻译? 20分 to cut in line 既然是插队,都是插在别人的前面,没有插在后面的。 类似的表达还有: line/queue jumping, butting, barging, budding, budging, skipping, ditching, breaking, shorting, or pushing in 英语中的插队,夹塞怎么说 jump in a queue 插队 例如: Please wait in the queue. Don"t jump the queue. 望采纳 请排队 /不要插队 用英语怎么说 Line up please, don"t jump the queue! More questions! ———精锐南方商城 (我们不可以插队) 的英文怎么说 We shouldn"t cut into the line.
2023-08-06 15:25:481

上车用英语怎么说 上车用英语如何说

1、上车英文是:get on the bus。 2、挨次上车英文是:get on the bus one after another。 3、排队上车英文是:queue up for a bus。 4、快上车吧英文是:Hurry up and get on the bus!
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2023-08-06 15:26:141


组词的英文:form words参考例句:A word or group of words used to describe or evaluate,often disparagingly.毁谤用于描述或评价通常贬义的一个词或一组词In word processing,a grammatically self - contained group of words.在字(词)处理技术中,语法上成分齐全的一组词。form是什么意思:n. 形状;种类;形态,形式;状态;表格。v. 形成,产生;组织;塑造;排队Conglomerate:To form or cause to form into an adhering or rounded mass.使聚集成块:形成或使形成紧贴在一起或圆形的块体.Tranquillity sudden, vast, candescent: form of forms突兀、浩翰、炽烈的静穆:形态的形态。The design is formed with triangles.图案是由三角形构成的。The men are a loathsome form of life.这些人属于人类生命中令人齿冷的那一类型。The essay is a literary form.散文是一种文学形式。words是什么意思:n. 单词;言语;许诺;消息。v. 措辞There is an在apple这个词中有一个字母A。This is a derivative word.这是一个衍生词。This is an informal word.这是一种口语用语。Bitter words and good acupuncture—to advise with faithful words.苦语针砭。The German word `Haus" is cognate with the English word `house".德语的haus一词和英语的house一词同源.参考资料沪江英语:
2023-08-06 15:26:231