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2023-08-09 02:52:05




英 [u02c8mu0252du0259ru0259tli] 美 [u02c8mɑ:du0259ru0259tli]

adv.适度地; 普通地; 温和度; 不过度地

网 络



1. Being even moderately overweight increases your risk of developing high blood pressure.


2. I don"t smoke and I drink only moderately.


3. Both are moderately large insects.


4. Share prices on the Tokyo Exchange declined moderately.


5. a moderately successful career




moderately[英][u02c8mu0252du0259ru0259tli][美][u02c8mɑ:du0259ru0259tli]adv.适度地; 普通地; 温和度; 不过度地; 例句:1.From this they are meant to conclude that debt is only moderately attractive. 由此他们必定会得出这样的结论:债务适度才是最吸引人的。2.Sustainable economic development needs the coordination between active fiscal policyand moderately loose monetary policy. 所以需要积极财政政策和适度宽松货币政策相结合,才能使经济更可持续发展
2023-08-06 13:44:481

适度地的英语翻译 适度地用英语怎么说

适度地moderatelyreasonablymeasurablywithin limitsmildly
2023-08-06 13:44:583


moderatelyadv. 适度地;中庸地;有节制地[网络短语]moderately 适度,适当地,中等地moderately bite 被咬了一下Moderately Proficient 适度精通,正在翻译,中等精通希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢!!!
2023-08-06 13:45:081


翻译如下适当的根据语境appropriate; proper; modest; advisable; opportune都;right可以例句:请把面粉和牛奶调到适当的稠度。Mix flour and milk to the right consistency.
2023-08-06 13:45:193


2023-08-06 13:45:283


1.allemande 2.andantino 小行板 69 3.adagio 柔板 56 4.andante 行板 66 5.etude tempo 6.moderato 中 板 88 7.moderately 适度的 中等的 有节制的 8.moderaterock 适度的摇滚 9.moderatamente 和上面的是一样的意思 10.moderately fast 11.larghetto 小广板 比广板稍快 12.slow (英)更慢 缓慢 13.slow biues 缓慢蓝调 14.slow funk 15.waltz 圆舞曲 三拍子伴奏部分每小节第一拍重音明显.有较慢中等较快三种 (英) 快 17.freely (英) 自由的 18.poco a poco allegro 逐渐逐渐的快起来 19.、.tune down 1/2 step
2023-08-06 13:45:491


全面建成小康社会用英文表达是 to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects。全面建成小康社会是中文表述,由多个汉字组成,它是中国国家发展战略到当前的一个总目标。而“to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects”是对这个目标最常用的英文表达。中文的"小康"在这里被翻译为moderately prosperous,这个词组可以理解为“相对繁荣的、温和的、中等水平的繁荣”。而“全面”则被翻译为in all respects,这个短语可以表示“在各个方面、从整个角度看”。全面建成小康社会的英文翻译为to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects是基于对该目标所蕴含的内涵、含义和理念的深入理解以及词汇的选择和运用而来的。列句例子1、Our goal is to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects。我们的目标是在所有方面建设一个相对繁荣的社会。2、China is making significant progress in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, including education, healthcare and environment。我国正在全面建设小康社会,在教育、医疗和环境等各个领域取得了显著的进展。3、Last year, China faced many challenges in its effort to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects。去年,我国在全面建设小康社会的道路上还面临许多挑战。4、China"s strategy for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects includes a sub-goal called the “three rural issues,” aimed at improving living standards in rural areas。中国的全面建设小康社会战略包括一个叫做“三农问题”的子目标,旨在改善农村地区的生活水平。5、To build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, we need to master advanced technologies and management methods。为了全面建设小康社会,我们需要掌握先进的技术和管理方法。全面建成小康社会英语的作用全面建成小康社会是中国发展战略中一个重要的总目标,该目标强调在经济、社会、环境和政治等各个领域,全面实现现代化和发展,实现全民共同富裕。而“to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects”作为其英文表述,除了翻译中文的原意之外,还可以在国际社会中更清晰地传达出中方的发展目标和战略。这个表述可以帮助各国更好地了解中国发展的蓝图和战略思路,促进与其他国家的交流与合作,增加中国在国际舞台上的影响力和优势。此外,对于英语为母语的人来说,“to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects”也可作为一个学术性术语,用于研究和讨论中国的现代化进程和发展战略。
2023-08-06 13:46:011


in 2050,China will be one of the midest developed countries.
2023-08-06 13:46:314


2023-08-06 13:46:412


外研社杯英语写作范文   外研社即外语教学与研究出版社,下面是我分享的外研社被英语写作大赛范文,欢迎大家阅读!   The things that important to me   河北联合大学轻工学院商学人文部2011级国贸1班 武晓艳   In everyoneu2019s life, there must be something that they think are precious. If you ask me what is the most important things in my life, my answer is family、friendship and love.   FAMILY: As we all know: Home is always a warm harbor. Wherever you are, there always has persons wait for you .And whenever you go home, you can always eat hot food. When you succeed, they will happy for you. When you fail and sad, they will comfortable you and encourage you to come on, instead of blaming you. Family plays an important role in our life. Father and mother love me very much, so I think have a warm family is the most happy thing and I love it forever.   FRIENDSHIP: There is such a word to say: A life without a friend is a life without a sun. So friendship is a precious resource in our life. When you get into trouble they will give you a hand, when you lose your way they will guide you and cheer you on and when you make progress they will send their heartiest congratulations to you. A forever friend will never leave you. Remember , friendship is our psychical guard, please treasure it.   LOVE: Love to us is what water to fish, so our life canu2019t be without love. Where there is great love, there is always miracle. When we grow up, we will find own love, then we make up a new family and live together. Having love, one can be find happiness. A heart that love is always young and the soul cannot live without love.   Of course, there are others important things. However, the three things are very important in my eyes. I must be cherish them.   中文:在每个人的一生中一定有一些他们认为很重要的事情。如果你问我在我的一生中我认为重要的事情是什么,我的答案是亲情、友情和爱情。   亲情:正如我们所知道的:家永远是温暖的港湾。无论你在哪里,家总会有人等着你。无论你什么时候回到家你总能吃到热的饭菜。当你成功时,家人会为你高兴。当你失败悲伤时,家人会安慰你并鼓励你而不会责备你。家在我们的一生中扮演着一个重要的角色。爸爸和妈妈深深地爱着我,因此我认为拥有一个温暖的家是最幸福的事,我也会永远的爱着它。   友情:有这样一句话:一生中没有去朋友好比生活中没有阳光。因此,友谊是一生中一笔宝贵的.资源。当你陷入困境时他们会伸出援助之手;当你迷失方向时他   们指引你、鼓励你;当你取得进步时他们会想你送去最真心的祝贺。一个真正的朋友将永远不会离开你。切记,友谊是我们精神的指导者,请珍惜它。   爱情:爱情对于我们来说就好比水对于鱼,因此我们的生命中不能没有爱。哪里有爱,哪里就会有奇迹。等我们长大后,我们都会找到自己的爱情,然后组成一个新的家庭并永远的生活在一起。有了爱情,才能够幸福快乐。一颗有爱的心将永远年轻并且一个人的灵魂中不能没有爱。   当然,还有许多其他重要的事。然而,在我眼里这三件事是最重要的,我一定会好好珍惜它们。   Can being positive backfire   Emotions are miscellaneous, such as optimism and pessimisism; merriment and sorrow; excitement and despondency;... Human beings are inherently   emotional and emotions do play a significant role in our actions and attitudes. We may encounter some personal tragedies or sufferings, but the actions and attitudes we take might differ. For example, being moderately positive means that we can keep a sanguine outlook on our experience; means that we can transmute the negative feelings into a positive attitude towards our frustration; means that we can look the unpleasant matters in a positive light and tackle them with great   resilience. Personally, I espouse bing a moderately positive individual.   Hellen Keller, who was blind and deaf, became a celebrated writers with unflagging belief in herself and unyielding willpower. In front of Hellen Keller, there lied two options: either live live to its fullest or wither away like the autumn leaves. Instead of capitulating to the sheer darkness and silence, she harbored prodigious fortitude to vanquish the personal trageies and sufferings. Under the assistance of her teacher Anne, she learnt Braille and writing. After reading a sea of books, Hellen Keller soaked up all the quintessence and wisdom of other writers and attempted to write her own. The spirit of never being pessimistic sustained her in the most darkest hours of her life and she rose like a shinging star in the firmament of writing. Her teacher also held a positive belief in Hellen so she resolved to help Hellen face life positively.   There are innumerable other examplars of being moderately positive. Thomas Edison, by dint of a postive mindset and unwavering pursuit, invented the most endurable and suitable material to make the incandescent bulb which marked the inauguration of the electrical era. Madame Curie, by virtue of a optimistic attitude and steadfast tenacity, extracted an infinitesimal amount of radium from tons of impure materials after three-year-and-nine-month experiment and advocated to use radioisotope to cure cancer which rendered humanity a powerful weapon to fight against the fatal disease. Hua Luogeng, a renowned Chinesesmethematician, metamorphosed into a math master by holding a positive outlook and unswerving doggedness.   It"s not hard to find the common denominator of the brilliant and reverent giants: a positive outlook towards the sufferings and failures.   Being moderately positive will arm us with an effective weapon to repel the enemies of negative feelings that will hold us back and become a stumbling block on the way ahead. It will bolster up our belief and confidence in the face of the mishaps and torments and we will possess a more optimistic perspective to the life tragedies. Being moderately   positive is like a beacon light of hope which will illuminate our way ahead and resembles a lighthouse which show us the path when we are disoriented. Then all the darkness will fade away and crumble into dust. Being   moderately positive is the inner force which propels you froward in the teeth of setback and hurdles. We will ooze confidence and persistence no matter how tough the situation is.   Nevertheless, we are supposed to put the positive mindset in perspective, which means we need to understand it in the appropriate and right way. Here the positive mindset is a moderately positive one, not overly optimistic. Anything that is too much will backfire. The last emperor of Shang Dynasty was being too sanguine and optimistic and believed that his kingdom was impregnable and was never to be toppled by others. Thus he sank into the debauched and promiscuous lifestyle, listened to the malign suggestions of his diabolical officers and precluded any good suggestions from being sent to him. The decadence and depravity eventually led to his downfall and his power was nullified and compromised. This renders us a good lesson that we shall never become overly optimistic about our lives, works, conditions and circumstances because undue and inordinate optimism led to the complacent and smug mentality. It is always counterproductive.   Individuals should always strive for the better selves rather than rest and wallow in self-contentment when the achievements are made. That is why being overly optimistic should be deprecated and criticized.   So, what we need to do is to differentiate the positive mind from the overly-optimistic one, for there is a blurry line between these two. Our capacity to distinguish between them must be acuqired by constant failures and attempts. Always being moderately positive is not an easy task and trying to keep it is even much harder. Sometimes we will become disheartened and lose all the hope; sometimes we will enjoy the   exhilaration of being successful and then get obsessed with the current achievements. Through failures, we can have a much clearer interpretation of being moderately postive. And this is a long process that should be covered step by step and brick by brick.   Can being positive backfaire? I cannot answer in the affirmative. But add "moderately" to the sentence: Can being moderately positive backfire? My answer is definitely NO.   Variety is the Spice of Life   Nowadays,the transportation are more and more convenient,we can go someplace and visit some friends easily,but an increasing number of people always feel alone.The body is close,but how far is it from one soul to another?We feel alone,because we do not care much about what is happening around the world if it does not affect our personal lives.In my opinion, life is fine and enjoyable, yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life.It is stupid to just care about should know that variety is the spice of life.So it is important to know events happening around the world, though sometimes they are unlikely to affect our daily life.   There are three points are in favor of my opinion.To begin with,it can help us realize our life value better.As old Chinese saying goes“ As a man,first,you should cultivate individual moral character, second,you should run the family unison, last,you should manage the nation in order, and peace will prevail throughout the universe”.It means that the highest value in life is to society.We own do not know ourself very much,if we just care about ourself,we can not find the value of our own.Life will be too smooth without excitement and interests.How boring the life will be!.If we know more events,we will find our life value easily.   Besides,to know events happening around the world can help us make more friends with others. and make our mind Sharper.If you know more,you can make friends with stranger easily because you can find common topic easily. ;
2023-08-06 13:47:141


广板:Largo < 英文翻译broad >慢板:Lento < slow >弱:piano (缩写p) < soft >强:forte (f) < loud >中弱:mezzo piano (mp) < moderately soft >中强:mezzo forte (mf) < moderately loud >渐弱:Decrescendo (decresc.) < gradually getting soft >渐强:Crescendo (cresc.) < gradually getting loud >以后若要进修音乐(国际舞台),英文是不可或缺的,所以在这里多给了个英语翻译。国际性的音乐考试都是用英语的,本人所学的音乐也是全用英语(英国皇家音乐学院)加油^ ^
2023-08-06 13:47:291


2023-08-06 13:47:586


根据人力资源管理协会2012年雇员工作满意度与参与度调查显示,美国81%的雇员反映总体满意目前的工作。虽然他们的满意度达到较高水平,但是同样的调查显示雇员只是中度参与:在满意度1至5的区间里为3.6。在这个区间里,1为高度不参与,3为中度参与,5为高度参与。(原文the same survey 我觉得应该指另一份同样的调查而非特指上文提到的那份调查。)
2023-08-06 13:48:372


2023-08-06 13:51:2213


  为了提高在写作大赛的实力,来看看2018外研杯英语的写作大赛范文吧。   2018外研杯英语写作大赛范文1   Read the story starter and continue the story. Complete the story in 600-800 words.   The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box, and asked me whether I had a match. Iu2019m sorry, I said. I donu2019t smoke, so I havenu2019t any. You had better ask someone else.   He looked rather disappointed, hesitated, and then turned away. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial.   I am not used to a public call box so, at my first attempt to get through, the warning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin.   When I was at last able to speak, I was told that the person whom I urgently wanted to give a message to had just that minute gone out.   Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog. As he raised his hat again, I could see he was quite bald. A thin line, resembling a duelling scar, crossed one cheek. He spoke nervously.   Excuse my troubling you again, he said. May I walk along with you a little way? I must confide in someone. I need help desperately.   2018外研杯英语写作大赛范文2   When her father opened the door, a human-like alien was standing outside the house, looking weary and exhausted in the faint light radiated from the house. Her father stepped back to the house instinctively. Please don"t be afraid. My name is Carson and I come from another planet outside of the solar system, Carson replied with a unusual voice, similar to the alien-like voice heared on the television. We are not your enemies and won"t do any harm to human 记叙文赛题 Read the beginning of the story below and complete the story in 600-800   beings.   Riya"s father still did not trust him. Our planet is being attacked by another planet dwellers and they are much more powerful than we are. Our home is almost devastated by their ruthless assault. Thousands of us are uprooted and cannot find an asylum nearby. And Earth is the most pleasant place to go, which is not far from our home compared to other inhabitable planets in the boundless universe. I lose contact with my fellows and that"s why I am here all alone, Carson said genuinely without any trying.   Riya"s father gained courage to greet Carson and shook hands with him. I really empathize with your tribulation, her father said, quite careful with his words. Can I just stay the night in your sofa because I am utterly out of strength after the trip, Carson implored. Riya"s father was a person with a heart of gold who usually don"t know how to refuse others. Ok, just one night. Tomorrow you are leaving, her father said. He ushered Carson in the house and gave a cashmere blanket to Carson. Thanky you very much, Sir. I owe you a lot, Carson said full of emotion.   Carson lied down on the sofa and began to soothe the tiredness from his   muscle. Riya, who huddled behind the sofa, crept from the sofa and wanted to have a close look at Carson beacause the darkness of the night prevented her from seeing him clearly. She found he was nothing different from the homon sapiens, which gave her a great deal of courage to greet Carson.   Hello, Carson, she said in an intentionally muffled voice because she did not want to wake her father up. Carson was startled by the sudden meterializetion of such a tiny little girl but he regained his composure in an instant. Hello, Carson replied. My name is Riya, she whispered. Hi, Riya, thank you so much for letting me stay here, Carson said with gratitude. No, you are   welcome, she replied. Out of her curiosity, she could not subdue the urge to learn more about this unexpected guest from another planet.   I always think there is no other planet where living creatures inhabit, she said. That"s not true. There are thousands of other planets in the enormous univers that are suitable for living and teeming with great wonders like Earth, Carson replied with an air of intelligence. Really? Riya gasped. Yes, of course, Carson said.   In my planet, the trees are sky-reaching; flowers never wither; seasons never change; cars can fly in the sky; our buildings can migrate on their own;   can only watch such a scene in the scientific films and I always yearn to visit such a place personally, she siad with excitement and mirth. But almost   everything is ravaged by our foes who are relentless in their barbaric invasion. And all the charm and beauty perished in their remorseless attack. It"s not an easy job to restore and rebulid our home, Carson replied in melancholy. I"m so sorry to hear that but you can stay here so that I can hear more interesting things that I do not know, she said in a serious tone. I will   persuade my father to let you stay and you don"t need to fret about it. You are the angel and I really appreciate that, Carson replied, tears brimming up in his eyes. And Riya found that aliens also had personal feelings, which was quite different from the scenes in the film in which aliens are heartless and devoild of any emotions.   Good night, Carson, I think you need a good rest, she uttered in the low voice and tiptoed back to her bedroom.   The sunshine slanted through the windows and the whole family was awaken. Riya jumped up from her bed and got dressed swiftly, storming out of her room just to say good morning to Carson. When she rushed to the living room,   Carson was gone, with the blanket foled in square and a brief note on the top it. Riya was completely reluctant to accept that. The tears streamed down her unwashed cheeks.   The note read: Dear Sir and Riya, you are very kind to me and I will never forget your hospitability. At 3:00 am, I recieved my fellows" message that our leader is shceming to fight back and all of us should march with each other to repel our foes away from our mother planet. As a member of the big family, I should bear the obiligation to safeguard my planet when it is in peril and   jeopardy. Sorry for my leaving without advance notification. But I promise I will come back to repay all the warmth I have received here. And Riya, I will talk about the mysteries residing in the universe with you. Best regards!   Riya simmered down, clutching the note in her hand. She could not forget Carson although they only had a several-minute talk. Time marched on and three years later, there was a familiar ring on the door in the midnight.This time, Riya opened it.   2018外研杯英语写作大赛范文3   Can being positive backfire?   Optimism provides a multitude of benefits across many facets of life. Researchers have linked looking on the bright side to everything from improved pain tolerance to increased longevity. Thereu2019s nodenying the incredible power an optimistic outlook can have on our health,   relationships, and performance. But like much in life, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. There are some cases when an overly optimistic outlook can do more harm than good.   Suppose there is an online discussion forum on the topic Can being positive backfire? Write a post to the forum, clearly stating your opinion and supporting your ideas with specific reasons and examples. You should write about 800 words.   冬至福袋   亲爱的U粉儿,你对英语写作有什么困惑?欢迎在文末评论区留言,小U会连线本届写作大赛冠军林远展同学为你解答~留言从速!   林远展2015外研社杯全国英语写作大赛冠军   选手解题思路   拿到题目之后,我足足看了三遍题目中的文本信息。其中,提到了两点:一是being positive;二是being overly positive。我自己的想法就是折中。 然后,开头明确提出自己的观点再以一个详例子和三个短例子对所持观点进行适当佐证。接着回到文本信息中的overly positive,对其提出反对和批评,并选取一个例子进行佐证,证明为什么要反对overly positive。   最后是对整体的总结,明确表达自己对题目 Can being positive backfire?的看法。   冠军议论文赏析   注:文章为从系统摘出的原生作品,目的是为了展现出选手三个小时内的写作风貌,可能存在部分拼写错误,仅供学习分享使用。   Emotions are miscellaneous, such as optimism and pessimisism; merriment and sorrow; excitement and despondency;... Human beings are inherently   emotional and emotions do play a significant role in our actions and attitudes. We may encounter some personal tragedies or sufferings, but the actions and attitudes we take might differ. For example, being moderately positive means that we can keep a sanguine outlook on our experience; means that we can transmute the negative feelings into a positive attitude towards our frustration; means that we can look the unpleasant matters in a positive light and tackle them with great   resilience. Personally, I espouse bing a moderately positive individual.   Hellen Keller, who was blind and deaf, became a celebrated writers with unflagging belief in herself and unyielding willpower. In front of Hellen Keller, there lied two options: either live live to its fullest or wither away like the autumn leaves. Instead of capitulating to the sheer darkness and silence, she harbored prodigious fortitude to vanquish the personal trageies and sufferings. Under the assistance of her teacher Anne, she learnt Braille and writing. After reading a sea of books, Hellen Keller soaked up all the quintessence and wisdom of other writers and attempted to write her own. The spirit of never being pessimistic sustained her in the most darkest hours of her life and she rose like a shinging star in the firmament of writing. Her teacher also held a positive belief in Hellen so she resolved to help Hellen face life positively.   There are innumerable other examplars of being moderately positive. Thomas Edison, by dint of a postive mindset and unwavering pursuit, invented the most endurable and suitable material to make the incandescent bulb which marked the inauguration of the electrical era. Madame Curie, by virtue of a optimistic attitude and steadfast tenacity, extracted an infinitesimal amount of radium from tons of impure materials after three-year-and-nine-month experiment and advocated to use radioisotope to cure cancer which rendered humanity a powerful weapon to fight against the fatal disease. Hua Luogeng, a renowned Chinesesmethematician, metamorphosed into a math master by holding a positive outlook and unswerving doggedness.   It"s not hard to find the common denominator of the brilliant and reverent giants: a positive outlook towards the sufferings and failures.   Being moderately positive will arm us with an effective weapon to repel the enemies of negative feelings that will hold us back and become a stumbling block on the way ahead. It will bolster up our belief and confidence in the face of the mishaps and torments and we will possess a more optimistic perspective to the life tragedies. Being moderately   positive is like a beacon light of hope which will illuminate our way ahead and resembles a lighthouse which show us the path when we are disoriented. Then all the darkness will fade away and crumble into dust. Being   moderately positive is the inner force which propels you froward in the teeth of setback and hurdles. We will ooze confidence and persistence no matter how tough the situation is.   Nevertheless, we are supposed to put the positive mindset in perspective, which means we need to understand it in the appropriate and right way. Here the positive mindset is a moderately positive one, not overly optimistic. Anything that is too much will backfire. The last emperor of Shang Dynasty was being too sanguine and optimistic and believed that his kingdom was impregnable and was never to be toppled by others. Thus he sank into the debauched and promiscuous lifestyle, listened to the malign suggestions of his diabolical officers and precluded any good suggestions from being sent to him. The decadence and depravity eventually led to his downfall and his power was nullified and compromised. This renders us a good lesson that we shall never become overly optimistic about our lives, works, conditions and circumstances because undue and inordinate optimism led to the complacent and smug mentality. It is always counterproductive.   Individuals should always strive for the better selves rather than rest and wallow in self-contentment when the achievements are made. That is why being overly optimistic should be deprecated and criticized.   So, what we need to do is to differentiate the positive mind from the overly-optimistic one, for there is a blurry line between these two. Our capacity to distinguish between them must be acuqired by constant failures and attempts. Always being moderately positive is not an easy task and trying to keep it is even much harder. Sometimes we will become disheartened and lose all the hope; sometimes we will enjoy the   exhilaration of being successful and then get obsessed with the current achievements. Through failures, we can have a much clearer interpretation of being moderately postive. And this is a long process that should be covered step by step and brick by brick.   Can being positive backfaire? I cannot answer in the affirmative. But add moderately to the sentence: Can being moderately positive backfire? My answer is definitely NO.
2023-08-06 13:52:091


2023-08-06 13:52:332


2023-08-06 13:52:482


There will be natural disasters come to us soon if humanbeings continue to chop trees excessively.
2023-08-06 13:53:074


After Twenty Years The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. Theimpressiveness was habitual and not for show, for spectators werefew. The time was barely 10 o"clock at night, but chilly gusts ofwind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh depeopled thestreets.Trying doors as he went, twirling his club with many intricate andartful movements, turning now and then to cast his watchful eye adownthe pacific thoroughfare, the officer, with his stalwart form andslight swagger, made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace. Thevicinity was one that kept early hours. Now and then you might seethe lights of a cigar store or of an all-night lunch counter; but themajority of the doors belonged to business places that had long sincebeen closed.When about midway of a certain block the policeman suddenly slowedhis walk. In the doorway of a darkened hardware store a man leaned,with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. As the policeman walked up tohim the man spoke up quickly."It"s all right, officer," he said, reassuringly. "I"m just waitingfor a friend. It"s an appointment made twenty years ago. Sounds alittle funny to you, doesn"t it? Well, I"ll explain if you"d like tomake certain it"s all straight. About that long ago there used to bea restaurant where this store stands--"Big Joe" Brady"s restaurant.""Until five years ago," said the policeman. "It was torn down then."The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar. The lightshowed a pale, square-jawed face with keen eyes, and a little whitescar near his right eyebrow. His scarfpin was a large diamond, oddlyset."Twenty years ago to-night," said the man, "I dined here at "Big Joe"Brady"s with Jimmy Wells, my best chum, and the finest chap in theworld. He and I were raised here in New York, just like twobrothers, together. I was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty. The nextmorning I was to start for the West to make my fortune. You couldn"thave dragged Jimmy out of New York; he thought it was the only placeon earth. Well, we agreed that night that we would meet here againexactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what ourconditions might be or from what distance we might have to come. Wefigured that in twenty years each of us ought to have our destinyworked out and our fortunes made, whatever they were going to be.""It sounds pretty interesting," said the policeman. "Rather a longtime between meets, though, it seems to me. Haven"t you heard fromyour friend since you left?""Well, yes, for a time we corresponded," said the other. "But aftera year or two we lost track of each other. You see, the West is apretty big proposition, and I kept hustling around over it prettylively. But I know Jimmy will meet me here if he"s alive, for healways was the truest, stanchest old chap in the world. He"ll neverforget. I came a thousand miles to stand in this door to-night, andit"s worth it if my old partner turns up."The waiting man pulled out a handsome watch, the lids of it set withsmall diamonds."Three minutes to ten," he announced. "It was exactly ten o"clockwhen we parted here at the restaurant door.""Did pretty well out West, didn"t you?" asked the policeman."You bet! I hope Jimmy has done half as well. He was a kind ofplodder, though, good fellow as he was. I"ve had to compete withsome of the sharpest wits going to get my pile. A man gets in agroove in New York. It takes the West to put a razor-edge on him."The policeman twirled his club and took a step or two."I"ll be on my way. Hope your friend comes around all right. Goingto call time on him sharp?""I should say not!" said the other. "I"ll give him half an hour atleast. If Jimmy is alive on earth he"ll be here by that time. Solong, officer.""Good-night, sir," said the policeman, passing on along his beat,trying doors as he went.There was now a fine, cold drizzle falling, and the wind had risenfrom its uncertain puffs into a steady blow. The few foot passengersastir in that quarter hurried dismally and silently along with coatcollars turned high and pocketed hands. And in the door of thehardware store the man who had come a thousand miles to fill anappointment, uncertain almost to absurdity, with the friend of hisyouth, smoked his cigar and waited.About twenty minutes he waited, and then a tall man in a longovercoat, with collar turned up to his ears, hurried across from theopposite side of the street. He went directly to the waiting man."Is that you, Bob?" he asked, doubtfully."Is that you, Jimmy Wells?" cried the man in the door."Bless my heart!" exclaimed the new arrival, grasping both theother"s hands with his own. "It"s Bob, sure as fate. I was certainI"d find you here if you were still in existence. Well, well, well!--twenty years is a long time. The old gone, Bob; I wish it hadlasted, so we could have had another dinner there. How has the Westtreated you, old man?""Bully; it has given me everything I asked it for. You"ve changedlots, Jimmy. I never thought you were so tall by two or threeinches.""Oh, I grew a bit after I was twenty.""Doing well in New York, Jimmy?""Moderately. I have a position in one of the city departments. Comeon, Bob; we"ll go around to a place I know of, and have a good longtalk about old times."The two men started up the street, arm in arm. The man from theWest, his egotism enlarged by success, was beginning to outline thehistory of his career. The other, submerged in his overcoat,listened with interest.At the corner stood a drug store, brilliant with electric lights.When they came into this glare each of them turned simultaneously togaze upon the other"s face.The man from the West stopped suddenly and released his arm."You"re not Jimmy Wells," he snapped. "Twenty years is a long time,but not long enough to change a man"s nose from a Roman to a pug.""It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one, said the tall man."You"ve been under arrest for ten minutes, "Silky" Bob. Chicagothinks you may have dropped over our way and wires us she wants tohave a chat with you. Going quietly, are you? That"s sensible.Now, before we go on to the station here"s a note I was asked to handyou. You may read it here at the window. It"s from PatrolmanWells."The man from the West unfolded the little piece of paper handed him.His hand was steady when he began to read, but it trembled a littleby the time he had finished. The note was rather short.~"Bob: I was at the appointed place on time. When you struck thematch to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the man wanted inChicago. Somehow I couldn"t do it myself, so I went around and gota plain clothes man to do the job. JIMMY."
2023-08-06 13:53:151

你笑起来很好看 用英语怎么说

you look so beautiful when you are smiling.我在国外生活,他们称赞人微笑有魅力的时候就这样说。
2023-08-06 13:53:272


the sports i like bestthere are so many sports available in our daily life, such as jogging and playing ball games. of all the sports, i like tabletennis very much. for one thing, tabletennis is very popular and i can find a partner easily if i want to play. for another,playing tabletennis calls for the movements of different parts of our body and it does good to our health if we play the game moderately.all in all, tabletennis is my favorite.
2023-08-06 13:53:531


2023-08-06 13:54:021


So as soon as we use phone accurately and measurablyuff0cit will serve us better.
2023-08-06 13:54:134

各位高手06年宝马750有个黄色警示灯是什么意思, 英文显示 Drive control! Drive moderately

Drive control Drive moderately ( 驱动控制 驱动适度)
2023-08-06 13:54:481


The so-called innovation, in a nutshell, is following as predecessors, not conformism again; Draw lessons from others, and some original; Effort to have a new perspective to observe the situation, to promote work with new ideas, to solve the problem there is a new way, make each work conform, grasp regularity and creative.   Practice is the foundation of innovation, from practice, innovation has become non-existent, madrassa reflected. Experience tells us that innovation should be everything from set out actually, in our country"s reform and opening up and modernization construction as the center, focus on the use of marxist theory, dare to abandon the inappropriate knowledge, ideas, practices, and form a practical line, principles and policies, the development of the cause of our tobacco. China has a proverb: always suspected - innovation originated, have the courage to break the suspected - innovative energy. Lu xun once said, the first to eat crab is very impressive. The first person to eat crab, in addition to brave, is first and foremost a longer than the discoverer of the question.   People, progress and development, there will be a force for its continued upward momentum, enable people to produce strong intellectual curiosity and creativity, thus promoting people unyielding, hard work. The formation of the power, it is based on hard learning and knowledge accumulation. People learn, the more the greater the unknown world, people will feel his lack of knowledge; And more continuous learning accumulation, more can create something new in it.   Innovation, honesty and modesty is required. Some say, humility is a kind of mental state of calm in the face of achievement and honor, is a kind of practical and content to the students" thinking character. Era in the development and social progress. In the great practice of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, we also need to adhere to the marxist theoretical character of keeping pace with The Times, the innovation consciously as a kind of unremitting pursuit, always maintain a agressivness, momentum, a pitch to ", make more straight to the sea in full sail "open mind and tolerance, development innovation.   In this way can we constantly in the great practice have been invented, find and create something new in it, and forward, our country only constant progress!   所谓创新,概括地说,就是继成前人,又不因循守旧;借鉴别人,又有所独创;努力做到观察形势有新视角,推进工作有新思路,解决问题有新办法,使各项工作体现时代性,把握规律性,富于创造性。   实践是创新的基础,离开实践,创新便成了无本之木,无源之水。经验告诉我们,创新应该一切从实际出发,以我国的改革开放和现代化建设为中心,着眼于马克思主义理论的运用,敢于摒弃不合时宜的认识、观念、做法,形成切合实际的路线、方针、政策,发展我们的烟草事业。中国有句格言:常有所疑——创新的发端,勇于破疑——创新的能源。鲁迅先生曾说过,第一个吃螃蟹的人很令人佩服。第一个吃螃蟹的人,除了英勇无畏,首先是一个长于质疑的发现者。   人,要进步,要发展,都要有一股推动其不断向上的动力,使人们能够产生强烈的求知欲和创造力,由此推动人们自强不息,努力奋斗。这个动力的形成,正是基于勤奋学习和知识累积。人们越是学习,未知的世界越大,人们也就越感到自身知识的缺乏;而越不断学习积累,越能不断有所创造。   创新,需要诚实和谦逊的态度。有人说,谦逊是一种坦然面对成就和荣誉的精神境界,是一种求真务实、甘当学生的思想品格。时代在发展,社会在进步。在全面建设小康社会的伟大实践中,我们更需要坚持马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质,自觉地把创新作为一种不懈的追求,始终保持一股闯劲、冲劲、韧劲,以“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”的宽广胸怀与气度,开拓创新。   这样,我们才能在伟大实践中不断有所发明、有所发现、有所创造、有所前进,我们的国家才不断进步!
2023-08-06 13:54:571


2023-08-06 13:55:261


  英语已经慢慢渗透入人们的日常生活,想要学好英语一定要多读多听多说多欣赏。我在此献上日常的英语口语,希望对你有所帮助。    英语口语:我们去KTV吧   1.let"s go to karaoke.   我们去唱卡拉ok吧。   2.we like to go to ktv.   我们喜欢去ktv。   3.what about singing at a karaoke bar?   去卡拉ok酒吧唱歌怎么样?   4.when was the last time he went to the ktv?   他上次去k歌是什么时候呢? is a waste of money to sing in ktv when you are not happy.   当心情不好的时候去ktv唱歌是一件浪费钱的事情。   6.i"m going to ktv with my co-workers tonight. do you want to come?   我今晚要跟同事去唱ktv,你要不要一起来?   7.let"s take her to a ktv because she really needs a distraction from her busy job.   我们带她到ktv去吧,她在繁忙工作之余也需要娱乐啊。"s a good way to communicate with friends to sing in ktv.   去ktv唱歌是和朋友沟通的一种好的方式。    英语口语:饮酒   1.Why not open a bottle of champagne to celebrate?   何不开瓶香槟酒庆祝一下呢?   2.May I help you to another glass?   让我来给你再斟一杯好吗?   3.I will have a Scotch.   我来一杯苏格兰威士忌。   4.Would you like a glass of sherry?   你要喝杯雪利酒吗?   5.Please try out the red wine.   请试试喝些红葡萄酒。   6.Drinking always makes you feel good.   你呀,喝了酒就舒坦。   7.That"s the best wine Iu2019ve ever drunk.   那是我喝过的最好的酒。   8.The first taste is the greatest!   第一口酒最舒坦了。   9.I want to get drunk now.   我现在想喝酒。   10.It is fun to drink with you.   和你喝酒很有意思。   11.Can I buy you a drink?   我能请您喝一杯吗?   12.Let"s tie one on.   咱们一醉方休吧。   13.Would you like a refill?   再来一杯,怎么样?   (也可以这样说:Would you like more?   How about a refill?   Would you like one more?   Would you like another cup?)   14.Let"s have one more and then go home.   再喝一杯,然后就回家吧。   15.I"d like a light beer.   我要一杯低度啤酒。   16.Pour me a whisky.   请给我来一杯威士忌。   17.Iu2019d like a Scotch with ice.   我想要一杯加冰块的苏格兰威士忌。   18.How do you like sake?   日本清酒怎么样?   19.What kind of snacks should we have to go with wine?   要什么下酒菜呢?   20.Drink moderately.   喝酒要适可而止。   (也可以这样说:Donu2019t overdo it.   Please don"t drink too much. )   21.He is loaded.   他酩酊大醉。   (也可以这样说:He is wasted.)   22.He feels a little tipsy.   他有点醉了。   (也可以这样说:He is slightly drunk.)   23.I get drunk easily.   我的酒量小。   (也可以这样说:I get drunk quickly.)   24.Give me a glass of beer.   给我来杯啤酒。   25.It"s a good for your health to drink some red wine before you go to bed.   睡前喝些红酒对你的身体有好处。   26.I prefer draft beer.   我想喝生啤。   27.It"s obvious that she is drunk.   很明显她喝醉了。   28.Even though he is drunk, he can still tell the right from the wrong.   他即使喝醉了,也能分辨是非。   29.My grandfather likes vodka.   爷爷喜欢喝伏特加酒。   30.I wonder why you like whisky.   我在想你为什么喜欢喝威士忌酒。   31.I often visit the bar when I have time.   我有时间的话会经常光顾这家酒吧。   32.He drained a couple of beers.   他喝光了两瓶啤酒。    英语口语:祝酒词   1.Cheers!   干杯!   2.Bottoms up!   干杯!   3.Drain it!   喝光!   4.Here"s to you!   敬您一杯!   5.Here"s to you all!   敬所有人一杯!   6.I"d like to propose a toast!   我提议干一杯!   7.To life!   为生活干杯!!   8.Here"s to your very good health!   为你的健康干杯!   9.I"ll drown my sorrows.   我要一醉以销万古愁!   10.Both sides toasted the signing of the contract.   双方举杯祝贺合同签订。   11.To your hearth and success in business, cheers!   为你的身体健康、生意兴隆干杯!   12.Here is to the bride and bridegroom!   为新娘、新郎干杯!   13.Let"s propose a toast to your new house.   咱们干一杯吧,祝贺你乔迁之喜!   14.Let"s drink to our friendship.   为我们的友谊干杯!
2023-08-06 13:55:351

请教各位高手06年宝马750有个黄色警示灯是什么意思, 英文显示 Drive control! Drive moderately

Drive control! Drive moderately驱动控制驱动适度!
2023-08-06 13:55:432


 一、山普孙 我见了他们家里的狗子,就会站住不动;蒙太古家里任何男女碰到了我,就像是碰到墙壁一样。  葛来古里 这正说明你是软弱无能的奴才;只有最没出息的家伙,才去墙底下躲难。  山普孙 的确不错;所以生来软弱的女人,就老是被人逼得不能动:我见了蒙太古家里人来,是男人我就把他们从墙边推出去,是女人我就把她们望着墙壁摔过去。  二、好多天的早上曾经有人在那边看见过他,用眼泪洒为清晨的露水,用长叹嘘成天空的云雾;可是一等到鼓舞众生的太阳在东方的天边开始揭起黎明女神床上灰黑色的帐幕的时候,我那怀着一颗沉重的心的儿子,就逃避了光明,溜回到家里;一个人关起了门躲正在房间里,闭紧了窗子,把大好的阳光锁在外面,为他自己造成了一个人工的黑夜。  三、啊,吵吵闹闹的相爱,亲亲热热的怨恨!啊, 无中生有的一切!啊,沉重的轻浮,严肃的狂妄,整齐的混乱,铅铸的羽毛,光明的烟雾,寒冷的火焰,憔悴的健康,永远睡醒的睡眠,否定的存在!我感觉到爱情正是这么一种东西,可是我并不喜欢这种爱情。  四、爱情是叹息吹起的一阵烟;恋人的眼中有它净化了的火星;恋人的眼泪是它激起的波涛。  五、我可以用我的十四颗牙齿打赌———唉,说来伤心,我的牙齿掉得只剩四颗啦!———她还没满十四岁呢。现在离开收获季节还有多久?  六、她是精灵的稳婆;她的手指只有郡吏手指上的一颗玛瑙那么大;几匹蚂蚁大小的细马替她拖着车子,越过酣睡的人民的鼻梁,她的车辐在蜘蛛的长脚做成的;车篷是蚱蜢的翅膀;挽索是小蜘蛛丝,劲带如水 的月光;马鞭是蟋蟀的骨头;绳索是天际的游丝。替她架车的是一个小小的蚊虫,他的大小还 不如一个贪懒丫头的指尖挑出来的懒虫的一半。她的车子是野蚕用一个榛子的空壳替她造成的,他们从古以来,就是精灵门的车匠。  七、你要是真的爱我,就请你诚意告诉我;你要是嫌我太容易降心相从,我也会堆起怒容,装出倔强的神气,拒绝你的好意,好让你向我婉转求情,否则我是无论如何不会拒绝你的。  八、不要指着月亮起誓,它是变化无常的,每个月都有盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也会像它一样无常。  九、为了表示我的慷慨,我要把它重新给你。可是我只愿意要我已有的东西:我的慷慨像海一样浩渺,我的爱情也像海一样深沉;我给你的越多,我自己也越是富有,因为这两者都是没有穷尽的。  十、一千次的晚安。  十一、可是我就好比一个淘气的女孩子,像放松一个囚犯似的让她心爱的鸟儿暂时跳出她的掌心,又用一根丝线把它拉了回来,爱的私心使她不愿意给它自由。  十二、为了替无味的爱情添加一点辛酸的味道,曾经浪费掉多少的咸水。  十三、恋爱的使者应当是思想,因为它比驱散山坡上的阴影的太阳光还要快十倍;所以维纳斯的云车是用白鸽驾驶的,所以凌风而飞的丘匹德生着翅膀。  十四、你怎么满脸的懊恼?即使是坏消息,你也应该装着笑容说;如果是好消息,你就不该用这副难看的面孔奏出美妙的音乐来。  十五、充实的思想不在于言语的富丽;只有乞儿才能够计算他的家私。  十六、让他们用眼泪洗涤他的伤口,我的眼泪是要留着为罗密欧的放逐而哀哭的。  十七、这是酷刑,不是恩典。朱丽叶所在的地方就是天堂;这儿的每一只猫、每一只狗、每一只小小的老鼠,都生活在天堂里,都可以瞻仰到她的容颜,可是罗密欧却看不见她。污秽的苍蝇都可以接触亲爱的朱丽叶的皎洁的玉手,从她的嘴唇上偷取天堂中的幸福,那两片嘴唇是这样的纯洁贞淑,永远含着娇羞,好像觉得它们自身的相吻也是一种罪恶;苍蝇可以这样做,我却必须远走高飞,它们是自由人,我却是一个放逐的流徙。  十八、天已经亮了,天已经亮了;快走吧,快走吧!那唱得这样刺耳、嘶着粗涩的噪声和讨厌的锐音的,正是天际的云雀。有人说云雀会发出千变万化的甜蜜的歌声,这句话一点不对,因为它只使我们彼此分离;有人说云雀曾和丑恶的蟾蜍交换眼睛,啊!我但愿他们交换了声音,因为那声音使我离开你的怀抱,用催醒的晨歌催促你的登程!现在你快走吧;天越来越亮了。  十九、适当的悲哀可以表示感情的深切,过度的伤心却可以证明智慧的欠缺。  二十、太阳西下的时候,天空落下了蒙蒙的细雾;可是我的侄儿死了,却有倾盆大雨为他下葬。怎么!装起喷水管来了吗,孩子?雨到现在还没有停吗?你这小小的身体里面也有船,也有海,也有风;因为你的眼睛就是海,永远有泪潮在那儿涨退;你的身体,是一艘船,在这泪还上面航行;你的叹息是还上的狂风;你是身体经不起风浪的吹打,回在汹涌的风浪中覆没的。
2023-08-06 13:55:521


  PMP考试后2-6周内,PMI会统一把成绩报表发邮件到考生的邮箱,成绩单:PASS or FAIL,也会按照启动计划执行监控收尾,每个部分会有单独的成绩,分别为P :(proficiency Proficient ), M :(Moderately Proficient ), B:(Below Proficient)
2023-08-06 13:56:033


2023-08-06 13:56:171


1、触摸屏的基本原理: 典型触摸屏的工作部分一般由三部分组成:两层透明的阻性导体层、两层导体之间的隔离层、电极。阻性导体层选用阻性材料,上层衬底用塑料,下层衬底用玻璃,隔离层为粘性绝缘液体材料,电极选用导电性能极好的材料如银粉墨构成,其导电性能大约为ITO的1000倍。触摸屏工作时,上下导体层相当于电阻网络,当某一层电极加上电压时,会在该网络上形成电压梯度。如有外力使得上下两层在某一点接触,则在电极未加电压的另一层可以测得接触点处的电压,从而知道接触点处的坐标; 2、触摸屏的控制实现: PDA应用中,将触摸屏作为一个输入设备,对触摸屏的控制也有专门的芯片。触摸屏的控制芯片要完成电极电压的切换,以及采集接触点处的电压值。
2023-08-06 13:44:421


不是山寨机构呀。中国管理科学研究院商学院是一种全新办院理念模式,旨在通过政、研、企与产、学、研高度交叉融合,推进中小企业在商业领域治理体系和治理能力现代化。作为从事管理科学和相关交叉科学研究的新型科研咨询机构的中国管理科学研究院,成立商学院旨在通过政、研、企与产、学、研高度交叉融合,推进中小企业在商业领域治理体系和治理能力现代化。 商学院定位管理科学高度聚焦,商学院的成立标志着中管院在全面提升中小企业和实体经济全要素生态链构建能力方面迈出了坚实的一步。陈贵担任中国管理科学研究院商学院院长,栾红燕任执行院长。
2023-08-06 13:44:451


prich是韩国牌子,eland衣恋集团旗下的高档女装品牌。prich属于韩国eland衣恋旗下的女装牌子,属于一二线大牌,虽然是高端品牌,但是各方面和典型的高端品牌还存在小差距,不过,prich职业套装做的十分出色,更是让很多职业女性爱不释手。prich这一品牌是衣恋集团的一个重要分支,它主要是针对一些拼搏于社会的女性进行设计的,这一层次的女性消费水平比较高,因此这一品牌处于一线和二线之间,虽然是高端品牌,但是各方面和典型的高端品牌还存在小差距。prich的产品系列:Prich一共有四个系列,其主线系列分别是摩登海洋系列和休闲度假系列。摩登海洋系列是以Navy Look为核心的设计风格,能够展现都市女性优雅、独特的一面,更显OL的高贵品质。休闲度假系列在Resort Look中注入JET-SET Look设计理念,能够将优雅与率性融合起来,将女性更细腻的内心和外形都展现出来,有点中性美的感觉。青春海洋系列跟摩登海洋风有不同,运用了绚丽的色彩打造除了更加突显女性青春靓丽的年轻美感,适合20岁左右的女性选择。
2023-08-06 13:44:461


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2023-08-06 13:45:041


1. LMH是哪个英语词组的缩写 LMH Lady Margaret Hall (University of Oxford) 玛格丽特夫人大楼(牛津大学)LMH Lancaster Mennonite High School (also seen as LMHS; Pennsylvania) 兰开斯特门诺高中LMH Lee Memorial Hospital (Florida) 李纪念医院(福罗里达州)LMH Lamellar Macular Hole 层状黄斑裂孔LMH Liters per square Meter per Hour (flow rate measurement) 每小时每平方米升(流量测量单位)LMH Long-Term Medical Holographic Program (Star Trek) 长期医疗全息计划(星际迷航)LMH Linux Multimedia Hacks (book; O"Reilly Media) Linux多媒体黑客LMH Localized Microwave Hyperthermia 局部微波热疗LMH Lee Min Ho (actor) 李民浩(演员)。 2. 简称用英语怎么说 简称百 [词典] abbreviation; the abbreviated form of a name; shorter form; (使名称简化) be called sth. for short; for short; [例句]米歇尔·度福柯(1972),《问知识考古学》答,下文简称AK。 Michel Foucault ( 1972), The Archaeology of Knowledge; hereafter this text will be abbreviated as AK。.。 3. 简称 abbreviation 英 [u0259briu02d0vu026a"eu026au0283(u0259)n] 美 [u0259u02ccbrivu026a"eu0283u0259n] n. 缩写;缩写词 短语 recognized abbreviation 公认的缩略词 ; 详细翻译 Abbreviation convention 缩写约定 abbreviation key 缩写符号键 command abbreviation 命令缩写 ; 命令缩写英语 abbreviation codes 缩写代码 扩展资料 同近义词 1、abridgement [u0259"bru026adu0292mu0259nt] n. 节略,缩写;减少 短语 abridgement 摘要 abridgement abridgment 删节本 abridgement time 削波时间 construction abridgement 建设 innovative abridgement 创新性删译 2、sigillum [si"du0292ilu0259m] n. 缩写词;符号,记号 短语 Sigillum Luciferi 唱片名 Sigillum Diaboli 哥特式金属。 4. 所有可以缩写的英语词组 can not can"t are not aren"t do not don"t does not doesn"t could not couldn"t should not shouldn"t will not won"t have not haven"t had not hadn"t has not hasn"t is not isn"t was not wasn"t would not wouldn"t were not weren"t am I"m You are You"re They are They"re He is He"s She is She"s It is It"s We are We"re I have I"ve You have You"ve He has He"s They have They"ve She has She"s It has It"s We have We"ve I had I"d We had We"d You had You"d He had He"d She had S he"d They had They"d I will I"ll You will You"ll They will They"ll He will He"ll She will She"ll It will It"ll That will That"ll We will We"ll They"re --- They are They"ll --- They will They"d --- They had / would They"ve --- They have There"s --- There is / has There"ll --- There will There"d --- There had / would That"s --- That is / has That"ll --- That will That"d --- That had / would aren"t --- are not can"t --- can not couldn"t --- could not didn"t --- did not doesn"t --- does not don"t --- do not hadn"t --- had not hasn"t --- has not isn"t --- is not mustn"t --- must not needn"t --- need not shouldn"t --- should not wasn"t --- was not weren"t --- were not won"t --- will not wouldn"t --- would not啊 累死我了。
2023-08-06 13:45:051


2023-08-06 13:45:085


PRICH由Pride&Rich单词组合而成,其中文意思为自尊、骄傲富有、财富。品牌 风格以哈佛、耶鲁生活方式为基础,将美国经典风格大众化。该品牌顾客群主要针 对追求时尚、高档、简洁风格的女性。 中文名称一般称作:普利奇。
2023-08-06 13:45:091


2023-08-06 13:44:346


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2023-08-06 13:44:266

英文简称有哪些 简单

1、ETC:电子不停车收费系统,英文全称Electronic Toll Collection。是目前世界上最科学最高效的路桥收费方式。 2、BRT:快速公交系统,英文全称Bus Rapid Transit。是一种介于快速轨道交通和普通公交之间的新型城市公共客运系统。 扩展资料   prep = 介词;前置词,preposition的缩写   pron = 代词,pronoun的缩写   n = 名词,noun的缩写   v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的`缩写   conj = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写   s = 主语   sc = 主语补语   o = 宾语   oc = 宾语补语   vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写   vt = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写   aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary的缩写
2023-08-06 13:44:251


就是原名啊~Rozen Maiden真红和其他蔷薇少女的总称啊!
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2023-08-06 13:44:222


ASTM A105是美标碳钢,执行标准:ASTM A105/A105M-2010 管道部件用碳钢因为这个标准里只规定了一种碳钢锻件,A105也就算属一种锻件碳钢牌号。成分C:≤0.35 Si:≤0.35 Mn:0.6-1.05 S:≤0.050 P:≤0.040,Cu≤0.4 Ni≤0.4 Mo≤0.12 V≤0.08 Cr≤0.3抗拉强度:(σb)≥485Mpa屈服强度(σs)≥250Mpa后伸长率(δ)≥22%断面收缩率(ψ)≥30%
2023-08-06 13:44:204


英国的简称英文缩写是UK或者GBR,全称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),简称“英国”。英国由大不列颠岛上的英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成。 扩展资料 英国的简称英文缩写是UK或者GBR,全称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),简称“英国”。英国由大不列颠岛上的`英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰以及一系列附属岛屿共同组成。
2023-08-06 13:44:161