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2023-08-08 19:43:56
TAG: 英语 造句

Wherever you go, keep in touch with me, please.



keep in touch with

Wherever you go, keep in touch with me, please.


We now keep in touch with him by writing letters.



keep in touch with sb 回答完毕~ 有疑问请追问~无疑问请点击【采纳】~



Keep in touch !
2023-08-06 11:25:538

保持联络的英文是不是keep on touch?如不是是什么?

2023-08-06 11:26:128


keep contect
2023-08-06 11:26:284

保持联络的英文是不是keep on touch?如不是是什么?

2023-08-06 11:26:431


Keep in touch with sb. keep in contact with sb
2023-08-06 11:27:092


keep in touch
2023-08-06 11:27:265


keep in touch with sb
2023-08-06 11:27:432

我们是好朋友,多年来我们彼此保持联系 的英语翻译

2023-08-06 11:27:544


Although we live far away from each other,we can keep in touch through e-mail. They were so tired that they fell asleep immediately. 因为第二题说的是立刻 个人认为用immediately比用soon要好
2023-08-06 11:28:101


Yes.Please keep in touch with us.
2023-08-06 11:28:311


2023-08-06 11:28:418


我们一直保持联系因为互联网让交流更简单We keep in touch because the Internet makes it easier to communicate我们一直保持联系因为互联网让交流更简单We keep in touch because the Internet makes it easier to communicate
2023-08-06 11:29:001

求英语翻译 我愿意与你常常写信,保持联系

I often write to you, keep in touch
2023-08-06 11:29:094


Shall we keep in touch with each other all along
2023-08-06 11:29:174


People keep in touch with friends using cellphones
2023-08-06 11:29:287


We should keep in touch, if there is a chance, we will have a cooperation in the future
2023-08-06 11:29:526


keep in touch with you
2023-08-06 11:30:102


2023-08-06 11:30:184


谈友谊-On FriendshipEveryone needs friendship. no one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. in the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. a man of charisma has many friends. his power lies in his ability to give.The term, friend, covers a wide range of raeanings. it can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a confident, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc.As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties. our frinods give us warnings against danger. true friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow.With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. i have friends in the rank and file. some are rich and in power. some are low and common. some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life we have. to many of my friends, i know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, i will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. i will not he cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.
2023-08-06 11:30:361

英语翻译 很多年过去了,我们仍然保持联系(用到stay)

Even though many years have gone off,we still stay in touch.
2023-08-06 11:30:595


Keep in touch with friends is not an easy thing. This is certainly true in my case
2023-08-06 11:31:204


I hope we can never keep in touch楼主,其实百度翻译器就可以翻译,以后自己翻译就行。呵呵。
2023-08-06 11:31:531


谈友谊-On FriendshipEveryone needs friendship. no one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. in the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. a man of charisma has many friends. his power lies in his ability to give.The term, friend, covers a wide range of raeanings. it can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a confident, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc.As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties. our frinods give us warnings against danger. true friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow.With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. i have friends in the rank and file. some are rich and in power. some are low and common. some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life we have. to many of my friends, i know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, i will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. i will not he cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.
2023-08-06 11:32:041


【 #英语口语# 导语】在日常生活中,人们很多时候不知道怎样表达自己的关心,又或者在表达了关心之后,却发现那并不是对方要的。以下是由 整理的怎么用英语口语表达关心,大家千万别错过。 【篇一】怎么用英语口语表达关心   be concerned with; show solicitude for; be interested in; care for; regard   例句:   She is always been a politically aware person .   她一直非常关心政治。   I might as well be dead for all he cares .   我即使死了他也毫不关心。   Margaret needed support more than ever .   玛格丽特比以往更需要关心。   Forget it, and move on to tomorrow .   不要再想它了,关心明天的事儿吧!   The human vices are more of my territory .   我更关心的还是人的弱点。   His concern for the poor is only a pose .   他对穷人的关心仅仅是个姿态。   I appreciate your concern for my honor .   你关心我的名声我很感激。   Nobody heeded me, nobody was aware of me .   没有人关心我,没有人注意我。   Economics interests itself in money and credit .   经济学关心货币和信贷。 【篇二】关心用英语口语怎么说   01Take care of yourself.   照顾好你自己。   Be careful.   小心。   Go steady.   保持联系。   Tread carefully.   谨慎行事。   Be cautious.   小心行事。   Go easy on yourself!   放松点。   02Stay out of trouble!   别惹麻烦!   Godspeed.   祝你好运。   Don"t do anything I wouldn"t do!   别做我不放心的事!   Put yourself first.   好好爱自己。   Take care of number 1! ("number 1" refers to yourself being the main priority)   优先处理首要的事!(“首要的事”指你自己才是最主要的事)   Don"t work too hard!   别太拼命工作!   03Stay healthy!   保持健康!   Don"t do anything silly!   别做蠢事!   Get some "me-time".   空出闲暇时光/给自己留点时间。   Stay positive.   保持积极的态度。   Don"t let anyone bring you down.(Used when trying to console someone)   不要让任何人*你。(当你在安慰别人时可以使用)   Go and put your feet up.(this means "go and relax, get some rest")   好好放松一下。(意思是“放松一下,休息一下”) 【篇三】关心的英语口语是什么   关心的英文:care;concerned   例句:   She interested herself exuberantly in the progress of the political campaign   她满腔热忱地关心这一政治运动的进展。   The concern for social stability ranks high on the agenda of China" s government.   对于社会稳定的关心在中国政府的议事日程上占有很重要的位置。   The company"s concern for each stakeholder will sooner or later translate into economic success.   公司对每一位利益相关者的关心终会转化为经济上的成功。   Air-minded   关心航空事业的   Thoughtful concern for others;solicitude.   关心对他人的体贴关心;担忧   She always heeds her elder.   她总是关心长辈。   I care about the practical things.   我关心实用的事物。   She cares only for herself.   她只关心她自己。   Helen"s concern is admirable.   海伦的关心值得赞赏。   What is your main concern?   您关心的是什么? 【篇四】关心对方的口语表达   我帮您收大衣吧。   Let me get your coat for you. *主人迎接穿大衣来访的客人时使用。   Let me get your coat for you. (我帮您收大衣吧。)   Thanks. (谢谢。)   别拘束,像在自己家一样吧。   Make yourself at home.   I like your apartment. (我很喜欢您的公寓。)   Make yourself at home. (别客气,像在自己家一样吧。)   很抱歉……   Excuse me. *中途退席时。   One moment, please.   现在您有空吗?   Do you have a minute? *要和对方说话时。   Can I talk to you for a minute?   Are you busy now? (现在你忙吗?)   我能跟您说几句话吗?   Can I talk to you for a minute?   Can I talk to you for a minute? (我能跟您说几句话吗?)   Sure, go ahead. (当然可以,你说吧!)   您先请。   After you.   After you. (您先请。)   Oh, thank you. (噢!谢谢!)   我帮您一把吧!   Can I give you a hand?   Can I give you a hand? (我帮您一把吧!)   That"s all right, thanks. (好的,谢谢。)   对不起,我过一下。   Excuse me.   Excuse me. (对不起,我过一下。)   That"s all right. (您请。)   我接受你的建议。/就照你说的。   I"ll accept your offer.   I"ll accept your offer. (我接受你的建议。/就照你说的。)   That"s great! (太棒了。)*常用于在工作中。例如在回答类似“我考虑要你做A分店的分店长怎么样?”和“这辆车我想卖5000美元”的问题时,前一种情况意为“我想我可以接受你的建议”,后一种情况可以理解为“好吧,这个价钱我买了。”   对不起,打断一下。   Sorry to interrupt you.   Sorry to interrupt you. (对不起,打断一下。)   Yes? (什么事?)   真抱歉,这么突然。   Sorry for the short notice. *short notice “急的,突然的”。   Sorry for the short notice. (真抱歉,这么突然。)   Don"t worry about it. (没关系,不必担心。)
2023-08-06 11:33:231

怎么用英语邮件跟以前的客户保持联系? 主要是该怎么开始和结尾.

开头一般是: Dear XXXX, It has been a long time since last. 结尾可以这样: Hope you have a fine day. 或者 I am looking forward to seeing you ..
2023-08-06 11:33:312


2023-08-06 11:33:432


We Are good friends .
2023-08-06 11:34:033


你通常如何与你的朋友保持联系?How do you usually keep in touch with your friends? 我经常用电话联系,因为这很方便I often use the telephone contact, because it is very convenient
2023-08-06 11:34:121


Thank you for your understanding and support, I will and you colleagues in China keep in touch, I wish you a happy life。
2023-08-06 11:34:232

用英文翻译:我很高兴,因为你们已经安全到达美国了 我希望能和你们保持联系!

I am happy to know your safe arrival in US, hoping to get in touch with you.
2023-08-06 11:34:344


I"m fine, all right at home?
2023-08-06 11:34:442


打开notepad++后,切换输入法。然后在源代码栏处输入sita即可。如果是用nodepad++写SQL语句的话,可以借用sqlcel,运行SQL语句并将结果反馈到excel中。下载好的插件解压后拷贝到插件的目录,一般是C:Program Files (x86)Notepad++plugins,你可以将C:Program Files (x86)Notepad++替换成自己的安装目录。完成上面的步骤之后启动或者重启NotePad++,你应该能够在”插件”菜单栏中找到我们安装的插件了。同时打开需要对比的两个文本,然后选择下图的插件。然后就能看不同了,如果内容是不一样的地方,会用颜色标记出来的,非常的方便。
2023-08-06 11:28:091


月野兔(Tsukino Usagi)/水手月亮(sailor moon) “月野兔”用日语平假名写为: つきのうさぎ 罗马注音为:tu ki no u sa gi 请作参考!
2023-08-06 11:28:122


2023-08-06 11:28:131


【答案】:A目前我国航空固定通信设施中高速自动转报系统成为平面电报通信方式的重要通信设施。自动转报系统是基于航空固定业务电信网( AFTN )和国际航空电信协会通信网( SITA )的相关标准,采用计算机自动处理并以存储/转发方式传输空中交通管理电报的自动交换系统,不需要人工干预而自动将电报转至规定的一个或者多个目的地。
2023-08-06 11:28:171


【答案】:B解析:economic 和economical 都是economy的形容词形式,此处应用名词形式。
2023-08-06 11:28:181

《美少女战士》 中水手月亮是谁

2023-08-06 11:28:2116


2023-08-06 11:28:251


commercial 商业的financial 金融的economical 经济的
2023-08-06 11:28:303


2023-08-06 11:28:301


2023-08-06 11:28:345


2023-08-06 11:28:024


汽车离合器位于发动机和变速箱之间的飞轮壳内,用螺钉将离合器总成固定在飞轮的后平面上,离合器的输出轴就是变速箱的输入轴。在汽车行驶过程中,驾驶员可根据需要踩下或松开离合器踏板,使发动机与变速箱暂时分离和逐渐接合,以切断或传递发动机向变速器输入的动力。离合器的主动部分和从动部分借接触面间的摩擦作用,或是用液体作为传动介质(液力偶合器),或是用磁力传动(电磁离合器)来传递转矩,使两者之间可以暂时分离,又可逐渐接合,在传动过程中又允许两部分相互转动。 目前在汽车上广泛采用的是用弹簧压紧的摩擦离合器(简称为摩擦离合器)。 发动机发出的转矩,通过飞轮及压盘与从动盘接触面的摩擦作用,传给从动盘。当驾驶员踩下离合器踏板时,通过机件的传递,使膜片弹簧大端带动压盘后移,此时从动部分与主动部分分离。
2023-08-06 11:28:012


2023-08-06 11:28:011


2023-08-06 11:27:586

说某东西很经济时 economical cheap是不是都可以用啊?

2023-08-06 11:27:582

数学表示角度的符号Sita怎么输入 就是那个cos(Sita)

θ 搜狗拼音输入法,在输入法浮动框上点选“软键盘“,选择“特殊符号”,在“符号集成”中向后翻动选择“希腊/拉丁”
2023-08-06 11:27:531


2023-08-06 11:27:511


2023-08-06 11:27:492


  两者均可表示“经济的”,其区别可简单地概括为:前者主要与“财政”有关,后者主要与“节约”有关。如:x0dx0ax0dx0a  The boy left school for economic reasons. 这男孩因经济原因而缀学。x0dx0a  To rent a house is more economical than to buy one. 租房比买房更经济。x0dx0ax0dx0a  比较:x0dx0a  economic help 经济援助x0dx0a  economic system 经济制度x0dx0a  economic state 经济状况x0dx0a  economic crisis 经济危机x0dx0a  economical car 经济汽车x0dx0a  economical stove 经济火炉x0dx0a  economical woman 节俭的女人
2023-08-06 11:27:452