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a kind of dumpling和dumplings的区别?

2023-05-19 19:22:18




dumplings读:英 [ˈdʌmplɪŋz],美 [ˈdʌmplɪŋz]。dumplings是dumpling的复数形式。意为汤团,面团,饺子,水果布丁,矮胖的人。dumplings亦可以泛指由裹着馅儿的面团或是没有馅儿的面团做成的食物,并且这里的面团可以由各类淀粉来源制成。很多国家有可以算作dumplings的食物,馅儿的种类五花八门,从肉、豆腐、蔬菜,到水果、奶酪甚至是糖果,烹饪方式也多种多样。dumplings造句:1、They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup. 他们那里有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。2、She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings. 她已经把饺子馅和好了。
2023-01-08 18:38:382


2023-01-08 18:38:561


dumplings英 ["dʌmplɪŋz] 美 ["dʌmplɪŋz]n.汤团( dumpling的名词复数 ); 饺子; 水果布丁; 矮胖的人汉语谐音【当坡林思】
2023-01-08 18:39:102


2023-01-08 18:39:252

dumplings怎么读 英语dumplings怎么读

1、dumplings英[ˈdʌmplɪŋz]美[ˈdʌmplɪŋz],n.小面团; 汤团; 饺子; 水果布丁;dumpling的复数。 2、[例句]But the fare was of the most substantial kind-not only meat and potatoes, but dumplings;不过,饭菜却挺丰盛…不但有肉有土豆,还有汤团。
2023-01-08 18:39:331


2023-01-08 18:39:392


dumplings 英["dʌmplɪŋz] 美["dʌmplɪŋz] n. 汤团( dumpling的名词复数 );饺子;水果布丁;矮胖的人 [例句]I hope we sell more dumplings.希望我们可以多卖些饺子。
2023-01-08 18:39:471


dumpling可数。Dumpling是可数名词,一般的意思是“饺子”,饺子是一个一个呈现的,所以它是可数名词。并且dumpling常以复数形式dumplings出现。当我们指饺子这一类东西的时候,通常使用的是其单数形式,比如The humble dumpling has been elevated to art form in China。汉语译为:在中国,不起眼的饺子已经被提升到了艺术境界。在这句话中,dumpling指的是这一类东西,所以使用的是其单数形式Dumpling。读音:英 ["dʌmplɪŋ]     美 ["dʌmplɪŋ]    释义:n. 饺子;汤团,软绵绵象团子的东西。用法:用作名词 (n.)I feel like having some dumplings.我很想吃饺子。To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality.包饺子是他的拿手好戏。Usually, they put a coin in a dumpling.通常,人们会在一个饺子里放一个硬币。We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.我们通常吃一种叫做汤圆的团子。I suggest you take a dumpling soup and a portion of spring rolls.我建议你来一份馄饨和一份春卷吧。词汇搭配:Rice Dumpling:粽子boiled Dumpling:水饺Chinese Dumpling:中国饺子Taro Dumpling:芋圆sweet Dumpling:汤圆dumpling skin:饺子皮dumpling soup:馄饨hot dumpling:甜腻的粽子
2023-01-08 18:39:561


dumpling英 [ˈdʌmplɪŋ] 美 [ˈdʌmplɪŋ] n.汤团,饺子;水果布丁;矮胖的人;[用于爱称]宝贝复数: dumplings双语例句 He is a dumpling. 他是一个矮胖的人。
2023-01-08 18:40:057


Dumplings originate from ancient corners. Dumpling, originally known as Jiaoer, was first invented by Zhang Zhongjing, a doctor of Nanyang people in China. 饺子源于古代的角子。饺子原名“娇耳”,是我国南阳人医圣张仲景首先发明的。It has a history of more than 1,800 years. Dumplings, also known as dumplings, are the staple food and local snacks of the Chinese people. 距今已有一千八百多年的历史了。是深受中国人民喜爱的传统特色食品They are also the food of the New Year"s Day. There is a folk song called "Big Cold Little Cold, eat dumplings for the New Year." Dumplings are usually boiled with dough wrapped stuffing.又称水饺,是中国民间的主食和地方小吃,也是年节食品。有一句民谣叫“大寒小寒,吃饺子过年。”饺子多用面皮包馅水煮而成。扩展资料:饺子起源于东汉时期,为医圣张仲景首创。饺子多以冷水和面粉为剂,将面和水和在一起,揉成大的粗面团,盖上拯干的湿纱布或毛巾,放置(饧)一小时左右,刀切或手摘成若干个小面团,先后揉搓成直径约3公分左右的圆长条,刀切或手摘成一个个小面剂子。将这些小面剂子用小擀面杖擀成中间略厚周边较薄的饺子皮,包裹馅心,捏成月牙形或角形,先将冷水烧开,包成后下锅并用漏勺或者汤勺(反过来凸面朝上)顺着锅沿逆时针或顺时针划圆弧状以防饺子粘连,煮至饺子浮上水面即可(如为肉馅可在沸腾时添少许冷水再烧,反复两三次)。饺皮也可用烫面、油酥面或米粉制作;馅心可荤可素、可甜可咸;成熟方法也可用蒸、烙、煎、炸等、荤馅有三鲜、虾仁、蟹黄、海参、鱼肉、鸡肉、猪肉、牛肉、羊肉等,素馅双分为什锦素馅、普通素馅之类。 饺子的特点是皮薄馅嫩,味道鲜美,形状独特,百食不厌。饺子的制作原料营养素种类齐全,蒸煮法保证营养较少流失,并且符合中国色香味饮食文化的内涵。饺子是一种历史悠久的民间吃食,深受老百姓的欢迎,民间有“好吃不过饺子”的俗语。每逢新春佳节,饺子更成为一种应时不可缺少的佳肴。
2023-01-08 18:40:291

dumpling s怎么读

英文原文:dumplings英式音标:[ˈdʌmplɪŋz] 美式音标:[ˈdʌmplɪŋz]
2023-01-08 18:40:411


dumpling是饺子。dumpling的意思是饺子,读音:美/ˈdʌmplɪŋ/,英/ˈdʌmplɪŋ/,词性为名词,还有汤团、面团、水果布丁、矮胖的人的意思。复数为dumplings。例句1、It is a tradition in northern China to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival.春节吃饺子是中国北方的传统。2、I am learning to make apple dumplings now.我正在学习制作苹果布丁。3、The dumpling was jeered at by the people around him.这个身材矮胖的人受到了周围人的嘲笑。4、And dumplings are the main course of the Spring Festival dinner.饺子是春节宴席上的一道大菜。5、My favorite food is dumpling.我最喜欢的食物是饺子。
2023-01-08 18:40:461


2023-01-08 18:40:564

Dumplings 作文

Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food. On the lunar New Year " s Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. I like to make them.On that day I usually make them with my grandmother.I like the dumplings with meat or vegetables.They are very delicious. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.
2023-01-08 18:41:161


dumpling英 ["dʌmplɪŋ] 美 ["dʌmplɪŋ]    n. 饺子;汤团,软绵绵象团子的东西复数形式:dumplings词汇搭配:steamed dumpling 蒸饺Chinese dumpling 饺子meat dumpling 肉汤团,肉馅水饺扩展资料:各国饺子的英文叫法:1、意大利“饺子”:Ravioli意式方饺(Ravioli)是意大利的传统美食。是用鸡蛋和面粉做成方饺的面皮,包入肉和蔬菜,放入水中煮熟。因为形似一个扁平的小枕头,所以经常被称为方饺子。2、日本“饺子”:Gyoza日本的Gyoza以煎饺为主,比较像我们的锅贴。馅料是猪肉、大蒜和白菜,通常肉很少,蘸料跟我们类似,也是酱油、醋和辣油。3、印度“饺子 ”:Samosa印度咖喱饺(Samosa)是一种油炸小吃,最早起源于中东。通常用土豆、洋葱和扁豆作为馅料,也会加入肉类作为内馅,油炸后口感酥脆。4、俄罗斯“饺子 ”:Pelmeni俄国饺子 Pelmeni,馅料是各种肉馅混合,用黑胡椒和洋葱调味,还可以配着酸奶油吃。
2023-01-08 18:41:226


dumpling是可数名词。dumpling一般都为复数形式,即dumplings。dumpling除了饺子的意思,还有汤团、水果布丁、矮胖的人的意思。 dumpling相关短语 rice dumpling 粽子 boiled dumpling 水饺 chinese dumpling 中国饺子 Taro dumpling 芋角;芋圆 sweet dumpling 元宵;汤圆 dumpling例句 1.Usually we put a coin in one dumpling. 我们经常把一枚硬币放在一个饺子里。 2.Mix the dumpling filling until smooth. 把饺子馅儿搅拌均匀。 3.She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings. 她已经把饺子馅和好了。 4.Mother often makes dumpling filling with cabbage. 妈妈常用卷心菜做饺子馅。 5.On the lunar New Year "s Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. 在农历新年,大多数家庭都会包很多美味的饺子。
2023-01-08 18:42:081


dumplings /"dʌmpliŋz/ 重读音节的元音是/ʌ/,清读音节的元音是/i/
2023-01-08 18:42:131


2023-01-08 18:42:197


饺子英文为是dumpling的原因:英语里说的dumpling指的是所有“用面皮包着馅料的食物”。例句:1、今天下午,我妈妈准备包饺子当晚饭。This afternoon, my mother prepared to make dumplings for dinner.2、令我们惊讶的是,我们没有找到任何有她饺子的图片。To our surprise, we didn"t find any pictures of her dumplings.3、他们学会了包饺子,练中国功夫和剪纸。They learned to make dumplings, play Chinese kung fu and do paper cutting.4、它们是工厂加工的速冻饺子,很便宜,也能很快填饱肚子。Factory-made and frozen, they are cheap and filling.5、人们会在一批饺子里包一到两枚硬币。People put one or two coins in a batch of dumplings.
2023-01-08 18:42:461


2023-01-08 18:43:004


饺子[jiǎo zi]dumpling (with meat and vegetable stuffing); jiao zi
2023-01-08 18:43:1410


2023-01-08 18:44:172


你好。dumplings[英]["dʌmplɪŋz][美]["dʌmplɪŋz]n.汤团( dumpling的名词复数 );饺子;水果布丁;矮胖的人;● 例句1.I hope we sell more dumplings.希望我们可以多卖些饺子。希望可以帮到你。
2023-01-08 18:44:252


dumplings英 ["dʌmplɪŋz] 美 ["dʌmplɪŋz] n.汤团( dumpling的名词复数 ); 饺子; 水果布丁; 矮胖的人1.chicken with herb dumplingsx09 芳草鸡肉饺子 来自《权威词典》 2.beef stew and dumplingsx09 牛肉炖丸子 来自《权威词典》 3.The grain store processed flour wrappers for Chinese dumplings.x09 这家粮店把面粉加工成面皮供包饺子用. 来自《简明英汉词典》 4.Our hostess served up a large bowl of steaming hot dumplings.x09 女主人端上一大碗热气腾腾的饺子. 来自《简明英汉词典》 5.She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings.x09 她已经把饺子馅和好了. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
2023-01-08 18:44:331


dumplings[英]["dʌmplɪŋz] [美]["dʌmplɪŋz] 生词本简明释义n.汤团( dumpling的名词复数 );饺子;水果布丁;矮胖的人以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.N-VAR小面团;汤团;饺子Dumplings are small lumps of dough that are cooked and eaten, either with meat and vegetables or as part of a sweet pudding.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句But we all know why the dumplings are soft.但我们都知道饺子太烂的原因。
2023-01-08 18:44:461


2023-01-08 18:44:513


问题一:饺子的英语怎么说 dumpling 问题二:吃饺子用英语怎么说? eat、have dumplings dumplings 英["d?mpl??z] 美["d?mplɪ?z] n. 饺子; 汤团( dumpling的名词复数 ); 水果布丁; 矮胖的人; 问题三:你吃什么馅的饺子?用英语怎么说? 你吃什么馅的饺子? Wi珐h what kind of stuffing inside the dumplings do you eat? 问题四:我喜欢吃饺子用英文怎么说 I like eating dumpling. 注意:表示爱好做某事,一般用like + doing sth. 亲,请问你满意我的回答么? 如果满意还请给个采纳! 或者你还可以继续问我哦! 提前祝你新年快乐! 问题五:饺子是中国的传统食物用英语怎么说 饺子是中国的传统食物 全部释义和例句>>Dumpling is a traditional food in China. 问题六:“饺子的英文是什么?” 用英文怎么说? 饺子是中国特有的,还没有正式的英语的说法。外国人一般说鼎jiaozi” 希望对你有帮助 祝学习进步 问题七:饺子是我最喜欢的食物用英语怎么说 饺子是我最喜欢的食物. Dumpling is my favorite food. 希望可以帮到你 望采纳
2023-01-08 18:45:121

英语作文:Dumplings 英语作文:Dumplings 不少于70单词

Story of Jiaozi(Dumplings) Jiaozi,or dumplings with meat and vegetable fillings,is very popular during the Spring Festival and other festivals.It tops the list of delicacies of people in north China,where people eat jiaozi at midnight on New Year"s Eve and for breakfast on New Year"s Day. History The history of jiaozi dates back to ancient times.But the custom of making jiaozi a special dish during the Spring Festival,or the Chinese Lunar New Year,started in the Ming Dynasty,some 500 to 600 years ago.The reason is simple.The appearance of jiaozi looks like the V-shape (some say half-moon shaped)gold or silver ingot used as money in ancient China.As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year,people choose to eat jiaozi to connote their wishes for good fortune in the new year.Although time has changed,the tradition has remained.But today,jiaozi is considered more as a sign of blessing than of fortune. Culture As China is a country with a vast territory,there are great differences in various regions in ways of making jiaozi or even serving it.For example,dumpling wrappers are made with a rolling stick in most areas of Beijing and Hebei Province,whereas in some parts of Shaanxi Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,wrappers are hand-pressed. There is no set rule as to what makes dumpling fillings.They can be anything from vegetables,meat to seafood.Whatever the fillings,the wrapping skill needs to be exquisite to make jiaozi look attractive.Ways of serving jiaozi also vary from place to place. Generally,dumplings are boiled in clear water and served dry with vinegar,soy sauce,garlic or pepper oil if one likes them hot.In some parts of the Northeast China,however,dumplings are boiled in broth together with vermicelli made from bean starch,and served together. People in Henan and Shanxi provinces like to boil jiaozi with noodles and serve them together.They name the serving " golden threads piercing through silver ingots,"or " silver threads stringing together calabash".Golden or silver threads mean noodles while silver ingots and calabash refer to jiaozi.There are also places where people boil and serve jiaozi with sheet jell made from bean or potato starch,or with sweet dumplings,special for the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month. The Process of Making Jiaozi Many families in China usually prepare enough jiaozi to last several days during the Spring Festival time.To make jiaozi,first of all,you should chop the meat into tiny pieces and mash them,then add salt,sesame oil,soy sauce,ginger,scallions,Chinese cabbage and MSG if you like.Mix thoroughly the ingredients and meat filling,add two spoonful of water if necessary. In a big bowl,add water to flour gradually.(caution:not too much at a time!) Mix and knead by hand to soft dough,then cover it with towel and put it aside for about an hour.Scatter some dry flour on the board,knead and roll it into a sausage-like dough about 5 centimeters in diameter,then chop it into small pieces.Press each piece with your hand and get a pancake.Finally,you should hold the pancake with your palm and put the filling in the center and wrap it into half-moon shaped and seal the edges. The next step is to eat.Put the dumplings into boiling water,when it is well cooked,it is ready to be served.However,before eating,you need to prepare some small dishes to contain the mixture of soy sauce,vinegar,and sesame oil or pepper oil ( to suit your own taste!) Today Probably the fun of eating jiaozi lies not only in the delicacy itself but also in the process of preparing for it:everybody,the host and guests alike,would roll up his sleeves and wrap the pancake to cover the fillings.What fun!As time advances,the ancient food has been continuously updated,not only in processing skills,but also in varieties,wrappers and fillings,tastes and appearances.Frozen jiaozi processed on production lines,in particular,is taking a big share of the fast food market.There have been so many varieties of jiaozi that it is no longer a rare scene for restaurants to offer a whole jiaozi banquet,serving up several dozen kinds of dumplings.
2023-01-08 18:45:181

Dumplings 作文

Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food. On the lunar New Year " s Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. I like to make them.On that day I usually make them with my grandmother.I like the dumplings with meat or vegetables.They are very delicious. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.
2023-01-08 18:45:241


2023-01-08 18:45:302


dumplings    英["dʌmplɪŋz]    美["dʌmplɪŋz]    n.    汤团( dumpling的名词复数 );饺子;水果布丁;矮胖的人    [例句]I hope we sell more dumplings.希望我们可以多卖些饺子。
2023-01-08 18:45:391


物体的代词单数it 复数they
2023-01-08 18:45:443


2023-01-08 18:46:013

I( )dumplings

2023-01-08 18:46:168


有复数 dumplings ["dʌmpliŋz] 基本翻译 n.饺子(dumpling的复数) 网络释义 dumplings:水饺 | 饺子 | 馄炖
2023-01-08 18:46:431


2023-01-08 18:46:481


饺子英文为是dumpling的原因:英语里说的 dumpling 指的是所有“用面皮包着馅料的食物”。dumpling 英 ["dʌmplɪŋ]     美 ["dʌmplɪŋ]    n. 饺子;汤团,软绵绵象团子的东西。We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.我们通常吃一种叫做汤圆的团子。I suggest you take a dumpling soup and a portion of spring rolls.我建议你来一份馄饨和一份春卷吧。近义词:dumplings 英 ["dʌmplɪŋz]     美 ["dʌmplɪŋz]    n. 饺子;汤圆;团子。名词dumpling的复数形式。He likes eating the dumplings with meat and chives.他喜欢吃用肉和韭菜做馅的饺子。We are preparing to rub dried vermicelli and make dumplings.我们准备磨干粉做汤圆。
2023-01-08 18:46:541


2023-01-08 18:47:045


答案:dumplings 解析:dumpling 是可数名词,所以用复数 翻译:中国人喜欢吃饺子 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-01-08 18:47:381


您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:饺子翻译: dumplings;Chinese meat ravioli;stuffed dumplings饺子馆at the House of Dumplings;house of dumplings;green tea猪肉饺子boiled pork dumpling;pork dumpling;pork raviolini肉馅饺子meat pocket牛肉饺子Beef Dumplings菠菜饺子Spinach Dumplings饺子馅儿window pain;stuffing for dumplings清汤饺子Consomm with meat dumplings虾饺子Shrimp Dumplings下饺子put dumplings in百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。
2023-01-08 18:47:491


饺子的正确英文是 Chinese dumplings 。dumpling译为“饺子”是不太严谨的,这个词在英文中的含义相当宽泛,只要是面团包裹馅料的食物均可称为dumpling,甚至没有馅料的也可以。Jiaozi , a kind of dumpling, is a favourite food of Chinese people.饺子,一种面团布丁,是中国人十分喜爱的食物。The recipe tells how to make maple syrup dumplings.这个制法讲如何做枫糖点心。deep-dish meat and vegetable pie or a meat stew with dumplings.深盘菜,肉和蔬菜做成的馅饼或肉炖面团。饺子的英文造句:1.Dumplings And Rice. Dumplings And Rice.饺子和米饭,饺子和米饭。2.Mmm. I Like Dumplings!嗯,我喜欢吃饺子!3.Look! I See Dumplings!看!我看见了饺子!4.These Dumplings Have Stuck Together.“饺子粘在一起了”。5.She Got The Good-Luck Dumpling!"吃到大钱饺子了!”6.Chicken, French Fries, Dumplings....鸡肉,薯条,饺子…
2023-01-08 18:48:012

dumplings 饺子为主语谓语动词用单数还是复数?

dumplings可数 所以谓语动词用复数形式
2023-01-08 18:48:291


dumpling 英[ˈdʌmplɪŋ] 美[ˈdʌmplɪŋ] n. 汤团,饺子;水果布丁;矮胖的人;[用于爱称]宝贝 名词复数:dumplings [例句]The first days of selling dumpling have been disastrous.最开始卖饺子的这几天完全是个灾难。
2023-01-08 18:48:351


dumpling 英[ˈdʌmplɪŋ] 美[ˈdʌmplɪŋ] n. 汤团,饺子;水果布丁;矮胖的人;[用于爱称]宝贝 名词复数:dumplings [例句]The first days of selling dumpling have been disastrous.最开始卖饺子的这几天完全是个灾难。She loved it when a professor at the yale school of dramacalled her a "vicious dumpling". 当耶鲁戏剧学院的教授称她为“邪恶的布丁”时,她喜欢这个称呼。What do you think of dumpling king? 你对饺子王是什么看法?Wu yang"s grandmother put a dumpling in her bowl. 吴阳的奶奶把一个饺子放在她的碗里。Mr chu said dumpling shops and restaurants are alsoincreasingly switching to frozen fare due to the rising minimumwages across china. 朱玺说,饺子馆和餐馆也开始越来越多地采购速冻产品,因为在中国各地,最低工资标准不断上调
2023-01-08 18:48:411

中国的传统食物是dumpling chinese traditional food is _.填dumpling还是dum

根据题意,想说的是:中国的传统食物是饺子,普通名词,就可以,不用复数。即:Chinese traditional food is dumpling.但是如果说是做饺子,那么肯定不是做一个,而是做很多个:make dumplings
2023-01-08 18:48:473

Chinese people like eating (dumpling和dumplings)

2023-01-08 18:48:592


饺子:dumpling 。
2023-01-08 18:49:098


包饺子英文翻译为:make dumplings["meɪk  "dʌmplɪŋz ]。1、短语:我包的饺子 My dumplings ; I package dumplings ; I packages of dumplings我会包饺子 I will dumplings ; I will make dumplings怎样包饺子 How to Make Jiaozi ; How to Make Dumplings今天一起包饺子 Dumplings and eating dumplings ; With dumplings dumplings第一次包饺子 The First Time to Make Dumplings帮妈妈包饺子 Help Mom Make Dumplings包饺子机 dumpling maker ; dumpling machine ; making dumpling machine ; automatic dumpling-maker老奶奶包饺子小游戏 Bao jiaozi我妈妈正在包饺子 My mother is dumplings ; My mom is making dumplings2、例句人们经常在家包饺子。Usually people make dumplings at home. 你能告诉我怎样包饺子吗?Can you tell me how to make dumplings? 当晚家人一起包饺子,使用了一部分猪肉。That night her family used a portion of that pork to make dumplings together. 然而,一些女孩在我的类可以包饺子看起来很精致,有吸引力。However, some girls in my class can make dumplings look very exquisite and appealing. 
2023-01-08 18:49:461


dumpling是可数名词。dumpling一般都为复数形式,即dumplings。 dumpling除了饺子的意思,还有汤团、水果布丁、矮胖的人的意思。 扩展资料   可数名词的复数变化规律   名词复数有规律,一般词尾加s;   辅音字母y型,变y为i加es;   ch、sh真有趣,s、x加es;   f、fe真小气,字母v来把它替,es在后别忘记;   字母o来真神奇,有生命来es,没有生命加s。   不可数名词顺口溜:我们学习(study)、新闻(news)、纸(paper),天气(weather)、信息(information)、有建议(advice),做好作业(homework)、有工作(work)等。
2023-01-08 18:49:521


2023-01-08 18:50:023