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2023-08-08 15:07:36

【 #英语资源# 导语】need有需要;必需等意思,那么你知道need的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!







  need的用法6:need not后可接动词不定式的被动式、进行时及完成时。当接动词不定式的完成式时常表示“做了本来不必做的事情”。




  用作名词 (n.)

  if need be



  1. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.


  2. You"ll need to get on the right side of Carmela.


  3. You will need a pot of broth for poaching.


  4. What is right for us need not be right for others.


  5. Mommy, you don"t need to stay while we talk.


  6. There is a pressing need to modernise our electoral system.


  7. You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.


  8. Businesses need to train their workers better, and spend more on R&D.


  9. Firms need a breathing space if they are to recover.


  10. They will need a reasonable amount of desk area and good light.


  11. If ever a man needed your love, I need it.


  12. Adults need to live their own lives and that"s difficult with children.


  13. What we need is not manifestos of pious intentions, but real action.


  14. There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment.


  15. Make a checklist of the tools and materials you will need.



He was caught poaching a deer on my land是状语从句么?

2023-08-06 08:16:532


As we all know,the wild elephant, in South Africa, has been increasingly lessening.Why have elephants in South Africa faced so dangerous situation?First of all,some illegal merchants catch the elephants for their tusks to make all kinds of ormaments and medicine.For the other,The area of their habitates has been increasingly decreasing.Some effective measures must be taken to solve thes problems.As far as I am concerned,the goveronment should make serious regulations to forbid catching elephant and punish those who catch elephant badly.Besides,we should try our best to protect the habitas of those elephant,which is essential for therir existance.Moreover,more volunteers should spread the message of the importance of protecting the South Africa"s elephant.If we do not take sound solution to protect,the fantastic species--=elephants in South Africa will become extinct .
2023-08-06 08:17:012


“争抢生源”"Competition for students"
2023-08-06 08:17:094


注:野生动物是 part of wildlife 以下是Wildlife:Wildlife includes all non-domesticated plants, animals and other organisms. Domesticating wild plant and animal species for human benefit has occurred many times all over the planet, and has a major impact on the environment, both positive and negative. Wildlife can be found in all ecosystems. Deserts, rain forests, plains, and other areas including the most developed urban sites, all have distinct forms of wildlife. While the term in popular culture usually refers to animals that are untouched by human factors, most scientists agree that wildlife around the world is impacted by human activities.Humans have historically tended to separate civilization from wildlife in a number of ways including the legal, social, and moral sense. This has been a reason for debate throughout recorded history. Religions have often declared certain animals to be sacred, and in modern times concern for the natural environment has provoked activists to protest the exploitation of wildlife for human benefit or entertainment. Literature has also made use of the traditional human separation from wildlife.
2023-08-06 08:17:232


例文Dear WWF,I am writing to express my concerns about the protection of elephants. As we all know, elephants are one of the most magnificent creatures on earth and play an essential role in maintaining ecological balance. However, their populations have been declining in recent years due to various human activities such as poaching and habitat destruction.Therefore, I urge you to take action to protect these beautiful animals. One way to do this is by raising public awareness of the importance of elephant conservation. This can be achieved through education programs and media campaigns, which can educate people on the devastating effects of elephant poaching and encourage them to take action.Additionally, it is crucial to collaborate with governments, organizations, and local communities in conservation efforts. By promoting sustainable tourism and livelihoods for local people, we can help reduce the demand for ivory and protect elephant habitats.In conclusion, I hope that WWF will continue to work tirelessly to protect elephants and preserve their habitats. Every effort counts, and together, we can make a difference in saving these magnificent animals.Sincerely,Li Hua重点词汇:1. Magnificent (adj.) - 壮丽的,宏伟的2. Ecological balance (n.) - 生态平衡3. Declining (adj.) - 衰退的,下降的4. Poaching (n.) - 盗猎,偷猎5. Habitat destruction (n.) - 栖息地破坏6. Raise awareness (phr.) - 提高意识7. Education programs (n.) - 教育项目8. Media campaigns (n.) - 媒体宣传活动9. Collaboration (n.) - 合作10. Sustainable tourism (n.) - 可持续旅游11. Livelihoods (n.) - 生计,谋生之道12. Ivory (n.) - 象牙例句:1. The Grand Canyon is a magnificent natural wonder and attracts millions of tourists every year.(大峡谷是一个壮丽的自然奇观,每年吸引着数百万游客。)2. The ecological balance in the forest has been disturbed by illegal logging and hunting.(非法砍伐和捕猎扰乱了森林的生态平衡。)3. The number of wild tigers has been declining, mainly due to poaching for their fur and bones.(野生老虎数量一直在下降,主要是由于为了它们的皮毛和骨头而进行盗猎。)4. Many animals are endangered because of habitat destruction caused by human activities like deforestation and urbanization.(许多动物因为人类活动导致的森林砍伐和城市化等栖息地破坏而处于濒危状态。)5. Public campaigns can contribute significantly to raising awareness about the importance of environmental protection.(公共宣传活动可以对提高人们对环境保护重要性的认识有很大的贡献。)
2023-08-06 08:17:432


The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica), also known as the Siberian , Manchurian or North China tiger , is confined completely to the Amur region in far eastern Siberia, where it is now protected. The last two censuses (1996 and 2005) found 450u2013500 Amur tigers within their single and more or less continuous range making it one of the largest undivided tiger populations in the world. Considered the largest subspecies, with an average weight of around 227 kg (500 lb) for males. The Amur tiger is also noted for its thick coat, distinguished by a paler golden hue and a smaller number of stripes. The Amur tiger is the largest and heaviest of all naturally-occurring felines. A six-month old Amur tiger can be as big as a fully grown leopard People in varies countries have use their fur for clothes or display purpose. Chinese believe that the bones and penis of tiger could be used as medicine and strength men"s ability
2023-08-06 08:18:264


Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris) ssp.altaica uff09Also known as the Amur tiger, is one of the subspecies of tiger. It is the largest carnivorous feline with the body length of about 3 meters and the tail length of about 1 meter. The average adult male is 250 kg, and some are about 350 kg. The wild Siberian tiger has brown yellow summer hair and light yellow winter hair. On the back and side of the body, there are many black narrow stripes, usually 2 close to each other and are like willow leaves. The head is large and round, with several black stripes on the forehead. It is often colluded in the middle, which is very similar to the word "King". Therefore, it has the reputation of "king of the jungle".Inhabits areas of forest, shrub and weeds. Living alone, no settlement, with field behavior, activity range of more than 100 square kilometers. Nocturnal sex, keen senses, ferocious, quick action, good at swimming, can not climb trees, rarely attack human. Northeast Tiger mainly preys on deer, sheep, wild boar and other large and medium-sized mammals, but also eat small mammals and birds. The way of predation is sneak attack. The gestational period is 103-105 days. 2-4 offspring are born once every 2-3 years. The wild life span is 15-17 years, the maximum is 20 years. The life span of artificial breeding is 20-25 years.It is distributed in Northeast Asia, that is, Siberia, North Korea and Northeast China. Due to habitat destruction and poaching, by the beginning of 2015, there were only 500 Siberian tigers left in the world.
2023-08-06 08:18:422


2023-08-06 08:18:548


rhinoceros[英][rau026au02c8nu0252su0259ru0259s][美][rau026au02c8nɑ:su0259ru0259s]n.犀牛; 脸皮和犀牛皮一样厚; 复数:rhinoceroses以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.New security companies are being started to fight an increase in rhinoceros poaching. 新的保安公司都开始与持续增加的犀牛偷猎作斗争。
2023-08-06 08:19:121


Common Name Elephant ; Elephant (Fr); Elefante (Sp) Scientific Name Elephas maximus (southern Asia), Loxodonta africana (Africa) Location Africa, Asia These large and magnificent creatures need a lot of food and freedom if they are to survive. They wander in small to large herds over sometimes incredibly large areas while consuming up to several hundred kilogrammes of plant matter in a single day. Elephants, in fact, place such great demands on their own environment that in order to survive, it will frequently bring them into conflict with man who is competing for many of these same, often scarce resources. On the ground on two continents In all, the problems facing elephants in Asia and Africa are varied and complex. To this end, WWF is involved in their conservation through 2 key programmes which address local key issues, the realities faced on the ground, and this ever present conflict with man. These programmes are: Asian Rhinos and Elephants Action Strategy (AREAS): This ambitious Programme brings together cutting edge conservation biology with trade monitoring, socio-economic analysis, and policy advocacy, promising new hope for dwindling populations of these threatened pachyderms. WWF African Elephant Programme: The Programme aims to conserve forest and savanna elephant populations across Africa by supporting projects that improve protection and management, build capacity within range states, mitigate human-elephant conflict and reduce illegal trade. Physical Description Species Description Elephants are identified by their massive bodies and their trunk, which is used to pick a variety of objects, including food. The head is large in relation to the rest of the body and the African species is noted for its very large ears. Hair is sparse. The Asian elephant has four hooves (occasionally five) on the hind foot and five on the forefoot, and the African elephant has three on the hind foot and five on the forefoot. Size Living members of the order Proboscidea have a maximum height of nearly 400 cm and a weight of up to 7,500 kg. Habitat Biogeographic realm Indo-Malayan, Afrotropical Geographical Location Africa, Asia The giant panda has a very distinctive black-and-white coat, and adults measure around 1.5m long and around 75cm tall at the shoulder. Males can weigh up to 115 kg (253 pounds). Females are generally smaller than males, and can occasionally weigh up to 100 kg (220 pounds). Giant pandas live in mountainous regions, such as Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, and Tibet. While the Chinese dragon has been historically a national emblem for China, since the latter half of the 20th century, the panda has also become an informal national emblem for China, and its image is found on many Chinese gold coins. Despite being taxonomically a carnivore, the panda has a diet that is primarily herbivorous, which almost exclusively consists of bamboo. This is an evolutionarily recent adaptation, or perhaps just a very awkward one; pandas lack the proper enzymes to digest bamboo efficiently, and thus derive little energy and little protein from it. While primarily herbivorus, the panda still retains decidedly ursine teeth, and will readily eat meat, fish, and eggs when available, but their sluggish speeds, a consequence of their mainly bamboo diet, ensure that these more energy-rich foods are seldom available to them outside of captivity. In captivity, zoos typically maintain the pandas" bamboo diet, though some will provide specially formulated biscuits or other dietary supplements. Unlike most bears, but like most subtropical mammals, the giant panda does not hibernate. For many decades the precise taxonomic classification of the panda was under debate as both the giant panda and the distantly related red panda share characteristics of both bears and raccoons. However, genetic testing suggests that giant pandas are true bears and part of the Ursidae family, though they differentiated early in history from the main ursine stock. The giant panda"s closest bear relative is the Spectacled Bear of South America. (Disagreement remains about whether or not the red panda belongs in Ursidae; the raccoon family, Procyonidae; or in its own family, Ailuridae.) Giant pandas are an endangered species, threatened by continued habitat loss and by a very low birthrate, both in the wild and in captivity. Poaching is uncommon; killing a panda was punishable in China by death until a 1997 law changed the penalty to 20 years imprisonment. The giant panda has an unusual paw, with a "thumb" and five fingers; the "thumb" is actually a modified sesamoid bone, which helps the panda to hold the bamboo while eating. Stephen Jay Gould wrote an essay about this, then used the title The Panda"s Thumb for a book of essays concerned with evolution and intelligent design. The giant panda has a short tail, approximately 15 cm long. The giant panda has long been a favorite of the public, at least partly on account of the fact that the species has an appealing baby-like cuteness that makes it seem to resemble a living teddy bear. The fact that it is usually depicted reclining peacefully eating bamboo, as opposed to hunting, also adds to its image of innocence. Though the giant panda is often assumed docile because of their cuteness, they have been known to attack humans, usually assumed to be out of irritation rather than predatory behavior. Giant pandas can usually live to be 20-30 years old while living in captivity. Until recently, scientists thought giant pandas spent most of their lives alone, with males and females meeting only during the breeding season. Recent studies paint a different picture, in which small groups of pandas share a large territory and sometimes meet outside the breeding season
2023-08-06 08:19:331


rhinoceros犀牛双语对照词典结果:rhinoceros[英][rau026au02c8nu0252su0259ru0259s][美][rau026au02c8nɑ:su0259ru0259s]n.犀牛; 脸皮和犀牛皮一样厚; 复数:rhinoceroses以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.New security companies are being started to fight an increase in rhinoceros poaching. 新的保安公司都开始与持续增加的犀牛偷猎作斗争。
2023-08-06 08:19:433


As of 2003 land desertification in China has 2.674 million square kilometers, accounting for 27.9% of the total land area, covering 18 provinces of the 471 counties. Caused by desertification every year in direct economic losses amounted to more than 540 billion yuan. And the rate of annual expansion of 3,436 square kilometers. According to reportsmanagement, by 2010, China will strive to achieve the basicwho can basically be governed. Then caused the causes of north-western region, accounting for 34.6% of land area. 80% of the land has occurred in varying degrees of desertification. Resulting in about the causes of desertification in China, Ma Wenyuan, researchers believe that, with increasingly frequent dust storms, desertification has drawn increasing attention. The continuous , deforestation, excessive grazing, excessive, indiscriminate exploitation of water resources and hunting, And while many factors are usually additive effect, making China"s the growing trend of desertification. First, the abuse of Ken. Because of population growth and short-term benefits, many parts of the unplanned, uncontrolled for reclamation, weed cutting forests, but also not prepared soil and water conservation and ecological maintenance, leading to desertification, but also accelerate the desertification process in ecologically fragile areas, "opened a year pasture, RBI two years the amount of sand beams become three to five years, "occurs frequently. Second, deforestation. Because the main source of energy for the burning of arid areas of fuelwood, with the increase of population, residents cut down trees, and even used sand-fixing in the shelter were not spared. Third, and overgrazing. Because long-term overuse, such as desertification, Grassland overload rate of 50%, in part, I even up to 300%, not only caused large-scale grassland degradation, desertification, degradation of an annual rate of expansion of two or three Qianwan Mu, and grassland productivity than five decreased by about ten years on behalf of the 30% to 50%. Prairie "waist deep without the fifties and sixties did not hip, knee seventies and eighties did not ankle," the jingle vividly illustrate this dilemma. Fourth, excessive. Spring and autumn every year, the influx of large numbers of people in Inner Mongolia, Gansu and other exploitation of high economic value of licorice, seaweed and herbs, plus various types of large-scale deforestation, mining engineering weeding, removal of vegetation, resulting in large areas of forest, grassland desertification. Fifth, the abuse of water resources. As the Chinese way of irrigation, flood irrigation is still a serious waste of water resources, while the Northwest and North China drought, coupled with no rational allocation of water resources and management, excessive use of water upstream of the river, causing downstream water shortages, large areas of dead vegetation, land desertification . The local residents have over-grazing sheep, but also accelerates the grassland degradation, desertification rate, the current desertification area has reached sixty thousand square kilometers, to provide endless sources of sand dust storms; other use of water resources is not enough, a lot of exploitation of groundwater has resulted in ground vegetation withered, so large areas of dead ground vegetation, land degradation. VI hunting abuse. Economic value of wildlife-rich because of habitat destruction or by a large number of poaching, the number dropped, to maintain the ecosystem balance of the food chain imbalance, indirectly causing desertification. Such as the Qinghai vole was originally the hunting falcon eats a lot, due to a large number of stolen fishing, so that the proliferation of rodents, a large area grazed grassland, leading to desertification
2023-08-06 08:19:543

周杰伦保护动物两分钟那个公益广告英文字幕谁能告诉我啊 急死了 明天上课需要 拜托大家了!!!急需

以下为听译的前两部分Imagine if elephants could simply give us their ivory, but instead, we steal it by killing up to 33,000 a year, just for the things that could be made of something else. Elephants need their ivory, we don"t. Please tell your friends and family to be ivory free. When the buying stops, the killing can, too.Some people think, it"s clever to eat these cute animals -- pangolins. In fact, it"s dangerous. There is seriousness of picking up parasite or catching diseases. And the scales use for medicine, they are keratin, just like the figure nails. And these animals are becoming endangered. Never eat pangolin or use their scales. When the buying stops, the killing can, too.附上后面的:In the 1990s, Taiwan was the biggest buyer of rhino horn, but when we realized it was wrong, we stopped, end the poaching deal ,too. In 2009, Vietnam emerged as the new market, and the poaching increased again. So please don"t bring shame on your country. Joining us now, we helping the rhinos. Never buy rhino horn, together we can save the rhinos. When the buying stops, the killing can, too.If people tell you Shark fin soup doesn"t kill millions of sharks this year, don"t buy it. If they tell you, it not harm the shark populations, don"t buy it. If they tell you, it doesn"t contain mercury that can hurt you, don"t buy it. For your health, for the sharks, for the ocean, please say no to Shark fin soup. When the buying stops, the killing can, too. 以上为辛苦听译,希望对你有帮助,请采纳。附英文视频链接
2023-08-06 08:20:021


  保护大象是一个长久的斗争,但是写一篇关于保护大象的英语作文,一瞬间就能够解决。下面是我给大家整理的如何保护大象英语作文,供大家参阅!   如何保护大象英语作文篇1   Dear schoolmates,Elephants are the largest mammals on land. They can live as long as 80 years. However,these days the number of elephants is becoming much smaller. Because people cut down forests they are losing their homes. Also,people kill them for their ivory. Elephants are in great danger. I think we should try our best to protect them. First,we should help make rules to stop people from killing elephants. Second,we shouldnu2019 t cut down trees. Third,we shouldn"t buy anything made of ivory.   I believe everydne,s contribution (贡献) can make a big difference.   Wang Peng   如何保护大象英语作文篇2   The appearance of the elephant is very strange. It has four strong legs, basketball head has a long nose and two big ears, fan and eyes is very small. Large body has a small tail and specially used to keep the flies away, mosquitoes. It that sharp teeth and make fearsome opponents.   Like an elephant drinking water a lot of fun. It with long nose sucked into the water first, and then put the nose into the mouth, the water will automatically flow into his mouth. But sometimes still had water on the outside of the mouth flow, the elephant is really silly!   The elephant is a social animal. A herd of elephants in there is always a respected leading elephant, he will lead the elephant population migration, and to protect elephants from other brutal attack, so a great responsibility, a difficult task.   The elephant is an ancient mammals. For millions of years before, it is with dinosaurs and other animals living on the earth, then the dinosaurs, but the elephant is stubbornly survive, means the elephant to adapt to the environment ability is stronger. Today, the human should endeavor to protect elephants, elephant, as a kind of animal species to survive a few million years is not a problem.   如何保护大象英语作文篇3   As we all know,the wild elephant, in South Africa, has been increasingly lessening.   Why have elephants in South Africa faced so dangerous situation?First of all,some illegal merchants catch the elephants for their tusks to make all kinds of ormaments and medicine.For the other,The area of their habitates has been increasingly decreasing.Some effective measures must be taken to solve thes problems.   As far as I am concerned,the goveronment should make serious regulations to forbid catching elephant and punish those who catch elephant badly.Besides,we should try our best to protect the habitas of those elephant,which is essential for therir existance.Moreover,more volunteers should spread the message of the importance of protecting the South Africa"s elephant.   If we do not take sound solution to protect,the fantastic species--=elephants in South Africa will become extinct .   如何保护大象英语作文篇4   Have you ever see an elephant? No!!!! Maybe you are seen on TV, or maybe you"re just seen in the gallery, maybe you just stay in and understanding of the elephant elephant on the two words, but the elephant really there are many, many things are all don"t know.   People to see the elephants first impression is that they are really big! Very grand! Indeed, the elephant is the largest remaining terrestrial mammals on earth. These magnificent animals in addition to the large body, super strength, and with a lot of amazing places: elephants are smart and sensitive; The elephant mutual love between family members; Life to comply with a set of complex social rules; The elephant will remember already dead family members, maybe die in their sad for a long time. The life of these behemoths rather than you or me, they are the perfect combination of strength and tenderness, impressive. Although the elephant gargantuan, but also very fragile. Despite their strength supergroup, many kinds of wild like a fight for survival.   Asian and African continent once lived hundreds of elephants, but in the past century, the elephant populations fell by more than 50%, wild elephant, now no more than 550000 head.   The main reason for the elephant poaching is for ivory. To one thousand, ivory have been used to produce a variety of items, including piano keys, ivory billiards, chopsticks, seals and other luxury decoration. People from the dead elephants for ivory, therefore humans began to hunt elephants.   Months before 2011, west African country of the republic of Chad were hunted for at least 50 elephant ivory and serious threat of elephants from poaching in the country. Number of Chad elephant fell more than 37% in recent years, from 2006 in 4000 to 2010 in 2500.   To protect elephants. Continues to exist if the ivory trade, elephant habitat, continue to reduce the elephant also will continue to be in serious danger. Conservation groups claim system with comprehensive methods to save the elephants. They support the positive action, nip in the bud, before the problem become too serious, efforts to solve the problem. Different governments, organizations, enterprises and society must work together to protect the elephant habitat, less people like conflict, termination of ivory trade to protect elephants from poaching.   Like the tiger, and other species, the elephant is to protect the enterprise"s flagship project - protect elephants means a wider range of biodiversity and ecosystem will be protected. Elephant if extinction, we lost not only is one of the most intelligent, the most beloved animals, and for many other species will have disastrous effects.   Protect elephants, everybody is responsible for, don"t let the elephant again hurt, don"t let this lovely animals become a thing of the past, we hope they will always live in this world, as human"s good friends, continue to survive!   
2023-08-06 08:20:241


Saving Giant PandaThe giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family and among the worldu2019s most threatened animals. It is universally loved.Today, the giant panda"s future remains uncertain. As China"s economy continues rapidly developing, this bamboo-eating member of the bear family faces a number of threats. Its forest habitat, in the mountainous areas of southwest China, is increasingly fragmented by roads and railroads. Habitat loss continues to occur outside of protected areas, while poaching remains an ever-present threat.Great strides have been made in recent years to conserve the giant pandas. By 2005, the Chinese government had established over 50 panda reserves, protecting more than 2.5 million acres - over 45 percent of remaining giant panda habitat u2013 protecting more than 60 percent of the population.NGO"s main role in China is to assist and influence policy level conservation decisions through information collection, demonstration of conservation approaches at all levels and capacity building. In addition, WWF also serves as a facilitator; a source of information and a communicator in panda conservation.Early panda conservation work included the first-ever intensive field studies of wild panda ecology and behavior. Current work focuses on the Minshan Mountains in Sichuan and Gansu provinces and the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi province. Specifically our work includes:1. Increasing the area of habitat under legal protection2. Creating green corridors to link isolated pandas3. Patrolling against poaching, illegal logging and encroachment4. Building local capacities for nature reserve management5. Continued research and monitoringRecently, WWF has been helping the government of China to undertake its National Conservation Program for the giant panda and its habitat. This program has made significant progress. Reserves for the pandas cover more than 3.8 million acres of forest in and around their habitat.
2023-08-06 08:20:324


2023-08-06 08:20:402


2023-08-06 08:20:504


The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family and among the worldu2019s most threatened animals. It is universally loved. Today, the giant panda"s future remains uncertain. As China"s economy continues rapidly developing, this bamboo-eating member of the bear family faces a number of threats. Its forest habitat, in the mountainous areas of southwest China, is increasingly fragmented by roads and railroads. Habitat loss continues to occur outside of protected areas, while poaching remains an ever-present threat. Great strides have been made in recent years to conserve the giant pandas. By 2005, the Chinese government had established over 50 panda reserves, protecting more than 2.5 million acres - over 45 percent of remaining giant panda habitat u2013 protecting more than 60 percent of the population. NGO"s main role in China is to assist and influence policy level conservation decisions through information collection, demonstration of conservation approaches at all levels and capacity building. In addition, WWF also serves as a facilitator; a source of information and a communicator in panda conservation. Early panda conservation work included the first-ever intensive field studies of wild panda ecology and behavior. Current work focuses on the Minshan Mountains in Sichuan and Gansu provinces and the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi province. Specifically our work includes: 1. Increasing the area of habitat under legal protection 2. Creating green corridors to link isolated pandas 3. Patrolling against poaching, illegal logging and encroachment 4. Building local capacities for nature reserve management 5. Continued research and monitoring Recently, WWF has been helping the government of China to undertake its National Conservation Program for the giant panda and its habitat. This program has made significant progress. Reserves for the pandas cover more than 3.8 million acres of forest in and around their habitat.
2023-08-06 08:21:301


Pandas are a type of bear that are native to China.They have a distinctive black and white fur pattern.Pandas primarily eat bamboo, but they can also eat small animals and fish.They are an endangered species due to habitat loss and poaching.Pandas are known for their cute and cuddly appearance, and they are a popular symbol of China.Many zoos around the world have pandas, and efforts are being made to protect and preserve their population in the wild.
2023-08-06 08:21:403


2023-08-06 08:21:511

介绍动物熊猫 英语

hello 、I am bear .i come for china .i has a........................
2023-08-06 08:21:582


问题一:保护大象的短语 英语的 protect elephants 保护大象 save elephants 拯救大象 问题二:大象的英文怎么说 你好。大象 elephant;[医]heffalump; ● 例句 1. 能够抑制猎杀大象数目的上升吗? Can this increase in elephant poaching be reversed? 2.还有你看见大象了吗? And did you see the elephant? 希望可以帮到你。 问题三:英语作文(写一篇保护大象的倡议书80字) Elephants are the biggest animals on the land.They are big and srong.They have big ears and trunks.They can walk quietly and help people move heavy things. They are very friendly,kind and always live together.But the number of elephants reduces.People kill elephants for their ivories.We must take action to protect them or else they will extinct from the world. 问题四:大象用英语怎么说! 大象 elephant 复数 elephants 问题五:大象用英语怎么说 elephant
2023-08-06 08:22:051


2023-08-06 08:22:281


Lions live in Africa continent,North and South lion mane is more developed,has been extended to the back and belly,but in humans with a shotgun on their "special care",the two subspecies have become extinct lions.India is located in the Asian lion smaller than Africa brothers,mane is relatively short.They are at the edge of extinction.The lion once lived in the southeast,Middle East,Europe,India and Africa.Life in Europe has been around first Century BC and extinction due to human activity,live in Asia,especially in British colonial India lions almost in early twentieth Century to be conquered India as ventilation like hunted to extinction,but always the lion as sacred Indians finally saved them,their placement in the northwest of India in the state of Gil national Forest Park.The lion has multiplied about 300400 heads.Life in the West Asian lion because of poaching and extinction,Gil national forest has become the Asian lion finally habitat.
2023-08-06 08:22:371


  网球术语列表  A  Ace (爱司球) – 一个接发球方球员碰不到的优质发球 Ad court – 每边球员左半边的球场。参见deuce court Advantage (占先) – 为一位球员在平分( deuce )后再得一分的情况。在这种情况下,这位球员只要再拿下一分,即可拿下该局 Alley – 单打边线( sideline )和双打边线中间的区域。sideline (边线)又称作 tramline Approach shot – 球员为了接下来要上网而打的一种球,通常带着下旋( underspin ) ATP – 国际职业网球联合会( Association of Tennis Professionals ),男子的职业网球联合会  B  Backcourt (后场) – 球场中发球线( service line )与底线( baseline )之间的区域。又称 No-Man"s Land Backhand (反手拍、反拍) – 一种以主要持拍手臂的背面来面向球的来向、跨过身体地挥动以击球的挥拍方法。对于右撇子而言是指左手边,对于左撇子而言则指右手边。参见正手拍( forehand ) Backspin (下旋、倒旋) – 球的底部向前旋转的旋转方式。造成球往上浮且落地后弹跳得较低。同 underspin Backswing (拉拍) – 击球前的将拍子向后拉,扭腰扩胸转肩的预备动作 Bagel (贝果) – 以6-0的比数赢下该盘。double bagel为以6-0,6-0的比数赢下该场比赛 Ball Boy (球童) – 为当每一分打完时,在球场上负责捡球的男性或女性。通常是青少年,在ATP赛事中。 Baseline (底线) – 在球场最远的两端的用以界定比赛球场范围的白线 Baseliner (底线型球员) – 比赛中在底线( baseline )附近击落地球( Groundstroke )、依靠其击落地球(Groundstroke)的品质来赢球的球员 Best of five (五盘三胜制) – 比赛最多打五盘,先赢三盘者获胜 Best of three (三盘两胜制) – 比赛最多打三盘,先赢两盘者获胜 Big serve (大力发球) – 一个强而有力的发球,通常使得发球方在这一分中占有优势 Block (挡) – 一种击球前挥拍动作不大的防御性击球方式,通常是在回发球时 Bread stick – 以6-1的比数赢下该盘。参见贝果( bagel ) Break (破发球局、破发) – 接发球方球员破了发球方球员的发球局而赢下该局 Break point (破发点) – 再赢一分即可破发的状况 Bye (第一轮轮空) – 该位球员不须要打第一轮,直接优惠晋级至第二轮。在部分赛事的赛制设计上会给予种子球员此优惠;或是由于参赛人数不足等原因而给予部分球员此优惠  C  Center line (中线) – 在球场中间,垂直于网子、用来界定发球有效区域的直线 Closed stance (封闭性撀球姿势) – 击球时,身体正前方之方向介于平行于底线与背对于对手之间,为传统击球技法。 Chip (切球、削球) – 一种带着下旋( underspin )地挡( block )一球的击球方法 Chip and charge – 为一种积极进攻的战略,回发球时带着下旋( underspin )然后上网 Chop (切球、削球) – 带着强烈下旋( underspin )的一球 Counterpuncher – 防御型的底线型( baseliner )球员,参见网球战略 Court(球场) – 设计用来打网球的区域 Crosscourt – 将球打进对手球场的斜对方  D  Deep (深) – 球的落点很接近底线( baseline ),是落点很接近网子的反义 Deuce (平分) – 在一局( game )中,比分40-40的情况。此时任何一方球员都必须连续赢两分才可赢得该局。参见占先( advantage ) Deuce court – 每边球员右半边的球场。参见ad court Dink – 脚步没有任何移动地击一球 Dirtballer – 擅长在红土球场上打球的球员 Double Fault (双发失误、双误) – 在一分之中连续两次发球失误( fault ),导致球员因此输掉该分 Doubles (双打) – 由四位球员一起打球的网球比赛,球场的每边各有两名球员 Down the line (直线行进) – 击一球并使之笔直地前进而进入对手的球场 Drop shot (过网急坠球、放小球) – 击球的力道很轻、使之刚好通过网子上方即坠下来的一球。目的是使位置离网子很远的球员防备不及 Drop volley – 由截击( volley )所击出的过网急坠球( drop shot )  F  Fault (发球失误) – 发球时,球没有落进正确的区域。因此这一分不会开始打 First Service (第一发球) – 在一分开始时,发球方球员所拥有的两次发球机会中的第一次发球机会 Flat (平击)、Flat Strike – 平击,自旋度极低的击球方式。例如:平击发球( a flat serve ) Follow through(随挥、随球动作) – 击到球之后的挥拍动作 Foot fault (脚误、脚部失误、踩线犯规) – 发球方球员发球时,在球拍触到球之前,因为脚踩进球场或跨过中心标(the center hash mask)的假想延伸线而导致该次发球失误 Forehand (正手拍、正拍) –一种以主要持拍手臂的正面面向球的来向、由身体后方向前挥击的挥拍方法。对于右撇子而言是指右手边,对于左撇子而言则指左手边。参见反手拍( backhand )  G  Game point (局点) – 指再赢得一分即可赢得该局的情况 Golden set – 没有输掉任何一分地赢下该盘 Golden Slam (金满贯) – 在一年之中,完成大满贯( winning the Grand Slam )且赢得奥林匹克运动会中网球项目的金牌 Grand Slam (大满贯) – 指一年里四个最著名的赛事:澳大利亚网球公开赛、法国网球公开赛 (又称罗兰·加洛斯)、温布尔登网球锦标赛、美国网球公开赛。完成大满贯( winning the Grand Slam )是指在一年之中这四个赛事全部赢下 Groundies (击落地球) – 参见Groundstroke Groundstroke (击落地球) – 在球于球场上弹跳一次后的正拍( forehand )或反拍( backhand )击球  H  Hail Mary – 一个极高的高吊球( lob ),目的是防守。 Head (拍头) – 球拍包含线的部分。 Hold (保住发球局、保发) – 发球方球员赢下该局。  I  I-formation – 双打中,在一分开始打之前,发球方球员和其搭挡站在球场同一边(deuce-court 或 ad-court)的一种站位法 Inside-out – 跑到球场的一边(例如:反手拍那边)然后击出 crosscourt 球 Inside-in – 跑到球场的一边然后击出直线行进(down the line)的球。其使用频率次于 inside-out  J  Jamming (近身球) – 发球或回击球时,将球笔直地打向对手的身体。  K  Kick serve (上旋发球) – 一种带着旋转、落地之后弹跳很高的发球  L  Lawn Tennis (草地网球) – 在草地上进行的网球 Let (触网) – 发球时,球触到网子之后落进对手球场中的有效区域。此时这分不算重打 Line Judge (线审) – 专门负责监视球行经球场边界线情况并宣判这一球是出界或界内的人,不受球员的驳回。线审必须服从主审( umpire )的判决,即使其与线审自己的判断不同 Lob (高吊球) – 一种过网高度极高的球。目的是使球飞越过网前对手的头顶而保证得分,对付发球上网型球员(serve & volleyer)的利器。参考网球战略 Longgame – 当该盘比分来到6-6,不实行抢七( tiebreak ),而是继续比赛至其中一方赢对方两局为止,称这种赛制为longgame。通常是在五盘三胜制( Best of five )的第五盘实行 Lucky loser (幸运的输球者) – 虽然输球但却幸运地仍可继续参赛的球员。通常发生的情况是:在主赛事第一轮开打前,有球员临时退赛,因此资格赛最后一轮输球的球员有机会虽然输球却仍能递补进去而获得主赛事的参赛资格,而成为幸运的输球者( lucky loser ) Love (零分) – 零 (网球比分) Love game – 没有让对手拿到任何一分就赢下的一局  M  Match point (赛末点、赛点) – 在一场比赛中领先的一方球员再赢得一分即可获胜的情况 Mini-break – 在抢七决胜局( tiebreak )中,赢下由对手发球的一分 Mixed Doubles (混合双打、混双) – 由四位球员一起打球的网球比赛,两男两女,球场的每边各有一男一女 Moonball (月亮球) – 高度极高的高吊球( lob )  N  No-Man"s Land – 球场中发球线( service line )与底线( baseline )之间的区域。也是球员最难防守的区域。亦名 Backcourt  O  Open stance (开放性击球姿势) – 击球时,身体正前方之方向线与底线( baseline )呈现接近于垂直的状态,但并不等于垂直,因此须利用上半身的转动来击球,为现代新式击球技法。 Out (出界) – 球落在有效区域之外 Overrule (改判) – 反转线审( linesperson )的判决结果。由主审( umpire )为之  P  Passing shot (穿越球) – 从网前对手旁边(非上方)通过的一球。参见高吊球( lob ) Poaching – 为双打中一种积极进攻的移位,网前球员移位去截击( volley )打向其搭挡的球 Point (分) – 从第一个成功的发球( service )到这一球结束的期间 Pusher – 不求打出致胜球( winner )、但求将球稳稳地回击回去的球员 Putaway – 在占优势时试图趁机结束这一分( point )的一球  Q  Quality (球质) – 参考各种要素造成对方击球的困难程度。球质为台湾网球术语,在中国亦称为制量。用于形容回球的困难程度:球质高->回球困难;球质差->回球简单。 决定球质的三要素: 速度、旋度、落点。 速度快、旋度高、落点佳就是颗球质高的漂亮击球。  R  Racquet (球拍) – 球员用来打网球的拍子,由木头、金属或其他人造材料制成,具有长握柄以及成圈状的大拍头,拍头中穿以网状紧绷的直线 Rally – (在发球之后)一连串的球的回击,直到其中一位球员将球击出界或未将球击入有效区域为止 Referee – 负责整个赛事规则执行的人(而非仅负责一场网球赛)。参见主审( umpire ) Retriever – 防御型的底线型球员( baseliner )。参见网球战略  S  Set point(盘点、盘末点) – 离赢得一盘比赛只差一分时 Singles(单打) – 仅由两名选手参与的网球比赛 Second Service(二发) – 在一分开始时,发球方所获得的两次发球中的第二次发球,也是最后一次发球 Seed (种子球员、种子) – 由于网球赛制通常采单淘汰制,为了不要让最好的一些球员在赛事前几轮就因彼此对上而出局,因此将参赛的最好的一些球员列入种子球员,并于签表中分散排列,以避免其在赛事前几轮就相遇 Serve(发球) – 由击球到对方半场开始一分的比赛 Serve and volley(发球上网) – 发球并立即向前移动来创造截击的机会并有希望获得这一分的战术 Service line (发球线) – 在球场中,平行于网子、用来界定发球有效区域最远范园的直线 Sideline (边线) – 界定单打( singles )或双打( doubles )有效区域两侧的线。同 tramline Slice(切削球) – (回球)用下旋的方式击球;(发球)带侧旋的发球 Smash – 扣杀是截击的一种,一般对方回球过高,这时可以利用一种类似发球的动作将球快速击打回对方场地以产生赢球。 Spin(旋转球) – 球在飞行过程中旋转,影响球的飞行轨迹和落地后的起跳。参看下旋( Backspin ) & 上旋( Topspin ) Split step – 一种步法,在对手击球前做小的起跳 Straight sets (直落盘数) – 赢得一场比赛,获胜者没有输掉任何一盘。  T  Tanking – 指因心理素质差或其他原因而故意输掉该场比赛;或指故意输掉非关键的一盘,以集中体能和注意力于关键的一盘 Tennis Ball (网球) – 打网球时所用的球,为柔软、中空、中间填以气体、表面上覆盖以合成纤维软毛的橡樛球 T (T点) – 中线( center line )和发球线( service line )交会而形成一T字形的地方 Tiebreak (抢七局、抢七、抢小分局、抢小分) – 指在一盘( set )的比分来到6-6时,为了决定该盘的胜负所进行的一个特殊的局( game )。领先对手2分以上(含2分)且其得分达七分(含七分)以上者胜出 Topspin (上旋) – 球的顶部向前旋转的旋转方式。造成球往下沈且落地后弹跳得较高 Tramline (边线) – 界定单打( singles )或双打( doubles )有效区域两侧的线。同 sideline  U  Underspin (下旋、倒旋) – 球的底部向前旋转的旋转方式。造成球往上浮且落地后弹跳得较低。同 backspin Umpire (主审) – (比赛间)负责独立自主地执行该场比赛规则的人,通常坐在网子旁边高高的椅子上 Unforced error (非受迫性失误) – 比赛间发球或回击球时无法归因的失误和球员因自己判断错误所迼成的失误  V  Volley (截击) – 趋前在球未落地前即击球。通常以落点佳而对方无法追及之小球达成致胜球。  W  Walkover (不战而胜) – 不须比赛即获得胜利。原因有:第一轮轮空( bye )、对手被取消资格、对手因受伤等原因无法参加比赛等 Wild card (外卡) – 即使排名不够或没有及时登记,仍然获得参赛的资格。一般给予的情况有:虽然排名仍不足,但有潜力的球员、知名球员因故长期未参赛而导致排名不足、排名很高的球员没有及时登记参赛等等 Winner (致胜球) – 若在连续对打时指的是:对手无法赶到的强而有力的一球,因而拿下这一分。若在发球时指的是:对手连碰都碰不到,也就是ACE,因而拿下这一分 WTA – 女子网球联合会( Women"s Tennis Association ),女子的网球联合会
2023-08-06 08:22:481

中国即将要灭绝的老虎介绍! 要求英文!

Siberian Tiger (东北虎) The Siberian tiger (also known as the Amur, Korean, Manchurian, or North China tiger) is the largest and most powerful subspecies of naturally occurring feline. The Siberian tiger is almost totally confined to a very restricted part of eastern Russia, the Amur-Ussuri region of Primorye and Khabarovsk, a location it shares with the Siberian leopard, where they are now being actively protected. About 10% of Siberian tiger populations reside in China. The tiger population in the Sikhote-Alin was 250 in 1992, increasing to 350 as of 2004, despite significant losses of cubs due to car accidents on the single road that crosses their territory. Illegal poaching has been brought under control thanks to frequent road inspections. It is rumoured that there are still around 20 of these tigers in the Mount Changbai area of China. As the total population of these tigers fell to 150 in the wild, many subpopulations are possibly not genetically viable, subject to potentially catastrophic inbreeding. However, Russian conservation efforts have led to a revival of the subspecies, and the number of individuals in the Primorsky region of Russia has risen from 450 to 500 in the past decade, indicating positive growth.
2023-08-06 08:22:582


Tigers (Latin:Panthera tigris, of Iranian origin: tighra) are mammals of the Felidae family and one of four "big cats" in the Panthera genus. They are predatory carnivores and the largest and most powerful of all living cat species. The Indian Subcontinent is home to more than 80% of the wild tigers in the world. Tigers breed well in captivity, and the captive population in the United States may rival the wild population of the world. Most tigers live in forests and grasslands (for which their camouflage is ideally suited). Among the big cats, only the tiger and jaguar are strong swimmers; tigers are often found bathing in ponds, lakes, and rivers. Tigers hunt alone and eat primarily medium-sized herbivores such as deer, wild pigs, and buffalo. However, they will also take larger or smaller prey on occasion. Humans are the tiger"s only serious predator and often kill tigers illegally for their fur or penises. Their bones and nearly all body parts are used in Chinese Medicine for a range of purported uses including pain killers and aphrodisiacs. Poaching for fur and destruction of habitat have greatly reduced tiger populations in the wild, and it has been placed on the endangered species list.
2023-08-06 08:23:061


Title: The Amazing Giant PandaThe giant panda, also known as Ailuropoda melanoleuca, is one of the most beloved and iconic animals in the world. Native to the mountainous regions of central China, the panda is easily recognized by its distinct black and white fur pattern.Giant pandas have a unique and fascinating diet. They are primarily herbivores, with bamboo comprising 99% of their diet. They have a special adaptation in their digestive system to process bamboo efficiently. Despite being classified as carnivores, pandas have a thumb-like appendage, known as a "pseudo-thumb," which helps them grip and strip bamboo shoots.In terms of physical appearance, pandas have a stout body with round faces and expressive eyes. Their black ears, eye patches, legs, and shoulders contrast beautifully with their white torso. The panda"s friendly and innocent expression makes it incredibly adorable.Another interesting fact about pandas is their low reproductive rate. Females are fertile for only a few days each year, and the chances of successful mating are quite low. As a result, conservation efforts play a crucial role in ensuring the survival of these magnificent creatures. Giant pandas are considered an endangered species due to habitat loss and poaching.Efforts to protect pandas and their habitat have shown positive results. Conservation organizations work tirelessly to preserve bamboo forests and create protected areas where pandas can thrive. Breeding programs in captivity have also contributed to increasing the panda population.Beyond their conservation significance, pandas hold a special place in Chinese culture. They are often regarded as symbols of peace, friendship, and harmony. Giant pandas are beloved by people worldwide and have become ambassadors for wildlife conservation.In conclusion, giant pandas are extraordinary animals that captivate us with their unique appearance and gentle nature. They have become a symbol of conservation and inspire us to protect the natural world. Let us continue to appreciate and preserve the remarkable beauty of the giant panda for future generations to enjoy.
2023-08-06 08:23:162

语法问题 有空帮看下 非常感谢,thanks!!

动副。动副。宾补是修饰宾语的,副词是修饰动词的。不明白。副词可以加到动名词前面后面都可以 getting off the bus在when后面,when相
2023-08-06 08:23:341


nd的英文缩写的意思是需要,全称是need。 英 [ni:d] 美 [nid] vt. 需要; 必须; aux. 必须; 不得不; n. 需要; 需要的东西; 责任; 贫穷; vi. (表示应该或不得不做)有必要; 扩展资料 双语例句 1. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness. 不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。 2. You"ll need to get on the right side of Carmela. 你得讨卡梅拉的`欢心。 3. You will need a pot of broth for poaching. 你需要一锅汤煮。 4. What is right for us need not be right for others. 对我们说是对的东西,对别人说未必正确。 5. Mommy, you don"t need to stay while we talk. 妈妈,我们谈话时你不必陪着.
2023-08-06 08:23:431


网球术语中英文对照A * Ace (爱司球) – 一个接发球方球员碰不到的优质发球 * Ad court – 每边球员左半边的球场。参见deuce court * Advantage (占先) – 为一位球员在平分( deuce )后再得一分的情况。在这种情况下,这位球员只要再拿下一分,即可拿下该局 * Alley – 单打边线( sideline )和双打边线中间的区域。sideline (边线)又称作 tramline * Approach shot – 球员为了接下来要上网而打的一种球,通常带著下旋( underspin ) * ATP – 国际职业网球联合会( Association of Tennis Professionals ),男子的职业网球联合会 B * Backcourt (后场) – 球场中发球线( service line )与底线( baseline )之间的区域。又称 No-Man"s Land * Backhand (反手拍、反拍) – 一种以主要持拍手臂的背面来面向球的来向、跨过身体地挥动以击球的挥拍方法。对于右撇子而言是指左手边,对于左撇子而言则指右手边。参见正手拍( forehand ) * Backspin (下旋、倒旋) – 球的底部向前旋转的旋转方式。造成球往上浮且落地后弹跳得较低。同 underspin * Backswing – 击到球之前的挥拍动作 * Bagel (贝果) – 以6-0的比数赢下该盘。double bagel为以6-0,6-0的比数赢下该场比赛 * Ball Boy (球童) – 为当每一分打完时,在球场上负责捡球的男性或女性。通常是青少年,在ATP赛事中。 * Baseline (底线) – 在球场最远的两端的用以界定比赛球场范围的白线 * Baseliner (底线型球员) – 比赛中在底线( baseline )附近击落地球( Groundstroke )、依靠其击落地球(Groundstroke)的品质来赢球的球员 * Best of five (五盘三胜制) – 比赛最多打五盘,先赢三盘者获胜 * Best of three (三盘两胜制) – 比赛最多打三盘,先赢两盘者获胜 * Big serve (大力发球) – 一个强而有力的发球,通常使得发球方在这一分中占有优势 * Block (挡) – 一种击球前挥拍动作不大的防御性击球方式,通常是在回发球时 * Bread stick – 以6-1的比数赢下该盘。参见贝果( bagel ) * Break (破发球局、破发) – 接发球方球员破了发球方球员的发球局而赢下该局 * Break point (破发点) – 再赢一分即可破发的状况 * Bye (第一轮轮空) – 该位球员不须要打第一轮,直接优惠晋级至第二轮。在部分赛事的赛制设计上会给予种子球员此优惠;或是由于参赛人数不足等原因而给予部分球员此优惠 C * Center line (中线) – 在球场中间,垂直于网子、用来界定发球有效区域的直线 * Closed stance (封闭性撀球姿势) – 击球时,身体正前方之方向介于平行于底线与背对于对手之间,为传统击球技法。 * Chip (切球、削球) – 一种带著下旋( underspin )地挡( block )一球的击球方法 * Chip and charge – 为一种积极进攻的战略,回发球时带著下旋( underspin )然后上网 * Chop (切球、削球) – 带著强烈下旋( underspin )的一球 * Counterpuncher – 防御型的底线型( baseliner )球员,参见网球战略 * Court (球埸) – 设计用来打网球的区域 * Crosscourt – 将球打进对手球场的斜对方 D * Deep (深) – 球的落点很接近底线( baseline ),是落点很接近网子的反义 * Deuce (平分) – 在一局( game )中,比分40-40的情况。此时任何一方球员都必须连续赢两分才可赢得该局。参见占先( advantage ) * Deuce court – 每边球员右半边的球埸。参见ad court * Dink – 脚步没有任何移动地击一球 * Dirtballer – 擅长在红土球埸上打球的球员 * Double Fault (双发失误、双误) – 在一分之中连续两次发球失误( fault ),导致球员因此输掉该分 * Doubles (双打) – 由四位球员一起打球的网球比赛,球场的每边各有两名球员 * Down the line (直线行进) – 击一球并使之笔直地前进而进入对手的球场 * Drop shot (过网急坠球、放小球) – 击球的力道很轻、使之刚好通过网子上方即坠下来的一球。目的是使位置离网子很远的球员防备不及 * Drop volley – 由截击( volley )所击出的过网急坠球( drop shot ) F * Fault (发球失误) – 发球时,球没有落进正确的区域。因此这一分不会开始打 * First Service (第一发球) – 在一分开始时,发球方球员所拥有的两次发球机会中的第一次发球机会 * Flat (平击) – 带著较少旋转的一球。例如:平击发球( a flat serve ) * Follow through(随球动作) – 击到球之后的挥拍动作 * Foot fault (脚误、脚部失误、踩线犯规) – 发球方球员发球时,在球拍触到球之前,因为脚踩入球场或跨过中心标(the center hash mask)的假想延伸线而导致该次发球失误 * Forehand (正手拍、正拍) –一种以主要持拍手臂的正面面向球的来向、由身体后方向前挥击的挥拍方法。对于右撇子而言是指右手边,对于左撇子而言则指左手边。参见反手拍( backhand ) G * Game point (局点) – 指再赢得一分即可赢得该局的情况 * Golden set – 没有输掉任何一分地赢下该盘 * Golden Slam (金满贯) – 在一年之中,完成大满贯( winning the Grand Slam )且赢得奥林匹克运动会中网球项目的金牌 * Grand Slam (大满贯) – 指一年里四个最著名的赛事:澳大利亚网球公开赛、法国网球公开赛 (又称罗兰·加洛斯)、温布尔登网球锦标赛、美国网球公开赛。完成大满贯( winning the Grand Slam )是指在一年之中这四个赛事全部赢下 * Groundies (击落地球) – 参见Groundstroke * Groundstroke (击落地球) – 在球于球场上弹跳一次后的正拍( forehand )或反拍( backhand )击球 H61 Hail Mary – 一个极高的高吊球( lob ),目的是防守。 61 Head (拍头) – 球拍包含线的部分。 61 Hold (保住发球局、保发) – 发球方球员赢下该局。 I61 I-formation – 双打中,在一分开始打之前,发球方球员和其搭挡站在球场同一边( deuce-court 或 ad-court )的一种站位法 61 Inside-out – 跑到球埸的一边(例如:反手拍那边)然后击出 crosscourt 球 61 Inside-in – 跑到球埸的一边然后击出直线行进( down the line )的球。其使用频率次于 inside-outJ61 Jamming (近身球) – 发球或回击球时,将球笔直地打向对手的身体。 K61 Kick serve (上旋发球) – 一种带著旋转、落地之后弹跳很高的发球 L61 Lawn Tennis (草地网球) – 在草地上进行的网球 61 Let (触网) – 发球时,球触到网子之后落进对手球埸中的有效区域。此时这分不算重打 61 Line Judge (线审) – 专门负责监视球行经球场边界线情况并宣判这一球是出界或界内的人,不受球员的驳回。线审必须服从主审( umpire )的判决,即使其与线审自己的判断不同 61 Lob (高吊球) – 一种过网高度极高的球。目的是使球飞越过网前对手的头顶而保证得分 61 Longgame – 当该盘比分来到6-6,不实行抢七( tiebreak ),而是继续比赛至其中一方赢对方两局为止,称这种赛制为longgame。通常是在五盘三胜制( Best of five )的第五盘实行 61 Lucky loser (幸运的输球者) – 虽然输球但却幸运地仍可继续参赛的球员。通常发生的情况是:在主赛事第一轮开打前,有球员临时退赛,因此资格赛最后一轮输球的球员有机会虽然输球却仍能递补进去而获得主赛事的参赛资格,而成为幸运的输球者( lucky loser ) 61 Love (零分) – 零 (网球比分) ,源自法语。61 Love game – 没有让对手拿到任何一分就赢下的一局 M61 Match point (赛末点、赛点) – 在一场比赛中领先的一方球员再赢得一分即可获胜的情况 61 Mini-break – 在抢七决胜局( tiebreak )中,赢下由对手发球的一分 61 Mixed Doubles (混合双打、混双) – 由四位球员一起打球的网球比赛,两男两女,球场的每边各有一男一女 61 Moonball (月亮球) – 高度极高的高吊球( lob )N61 No-Man"s Land – 球场中发球线( service line )与底线( baseline )之间的区域。也是球员最难防守的区域。亦名 BackcourtO61 Open stance (开放性击球姿势) – 击球时,身体正前方之方向介于平行于底线( baseline )与面对于对手之间,为现代新式击球技法。 61 Out (出界) – 球落在有效区域之外 61 Overrule (改判) – 反转线审( linesperson )的判决结果。由主审( umpire )为之 P61 Passing shot (穿越球) – 从网前对手旁边(非上方)通过的一球。参见高吊球( lob ) 61 Poaching – 为双打中一种积极进攻的移位,网前球员移位去截击( volley )打向其搭挡的球 61 Point (分) – 从第一个成功的发球( service )到这一球结束的期间 61 Pusher – 不求打出致胜球( winner )、但求将球稳稳地回击回去的球员 61 Putaway – 在占优势时试图趁机结束这一分( point )的一球 R61 Racquet (球拍) – 球员用来打网球的拍子,由木头、金属或其他人造材料制成,具有长握柄以及成圈状的大拍头,拍头中穿以网状紧绷的直线 61 Rally – (在发球之后)一连串的球的回击,直到其中一位球员将球击出界或未将球击入有效区域为止 61 Referee – 负责整个赛事规则执行的人(而非仅负责一场网球赛)。参见主审( umpire ) 61 Retriever – 防御型的底线型球员( baseliner )。参见网球战略S61 Set point(盘点、盘末点) – 离赢得一盘比赛只差一分时 61 Singles(单打) – 仅由两名选手参与的网球比赛 61 Second Service(二发) – 在一分开始时,发球方所获得的两次发球中的第二次发球,也是最后一次发球 61 Seed (种子球员、种子) – 由于网球赛制通常采单淘汰制,为了不要让最好的一些球员在赛事前几轮就因彼此对上而出局,因此将参赛的最好的一些球员列入种子球员,并于签表中分散排列,以避免其在赛事前几轮就相遇 61 Serve(发球) – 由击球到对方半场开始一分的比赛 61 Serve and volley(发球上网) – 发球并立即向前移动来创造截击的机会并有希望获得这一分的战术 61 Service line (发球线) – 在球场中,平行于网子、用来界定发球有效区域最远范园的直线 61 Sideline (边线) – 界定单打( singles )或双打( doubles )有效区域两侧的线。同 tramline 61 Slice(切削球) – (回球)用下旋的方式击球;(发球)带侧旋的发球 61 Spin(旋转球) – 球在飞行过程中旋转,影响球的飞行轨迹和落地后的起跳。参看下旋( Backspin ) & 上旋( Topspin ) 61 Split step – 一种步法,在对手击球前做小的起跳 61 Straight sets (直落盘数) – 赢得一场比赛,获胜者没有输掉任何一盘。 T61 Tanking – 指因心理素质差或其他原因而故意输掉该场比赛;或指故意输掉非关键的一盘,以集中体能和注意力于关键的一盘 61 Tennis Ball (网球) – 打网球时所用的球,为柔软、中空、中间填以气体、表面上覆盖以合成纤维软毛的橡樛球 61 T (T点) – 中线( center line )和发球线( service line )交会而形成一T字形的地方 61 Tiebreak (抢七局、抢七、抢小分局、抢小分) – 指在一盘( set )的比分来到6-6时,为了决定该盘的胜负所进行的一个特殊的局( game )。领先对手2分以上(含2分)且其得分达七分(含七分)以上者胜出 61 Topspin (上旋) – 球的顶部向前旋转的旋转方式。造成球往下沈且落地后弹跳得较高 61 Tramline (边线) – 界定单打( singles )或双打( doubles )有效区域两侧的线。同 sidelineU61 Underspin (下旋、倒旋) – 球的底部向前旋转的旋转方式。造成球往上浮且落地后弹跳得较低。同 backspin 61 Umpire (主审) – (比赛间)负责独立自主地执行该场比赛规则的人,通常坐在网子旁边高高的椅子上 61 Unforced error (非受迫性失误) – 比赛间发球或回击球时无法归因的失误和球员因自己判断错误所迼成的失误 W61 Walkover (不战而胜) – 不须比赛即获得胜利。原因有:第一轮轮空( bye )、对手被取消资格、对手因受伤等原因无法参加比赛等 61 Wild card (外卡) – 即使排名不够或没有及时登记,仍然获得参赛的资格。一般给予的情况有:虽然排名仍不足,但有潜力的球员、知名球员因故长期未参赛而导致排名不足、排名很高的球员没有及时登记参赛等等 61 Winner (致胜球) – 若在连续对打时指的是:对手无法赶到的强而有力的一球,因而拿下这一分。若在发球时指的是:对手碰到了却回击不好的强力发球,因而拿下这一分 61 WTA – 女子网球联合会( Women"s Tennis Association ),女子的网球联合会.
2023-08-06 08:23:531

大熊猫 英语作文 大熊猫濒危的原因1.森林采伐,栖息地减少 2.盗猎,走私大熊猫皮张 大熊猫濒危的

亲,如果帮到你了要记得采纳哦!!The giant panda is a national treasure to protect animals, but now faces a serious problem, that is, the giant panda is close to extinction.At present, the country with the most pandas in the world is China, we have to protect giant pandas.The main reason for endangered giant pandas have a lot of, mainly to threeFirst of all, many forests have been cut down, that led directly to the panda"s habitat.Secondly, a lot of illegal poaching the giant panda, in order to obtain the skin of the giant panda, and used for smugglingFinally, the meaning of everyone to protect giant pandas is not strong enoughI hope all of us together to protect giant pandas。
2023-08-06 08:24:021


  藏羚多生活在中国青藏高原(西藏、青海、甘肃、新疆),有少量分布在印度拉达克地区。被称为“可可西里的骄傲”。藏羚是国家一级保护动物,也是列入《植种国际濒危野生动物贸易公约》中严禁贸易的濒危动物。那么你知道藏羚羊用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   藏羚羊的英语说法1:   Tibetan antelope   藏羚羊的英语说法2:   Pantholops hodgsoni   藏羚羊的相关 短语 :   追寻藏羚羊 TRACKING DOWN TIBETAN ANTELOPES   拯救藏羚羊 Saving the Antelopes   藏羚羊的英语例句:   1. Choosing the antelope shows that China wants a Green Olympics.   选择藏羚羊表示中国需要绿色奥运.   2. The baby Tibetan antelope around its mother that was killed by poachers.   哀叫大家都哀悯这只失去母亲的小藏羚羊.   3. The females migrate north every summer to give birth to their offspring.   每年夏季雌性藏羚羊迁徒产仔.   4. Like all antelopes, he is strong in track and field events.   和其他藏羚羊一样, 他擅长 田径运动 .   5. Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and represents the blessing of health.   迎迎是一只藏羚羊,传递的祝福是健康.   6. The migrating antelopes are crossing the WuDaoLiang passageway on August 18 th.   图为8月18日,迁徙的藏羚羊正顺利通过五道梁通道.   7. Hiding the antelope is a kind of rare animal of our country.   藏羚羊是我国的一种珍稀动物.   8. He had given his life to save the Tibetan antelope.   他为拯救藏羚羊献出了生命.   9. The males have long, curved horns for defending against enemies.   成年雄性藏羚羊头上长有竖琴形状的角用于御敌.   10. A curious little boy , ru waiting to see the Antelopes?   同车的小虎子也在好奇的观望着窗外, 等着看藏羚羊的呢 吧 ?   11. Criminals earn colossal profits by stealthily poaching antelope.   犯罪分子靠偷猎藏羚羊来牟取暴利.   12. The antelope stands for the yellow Olympics ring.   藏羚羊代表奥运五环中黄色的一环.   13. Are we going to see antelopes ( chirus ) as featured in the film Kekexili: Mountain Patrol?   难道以前在电影《可可西里》里看到的藏羚羊马上就要出现了 吗 ?   14. The chiru is in danger of extinction because people kill them and sell their fell.   人们捕杀藏羚羊,贩卖羊毛,导致藏羚羊濒临灭绝.   15. Everyone felt sad for this baby Tibetan antelope who had just lost its mother.   大家都哀悯这只失去母亲的小藏羚羊.
2023-08-06 08:24:111


Major Threats to the Panda 1. Destruction of the panda"s natural habitat. In the eleven years from 1973 to 1984, suitable panda habitat shrunk by 50 per cent in six isolated, but otherwise ideal, areas. A 1998 logging ban implemented by the Chinese government helped to slow the habitat destruction, but poaching and illegal logging are still a problem. 2. Interruption of migration routes. Bamboo, the Panda"s main food, flowers (produces seeds and dies) once every 10 to 100 years depending on the species. When the bamboo in one area flowers, pandas have to move to areas that have not flowered. Historically, it was easy for pandas to move from one area to another, but now it is not. Human population has expanded, roads and settlements have been built, and forests have been cleared for agriculture, fuelwood, and timber. These changes make panda migration difficult, often leaving pandas restricted to "islands of forest."3. Consumption of Wild Meat Although pandas are occasionally hunted for their pelts, most pandas that are injured or killed by poachers are inadvertently harmed when the pandas are caught in traps meant for musk deer, takin, bear, and other animals. Wild meat is sold in the markets and restaurants in cities nearby the reserve. Eating wild meat in China is a threat to panda survival. (Note, pandas are not sought for use in traditional Chinese medicine.)Wanglang Protects the Giant Panda by:· Patrolling the Reserve for poachers and sick or injured pandas.· Protecting the forests as a key habitat area.· Educating visitors about panda protection and environmental issues.· Supporting panda research.· Providing a corridor for panda migration between adjacent panda habitats.· Educating local residents about the value of conserving pandas.· Supporting economic development of local communities to minimize their need to use panda habitat for to provide for their livelihood.How You Can Protect Pandas· Know and follow the regulations of the Reserve.· Don"t purchase or eat any kind of wild meat.· Make a donation to panda conservation at Wanglang Nature Reserve· Purchase souvenirs at the Reserve, a portion of which supports panda conservation programs at Wanglang.· Join an environmental organization to protect wildlife.· Tell a friend about Wanglang and panda protection.
2023-08-06 08:24:211


1. 以东北虎为题写一篇400字作文 东北虎因为起源于亚洲的北部,所以又被称为西伯利亚虎。在历史上,东北虎又是位老寿星,有三百万年的进化史。东北虎是大型捕食性猛兽,身长体重,强悍凶猛,与其它虎种相较,个体最大,体色最美,堪称“百兽之王”。 东北虎是典型的林栖动物,在我国长白山区,主要生活在针阔叶林和阔叶林中的山崖间和山坡多石砬子的地方,也常到灌木丛和高草中觅食。 东北虎爪子长达十厘米,比钢刀还锋利,犬齿长达六厘米,犹如尖刀利剑。东北虎体型庞大,平均体长为2。8米左右,尾长0。9~1米。虎身条纹常为赤褐色,背毛长44~45厘米,腹毛长55~65毫米;夏毛较深,较短。东北虎的平均寿命约为20岁。 东北虎以捕猎动物为食,捕猎对象为狍子,鹿,野猪等有蹄动物;东北虎性极机警,走起路来和猫一样,毫无动静,行走能力很强,一昼夜能走八十至九十公里,跳跃高度达两米;东北虎还会游泳,但不会爬树。 在二十世纪初,我国长白山地区的东北虎有百头之多,但由于后来人类大面积砍伐森林,大量捕杀野生动物,处于食物链顶端的东北虎的食物被剥夺。此外,人类为取虎骨,虎皮而乱补滥杀的行为,目前,野生东北虎在中国的分布已退至松花江南岸,集中在中俄边境地带,数量仅为十只左右。 目前对东北虎的保护分两种方式,一种为栖息地保护,一种为异地保护。我国 *** 为保护东北虎建立了长白山自然综合保护区和黑龙江省七星砬子东北虎保护区,进行栖息地保护。而各个动物园,主要进行异地保护。 世界野生动物基金会已将东北虎列为全球十大濒危动物之首。 2. 以东北虎为题目,写一篇英语作文,写它少的原因以及解救它的措施 Siberian tiger is the largest subspecies of tiger. It is the body"s largest carnivorous modern feline body color summer hair brown, winter hair yellow. Back and side of the body having a plurality of course black narrow stripes, typically 2 near willow-like form. Head large, round, several black stripes on the forehead, the middle is often collusion, mimicking the "King" character, the "King of the Jungle" reputation. Inhabit forests, shrubs and overgrown areas. Alone, no settlers, with the field of behavior, the scope of activities of up to 100 square kilometers. Nocturnal, sensory acuity, ferocious, fast action, good swim, poor climbing trees, rarely attack humans. Siberian tiger prey mainly deer, sheep, wild boar and other medium-sized mammals, also eat *** all mammals and birds, and bears. Way to attack prey. Pregnancy is 103-105 days, a viviparous 2-4 Aberdeen, producing o to three years time, the wild life of 15-17 years, life expectancy in captivity circumstances 20--25 years. Due to habitat destruction and poaching, are now on the verge of extinction.。 3. 介绍东北虎作文150字 我是一只凶猛的东北虎,一直居住在欢乐的动物园里。 一天早上,我起了床,便缓缓向饭堂跑去。没进饭堂,我就闻倒了牛肉的香味,坐下一看,一块块牛肉令人垂涎三尺。 “哗,多么丰富的早餐呀!”我情不自禁地说,便抓起一块肉往嘴里送。正当我吃得津津有味的时候,我的好朋友熊猫来了。 他开心地对我说:“听说,动物园要搬迁了。”我焦急地问:“要搬去哪呢?”“听说,要搬回一个大森林里去。” 大熊猫说。这几天,我一直在做着美梦,梦见自己终于可以再回大森林去保护动物了。 这回要梦想成真啦!可是,人类到大森林里猎杀我的兄弟姐妹,那血淋淋的场面仿佛又在眼前。想到这里,我又犹豫了。 我疑惑地对熊猫说:“如果我们搬了去,还会遭到人类残酷的猎杀吗?”“再也不会了,因为那里禁止狩猎。森林里有葱郁的树木,淙淙的溪流,广阔的草原,到时你又可以在那里尽情地奔跑了。” 熊猫兴奋地说。“那真是太好了。” 我乐不可支地说。顿时,我觉得早餐更香了,因为,我又可以回森林当动物们的保护神了。 我想:真要感谢觉醒的人类,是他们还我们一个美好的自由生活的空间。 4. 介绍东北虎作文150字 我是一只凶猛的东北虎,一直居住在欢乐的动物园里。 一天早上,我起了床,便缓缓向饭堂跑去。没进饭堂,我就闻倒了牛肉的香味,坐下一看,一块块牛肉令人垂涎三尺。“哗,多么丰富的早餐呀!”我情不自禁地说,便抓起一块肉往嘴里送。 正当我吃得津津有味的时候,我的好朋友熊猫来了。他开心地对我说:“听说,动物园要搬迁了。”我焦急地问:“要搬去哪呢?”“听说,要搬回一个大森林里去。”大熊猫说。 这几天,我一直在做着美梦,梦见自己终于可以再回大森林去保护动物了。这回要梦想成真啦!可是,人类到大森林里猎杀我的兄弟姐妹,那血淋淋的场面仿佛又在眼前。想到这里,我又犹豫了。 我疑惑地对熊猫说:“如果我们搬了去,还会遭到人类残酷的猎杀吗?”“再也不会了,因为那里禁止狩猎。森林里有葱郁的树木,淙淙的溪流,广阔的草原,到时你又可以在那里尽情地奔跑了。”熊猫兴奋地说。 “那真是太好了。”我乐不可支地说。顿时,我觉得早餐更香了,因为,我又可以回森林当动物们的保护神了。 我想:真要感谢觉醒的人类,是他们还我们一个美好的自由生活的空间。 5. 写一段介绍老虎的小作文,不少于5句话 虎是十二生肖中排行老三,它身上有着优美的花纹,像一张黄色的地毯,十分的亮丽。 它有时凶猛无比,也有时温柔善良,只要你对它友好,它也会对你友好,如果你对它凶狠,它就会更加地对你凶狠。 老虎是食肉性的动物,是一种有血性的却又动物,生性好性好胜,所以称之为“百兽之王。”它的性格好爱就是打架,喜欢斗欧,这所以才坐上了“百兽之王”的宝座。 但它有时候也是比较善良的,比如它对训兽而就很乖巧善良。 所以什么动物都有两面性,有善良的时候,也有凶狠的时候,比如人也是一样。 2.十二生肖中的虎,在古代常用作帝王,将军用来调兵遣将的虎符。 虎是百兽之王,它的高大,它的威猛,它的智慧给我留下了一个不可磨灭的映象,在端午节的时候,有用笔在额头上写一个大王的王字的习俗,它用来驱邪避凶,它就像一个忠诚的卫士,不让妖魔鬼怪靠近我们。 在森林中,它是狡猾的猎手,常常隐藏在暗处,等待着猎物自动送上门来,然后以迅雷不及掩耳之势,杀死猎物。不让猎物有喘息的机会,然后饱餐一顿。 6. 描写东北虎的文章或词句 东北虎,东北虎 你这百兽之王 你这森林的皇帝 雄风叱咤千年 一动便挟雷携电 人将英雄称为有“虎胆” 人将豪杰称为有“虎威” 而如今这就是你吗 你懒懒地栖息在这 人们为你布置的公园 你百无聊赖地嬉游睡觉 汽车开进虎园 甩出一些活鸡鸭 你追逐捕猎它们 跳跃在草丛和池塘里 躲在车里观看的游客 便爆发出一阵阵的喝彩 东北虎,东北虎 这就是你啊我的百兽之王 这就是你啊我敬畏的英雄 你祖先纵横驰骋的林莽呢? 你和雷电一起跳舞的原野呢? 那电闪雷鸣中的长啸 那快捷无伦的奔驰 难道都已永不属于你 纵然郊野虎园巨大 水草丰美如梦 你再也难寻莽原之美 你再难一展昔日风采 如今你苟延残喘 逍遥在这人工的樊篱 一则信息透露 现存的四百多只野生东北虎 绝大部分在俄国的森林 报纸连篇累牍地说 某地发现一只野生东北虎了 作为特大喜讯来报道 我掩卷叹息 遥望那幽远的森林 在东北虎的故土 这虎却再也不能繁衍在 那风雨雷电下的林莽 那龙吟虎啸的深山 我独吟一曲哀歌 在这东北虎的故乡 在这怀旧的夜 为这永远不再的 东北虎的往事 7. 以northeast tiger为题,写一篇关于东北虎的短文 As we all know,the number of Siberian tiger is being *** aller and *** aller. The appearances of Siberian tiger is terrifyingly.They are with an red-brown colour and brindle on their furs.They are mainly inhabit in forests and mountain area of the north by east in China.Their favourite food is fresh meat,especially the *** all animals.Their habitual behavior is to hide by day and e out at night. And we should try our best to protect them.。 8. 关于东北虎的说明文 东北虎是现存体重最大的猫科亚种(除了杂交动物 狮虎兽),其中雄性从头到尾体长可达3.2米左右,尾长约1米,体长1.6~2.1米,一般体重150~250公斤,有记录的最大野生东北虎体重达到450公斤,为原苏联捕获。 东北虎主要分布于中国的东北地区,国外见于西伯利亚。体色夏毛棕黄色,冬毛淡黄色。 背部和体侧具有多条横列黑色窄条纹,通常2条靠近呈柳叶状。头大而圆,前额上的数条黑色横纹,中间常被串通,极似“王”字,故有“丛林之王”之美称(另一说法:“汉字‘王",是根据虎头斑纹之状所造的象形文字”)。 耳短圆,背面黑色,中央带有1块白斑。犬栖居于森林、灌木和野草丛生的地带。 独居,无定居,具领域行为, 夜行性。感官敏锐,性凶猛,行动迅捷,善游泳。 捕食大中型哺乳动物, 偶食小型哺乳动物和鸟。[编辑本段]分化 在朝鲜半岛分布的虎,曾被认为是一个单独的亚种-----朝鲜虎(KOREAN TIGER)。 据说毛色和普通东北虎不同,而且体型要更小。朝鲜虎学名为Panthera tigris coreensis ,由Brass于1904年定名。 由于朝鲜半岛的虎几近灭绝,所以无从考证。在没有十分确切的证据下,国际上普遍把朝鲜半岛产的虎列类东北虎。 [编辑本段]生活习性 东北虎主要分布在我国东北的小兴安岭和长白山区。它体魄雄健,行动敏捷,肩高1米以上,身长2.8米左右,尾长约1米,体重可达350多公斤,有“丛林之王”的称号。 东北虎的毛色鲜明美丽,虎爪和犬齿利如钢刀,锋利无比,长度分别为6厘米和10厘米,是撕碎猎物时不可缺少的“餐刀”,也是它赖以生存的有力武器。它还有条钢管般的尾巴。 东北虎捕捉猎物时常常采取打埋伏的办法,悄悄地潜伏在灌木丛中,一旦目标接近,便“嗖”地窜出,扑倒猎物,或用尖爪抓住对方的颈部和吻部,用力把它的头扭断;或用利齿咬断对方喉咙;或猛力一掌击到对方颈椎骨,然后慢慢地吃。 东北虎一般住在600—1300米的高山针叶林地带或草丛中,主要靠捕捉野猪、黑鹿和狍子为生。 它白天常在树林里睡大觉,喜欢在傍晚或黎明前外出觅食,活动范围可达60平方公里以上。 常言道:“谈虎色变”,“望虎生畏”。 在人们心目中,老虎一直是危险而凶狠的动物。然而,在正常情况下东北虎一般不轻易伤害人畜,反而是捕捉破坏森林的野猪、狍子的神猎手,而且还是恶狼的死对头。 为了争夺食物,东北虎总是把狼赶出自己的活动地带。东北人外出时并不害怕碰见东北虎,而是担心遇上吃人的狼。 人们赞誉东北虎是“森林的保护者”。[编辑本段]生长繁殖 东北虎一年大部分时间都是四出游荡,独来独往,没有固定住所。 只是到了每年冬末春初的 *** 期,雄虎才筑巢,迎接雌虎。不久,雄虎多半不辞而别,把产仔、哺乳、养育的任务全部推给雌虎。 雌虎怀孕期约3个月,多在春夏之交或夏季产仔,每胎产2—4仔。雌虎生育之后,性情特别凶猛、机警。 它出去觅食时,总是小心谨慎地先把虎仔藏好,防止被人发现。回窝时往往不走原路,而是沿着山岩溜回来,不留一点痕迹。 虎仔稍大一点,母虎外出时将它们带在身边,教它们捕猎本领。一二年后,小虎就能独立活动。 东北虎的寿命一般为28年左右。 大约是人类的50到60岁。 [编辑本段]爆发力和攻击力 东北虎如传说的山神一样,拥有火一样的神灵目光。它的身体厚实而完美, 背部和前肢上的强劲的肌肉在运动中起伏,巨大的四肢推动向前,是那样的平稳和安静,看起来就象在丛林中滑行一样,它相对地拥有尖硬的锯牙钩爪,拥有5个非常锐利的虎爪,使用时伸出,不用时缩回爪鞘避免行走时摩擦地面。 它生性内向,胆小孤独、多疑、凶猛、强壮有力,动作敏捷,在丛林中出没无常,一般人很难亲眼目睹野生的东北虎。传统看法其它虎种均为东北虎向地球其它地区扩展分化出来的。 在生态环境中也处于顶层的王者地位。 中国科学家在解剖东北虎的时候,发现它的肌肉一打开之后,比最好的健美运动员的肌肉还要好看,还要结实,肌纤维极为粗,浑身上下,很少能找到多余的脂肪,几乎很难见到脂肪,强壮的骨骼附有强大的肌肉,证明这种动物有极强的爆发力。 虎的爆发力有过实证,在北京动物园狮虎山兽舍的水泥地面上有一道被东北虎抓裂的裂痕。剥掉皮的狮虎惊人的相似。 [编辑本段]种群现状 东北虎的经济价值极高,传统看法认为虎的肉和内脏可入药治疗多种慢性疾病,一只成年虎的价值相当于30多张黑貂皮,也只因为这样,东北虎遭到无情的捕杀。虎的繁殖率也较低,它的寿命一般为25年左右,三四岁时性成熟,每年12月至翌年2月 *** ,怀孕期105~110天左右,每胎一般产三四仔。 幼虎吮吸母亲乳汁长大,要跟随母虎一二年才独立生活。想想看,人们对东北虎的捕杀率大大超过它的繁殖率,这是东北虎濒临灭绝的直接原因。 滥伐森林、乱捕乱杀野生动物,严重地破坏生态平衡,也是造成东北虎濒临灭绝的另一个重要的间接原因。我们知道,森林是虎的生存环境,在这个环境中也包含着虎的猎食对象——野猪、鹿等。 近年来由于偷猎者甚多,致使虎的捕食动物也大为减少,因此,维持野猪、鹿等有蹄动物与虎之间的生态平衡是很重要的。据考查,在一。 9. 介绍老虎的作文250~300字以内 你养猫吗?老虎是猫科动物,但比其它猫科动物更具有猫科动物的特征,老虎很像猫。如果你在猫的额头画个“王”字,再把它放大几倍,就可以大致看到老虎的样子了。有个成语叫“照猫画虎”,很形象地说出了猫与老虎在外貌上的相似性。当然,老虎一般是黄色的,皮毛上有斑斓的条纹。白虎黑虎但闻其名,不见其物,流于传说罢了。 俗语说“猫是老虎的老师”,但显然老虎青出于蓝而胜于蓝了。老虎的威势不是猫能比滴。我们看到小猫发怒作势只会觉得可爱,不会感到恐惧,而老虎作势欲扑却能让人肝胆欲裂,魂飞魄散。即使在动物园,一只老虎瞪视着你,也能让你感到压力,浑身不自在。虎视眈眈,岂可小看? 10. 介绍老虎的作文250~300字以内 你养猫吗?老虎是猫科动物,但比其它猫科动物更具有猫科动物的特征,老虎很像猫。 如果你在猫的额头画个“王”字,再把它放大几倍,就可以大致看到老虎的样子了。有个成语叫“照猫画虎”,很形象地说出了猫与老虎在外貌上的相似性。 当然,老虎一般是黄色的,皮毛上有斑斓的条纹。白虎黑虎但闻其名,不见其物,流于传说罢了。 俗语说“猫是老虎的老师”,但显然老虎青出于蓝而胜于蓝了。老虎的威势不是猫能比滴。 我们看到小猫发怒作势只会觉得可爱,不会感到恐惧,而老虎作势欲扑却能让人肝胆欲裂,魂飞魄散。即使在动物园,一只老虎瞪视着你,也能让你感到压力,浑身不自在。 虎视眈眈,岂可小看?。
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  动物是我们朋友,保护动物就是保护我们自己。我精心收集了关于保护动物英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!   关于保护动物英语对话1   A: You should have seen the T.V. show that was on last night, the topic it covered was really interesting; animal rights.   B: Do you really believe in that? If they are going to focus on something, they should do it on civil rights.   A: Yes, but we canu2019t deny that animals are vulnerable(脆弱的,易受伤的), defenseless(无防备的), and are completely at the mercy of human beings.   B: I understand your point, but we continue to have transgressions(违反,违法) against human rights. If so much attention werenu2019t devoted to the topic of animals, we would then concentrate more on saving a human being instead of protecting a koala.   A: You canu2019t compare apples and oranges; I believe that both topics are important and that we canu2019t ignore them, the mistreatment of animals can cause a great environmental imbalance. I believe that governments should prohibit activities like poaching.   B: Well, you are right on that point. This is the reason that I donu2019t buy leather and I try to buy synthetic(人工合成的) products.   A: At least youu2019re doing your part(帮助完成某个目标). My contribution is to have a pet in the house that I treat like a member of the family.   B: As long as you donu2019t treat it better than your wife, itu2019s fine.   关于保护动物英语对话2   保护野生动物   A; what do you think of the way people use and treat animals?   B: I think most people treat animals well, but we are often cruel to animals. When we raise animals or food, the conditions they live in are often poor.   A; perhaps people should stop eating animals. We could grow more crops.   B; what would you do with all the animas? You couldnu2019t just let them go. Besides, some people would still hunt them. Meat has become an integral part of our diet.   A; we could provide them with better conditions anyway. We should certainly try to improve the conditions at zoos. We should try to recreate the natural conditions as much as possible.   B: thatu2019s true. I think zoo are a good idea, because they allow people to get close to animals. I think itu2019s good for kids to see wild animals.   A; I agree. Iu2019m an adult and I love going to the zoo. I donu2019t like animals experiments though. I believe that we can do tests in other ways.   B; I read that the number of animals being used in experiments is falling dramatically as new techniques are being introduced.   A: thatu2019s good news. The good thing is that most people treat their pet well.   B; sometimes you read about people who have been cruel to pets or other animals, but those stories are rare.   A: have you every given money to any of the charities that take care of animals.   B: yes, I have. They do an excellent job.   A:你怎么了人们使用和对待动物的看法?   B:我想大多数人对待动物很好,但是我们经常残忍的动物。当我们提高食用动物方面,他们的生活条件往往很差。   A:也许市民应停止食用动物。我们可以种植更多的作物。   B:你会怎么做所有阿尼马斯?你不能只是让他们走。此外,一些人还会捕捉。肉已成为我们的饮食的一个组成部分。   A:我们可以提供更好的条件他们。我们当然要设法改善动物园的条件。我们应该努力创建尽可能的自然条件。   B:这是事实。我认为,动物园是一个好主意,因为它们让人们亲近动物。我认为,孩子们高兴地看到野生动物。   A:我同意。我是一个成年人,我喜欢去动物园。我不喜欢的动物实验,但没有。我相信我们可以在其他方面的测试。   B:我读的动物的数量正在实验中使用的是急剧下降的新技术正在实施之中。   A:这是好消息。令人欣慰的是,大多数人对待自己的宠物好。   B:有时你阅读的人谁被残酷的宠物或其他动物,但这些故事是罕见的。   A:每给你钱的慈善机构的任何照顾动物。   B:是的,我有。他们表现非常出色。   关于保护动物英语对话3   A: I do think people are consuming more and more habitat region of wild life. As authority has provided the number of wilds are decreasing, I think it due to man kind.   B: I couldn"t agree with you more. Last time I went to Sichuan, pandas can be found everywhere in the bamboo forest. But only 10 years has passed, panda merely can be found in zoos or protecting regions there. I think animal extinction is more and more common now.   C: I can only partly agree with former two, because I think animal"s termination is not to blame human only. Enviormental changes really matters to animals. Even global warming is not totally ours fault, it is reported by Australian researcher, herts of cows can leave tons of waste gases into the air daily which is tested out most CO2. That"s much more than human can produce a day.   D: Yes, I surpport C for evolutional theory of Darwin"s reason. I think species is developping their genes when passing down, maybe those extincting animals are those who don"t fit the surroundings?
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The Tibetan antelope is a medium-sized bovid which is about 1.2 metres (4 feet) in height. It is native to the Tibetan plateau including China"s Tibet Autonomous Region, Qinghai province, and Xinjiang province; India near Ladakh and formerly western Nepal. The Tibetan antelope is also known commonly by its Tibetan name chiru. The coat is grey to reddish-brown, with a white underside. The males have long, curved-back horns which measure about 50 cm (20 inches) in length.Despite its classification in the Antilopinae subfamily, recent morphological and molecular evidence suggests that the Chiru is more closely allied to goats and the subfamily Caprinae (Gentry 1992, Gatesy et al. 1992, Ginsberg et al. 1999).Tibetan antelope are gregarious, sometimes congregating in herds hundreds strong. The females migrate up to 300 km yearly to calving grounds in the summer where they usually give birth to a single calf, and rejoin the males at the wintering grounds in late autumn (Schaller 1998). Chirus live on the high mountain steppes and semi-desert areas of the Tibetan plateau such as Kekexili, where they feed on various forb and grass species. The average life span is about eight years.Tibetan antelope are listed as endangered by the World Conservation Union and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service due to commercial poaching for their underwool, competition with local domesticated herds, and the development of their rangeland for gold mining. The Chiru"s wool, known as shahtoosh, is warm, soft and fine. The wool can only be obtained by killing the animal; Its numbers have dropped accordingly from nearly a million (estimated) at the turn of the 20th century to less than 75,000 today. The numbers continue to drop yearly. The struggle to stop illegal antelope hunting was portrayed in the 2004 film, Kekexili: Mountain Patrol.
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【 #高三# 导语】奋斗也就是我们平常所说的努力。那种不怕苦,不怕累的精神在学习中也是需要的。看到了一道有意思的题,就不惜一切代价攻克它。为了学习,废寝忘食一点也不是难事,只要你做到了有兴趣。 考 网高三频道给大家整理的《高三下册英语必修四知识点》供大家参考,欢迎阅读! 1.高三下册英语必修四知识点   maybe的同义词   释义1:或许,大概   perchance, perhaps   释义2:可能性;不确定性   possibility   同义词辨析   perchance adv.偶然,恐怕   主要用作副词,作副词时译为“(诗、文)偶然,可能”。   perhaps adv. 或许;(表示不确定)也许   用作副词,表示“也许”,表不确定语气,常位于句首,有时也放在句中或句末。   maybe adv. (不确定)大概,或许   在句中作状语,相当于perhaps,常位于句首。也可用作名词,表示疑惑,可能性。 2.高三下册英语必修四知识点   一、Need的用法   need既可以作情态动词,也可以作实义动词,但是它们的用法不同。作为情态动词的need的用法与其他情态动词can、may、must的用法基本相同:在限定动词词组中总是位居第一,没有非限定形式,即没有不定式、-ing分词或-ed分词等形式;第三人称单数现在时没有词形变化;情态动词之间是相互排斥的,即在一个限定动词词组中只能有一个情态动词。   二、Need的例句   Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.   不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。   You will need a pot of broth for poaching.   你需要一锅汤来煮。   What is right for us need not be right for others.   对我们来说是对的东西,对别人来说未必正确。   Mommy, you don"t need to stay while we talk.   妈妈,我们谈话时你不必陪着.   Businesses need to train their workers better, and spend more on R&D.   各企业需要更好地培训工人,并且在研发方面加大投入。 3.高三下册英语必修四知识点   1、no和not的区别   not和no都是作为副词,这里可以替换使用,意思是不,并没有区别,但是no和not在否定回答的用法不同。   no和not这两个单词的元音字母o的读音不同。no的o发音为长音/u0259u028a/,not的o发音为短音/u0252/。   no可以做形容词,not不能做形容词。no作为形容词,意思是没有。   no还能作为名词使用,not不能作为名词。no作为名词,意思是否定,否认。   no和not在否定回答的用法不同。   2、no和not的例句   There are no clouds in the sky.   天上没有云。   We went no farther than the bridge.   我们走到桥边就不再往前走了。   I have no ink.   我没有墨水。 4.高三下册英语必修四知识点   1、什么是同义句转换   同义句转换就是将一个句子用另一种形式表达出来,而且意思不变。因此,掌握的句型越多,做题就越方便、快捷、容易。但每种练习的方式总有一定的规律可循。比如do well in换成be good at换成不同的语态,比如主动变被动。   2、英语改同义句的方法   运用同义词或同义词组:这类题目首先要注意比较上下两句,找出需要改动的地方,运用同义词或同义词组进行转换,还要注意把握两句的时态、数的单复和主谓一致等。   运用反义词或反义词组:这类题目可以否定句中的动词或形容词,是两句意思相符,仍然要注意动词时态一致。   动词短语转换成介词短语:此类题目关键就是使用恰当的介词短语,还要注意动词时态一致。   单句转换成复句,或者复句转换成单句:此类题目需要熟悉一些重要的句型和短语,还要注意了解相关转换类型。 5.高三下册英语必修四知识点   (1) 现在完成时可以表示一个已经完成的动作,而现在完成进行时则表示一个正在进行的动作:   I have read the book. 我读过这本书。   I have been reading the book. 我一直在读这本书。   注:有少数动词(如work, study, live, teach, stay等)在表示持续一时间时用这两种时态含义差不多(只是用现在完成进行进更强调动作的持续性):   How long have you worked [been working] here? 你在这儿工作多久了?   I"ve lived [been living] here since 1988. 自1988年以来我就一直住在这儿。   (2) 现在完成时通常只陈述事实,而现在完成进行时还可表示一种感感情XX:   I have waited for two hours. 我等了两小时。(陈述事实)   I have been waiting for two hours. 我等了两个小时。(等得好辛苦)   (3) 现在完成进行时通常用来谈论较短暂的动作或情况,若要谈论时间延续较长的动作或情况或永久性情况,则通常用现在完成时:   He has lived in Paris. 他(一直)住在巴黎。   He has been living in Paris. 他(目前)住在巴黎。(表暂时性)   (4) 不用于进行时态的动词通常也不用于现在完成进行时,但它们可以用于现在完成时:   I"ve only known her for two day. 我认识她刚刚两天。   (5) 现在完成进行时不用于被动语态,若要用可用现在完成时的被动语态代替:   The house has been painted for a month. 这房子已漆了一个月。
2023-08-06 08:30:251


ExtinctionExtinction is a natural process. Many species had ceased to exist before humans evolved. However, in the last 400 years, the number of animals and plants becoming extinct has reached crisis point. Human population levels have risen dramatically in the same time period and man"s predatory instincts combined with his ruthless consumption of natural resources are directly responsible for the situation. DodoThe Dodo is a classic example of how human behavior can cause irreparable damage to the earth"s biological diversity. The flightless Dodo was native to the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It lived off fruit fallen from the island"s trees and lived unthreatened until humans arrived in 1505. The docile bird became a source of food for sailors and lacked the ability to protect itself from animals introduced to the island by humans such as pigs, monkeys and rats. The population of Dodos rapidly decreased and the last one was killed in 1681.Endangered AnimalsIn 2002 many animals remain threatened with extinction as a result of human activity. The World Wildlife Fund works tirelessly to raise awareness of the predicament facing these animals and find ways to protect them. By focusing on a number of high profile, "charismatic icons" such as the rhino, panda, whale and tiger, the WWF aims to communicate, "critically important environmental issues". The organization"s ultimate goal is to, "stop the degradation of the planet"s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature".RhinosThe Rhino horn is a highly prized item for practitioners of Asian medicine. This has led to the animal being relentlessly hunted in its natural habitat. Once widespread in Africa and Eurasia, most rhinos now live in protected natural parks and reserves. Their numbers have rapidly decreased in the last 50 years, over half the remaining rhinos disappeared in the 1970s, and the animals remain under constant threat from poachers.The Giant PandaThe future of the WWF"s symbol is far from certain. As few as 1000 remain in the wild, living in small isolated groups. These groups have been cut off from each other as a result of deforestation and human expansion in to their natural habitat. The Chinese government has set up 33 panda reserves to protect these beautiful animals and made poaching them punishable with 20 years in prison. However, the panda"s distinct black and white patched coat fetches a high price on the black market and determined poachers still pose one of the most serious threats to the animals continued existence.WhalesThe International Whaling Commission meets every year. The agenda covers ways to ensure the survival of the species and the complex problems arising from countries such as Japan, wishing to hunt certain whales for "scientific" purposes. Despite the fact that one third the world"s oceans have been proclaimed whale sanctuaries, 7 out of 13 whale species remain endangered. The plight of the North Atlantic Right Whale is particularly serious. Hunted for their rich supply of oil, their numbers have dwindled to just 300. Collisions with ships, toxic pollution and becoming entangled in fishing nets are other major causes of whale deaths.TigersThe last 100 years has seen a 95% reduction in the numbers of remaining tigers to between 5000 and 7000 and The Bali, Javan, and Caspian tigers are already extinct. The South China tiger is precariously close to disappearing, with only 20 to 30 still alive. Like the Rhino horn, tiger bones and organs are sought after for traditional Chinese medicines. These items are traded illegally along with tiger skins.Take ActionThe WWF is actively involved in many areas of the world fighting to protect the natural habitats of endangered animals from further damage and curb the activities of poachers. They also work to influence governments and policy makers to introduce laws aimed at reducing the threat of pollution and deforestation. Our own individual efforts at home and in the workplace can also make a difference. By reducing waste and pollution, saving water, wood and energy, and reusing and recycling whenever possible, we can reduce the possibility of even more animals being lost, never to return.Your turnDo you think enough is being done to protect animals? If not, what else could be done? Send us your opinions.Far out into the ocean to the north and west of Britain are the cold wild islands of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. They make a line of beautiful beaches 150 miles long. Further west is the small group of islands called Saint Kilda. They are cold and wild too, but without beaches. The islands are tall volcanic rocks hundreds of metres high. For thousands of years, people lived on these islands. In 1930 the last people, there were only 36 of them, had a meeting and decided to leave. The biggest island in the group is called Hirta. Sheep still live there without any people. When you arrive by boat, you see very tall black rocks all around. Some big rocks make their own small islands. This true story happened on the tallest of the rocks – “Stac An Armin” in 1840.In those days, people still lived on the islands of Saint Kilda. Their stone houses were all in one village by the ocean at the bottom of a tall dark hill. The houses only had one room – for people and sheep, which used to live with them in the winter and spring. Two men from the village, McDonald and McKinnon, were on the rock. It was their work to collect birds – some for food, some to make shoes or hats with. Some dead birds they put in the earth to help their vegetables grow. They found one strange big bird. It was sleeping. They decided to bring it home to the village.I think people in the village were interested in the bird. We now know that this was a Great Auk, a kind of swimming bird that lived in many parts of the North Atlantic. It was big and strong and had a loud cry. They began to talk with the other people in the village about what they should do with it. After two days, the weather got worse and then there was a terrible storm. The people in the village decided that this was because of the bird and they killed it. This was the last example of the Great Auk in Britain. Four years later, the last Great Auk in the world died in Iceland.We know the Great Auk died out because of people. But where did the people of Saint Kilda go? This is more difficult to explain. Some say that they were bored living on the island so far from modern cities. Other people think that the problem was tourists, who began to visit Saint Kilda at the end of the 19th century. A new theory says that using too many dead birds as fertilizer made their food unhealthy. I think it was a mistake to kill the auk.mistake that resulted in killing this bird. The day after the people brought the bird home, the weather got worse and worse. At that time, they had less knowledge about nature, they could only believe in God to help them decide what was wrong and what was right. So it was so easy to make mistake about what they didn"t know and it happened by mistake. The article is very clear about that. But at the first they thought they should bring it home and kill it for food. That is not good. Unfortunately, it was the last bird.”Oswaldo Herrera writes “This article is very interesting, and we need to think about it. Nowadays we are destroying our world and furthermore, the animals and plants that exist in it. There are a lot of warnings but most of the time we do not care about them - I think that this articles helps us to reflect and to be conscious about all the animals and plants that we are destroying with all the pollution that we generate nowadays.”
2023-08-06 08:30:471


至此粉红电影进入了它最为辉煌的年代,直到1973年。这一时期粉红电影无论从创作的数量还是水准上都是极为成功的。粉红电影数量占到了整个日本国内电影数量的一半以上。仅日本东京就有大约500家的成人影院播放粉红电影。进入70年代后,迫于经济困难的原因,早些时候制作粉红电影的电影公司从5家变成了3家。其中两家日活和东映开始制作成人电影。20世纪70年代中期日活又出现了新的电影类型SM Pink,代表作是小沼胜导演的《受辱的妻子》,该片是日活第一部取得巨大成功的SM影片 。又一位代表人物田中登则以Angel Guts 系列开创了Violent Pink电影的先河。另外一家公司东映所拍摄的相同题材的电影叫做Pinky Violence,代表作包括铃木则文的《兽欲学园》。粉红电影和早期的浪漫色情电影应该是很相似的,影片拍摄的媒质都是胶片,可以称为电影。有剧本,需要后期的声音合成,影片时长都控制在1个小时左右。粉红电影有着严格的预算限制,但Roman pornography的制作费用是十分可观的。这一点是与粉红电影最大的不同之处。Roman pornography通常的制作周期为一周到十天。粉红电影中的性爱场面是一种形式,没有真正发生的。而在后期的Roman pornography和AV中性爱场面大部分是确实发生的。这些场面由于日本电影制度的要求是要打码的。直到今天AV也都是要求有马赛克的,无论是薄码还是厚码。而我们看到的无码AV其实是违法的。在粉红电影中我们是看不到马赛克的,一个原因是源于导演对镜头的处理和把握。另外制作公司没有足够的资金去后期处理增加马赛克。后期的Roman pornography是日本AV的雏形,AV的拍摄媒质是录映带,不能视为电影。不过在时间长度上依然继承着1小时作用的传统。随着20世纪80年代后AV的风靡,Roman pornography这一类型电影也逐渐消失,而粉红电影则逐渐发展为主流电影,电影长度由60分钟,增加到90分钟,一部标准电影的时长。日活公司粉红电影时代和浪漫色情电影时代的代表分别是若松孝二和若松孝二有粉红电影教父之称,是日本电影历史上最为坚挺的导演。不仅内容广泛,题材也极具争议。除了宣扬porno之外,命运,人性,政治,暴力等诸多元素也使得他的电影极为绚烂但也极为晦涩。他是日活公司早期的代表人物之一。1965年若松离开了日活,因为日活不支持他颇具争议的电影Secret Act Behind Walls参展柏林国际电影节。不用受到电影公司体制的约束之后,若松孝二开始了他对立的创作,他的个人风格的特点更加突出。甚至变得有些狂野。这一时期的作品耸人听闻,离奇古怪,超现实超自然。比如Contemporary History Of Rape In Japan ,When The Embryo(胚胎) Goes Poaching(水煮) ,Ecstasy Of The Angels都是最好的体现。若松孝二是至今仍然活跃在日本影坛的老导演之一。最近的一部作品是《完全饲育之赤色杀机》。 神代辰巳是日活Roman porno绝对代表人物,有着日活porno之王的美誉。神代是一位游走在日本主流和非主流之间最成功的一位导演,他的作品无论是在日活系中,还是在百年日本佳片中都很有代表性。
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我们可以使用 jQuery 的 Masonry 插件来实现这种页面形式,下面介绍一下方法。1,分别下载 jQuery 与 Masonry ,然后把他们都加载到页面中使用。加载代码:<script src=""></script><script src=""></script>解释:很简单,就是把下载之后的脚本文件嵌入到你想使用瀑布流形式的页面中,注意文件的名称与路径,根据你自己的实际情况修改。2,页面代码<div id="masonry" class="container-fluid"> <div class="box"><img src=""></div> <div class="box"><img src=""></div> <div class="box"><img src=""></div> <div class="box"><img src=""></div> <div class="box"><img src=""></div> ...</div>解释:把每个小内容块放在一个拥有相关类的容器里,然后把所有的内容块放在一个大的容器里,这里我们把内容块图片放在一个拥有 .box 类的 <div> 标签里,然后把他们又使用带有 #masonry ID 的 <div> 里面,一会儿我们会用 #masonry ID 和 .box 类来触发使用瀑布流。3,样式代码.container-fluid { padding: 20px; }.box { margin-bottom: 20px; float: left; width: 220px; } .box img { max-width: 100%}解释:针对第二步的页面代码,我们需要添加一点样式,.box 类我们添加了浮动属性,还设置了他的宽度。4,在页面中启用瀑布流形式的脚本代码$(function() { var $container = $("#masonry"); $container.imagesLoaded(function() { $container.masonry({ itemSelector: ".box", gutter: 20, isAnimated: true, }); });});<br>解释:这里我们首先定位想使用瀑布流的大容器是什么,这里就是带有 #masonry ID 的 <div> 标签,在 var $container = $("#masonry"); 这行代码中定义。然后我们还要说明瀑布流里的每个内容块容器上共同的类是什么,这里就是带有 .box 类的 <div> 标签,在itemSelector : ".box", 这行代码中定义。gutter: 20, 这行代码定义了内容块之间的距离是 20 像素,isAnimated: true, 这行代码可以打开动画选项,也就是当改变窗口宽度的时候,每行显示的内容块的数量会有变化,这个变化会使用一种动画效果。我的一个笨方法:$(function() { var $objbox = $("#masonry"); var gutter = 25; var centerFunc, $top0; $objbox.imagesLoaded(function() { $objbox.masonry({ itemSelector: "#masonry > .box", gutter: gutter, isAnimated: true }); centerFunc = function() { $top0 = $objbox.children("[style*="top: 0"]"); $objbox.css("left", ($objbox.width() - ($top0.width() * $top0.length + gutter * ($top0.length - 1))) / 2).parent().css("overflow", "hidden"); }; centerFunc(); }); var tur = true; $(window).resize(function() { if (tur) { setTimeout(function() { tur = true; centerFunc(); }, 1000); tur = false; } });});
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可以结合使用, xib初始化做约束, masonry可以更新xib的原来的约束或者移除移除约束,实现功能或者动画
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