barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 19:20:37

All-clear — 周围安全;

Affirmative — (无线电)表肯定: 是的, 了解. Yes;

Negative — (无线电)表否定: 不. No;

Roger that — (无线电)收到;

Over (无线电)完毕(等待回话). "我说完了, 该你了";

Out 或Clear — (无线电)完毕(不要求对方回话);

Roger(that) — (无线电)收到. Roger是无线电中字母 R的读法, 表示received"收到", 就跟我们把 7念做"拐"一样;

Copy — (无线电)明白, 清楚, 了解(不仅是收到);

Wilco — Will Comply的缩写, 遵命, 我会照办 (而不仅仅是明白);

Go Ahead — (无线电)请讲, 说吧;

Say Again — (无线电)再说一遍. 非常口语化, 有人会觉得用 Repeat显得更专业. 殊不知, Repeat在呼叫炮火支援时, 是代表"再来一轮"的意思, 很容易混淆;

Need back up — 需要支援;

Cover me — 掩护我;

Suppressing fire(covering fire) — 火力支援, 火力掩护;

Fire in the hole !— 要爆炸了! 并不是光表示扔手榴弹. 这个词源自前装炮的时代, 当时的大炮是从前端装火药, 然后在炮身的小孔里面灌传火药或者药引, 再用明火点燃的. 点炮的时候, 火就从炮身的小孔经过, 所以叫"fire in the hole", 提醒大家要开炮了. 后来, 工兵在引爆炸弹的时候也这么喊, 现在已经泛指所有的爆炸了.;

cease fire /colh your fire — 停火.


copy that ,hunter 2-1

2-1copies 2-2copies all 2-3soliy copy 这些是收到的意思


NORAD HQ: Sand Bravo. We are reading 70 bogeys in your sector. Please verify.

Nome AFB: Very funny, Station. That"s a big negative, over.

NORAD HQ: Sand Bravo, be advised, running diagnostics to scan for malfunction.

Nome AFB: The skies are clear, Station. You got yourself some phantom dots, over.

NORAD HQ: Zulu X-ray 6. Signs in your sector of some 100 bogeys, please advise.

Vandenberg AFB: Negatory, Station. Scope is clear. I dunno what to tell ya. Solar interference? Heavy sunspot activity today.

NORAD HQ: Sierra Delta, uh…we may have a minor ACS fault here. Do you have anything on your scope?

Air Traffic Controller: They"re everywhere!

NORAD HQ: Sierra Delta, repeat!

Air Traffic Controller: I"m lookin" at fighter jets over I-95! How the hell did they get through?

NORAD HQ: Standby! Attempting to contact the nearest unit in that sector.

Sgt. Foley: I read you. This is First Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Sgt. Foley, acting commander of Hunter Two-One. Do you copy, over?

NORAD HQ: All Stations, be advised – satellite surveillance has been disabled. SOSUS and Pave Paws arrays are inoperative at this time.
















常用口令 Common Orders

起床! Get up!

上操 attention drill

快点儿! Be quick!

集合! Fall in!

一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks)

立正! Attention

稍息! At ease!

向右看-齐! Right-dress!

向左看-齐! Left-dress!

向前-看! Eyes-front!

报数! Count off!

点名! Call the roll!roll call

到! Here!

立定! Halt!

靠拢! Close!

向左-转! Left-face(Left turn)!

向右-转! Right-face(Right turn)!

向后-转! About-face(About turn)!

齐步-走! Forward- march(March off)!

踏步! Mark time-march!

跑步-走! Double (time)-march!

便步-走! At ease-march!

右转弯-走! Right-wheel!

左转弯-走! Left-wheel!

前进! Advance!

取(拿)枪! Take arms!

肩枪! Shoulder arms!

枪放下! Order arms!

卧到! Down!

装子弹! Load!

退子弹! Unload!

射击! Fire!

起立! Get up (Stand up)!

解散! Dismiss!用炮 Prepare for action!

收炮 March order!

架炮 Seat/Mount gun!

置炮 Lay gun!

就炮 Take posts!

炮后集合 Fall in in rear of piece!







英语单词affirmative有以下两层含义: 做形容词时,它的意思是肯定的,同意的。派生词:affirmatively adv. 做名词时,它的意思是肯定,同意。复数:affirmatives 扩展资料   affirmative常见的搭配   in the affirmative 肯定地   affirmative acknowledgement 肯定应答   affirmative vote 赞成票   affirmative reply 肯定的回答;   answer in the affirmative 作肯定的`答复   the affirmative 赞成的一方   take the affirmative 站在赞成的一方...   affirmative例句分享   Seventy-nine voted in the affirmative, and none in the negative.   79人投赞成票,没有人投反对票。   He asked me if I was ready. I answered in the affirmative.   他问我是否准备好了,我给出肯定的回答。
2023-01-08 18:20:041


affirmative没有否定形式,不是动词。affirmative读法英 [əˈfɜːmətɪv]  美 [əˈfɜːrmətɪv]adj.肯定的,同意的;(法律提案)须议会投票赞成生效的;积极的n.同意,赞成;陈述词,肯定词;赞成的一方int. <美>同意的,赞成的词汇搭配:affirmative vote 可决票affirmative disclosure 明确表示;明确告示Affirmative Sentence 肯定句近义词:positivepositive读法英 [ˈpɒzətɪv]  美 [ˈpɑːzətɪv]adj. 乐观的,有信心的;积极的,建设性的;赞成的,支持的;确信的,肯定的;<非正式>完全的,绝对的词语用法:positive表示“正的,阳性的”“完全的,纯粹的”时,无比较级和最高级。positive作表语表示“确信的”时,其后可接介词短语、动词不定式或that从句。positive后可接that从句。positive的反义词是negative。
2023-01-08 18:20:101


航空公司面试中的“affirmative”的意思:affirmative1、词意:adj.肯定的; 赞成的,同意的; 积极的,乐观的n.肯定词,肯定语; 正方; 确言,赞成2、复数: affirmatives3、派生词:affirmatively4、例句:(1)Seventy-nine voted in the affirmative, and none in the negative.79人投赞成票,没有人投反对票。(2)Dr Sinclair"s affirmative nod seemed a shade reluctant.辛克莱博士虽然点头表示了同意,但还显得有点不情愿。(3)He replied in the affirmative to my question.就我的问题他给予了肯定的回答.
2023-01-08 18:20:213


2023-01-08 18:20:386

affirmative positive有何区别?

affirmative为语言逻辑上的肯定,而positive为行为逻辑上的肯定。1. One who supports a proposal or takes the affirmative side in debate. 赞成者,投赞成票者支持某项提议或在辩论中正方的人2. The answer is the affirmative . 答案是肯定的。 3. Two negatives make an affirmative. 否定之否定即为肯定。1. Her behaviour was a positive outrage. 她的行为残暴到了极点。 2. She gave us a positive answer. 她给了我们肯定的答复。3. Positive, team working spirit. 积极向上,富有团队合作精神。
2023-01-08 18:21:032


2023-01-08 18:21:1111

affirmative positive有何区别?

2023-01-08 18:21:481


2023-01-08 18:21:571


2023-01-08 18:22:032

“正方一辨” 怎么翻译成英语

affirmative leader 正方一辩negative leader 反方一辩The first to speak for the affirmative is the "affirmative leader" , while the "negative leader" is the first to speak on the other side. 正方positive side/District反方negative side/Anti-side
2023-01-08 18:22:146


2023-01-08 18:22:374

affirmative statements是什么意思

看语境,有 正面、积极的描述(陈述)statement本身有声明,陈述很多种意思。
2023-01-08 18:22:512

affirmative action programs是什么意思

2023-01-08 18:23:234

affirmative covenant是什么意思

affirmative covenant英 [əˈfɜ:mətɪv ˈkʌvənənt] 美 [əˈfə:mətɪv ˈkʌvənənt][法]保单网 络保单
2023-01-08 18:23:371

Affirmative Action 对留学生有什么影响?

2023-01-08 18:23:431

affirmative action programs是什么意思

affirmative action programs肯定性行动计划满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】
2023-01-08 18:23:522


2023-01-08 18:24:012

affirmative action program

affirmative action program 可实施性行动项目计划管理
2023-01-08 18:24:092


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2023-01-08 18:24:517


英语音标:[əˈfɜːmətɪv]美语音标:[əˈfɝmətɪv]中文翻译adj.肯定的;正面的n.肯定词(如“yes”);肯定语;(辩论中的)正方;赞成;肯定单词例句用作形容词 (adj.)"All men are mortal" is an affirmative proposition. “人总是要死的”,是一个肯定命题。The matter is urgent. An immediate and affirmative reply is requested. 事急,希即时作正面答复。用作名词 (n.)"I will" is an affirmative. "我愿意"是肯定语。They answered in the affirmative. 他们作了肯定的回答。He replied in the affirmative to my question. 就我的问题他给予了肯定的回答。The answer to both questions is in the affirmative. 答案是肯定的。
2023-01-08 18:26:121


2023-01-08 18:26:182


avtive (adj.)活泼的 积极的 affirmative (态度、方法等)积极的,正面的 get-up-and-go adj 积极的 positive adj.积极的; 肯定的
2023-01-08 18:26:271

“正方一辨” 怎么翻译成英语

affirmative leader 正方一辩 negative leader 反方一辩 The first to speak for the affirmative is the "affirmative leader" ,while the "negative leader" is the first to speak on the other side. 正方positive side/District 反方negative side/Anti-side
2023-01-08 18:26:321


Aimpoint True 表示武器命中目标,任务达成. Angel 高度(单位:一千呎) Ex: Angel 27 = 27000 ft. Arizona 表示飞机已经没有反辐射飞弹. Augured in 表示飞机坠机. Azimuth 方位.以飞行员为中心,目标所在的方向(单位:度). Azimuth Split 表示有多群敌机,位于飞行员的不同方位上. Bandit 已确认之敌机. Bearing 方向,三位数字(单位:度),范围000到360. Bingo 预估的燃料量,必须立即放弃任务而返航,才能平安回到基地. Bogie或Bogey 雷达或视觉接触,身份尚未确定. Break 指示朝指定方向进行突然的高G力动作. Buddy Spike 表示飞机以雷达锁定友机,警告你不要射击. Bullseye 一个预设的地理点,用来做为方向及距离的参考,而不使用飞行员自己的参考点(Bearing or Azimuth). Buster 表示以最高速飞行. CBU 集束炸弹. Check Six 表示你应该查看后方,是否有来袭的飞机或飞弹. Chick 友方飞机. Clean 飞机外部无任何挂载. Clean and Naked 表示视距内及雷达上皆无敌人,RWR上亦无标示. Cold 指敌机尾端朝向飞行员的状态. Continue as Fragged 指示你继续依照简报执行任务. Cover 指示僚机扮演掩护的角色,保护领队. Dakota 表示飞机已没有空对地武装. Dragging 一种动作,先飞离敌机做为诱饵,目标是要吸引他追来. Egress 离开目标区或停止交战. Fence Check 检查飞机武装及系统,确定它们适用于当时之状况. Finger 4 一种并列队行,飞机位置略为错开,如四指并拢状. Fix 交差检查点. Flameout 所有燃料皆已用尽,引擎已经停止. FLOT 部队前线(Forward Line Of Troops). Fluid Four 飞机间距加宽之Finger 4队形. Fox One 表示发射半主动雷达制导导弹. Fox Two 表示发射红外制导的近距格斗导弹. Fox Three 表示发射主动雷达制导导弹. Foxtrot Uniform 报销了.**** out搞杂了. GBU 导引炸弹组件(Guided bomb unit).雷射导引炸弹或LGB的编号. Hostile 敌机,被辨识为敌人的目标. Hound Dog 要求允许交战. Ingress 进入或接近某一物体. Joker 此时燃料量,仅够返回基地,没有供紧急状况使用的备用油料. Juliet Sierra 表示所有飞行员皆未击中目标 Kansas 表示飞机已没有空对空武装. Knife Fight 刀锋飞行,飞行员术语,表示近距离缠斗. Lawn Dart (1)表示飞机坠机.(2)轻视F-16的一种讲法(失事率太高). Leakers 突破拦截网之敌机. Midnight 由AWACS发出,表示他无法再为友机提供管制功能. Music 表示启动ECM装备. Nevada 表示飞机用尽小牛飞弹. No Joy 表示飞行员看不到目标. NOE 贴地飞行.尽可能低空飞行,以避免被敌方雷达发现. Notching 执行Beaming飞行,以脱离雷达锁定. Outlaw 可能是敌机的飞机. Package 一群任务相同的机队. Pince 钳式飞行,一种动作,小队长和僚机飞向来袭之敌机的相反侧. Playmate 参与目前任务的友机. Posthole 一种飞行动作,向地面俯冲以避免被前来的敌机雷达侦测. Pring 表示已经辨识出雷达接触点的身份. Ray Gun 表示飞行员已在下列位置,锁定一个未辨识身份的目标.举例来说,当你听到[Fury 12, Ray Gun, Bullseye 030 for 20]的时候如果你位于该位置,你应该回答Buddy Spike. Res cell 一种紧密的队形,用来隐藏机群中飞机的数量. Rifle 表示发射一枚小牛飞弹. ROE 交战准则(Rules Of Engagement). RTB 返回基地(Return To Base). Shooter/Cover 表示长机将攻击指定的目标,而僚机将提供AAA或敌机的掩护. Shooter/Shooter 表示长机和僚机都将攻击指定的目标. Skosh 表示飞机已经没有主动雷达导引飞弹. Slapshot 表示下令对地面目标发射HARM飞弹. Sniper 表示下令对发射雷达波的地面目标发射反辐射导弹. Splash One 表示飞行员已经击若落一架飞机. Sunrise 表示AWACS已经开始为友机提供管制功能. Tally 表示发现目标. Tango Uniform 表示有东西失效,受损,或无作用. Trail 一种队形,飞机尾随排成一直线. Trespass 表示友机机队已经进入敌方SAM威胁范围圈内. Trolling 试着让敌方开火,以便找到其位置. Tumbleweed 表示飞行员没有状态警觉. Wedge 飞机的锲形队形. Winchester 表示飞机完全没有武器了. Bogey愿指妖怪或可怕的人,这里指在发现敌机到来之前的身份不明的飞机,而他们往往比敌机还可怕。Boola-Boola这是一首耶鲁大学橄榄球队的加油歌曲,现在暗指遥控无人驾驶飞机被击中坠毁时的无线电信号。Chick愿意是“刚孵出的小鸡”,这是美军对友军飞机的一种善意讽刺Cold“冷鼻头”,比较有意思的词。指雷达停止的状态。雷达不工作,机鼻当然要冷了啊。Buzzer蜂鸣器,这里的意思是电子通信干扰。Clean干净的。指战机没有被雷达探测到的“洁净”状态。Dogfight空中近距离格斗。是一个让每一位热爱空战游戏的人热血沸腾的词。Eyeball眼球。用来形容那些十分娇气的光学传感组件最合适不过了。everyone lock one! fire!每个人锁定一架!发射!you got two bandit on your tail!有两架敌机咬住你了get him off my tail!帮我甩掉他们harmmer down!击落一架go to the deck!降低高度spill them up!将他们分开missil away!导弹已发射i missed it!i reeat, i missed!我未命中目标!重复!我未命中目标!i"m under fire!i"m taking fire!我遭到攻击!我起火了five o"clock! behind you!5点钟方向!在你后面below you!在你下面以上是空军的,这是我在网上找到的,希望对你有用。
2023-01-08 18:26:384

affirmative vote是什么意思

affirmative vote赞成票[网络短语]affirmative vote 赞成票,可决票negative [affirmative] vote 票an affirmative vote 赞成票
2023-01-08 18:26:521


2023-01-08 18:26:574


2023-01-08 18:27:153


2023-01-08 18:27:272


2023-01-08 18:27:433


没什么特殊的。就是一些短句、缩写而已。比如你说的KIA就有类似的MIA(missing in action),我告诉你几个我记得、常用的,想知道更多就追问。Cover me、Hold This Position、Follow Me、 Fall Back、Stick Together Team、Affirmative/Roger/Copy that、Enemy Spotted、Need Backup、Sector Clear
2023-01-08 18:27:552


Z 键: 1. “cover me” 掩护我 2. “you take the point” 你占据该要点 3. “hold this position” 占据这个位置 4. “regroup team” 重组队伍 5. “follow me” 跟着我 6. “taking fire, need assistance”吸引火力,需要援助 0. exit 退出选单 X 键 1. “go” 前进 2. “fall back” 后退 3. “stick together team” 保持队形 4. “get in position” 进入适当的位置 5. “storm the front” 守住前面 6. “report in” 请报告情况 C 键 1. “affirmative/roger” 收到 2. “enemy spotted” 发现敌人 3. “need backup” 需要支援 4. “sector clear” 地区清除 5. “i"m in position” 我在适当的位置 6. “reporting in” 报告自己的位置 7. “she"s gonna blow!” 炸弹将要爆炸 8. “negative” 拒绝(接受) 9. “enemy down” 消灭敌人
2023-01-08 18:28:046


对过去事实的肯定推测英语句型:Affirmative speculation of the truth that has come to the light.或Affirmative speculation of the past truth.或Affirmative forecast of the truth that has come to the light. 又或是Affirmative forecast of the past truth.都可以。很希望会对你有帮助。
2023-01-08 18:28:272


2023-01-08 18:28:362


Z 键: 1. “cover me” 掩护我 2. “you take the point” 你占据该要点 3. “hold this position” 占据这个位置 4. “regroup team” 重组队伍 5. “follow me” 跟着我 6. “taking fire, need assistance”吸引火力,需要援助 0. exit 退出选单 X 键 1. “go” 前进 2. “fall back” 后退 3. “stick together team” 保持队形 4. “get in position” 进入适当的位置 5. “storm the front” 守住前面 6. “report in” 请报告情况 C 键 1. “affirmative/roger” 收到 2. “enemy spotted” 发现敌人 3. “need backup” 需要支援 4. “sector clear” 地区清除 5. “i"m in position” 我在适当的位置 6. “reporting in” 报告自己的位置 7. “she"s gonna blow!” 炸弹将要爆炸 8. “negative” 拒绝(接受) 9. “enemy down” 消灭敌人 还有什么吗???齐了吧。~
2023-01-08 18:28:456


2023-01-08 18:29:081


2023-01-08 18:29:141


很多哦Terran族海军陆战队员 Marine 火枪兵 Firebat 特种兵 Ghost 秃鹫车 Vulture 机械巨人Goliath 坦克 Siege Tank 工程兵 SCV 运输船 Dropship 幽灵战机 Wraith 大和舰 Battlecruiser 科学船 Science Vessel 医疗兵 Medic 瓦格雷 Valkyrie 平民 Civilian 基地 Advisor 海军陆战队员 Marine[TMaRdy00] "You want a piece of me, boy?"[TMaDth00] [死亡1][TMaDth01] [死亡2][TMaPss00] We gotta move![TMaPss01] Are you gonna give me orders?[TMaPss02] Oh my god! He"s whacked![TMaPss03] I vote we frag this commander.[TMaPss04] How do I get out of this chicken *BEEP* outfit?! [TMaPss05] You want a piece of me, boy? [TMaPss06] If it weren"t for these damned neural implants you"d be a smoldering crater by now![tmaSti00] Ahh...That"s the stuff! [tmaSti01] Ahh...Yea![TMaWht00] Commander. [TMaWht01] Standin" by. [TMaWht02] Checked up and good to go. [TMaWht03] Give me something to shoot. [TMaYes00] Go! Go! Go! [TMaYes01] Let"s move! [TMaYes02] Outstanding! [TMaYes03] Rock "n roll! 火枪兵 Firebat[tfbRdy00] Need a light? [TFbDth00] [死亡1][TFbDth01] [死亡2][TFbDth02] [死亡3][tfbFir00] [喷火1][tfbFir01] [喷火2][tfbPss00] Is something burning?[tfbPss01] Haha, that"s what I thought.[tfbPss02] I love the smell of napalm. [tfbPss03] Nothing like a good smoke! [tfbPss04] Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue? [tfbPss05] Got any questions about propane?[tfbPss06] Or, propane accessories? [tfbWht00] Fire it up! [tfbWht01] Yes? [tfbWht02] You got my attention.[tfbWht03] Wanna turn up the heat? [tfbYes00] Naturally. [tfbYes01] Slammin! [tfbYes02] You"ve got it.[tfbYes03] Let"s burn.特种兵 Ghost[tghrdy00] Somebody called for an exterminator?[TGhDth00] [死亡1][TGhDth01] [死亡2][TGhLas00] [枪声][TGhLkd00] [锁定][tghpss00] You called down the thunder. [tghpss01] Now reap the whirlwind. [tghpss02] Keep it up! I dare ya. [tghpss03] I"m about to overload my aggression inhibitors. [tghwht00] Ghost reporting. [tghwht01] I"m here. [tghwht02] Finally! [tghwht03] Call the shot. [tghyes00] I hear that. [tghyes01] I"m gone. [tghyes02] Never know what hit em. [tghyes03] I"m all over it. 秃鹫车 Vulture[tvurdy00] All right, bring it on![TVuDth00] [死亡][TVuMin00] [放蜘蛛雷1][TVuMin01] [放蜘蛛雷2][tvupss00] Something you wanted? [tvupss01] I don"t have time to f*BEEP* around! [tvupss02] You keep pushing it boy. [tvupss03] And I"ll scrap you along with the aliens! [TVuWht00] What do YOU want? [tvuwht01] Yeah? [tvuwht02] I read ya, SIR. [tvuwht03] Somethin" on your mind? [tvuyes00] Yeah, I"m going. [tvuyes01] I dig. [tvuyes02] No problem! [tvuyes03] Oh, is that it? 机械巨人Goliath[TGoRdy00] Goliath online.[TGoDth00] [死亡][TGoPss00] MilSpec ED-209 online. [TGoPss01] Checklist protocol initiated.[TGoPss02] Primary ? level one diagnostic...[TGoPss03] USDA Selected. [TGoPss04] FDIC approved. [TGoPss05] Checklist Completed. SOB. [TGoWht00] Go ahead Tac-Com. "Tac-Com" is short for "Tactical Command"[TGoWht01] Com-link online. [TGoWht02] Channel open. [TGoWht03] Systems functional. [TGoYes00] Acknowledged HQ.[TGoYes01] Nav-com locked. [TGoYes02] Confirmed. [TGoYes03] Target designated. 坦克 Siege Tank[ttardy00] Ready to roll out![TTaDth00] [死亡][ttapss00] "女武神之飞驰"(瓦格那的名曲!)[ttapss01] I"m about to drop the hammer! [ttapss02] And dispense some indiscriminate justice! [ttapss03] What is your major malfunction? [ttatra00] [切换为坦克][ttatra01] [切换为座地炮][ttawht00] Yes sir! [ttawht01] Destination? [ttawht02] Identify target! [ttawht03] Orders sir! [ttayes00] Move it! [ttayes01] Proceedin". [ttayes02] Delighted to, sir! [ttayes03] Absolutely! 工程兵 SCV[TSCRdy00] SCV, good to go, sir.[EDrRep00] [修理1][EDrRep01] [修理2][EDrRep02] [修理3][EDrRep03] [修理4][EDrRep04] [修理5][TSCDth00] [死亡][TSCErr00] I can"t build it, something"s in the way. [TSCErr01] I can"t build there. [TSCMin00] [采矿1][TSCMin01] [采矿2][TSCPss00] Come again, Captain? [TSCPss01] I"m not readin" you clearly. [TSCPss02] You ain"t from around here, are you? [TSCPss03] I can"t believe they put me in one of these things! [TSCPss04] And now I gotta put up with this too? [TSCPss05] I told em I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here! [TSCPss06] I"m locked in here tighter than a frog"s butt in a watermelon seed fight.[TSCTra00] ? 运输船 Dropship[TDrRdy00] Can I take your order?[TDrDth00] [死亡][TDrPss00] When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful. [TDrPss01] In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation device. [TDrPss02] To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you.[TDrPss03] Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full and complete stop. [TDrWht00] Go ahead, HQ. [TDrWht01] I"m listenin". [TDrWht02] Destination? [TDrWht03] Input coordinates. [TDrYes00] In the pipe, five by five. [TDrYes01] Hang on, we"re in for some chop. [TDrYes02] In transit, HQ.[TDrYes03] Buckle up! [TDrYes04] Strap yourselves in boys! [TDrYes05] I copy that. 幽灵战机 Wraith[TPhRdy00] Wraith awaiting launch orders.[TPhClo00] [隐型1][TPhClo01] [隐型2][TPhDth00] [死亡][TPhPss00] Last transmission breakin" up...come back...[TPhPss01] I"m just curious...why am I so good? [TPhPss02] I gotta get me one of these. [TPhPss03] You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is? [TPhPss04] Yours truly. [TPhPss05] Everybody gotta die sometime, Red. [TPhPss06] I am the invincible, that"s right. [TPhWht00] Go ahead commander. [TPhWht01] Transmit coordinates. [TPhWht02] Standin" by. [TPhWht03] Reporting in. [TPhYes00] Coordinates received. [TPhYes01] Attack formation. [TPhYes02] Roger. [TPhYes03] Vector locked-in. 大和舰 Battlecruiser[tbardy00] Battlecruiser operational.[TBaDth00] [死亡][tbapss00] Identify yourself! [tbapss01] Shields up! Weapons online! [tbapss02] Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up! [tbapss03] We are getting WAY behind schedule. [tbapss04] I really have to go...number one. [tbawht00] Battlecruiser reporting. [tbawht01] Receiving transmission. [tbawht02] Good day, commander. [tbawht03] Hailing frequencies open. [TBaYam01] [大和炮1][TBaYam02] [大和炮2][tbayes00] Make it happen. [tbayes01] Set a course. [tbayes02] Take it slow. [tbayes03] Engage! 科学船 Science Vessel[TVeRdy00] Explorer reporting.[TVeDef00] [防御网][TVeDth00] [死亡][TVeEmp00] [EMP冲击波][TVeIrr00] [核废料][tvepss00] I like the cut of your jib! [tvepss01] E=MC...d"oh let me get my notepad.[tvepss02] Ah, fusion, eh? I"ll have to remember that.[tvepss03] Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free? [tvepss04] I think we may have a gas leak! [tvepss05] Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal contraption?[tvepss06] Ah...the ship.... out of danger? [tvewht00] Ah, greetings command! [tvewht01] Transmit orders. [tvewht02] Receiving headquarters! [tvewht03] We have you on visual. [tveyes00] Let"s roll! [tveyes01] Excellent! [tveyes02] Commencing! [tveyes03] Affirmative, sir. 医疗兵 Medic[TMdRdy00] Prepped and ready![Miopia1] [?][TMdDth00] [死亡][TMdPss00] I"ve already checked you out commander. [TMdPss01] You want another physical? [TMdPss02] Turn your head an cough. [TMdPss03] Ready for your sponge bath? [TMdPss04] His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat! "EKG"是"electrocardiogram"的缩写,意思为心电图。 "defib"是"defibrillator"的缩写,意思为心脏起搏器[TMdPss05] Clear! *bzzz* [TMdPss06] He"s dead, Jim. [TMdWht00] Need medical attention? [TMdWht01] Did someone page me? [TMdWht02] State the nature of your medical emergency! [TMdWht03] Where does it hurt? [TMdYes00] Right away! [TMdYes01] Stat! [TMdYes02] I"m on the job! [TMdYes03] On my way. [TmedCure] [恢复1][TmedCure2] [恢复2][TMedflsh] [致盲][Tmedheal] [补体1][Tmedheal2] [补体2][TMedRest] [rest][Tmedrest1] [rest] 瓦格雷 Valkyrie[TVkRdy00] Valkyrie prepared.[AfterOff][AfterOn][shoot2][TVkDth00] [死亡][TVkPss00] This is very interesting...but stupid. [TVkPss01] I have ways of blowing things up. [TVkPss02] You"re being very naughty. [TVkPss03] Who"s your mommy? [TVkPss04] Blucher! [TVkPss05] [horses neighing] [TVkWht00] Need something destroyed? [TVkWht01] I am eager to help. [TVkWht02] Don"t keep me waiting. [TVkWht03] Achtung! "achtung"是"注意"的德文[TVkYes00] Of course, mein heir. [TVkYes01] Perfect! [TVkYes02] It"s showtime! [TVkYes03] J awoll! "jowoll"是"好的"的德文[TVkYes04] Achtung! (瓦格雷的意思是北欧神话里的女武神,著名音乐家瓦格那曾写了有名的乐曲《尼伯龙根的指环》,《女武神的飞驰》就是其中的一章。因为瓦格那是德国人,所以Valkyrie的声音里很多都是德语) 平民 Civilian[TCVRdy00] Hey, how"d I get here?[TCvDth00] [死亡][TCvPss00] I wanna be all I can be! [TCvPss01] I tell you what. I think I"ll join up! [TCvPss02] I"m a little claustrophobic though. [TCvPss03] Hope they don"t put me in any tight spaces. [TCVPss04] Ah, what the hell. I need that college money. [TCvWht00] Hey there. [TCvWht01] How ya"ll doing? [TCvWht02] What"s up? [TCvWht03] Howdy. [TCvYes00] I"m goin". [TCvYes01] No sweat. [TCvYes02] Yup. [TCvYes03] All right. [TCVYes04] Sure thing. 基地 Advisor[tadErr00] Not enough minerals.[tadErr01] Insufficient vespene gas. [tadErr02] Additional supply depots required. [tadErr03] Landing sequence interrupted. [tadErr04] Inacceptable landing zone. [TAdErr06] Not enough energy. [tadUpd00] Base is under attack. [tadUpd01] Your forces are under attack. [tadUpd02] Research complete. [tadUpd03] Add-on complete. [tadUPD04] Nuclear launch detected. [tadUPD05] Abandoning auxilorary structure. [tadUPD06] Upgrade complete. [TAdUpd07] Nuclear missile ready. Protess族 狂徒 Zealot 龙骑士 Dragoon 光明圣堂武士 High Templar 光明执政官 Archon 伺侯战机 Scout 仲裁者 Arbiter 航母 Carrier 探路者 Observer 暗黑圣堂武士 Dark Templar 海盗船 Corsair 暗黑执政官 Dark Archon 基地 Advisor狂徒 Zealot[pzeRdy00] My life for Aiur![pzeAtt00] [攻击1][pzeAtt01] [攻击2][pzeDth00] [死][pzeHit00] [psi blades][PZePss00] En Taro Adun! [PZePss01] All for the Empire! [PZePss02] Doom to all who threaten the homeworld. [PZeRag00] [rage][PZeWht00] What now calls? [PZeWht01] [Issah"Tu!][PZeWht02] I long for combat![PZeWht03] [G"hous!][PZeYes00] [Gau"gurah!][PZeYes01] Thus I serve! [PZeYes02] Honor guide me! [PZeYes03] For Adun! 龙骑士 Dragoon[pdrRdy00] I have returned.[pdrDth00] [死亡][PDrPss00] Unauthorized transmission. [PDrPss01] Incorrect protocol. [PDrPss02] "嘟嘟" Drop your weapon. You have 15 seconds to comply. [PDrPss03] 5,4,3,2,1 "开火" [PDrWht00] Receiving. [PDrWht01] Awaiting instructions. [PDrWht02] Transmit. [PDrWht03] Input command. [PDrWht04] [Glah"sos] [PDrWht05] [Cah"karadahs] [PDrWht06] Make use of me. [PDrWht07] I am needed. [PDrYes00] Confirmed. [PDrYes01] Initiating. [PDrYes02] [Loch"tide] [PDrYes03] [Meto"rah] [PDrYes04] Commencing. [PDrYes05] [Nagat"soon] [PDrYes06] For vengeance. 光明圣堂武士 High Templar[pteRdy00] [Hasah-hurditum-hari!][pteDth00] [死亡][PTeHal00] [产生幻象][PTeHal01] [幻象消失][PTeMov00] [?][ptePss00] Your thoughts betray you. - 天行者Luke的名言, 出自: 星球大战-杰迪归来[ptePss01] I see you have an appetite for destruction. [ptePss02] And you learn to use your illusion. [ptePss03] But I find your lack of control disturbing. [PTeSto00] [心灵风暴1][PTeSto01] [心灵风暴2][pteSum00] [合成为执政官][pteWht00] Your thoughts? [pteWht01] [Saragh"ha!] [pteWht02] I heed thy call. [pteWht03] State thy bidding. [pteYes00] You think as I do. [pteYes01] It shall be done. [pteYes02] My path is set. [pteYes03] [Ee"tahk] 光明执政官 Archon[parRdy00] The merging is complete![parDth00] [死亡][parMin00] ?[parPss00] It all looks so different on this side. [parPss01] Break on through! [parPss02] It"s beautiful! [parPss03] T
2023-01-08 18:29:203

美军作战视频经常听到的一句英语 大概是agreeing to 额给支 这个额给之是哪个英语单词 有没有大神知道啊

一般来讲 是在什么情况下讲的?
2023-01-08 18:29:352

有关《魂断蓝桥》的 英文台词

2023-01-08 18:29:441


〔Radio Commands (" Z "键) - 无线电指令〕1."Cover me" (掩护我)2."You Take The Point"(你守住这个位置)3."Hold This Position"(各单位保持现在的位置)4."REGROUP TEAM"(重新组队),队友过于分散的时候可以用这个指令5."Follow Me"(跟着我)6."TAKING FIRE"(射击射击!!需要火力支援)〔Group Radio Commands (" X "键) - 无线电指挥指令〕1."Go"(全队 行动/前进)2."Fall Back"(全队 撤退/后退)3."Stick together team"(全队保持一起行动/保持队形)4."Get in position and wait for my go" (全队就位,等我冲出去时掩护我)5."Storm the front"(全队正面快速突进)6."Report in"(询问全队队员回报行动是否准备OK?)〔Radio Reports (" C "键) - 无线电回覆〕1."Affirmative/Roget"(收到/了解)2."Enemy Spotted"(发现敌人)3."need backup"(我需要支援)4."Sector Clear"(此区域安全!!)5."I"m in position"(我已经就定位!)6."Reporting In"(回报行动准备OK)7."She"s gonna Blow!"(炸弹要爆炸了!!)8."Negative"(否定),用在回报行动准备尚未OK9."ENEMY DOWN" (敌人死了)
2023-01-08 18:29:496


对过去事实的肯定推测英语句型:Affirmative speculation of the truth that has come to the light.或Affirmative speculation of the past truth.或Affirmative forecast of the truth that has come to the light....
2023-01-08 18:30:121


2023-01-08 18:30:181


2023-01-08 18:30:241


Terran族 海军陆战队员 Marine (出场00) You want a piece of me, boy?想要我的一部分吗,小子? (闲聊00) We go move! 我们走吧! (闲聊01) Are you gonna give me orders? 你是不是想给我发命令? (闲聊02) Oh my god! He"s whacked! 我的天,他困了! (闲聊03) I vote we frag this commander. 我建议我们干掉这个指挥官。 (闲聊04) How do I get out of this chicken (BEEP) outfit?! 我怎么才能从这个垃圾盔甲中出来? (闲聊05) You want a piece of me, boy? 想要我的一部分吗,小子? (闲聊06) If it weren"t for these damned neural implants you"d be a smoldering crater by now! 如果不是因为这个混账的心灵灌输,我早把你变成弹坑了。 (Sti00) Ahh...That"s the stuff! 啊,就是它 (Sti01) Ahh...Yea! 啊,耶! (选择00) Commander. 老大! (选择01) Standin" by. 待命中 (选择02) Checked up and good to go. 检查完毕,准备动身 (选择03) Give me something to shoot. 给我一个活靶子 (行动00) Go! Go! Go! (行动01) Let"s move! 大家前进吧 (行动02) Outstanding! 非常明智! (行动03) Rock "n roll! 一起摇滚吧! 火枪兵 Firebat (出场00) Need a light? 需要打火机吗? (Fir00) (喷火1) (Fir01) (喷火2) (闲聊00) Is something burning? 有烧着了的东西吗? (闲聊01) Haha, that"s what I thought. 哈哈,正如我想。 (闲聊02) I love the smell of napalm. 我喜欢汽油的味道! (闲聊03) Nothing like a good smoke! 没有比抽烟更好的事了。 (闲聊04) Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue? 你是否正在盼望我请你去吃烤肉? (闲聊05) Got any questions about propane? 对丙烷有什么不懂的吗? (闲聊06) Or, propane accessories? 噢,喷火的工具! (选择00) Fire it up! 把它点着! (选择01) 行动? 是? (选择02) You got my attention. 你已经引起我注意了 (选择03) Wanna turn up the heat? 想把温度升高? (行动00) Naturally. 很自然 (行动01) Slammin! 打击! (行动02) You"ve got it. 你已经得到它了 (行动03) Let"s burn. 让我们燃烧吧 特种兵 Ghost (出场00) Somebody called for an exterminator? 有人正在找害虫终结者吗? (Las00) (枪声) (Lkd00) (锁定) (闲聊00) You called down the thunder. 你把雷电招下来了 (闲聊01) Now reap the whirlwind. 现在我们来获得一点旋风! (闲聊02) Keep it up! I dare ya. 准备好,我要向你挑战! (闲聊03) I"m about to overload my aggression inhibitors. 我可能要多打点镇定剂 (选择00) Ghost reporting. 特种兵报告 (选择01) I"m here. 我在这里 (选择02) Finally! 终于! (选择03) Call the shot. 下命令射击吧 (行动00) I hear that. 我听到它了 (行动01) I"m gone. 我已经出发了 (行动02) Never know what hit em. 从来就不知道要有多少进攻 (行动03) I"m all over it. 我已经超过它了 秃鹫车 Vulture (出场00) All right, bring it on! 好啦,把它放下吧 (闲聊00) Something you wanted? 你想要什么吗? (闲聊01) I don"t have time to f(BEEP)around! 我没时间瞎弄! (闲聊02) You keep pushing it boy. 小子,你一直在推它 (闲聊03) And I"ll scrap you along with the aliens! 我想跟异形们一起把你撕碎! (选择00) What do YOU want? 你想干嘛? (选择01) Yeah? 是! (选择02) I read ya, SIR. 我知道啦,老大! (选择03) Somethin" on your mind? 你想什么哪? (行动00) Yeah, I"m going. 是,进发中! (行动01) I dig. 我想挖洞 (行动02) No problem! 没问题 (行动03) Oh, is that it?哦,是这个吗? 机械巨人Goliath (出场00) Goliath online. Goliath 准备完毕 (闲聊00) MilSpec ED-209 online. 军用 ED-209 准备完毕 (闲聊01) Checklist protocol initiated. 开始协议 (闲聊02) Primary ? level one diagnostic... 初级?诊断为一级 (闲聊03) USDA Selected. USDA 被选择 (闲聊04) FDIC approved. FDIC 通过核准 (闲聊05) Checklist Completed. SOB. 名单准备完毕 (选择00) Go ahead Tac-Com. 正在前进,指挥部 (选择01) Com-link online. 指挥部完成连接 (选择02) Channel open. 打开这个频道 (选择03) Systems functional. 系统功能 (行动00) Acknowledged HQ. 明白,指挥部 (行动01) Nav-com locked. 锁定海军指挥部 (行动02) Confirmed. 确认 (行动03) Target designated. 选定目标 坦克 Siege Tank (出场00) Ready to roll out! 准备出场 (闲聊01) I"m about to drop the hammer! 我可能要扔锤子了 (闲聊02) And dispense some indiscriminate justice! 然后来一次审判 (闲聊03) What is your major malfunction? 你的主要故障是什么? (选择00) 行动 sir! 是,长官! (选择01) Destination? 目的地是哪? (选择02) Identify target! 目标确定! (选择03) Orders sir! 命令,老大? (行动00) Move it! 前进 (行动01) Proceedin". 有进展了 (行动02) Delighted to, sir! 我很高兴,老大 (行动03) Absolutely! 绝对! 工程兵 SCV (出场00) SCV, good to go, sir. SCV可以开工了 (Err00) I can"t build it, something"s in the way. 我没法在这建,有东西挡道 (Err01) I can"t build there. 我没法在这建 (闲聊00) Come again, Captain? 队长,再来一遍! (闲聊01) I"m not readin" you clearly. 我不能听清楚你说什么。 (闲聊02) You ain"t from around here, are you? 你没必要在这逛游,不是吗? (闲聊03) I can"t believe they put me in one of these things! 我没法相信他们把我放进了这么一堆东西里 (闲聊04) And now I go put up with this too? 我现在是否要把它们收拾起来? (闲聊05) I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here! 我告诉他们我有幽闭症,我必须出去! (闲聊06) I"m locked in here tighter than a frog"s butt in a watermelon seed fight. 我在这里比青蛙在西瓜子里还要挤 (Tra00) ? 运输船 Dropship (出场00) Can I take your order? 我能得到你的命令吗? (闲聊00) When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful. 拿你头上的行李时请注意 (闲聊01) In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation device. 由于要在水上降落,你可能要被当作漂浮装置 (闲聊02) To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you. 为了减重,请服下前面的催吐剂,然后吐到外面! (闲聊03) Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a full and complete stop. 停稳之前请不要把胳膊或腿伸到外面去。 (选择00) Go ahead, HQ. 正在前进,司令部 (选择01) I"m listenin". 我正在听 (选择02) Destination? 目的地? (选择03) Input coordinates. 输入坐标 (行动00) In the pipe, five by five. 在机舱里五人一组 (行动01) Hang on, we"re in for some chop. 把稳,前方有气流! (行动02) In transit, HQ. 正在运输,司令部。 (行动03) Buckle up! 系上安全带 (行动04) Strap yourselves in boys! 把你们绑紧,小子们 (行动05) I copy that. 收到! 幽灵战机 Wraith (出场00) Wraith awaiting launch orders. 幽灵战机等待起飞 (闲聊00) Last transmission breakin" up...come back... 上次起飞没成功,再来一遍 (闲聊01) I"m just curious...why am I so good? 我只是好奇我为什么这么棒? (闲聊02) I go get me one of these. 我必须得到其中之一 (闲聊03) You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is? 你知道舰队王牌飞行员是谁吧? (闲聊04) Yours truly. 的确是你的 (闲聊05) Everybody go die sometime, Red. 每个人早晚得死,是吧? (闲聊06) I am the invincible, that"s right. 我是无敌的,太对了 (选择00) Go ahead commander. 正在前进,总部 (选择01) Transmit coordinates. 传给我坐标 (选择02) Standin" by. 待命 (选择03) Reporting in. 报告 (行动00) Coordinates received. 收到坐标 (行动01) Ack formation. 编队打击! (行动02) Roger. 收到! (行动03) Vector locked-in. 锁定无线电信号 大和舰 Battlecruiser (出场00) Battlecruiser operational. 大和舰准备完毕(闲聊00) Identify yourself! 认识你自己! (闲聊01) Shields up! Weapons online! 装甲、武器,准备好! (闲聊02) Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up! 没有盔甲?那好,系上安全带 (闲聊03) We are getting WAY behind schedule. 我们的进度拉得太远了 (闲聊04) I really have to go...number one. 我的确得争第一 (选择00) Battlecruiser reporting. 大和舰报告 (选择01) Receiving transmission. 收到! (选择02) Good day, commander. 你好,指挥官! (选择03) Hailing frequencies open. 随时敬礼 (行动00) Make it happen. 使它发生 (行动01) Set a course. 定一个路线 (行动02) Take it slow. 慢点 (行动03) Engage! 明白! 科学船 Science Vessel (出场00) Explorer reporting. 探险船报告 (闲聊00) I like the cut of your jib! 我喜欢你胳膊上的伤口 (闲聊01) E=MC...d"oh let me get my note. E=MC…?哦,我得准备个笔记本 (闲聊02) Ah, fusion, eh? I"ll have to remember that. 啊,融化,嗯?我得记下 (闲聊03) Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free? 谁把实验室里的猴子放出来的? (闲聊04) I think we may have a gas leak! 我想我们可能漏气了! (闲聊05) Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal contraption? 你们这些笨蛋知道怎么把这个垃圾机器关掉吗? (闲聊06) Ah...the ship.... out of danger? 啊,脱离危险了 (选择00) Ah, greetings command! 啊,老大好 (选择01) Transmit orders. 发射命令! (选择02) Receiving headquarters! 收到,总部! (选择03) We have you on visual. 我们得让你现形 (行动00) Let"s roll! 大家摇滚吧! (行动01) Excellent! 非常棒! (行动02) Commencing! 开始吧。 (行动03) Affirmative, sir. 同意,老大. 医疗兵 Medic (出场00) Prepped and ready! 准备完毕 (闲聊00) I"ve already checked you out commander. 我已经把你查出来了,指挥官 (闲聊01) You want another physical? 你想要另一个身体? (闲聊02) Turn your head an cough. 咳一下 (闲聊03) Ready for your sponge bath? 准备好纱布浴了吗? (闲聊04) His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat! 他的心跳很弱,给我起搏器! (闲聊05) Clear! (bzzz)明白 (闲聊06) He"s dead, Jim. 吉姆,他死了! (选择00) Need medical attention? 需要医护吗? (选择01) Did someone page me? 有人叫我吗? (选择02) State the nature of your medical emergency! 陈述一下你的紧急救护方法 (选择03) Where does it hurt? 哪疼? (行动00) Right away! 马上! (行动01) Stat! 立刻! (行动02) I"m on the job! 我在工作! (行动03) On my way. 在路上 瓦格雷 Valkyrie (出场00) Valkyrie preed. Valkyrie 准备好了 (闲聊00) This is very interesting...but stupid. 这很好玩,就是傻了点 (闲聊01) I have ways of blowing things up. 我有把东西弄炸的方法 (闲聊02) You"re being very naughty. 你越来越淘气了 (闲聊03) Who"s your mommy? 你妈妈是谁? (闲聊04) Blucher! (德语) (闲聊05) (horses neighing) (马叫) (选择00) Need something destroyed? 想干掉一些东西吗? (选择01) I am eager to help. 我渴望帮助 (选择02) Don"t keep me waiting. 别让我再等了! (选择03) Achtung! (德语)注意 (行动00) Of course, mein heir. 当然, mein heir.(德文) (行动01) Perfect! 完美 (行动02) It"s showtime! 现在是“秀”时间 (行动03) Jawoll! (德语)好的 (行动04) Achtung! (德语)注意 基地 Advisor (Err00) Not enough minerals. 没有矿了 (Err01) Insufficient vespene gas. 瓦斯不够 (Err02) Additional supply depots required. 需要更多的食堂 (Err03) Landing sequence interrupted. 着陆顺序不对 (Err04) Inacceptable landing zone. 着陆点不对 (Err06) Not enough energy. 能量不够 (Upd00) Base is under ack. 基地遭受攻击 (Upd01) Your forces are under ack. 你的部队正在遭受攻击 (Upd02) Research complete. 研究完成 (Upd03) Add-on complete. 附加建筑完成 (UPD04) Nuclear launch detected. 监测到核打击 (UPD05) Abandoning auxilorary structure. 建筑被污染 (UPD06) Upgrade complete. 升级完成 (Upd07) Nuclear missile ready. 核弹完毕!----------------------------------------------------------------------Protess族 狂热者 Zealot(出场00) My life for Aiur! 我为Aiur而生!(闲聊00) En Taro Adun! (神族语)(闲聊01) All for the Empire! 一切为了帝国!(闲聊02) Doom to all who threaten the homeworld. 如果谁威胁到了家园,厄运就会降临!(选择00) What now calls? 现在做什么?(选择01) Issah"Tu!(神族语)(选择02) I long for combat! 我久盼战斗!(选择03) G"hous! (神族语)(行动00) Gau"gurah! (神族语)(行动01) Thus I serve! 所以我服务(行动02) Honor guide me! 荣誉指引着我(行动03) For Adun! 为了 Adun!龙骑士 Dragoon(出场00) I have returned. 我又卷土重来了!(闲聊00) Unauthorized transmission. 不合法的信号(闲聊01) Incorrect protocol. 协议不对!(闲聊02) (BEEP)Drop your weapon. You have 15 seconds to comply. "嘟嘟" 放下武器. 你有十五秒钟时间(闲聊03) 5,4,3,2,1 (fire)5,4,3,2,1 "开火"(选择00) Receiving. 收到!(选择01) Awaiting instructions. 等待重建(选择02) Transmit.传输信号(选择03) Input command. 输入命令(选择04) Glah"sos(神族语)(选择05) Cah"karadahs(神族语)(选择06) Make use of me. 发挥我的作用(选择07) I am needed. 我是必需的(行动00) Confirmed. 确认(行动01) Initiating. 初始化!(行动02) Loch"tide(神族语)(行动03) Meto"rah (神族语)(行动04) Commencing. 开始(行动05) Nagat"soon (神族语)(行动06) For vengeance. 为了复仇光明圣堂武士 High Templar(出场00) Hasah-hurditum-hari! (神族语)(闲聊00) Your thoughts betray you. 你的思想背叛了你! (闲聊01) I see you have an appetite for destruction. 我发现你对毁灭很感兴趣(闲聊02) And you learn to use your illusion. 试着去使用你的幻想(闲聊03) But I find your lack of control disturbing. 但我发现你没法违背命令!(选择00) Your thoughts? 你的想法?(选择01) Saragh"ha! (神族语)(选择02) I heed thy call. 我需要你的召唤(选择03) State thy bidding. 言汝之命(行动00) You think as I do. 你的想法就是我的做法(行动01) It shall be done. 它应该完成了(行动02) My path is set. 我的路径被设定了(行动03) Ee"tahk (神族语)光明执政官 Archon(出场00) The merging is complete! 合成完毕!(闲聊00) It all looks so different on this side. 这样看什么都不一样了(闲聊01) Break on through! 思想崩溃!(闲聊02) It"s beautiful! 太美了!(闲聊03) They should have sent a poet. 他们应该送来一位诗人(选择00) We burn! 我们燃烧着!(选择01) We need focus! 我们需要目标!(选择02) Thorasoh"cahp (神族语)(选择03) Power overwhelming. 力量无限!(行动00) Destroy! 毁灭!(行动01) Annihilate! 消灭!(行动02) Obliterate! 抹去!(行动03) Eradicate! 除去!伺侯战机 Scout(出场00) Teleport successful. 心灵运输成功!(闲聊00) Signal unstable. 信号不稳定(闲聊01) Psionic Link dissipating. 心灵连接失效了?(闲聊02) Adjusting neural transmission. 调整心灵信号(闲聊03) ...reengaged(神族语)(选择00) Awaiting command. 等候命令(选择01) Standing by. 待命(选择02) Contact. 联系(选择03) Cho"gal (神族语)(行动00) Chaos混乱!(行动01) Koh"rahk(神族语)(行动02) ...acknowledged明白(行动03) It will be done. 马上完成仲裁者 Arbiter(出场00) Warp field stabilized. 时空扭曲很稳定(闲聊00) We sense a soul in search of answers. 在寻找答案时,我们才能感受到灵魂(闲聊01) Do you seek knowledge of time travel? 你有关于时间旅行的知识吗?(闲聊02) We"ll take that as a 行动. 我们将会同意(闲聊03) And now for your first lesson. Hahaha. 现在开始第一课,哈哈哈(闲聊04) Do you seek knowledge of time travel? 你有关于时间旅行的知识吗?(选择00) We feel your presence. 我们感受到了你的存在(选择01) Duras. 多长时间? (选择02) Gun Adun向 Adun进发(选择03) We are vigilant. 我们很警惕(行动00) In Khast"meen(神族语)(行动01) Jepahca"zoen(神族语)(行动02) Gowron. (神族语)航母 Carrier(出场00) Carrier has arrived! 航母到位!(闲聊00) Our enemies are legion! 敌人太多了!(闲聊01) And still you procrastinate!? 你仍然在耽误时间(闲聊02) Command, or you will be relieved! 发命令吧,你会放心的(闲聊03) This is not an idle threat! 这不是无聊的恐吓(选择00) Instructions. 指令(选择01) Your command? 你的命令(选择02) Loh"Klahs(神族语)(选择03) Ischk"nu? (神族语)(行动00) Commencing. 准备好了(行动01) Kokal"tulah(神族语)(行动02) Gau"ju(神族语)(行动03) Affirmative. 同意探路者 Observer(闲聊00) I sense a soul in search of answers. 在寻找答案时我感受到了灵魂(闲聊01) It sounds like...a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom! 它听起来像一个巨大的、庞大的、浮肿的、膨胀的蘑菇(闲聊02) One small step for man, one giant...(static) STOP POKING ME!!! 对于一个人是一小步,对整个人类是一大....别扎我!!! (闲聊03) Warcraft zwei, jetzt als Exklusivedition mit dem Expansion Set...4 Boostern und Zauberlehrbuch (德语)暗黑圣堂武士 Dark Templar(出场00) Adun Toridas! (神族语)(闲聊00) Your taunts are inadvised, Templar. 没法赞同你的污辱,祭司(闲聊01) Do not provoke me to violence. 你想让我暴动吗???(闲聊02) You can no more evade my wrath... 你没法逃避我的愤怒!(闲聊03) ...Than you could your own shadow. 与你相比,我像你的影子一样无形(选择00) 行动? 是?(选择01) Zerashk gulida! (神族语)(选择02) I"m waiting. 我正在等待(选择03) Neraz Gul
2023-01-08 18:30:301

求 CS 战术术语

2023-01-08 18:30:372


有以下三种说法:1、正方: The claim反方:The counterclaim2、正方: Positive side反方: Negative side3、正方 Affirmative side反方:Negative side扩展资料:近年来流行的大型辩论赛,一般是由8个人参与。赛队(每队4人)参与。各参赛队中的4名成员,分为主辩、一辩、二辩、三辩手;亦有分为一辩、二辩、三辩手及自由发言人等,并按此顺序,由辩论场的中央往旁边排列座位。但有时也会有不同情况。其中,一辩主要是阐述本方观点,要具有开门见山的技巧和深入探究的能力要能把观众带入一种论辩的氛围中.所以要求一辩具有演讲能力和感染能力;二三辩主要是针对本方观点,与对方辩手展开激烈角逐,要求他们具有较强的逻辑思维能力和非凡的反应能力,要能抓住对方纰漏,加以揭露并反为己用,要灵活善动,幽默诙谐,带动场上气氛;四辩要能很好总结本方观点,并能加以发挥和升华,要求有激情,铿锵有力,把气氛引入另一高潮。
2023-01-08 18:30:451


All-clear — 周围安全; Affirmative — (无线电)表肯定: 是的, 了解. Yes; Negative — (无线电)表否定: 不. No; Roger that — (无线电)收到; Over (无线电)完毕(等待回话). "我说完了, 该你了"; Out 或Clear — (无线电)完毕(不要求对方回话); Roger(that) — (无线电)收到. Roger是无线电中字母 R的读法, 表示received"收到", 就跟我们把 7念做"拐"一样; Copy — (无线电)明白, 清楚, 了解(不仅是收到); Wilco — Will Comply的缩写, 遵命, 我会照办 (而不仅仅是明白); Go Ahead — (无线电)请讲, 说吧; Say Again — (无线电)再说一遍. 非常口语化, 有人会觉得用 Repeat显得更专业. 殊不知, Repeat在呼叫炮火支援时, 是代表"再来一轮"的意思, 很容易混淆; Need back up — 需要支援; Cover me — 掩护我; Suppressing fire(covering fire) — 火力支援, 火力掩护; Fire in the hole !— 要爆炸了! 并不是光表示扔手榴弹. 这个词源自前装炮的时代, 当时的大炮是从前端装火药, 然后在炮身的小孔里面灌传火药或者药引, 再用明火点燃的. 点炮的时候, 火就从炮身的小孔经过, 所以叫"fire in the hole", 提醒大家要开炮了. 后来, 工兵在引爆炸弹的时候也这么喊, 现在已经泛指所有的爆炸了.; cease fire /colh your fire — 停火.下面的是我从现代战争2里面发现的 copy that ,hunter 2-1 2-1copies 2-2copies all 2-3soliy copy 这些是收到的意思下面是其中一段过场动画里面的,酷毙了 NORAD HQ: Sand Bravo. We are reading 70 bogeys in your sector. Please verify. Nome AFB: Very funny, Station. That"s a big negative, over. NORAD HQ: Sand Bravo, be advised, running diagnostics to scan for malfunction. Nome AFB: The skies are clear, Station. You got yourself some phantom dots, over. NORAD HQ: Zulu X-ray 6. Signs in your sector of some 100 bogeys, please advise. Vandenberg AFB: Negatory, Station. Scope is clear. I dunno what to tell ya. Solar interference? Heavy sunspot activity today. NORAD HQ: Sierra Delta, uh…we may have a minor ACS fault here. Do you have anything on your scope? Air Traffic Controller: They"re everywhere! NORAD HQ: Sierra Delta, repeat! Air Traffic Controller: I"m lookin" at fighter jets over I-95! How the hell did they get through? NORAD HQ: Standby! Attempting to contact the nearest unit in that sector. Sgt. Foley: I read you. This is First Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Sgt. Foley, acting commander of Hunter Two-One. Do you copy, over? NORAD HQ: All Stations, be advised – satellite surveillance has been disabled. SOSUS and Pave Paws arrays are inoperative at this time. 翻译: 北美防空司令部:沙B,我们检测到你防区内出现数量近70的不明物,请核实。 沙B:很好笑,我这什么都没有。 北美防空司令部:沙B,请检测系统错误。 沙B:天空很干净,我什么都没看到,你看到的是鬼影吧. 北美防空司令部:祖鲁X光6号,我们在你防区内检测到60多个不明物,请核实。 祖鲁X光6号:望远镜里什么都没有,紫外线干扰吧,今天太阳黑子很活跃。 北美防空司令部:山脊D,ACS模块可能有系统错误,你那看得到什么吗? 空中管制:他们铺天盖地的来了! 北美防空司令部:山脊D!请重复! 空中管制:我从I-95看到一堆喷气式战机!他们怎么过来的到底! 北美防空司令部:冷静!我在尝试联系离你们防区最近的部队。 福力中士:我听到了。这里是75游骑兵团一营,我是猎人小队2—1指挥官福利中士,听到吗? 北美防空司令部:警告所有观测站,卫星监视已经失效,SOSUS和密爪阵列也已停止工作!
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Fire 开火Seize fire 停火Hold your position / Hold 在原位坚持住 / 留在原位Hold the line 保持防线 / 队形Take cover 找掩体Cover me / him 掩护我 / 他Cover fire 火力压制Fall back 撤退Loading / Reloading / changing mag(magazine) 正在换弹药low on ammo 快没弹药了Scout / Recon 侦察Clear 安全Engaged / In coming 接敌了Fire in the hole 前面有爆破Grenade 有手榴弹(在附近)Friendly 自己人(提醒看不到自己的战友或友军)
2023-01-08 18:31:133