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2023-08-07 23:55:53

The Yunnan Nationalities Village (Yunnan Minzucun) is located on the northeastern shore of Dianchi Lake and is a good place to show visitors to Yunnan the cultural ways and traditions of the numerous ethnic groups in the province.

In the Village compound, 25 different independent villages have been planned, but at present only about 20 have been constructed. In addition to these "ethnic villages", there are activities that take place such as a welcoming ceremony with performing White Elephants, the Dinosaur Island theme park area, a concert area for ethnic singing and dancing performances, as well as an Asian Elephant show in the Plaza of Ethnic Unity.

The climax of a visit to the Nationalities Park is a film shown on a fountain of water. The "villagers" are all chosen from the youth of the relevant nationalities to act as guides and performers for tourists. The three major villages represent the Dai, the Bai and the Yi nationalities.

The Bai Nationality Village:

The Bai Village is famous for its Butterfly Museum, which is the biggest of its kind in China. The museum is a typical Bai construction, which is comprised of rooms and residences on three sides and a wall on the southern side.

The southern wall is typically decorated quite beautifully with an ornate flower bed. Part of the reason for this architecture is that Dali (where a majority of Bais live) is a windy town, where the wind, while not very strong, blows all year round. Also in the Village, there is a replicated temple dedicated to the God of Erhai Lake (modeled after a temple in Dali). The young warrior, enshrined in the temple, was known as Duan Chicheng.

He exterminated evil villains and spirits for the Bai people and has been worshipped as the safeguard of the Bai people around Dali ever since. If you burn several sticks of incense to him, you may also gain his protection, but we"d recommend trying it at the real temple in Dali.



问题一:农民的英语单词怎么写? farmer 问题二:村民用英文单词怎么说 villager 问题三:“村民”的英语单词是什么? villager 例句:有个丑恶的怪物袭击了手无寸铁的村民。A hideous monster attacked the helpless villagers.有些村民从未远离过附近的市镇。Some villagers have never been further afield 穿han the neighbouring town.村民一致反对修建旁道。The villagers are unanimous in their opposition to the building of a bypass. 问题四:农民英语单词怎么写的 当一个人真正孤单时,他或她会想起目前对于他或她最重要也最需要的人,也就是说:在人的不同时期,孤单时所想起来的人应该是不一样的,在小的时候,你会想起你的亲人;在年少时,你会想起那个朦胧的他(她);在青年时期,你会想起你的恋人、情人或爱人;在中年,你会想起你的孩子和家人;到了老年,你很可能会想起这一辈子所有与你有关系的人,而且会是令自己也很惊异的某个人:) 问题五:我该学点什么??? 你的兴趣爱好是什么? 在没有目标的时候..当然是去做你比较擅长的东西,想那一方面发展,去学和其有关的东西咯..加油加油... 你可别说你没有梦想哦好好想想吧 问题六:农民 用英语翻译怎么写 朋友你好,这里要看你用在什么情况下,我给你说几种说法: 最通俗说法farmer,应该什么情况都能用 高级一点的peasant,来源主要指英国自耕农或雇农,总称的时候用peasantry 贬义说法boor,也指粗野不礼貌的人 hu *** andman,指饲养、畜牧业专家啦,有时候比较古语的用法 望采纳哦! 问题七:农民英文怎么写 peasant farmer 都表示农民 问题八:爸爸是农民的英语单词怎么写? My father is a farmer
2023-08-06 00:12:481

The villagers,( ) had been damaged by the flood,were given help by the Red Cross. A.all of their ho

2023-08-06 00:12:576

1.The ____(village) in the village are very friendly

1 villagers 2 B
2023-08-06 00:13:403

I saw some villages___on the bench in the room. A.seated B.seated themselves 为什么选A,不选B

B 是坐在自己身上 这位真有才.....
2023-08-06 00:13:484

The villagers have told hime that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.

2023-08-06 00:14:043

It was ________ he had done to the villagers ________ saddened his parents.

2023-08-06 00:14:111


公交车站词典解释bus station ;火车站词典解释railway terminal;railway station;train station;过河词典解释[体]river crossing ;许多村民词典翻译Many of the villagers;开车上班词典翻译Driving to work;在一个村子里In a village;它是一项很棒的运动It is a great sport;步行到学校walk to school;离开家到学校Leave home to school;我也不确定I"m not sure yet;每年1到2次Each year 1 to 2;他的梦想能实现His dream will come true;乘索道Take the cableway;
2023-08-06 00:14:217


2023-08-06 00:15:182

I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink.

2023-08-06 00:15:296


猎人海力布》这篇故事的主要内容缩写50字 提交优质回答
2023-08-06 00:15:452

写一篇Changes in Green Village的英语作文

没看到用smooth,重新写一遍Green Village is about 60 kilometers from the Sunshine City, there are more than 8,000 people.In the past, there are no factories and schools, the villagers"s lives are very difficult, traffic is also underdeveloped. Since 1998, there has been great changes. The village builted new roads ,smoothand flat. Now has had three factories and two schools The villagers moved into new houses, their lives getting better and better now.自己写的 ,不知道行不行 ,
2023-08-06 00:15:542


halfquarter life river close villagers bridge dream relax tense lucky个人见解,你可以参考一下
2023-08-06 00:16:248


相信题主理解第二句不成问题。先从简单的synecdoche来说吧。我们只肖记住三种:1.整体部分互指,第二句中 the world 是由人类组成的,所以属于整体代部分。2.大类与小类互指,比如rose 与 flower 的互指。3.具体与抽象互指。比如 I earn my bread as a teacher. 具体的bread 在这里代指抽象的 living。再比如 Last weekend she visited the sickness and the poverty. 抽象的俩词被用来指代具体的 the sick people and the poor people.metonymy 就多了去了,但是他与synecdoche 混淆的地方主要是人体的各个部位。两种情况:1.身体部位代指人:No eyes saw her and no ears heard her.2.身体部位代指其功能:Don"t let your heart control your brain. (功能分别是感性思维和理智)第一次回答问题哦~~欢迎指正讨论~~
2023-08-06 00:16:553


Chapter I Silas Marner, past and present(1) 第一章:塞拉斯u30fb马南的过去和现在(一) In the early years of the nineteenth century, strange-looking little men were often seen on the country roads, usually with a heavy bag on their shoulders. They were linen weavers, taking the linen they had woven to the women in the villages. Unlike the strong, healthy country people, they were small and thin with tired white faces, bent backs and round shoulders. They were often shortsighted too, because they had to look so closely at their work. To the villagers the weavers looked almost foreign, and quite frightening. Where did they come from? Was it the devil who sent them? Who were their parents? How could you trust a man if you didn"t know his father or mother? Country people used to be very suspicious of all strangers and travellers. They were also suspicious of clever people, people who could do something they themselves had not learnt to do. That is why the linen weavers, who often moved from towns to live and work in the country, were considered strangers all their lives by their neighbours and were sometimes very lonely as a result. 在19世纪初期,经常在乡间小路上看到外表奇特的矮个子,通常肩上背着一个沉重的包。他们是织布工,把编织好的亚麻布带给村里的妇女。与健壮、健康的乡下人不同,他们又瘦又小,脸显得疲惫苍白、驼背圆肩。他们通常还是近视眼,因为他们工作时必须离得很近。对于村民来说,织布工看上去几乎像外国人,而且还很吓人。他们是从哪来的?是恶魔派来的吗?他们的父母是谁?如果您不认识一个人的父亲或母亲,您怎么能信任他呢?乡下人常常猜疑所有的陌生人和旅客。他们也不信聪明人,猜疑那些能做自己不会做的事情的人。这就是为什么织布工经常搬到城镇生活和在乡下工作的原因,一生都被他们的邻居当作陌生人,因此他们有时会很孤独。 Silas Marner was one of these weavers. He lived in a small cottage near the village of Raveloe. Every day he worked at his loom in the cottage. The small boys of Raveloe had never heard the sound of a loom before, and sometimes they used to run up to his house to look quickly in at the window. If Silas noticed them. he lifted his shortsighted eyes from the loom to stare at the boys. There was something terrible about his stare, which made the boys run away at once, screaming with fear. The villagers believed that Silas had an almost devilish power which he could use to harm them if he wanted, and so they were all afraid of him. Raveloe was an important-looking village with a fine old church and a number of large arms. But it was at least an hour away from any other village, and very few strangers visited it, which explains why the villagers" opinions were so out of date. 塞拉斯·马南就是这些织工之一。他住在拉弗尔村附近的一间小屋里。他每天都在农舍里的织布机上工作。拉弗尔的小男孩以前没听过织布机的声音,有时他们跑到房子周围,快速朝窗户里望。如果塞拉斯注意到他们,便将近视眼从织布机上抬起,盯着孩子们看。他的目光像有种可怕的东西,使孩子们立刻跑开,还一边惊慌地尖叫。村民们相信,塞拉斯有种近乎邪恶的力量,如果他愿意,他可以用来伤害他们,所以他们都怕他。拉弗尔是一个看上去很重要的村庄,有一座漂亮的老教堂和许多大武器。但是离其他村庄都至少有一个小时的路程,很少会有陌生人造访,这也就解释了为什么村民们的想法如此过时。 Silas Marner had first come to Raveloe fifteen years before, as a young man. He and his way of life seemed very strange to the villagers. He worked long hours at his loom and had no friends or visitors from the village or anywhere else. He never talked to his neighbours unless it was necessary for his work, and he never looked at any of the Raveloe girls. ‘Who would want to marry him anyway?" the girls laughed to each other. ‘Marry a dead man come to life again, with that unhealthy white skin and those insect-like eyes of his? Certainly not!" 塞拉斯·马南15年前第一次到拉弗尔,当时他还是个年轻人。他和他的生活方式对村民们来说很奇怪。他在织布机上工作很长时间,没有朋友,也没有来自村里或其他任何地方的访客。他从不和邻居打交道,除非是工作需要,他也从来不看拉弗尔的女孩。“谁愿意嫁给他呢?”姑娘们互相打趣道。“嫁给一个死了又活过来的人,不健康的白皙皮肤和眼睛小得跟昆虫眼睛一样的人?当然不!” One of the villagers had had a strange experience with Silas. One evening he had discovered the weaver resting on a held gate, his eyes open but unseeing, and his body cold and hard, like a dead man"s. After a few moments Silas appeared to wake up, said ‘Goodnight," and walked away. 其中一个村民和塞拉斯有过一次奇怪的经历。一天晚上,他发现织布工躺在一扇固定的大门上,睁着眼睛却目光呆滞,身体又冷又硬,像死人一样。过了一会儿,塞拉斯醒了过来,说“晚安”,然后走开了。 When this was discussed in the village, some people thought that Silas had had a fit. But others, like Mr Macey, the church clerk, refused to accept a medical explanation. 当村里在讨论这件事时,有些人认为塞拉斯是病了。但其他人,像教会职员梅西先生,不接受医学解释。 ‘No, he isn"t ill, that weaver," said old Mr Macey, shaking his head knowingly.‘If he had a fit, he"d fall down. Wouldn"t he? I think his soul flies out of his body sometimes and that"s why he looks so strange. He doesn"t come to church, does he? And how does he know so much about medicines? You all remember how he made Sally Oates better when the doctor himself could do no more for her. That"s the devil"s work. believe me!" “不,他没病,那个织布工没发病,”梅西先生像知道般摇摇头说。“如果他生病了,会摔倒,不是吗?我想他的灵魂有时会飞离他的身体,这就是他看起来奇怪的原因。他不来教堂,对吧?他是如何了解那么多药物的呢?你们都还记得当医生都无法让萨利好转时,他是如何使萨莉·奥茨好转了的。这是魔鬼的杰作。相信我!” However, the housewives needed Silas to weave their linen, and they could find nothing wrong with his work. The years passed, and Raveloe villagers did not change their opinion of the weaver. At the end of fifteen years they said exactly the same things about him, but they believed them more strongly. They also said that he had saved up a lot of money since he had come to Raveloe. 然而,家庭主妇们需要塞拉斯编织她们的亚麻,她们也挑不出他工作的错处。几年过去,拉弗尔村民没有改变对织布工的看法。十五年过去,他们还在谈论着织布工的同样的事,但更加相信那些事了。他们还说,自从他到拉弗尔后,存了很多钱。 Silas had come from a large town to the north of Raveloe. Here he had lived a very different life. Because he was one of a large number of weavers, he was not considered strange, and he belonged to an enthusiastic religious group. They met every Sunday at the chapel in Light Street. Once, at a chapel meeting, Silas had become unconscious and had sat without moving, hearing or seeing, for over an hour. This experience made him specially interesting to the rest of the group. 塞拉斯来自拉弗尔以北的一个大城镇。在这里,他过着完全不同的生活。因为他是众多织工中的一员,所以并不会让人觉得奇怪,他们属于一个狂热的宗教团体。他们每个星期天都在光明街的礼拜堂见面。有一次,在礼拜堂的会议上,塞拉斯失去意识超过一个小时,一动不动地坐在那里,既听不到也看不见。这一经历使其他人对他特别感兴趣。 译《织工马南》第一章:塞拉斯·马南的过去和现在(二)
2023-08-06 00:17:121

The villagers_____fetch water from a dirty pond befor liberation.什么意思?

2023-08-06 00:17:201


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It"s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .
2023-08-06 00:17:292

Bangldesh.A.GovernmentB.Basket makersC.VillagersD.Bamboo sellers

2023-08-06 00:17:421

The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away

1.The villagers have told him :“we will not accept the pub even if he gives it away。”2.英语老师应该说过“主将从现”,这是固定的呀能力有限,不求采纳
2023-08-06 00:17:522


search/search…for/in…search for/in search of 1、The police___searched_____the office again to make sure they hadn"t missed anything important. 搜查,警方再次搜查了这间办公室以期确信他们没有遗漏重要的线索 2、The villagers set out together___in_____their__search for______the lost animals. 名词的用法,差不多一样的。村民一起出发搜寻丢了的动物 3、Thousands of people rushed to California__in search of ________gold in the middle of the nineteenth century. 目的状语,当然也可以直接说I"m always in search of someone who can understand me. 我一直在寻找一个能理解我的人。 其实就是search for,动词和名词的不同用法而已 4、For over 100 years,men have been__searched_____the hills___for_____gold. 人们为了金子搜索这座山 search搜索-地点(有寻找的意味,但是第一句和第四句的第1空最好不用search for的),search for寻找 ==== 1) This large box__contains_____all of the little boy"s toys,so he doesn"t let anybody touch it. 2)The medical team has five members,__including ______two old doctors. (或者two old doctors included) including … 既可以看作是现在分词作状语,也可以看作是介词短语,included 为过去分词 3)This book_includes_______a lot of colourful pictures.Children will love it. 4)You must pay 3.5 yuan for this letter.The money___includes____the postage. contain是包含了全部(内容),而include则包含了部分(内容)。 但是当比如说 包含,比如某个食物含有什么元素,用contain === 1)Jane:It is quite possible that it will snow over night. Jone:__in that case______,I will go by train instead of by plane. 既然那样,我就乘火车走而不是坐飞机 2)Although I have tried several times,I juse can"t pass the driving test.But I won"t lose heart____in any case______. 无论如何我都不会失去信心 3)Villagers built a high wall along the riverbanks_____in case of _____floods. 以防万一洪水,加名词 4)I don"t think Kate will be sad that she lost her old bike.Anyway I will call on her just_____in case_____she is. 加从句,万一她伤心呢我就去看她 ==== 更多 请看下列来自词典中的一些例句: 1.This bottle contains 2 glasses of beer. 这瓶子能装二杯啤酒。() 2.I included eggs on the list of things to buy. 我把两个鸡蛋包含在购物单内。 3.This box contains soap. 这只箱子装有肥皂。 4.This plan includes some of your suggestions. 计划中包含你们的一些建议。 5.This atlas contains fifty maps, including six of North America. 这部地图集有50幅地图,包括6副北美的地图。 6.Everybody had something to say, me included.
2023-08-06 00:18:023


许多村民Many villagers许多村民Many villagers许多村民Many villagers
2023-08-06 00:18:261


“许多村民从未离开过这个村庄"的英文翻译:(1)Many villagers have never left this villlage.(2)A lot of villagers never left the village.(3)Many of the villagers never leave the village.(1)“villager”意思是“村民”,为可数名词;“many”意思是“许多”接可数名词复数(2)“a lot of”意思是“许多”接可数名词复数。(3)“lots of”意思是“许多的”接可数名词复数。
2023-08-06 00:18:331


is后面不能跟动词。to have是动词不定式,用来做表语。
2023-08-06 00:18:542


village造句如下:1、I grew up in a small village surrounded by green fields. (我在一个被绿色田野环绕的小村庄长大。)2、The villagers gathered in the village square to celebrate the harvest festival. (村民们聚集在村庄广场上庆祝丰收节。)3、The village has a charming old church at its center. (村子中心有一座迷人的老教堂。)4、We took a leisurely stroll through the village, admiring the quaint houses. (我们漫步穿过村庄,欣赏着古雅的房屋。)5、The village is known for its traditional handicrafts and artisans. (这个村庄以传统手工艺品和工匠而闻名。)6、Every year, the village holds a lively summer fair with music, dancing, and games. (每年夏天,村庄都会举办热闹的夏季集市,有音乐、舞蹈和游戏。)7、We could hear the peaceful sounds of nature in the quiet village. (在宁静的村庄里,我们能听到和平的自然声音。)8、The village is located amidst picturesque mountains and crystal-clear lakes. (这个村庄位于风景如画的山脉和清澈的湖泊之间。)9、The villagers are known for their warmth and hospitality towards visitors. (村民以对访客的热情好客而闻名。)10、The village is slowly modernizing, with new infrastructure and improved services. (这个村庄正在慢慢现代化,有新的基础设施和改善的服务。)
2023-08-06 00:19:011


<img alt="请写出>的英文翻译" src=""> 分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 并把英文翻译成中文,急~~~~~我会追加分的 解析: The Boy Who Cried Wolf There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!" The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces. "Don"t cry "wolf", shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there"s no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the hill. Later, the boy sang out again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away. When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don"t cry "wolf" when there is NO wolf!" But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more. Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!" But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn"t e. At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn"t returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping. "There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn"t you e?" An old man tried to fort the boy as they walked back to the village. "We"ll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth, "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"
2023-08-06 00:19:291


Origin of Spring FestivalAccording to tales and legends, Chinese New Year started with a mythical beast called the Nian (a beast that lives under the sea or in the mountains) during the annual Spring Festival. The Nian would eat villagers, especially children in the middle of the night. One year, all the villagers decided to hide from the beast. An older man appeared before the villagers went into hiding and said that he would stay the night and would get revenge on the Nian. The old man put red papers up and set off firecrackers. The day after, the villagers came back to their town and saw that nothing had been destroyed. They assumed that the old man was a deity who came to save them. The villagers then understood that Yanhuang had discovered that the Nian was afraid of the color red and loud noises.Then the tradition grew when New Year was approaching, and the villagers would wear red clothes, hang red lanterns, and red spring scrolls on windows and doors and used firecrackers and drums to frighten away the Nian. From then on, Nian never came to the village again. The Nian was eventually captured by Hongjun Laozu, an ancient Taoist monk. After that, Nian retreated to a nearby mountain. The name of the mountain has long been lost over the years.There is also a saying that the beast is "Xi", rather than Nian. Spring Festival included New Year"s Eve and New Year. Xi is a kind of faint monster, and Nian is not related to the animal beasts in terms of meaning, it is more like a mature harvest. There is no record of the beast in the ancient texts; it is only in Chinese folklore. The word "Nian" is composed of the words "he" and "Qian". It means that the grain is rich and the harvest is good. The farmers review the harvest at the end of the year and are also full of expectations for the coming year
2023-08-06 00:19:482


SuperstitionWhen mentioning superstition, many people will look down their nose at those who are superstitious. Especially in rural areas, the majority of villagers are superstitious. In their eyes, superstition is practical to a certain extent. For example, many villagers hold the deep-seated idea that praying for good fortune can help their relatives and friends who are critically or terminally ill overcome the troublesome diseases. Maybe they are deeply convinced that Gods and Buddha who are with supernatural power are in control of everything in the world, certainly including life and death. Gods and Buddha are the real emperors of the whole world. I can not tell whether superstition is practical or not, personally speaking, there is no necessity to research it. However, many people are strongly against superstition, especially those self-appointed Homo sapiens. They maintain that superstition is impractical, and that as human beings who have entered a new century it is our duty to oppose superstition and develop technology. In addition, in their opinions, only science is the truth, and everyone should pursue it and then uphold it without the least reservation. All things concerned with superstition are supposed to be discarded. But, still, is the existence of superstition reasonable since it has rooted in the world for so many centuries? I think, more or less, superstition contributes to the good public order. For example, it is said that the local god of the land in a village urges the fight among villagers to come to an end. In details, there are two different parties in the village: One is for renovating the tiny temple housing the village god because it can bring good harvests; the other one is strongly against it because they argue that it is unnecessary to waste so much money. Each party sticks to their guns and is unwilling to give up to the other. And then the appearing of the local god of the land solves all problems. Later, all villagers are for renovating the tiny temple housing the village god, and they lead a peaceful life again. So we can not but admit that superstition is somewhere good. And everyone should adopt a right attitude towards it
2023-08-06 00:19:571

Good use that the villagers have been ________ the water resources has brought them a large inc...

A 试题分析: 句意:经充分利用的水资源给村民已经带来巨大的收入。make good use of充分利用,是固定用法, 故选A。考点: 考查动词短语的用法。
2023-08-06 00:20:051

The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away为什么不用told

2023-08-06 00:20:144


1.The secretary led me to the manager"s office,and let me wait a moment.
2023-08-06 00:20:354


2023-08-06 00:20:465

1.Many of the villagers 。。可追加悬赏。。

2023-08-06 00:21:503


2023-08-06 00:21:581

The soldiers soon reached ___was once an old temple that the villagers used as a schoo

2023-08-06 00:22:143


Tom parents died young from Aunt Polly adoption. Tom can not stand smart naughty school teacher Aunt Polly and bundles, and often truant. Late one night, he and his friend Huckleberry Finn to the cemetery to try guts, but accidentally witnessed a murder from happening. Another time, Tom, Huck with Joe Harper fled with a desert island to start a "pirate", the family thought they died, they finally appeared in his "funeral" on. In court, after a fierce ideological struggle, Tom finally gathered the courage to stand up and testify against the murderer, and the murderer then fled. Later, Tom and Huck in a haunted house in Indian River met Joe! They heard the Indian River Joe put his money on the 2nd, cross below. After a picnic in the event, he and his classmate Betsy in a cave lost. A few days later, they are still seeing the cave homicide murderer - Indian River Joe. Eventually, Tom tied in stone by holding the kite lines Pathfinder and found the exit out of the cave. Village people find them, they told about the experience in the cave, and then, the villagers blocked the entrance to the tunnel with iron. Tom told the village people in the cave to see the murderer Indian River Joe, when the village people in the cave to find Indian River Joe, he had starved to death. Finally, Tom and Huck return to the cave and found a treasure, became a hero in the village.
2023-08-06 00:22:254


2023-08-06 00:22:461


2023-08-06 00:22:568

I saw some villagers_____on the beach.A.seatingB.seatC.seated D.seated themselves 答案是C,为什么

2023-08-06 00:23:111

The village lies at the foot of the mountain, _______ the villagers draw much profit.

where强调的是地理位置,=at the foot of the mountain,这里强调村民获利并非来自山的本身,而是由于住在山脚下这个优越的地理位置which只是指代the mountain,只能是说获取山里的资源举个例子,如果此山是旅游胜地,那么住在山脚的村民可以开店等等从旅客身上获利,并非获利与山本山,只是借用这个优越的位置获利
2023-08-06 00:23:191

many villagers belive that the tree has already claimed a number of victims

2023-08-06 00:23:271

World came that all the villagers were saved.什么从句?

word came...后面是同位语从句,解释前面的名词word(消息)内容的。
2023-08-06 00:23:362


村民安居区 The villagers anju district 黎陶坊 LiTao fang 黎家陶艺 Lebanon ceramic art house 度假屋 Holiday home 稻田栈道 Paddy plank road 黎家酒屋 Lebanon"s homemade wine house 晒谷场 ShaiGuChang 祭祀广场 Sacrifice square 水田秀色 Paddy field thorn
2023-08-06 00:23:474

The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.

The villagers have told him that they would not accept the pub even if he gives it away.也可以这样写。will 是将要,而would 是will 的过去式。
2023-08-06 00:24:062


谈起当初创校的经历,申改明感慨万分。1998年,他两次来到汕头做调查。其间,不少乡亲向他表达着同一个心愿:到汕头来办学吧,你是师范大学毕业的,能不能去给我们教一下孩子。当地的学校咱们进不去,要好多钱。乡村兄弟姐妹们的呼唤震撼着申改明的心。英文翻译如下When talking about the experience of starting a school, Shen Gaiming was filled with emotion. In 1998, he came to Shantou twice for investigation. In the meantime, many villagers expressed the same wish to him: Come to Shantou to run a school. You graduated from Normal University. Can you teach our children? We can"t get into the local school. It costs a lot of money. The call of brothers and sisters in the countryside shook Shen Gaiming"s heart.
2023-08-06 00:24:157


2023-08-06 00:24:322

帮忙翻译,并说出claimed做何解释?Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number

很多村民都相信,那颗树已让不少人成了受害者。Claimed 在这里,带有认领与承认之意。。
2023-08-06 00:25:171


采纳第二个答案 基本正确的 第一个的简直英语水平为0 in... way(s) 是在...方面Jameswu3120 - 助理 二级 正确
2023-08-06 00:25:266

would have starved 请问是什么语法时态,为什么这么用?

2023-08-06 00:25:439

(his) is such a united family that the villagers aii admire them.

2023-08-06 00:26:015

the story of YuGong的作文

long long ago,there was a person named yugong in China. He was 90 years old.there weretwo mountains in front of his village, and they were very high .so,it was inconveniencefor villagers to go out. one day,he said to his families he wanted to moved the mountains to the sea .family membersall agreed his idea. But an old man namedzhisou disagreed . he thought yu gong was very silly ,and this thing wasa absurd dream and it nearly impossible to come true it. But yu gong didn"t mind it. He stillmoved the mountains with his families everyday.At last , God was moved by the old man"sspirit, he asked somebody to move them to other places.Since then ,villagers didn"t worry about it.
2023-08-06 00:26:182

The soldiers soon reached ___what____was once an old temple_which__the villagers used as a school.

The soldiers soon reached what was once an old temple which the villagers used as a school.在主句和从句都充当成分 选择what 这里记一句话:在主、宾、表语从句中,缺主宾表成分的用what。which引导的是定语从句 先行词是 an old temple the villagers used (an old temple)as a school-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-08-06 00:26:271