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ratings affirmation什么意思

2023-05-19 19:19:37

ratings affirmation的中文翻译_百度翻译

ratings affirmation










发音英 [æfə"meɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [,æfɚ"meʃən]释义n.断言;宣称,肯定,确定肯定的事,肯定的陈述证实;批准【法律】(不经宣誓而作的)证词短语strong affirmation 强 ; 强变化的partial affirmation 部分肯定Staff Affirmation 员工誓词例句On the other hand, when he/she is being positive, reply in affirmation andenthusiasm. 另一方面,当他处于积极状态时,要用肯定和热情的话语来答复。But when you"re wondering whether to press onward or give up entirely, what youneed is affirmation. 但是当你已经知道是否向前推进或彻底放弃的时候,你需要的是一个肯定。Redemption was for Nietzsche not a deliverance from sin, but a total affirmation oflife, with all its pain, suffering and absurdity. 救赎对尼采来说不是从罪恶中得以解脱,而是对生活的彻底肯定,包括其中的痛苦、折磨和荒诞。求求采纳~
2023-01-08 18:04:441


affirmation美 [æfɜr"meɪʃ(ə)n]英 [.æfə(r)"meɪʃ(ə)n]n.肯定;断言;证实;批准 认定;确认;自我肯定例句筛选1.Affirmation is that you provoke this all day long that of not neat.肯定是你整天招惹这个那个的不干净。2."Know" is an answer of affirmation, nonentity the slightest problem.“知道”是一个肯定的答案,不存在丝毫问题。
2023-01-08 18:04:521


affirmation 英[ˌæfə"meɪʃn] 美[ˌæfɚˈmeʃən] n. 肯定; 确认; 证实; 批准;
2023-01-08 18:04:592


Affirmation 认定(野人花园):I believe the sun should never set upon argument 我认定太阳绝不会开口争论 I believe we place our happiness in other peoples hands 我认定我们把快乐放在别人的手上 I believe that junk food tastes so good because its bad for you 我认定零食之所以好吃只因它损害身体 I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do 我认定你的父母正尽他们最大的努力去工作 I believe that beauty magazines promote low esteem 我认定美丽的杂志只发表低俗的崇拜 I believe I am loved when I am completely by myself alone 我认定我孤独的时候我最渴望爱 I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned 我认定因果报应善有善因恶有恶果 I believe you cant appreciate real love you have been burned 我认定当你受伤之后你不相信真爱 I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side 我认定没有地方再比这里的草坪更美 I believe you dont know that you have got until you say goodbye 我认定你不懂珍惜直到它永远离去 I believe you cant control or choose your sexuality 我认定你无法控制掌握你的性欲 I believe that trust is more important than monogamy 我认定信赖比婚姻更可靠 I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul 我认定你最美的地方是你的身心和灵魂 I believe that family is worth more than money or gold 我认定家庭比金银财宝更重要 I believe the struggle roe financial freedom is unfair 我认定人人都为金钱奔波这样不公平 I believe the only ones who disagree are millonaires 我认定只有百万富翁对此毫不同意 I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhapponess 我认定烦恼的解药只有宽心 I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed 我认定伴侣远比性欲更重要 I believe that god does not endores TV evangelists 我认定上帝绝不会允许电视上的圣经 I believe in love surviving death into etermity 我认定真爱将长存不熄 until you say goodbye......直到它永远离去
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2023-01-08 18:06:112


  confirmation  英 [ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃn] 美 [ˌkɑ:nfərˈmeɪʃn]  n.证实; 证明; 确认,认可; [宗] 坚信礼;  [例句]Mrs.Archer smiled at this confirmation of her inference.  阿切尔太太见儿子用这样的方式证实她的推断,仅仅报之一笑。  [其他]复数:confirmations 形近词: infirmation affirmation confirmatory
2023-01-08 18:06:261


2023-01-08 18:06:314


ここにいるよSoulJa青山テル 看看是这个不 不过是日文的 也超好听
2023-01-08 18:06:5715

谢谢大家对我的肯定 (英语)

Thank you for your supportsupport 是支持的意思。。英文一般都是这样谢谢大家的嘛。。肯定。。难不成,thank you for your recognition?太怪了。。
2023-01-08 18:07:477


男歌手01 西域男孩swear it again flying without wings seasons in the sun 很好听哦more than words miss you kentif i let you go my love 这首是KTV很多男生点的英文歌曲02 后街男孩<how did i fall in love with you> <i need you tonight> <i want it that way> <as long as you love me> <shape of my heart> <show me the meaning of being lonely> <the call> <christmas time> <get down> 野人花园的歌曲也是不错的歌手:savage garden所有专辑《savage garden》1. to the moon and back 2. i want you 3. tears of pearls 4. universe 5. carry on dancing 6. violet 7. break me shake me 8. a thousand words 9. promises 10. santa monica 《truly madly completely: the best of savage garden》1. i want you 2. i knew i loved you 这首超好听的 3. to the moon and back 4. hold me 5. santa monica 6. crash and burn 7. break me shake me 8. affirmation 9. so beautiful 《affirmation》1. i don"t know you anymore 2. i knew i loved you 3. the animal song 4. the best thing 5. the lover after me 6. two beds and a coffee machine 7. affirmation 8. hold me 9. crash and burn 10. lover after me 11. you can still be free 12. gunning down romance(With My Heart)As Long As You Love MeEverybody (Backstreet"s Back) (extended version)All I Have To Give 女歌手01 M2M 的歌曲很好听,声音很甜mirror mirrorthe day you went away王心凌《第一次爱的人》是翻唱它的dont say you love me Pretty Boy 02 布兰妮 他的声音很有爆破力慢歌:out from under(新歌,很好听)my baby(也是新歌,和everytime曲风很像,很甜)everytime(被认为是布布最经典的一首慢歌,她自己写的哦,被she翻唱过)sometimes(早期的一首抒情歌,很好听)someday(布布为自己腹中胎儿写的一首歌)born to make you happy(早期的歌,节奏很好)lucky(也是经典之作)never stop loving you(这首不是很多人知道,不过确实很好听)Email my heart(这首就更少人知道了,也是很好听的)i"m not a girl not yet a woman(转型时期的代表作吧,女孩变女人,很经典)girl in the mirror(蛮有味道的一首歌)walk on by(节奏很好听)快歌:baby one more time(这首不用说了吧,成名作)crazy(也是第一张专辑的主打,经典)oops,did it again(第二张专辑的主打,很好听)overprotected(很多di厅都会播,很有节奏感)stronger(早期的歌,好听)cricus(新歌主打,马戏团)wamenizer (刚开始听觉得很普通,可是多听几遍觉得很好听)can"t make you love me(早期的歌,很好听)one kiss from you(3秒让你喜欢上这首歌)before the goodbye(不是专辑里的歌,节奏超好听)piece of me(骂狗仔的歌,很有个性)break the ice(不错,听听)what you see(不是很多人知道,但很好听)do somethin"(很high的)chrix cox megamix(大力推荐这首,有才的把她经典的歌都串在了一起,串烧歌,很厉害,听听)
2023-01-08 18:08:121


savage garden Darren Hayes 生日:1972年5月8日 出生地:澳大利亚 婚姻状况:1999年离婚,前妻Colby hayes 身高:178cm 表演风格:喜欢在舞台上大摇大摆以强烈的动作和美妙的嗓音吸引观众. Daniel Jones 生日:1973年7月22日 出生地:英国 婚姻状况:未婚(据说是有女朋友了) 身高:180cm 表演风格:在舞台后面操纵各种乐器,偶尔走到舞台中心拿着吉他做出一个很有趣的姿势. 野人花园是一个二人组合,乐队由主唱Darren和吉他手兼键盘手Daniel组成。 两个来自澳大利亚布里斯班的年轻人在1993年时走到了一起 , 起初Daniel原来所在的乐队正缺少一名主唱,于是他在附近的酒馆里张贴了一张招聘广告,这张广告吸引来了Darren, 他和 20多名应聘者一起参加了面试, 他是最后一个出场,可能是太紧张了,他唱歌时声音沙哑而且走了调。 但是Daniel却偏偏看上了他, 觉得他就是自己要找的人。Darren加入了Daniel的乐队,开始演唱别人的歌曲,在相处中这两个人越来越投机 , 尤其是在音乐上他们总能找到共同的感受,这促使他们创作了第一首他们自己的歌曲: “A Thousand Word”,这首歌曲的成功给他们带来了强烈的鼓舞和激情,终于他们离开了原来的乐队组成了自己的乐队。 Darren很喜欢读Anne Rice的小说,其中在一本名为《吸血鬼编年史》的小说中,作者把这个世界描述为一个野人的花园,于是Savage Garden作为他们乐队的名字就这样得来了。 野人花园在一开始创作歌曲时就把目光投向了欧美流行音乐界,于是他们创作出了第一支单曲“I Want You”, 这首歌曲充满了80年代的欧洲流行歌曲的韵味,而且带着一种别具风格的清新感觉。 在创作这首歌曲的时候他们的灵感就一发不可收拾,紧接着他们又作出 "To the Moon & back",这首歌曲讲述了一个女孩得不到人间亲情与父母关心之后幻想跟自己喜爱的人奔赴月球生活的伤感故事;和"Break me,shake me"这首深沉而疯狂的摇滚歌曲;还有"Truly,madly,deeply",这首是在他们外出时写给Darren的妻子Colby的歌曲。 创作之后他们开始把自己的成果宣传出去,他们给当地的数家音乐台寄去了他们的单曲“I want You”,终于有一天, 一家电台播放了这首歌曲,这使他们兴奋不已,接着数家电台都开始播放, 最后这首歌排上了澳洲歌曲榜首的地位。他们下一个目标就是美国榜, 由于他们开始创作时就把目标定位在整个欧美流行乐界,因此,“I Want You”一下就排到了BillBoard的Top10的位置,紧接着“To the moon & back” 也取得了同样的好成绩,“Truly,madly,deeply”以它优美的旋律更是在美国榜上争取到了第一的位置。 后来这首歌曲在1998年的世界榜上排名第二,仅次于歌后Cillion Dion的“My heart will go on”这首由于好莱坞一个大片而走红的歌曲。 是这个不???
2023-01-08 18:08:182


法律英语单词Ab initio 从开始 形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。 Accused 被告 Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告称为Defendant;而申索案件中的被索偿的一方称为Respondent(答辩人)。 Acquittal 罪名不成立 刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。Acquittal是名词。 Adjourn 休庭,押后 法庭在聆讯途中暂时休庭30分钟,称为“adjourned for 30 minutes”。如要将聆讯押后再排期重审,称为“adjourned to a date to be fixed”。 Affidavit 誓章 以宗教仪式发誓后签署的书面证供称为Affidavit,而以真诚发誓所签署的证供称为Affirmation,两者的格式用词有些分别,但主要作用相同。 Allegation 声称 诉讼陈词中未经证实的声言,例如:The Plaintiff alleged that his loss was due to the Defendant"s breach of contract,原告声称他的损失是被告违约所引致。Allegation是名词。 Assault 殴打,侵犯 以武力侵犯他人的行为,称为Assault,一般性质的殴打,称为“Common Assault”;严重者称为Aggravated Assault;未经许可触摸他人身体,可以被控非礼,称为Indecent Assault。 As is 现状 “As is”常用于物业买卖的合约中,指物业的现状。“The property is and will be sold on an “as is” basis …”即物业将会以其现状出售。 Bail 保释 刑事案中的疑犯或被告,可以暂时被释放。保释可以是有条件的,也可以是无条件的。保释的条件包括缴交指定金额的保释金、提供人事担保及定时向警署报到等。 Balance of Probabilities 可能性较高者 这是民事案件中举证的标准,法庭对原告和被告所提出的证据,认为那一方的可信性较高,便会判处该方胜诉。相对刑事案而言,民事案中败诉的后果一般都只是经济利益,所以法庭对举证的要求,相对也较刑事案为低。 Beyond reasonable doubt无合理疑点 这是刑事案件中举证的标准,控方向法庭提出的证据,必须是在合理的情况下并无疑点,法庭才会判处被告有罪。刑事罪的后果对被告而言,较为严重,举证标准的要求也因此而较民事案严格,如果法庭认为证据有任何疑点,都会将疑点的利益“benefit of doubt”归于被告。 Binding 有约束力的 “binding”通常的解释是连结一起,但法律上则多用作有约束力的,例如:This provisional agreement is a binding contract。这份临时协议是有法律约束力的。 Body Corporation 法人团体 经法律程序而产生具有与自然人相同法律地位的组织,例如:根据公司条例注册成立的有限公司Limited Company,可以拥有资产,可以向外借贷,可以提出控诉,也可以被申索。法人团体没有自然的死亡因素,所以必须经法律程序才可以将它消除。 Burden of Proof举证责任 无论是刑事或民事案件,提出控诉的一方,都负有举证的责任,即是向法庭提出证据,支持控诉和申索的事由。虽然在一般的情况下,向法庭举证是主控和原告的责任,但如果被告在刑事案中被法庭判罪之后,再被受害人以民事追讨赔偿,则在有关的民事诉讼中,如果被告否认他对受害人的损失需要负上赔偿的责任,被告便有责任向法庭举证,支持他的抗辩。 Cause of Action诉讼理由 提出诉讼,必须要有合理的事实根据,缺乏合理的诉讼理由,对方不但可以向法庭请求剔除有关的诉讼,同时可以要求赔偿浪费了的律师费及其它费用。 Caution 警诫词 执法人员(警察及海关人员等)在拘捕疑犯时,提醒疑犯保持缄默的权利的警告说话。执法人员在没有给予疑犯警诫词的情况下所录取的供词,可能不会被法庭接纳为有效的证供。 Certified Copy 核证副本 指经律师或其它合资格人士核证的文件副本,核证副本都有核证人的签署和核证日期,以确认该副本进行了核证,除特别声明必须用文件正本的情况外,核证副本一般都视为有效的文件。 Chamber 办公室 诉讼律师和法官的办公室,称为“Chamber”。诉讼程序中有部份的聆讯是在法官的办公室中进行的,称为内庭聆讯”hearing in chambers”,内庭聆讯只准许当事人及其法律代表出席。 Charge 收费,控罪,抵押,押记 Charge可以是名词,也可以是动词,它包含了多个不同的解释: 1. 是提供服务的收费,例:Legal Charge 律师收费; 2. 是刑事控罪,例:This case has more than one charge 这案件包含多于一项的控罪; 3. 是借贷的抵押,例:The company charged its property for the loan 这间公司以其物业作为借款的抵押; 4. 是对法定债务人的物业的押记,用以偿还有关的法定债务。 Claim 申索 民事诉讼的传票中,原告须要将其向被告申索的事由详细列明,称为Statement of Claim 或Particulars of Claim。 Concurrent Sentence 合并判决 刑事案中的被告犯了两项或以上的罪名同时成立,但各项罪名的判刑同时执行,例如第一项罪的判刑是一年监禁,而第二项罪的判刑是监禁两年,两项罪合并判决,被告只需要被服刑两年。 Consecutive Sentence 连续判决 刑事案中的被告所犯的不同罪行,是以连续判决执行,则被告需要分别服刑,例如一项罪被判了两年,另一项罪则被判了三年,被告便需要连续服刑五年,才会被释放。 Consideration 约因 合约是订约方自愿建立的法律关系,是一方以有价值的代价或者承诺以换取对方的承诺或代价,这些合约中的承诺或代价称为约因,缺乏有效的约因,合约便不能成立。 Contempt of Court 藐视法庭 是一种严重的罪行,可以被判罚款或监禁。藐视法庭包括不遵守法庭命令、违反对法庭作出的承诺,妨碍司法公正等行为。 Contributory Negligence 分担疏忽 意外中的伤者对意外的造成及他自己的受伤程度,需要分担部份疏忽的责任,他所获得的赔偿额也会相对地减少。 Copyright 版权 是作者对他所创作的作品的发表、翻印、复制等专有权利,版权在作品完成后便自动产生及受法律保护,毋须经过任何注册程序,但必须为原创作品才拥有版权。 Counterclaim 反申索 在民事诉讼中,被告对原告作出申索,而该申索的事实和理据与原告的申索是有关连的,反申索是一项独立的申索,所以原告必须对反申索作出适当的响应,例如进行抗辩等。 Custody 保管,监护,拘留 一般而言,Custody这个名词是指对对象的保管或拥有,但在家事法中,Custody of Children 是指对未成年子女的监护权;而在刑事案件中,则指对被告的拘留。 Decree 法庭判令 法庭聆讯后所作出的判令,可以分成暂时性判令“decree nisi” 和永久性判令 “decree absolute”,常见于离婚呈请的程序。一般而言,法庭颁出decree nisi后,在指定的期限过后,除非收到反对,否则都会颁出永久判令。 Deed 契约 是一种特别的合约,须要经过当事人签署、盖章并送交对方才算有效,契约上的盖章在法律上被视为一种有效的约因。 Defamation 诽谤 非法破坏他人名誉的行为,口头的毁谤和以书面的永久形式诽谤都可以构成民事索偿的理据或者刑事罪行。 Defence 抗辩 刑事或民事案件中的被告,否认有关的指控或申索,同时提出反对的支持事实。 Dependant 受养人 是指某人的某些家庭成员,需要依靠这个人提供的经济来支持生活,如果这个人因意外死亡,他的受养人因而遭受损失,是有权追究责任,要求赔偿有关的损失。 Disclaimer 弃权,否认 是指某人愿意放弃法律上的某项权益,如果这项权益是以书面确认,则这份文件称为Disclaimer。此外,也可以是指对某个声称或指控作出否认的行为。 Discovery of documents 披露文件 在民事诉讼的程序中,原告和被告都需要向法庭及对方披露其所持有关于该案件的所有文件,基于公平、公开和公正的法律原则,是“所有与案有关的文件”都需要披露,而不是只披露对自己有利的文件。 Distraint 封租 租客拖欠租金,业主可以根据租约条文向法庭请求封租令,将租客留在物业中的物品充公拍卖,偿还所拖欠的租金和封租的费用。 Domicile 居藉 是一个人定居的地方,[居藉]与[居所]不同,每一个人只可以有一个居藉,但却可以多于一个居所,居藉可以是以出生地为居藉,也可以自行选择移居的居藉,也可以是法律界定的居藉,一个人的法律地位受其居藉影响。 Estoppel 不可反言 是“Stop”的意思,法律上不容许否认经已作出的行为,或者不容许引申某项违反公平原则的争辩。 Ex Parte 单方 在公平的原则下,诉讼的程序一般都是以双方“Inter Parte”形式进行,即是与讼双方同时有机会向法庭作出申辩。但在某些特殊的情况下,例如对申请人有人身或财物安全的迫胁,或者不让对方有机会毁灭证据等,是可以容许以单方形式进行。例如以单方传票向法庭申请禁制令,禁止对方将子女擅自携离香港
2023-01-08 18:08:311

英翻中 多句,是有要求的哦

延伸: 6 。他出生就含着一把银勺他的嘴。 7 。生命是一场从摇篮到坟墓。 8 。这将有助于采购时间。 9 。该操作可能不会成功。这是一场赌博,他是否生命或死亡。 10 。山姆知道他可能要取决于他的家人,风雨无阻。 肯定-否定 1 。不要停止工作。 2 。他走进不安全建设。 3 。他知道他是致命的疾病。 4 。这将包括我不在的工作。 5 。理由之一是不容易无法控制的。 6 。航班起飞如果天气持有几天。 7 。第一炸弹击中目标。 8 。这样的机会被剥夺了我。 9 。我们可以安全地这样说。 10 。 ,这名男孩很聪明。 ,一点也没错。 11 。颠覆企图证明预见徒劳的。 12 。这将是最灾难性即使谣言的人给出了它。 13 。我们正在密切关注泰国局势不稳的忧虑。 14 。的解释是非常薄。 15 。他拒绝是最终决定。 16 。这个问题首先是我。 17 。这是超出他的权力,签署这样的合同。 18 。我们将战斗到死之前,我们投降。 19 。他们发现自己远远没有准备作战。 20 。双方认为,他们是可以接受的和平方案,有尊严。 21 。我们认为,年轻一代将证明值得我们信任。 22 。他走近“鬼屋”持谨慎态度。 23 。他是75 ,但他进行了多年掉以轻心。 24 。我的猜测是不如你的。 25 。这一决定来。 26 。如果我们失去了我们的生活,那么你将失去你的! 27 。如果他保持他的脾气,谈判可能会取得了成功。 28 。我没能说服他,他的错误。 29 。这两个队并列。 30 。外表是骗人的。 31 。她的脸有一种奇怪的,失去了期待。 32 。非常抱歉给了你这样的很多麻烦。 33 。他的回答是,旁边的标志。 34 。沉默笼罩整个一段时间。 35 。他说,不管, “嗯,是什么事? ”否定-肯定 1 。的疑问仍未解决。 2 。他漫不经心地瞟了一眼通过说明。 3 。他是一个优柔寡断的那种人。 4 。 Hilter的赤裸裸的努力迫害犹太人会见了全世界的谴责。 5 。有人说,有人在它们之间播下不和。 6 。他表现出强烈的不喜欢的业务。 7 。不要浪费时间在张贴本函。 8 。考试毫无疑问,一些SK - II产品含过量成分。 9 。学生,也不例外,要交出他们的论文今天下午。 10 。这样的飞行不能长期逃避通知。 11 。的意义,这些事件是没有忘记我们。 12 。不要unstring你的鞋。 13 。她喘着气说... 14 。他走进房里无声。 15 。一般来说,她接受了家庭生活的所有拥挤的不足。 16 。吉姆没有结束不满,因为他不能去游泳。 17 。警察是不会忘记的间谍。
2023-01-08 18:08:374

savage garden 的一些简介

Daniel已经结婚了,去年.而且Daniel是英国人,Savage Garden实际上是跨国组合
2023-01-08 18:08:513

翻译成英语 啊

In Hemingway"s legend lifetime adventure and death almost always accompanied his shadow. He died from the path of death to ignore the emotion, the fear of death, and death again to face against death, thus finally beyond death. Hemingway said, "the person eventually die. But he should not die, but should you like a real man". 5 through his own creation of novels, and expressed his unique, the consciousness of death: death is the end of life, death is life, the value of individual life exists in the struggle of life and death. The Indian camp Indian man face when his wife production of Shouting, shrieking pain because of leg not like other men far away, and finally to commit suicide to resist pain. As the father of the child die first understanding to death, Nick, sudden and fearful that will come to death created fear and anxiety. If the death of understanding and Nick babyish, then filled the thinking of the sun also rises is mature understanding of thierry Henry. He felt very real threat of death, he know fear, know the escape. The war brought the threat of death, and that Henry hazing SaLing card of childbirth death more deeply, he hit the Henry and thinking. "The snows of Kilimanjaro" harry, he died of the transformed by fear has gradually by uneasy to face death, calm. He saw the "sunshine seemed so tall, grand and complacent incredible Kilimanjaro top, he knows that he is going to place." If harry is the theme of exploring Hemingway"s death, then the death knell for whom the bell tolls of the Jordan is to explore the another Hemingway"s peak. As a student in university, he is in the world the oppressed people dedicated to the affection, Spanish into battle. In battle, he was injured, screen. Teammates Before his death, he waiting for the final fight against the enemy. Facing death, his composure, pride and pride, had no fear of the past. Beyond the Jordan to the ideal, death, and embodies the highest value of human existence. And the old man and the sea "sacred tiago is exploring the crystallization of death in Hemingway. In the novel of death scene, no bloody struggle with strong and the atmosphere. Hemingway endowed with noble character not die, but will it on the opposite of life and death, in which the hero bravely against the weight bearing, the fate. This from another Angle of death reflects Hemingway.
2023-01-08 18:09:032


英文歌曲1. lonely 2. hero 3. yesterday 4. yellow 5. complicated 6. my love 7. all rise 8. thank you 9. big big world 10. one love 11. casablanca 12. baby one more time 13. here i am 14. because of you 15. yesterday once more 16. right here waiting 17. in the end 18. seasons in the sun 19. we will rock you 20. hotel california 21. god is a girl 22. far away from home 23. without you 24. Wonderwall 25. when you believe 26. as long as you love me 27. pretty boy 28. shape of my heart 29. my heart will go on 30. loving you 31. close to you 32. only time 33. Affirmation 34. you raise me up 35. dying in the sun 36. no matter what 37. Never say goodbye 38. anyone of us 39. just one last dance 40. the day you went away 41. To be with you 42. Superstition 43. i want it that way 44. the power of love 45. don"t cry 46. The call 47. i will always love you 48. better man 49. heal the world 50. take me to your heart 首首都好听!!!!楼主,这是我自己写的,绝不复制别人的,别误会我是个抄袭别人的坏家伙哦,不管你是否采纳我的回答,没关系,只希望你听听我推荐的歌曲,或许你会和我一样喜欢这些悦耳的歌曲!!!希望能解决您的问题。
2023-01-08 18:09:121

肯定性的单词 英语翻译怎么说

positve 肯定积极的意思。简单而且容易记……
2023-01-08 18:09:174

对于您对我的肯定,我感到十分荣幸 用英语怎么说

自己尝试着翻译吧. 这样你的英语才能提高呀. 不管是不是标准的,自己做了才会得到锻炼. 如果楼主只是想要标准的翻译去ICIBA就可以找得到了呀. 表达方式有很多哦.也许你自己想出来的就是标准:)补充:是呀.楼主你自己翻译很不错啊!以后还是先自己做,然后可以让大家给你意见.这样才会有进步呀.你说是吧?
2023-01-08 18:09:326


In 1995 we enter property management areas, step by step, bit by bit uncharted, is sincere, patience and faith, and strive to build property services the premier brand. Although we have made some achievements, but we firmly adhere to the owners " interests first, customer satisfaction, quality first "principle, to open up new areas of our services, and partner and owner satisfaction in the survival and development. Enterprise, without the community care and support, without jingxin staff of solidarity and common efforts, our service on property and perseverance of sincere enthusiasm. Along the way, comics and how many friends, colleagues, teachers, leaders of love, got the landlord and the customer"s trust and praise, got all levels of Government recognition and honor, we do not to thank, but redouble our efforts to better service thank you new and old friends. Property services involving tens of thousands of households, our responsibilities, should be committed to the quality of service to the next level, we continually innovate, and to adapt to emerging markets, we are constantly learning, exploration, the only constant is our customers, on a friend of Frank"s heart, a truly caring housekeeper. We know that the enterprise is rooted in social soil, in our services in the community unanimously affirmed, we will "never" with "faith-based and service first" philosophy, a harmonious society. The rapid development of the social situation, we will continue in the field of property management in the exploration and forward, with hundreds of good faith, the faith, and the community together to create a better future! Whether past, present, or future owners of support and care will always be our progress and development.
2023-01-08 18:10:083


日韩 1.命运(浪漫满屋)2.火花(高耀太)3.七年的爱 4.面具(安七炫)5.ILoveX(李贞贤)6.OneTweThreeNFour(李孝利) 7.这该死的爱8.从开始到现在9.三只小熊 10.奔跑(李贞贤)11.祈祷12.一个人(蔡妍) 13.雪之花14.说一声感谢(刘承俊)15.不落的太阳(张佑赫) 16.手记(rain)17.爱上鲨鱼的人鱼18.梦的点滴 19.怎样(李贞贤)20.来吧(蔡妍)21.BlueBlood(X-Japan) 22.AnotherWorld(柏原崇)23.陪在你身边24.金鱼花火(大冢爱) 25.发疯(李贞贤)26.纯情(高耀太)27.秘密 28.希望你幸福29.不能分手的分手30.晓之车 31.我痛苦的爱32.傻瓜的爱情33.不要爱她(李孝利) 34.不懂爱情35.Anyclub(李孝利)36.Forever(安在旭) 37.一句话(李俊基)38.BoyMeetsGirl(Trf)39.分手吧 40.Secret(滨崎步)41.AllMyTureLove(SPEED)42.樱花纷飞时(中岛美嘉) 43.walkingproud(滨崎步)44.十六夜の月45.moments 46.因为是两个(蔡妍)47.阁楼男女48.呼唤爱(张娜拉) 49.像傻瓜一样(李孝利)50.becauseofyou51.明日晴れるかな(桑田佳佑) 52.Reason53.废话(李孝利)54.一个人的牙刷 55.firstlove(宇多田光)56.Glitter(滨崎步)57.奇怪的谎言(蔡妍) 58.正.反.合(东方神起)59.Happiness(H.O.T)60.dothemotion 61.risingsun62.findtheway63.mylittleprincess 64.Sorry(李孝利)65.梦のしずく(松隆子)66.突如其来的爱情(小田和正) 67.Prologue(李孝利)68.DarkAngel(李孝利)69.TocTocToc(李孝利) 70.迷失的心(张娜拉)71.Girls(幸田来未)72.shadowsofyou 73.轮廓(李贞贤)74.jewelsong75.Fated(滨崎步) 76.Closer(李孝利)77.fairyland78.Freaky 79.茫然地等待(蔡妍)80.2Faces(李孝利)81.ShallWeDance(李孝利) 82.secretofmyheart83.SweepImpactTvMix84.DearBoy(李孝利) 85.endlessstory86.MyLove(蔡妍)87.恋爱写真(大冢爱) 88.I"mComing(Rain)89.DependOnYou(滨崎步)90.LoveDestiny(滨崎步) 91.SweepImpact(宝儿)92.somebodytolove93.wearethefuture 94.amazingkiss95.Discovery(宝儿)96.WelcomeToMyStyle 97.Ariari(李贞贤)98.nowaytosay99.girlsontop 100.明日香101.fourseasons102.lifeislikeaboat(riefu) 103.girlsontop104.ToBe(滨崎步)105.AlwaysLove(MAX) 106.StraightUp(李孝利)107.showmeyourlove108.GetYa(李孝利) 109.OnlyOne(李孝利)110.Neversaygoodbye111.Sscenario(张佑赫) 112.BadDrive(宝儿)113.glamoroussky(中岛美嘉)114.SoReal(宝儿) 115.sadtango116.everyheart117.onceinalifetime(神话) 118.LovinYou(东方神起)119.10Minutes(李孝利)120.MoonRiver 121.HeyGirl(李孝利) 英文 1.lonely2.hero3.yesterday 4.yellow5.complicated6.mylove 7.allrise8.thankyou9.bigbigworld 10.onelove11.casablanca12.babyonemoretime 13.hereiam14.becauseofyou15.yesterdayoncemore 16.rightherewaiting17.intheend18.seasonsinthesun 19.wewillrockyou20.hotelcalifornia21.godisagirl 22.farawayfromhome23.withoutyou24.Wonderwall 25.whenyoubelieve26.aslongasyouloveme27.prettyboy 28.shapeofmyheart29.myheartwillgoon30.lovingyou 31.closetoyou32.onlytime33.Affirmation 34.youraisemeup35.dyinginthesun36.nomatterwhat 37.Neversaygoodbye38.anyoneofus39.justonelastdance 40.thedayyouwentaway41.Tobewithyou42.Superstition 43.iwantitthatway44.thepoweroflove45.don"tcry 46.Thecall47.iwillalwaysloveyou48.betterman 49.healtheworld50.takemetoyourheart51.moonlightshadow 52.Smellsliketeenspirit53.Youarenotalone54.Topoftheworld 55.Fridaynight56.heyjude57.sayyousayme 58.rhythmoftherain59.Largerthanlife60.Trytoremember 61.Walkon62.Mmmbop63.ibelieveicanfly 64.onlylove65.tearsinheaven66.moonriver 67.unchainedmelody68.Likeavirgin69.Onlyyou 70.ByeByeBye71.Aroundtheworld72.Athousandmiles 73.MirrorMirror74.TonightIcelebratemylove75.FortheloveofGod 76.Iwillsurvive77.Keepthefaith78.Americanlife 79.IfGodwillsendhisangels80.Noscrubs81.Coloursofthewind 82.Allatonce83.WhenIdream84.Onmywayhome 85.Littlewing86.Justmyimagination87.Frommetoyou 88.Taintedlove89.Rosegarden90.Youarethesunshineofmylife 91.Iwanttoknowwhatloveis92.Mygeneration93.Greenlight 94.Untilyoucomeback95.Goodvibrations96.scarboroughfair 97.Shebangs98.Wishyouwerehere99.Likearollingstone 100.Genieinabottle101.Behindblueeyes102.Alanismorissette 103.BestInMe104.Losinggrip105.Getthepartystarted 106.Whenamanlovesawoman107.BreakingMyHeart108.Bohemianrhapsody 109.andlife110.Endoftheroad111.Iwantyouback 112.Dancingqueen113.Withorwithoutyou114.Lovewillkeepusalive 115.Kissfromarose116.Edelweiss117.Nowandforever 118.Thereason119.Becauseyouloveme120.Womaninlove 121.Can"tGetYouOutOfMyHead122.Yesterdayoncemore123.Iwillalwaysloveyou 124.Eternalflame125.ISwear126.Onlylove 127.IbelieveIcanfly128.Moonriver129.Rhythmoftherain 130.Whiteflag131.Carelesswhisper132.EverythingIdo 133.Promisesdontcomeeasy134.AlloutOfLove135.Gloomysunday 136.Unchainedmelody137.Takemeaway138.Myprerogative 139.IfIletyougo140.Howdeepisyourlove141.Neverhadadreamcometrue 142.Billiejean143.Rockwithyou144.Whatawonderfulworld 145.Everybreathyoutake146.Flyingwithoutwings采纳哦
2023-01-08 18:10:241


(4) understood, respects the student the emotion. The student generally all extremely cares about teacher to their manner as well as the appraisal. Therefore, in the teaching, the teacher should encourage and the praise primarily, is good at discovering student"s merit, especially to less advanced lives not only cannot discriminate, instead must double protects their self-respect, creates each kind of opportunity as far as possible, lets them obtain successfully, in order to drives their self-confidence and the study enthusiasm. The understanding, respects the student the emotion, is the teacher maintains and develops the student main body beginning and the key, neglected this point, student"s self-respect has received the injury, could have the opposition mood in the heart of hearts, teacher"s other all diligently possibly can fail. The Dell □card bears the base to say that, "The human nature essence desire, is the hope obtains the appreciation." Teacher"s at the right moment 激励性 appraisal can give the student by the confidence, lets them taste the successful joy, urges them by a higher warm investment to English study in. Says regarding the middle-school student, is willing to open the mouth to speak English to be able to speak English to be more important than. Regardless of the student said to the mistake or not, the teachers all want to give the affirmation, helps them to overcome bashful, dreads the psychology. The intelligent teacher appears the mistake when student"s speech can let the student heartily express own meaning, then smiles was saying "Good", finally only then tactful points out the mistake. Such student on obtained the affirmation from teacher"s appraisal, thus arouses student"s positive emotion, hoped oneself can be more successful, in the motion also can even more diligently. Therefore, the teacher must grasp the appraisal in the teaching the criterion, avoids the denial as far as possible appraisal language "No. You " re wrong." Rejects "Sit down." indifferently Skillfully uses, multipurpose "Try again, please." "Don " t worry." "Let me help you." and so on 激励性 language, such student"s pressure small, may avoid appearing because is afraid makes a mistake has the language to be anxious. 3.1.2 strengthens the teachers and students emotion exchange to enhance English teaching quality renowned educationalist Mr. Xia Gaizun to say that, "Educates what is the water? Is the sentiment, is the love. The teacher love, has not become has not had water of the pond, no matter what you are the square shape, the circular, always could not run away a void." Our education object psychology still was not mature, the emotion was extremely frail, their mind window was cannot be indifferent they to, even they felt loathing the person opened wide. Thus it can be seen, a teacher if ever not nice, cherishes and studies student"s psychology and the emotion, even if his class speaks well, the teaching level again is again high, the teaching effect also with difficulty forecast. Teaching with nurtures the person if cannot in a teacher"s entire teaching activity the perfect unification, then taught has then lost its intelligence and the charm. Therefore, the teacher wants to want to obtain successfully in the teaching, besides to the education, to teaches the discipline to have one kind of rigid love, but also must take student"s emotion, by the oneself sincere love, promotes between the teachers and students "by the heart close friend, feels for others" the emotion exchange. Then, how in the teaching can promote the teachers and students friendship, establishes the harmonious emotion? (1) enhances own tutelage, infects the student by the personality charm. The teacher achievement "to the person nurtures the person" the professional worker, not only must use the oneself complete knowledge talent to educate the student, moreover must use the oneself entire personality style to affect the student. In all education processes, the student forever all cannot only passively accepts the teacher institute "gives" the thing, they always through own observation, the imitation and the experience, come up on own initiative from the teacher body "demand" the thing. Therefore, the teacher not only wants "to explain", should make the model to carry on "teaches by example". Has teacher in charge teacher, although the husband is sick for a long time, the family responsibilities are very heavy, still filled with cared about, was cherishing the entire class"s each students affectionately. But in the class the famous female student said in the behind to her good friend that, "Teacher is good to me, perhaps is because my daddy works in the medicine company, wants to tow me to give her the spouse to buy the medicine!" Teacher knew this afterwards, has not certainly been angry, still as always poured into the complete compassion to the schoolmates, the time one is being long, this female student had finally understood, is moved by teacher"s moral behavior. Afterwards, she proposed on own initiative had to help teacher to buy scarce drugs, teacher actually politely refused. Then, teacher by own taught by example eliminated student"s misunderstanding, has conquered the student by the noble personality charm, also has pulled closer each other distance, caused education to obtain the good effect.
2023-01-08 18:10:306


彼岸花Equinox Flower;Higanbana;短语彼岸花残 Amaryllis remaining ; Amaryllis residues彼岸花的稀有 higanbana rare白花彼岸花 shirobana higanbana彼岸花的誓言 Bana oath ; The other side takes oath ; Flowers across the affirmation花彼岸花 shirobana higanbana彼岸花凋零 Other shore flower wither ; Bana dying ; higanbana extinction例句爱情,终究只是天隔一方的彼岸花,我的观望,从来只是多余。Love, is just a world apart the equinox flower, I wait, never is superfluous.
2023-01-08 18:10:541


感谢你对我的肯定,今后我会保持自己的优点,同时更加努力提高自己的业务知识技能以及和同事的交流能力。Thank you for your affirmation of my future, I will maintain its advantages, but also strive to improve their professional knowledge skills and communication skills and colleagues.
2023-01-08 18:11:007


2023-01-08 18:11:2614


彼得·伯格(Peter Ludwig Berger,1929-),奥地利裔美国著名社会学家、路德教派神学家。他专注于研究宗教社会学和社会学理论,作品的核心内容是社会和个人的关系。他的著作包括《现实的社会构建:知识社会学论纲》(The Social Construction of Reality:A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge,1966)(合著)、《神圣的华盖:宗教社会学精要》(The Sacred Canopy:Elements of a Sociological Theory of Religion,1967)和《异教徒的责任:宗教断言的当代可能性》(Heretical Imperative:Contemporary Possibilities of Religious Affirmation,1979)等。
2023-01-08 18:12:361


2023-01-08 18:12:451


是affirmation吧英 [æfə"meɪʃ(ə)n]美 [,æfɚ"meʃən]n. 主张,肯定;断言Affirmation 认定,肯定,断言partial affirmation 部分肯定strong affirmation 强变化的,强
2023-01-08 18:12:552


Affirmation 认定(野人花园): I believe the sun should never set upon argument 我认定太阳绝不会开口争论 I believe we place our happiness in other peoples hands 我认定我们把快乐放在别人的手上I believe that junk food tastes so good because its bad for you 我认定零食之所以好吃只因它损害身体 I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do 我认定你的父母正尽他们最大的努力去工作 I believe that beauty magazines promote low esteem 我认定美丽的杂志只发表低俗的崇拜 I believe I am loved when I am completely by myself alone 我认定我孤独的时候我最渴望爱 I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned 我认定因果报应善有善因恶有恶果 I believe you cant appreciate real love you have been burned 我认定当你受伤之后你不相信真爱 I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side 我认定没有地方再比这里的草坪更美 I believe you dont know that you have got until you say goodbye 我认定你不懂珍惜直到它永远离去 I believe you cant control or choose your sexuality 我认定你无法控制掌握你的性欲 I believe that trust is more important than monogamy 我认定信赖比婚姻更可靠 I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul 我认定你最美的地方是你的身心和灵魂 I believe that family is worth more than money or gold 我认定家庭比金银财宝更重要 I believe the struggle roe financial freedom is unfair 我认定人人都为金钱奔波这样不公平 I believe the only ones who disagree are millonaires 我认定只有百万富翁对此毫不同意 I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhapponess 我认定烦恼的解药只有宽心 I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed 我认定伴侣远比性欲更重要 I believe that god does not endores TV evangelists 我认定上帝绝不会允许电视上的圣经 I believe in love surviving death into etermity 我认定真爱将长存不熄 until you say goodbye......直到它永远离去
2023-01-08 18:13:031


主张 [词典] proposal; opinion; assertion; view; affirmation; [例句]两种主张都有理由。Both propositions sound reasonable.拥护 [词典] support; advocacy; uphold; endorse; acclamation; [例句]我完全拥护你对此课题的主张。I fully endorse your opinions on this subject.
2023-01-08 18:13:091


2023-01-08 18:13:142


2023-01-08 18:13:224

savage garden 的中文翻译是什么?他们的简介!

savage garden 中文翻译野人花园简介:Darren Hayes 简介: 全名:Darren Stanley Hayes, 生日:1972/05/08 出身地:澳大利亚的昆士兰州, 发色:黑,眼睛的颜色:灰 身高:5尺11寸, 鞋码:8.5-9 最喜欢的城市:纽约, 最喜欢的颜色:暗蓝色 最喜欢的餐厅:意大利餐厅 饮食习惯:没酒精的饮料,素食 在事业的颠峰,由Darren Hayes(戴伦海斯)与丹尼尔所组成的Savage Garden(野人花园)突然宣布解散,消息传来令喜爱他们的歌迷们心碎不已。这支双人团体在97年带来首张同名专辑、99年发表第二张专辑《Affirmation(认定)》,目前在全球累积销售超过两千万张。而主唱Darren Hayes温柔动人的嗓音,诠释每首耐人寻味的抒情歌曲,得到全球歌迷的肯定及支持,便使得Savage Garden成为家喻户晓的流行团体,在排行榜上创造“Truly Madly Deeply”、“I Want You”、“I Knew I Loved You”、“Animal Song”等红极一时的传唱歌曲。由于个人发展重心的考量,Darren Hayes与丹尼尔做出最艰难的决定,彼此各奔东西,分别往幕前、幕后发展,寻求更宽广的天空。 《Affirmation》专辑全球巡回演唱会后,Darren Hayes全心投入写歌的工作,经过四个月的录制时间交出他个人首张专辑《Spin(心灵节奏)》,与过去合作伙伴同时是葛莱美金奖制作人Walter Afanasieff并肩制作专辑,并且与Walter 及为Madonna、Dido作嫁歌曲的Rick Nowels一同谱写歌曲,从35首新作精挑细选出13首最能表现Darren Hayes令人动容的嗓音及他个人的音乐魅力,风格从大家熟悉的抒情曲式延伸到带有R&B、电子气息,整张专辑映照出对爱情追求的种种欲望及难以自拔的心情,首支单曲“Insatiable(爱,永远都不够)”,是Darren Hayes这辈子听过最浪漫的歌,这首歌令他想起电影《红磨坊》或性感的老式好莱坞爱情故事;温暖拂面的“I Can"t Ever Get Enough Of You”,唱出恋爱中男女心里的真心话;解读出Darren Hayes绝对是个爱情狂热份子的“What You Like”;大量弦乐配置发出瑰丽迷情映像的“Strange Relationship”等,使《Spin》成为一张因爱而美丽的心境专辑! Darren 是 Savage Garden 中的主唱,11 岁开始唱歌.当他就读于师范院校时认识了他现在的妻子 Colby,加入了 Red Edge 乐队表现出超凡的音乐才华. 他性格开朗喜欢在舞台上表现自己,他们所有的歌曲的次都是他创作的。他的偶像是 U2 乐队的主唱 Bono,在他小的时候他特别喜欢 Michel Jackson,并喜欢模仿他在舞台上表演的样子。现在 Darren 的声音还有些相似于 Michel。Darren 喜欢看星球大战,喜欢上网,是一个素食者,没有喝酒抽烟的坏习惯。 Daniel Jones 生日:1973年7月22日 出生地:英国 婚姻状况:未婚 身高:180Cm 表演风格:在舞台后面操纵各种乐器,偶尔走到舞台中心拿着吉他做出一个很有趣的姿势 他可以演奏各式各样的吉他还有键盘,他同 Darren 一起创作歌曲时主要谢配乐和鼓点。当他一岁的时候同家人从英国搬到了澳大利亚居住,并渐渐迷上了音乐.他由两个哥哥,是兄弟中最小的一个。他的业余爱好是踢足球,据说他非常想成为利物浦队的成员。Danial 喜欢 XTC,Gabriel,Tears For Fears,George Michael,和Sheryl,他最喜欢的作品是:To The Moon And Back 和 Truly Madly Deeply。他和 Darren 不一样,他在平时很喜欢喝酒,而且荤素都吃。
2023-01-08 18:13:366

寻求Darren Hayes个人资料和savage garden资料(详细)

2023-01-08 18:14:023

“获得了认同及肯定” 用英语怎么说

“获得了认同及肯定” 用英语Received recognition and affirmation
2023-01-08 18:14:131


shayne ward的 都比较好唱,尤其是[no promise]
2023-01-08 18:14:182


“女人应该坚持自己的主张”"Women should stick to their own ideas." 重点词汇女人woman; womenfolk; wife坚持persist in; persevere in; insist on; persistence自己的own; Ain主张proposal; opinion; assertion; view; affirmation
2023-01-08 18:14:261

ringing cry是什么意思捏?

2023-01-08 18:14:313

权利法案 英文意义

Amendment 1(Religion, Speech, Assembly and Petition)Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.Amendment 2(Militia and Right to Bear Arms)A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.Amendment 3(The Quartering of Soldiers)No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.Amendment 4(Searches and Seizures)The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.Amendment 5(Grand Juries, Self-Incrimination, Double Jeopardy, Due Process, and Eminent Domain)No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.Amendment 6(Criminal Court Procedures)In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.Amendment 7(Trial by Jury in Civil Cases)In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.Amendment 8(Bail, Cruel and Unusual Punishment)Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.Amendment 9(The Rights Retained by the People)The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.Amendment 10(Reserved Powers of the States)The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.这个是最初的10个也是最关键的10个Bill of rights 主要是以用来保护人民的权利
2023-01-08 18:15:041


2023-01-08 18:15:552


perhaps i"m not the best one in all there , but what i can promise that i will treasure this job most and i"m glad to make contribution to my work. I also hope that one day i can get the affirmation from the school,the students and their parents by my excellent performance .
2023-01-08 18:16:206


Undoubtedly, this is an affirmation of mathematics, a sort of incentive.
2023-01-08 18:16:413


上大学的时候,我是一个极其乐观的人。高考遭遇了滑铁卢,本来以为凭自己的实力可以上清北,可惜发挥严重时常,考了个历史上没有的成绩,平时在班里一直No.1 or No.2, 最终高考成绩却是班里40多名。也就是说,我800多分的水平,最终却考了600多分,足足比一贯的真实水平少了200多分。可怕吧?可把对我寄予厚望的班主任和班里那些10名之后的同学们惊讶坏了,以至于我小学(同村)的班长,一直跟我明争暗斗的男孩子,不过是考上了曲阜师范大学,他爸妈大摆宴席,把老师们都请来庆祝他考上了曲阜师大。哈哈,从小学到高三,我一直遥遥领先他,他一直跟我明争暗斗(一个男孩子哦,还一直是班长)就因为高考一次考的比我好,简直登上了人生的巅峰。按理说,我遭遇如此失败,应该很是灰心丧气,悲观失望。但是我没有,我随意选择了家门口一个专科学院的英语专业,所有的志愿全部填这个,连选都没选。我欣然地接受了这样的命运的安排。刚入大学我知道我跟他们的档次不一样,我闭着眼睛都能考第一。我只有一次上本科的机会,就是专升本。这个机会很难,一个学院能考上几个就了不起了。而且只有山东的3所师范大学接收。山东师大是最好的一个,在全省只招一个班,30个人。其次是曲阜师大和烟台师大。同学们都在疯狂地备考上晚自习的时候,我每天去做家教,教一个三年级的小孩。她妈妈后来让我每天晚上住在她家辅导她娃,直到去考试的那一天。然后同学们以为我天天做家教,学习都荒废了。就在这样的条件下,我以全省前十的成绩考上了山东师范大学(全省有几千名考生呢),她妈妈还不想放我走。我的4年大学生涯过得很开心快乐。宿舍的几个姐姐非常爱护我,我不想考研究生,大家还拖着我去考。兼职的过程中我研究生初试高分通过(成绩高到大家震惊)我不想去复试,姐姐们(家境都极好)非要资助我近千元,作为从山东到广州复试的路费。我的整个大学不但自己业余赚生活费和学费(每年几千块)每个学期拿奖学金,后来也轻松地考取了研究生。我想我那段大学的人生走的顺利的主要原因是:乐观。 Some psychologists believe that one"s state of mind has great influence over one"s social and intellectual performance, and the quality of life depends much on one"s attitude towards life. If this is the case, then can we consciously make our emotions work for us in a constructive way? The following passage provides a positive answer: by simply choosing optimism, we can lead a better life.   Choose Optimism Rich DeVos1  If you expect something to turn out bad, it probably will. Pessimism is seldom disappointed. But the same principle also works in reverse. If you expect good things to happen, they usually do! There seems to be a natural cause-and-effect relationship between optimism and success. 我妈妈是个乐观的人。因为家里是地主成分,我2个舅舅没办法娶媳妇,没人敢嫁。妈妈牺牲了自己的幸福,给二舅换了个媳妇。妈妈的婚姻非常的不幸福,我从小看他俩天天吵架,爸爸摔碗。是什么让妈妈支撑着走到今天,依然笑呵呵的?乐观,知足常乐。她是个特别知足的人。 2   Optimism and pessimism are with powerful forces, and each of us must choose which we want, so as to shapeour outlook and our expectations. There is enough good and bad in everyone"s life — ample sorrow and happiness, sufficient joy and pain — to find a rational basis for either optimism or pessimism. We can choose to laugh or cry, bless or curse. It"s our decision: From which perspective do we want to viewlife? Will we look up in hope or down in despair? 3  I believe in the upward look. I choose to highlightthe positive and slipright overthe negative. I am an optimist by choiceas much as by nature. Sure, I know that sorrow exists. I am in my 70"s now, and I"ve lived throughmore than one crisis.But when all is said and done, I find that the good in life is far greater and more important than the bad. 人生不如意十之八九,常想一二。我曾经翻译过这个作品。这就是乐观人的心态吧。 4  An optimistic attitude is not a luxury; it"s a necessity. The way you look at life will determine how you feel, how you perform, and how well you will get along with other people. Conversely, negative thoughts, attitudes, and expectations feed onthemselves; they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.Pessimism creates a sad and hopeless place where no one wants to live in. 大学四年,我最快乐的时候,看什么都是发光的,一切都是彩色的。感恩生活中的一切。那时候最穷,却最开心。现在想来,最开心的时候最穷,但是自由。心很自由,生活很自由,生活也很简单。 5  Years ago, I drove into a service station to get some gas. It was a beautiful day, and I was feeling great. As I walked into the station to pay for the gas, the attendant said to me, “How do you feel?” That seemed like an oddquestion, but I felt fine and told him so.“You don"t look well,” he replied. This took me completely by surprise. A little less confidently, I told him that I had never felt better. Without hesitation, he continued to tell me how bad I looked and that my skin appeared yellow. 我上小学的时候,有一次剪了头发。去上学,走到教室门口,我班那个总靠零蛋的胖子同学说:丑死了。搞得我难过了一整天。人都要自卑了。后来我想,我天天考100,你天天考0蛋,我为什么要被你的话影响? 我那时候还穿表哥的衣服,自己臭美的不得了。我穿了一双别人送的小皮鞋,很开心,不过上面有个补丁。放学路上遇到一个很小的小孩,说了一句:破鞋破褂子。我瞬时间想找个地缝钻进去。这个小孩是我班一个男同学(曾经是我姐姐的同学,留级到我班)的妹妹。这么小一个孩子,居然可以这么恶毒。我美好的心情马上就被破坏了。难过了好久。 6   By the time I left the service station, I was feeling a little uneasy. About a block away, I pulled over to the side of the road to look at my face in the mirror. How did I feel? Did I look that bad? Was everything all right? By the time I got home, I was beginning to feel a little sick. Did I have a bad liver? Had I picked up some rare disease? 别人的负面的话,始终会对人造成困扰。这就是为什么要远离垃圾人。多接触正能量的人。7  The next time I went into that gas station, feeling fine again, I figured outwhat had happened. The place had recently been painted a bright but disgustingyellow, and the light reflecting off the walls made everyone inside look as though they had hepatitis! I wondered how many other folks had reacted the way I did. I had let one short conversation with a total stranger change my attitude for an entire day. He told me I looked sick, and before long, I was actually feeling sick. That single negative observation had a profound effect on the way I felt and acted. 我们学校1教厕所的玻璃全部都是黄色的,所以,洗手间每次照镜子看到自己的脸都是蜡黄蜡黄的好可怕。当然我知道是镜子的缘故。但是有一次我姐姐来广州看我,上了一次那个洗手间,然后她对着镜子说:我脸色真难看。看她心情很不好。后来我给她解释了半天,她才好起来。 8    The only thing more powerful than negativism is a positive affirmation, a word of optimism and hope. One of the things I am most thankful for is the fact that I have grown up in a nation with a grand tradition of optimism. When a whole culture adopts an upward look, incredible things can be accomplished. When the world is seen as a hopeful, positive place, people are given the power to attempt and to achieve. 中国诗词大会里面的白云,TED里面的独臂无腿的小伙子,他们就是活生生地积极面对人生的例子。 9  Optimism doesn"t need to be naive. You can be an optimist and still recognize that problems exist and that some of them are not dealt with easily. But what a differenceoptimism makesin the attitude of the problem solver! For example, through the years I"ve heard some people say that the money spent on our space program has been wasted. “Instead of spending $455 million to put a man on the moon,” they say, “why not spend that money here on earth on the poverty problem?” But when you ask them exactly how they would spend that money to solve the poverty problem, most of them don"t have an answer. “Give me a solution,” I tell them, “and I"ll raise you the money.” Think in positive terms about how to address the issue rather than criticizing money spent on another program, such as America"s space program, which has resulted in many positive discoveries that have benefited mankind. 与其光知道抱怨,如果给出点建设性的意见。我认识的一个妈妈,每次给我打电话,都在抱怨自己的孩子不听话玩游戏早恋成绩下滑等等,而每次我都给她一些建设性意见,但是下次她再打电话,还是抱怨,从来听不到孩子的优点。而我提供的所有的建设性意见,她从来都是选择性忽略,自己也从来不改变,却要求孩子去改变。时间长了,我也被她的负能量搞的不胜其烦。当然,一个负能量的人,也许跟她小时候的教育或者家庭环境有一定关系,但你不能总是沉浸在自己小时候父母的过错里不出来吧。 10  Optimism draws our attention away from negativism and channelsit intopositive, constructive thinking. When you"re an optimist, you"re more concerned withproblem-solving than with useless fault-finding. In fact, without optimism, issues as big and ongoing as poverty have no hope of solution. It takes a dreamer — someone with hopelessly optimistic ideas, great persistence, and unlimited confidence — to tackle a problem that big. It"s your choice. 是不是乐观者都是行动派呢?行动起来,改变别人之前,先改变自己。与其抱怨,不如马上行动。选择乐观 里奇·德沃斯 1 假如你预料某事结局不妙,结果可能真会如此。悲观的想法很少落空。不过这个法则反过来也成立。假如你觉得会有好事发生,通常就会交上好运!乐观与成功之间似乎有一种天然的因果关系。 2 乐观和悲观都具有强大的力量,我们每个人必须选择其一,来塑造自己的前途和理想。每个人的生命中都有足够的幸运与不幸——丰富的哀伤和喜悦、充足的欢欣与痛苦——令我们找到或乐观或悲观的理由。我们可以选择哭或是笑、祝福或是诅咒。这完全取决于我们自己:用什么样的眼光去看待生活?是积极向上,还是垂头丧气? 3 我信守积极向上的态度。对积极的东西我浓墨重彩,对消极的东西则一笔带过。我是乐天派,既是天生如此,也因后天选择所致。诚然,我知道生命中会有伤痛。我已经七十多岁了,经历过不止一次的危机。但是,当一切尘埃落定,我发现生命中的美好远比丑恶多。 4 乐观的态度不是奢侈品,它是我们生活的必需品。你看待生活的方式将决定你的感受、你的表现,以及你与他人相处得怎样。反过来,悲观的想法、态度和期待也会自成因果:它们是能自我实现的预言。悲观会制造出无人愿往的黑暗之地。 5 多年前,我驱车去一个加油站加油。那天天气很好,我的心情也不错。当我走进加油站付油钱时,服务员问我:“你感觉怎样?”这问题有点古怪,不过,我感觉很好,于是便照实回答了他。“你脸色不好,”他回答。这话让我大吃一惊。我告诉他我的感觉从未像现在这么好,但已不像开始那么底气十足了,而他则毫无顾忌地继续大讲我的气色如何差,还说我肤色发黄。 6 在离开加油站的时候,我觉得有点心神不宁。驶出一个街区之后,我把车停在路旁,对着镜子看着自己的脸。我感觉如何?我的脸色那么差吗?一切都正常吗?等我回到家里,我已经开始觉得有点想吐。我的肝脏出了毛病吗?是不是染上了什么怪病? 7 再次光顾那个加油站时,我还是感觉很好,我弄明白了个中蹊跷。这个地方不久前把墙漆上了一种抢眼但又难看的黄色,墙面反射的光线使里面的每一个人看起来都像得了肝炎。不知道有多少人有过与我类似的反应。和一个根本不认识的人的一次短短对话竟然改变了我整整一天的心情。他说我面带病容,没过多久,我就真的觉得不舒服。那一句消极的话就大大影响了我的感觉和行为。 8 唯一比否定态度更有力量的是积极的肯定,充满乐观与希望的话语。最让我心存感激的一件事情,就是我生长的这个国度有着伟大的乐观主义传统。如果一种文化从整体上采取积极向上的态度,不可思议的事情也能变成现实。人们若把世界看作光明与希望之地,他们将被赋予努力进取和成就功业的力量。 9 乐观不意味着幼稚。在保持乐观的同时,你仍然能意识到问题的存在,意识到有些问题非常棘手。乐观带来的改变在于面对问题的态度。比方说,这些年我总是听到有人抱怨用于太空计划的钱是被白白浪费了。他们会说:“与其花4亿5千5百万美元把一个人送上月球,为什么不把这些钱用来解决地球上的贫穷问题呢?”但当你追问他们打算如何用这些钱来消除贫困时,大多数人又会无言以对。我对他们说:“告诉我一个解决办法,我会为你们筹到钱。”以积极的方式思考如何解决问题,而不是对花在别的项目上的金钱妄加挑剔。实际上,美国的太空计划带来了许多有价值的发现,全人类都从中受益。 10 乐观精神使我们的注意力从消极的否定态度转向积极的、建设性的思考。乐观主义者更关心如何解决问题,而不是毫无意义地怨天尤人。事实上,如果没有乐观精神,像贫穷这样严重而且现正存在的问题是无望解决的。解决这样的问题需要一个梦想家——一个拥有九死不悔的乐观、矢志不移的坚韧和无限信心的人。何去何从,由你决定。
2023-01-08 18:16:521


hire,thirty ,thirteen,third,sir,birthday,shirt,stir,circle,dirty,skirt,affirm,affirmation,affirmable,birch birth,bird,circle,circuit,circular,fir,firm,first,shirt,skirt,stir,thirsty,virtue,whir,chirp 正好三十个
2023-01-08 18:16:571


2023-01-08 18:17:064


1 He certainly read that book 2 Our classrooms must be cleaned daily 3 Red light, we must not cross the road 4 Sure this money bag 5 It is said that he visited the United States 2 6 To travel to Beijing and they are definitely 7 Must take good care of the children
2023-01-08 18:17:506


1, nodding and shaking his headIn China and most of the world, nodded in affirmation, consent, recognition, recognition, satisfaction, understanding, submissive, thanks or hello, etc. (English, Americans also expressed nodded farewell). In contrast with the nodding, shaking his head to indicate negation, do not agree, do not recognize, not satisfied, do not understand and so on. However, in India, Sri Lanka, Bulgaria, Nepal, Pakistan and other countries or some regions, it is shaking his head agreed, nodding disagreed. For example, in India, agrees that left shaking his head.2, tongue (tongue)In China, the tongue has expressed surprise, pride, envy, surprise, naughty, shy, embarrassed, or realize that they have done something wrong and apologized and other means. The New Zealand Maori tongue to someone, it is a respectable representation. When the guests arrived, in order to welcome the Maori topless wearing only a skirt made ​​of hay jump hula and dancing in the process, while stomping while his tongue sticking out. Reportedly, bright red tongue is sincere heart.
2023-01-08 18:18:371

active listening是什么意思

active listening积极倾听双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 积极地倾听2. 积极聆听例句:1.Active listening requires empathy, affirmation and the ability to process and respondwithout taking over a conversation. 积极的倾听需要共感,肯定和在没有掌控交谈时处理和回应的能力。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-08 18:18:527


You"re kidding! It"s your resume?
2023-01-08 18:19:164

翻译 简历!!大大的加分!

2023-01-08 18:19:314