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2023-08-07 20:34:22

With the rapid development of Internet, we can now do various things online.Online chat room is a topic which is hotly dicussed at the moment.Wheater the chat room brings us good or not, opions divides.

Some people are against online chat rooms because they think much of what we talk in the chat room are not real, and there will not be a solution if you want to ask someone for help. Worse still,we may be cheated by those wicked ones. On the contrary, a large a mount of people think that chat rooms do bring us good. It provides us with chance of talk freely and to exchange idea on some issues.Besides,if you are in trouble, you ask for help in a chat room then there may probably be a solution since there are so many people there.

In my opion, the advantage of the chat room outweigh the disadvantage of it.We can make good use of chat rooms.



A chat room or chatroom is a term used primarily by mass media to describe any form of synchronous conferencing, occasionally even asynchronous conferencing. The term can thus mean any technology ranging from real-time online chat over instant messaging and online forums to fully immersive graphical social environments.



* 1 Text-based chat

* 2 Graphical multi-user environments

* 3 Chat room activities

* 4 Rules of behaviour

* 5 Dangers

* 6 See also

* 7 References

* 8 External links

[edit] Text-based chat

Online chat is a way of communicating by sending text messages to people in the same chat-room in real-time. The oldest form of true chat rooms are the text-based variety. The most popular of this kind is Internet Relay Chat (IRC). However, there are also talkers and havens. The popularity of these kinds of chat rooms has waned over the years, and IRC"s popularity has rapidly given way to instant messaging. Also a notable number of people were introduced to chat rooms from AOL and web chat sites.

There are also graphical user interface (GUI) text-based chat rooms which allow users to select an identifying icon and modify the look of their chat environment.

[edit] Graphical multi-user environments

Visual chat rooms (Runescape,Active Worlds, Habbo Hotel, Chatablanca, There, etc) add graphics to the chat experience, in either 2D or 3D (employing virtual reality technology). These are characterized by using a graphic representation of the user (avatar) that can be moved about a graphic background or in a graphic environment. These virtual worlds are capable of incorporating elements such as games (in particular massively multiplayer online games) and educational material most often developed by individual site owners, who in general are simply more advanced users of the systems. The most popular environments also allow users to create or build their own spaces.

Some visual chat rooms also incorporate audio and video communications, so that users may actually see and hear each other. However, some find these types of environments cumbersome to use and actually an impediment to chatting.

[edit] Chat room activities

The primary use of a chat room is to share information via text with a group of other users. New technology has enabled the use of file sharing and webcams to be included in some programs and almost all Internet chat or messaging services allow users to display or send to each other photos of themselves.

Some people who visit chat rooms use them as a place to experience online sex, also known as cybersex or computer love. While not physically able to see their partner, cyber-ers apparently get stimulation by reading x-rated quotes. While many in the media focus on this aspect of chat rooms as it certainly boosts their ratings, it is by no means the only thing chat rooms are used for. It is important that the partakers in such activities do not reveal personal information such as addresses as sexual predators may use cybersex as a tool to stalk chatroom users.

Games are also often played in chat rooms. Historic examples are initgame, Hunt the Wumpus on IRC or an AOL chatroom game in AOL chat rooms.

But the true use of a chat room is still to meet old and new people.

[edit] Rules of behaviour

Chat rooms usually have stringent rules that they require users to follow in order to maintain integrity and safety for their users. Particularly in rooms for children, rules usually do not allow users to use offensive language, or to promote hate mail, violence and other negative issues. Also chat rooms often do not allow advertising in their rooms or flooding, which is continually filling the screen with repetitive text. TYPING WITH CAPS LOCK ON IS USUALLY CONSIDERED SHOUTING AND IS DISCOURAGED. Chat rooms usually have a list of rules for users to obey when they chat online.

Sometimes chat room venues are moderated either by limiting who is allowed to speak (not common), or by having moderation volunteers patrol the venue watching for disruptive or otherwise undesirable behaviour.

Yet, most commonly chat rooms are not moderated and users may type what they personally choose to send. As stated before, chatrooms are an honest (not always positive) comparison to real life public activities!

[edit] Dangers

As chat rooms are often frequented by children, they can be an avenue for pedophiles to initiate contact with potential victims. Predators will often pose as a child themselves, and attempt to lure children into a face-to-face meeting. Predators will often target the more quiet children in a chat room, hoping the attention will inspire interest in the new conversation. Researchers in the area advise parents to always be aware of what their children are doing while online, and be wary of secretive behaviour, such as avoiding letting parents see what is on the computer screen.


Nowadays,people can get almost any information from the internet,but some information can have negative influences on young people and even our society. The following essay discusses whether there should be censorship of information in society or not.

To begin with, some information is harmful for children, therefore we should protect children from some information. By this I mean, children are easily influenced and they cannot distinguish what is right or real and what is wrong or unreal, as they are immature, and hey probably imitate what they have seen. As a consequence, we should protect children from some information such as excessive violence or obscene material, so that they can grow up to be valuable members of society.

Another point to bear in mind is that some information which could be harmful to society should be censored. For example, some material that encourages racism,violence or terrorism threatens social security, and it might lead to some serious social problems, such as crimes. Therefore, the government should ban this kind of information in films,books or on the internet.

However, people do have the right to choose what they what to know, and they should be allowed access to most information. Further more, most adults are good people and will not be influenced in a negative way easily, thus they should have the freedom to decide what they want to know, and the government should not censor all information, as the government is only a group of people after all.

In conclusion, parents should strictly control what their children watch or read, and the government should censor such information in children"s books, films or websites. In addition, the government should ban some information which encourages racism, violence and terrorism, as it is harmful to society. However, on the other hand, since it is people"s right to choose what they want to know, the government should not censor most information.



antiterrorist adj. 反恐怖主义(活动)的 antiterrorism n. 反恐怖主义
2023-08-05 22:28:182


2023-08-05 22:28:284


恐怖主义(terrorism),泛指国际社会中某些国家,组织或个人采取绑架、暗杀、爆炸、空中劫持、扣押人质等恐怖手段,企求实现其政治目标或某项具体要求的9,11事件主张和行动。 恐怖主义与"刑事犯罪的国际恐怖活动"(就是指国际罪犯在跨国过程中所采取的犯罪、破坏、恐怖等危害社会的手段、活动)两者所采用的手段和造成的社会危害大同小异,但一般说前者具有政治色彩,故又被称为政治恐怖主义。 恐怖主义事件主要是由极左翼和极右翼的恐怖主义团体,以及极端的民族主义、种族主义的组织和派别所组织策划的。 恐怖主义和反恐的概念,恐怖主义的问题历史上就有了,但是历史上的恐怖主义因为当前的这种恐怖主义,大家还有一个不同的说法,因为从词源上来说,这个恐怖是来自于希腊,但是恐怖两个字并没有太多的色彩,它是反映一种客观的现象,但是一上升到主义,就是说它形成了一种理论的系统。早在古罗马时代,巴勒斯坦的犹太人就使用投毒的方式杀害罗马贵族。在法国大革命的时候,为了反击那些贵族们的一些抵抗,所以采取了一些,给这些人都杀了或者是关了,所以最早称恐怖主义的是法国的贵族把大革命的时候的政府说你这种是恐怖主义。所以这个恐怖主义才正式上入了这个词条。 现代的恐怖主义大概是在60年代末开始兴起的,这个兴起,是在50年代兴起的民族争取,民族自治和自觉权的运动,当时反对一些殖民统治,很多国家就纷纷独立出来了,上个世纪50年代到60年代这期间,但是这个运动结束以后,有一些主子也是为了继续寻求一种像爱尔兰或者是西班牙或者是法国,在欧洲有一些“红”字头的,当然它和当时的运动还有跟争取搞民族分裂的这些人兴起了。这是现代的一些恐怖主义,我们知道在60年代、70年代、80年代,这些恐怖活动非常猖獗。但是那个时候,大家都把它看作是一种国别形式的恐怖活动。所以没有引起整个国际社会的这么样的高度重视,但是要说国际上没有高度重视,也不尽然,在1973年的时候,联合国那是上个世纪70年代,针对这种猖獗的恐怖活动,在联合国就成立了一个叫做反恐特委会,这个特委会就想通过一个综合性的国际反恐公约来制止猖獗的恐怖活动,但是由于各国看法不一样,因为它都针对不同的国家,这是现代的,但是我们认为对国际社会真正构成重大冲击、威胁是在上个世纪90年代初,也就是说在苏联入侵阿富汗,还是在80年代底,基地产生了。大家就说,它真正是在全球范围内形成一个真正意义上的全球化的恐怖组织,这就是说,最全球化的恐怖组织,在21世纪,我们看到并存着三种形态的恐怖组织。一个是国别性质的,当然有时候我们这个划分主要是从它的打击和威胁的目标来看,它的活动当然都是跨国性的,这是一种。这一类仍然是当前很多国家所面临的主要威胁。 第二类是区域性的,就是它主要是为了寻求在一个地区的几个国家寻求一种共同的目标,区域的利益。所以这个我们称它为区域性的恐怖组织。 最后是以基地为核心的国际恐怖势力,它是一个真正意义上在全球可以对国际社会利益构成威胁的恐怖组织。反恐实际上早也有之,60年代一直提反恐,但是没有“9.11”以后,它仍然没有上升到国际社会这么高一个高度或者说这么大的一个范围,或者说各国重视的程度都没有像今天这么一个重视的程度。
2023-08-05 22:28:442


魔鬼党,又名幽灵党(SPECTRE,Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion的缩写),是英国作家伊恩·弗莱明的代表作007系列小说中和007系列电影里,一个虚构的国际性犯罪组织。
2023-08-05 22:28:591


attention, 翻译:use terror or violent action to draw attention to their cause:利用恐怖或暴力为他们的事业(所作所为)吸引别人的注意力。
2023-08-05 22:29:133


大半夜的给你翻译也不容易 唉 机器翻译的死……From 9.11 attacks,terrorism has become a hotspot topic that was focusing on by every countries,particularly in the country that was threatened by it,our country is also among it. There were various of reasons that cause the terrorism,howerve,the majority reason are the religion essential and nationalism.Extreme crazy faith of religion and the distrust between different nation make them easy to go to the extremeness. In my opinion,aiming to solve this problem,we should adopt to these following measure:firstly,we should respect the faith of different nation,secondly,we should make a close relationship among the countries and nations,intend to promote to understand each other.Thirdly,make sure the regional economic develop balanced and decrease the gap between the rich and the poor, make people live a stable life.Only then can we have a more harmonious world and a more harmonious future
2023-08-05 22:29:344

_______terrorism, the world would be much more peaceful.

【答案】:D本题考查虚拟语气D选项,句意为“如果没有恐怖主义,世界就可以更加和平”。if引导的非真实条件句,如果对现在虚拟,从句用一般过去时,但谓语若为be动词,则用were,故A不对;这里without“如果没有”,相当于if从句部分。综上,D选项正确。A选项,与题干不符,故排除。B选项,表达错误,故排除。C选项,没有这样的用法,故排除。故正确答案为 D项。
2023-08-05 22:29:411

失去理智 英语

lose one"s temper这个我们老师讲的很常用
2023-08-05 22:29:529


Good evening.Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices -- secretaries, businessmen and women, military and federal workers. Moms and dads. Friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong. A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America.These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. America was targeted for attack because we"re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world.And no one will keep that light from shining. Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature, and we responded with the best of America, with the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could. Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government"s emergency response plans. Our military is powerful, and it"s prepared.Our emergency teams are working in New York City and Washington, D.C., to help with local rescue efforts. Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured and to take every precaution to protect our citizens at home and around the world from further attacks. The functions of our government continue without interruption. Federal agencies in Washington which had to be evacuated today are reopening for essential personnel tonight and will be open for business tomorrow. Our financial institutions remain strong, and the American economy will be open for business as well.The search is underway for those who are behind these evil acts. I"ve directed the full resources for our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible and bring them to justice.We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them. I appreciate so very much the members of Congress who have joined me in strongly condemning these attacks.And on behalf of the American people, I thank the many world leaders who have called to offer their condolences and assistance. America and our friends and allies join with all those who want peace and security in the world and we stand together to win the war against terrorism. Tonight I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us spoken through the ages in Psalm 23:"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me." This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world. Thank you. Good night and God bless America.
2023-08-05 22:30:092


现时内政大臣的职责范畴:治安(Police)打击罪行(Crime)反恐(Terrorism)公民权责(Citizenship)身分证、护照(Identity cards and passports)对照看看吧。
2023-08-05 22:30:205

As China is also a target of international terrorist acts, its government ______ against terrorism.

【答案】:takes a stand[译文] 因为中国也是国际恐怖主义袭击的目标,因此政府采取抵制恐怖主义的立场。根据句意,此处应该填具有“采取立场”意义的词组。takes a stand符合题意。
2023-08-05 22:30:581

be defined with是什么意思

bedefinedwith的中文翻译:被定义为......  1、Thescopeofthebeancanbedefinedwiththe@Scopeannotation.  bean的方法是使用@Scope注释定义的。  2、Terrorismmustbedefinedwithreferencetoitsacts,andnottoits  perpetrators.  必须以其行径,而不是以其肇事者来对恐怖主义下定义。  3、Thedefinitionof“low”maybedefinedwithabusinessrule.  而“低”的定义可能是定义在一条业务规则中。  4、everalrolesforpeoplecanbedefinedwithrespecttoatask.  可以针对任务为人员定义若干角色。
2023-08-05 22:31:202

It is time that we_____strong action against terrorism.

选B。 took。It"s time + that clause 时,从句中的谓语动词有两种形式,或者用动词的过去式(be用were);或者用shoud + 动词原形(should不能省略)。此句型为虚拟语气句型,表示“现在某人该做某事了”。例: It"s time (that)we went to bed. 我们该去睡觉了。 It"s high time that the article were published. 发表这篇文章是适时的。 It"s time you should do cleaning. 你该去打扫卫生了。
2023-08-05 22:31:281

中国反恐 用英语怎么讲

China Counter-Striker China counter-terrorism
2023-08-05 22:31:374


China holds anti-terrorist exercise for 2008 OlympicsWATCH VIDEOSource: | 06-20-2007 09:05Special Report: 2008 Beijing OlympicsChina held a state-level anti-terrorist exercise for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on June 19, 2007. [Photo: Xinhua]The Third National Working Conference on Anti-Terrorism has been held in Beijing. State-level anti-terrorist exercises for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were also held. At the conference, Senior Party official, Luo Gan, says the purpose is to create a good environment for the upcoming Party Congress and the 2008 Beijing Olympics.Luo Gan said China is putting anti-terrorism at the top of its agenda to ensure national and social public security.Luo said that success in fighting terrorism is very important for the Communist Party and its government in winning public support. He says an anti-terrorism mechanism should be set up quickly to enhance emergency response and coordination.Luo also highlighted the importance of international cooperation.Meanwhile, in Beijing, China has held a state-level anti-terrorist exercise for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The exercise, dubbed "Great Wall No. 4", focuses on security work for the Beijing Olympics.The Ministry of Public Security said the exercise tested the capacity of Chinese police to handle a large-scale hostage taking situation and helped to improve China"s anti-terrorist abilities. China will do its utmost to guarantee the security of the 2008 Olympics新闻写作由于记者写作风格不同,文体结构无定格。但大体上说新闻文体的主体结构是由标题、导语、正文三部分组成。标题(headline):浓缩概括全文的中心实质问题。导语(lead or introduction):通常为文章的第一段。文章的第一段提供主要话题和最主要的事实。正文(body):在导语的基础上,引入更多的与主题相关的事实,使之更加详实、具体,并展开评论,进而得出结论。在此我们以消息为例,详细分析一下它的基本结构。消息类新闻属于“硬新闻”,是广泛采用的一种新闻体裁。消息报道中的导语十分重要,它位于第一段或第一、二段。通过它点出新闻的。主题,这是消息这种新闻文体区别于其它文体的一个重要特征。五个W和一个H(When? Where? Who? What? Why? 和How?)是构成一则完整消息不可缺少的要素。直接的消息报道或纯消息报道一般采用“倒金字塔形式”(the Inverted Pyramid Form),其特点是按新闻报道最重要的五个W和一个H头重脚轻地安排材料,把新闻的高潮和结论放在最前面的导语里,然后以事实的重要性递减的顺序来安排(in the order of descending importance)材料。在报纸、广播、电视等新闻媒体每天刊载和播发的新闻中,百分之九十是用倒金字塔结构写成的。对于报纸来说,倒金字塔结构的新闻有自己的优势。主要是可以使读者很快得到新闻的精华部分;在生活节奏越来越快的今天,一般读者很少把一条新闻从头到尾读完,他们可能随时放下报纸,因此,报纸有必要让读者首先读到最重要的新闻内容。
2023-08-05 22:31:571


反恐怖特别侦察队的级别因国家和地区不同而有所不同。以下是一些常见的级别:- 美国:联邦调查局反恐特别行动组(FBI"s Counterterrorism Division)是国家级别的特别侦察队。- 英国:反恐警察是地区级别的特别侦察队,由不同地区的警察部门组成。- 法国:国家警察特别行动队(National Police Intervention Force)和特别干预室(Special Intervention Group,GIGN)都是国家级别的特别侦察队。- 中国:反恐怖特警队是国家级别的特别侦察队,由公安部组建。- 俄罗斯:特种部队(Spetsnaz)是国家级别的特别侦察队,由俄罗斯内务部组建。
2023-08-05 22:32:202

where is the love这首歌曲总的是表达一种什么情感。。。。中文是什么意思谁能全部告诉我

短暂的是感情 而不是人生.... 希望采纳。
2023-08-05 22:32:303


counter strike
2023-08-05 22:32:397


2023-08-05 22:33:184


Blender (流行时尚杂志) 年度第一名E! (美国娱乐线上) 年度第二名Spin (摇滚杂志) 年度第二名Pitchforkmedia (音乐网站) 年度第四名Pop Matters (音乐网站) 年度第四名Playlouder (音乐网站) 年度第七名Under The Radar (音乐杂志) 年度第九名2005年入围英国水星奖年度最佳专辑 收录M.I.A.成名单曲Galang与Sunshowers 一张从伦敦到纽约 让所有嘻哈爱好者都竖起耳朵及大拇指的新世代经典 延烧M.I.A.+Diplo之"Piracy Funds Terrorism, Vol. 1"所引爆的嘻哈革命狂潮 让全球夜店舞池随之疯狂起舞 嘻哈教母密希艾莉特2005新专辑特邀M.I.A.跨刀演出 M.I.A.本名Maya Arulpragasam,出生於伦敦Hounslow,在家中的三个小孩中排行老二。他的双亲来自斯里兰卡,一处坐落於印度洋上的蕞尔小岛~也就是我们常喝的“锡兰红茶”的原产地。最早他的父亲以工程师的名义来到英国工作,母亲则藉由短期护照往来於故乡与英国。之后父亲参加了祖国坦米尔政权的抗暴运动成为异议份子,在安全受到威胁的情况下,举家迁徙至印度的Madras。其后M.I.A.全家又因为经济因素迁回祖国;但不久后斯里兰卡内乱加剧,他们变成难民,最后幸得英国政府伸出援手,举家再度移居伦敦。回到英国后,M.I.A.进入Hammersmith College就读,随后选择了 Saint Martin 艺术学校专攻美术与电影。由此可知,M.I.A.在她的音乐创作中时常出现的政治议题,种族问题,以及充满艺术家色彩的美术设计是从何而来了。 好论者常常把M.I.A.的音乐与美国的两位嘻哈大将Jay-Z与Missy Elloitt相提并论。其实从她最早引爆舞池狂潮的单曲“Galang”与“Sunshowers”中就能听出,M.I.A.将Hip-Hop、Ragga等充满部落色彩的狂野节奏,隐含著情欲诉求,驯化於电子节拍切分层迭的复杂结构中;并且直陈探讨都会人口问题的尖锐歌词,最后藉由她那肆无忌惮的吼叫念唱,铺排出与大西洋彼岸完全不同的UK Hip- Hop风格!2004年与美国另类嘻哈大将Diplo所合作的“Piracy Funds Terrorism, Vol. 1”,更让从伦敦到纽约所有的Hip- Hop爱好者以及尖酸的乐评们拉长了耳朵并竖起大拇指,成为延烧至今的讨论话题! 2005年她的首张专辑“Arular”几乎就是在“Piracy Funds Terrorism, Vol. 1”引发所有人热烈期待中所诞生的作品。延续了之前所有作品中毫无忌讳探讨议题,多变音乐风格并毫不矫饰的巅峰状态,这张专辑甫一推出便入围今年英国水星奖年度最佳专辑的候选名单。评审团更给这张专辑“Hip- Hop、Ragga、Dancehall、Pop & Electro Never Sounds Such Perfect SoulMates”的极佳赞誉! 资料来源 希望你可以喜欢。
2023-08-05 22:33:251


2023-08-05 22:33:353


在这时警察2中,有很多小技巧,而这些技巧往往是破案的关键,包括忠诚度。那游戏中还有哪些破案技巧呢?下面带来由玩家“申诉有效个PI”分享的这是警察2案件攻略技巧汇总技巧汇总1、不要在乎钱,钱到最后一个商店出来后就不是问题了,好像是12月出来的,在这之前都不怎么用到钱。平时多花钱消灾。警用道具尽量买齐。第一个帮派抓首领抓了就跑等于送的4w5能救波急,在这之前第一次2w开局带的能交,第二次一般都有最多卖点东西,第三次4w5到了能交后面就开商店了无限钱。不知道是否固定,但我这档11号暴风雪,23号停电。遇到暴风雪读档前一天花光所有钱买金条/皮鞋/巧克力/酒,第二天卖。停电独挡前一天买光发电机/柴油。2、绿色送钱事件前期的没什么问题,中期要换手雷陷害老婆之类非跑腿的不怎么正义的不要接受(就那种只有警长能赚小钱的),后期只接受跑腿的。因为跑腿的固定,排之前检查忠诚度,回来看看掉没,掉了独挡不做这个任务。灵媒算命没用,100卖药膏治好受伤的很棒,倒数第3天森林收集药草必做。3、忠诚度在小镇事件页面左键点警员看照片下面的红绿条,中间的白条就是忠诚,警员线人无限忠诚(所以掉忠诚的都让他上)4、加忠诚的办法有限,中期开的两个休息的都加一点忠诚,部分正面绿色事件也加忠诚。掉忠诚的事件很多。。录像机不给看掉(给看问题更严重。)所以能不掉就不掉,后面自己弄食物那里优先非忠诚低忠诚警员。不要在乎钱。。5、案件基本第一天发现第二天收尾抓人,有时3天,所以后面预留没案件的时间足够,第一个案件可以把所有没忠诚的忠诚化,可以稍微拖个3,4天做完,等高星不忠诚警员入手再完成。6、补丁更新后拉环用不完的,随便花吧,警棍优先补到6根,消耗品都要。警员优先看能力,其次看警星。7、能力看警星点,前期250以上都点隐匿,100-250交谈,以下智力。中期主力(400以上)隐匿满了看速度1就优先速度3,速度0优先交谈2,250-400左右的点交谈,以下智力。后期主力600以上基本都射击。大后期至少保证自己10个人射击3,隐匿3,速度3(这要求够低了。。)我最后13个能力全满的。。8、突击难度很低大不了重来,各种攻略都有自己觉得好用的技能,在我看来被发现的突击变色龙雪貂精准一击射手通用,最后一个射手可随意换。潜行突击忍者运动员。额外提下没人说的不许动,因为每天都分配装备很烦一般都自动,遇到突击主力没棒子怎么办?带不许动,远程控制,3格外成功率还有一半以上,即使有棒子也可以带个救急,非常好用。其他哨兵带两个,变色龙有剩的格子带,夹子特定关带,开锁越墙交涉极少用到,初见智者带一个。其他的没用过。9、中期开始慢慢开放培训班,把新来的低警星不断拉去练智力,优先把自己警人内线6维拉满应付各种绿色事件。10、朋友培训班休息处可以每天早上7点一开就排去,然后晚上接近1点再排,无形中多了很多工作时间233。这样等于晚上结束前2+3个满体力主力,早上2+3个主力翘半天班回来满体力,再搭配300-600的杂鱼/非忠诚警员轮班。每天45人15个主力每天上班,剩下30个杂鱼轮班就好。等都忠诚了天天40多人上班贼壮观2333。11、假警主要前期多记记,中期踩几个无所谓,后期一个2800多警星还是能避就避吧。我是只有12月23天被逼的全警员出动解决案件的,有几个案稍微等了几秒才排地出警,其他时候都挺闲的。破案拼图:Day 4 - Homicide - Ronnie MooreDay 5 - Robbery - City CenterDay 9 - Arson - The Last Picture Show TheaterDay 13 - Hit and Run - City CenterDay 16 - Theft - Museum of Feelings and fine ArtDay 21 - Theft - St. John"s HospitalDay 23 - Homicide - Fiona KaylisDay 59 - Drug Sales - King Lewis Night ClubDay 62 - Double Homicide - Every Day MallDay 66 - Arson - Freeburg Birth Control UnionDay 73 - Homicide - Edgar SanchezDay 84 - Abduction - Desire ParkDay 90 - Attempted Carjacking - FurFur StoreDay 94 - Missing Person - SuburbDay 100 - Child Molestation - St. John"s CathedralDay 7 - The Red Masks - Receiving stolen propertyDay 7-9 - The Red Masks - Sale of stolen goodsDay 60-62 - Atala - Drug PosessionDay 62-67 - Atala - Drug TraffickingDay 24 - The Sands - Hit and RunDay 59-62 - The Sands - TheftDay 66-71 - The Sands - Extortion and AssaultDay 73-75 - The Sands - AbductionDay 75-78 - The Sands - HomicideDay 93-94 - Keylesses - CarjackingDay 94-96 - Keylesses - Receiving Stolen PropertyDay 97-99 - Keylesses - SmugglingDay 103-105 - The Church - Drug PossessionDay 156-158 - The Church - Drug ManufacturingDay 161-163 - The Snow Warriors - HomicideDay 164-166 - The Snow Warriors - AbuctionDay 166-168 - The Snow Warriors - Terrorism
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2023-08-05 22:34:114


《隐形战队》中的匡胜天在结局牺牲。在战斗中,匡胜天选择用自己的能量驱动能量炮,最终功成身退,但却也为此付出了惨痛的代价,献出了自己的生命。在最后一集,匡胜天罪大滔天的证据逐一出现,特别是第一集中有人被注射了一种新型毒药,让人发疯,力大无穷不说,还很不容易被击垮,甚至不容易死,即便是中枪也还能再抵抗一段时间。而这个案件背后真正的大BOSS就是匡胜天,原本他出狱之后可以和刘美欣远走高飞,可他偏要报复,要报复方国希,要报复警队,一直觉得自己很聪明、很机智,实际上就是一个彻头彻尾的疯子。匡胜天制造了那么多的案件,伤害了那么多的人,令无数家庭妻离子散、家破人亡,他被简曜洋和顾家强联合杀死,也是罪有应得。《隐形战队》剧情一览为了守护香港、保护广大市民的安全,警队加强部署,成立以十五个单位组成的情报组,致力瓦解任何形式的不良活动。在情报组中,特勤队(Counter Terrorism Response Unit)负责支援专家、执行巡逻及处理袭击。而“神秘部队”隐形任务战略部队(Phantom Operation and Tactic Team)结合了各部门的精英,负责武装应变和深入调查,加以打击及剿灭潜在威胁。两队的重点成员有:战斗力强、百步穿杨的武术专家顾家强(陈山聪饰);心思缜密、分析力强的拆弹专家乔宝宝(唐诗咏饰);身手敏捷、行动力强的“最强新人”邢风(刘颖镟饰);车神级别、一目十行的“记忆库”乔带囡(林子善饰),他们合作无间,合力破解接连发生的棘手案件。
2023-08-05 22:34:261

so that,such that,too to之间的区别和各自的用法

在英语中,to一词用法及其灵活。除了常见“to do”结构外,to还有介词和副词的用法。但我们大都是听过记忆类似“be devoted to doing”这种所谓的固定搭配学习,却不知其中的to到底是何意。1. 向,对着(某方向或某处):He walked to the school.他朝学校走去。2. 位于…方向:There are many buildings to the north of mountains. 山北面坐落着很多楼房。3. 到,达(某处):Her long hair fell to the ground.她的长发垂到地上。4. 到,达(某状态):He always tries to work to perfection. 他总是努力将工作做到完美。5. 至(表示范围或一段时间的结尾或界限):The museum is open from 9:00 to 17:00.博物馆开放时间为9:00到17:00。6. 差,离:It is ten to ten. 现在是十点差十分。(9:50)7. 给(引出接受者):My mother gave a birthday present to me. 妈妈送我生日礼物。8. 对于,关于(引出受事者):What have done to the little boy? 你对这个小男孩做了什么?9. 表示两件事物相接:The printer is connected to the computer. 打印机与电脑相连。10. 属于,归于(表示两事物或两人之间的关系):the key to the door门的钥匙11. 指向:Terrorism is a threat to peace. 恐怖主义是对和平的威胁。12. 表示引出比较的第二部分:My mother prefer swimming to walking. 比起散步,妈妈更喜欢游泳。China won the game by six goals to two.中国以六比二赢得比赛。13. 等于,每(表示数量或比率):There are 60 seconds to a minute. 一分钟六十秒。14. 向…表示敬意:We will build a monument to the soldiers who died in the earthquake.我们将为地震中牺牲的战士修建纪念碑。15. 伴随:Everybody danced happily to the music. 所有人随音乐换新起舞。16. 为了给(用于表示动作的动词后):The little boy rushed to his father. 小男孩向他爸爸冲过去。17. 适合,致使:To my surprise, Jack could pass the exam. 令我惊讶的是,杰克竟能通过考试。18. 按照…看法:To me, whether it"s right doesn"t matter. 对我而言,对错都不重要。以上是to 作为介词的主要用法,另外,to用作副词还有“关着”之意:1. Please push the door to. 请推门关上。2. to and fro 来来回回:He couldn"t calm down and walked to and fro in the room.他难以冷静下来,在房里走来走去。以上是环球教育小编为大家介绍的托福口语常用介词to的用法,希望对大家的备考有帮助。
2023-08-05 22:34:543

support to和support for用法上的区别

英语中“support to”和“support for”在用法上的区别有:1、support to 和support for 后面都可以跟人(或组织、公司等),而且在这种情况下可以互换。2、express support to 意为“向(某人)表示支持”,如翻译成“向(某事)表示支持”则不太通。而express support for既可翻译成“对(某人)表示支持”,也可翻译成“为/对(某事)表示支持”。根据我在 pages from UK) 查找的用法,绝大部分情况下support to后面都是跟人,很少有跟物的,而support for后面跟物的情况下比较多。这种情况符合上面的解释。比如:They do not express support for terrorism.The new Prime Minister did not express support for a two-state solution.
2023-08-05 22:35:101

the idea is to die young as late as possible什么意思

2023-08-05 22:35:228


电视剧《隐形战队》中马国明饰演的简曜洋,在剧中是好人。《隐形战队》是由文伟鸿监制,马国明、唐诗咏、陈山聪、刘颖镟、刘佩玥、林子善、江美仪等主演的警匪剧,于2023年3月6日在香港翡翠台首播。该剧以隐形任务战略部队及反恐特勤队为主题,讲述了一众反恐精英与不法分子掀起连场激斗的故事。简曜洋、乔宝宝、顾家强、乔带囡曾是CTRU的“四剑侠”,一次行动的一个错误决定,令四人多年的友情瞬间瓦解。简曜洋后来被POTT上司方国希赏识,成为POTT领队。简曜洋与宝宝三人因为一宗无差别杀人事件重聚,却因为之前恩怨,关系仍是爱恨交缠。《隐形战队》剧情介绍在反恐情报组中,反恐特勤队(Counter Terrorism Response Unit,简称“CTRU”)负责支援反恐专家、执行反恐巡逻及处理恐怖袭击,而“神秘部队”隐形任务战略部队(Phantom Operation and Tactic Team,简称“POTT”)结合了各部门的精英,负责武装应变和深入调查,加以打击及剿灭潜在威胁。两队的重点成员有:战斗力强、百步穿杨的武术专家顾家强(陈山聪饰);心思缜密、分析力强的拆弹专家乔宝宝(唐诗咏饰);身手敏捷、行动力强的“最强新人”邢风(刘颖镟饰);车神级别、一目十行的“记忆库”乔带囡(林子善饰);以及英明果断、智商奇高的应变高手简曜洋(马国明饰)。六人合作无间,合力破解接连发生的棘手案件。
2023-08-05 22:35:451


据《印度时报》网站报道,当地时间7月1日,印度人力资源部副部长萨蒂亚帕尔辛格再次爆出惊人之语,他重申达尔文的进化论“在科学上是错误的”,并表示自己作为一名理工科学生,他相信他的“祖先不是猿”。猴子:印度人成天都想着什么奇怪事情?萨蒂亚帕尔是总理莫迪所在的印度人民党的成员。今年年初,萨蒂亚帕尔公开表态,宣称他认为达尔文的进化论不科学,相关内容应当从教科书中删除,因为“没有任何人,尤其是在我们的祖先中,不管是文字还是口述,曾表示看到过猴子转变成人类。我们所读的书籍,以及我们祖辈讲的神话,也从未提过这种事。”这位印度副部长极度讨厌的达尔文《进化论》,都说了些什么,作为印度的高级知识分子官员,掌握着印度13亿人口资源,他又为什么会反对《进化论》。这个在印度可不是个别人的言论,下面我们试图解读一番。达尔文《进化论》都说了些什么《进化论》的提出是人类历史上突破式的科学成就,就其所表现的价值观,自上个世纪80年代开始,在科学界源源不断创作无数篇论文的背景下,至今没有一篇类似《进化论是有问题》这种主题的文章,可以肯定的是,《进化论》无疑是近现代科学中少有的“真理”,这与“地球围绕太阳转”、“物质由原子组成”、“钓鱼岛是中国的”等有着共同的特性,就是任何试图否认的人,都是睁眼说瞎话。世界主流文化相信人猿是同祖先达尔文《进化论》的主要内容概括一下就是:物种是可变的,所有生物来自共同的祖先,自然选择是进化的主要机制,生物进化的步调是渐变的。很显然,这位副部长对其中的“所有生物来自共同祖先”,存在极度的不满,现代社会无论任何国家,大家基本达成共识,“人类的祖先是来自某种消失的古猿,人类的发源地位于黑非洲。”虽然地球上有着黄种人、黑人、白人,有着矮子、侏儒,有着胖瘦、美丑等等,但是人人都是平等的,在社会法律上能够享受一样的待遇。数百年万年的人类进化史,使得许多人种体格外貌差异比较大,但四海是一家,也没见谁喊“我就是那个进化的最成功的猴子”。而这正是《进化论》的优越性,在承认差异性的同时,又肯定人类的同祖同源。错综复杂的印度人口组成中国是一个多民族的国家,华夏土地上如今生活着56个民族,大家虽然有着一些文化差异,但是在长期的民族融合中,每个民族之间都很包容和谐,所以大家能够相处的没有矛盾,这是多年积累的宝贵国家财富。但是到了印度就不一样了,在公元1947年印度从英国的殖民地中独立以前,印度(四大古国之一)从来就没能完成一次“大一统”,回顾几千的历史的印度历史,印度是世界上著名的“大国舞台”,当然这并不是什么褒义词,说的是历史上,前前后后有过十几个大国攻打过印度,每次攻打还都能成功,所以印度的上层统治一直不是很稳定,如今国家拥有着上百种民族,但是民族融合的却非常的糟糕,不同民族之间存在比较长的“鄙视链”,每个土邦的信仰也是成千上万种之多。英属印度.1909年.粉红色为英国管辖,黄色为印度王侯“管辖”披着大英帝国给予的嫁衣成立的印度,摇身一变,觉得英国曾经拥有的一切都是印度的一部分。可事实上,真正的印度文化主要位于“恒河-印度河流域”,自古的统治地域也限于这一块,其他的地区跟现在的印度5毛钱关系都没有,纯粹是印度建国时捡的便宜。“留着贵族血统的人,怎么能跟二等公民同祖同源”,即使身处21世纪,这种民族主义思想在印度也是很有市场的,所以达尔文的《进化论》肯定是错误的,至少在印度是错误的,这段从教科书中删去才对。细思极恐。印度武装分裂势力地图,严重程度由浅至深数据来源:South Asia Terrorism Portal(2017版)印度虽然独立了好几十年,但是尖锐的民族问题仍然突出,内部至今都长期存在着武装独立斗争,很多地区都在试图从新德里的统治中分裂出来,他们曾经屈服于英国的统治,但是并不愿意屈服于印度的统治。能够身兼印度大国官场高职,毫无疑问,这身份肯定是个“高等能力人”,地位自然不用说。既然这位掌管印度人力资源的副部长,不是从猴子变来的,那么都又是怎么来的。《进化论》最大的敌人,就是“有神论”虽然现在已经占人口比例不高了,但拜上千年的不同人种之间禁止通婚,印度拥有着世界上最纯的“雅利安人”血统。雅利安一词源于古波斯语Ariya,意为“有信仰的人”。在印度古文献《梨俱吠陀》中,意为出身高贵的人。自封为神族的“婆罗门”以雅利安人为首的种群,统治了印度上千年,在多年的征战中打下了众多的土地,所以他们拥有着无尚的尊贵与权力,在后期的统治中,将人分为婆罗门、刹帝利、吠舍和首陀罗四个等级。第一等级是婆罗门,是祭司贵族,掌握神权,地位最高。第二等级是刹帝利,是军事贵族,包括国王、武士和官吏,掌握政权与军权。第三等级是吠舍,包括农业、手工业者和商人,必须向国家缴纳赋税。第四等级是首陀罗,实际上处于奴隶的地位。“神是一切主宰,凡人才是猴子变得”,大概这句话就是那位副部长想说但没说出口的话,可惜《进化论》并不支持这个说法。所以说,我们不能简单的认为这件事,只是个人的突发奇想,这背后隐藏着13亿人之间不可告人的内部斗争。印度未来还有很长的路要走。
2023-08-05 22:36:331


2023-08-05 22:37:223


2023-08-05 22:37:543

香港的警匪片 都是讲重案组怎么破案的 现实生活中有吗

当然有啦 。。。。。。。。。。
2023-08-05 22:38:034


介词后面必须有介词宾语 所以 that从句作介词的宾语也很正常。现在分词变成的介词,称为分词介词,如: including 包括 excluding 不包括 concerning 关于现在分词变成的介词,后面要加宾语,即名词和代词的宾格。也可以跟that引导的名词性从句(that不能省略)可能你把 定语从句中关系代词that不能直接作介词的宾语的概念 与该问题搞混了。
2023-08-05 22:38:182


六年级吗 我也要做 大哥大姐帮帮帮忙
2023-08-05 22:39:042


2023-08-05 22:39:124


没有opposit这个单词,你应该写的是opposite,它没有动词形式。opposite 英 [u02c8u0252pu0259zu026at] 美 [u02c8ɑ:pu0259zu0259t] adj. 对面的; 相对的; 对立的; [数学] 对的(顶、边等); prep. 在…的对面(表示位置); [数学] 对的(顶、边等); 与…在一排; 与…联合主演(表示方式); adv. 在对面,对过; [例句]A change in calculating housing expenses had the opposite effect..住房费用计算方法的变化影响则与之相反。
2023-08-05 22:39:402


2023-08-05 22:39:566


6月23日是什么节日007xiliedianying我.com (去掉我)她没有穿衣服的图片 都是超高清的图片你知道我说的什么图片
2023-08-05 22:40:203

帮我鉴定这是什么勋章 图片如下

2023-08-05 22:40:284

let her go歌词及翻译

Let Her Go by PassengerWell you only need the light when it"s burning lowOnly miss the sun when it"s starts to snowOnly know your lover when you let her goOnly know you"ve been high when you"re feeling lowOnly hate the road when you"re missin" homeOnly know your lover when you"ve let her goAnd you let her goStaring at the bottom of your glassHoping one day you will make a dream lastThe dreams come slow and goes so fastYou see her when you close your eyesMaybe one day you will understand whyEverything you touch all it diesBecause you only need the light when it"s burning lowOnly miss the sun when it"s starts to snowOnly know your lover when you"ve let her goOnly know you"ve been high when you"re feeling lowOnly hate the road when you"re missin" homeOnly know your lover when you"ve let her goStaring at the ceiling in the darkSame ol" empty feeling in your heartLove comes slow and it goes so fastWell you see her when you fall asleepBut to never to touch and never to keepBecause you loved her to muchAnd you dive too deepBecause you only need the light when it"s burning lowOnly miss the sun when it"s starts to snowOnly know your lover when you"ve let her goOnly know you"ve been high when you"re feeling lowOnly hate the road when you"re missin" homeOnly know your lover when you"ve let her goAnd you let her goOoooo ooooo ooooooAnd you let her goOoooooo ooooo oooooAnd you let her goBecause you only need the light when it"s burning lowOnly miss the sun when it"s starts to snowOnly know your lover when you"ve let her goOnly know you"ve been high when you"re feeling lowOnly hate the road when you"re missin" homeOnly know your lover when you"ve let her goAnd you let her go
2023-08-05 22:33:024


2023-08-05 22:33:072


氢弹1951年5月美国在太平洋上的恩尼威托克岛试验场进行氢弹美国的第一颗氢弹试验。但其是一个极其笨重(达62吨)的试验装置放在60余米的钢架上,装置以液态氘作为核聚变原料,并有冷却系统使氘处于极低温。基本不具备实战价值。1953年8月,苏联宣布氢弹试验成功,当量40万吨。苏联是第一个成功把氢弹实用化的国家。但是其构造问题导致爆炸比较小。1954年3月1日,美国的第一颗实用型氢弹(也是真正意义上的氢弹)在比基尼岛试验成功。预测当量600万吨,实际当量高达1500万吨。随后,在美国帮助下,英国于1957年5月15日进行了第一次氢弹实验。中国于1966年12月28日成功地进行氢弹原理试验,当量30万吨。1967年6月17日上午7时,由飞机空投的330万吨当量的氢弹试验获得成功。[3]法国(1968年8月)也拥有氢弹。所用时间:美国从爆炸第一颗原子弹到爆炸第一颗氢弹用了7年零3个月,英国用了4年零7个月,苏联不到4年,法国是8年零6个月,中国用了2年零8个月。[3]原子弹1939年初,德国化学家O.哈恩和物理化学家F.斯特拉斯曼发表了铀原子核裂变现象的论文。几个星期内,许多国家的科学家验证了这一发现,并进一步提出有可能创造这种裂变反应自持进行的条件,从而开辟了利用这一新能源为人类创造财富的广阔前景。但是,同历史上许多科学技术新发现一样,核能的开发也被首先用于军事目的,即制造威力巨大的原子弹,其进程受到当时社会与政治条件的影响和制约。从1939年起,由于法西斯德国扩大侵略战争,欧洲许多国家开展科研工作日益困难。 同年9月初,丹麦物理学家N.H.D.玻尔和他的合作者J.A.惠勒从理论上阐述了核裂变反应过程,并指出能引起这一反应的最好元素是同位素铀235。 正当这一有指导意义的研究成果发表时,英、法两国向德国宣战。1940年夏天,德军占领法国。法国物理学家J.-F.约里奥-居里领导的一部分科学家被迫移居国外。英国曾制订计划进行这一领域的研究,但由于战争影响,人力物力短缺,后来也只能采取与美国合作的办法,派出以物理学家J.查德威克为首的科学家小组,赴美国参加由理论物理学家J.R.奥本海默领导的原子弹研制工作。在美国,从欧洲迁来的匈牙利物理学家齐拉德·莱奥首先考虑到,一旦法西斯德国掌握原子弹技术可能带来严重后果。经他和另几位从欧洲移居美国的科学家奔走推动,于1939年8月由物理学家A.爱因斯坦写信给美国第32届总统F.D.罗斯福,建议研制原子弹,才引起美国政府的注意。但开始只拨给经费6000美元,直到1941年12月日本袭击珍珠港后,才扩大规模,到1942年8月发展成代号为“曼哈顿工程区”的庞大计划,直接动用的人力约60万人,投资20多亿美元。到第二次世界大战即将结束时制成 3颗原子弹,使美国成为第一个拥有原子弹的国家。制造原子弹,既要解决武器研制中的一系列科学技术问题,还要能生产出必需的核装料铀235、钚239。天然铀中同位素铀235的丰度仅0.72%,按原子弹设计要求必须提高到90%以上。当时美国经过多种途径探索研究与比较后,采取了电磁分离、气体扩散和热扩散三种方法生产这种高浓铀。供一颗“枪法”原子弹用的几十千克高浓铀,是靠电磁分离法生产的。建设电磁分离工厂的费用约3亿美元(磁铁的导电线圈是用从国库借来的白银制造的,其价值尚未计入)。钚239要在反应堆内用中子辐照铀238的方法制取。 供两颗“内爆法”原子弹用的几十千克钚239,是用3座石墨慢化、水冷却型天然铀反应堆及与之配套的化学分离工厂生产的。以上事例可以说明当时的工程规模。由于美国的工业技术设施与建设未受到战争的直接威胁,又掌握了必需的资源,集中了一批国内外的科技人才,使它能够较快地实现原子弹研制计划。德国的科学技术,当时本处于领先地位。1942年以前,德国在核技术领域的水平与美、英大致相当,但后来落伍了。美国的第一座试验性石墨反应堆,在物理学家E.费密领导下,1942年12月建成并达到临界;而德国采用的是重水反应堆,生产钚239,到1945年初才建成一座不大的次临界装置。为生产高浓铀,德国曾着重于高速离心机的研制,由于空袭和电力、物资缺乏等原因,进展很缓慢。A.希特勒迫害科学家,以及有的科学家持不合作态度,是这方面工作进展不快的另一原因。更主要的是,德国法西斯头目过分自信,认为战争可以很快结束,不需要花气力去研制尚无必成把握的原子弹,先是不予支持,后来再抓已困难重重,研制工作终于失败。1945年5月德国投降后,美国有不少知道“曼哈顿工程区”内幕的人士,包括以物理学家J.弗兰克为首的一大批从事这一工作的科学家,反对用原子弹轰炸日本城市。当时,日本侵略军受到中国人民长期抗战的有力打击,实力大大削弱。美、英在太平洋地区的进攻,又几乎全部摧毁日本海军,海上封锁使日本国内的物资供应极为匮泛。在日本失败已成定局的情况下,美国仍于8月6日、9日先后在日本的广岛和长崎投下了仅有的两颗原子弹。苏联在1941年6月遭受德军入侵前,也进行过研制原子弹的工作。铀原子核的自发裂变,是在这一时期内由苏联物理学家Г.Н.弗廖罗夫和Κ.А.佩特扎克发现的。卫国战争爆发后,研制工作被迫中断,直到1943年初才在物理学家И.В.库尔恰托夫的组织领导下逐渐恢复,并在战后加速进行。1949年8月,苏联进行了原子弹试验。1950年1月,美国总统H.S.杜鲁门下令加速研制氢弹。1952年11月,美国进行了以液态氘为热核燃料的氢弹原理试验,但该实验装置非常笨重,不能用作武器。1953年8月,苏联进行了以固态氘化锂6为热核燃料的氢弹试验,使氢弹的实用成为可能。 美国于1954年2月进行了类似的氢弹试验。英国、法国先后在50和60年代也各自进行了原子弹与氢弹试验。中国在开始全面建设社会主义时期,基础工业有了一定的发展,即着手准备研制原子弹。1959年开始起步时,国民经济发生严重困难。 1959年6月,苏联政府撕毁中苏在1957年10月签订的关于国防新技术协定,随后撤走专家,中国决心完全依靠自己的力量来实现这一任务。中国首次试验的原子弹取"596"为代号,就是以此激励中国军民大力协同做好这项工作。1964年10月16日,首次原子弹试验成功。经过两年多,1966年12月28日,小当量的氢弹原理试验成功;半年之后,于1967年6月17日成功地进行了百万吨级的氢弹空投试验。中国坚持独立自主、自力更生的方针,在世界上以最快的速度完成了核武器这两个发展阶段的任务。
2023-08-05 22:33:091


  看樱桃小丸子的人可能对于它的日语比较熟悉,喜欢车厘子的人则可能对于它的英语熟悉。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!   英 [u02c8tu0283eri] 美 [u02c8tu0283u025bri]   cherry   樱桃的英语例句   1. The boy made a switch from the branch of a cherry tree.   这个男孩用樱桃树枝做了一条鞭子.   2. Seed the cherries before you put them in the pie.   樱桃去籽之后才能做馅饼.   3. Cherries vary in colour from almost black to yellow.   樱桃的颜色由近乎黑到黄各不相同.   4. The cabinet is made of cherry wood.   柜子是樱桃木做的.   5. Each cake had a cherry on top.   每块蛋糕上面都有一颗樱桃.   6. The cherry - trees began to put forth their blossoms.   樱桃树开始开花了.   7. The cherries are quite ripe.   樱桃熟透了.   8. Mark and Rick were the odd ones out in claiming to like this cherry beer.   只剩下马克和里克声称喜欢喝这种樱桃啤酒。   9. Apples, pears and cherries can be pruned back when they"ve lost their leaves.   苹果树、梨树和樱桃树在落叶后便可修剪。   10. Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the cherry tree.   光线透过樱桃树柔和的绿阴隐约照进我的厨房。   11. " Oh, yesterday, why, I had some cherries -- and all sorts of things. "   “ 嗯, 昨天, 我吃了些樱桃, 还有各种各样的东西, ”   12. " The second is a cherry without any stone, " replied Sally.   “ 第二件礼物是没有核的樱桃, ” 莎丽回答.   13. Where are the cherry and bird, the blanket and book? "   樱桃、鹅 、 毯子,还有书都在 哪里 ? ”   14. No , it isn"t. it"s a cherry pie.   不是. 它是樱桃饼.   15. " A cherry without any stone! "   “ 没有核的樱桃! ”   cherry的双语例句   1. The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year.   今年华盛顿的樱花开得很早。   2. It"s lovely in the spring when the cherry blossom is out.   春天樱花开放,十分美丽.   3. Mrs. Cherry seems altogether weighed down by her work plus parenthood.   彻里夫人似乎被她的工作和母亲的责任累坏了.   4. The boy made a switch from the branch of a cherry tree.   这个男孩用樱桃树枝做了一条鞭子.   5. The cherry trees cast all their blossoms after the storm.   风暴过后,樱花全部落掉.   6. They all went to enjoy the cherry blossoms.   他们都去观赏樱花了.   7. The cabinet is made of cherry wood.   柜子是樱桃木做的.   8. The oriental cherry is in full blossom.   樱花盛开.   9. Each cake had a cherry on top.   每块蛋糕上面都有一颗樱桃.   10. The cherry - trees began to put forth their blossoms.   樱桃树开始开花了.   11. The valley is carpeted with cherry blossoms.   山谷一片樱花.   12. Mark and Rick were the odd ones out in claiming to like this cherry beer.   只剩下马克和里克声称喜欢喝这种樱桃啤酒。   13. Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the cherry tree.   光线透过樱桃树柔和的绿阴隐约照进我的厨房。   14. The club is in debt while others are queuing to cherry-pick their best players.   这家俱乐部债台高筑,其他俱乐部则排著队等候挑选它最优秀的球员。   15. One"s not often got two bites at a cherry in the world of business.   在商界,机会一去难再来.    看过的人还:
2023-08-05 22:33:121


2023-08-05 22:33:1213

电脑安装了CAJViewer 7.2软件 可是还是打不开caj文件 怎么回事

2023-08-05 22:32:5613

智能家居前景怎么样 让我们展望未来

2023-08-05 22:32:552


2023-08-05 22:32:546

let her go纯英文歌词

Let Her Go(让她走)PassengerWell you only need the light when it"s burning low只有在朦胧黯淡时才念及灯火光亮Only miss the sun when it starts to snow只有在冰天雪地时才怀念阳光温暖Only know you love her when you let her go只有在已然放手后才始知那是真爱Only know you"ve been high when you"re feeling low只有在身处低谷时才遥想过去峥嵘Only hate the road when you"re missin" home只有在乡愁涌动时才痛恨旅途遥远Only know you love her when you let her go只有在让她走之后才始知那是真爱And you let her go你就让她走吧Staring at the bottom of your glass酒杯已空,醉然疑视。Hoping one day you"ll make a dream last希望有一天,你能让梦持续。But dreams come slow and they go so fast但是梦想来的太慢,走得太快。You see her when you close your eyes闭上双眼,整个脑海都是你。Maybe one day you"ll understand why也许有一天,你会明白,Everything you touch surely dies自己是如何亲手毁掉了一段爱情But you only need the light when it"s burning low但是你只需要朦胧暗淡时的光亮。Only miss the sun when it starts to snow只有在冰天雪地时才怀念阳光温暖Only know you love her when you let her go只有在让她走之后才始知那是真爱Only know you"ve been high when you"re feeling low只有在身处低谷时才遥想过去峥嵘Only hate the road when you"re missin" home只有在乡愁涌动时才痛恨旅途遥远Only know you love her when you let her go只有在让她走之后才始知那是真爱Staring at the ceiling in the dark繁星满天 你痴痴的望着天花板Same old empty feeling in your heart又是一个无比寂寞空虚的无眠夜"Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast爱情来的太慢,走得太快Well you see her when you fall asleep如今你只得在梦里与她相见But never to touch and never to keep可这梦脆弱的经不起触碰 经不起长久"Cause you loved her too much and you dived too deep你爱她越深 你亦而陷的越深(重复)Well you only need the light when it"s burning lowOnly miss the sun when it starts to snowOnly know you love her when you let her goOnly know you"ve been high when you"re feeling lowOnly hate the road when you"re missin" homeOnly know you love her when you let her goAnd you let her goAnd you let her goWell you let her go
2023-08-05 22:32:531

樱桃用英文怎么说 樱桃英文解释

1、樱桃,cherry,读音:美/u02c8tu0283eri/;英/u02c8tu0283eri/。 2、释义:n.樱桃;樱桃树;如樱桃的鲜红色;处女膜,处女;n.(Cherry)人名;(法、阿拉伯)谢里;(英)彻丽(女子教名Charity的昵称)。 3、例句:I planted a cherry tree in the garden.我在花园里种了一棵樱桃树。
2023-08-05 22:32:512