barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-07 20:22:31

1. your sucralose does drinking water is used in the production

process? Testing yet? How long the test? Did he comply with local law

requirements? Purification of water used in the production process, according to

the Chinese Pharmacopoeia requirements detection, purification of water quality

in line with the Chinese Pharmacopoeia requirements to meet drinking water

standards, the company quality assurance testing, while also sending external

detection. Pure rooms total, total back to and tank testing inspection once a

week, workshop each detection point inspection once a month, third party testing

is testing once a year

2. how to prevent chemical hazards during production?

Such as allergens, disinfectant, toxic substances (such as migrating from the

packaging), pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics? All using chemical raw

materials in the production process, no animal raw materials of domestic plants,

so there is no hazard of pesticides and antibiotics, allergen-free hazard.

Expressly set forth disinfectant concentration and frequency of use, and

regularly check the usage. Were included in the hazard analysis on the hazard

analysis of packaging material, all bags must be in food grade packaging

materials and packaging materials procurement to each batch plant must be

detected by the QA sampling, sampling QC, QA department release must be reported

as finished. Prevent harm to physical or chemical or other product packaging

materials. Hazard analysis of the production of all raw materials used,

including heavy metals, for focus, the key raw material for heavy metal

detection, ensure that their heavy metal content must conform to the technical

requirements of the standard. Antibiotics are not used in the production process

raw materials.

3. how to prevent physical harm in the production process? Such

as pests, hair, glass, wood, metal? Entrance and finishing, drying and packing

and general area for production workshop runway killing lamp is installed,

production cloth mouse pad. Warehouse equipped with the killing lights, rat and

mouse plate to prevent rat pest. Rat pest control files are in place, QA

supervision and inspection in accordance with this file execution Lamp shields,

glass has explosion-proof membrane, preventing harm product Establish a metal

weapon list for each workshop, and checking every day, do a check record All

incoming and outgoing finishing, drying and packing a clean area must wear clean

clothing, hats, masks and clean shoes, washing, disinfection to enter. Workshop

site such as wooden pallets are not allowed.

4. how to prevent microbiological

hazards in the production process? Such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus

aureus, Bacillus cereus Enterobacteriaceae, mycotoxins No animal or vegetable

raw materials in the production process and production process is chemical

synthesis process, PH and temperature environment of production does not make in

microbial production and inventory, the company quality assurance process water

and microbial detection products on a regular basis.

5. dealing with a sieve:

foreign body contamination? Sieve mesh number is how much? In the process used

to sieve? Of sucralose production process screen sieve mesh 16-100 purpose.

Sieve and use prior to use has to check its integrity, to clean the screen after

each screening.

6. a few steps in the production process is how long to heat

heating? Temperature? Esterification of high temperature autoclave liquid

warming to 110~115℃ chloride, keep the temperature a certain amount of time,

pour and kettle Removal of DMF heating under vacuum removal of DMF Deacetylation

enrichment: dehydration under vacuum, and serve into the crystallization


7. step in the production process is sterilized? Time? Temperature?

Officers must change clothes before entering the finishing, drying and packing

in clean area, washing hand and disinfection. After each batch of material

production, the production equipment must be cleaned, disinfected.









原料的英文:raw material词典释义:1.raw material n.原材料,原料2.ingredient n.(混合物的)组成部分,成分;(尤指烹饪)原料,配料;(构成)要素,因素3.stock n.股票;(商店的)现货,存货,库存;储备物;备用物;供应物;股本;资本;股份;公债;家畜;家族;高汤;足枷;名声;枪托;紫罗兰4.stuff n.(事物名称不详、无关紧要或所指事物明显时用)东西,物品,玩意儿;(泛指)活儿,话,念头;基本特征,特质,根本;原料,材料;物料,素材;货色,财产;家具;行李5.staple vt.装订;用订书钉装订6.crude material原料例句:1.这些树是制造优质纸张的原料。These trees provide the raw material for high-quality paper. 2.树皮可以做造纸的原料。Bark may be used as raw material for paper-making. 3.这个国家大多数原料均依赖进口。The country has to import most of its raw materials. 4.从水上、铁路和公路运来原料和工人。Raw materials and labour come by ship, rail or road. 5.所有的原料都可以方便地从你当地的商店买到。All ingredients are readily available from your local store. 6.为补偿原料成本的增加而提高了价格。Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials. 7.我们不能保证提供充足的原料。We cannot guarantee adequate supplies of raw materials.
2023-08-05 22:14:391


原材料是指企业在生产过程中经加工改变其形态或性质并构成产品主要实体的各种原料及主要材料、辅助材料、燃料、修理备用件、包装材料、外购半成品等。原材料即原料和材料。原料(raw material)一般指来自矿业和农业、林业、牧业、渔业的产品;材料(processed material)一般指经过一些加工的原料。原材料是企业存货的重要组成部分,其品种、规格较多,为加强对原材料的管理和核算,需要对其进行科学的分类。原材料的种类:原材料可分为:原料及主要材料、辅助材料、外购半成品、修理用备件、包装材料、燃料。原材料按其存放地点可分三类:在途物资,库存材料,委托加工物资。以上内容参考 百度百科-原材料
2023-08-05 22:15:031


raw material =原料
2023-08-05 22:15:244


  原材料   即原料和材料。原料(raw material)一般指来自矿业和农业、林业、牧业、渔业的产品;材料(processed material)一般指经过一些加工的原料。举例来讲,林业生产的原木属于原料,将原木加工为木板,就变成了材料。但实际生活和生产中对原料和材料的划分不一定清晰,所以一般用原材料一词来统称。    
2023-08-05 22:15:321

row material 是什么意思?row在这里指什么,原意又是什么?

raw material means 原材料
2023-08-05 22:16:254


物料名称 Description of Material 或者是Material Name 原料是raw material 希望对你有帮助.
2023-08-05 22:16:481

raw material is 什么

选D 这句话可以看成 what we are in need of is raw material.我们说需要的是原料.这是what引导的表语从句.
2023-08-05 22:17:341

易制爆化学品库,英文翻译是? Raw Material For Explosion Chemical 对不对? 以上长点单词如何简写?

Raw Material For Explosion Chemical爆炸化学原料
2023-08-05 22:17:421


be made of
2023-08-05 22:18:052


2023-08-05 22:18:153


Materail warehouseRaw materail warehouse
2023-08-05 22:18:244


加料的单词有:sausage filler。 加料的单词有:sausage filler。 结构是:加(左右结构)料(左右结构)。 注音是:ㄐ一ㄚㄌ一ㄠ_。 拼音是:jiā liào。加料的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】加料jiāliào。(1)指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品)。二、引证解释⒈把原料装进操作的容器之中。引徐迟《在高炉上》:“而在这二十二天中间,你算一算看,烘炉就得七天,加料两天,点火一天。”⒉给牲口添加谷物豆类食料。⒊指制成品的原料比一般用得多,质量比一般好。引端木蕻良《科尔沁旗草原》十六:“三排加料的金锭香间隔匀称地吐着蓝烟。”⒋超过寻常的。引鲁迅《书信集·致章廷谦》:“钦文的事,我想,兄最好替他加料运动一下。”三、国语词典器物的质料胜过寻常者。如:「加料铝盆」。词语翻译英语tofeedin,toload(rawmaterial,supplies,fueletc)_,tosupply,fortified(withaddedmaterial)_德语Beschickung(S)_,beschicken法语alimentation四、网络解释加料词语解析◎加料jiālio[feedinrawmaterial]装入原料加料工人◎加料jiālio[reinforced]指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品关于加料的诗句仔细重加料简课仆加料理课仆加料理关于加料的成语加油加醋偷工减料磕牙料嘴关于加料的词语料敌制胜偷工减料料峭春寒料事如神果如所料料远若近出人意料知人料事意料之外难以逆料关于加料的造句1、她_躺在沙发上,而藉加料温啤酒来给自己催眠,或藉熟思如何搞垮所有那些美娃们,那些美娃胆敢把头_靠在她真正的爱人的肩膀上。2、对用于托卡马克等离子体加料的超声分子束系统进行了优化分析。3、谢天华被爆“咸猪嘴”与李绮虹激吻主动加料。4、今天小财神给大家“加料”,解析这项“惠企”新产品。5、当有棕色蒸气析出时,加料要中断,以免反应过分激烈。点此查看更多关于加料的详细信息
2023-08-05 22:18:311

It is complex physics process that using waste plastic bottles of raw material make clothes

Making clothes from waste plastic bottles requires a complex physical and chemical process
2023-08-05 22:18:427


2个是近义词啊基本可以互通使用的都表示Being in an unrefined or natural state的意思
2023-08-05 22:19:094


2023-08-05 22:19:344


2023-08-05 22:19:513


2023-08-05 22:20:014


2023-08-05 22:20:091


"raw" 有多种含义,1(食物)生的,未经烹饪的。2(数据)原始的,未经处理的。3(照片)未经修饰的,未经编辑的。以 "raw" 开头的短语搭配:1. Raw data:原始数据2. Raw material:原材料3. Raw power:原始能量4. Raw nerve:敏感的神经5. Raw talent:原始才华6. Raw emotion:原始情感7. Raw footage:未经剪辑的镜头raw双语例句:1. The steak was served raw, which made it difficult to eat. (这块牛排是生的,很难吃。)2. The raw data from the experiment needs to be analyzed before we can draw any conclusions. (实验中的原始数据需要分析,才能得出任何结论。)3. The photographer prefers to work with raw images, which allows for more flexibility in post-production. (摄影师喜欢使用原始图片进行后期制作,这样更加灵活。)4. After the argument, he was left with raw emotions and needed time to calm down. (争吵结束后,他的情绪很激动,需要时间平复。)5. The team watched the raw footage from the game to identify areas for improvement. (团队观看了比赛的原始镜头,以确定需要改进的地方。)
2023-08-05 22:20:471

Raw material is ______we are badly in need of.A. whatB. whether C. thatD. how 说明理由。

选 what what 在这里的意思是“所……”what in need of =所需要的……
2023-08-05 22:21:181


材料入库会计分录:借:原材料 贷:在途物资材料出库会计分录:借:生产成本 贷:原材料
2023-08-05 22:21:274

各位翻译帮忙解决一下: Here was the raw material of houses a

2023-08-05 22:22:043


加料的词语解释是:加料jiāliào。(1)指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品)。 加料的词语解释是:加料jiāliào。(1)指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品)。 拼音是:jiā liào。 注音是:ㄐ一ㄚㄌ一ㄠ_。 结构是:加(左右结构)料(左右结构)。加料的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、引证解释【点此查看计划详细内容】⒈把原料装进操作的容器之中。引徐迟《在高炉上》:“而在这二十二天中间,你算一算看,烘炉就得七天,加料两天,点火一天。”⒉给牲口添加谷物豆类食料。⒊指制成品的原料比一般用得多,质量比一般好。引端木蕻良《科尔沁旗草原》十六:“三排加料的金锭香间隔匀称地吐着蓝烟。”⒋超过寻常的。引鲁迅《书信集·致章廷谦》:“钦文的事,我想,兄最好替他加料运动一下。”二、国语词典器物的质料胜过寻常者。如:「加料铝盆」。词语翻译英语tofeedin,toload(rawmaterial,supplies,fueletc)_,tosupply,fortified(withaddedmaterial)_德语Beschickung(S)_,beschicken法语alimentation三、网络解释加料词语解析◎加料jiālio[feedinrawmaterial]装入原料加料工人◎加料jiālio[reinforced]指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品关于加料的诗句课仆加料理课仆加料理仔细重加料简关于加料的单词sausage filler关于加料的成语偷工减料磕牙料嘴加油加醋关于加料的词语料敌制胜果出所料料事如神意料之外料远若近料峭春寒果如所料磕牙料嘴出人意料难以逆料关于加料的造句1、当有棕色蒸气析出时,加料要中断,以免反应过分激烈。2、顾客可以选择粥、伊面或面线来配搭不同的材料,也可以加料。3、教您海皇竹盅鸡怎么做,如何做海皇竹盅鸡才好吃做法:将所有材料放进竹筒里,注满清水,加料酒。4、通过专利技术使酚醛模塑料颗粒表面光滑,实现了注塑成型时加料的连续性和稳定性。5、今天小财神给大家“加料”,解析这项“惠企”新产品。点此查看更多关于加料的详细信息
2023-08-05 22:22:241


加料的网络解释是:加料词语解析◎加料jiālio[feedinrawmaterial]装入原料加料工人◎加料jiālio[reinforced]指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品。 加料的网络解释是:加料词语解析◎加料jiālio[feedinrawmaterial]装入原料加料工人◎加料jiālio[reinforced]指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品。 拼音是:jiā liào。 注音是:ㄐ一ㄚㄌ一ㄠ_。 结构是:加(左右结构)料(左右结构)。加料的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】加料jiāliào。(1)指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品)。二、引证解释⒈把原料装进操作的容器之中。引徐迟《在高炉上》:“而在这二十二天中间,你算一算看,烘炉就得七天,加料两天,点火一天。”⒉给牲口添加谷物豆类食料。⒊指制成品的原料比一般用得多,质量比一般好。引端木蕻良《科尔沁旗草原》十六:“三排加料的金锭香间隔匀称地吐着蓝烟。”⒋超过寻常的。引鲁迅《书信集·致章廷谦》:“钦文的事,我想,兄最好替他加料运动一下。”三、国语词典器物的质料胜过寻常者。如:「加料铝盆」。词语翻译英语tofeedin,toload(rawmaterial,supplies,fueletc)_,tosupply,fortified(withaddedmaterial)_德语Beschickung(S)_,beschicken法语alimentation关于加料的诗句课仆加料理仔细重加料简课仆加料理关于加料的单词sausage filler关于加料的成语加油加醋磕牙料嘴偷工减料关于加料的词语果出所料料远若近磕牙料嘴难以逆料料事如神偷工减料意料之外出人意料料敌制胜果如所料关于加料的造句1、谢天华被爆“咸猪嘴”与李绮虹激吻主动加料。2、将鸡脯肉用刀拍平砸松,略加料酒、盐、白胡椒粉、姜汁、味精稍腌入味;面包去外皮切碎;生菜取用生菜叶消毒洗净待用。3、对用于托卡马克等离子体加料的超声分子束系统进行了优化分析。4、今天小财神给大家“加料”,解析这项“惠企”新产品。5、麦家琪,有一种花瓶不是以脸蛋为影视增色,而是以骄人的身段为作品加料。点此查看更多关于加料的详细信息
2023-08-05 22:22:321


make an inventory of raw materials in warehouse
2023-08-05 22:22:432


加料的结构是:加(左右结构)料(左右结构)。 加料的结构是:加(左右结构)料(左右结构)。 注音是:ㄐ一ㄚㄌ一ㄠ_。 拼音是:jiā liào。加料的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】加料jiāliào。(1)指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品)。二、引证解释⒈把原料装进操作的容器之中。引徐迟《在高炉上》:“而在这二十二天中间,你算一算看,烘炉就得七天,加料两天,点火一天。”⒉给牲口添加谷物豆类食料。⒊指制成品的原料比一般用得多,质量比一般好。引端木蕻良《科尔沁旗草原》十六:“三排加料的金锭香间隔匀称地吐着蓝烟。”⒋超过寻常的。引鲁迅《书信集·致章廷谦》:“钦文的事,我想,兄最好替他加料运动一下。”三、国语词典器物的质料胜过寻常者。如:「加料铝盆」。词语翻译英语tofeedin,toload(rawmaterial,supplies,fueletc)_,tosupply,fortified(withaddedmaterial)_德语Beschickung(S)_,beschicken法语alimentation四、网络解释加料词语解析◎加料jiālio[feedinrawmaterial]装入原料加料工人◎加料jiālio[reinforced]指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品关于加料的诗句仔细重加料简课仆加料理课仆加料理关于加料的单词sausage filler关于加料的成语加油加醋偷工减料磕牙料嘴关于加料的词语料敌制胜偷工减料果出所料出人意料难以逆料果如所料料事如神知人料事磕牙料嘴意料之外关于加料的造句1、通过专利技术使酚醛模塑料颗粒表面光滑,实现了注塑成型时加料的连续性和稳定性。2、将鸡脯肉用刀拍平砸松,略加料酒、盐、白胡椒粉、姜汁、味精稍腌入味;面包去外皮切碎;生菜取用生菜叶消毒洗净待用。3、顾客可以选择粥、伊面或面线来配搭不同的材料,也可以加料。4、今天小财神给大家“加料”,解析这项“惠企”新产品。5、对用于托卡马克等离子体加料的超声分子束系统进行了优化分析。点此查看更多关于加料的详细信息
2023-08-05 22:22:501


raw的名词:rawness raw的副词:rawly,不成熟地;生疏地 raw:adj.生的;未烹制的;未煮的; 扩展资料   例句:   He started with nothing but raw talent and determination.   他起家时只有天生的才能和决心。   The writer uses her childhood as raw material for this novel.   作者将她的.童年时代作为这部小说的素材。   Older workers often get a raw deal.   年纪大的工人经常受到不公正的对待。   You touched a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife.   你谈起他的第一个妻子,这就触到了他的痛处。
2023-08-05 22:22:571

一道题目 有关 raw oil 和crude oil的 请问问题补充这里破折号中间填的为什么是crude而不是raw 书上的题

我也是做到这一题,因为raw用习惯了,raw meat.未经加工的,原始的,crude oil应该是这一题的选项。表未经提炼的
2023-08-05 22:23:172


The customer said that he will not purchase this product any more,so I want to confirm the following two points:How many raw material of this product in the warehouse now?How many products can be made of this raw material?Please check it,thank you.Besides, the rest order quantity of this product is...
2023-08-05 22:23:263


1、弹簧有0.031单位(是厘米吗?你们才知道)的直径,并且要用硬化处理的办法焊接2、硬化焊接100%地覆盖在内径直到为0.004单位(按照ALMEN测量法是a-2规格)3、所有的弹簧都要按照这个规格,每此装货都要符合此要求:原材料的化学和物理性质,包括原材料的熔炼炉号,证书4、尾端是方的,轴心在2.5以内5、弹簧至少75%的面积要染色6、重要的数字要注明* heat SET for 30 minutes at 450" F solid height(翻译过来就是多少热量在30分钟,在华氏450°的情况下)只能翻译成这样了,累死俺了,不是专业人士,请多多包涵
2023-08-05 22:23:342


加料的词语解释是:加料jiāliào。(1)指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品)。 加料的词语解释是:加料jiāliào。(1)指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品)。 结构是:加(左右结构)料(左右结构)。 拼音是:jiā liào。 注音是:ㄐ一ㄚㄌ一ㄠ_。加料的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、引证解释【点此查看计划详细内容】⒈把原料装进操作的容器之中。引徐迟《在高炉上》:“而在这二十二天中间,你算一算看,烘炉就得七天,加料两天,点火一天。”⒉给牲口添加谷物豆类食料。⒊指制成品的原料比一般用得多,质量比一般好。引端木蕻良《科尔沁旗草原》十六:“三排加料的金锭香间隔匀称地吐着蓝烟。”⒋超过寻常的。引鲁迅《书信集·致章廷谦》:“钦文的事,我想,兄最好替他加料运动一下。”二、国语词典器物的质料胜过寻常者。如:「加料铝盆」。词语翻译英语tofeedin,toload(rawmaterial,supplies,fueletc)_,tosupply,fortified(withaddedmaterial)_德语Beschickung(S)_,beschicken法语alimentation三、网络解释加料词语解析◎加料jiālio[feedinrawmaterial]装入原料加料工人◎加料jiālio[reinforced]指制作中原料用得多,质量比较好的(制成品关于加料的诗句课仆加料理仔细重加料简课仆加料理关于加料的单词sausage filler关于加料的成语磕牙料嘴加油加醋偷工减料关于加料的词语料峭春寒磕牙料嘴知人料事料远若近果如所料偷工减料出人意料料敌制胜果出所料意料之外关于加料的造句1、今天小财神给大家“加料”,解析这项“惠企”新产品。2、将鸡脯肉用刀拍平砸松,略加料酒、盐、白胡椒粉、姜汁、味精稍腌入味;面包去外皮切碎;生菜取用生菜叶消毒洗净待用。3、教您海皇竹盅鸡怎么做,如何做海皇竹盅鸡才好吃做法:将所有材料放进竹筒里,注满清水,加料酒。4、对用于托卡马克等离子体加料的超声分子束系统进行了优化分析。5、麦家琪,有一种花瓶不是以脸蛋为影视增色,而是以骄人的身段为作品加料。点此查看更多关于加料的详细信息
2023-08-05 22:23:431


2023-08-05 22:23:535


The geographical position of Peru in the area of 1285216 square kilometers, ranked nineteenth in the world. Located in the South West, North and Ecuador and Columbia border, East and adjacent to Brazil, at the junction of South and adjacent to the southeast and Chile, Bolivia, the west by the Pacific ocean. 2254 km long coastline. Peru customs 1, diet custom in Peru food and dishes rich variety, have a style of one"s own. The people of Peru to make potato earliest cultivated and food, potato is still their favorite food. Cooking techniques are the original Peru people can use the potato as the main raw material, production of hundreds of different flavor of cakes and food. They entertained guests in the dining table, making the total not a few to boil, fry, roast, burning method potato dishes. Peru cuisine can be divided into two series: with Lima as the representative of the coastal zone to spicy, fish, seafood, raw material is chicken and potato salad, steamed, practice more and barbecue dishes, fish; "Seville cut" (ceviche), grilled spicy beef or fish piece of string "Ann Dikuqiao" (anticucho) etc.. In Cuzco as the representative of the mountain main dish with sweet, the main ingredient is beef, mutton and potato, stew, stewed, fried with. Dishes, beef, potato and banana stewed "Sancho is more" (sancochado); dry fried "Qiuniu potato" (Chuo); sweet salty shrimp soup "Qiu Pei" (chupe). Peru"s traditional drink is odd that wine and Pisco sours, respectively in the production of corn and wine. In general, the Indians have odd just love mountain wine, coastal city residents hi drink Pisco sours. 2, drink Coca tea custom coca is a shrub, grown in the Andean region of South America, tree height of 1 to 3 meters, and leaves with cocaine, anesthesia. The local Indians used the coca leaf tea, known as the coca tea, with tea and coffee drinking. In order to endure hardship, poor Indians chew coca leaves as agent, with me at any time in your mouth to chew, in order to eat cold. 3, custom racing horse racing in Peru has a long history, was once one of the mass sports and recreational activities. Superb racing site investigation and knight riding, in the international racing enthusiasts enjoy great popularity among the people. Arequipa, ICA, Lan Bajak and other provincial production horse, by all the riders for. The size of Peru city almost without exception are open race is wide and flat. Games and activities every week, the capital of Lima modern monterrico racetrack once per week up to 4. Horse racing is generally organized racing and horse. The traditional equestrian events and Pegasus from chicken, "horse dance". Racing news and photos every day in the newspapers have significantly
2023-08-05 22:24:112


Unless customers specially require it,otherwise we seldom use this kind of material to manufacture products.
2023-08-05 22:24:424


Very good!
2023-08-05 22:24:523


2023-08-05 22:25:027


2023-08-05 22:25:173


2023-08-05 22:25:391


原则上SAP很多Data有了数据是很麻烦去更改一些重要字段的,但是不等于说绝对不能.扯远点,说说Material type,Material group和Valuation group,valuation type,valuation area,valuation class之间的关系.希望看完后你能明白 .一般来讲,将stock 置为0后, 你想用T-code: MMAM change material type,比如material type change from raw material to finished goods可能会有问题,但是从raw material change to packaging .当然我不知道你公司究竟设定了多少种material type .简而言之,使用OMSK看后台为各种material type设置的account category reference,如果如果material type的account category相同,哦,好象有库存都可以随便改material type,但是account categroy不同的使用T-code: MMAM 改动不了.下面回到你的问题:使用t-code:OMWD可看到account determination for valuation area.回到正题,valuation area一般对应于plant级,valuation group一般对应于company code 级,valuation type:对应于valuation area,可能是plant,也可能是company.valuation class才真正对应到每种物料transaction对应(再对应到movement type)的具体会计科目.(OBYC,OMJJ)好了,你的问题参考解决如下.1.stock设置为0.如果有库存,可建立一中间会计科目将数据转向它等改正后再改回来2.如有PO,全部mark成deletion .使用ME2M找到所有的PO将有此物料的item make to delete .估计你的半成品没有PO不用如此.3.所有的此物料的productionorder make成deletion.Change your valuation , then it will be OK.
2023-08-05 22:25:481


百度参差不齐 建议找专业的
2023-08-05 22:26:054

汉译英 - 调价通知

Price request Background : In the past year, due to reasons known to all, the rapid rise in the international market price of copper materials (now reached US$7300/MT --- data from the recent London copper futures market) and still continue to rise as well. This gives our products the cost of production in the past year increased by 30%. Specific price measures : Each nozzle (sprinkler) cost increases US$0.20 (increases for nearly 15%) Commencement of the new price on May 1, 2006, is valid until December 31, 2006. Requests the dealers attention : 1. We have been in the past 12 months silently digest the raw material price increases as a result of the increase in product cost. 2. We will continue to turn after the 15% increase in costs. 3. In the new price period, we will continue to bear the costs of raw materials led to increased costs rather than raising. It is hoped that all dealers to a long-term cooperation and common development of our understanding of the purposes of the status quo, to accept our request. We will continue to provide our high-quality products and professional services.
2023-08-05 22:26:147


建设开发部:Construction and development department;招标采购部:Procurement department安置发展部:Placement department征地拆迁部:Exploitation department会议室:Meeting room副总经理室:Vice president总经理助理室:President assistant建设开发部经理室:Manager of Construction and development 安置发展部经理室:Manager of Placement 征地拆迁部经理室:Manager of Exploitation
2023-08-05 22:26:272


1. Los Angeles-long beach two port joint implementation of the "holy pelosi clean air of Thailand action plan", New York, New Jersey two port of joint implementation "clean air measures and port air management plan" greatly improve the port environment quality and port green degrees, the United States from green port construction in the world walk on the front row. 2. In order to strengthen the logistics supply chain management, and explore the development mode of modern logistics, improve logistics transport efficiency, strengthen the cooperation between enterprise and solve the enterprise management between dispersed, the problem of serious environmental pollution. 3. Logistics park is the modern logistics system of logistics management node important organization, is in the urbanization development transportation organization, information organization, the integration of production, resources integration, raw material purchasing and supply adjustment and distribution of the economic function coordination area. 4. The Japanese government and logistics industry actively implementing mode conversion (by automobile transportation to the environment load of smaller for rail and sea transportation) and the construction of the main common operation system, in the urban construction of promoting common distribution system and save energy driving etc. 5. Japan from 1999 issued the logistics law ", and by "logistics act, the comprehensive logistics policy outline" as the center has formulated a series of aims to promote the development of integrated logistics laws and regulations. In addition, the Japanese government also adopted the "mass retail store layout method", "the circulation business city streets clean a law", "automobile terminal station law of enterprise logistics standards formulated and carried on the detailed planning.望采纳
2023-08-05 22:26:352


木材是来自树木,可以用来作为木材从日志(ԭľ直接获得件),或作为生产原料 各种木制品。胶合板,glulaminated木材,定向刨花板是用木材产品的一些最常见的建设。 混凝土是一种基本的建筑材料与硅酸盐水泥混合而成的一个主要成分。硅酸盐水泥(水泥和其他类型)也被用于许多其他建筑材料的制造。具体是用在与其他组合明显不同的材料,如钢筋,聚丙烯纤维钢,高强度混凝土生产线,以不同的类型。
2023-08-05 22:26:582


2023-08-05 22:27:075

在线等翻译~ 请哪位好心人帮我翻译一下我的毕业论文摘要~谢谢了。不要网站或者软件直译的!

This experiment with phenol as raw material, the use of acetylation, Fries rearrangement of oxime, Beckmann rearrangement of the synthesis methods have been the target of acetaminophen products, with acetone as the best catalyst in the reaction temperature and reaction time under the best The total yield was as follows: 40.5%, respectively.Through the parallel experiment of Fries rearrangement process of the operation of the different ways the impact of the product yield and to study the Beckmann rearrangement in the reaction conditions on product yield of the target to optimize the process conditions. Finally, to measure the melting point determination and infrared spectrometer on the structural identification of the main product.
2023-08-05 22:27:237

服装行业的QC QA指的是什么,具体要做那些?

2023-08-05 22:27:393

2023-08-05 22:27:471


The rice noodles (vermicelli) soup of Yunnan
2023-08-05 22:27:572


2023-08-05 22:24:424