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shipping price是什么意思

2023-08-07 16:21:28




We"ve reset the price for you. We have given you a xxx% discount on theoriginal shipping price.



Additional columns available in the deluxe edition are high bidder, seller, buyit now price, bid group, end time, shipping price and user notes.




ship [u0283ip] n. 轮船
2023-08-05 19:57:1315

英语Fast shipping怎么翻译?

2023-08-05 19:57:455


ships considered collectively, especially those in a particular area or belonging to a particular country这是shipping,然而shipment则是the action of shipping good
2023-08-05 19:58:173


voyagelogisticssteam-ship lineocean shipping
2023-08-05 19:58:254


2023-08-05 19:58:321


ship(vt):to send or carry something by ship用船运送shipment(n) :a load of goods sent by sea,road,or air,or the act of sending them(经海路、陆路或航空运送的)货物;(货物的)装运,运送;shipping:the delivery of goods,especially by ship(货物的)运输(尤指船运)
2023-08-05 19:58:411

expedited shipping 是什么意思

急件 如果是在购物网站上 应该是加急送货服务
2023-08-05 19:58:491

shipping 和 shipment的区别是什么?

1. 首先Shipping和Shipment绝对是有区别的!这点无可争辩!2. Shipping是一个过程。SAP把从"创建delivery"到"发货过帐(Goods issue posting)"规定为Shipping。3. Shipment有一个意思,但是有二种讲法。 (1)从物料角度,它是"一起运输的一票货"。 (2)从过程角度,它就单指"运输",即"Transportation"。比如Shipment cost就是运输成本。4. Shipping和Shipment的关系。 在Shipping中,要对Shipment(指运输)进行计划。而真正的Shipment过程(即实际的运输) 发生在Shipping结束之后,也就是在发货过帐(Goods issue posting)之后。
2023-08-05 19:59:091


shipping (part shipping)商船(部分航运)双语例句1Container liner shipping is one important part of international shipping industry.集装箱班轮运输市场是世界航运市场的重要组成部分。2Shipping Maintenance is the indispensable part in the shipping technology management to guarantee the safety of ships and the high efficiency of shipping.船舶维修保养是船舶技术管理中不可缺少的重要组成部分,是船舶安全运营和高营运率的保障。
2023-08-05 19:59:161


2023-08-05 19:59:231

亚马逊的shipping and handling 收费是什么意思

shipping&handing是运费,你要免运费的话必须满足两个条件 1-购买亚马逊自营的东西大于25刀(Ships from and sold by运输选择5-8工作日的免费运输。 FREE Super Saver Shipping (5-8 business days)。
2023-08-05 19:59:343

shipping ,shipment. transport

shipping主要是指装船发运. shipment除了有装船发运的意思外,主要用来指装船发运的货物.比方说 we have just received your last shipment. transport意思比较单纯,就是指运输。这个运输的范围比较广。
2023-08-05 20:00:011

shipping address是什么意思

hipping address寄送地址; 收货地址; 送货地址; 邮寄地址; 发货地址双语例句1With Paypal we have extended protection and can ship to your shipping address. 使用PayPal,我们可以保护和延长船舶到您的送货地址。2If this option is enabled, customer can change shipping address and shipping method on PayPal website. “,”如果启用本选项,顾客将可以在Paypal网站更改配送地址和配送方式。
2023-08-05 20:00:092


2023-08-05 20:00:192


以及怎么操作和它的优缺点是什么呢? Dropshipping 是供应链管理中的一种方法。零售商不需商品库存,而是把客户订单和装运细节给批发商,批发商将货物直接发送给最终客户。而零售商赚取批发和零售价格之间的差价。 通俗上来讲,也可以把dropshipping 理解为“直接代发货”或者“转运配送”,作为零售商,不必积压大量的商品库存,甚至使用的是零库存,而当有订单的时候,把订单转交相应的供货商或者厂家,由他们直接发货给零售商指定的客户。 目前全球已经进入了信息时代,而电子商务的运用更是如此。在电子商务这个领域,dropshipping 已经广泛地被大量的e-tailer(电子商务零售商)使用,一些大的购物网站使用的dropshipper (也就是商品供应商)数量通常多达两三百甚至过千。 至于如何操作Dropshipping这个服务,其实它跟一般的批发业务在运作上没什么特别不同。通常,批量的批发订单,你会整箱整箱发送给对方,而当使用dropshipping的时候,对方可能要求你把10件商品分别发送给10个不同的客户地址,并且要求在回执(退换货地址)上写上对方所要求的地址。这样,在你这边配送费用上会产生很大的区别,而且,通常单一商品直接到最终客户,一般不会使用海运这种运送方法。 对于外贸商户来说,如果你用dropshipping方式直接发货给海外的最终客户,那么该最终客户可能会面对关税等问题,不过,这不是你需要去处理的,而是由零售商处理,你只需要按零售商的要求去发货就可以了。这里要说明一点的就是美国对小包裹业务不会收取关税。 外贸业务中,如果业务员听到国外客户要求提供dropshipping服务,往往会认为那只是一张小单而不屑一顾,却总是花费大量金钱人力去跟其他供货商竞争那几张大单。其实世界上90%的买家,特别是那些中小买家,可能永远都不会通过交易会、阿里巴巴等这些网络资源去寻找供货商。所以,不同的订单方式才是贸易的主体。 至于Dropshipping的优点,它是通过提供此服务可以跟大量的小单买家做生意,行业俗话也叫“长尾” ,而一旦所以小单汇集在一起足以超出了一两张大单的业务量。而且,你不必担心对方拼命地压你的价格。供货商从单一商品通过Dropshipping方式获得的利润率,更通过大买单的利润率相比,可能会是大买单的10倍甚至几十倍。而Dropshipping的缺点,就是通常需要立刻发货,所以要准备相应的货源。不过这也许对于某些供货商来说并不是缺点,反而是优点。另外,还需要配备额外人员去处理订单。
2023-08-05 20:00:292

shipping term有哪些

shipping terms是装运条款有13种,常用的有3种FOB=free on board 运费到付,也称离岸价,装运港船上交货C&F(CFR)=cost and freight 货价+运费,成本+运费CIF=cost,insurance,freight 货价+保险费+运费其他的有:FCA=Free Carrier 货交承运人FAS=Free Alongside Ship 装运港船边交货CPT=Carriage Paid To 运费付至目的地CIP=Carriage and Insurance Paid To 运费,保险费付至目的地DAF=Delivered At Frontier 边境交货DES=Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货DEQ=Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货DPP=Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货
2023-08-05 20:01:022

请问shipping shipped ship out shipment 之间有什么区别呢?

1、shipping(n.)海运, 运送, 航行, (总称)运输船只, 船舶吨数, 船只总数例如:a shipping clerk 送货员 the shipping business 运输业 shipping agent 运输代理商 shipping articles [pl.] 船员雇用合同2、shipped 过去分词表被动 “把…装上船”或者“……被船运”例如:the goods is shipped to the USA 货物通过船运到了美国3、ship out运出坐船离故国例如:shipped out on a tanker. 在油轮上当船员 troops shipping out to the Far East. 开拔前往远东的部队4、shipment (n.)装船, 出货例如 :actual shipment 实际载货量 advance shipment 提前装船 aggregated shipments 集合运输the correct chooise is the goods will ship out
2023-08-05 20:01:123

shipping instruction 是什么意思

shipping instruction英 [u02c8u0283u026apu026au014b inu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n]美 [u02c8u0283u026apu026au014b u026anu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n]装载指示,发送指示 双语例句1. Combined Shipping Instruction - PayPal charges a fee for each individual transaction. Combined拍卖船舶指令贝宝收费,每个收费个别的交易.来自互联网2. As for further instruction, please contact ABC Company, our shipping agent in Yokohama. 关于进一步指示, 请和横滨我运输代理行ABC公司联系.来自互联网请采纳~
2023-08-05 20:01:211

shipping line是什么意思

shipping line 航线 [水运]
2023-08-05 20:01:294

在贸易英语中shipping window 指什么??

应该是 window shipping,看看,但是不买的意思
2023-08-05 20:01:502

shipping specs是什么意思

shipping specs运输规范为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-08-05 20:02:002

如何定义ship method

Shipping Method运输方式;送货方式;配送方式例如:This shipping method is currently unavailable. If you would like toship usingthis shipping method, please contact us.该配送方式目前不能用。如果您希望使用该配送,请联系我们。The shipping method and packaging shall be decided by the company Mentor.海运方式和包装将由门拓公司决定。The relationship between Sales Order and Shipping Method is even more complex.销售订单和运送方式之间的关系还要复杂一点。Shipping method must be specified请指定配送方式A shipping method can exist independently of a sales order, so the Sales Order side of the relationship is optional.一种运送方式可以不依赖于销售订单而独立存在,所销售订单一端的关系是可选的。For orders less than$100, the document must specify a shipping method.对于总价少于$100的订单,文档必须指定一种配送方法。
2023-08-05 20:02:071

shipping charge是什么意思

2023-08-05 20:02:173


2023-08-05 20:03:063

Shipping和Shipment有什么区别?拜托各位了 3Q

Shipping 船运,海运 Shipment货物装运在船
2023-08-05 20:03:483

shipping documents 和transportation documents 的区别

经过研究,总结如下:1. 首先Shipping和Shipment绝对是有区别的!这点无可争辩!2. Shipping是一个过程。SAP把从"创建delivery"到"发货过帐(Goods issue posting)"规定为Shipping。3. Shipment有一个意思,但是有二种讲法。 (1)从物料角度,它是"一起运输的一票货"。 (2)从过程角度,它就单指"运输",即"Transportation"。比如Shipment cost就是运输成本。4. Shipping和Shipment的关系。 在Shipping中,要对Shipment(指运输)进行计划。而真正的Shipment过程(即实际的运输) 发生在Shipping结束之后,也就是在发货过帐(Goods issue posting)之后
2023-08-05 20:03:561


2023-08-05 20:04:031


SHIPPING INSTRUCTION 装运指示,是买方给卖方的,说明其对货物装运的要求,卖方按照买方的HIPPING INSTRUCTION 来办理货物装运事宜; SHIPPING ADVICE 装运通知,是卖方给买方的,通知买方货已装船等情况,好让买方及时接货,办理相关手续.
2023-08-05 20:04:192


1. 通知 对方完成装船 We are glad to inform you that the goods you ordered in September have been shipped by M/S "Pacific" due to leave Shanghai port on December 10. We have made a special effort to complete your order in time and trust the fine quality of our goods will give you full satisfaction. 2. 通知 对方订货已完成,正等待装船 You request us to inform you when your order No. 250 is ready for shipment. We are pleased to advise you that your order is completed and awaiting shipping at our plant. 3. 通知 对方货物已装船 We confirm dispatch of your order per M/S America, and give the packing arrangements to facilitate at your end. We trust the consignment arrives in good order and gives you complete satisfaction. 4. 通知对方根据指示以 空运 运送,并附寄提单 We acknowledge receipt of your confirmation that your consignment should be sent by airfreight, and have accordingly forwarded the goods. We trust that the consignment arrives safely. We have enclosed the air waybill in this letter. 5. 通知对方转让装船文件的银行 In order to cover shipment, we have drawn a draft at sight under your L/C, and have negotiated the shipping documents through The Bank of China. We ask you to honor it on presentation. 6. 通知对方已寄出装船文件 The commercial invoice, packing list, and insurance policy, together with clean on board ocean B/L, have been sent through The Bank of China, with our sight draft under your irrevocable L/C. Please advise us of the safe arrival of the goods. 7. 运送数量不足, 要求加紧装运 Concerning our order No. 351 for 5,000 sets of color TV, you have so far shipped only 3,000 units against the shipment during August. When we placed the order, we gave our customers a definite assurance that we could supply the goods by the end of October. Therefore we request your urgent shipment. 8. 督促交货,并要求对方紧急通知运送时间 Your delay has caused us considerable inconvenience and we request you do your utmost to dispatch the overdue goods as soon as possible. Please inform us urgently when you can ship them with certainty so that we can promise a definite time of delivery to our customers who are proposing to cancel this order.9. 要求对方告知货运日期 The goods we ordered were urgently required to meet an immediate requirement and we requested you to forward them by the first available cargo airline at once. However we have not yet received any shipping advice from you. Please let us know by fax when you can ship our order. 10. 要求通知装运日期,若过迟则取消订单 You are requested to inform us immediately when shipment can be effected so that our customer may plan their production schedule. If you cannot make shipment within this month, we must ask you to accept cancellation of our order. 11. 因工厂职员罢工而导致延期出货 We regret very much your complaint of September 30 that we have not yet been able to execute your order No. 351. The work at the plant was suspended for several weeks during the employees" strike. However we have been doing everything possible in our power to deliver the goods within three weeks, and are arranging for shipment. 12. 因须取得特殊许可,故延迟装运 Our government has recently put an embargo on the export of various medicines to your country and we have to obtain a special license to execute your order. We think the delay will not be more than three weeks, and we shall give your order special priority immediately on receiving permission to make shipment. 13. 因装运延长而道歉, 并告知预定装运日期 To execute shipment as soon as possible, we are making special arrangements to ship and will be able to catch the next ship, scheduled to set sail on October 25. We apologize to you for this unfortunate delay and are doing our utmost to make shipment as quickly as possible. 14. 说明因罢工而使装运延迟 We are very sorry that causes completely beyond our control have made it impossible for us to keep the shipment date of October 20. The recent traffic strike held up supplies of new materials and resulted in a delay of a mouth.15. 答应取消订单 We have made every possible effort to speed up delivery but unfortunately in vain. Under the circumstances, we have no alternative but to accept your cancellation, but we would ask you to understand that the delay was in no way caused by any negligence on our part. 16. 督促装运, 若无法在限期内履行,则取消订单 We ordered on April 10 the 10 units of computer for shipment during June. As the goods have not yet been dispatched, we must ask you to ship them without any further delay. Unless the order is executed within three weeks we shall have to cancel it. 17. 应客户需求,要求提前 空运 半数订货,并作包装指示 Please send half of the 500 units of this order by airfreight as they are urgently required by our customers. You will no doubt proceed with your arrangements for transport by sea for the rest of the 500 units of the consignment. We would ask you to be careful to seal the case into a watertight bag. 18. 要求更改目的港 Owing to the increase of consignments arriving at Dalian port, discharge of the cargos seems to be much delayed, and we must ask you to change the port of destination. We would like you to send the goods to Yantai port and there should be no alteration in shipping date. To cover the risk of the increased distance we request you pay special attention to packing. 19. 以装船期限为交易条件 Concerning the trade terms in your quotation, the shipping time is ten months after receiving an order. However, could you shorten the period to six months after receiving an order? If this is acceptable to you, we will let you have an order for 100 units of your goods now. Please let us have your prompt reply. 20. 因生产设备的改进, 提前交货 In our previous letter we could not guarantee the delivery within six months. We are glad to inform you that we have improved our production facilities and are now in a position to offer shipment within three months after receiving an order.
2023-08-05 20:04:261

请问shipping company除了航运公司还有什么意思?这种小型航运公司可以经营什么业务?

shipping company比较大的意思是航运公司,比较小一点的概念就是船公司,就是运输公司,shipping company本身没有大小之分,一般来说,直接写明是shipping company的公司都是船公司,即主要从事海上运输服务,一般是海上货物运输,海上货物运输包括集装箱运输、散货运输、特种货物运输以及普通的件杂货运输等,一般来说,现在大型的shipping company还自营货运代理、报关等服务,同时,小型的shipping company可能只是无船承运人或者货代,经营着无船承运业务或者货运代理业务。
2023-08-05 20:04:371

Shipping Account是什么意思

2023-08-05 20:04:592

“shipping term”有哪些?

shipping terms是装运条款有13种,常用的有3种FOB=free on board 运费到付,也称离岸价,装运港船上交货C&F(CFR)=cost and freight 货价+运费,成本+运费CIF=cost,insurance,freight 货价+保险费+运费其他的有:FCA=Free Carrier 货交承运人FAS=Free Alongside Ship 装运港船边交货CPT=Carriage Paid To 运费付至目的地CIP=Carriage and Insurance Paid To 运费,保险费付至目的地DAF=Delivered At Frontier 边境交货DES=Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货DEQ=Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货DPP=Delivered Duty Paid 完税后交货
2023-08-05 20:05:501

shipping date和delivery date的区别是什么?

2023-08-05 20:05:571

shipping charge是什么意思

shipping charge[英][u02c8u0283u026apu026au014b tu0283ɑ:du0292][美][u02c8u0283u026apu026au014b tu0283ɑrdu0292]运送费,装船费用; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:双语英语1.How much is the shipping charge to taiwan? 寄到台湾的运费是多少?2.If we later decide to make an order, would you be able to credit us that shipping charge? 若我们稍后决定定货,你们能将运输费打到我们帐户上么?3.Shipping logistics recommended by taobao calculated in real charge sheet. 按淘宝推荐物流运费表计算按实收取。4.Do we charge for shipping and handling? 我们要收取运费和处理费吗?5.On tuesday, cardboard technologies responded to the donors ( or lack thereof) by lowering the bike"s cost to$ 135 ($ 95 plus a$ 40 shipping charge). 周二,纸板科技公司将自行车的售价下调至135美元(95美元加40美元运费),以回应捐助者的质疑(又或许是希望能够改变捐助者人数寥寥的局面)。
2023-08-05 20:06:172

shipping address是什么意思

shipping address 网络 寄送地址; 收货地址; 送货地址; 邮寄地址; 发货地址; [例句]With Paypal we have extended protection and can ship to your shipping address.使用PayPal,我们可以保护和延长船舶到您的送货地址。
2023-08-05 20:06:265

shipping request是什么意思

shipping request 全部释义和例句>>装运要求request 英[ru026au02c8kwest]美[ru026au02c8kwu025bst]n. 要求; 需要; 所请求的事物; 申请书;vt. (下级对上级的) 请求; 请求得到; 索取; 邀请[常接不定式或从句];全部释义>>[例句]May I make the same request?我能提同样的要求吗?
2023-08-05 20:06:522

shipping conditions ddp什么意思

SMARTRANSGROUP国际货代DDP[1] 英文全称Delivered Duty Paid(named place of destina-tion)。中文名称税后交货(……指定目的港)“完税后交货(……指定目的地)”是指卖方在指定的目的地,办理完进口清关手续,将在交货运输工具上尚未卸下的货物交与买方,完成交货。卖方必须承担将货物运至指定的目的地的一切风险和费用,包括在需要办理海关手续时在目的地应交纳的任何“税费”(包括办理海关手续的责任和风险,以及交纳手续费、关税、税款和其他费用)。EXW术语下卖方承担最小责任,而DDP术语下卖方承担最大责任。若卖方不能直接或间接地取得进口许可证,则不应使用此术语。但是,如当事方希望将任何进口时所要支付的一切费用(如增值税)从卖方的义务中排除,则应在销售合同中明确写明。 若当事方希望买方承担进口的风险和费用,则应使用DDU术语。该术语适用于各种运输方式,但当货物在目的港船上或码头交货时,应使用DAP术语。
2023-08-05 20:07:012

shipping rate 什么意思

2023-08-05 20:07:227

装货单是shipping order吗,怎么有人说是订舱单,他们有什么区别

一回事!地环海运网总是被google提示有病毒入侵,好的网站总是成为攻击的对象,为什么竞争总是有些不道德的行为呢? 我们要怎样应对呢?
2023-08-05 20:07:393


Drop shipping,外贸术语,是供应链管理中的一种方法。通俗上来讲,也可以把drop shipping 理解为“直接代发货”或者“转运配送”,作为零售商,不必积压大量的商品库存,甚至使用的是零库存,而当有订单的时候,把订单转交相应的供货商或者厂家,由他们直接发货给零售商指定的客户。目前全球已经进入了信息时代,而电子商务的运用更是如此。在电子商务这个领域,drop shipping 已经广泛地被大量的e-tailer(电子商务零售商)使用,一些大的购物网站使用的drop shipper (也就是商品供应商)数量通常多达两三百甚至过千。至于如何操作Drop shipping这个服务,其实它跟一般的批发业务在运作上没什么特别不同。通常,批量的批发订单,你会整箱整箱发送给对方,而当使用drop shipping的时候,对方可能要求你把10件商品分别发送给10个不同的客户地址,并且要求在回执(退换货地址)上写上对方所要求的地址。服务优点:Drop shipping的优点是通过提供此服务可以跟大量的小单买家做生意,行业俗话也叫“长尾” ,而一旦所有小单汇集在一起足以超出了一两张大单的业务量。而且,你不必担心对方拼命地压你的价格。供货商从单一商品通过Drop shipping方式获得的利润率,更通过大买单的利润率相比,可能会是大买单的10倍甚至几十倍。而Drop shipping的缺点,就是通常需要立刻发货,所以要准备相应的货源。不过这也许对于某些供货商来说并不是缺点,反而是优点。另外,还需要配备额外人员去处理订单。搜物网是一个聚集中国供应商产品的网络交易平台,为网络零卖家提供从产品采购、产品质检、供应商管理、库存管理、仓储管理、订单处理、销售渠道管理到物流配送一站式电子商务解决方案。同时,基于为海量的在线零售商资源,搜物网为中国制造商提供了从仓储管理、库存管理到订单配送一站式的电子商务分销渠道服务。
2023-08-05 20:07:461

shipping terms是什么意思

shipping terms(1)释义:发运条件.(2)短语:shipping terms 发运条件;航运条件;航运术语Shipping Schedule Terms 常用船期术语shipping weight terms 装货重量条款
2023-08-05 20:08:321

麻烦大神解答一下。在美国亚马逊买东西之后 shipped 和shipping now 是一个意思吗

2023-08-05 20:08:432

"shipping mode" 是指海运模式吗?它具体是什么?

正确的答案是: 运输方式. 国际贸易的货物运输一般有以下几种: 海运PER VESSEL 空运PER AIR 铁路运输PER RAIL 邮政包裹运输PER POST 快递方式PER COURIER SERVICE 公路运输PER LAND(TRUCK).请参考.
2023-08-05 20:08:543

shipping particular 指什么

乘船详细说明 即乘船时的注意事项
2023-08-05 20:09:033


电池运输节电模式 (Ship mode) ,这样可以避免机台在未使用过的情况下电池过放,从而保护电池。
2023-08-05 20:09:244

shipping instructions是什么意思

2023-08-05 20:09:322


问题一:船期大概42天左右英语怎么说 船期大概42天左右 The time schedule for about 42 days 船期大概42天左右 The time schedule for about 42 days 问题二:船期4/6用英文该怎么说 Sailing date is June 4. Sailing date is April 6. 两种可能。 问题三:船期是否满足 英语怎么说? ”船期是否满足“ 可以有两种解释: 1. 货物到达的时间是否会晚?―― Will the shipment be on time? 2. 几趟船运够不够?―― Will the arranged shipments be enough for the order矗 你问的是哪一种呢? 问题四:各位大虾,船期用英语怎么说 shipping window 问题五:船期,航程,堆场 用英语怎么说? 船期 shipping schedule, shipping date 航程 voyage 堆场 storage yard/stack yard Please inform us the shipping schedule, voyage and 户osition of the stack yard. 问题六:英文怎么说 我们被告知由于3/1的船期停航,所以船期不得不延期到3/5 We were told that the shipping date would have to be delayed/ postponed until Mar. 5th due to suspending of the ship dated Mar. 1st. 【英语牛人团】五年外贸精英人士倾情奉献,可追问,满意请记得采纳哦,谢谢啦! 问题七:我们会订最近的船期的英文怎么说 10分 We will make booking according the latest container ship
2023-08-05 20:09:391

shipping cost是什么意思

2023-08-05 20:10:073

EBAY上店主说的Combined Shipping是什么意思?

2023-08-05 20:10:173

shipping order 到底是什么意思

2023-08-05 20:10:253