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courage encourage encouragement各造两句

2023-08-07 13:36:44


1.We esteem courage . 我们敬重勇气。

2.His courage revived.他的勇气恢复了。


1.An enterprise should encourage innovation.企业应鼓励创新。

2.Don"t encourage his laziness.不要助长他的惰性。


1.Children need more encouragement. 孩子需要更多的鼓励。

2.Encouragement is oxygen to the soul. 鼓励是灵魂的氧气。



鼓励 名词 英语怎么说

鼓励 gu li urge; to encourage; to embolden; to stir; to work up; to cheer on; to prick on
2023-08-05 19:03:145


encouragement鼓励双语对照词典结果:encouragement[英][u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292mu0259nt][美][u026anu02c8ku025c:ru026adu0292mu0259nt]n.鼓励; 支持(的事物); 激励; 促进(的事物); 复数:encouragements以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Japanese wives treat their husbands with encouragement andconcern. 日本妻子对待丈夫充满着鼓励和关心
2023-08-05 19:03:434


2023-08-05 19:03:524


2023-08-05 19:04:003

鼓励 的英语怎么说

to encourage v.encouragement n.cheer on
2023-08-05 19:05:457


英语作文《encouragement brings me power》如下:Encouragement is a kind of power which pushes me forward. Once I failed in a singing competition and felt so frustrated. Then my teacher gave me a smile and encouraged me to work harder. Such warm words brought me power and I had never lost my self-confidence ever since. I get encouragement from my teachers, parents and friends. Thanks to their encouragement, I get many achievements and become a confident girl. In a word, I believe all difficulties that we face in our life will be overcome with the encouragement from others.翻译如下:鼓励是一种力量,推动我前进。曾经在歌唱比赛我失败了,感到非常沮丧。然后我的老师给了我一个微笑,鼓励我更加努力地工作。这些温暖的话语给我带来力量和我从来没有失去我的自信心。我鼓励我的老师、父母和朋友。感谢他们的鼓励,我得到很多的成就,成为一个自信的女孩。总之,我相信所有的困难在我们的生活中我们面临来自于他人的鼓励将被克服。
2023-08-05 19:05:581

英语作文 encouragement

No matter who you are, everyone needs encouragement in all walks of life, When you are raising a child and they are having a hard time accomplishing something, what do you do, you encourage them, you tell them they can do whatever it is they are trying to accomplish. And when they do accomplish it, the smile on their face says it all. I have a son who was diagnosed with Aspergers when he was 12 years old and the school wanted to put him in special eduion classes, Well, he did not want that, he wanted to stay in his regular classes. So we had a meeting with his teachers and the school principal and he stayed in his regular classes, Today he is in college and in September he starts his senior year. Trust me when I say this was not easy for him,ELI MANNING jersey, but he was determined to have a normal life, he was surrounded by people who loved him, who gave him encouragement and who believed in him. But more importantly, he started believing in himself. My son is my encouragement! You might be asking yourself right now, what does this have to do with affiliate marketing, Well, when you are first starting out as an affiliate marketer you are going to have your bad days,Miles Austin jersey, As a matter of fact, your bad days will probably outweigh your good days, But that is ok,cheap nhl jerseys, That is your learning process, Everyone goes through that, Building a business online as an affiliate marketer is no different from starting any other type of business, It takes time and perseverance,Tampa Bay Buccaneers jerseys, So what do you do when you are having those bad days, Do you just want to walk away and give up, NO. You have to just keep going and continue to think positive. I know that is easier said than done, but if you really want to succeed, you have to shake off those bad days and stay positive. You want to stay away from negativity! If you have people around you that think you are wasting your time and are discouraging you, turn that around and make it work for you,Donovan McNabb Redskins Jersey, This should make you more determined to become successful with your online business, Find a place online where you can vent your frustrations, Forums are a great place to start, Find an affiliate marketing forum where you can tell people what you are going through and listen to their advice, If you are not one that can easily share your feelings, then just go to a forum and read the posts that are there, You will be amazed at how many people are seeking help and wondering what they are doing wrong,Read success stories. There are a lot of them out there on the forums. Try to find the ones where they have made their first sale. I found those to be the best when I was first starting because you can feel their excitement and you really get more motivated to get your first sale. Once you make your first sale you get a taste of what this is really all about and it encourages you to keep moving forward.I would also suggest you join a program where they not only teach you how to do things correctly, but they also take your hand,NFL throwback jerseys, walk you through the steps and they give you assignments to complete before you can move on, You want to get to know the people in your program by reading their stories in the forum,Dallas Cowboys jerseys, Also, read all of the articles that they have in the program and learn from them. Before you know it, you will be adding your advice to people who just joined and are looking for help. The tables have turned and now it is time for you to give the encouragement and,that, my friend, is a great feeling,MJ Busch is an affiliate marketer and truly believes that,Ray Nitschke jersey, with the proper training, anyone can do affiliate marketing. Go to http,theinsightsofanaffiliatemarketerwhen you are wondering where to buy 31 jets cromartie jerseys i have a great suggestion for you. for further info, She also lived in Europe for 11 years and traveled extensively in Europe. if you are a super fan of one particular football team,i bet you will go to see their games on the scene.,travelingineuropesitewhen you are wondering where to buy 31 jets cromartie jerseys i have a great suggestion for you. is her blog about traveling in Europe and places you should visit, but also includes miscellaneous blogs, which have absolutely nothing to do with traveling in Europe but contain insightful and useful information about everyday life
2023-08-05 19:06:271


2023-08-05 19:06:384

他对她的鼓励,如何翻译?要用名词形式. encouragement

你怎么又提这个问题了?1 his encouragement of her // his encouragement to her // her encouragement from him2 the encouragement of her by him------- 可以有多种翻译,这完全看你怎么理解 / 从哪个角度理解。英语是个活的语言。在你目前的英语程度上,你可能要纠结一段时间。 供你参考:1 the Soviet Union"s invasion of Afganistan 2 the invasion of Afganistan by the Soviet Union
2023-08-05 19:06:572


encouragement n. 鼓励,激励,支持 encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的
2023-08-05 19:07:052


encouragement 英 [nkrdmnt] 美 [nkrdmnt] n.鼓舞;鼓励;起激励作用的事物 复数: encouragements 扩展资料   例句:The crowd yelled encouragement at the players.   人群大声叫喊着给运动员加油。   Thanks for your advice and encouragement.   谢谢你的建议和鼓励。
2023-08-05 19:07:131


2023-08-05 19:07:245


鼓励encouragement (名词形式)美 [u026an"ku025du026adu0292mu0259nt]We raised her spirits with encouragement. 我们用鼓励的话给她打气。encourage(动词形式)美 【u026an"ku025dru026adu0292】vt. 鼓励;激励;支持Old and young cadres learn from each other and encourage each other. 新老干部相互学习, 相互激励。
2023-08-05 19:08:032

with encouragement意思(with encouragement)

您好,我就为大家解答关于with encouragement意思,with encouragement相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、with the ... 您好,我就为大家解答关于with encouragement意思,with encouragement相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、with the encouragement of: 在谁谁的鼓励之下particular:特别的literary:文学的,作家的在大学里,在一个特别的老师的鼓励之下,Cisneros提高了她的学分,同时也在学校的文学杂志社工作。 2、Cisneros:人名。
2023-08-05 19:08:111


问题一:鼓励 的英语怎么说 鼓励: encourage;encouragement 我的英文老师彼得总是鼓励我们要好好用功。 Peter, my English teacher, never fails to encourage us to study hard 你的鼓励使我对我的未来更加有信心。 Your encouragement made me more confident of my future 问题二:英语 “ 受到某人的鼓舞” 怎么翻译才好 be inspired by *** . 问题三:精神上的鼓励用英文怎么说? 精神上的鼓励 moral support 或 mental stimulation 以上两者均可。 问题四:鼓励 的英语怎么说 鼓励 的翻译 动词 encourage 鼓励, 促进, 激励, 策励, 打气, 鼓起勇气 arouse 引起, 激发, 唤起, 激起, 唤醒, 鼓励 stimulate *** , 激发, 促进, 鼓励, 刺, 鼓舞 imbolden 鼓励 uphold 坚持, 维护, 崇尚, 拥护, 鼓励, 捍卫 urge 敦促, 督促, 促使, 促进, 撺掇, 鼓励 名词 encouragement 鼓励, 奖, 靠山, countenance 面容, 脸色, 鼓励, 颜, 颜色 polygraph 测谎器, 多产作家, 复写器, 鼓励 reanimation 复活, 鼓励, 鼓舞 spirit 精神, 灵, 白酒, 骨, 鼓励, 鬼 问题五:令人鼓舞的英文怎么说 encouraging [e?"k?r?d???] adj. 令人鼓舞的;鼓励的,奖励的 双语例句: The encouraging news is that typhoid is on the decrease. 令人鼓舞的消息是伤寒发病率在下降。 问题六:多鼓励我们---用英语怎么翻译 普通陈述语气中的“多”“强”这些汉语里表示程度和数量的词,到英语里不一定翻出来,除非意思是说要比以前的更多、更强,才考虑用more啊stronger啊之类的。所以“多鼓励我们”其实就是“鼓励我们”,encourage us或inspire us 也可以。 问题七:鼓励用英语怎么说 encourage 问题八:对我是很大的鼓舞 用英语怎么说 It is/was a great encouragement for me. 问题九:鼓励用英语怎么说 to encourage v. encouragement丹n. cheer on 问题十:谢谢你的鼓励 用英语怎么说 Thank you for your encouragement!
2023-08-05 19:08:371


2023-08-05 19:08:473


Thank you for your encouragement. I will try harder.Thank you for your encouragement. I will work harder.词汇解析:1、try harder英文发音:[trau026a u02c8hɑu02d0du0259]中文释义:更努力;再接再厉;继续努力;加倍努力;更加努力例句:You can do best of all if you try harder.如果你能更努力点的话,你会做得更好。2、work harder英文发音:[wu025cu02d0k u02c8hɑu02d0du0259]中文释义:更努力地工作例句:The premise is that schools will work harder to improve if they must compete前提是,如果各学校必须参与竞争的话,就会更加努力。3、encouragement英文发音:[u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292mu0259nt]中文释义:n.鼓舞;鼓励;起激励作用的事物例句:The encouragement of a friend spurred Chris into switching jobs.在一位朋友的鼓励下,克理斯换了工作。扩展资料harder的同根词:1、hardy英文发音:["hɑu02d0du026a]中文释义:adj. 坚强的;勇敢的;能吃苦耐劳的;鲁莽的例句:Canine parvovirus is a very hardy virus, and this is one of the reasons that parvovirus is so dangerous.犬细小病毒是一个非常坚强的病毒,这是一个原因, 细小病毒非常危险。2、hard英文发音:[hɑu02d0d]中文释义:adj. 努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的;确实的;严厉的;猛烈的;冷酷无情的例句:I"ll work hard. I don"t want to let him down.我会努力工作。我不想让他失望。
2023-08-05 19:08:571


2023-08-05 19:09:152


2023-08-05 19:09:266


名词:encouragement 动词:encourage
2023-08-05 19:09:515


2023-08-05 19:10:094


鼓励双语对照词典结果:encouragement[英][u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292mu0259nt][美][u025bnu02c8ku0259:ru026adu0292mu0259nt, -u02c8ku028cr-]n.鼓励; 支持(的事物); 激励; 促进(的事物); 复数:encouragements
2023-08-05 19:10:281


encouragement 英[u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292mu0259nt] 美[u026anu02c8ku025c:ru026adu0292mu0259nt] n. 鼓励; 激励; 支持(的事物); 促进(的事物); [例句]I also had friends who gave me a great deal of encouragement我还有些朋友给了我很多鼓励。[其他] 复数:encouragements 同义词:boost。反义词:discouragement。
2023-08-05 19:10:351


encouragementn.鼓励; 支持(的事物); 激励; 促进(的事物)双语例句1. The encouragement of a friend spurred Chris into switching jobs. 在一位朋友的鼓励下,克理斯换了工作。来自柯林斯例句2. The man was crooning soft words of encouragement to his wife. 那个男人正温柔地轻声鼓励他的妻子。如有疑问,请追问!
2023-08-05 19:10:441


encouragement,既是可数名词,又是不可数名词。翻译为激励、奖励、促进,不可数。翻译为鼓励的话或行为、刺激,可数。 encouragement基本含义 英[u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292mu0259nt] 美[u026anu02c8ku025cu02d0ru026adu0292mu0259nt] n. 鼓舞; 鼓励; 起激励作用的事物; [例句]She was given every encouragement to try something new. 她得到充分的鼓励去尝试新事物。 复数:encouragements encouragement双语例句 We all need encouragement. 我们都需要鼓励。 He seemed to be there for the encouragement of all. 他在那里好象是为了鼓励每一个人。 I ask that you help me stir my passion through your encouragement. 我请求你们帮我激起我的热情,通过你们的鼓励。
2023-08-05 19:10:531


是encourage鼓励 的名词形式 不可数 不能说老师给我一个鼓励两个鼓励
2023-08-05 19:11:011


encouragement 英 [?n?k?r?d?m?nt] 美 [?n?k?:r?d?m?nt] n. 鼓励;激励;支持(的事物);促进(的事物)
2023-08-05 19:12:094


  encouragementn.鼓舞;鼓励;起激励作用的事物;复数:encouragements;例句:Herwordswereagreatencouragementtothem.她的话对他们是极大的鼓舞。   Shewasgiveneveryencouragementtotrysomethingnew.   她得到充分的鼓励去尝试新事物。   Heneedsallthesupportandencouragementhecanget.   他需要所能得到的一切支持和鼓励。   Withalittleencouragementfromhisparentsheshoulddowell.   只要父母给点鼓励,他应该会干得很好。
2023-08-05 19:12:161

英语作文《encouragement brings me power》

2023-08-05 19:12:261


encouragementn.鼓舞;鼓励;起激励作用的事物;复数:encouragements;例句:Herwordswereagreatencouragementtothem.她的话对他们是极大的鼓舞。 Shewasgiveneveryencouragementtotrysomethingnew. 她得到充分的鼓励去尝试新事物。 Heneedsallthesupportandencouragementhecanget. 他需要所能得到的一切支持和鼓励。 Withalittleencouragementfromhisparentsheshoulddowell. 只要父母给点鼓励,他应该会干得很好。
2023-08-05 19:12:331


encouragement,既是可数名词,又是不可数名词。翻译为激励、奖励、促进,不可数。翻译为鼓励的话或行为、刺激,可数。 扩展资料   encouragement基本含义   n. 鼓舞; 鼓励; 起激励作用的事物;   [例句]She was given every encouragement to try something new.   她得到充分的`鼓励去尝试新事物。   复数:encouragements   encouragement双语例句   We all need encouragement.   我们都需要鼓励。   He seemed to be there for the encouragement of all.   他在那里好象是为了鼓励每一个人。   I ask that you help me stir my passion through your encouragement.   我请求你们帮我激起我的热情,通过你们的鼓励。
2023-08-05 19:12:391

英语作文《encourage brings me power》怎么写?

英语作文《encouragement brings me power》如下:Encouragement is a kind of power which pushes me forward. Once I failed in a singing competition and felt so frustrated. Then my teacher gave me a smile and encouraged me to work harder. Such warm words brought me power and I had never lost my self-confidence ever since. I get encouragement from my teachers, parents and friends. Thanks to their encouragement, I get many achievements and become a confident girl. In a word, I believe all difficulties that we face in our life will be overcome with the encouragement from others.翻译如下:鼓励是一种力量,推动我前进。曾经在歌唱比赛我失败了,感到非常沮丧。然后我的老师给了我一个微笑,鼓励我更加努力地工作。这些温暖的话语给我带来力量和我从来没有失去我的自信心。我鼓励我的老师、父母和朋友。感谢他们的鼓励,我得到很多的成就,成为一个自信的女孩。总之,我相信所有的困难在我们的生活中我们面临来自于他人的鼓励将被克服。
2023-08-05 19:12:471


鼓励的名词英文是encouragement;n.鼓舞;鼓励;起激励作用的事物 复数: encouragements 例:Thanks for your advice and encouragement. 谢谢你的建议和鼓励。 扩展资料   The crowd yelled encouragement at the players.   人群大声叫喊着给运动员加油。   I also had friends who gave me a great deal of encouragement   我还有些朋友给了我很多鼓励。   The encouragement that young boys receive builds a greater self-confidence   小男孩受到的`鼓励会增强他们的自信心。   The man was crooning soft words of encouragement to his wife.   那个男人正温柔地轻声鼓励他的妻子。
2023-08-05 19:12:551

英语作文: Encouragement brings me power?

Encouragement is a powerful tool that can have a profound impact on an individual. It can provide motivation, boost confidence and lift spirits, making a person feel capable of overcoming challenges and reaching their goals. In my own experience, encouragement from others has often been the source of inspiration and determination that has propelled me forward and given me the strength to tackle difficult situations.Whether it is through words of praise, a pat on the back, or a simple show of support, encouragement can be a powerful force in our lives. It helps to remind us that we are not alone and that others believe in us and our abilities. This, in turn, gives us the courage to persevere, even in the face of adversity, and the strength to keep pushing forward.In conclusion, encouragement is a valuable commodity that should never be underestimated. It can have a profound impact on a person"s life, giving them the power to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. So let"s make a conscious effort to encourage and support those around us, and watch as they, in turn, use that encouragement to soar to new heights.
2023-08-05 19:14:151


2023-08-05 19:14:232


鼓励的名词英文单词encouragement; encourage v.支持;鼓励;激励;鼓动;劝告;怂恿;促进;助长;刺激; 第三人称单数: encourages; 现在分词: encouraging; 过去式: encouraged; 过去分词: encouraged 扩展资料   We encourage all students to work at their own pace.   我们鼓励学生都按自己的节奏学习。   You could try being a little more encouraging!   你可以试着多给人一些鼓励嘛!   Taken at face value, the figures look very encouraging.   若只看表面,数字很令人鼓舞。
2023-08-05 19:14:501

英语作文《encouragement brings me power》

Encouragement is a kind of power which pushes me forward. Once I failed in a singing competition and felt so frustrated. Then my teacher gave me a smile and encouraged me to work harder. Such warm words brought me power and I had never lost my self-confidence ever since. I get encouragement from my teachers, parents and friends. Thanks to their encouragement, I get many achievements and become a confident girl. In a word, I believe all difficulties that we face in our life will be overcome with the encouragement from others.
2023-08-05 19:15:082

a lot of 可以接encouragements这句话有问题吗?

从语法上看,“a lot of”可以与“encouragements”搭配,因为“a lot of”意为“许多的”,“encouragements”意为“鼓励”,两者之间的搭配符合英语语法规则。然而,这句话并不是很完整,也不太符合常规英语表达。如果完整写出来,这句话可能应该是“we received a lot of encouragements”,即“我们收到了很多鼓励”,这句话就更加符合常规的英语表达方式。
2023-08-05 19:15:395

英语作文《encouragement brings me power》

Encouragement is a kind of power which pushes me forward. Once I failed in a singing competition and felt so frustrated. Then my teacher gave me a smile and encouraged me to work harder. Such warm wor...
2023-08-05 19:15:551


2023-08-05 19:16:033


we need encouragement .
2023-08-05 19:16:155


  鼓励使人进步,打击使人落后。下面就由我为大家带来关于集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于鼓励的相关短语   warmly encourage;   热情鼓励   encourage a boy in his study;   鼓励孩子学习   take encouragement from ...;   从 ... 得到鼓励   关于鼓励的词语辨析   motivate, encourage, excite, stimulate, inspire   这组词都有“鼓励、 *** ”的意思,其区别是:   motivate v.激发,促动,强调激起动机去做某事。   A desire to go to medical school motivates her to study hard everyday.她希望上医学院,这成了她每天努力学习的动力。   encourage v.鼓励,促进,含有"使增强勇气或给予希望"的意味。   He encouraged his son to go to good college.他鼓励他的儿子上名牌大学。   excite v.指使人感到激动、兴奋;煽动,鼓动。   The band played louder and excited the audience.乐队演奏得更响亮了,使观众兴奋起来。   stimulate v. *** ,激发,促进,强调 *** 反应的结果。   Cold air stimulates me.冷空气 *** 我振作起来   inspire v.鼓舞,激发,影响,常常带有"启迪,启发"的意思。   My mother inspires us with stories of her difficult childhood.我的妈妈给我们讲童年时的艰苦生活以激励我们。   关于鼓励的相关例句   1. He kept encouraging Rosie to find a place of her own.   他不断鼓励罗茜为自己找个住处。   2. Encouraging teacher transfer would not, by itself, integrate the teaching corps.   鼓励教师调动本身不会消弭教学队伍中的种族隔离。   3. The encouragement of a friend spurred Chris into switching jobs.   在一位朋友的鼓励下,克理斯换了工作。   4. No one believes that current nondrinkers should be encouraged to start imbibing.   没人认为应该鼓励现在滴酒不沾的人去狂喝豪饮。   5. We need a push to take the first step.   我们需要一点儿鼓励才能迈出第一步。   6. She had always nurtured great ambitions for her son.   她总是鼓励儿子要树立远大抱负。   7. He believes that students should be encouraged to experiment with bold ideas.   他认为应该鼓励学生们将大胆的观念付诸试验。   8. She had a strong and supportive sister who urged her on.   她有一个坚强而支援她的姐姐在鼓励她。   9. The government has encouraged its people to better their condition.    *** 鼓励人民改善生活状况。   10. Encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity.   鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动。   11. He gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder.   他轻轻地拍了一下她的肩膀表示鼓励。   12. They will be encouraged to mix academic A-levels with vocational qualifications.   将鼓励他们在取得优秀学习成绩的同时也要获得一定的职业资质。   13. We want to encourage people to go fishing, not put them off.   我们希望鼓励人们去垂钓,而不是打消他们的热情。   14. I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.   我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。   15. Parents are positively encouraged to be at school whenever possible.   我们非常鼓励父母无论何时,只要可能就去求学。   关于鼓励的双语例句   1. 他一方面受到批评,另一方面却受到鼓励。   He has been criticized on one hand and encouraged on the other.   2. 你的鼓励使我对我的未来更加有信心。   Your encouragement made me more confident of my future.   3. 我妈妈鼓励我,而且坚持我应该继续我的教育。   My mother encouraged me and insisted that I continue my education.   4. 我的英文老师彼得总是鼓励我们要好好用功。   Peter, my English teacher, never fails to encourage us to study hard.   5. 她鼓励她表达个人深处的感情。   She encourages her to express her innermost feelings.   6. 我们鼓励他坚持自己对此事的看法。   We encouraged him to assert his view of the matter.   7. 我常鼓励学生回家看电视,鼓励他们尽量多听电视和广播里的英文节目。   I always encourage my students back home to watch television.   8. 我们实行精神鼓励为主、物质鼓励为辅的总方针。   We carry out the policy of encouraging mainly mentally and partly materially.   9. 教练鼓励队员以备大赛。   The coach keyed up the team for the big game.
2023-08-05 19:17:311

what is encourages?

I don"t think there is a noun called “encourage” So encourages cannot be a noun. Maybe you just find it in some sentences such as He encourages graduates from universities and colleges to find work in grassroots regions/ Shanghai Encourages Replacement of Old Cars…etc In the above sentences “encourage” is a verb after he/she/it so “encourage” must be added “s”. Then it bees “encourages”. Encourage is a verb which me to give someone the courage or confidence to do something. When someone is worried and depressed you may want to encourage or fort him/her. This word has another meaning which is “to persuade somebody to do something” Imagine that you were a football team member and you would like to play with more people so that you would like to encourage (persuade) him/her to join. Encouraged / Encouraging (adj) Encouragement (n.) Do you need further help? 参考: scintillating 英 : what is encourages? 中 : encourges是干什么的 verb (动词) : encourage 支持;鼓励;激励 "VN" = 动词+名词 例如 : My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career。 在我选择职业时父母总是鼓励我。 adv (副词) : encouragingly 鼓励地; 勉励人地 opp (相反词) : discourage 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! You have all the meaning in Chinese . Encourage usually is a verb. Your proper questioni should be : what does encourages mean? what is the meaning of encourages ? encourage is a verb - I we you they encourages is also a verb for He or she or third person singular form 1 鼓励;怂恿 2促进 助长;激发 3支持 1 鼓励;怂恿 2促进 助长;激发 3支持 参考: me/yahoo dictionary 1. 鼓励;怂恿[O2] She encouraged him to talk to her. 她鼓励他与她交谈。 2. 促进 助长;激发 Don"t encourage her laziness by doing things for her. 别替她做事 这会助长她的懒惰。 3. 支持
2023-08-05 19:17:381

give children more encouragement英语作文

作文需要多少字?Taking the time to give words of encouragement for kids benefits everyone. It isn"t just helpful in building strong self esteem. If your children or students are prone to acting out or having a bad attitude, scolding them to stop is only half the job. It"s easy to negatively respond to negative behavior and expect them to change it overnight, but the other half of the job is reacting positively to positive behavior. If your child is up against a daunting task, such as a big test, a book report, or a school play, let them know how well you think they"ll do. Tell them “I know you can do it". No matter how small the victory may seem to you, every child enjoys feeling successful when they"ve accomplished something. Validate that success by letting them know that they did a great job, and tell them how impressed you are. When these small victories go unnoticed, it discourages a child from being ambitious or seeking out success. There are many words of encouragement for children, and we should start using them today to boost their self esteem and help promote positivity and good behavior all around.
2023-08-05 19:17:461

38207: the need for spiritual encouragement among readers has been

2023-08-05 19:17:542

encouragement 可以用什么形容词

my english teacher always give us some encouragement to improve our confidence
2023-08-05 19:18:181


共勉用英语怎么说 必须要用 副词 mutually, Let us encourage mutually 或 let us encourage each other. 问题补充:如果用 mutually encourage, 不能骤然以句号停止;encourage后面应该还要加内容,例如 They mutu弗lly encourage each other. 【英语牛人团】共勉的英语翻译 共勉用英语怎么说 共勉,就是共同努力 mutual encouragement 与君共勉用英语怎么说? mutual encouragement with you “与君共勉”的英文怎么翻译? encourage each other 与君共勉 Sha伐e with you 共同分享 与卿共勉 的英文怎么写? mutual encouragement with you 宇宙外面是什么 宇宙外面是什么?我终于想到了一个答案! 其实宇宙的外面每个人都能经历一次或长时间的做停留,但要到达那个地方,只有人的寿命走到终点之后才行,很多人做过濒临死亡的实验,每次结果都是他们要走过一个空间的道路,其实这段路是从地球走到宇宙外的捷径,有人会说从地球到宇宙的外面怎么可能走走就到了呢?其实走过著条路的时候,我们是用步行的速度移动,而这条道路或者可以说是空间自己本身也在移动,只不过它是以比光速更快的速度往我们步行的反方向移动,比光速更快的速度能把时间留住,一切就像刚过去一秒或一分而已,所以我们能很快的进入那个世界,那个世界其实是我们生命的另一个开始,那里的一切和我们之前生活的地球决不一样,有可能是相反的,那里包括一切宇宙中存在的生命,有高智慧的生物也有低智慧的! :-D 与君共勉,用英文这么说? Share with you
2023-08-05 19:18:251

constant encouragement

Dear Mrs zhang i visit you ,but you didnt at home . I would like to thank you for all your help during my high school .My English has improved so much. How could I thank your constant encouragement enough?! I will keep working on my English . I wish you be happy and healthy !
2023-08-05 19:18:511


2023-08-05 19:19:002


It is the teacher "s encouragement that I learned how to face the dificulties of life .
2023-08-05 19:19:133