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2023-08-07 10:00:42
TAG: 英语

用词组短语:pass away

例子:My grandmother passed away last year.我的外婆去年去世了。


I recently have a relative passed away.

A relative passed away.



dying. 奄奄一息 现在分词dead 死的 adj.death 死亡 n.
2023-08-05 17:03:102

离世 英语

离世的英语是Death。Death 是我的英文名不许盗用,但是公用还是可以的 Die v.死 Death n.死亡 Dead adj.死去的 Deaddream 死亡的梦(可以译为逝去的幻想) Deathland 死亡之地(可以译为地狱或者你直接用Hell,赫尔,Devil,恶魔) Deadloser 死亡遗失者(不死人,永生者,无敌)(死亡时间)用英文怎么说 dead time 补充: 那就是times of death 了! 补充: 根据LZ的谐音是这个没错了 times表示时代~ 死亡时代(很长的死亡时间... - -理解成小宇宙爆发 所以会挂很多人就可以了)例句:1、One chill spring night she died .在一个阴冷的春天夜里,她去世了。2、With his death all his woes ended .一去世,他的苦恼就一了百了了。3、The whole house was in grief at his death .全家人都为他的去世感到哀伤。4、After she died he had nothing to pve for .她去世后,他便没有了生活目标。
2023-08-05 17:03:341


2023-08-05 17:04:023

表示去世的现在完成时有has gone away这种说法吗?

has passed away.
2023-08-05 17:04:118


2023-08-05 17:04:311


dead/ die/ death/ dying(1) dead 是形容词,意思为“死了的、无生命的”,表示状态,可以与一段时间连用,多用作表语。 The tree has been dead for ten years. 这棵树死了有十年了。 The rabbits are all dead. 这些兔子都是死的。(2) die (过去式和过去分词 died)是动词,意思为“死、死亡”,是一个瞬间动词,不能与一段时间连用。 My grandpa died two years ago. 我爷爷两年前去世了。 The old man died of cancer. 老人死于癌症。(3) death 是名词,意思为“死亡、去世”等,一般作主语或宾语。 The memorial hall was built one year after his death. 他死后一年,纪念馆建成了。 His death is a great loss to us. 他的死是我们的巨大损失。 (4) dying 是 die 的现在分词,用作形容词,意思是“垂死的、即将死去的”,作定语或表语。 The doctors have saved the dying man. 医生们救活了那个垂死的人。 The poor dog had no food, it was dying. 可怜的狗没有食物,快要饿死了。电视上经常说 she"s dead 而不是 she died如果表示状态的话,当然用"She is dead"dead加在动词后,表示对主语状态的补充说明He was shot dead他被枪打死了She is lying there dead她躺在那里,死了.I"m dying 我将要死亡 my sister is dead 我姐去世了 his death made me sad 他的死让我伤心die 瞬间动词,也就是死的那一刻 (常跟时间) His father died last week. death 名词,死亡 She cried out after knowing his husband"s death. dead 死的,形容词 He found a dead bird in the garden. dying 奄奄一息的,濒临死亡的,也是形容词 The dying man was saved by a kind-hearted lady.
2023-08-05 17:04:531


2023-08-05 17:05:028


形容词 dead,dying动词 die名词death不定式 to die
2023-08-05 17:05:182

各种“死了” 的英语怎么说

2023-08-05 17:05:366

英语:expire能用来说人去世了吗?表示尊重的感觉,可是词典上写的是断气了 不太好听啊

去世用 pass away比较好
2023-08-05 17:05:553


be safe in the arms of Jesus, be in Abraham"s bosom, be asleep in the valley, cross over the River Styx, return to dust, be taken to paradise, go to meet one"s maker, be promoted to glory,
2023-08-05 17:06:021


自己想说什么 可以找网上的在线翻译网
2023-08-05 17:06:104


2023-08-05 17:06:326

翻译成英语: 他早已去世了。

he has passed away for a long time
2023-08-05 17:06:494


(1)一般现在时 表示现阶段经常或习惯发生的动作或存在的状态,或说明主语的特征。① 一般现在时句子中常有的时间状语:often, usually, sometimes, always, every (day等),once/ twice, a (week等), on (Sunday等),never, in the (morning等)。如:They go to the Palace Museum once a year. / They often discuss business in the evening.(他们经常在晚上商谈生意)② 表示客观真理、事实、人的技能或现在的状态时句子里一般不用时间状语。如:The earth turns round the sun./ Light travels faster than sound.③ 表示十分确定会发生(如安排好的事情)或按照时间表进行的事情,用一般现在可以表达将来,句子中可以有将来时间。如:The train for Haikou leaves at 8:00 in the morning.④ 在时间状语从句中(以when, after, before, while, until, as soon as等引导)和条件状语从句中(以if, unless引导),用一般现在时代替一般将来时,句子可以有将来时间。如:Please ring me up as soon as you arrive in Germany. / If it rains tomorrow, we will have to stay at home.⑤ 一般现在时用于倒装句中可以表示正在发生的动作,动词以come, go为主。如:Here comes the bus. / There goes the bell.⑥ 一般现在时常用于体育比赛的解说或寓言故事中。Now the midfield player catches the ball and he keeps it.⑦ 人的心理活动和感官动作一般用一般现在时而不用现在进行时表达,常见动词有:like, love, hate, dislike, want, wish, hope, think(认为),understand, remember, forget, mean, need, hear, feel, see. 如:I think it is going to snow. / I really hope you can enjoy your stay here.(2)一般过去时 表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,这种动作或状态可能是一次性,也可能经常发生。① 表示过去具体时刻发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:at (eight) (yesterday morning),(ten minutes) ago, when引导的时间状语从句。如:I got up at 6:00 this morning. / Little Tom broke the window at half past nine this morning./ When he went into the room, he saw a stranger talking with his father.② 表示过去一段时间内不知何时发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:yesterday, last (year等), in (1998 等)。如:He came to our city in the year 2000.③ 表示过去一个阶段中经常发生的事情时,时间状语有:last…, in…, from…to…, for(10 years),often, usually, sometimes, always, never等。如:Mr Jackson usually went to evening schools when he was young. / Every day he went to the rich man and borrowed books from him.④ 讲故事、对过去经历的回忆、双方都明白的过去事件等一般用过去时,而且经常省略时间状语。如:I happened to meet Rose in the street.(3)一般将来时 表示将来某一时刻或经常发生的动作或状态。① 一般将来时的时间状语有:tomorrow, this (afternoon),next (year),one day, now, soon, someday, sometime, in the future, when引导的从句等。② 用will构成的将来时,表示动作与人的主观愿望无关。“shall”用于第一人称,“will”用于所有人称。如:I will graduate from this school soon./ You will stay alone after I leave.③ “am/is/are going to+动词原形”表示打算或准备要做的事情,或者主观判断即将要发生的事情,而“am/is/are to +动词原形”表示安排或计划中的动作。如:A man told them that the woman was to give birth to the special baby. / It"s going to rain soon.④ 表示一个人临时决定要做某事,可以用will表达。如:I will go to the lab to get some chemicals(化学药剂). So please wait until I return.⑤ 现在进行时、一般现在时也可以表示将来。(见相应时态)⑥ shall和will 在口语的一些疑问句中相当于情态动词。Shall一般与第一人称连用,will与第二人称连用。如:Shall we go to the zoo next Saturday?/ Will you please open the door for me?⑦ “be to +动词原形”表示按照计划将要发生的事情。如:An angel came to tell her that she was to have this special boy.
2023-08-05 17:06:571


2023-08-05 17:07:062


问题一:死去的亲人用英语怎么说? 用英语是:Dead relatives.. 问题二:已故的亲人用英语怎么说 已故的亲人 Te deceased relatives 问题三:去世的人用英语怎么说 (委婉的说法) 除了passed away the dead the late xxx the deceased 问题四:跪求,悼念死去的人,一路走好,英语怎么说 悼念死去的人,一路走好: Mourn the dead, all the way 问题五:逝去的青春用英文怎么说 鉴于《追忆逝水年华》的英文翻译名称为 In search of lost time, 建议“逝去的青春”翻译为Lost Youthhood比较直观,用youth的话,因为其经常作为“年轻人”的意思出现在常用语中,容易混淆。 问题六:去墓地看望逝去的亲人。用英语怎么说 Go to the cemetery to visit the dead relatives
2023-08-05 17:07:131


died of an illness
2023-08-05 17:07:201

用英语表示“他已经去世了。” 越多越好。 多的加分

he is deadhe is gonehe is gone awayhe is passed away
2023-08-05 17:07:298


2023-08-05 17:07:453


2023-08-05 17:08:077


2023-08-05 17:08:401


The husband has gone
2023-08-05 17:08:485


2023-08-05 17:09:021


My father was dead
2023-08-05 17:09:116


问题一:已故或去世的英文怎么说 dead 英 [ded] 美 [d?d] adj. 死去的; 完全的; 无感觉的; 呆板的; adv. 完全地; 非常; 绝对; 极度; n. 死者; (死一样的) 寂静; 极寒时候; [例句]Her hu *** and"s been dead a year now. 她的丈夫已经去世一年了。 问题二:已故或去世的英文怎么说 die pass away depart go aloft go off go out of this world go to the better world deceased late 问题三:他死了用英语怎么说? he died!!我是正确的!! 问题四:已故的亲人用英语怎么说 已故的亲人 Te deceased relatives 问题五:死亡的英文!!! Death 是我的英文名不许盗用,但是公用还是可以的 Die v.死 Death n.死亡 Dead adj.死去的 Deaddream 死亡的梦(可以译为逝去的幻想) Deathland 死亡之地(可以译为地狱或者你直接用Hell,赫尔,Devil,恶魔) Deadloser 死亡遗失者(不死人,永生者,无敌) 问题六:(死亡时间)用英文怎么说 dead time 补充: 那就是times of death 了! 补充: 根据LZ的谐音是这个没错了 times表示时代~ 死亡时代(很长的死亡时间... - -理解成小宇宙爆发 所以会挂很多人就可以了) 问题七:我爸爸已经去世了英语怎么说 没有哪个外国人会这么说的,他们会说 my father passed away. 问题八:【一个人死亡】的英文怎么翻译 一个人死亡的英 问题九:死亡只是个开始?用英语怎么说 Death is just THE start.根据句意,这里必须用the,表示恐怖的事情才刚刚开始的意思,用a的全错了。楼主可千万别选,不要贻笑大方。
2023-08-05 17:09:361


这类书信文字宜简洁诚挚,不宜花俏,更该避开忌讳语如death等.听到噩耗,不是shocked,而是saddened,如:I am saddened to hear the passing away of your dearest father. 中式 === 节哀顺变(Restraining your grief and accommodating change) === 西式 === 我感受到你的痛苦(I know how you feel) 痛苦将消失(The pain will go away) 很快的,您将感觉好点(You"ll feel better soon) I was deeply saddened when I learned about xxx"s passing. My heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow. Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your (grandfather). Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss.My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. 以上都可以采用,简洁一句,不必太长 she/he(看去世的人的性别决定) is in a better place ,but she/he will always be with you so just be strong cuz life goes on 他去了一个更好的地方,但他会永远跟你在一起.所以要坚强因为生命还是要继续的 Hearing this news,I"m so sorry.I hope you cheer up,I will always be with you,Is there anything I can help for you,just tell me 听到这个消息,我非常遗憾,我希望你能振作起来,我会一直陪着你,要是有什么我可以帮助到你的,尽管告诉我. am really pity,and everything will be all right .God bless kind men .we will always be with you .如果可以,给她一个拥抱,让她感受你的温度...这时候不用讲很多,她会明白的 I am sorry for your loss一般就可以了 惊闻令尊化羽,哀之.望节哀顺变之. 或者I"m sorry to hear your father"s death.I"m always here,and,he lives in our heart forever Sorry to hear that.Please don"t be too sad. If there"s anything I can help,please let me know. Do not mourn the dead,for he(she) is living happily with the Lord forevermore./He"s in God"s embrace It was with deep regret that I learnt the heart-rendingnews of the passing away of... 惊悉---去世的噩耗,我悲痛万分. I share in your sadness 你的哀伤,我感同身受 My thought is with you on this sad occasion 在这个时刻,我与你同感悲伤 XXX will always be held in high esteem 某某将永远受到尊敬 Please accept my sincerest sympathies 请接受我最诚挚的关怀 Just take one day at a time 节哀顺便 I am sorry to hear that bad news.He"s a good guy and God will take care of him in the heaven for ever. Hearty condolence to you may you havestrength to bear this great affliction.致以深切的慰问并望节哀自重. my dear friend,i am so sorry to hear thisgrieved news.I could understand now you must be in great sadness,but justkeep your braveness and your XXX will bless for you to have happylife. sorry to hear that.let"s move on. I was deeply saddened to hear about thegrieved news. I know how difficult this must be for you.You are in my thoughts and prayers.I encourage you to draw on your strength and the strength of your family. May God bless you and your family during this time and always, Really sorry to hear this news,let us foryour loved ones in heaven peacefully pray the way and miss thepassing days with him or her forever He/she must be in heaven and hoping to see that u r living a happylife.
2023-08-05 17:09:461

用英语表示“他已经去世了.” 越多越好. 例如:He is dead.He is gone.

He has passed away. He is dead. He is no longer the word. His life ended. His life is over.
2023-08-05 17:09:541


he‘s gone 他死了(口语,着重表达动作)he died 他死了(着重表达动作)he is dead 他死了(着重表达状态)his death 他的死亡he is dying 他快死了
2023-08-05 17:10:283


1、I"m sorry. The people who leave don"t want you to be unhappy.节哀吧,走的人不希望你不开心。2、I hope they live well in another heaven.希望他们在另一个天堂也活过的很好。3、I hope they live well in another heaven. By the way, don"t be too sad and take good care of your body.节哀顺变,不要太伤心,照顾好身体。4、The dead have ascended the fairyland, and the living mourn and change.逝者已登仙界,生者节哀顺变。5、The dead rest in peace and the living work hard.逝者安息,生者奋发。
2023-08-05 17:10:491


1. He passed away two years ago.2. He departed this life two years ago.3. He passed on two years ago.4. He expired two years ago.5. He left us two years ago.6. He died two years ago.
2023-08-05 17:11:272


I so sorry to hear that.
2023-08-05 17:11:354


sorry to hear that
2023-08-05 17:11:433


Grandpa and grandmo had died
2023-08-05 17:11:512


用词组短语:pass away 例子:My grandmother passed away last year.我的外婆去年去世了.
2023-08-05 17:11:581


悼念死去的人,一路走好:Mourn the dead, all the way
2023-08-05 17:12:191


2023-08-05 17:12:332


I am at a loss for words to express my distress on the death of ...对于某某的噩耗,我不知道如何表达心中的哀痛....will always be held in high esteem某某将永远受到尊敬Just take one day at a time节哀顺便Please convey my sympathy to his/her/your family请向他的/她的/你的家人传达我的关怀Please accept my sincerest condolences on this sad demise of...请接受我对某某逝世的真诚哀悼
2023-08-05 17:12:413


He is numbered among the dead.他已名列鬼籍。He went to his last home this morning.他今天早上去世了。The old man went off last night after medical treatment failed.那位老人因医治无效于昨晚去世了。Uncle Tom breathed his last early this morning.汤姆叔叔今天早晨去世了。Aunt Alice was called to God in her bed last Sunday.爱丽丝姨妈上周日病逝了。The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 85.那位老人去世了,终年85岁。My poor aunt caught cancer, she finally gave up the ghost six months later.我那可怜的姑姑得了癌症,半年后去世了。It grieved him to learn that three of his comrades had gone for a burton.知道有三位战友阵亡了,他感到很难过。He lived to a great age before he finally went the way of all flesh.他离世时已到高龄。He hopes to see his grandchildren before he turns up his toes.他希望在他翘辫子之前看看他的孙子。
2023-08-05 17:13:001

他死了用英语说是he died吗

他死了 用英语说是 he died 吗?可以。如:he died at the age of 85. 他去世,享年85岁。
2023-08-05 17:13:071


He dead ten years ago
2023-08-05 17:13:153

去世的人用英语怎么说 (委婉的说法) 除了passed away the dead

The lost-away,The person void of living,
2023-08-05 17:13:223


I am at a loss for words to express my distress on the death of ... 对于某某的噩耗,我不知道如何表达心中的哀痛. ...will always be held in high esteem 某某将永远受到尊敬 Just take one day at a time 节哀顺便 Please convey my sympathy to his/her/your family 请向他的/她的/你的家人传达我的关怀 Please accept my sincerest condolences on this sad demise of... 请接受我对某某逝世的真诚哀悼
2023-08-05 17:13:301


去世10年:has been dead for 10 years.已经死了:has passed away快死了:is dying
2023-08-05 17:13:381

"他妈妈于今年3月去世 "用英语怎么说?

2023-08-05 17:13:577

去世好多年了 用英语说

He passd away many years ago.He died many years ago.He left the world many years ago.He rested in peace many years ago.He went to the other world many years ago.
2023-08-05 17:14:122


He has been dead for five years.He died five years ago.He has been dead since five years ago.
2023-08-05 17:14:214

很遗憾的通知您 您的朋友出车祸去世了英语

i am glad to notice you ...i am sorry to notice you ...we invited give a speech noticing.notice that attend on time,don"t be late..welcome anyone"s notice thanks for your notice
2023-08-05 17:14:471


The death of Yuan Longping made us very sad
2023-08-05 17:14:565


"Restrain one"s grief "只是按字面去翻译"节哀顺便",你如果这样说,别人会觉得怪怪的.以下是外国人在葬礼时常说的话 I am so sorry. Tell me how I can help, I want to be here for you. I"m praying for you. Would it help if we prayed together? [Name of deceased] was a good person and friend of mine. He/She will be missed. Would you like a hug? Please tell me what you are feeling right now, I have never been through something like this and can only imagine. What do you need right now? It"s ok if you do not feel like talking right now. Just know that I am here to listen whenever you are ready. My sympathy to you and your family
2023-08-05 17:15:241