barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-07 03:32:07



adv.看来似乎; 表面上看来; 貌似;



They seemingly have no interest in becoming a public face for advertising purposesor as industry spokespersons.



But it has seemingly left experts stumped.



看来似乎; 表面上看来; 貌似; 希望采纳







adv.看来似乎; 表面上看来; 貌似;


Seemingly 貌似,看似,表面上地

seemingly ad 表面上,看来,看上去

seemingly ad 表面上地





词典it seems:似乎;看来;似。as if:好像, 似乎, 仿佛。seemingly:貌似;看来似乎;表面上看来。it looks like:似乎;看来象…,看上去好象。apparently:似乎;据说,看来;实际上。
2023-08-05 15:09:261

“The onstage ballerinas are seemingly of the uniform height.”中为什么用seemingly而不是seeming?

翻译:台上芭蕾舞女演员看似(或:看起来)一般高。seemingly(adv):看似、看起来,副词可放在句首、句中或句尾;更可省略、且省略后基本意思微变、而结构完整、语法无误——The onstage ballerinas are of the uniform height.(主+系+表,完整)题外:将seemingly放在句子各处,试比较——句首:Seemingly(=It seems that) the onstage ballerinas are of the uniform height.句中:The onstage ballerinas are seemingly of the uniform height.句尾:The onstage ballerinas are of the uniform height seemingly(台上芭蕾舞女演员一般高,看起来是这么样。)这种表述较少见。
2023-08-05 15:09:332

it seem that从句

为您解答it seems that...这里seem是系动词,that引导的是表语从句
2023-08-05 15:09:431


2023-08-05 15:10:004

单字特辑|seem 的各种用法

英文单字中,除了好背好记的单字,如 apple 或是 book,也有用法复杂的单字,其中 seem 就是个难以理解的单字,不是因为它的中文意思很多,而是因为它属于「情态动词(state verb)」。 「情态动词」就是「非持续性动词」,通常拿来表达一种「状态」,可以是心理上的状态、感官知觉、情感或是同等关系。而英文老师 Adam 在 Engvid 上整理了 seem 的各式用法,让大家看完可以更了解这个用法繁复的单字。 1. 单用 seem,表达「看起来」 先看一下以下两句例句: e.g He is happy. e.g He seems happy. 上句意思是「他很快乐」,也就是说「他『真的』很快乐」;而第二句的意思是「他看起来很快乐」,但究竟「他『是不是真的』很快乐」就不得而知。 2. seem 后面不可以接上 V-ing 3. seem + to be 这个用法是用在当你要说明「主词所做的事情看起来…」,而非说明主词本身的时候。 e.g She seems to be good at her job. (她看起来在工作上蛮得心应手的。) 4. seemingly seemingly 的词性是副词,表达「看起来…(但其实不是这样)」的语意。 以下三个例句清楚表达了 be 动词 / seem / seemingly 的差别。 e.g He is nice. (他人很好。) e.g He seems nice. (他看起来人很好。) e.g He is seemingly nice. (他只是看起来人很好。) 上句表达「他『确实』人很好」,而中句表达「他『看起来』人很好,但实际上怎么样不得而知」,而下句则是指「他『外表上』看起来人很好,但其实人很差」。 seem, seem 中文, seem 意思, seem 用法, seem 英文用法, 单字, 情态动词, 情态动词 seem, 英文, 英文 情态动词
2023-08-05 15:10:081

seemingly totally unaware of his surroundings.请问此句的句子结构?(详细的)

2023-08-05 15:10:271


似乎的英文是什么?似乎的英文是it seems that。
2023-08-05 15:10:364


不能这样替换。 副词短语 seemingly interchangeably 作方式状语,修饰的是动词 used。若非要用形容词短语 seemingly interchangeable,那只能前面再加 ,which are,作为定语从句修饰前面两个可替换使用的词。
2023-08-05 15:11:034


2023-08-05 15:11:323


我们经常在小说中读到看似多么可敬的一个人或家庭有一些多年来不为人知的见不得人的秘密。seemingly respectable是看似受尊重的意思,你提供的原文去掉how以后是非常通顺的,但是这里要强调看似受尊重的程度。a位置靠前,采用的句型应该是what a seemingly respectable person or family……说实话,以我的经验,我怀疑这里的how属于错用,也就是这个句子本身有错。
2023-08-05 15:11:551


  判断题(T/F/NG题型)自从雅思考试问世以来就一直称得上是英联邦留学考试阅读题型当中的一类当之无愧的奇葩题型。了解敌人是取得胜利的法宝,其实雅思考官在出此类题型的时候也无非只是在考察学生英语能力尤其是阅读同意替换能力的同时增加了一些关于逻辑的考核。所以,有章法地对于此类题型的考点进行归纳和总结就成为了考试制胜的关键。   判断题的解题步骤其实十分简单,主要通过两类词来体现:“定位词“+”考点词“。首先,像所有其他题目一样,首先需要划出题目当中的“定位词“(数字、时间、地点、人物、特殊字体、特殊符号以及专有名词等)来确定题目所对应文章内容的位置,之后划出“考点词“来确定题目表述中最容易出错的矛盾集中点,以其来对应文章当中的信息,之后进行判断。下面我们来具体分析一下判断题经常涉及到四大疑难考点。   (1)逻辑关系考点:表述的矛盾点集中在两个陈述事实间的逻辑关系上面,多体现为因果关系。   E.g. 剑桥5 Test 1 Question 8:   The growing importance of the middle classes led to an increased demand for dictionaries。   对应原文(以下均省略定位步骤):文章第3自然段第1句话:   u2026, the rise of dictionaries is associated with the rise of the English middle class,u2026   解析:在这道题干的表述当中出现了一个明显的因果逻辑关系,所以这个关系在原文中必须要有所体现,并且原因和结果都能够对应的上才能够选择YES,而原文当中出现了be associated with这样一个词组来表示原因结果之间的并列关系,所以正确答案为YES。   (2)绝对词考点:如果题干当中出现了一些语气过于绝对的词或者词组,那么按照学术类文章相对比较严谨的特征,正确答案多为NO;反之,如果题当中出现表示可能性或者较为模糊的词或者词组,那么正确答案多为YES或者NOT GIVEN。   在判断题中常见的绝对词有以下几个:any/all/only/every/must/never/always/ definitely/ absolutely/ undeniably/ certain/ certainly/ inevitably/ without question/ without dispute/ beyond dispute/ immediate(ly)/ instant(ly)/ prompt(ly)   而在判断题中常见的表示可能性的词有以下几个:some/possible/ probable/ likely/ may/ might/ maybe/ perhaps/ seem/ seemingly/ appear/ apparently/ almost/ presumably;   E.g. 剑桥5 Test 1 Question 12:   Johnson only received payment for his dictionary on its completion。   对应原文:文章第4自然段最后1句话:   He was to be paid $1,575 in instalment, and from this he took money to rent 17 Gough Square, in which he set up hisu2018dictionary workshopu2019。   解析:题干里出现了绝对词only,意思为“约翰仅仅在字典完成的时候才收到了酬劳“,表述本身就过于绝对,而原文当中所表述的意思为”他被分期支付了1575英镑,用这些钱他建立了自己的工作室“,所以正确答案为NO。   (3)方向性考点:如果题干当中出现的动词、形容词或者副词有明显的方向性(比如:好坏、快慢、上升下降、开心悲伤等等),或者其有明显的反义词或者表达感情色彩,那么这样的词就会成为考点。   E.g. 剑桥5 Test 1 Question 27:   Environmentalists take a pessimistic view of the world for a number of reasons。   对应原文:文章第1自然段第1句话:   For many Environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse。   解析:在这道题目的题干当中,pessimistic(悲观)是一个明显表示感情色彩的形容词,那么题目的主要矛盾就是这些环境学家的态度到底是什么。而在原文当中,文章明显使用了worse这个词来对应pessimistic,所以正确答案为YES。   ⑷谓语动词考点:如果题干当中动词使用了正在进行时、被动语态或者完成时的时态表述,那么通常这个动词会是矛盾所在,即我们需要在文章当中找到这个动作是否存在并且是否正确。   E.g. 剑桥5 Test 1 Question 10:   Johnson has been planning to write a dictionary for several years。   解析:这道题目的定位有一定的难点,并没有明显的定位词,所以我们可以根据该题目前后两个题目来确定它所对应的大体位置。而题干当中用了一个完成时来强调plan这个动作,所以首先我们要考虑原文有没有提到plan这件事,之后再考虑这件事情是否已经进行了several years。而在原文题目所对应的范围内并没有出现关于plan的任何描述,所以题目正确答案为NOT GIVEN。
2023-08-05 15:12:081

问: _________ in a seemingly endless war,the gener

2023-08-05 15:12:174


这个是翻译软件翻译的:当一个活跃在鲨鱼的下颚齿丢失或磨损时,许多业余的牙齿躺在看似无边的储备,每一种都准备好滑到适当的位置。 答:当一个活跃在鲨鱼的下颚齿丢失或磨损时,许多业余的牙齿躺在看似无边的储备,每一种都准备好滑到适当的位置。 每当一个活跃的齿丢失或磨损时,许多业余的牙齿躺在似乎无保留在鲨鱼的下巴,这都是准备好了
2023-08-05 15:12:344


词汇不再是你阅读的瓶颈的情况下应该把注意力放在句子理解和篇章理解上,文章建议找找GRE长句难句阅读操练一下。 原著也可以看,不过重点应该放在把握重点
2023-08-05 15:12:424


1. we often read in novels of a seemingly respectable person or family____some terrible secrest.a. having b.has c.whom has d.that they havehaving some terrible secret= That has some terrible secret做后置定语修饰a seemingly respectable person or family2. the only person i have ever known___ a skeleton in the cupboard....a.he had b.of having c.that he has d. to have to have a skeleton in the cupboard...做后置定语修饰the only personthe only / the last/ the very + n. + to do 是固定的用法3. _______that i was a medical student once upon a time?a. do you forget b. have you forgettenc. have you not remremberedd. why don"t you remember本句的意思是:你忘了我曾经是学医的学生?强调结果,需用现在完成事态,因此可排除a和dc的正确表达应为Haven"t you remembered,因此也被排除。只有b无论从语法还是从意义上来说都是最佳选择。
2023-08-05 15:12:522


2023-08-05 15:13:0115


after waiting as if for centuries
2023-08-05 15:13:285


更新1: 我是要英文喔,中翻英!! 谢谢~ 有一次,当我领完薪水后和朋友一起到夜市逛逛,看到一名坐在地上不能走路的男子,觉得他很可怜所以和朋友各给了他一百元。One day afterpicking up my paycheck and having it cashed I went on exploring a night market nearby with my buddy. We came upon a male panhandlersitting on the ground seemingly unable to walk or moved who looked sohelpless. Out of sympathy of the plight he was in we both handed him a hundreddollars bill and moved on. 没想到,当我们绕了一圈又走回去时,那名「应该」无法走路的男子却不见了踪影。我当下便在心里咒骂了一声。从此,每当需要捐钱时我都会再三思考了。After wecircled around the market and came back to the spot where we met that “poor”guy who was nowhere to be found. We were furious someone just cheated us ofthe money we had earned honestly took the advantage of us by disguising himself inneed of help. From then on I would think ice before I extend helping hands. Once I got my salary and went to night market with my friend. Accidentally I saw a disable person sitting on the ground so I showed mercy on him and gave him NT$100. While we walked back we could not find him. At that moment I realized that I was cheated. Therefore I would think over and aver again while I contribute my money to somebody.--------- 2012-11-13 11:37:49 补充: 请修正------so each of us showed mercy on him and gave him NT$100.----- On one occasion when I brought up a salary and friends go to the night market stroll seeing a man sitting on the ground unable to walk friends thought he was poor and gave him 100 Yuan. Unexpectedly when when we go around in a circle it "should be" man cannot walk sign had disappeared. I curse in my mind right now. From then on whenever you want to donate money I will be thinking again. One day after I received my salary I went to take a walk with my friend in the night market and saw a man on the ground looks like unable to move. So both my friend and I each gave him a hundred dollars. But es to our surprise when we go back to the place we met with that "handicapped" man he disappeared! I have cursed in my heart at the moment. Ever after that every time there is a need for a donation I will re-consider over again. 参考: ~self~ 翻译? 讲清楚点 是要翻成英文还是...?
2023-08-05 15:13:561


2023-08-05 15:14:077


you can translate it via Google Translation; it is better than I do.
2023-08-05 15:14:283


It seems like ...范例1. It seems like there are hundreds of people in the room, it"s too crowded and noisy.屋里好像有几百人,又挤有吵。2. It seems that nobody knew what had happened.好像没人知道发生了什么事。3. It seems that something is wrong.好像有什么事不对劲。会话记忆A: Mary, do you remember when we met?玛丽,你还记得我们认识的时候吗?B: I won"t ever forget it! I was sitting in the cafeteria all by myself...我永远也忘不了!我当时一个人坐在自助餐厅......A: And I came up and asked to sit by you...而我走过来,要求坐在你旁边......B: Oh, it seems like it was just yesterday.哦,那好像是昨天刚发生的事一样。
2023-08-05 15:14:482

It is seemingly to be laughing at us这句话正确吗?

It is seemingly to be laughing at us .句子语法上没有问题 。从句子的结构和内容意义来分析,句首主语 it 所指代的是只动物?或者是个顽皮的小孩子 ?再或者是个幽默的人? 句子的汉语 : 它似乎在嘲笑我们 。
2023-08-05 15:14:561


2023-08-05 15:15:162

______in a seemingly endless war, the general was forced to evaluate the situation again.

2023-08-05 15:15:241

we often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person has some

We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years.句子中的引导词how可以换为that,但是句子的意思却改变了。用how,句子的意思是我们经常从读的小说中读到那些表面上道貌岸然的、可敬可佩的主人公是“如何”藏有一些可怕的、多年对其他陌生人隐藏的,秘密。而用that的话,句子的意思就“确切地认定了,而不是让读者自己感受到”,那些表面上道貌岸然的、可敬可佩的主人公是“如何”藏有一些可怕的、多年对其他陌生人隐藏的,秘密。
2023-08-05 15:15:322


1 tell right from wrong2 aid Most affected in3 did"t come to an agreement
2023-08-05 15:16:182

in the search for solution to seemingly overwhelming problems, it became increasingly plausible to

2023-08-05 15:16:273

______in a seemingly endless war, the general was forced to evaluate the situation again.

2023-08-05 15:16:353


其实这几个词,除了最后一个constantly,都是continue的派生词. 而这四个词里continually和continual可以算是一组,这里他们的区别就在于前边的是副词adv,修饰动词用的.而后面的是形容词,修饰名词用的. continuously和continuous是一组,前边的是adv,后面的是adj. 而他们的区别最好看大辞典的英英翻译,就好理解了 continual 他的解释是:seemingly without interruption;it is often used interchangeably with `continuous" (meaning without interruption) 也就是说,continual和continuous通常情况下是通用的,词义差不多,都是频繁的. 如果非要说区别,那么continuous比continual更连贯,语气稍强.因为continual的词义中出现了seemingly,而continuous没有. continually和continuously道理也一样,可以通用. 现在就只剩下constantly了,他也是副词,所以需要和continually与continuously对比. constantly强调的是一直持续不断地,中间不会间断.而continually=continuously,强调频繁的,中间会有间断. 比如constantly state一贯主张(从来没改变过,没间断过) continually cough持续性咳嗽,但是咳嗽中间会有时间间隔. 有点点复杂,
2023-08-05 15:16:431


翻译如下:Prices are going down.However this seemingly welcome change may bring about other problems in the economy.物价正在下降,但这种看似可喜的变化可能会给经济带来其他问题。
2023-08-05 15:16:521


主系表结构。这是《讹诈》里面的一个句子(Blackmail)。In...minutes介词短语作时间状语。the conversation 主语。had become谓语。as...casual表语。as if...句尾,比较状语从句。意思是,在过去的几分钟里,谈话变得似乎很随意,仿佛不是人命关天的大事,而是家庭琐事一般。
2023-08-05 15:17:032


2023-08-05 15:17:302


a ambitious and aspiring person who has feel pleased to give help and love. the personality of patient and persistencei am a troble maker hardly to solve things easilyit makes me indignant, hard to sleep and life threatened.give him a lesson and he will never again make similar mistakes.9 o" clock am / in the morningthis need furthur arranged, before around 8 o"clock, the accurate time will be set.he has a very bad temper/ attitude.
2023-08-05 15:17:494


2023-08-05 15:18:002


2023-08-05 15:18:113


2023-08-05 15:18:373


弄巧成拙 a seemingly clever thing which turns out to be a foolish one instead; 2.get into trouble through clever means; In trying to be smart they made themselves look foolish.; 3.make a fool of oneself in trying to be smart; suffer from being too smart; outsmart oneself; 4.overreach oneself; 5.overshoot the mark; trying to be clever but turning out the contrary; try to be clever but end in being a fool [but turn out the contrary]; 6.try to be clever only to end up with making a blunder; turn out to be a clumsy sleight of hand事半功倍:1.yield [get] twice the result with half the effort; 2.By doing half the work, one will get double the result.; 3.get twofold results with half the effort; half the work with double results: 事情要考虑周详以后再动手, 才能够事半功倍。4. Everything must be carefully examined before we act, then twice as much can be accomplished with half the effort.得不偿失:1.The loss outweighs the gain.; 2.Gains cannot make up for losses.; lose more than gain; 3.more kicks than halfpence; pay (too dear) for one"s whistle; 4.The game is not worth the candle.; Give a lark to catch a kite.; 5.What is gained does not make up for what is lost.: 不干得不偿失的活 avoid the work in which we lose more than we gain
2023-08-05 15:18:571

We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret

2023-08-05 15:19:093


2023-08-05 15:19:331


作者简介:夏洛蒂勃朗特(1816-1855)。5岁时母亲去世,留下勃朗特兄弟姐妹6个孩子,1824年两个姐姐在学校感染肺病去世,后夏洛蒂另一所学校.寄宿,1835年夏洛蒂在校任教。三年后离去,姐妹们天各一方,难以相聚,他们毅然放弃,决心自己创办学校,并做了准备,最后却依然没有成功,父亲的健康江河日下,颇有才气的弟弟染上酗酒喝吸毒的恶习,沦为废人,勃朗特姐妹们又开始了写作。他们的创作才能虽与各自的天分不无关系,但主要归功于父亲的指导。在他的鼓励和督促下勃朗特姐妹常聚在一起如饥似渴的读书,绘画和写作,多难的生活是他们早熟,善于洞察世情,于是当他们的创作热情喷薄而出的时候,世界文学史上便奇迹似的在同一年,同一个家庭诞生了三部传世之作:夏洛蒂的《简u2022爱》,艾米莉的《呼啸山庄》和安妮的《阿格尼斯u2022格雷》。除了《简u2022爱》外,夏洛蒂还创作了《雪莉》、《维莱特》、《教师》。上帝似乎毫不吝啬的塑造了这个天才之家,又似乎急不可耐地向他们伸出毁灭之手。先是1848年9月多才多艺的弟弟夭折,随之,撰写不朽之作《呼啸山庄》的艾米莉于同年亡故。次年5月另一个妹妹安妮离世,5年后的1854年,夏洛特结婚,却在几个月后散步时遇雨得病,于1855年3月31日故去,年仅39岁。Brief introduction to the author: Charlotte Bronte(1816-1855). Mother passes away when being 5-year-old , leave 6 Bolangte brothers and sisters child, two elder sisters are affected with pulmonary tuberculosis in school in 1824 last Xialuodi another school passing away. Lodge, Charlotte Bronteteaches school in school in 1835. For 3 years the queen leaves , sisters are difficult to gather together each in a different corner of the world, they give up resolutely, determination self has established school, and has made preparation, father"s health declines steadily final but as before not successful, the younger brother who has literary talent acquires the bad habit keeping to the bottle drinking drug taking , becomes disabled person, Bolangte sisters have started writing. But though their creation ability having something to do with respective talent, give the credit to father"s direction mainly. In his reading a book encouraging sisters and supervising and urging to go to Bolangte to gather together often being hungry for , drawing and writing, how difficult to live to be their precocity , be good at discerning the world feeling, world history of literature mounts like just miracle thereupon when their creation fervency spurts out, with 1 year, work of having come into being three being handed down from ancient times with a family: Xialuodi"s "letter Love " , Aimili"s and Anne"s "Agenisi Gelei ". Except "letter Outside , Xialuodi have created love " "teacher". Seemingly not in the least Scotch of having molded this genius of God, reaches out hand of being ruined seemingly impatiently to them. The be gifted in many ways younger brother dies young first, with that in September , 1848 , Aimili who does "roaring mountain villa " of writing eternity passes away in the same year. The next year May, another younger sister Anne is away from the world , Charlotte gets married in 1854 in the day afer tomorrow for 5 years,be caught in a rain falling ill , die on March 31 , 1855 when taking a walk but after several months, annual only 39-year-old. 这样就可以了。
2023-08-05 15:21:095

it seems recently that more and more…语篇填空

2023-08-05 15:21:252


2023-08-05 15:21:374

inconsequential, trivial, unimportant 都作为 不重要 意思时,它们有什么区别吗?

unimportant 用法最广,口语书面都可以,表示“不重要的”inconsequential 是指某些看法的不重要,因为不值得考虑、不合理,所以显得不重要的意思trivial 是因为价值不高而不重要
2023-08-05 15:21:451

enjoy yourself是什么意思

2023-08-05 15:21:548

Marginal changes是什么意思

2023-08-05 15:22:174


具体如下:In Zuckerman"s barn, a group of animals live happily. They are humorous and lovely. Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider have established the most sincere friendship. 在扎克曼的谷仓里,一群动物快乐地生活着。他们幽默可爱。猪威尔伯和蜘蛛夏洛特建立了最真诚的友谊。But the ugliest news broke the peace of the barn: Wilbur"s fate was to become bacon and ham! As a pig, it seems that Wilbur can only accept the fate of being slaughtered. However, the seemingly insignificant Charlotte said firmly, "I"ll save you." 但最丑陋的消息打破了谷仓的平静:威尔伯的命运是变成了培根和火腿!作为一头猪,威尔伯似乎只能接受被屠宰的命运。然而,看似微不足道的夏洛特坚定地说:“我会救你的。”Therefore, Charlotte weaves words that are regarded as miracles by human beings on the pigsty with her silk. In order to save little pig Wilbur.因此,夏洛特用丝绸在猪圈上编织了被人类视为奇迹的文字。为了救小猪威尔伯。she weaves these words on the Internet: "ace pig", "great", "humble" and "shining", which completely reversed Wilbur"s fate and finally won a special award in the market competition and a peaceful future. 她在互联网上编制了“王牌猪”、“伟大”、“谦逊”和“闪亮”这几个字,彻底扭转了威尔伯的命运,最终在市场竞争和和平未来中获得了特别奖。But at this time, the spider Charlotte"s life came to an end... Since then, its children and grandchildren have formed good friends with little pig Wilbur.但此时,蜘蛛夏洛特的生命结束了……从那时起,它的子孙与小猪威尔伯结成了好朋友。
2023-08-05 15:23:031


of a seemingly respectable ...作novels定语与宾语无关此句宾语是novels
2023-08-05 15:23:233


SUR(seemingly unrelated regression)回归简单的说,一般我们用的回归(OLS)假设各个equation的error term (无法观察到的部份、残差项或称扰动项)是互不相干的,例如研究个人教育对薪资的影响时,假设个人a无法观察到的部份是不会影响到个人b无法观察到的部份。但是很多研究发现很多观察对象是互相影响的。在跨国成长研究中,就很难假设某国的政治影响力(回归中无法观察到的部份)不会影响到其他国家。因此计量上发展出SUR这样的估计方式,允许各个观察对象的error term相关,以便达到更有效率的估计。详细的理论基础可以参考Greene或是Wooldridge的计量书籍。
2023-08-05 15:23:331

现代大学英语第四课wisdom of bear wood 翻译

2023-08-05 15:23:433

Life is like a dandelion, seemingly free, but in

2023-08-05 15:24:011