barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-06 20:50:37




随手; 方便地,便利地,合宜地; 顺便; 信手


便利地; 方便地


When calling card is put on the table, conveniently of avoid by all means drops about or above pressure go up the thing such as cup, folder, that is clodhopping expression.






随手; 方便地,便利地,合宜地; 顺便; 信手;



When calling card is put on the table, conveniently of avoid by all means drops about or above pressure go up the thing such as cup, folder, that is clodhopping expression.




2023-08-05 12:09:112


方便的(副词)的翻译conveniently adv. 便利地;合宜地
2023-08-05 12:09:361


便利地adv. conveniently ; expediently ; handily
2023-08-05 12:09:461


2023-08-05 12:10:081


"Convenient"是一个英文单词,它的中文翻译是"方便的"。在日常生活和商务领域中,"convenient"常常用于描述一种便捷、适合或合适的情况或条件。1. 形容词用法:- It"s convenient.(这很方便。)- We offer convenient payment methods.(我们提供方便的支付方式。)- The hotel has a convenient location.(这家酒店地理位置便利。)2. 方便实用的事物或设施:- convenient store(便利店)- convenient transportation(方便的交通)- convenient appliances(方便的家电)3. 表示时间或行动的方便:- It would be convenient for me to meet tomorrow afternoon.(明天下午见面对我来说挺方便的。)- Is it convenient for you to have a call now?(现在打电话对你来说方便吗?)4. 表示适合或合适的情况或条件:- convenient time(方便的时间)- convenient location(方便的地点)- convenient solution(便捷的解决方案)5. 固定搭配:- conveniently located(位置便利)- convenient for someone(对某人方便/适合)- convenient to do something(方便做某事)- convenient for travel(适合旅行)
2023-08-05 12:10:151


2023-08-05 12:10:394

这样对吗: study more conveniently

study is more convenient
2023-08-05 12:10:553


语境(1)谈话时突然想到另一件事为了转变话题常用“By the way…”中文常译为“顺便一提…”。其实这应该译为“(喔,)对了…”。但“By the way…是句子间的连接词组,无法用在单句(像”你回家的时候可以顺便帮我买包香烟吗?“)。   语境(2) “你回家的时候可以顺便帮我买包香烟吗?”中的“顺便”其实是含有“方便”的意思。用英文说,就是conveniently, (while you are) in it, (do something in addition to what is already doing) without extra effort, incidentally…。实际上的词组用词可以用in passing, at your convenience, take this opportunity…甚至于不用任   何词组,而用从整个句子的语气上得来〔见下面的例子(d)(e)(f)〕!   例 (a):I mention this point now in passing and shall refer to it again. 这一点现在先顺便提一下,以后还会再提到。   例(b):I take this opportunity to report to you about a matter.顺便向各位报告一件事。   例(c):On your way home, could you please get a pack of cigarettes for me, at your convenience? “你回家的时候可以顺便帮我买包香烟吗?”。   例(d):〔甚至不用at your convenience,从语气上(on your way home)就有“顺便”的气氛〕。I often look in at the bookstore on my way home from work.我下班回家,常(顺便)到书店看看。   例(e):When you go to the library, please return this book for me.你去图书馆管的时候,(顺便)把我这本书还了吧。〔本句中When…for me就有“顺便”的气氛〕。   例(f):Please take this study material with you to the class.你把这份讲义拿到班上去。〔本句中When…with you就有“顺便”的气氛〕。   例(g):When you go shopping, please buy me a pair of small scissors.你去买东西的时候,(顺便)替我买一把小剪刀。〔本句中只用When…而不用其它任何词组,从语气上来看,就有“顺便”的气氛〕。   例(h):When my cousin came to Taipei on business, he stayed with me for two nights. 我表弟来台北出差时,(顺便)来我家住了两晚。〔本句中只用When…而不用其它任何词组,从语气上来看,就有“顺便”的气氛〕。   例(i):When you go to Kingstone Bookstore, please ask when this month‘s issue of World Movie will be in.你去金石堂书店的时候,请(顺便帮我)问一下新的一期“世界电影”杂志什么时候到
2023-08-05 12:11:211


Bay the way
2023-08-05 12:11:303


问题一:随手关门用英语怎么说 Close the door after you, please. 问题二:请随手关门用英语怎么说 希腊神话中曾经提到毒蜥来自蛇发女妖美杜莎的鲜血,美杜莎被珀尔修斯杀死后它的鲜血落在人间成为毒蜥,因此毒蜥...宙斯之子珀尔修斯看见安德洛墨达后爱上了她,为救下安德洛墨达,他杀死塞特斯,用蛇发女妖美杜莎 问题三:请随手关门翻译成英文怎么说! Close the door after you,please. 请随手关门。 Close the door after you, please. 请随手关门。 Shut the door after you when you leave the room. 当你离开房间,请随手关门。 Would you close the door when you go out? 请出去时顺手关门。 Shut the door conveniently. 随手关门。 Shut the door after you. 随手关门。 Shut the door, please. 请关门。 Please close the door as you go out. 请你随手带上门。 The boss pitched into the office boy for failing to shut the door behind him. 老板因为那个勤杂工没有随手关门而大骂他。 问题四:请随手关门英语怎么写 Close the door after you,please. 请随手关门。 Close the door after you, please. 请随手关门。 Shut the door after you when you leave the room. 当你离开房间,请随手关门。 Would you close the door when you go out? 请出去时顺手关门。 Shut the door conveniently. 随手关门。 Shut the door after you. 随手关门。 Shut the door, please. 请关门。 Please close the door as you go out. 请你随手带上门。 The boss pitched into the office boy for failing to shut the door behind him. 老板因为那个勤杂工没有随手关门而大骂他。 问题五:请关门.用英语翻译怎么说 Close the door after you,please. 请随手关门。 Close the door after you, please. 请随手关门。 Shut the door after you when you leave the room. 当你离开房间,请随手关门。 Would you close the door when you go out? 请出去时顺手关门。 Shut the door conveniently. 随手关门。 Shut the door after you. 随手关门。 Shut the door, please. 请关门。 Please close the door as you go out. 请你随手带上门。 The boss pitched into the office boy for failing to shut the door behind him. 老板因为那个勤杂工没有随手关门而大骂他。 分享
2023-08-05 12:11:441


Modern technology makes people communicate more conveniently, can make people"s heart even farther.
2023-08-05 12:11:543


the most convenient
2023-08-05 12:12:054

The table is inconveniently located. 请问LOCATED是动词

动词的被动语态常常用作形容词用 “被……的”进行时态常常含有名词的意味
2023-08-05 12:12:263


We should save resources, such as: water and electricity. First, we want to turn off the light conveniently, turn off the tap. We should put the recyclables and not recycled separate, we should use less paper towel, no pollution to use things. Go out, we should take a bus trip, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, so as to protect the environment
2023-08-05 12:12:373


1 exclusive selection of316L food-grade stainless steel sintered filter as the filter material, filter accuracy is 75microns, efficient to remove water sediment, rust, corrosion products, algae, suspended biological impurities.2 of the German Bayer food-grade PC engineering plastics, has a very high resistance to water hammer, compressive property. And in the process of adding ultraviolet component, delay filter cup by UV irradiation produces aging.The 3 patent backwashing technique that allows users to conveniently, quickly cleaning strainer, lifting the user to filter blocked any menace from the "rear".4 plastic cup control head with binding sites using the unique structural design, to ensure that users in the disassembly and maintenance when the sealing ring is not falling, suitable for users of self maintenance.5every interface using standard quality seals, ensure product safety sealed.6flow is large, do not affect family life water.
2023-08-05 12:12:564

How to commit suicide without any pain conveniently

semen end man end....
2023-08-05 12:13:053


convenientadj. 便利的, 方便的 【词形变化】副词: conveniently 【语法用法】convenient的意思作“使人感觉方便的”,而不是“感觉方便的”。 It is convenient for him to call on her. 而I am convenient to call on him的用法是错误的。
2023-08-05 12:14:131


读音英 [kənˈvi:niənt] 美 [kənˈvinjənt] 。"Convenient"是一个形容词,用来描述某件事物或情况是否方便或合适。以下是一些常见的用法和相关表达:1. 描述时间或地点的方便性:convenient通常用来描述时间或地点是否方便。例如,可以说"It"s convenient for me to meet in the afternoon"(在下午见面对我来说很方便);"The hotel is conveniently located near the train station"(酒店地理位置便利,靠近火车站)。2. 描述设施或服务的便利性:convenient也可以用来描述设施、服务或工具是否方便。例如,可以说"This apartment has a convenient laundry room"(这套公寓有一个方便的洗衣房);"The app offers a convenient way to book flights"(这个应用提供了方便的订机票方式)。3. 描述方法或解决方案的便利性:convenient还可用来描述某个方法、解决方案或策略是否方便或得心应手。例如,可以说"The online payment option is convenient for customers"(在线支付选项对顾客来说很方便);"He found a convenient way to organize his book collection"(他找到了一种方便的方法来组织他的图书收藏)。4. 描述个人行为的方便程度:convenient也可以用来描述个人行为是否方便或合适。例如,可以说"It"s not convenient for me to attend the meeting tomorrow"(对我来说明天去参加会议不方便);"Sorry, this is not a convenient time for me to talk"(抱歉,现在不是我方便谈话的时间)。总结来说,convenient是一个用来描述某件事物或情况是否方便或合适的形容词。它可以用来描述时间、地点、设施、服务、方法、解决方案或个人行为的方便程度。使用时要根据具体语境来确定所指的方便性。
2023-08-05 12:14:361


2023-08-05 12:15:221


have convenient communications(交通网络发达) have good transport facilities(交通设施完备) be conveniently located(交通位置便利) 请提问者视上下文而选择
2023-08-05 12:15:471


2023-08-05 12:15:562

the offices are conveniently located

theoffices are conveniently located in the center of the city 这个办公室是坐落在城市的中心
2023-08-05 12:16:091


是的 contribution 贡献 (contribute v.) make contributions to 对…做出贡献 63. convenient (adj.) 方便的 conveniently 方便地 64. conve...
2023-08-05 12:16:181


2023-08-05 12:16:304


1. In my opinion to jinan traffic and is not very good, is often traffic jams.2. In my opinion to students to do some housework is necessary. First of all, can exercise my own ability. Second, can do parents share part of the housework, reduce the burden of the parents, I"m very happy.3. I agree with the students have their own mobile phone, because it is convenient for us to contact parents call. Secondly, the mobile phone can in time to help us to access information online, know about the news, and reading.4. In my opinion to jinan environment is not good. The streets are very dirty, air quality is poor, and waste pollution is serious. Especially the river pollution.5. I"ll have a birthday party and invite all of my good friends. And then we go to the amusement park.6. Second, I will attend the remedial class to enrich himself. Third, I plan to reduce weight does exercise every day.7. When I feel very nervous, afraid to speak up, and they said, I have some not understand it.8. To my mind reading to get knowledge is the best. Because of this, can enhance my ability to read, and obtain the new knowledge. Kill two birds with one stone really.
2023-08-05 12:16:522


make people communicate convenientlymake people communicate easily
2023-08-05 12:17:091


Close the door after you, please
2023-08-05 12:17:334


环保教室英语句子“节电节水垃圾分类变废为宝”为“Power saving and water saving waste classification into treasure.”环保英语句子:1、请不要乱扔垃圾,把垃圾扔到指定的垃圾箱中。please don"t litter, throw the garbage into the designated bin.2、垃圾分类投放,变废为宝。garbage classification, change waste into treasure.3、多植树,少砍伐树木。尽量少使用一次性用品,多使用耐用品。more trees, less trees. Try to use less disposable items and more durable goods.4、节水为荣,随时关上水龙头,别让水白流。proud of saving water, turn off the faucet at any time, don"t let the water flow in vain.5、随手关灯,省一度电,少一分污染。conveniently turn off the lights, save electricity, less pollution.6、愿君莫伸折枝手,鲜花亦自有泪滴。hope you don"t break your hand, flowers also have their own tears.
2023-08-05 12:17:431

急!!在线等英文翻译。 要翻译连贯的,不要随便粘贴糊弄人的。 求高手解答。翻译的好追加财富分

随着家庭电脑的成功的广泛的使用和普及,只要鼠标轻轻一点,就可以传照片,这让人们联系更为方便了。然而,这真的已经足够了吗?科技使我们可以跟全世界的人说话聊天,但是却阻碍了我们与人的亲密接触,特别是和我们的家人。保持家庭的亲密性必须从孩子还很小的时候开始,如果你在他们还小的时候就向他们灌输家庭的重要性,那很可能他们长大之后也会很重视家庭。保持家庭的亲密性的一个重要的方法是创造一个特别的家庭传统。我们知道人们会在感恩节那天吃火鸡,那我们也可以在那天增加一点特别的东西。比如说,把那一天放空,全家在一起玩一些简单的游戏,比如兵戈游戏。这样每个人都有机会得到奖励---这是一个真正的好处----奖励是“购物券”,举个例子,得到这张购物券的人呢,可以免费和妈妈去看一场电影;得到这一张呢就可以在室内进行野餐;感恩节是一个传统的足球日,因此可以组织家人来一场足球赛,你会惊奇的发现你的孩子们会非常的珍惜这些特殊的家庭时刻。当然了,随着你的孩子们的慢慢的长大,结婚并有他们自己的孩子,不可能每个节假日都能在一起。灵活的,或是交替或挑选一些特定的节假日,把所有的家人都集合在一起。有时候听起来会有点无法抗拒的恐惧,特别是当你有一个庞大的家族时。但正如我所说的,孩子们,即使他们已经成人了,需要这些特殊的场合特别的传统,他们甚至会故意(go out of one`s way 是 故意 的意思)让它们发生。这些是我自己翻译的,可能还是有不足的地方,仅供参考而已,希望能帮到你
2023-08-05 12:18:094


qwer tty wer tyuiopa. sdf ghjklz xcvb. nm mnbvcxz dsapoiuy tr.ewqq werty uiop asdfghj .klzxcv bn mmnbvc xzlkj. hgfds apoiuyt rewq.qwer tty wer tyuiopa. sdf ghjklz xcvb. nm mnbvcxz dsapoiuy tr.ewqq werty uiop asdfghj .klzxcv bn mmnbvc xzlkj. hgfds apoiuyt rewq.qwer tty wer tyuiopa. sdf ghjklz xcvb. nm mnbvcxz dsapoiuy tr.ewqq werty uiop asdfghj .klzxcv bn mmnbvc xzlkj. hgfds apoiuyt rewq.qwer tty wer tyuiopa. sdf ghjklz xcvb. nm mnbvcxz dsapoiuy tr.ewqq werty uiop asdfghj .klzxcv bn mmnbvc xzlkj. hgfds apoiuyt rewq.qwer tty wer tyuiopa. sdf ghjklz xcvb. nm mnbvcxz dsapoiuy tr.ewqq werty uiop asdfghj .klzxcv bn mmnbvc xzlkj. hgfds apoiuyt rewq.qwer tty wer tyuiopa. sdf ghjklz xcvb. nm mnbvcxz dsapoiuy tr.ewqq werty uiop asdfghj .klzxcv bn mmnbvc xzlkj. hgfds apoiuyt rewq.qwer tty wer tyuiopa. sdf ghjklz xcvb. nm mnbvcxz dsapoiuy tr.ewqq werty uiop asdfghj .klzxcv bn mmnbvc xzlkj. hgfds apoiuyt rewq.qwer tty wer tyuiopa. sdf ghjklz xcvb. nm mnbvcxz dsapoiuy tr.ewqq werty uiop asdfghj .klzxcv bn mmnbvc xzlkj. hgfds apoiuyt rewq.
2023-08-05 12:18:303

英语问题 except for the sun, all stars are too far fr

除了太阳,所有的星星都距离地球太远了以至于不能很放方便的用里或公里来衡量。这里还有一个的用法 表示太...以至于不能....原句中明显有一个因果关系 就是:因为太远了 所以不能方便的衡量如果用which的话 因果关系就完全反了except for the sun, all stars are too far from the Earth for their distances which can not be conveniently measured in miles or kilometers.这里for的意思和since,because是一样的,或者可以理解为for (the reason that)。除了太阳,因为和地球的距离不能被方便的用里或公里来衡量,所以所有的星星距离地球都很远。这样的意思不是和原句背道而驰了么...所以说不能用which.原句有一个被动的用法 如果主动的话应该是说 all stars are too far from the Earth to measure their distances in miles or kilometers.虽然主动或者被动的语态都可以使用 但是这句话用了被动语态,所以就把their distances加了个for 然后提到前面了。for their distances的提前容易导致对原句句意理解的变差。当然,所有的分析都是建立在原句的句式和它表达的意思上的。望采纳。
2023-08-05 12:18:411


Our company to construction of safety culture, given these slogans requirements, because my English bilingual rookie, so very near baidu for help, please contact out help ~ ~ ~ ~1, an average heart, have a safe trip line2, bring peace go out, carrying happy home3, production again favour, safety did not forget, human life, safety is first4, measures to bits, climing doesn"t matter5, safety travel and warm service6, safety in precise up, service in harmony in ascension7, strolling in the clouds and concordant peace. Flight safety, heavier than mount tai8 and cigarette butts conveniently and destroy, fire always paying attention9, I most afraid afraid most smoke receive, see not pure couldn"t see your face10, please don"t with power too close11, save electricity, Shared secure12, electric safety, remember ?
2023-08-05 12:18:518


CRT三枪投影机CRT是英文Cathode Ray Tube的缩写,译作阴极射线管。作为成像器件,它是实现最早、应用最为广泛的一种显示技术。这种投影仪可把输入信号源分解成R(红)、G(绿)B(蓝)三个CRT管的荧光屏上,荧光粉在高压作用下发光系统放大、会聚、在大屏幕上显示出彩色图像。光学系统与RT管组成投影管,通常所说的三枪投影仪就是由三个投影管组成的投影仪,由于使用内光源,也叫主动式投影方式。CRT技术成熟,显示的图像色彩丰富,还原性好,具有丰富的几何失真调整能力;但其重要技术指标图像分辨率与亮度相互制约,直接影响CRT投影仪的亮度值,到目前为止,其亮度值始终徘徊在300lm以下。另外CRT投影仪操作复杂,特别是会聚调整繁琐,机身体积大,只适合安装于环境光较弱、相对固定的场所,不宜搬动。LCD投影仪LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)液晶投影仪,可以分成液晶板投影仪和液晶光阀投影仪,前者是投影仪市场上的主要产品。液晶是介于液体和固体之间的物质,本身不发光,工作性质受温度影响很大,其工作温度为-55℃~+77℃。投影仪利用液晶的光电效应,即液晶分子的排列在电场作用下发生变化,影响其液晶单元投影仪的透光率或反射率,从而影响它的光学性质,产生具有不同灰度层次及颜色的图像。由于LCD投影仪色彩还原较好、分辨率可达SXGA标准,体积小,重量轻,携带起来也非常方便,是投影仪市场上的主流产品。按照液晶板的片数,LCD投影仪分为三片机和单片机,而单板投影仪的机型已经很少,我们看到最多的还是三片机。在投影仪中有3块液晶板,其中分布着液晶体。液晶体是介于液体和固体之间的物质,本身不发光,它们象荧光屏上的像素一样整齐的排列着。投影仪利用液晶的光电效应,即液晶分子的排列以及液晶分子本身的状态在电场作用下发生变化,影响其液晶单元的透光率或反射率。投影仪利用这个原理可以达到利用电信号准确控制通过液晶单元的光线的目的。 液晶投影仪中的光源是金属卤素灯或UHP(冷光源),发出明亮的白光, 经过光路系统中的分光镜,将白光分解为RGB(红色、绿色、蓝色)三种元素颜色的光线。RGB三种元素颜色的光线在精确的位置上穿过液晶体,这时候每一个液晶体的作用类似于光阀门,控制每一个液晶体中光线的通过与否以及通过光线的多少。三种元素颜色的光线就这样,经过投影仪的镜头准确投射到屏幕上,哪一点该是什么颜色、光的强度有多少,都分布的正正好好。就这样,在屏幕上投影组成了与源图像一致的色彩斑斓的图像。普通的LCD投影仪具有色彩好、价格优势和亮度均匀性好等多方面优势,因此目前正在以万元甚至低于万元的价格逐渐普及到家庭和小型商用场所之中。此外还有液晶光阀投影仪代表了液晶投影仪的高端产品,它采用CRT管和液晶光阀作为成像器件,是CRT投影仪与液晶与光阀相结合的产物。具有非常高的亮度和分辨率,适用于环境光较强,投影屏幕很大的场合,如超大规模的指挥中心、会议中心或娱乐场所等。DLP投影仪DLP是英文Digital Light Processor 的缩写,译作数字光处理器。DLP以DMD(Digital Micromirror Device)数字微反射器作为光阀成像器件。一个DLP电脑板由模数解码器、内存芯片、一个影象处理器及几个数字信号处理器(DSP)组成,所有文字图象就是经过这块板产生一个数字信号,经过处理,数字信号转到DLP系统的心脏--DMD。而光束通过一高速旋转的三色透镜后,被投射在DMD上,然后通过光学透镜投射在大屏幕上完成图像投影。一片DMD是由许多个微小的正方形反射镜片(简称微镜)按行列紧密排列在一起贴在一块硅晶片的电子节点上形成的,每一个微镜都对应着生成图像的一个DLP投影仪原理DLP投影仪原理像素。因此,DMD装置的微镜数目决定了一台DLP投影仪的物理分辨率,例如一台投影仪的分辨率为600X800,所指的就是DMD装置上的微镜数目就有600x800=480000个。在DMD装置中每个微镜,都对应着一个存储器,该存储器可以控制微镜在±10度角两个位置上切换转动。而且DMD块上每一个像素的面积为16μm×16,间隔为1μm。根据所用DMD的片数,DLP投影仪可分为:单片机、两片机、三片机。DMD数字信号的红,绿,蓝顺序旋转,小镜子根据像素的位置及色彩的多少被打开或关闭,此时DLP可以看作是只有一个光源和一组投影镜头组成的简单光路系统,镜头放大了DMD的反射影像并直接投射在屏幕上,这样一幅生动、明亮的演示效果就展现在我们面前了。
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这位卖家好可笑啊~~~哈哈 开眼界了
2023-08-05 12:09:099


一、基本用语 1. Welcome to our bar. 欢迎光临我们的酒吧。 2. Nice to meet you again. 很高兴再次见到您。 3. Please wait a moment. 请稍等一下。 4. Is there anything I can do for you? 还有什么事需要为您效劳吗? 5. Thank you for your coming,Good-bye. 谢谢您的光临,再见。 6. Thank you,We don"t accept tips. 谢谢您,我们不收小费。 7. Would you like to have cocktail or whisky on the rocks? 您要鸡尾酒还是要威士忌加冰? 8. Would you mind filling in this inquiry form? 请填一下这张意见表好吗? 9. Leave it to me. 让我来吧。 10. Please bring me a pot of hot coffee. 请给我一壶热咖啡。 11. Can you act as my interpreter? 你可以做我的翻译吗? 12. Do you honor this credit card? 你们接受这张信用卡吗? 13. Please give me a receipt. 请给我一张发票。 14. It is no sugar in the coffee. 咖啡里没有糖。 15. I"d like to see your manager. 我要见你们的经理。 16. Please give me another drink. 请给我另一份饮料。 17. Please page Mr. I.i in the bar for me. 请叫一下在酒吧里的李先生。 18. Will you take charge of my baggage? 你可以替我保管一下行李吗? 19. Would you care for a glass of sherry with your soup? 在喝汤的时候是否要一杯雪利酒? 20. Your friends will be back very soon 你的朋友很快会回来。 21. Have a nice trip home. 归途愉快。 22. Wish you a pleasant journey. 祝您旅途愉快。 23. Would you like me to call a taxi for you? 要我为您叫出租车吗? 24. I"d suggest you take the one-day tour of Shanghai. 我建议您参加上海一日游。 25. May I take you order? 我能为您点菜吗? 26. There is a floor show in our lobby bar. Would you like to see it? 大堂酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看吗? 27. Please feel free to tell us you have any request. 请把您的要求告诉我们。 28. Miss Li is regarded as one of the best barmaid in the hotel. 李小姐被认为是酒店里最好的女调酒师。 29. Here is the drink list, sir. Please take your time. 先生,这是酒单,请慢慢看。 30. I do apologize. Is there any thing I can do for you? 非常抱歉,还有什么可以为您效劳吗? 31. Mao Tai is much stronger than shaoxing rice wine. 茅台酒精度数要比黄酒高。 32. Mr. Tom has caught a cold. He asks the bartender for some aspirin tablets. 汤姆先生患了感冒,他向调酒师要一些阿司匹林药片。 33. Snack bar usually serve fast food. 小吃吧通常供应快餐。 34. We like Shao Xing rice wine because it tastes good. 我们喜欢绍兴黄酒是因为它口味很好。 35. We have a bottle of wine that has been preserved for twenty years. 我们有一瓶保存了20年的葡萄酒。 36. Yesterday he caught a cold,so he didn"t go to work. 昨天他得了感冒,所以他没去上班。 37. Hotel staff should handle guest"s complaint with patience. 酒店员工必须耐心地对待客人的抱怨。 38. Since you stay at our hotel,you may sign the bill. 从你人住我们的酒店后,你就可以签单。 39. "Bourbon on the rocks" is Bourbon whiskey on ice cubes. "Bourbon on the rocks"的意思是波本威士忌加冰块。 40. I"ll return to take your order in a while. 等一会我会回来为你点单。 41. The minimum charge for a 200 people cocktail receptions is 6000 yuan,including drinks. 200人的鸡尾酒会最低价是6000元,包括酒水。 42. The base of Old Fashioned cocktail is whiskey. 古典鸡尾酒的基酒是威士忌。 43. Kahlua is a kind of liqueur: 甘露咖啡酒是一种利口酒。 44. I hope that we will be meeting again soon. 我希望我们不久会再见面。 45. What will you be doing at 7 tonight? 今晚7点钟你们千什么? 46. He will be waiting for you in the lobby at seven. 他今晚7点在大堂等您。 47. What are you going to do tomorrow morning? 明天上午您打算干什么? 48. I"m not going to stay any longer. It"s going to rain, isn"t it? 我不打算再多呆下去,天好像要下雨,是吗? 49. If you don"t mind, we can take care of your baggage for you. 如果您不介意,我们可以为您看管行李。 50. Let me carry the suitcase for you; will you? 让我为您提这只皮箱好吗? 51. What would you like to drink after dinner, coffee or tea? 晚饭后您想喝咖啡还是喝茶? 52. How shall we get to Yu Yuan Garden, by bus or by taxi? 去豫园公园该乘公共汽车还是出租车? 53. Your breakfast will be served in a short while. 您的早餐要过一会儿才能送到。 54. It takes about 10 minutes to drive from the airport to our hotel. 从机场到我们宾馆驱车大约要10分钟时间。 55. Please don"t speak loudly in the lobby lounge,will you? 请不要在大堂酒吧大声说话,好吗? 56. There"s something wrong with my watch. Could you tell me where I can get it repaired? 我的手表坏了,请问上哪儿可以修理? 57. The children are too young to drink wine. 孩子太小还不能喝酒。 58. 1 tried to remove the wine stain in my coat with soup, but in vain. 我试着用肥皂洗去衣服上的酒溃,但是没有成功。 59. Would you like to have some Mao Tai? It never goes to the head. 您要喝点茅台吗?这酒从不上头。 60. A bartender should know what to do and how to do it. 一个调酒师应该知道做什么和怎么做。 61. The bar is full now. Do you care to wait for about 20 minutes? 酒吧现在客满,请稍等约20分钟好吗? 62. Would you mind if I smoke? 你不介意我抽支烟吧? 63. Would you please tell me the exchange rate today? 请你告诉我今天的外汇兑换率好吗? 64. We serve many kinds of drinks. Please help yourself. 我们供应很多种饮料,请自便。 65. Would you please show me how to use chopsticks? 请你教我如何使用筷子好吗? 66. Would you mind opening the window by the table? 您不介意把餐桌一边的窗户打开吧? 67. How much do all these come to? 这些共计多少钱? 68. Frankly speaking, I don"t like this wine. 老实说,我不喜欢这种酒。 69. 1 like my coffee very sweet, so does my wife. 我喜欢把咖啡冲得很甜,我夫人也是。" 70. Can this wine really have been preserved for years? 这种酒真的是陈年葡萄酒吗?
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【 #婴幼儿# 导语】英语中有很多常用的基本对话是可以提前记忆的,背诵一些日常交际用语对英语的学习也很有帮助。下面是 分享的幼儿英语日常对话用语。欢迎阅读参考! 1.幼儿英语日常对话用语   打招呼,问好   1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好!   2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好!   3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我(四)岁。   4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什么名字?我叫(兰兰)。   5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。   6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。   7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。   8. Excuse me! 打扰一下!   9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈/ 爸爸。   10. Good-bye 再见。   11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什么名字?   12. See you next week. 下周见。 2.幼儿英语日常对话用语   课间休息   1、 Please go to the bathroom, one by one. 排好队去洗手间。   2、 Be careful! The floor is wet. 小心,地面是湿的。   3、 Please wash your hands. 请洗手。   4、 Soap your hands down. 在手上摸肥皂。   5、 Take down the towel and wipe your hands. 摘下毛巾擦擦手。   6、 Put up your towel. 把你的毛巾挂好。   7、 Save water,please. 请节约用水。   8、 Please take your cup and get some water. 请拿杯子接水。   9、 Let"s drink some water/milk. 我们喝点水/牛奶吧。 3.幼儿英语日常对话用语   表扬及鼓励用语   1.Pretty good!非常好!   2.You are the best!你是最棒的!   3.Good for you!非常好!   4.Good job!干的不错!   5.You are great!你真棒!   6.Sounds great.听上去不错。   7.You look great!你今天看上去不错!   8.Fantastic!太棒了!   9.Amazing!太神奇了!   10.You look sharp!你看上去真精神!   11.Well done!干的好!   12.Nice going!非常好!   13.Nice try!不错的尝试!   14.Nice job!干的好!   15.You are wonderful!你太棒了!   16.Wonderful job!干得真棒!   17.So lovable!太可爱了!   18.Beautiful!真漂亮!   19.So cute!真可爱!   20.So sweet!真可爱!   21.You look so lovely today.你今天看起来真可爱!   22.Not bad!不错!   23.You can do it.你能做到!   24.Brilliant!真精彩!   25.Perfect!太完美了!   26.Bravo!干得漂亮!   27.You are so smart!你真聪明!   28.We are proud of you!我们为你骄傲!   29.You are great!你太棒了!   30.It looks great!看起来太棒了!   32.You are so cool!你真酷!   33.Adorable. 真可爱。 4.幼儿英语日常对话用语   集体活动   1.Ready? 准备好了吗?   2.Lets begin now. 让我们开始。   3.Who can answer the question? 谁能回答这个问题?   4.Class begin. 开始上课。   5.Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。   6.Keep quite./ Keep silence. 保持安静。   7.Sit down. 坐下。   8.Put your hand up. 把手举起来。   9.Stop talking. 别说话。   10.Is that clear? / Understand? 清楚了么?你明白吗?   11.Read with me. 和我一起读。   12.Get back to your seat. 回到你的座位。   13.Open your book.翻开书。   14.Listen carefully. 仔细听。   15.Listen to the music.听音乐。   16.Speak in English. 用英语说。   17.Do you know? 你知道吗?   18.Let"s play a game. 让我们来做游戏。   19.Let"s write something. 让我们来写点什麽。   20.Let"s dance. 一起跳舞吧。 5.幼儿英语日常对话用语   课堂纪律   1.Stop talking. 不要讲话。   2.Listen carefully.仔细听。   3.Please be quiet.请安静。   4.Please keep quiet.请保持安静。   5.Don"t push anyone else. 不要推其他人。   6.Attention please. 请注意。   7.You are too noisy, please stop. 你太吵了,请停止。   8.Don"t talk. 不要吵。   9.Go back to your seat.回到你的座位上去。
2023-08-05 12:09:221


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正常空气中的氧气含量为百分之二十左右,井下通风氧含量就是模拟地面空气含量,给人营造一种较为舒适的环境。 当空气中的氧浓度将至百分之十七以下时,人会产生不良的生理反应,如呼吸困难、乏力等种种不适反应,严重可能导致缺氧窒息死亡,因此空气中氧含量在百分之十七为一个安全临界值。所以, 煤矿安全规程规定对于井下所有地点的氧气浓度均不得低于百分之二十。
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原理 投影仪和幻灯机一样,也是利用凸透镜成像原理,将透明的物体投射到银幕上,形成放大的图像。投影仪主要由光学系统、通风设备及电路构成。投影机先将光线照射到图像显示元件上来产生影像,然后通过镜头进行投影。投影机的图像显示元件包括利用透光产生图像的透过型和利用反射光产生图像的反射型。无论哪一种类型,都是将投影灯的光线分成红、绿、蓝三色,再产生各种颜色的图像。因为元件本身只能进行单色显示,因此就要利用3枚元件分别生成3色成分。然后再通过棱镜将这3色图像合成为一个图像,最后通过镜头投影到屏幕上。 分类 家庭影院型,适合播放电影和高清晰电视,适于家庭用户使用。便携商务型投影仪,体积小、重量轻、移动性强,是移动商务用户在进行移动商业演示时的首选搭配。教育会议型投影,一般定位于学校和企业应用,散热和防尘做的比较好,适合安装和短距离移动,功能接口比较丰富,容易维护,性能价格比也相对较高,适合大批量采购普及使用。除此之外还有主流工程型投影仪,专业剧院型投影仪,测量投影仪。
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1.--I"m taking my driving test tomorrow. -- ! A. Cheers B. Good luck C. Come on D. Congratulations 2.--The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they? -- ___________. A. I guess not so B. I don"t guess C. I don"t guess so D. I guess not 3.--What happened to the priceless works of art? -- __________. A. They were destroyed in the earthquake B. The earthquake was destroying them C. They destroyed in the earthquake D. The earthquake destroyed them 4.--It"s been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much. -- . A. My pleasure B. I"m glad to hear that C. No, thanks D. It"s OK 5.--How often do you refer to the dictionary when you are reading an English novel? --Well, . I will look the word up if it affects my understanding. A. seldom B. very often C. it depends D. if possible 6.--What about having a drink? -- ___________. A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. Go ahead, please D. Me, too 7. --Waiter ! -- ________. --I can"t eat this. It"s too salty. A. Yes, sir B. What C. All right D. Pardon 8.-I"d like to go with you to the cinema, but I"m short of money these days. --That"s all right.________. A. We are friends, and I"I1 help you B. It will be my treat C. You know I"m a millionaire D. I"ll pay for myself 9. --We had a good time in dancing at a disco. Why didn"t you go with us? --I__ there, but my parents told me not to. A. would have gone B. couldn"t go C. hadn"t gone D. failed to go 10.--I feel tired, Dad. --Tired? ? A. For what B. For which C. From which D. Of what 11.--Mum, I"ve cut my finger. It"s bleeding. -- ________. A. Let me see B. Don"t worry C. Let me have a look D. Be careful 12.--Can I help you? --No, thanks._________. A. I just look around B. I am just looking C. I would like to look D. I will buy nothing 13.--Paul, I"d like to have a talk with you at tea break. -- ________ Have what with me? A. Yes, please. B. Thanks. C. Sorry. D. You" re welcome. 14.--Whose advice do you think I should take? -- ________. A. It"s up to you B. That"s it C. You got it D. You speak 15. --I" m going downtown. --Come on.______. A. You"re welcome B. Don"t do that C. Come with me D. I"ll give you a lift " 16.--Come in, please. Make yourself at home. --_________. --I"m glad you like it. A. Oh. This picture is so beautiful. B. Thanks. What nice food you" re prepared! C. Thanks. You have a nice place here. D. OK. Let me look around your new house. 17.--How did you find your visit to the museum, Jane? -- __________. A. By taking a No. 3 bus B. Oh, wonderful, indeed C. I went there alone D. A classmate of mine showed me the way 18. --I put him down for a well-educated man? -- _________? --I mean that he"s a well-educated man. A. Speak louder, will you B. I beg your pardon C. What"s that D. Will you repeat word for word 19.--Oh, must you? Stay a bit longer. It"s been such fun having you. -- ________. I"ve got an early start tomorrow morning. A. Thanks anyway B. No problem C. All right D. Never mind 20.--I didn"t know this was a one-way street, officer. -- _________. A. That"s all right B. I don"t believe you. C. How dare you say that? D. Sorry, but that"s no excuse. 21.--Would you mind not littering in the classroom? -- _______. I"ll pick up the waste paper. A. With pleasure B. Thanks C. No, not at all D. Yes, that"s right 22.--You must be excited about going to France for schooling. -- ________, but I"m afraid I can"t do well because my French is poor. A. Never mind B. I don"t know yet C. Well, I ought to D. Certainly not 23. --Excuse me. Can you spare me a few minutes? --_______. A. What"s on? B. What"s up? C. What is it? D. What"s more? 24.--Hey, look where you are going! --Oh,________. A. Fm terribly sorry B. I am not noticing C. that"s all right D. I don"t mean to do it 25.--Jack! _______! You are wanted on the phone. --Oh, I" m coming. Thank you. A. Take it easy B. Don"t worry C. Be careful D. Hurry up 26. --Good morning, Grand Hotel. --Hello, I"d like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th. -- ________ A. What can I do for you? B. Just a minute, please. C. What"s the matter? D. At your service. 27.--I had a really good weekend at my uncle"s. -- __________. A. Oh, that"s very nice of you B. Congratulations C. It"s a pleasure D. Oh, I"m glad to hear that 28. --I"m very sorry I can"t go to your birthday party. -- _______. A. It"s very nice B. Can I help you C. It doesn"t matter D. Certainly 29.--What do you think of your headmaster? -- _______. A. I like him B. He"s not very tall C. He is very kind D. He often smiles 30. --Would you mind me smoking here? --_______ . It"s non-smoking area here. A. Yes, please B. Fm afraid. I"ve to say yes C. No, please D. No, you can" t 31. --Time, please. --_______,my watch doesn"t work. A. No trouble B. No problem C. Sorry D. Sure 32.-- __________? --About six Yuan a kilo. A. How old B. How much C. How often D. How many 33.--Look! There is some dirt on you left hand. --______. I"ll go to wash it away. A. So is there B. There is so C. So there is D. So it is 34. --Thank you for your delicious food, Mrs. Green. -- , Mr. Smith. I"m glad you enjoyed it. A. All right B. OK C. No, not at all D. Thank you 35.--It looks as if it is going to rain. --_______,or we won"t be able to go for a picnic. A. I hope nor B. I think so C. I"m not afraid D. I don"t believe so 36.________, please, your room is on the third floor, sir. A. Go there B. Come here C. Get up D. This way 37.--Did you close your door when you left your room? A. I hope so B. True C. Sure D, Believe it or not 38.-- --Thanks. I certainly will. A. Happy New Year B. Don"t forget to wash your clothes C. Please send my regards to your parents D. Let me help you 39.--Hello. Is that Bob speaking? --Sorry, he isn"t in. Can I take a message? --Yes, A. I"m Tom B. Thank you C. This is Tom speaking D. Tell him Tom called 40.--I have a serious toothache, doctor. -- . Let me give you an examination. A. It doesn"t matter B. That"s OK C. Take it easy D. Don"t worry 41.- are you getting on with your classmates? --Very well. They are all friendly to me. A. What B. How C. Who D. Why 42.--Would you please ask Joan to ring me back, Mr. Green? --Sure. ? --I think so. A. Have you told him B. May I Speak to Joan C. Does she have your number D. Why 43.--Do you mind my turning off the light? -- . I"m reading the end of the story. A. No, not at all B. Of course not C. I"d rather you didn"t D. Yes, please 44.--She isn"t your old classmate, is she? -- . I have never seen her before. A. Yes. she is B. No. she is C. Yes, she isn"t D. No, she isn"t 45.--Do you know ____ he is? --It"s said he is a doctor. A. who B. which C. what D. whom 46.--Where my watch? I can"t find it anywhere. --I it right here. But now it"s gone. A. did you put; have put B. have you put; was putting C. have you put; put D. were you putting; have put 47.--Do you still remember .__ he came to Changsha? --Yes, he came here by air. A. how B. when C. where D. why 48.--We" re going to have a picnic this weekend. Are you serious? -- . Mr. Zhang is coming to join us, too. A. Yes, I have never been more serious B. Yes, we do C. No, we"re not going D. No, we aren"t 49.--Look out! Your hair will get caught in the machine. --Thank you. so close to it. A. I think 1 am B. I don; t know I am C. I didn"t know I was D. I had thought I was 50.--Do you think I can use your pen? -- A. Yes, go on B. No, do please C. Yes, you could D. But I"m using it myself 参考答案:1-5 BDAAC 6-10 AABAD 11-15 CBCAD 16-20 CBBAD21-25 CCBAD 26-30BDCCB 31-35CBCDA 36-40DCCDC41-45BCCDC 46-50CAACD
2023-08-05 12:08:422

silk 与 silky 的区别

没什么大区别吧这是在词典中查到的,silken ["silk?n] adj. 绸的,绸制的,柔软的 例句 Her silken long hair attracted the attention of a photographer. 她的光滑柔软的长发吸引了一位摄影师的注意。 She put on her silken gown before going to bed. 睡觉前,她穿上丝质的睡衣。 silky ["silki] adj. 似丝的(温和的) 例句 The silky wool of this mammal. 羊驼毛这种哺乳动物丝一般的毛 A silky fiber obtained from the fruit of the silk-cotton tree and used for insulation and as padding in pillows, mattresses, and life preservers. 木棉一种绢状纤维,从木棉树的果实中提取出来,用作隔音材料,也可用作枕头,褥垫和救生用具中的垫料 由此可推测…sillken是形容和人相关的,silky是形容物的
2023-08-05 12:08:411