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2023-08-06 17:41:34

Snow!Earth after the snow covered with a white coat, my little friends come out to play happy school. We run around in the snow, enjoying our footprints in the snow to take the views.Played a while, I...



2023-08-05 10:56:171


打雪仗: 1.throw snowballs 2.have a snowball fight 3.snowball
2023-08-05 10:56:241


throw snowballshave a snowball fight
2023-08-05 10:56:336


2023-08-05 10:56:503


play snow fights
2023-08-05 10:56:571


2023-08-05 10:57:1110


2023-08-05 10:57:354


Have a snowball fight
2023-08-05 10:57:422


I like what we are monkey be things in winner tea we can make shave sock be friends and girl singing
2023-08-05 10:58:175

堆雪人 打雪仗 的英文

making snowmanplaying snowball
2023-08-05 10:58:497


2023-08-05 10:59:055


我喜欢下雪天,在这样的天气里,我最喜欢打雪仗,I love snow days, in this weather, I most like snowball fights。冬天下雪这是因为冬季会受到寒潮的侵袭.寒潮本身就是从北向南流动的一股强烈的又干又冷的空气,当它的前缘和南方的暖湿空气一发生接触,因为冷空气比暖空气重,就会把暖湿空气抬升到高空去,使暖空气里的水汽迅速凝华成为冰晶,又逐渐增大成为雪花降落下来。多美的小雪花,开始零零落落,又小、又厚、又柔、又轻就像那高贵的白天鹅轻轻抖动翅膀,一片片小小的羽毛,飘飘悠悠落下来,接着小雪花变大了,变厚了,变得密密麻麻,就像谁用力摇动天上的玉树琼花,那洁白无瑕的花瓣纷纷飞下来,后来,雪越下越大,小雪花们在空中你拉我扯,你抱住我,我拥紧你,一团团,一簇簇,仿佛无数扯碎了的棉花球从天空翻滚而下,这时,整个世界都变得迷迷茫茫的,美不胜收。
2023-08-05 11:00:131


To throw snowballs with my friends
2023-08-05 11:00:352


1. 打雪仗的英语作文 It was snowing hard .When I went out of my house ,my friends had already been in the street.They were playing with snow.I joined them at once.Suddenly one of them shouted,"Let us play snowball fighting."At once all of us were divided into o groups and beganto fight.Some were busy making snowballs and others were throwing the balls at the other side.Suddenly,a big snowball hit me on the face. Iwas frightened and we all laughed.How happy we were!e69da5e887aa7a686964616f31333262343830I hope there would be another snow。 2. 求一篇描写打雪仗的英语作文 打雪仗 冬天到来了,寒风吹过,脸上如刀割一般,冬天的小精灵——雪也从天上跳着美丽的舞蹈,来到了人间的每一个角落,不经意间,他们早已将房顶,树木,草地,公路当作了舞台,争先恐后的前往表演。 最快乐的当然还数我们这些孩子。我和我的同学们在山上的一片空地处打雪仗,我们先分成了两队,然后去准备“弹药”,我的工作是专门看有没有同学在制造伪劣“弹药”(往雪球里掺石头或杂草),以免发生危险。 5分钟后,我们开战了,我带领一支娘子军“敢死队”去吸引“敌方”的注意力,而大部队悄悄绕道敌人后方去打他们个措手不及。果然,正如我们所料,“敌军”全部中计了,把全部的兵力调向前方来与我们“敢死队”对抗,后方“老巢”却空无一人,我们很快就得手了,这下,敌军可失去了一大片领地。 在接下来的战斗中,我们个个都浴雪奋战,英勇无比。就在战争快结束时,我一不小心,“砰”的一声,一个雪球在我脸上降落了,我立刻脸上全是雪,活像一个白胡子的小老头SnowballComes the winter, cold wind blowing, the face like a knife general, winter snow elves -- from the sky and beautiful dance, to every corner of the world, inadvertently, they had the roof, trees, grass, road as the stage, fall over each other to show the. The happiest of course also the number of our children. I and my clas *** ates in the mountain area a snowball fight, we first divided into o teams, and then to prepare " ammunition ", my work is dedicated to see if there is no students in the manufacture of fake " ammunition " ( to snowball in mixed with stones or weeds ), in order to avoid danger. After 5 minutes, we are at war, I led an army "death squads " to attract the " enemy " attention, and the troops behind enemy lines to play quietly bypass them be taken by surprise. Sure enough, as we had expected, " the enemy " all fell into the trap, put all the troops forward to us "death squads " fight back " home ", but empty, we soon got him, this, the lost a large territory. In the ensuing battle, we all bath snow fight, and courageous. At the end of the war, I accidentally, " bang" sound, a snowball landed on my face, I immediately face full of snow, like a little old man with white beard。 3. 求一篇描写打雪仗的英语作文 It was snowing hard .When I went out of my house ,my friends had already been in the street.They were playing with snow.I joined them at once.Suddenly one of them shouted, "Let us play snowball fighting."At once all of us were divided into o groups and beganto fight. Some were busy making snowballs and others were throwing the balls at the other side.Suddenly,a big snowball hit me on the face. Iwas frightened and we all laughed.How happy we were!I hope there would be another snow. 4. 【用几个动词写"打雪仗"的短文~急用不是写英语是用中文 我们开始打雪仗了.“我要这块雪.”“我要这块雪.”大家七嘴八舌开始找自己的战地,战地找好了,我就赶紧捏雪球.戴着皮手套就是不一样,“一、二、三、四……”我嘴里不停的数着,动作可快了.呵,30个了,我的兵器够了.我看看大家,一个个手冻的像冰棍似的,我的手暧哄哄的.于是我便得意起来,向大家展示着自己的“兵器”,终于开战了,我把手套借给肖雪,第一颗“子弹”发射成功,把肖雪打的很狼狈,第二颗扔出去又打中了,我高兴极了,就这样第三个第四个……“雪弹”接二连三在伙伴们的身上、头上开了花.我的手渐渐的渐渐的冷了起来.一个个都打空了,我生气极了,手也觉得快冻僵了,非常难受.我终于沉不住气了,眼睛一闭开始乱扔,只听“哎呀”一声,“啊,打中了!” 或者这个我抓起一把雪,把它变成圆形,向别人打去.可他们反应快,一下就躲过了我向他们打的雪球.正在我气愤的时候,突然背后“啪”的一声,我才反应过来,我被别人击中了.我当然不甘示弱,于是,我坐在地上,想着一个好的办法.有了!于是,我对刚才袭击我的人说:“你看,**老师来了~!”他连忙扭过头看一看.正在这时候,我想,这时候是我反击的好时候了!于是,我把手中的雪球打向他的背后.他刚好转过头想来好好教训一下我.可没想到的是,偏偏给我歪打正着了.哈哈,我心中暗暗高兴,我终于报了一箭之仇了!我是高兴了,可他却满脸是雪,把雪拍了,那哪叫脸,分明是个红萍果.大家都笑弯了腰.我要倒霉了!我想.果真不出我所料,他猛地向我冲来,我连忙逃跑,最后,我俩都跑的没劲了,才停止了这场战争。 5. 打雪仗作文 到了冬天,我就盼望着下雪,还要是鹅毛大雪,因为我喜欢那漫天飞舞的雪花,喜欢在雪地上走,踩出串串小脚印,更喜欢堆雪人、打雪仗。 \x0a记得有一次下大雪,纷飞的雪花铺天盖地,一会儿,地上就像铺了一层白色的羊毛毯,整个小区都披上了银装。我没等雪停,就穿好羽绒服、带上手套下楼去踩雪。 脚踩在雪地上,雪地发出“嘎吱、嘎吱”的声音,真好听,回头看看,身后留下一长串脚印。“畅畅”,我回头一看壮壮也出来玩雪了。 一会儿,又出来几个朋友,壮壮提议:“咱们打雪仗吧!”“好!”壮壮的话音未落,我们就异口同声地响应了。我们分成两队,我和壮壮一队。 我们选择假山后作为我们的阵地,这样能躲避“敌人”的进攻。我们开始准备“炮弹”了:我用双手捧起雪,快速地团着……“嘭!”地一声,一个白色炸弹在我们面前开花了,不好,“敌人”进攻了!反击!只见壮壮抓起一个雪球,抡起胳膊向对方扔去,我也站起来跟着扔出一个雪球,雪球不偏不斜正打在对方的肩膀上。 对方向我们发起了猛烈攻击,一个个“炮弹”在假山上开了花……在他们弹尽粮绝时,我们进行了“疯狂”的反击,打得他们已经没有还手之力了。\x0a游戏结束后,不知道是兴奋的还是冻的,我们的脸各个都是紫红紫红的,手也是钻心的疼,可是,我们的脸上都绽放着开心的笑容。 6. 关于打雪仗的英语作文 最好是别太多 ,谢谢 Snowball Remember that snowball fights, I and my friends upstairs in a snowball fight. Our boys are blue team, red team. I am a person to attack the red team. Who knows, my people were they kill. Finally, we rushed, we almost got their snowball into ice, my mouth a snowball, we lost, the girls won. Five, my mother told me to go back, we must go to the friend said: "after the snow, I"ll snowball fights, friends, goodbye! They say: "goodbye!" When you sleep, I want to snow again, that would be nice! , I can be with my friends snowball fights." 打雪仗 记得那次打雪仗,我和我的朋友在楼上打雪仗。我们男生是蓝队,女生是红队。我叫一个人去偷袭红队。谁知道,我的人被他们干掉了。 最后,我们一起冲,我们差点被他们的雪球的打成冰块儿,我的口里一个雪球,我们输了,女生赢了。五点了,妈妈叫我回去吃饭,我们要走了对朋友说:” 以后下雪了,我就来打雪仗,朋友,再见了!他们说:“ 再见!”睡觉的时候,我想再下雪,那可多好啊!,我还可以再跟朋友一起打雪仗。” 7. 冬天打雪仗和堆雪人的作文 下雪啦!下雪啦……我高兴的又蹦又跳,穿得像个大熊猫似的,围上围巾,戴上帽子、手套,叫了几个小伙伴出来玩. “我们堆雪人吧.”我提议说. “哎,没意思.”伙伴们齐声说. “还是打雪仗吧.” “好!” 伙伴们都同意了,我们开始打雪仗了.“我要这块雪.”“我要这块雪.”大家七嘴八舌开始找自己的战地,战地找好了,我就赶紧捏雪球.戴着皮手套就是不一样,“一、二、三、四……”我嘴里不停的数着,动作可快了.呵,30个了,我的兵器够了.我看看大家,一个个手冻的像冰棍似的,我的手暧哄哄的.于是我便得意起来,向大家展示着自己的“兵器”,终于开战了,我把手套借给肖雪,第一颗“子弹”发射成功,把肖雪打的很狼狈,第二颗扔出去又打中了,我高兴极了,就这样第三个第四个……“雪弹”接二连三在伙伴们的身上、头上开了花.我的手渐渐的渐渐的冷了起来.一个个都打空了,我生气极了,手也觉得快冻僵了,非常难受.我终于沉不住气了,眼睛一闭开始乱扔,只听“哎呀”一声,“啊,打中了!”我忙睁开眼睛,啊……原来是打在了一个过路的叔叔的头上,叔叔走过来问:“这是谁打的?怎么这么没礼貌.”我低下头,害怕极了,结结巴巴的说:“这、这……是,是……”话没说完,肖雪就抢着说:“是我打的.”我的脸刷的一下红了,心想:肖雪真是我的好朋友.没想到叔叔说:“敢于承认错误就是好孩子.”说完,叔叔走了.望着叔叔的背影,我对肖雪说;“谢谢你,可你为什么要替我承认呢?”肖雪说:“你不小心打失手了,是因为你把手套借给了我,手冻的控制不住了,才打着叔叔的,我当然也要帮你了.”听了这句话,我心里顿时暖和了起来. 这件事虽然过去很久了,但我一直不能忘记,它教育了我以后应该怎样做人.。
2023-08-05 11:00:551


I like winter.Because I can throw snowballs with my friends and make snowmen as well.
2023-08-05 11:01:123


雪球得看是小小的用来打雪仗的还是大的用来做雪人的。如果是小的,可以直接说 make (a) snowball,大的那种可以用 roll (a) snowball. 打水仗可以用water fight, 很直接的,用水球还是水枪的都是water fight。顺带一提,雪仗是snowball fight。
2023-08-05 11:01:261


snow snowhite storm snowball唉.哪儿那么多雪啊..晕
2023-08-05 11:01:374


i like to eat ice cream and watermelon in summer .in the seaside play. and like to drink the soup and eat the potato . a snowball fight
2023-08-05 11:01:431

关于打雪仗的英语作文 最好是别太多 ,谢谢

2023-08-05 11:01:544


Dear Jim, Hello. My name is Zhang Lei, I"m glad to write this letter to you. My favorite season is winter, because we can go snowball fight after snowing. And we also have New Year Day to celebrate another year"s coming during this season. In addition, we can go for a trip when the winter vocation comes.
2023-08-05 11:02:011

打雪仗 堆雪人 坐雪橇 做冰雕的过去式!越快越好! 要英语

Played snow fight, Made a snow man, Rode on a sled, Made an ice sculpture.
2023-08-05 11:02:081

关于打雪仗的英语作文 最好是别太多 ,谢谢

  Snowball  Remember that snowball fights, I and my friends upstairs in a snowball fight. Our boys are blue team, red team. I am a person to attack the red team. Who knows, my people were they kill.  Finally, we rushed, we almost got their snowball into ice, my mouth a snowball, we lost, the girls won. Five, my mother told me to go back, we must go to the friend said: "after the snow, I"ll snowball fights, friends, goodbye! They say: "goodbye!" When you sleep, I want to snow again, that would be nice! , I can be with my friends snowball fights."  打雪仗  记得那次打雪仗,我和我的朋友在楼上打雪仗。我们男生是蓝队,女生是红队。我叫一个人去偷袭红队。谁知道,我的人被他们干掉了。  最后,我们一起冲,我们差点被他们的雪球的打成冰块儿,我的口里一个雪球,我们输了,女生赢了。五点了,妈妈叫我回去吃饭,我们要走了对朋友说:” 以后下雪了,我就来打雪仗,朋友,再见了!他们说:“ 再见!”睡觉的时候,我想再下雪,那可多好啊!,我还可以再跟朋友一起打雪仗。”
2023-08-05 11:02:261


Exercise on snow
2023-08-05 11:02:354


阿丘 阿丘 感冒了
2023-08-05 11:02:463

英语翻译 我认为冬天非常冷,但是冬天会下雪,我们可以一起堆雪人,打雪仗.

I think winter is very cold,but it will snow so that we can make snowmen and play with snow together.
2023-08-05 11:02:531


虽然冬天很冷,但冬天会下雪,雪非常漂亮,而且我可以在雪中玩雪,堆雪人,打雪仗英语翻译Although it is very cold in winter, but it will snow in winter, the snow is very beautiful, and I can play with snow, make a snowman and do some snowball fights in the snow, 最标准的,请采纳,祝好!
2023-08-05 11:03:031

他们先去打雪仗 ,再去堆雪人 ,然后去滑雪, 最后去滑冰用英语怎么说?

—— 英:They went to play snowballs, then made snowmen, then went skiing, and finally went skating. 或 They go to have a snowball fight first, then make a snowman, then go skiing and finally go skating.
2023-08-05 11:04:012


1.形容四季的英语词语 Spring warm温暖 ,be full of green充满绿色,the sun is shining brightly阳光明媚, everything rouses up from sleeping万物复苏 Summer hot热 ,;be under the blazing sun for quite a long time暴晒;can swim可以游泳;can eat ice-cream可以吃冰淇淋; go camping露营;the Summer Olympics夏季运动会; be a mass of blossom花团锦簇; In summer the days are long夏季昼长; Autumn countless rich fruits硕果累累;good harvest 丰收, red maple leaf红枫叶; Leaves turn in autumn树叶在秋天变黄;In autumn the days begin to draw in到了秋天,白天开始渐渐短起来。Leaves fall off the trees in the autumn;秋天, 树叶纷纷从树上掉下来。 Cool凉爽。 Winter Some insects slumber in the winter一些昆虫在冬季蛰伏。Cold冷; catch a cold感冒; The pond often catches in winter池塘在冬天常常结冰。it always snows in winter冬天常下雪;Christmas shall be in winter冬天会迎来圣诞节;throw snowballs打雪仗;make/build a snowman 堆雪人 2.关于四季的英语单词 春天,秋天,夏天,冬天的单词分别是:Spring,autumn,summer,winter winter 读法 英 ["wu026antu0259(r)] 美 ["wu026antu0259r] 1、n. 冬季;冬天 2、adj. 冬天的;冬季生长的 3、vi. 过冬 4、vt. 对 。 进行过冬保护 summer 读法 英 ["su028cmu0259(r)] 美 ["su028cmu0259r] 1、n. 夏天;夏季 2、adj. 夏季的 3、v. 度过夏天 autumn 读法 英 ["u0254u02d0tu0259m] 美 ["u0254u02d0tu0259m] n. 秋季;秋天 summer 读法 英 ["su028cmu0259(r)] 美 ["su028cmu0259r] 1、n. 夏天;夏季 2、adj. 夏季的 3、v. 度过夏天 短语 1、early summer 初夏 2、full summer 盛夏 3、Indian summer 回春期 4、hot summer 炎热的夏天 5、last summer 去年夏天 扩展资料 词语用法 1、summer的基本意思是“夏,夏天,夏季”,有时不用任何冠词,但具体表示某一年的夏天, summer前要加定冠词the。如summer前有修饰语,则一定要用冠词。 2、在文学语言里, summer也可作“岁数”解,表示年龄,一般用复数形式。 3、summer还可表示“黄金时代,鼎盛时期”,其前常加定冠词the。 词汇搭配 1、late summer 夏末 2、next summer 明年夏天 3、rainy summer 多雨的夏季 4、this summer 今年夏天 5、unusual summer 不寻常的夏天 6、whole summer 整个夏季
2023-08-05 11:04:101


have a snowball fightsnowball是雪球的意思fight是战斗,打仗的意思,既可做名词也可做动词
2023-08-05 11:04:341


snowball fight:A snowball fight is a physical game in which balls of snow are thrown with the intention of hitting somebody else. This activity is primarily played during months when there is sufficient snowfall.
2023-08-05 11:04:544


snowball fight
2023-08-05 11:05:416


打雪仗的英语怎么说 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: 打雪仗 Snowball 希望我的回答对你有帮助。打雪仗的英文翻译怎么写 打雪仗[dǎ xuě zhàng] 词典 have a snowball fight; throw snowballs; 打雪仗[dǎ xuě zhàng] 词典 have a snowball fight; throw snowballs; 打雪仗英语怎么说? 30分 have a snowball fight 打雪仗的英文怎么写 snowfight,或者have a snowball fight 打雪仗用英语怎么说 snowfight 打雪仗英语单词怎么写? A snowball fight,have a snowball fight,throw snowballs 短语: 打雪仗 Snowball fight;The Snowball Fighter;snow fighting我们打雪仗 We snowball fight;We have a snowball fight唐老鸭打雪仗 Donald"s snow fight 打雪仗用英语怎么说? have a snowball fight 打雪仗用英文怎么拼? 这四个都是打雪仗的意思; to have a snowball fight; to throw snowballs; to snowball; to play at snowballs
2023-08-05 11:06:171


2023-08-05 11:06:421


play snowball
2023-08-05 11:07:212

我们打雪仗用英语怎么说 注意,是句子

打雪仗: 1.throw snowballs 2.have a snowball fight 3.snowball 所以,"我们打雪仗"就可以翻译成:We have a snowball fight .
2023-08-05 11:07:321


堆雪人 make a snowman打雪仗 have a snowball fight
2023-08-05 11:08:192


We hit the snow fight
2023-08-05 11:09:175


堆雪人:make a snowman 打雪仗:have a snowball flight雪的英语为snow,其英式读音为[snu0259u028a],美式读音为[snou028a]。1、可作名词,意为雪;雪花;积雪;(某地或某时的)降雪量;一场雪。例句:Snow was falling heavily.正下着大雪。Her skin was as white as snow.她的皮肤雪白。Children were playing in the snow.孩子们正在雪地里玩。The snow of Kilimanjaro乞力马扎罗山的积雪In Mid-Wales six inches of snow blocked roads...在威尔士的中部地区,6英寸厚的大雪堵塞了道路。Even before the first snow, we view the world differently in winter.其实在冬天,在下第一场雪之前,我们看世界的感觉就不同。2、可作动词,意为下雪;(用花言巧语)蒙,唬。例句:It"s been snowing heavily all day.大雪下了一整天。He really snowed me with all his talk of buying a Porsche.他嘴上老说要买一辆保时捷,还真把我唬住了。The road is closed because of the snow.这条路因下雪而封闭。The amount of snow this year has been below average.今年的降雪量低于平均水平。
2023-08-05 11:09:361


二月我会打雪仗。英语句子:In February, I can play snowballs with my friends.打雪仗: play snowballs.而不是:snowball fighting.
2023-08-05 11:10:021


make a snowman
2023-08-05 11:10:122


2023-08-05 11:10:233


I like winter, because in the winter I can make snowmen, snowball fights, and skis.
2023-08-05 11:10:392

冬天可以打雪仗 的英文怎么打

Play snow war in winter~
2023-08-05 11:10:503

打雪仗 的英语作文

It was snowing hard .When I went out of my house ,my friends had already been in the street.They were playing with snow.I joined them at once.Suddenly one of them shouted,"Let us play snowball fighting."At once all of us were divided into two groups and beganto fight.Some were busy making snowballs and others were throwing the balls at the other side.Suddenly,a big snowball hit me on the face. Iwas frightened and we all laughed.How happy we were!I hope there would be another snow.
2023-08-05 11:11:041


还有 v 恶狠狠头发更喜欢吃
2023-08-05 11:12:544


I like snowball fights!
2023-08-05 11:14:132


翻译如下:我喜欢冬天,因为可以打雪仗I love winter because we can have a snowball fight
2023-08-05 11:14:262

我们喜欢打雪仗 英文翻译

We like playing with snow.如还有疑问~欢迎追问学习进步~若觉得满意~请记得采纳~~∩_∩
2023-08-05 11:15:032

我喜欢冬天,因为我可以打雪仗 可以用英语怎么说

I love winter ,because I can have a snowball fight.
2023-08-05 11:15:111


I like winter because the winter can snowball fights and make a snowman And you can skate I like winter.
2023-08-05 11:15:251