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2023-08-06 16:39:38
TAG: 长江








长江(英文名称:the Changjiang River/the Yangtze River)发源于“世界屋脊”——青藏高原的唐古拉山脉各拉丹冬峰西南侧。干流流经青海省、西藏自治区、四川省、云南省、重庆市、湖北省、湖南省、江西省、安徽省、江苏省、上海市共11个省级行政区(八省二市一区),于崇明岛以东注入东海,全长6387公里,在世界大河中长度仅次于非洲的尼罗河和南美洲的亚马逊河,居世界第三位。[1][2]






the Changjiang River/the Yangtze River


































添字吗? 一条长江



2023-08-05 10:12:311


2023-08-05 10:12:415

长江的英文是什么,有Changjiang吗,the Yangtze River等江、河的英文一定要加the吗

2023-08-05 10:13:373

长江的英文名是the the Yangtese River还是the Yangtze River?

The Yangtze river, / the Changjiang River,
2023-08-05 10:13:472

长江所有的英文,可以是long River吗

2023-08-05 10:13:573


扬子江因古有扬子津渡口而得名。扬子江原本只是指长江较下游的部份,但由于这是西方传教士最先听到的名字,“扬子江”(the Yangtze River )在外语中也就代表了整个长江。   众所周知,“扬子”乃长江之别称。然而其由来,如今已鲜为人知了。   隋唐年间,扬州城南20里许,有一个名叫扬子的小镇。因地临长江北岸,故又名扬子津。史书记载:“隋开皇十年,杨素帅舟师自扬子津入击朱莫问于京口。”这大概是扬子之名见于史册的较早资料。其后炀帝继位,利用吴王夫差开的邗沟故道,开运河自山阳(今淮安)达扬子,并在扬子建临江宫(一名扬子宫),从此扬子津日渐繁华。   当时瓜洲尚在江心,自扬子津行船抵南岸京口(今镇江),烟波浩淼,南来北往的商旅,皆云集于扬子津候渡或觅转车船。因而扬子的知名度不断提高。久而久之,人们把丹徒与江都之间的大江称为扬子江,意即与扬子津毗邻的那段大江。时至今日,已演变为通称整条长江为扬子江。一般认为,此演变与西人来华有关。因“长江”二字西方人发音不便,故习惯以“扬子”称呼长江。
2023-08-05 10:14:071


Chang Jiang RiverYangtze Riverthe Long River
2023-08-05 10:14:2412

长江的英文是什么,有Changjiang吗,the Yangtze River等江、河的英文一定要加the吗

the Long River
2023-08-05 10:14:506

the Changjiang River是什么意思

2023-08-05 10:15:2510

为什么长江的英文为“Yangtze River”?

2023-08-05 10:15:503


very very long ,good!!!!!!
2023-08-05 10:16:263

Cheung Kong (长江)为什么这么叫Cheung Kong

扬子江因古有扬子津渡口而得名。扬子江原本只是指长江较下游的部份,但由于这是西方传教士最先听到的名字,“扬子江”(the Yangtze River )在外语中也就代表了整个长江。   众所周知,“扬子”乃长江之别称。然而其由来,如今已鲜为人知了。   隋唐年间,扬州城南20里许,有一个名叫扬子的小镇。因地临长江北岸,故又名扬子津。史书记载:“隋开皇十年,杨素帅舟师自扬子津入击朱莫问于京口。”这大概是扬子之名见于史册的较早资料。其后炀帝继位,利用吴王夫差开的邗沟故道,开运河自山阳(今淮安)达扬子,并在扬子建临江宫(一名扬子宫),从此扬子津日渐繁华。   当时瓜洲尚在江心,自扬子津行船抵南岸京口(今镇江),烟波浩淼,南来北往的商旅,皆云集于扬子津候渡或觅转车船。因而扬子的知名度不断提高。久而久之,人们把丹徒与江都之间的大江称为扬子江,意即与扬子津毗邻的那段大江。时至今日,已演变为通称整条长江为扬子江。一般认为,此演变与西人来华有关。因“长江”二字西方人发音不便,故习惯以“扬子”称呼长江。长江的英文说法只要这两种:the Changjiang River;the Yangtse River;Cheung Kong (长江)只是长江实业长江实业(集团)有限公司的英文叫法
2023-08-05 10:16:343


2023-08-05 10:16:4515

长江所有的英文,可以是long River吗

专有名词是不能瞎编的。长江就是 Yangtze River;
2023-08-05 10:17:423


Long river
2023-08-05 10:17:527


长江,在大量的外国文献记载中被称为“Yangtze river”,也就是我们经常说的扬子江。因此不少人认为扬子江就是长江的别称,而且是由外国人进行命名的,那么实际情况是不是这样呢?答案显然是否定的。“扬子”这一称谓早在唐代以前便已经出现,因为“扬子”一词来源于古代的扬子津。扬子津在今天的江苏扬州长江南侧十五里的地方,古代从此处渡津可以抵达京口。所以自古以来扬子津便是长江边上的津要之所在,过去从扬州到镇江间的长江,便被人们称为扬子江。扬子津在唐代前后,处于长江北边沿岸,后来因为江床南移,所以实际上距离后来的长江已经有了15里之遥,后又与京杭大运河相通,并修有一座杨子桥。宋高宗建炎初年,即公元1127年,金兵入侵,北宋朝廷因无法抵挡,不得不南撤到江南的临安,金兀术便曾一直领兵追到了扬子桥。根据扬州地方志的记载:唐朝时以扬子津改置为扬子县,南唐时又改扬子为赛真郡,元朝时称为真州,明朝又改为仪征县,清朝时属江苏扬子府,清末宣统即位,因为末代皇帝名为溥仪,为了避讳,又将仪征县改为了唐代所称的扬子县。因此在过去很长一段历史中,当地人便已经将从扬州到镇江这段的长江叫作了扬子江。根据南宋理宗年间成书的地理总志《方舆胜览》里记载“扬子江在真州扬子县南,与镇江分界。”清道光《仪征县志》卷七,“名迹”引刘文淇《扬州水道记》记载: “大江北岸六合、仪征等处,南岸京口等,皆名扬子江。”只是后来到中国的外国人不知底蕴,不明就里,竟然将整条长江都唤作了扬子江。而“始作俑者”便是大名鼎鼎的意大利传教士利玛窦。明朝万历年间来到中国的意大利传教士利玛窦,在1595年从江西赣州经鄱阳湖进入长江后,想当然地对“扬子江”发挥了自己的想象:“(长江)因为河身宽大,它被当地人叫作扬子(利玛窦因为近音的关系实际上理解为的是洋子),意思为海洋之子”,并对长江进行了定义“流经南京的大江在中国称为扬子江。”也就是从这时候开始,受利玛窦相关记载的影响,长江在西方人眼中被称为了扬子江。后来国人也跟着以讹传讹将扬子江当作了整条长江的另一别称。不过对于这样错误的称呼,也有不少有识之士曾经进行过厘清。在1930年出版的《最新中外地名词典》中有一段这样的解释:“扬子,江名,即长江,旧称大江。我国昔以镇江下游称扬子江。然近今外国人皆以扬子江为此水之总称,又以扬子江为长江之总称。”虽然西方人以扬子江之名称呼长江,是一个有着历史性的误解,甚至还曾经获得了许多中国人的认可。尽管并没有强行改正的必要,但我们作为中国人不能不知其所以然。资料来源:百家号/爱历史
2023-08-05 10:18:082


 用英文介绍长江:The Yangtze River originates from the "roof of the world" - the southwest side of the Tanggula Mountains of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The trunk stream flows through China"s 11 provincial-level administrative regions (eight provinces, two cities and one district) and flows into the East China Sea at the east of Chongming Island with a total length of 6,387 kilometers. It is ranked third in the world after the Nile river in Africa and the Amazon River in South America.The Yangtze River is the mother river of the Chinese nation.
2023-08-05 10:18:431

为什么长江要翻译成Yangtze River?

因为来华的西方传教士最先接触的是扬子江这段长江,听到的是“扬子江”这名称,西方把中国长江通称为“扬子江”,"Yangtze River"也成为长江在英语中的称呼。明朝万历年间来到中国的意大利传教士利玛窦,在1595年从江西赣州经鄱阳湖进入长江后,想当然的对“扬子江”发挥了自己的想象:“(长江)因为河身宽大,它被当地人叫做扬子(利玛窦因为近音的关系实际上理解为的是洋子),意思为海洋之子”,并对长江进行了定义“流经南京的大江在中国称为扬子江。”也就是从这时候开始,受利玛窦相关记载的影响,长江在西方人眼中被称为了扬子江。后来国人也跟着以讹传讹将扬子江当作了整条长江的另一别称。发展不过对于这样错误的称呼,也有不少有识之士曾经进行过厘清。在1930年出版的《最新中外地名词典》中有一段这样的解释:“扬子,江名,即长江,旧称大江。我国昔以镇江下游称扬子江。然近今外国人皆以扬子江为此水之总称,又以扬子江为长江之总称。”
2023-08-05 10:19:351


Yangtze River和the Changjiang River这两个都是指长江
2023-08-05 10:19:503


按长度算:1尼罗河(Nile)全长6670公里,流域面积为3,349,000平方公里,起源于非洲中部的乌干达与衣索匹亚,往北途经尼罗河三角洲后注入地中海。2亚马孙河(Amazon River)全长约6400公里,是世界上流量最大、流域面积最广的河流。3长江(the Yangtse River)全长约6300公里,自己国家的。4密西西比河(Mississippi River)全长6262公里,全河于美国境内,注入墨西哥湾。5黄河(the Yellow River )全长5464公里,也是自己国家的。6澜沧江-湄公河(Mekong River)全长4880公里,流域总面积81万平方公里,发源于青藏高原,自北向南流经中国青海、西藏、云南三省区和缅甸、老挝、泰国、柬埔寨、越南五国,于越南胡志明市附近湄公河三角洲注入南中国海。在中国境内的河段称为澜沧江,长2198公里。7伏尔加河(Volga River)全长4690公里,流域总面积138万平方公里,注入里海,是世界上最大的内陆河。8黑龙江(the Heilongjiang River)全长4370千米,流域总面积184.3万平方千米,它穿越中国、前苏联和蒙古,从海拉尔河河源算起。在我国境内的长度为3474千米,流域面积88.7万平方千米。9勒拿河(Lena)全长4300公里,流域面积249万平方公里,发源于俄罗斯西伯利亚南部贝加尔山脉,由南向北流,最后注入北冰洋拉普捷夫海。10尼日尔河(Niger River)全长4197公里,她发源于几内亚,源头离大西洋只有250公里。
2023-08-05 10:20:042


在以前长江下游叫扬子江,外国人才到中国时只知道扬子江而不知道长江,最后就用Yangtze River 代替整个长江了,所以le fleuve Yangtze是比较符合老外的口吻的,不过现在说Changjiang老外都懂.
2023-08-05 10:20:131


2023-08-05 10:20:331


2023-08-05 10:20:421


The Yangtze river, the world"s third longest river, Asia"s longest river, second only to the amazon river in South America and the Nile in Africa. In the ancient literature, "jiang" refers to the Yangtze river. It originated in the qinghai-tibet plateau mount tunggula main each laden winter snow-capped mountains, flows through the three-level ladder, from west to east into the east China sea. Numerous Yangtze river tributary, the Yangtze river, about 3219 km wide from east to west, north-south width of 966 km, flows through today in qinghai, Tibet, sichuan, yunnan, chongqing, hubei, hunan, jiangxi, anhui, jiangsu, Shanghai and other 11 provinces, and finally into the east China sea in Shanghai. Yangtze river total length of 6397 km, the basin area of 1808500 square kilometers, accounting for about 1/5 of the land area, and the Yellow River is known as the "mother river" of the Chinese nation. 希望对你有所帮助
2023-08-05 10:20:541


Yangtsi River; Huanghe River
2023-08-05 10:21:032


2023-08-05 10:21:132


The Yangtze River (Changjiang), over 6,300 kilometers long, is the largest and longest river in China, and the third-longest in the world, next only to the Nile in northeast Africa and the Amazon in South America. 长江也称扬子江。长6300千米。是中国最大最长的河流。是世界上第三大长河,和The source of the Yangtze River lies to the west of Geladandong Mountain, the principal peak of the Tanggula Mountain chain in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, southwest of China. The river flows from west to east through provinces of Qinghai, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui and Jiangsu as well as the city of Shanghai, finally emptying into the East China Sea. With plenty of rainfall all year round, the Yangtze River is named the golden watercourse.The most impressive section of the river is the three Yangtze River gorges: Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge, collectively known as Sanxia, or the Three Gorges.
2023-08-05 10:21:323


Three Gorges Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Yichang. My name is DuJunhui. I am from Wuhan travel service. I will be your local guide. On behalf of my travel agency, we hope you have a nice journey here. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader, and he will let us know. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your question, and be your guide and interpreter. I will try to do my level best to “warm the cockles of your heart”. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We will visit Three Gorges by ship. Today we will visit the Xiling Gorge, one of three gorges. Above all, I would like to introduce a 2400 years old city---Yichang, then give you a brief introduction of Yangtze River. Yichang is located in the west of Hubei province and on the northern bank of the Yangzi River, just at the mouth of the Three Gorges. It covers a total area of 21000 square kilometers and houses a population of 4.15 million. The Yangtze River, the biggest river in China, the third longest in the World, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World-Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River next only to the Amazon and the Nile, is the third biggest river in the world and is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation. When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise on either side, creating one of nature"s most fantastic sighs. The Three Gorges----Qutang, Wuxia and Xiling----start just after Fengjie and end near Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300 meters at their wildest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest. Let us enjoy the view of the Xiling Gorge. Xiling Gorge stretches 78 kilometers eastward and the cliffs on either side rise to just over 900 meters. Xiling Gorge is awesome with dangerous rapids, shoals, reefs, sharp turns, billowy whirlpools . Xiling Gorge consists of several small gorges. The famous black shoal is between the Binshu baojian and Niugan Mafei gorges and is often dangerous in the dry season. They are frequent slides along both sides of the river and each causes a new shoal, a rise of water level and back water of over 10 to 20, or even 30 kilometers. Thanks to the comprehensive projects of the government since 1949,nearly 200 dangerous places along the gorges have been brought under control. The water at one point is so turbulent that it seems to be boiling during the flood season. On the top of another is a rock that looks like a sword. Look far into the distance, and you will have a sense of broadness and wide angle of vista ahead as well as a conception of magnificent landscape, a picturesque scroll painting that offers more then enough to muse. In the Three Gorges, the boat played an important role to link the outside, but a lot of danger as devil was threaten the safe of the boat and the lives of boatmen in ancient times. For example, the Kongling Gorge is a danger in the flood season. Many huge reefs are submerged in the river when there is flooding or heavy rain. Only skillful boatmen can head off disasters. Apart from shoals, the Xiling Gorge is also known for its malignant whirlpools, which usually appear at sharps turns in the gorges, or when the water is turbulent. The most fearful are the liantuo Whirlpools, three dangerous whirlpools in succession. From ancient times there are many folk songs and stories about the boatmen"s lives. Such as “love at the Three Gorges”, do you want to know the story? Long, long ago, on a grassy area near the cliff of Three Gorges, a little boy and a little girl were playing together along the shore of the Yangtze river. It was getting dark and fireflies flitted before their eyes. Suddenly the boy caught a firefly and the girl stretched her hand to hold it. They sang the song Firefly, don"t fly reckless FluIf you fly to the sky, thunder will strike you If you fly to the ground , fire will burn you Fly into my pocket please Let me protect you. As the time fling away, they grew older. The boy became strong and the girl became sweet. Nobody knows their name, nobody knows when they started falling in love with each other. They loved each other passionately and naturally. The girl"s father discovered their love as he walked along the riverbank. Enraged, he rushed them and snatched his daughter away. But she managed to escape and stayed together with the boy. She handed him a long embroidered cloth that she had carefully made. Along the Yangtze river, this kind of cloth is a necessity of boatmen. When fishing, the boatmen usually were naked except for a cloth tied at the waist. Women were not allowed on the boats, so they shew their hopes and cares to their husbands through the cloth they made. So the girl did the same as boatmen"s wives. The boy became the head of a large boat and worked hard with the other boatmen on the surging river. Before terrifying waves the boy stood without fear, he considered the white water as the symbol of love between a man and a woman. And he always took along the cloth embroidered with the girl"s love. The girl"s father knew the danger boatmen have to face. When the boy asked for his permission to get married to the girl, he hesitated. As a father, he did not wanted that his daughter waited for her husband anxiously every day, but he thought it was crucial to separate the two guys loving each other deeply. In the end, he refused the boy. One day the boy and the father worked on the same boat, suddenly a huge wave invaded the boat, the old man fell into the river. The boy tried his best to rescue him with other fellows. At last, the old man survived but the boy closed his eyes forever. When the girl heard the news, she killed herself so that she can meet the boy again in the heaven. It is a tragic story.
2023-08-05 10:21:401

为什么黄河的英文名叫yellow river,而长江叫chang jiang river,而不叫long river

2023-08-05 10:22:221


世界第三大河,中国第一大河,与黄河、淮河、海河、珠江、松花江、辽河通称为中国7大河。长江发源于青藏高原的唐古拉山脉各拉丹冬峰西南侧,干流流经青海、西藏、四川、云南、重庆、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽、江苏、上海11个省(自治区、直辖市),在上海市崇明岛注入东海。支流延伸至贵州、甘肃、陕西、河南、广西、广东、浙江、福建8个省、自治区。长江流域面积180万平方公里,干流长6397公里,仅次于尼罗河和亚马孙河,居世界第三位。水系构成长江江源为青海省沱沱河,与南支当曲汇合后为通天河,继与北支楚玛尔河相汇,于玉树县接纳巴塘河后称金沙江,在四川宜宾附近岷江汇入后称长江。长江在宜宾至湖北宜昌间,又称川江;从湖北的枝长江源头城到湖南的城陵矶段,又称荆江;江苏镇以下因古代有扬子津和扬子县,故亦名扬子江,国际上对长江普遍使用英文译名Yangtze River。[1] 干流上游长江三峡[2]长江干流宜昌以上为上游段,长4504公里,控制流域面积100万平方公里。该河段落差大,峡谷深,水流湍急,主要支流有雅砻江、岷江、嘉陵江 、乌江等。[1] 中游从宜昌到江西省湖口为中游段,长955公里,流域面积68万平方公里。中游进入广大平原,河道比降变缓,与众多湖泊相连。其间主要支流清江、汉江,洞庭湖水系的湘、资、沅、澧四水和鄱阳湖水系的赣、抚、信、修、饶五河也通过两湖汇入长江。[3] 下游长江湖口到入海后为下游段、长938公里、流域面积12万平方公里,该段江水宽深,比较平缓。主要支流有青衣江、水阳江水系、太湖水系和巢湖水系。[3] 支流长江所流经省区长江水系庞大,有支流7000余条,其中流域面积在1000平方公里以上的支流有437条,1万平方千米以上的有49条,其中雅砻江、岷江、嘉陵江、乌江、湘江、阮江、汉水、赣江等流域面积均在8万平方公里以上。[1] 湖泊全流域现有面积大于l平方公里的湖泊760个,总面积17093.8公里。其中江源区湖泊总面积758.4公里,云贵高原区湖泊总面积540.8公里,最大的湖泊为滇池。中下游区共有湖泊642个,总面积1579.6公里。[3] 水文特征水量长江是中国水量最丰富的河流,水资源总量9616亿立方米,约占全国河流径流总量的36%,为黄河的20倍。其中地表水资源9513亿立方米,地下水资源2463亿立方米,重复水量2360亿立方米。由于流域入口众多,人均占有水量仅为世界人均占有量的1/4。长江水资源特征,主要反映在河川径流的时空分布上,流域地表水资源量占水资源总量的99%;在地表水资源中,河川径流量又占96%以上。汛期的河川径流量一般占全年径流量的70%~75%。径流地区分布也很不均匀,单位面积产水,以金沙江和汉江水系为最少,鄱阳湖和洞庭湖水系为最大;按行政区,青海、河南最小,湖南最大。[3] 旱涝灾害长江历史旱涝在时间上分配不均匀。根据中国科学技术蓝皮书第5号《气候》公布的全国1000余年的“旱涝型年表”资料显示,一千余年来,长江流域经历了三个大干湿气候周期振动,其湿润期和干旱期最短为120年,最长达220年,其间各包括3~5个小旱涝期。从20世纪80年代开始,长江进人新的湿润气候期。长江流域旱涝灾害的地域分布特性极强,各地区发生不同程度旱涝灾害的差异甚大。根据中央气象局(现称中国气象局气象科学研究院主编的《中国近五百年旱涝分布图集》(1470~1979年)资料,旱涝系列采用5级表示:Ⅰ级——涝,Ⅱ级——偏涝,Ⅲ级——正常,Ⅳ级——偏 旱,Ⅴ级——旱。长江流域100E以东地区有37个站点,经整理分析得出长江流域历史干旱(Ⅴ级)和洪涝(Ⅰ级)频率分布图。流域发生比较严重干旱的频率平均为5.55%,中下游地区受旱机会高于上游地区,其中长江三角洲、干流中下游和洞庭湖地区干旱频率高达9.0%以上,为全流域最高干旱频率区;其次是上游的嘉陵江地区,中心最高干旱频率为7.0%以上。流域洪涝灾害的平均频率为7.97%,显著高于干旱频率。洪涝灾害的地区分 布大体上与干旱相同,即中下游地区普遍高于上游地区。在干流中下游和两湖地区有一东西向的洪涝灾害高频地带,其中鄱阳湖北部和洞庭湖沅江、澧水至中游荆江 河段为洪涝灾害的两个高频中心区,中心频率高达12.0%以上;长江上游的嘉陵江和汉江上游地区为第三个洪涝灾害高频区。上述洪涝高频地带和中心与初夏中 下游的梅雨雨带、盛夏上游集中性降雨雨带以及流域的主要暴雨中心位置基本吻合。[4]
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长江的特点如下:1、长江上游:落差大,水能丰富。中游:河道弯曲,多支流湖泊,易泛滥。下游:入海口,江阔水深。2、整个长江以滔滔长江腾蛟龙,巍巍群山威虎雄为其显著特点,是泱泱大中华的母亲河,为世界第三大江。3、长江是中国最长的河流,流域面积最大,流经省份最多,流量最大,水力资源最大,有中国最大的水利枢纽三峡,有中国最大的内河港口:南京,有中国最大的海洋港口:上海,中国最大的三角洲:长江三角洲,支流最多,有中国最大的淡水湖:鄱阳湖,有中国最大的冲击岛:崇明岛。长江简介长江(英文名称:the Changjiang River/the Yangtze River)发源于“世界屋脊”——青藏高原的唐古拉山脉各拉丹冬峰西南侧。干流流经青海省、西藏自治区、四川省、云南省、重庆市、湖北省、湖南省、江西省、安徽省、江苏省、上海市共11个省级行政区(八省二市一区),于崇明岛以东注入东海,全长6387公里,在世界大河中长度仅次于非洲的尼罗河和南美洲的亚马逊河,居世界第三位。长江干流自西而东横贯中国中部,位于东经90°33′~122°25′,北纬24°30′~35°45′之间。数百条支流辐辏南北,延伸至贵州、甘肃、陕西、河南、广西、广东、浙江、福建8个省、自治区的部分地区。流域面积达180万平方公里,约占中国陆地总面积的1/5。淮河大部分水量也通过大运河汇入长江。
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长江之行的英文:A trip to the Yangtze River。长江Yangtze River;之行trip;长江之行的英文:A trip to the Yangtze River。相关例句1、The Yangtze River would give access to much of China"s interior。长江使得人们能够到达中国内陆许多地方。2、That is where the red Army crossed the Yangtze River。这就是红军横渡长江的地方。3、The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east。长江是东北方向的一道天然屏障。4、The Yangtze River takes its rise from the Qinghai。长江发源于青海。5、The waterfrontalong the Yangtze River are precious natural resources。长江岸线是宝贵的自然资源.6、One mountain is flying along the Yangtze River, with luxuriantly green sceneries。山飞峙大江边,跃上葱茏四百旋。7、Now the Yangtze River has been bridged for the ninth time。现在扬子江上已架设了9座桥梁。8、It guaranteed the closure of the dam across the Yangtze River。从而有力地确保了长江截流的成功。
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The Yangtze river, the world"s third longest river, Asia"s longest river, second only to the amazon river in South America and the Nile in Africa. In the ancient literature, "jiang" refers to the Yangtze river. It originated in the qinghai-tibet plateau mount tunggula main each laden winter snow-capped mountains, flows through the three-level ladder, from west to east into the east China sea. Numerous Yangtze river tributary, the Yangtze river, about 3219 km wide from east to west, north-south width of 966 km, flows through today in qinghai, Tibet, sichuan, yunnan, chongqing, hubei, hunan, jiangxi, anhui, jiangsu, Shanghai and other 11 provinces, and finally into the east China sea in Shanghai. Yangtze river total length of 6397 km, the basin area of 1808500 square kilometers, accounting for about 1/5 of the land area, and the Yellow River is known as the "mother river" of the Chinese nation.
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河流:长江( Changjiang River),黄河(Yellow River),湖泊:青海湖(Qinghai Lake),鄱阳湖(Poyang Lake),洞庭湖(Dongting Lake),巢湖(Chaohu Lake),洪泽湖(Hongze Lake)。
2023-08-05 10:26:192

长江为什么叫 Yangtze rive

2023-08-05 10:26:323


Three Gorges Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Yichang. My name is DuJunhui. I am from Wuhan travel service. I will be your local guide. On behalf of my travel agency, we hope you have a nice journey here. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader, and he will let us know. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your question, and be your guide and interpreter. I will try to do my level best to “warm the cockles of your heart”. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We will visit Three Gorges by ship. Today we will visit the Xiling Gorge, one of three gorges. Above all, I would like to introduce a 2400 years old city---Yichang, then give you a brief introduction of Yangtze River. Yichang is located in the west of Hubei province and on the northern bank of the Yangzi River, just at the mouth of the Three Gorges. It covers a total area of 21000 square kilometers and houses a population of 4.15 million. The Yangtze River, the biggest river in China, the third longest in the World, starts with the Tuotuo River at the Roof of the World-Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, takes in countless rivers, and flows eastward across the interior of China. With an overall length of more than 6,300 kilometers, the Yangtze River next only to the Amazon and the Nile, is the third biggest river in the world and is a cradle that breeds the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation. When the Yangtze River reaches the eastern Sichuan Basin in southwest China, it cuts through the Wushan Mountain. Here the river course suddenly narrows and the waters become turbulent. Sheer cliffs and steep mountains rise on either side, creating one of nature"s most fantastic sighs. The Three Gorges----Qutang, Wuxia and Xiling----start just after Fengjie and end near Yichang, stretch about 200 kilometers. The Gorges vary from 300 meters at their wildest to less than 100 meters at their narrowest. Let us enjoy the view of the Xiling Gorge. Xiling Gorge stretches 78 kilometers eastward and the cliffs on either side rise to just over 900 meters. Xiling Gorge is awesome with dangerous rapids, shoals, reefs, sharp turns, billowy whirlpools . Xiling Gorge consists of several small gorges. The famous black shoal is between the Binshu baojian and Niugan Mafei gorges and is often dangerous in the dry season. They are frequent slides along both sides of the river and each causes a new shoal, a rise of water level and back water of over 10 to 20, or even 30 kilometers. Thanks to the comprehensive projects of the government since 1949,nearly 200 dangerous places along the gorges have been brought under control. The water at one point is so turbulent that it seems to be boiling during the flood season. On the top of another is a rock that looks like a sword. Look far into the distance, and you will have a sense of broadness and wide angle of vista ahead as well as a conception of magnificent landscape, a picturesque scroll painting that offers more then enough to muse. In the Three Gorges, the boat played an important role to link the outside, but a lot of danger as devil was threaten the safe of the boat and the lives of boatmen in ancient times. For example, the Kongling Gorge is a danger in the flood season. Many huge reefs are submerged in the river when there is flooding or heavy rain. Only skillful boatmen can head off disasters. Apart from shoals, the Xiling Gorge is also known for its malignant whirlpools, which usually appear at sharps turns in the gorges, or when the water is turbulent. The most fearful are the liantuo Whirlpools, three dangerous whirlpools in succession. From ancient times there are many folk songs and stories about the boatmen"s lives. Such as “love at the Three Gorges”, do you want to know the story? Long, long ago, on a grassy area near the cliff of Three Gorges, a little boy and a little girl were playing together along the shore of the Yangtze river. It was getting dark and fireflies flitted before their eyes. Suddenly the boy caught a firefly and the girl stretched her hand to hold it. They sang the song Firefly, don"t fly reckless FluIf you fly to the sky, thunder will strike you If you fly to the ground , fire will burn you Fly into my pocket please Let me protect you. As the time fling away, they grew older. The boy became strong and the girl became sweet. Nobody knows their name, nobody knows when they started falling in love with each other. They loved each other passionately and naturally. The girl"s father discovered their love as he walked along the riverbank. Enraged, he rushed them and snatched his daughter away. But she managed to escape and stayed together with the boy. She handed him a long embroidered cloth that she had carefully made. Along the Yangtze river, this kind of cloth is a necessity of boatmen. When fishing, the boatmen usually were naked except for a cloth tied at the waist. Women were not allowed on the boats, so they shew their hopes and cares to their husbands through the cloth they made. So the girl did the same as boatmen"s wives. The boy became the head of a large boat and worked hard with the other boatmen on the surging river. Before terrifying waves the boy stood without fear, he considered the white water as the symbol of love between a man and a woman. And he always took along the cloth embroidered with the girl"s love. The girl"s father knew the danger boatmen have to face. When the boy asked for his permission to get married to the girl, he hesitated. As a father, he did not wanted that his daughter waited for her husband anxiously every day, but he thought it was crucial to separate the two guys loving each other deeply. In the end, he refused the boy. One day the boy and the father worked on the same boat, suddenly a huge wave invaded the boat, the old man fell into the river. The boy tried his best to rescue him with other fellows. At last, the old man survived but the boy closed his eyes forever. When the girl heard the news, she killed herself so that she can meet the boy again in the heaven. It is a tragic story.
2023-08-05 10:26:411

我们应该保护长江 英文

We should protect driver希望帮助你你
2023-08-05 10:26:522


the longest rivers
2023-08-05 10:26:591


  长江资料简介:  世界第三大河,中国第一大河,与黄河、淮河、海河、珠江、松花江、辽河通称为中国7大河。长江发源于青藏高原的唐古拉山脉各拉丹冬峰西南侧,干流流经青海、西藏、四川、云南、重庆、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽、江苏、上海11个省(自治区、直辖市),在上海市崇明岛注入东海。支流延伸至贵州、甘肃、陕西、河南、广西、广东、浙江、福建8个省、自治区。长江流域面积180万平方公里,干流长6397公里,仅次于尼罗河和亚马孙河,居世界第三位。  水系构成:  长江江源为青海省沱沱河,与南支当曲汇合后为通天河,继与北支楚玛尔河相汇,于玉树县接纳巴塘河后称金沙江,在四川宜宾附近岷江汇入后称长江。长江在宜宾至湖北宜昌间,又称川江;从湖北的枝城到湖南的城陵矶段,又称荆江;江苏镇以下因古代有扬子津和扬子县,故亦名扬子江,国际上对长江普遍使用英文译名Yangtze River。
2023-08-05 10:27:061


y开头的英语单词:1、yacht 快艇2、Yangtze 长江3、yankee 美国佬4、yard 院子5、yarn 纱6、yaw 偏航7、yawn 哈欠8、yeah 耶9、year 年10、yearly 周年的11、yearn 向往12、yearning 渴望的13、yeast 兴奋14、yell 叫喊15、yellow 黄色16、yelp 咆哮17、yeoman 乡下人18、yes 是的19、yesterday 昨天20、yet 然而21、yew 紫杉22、yield 生产23、yielding 灵活的24、yoke 结合25、yokel 乡巴佬26、yolk 蛋黄27、you 你28、young 年轻的29、youngster 年轻人30、your 你的
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2023-08-05 10:28:262


For thousands of years, Chinese people have hoped that the water of the Yellow River will become clear one day. Since the foundation of New China, Chinese government has devoted great efforts to trying to remove the sediments in the Yellow River. However, after years of hard work, it is realized that the Yellow River will not, and need not, change into clear water. Wang Huayun, a late expert on the Yellow River director of the Yellow River Water Conservancy Committee, once summarized the lessons of harnessing the Yellow River over the previous 40 years as follows: “Since ancient times, people have hoped that the Yellow River can become clear. However, we now learn that the Yellow River can not turn clear and it needn"t become clear, either.” Experts from the Yellow River Water Conservancy Committee point out that the Yellow River has always been yellow in history. The Huabei Plain (North Plain) was a river flat filled up with the sands and sediments carried by the Yellow River. Even today, it is still creating land. The Yellow River delta at the estuary is the most recent land formed on earth. Meanwhile, the sands and sediments in the Yellow River are full of rich mineral substances such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which fertilize millions of mu of farmland by the river. If the sediments of the Yellow River are removed, the farmland will not be as productive as it is today. 2.The Chang Jing River The Chang Jing River is the biggest river in China. Chang Jiang River is in the west of China. The river is 6273 kilometers long.The Yellow River is 5464 kilometers long. So the Chang Jing River is longer than the Yellow River. The Chang jiang River is an old river---about 2000000 years old. The Yellow River is 1050000 years old. The Chang Jiang River is older than the Yellow River.
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swim in the Yantze River.
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1Yangtse River2spectacularity
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