barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-06 11:54:28
TAG: 英语

have a deeper understanding of...; know more about...; make ...out more deeply;

understand...more deeply


Yes,(I)understand it more deeply.


have a deeper understanding on sth.


have a deeper understanding about sth.


Have a better understanding of sth.


Yes,I want more result.



2023-08-05 07:39:551


  了解,通常用来形容人对某件物、或事的掌握领悟程度。其所要求的心理过程主要是记忆。如:你会要了解一下捐税情况的,是不是?那么你知道了解用英文怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   了解的英语说法1:   understand   了解的英语说法2:   know   了解的英语说法3:   acquaintance   了解的相关 短语 :   了解你 Understands you ; get to know you   突然了解 catch on to   了解信息 Understanding information   了解更多 Learn More ; know more about   调查了解 investigation   增进了解 enhance mutual understanding   了解社会 Understanding Society   了解的英语例句:   1. I have a fair idea of how difficult things can be.   我大致了解情况会有多困难。   2. She had decided to confront Kathryn with what she had learnt.   她决定拿自己了解的事实与凯瑟琳当面对证。   3. He did not get a chance to deepen his knowledge of Poland.   他没有机会更深入地了解波兰。   4. We had this understanding that courses were roughly the same weight.   我们已经了解到各门功课差不多一样重要。   5. For more details about these products, send a postcard marked HB/FF.   要了解这些产品的详细信息,请寄来标明HB/FF字样的明信片。   6. If you"d like more information, ring the Hotline on 414 3929.   如果想了解更多信息,请拨打热线电话4143929。   7. She also stimulated his curiosity and opened his mind to other cultures.   她还激发了他的好奇心,使他愿意了解其他 文化 。   8. You should also make your views known to your local MP.   你也应该让本地议员了解你的观点。   9. He was a very mechanical person, who knew a lot about sound.   他精通机械,了解许多有关声音的知识。   10. Medical authorities were baffled, both as to its causes and its virulence.   医疗当局对其病因及有多致命都还不甚了解。   11. They learnt a lot from the initial market testing exercise.   他们从最初的市场测试中了解了许多信息。   12. It was gratifying to be in the know about important people.   了解重要人物的一些内幕真令人高兴。   13. I tried to understand the adult world and could not.   我试着去了解成人世界,却无法猜透。   14. His relentless aggression bludgeons you into seeing his point.   他咄咄逼人地强迫你了解他的看法。   15. Authors are famously ignorant about the realities of publishing.   作者们不了解出版界的实际情况,这是人所共知的。
2023-08-05 07:40:041


了解understandknowrealizecomprehendsee在例句中如果更多的人了解了这些问题。If more people know about these problems.你将开始对这个主题有更深的了解。You will begin to understand the subject more deeply.你应该比我要更了解你自己。You know yourself better than I do.那审判员不了解所有的事实。That judge does not understand all facts.而克里姆林宫则希望了解他们相信什么。The Kremlin wants to know what they believe in.六大关键技能-了解更多!Six Key Skills - find out more!要这样做,你必须了解记忆事物的最佳方法。To do this, you must know the best way to remember things.我们来讨论这些方法,以了解它们的工作原理。I discuss each of these methods to understand how they work.监管机构希望了解更多关于是谁在交易原油期货。Regulators want to know more about who is trading in oil futures.
2023-08-05 07:40:215


2023-08-05 07:40:454

"了解" 的英文词组(短语)

get at
2023-08-05 07:41:027


了解的英文名词:acquaintance; acquaintance: n.认识的人;泛泛之交;熟人;(与某人)认识,略有交情;(对某事物的)了解 复数: acquaintances 扩展资料   In general, student"s acquaintance with Olympic knowledge is relativelygood;   学生对奥林匹克知识了解总体较好;   He may not be at all nice on further acquaintance.   进一步了解之后,他可能一点都不好。   The relationship between the acquaintance levels and counseling needs;   对学校心理辅导了解程度与心理辅导需要的关系;   Acquaintance of teaching and research staff and students with the work and life in the partner country.   了解对方国的教学和研究人员以及学生的工作和学习情况。   He has only a limited acquaintance with the matter.   他对这件事的了解很有限。   To solve this problem relies on getting acquaintance with the special characteristics of native architecture.   对这一问题的解决首要的是了解本民族建筑的.独特特征。   However, management is always based on enough acquaintance of underground situation. So it is important to identify staff efficiently.   但是管理始终建立在足够了解井下情况的基础上,所以高效率的人员识别就很重要了。
2023-08-05 07:41:471


了解的英文短语有:get to know;learn about;know about. 扩展资料   It was gratifying to be in the know about important people   了解重要人物的一些内幕真令人高兴。   Some of us have habits few people know about and we keep it this way   我们中的一些人有些不为人知的习惯,我们也不想改变这一状况。   He"s really very human when you get to know him.   你若了解他,就知道他确实很有人情味。   She"s very nice when you get to know her.   你了解她以后就会觉得她非常可爱。   He"s just a pussycat really, once you get to know him.   你了解他以后就会发现他实在和蔼可亲。
2023-08-05 07:41:571


2023-08-05 07:42:141

‘’了解‘’的英文是know about 还是 know well

Know about
2023-08-05 07:42:264


2023-08-05 07:42:421

了解”用英文“learn about”还是“know about”

2023-08-05 07:42:583


对讲机里,一般都用单字有母音来回答,通常用"Roger"(收到或了解的意思)来表达.这是为防止无线电通讯杂音干扰,尽量取母音单字来问答.像通话结束就用Over.了解的翻译有很多,看人,时间,地点等来使用.Understand,I Know, I got it , I clear 等等都可以~
2023-08-05 07:43:331


2023-08-05 07:43:427

[参观某地的英文短语] 了解的英文短语

  去旅行时,参观某地的英语短语多用的话不也很有趣吗?下面就由我为大家带来关于参观某地的英文短语的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于参观某地的英文短语的相关英语短语   to look around   to inspect   visit and observe   visit   see   sight-seeing   关于参观某地的英文短语的英语例句   有些读者想让我去参观他们的学校。   Some of my readers want me to visit their school.   但他说这些年来的参观经常让他充满恐惧。   But he says the visits always fill him with dread.   在她的行程表上她还有许多地方要去参观。   She has many places yet to visit on her itinerary.   我相信,参观之后你会对我们的产品更加了解。   I believe that you will know our products better after the visit.   除了他的母亲,任何人都不能不受邀请就参观他的实验室。   No one except his mother could visit his laboratory without invitation.   我们所有一天参观博物馆,纪念碑和教堂。   We were out all day visiting museums, monuments and churches.   她把工作时间的一半用来修复这个树木园和组织学生班级参观,另一半用在履行她的教授职责。   She spends half her work time on the restoring the arboretum and organizing class visits, and the other half on her professorial duties.   你们参观过三十多年前建成的那座博物馆了吗?   Have you visited the museum which(that) was built over thirty years ago?   如果你决定要去参观动物园,请在进去之前确定他们是否坚持了世界动物园和水族馆协会的道德标准。   If you decide to visit a zoo ask whether it adheres to the World Association of Zoos andAquariumsu2019 Code of Ethics before you enter.   对于那些住在这里,和那些来参观的人来说,这是一个强有力的资源。   It is a powerful resource for those who live here and those who choose to visit.   于是,我们要求在参观场地单独见下它。   We asked to meet him in the visiting area.   关于参观某地的英文短语的相关例句   在领导的陪同下,他们参观了医院。   Accompanied by the leader, they visited the hospital.   农民们用新鲜的水果欢迎前来参观的人们。   The farmers welcomed the visitors with the fresh fruit.   到展览会参观的人都必须先到总服务台报到。   All visitors to the exhibition must report to the main service desk.   在参观访问过程中,我们随时随地都能学到很多东西。   In the course of our trip, we have learned a great deal in all the places we visited.   她领着外宾参观了工厂。   She showed the foreign visitors round the factory.   您愿意参观我们的工厂吗?   Would you like to tour our factory?   我想去美国参观华盛顿纪念碑,因为华盛顿总统是我的偶像。   I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is myidol.   参观期间他在白宫受到了肯尼迪总统的接见。   During his visit he met President Kennedy in the White House.   那样的话,事实上你会想要每天大概只花100美元来参观这座城市。   What if, in fact, you wanted to visit the city on about $100 a day?   当时我怀疑它是这个或那个摄影展览图册一类的书,翻看这类书没什么意义,至少在参观展览之前翻看没什么意义。   I suspected that it was one of those catalogues from some photography exhibit or another, oneof those books that thereu2019s no point in opening, at least not before visiting the exhibit.   我是来自南方贸易公司的彼得.杰克逊,很高兴能有机会参观您的公司。   I am Peter Jackson from the Southern Trading Corporation. I am glad to have the opportunity ofvisiting your corporation.   我是来自南方贸易公司的彼得.杰克逊,很高兴能有机会参观您的公司。   I am Peter Jackson from the Southern Trading Corporation. I am glad to have the opportunity ofvisiting your corporation.   关于参观某地的英文短语的双语例句   1. Visitors are shown an audio-visual presen-tation before touring the cellars.   参观酒窖前,游客们先观看了有声的视频介绍。   2. The demand to see her work is much greater than expected.   想要参观她作品的人数大大超出了预期。   3. Once at Elgin day-trippers visit a number of local sights.   一到达埃尔金,一日游的游客就参观了一些当地的风景名胜。   4. He spoke no English and was completely silent during the visit.   他不会说英语,参观过程中一言未发。   5. She showed him around the ground floor of the empty house.   她带他参观了这处空房子的底楼。   6. We fixed for the team to visit our headquarters.   我们安排了该工作组参观我们的总部。   7. I"m going to go on an exchange visit to Paris.   我将到巴黎交流参观。   8. A visit to the Museum is an unforgettable experience.   参观博物馆是一段令人难忘的经历。   9. For months Malcolm had wanted to visit the Parisian art museums.   几个月来马尔科姆一直想参观巴黎的艺术博物馆。   10. People were visiting the house every day, sometimes in unmanageable numbers.   每天都有人来参观那栋房子,有时人多得都无法控制。   11. Only a skeleton staff remains to show anyone interested around the site.   只有一小部分必需的工作人员留在那里,带有兴趣的人参观遗址。   12. A must is a visit to the fascinating and world-renowned Motor Museum.   一定要去参观一下那个举世闻名且精彩有趣的汽车博物馆。   13. Visits are at the discretion of the owners.   是否接受参观访问由业主决定。   14. We could do the rounds of the galleries.   我们可以逐一参观各个画廊。   15. Would you show me around?   可以带我参观一下吗?    看过参观某地的英文短语的英语相关知识人还看了: 1.参观的英文短语 2.参观的英语短语 3.参加相关的英文短语 4.参加的英语短语 5.参加的英文短语 6.参加俱乐部的英语短语
2023-08-05 07:44:071


问题一:对……有更好的了解 的英语短语怎么翻译 30分 a better understanding of… 1. I hope i shall soon get to know you better and that we shall bee great friends . 我希望不久就会更好地了解您,我们将成为真正的朋友。 2. By quantifying these causes the population dynamics of the insect would be better understood . 通过对这些原因进行定量,可以更好地了解昆虫的种群动态。 3. A better acquaintance with the world is what i look forward to as her greatest possible advantage . 我希望,更好地了解世事以后,她能够获得很大的长进。 4. A fair amount of theoretical and experimental work has been devoted at this agency to a better understanding of nonstationary aerodynamics . 在这方面已经有了大量的理论计算和实验工作可以更好地了解正常空气动力学。 5. Are there certain people whom i should get to know better 是否我应该更好地了解某些人 问题二:为了更好的了解产品用英语怎么说 In order to better understand the product 为了更好的了解产品 问题三:对.有更深的了解用英语怎么说 have a deeper understanding of...; know more about...; make ...out more deeply; understand...more deeply 问题四:让双方更好的了解彼此英文怎么说 让双方更好的了解彼此 翻译英文为; Let both sides better understand each other 问题五:更好的相互了解用英语怎么说 know/learn/understand each other better. 问题六:你才可以更好的了解他们英文翻译. 你好 你才可以更好的了解他们 Then you can know them better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! 不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~ 问题七:让我们更好的了解外面的世界用英语怎么写 你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为: 让我们更好的了解外面的世界 Let us better understand the world outside 望采纳 谢谢 问题八:我只是想让你更好地了解我,英文怎样翻译 I just want you to know me more. 问题九:"希望这本书能使你更好的了解我" 用英语怎么说? I hope(wish) this book can make you know me better ! To know me more(better),You should read the book!
2023-08-05 07:45:271

“懂得都懂 ”用英语怎么说?

Know what you should know.
2023-08-05 07:45:372


know about
2023-08-05 07:45:533


使了解的英文短语:Make known to; known adj. 知名的;出了名的;已知的; v. 知道;知悉;了解;认识到;懂得;意识到;确信;确知;肯定 扩展资料   是我弟弟使我了解了爵士乐。   It was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz.   你必须使约翰了解困难是什么。   You must bring home to John what the difficulty is.   电影倒叙了以前的情景,使我们了解了她的理由。   The film cut back to the earlier scene so that we understood her reasons.   这场运动的目的"是使公众更加了解这种疾病。   The campaign is intended to heighten public awareness of the disease.   最近的研究可以使人进一步了解导致这种疾病的原因。   Recent research has thrown new light on the causes of the disease.
2023-08-05 07:46:011


be aware of
2023-08-05 07:46:157


know about condition of
2023-08-05 07:46:396


Roger that 或者 Copy that再或者可以说I see不过I see这种说法不太适用这种环境。
2023-08-05 07:46:571


t less likely to have mental
2023-08-05 07:47:089


understand, know
2023-08-05 07:48:102


know understand
2023-08-05 07:48:193


learn about:v.了解;得知关于;学习关于 get to know:(花时间)了解 inquire about:询问;打听;了解 扩展资料   例句:   We learn about current events through the radio or TV.   我们通过无线电或电视了解时事。   The program offers an ideal opportunity for students to learn about foreign culture.   该项目为学生提供了了解外国文化的极好机会。   例句:   He"s really very human when you get to know him.   你若了解他,就知道他确实很有人情味。   She"s very nice when you get to know her.   你了解她以后就会觉得她非常可爱。   例句:   Before putting into production, we must first inquire about the recent market conditions.   在投产之前,我们必须了解一些最近的市场情况。   Please also inquire about materials not listed below.   关于如下所示以外的材料,请也商谈。
2023-08-05 07:48:271


了解的英文短语词组:learn about。 learn: v.学;学习;学到;学会;听到;得知;获悉;记住;背熟;熟记; 第三人称单数: learns现在分词: learning过去式: learnt learned过去分词: learnt learned 扩展资料   We learn about current events through the radio or TV.   我们通过无线电或电视了解时事。   This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning.   这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的认识。   It takes a long time to learn to speak a language well.   学会说好一种语言需要花很长的时间。   A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language.   一本好词典是学习外语必备的。
2023-08-05 07:48:401

了解的英文短语 了解的英文短语有什么

1、know vt. 知道;认识;懂得 vi. 了解;熟悉;确信 2、短语 know about 了解 ; 知道…的情况 ; 知道有关于 ; 知道。 know better 明事理 ; 有头脑 ; 有不止如此的了解 ; 大街上踢足球。 To know 都知道这事 ; 了解 ; 知道 ; 要知道。
2023-08-05 07:48:591


问题一:我了解 用英文怎么说 I see. I understand. I get it. 问题二:“深入了解”用英语怎么说 understand ...deeply have a deep understanding of... 问题三:对.有大概的了解 用英语怎么说 I have to know you more. I want to know you more. I need a further understanding toward you. I like to have a further understanding about you. 问题四:我基本了解,用英语怎么表达 I have a basic understanding of…… 问题五:“我想了解一些详细的情况”用英语怎么说 我想了解一些详细的情况 I"d like to know something about the details. 我想了解一些详细的情况 I"d like to know something about the details. 问题六:对。。。有大概的了解 用英语怎么说??? For... Have a probably understanding Abandon someone"s opinion 问题七:你了解他多少用英语怎么说 How well do you know him? What do you know about him? How much do you know him?
2023-08-05 07:49:051


问题一:非常了解英文怎么写 Know something very well 问题二:“深入了解”用英语怎么说 understand ...deeply have a deep understanding of... 问题三:英语英文怎么写 English 问题四:明白的英文怎么写 understand realize know see be aware of be conscious of got it catch have an idea of have a knowledge of 问题五:图片英文怎么写 pic/picture,photo,image,户llustration(插图),legend(图例) 问题六:知道吗的英文怎么写 Do you know? Got it? Do you understand? 问题七:好的 英文怎么写 great good ok 问题八:看的英文怎么写 你好,我们说看的英语有很多,我就说几个常用的吧: 1.look (看着) 例如: look,there is a bird龚看,这有一只鸟。 2.see(看见) 例如:I see a dog 我看见了一只狗观看) 例如:I want to go to watch a movie 我想去看电影。 4. have a look (看一看,看一眼) 例如:Can I have a look? 我能看一眼吗? 5.look at (朝....看着) 例如: look at the blackboard. 看着黑板。 问题九:我的英文怎么写 主语 I,宾语me ,表示“我的”什么东西的话,用my
2023-08-05 07:49:131


问题一:了解用英语怎么说 know know about 没有那么复杂 问题二:对.有大概的了解 用英语怎么说 I have to know you more. I want to know you more. I need a further understanding toward you. I like to have a further understanding about you. 问题三:“有了大概/详细的了解”用英语怎么说? Someone has a general(or outlined)/detailed knowledge to something. 问题四:“深入了解”用英语怎么说 understand ...deeply have a deep understanding of... 问题五:我了解 用英文怎么说 I see. I understand. I get it. 问题六:逐渐了解用英语怎么说 get to know/understande to know, know gradually know 英[n??] 美[no?] v. 知道; 了解; 认识; 确信; 问题七:你了解他多少用英语怎么说 How well do you know him? What do you know about him? How much do you know him? 问题八:了解我的人都知道用英语怎么说 People who know me all know (it).
2023-08-05 07:49:191


told Xinhua that the
2023-08-05 07:49:284


2023-08-05 07:49:3713


know 艹
2023-08-05 07:50:2310


know about 了解,知道……的情况;知道关于; 例句: I dare say you know about it already. 你大概已经知道了。 I dont know about the rest of you, but Im hungry. 不知道你们怎么样,我可是饿了。 扩展资料   There are a lot of things she doesn"t know about me.   我有很多情况她都不了解。   It was gratifying to be in the know about important people.   了解重要人物的内幕令人满足。   What do we know about dinosaurs?   关于恐龙,我们知道些什么?   What does tha" know about Colin?   你对科林了解多少?   What can we know about Amy?   关于艾米我们能知道些什么?
2023-08-05 07:51:121


know about 了解,知道; 例句: I dare say you know about it already. 你大概已经知道了。 I dont know about the rest of you, but Im hungry. 不知道你们怎么样,我可是饿了。 扩展资料   There are a lot of things she doesn"t know about me.   我有很多情况她都不了解。   What do we know about dinosaurs?   关于恐龙,我们知道些什么?   What does tha" know about Colin?   你对科林了解多少?   What can it know about the matter?   关于这件事它能知道些什么?   He wanted to know about life in Moscow.   他想要了解莫斯科的生活。
2023-08-05 07:51:271

熟悉 了解的英语短语

熟悉、了解的英语短语有: Be familiar with:熟悉;了解;通晓; be proficient in:对...熟练(精通); Be good at:熟练;熟悉 扩展资料   You seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor.   你似乎和你的导师之间很随便。   Be proficient in oral, writing and listening English skills, good translation skill.   熟练的英语口语、书写及听力,很好的翻译能力。   The important thing is to be good at learning.   重要的是善于学习。
2023-08-05 07:51:471

请了解 英语怎么说

2023-08-05 07:52:035


了解的英文单词是什么? 了解 understand know realizeprehend see 在例句中 如果更多的人了解了这些问题。 If more people know about these problems. 你将开始对这个主题有更深的了解。 You will begin to understand the subject more deeply. 你应该比我要更了解你自己。 You know yourself better than I do. 那审判员不了解所有的事实。 That judge does not understand all facts. 而克里姆林宫则希望了解他们相信什么。 The Kremlin wants to know what they believe in. 六大关键技能-了解更多! Six Key Skills - find out more! 要这样做,你必须了解记忆事物的最佳方法。 To do this, you must know the best way to remember things. 我们来讨论这些方法,以了解它们的工作原理。 I discuss each of these methods to understand how they work. 监管机构希望了解更多关于是谁在交易原油期货。 Regulators want to know more about who is trading in oil futures.
2023-08-05 07:52:301


知识要点 == points of knowledge 掌握 == be command of something 熟悉 == be familiar with something 了解 == understand something
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know about 了解,知道……的情况;知道关于; 例句: I dont know about the rest of you, but Im hungry. 不知道你们怎么样,我可是饿了。 There are a lot of things she doesnt know about me. 我有很多情况她都不了解。 扩展资料   It was gratifying to be in the know about important people.   了解重要人物的内幕令人满足。   What do we know about dinosaurs?   关于恐龙,我们知道些什么?   What does tha" know about Colin?   你对科林了解多少?   What can we know about Amy?   关于艾米我们能知道些什么?   What can it know about the matter?   关于这件事它能知道些什么?
2023-08-05 07:52:471

英文简历 了解、熟悉、掌握某技术, 用什么词好呢?都怎么说?

1. 了解(understand):I understand the skIll/technology of XXXX.x0dx0a2. 熟悉(know all about):I know all about the skill/technology of XXXX.x0dx0a3. 掌握、精通(mater):I master the skill/technology of XXXX.x0dx0a x0dx0a技巧(skill):用于一般技能x0dx0a技术(technology):用于科学或电脑x0dx0a x0dx0a按照强度来说:"了解"不如“熟悉”,“熟悉”不如“精通”。x0dx0a x0dx0a美国人求职的时候,自己有5分本事,却会吹嘘到十分;所以即使只有了解(understand)或知道(know how)的程度,他们会在简历中用master(精通)。x0dx0a中国人比较保守,有五分本事,往往只说三分,这对求职非常不利。如果你的确对XX技术颇有把握,你就要用master;这样起码可和竞争者处于同一个等级。
2023-08-05 07:53:021


我看到过的,精通: expert at, very good at熟悉: be familiar with, knows how to, advanced了解:understand, beginning at
2023-08-05 07:53:141


分类: 外语/出国 解析: 她的事迹我们很感兴趣,决定进一步了解他的情况。 We became so interested in her story that we decided to find out more about her. 如果你方需要进一步了解具体工程,请与我方联系。 If you need any other information on particular branches of engineering,please contact us without hesitation.对任何争端进行友好的辩论有助于进一步了解相互的观点。 A friendly argument on any disputes is benefitial to the further understanding of the mutual views. 如果你想进一步了解这件事,你就参考这本书吧。 If you wish to have further information about the matter,look up this book. 我想,等你进一步了解他以后,你会越来越喜欢他的。 I think you"ll grow to like him when you know him better. 我想进一步了解珍妮特,但她老是与我保持一段距离。 I would like to get to know Ja better but she always keeps her distance. 经过进一步的了解,我发现他是一个好青年。 Upon further acquaintance I found him a good youth. 这使我对英国的当权派有进一步的了解。 It taught me more about the British Establishment. 这些都进一步使广大群众认识了抽烟的危害性。 All this further brought home to the broad masses the risks of *** oking. 你得进一步研究作者的语言才能领会她的确切含义。 You have to go behind the author"s words to see what she really means.
2023-08-05 07:53:501


know about 了解,知道……的情况;得知。 例句: You know about Andy, dont you? 你了解安迪,不是吗? I dare say you know about it already. 你大概已经知道了。 扩展资料   There are a lot of things she doesn"t know about me.   我有很多情况她都不了解。   It was gratifying to be in the know about important people.   了解重要人物的内幕令人满足。   What do we know about dinosaurs?   关于恐龙,我们知道些什么?   What does tha" know about Colin?   你对科林了解多少?   What can we know about Amy?   关于艾米我们能知道些什么?
2023-08-05 07:54:101


渐渐了解的英文短语:Get to know. Get:v. 收到; 接到; 获得; 得到; (卖某物)挣得。 knowv. 知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定。 扩展资料   You"ll like her once you get to know her.   你一旦了解了她就会喜欢她的。   I"d really like to see you again and get to know you better.   我很愿意再次见到你并且更多地了解你。   He"s really very human when you get to know him.   你若了解他,就知道他确实很有人情味。   She"s very nice when you get to know her.   你了解她以后就会觉得她非常可爱。   He"s just a pussycat really, once you get to know him.   你了解他以后就会发现他实在和蔼可亲。
2023-08-05 07:54:231

英文简历 了解、熟悉、掌握 XXXX技术, 用什么词好呢?都怎么说?

一般用comprehend比如你要说 我考取了英语4级并能熟练运用英文I ve acquire the CET 4 certificate and comprehend on the use of English.
2023-08-05 07:54:404


i am proficient in english 或者i have known english in depth.
2023-08-05 07:54:483


两个都对,than I是than I know的省略,than me 则是宾格,都是可以的.反问是don"t you,因为know是动词,反问用动词否定形式提问
2023-08-05 07:54:571


2023-08-05 07:55:054


learn about the past 了解过去。 例句:Its curiosity, not suspicion, that entices many older users to learn about the past on the Internet. 正是好奇心,而非猜疑,诱使许多老年用户在互联网上了解过去。 扩展资料   英语(英文:English)是一种西日耳曼语,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。   英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊移民于5世纪带到英国的"一组西日耳曼语(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;这是该语言受到法语影响的时期。早期现代英语始于15世纪后期引进的的印刷机到伦敦,在印刷国王詹姆斯圣经和开始元音大推移。   自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。   英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家的官方语言或官方语言之一。与英语为母语的人相比,将其作为第二语言学习的人更多。它是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的母语,在加勒比海、非洲和南亚被广泛使用。它是联合国、欧洲联盟以及许多其他世界和区域国际组织的官方语言之一。
2023-08-05 07:55:141