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2023-08-05 16:23:26
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▓ 尐飝侠


















“low key”是什么意思?

low key是低调的意思。人家问low key,前面有两个回答都是解释“low”,还成了推荐回答,也是醉了。
2023-08-04 23:24:292


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play down one"s tune 希望对你有帮助
2023-08-04 23:25:495


2023-08-04 23:26:161


五首好听的英文歌《Lowkey》、《Outlaws of love》、《How you remind me》、《Stitches》、《That Girl》。1、《Lowkey》整首歌舒缓恬适,她的嗓音清甜明澈,让人感到放松,不失节奏感的同时,具有极强穿透力,工作学习之余来首这样的歌,简直没谁了!2、《Outlaws of love》对于爱情的美好向往,但是现实却如此残酷!但是这首歌没有那种哀伤的旋律,反而是一种极度舒缓,充满感情的月殇。加上歌手扎实的唱功,相信再心硬的人都会被这首歌曲打动!3、《How you remind me》爱听英文歌的朋友,对于这位“豪放派”歌手艾薇肯定不会陌生,这首歌是艾薇少有抒情歌,歌词中透露出无奈的情致,但她犹如子弹般穿透力的嗓音仿佛对于生活的烦恼不屑一顾,可以说是用最狂野的音色唱出最富有感情歌。4、《Stitches》Sam的嗓音可以说是“小鲜肉”的标配了,清爽明亮,“握不住的沙,不如扬了它”,也可以说是本首歌的主旨。旋律铁宕起伏,无时无刻在告诉人们,做自己的主人,不要成为感情的傀儡!全程的钢琴伴奏,将气氛渲染到了极致!中间的高潮部分,升腾曲折,犹如屑风般穿入脑中!5、《That Girl》如果能够和你在一起,我宁愿让天空所有的星光全部损落,因为你的眼睛,是我生命里最亮的光芒。你给了我所有希望,却又遮住了我的阳光。
2023-08-04 23:26:231

求lowkey的Hard to love a gangsta的歌词

chorus:baby you know it"s hella hard for me to love a gangsta(hard for u to love a gangsta)your makin me full of misery and all this anger(full of misery and anger)I can"t never turn my cheek and call you a stranger(turn my cheek and call you stranger)baby you know it"s hella hard for me to love a gangsta(hard for you to love a gangsta)verse 1:time is in the winds slowly drifting aparteach and everyday"s taking away my heart"til there"s nothin left but memoriesfillin up inside like heavy rain"til it opens up and drizzle downthats when you"ll understand my painout in the streets with my boyswe were ghetto ballin even if we unemployedwe all had it rough through the ghetto yearshad plenty but wasn"t that enoughcaught up in your loveand you didn"t even caught my bluffdrippin tears streamin down your eyesleft your heart, broken promise, liesthink about me in despisewe can wonder whytime change like everythingrelationships rearrangelove is like our wealthpeople willin to cheatnothin strange you act "round methe cycle of peaceI wanna give you lovebut never knew what it wasif I did I would part the clouds and let the sun shinehold you tight and appreciate you for being mineChorusverse 2:through gangbangin daddy I have never complainedI"d be half you as my man but your heart I could attainbut it"s too late and now I"m in over my headI"m prayin each day that you wont lie with the deadbut I"m in love with a gangsta that"s the way that it godown when you had money, I was down when you was brokeno matter situation I was there by your sideFind More lyrics at cryed and pushed and full of tears from my dark brown eyesso what"s it gonna take for you to open up to meswallow your pride and spend some time with meit"s hard to love a gangsta I can clearly seeleave your boy fo" a day and tell me you needed meit"s 5 in the mornin and you still aint homeyou out with your boys in the streets alonesomethin inside is tellin me that somethin might be wrongim pagin, no message you aint pickin up your phonewhat am I to do when I got a thug for a man?there"s so many things that it"s hard to comprehendI know I"ve always wanted a thug in my lifebut this pain"s inflicting me like a sharp knifeChorusverse 3:livin this life as a thug aint easyhard to find a girl in this world to please meso I give my soul to youyou give your soul to meeven though I"m never aroundI"m always with the boys puttin it downgot you waitin, catchin kissesI know it"s hard to love a Gbut even though I put you through all this miseryyou still here waitin for meand sometimes I wonder whyall the bullshit I got you throughhave you feelin the bluesin you I"ll still stay trueyou never trip, never threw a fitthat"s why I give you my heart girlnever find a lady like you in this worldyou"s my gangsta queen, I"m your kingyou"s my girl, you"s my everythingmy life"s soul, life without you feels so coldI"m just lettin you know I"m always gonna be right herenever leave your side so show no fearyou always show me that you carethat"s why you my downass shorty for lifeyou"s my girl, you"s my shorty, you"s my wifeChorus(x2)
2023-08-04 23:27:111

你应该低调知道的 15 个 Z 世代俚语术语

与青少年交谈或仔细阅读 TikTok 评论有时会让人感觉像是在尝试破译一种新语言。但是,尽管近年来Z 世代的一些俚语确实是在互联网上创造出来的,但很多术语起源于几十年前,通常出现在 LGBTQIA+ 或黑人社区(或两者的交集)。以下是值得了解的 15 个 zoomer 表达方式——尽管考虑到俚语很快就会过时,但我们并不保证孩子们会认为如果你使用它们很酷。 1.苏斯 Sus——怀疑或可疑的缩写——描述可疑行为。它被2018 年在线游戏“我们之中”的玩家推广,其中一艘外星飞船的船员试图确定谁是冒名顶替者(或死去)。但根据《牛津英语词典》,至少从1950 年代起,讲英语的人就一直以这种方式使用sus,其在执法中的起源可以追溯到1930 年代。 2.斯坦Eminem在他 2000 年的歌曲“Stan”中创造了这个词,其中一个名叫 Stan 的人将他对 Eminem 的痴迷发挥到了极致。第二年,当纳斯在他标志性的 Jay-Z diss 曲目“以太”中提到斯坦时,他帮助将其含义扩大到“任何过分痴迷的粉丝” 。尽管这些早期的开始是一个贬义词,但stan(现在是小写字母)现在已经被大量 Swifties、Barbz 和其他特定粉丝群的成员重新使用,他们以袖子上的 stan-dom 为荣。您也可以将stan用作动词,这种趋势始于 2008 年左右。 3. CHEUGY 洛杉矶的软件开发人员 Gaby Rasson在 2013 年还是一名高中生时发明了cheugy (发音为“chew-gee”)这个词,并于 2021 年在 Hallie Cain 发布了一个关于它的 TikTok 后开始流行。该术语描述了任何稍微偏离潮流、过时和/或畏缩的事物,例如:成为迪士尼成年人;成人这个词;以陈词滥调或俏皮话为特色的装饰;任何附近的 Z 世代告诉你的其他任何东西都是“cheugy” 。这取决于解释。 4. 我死了 我死了通常被用作对如此有趣、离谱和/或令人震惊的事情的回应,以至于说话者形象地笑死了(或只是死了)。变化包括dead、 I"m dead或只是头骨表情符号。 5. IYKYK If you know, you know 的首字母缩写词,IYKYK 通常与没有上下文共享的内容一起使用——无论是在派对上拍摄的只有其他参与者才能理解的视频,还是某个90 年代的童年记忆,除了其他90 年代的孩子需要一个解释。目前尚不清楚该缩写的确切来源,但 Pusha T 用他 2018 年的歌曲“If You Know You Know”普及了整个短语。(如果您想了解他的抒情参考的上下文,那么您也可以知道,他在这里将它们分解。) 6.简单 Simp是针对男性的侮辱,正如 解释的那样,“被认为对女性过于专心和顺从,尤其是因为希望从她们那里赢得一些有资格的性关注或活动的希望失败。” Simp作为simpleton的缩写可以追溯到 1900 年代初期,尽管没有直接的线索将这两个术语联系起来,但今天的simp可能是从那个术语演变而来的。(毕竟,他们都暗示这个人被误导了,甚至有点可怜。)无论如何,21 世纪的这个词实际上也起源于 20 世纪:像 Too Short 和 E-40 这样的西海岸说唱歌手开始在1980 年代中期的歌词中提到它. 7.命中不同 有几种主要方法可以使用不同的命中。一种是描述在特定条件下感觉更好的事物——例如,在圣诞节早晨醒来时的打击不同(与在常规星期三醒来)。另一个是在新信息曝光后描述你体验或解释的不同事物——正是这种感觉在 2019 年流行开来,当时 YouTube 双人组Daniel Howell和Phil Lester都以同性恋身份出现,促使他们的粉丝重新审视他们的旧内容并阅读这些互动。 8. 茶 1996 年,夏布利夫人与 Marla Maples 在设计工业基金会抗击艾滋病的慈善时装秀上。 凯瑟琳麦甘/盖蒂图片社 茶作为八卦的俚语并非源自青蛙克米特的“但这不关我的事”模因或任何其他与茶相关的互联网内容。正如Merriam-Webster 解释的那样,这个词来自 80 年代和 90 年代的黑人变装场景,它不仅仅用于八卦他人。当变性表演者夏布利夫人在约翰·贝伦特 1994 年的非小说类书籍《善恶花园的午夜》中提到她的“T”时,她指的是她自己的个人信息。在她 1997 年的自传中,她指出T代表真理。T和茶——为了个人真相和他人的秘密——都在 90 年代被使用,但今天茶是至高无上的。 9. 送我 这些天来,任何东西都可以发送给你,这意味着它让你兴奋或兴奋。但根据《牛津英语词典》,当这个短语起源于 1930 年代左右时,它最常用于可以“传递或唤起情感”或“着迷”的音乐。“能够成功翻唱的热门艺人或乐队是‘发件人";他们"发送",“名利场在 1935 年写道。 10. 他/她/他们吃了 多年来,“吃”这个动词在流行的词典中经历了很多次。“吃我的短裤”在 80 年代是一个严厉的批评,说有人吃了它可能意味着他们真的摔倒了。但是现在,当 Zer 一代说一个人吃了,吃了那个,或者吃完这个/那个,他们的意思是他们做得非常好;它通常应用于名人表演或服装。比如说,如果 BLACKPINK 的某个音乐视频真的是送给你的,你甚至可以说,“他们把这个吃光了,没有留下任何碎屑。” 11. 布辛 Bussin可能是bustin "的一个分支,最初是非裔美国人英语——又名非裔美国人语言或非裔美国人白话英语——一种由美国黑人使用的英语方言。它专门用于描述美味的食物,这就是 TikTok 用户 @chinaglivens 在 2021 年 3 月的TikTok 视频中使用它的方式,该视频是关于炸鸡辣酱的。声音像病毒一样传播开来,这有助于在更广泛的受众中普及这句话。这些天来,听到或看到bussin提到不可食用的东西并不少见。Nicki Minaj 用它来描述她 2022 年的歌曲“ Bussin ”中的一大堆东西。一些美国黑人争辩说非黑人根本不应该使用这个词——或者至少不应该把它从烹饪环境中剔除。 12. 低调 200 多年来,人们一直将低调和低调这两个词放在一起来描述低调或低调的事物。但是 Z 世代(以及一些千禧一代)是第一个放弃连字符并将该短语用作副词而不是形容词或名词的人。在20世纪,你可能会谈论“低调的歌曲”或“低调的绘画”。今天,你可以对某件事“低调兴奋”,或者说你“低调需要休息一下”,远离社交媒体。换句话说,lowkey基本上是其他副词限定词的替代品,例如稍微和种类. 例如,这不是暗示你只是对某事感到有点兴奋,而是更多地表达你实际上真的很兴奋——但你只是表现出一点点。 13. 没有上限 如果有人在一条信息上标点符号,没有上限,这意味着他们没有撒谎或夸大其词。根据 Genius的说法,说唱歌词中第一次提到这句话来自 Chief Keef 和 Gino Marley 2011 年的歌曲“Just in Case”,其他嘻哈艺术家如 Migos 在最近的曲目中也提到了它。但在没有 cap之前,有high cap或high cappin" ——像 Too Short 和 Willie D 这样的说唱歌手在 80 年代开始在歌曲中使用。“封顶可能是在侮辱某人,也可能是某人吹牛,”威利 D 告诉 Genius。这个词可能已经脱离了播放几十个,这是一个在黑人社区中已有数十年历史的游戏,其中两个人试图互相烤熟。不仅侮辱经常被夸大或不真实,而且该游戏在某些圈子中被称为封顶。 14. 波格斯 Poggers是一种表达兴奋的表达方式,由 Twitch 社区创造。基本上,Twitch 是一个用户直播内容(最初只是视频游戏,但现在有各种直播活动)并在聊天室中讨论的平台。您可以发送名为emotes的类似表情符号的图像,其中一些具有特定的字符或人物。Poggers是一个表情的标题,描绘了卡通青蛙佩佩表现出的兴奋。它可能与早期的名为PogChamp的表情有关,该表情向 Twitch 游戏玩家 Ryan Gutierrez 展示了类似的表情。(在 Gutierrez 赢得 Pogs 的视频之后,它被称为PogChamp与另一位玩家竞争,但用于表情的图像实际上来自不同的视频。)虽然poggers这个词本身似乎没有任何争议,但值得注意的是,Pepe the Frog 已被标记为仇恨符号,并且在 1 月 6 日起义后古铁雷斯发表评论后,PogChamp 表情已从Twitch 中删除。 15.希瑟 2020 年,柯南·格雷发行了《Heather》,这首歌曲讲述了对一个爱上一个名叫希瑟的完美女孩的不回报的感情。“可是我怎么会讨厌她呢?她真是个天使,”格雷唱道。这推出了一系列 TikTok 视频,用户在其中确定了他们自己的“Heathers”——任何看起来像主角的可爱人,引起了人们的钦佩和嫉妒。因此,如果有人叫你希瑟,正确的回应是“谢谢”(或“天哪,这是低调发送给我的”)。
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2023-08-04 23:27:421


Hey baby我的真心给你 请你将他take itHey babyNighty night 又想了你多些What u want for me有多少周期All eyes on me我心只有你Oh day day白天天黑Sometime 你会说你不舍得不应该让我们停在这我们两个什么都没说竟然会比彼此都透彻I really like u没有来由风一样的soul哎哟哎哟 哎呦哎呦一点点就通I really like u覆水难收懂也都不懂哎哟哎哟 哎呦哎呦Baby always will不是不到尽头不罢休我们之间无法太深究我想和你兜一兜在这之前never told u总是想你想你不知道总是出现在出乎意料还有多少让我苦恼的梦往事无言如此锋利Like a movie一个瞬间都会记忆某种lowkey都是逐渐才能适应太多秘密不可思议还在伺机跟你索取I really like u没有来由风一样的soul哎哟哎哟 哎呦哎呦一点点就通I really like u覆水难收懂也都不懂哎哟哎哟 哎呦哎呦Baby always willBaby really like u我没有什么title这感觉来的快快到让我觉得太久Many people like u他们不是对手所有人在向前我只想和你退后若问我的爱意它值几个金币只有你的爱才能崩坏我的经济So really like u让它把我带走只要有你在无论海底还是太空
2023-08-04 23:27:503


我一直想写一篇关于鱼骨纹和人字纹地板的帖子,因为碰到太多的案例,很多业主都搞不清楚什么是鱼骨纹什么是人字纹,甚至误以为是同一种地板铺法的不同叫法,在后面计算地板用料和铺装人工的时候,往往才恍然大悟,原来这才是我想要的效果哈,为了方便日后不用重复普及,这次就单开一帖,大家一目了然!什么是鱼骨纹,严格地说,有2个说法,一种叫Chevron,英文里是波浪纹的意思,如上图左,看上去像鱼骨般整齐排列的,国人一般形象地叫它鱼骨纹;而另一种叫Herringbone,如上图右,英文里是鲱鱼骨的意思,他们管这叫“鱼骨纹”哦,可见老外的思路确实和我们不一样哦!国人一般形象地叫它人字纹!总而言之,在归纳总结这件事上,还是大天朝的文字更具智慧哦!他们很像,有时候会混淆,有时候Google百度一搜关键字,你会发现会跳出一大堆鱼骨纹和人字纹混在一起的纹饰图片,傻傻分不清楚!可仔细看看你会发现,鱼骨纹是以平行四边形作为cell滴,而人字纹则是以矩形作为unit滴!容许我用不同的英文表达卖弄一下我曾经是英语课代表的身份!▲这是鱼骨纹的cell,平行四边形的,至于斜几度,你是可以施工切的时候控制的!而人字纹的unit是和普通的地板一样的,也是长方形的,只是铺装的时候,是交错咬合的铺法。▲这是一本号称全世界最适合摆在茶几的上的杂志,没错,就是《kinfolk》,只要随手翻开这本杂志,你就会发现,无处不见鱼骨纹或是人字纹的地板,家具和装饰,为何歪果仁这么喜欢鱼骨纹呢?▲我随手一翻,就看到了这张照片,因为橡木色斜铺的鱼骨纹地板,似乎让你有种错觉,这是一个有故事的女人,有木有?我本人是控制不了对鱼骨纹地板的钟爱的,每次一看到这种铺法的地板,我就会情不自禁的燃起重新装修的欲火,看到去年买的二手房那保养得不错的红猪油地板,我就会气不打一处来,天天变相怂恿我们家汪星人去摧毁它,好让我找个理由堵上婆婆的嘴,也说服自己可以坦然面对上家留下的身价不菲的保养得当的红猪油地板,然后彻底换掉它。事实上,现在已经满是小儿子的爪子印了,我的愿望离实现只差一步之遥了!我会堂而皇之地说,不是我毁滴,是狗狗啊!怪我咯?!鱼骨纹or人字纹用在哪里最优雅?地板,地板一定是地板,鱼骨纹的地板怕是全世界与大白墙最配的完美CP哦!你有木有发现,单调的大白墙,一遇到鱼骨纹或人字纹地板,就如同简单的白T穿在很优雅起范儿的大叔身上,周身散发着异性的荷尔蒙!~~~除了大白墙,鱼骨纹和人字纹几乎可以驾驭任何色彩任何风格。我记得是两年前吧,《家居廊》拍摄了井柏然的家,虽然我从来没有粉过他,甚至有点儿嫌弃他,但他家的装修拉回了我对此人的好感,哟,品味不错嘛!▲一个低饱和度,灰蓝色为主的暗调空间,灰咖调的超宽板鱼骨纹地板,素板的复古风,Tom Dixon的黄铜衣架如雕塑般静立一旁,背景是深灰色的旋转楼梯,很高阶的性冷淡又带点儿轻工业风细节,地板承载了大部分的视觉细部,有种久违的“旧得很好看”的既视感。▲做旧拼接款的椭圆形大餐桌边是Fritz Hansen的椅子,桌上是Jonathan Adler的异域风情黑白花瓶,让整个空间有了清晰的视觉落点,桌上悬挂着喇叭口的Gubi金色吊灯,背景的灰蓝色与中性色的鱼骨纹地板在空间内完美穿插。▲纵深感超强的鱼骨纹地板,配了Ceccotti的黄铜落地灯燃爆整个空间!▲卧室的脏粉色+旧旧的靛蓝色与中性色鱼骨纹地板也是绝配,有没有一种错觉,好像地板和墙面互为延伸,只是地板有了隐约的纹理而已,而墙面有了光影的层次,如同渐变色般在渗透,像极了天海一色的美学表达。其实鱼骨纹和人字拼地板的表达不止如此,称它百搭经典绝对不足为过。▲浅色系的鱼骨拼或人字地板,不论是长窄条铺就,还是短短的细碎铺设,不论是搭配性冷淡,还是搭配原生态乡村范儿,或是小复古轻奢质感的家居,都很带感,妥妥的设计师style!▲而深一个色调的鱼骨纹与人字纹地板,更是充满了家的温度,清晰的纹理,而又充满了有规律的变化,视觉纵深感强到爆,一个鱼骨纹地板铺就的走廊就如同一条载满荣耀的红毯般,远远的招摇却又不刻意露骨!▲冷色系鱼骨纹or人字拼地板深沉但一点都不性冷淡,lowkey又透着骨子里的贵族气质。▲暖色有温度又不会显得过于热闹而失了分寸。▲中性色的温厚知性,不抢镜,与任何风格任何家居气质都可以搭配,绝对是提高家居高级感的最佳BGM。▲即便用在暗黑系空间,也是绝美的!深一个色调的鱼骨纹地板与黑色复古雕花的柜门完美搭配,瞬间拉高了整条街的逼格哦!▲人字纹地板的交错纹理,与透过窗纱投射进来的光与影,你有没有闻到原木与阳光光合作用后的香味▲犬牙交错般咬合的人字纹地板做背景,即便是随意倚墙而放的一堆闲书,也透着文艺的调调。▲这是我本人特别喜欢的一张照片,薄荷色的浴缸与墙壁,白瓷砖半围墙,与人字纹交错的复古地板,复古优雅的气息爆屏!▲简单的办公空间略显单薄,幸好有人字纹地板用不同色度的木材拼接给空间带了恰如其分的质感。▲这种纹理比较明显的地板,用宽版鱼骨纹的铺法,有了大理石般的地面效果,顶面空间的灯具与墙面的大理石与地板的人字纹上下呼应,突然就有了很华丽的哥特风既视感,却又现代感十足。▲这种深浅交错的窄条人字, 也特别讨巧,带着有着时间雕琢痕迹的vintage古风,有一点点抢镜,这时候可以让家具和软配尽量单纯一点儿,更有质感。▲鱼骨拼表现的纵深感在大户型里尤为突出,那种深浅自然交错,如织物编织一般的地面效果,会让地板这种普通的装修材料顿时充满魔力▲不同材质纹理的木地板做鱼骨拼,又是另外一种风格,有一种特别的野奢气质,高逼格又野生派,模糊了风格的界限,有种old money低调贵族气质的视错觉,怕是设计师们最喜欢的style了!可预算要提高好几个倍啦!有追求的金主们可以参考一下!虽然鱼骨拼和人字拼的损耗和人工要比普通木地板高得多,但还是长盛不衰的地板拼铺的经典款,这也是为什么高逼格的家居杂志上都是鱼骨拼人字拼的道理,集工整,颜值,优雅,高级感于一身,不爱都难。如果你和我一样,买了保养相当好的二手房,而且原有的地板材质又是高级货,舍不得拆啊,那么中意人字纹和鱼骨纹的住友们也可以把这个纹样用在其他地方,比如家具,比如墙面,在立面上增加鱼骨纹或是人字纹,看上去匠心满满,又充满了设计的质感。Norhor北欧表情有一套比利时设计师的家具,就是鱼骨拼系列,个人非常喜欢,好像现在已经停售了。之前在另一个小众家具品牌Evitahome也有见到类似款式,人字纹的桌面,与午后的光线编织出了很美的投影。▲当时忍不住给自己的工作室也采买了一个作玄关柜。是那种没有上过漆面的柜子,带一点儿工业风的既视感。注意哦,上图我们工作室的地板可不是鱼骨拼,是假鱼骨拼,也就是普通的复合地板,但是做了鱼骨纹的处理,作为办公空间要颜值又要大幅度降低成本也是一种妥协的选择吧!你有木有个奇怪的发现,同样是人字拼与鱼骨拼,用在地面上效果好像不相上下,鱼骨拼略微现代感强一点,而用在家具立面上明显鱼骨拼更胜一筹,而在桌子这种平面上的应用,人字拼则更有质感!在墙面上的应用,过于工整的鱼骨拼明显不如人字拼视觉效果突出,人字拼的铺法用在墙砖上的例子不胜枚举了,仅在好住上,就非常之众,但是用得好的并不多,我个人比较喜欢的是窄长条的人字拼法。▲在墙面上,窄长条切割的人字拼比鱼骨拼更有立体感,强烈的织物编织感,会让小空间更有趣,也避免过于简约带来乏味与缺少温度,尤其是墙地面的延伸,会让卫浴空间显得又高又深,视觉的纵深感突出,如果在这个延伸的视觉范围内有个小小的高亮金属色或是饱和度相对高的提亮色出来,会更惊艳哦!碍于版权问题,我没有选择住友的照片作为案例(其实有更好的案例照片),只是百度了网络照片来做说明。▲另一种对人字拼的热爱,通过这张照片表现的非常到位。巧妙借鉴了人字拼,小面积地用作装饰画,各种色度与质感的木板条凹凸有致的镶嵌在画框里,粗粝丰盈,一点儿不做作,这个DIY很赞U0001f44d!关于人字拼与鱼骨拼,今天就分享到这里吧,希望我的文字给大家带来启发!#地板 #人字拼 #鱼骨纹 #实木地板 #客厅 #餐厅 内容由好好住用户阿拉fat提供,更多问题来好好住APP和屋主直接交流吧~
2023-08-04 23:27:581


截止到2022年8月25日,刘炫廷身高维175cm。刘炫廷1998年10月20日出生于新疆维吾尔自治区库尔勒市,音乐人。刘炫廷高中就读于北京爱迪国际学校,2017年初,刘炫廷为学校创作校歌《与太阳同行》,与同学曾致诚一同演唱,爱迪学校以歌名命名了6月12日在保利剧院举行的校园公益音乐会,所得善款均捐赠给蒲公英中学,用于新校舍的修建。2017年12月举行的TeenDancers(TD5)北京市高中生街舞比赛中,刘炫廷更是将个人舞、大、小齐舞冠军奖、最佳编舞奖揽入囊中。 2018年7月,前往墨尔本大学读书,2020年9月转学至伯克利音乐学院。2019年5月,刘炫廷参加爱奇艺节目《中国新说唱2019》,获大洋洲赛区冠军,进入节目海选,最终获得全国六强。11月23日,获得融合嘻哈颁奖典礼2019最具潜力说唱新人奖,代表作品有《LOWKEY》等。
2023-08-04 23:28:161


我觉得何昶希退出乐华是他自己的自由 ,外人没有什么好干涉的 ,所以他喜欢待哪儿就待在哪儿 ,不喜欢就退出了 。
2023-08-04 23:28:3115


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2023-08-04 23:30:371


是278集 《快说你想活下去!我们是你的同伴!》在第18分钟左右如果还有问题请追问或百度HI我同时可以【赞同】一下,记得及时【采纳】哦
2023-08-04 23:31:008


因为夏季高温,后备箱没空气,不透气的!爱惜自己的身体,建议别喝, 望采纳
2023-08-04 23:31:363

露娜2 刺客我想练体刺,能告诉我1转到5转怎么转,又怎么点技能吗?

刺客我介意全敏,否则那就不是刺客了,露娜1,露娜2我都有玩,露娜2目前还在纠结摸索中,以前我是玩华北1的,刺客转的话我介意1-4转为纯转,5转混的感觉比较ok。我只是在暴击,回避上的追求。俺是华北1的ck:安静的展堂。yy频道51873 Lowkey。
2023-08-04 23:31:552

bbox 的16B

2023-08-04 23:32:094

第一天喝多了 第二天为什么要喝点酒回胃 什么时候喝最好

这样确实会舒服一点,因为睡觉会让身体机能休眠或降低能力,当身体再次受到酒精刺激时,会调整为对酒吸收的状态,同时也麻醉下神经。当这次的浅度麻醉过去,身体对酒精的抵抗(吸收也好,分解也好)也可以中和你这次醉酒带来的不适了。但这样饮鸩止渴,对身体还是有伤害的,建议采取温和的醒酒办法,比如蜂蜜,牛奶什么的。360问答喝酒喝多了,第二天要再喝点酒透一透是怎么回事?有什么科学道理?321xien LV122013-10-30满意答案gavinlowkeyLV122013-10-31有科学道理的 别听一帮文盲5261瞎扯首先科普一下4102,乙醇即是酒精,是我们1653喝酒想要喝的部分,甲醇是我们不想要有除不掉的那部分物质,也叫工业酒精,就是喝多了瞎眼睛那个。1、酿酒工艺决定,酒中必含甲醇。酒中的主要成分是酒精,但是由于酿酒的工艺,在酒精的生成过程中,必然会连带产生甲醇,尤其是头酒,因为酿酒是需要加温的,生成甲醇的温度比酒精(乙醇)的温度低,温度是不会跳格上升的,酿酒必然产生甲醇。前辈们喝白酒是要烫酒的,甲醇挥发的温度也比乙醇低,烫酒可以挥发掉大部分甲醇。2、醉酒即是中毒,透一透是为了解决解毒。由于乙醇对中枢神经起作用,乙醇中毒的症状是呕吐、头晕、恶心、兴奋、嗜睡等。甲醇中毒的症状是第二天的头疼、恶心。乙醇中毒与甲醇中毒症状类似,但是原理不同。人的肝脏产生酒精脱氢酶用来分解甲醇和乙醇,喝酒后先出现乙醇中毒症状,然后第二天出现甲醇中毒症状。原因是乙醇与酒精脱氢酶的结合会优先于甲醇与酒精脱氢酶结合,因为酒精脱氢酶的量有限,所以先代谢乙醇,乙醇代谢光了再代谢甲醇。(类似于 [公式] 与血红蛋白的结合能力强于 [公式] )3、透酒是用乙醇来解甲醇的毒。甲醇的中毒反应,主要是甲醇的分解产物甲酸,所以透酒是在用乙醇解甲醇的毒。用乙醇比甲醇优先分解的原理,暂缓甲醇的分解,降低甲酸的浓度,延长甲醇的代谢时间来解毒。但是最后给句忠告,透酒量要把握好,透酒少饮是解毒,缓解症状。持续的宿醉对身体的伤害是持续的,犹如饮鸩止渴。透酒有道理,但是要科学运用。
2023-08-04 23:32:272


2023-08-04 23:32:385


2023-08-04 23:32:553


1 重庆大学 教育部 重庆市 本科 (211工程,985工程) 2 西南大学 教育部 重庆市 本科 (211工程) 3 西南政法大学 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (1本院校,正在申请211工程) 4 重庆工商大学 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校,部分专业在1本招生) 5 重庆医科大学 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校,部分专业在1本招生) 6 重庆邮电大学 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校,部分专业在1本招生) 7 重庆交通大学 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校,部分专业在1本招生,) 8 重庆理工大学 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校) 9 重庆师范大学 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校) 10 四川外语学院 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校,部分专业在1本招生) 11 四川美术学院 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校,部分专业在1本招生) 12 重庆科技学院 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校) 13 重庆文理学院 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校) 14 重庆三峡学院 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校) 15 长江师范学院 重庆市 重庆市 本科 (2本院校) 高职高专:16 重庆警官职业学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 (提前批高职除外,其实排名应该靠后,因为师资、设备、图书等均在后面17-29位置后,就是因为提前录取) 17 重庆电子工程职业学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 (国家示范性建设单位,全部专业在1专以上招生,还有2本专业招生) 18 重庆工业职业技术学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 (国家示范性建设单位,全部专业在1专以上招生,还有3本专业招生) 19 重庆工程职业技术学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 (国家示范性建设单位,全部专业在1专以上招生,还有3本专业招生) 20 重庆电力高等专科学校 重庆市 重庆市 专科 (重庆市示范性建设单位,部分专业在1专以上招生,无本科专业招生) 21 重庆城市管理职业学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 (重庆市示范性建设单位,部分专业在1专以上招生,还有3本专业招生) 22 重庆航天职业技术学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 (重庆市示范性建设单位,部分专业在1专以上招生) 23 重庆工商职业学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 24 重庆城市职业学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 25 重庆机电职业技术学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 26 重庆水利电力职业技术学院 重庆市 专科 27 重庆三峡职业学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 28 重庆建筑工程职业学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 29 重庆工贸职业技术学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 30 重庆信息技术职业学院 重庆市教委(民办) 重庆市 专科 31 重庆传媒职业学院 重庆市教委 重庆市(民办) 专科 32 重庆正大软件职业技术学院 市教委 重庆市(民办) 专科 33 重庆海联职业技术学院 重庆市教委 重庆市(民办) 专科 34 重庆房地产职业学院 重庆市教委 重庆市(民办) 专科 35 重庆民生职业技术学院 重庆市教委 重庆市(民办) 专科 36 重庆财经职业学院 重庆市 重庆市 专科 37 重庆科创职业学院 重庆市教委 重庆市(民办) 专科来自:
2023-08-04 23:33:142

low key 是什么意思啊

low key 低调;暗色调图象调节键双语例句:1.However, the civilians" common knowledge is not conceived by the deliberately-pretended low key. 可惜,老百姓的常识没有被这种苦心孤诣的低调忽悠。2.The White House choreographed the visit to be low key, holding it on a weekendin the mansion"s private residence. 白宫低调地安排了这次非正式会面,特于周末在白宫的私人官邸举行。3.Appearances to Avoid: You don"t want to look like a braggart so a modest, lowkey approach to the entire process is recommended. 避免出现:你不想被人认为是个狂妄自大的人,所以我们推荐在工作中低调一点。
2023-08-04 23:34:573


lowkey 低调;
2023-08-04 23:35:112


低调 女人
2023-08-04 23:35:194

求lowkey - niki MP3

NIKI - lowkey.mp3:打开链接,选择普通下载即可
2023-08-04 23:35:501


2023-08-04 23:35:581

一首英语说唱歌曲dont you open up the window

TRAVIS SCOTT 特拉维斯.司各特"Antidote" 解药Don"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidotePoppin" pills is all we knowIn the hills is all we know (Hollywood!)Don"t go through the front door (Through the back!)It"s lowkey at the night showSo don"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidote(Yeah) Party on a Sunday (That was fun!)Do it all again on Monday (One more time!)Spent a check on a weekend (Oh my God!)I might do it all again (That"s boss shit)I just hit a three peatFucked three hoes I met this week (Robert Horry!)I don"t do no old hoes (Oh, no, no!)My nigga, that"s a no-no (Straight up!)She just want the coco (Cocaina!)I just want dinero (Paper hunting!)(Wait) Who that at the front door?If it"s the feds, oh-no-no-no (Don"t let "em in, shhh)Don"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidotePoppin" pills is all we knowIn the hills is all we know (Hollywood!)Don"t go through the front door (In the back!)It"s lowkey at the night showAt the night showAt the night show (Higher)At the night showOoh, at the night show (Get lit my nigga)Ooh, at the night showAnything can happen at the night showEverything can happen at the night showOoh, at the night showAnything can happen at the night showOoh, at the night showOoh, your bitch not at home, she at the night showOoh (Straight up!), fuckin" right, hoOoh, had to catch a flight for the night showOoh (I stun!), let"s get piped thoughBottles got us right though, we ain"t sippin" light thoughI ain"t got no type thoughOnly got one night though, we can do it twice thoughIt"s litAt the night showOoh, at the night showAt the night showOoh, at the night showAt the night showEverything can happen at the night showOoh, at the night showAnything can happen at the night showStackin" up day to day, young niggaYou know you gotta go get it, go get it, my niggaThey hatin", they stinkin", they waitin"Don"t be mistaken, we dyin", they stayin"Lord I"m on fire they think that I"m SatanCallin" me crazy on different occasionsKickin" the cameraman off of my stagesCause I don"t like how he snappin" my anglesI"m overboard and I"m over-impatientOver my niggas and these kids my agesDealin" with Mo" shit that"s more complicatedLike these two bitches that might be relatedH-Town, you got one and you Bun B like a number oneIt"s late night, got a late showIf you wanna roll, I got a place wherePoppin" pills is all we knowIn the hills is all we know (Hollywood!)Don"t go through the front door (Through the back!)It"s lowkey at the night showSo don"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidote
2023-08-04 23:36:071

You Got It Bad 歌词

歌曲名:You Got It Bad歌手:Allstars专辑:AllstarsJ. Cole - You Got It (Feat Wale)Hey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Hey Cole World, real cold WorldI watch it hit the floor and watch it drop it real low girllast time I seen ya, you was a lil old girlI had a crush now we grown and we still so thoroughclap for her, work it till you exhaustedI swear nothing worse than a bad bitch that lost itbrains off the chain, smart mouth with a dumb assGod damn your ex man is a dumb asswhen you was leaving, did he put up a fight?was he stressin" you, wasn"t fucking you rightwell one man"s trash is another man"s treasureone man"s pain is another man"s pleasureone damn thing you can"t change is the weatherbut even if it rain, we get rained on togetherit"s whatever, you shine, I shine,I know you got a 9-5 I"ll be your 5-9!Hey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Yeah, go ahead and pop it like you do in the mirrorI"m picking through the cloud tryna see a little clearerhigh heel wearer, hell of a bodyfirst one to spot ya and I aint telling nobodynope, I"m peaking at your ass, winking at your assif I dont beg I"ll be thinking bout your assfor the whole week no time for cold feetshe too bad to pass, so fine I dont speakI tell her my name Jermaine, I"m tryna be lowkeyshe tell me I go that flame, your rhymes are so deepman, girl thank youshit you so bad know your daddy wish he could still spank youhold up for these other niggas roll up and try and get yathe ones that say they riders but never do ride with yaI"m tryna vibe with ya so wont you throw me your phone numberand let them lames get ya old numberHey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Roc Nation, Walelook, Cole World, still a cold worldand a couple ya is cool but we a little more thoroughwhole town, a little more girlsyou know I spit that sick shit and there"s still no curehold up, low packs like I got cancerchoking on them white boys make a black pantherlove my women with high heels and high standardsand only cheat on my broad if I run out of answersI got that vicious flow, Moncler winter coatI aint superstitious I make all these broads flip my poleyou dig it, this shit aint for beginnersI"m something like a fetus, I"m not quite kidd"nand theres something you aint seeing like I block your visionlike my Remy with no juice, you a lot like Bishophundred k in 22 hourssee money talks, you muthafuckers is Boomhowerno check back, in debt yeploud in my J, I smokinghigher than I need to beflyer cause I need to belove our conversation but it"s late right now, I need a beatone time for the Ville that Cole repanother time for the city of slow deathI dont understand why these niggas so vexedI dont need no chains with no cross to know that I"m blessedHey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)J. Cole - You Got It (Feat Wale)
2023-08-04 23:36:281

Etta James的《You Got It》 歌词

歌曲名:You Got It歌手:Etta James专辑:The Very Best Of Etta James: The Chess SinglesJ. Cole - You Got It (Feat Wale)Hey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Hey Cole World, real cold WorldI watch it hit the floor and watch it drop it real low girllast time I seen ya, you was a lil old girlI had a crush now we grown and we still so thoroughclap for her, work it till you exhaustedI swear nothing worse than a bad bitch that lost itbrains off the chain, smart mouth with a dumb assGod damn your ex man is a dumb asswhen you was leaving, did he put up a fight?was he stressin" you, wasn"t fucking you rightwell one man"s trash is another man"s treasureone man"s pain is another man"s pleasureone damn thing you can"t change is the weatherbut even if it rain, we get rained on togetherit"s whatever, you shine, I shine,I know you got a 9-5 I"ll be your 5-9!Hey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Yeah, go ahead and pop it like you do in the mirrorI"m picking through the cloud tryna see a little clearerhigh heel wearer, hell of a bodyfirst one to spot ya and I aint telling nobodynope, I"m peaking at your ass, winking at your assif I dont beg I"ll be thinking bout your assfor the whole week no time for cold feetshe too bad to pass, so fine I dont speakI tell her my name Jermaine, I"m tryna be lowkeyshe tell me I go that flame, your rhymes are so deepman, girl thank youshit you so bad know your daddy wish he could still spank youhold up for these other niggas roll up and try and get yathe ones that say they riders but never do ride with yaI"m tryna vibe with ya so wont you throw me your phone numberand let them lames get ya old numberHey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Roc Nation, Walelook, Cole World, still a cold worldand a couple ya is cool but we a little more thoroughwhole town, a little more girlsyou know I spit that sick shit and there"s still no curehold up, low packs like I got cancerchoking on them white boys make a black pantherlove my women with high heels and high standardsand only cheat on my broad if I run out of answersI got that vicious flow, Moncler winter coatI aint superstitious I make all these broads flip my poleyou dig it, this shit aint for beginnersI"m something like a fetus, I"m not quite kidd"nand theres something you aint seeing like I block your visionlike my Remy with no juice, you a lot like Bishophundred k in 22 hourssee money talks, you muthafuckers is Boomhowerno check back, in debt yeploud in my J, I smokinghigher than I need to beflyer cause I need to belove our conversation but it"s late right now, I need a beatone time for the Ville that Cole repanother time for the city of slow deathI dont understand why these niggas so vexedI dont need no chains with no cross to know that I"m blessedHey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)J. Cole - You Got It (Feat Wale)
2023-08-04 23:36:351


2023-08-04 23:36:453


Only - Nicki Minaj&Drake&Lil Wayne&Chris BrownYo, I never fucked Wayne,哟 我从没骗过韦恩I never fucked Drake从没骗过德雷克All my life, man, fuck"s sake天啊 我这辈子也不会骗他们If I did I menage with em如果我和他们住一起And let em eat my ass like a cupcake我就主动让他们咬我My man full, he just ate,我的兄弟全都只知道吃I don"t duck nobody but tape我不会逃避什么除了那卷录音带Yeah, that was a set up是啊 那是个陷阱for a punchline on duct tape只是为了有个头条笑料罢了Worried bout if my butt"s fake担心我的屁股是不是假的Worried about John ,niggas,us,straight担心约翰把我们唱成了德雷克These girls are my sons,这些女孩差不多是我孩子的年纪John and Kate plus eight约翰和凯特再加上8就是了When I walk in, sit up straight,当我走进 直挺挺的坐下I don"t give a fuck if I was late我一点也不在意我是否迟到了Dinner with my man on a G5跟我的兄弟坐在G5上is my idea of an update这是我的新主意Hut one, hut two,一个小屋 两个小屋big titties, big butt too丰乳肥臀fuck with them real niggas搭上那些真正的爷们who don"t tell niggas what they up to不会告诉那些人他们主要目的Had to show bitches where the top is,必须要告诉那些女人高潮在哪里ring finger where the rock is无名指指向那里These hoes couldn"t test me even这些女人都不试试我if their name was pop quiz如果是突击测试Bad bitches who I fuck with,跟我上床的坏女人就会很惨mad niggas we don"t fuck with我们才不理会疯狂的哥们I don"t fuck with them chickens unless我才不跟他们上床除非they last name was cutlet他们的姓是cutletLet it soak in like seasoning让他像佐料般品尝我And tell em bitches blow me,告诉他们让爷舒坦Lance Stephenson让爷舒坦 史蒂芬森Raise your bottle and cup in the sky高举你的酒瓶和酒杯Sparks in the air like the fourth of july空中的焰火像是国庆节Nothing but bad bitches in here tonight没什么特别的 除了这个女人在这里Oh, if you lame and you know it be quiet如果你不行就知道闭嘴Nothing but real niggas only,只有真正的男人会这样bad bitches only只有特别坏的女人Richest niggas only有钱佬independent bitches only自食其力的女人Boss niggas only,老大地位的男人thick bitches only丰满的女人I got my real niggas here by my side, only我身边有群真正的男人I never fucked Nicki我没上过Nickicause she got a man因为她有男朋友But when that"s over但他们玩完的时候then I"m the first in line我第一时间出现And the other day in her Maybach是在她豪华轿车的某一天I thought god damn,我想这该死的this is the perfect time这是最佳时机We had just come from that video我们刚刚录完视频You know LA traffic,你知道洛杉矶的交通how the city slow这城市有多慢She was sitting down on that big butt她的翘臀安坐着But I was still staring但我仍盯着at the titties though她的胸看Yeah, lowkey it may be high key低调也可能会变成高调I been peeped that you like me you know你一直偷偷看我 你知道你喜欢我Who the fuck you really你究竟想让wanna be with besides me?谁在我身边I mean it doesn"t take much我的意思是我们for us to do this shit quietly, I mean不需要太过低调的做些She say I"m obsessed她说我迷上with thick women and I agree丰满的女人 这我同意That"s right I like my girls BBW, yeah没错 我喜欢女孩胖胖的Type to wanna suck you dry想吸干你的那种类型and then eat some lunch with you和你吃午餐So thick that everyone else餐厅里的每一个人in the room is so uncomfortable都胖的很不舒服Ass on Houston Texas,在德州的休斯顿but the face look just like Claire Huxtable那脸看起来就像得病了一样Oh, yeah, you the man in the city是的 你是城市人when the mayor fuck with you市长对你瞎炫耀The NBA players fuck with youNBA球员和你上床The bad ass bitches doing makeup那些女人化着妆and hair fuck with you头发打在你身上Oh, that"s cause I believe in something ,哦 因为我相信not staying for it不必在此逗留And Nicki if you ever tryna fuckNicki如果你想撒谎Just give me the heads up就给我抬起头so I can plan for it这样我可以计划一番Raise your bottle高举你的酒瓶and cup in the sky和酒杯Sparks in the air like the fourth of july空中的焰火像是国庆节Nothing but bad bitches in here tonight没什么特别的 除了这个女人在这里Oh, if you lame and you know it be quiet如果你不行就知道闭嘴Nothing but real niggas only,只有真正的男人会这样bad bitches only只有特别坏的女人Richest niggas only,有钱佬independent bitches only自食其力的女人Boss niggas only,老大地位的男人thick bitches only丰满的女人I got my real niggas here by my side, only我身边有群真正的男人I never fucked Nicki我没上过Nickiand that"s fucked up这很混乱If I did fuck she"d be fucked up如果我上了她这就不会那么简单Whoever is hitting ain"t hitting it right谁搭上她也不会玩真的Cause she acting like因为她就像she need dick in her life她这辈子都没有过男人That"s another story,这是另外个故事I"m no story teller我也不是说故事的I piss greatness like gold and jello我鄙视那些所谓的伟大All my goons so overzealous我所有的傻兄弟都过度热心I"m from Holly Groove,我来自圣地麦加the holy Mecca冬青之地I got money for days我有了些钱I squirm and I shake,就开始局促不安摇摆不定but I"m stuck in my ways但我已经停滞My girl from we beed if she wave我的女孩如果她有所动摇Baby and I fucked宝贝 我诅咒她with her surfboard, surfboard还有她的冲浪板 冲浪板My eyes are so bright,我的眼睛很明亮I take cover for shade我能在黑暗中躲藏Don"t have my money?我没钱吗I take mothers instead我拿我妈的You got the hickups,你打嗝you swallowed the truth你隐瞒了真相Then I make you burp boy,然后我让打嗝的男孩beef eat like sirloin吃西冷牛排I"m talking bout running in houses我说带着武器和枪with arm and guns在房间里跑So think about your son所以想想你儿子and daughter rooms和你女儿的房间Got too much they got smaller guns他们有太多较小的枪Ain"t thinking bout your son不要想你儿子and daughter rooms和你女儿的房间This is just crazy my nigga,哥们 这很疯狂I mean brazy my nigga我的意思是勇敢点 哥们That money talk,我说的是钱I just rephrase it my nigga我只是重复一遍Blood gang take the B,帮派血拼似的I"ll behave ya我会做的I"m for reals我玩真的If you mouth off,如果你顶嘴I blow your face off我打爆你的脸I mean pop-pop-pop,我说砰砰砰take your face off打爆你的脸Now you see me,现在你看我now you don"t现在你不像Like Jamie Foxx,杰米·福克斯acting like Ray Charles表现得像是像雷·查尔斯16 in a clip, one in the chamber16发子弹 一枪一命17 with 17 bullets17发子弹My story is how I went from poor me我的故事是从比较惨的我To police pour me a drink混到警察给我倒喝的and celebrate with me和我一起庆祝Raise your bottle and cup in the sky高举你的酒瓶 和酒杯Sparks in the air like the fourth of july空中的焰火像是国庆节Nothing but bad bitches in here tonight没什么特别的 除了这个女人在这里Oh, if you lame哦 如果你不行and you know it be quiet就知道闭嘴Nothing but real niggas only,只有真正的男人会这样bad bitches only只有特别坏的女人Richest niggas only,有钱佬independent bitches only自食其力的女人Boss niggas only, thick bitches only老大地位的男人 丰满的女人I got my real niggas here by my side, only我身边有群真正的男人
2023-08-04 23:36:561

英文男声歌高潮fan si to ge ra feel,这一句重复了两次

Antidote (Explicit) - Travis ScottDon"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidotePopping pills is all we knowIn the hills is all we know HollywoodDon"t go through the front door Through the backIt"s lowkey at the night showSo don"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidoteParty on a Sunday That was funDo it all again on Monday One more timeSpent a check on a weekend Oh my GodI might do it all again That"s boss shitI just hit a three peatFucked three hoes I met this week Robert HorryI don"t do no old hoes Oh no noMy nigga that"s a no no Straight upShe just want the coco CocainaI just want dinero Paper huntingWho that at the front doorIf it"s the feds oh no no no Don"t let "em in shhhDon"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidotePopping pills is all we knowIn the hills is all we know HollywoodDon"t go through the front door In the backIt"s lowkey at the night showAt the night showAt the night showAt the night showAnything can happen at the night showEverything can happen at the night showAt the night showAnything can happen at the night showAt the night showYour bitch not at home she at the night showFucking right hoHad to catch a flight for the night showLet"s get piped thoughBottles got us right though we ain"t sipping light thoughI ain"t got no type thoughOnly got one night though we can do it twice thoughIt"s lit at the night showAt the night showAt the night showAt the night showAt the night showAnything can happen at the night showAt the night showAnything can happen at the night showStacking up day to dayYoung nigga you know you gotta go get it go get it my niggaThey hating they stinking they waitingDon"t be mistaken we dying they stayingLord I"m on fire they think that I"m SatanCalling me crazy on different occasionsKicking the cameraman off of my stagesCause I don"t like how he snapping my anglesI"m overboard and I"m over impatientOver my niggas and these kids my agesDealing with Mo shit that"s more complicatedLike these two bitches that might be relatedH Town you got one and you Bun B like a number oneIt"s late night got a late showIf you wanna roll I got a place wherePopping pills is all we knowIn the hills is all we know HollywoodDon"t go through the front door Through the backIt"s lowkey at the night showSo don"t you open up that windowDon"t you let out that antidote
2023-08-04 23:37:281

求Winterplay组合YOU GOT IT 的歌词。

J. Cole - You Got It (Feat Wale)Hey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Hey Cole World, real cold WorldI watch it hit the floor and watch it drop it real low girllast time I seen ya, you was a lil old girlI had a crush now we grown and we still so thoroughclap for her, work it till you exhaustedI swear nothing worse than a bad bitch that lost itbrains off the chain, smart mouth with a dumb assGod damn your ex man is a dumb asswhen you was leaving, did he put up a fight?was he stressin" you, wasn"t fucking you rightwell one man"s trash is another man"s treasureone man"s pain is another man"s pleasureone damn thing you can"t change is the weatherbut even if it rain, we get rained on togetherit"s whatever, you shine, I shine,I know you got a 9-5 I"ll be your 5-9!Hey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Yeah, go ahead and pop it like you do in the mirrorI"m picking through the cloud tryna see a little clearerhigh heel wearer, hell of a bodyfirst one to spot ya and I aint telling nobodynope, I"m peaking at your ass, winking at your assif I dont beg I"ll be thinking bout your assfor the whole week no time for cold feetshe too bad to pass, so fine I dont speakI tell her my name Jermaine, I"m tryna be lowkeyshe tell me I go that flame, your rhymes are so deepman, girl thank youshit you so bad know your daddy wish he could still spank youhold up for these other niggas roll up and try and get yathe ones that say they riders but never do ride with yaI"m tryna vibe with ya so wont you throw me your phone numberand let them lames get ya old numberHey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)Roc Nation, Walelook, Cole World, still a cold worldand a couple ya is cool but we a little more thoroughwhole town, a little more girlsyou know I spit that sick shit and there"s still no curehold up, low packs like I got cancerchoking on them white boys make a black pantherlove my women with high heels and high standardsand only cheat on my broad if I run out of answersI got that vicious flow, Moncler winter coatI aint superstitious I make all these broads flip my poleyou dig it, this shit aint for beginnersI"m something like a fetus, I"m not quite kidd"nand theres something you aint seeing like I block your visionlike my Remy with no juice, you a lot like Bishophundred k in 22 hourssee money talks, you muthafuckers is Boomhowerno check back, in debt yeploud in my J, I smokinghigher than I need to beflyer cause I need to belove our conversation but it"s late right now, I need a beatone time for the Ville that Cole repanother time for the city of slow deathI dont understand why these niggas so vexedI dont need no chains with no cross to know that I"m blessedHey, one time (hey, one time) one timethrow your hands to the sky tonightcause I think I see the baddest lil thing in the World right nowbut I gotta make sure I"m rightand girl you damn right, if your head rightI"ll be there every nightI just might change your lifecause baby...You got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)you got it (you got it)J. Cole - You Got It (Feat Wale)
2023-08-04 23:37:371

翻译高手请进, 英译中修改, 需要您的帮忙

2023-08-04 23:37:443


2023-08-04 23:37:541

翻译高手请进 英译中修改 需要您的帮忙

你...确定你翻的是中文, 因为我只在英文里发现了点语法问题...
2023-08-04 23:38:023


2023-08-04 23:38:235

industry functions的意思是?原话是make some visits to in

2023-08-04 23:38:401

我下载了一个winXP的系统 为什么是个.iso的压缩包?

ISO是镜像文件。。用虚拟光驱打开。。是不是GHOST要看里面的文件。。。 有虚拟光驱不用刻录 了。。
2023-08-04 23:38:494


2023-08-04 23:38:583


2023-08-04 23:39:205