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2023-08-04 19:48:10

问题一:恐龙的英语单词怎么读? 你好!

dinosaur 英[?da?n?s?:(r)] 美[?da?n??s?r]

n. [生] 恐龙; 守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西;

[网络] 恐龙 恐龙; 恐龙;

[例句]The dinosaur became extinct before the appearance of man.


问题二:恐龙的英文怎么念 dinosaur 英[?da?n?s?:(r)] 美[?da?n??s?r]

n. [生] 恐龙; 守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西;

[网络] 小恐龙; 恐龙; 恐龙世界探险记;

[例句]The dinosaur became extinct before the appearance of man.


[其他] 复数:dinosaurs

问题三:恐龙的英文怎么说 dinosaur

英 [?da?n?s?:(r)] 美 [?da?n??s?r]



词汇难度:高考 / TOEFL / TEM8 / GMAT

复数: dinosaurs


The dinosaur became extinct before the appearance of man.


问题四:恐龙用英语怎么说 恐龙 dinosaur

版面 layout

dragon 中国的龙

问题五:恐龙用英语怎么说 恐龙用英语怎么说

恐龙[kǒng lóng]

词典:[古生] (古代爬行动物,繁盛于中生代) dinosaur; [电影]Dinosaur


恐龙[kǒng lóng]词典:[古生] (古代爬行动物,繁盛于中生代) dinosaur; [电影]Dinosaur

问题六:恐龙用英语怎么说 dinosaur 英 ["da?n?s??(r)] 美 ["da?n?s??r] n.恐龙n.(俚)过时、落伍的人或事物

问题七:恐龙的英语单词怎么读? 你好!

dinosaur 英[?da?n?s?:(r)] 美[?da?n??s?r]

n. [生] 恐龙; 守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西;

[网络] 恐龙 恐龙; 恐龙;

[例句]The dinosaur became extinct before the appearance of man.


问题八:恐龙的英文怎么念 dinosaur 英[?da?n?s?:(r)] 美[?da?n??s?r]

n. [生] 恐龙; 守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西;

[网络] 小恐龙; 恐龙; 恐龙世界探险记;

[例句]The dinosaur became extinct before the appearance of man.


[其他] 复数:dinosaurs

问题九:恐龙用英语怎么说 dinosaur 英 ["da?n?s??(r)] 美 ["da?n?s??r] n.恐龙n.(俚)过时、落伍的人或事物

问题十:恐龙用英语怎么说 恐龙 dinosaur

版面 layout

dragon 中国的龙



dinosaurs[英]["dau026anu0259su0254:z] [美]["dau026anu0259su0254:z] 生词本简明释义n.<生>恐龙( dinosaur的名词复数 );守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义1.N-COUNT恐龙Dinosaurs were large reptiles which lived in prehistoric times.2.N-COUNT庞大臃肿的机构;过时的庞然大物If you refer to an organization as a dinosaur, you mean that it is large, inefficient, and out of date. ...industrial dinosaurs.庞大陈旧的工业体系
2023-08-04 18:46:171


2023-08-04 18:46:322


2023-08-04 18:47:131


2023-08-04 18:47:201


2023-08-04 18:47:425

恐龙类的恐龙类 dinosaurs 简介

开始时被列为爬行类的一目,但现在是独立的一纲。根据其骨盘构造的不同,可区分为蜥臀目(saurischia)和鸟臀目(Ornithischia)两目。过去所说的禽龙是根据R·欧文(R.Owen 1912年)命名的。在中生代从三叠纪到白垩纪非常繁盛,中生代末新生代初绝灭。曾分布于6个大陆,适应各种环境,有肉食性的和草食性的。前肢比后肢短,多数只用后肢步行,但其中也有四肢步行的。侏罗纪以后出现了颈尾均长的巨大的类型(载域龙,Atloantosaurus体长30米以上,体重约50吨),牙齿深埋于齿槽内,并局限在颚骨的周缘。脊椎骨有双凹型、平凹型、后四型的区别,但其后代几乎都为后凹型。有的种类与鸟相近,骨中空,如霸王龙(Ty-rranosaurus),雷龙(Brontosaurus),禽龙(Ig-uanodon),剑龙(Stegosaurus),钩龙(Ankylo-saurus),三角龙(Triceratops)等都是。在南库页岛产的日本龙(Nipponosaurus)是属于草食龙,是鸭嘴龙类之一种。日本长畸县高岛煤矿内有类似的小残片发现。
2023-08-04 18:48:001


the dinosuarthe dinosaurs is one of the kind of animal lives successfully.the dinosaurs was the kind of animal rule the global longest time. the less of them was the end of,dinosaurs had been disappear to the global in the noany ways,becoming a no-solve puzzle.but people is finding the way to solve this problem now.we believe that the true answers can be found
2023-08-04 18:48:131

The Maccabees的《Dinosaurs》 歌词

歌曲名:Dinosaurs歌手:The Maccabees专辑:Wall Of ArmsThe Maccabees - DinosaursTrue ring true ringGonna make this crystal singOther ways other ways otherwiseWe"re just going backwardTrue ring true ringGonna make this songbird singGet a load get a loadGet a load, get a load of itTrue ring true ringFor the one that"s listeningSound advice, sound adviceEmpty hands and tired eyesTrue ring true ringGiving up and giving inLittle arms little armsLittle arms on a big bodyAnd I hold you to the light to seeAnd keep you safe inside of meOh, restore this crack soI want nothing tonight to hold but youI keep this pillow it"s such a poor substituteFor a soul, a soul,For a soul, a soulTruth told, truth toldTear the tear and fold the foldPick it up, pick it up,Pick it up when it"s yours to holdTruth told truth toldWhen you hit the ground just rollBend your knees bend your knees, bend your kneesWhen you"re lifting theseAnd I hold you to the light to seeAnd cotton wool you safe in meOh, restore this crack soI want nothing tonight to hold but youKeep close the cold compressSuch a poor substituteFor a soul, a soulFor a soul, a soul
2023-08-04 18:48:201


The dinosaur hits quickly
2023-08-04 18:48:303


2023-08-04 18:48:492


Introduced me to the Tyrannosaurus rex, also known as T. rex, is one of the most ferocious dinosaurs dinosaur.
2023-08-04 18:49:035


carnivorous dinosaursHerbivorous dinosaurs
2023-08-04 18:49:249


恐龙简介恐龙是出现于二亿四千五百万年前,并繁荣于六千五百万年前结束的中生代爬行动物。或为恐龙和与它同一时代的蛇颈龙、翼龙等的模糊总称。恐龙在在6500万年前白垩纪结束的时候突然全部消失,成为地球生物进化史上的一个谜,这个谜至今仍无人能解。地球过去的生物,均被记录在化石之中。中生代的地层中,即曾发现许多恐龙的化石。其中可以见到大量或呈现各式各样形状的骨骼。但是,在紧接着的新生代地层中,却完全看不到恐龙的化石。由此推知恐龙在中生代时一起灭绝了。恐龙种类多,体形和习性相差也大。其中个子大的,可以有几十头大象加起来那么大;小的,却跟一只鸡差不多。就食性来说,有温顺的 草食者和凶暴的肉食者,还有荤素都吃的杂食性恐龙。Dinosaur ProfileDinosaurs appeared in two hundred forty-five million years ago, and prosperity at the end of the Mesozoic reptiles 65 million years ago. , Or dinosaurs, and with it the same era plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and other fuzzy generic term. Dinosaurs in the Cretaceous period ended 65 million years ago when all of a sudden disappeared, a mystery of the evolutionary history of life on Earth, is still without a person who can answer this mystery. Creatures of the Earth in the past, are being recorded in the fossil. Mesozoic strata, that many dinosaur fossils have been found. Where you can see the bones of large or presents a wide range of shapes. However, in the following Cenozoic strata, but completely see less than the fossils of dinosaurs. We concluded that with the extinction of the dinosaurs in the Mesozoic.Many kinds of dinosaurs, body shape and habits also big difference. Large sub then dozens of elephants together; small, but with almost a chicken. Docile herbivorous, feeding habits,The meat eaters and violent, as well as meat and vegetables to eat omnivorous dinosaur.
2023-08-04 18:49:434


Dinosaurs lived on Earth more than one hundred million million years, and later about disappears before the sixty-five million
2023-08-04 18:50:045


恐竜(きょうりゅう)如果形容人的话,就是ブス busu另:ディノサウルス(dinosaurs)
2023-08-04 18:50:221


恐龙英语读音是英式发音[u02c8dau026anu0259su0254u02d0(r)],美式发音[u02c8dau026anu0259u02ccsu0254r]。1、词性作名词时意为恐龙;过时、落伍的人或事物。2、短语搭配feathered dinosaur有羽毛恐龙Dinosaur classification恐龙分类表Planet Dinosaur恐龙星球;恐龙在野;恐龙行星Dinosaur Hunters恐龙猎人;恐龙;捕龙达人;详细翻译Dinosaur Assassin恐龙刺客;恐龙杀手;破解版The Dinosaur恐龙Dinosaur Driver恐龙Dinosaur dig掘恐龙Dinosaur Simulator恐龙模拟;霸王龙模拟dinosaur的例句1、The dinosaur exhibit at the museum was incredibly lifelike, with an imatronic creatures that moved and roared just like the real thing.博物馆里的恐龙展览逼真得栩栩如生,电子生物就像真人一样移动和咆哮。2、Paleontologists have discovered a new species of dinosaur in there mote deserts of Mongolia, which they believe may have been one of the largest predators of its time.古生物学家在蒙古偏远的沙漠中发现了一种新的恐龙,他们认为这可能是当时最大的捕食者之一。3、When I was a kid, I used to love playing with my dinosaur toys and imagining all sorts of adventures in a prehistoric world.当我还是个孩子的时候,我曾经喜欢玩我的恐龙玩具,在史前世界里进行各种各样的冒险。4、The extinction of the dinosaurs is still a mystery to scientists, but many believe that a catastrophic event like an asteroid impact may have been the cause.恐龙的灭绝对科学家们来说仍然是个谜,但许多人认为,像小行星撞击这样的灾难性事件可能是原因所在。5、Some people believe that dinosaurs still exist today,hiding in remote corners of the world where humans have yet to discover them.有些人认为恐龙到今天仍然存在,隐藏在世界上人类尚未发现它们的偏远角落。6、The Jurassic Park movies were a huge hit in the 1990s, bringing the world of dinosaurs to life on the big screen and inspiring a whole generation of fans.《侏罗纪公园》的电影在20世纪90年代大受欢迎,将恐龙的世界带上了大银幕,并激励了一代粉丝。7、Scientists have been able to learn a lot about dinosaurs by studying their fossils, which can tell us about their anatomy, behavior,and even their diet.科学家们已经能够通过研究它们的化石,这可以告诉我们它们的解剖结构,行为,甚至它们的饮食。8、Many people are fascinated by the idea of time travel, and imagine what it would be like to go back in time and see the dinosaurs up close.许多人对时间旅行的想法很着迷,并想象着回到过去,近距离观察恐龙会是什么样子。
2023-08-04 18:50:301


What is a Dinosaur? Millions of years ago, long before there were any people, there were dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were one of several kinds of prehistoric reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era, the "Age of Reptiles." Dinosaurs were reptiles and most hatched from eggs. No dinosaurs could fly and none lived in the water. Plant-eating sauropods were the largest animals to ever walk on Earth - but blue whales are more massive than any of the dinosaurs were! The largest dinosaurs were over 100 feet (30 m) long and up to 50 feet (15 m) tall (like Argentinosaurus, Seismosaurus, Ultrasauros, Brachiosaurus, and Supersaurus). The smallest dinosaurs, like Compsognathus, were about the size of a chicken. Most dinosaurs were in-between. It is very difficult to figure out how the dinosaurs sounded, how they behaved, how they mated, what color they were, or even how to tell whether a fossil was male or female. Dinosaurs were vertebrate animals that dominated terrestrial ecosystems for over 160 million years, first appearing approximately 230 million years ago. At the end of the Cretaceous Period, 65 million years ago, dinosaurs succumbed to a catastrophic extinction, which ended their dominance on land. Taxonomists consider modern birds to be the direct descendants of theropod dinosaurs. Since the first dinosaur was recognized in the 19th century, mounted, fossilized dinosaur skeletons have become major attractions at museums around the world. Dinosaurs have become a part of world culture and remain consistently popular among children and adults alike. They have been featured in best-selling books and films such as Jurassic Park, and new discoveries are regularly covered by the media. The term dinosaur is sometimes used informally to describe other prehistoric reptiles, such as the pelycosaur Dimetrodon, the winged pterosaurs and the aquatic ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and mosasaurs, although technically none of these were dinosaurs.
2023-08-04 18:51:161


恐龙,动物之一,最成功的群体(在长寿方面)有过生活,成为许多不同的尺寸和形状的演变,与许多同样多样的生活模式。术语“恐龙”是1842年发明的描述这些“可怕的巨大爬行动物理查德欧文爵士,”特别是斑龙,禽龙,和林龙,仅有的三个当时已知恐龙。我们的生物,通常在为恐龙生活在中生代认为,从三叠纪晚期至白垩纪(约65万年前结束(大约2.25亿年前))。但我们现在知道,他们实际上今天的活鸟。 有些事情要记住对恐龙: ?并非一切都大,死是一种恐龙。很多时候,书上的通俗的(或电影制作)包括诸如猛犸,乳齿象,翼龙,蛇颈龙,鱼龙类动物,船帆支持的异齿龙。恐龙是一种特定的初龙小组,一组,还包括鳄鱼,翼龙类和鸟类。虽然翼龙的密切关系,他们不是真正的恐龙。更远亲恐龙的海洋爬行动物,其中包括蛇颈龙和鱼龙。猛犸和乳齿象是哺乳动物,并没有出现,直到数百万年后白垩纪结束。异齿龙既不是爬行动物,也不是哺乳动物,但基础synapsid,即早期的哺乳动物的祖先的亲戚。 ?并非所有的恐龙生活在同一时间。生活在不同时代不同的恐龙。尽管像金刚和侏罗纪公园,没有剑龙电影描绘见过一暴龙,因为暴龙没有在现场出现,直到80多万年后stegosaurs灭绝。也是一样迷惑龙(“雷龙”)?它的骨头早已由时间来一直暴龙化石。 ?恐龙没有灭绝。技术上。根据骨骼的功能,大多数人认为鸟类研究恐龙是恐龙。这起骇人听闻的实现使得即使是最小的一个合法的蜂鸟恐龙。因此,而不是指“恐龙”,是离散,最好是分批鸟称为“非禽类的恐龙”和鸟类的,那么,鸟,或“禽流恐龙的传统,已灭绝的动物。”这是不正确的说,恐龙的灭绝,因为他们离开住在鹦鹉,cassowaries形式的后裔,他们的好朋友?就像仍然脊椎动物尽管他们的祖先是长期寒武纪现代脊椎动物灭绝。 Dinosaurs, one of the most successful groups of animals (in terms of longevity) that have ever lived, evolved into many diverse sizes and shapes, with many equally diverse modes of living. The term "Dinosauria" was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1842 to describe these "fearfully great reptiles," specifically Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, and Hylaeosaurus, the only three dinosaurs known at the time. The creatures that we normally think of as dinosaurs lived during the Mesozoic Era, from late in the Triassic period (about 225 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous (about 65 million years ago). But we now know that they actually live on today as the birds. Some things to keep in mind about dinosaurs: ? Not everything big and dead is a dinosaur. All too often, books written (or movies made) for a popular audience include animals such as mammoths, mastodons, pterosaurs, plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs, and the sail-backed Dimetrodon. Dinosaurs are a specific subgroup of the archosaurs, a group that also includes crocodiles, pterosaurs, and birds. although pterosaurs are close relations, they are not true dinosaurs. Even more distantly related to dinosaurs are the marine reptiles, which include the plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs. Mammoths and mastodons are mammals and did not appear until many millions of years after the close of the Cretaceous period. Dimetrodon is neither a reptile nor a mammal, but a basal synapsid, i.e., an early relative of the ancestors of mammals. ? Not all dinosaurs lived at the same time. Different dinosaurs lived at different times. Despite the portrayals in movies like King Kong and Jurassic Park, no Stegosaurus ever saw a Tyrannosaurus, because Tyrannosaurus didn"t appear on the scene until 80 or so million years following the extinction of stegosaurs. The same goes for Apatosaurus ("Brontosaurus") ? it"s bones were already well-fossilized by the time T. rex came along. ? Dinosaurs are not extinct. Technically. Based on features of the skeleton, most people studying dinosaurs consider birds to be dinosaurs. This shocking realization makes even the smallest hummingbird a legitimate dinosaur. So rather than refer to "dinosaurs" and birds as discrete, separate groups, it is best to refer to the traditional, extinct animals as "non-avian dinosaurs" and birds as, well, birds, or "avian dinosaurs." It is incorrect to say that dinosaurs are extinct, because they have left living descendants in the form of cockatoos, cassowaries, and their pals ? just like modern vertebrates are still vertebrates even though their Cambrian ancestors are long extinct.
2023-08-04 18:51:252

about dinosaurs作文

A beautifully preserved fossil from southern Germany raises questions about how feathers evolved from dinosaurs to birds, two paleontologists argue in a study published Thursday. The 150 million-year-old fossil is a juvenile carnivorous dinosaur about 2 1/2 feet long that scientists named Juravenator, for the Jura mountains where it was found. It would have looked similar in life to the fleet-footed predators that menaced a young girl on the beach during the opening scene of "The Lost World," the second Jurassic Park movie. The fossil"s exceptionally well-preserved bone structure clearly puts it among feathered kin on the dinosaur family tree. Because all of its close relatives are feathered, paleontologists would expect Juravenator to follow suit. But a small patch of skin on the creature"s tail shows no sign of feathers. And the skin also doesn"t have the follicles that are typical of feathered dinosaurs, said Luis Chiappe, director of the Dinosaur Institute at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. He and Ursula B. Gohlich of the University of Munich describe the fossil in Thursday"s issue of the journal Nature. "It has a typical scaly dinosaurian skin," ┏ (^ω^)=u261e
2023-08-04 18:51:351

My favorite dinosaur作文

it"s dinosaur. Dinosaurs were vertebrate animals that dominated terrestrial ecosystems for over 160 million years, first appearing approximately 230 million years ago. 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous Period, a catastrophic extinction event ended dinosaurs" dominance on land. At least one significant group of dinosaurs has survived until the present day; taxonomists consider modern birds to be the direct descendants of theropod dinosaurs. Since the first dinosaur was recognized in the 19th century, mounted, fossilized dinosaur skeletons have become major attractions at museums around the world. Dinosaurs have become a part of world culture and remain consistently popular among children and adults alike. They have been featured in best-selling books and films such as Jurassic Park, and new discoveries are regularly covered by the media. The term dinosaur is sometimes used informally to describe other prehistoric reptiles, such as the pelycosaur Dimetrodon, the winged pterosaurs and the aquatic ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and mosasaurs, although technically none of these were dinosaurs
2023-08-04 18:51:431


2023-08-04 18:52:052


dinosaurs[英]["dau026anu0259su0254:z][美]["dau026anu0259su0254:z]n.恐龙( dinosaur的名词复数 );守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西双语例句1.The brontosaurus was one of the largest of all dinosaurs.雷龙...
2023-08-04 18:52:121

dinosaurs 这个单词怎么读

right, which is the thing expected. Aimee i
2023-08-04 18:52:212


dinosaur的读音:英 [u02c8dau026anu0259su0254:(r)];美 [u02c8dau026anu0259u02ccsu0254r]释义:n.[生]恐龙;守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西(复数:dinosaurs)例句:1.The blue whale is bigger than the biggest dinosaur.蓝鲸比最大的恐龙还要大。2.We reconstructed what the dinosaur looked like from a few of its bones.我们根据恐龙的一些骨头重组恐龙的原貌。3.His movie of the extinction of dinosaurs was a great success.他的关于恐龙灭绝的电影取得了巨大的成功。
2023-08-04 18:52:281


恐龙用英语怎么说dinosaur是英[u02c8dau026anu0259su0254u02d0(r)],美[u02c8dau026anu0259su0254u02d0r]。扩展知识:dinosaur,英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“恐龙;过时、落伍的人或事物”。feathered dinosaur有羽毛恐龙,Dinosaur classification恐龙分类表,Planet Dinosaur恐龙星球;恐龙在野;恐龙行星,Dinosaur Hunters恐龙猎人;恐龙;捕龙达;详细翻译,Dinosaur Assassin恐龙刺客;恐龙杀手;破解版。The Dinosaur恐龙,Dinosaur Driver恐龙,Dinosaur dig掘恐龙,Dinosaur Simulator恐龙模拟 霸王龙模拟;恐龙模拟器2017安卓版;中文版You are the only dinosaur I know.你是我认识的唯一的恐龙。How then would this dinosaur have moved?那么这种恐龙要如何移动呢?You will be the first one to see dinosaur live in China!你将是第一个在中国见到活恐龙的现场观众!Early dinosaurs underwent vast morphological changes as they aged.早期的恐龙经历了巨大的形态学变化。So the dinosaurs lumber on.所以恐龙只能缓慢前行。The dinosaurs went out with a bang.随着一声巨响恐龙灭绝了。That collision caused the demise of the dinosaurs.那次撞击导致了恐龙数量减半。The mesozoic land was dominated by dinosaurs.中生代时期,恐龙统治着陆地。
2023-08-04 18:52:471


恐龙生活在地球漫长的,在很久以前。 有的走在陆地,有的飞到,在空中和游泳的一些湖泊。 有的吃了肉类和一些吃的植物。 然后,他们全部死亡。 为什么呢? 科学家也有很多主意。 这里是两个人。 也许地球变得非常寒冷。 植物全部死亡,水成了冰。 有没有食物或水,恐龙和它们死了,太。 或许是一项大的岩石击中地球。 植物和树木死亡。 恐龙死了,太。 你有什么想法?
2023-08-04 18:53:331


2023-08-04 18:53:472


问题一:恐龙的英文怎么念 dinosaur 英[?da?n?s?:(r)] 美[?da?n??s?r] n. [生] 恐龙; 守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西; [网络] 小恐龙; 恐龙; 恐龙世界探险记; [例句]The dinosaur became extinct before the appearance of man. 恐龙在人类出现以前就灭绝了。 [其他] 复数:dinosaurs 问题二:恐龙英文名称怎么读 dinosaur 问题三:恐龙用英语怎么说 dinosaur 英 ["da?n?s??(r)] 美 ["da?n?s??r] n.恐龙n.(俚)过时、落伍的人或事物 问题四:恐龙的英文翻译 dinosaur 英 [?da?n?s?:(r)] 美 [?da?n??s?r] n. [生]恐龙; 例句: There were many types of dinosaur , some of which were very large. The first dinosaur eggs were found in the Gobi. 问题五:恐龙用英语怎么说 恐龙用英语怎么说 恐龙[kǒng lóng] 词典:[古生] (古代爬行动物,繁盛于中生代) dinosaur; [电影]Dinosaur 恐龙用英语怎么说 恐龙[kǒng lóng]词典:[古生] (古代爬行动物,繁盛于中生代) dinosaur; [电影]Dinosaur 问题六:那还有很多的恐龙模型 这句话用英语怎么翻译? there are many dinosaur models there .其中there be 表存在。 问题七:在那边有更多的恐龙英语 在那边有更多的恐龙 There are more dinosaurs there 在那边有更多的恐龙 There are more dinosaurs there 问题八:恐龙英语怎么读 回答和翻译如下 : 恐龙 Dinosaur
2023-08-04 18:54:201


恐龙用英语怎么读 语音 dinosaur 附件是录音 前者是英音 后者是美音 恐龙的英文怎么念 dinosaur 英[u02c8dau026anu0259su0254:(r)] 美[u02c8dau026anu0259u02ccsu0254r]n. [生] 恐龙; 守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西; [网络] 小恐龙; 恐龙; 恐龙世界探险记; [例句]The dinosaur became extinct before the appearance of man. 恐龙在人类出现以前就灭绝了。 [其他] 复数:dinosaurs 恐龙英文名称怎么读 dinosaur 恐龙的英语单词怎么读? 你好! dinosaur 英[u02c8dau026anu0259su0254:(r)] 美[u02c8dau026anu0259u02ccsu0254r] n. [生] 恐龙; 守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西; [网络] 恐龙 恐龙; 恐龙; [例句]The dinosaur became extinct before the appearance of man. 恐龙在人类出现以前就灭绝了。 恐龙的英文翻译语音 大i那搜 恐龙和大猩猩的叫声用英语怎么说 Growl 恐龙英语怎么读 回答和翻译如下 : 恐龙 Dinosaur
2023-08-04 18:54:281


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 今晚完成,十万火急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 解析: Dinosaur Introduction Dinosaurs were reptiles and most dinosaurs hatched from eggs. Amazingly blue whales are bigger than any dinosaur found so far. The largest dinosaurs were over 100 feet long and up to 50 feet tall. The *** allest dinosaurs, were about the size of a chicken. No one knows exactly what noises dinosaurs made, what color they were or even when they lived. But scientist do have theories on these topics and you can find some of this information in our links. Most dinosaurs were plant-eaters (herbivores) about 65% of them. Some dinosaurs were meat-eaters (carnivores). Dinosaurs had many different distinguishing features that you can read more about when reading facts on each dinosaur. No one really knows exactly how many dinosaur species exist. The estimates vary from beeen 250 to over 1300 species. The term dinosaur (terrible lizard) was coined by the English anatomist Sir Richard Owen in 1842. No one knows how the dinosaurs became extinct or even if they are extinct, but there are many interesting theories on the topic and you can read more about them from our links page
2023-08-04 18:54:341


2023-08-04 18:54:552


Dinosaurs are very large creatures which appeared on the earth millions of years ago. They became extinct many years later because of a change in climate and they could no longer find any food to eat. Today, people know that dinosaurs had once existed because scientists discovered the remains of their bones when they dug underneath the ground. We can see the skeletons of these dinosaurs now in the museums.
2023-08-04 18:55:052


2023-08-04 18:55:316


2023-08-04 18:55:493


They used to walk, they used to swim, they used to fly with a toothy grin. 它们常常行走,它们常常游泳,它们常常咧着嘴笑着飞。 Some ate plants, and some ate meat, some walked around on just two feet. 有些吃植物,有些食肉,有些只用两条腿行走。 Oh, the dinosaurs, big as trees. Dinosaurs, brains like peas! Jaws and claws and teeth and bone, that used to growl and groan and moan. 噢,恐龙,大得如树一般。恐龙,头脑象豌豆!腭、爪子、牙齿和骨头,那是用来咆哮、呻吟和呼啸的。 Some had feathers, some had scales. Spikes and claws and whip-like tails. 有的恐龙有羽毛,有的有鳞片。 尖刺、厉爪,还有像鞭子一样的尾巴。 They fought like dragons, the earth sure shook, the volcanoes sizzled and the lava cooked. 它们象龙一样打架,大地都会震动,火山咝咝作响,熔岩都烧沸了。 Oh, the dinosaurs, big as trees. The dinosaurs, brains like peas! Jaws and claws and teeth and bone, that used to growl and groan and moan. 噢,恐龙,大得如树一般。恐龙,头脑象豌豆!腭、爪子、牙齿和骨头,那是用来咆哮、呻吟和呼啸的。 Tyranossaur was a terrible king, stecossaurs tail could really swing. 暴龙雷克斯是一个可怕的国王,剑龙的尾巴确实能摇摆。 Brachiosaurus liked to stomp. Trachodon would chew and chomp. 长臂龙喜欢跺脚。糙齿龙会大声咀嚼,格格地咬牙。 Oh, the dinosaurs, big as trees. The dinosaurs, brains like peas! Jaws and claws and teeth and bone, that used to growl and groan and moan. 噢,恐龙,大得如树一般。恐龙,头脑象豌豆!腭、爪子、牙齿和骨头,那是用来咆哮、呻吟和呼啸的。 They ruled the Earth a hundred million years, without worries, cares or fears. 它们已在这个地???闲逛了上亿年,没有担忧,没有顾虑和恐惧。 Then one day, they hit the soil – now, they"re fossils, gas, and oil. 直到有一天,它们撞击土地-如今,它们成了化石,成了汽油和石油。 Oh, the dinosaurs, big as trees. The dinosaurs, brains like peas! Jaws and claws and teeth and bone, that used to growl and groan and moan. 噢,恐龙,大得如树一般。恐龙,头脑象豌豆!腭、爪子、牙齿和骨头,那是用来咆哮、呻吟和呼啸的。 Oh, the dinosaurs, big as trees. The dinosaurs, brains like peas! Jaws and claws and teeth and bone, that used to growl and groan and moan. 噢,恐龙,大得如树一般。恐龙,头脑象豌豆!腭、爪子、牙齿和骨头,那是用来咆哮、呻吟和呼啸的。
2023-08-04 18:55:571

There are more dinosaurs over there的意思

There are more dinosaurs over there的意思是那边还有更多的恐龙。dinosaurs一般指恐龙类。恐龙是生活在距今大约2亿3500万年至6500万年前、能以后肢支撑身体直立行走的的一类动物,支配全球陆地生态系统超过1亿6千万年之久。大部分恐龙已经灭绝,但是恐龙的后代——鸟类存活下来,并繁衍至今。恐龙在6500万年前白垩纪结束的时候突然全部消失,成为地球生物进化史上的一个谜,这个谜至今仍无人能解。地球过去的生物,均被记录在化石之中。中生代的地层中,即曾发现许多恐龙的化石。其中可以见到大量或呈现各式各样形状的骨骼。但是,在紧接着的新生代地层中,却完全看不到非鸟恐龙的化石,由此推知非鸟恐龙在中生代时一起灭绝了,如今仅存鸟类,大多数科学家都认可“鸟类属于恐龙”的说法。恐龙种类很多,体形和习性相差也大,其中最大的易碎双腔龙可能超过50米,而最小的蜂鸟可能还不到10厘米。就食性来说,有温顺的草食者和凶暴的肉食者,还有荤素都吃的杂食性恐龙。统治了地球大约8000万年(1.44亿年前---6500万年前)
2023-08-04 18:56:201

简述深圳恐龙博物馆 Dinosaurs museum of Shenzhen?

2023-08-04 18:56:301

There are more dinosaurs over there的意思

2023-08-04 18:56:515

"恐龙们住在大森林里."应该翻译成"Dinosaurs live in the forests."还是"Dinosaurs live in forests."?

Dinosaurs live in forests.
2023-08-04 18:57:105

翼龙简介 英文

Pterosaur is a close relative of dinosaurs, both living in the same era, was the first flying reptile of the blue sky, people often mistaken for pterosaur "fly the dinosaurs." Pterosaur originated about 2.2 billion years ago the Late Triassic, extinction 6500 years ago in the late Cretaceous period. When dinosaurs to occupy the land, the pterosaur has been in control of the sky.
2023-08-04 18:57:272

Dinosaurs have completely died out on the earth,never____again. be seen B.being seen

不定式是个很复杂的语法结构。不仅可以表示出乎意料的结果,还可以表示:目的,将来等很多意思。首先B是不对的,因为是表示现在进行时,在这里明显不对哈~A的不定式在这里表示将来的意思:将来再也见不到了。和never刚好对应。又如I don"t know what is to happen to us. 我不知道我们会发生什么事。The worst is still to come. 还有最糟糕的事情要发生。很高兴能帮助到你~如果你满意~请选择为“满意答案”~谢谢支持哈~
2023-08-04 18:57:561

There are many different kinds of dinosaur and a number of them used to live in China.

2023-08-04 18:58:062

以My favourite Dinosaurs写一篇作文,50字。

采纳我吧,~~~~(>_<)~~~~ ,我太需要了 ,就差您这个采纳答案了
2023-08-04 18:58:542


Millions of years ago, the dinosaurs(恐龙) ruled the earth. Since then, there have been no dinosaurs. What happened to then? We know they did not all die at once. It may have taken a few million years for all of them to die. In the days of the dinosaurs, the whole earth was warm and wet. There were many green jungles(丛林). But the earth changes slowly, all the time. When parts of the earth became cold and dry, the jungles there died. Then dinosaurs could not find enough to eat. This must be on reason why the dinosaurs died out.
2023-08-04 18:59:021


这个表述方法语法上是不正确的,因为缺少了一些连接词和冠词。可以使用以下两种更好的表述方法:I am watching a film about dinosaurs.这句话使用了现在进行时态,表示正在进行的动作,同时加入了冠词 "a" 来修饰 "film",使得句子更加准确。I will watch a film about dinosaurs.这句话使用了将来时态,表示将要发生的动作,同时也加入了冠词 "a" 来修饰 "film"。总之,在英语中,句子的结构和语法非常重要,正确使用冠词、连接词以及动词时态等都能让句子更加准确、流畅。
2023-08-04 18:59:112

Dinosaurs have completely died out on the earth,never ___again.

2023-08-04 18:59:181

Dinosaurs live on the Earth long long ago.

2023-08-04 18:59:262


How tall and big are the dinosaurs?
2023-08-04 18:59:342


rot英 [ru0252t] 美 [rɑ:t] n.腐烂,腐朽vt.& vi.(使)腐烂,(使)腐朽
2023-08-04 18:53:421


可以试下下面两种方法:1. 点击选项,在草图--几何关系/捕捉属性框中,把左侧的方框都勾选上,再试试;2. 将你需要的边线转换实体引用,再将其变为构造线,看是否可以选中;
2023-08-04 18:53:381