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2023-08-04 19:42:16
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Failure is the mother of success.

No cross, no crown.(没有困难就没有成功/不经历风雨怎能见彩虹)




Failure is the mother of success.这是直译,能用,看起来土点

No cross, no crown.(没有困难就没有成功/不经历风雨怎能见彩虹)



Failure is the mother of success.



is the mother of




Learn by mistake.
2023-08-04 18:36:523


Failure is the Monther of Success
2023-08-04 18:37:084


Failure is the mother of success
2023-08-04 18:37:236


Failure is the mother of success
2023-08-04 18:37:4012


2023-08-04 18:38:021


failure is the mother of success
2023-08-04 18:38:135


Failure is the mother of success 就是这!
2023-08-04 18:38:325


The failure is the mother who is successful
2023-08-04 18:38:5112


1.Failure is the mother of success2.Failure teaches success.3.That is what is meant by"failure is the mother of success“失败乃成功之母”是一个词语,源于鲧禹治水的神话。 出自:源于鲧禹治水的神话:三皇五帝时期,黄河泛滥。作为黄帝的后代,鲧、禹父子二人受命于唐尧、虞舜二帝,分别任崇伯和夏伯,负责治水事宜。大禹率领民众,与自然灾害中的洪水斗争,最终获得了胜利。面对滔滔洪水,大禹从鲧治水的失败中汲取教训,改变了"封堵"的办法,对洪水进行疏导,体现出他具有带领人民战胜困难的聪明才智;大禹为了治理洪水,长年在外与民众一起奋战,置个人利益于不顾,曾"三过家门而不入"。大禹治水13年,耗尽心血与体力,终于完成了治水的大业。
2023-08-04 18:39:215


success is the mother oh failure
2023-08-04 18:40:024


Failure is the mother of success(失败是成功之母)   All of us experience failure every now and then.Although some people will avoid failure at all costs,some people welcome it.Failure can be a good teacher.It always teaches us to be better the second time around.As they say,"The more you try,the more you"ll succeed."   There is some wisdom to be learned from failure.If we can learn to turn a failure to our advantage,we will have learned another secret to success.Failure is the mother of success and success that comes after failure is so sweet.
2023-08-04 18:40:181


失败是成功之母  Everybody will have failure.The failure is a successful mother, if there is no failure, that will not have results to show an achievement.Really, the successful man is very happy, they own fresh flowers, applause.But the person, who fail, own of only have lonesome with unfrequented.In fact, we should go to more honorific is those person of[with] failures.Because, there is failure, just have results to show an achievement.  Fail don‘t mean you is a for failed, fail to just mean you haven‘t succeeded; Fail don‘t mean you a have no become, fail to mean you get experience; Fail don‘t mean you are a stupid person who don‘t know to improvise, failing to mean you have Attic faith; Fail don‘t mean you have to has been suppressing not and quickly, failing to mean you take pleasure in trying.......  This is the failure, precious failure.
2023-08-04 18:40:351


失败是成功之母 常言道:“失败是成功之母。”这似乎已成老生常谈,但行动和言语有时是不相一致的。当你的成绩单上出现“红灯”,或是在工作中遇到困难时,你的心中是否除了沮丧,别的一无所有?你是否意识到这失败之中有孕育着成功的种子呢!对此,每个人的回答肯定不一样!在此颇有必要谈谈:失败是成功之母。 世上少有一帆风顺的事,而失败却随时会有,否则,那些“发明家”、“文学巨人”的美名岂不轻易地落到每个人的头上去了?综观历史,那些出类拔萃的伟人之所以会取得成功,正是因为他们能正确对待失败,从失败中获取教益,从而踢开失败这块绊脚石,踏上了成功的大道,比如伟大的发明家爱迪生,—生的成功不计其数,—生的失败更是不计其数。他曾为一项发明经历了八千次失败的实验,他却并不以为这是个浪费,而是说:“我为什么要沮丧呢?这八千次失败至少使我明白了这八千个实验是行不通的。”这就是爱迪生对待失败的态度。他每每从失败中吸取教训,总结经验,从而取得—项项建立在无数次失败基础之上的发明成果。失败固然会给人带来痛苦,但也能使人有所收获;它既向我们指出工作中的错误缺点,又启发我们逐步走向成功。失败既是针对成功的否定,又是成功的基础,也就是说:“失败是成功之母。” 然而,在现实中成功并不是失败的积累,而是对失败的总结与超越。如不认识这一点,就会导致“失败越多越成功”的荒谬结论。比如数学上有名的平行公理,从它问世以来,一直遭到人们的怀疑。几千年来,无数数学家致力于求证平行公理,但却都失败了。数学家波里埃终身从事平行公理的证明却毫无成就,最终在绝望中痛苦地死去。正当这个问题像无底洞—般吞噬着人们的智慧而不给予任何回报时,罗巴切夫斯基在经过七年求证而毫无结果时,找出了失败的原因。罗巴切夫斯基在屡次失败之后,总结分析了失败的前因后果,从本质上认识了这一问题,从而取得了成功。由此可见,“失败是成功之母”是一条客观规律,但真要把失败向成功转化由可能变为现实,还必须经过不断的探索和科学的分析,从失败中吸取教训,指导今后的工作,这样才算没有“白白”地失败。 年轻人在工作中容易失败,也容易灰心,因此,我们只有牢记“失败是成功之母”这一名言,树立起坚定的自信心,才能从失望中看见希望,从失败走向成功。 “失败是成功之母”不仅应当成为我们喜爱的一句格言,更重要的是要成为我们行动的指南。“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”,从失败中获益,从勤奋中崛起,这就是有志青年的成才道路。
2023-08-04 18:40:421


2023-08-04 18:41:474


Failure is the mother of success.
2023-08-04 18:42:103


Everyone has a failure and success, every failure, is the beginning of success! Remember, my composition was very bad before, but the teacher professional adviced after , this composition was praised by teacher. Told me "failure is the mother of success", learned to "fail to find the reason, success to find truth". Please remember: your failure is not equal to you a lifetime! Don"t retreat after a setback.[应该会有些语法错误】
2023-08-04 18:42:202


自己想 对你有好处
2023-08-04 18:42:303


Life is like a bag of flavor,a successful sugar beans,also have failure bitter beans.We can not predict the beans taste,so we had to brave face. I remember the third grade,children"s palace organized an English speech contest,I and a few students to sign up.As time passed,in active preparation,the speech contest!No.29,No.30,No.31.To 35,I immediately,a blank in my mind,panicked.At this time,a loud voice:Please No.35 player speech for everyone,"Voulu your time".I be very upset to the podium,I began my speech. The speech was good,but in the middle,I suddenly more tense,sweat streaming down the forehead down,some idea did not come from my mind jumped out:if I say how to do?If the speech is not good?.Thinking about thinking,speech form away from my memory,I"m hesitating in speaking back,feeling face up,so,I barely finished a following,in sparse applause,I am ashamed to go off the stage.Sure enough,the speech that I didn"t get good grades. After the failure of the last speech,I am not discouraged,because as the old saying goes:failure is the mother of success.This does not,the second English speech contest has begun,with I am ready for a long time."Ugly ducking" confident stepped onto the platform,the speech is very successful.Watching a judges smile to one"s heart"s content,I stepped down from the podium,this time,my revenge,won the two prize. Failure is the mother of success.This sentence makes me awake in the swamp,climb up and shaking off the dust,to continue to the long road of life.
2023-08-04 18:42:441


【词语】:失败乃成功之母【注音】:shī bài nǎi chéng gōng zhī mǔ【释义】:《汉语成语大词典》中对“失败乃成功之母”是这样解释的:母,先导。它指人唯有善于从失败中吸取经验教训,才能获得成功。失败是成功的先导,失败是成功的基础。(母的意义不是母亲而是基础)【出自】:据考证,它源于鲧禹治水的神话。失败是成功的先导,失败是成功的基础。它指人唯有善于从失败中吸取经验教训,才能获得成功。(母的意义不是母亲而是基础)英语:Failure is the mother of success.
2023-08-04 18:43:031


   2018年英语六级考试作文模拟题:失败乃成功之母   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Failure Is the Mother of Success by commenting on the saying “Sometimes you have to fall before you can fly”.   You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.    参考范文    Failure Is the Mother of Success   The proverb “Sometimes you have to fall before you can fly” conveys such a moral that failure comes first, followed by success, namely, failure is the mother of success. This rule holds true for many cases in our life. When someone does something, he often fails before he can overcome obstacles and then move forward. Just think of the story of the great inventor Thomas Edison. He failed 10,000 times before he invented the electric light. The voluminous personal papers of Edison revealed that his inventions typically did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly from previous works. It is believed that sometimes a series of apparent failures are really followed by successes.   In the long journey of life,we will inevitably encounter all kinds of difficulties and obstacles. We should have a doom unbeatable faith and determined will and be not afraid of falling in order to climb to the peak. Please remember if we want to fly freely in the sky of success, we have to fall first.    参考译文    失败乃成功之母   有句谚语说,“有时候,你得先跌下去,才能飞起来”,它传达了这样一个寓意:先经历失败,紧随其后的就是成功,即失败乃成功之母。这条准则适用于我们生活中的很多情况。当有人在做一些事情的时候,在克服障碍向前迈进之前,他总是经历一些失败。想一想伟大的发明家托马斯·爱迪生的故事。他失败了一万次才发明了电灯。大量有关爱迪生的私人文件显示,他的发明通常并不是源于瞬间迸发的灵感,而是之前大量工作的逐步积累。   人们相信,一系列明显的失败之后,紧接着就是成功。在人生的途中,我们不可避免地会遇到各种各样的困难和障碍。为了攀登高峰,我们应该有无与伦比的信心和坚定的意志。请记住,如果我们想在成功的天空中自由飞翔,我们必须先跌下去。    四六级英语推荐>>>
2023-08-04 18:43:101


以下是 为大家整理的关于英文励志名言:失败乃成功之母的文章,希望大家能够喜欢! 1、Failure is the mother of success.——Thomas Paine   失败乃成功之母。      2、For man is man and master of his fate.   人就是人,是自己命运的主人。      3、The unexamined life is not worth living.——Socrates   混混噩噩的生活不值得过。——苏格拉底      4、None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.——Erasmus   只有每天再度战胜生活并夺取自由的人,才配享受生活的自由。      5、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. So let us seize it, not in fear, but in gladness.——R.M. Nixon   命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。因此,让我们毫无畏惧,满心愉悦地把握命运。——尼克松      6、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.——John Ruskin   生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。——罗斯金      7、What makes life dreary is the want of motive.——George Eliot   没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。——乔治 ? 埃略特      8、Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.——Lincoln   卓越的天才不屑走旁人走过的路。他寻找迄今未开拓的地区。      9、There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power.——Balzac   没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。——巴尔扎克      10、The good seaman is known in bad weather.   惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。      11、Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.——J.H. Newman   不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不会真正开始。——纽曼      12、Gods determine what you"re going to be.——Julius Erving   人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。——欧文      13、An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.——Robert Louis Stevenson   生活的目标,是值得寻找的财富。——史蒂文森      14、While there is life there is hope.   一息若存,希望不灭。——英国谚语      15、Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.——A. Einstein   不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。——爱因斯坦      16、You have to believe in yourself. That"s the secret of success.——Charles Chaplin   人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。——卓别林      17、Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.   不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。      18、We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.——Mattin Luther King   我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。——马丁 ? 路德 ? 金      19、Energy and persistence conquer all things.——Benjamin Franklin   能量加毅力可以征服一切。——富兰克林      20、Nothing seek, nothing find.   无所求则无所获。      21、Cease to struggle and you cease to live.——Thomas Carlyle   生命不止,奋斗不息。——卡莱尔      22、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.   千里之行,始于足下。      23、Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished.——Swetchine   只有强者才懂得斗争;弱者甚至失败都不够资格,而是生来就是被征服的。——斯威特切尼      24、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.——Bernara Shaw   在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会,如果找不到机会,他们便自己创造机会。——萧伯纳      25、A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.——Thomas Addison   强者能同命运的风暴抗争。——爱迪生      26、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.——Goethe   谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。——歌德      27、Victory won"t come to me unless I go to it.——M.Moore   胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。——穆尔      28、Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards.   人往高处走,水往低处流。      29、Man errs as long as he strives.——Goethe   失误是进取的代价。——歌德      30、The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.——Henry David Thoreau   尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。——梭罗      31、A man can fail many times, but he isn"t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.——J. Burroughs   一个人可以失败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。——巴勒斯
2023-08-04 18:43:171


Success and FailureSuccess and failure are two sides of the same coin. They are both part of life, and we cannot avoid them. However, what distinguishes success from failure is how we react to them.Success can be defined as achieving a desired goal or outcome. It brings happiness, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment. Success requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It also requires us to set realistic goals and have a clear plan to achieve them.On the other hand, failure can be defined as not achieving a desired goal or outcome. It can be disappointing, frustrating, and demotivating. However, failure is not the end of the world. It can teach us valuable lessons and help us grow stronger.One of the keys to success is learning from failure. We should not be afraid to make mistakes or fail. Instead, we should view them as opportunities to learn and improve. By analyzing our failures, we can identify our weaknesses and work on improving them. This will help us become more resilient and better prepared for future challenges.Another important factor in achieving success is having a positive attitude. We should always believe in ourselves and our abilities. We should also surround ourselves with people who support and encourage us. A positive attitude can help us stay motivated and focused on our goals, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks.In conclusion, success and failure are both part of life. What matters most is how we react to them. By learning from our failures and maintaining a positive attitude, we can achieve success and overcome any obstacle that comes our way.以下是中文翻译成功与失败成功和失败是同一硬币的两面。它们都是生活中不可避免的一部分。然而,区分成功和失败的关键在于我们对它们的反应。成功可以定义为实现期望的目标或结果。它带来快乐、满足感和成就感。成功需要努力工作、专注和毅力。它还需要我们设定现实的目标并制定明确的计划来实现它们。另一方面,失败可以定义为未实现期望的目标或结果。它可能令人失望、沮丧和失去动力。然而,失败并不是世界末日。它可以教导我们宝贵的经验教训并帮助我们成长更强大。取得成功的一个关键是要从失败中学习。我们不应该害怕犯错误或失败。相反,我们应该将它们视为学习和改进的机会。通过分析我们的失败,我们可以识别我们的弱点并努力改进它们。这将帮助我们变得更加有弹性和更好地准备未来的挑战。另一个在取得成功方面的重要因素是保持积极的态度。我们应该始终相信自己和自己的能力。我们还应该与那些支持和鼓励我们的人在一起。积极的态度可以帮助我们保持动力和专注于我们的目标,即使面对障碍或挫折。总之,成功和失败都是生活中不可避免的一部分。最重要的是我们如何对待它们。通过从失败中学习并保持积极的态度,我们可以取得成功并克服任何障碍。
2023-08-04 18:43:272


2023-08-04 18:43:514


Failure is the mother of success, and every successful person has experienced many failures, and only in the failure of countless times to hone希望对你有帮助望采纳
2023-08-04 18:44:001

为什么失败乃成功之母 的英文翻译会是“failure is the mother of success”

其实“failure is the mother of success”和“failure is success" mother”有相同的意思。可能前者比较正式吧。就好像为什么是‘失败乃成功之母‘而不是"失败是成功的妈妈‘。不过个人还是觉得"failureis the key to success"比较适当哦!
2023-08-04 18:44:095


1、失败是成功之母用英语:Failure is the mother of success。读音:英[?fe?lj?(r) ?z ?? ?m???(r) ?v s?k?ses],美[?fe?lj?r ?z ?? ?m???r ?v s?k?ses]。2、也可以说failure teaches success,读音:英[?fe?lj?(r) ?ti?t??z s?k?ses],美[?fe?lj?r ?ti?t??z s?k?ses]。
2023-08-04 18:44:351


2023-08-04 18:44:491

失败乃成功之毋, 英文是?

失败乃成功之毋 = Failure teaches success/Failure is the mother of success (英文谚语) 功败垂成 = Failure when success seemed within reach. 失败乃成功之毋 英文是The defeat is do of success. 功败垂成 英文是Fails when success seemed within reach. 失败乃成功之毋 功败垂成 The defeat is do of success when success seemed within reach. 失败乃成功之毋 英文是The defeat is do of success. 功败垂成 英文是Fails when success seemed within reach. 你可以在< >这里找到你想要的字句. 参考: 失败乃成功之毋 Success es from failure. 功败垂成 Near to success but failed at last. 失败乃成功之母英文:The defeat is do of success. 功败垂成英文: Fails when success seemed within reach. 失败乃成功之毋 英文是:Failure from success 功败垂成 英文是:be just one step behind success 失败乃成功之毋英文是 The defeat is do of success. 功败垂成英文是 Fails when success seemed within reach. Most expressive expressing one"s ideas: 40 minute 参考: ME
2023-08-04 18:45:381


failure make success possible老美现在都这么说
2023-08-04 18:45:4912


失败是成功之母的翻译如下。按照字面意思翻译的话就是Failure is the mother of success。更通俗一点的翻译就是Everyone will experience failure before success。翻译有口译、笔译、机器翻译、同声传译、影视译配、网站汉化、图书翻译等形式。
2023-08-04 18:46:151


失败是成功之母的翻译如下。按照字面意思翻译的话就是Failure is the mother of success。更通俗一点的翻译就是Everyone will experience failure before success。翻译有口译、笔译、机器翻译、同声传译、影视译配、网站汉化、图书翻译等形式。
2023-08-04 18:46:281


失败是成功之母的翻译如下。按照字面意思翻译的话就是Failure is the mother of success。更通俗一点的翻译就是Everyone will experience failure before success。翻译有口译、笔译、机器翻译、同声传译、影视译配、网站汉化、图书翻译等形式。
2023-08-04 18:46:401


success is the mother oh failure
2023-08-04 18:46:564


There are failures and there are Failures, but the differences between bankruptcy and financial diminishment, divorce and marital strife, spiritual crisis and anomie are distinctions of degree, not kind. And they are connected. Woe in one sphere strains the seams of others. It"s not pretty. And that"s why failure is something you wouldn"t wish on your least agreeable relative.Or would you?A theory is gaining momentum that looks at failure differently. Failure, it says, is at worst a mixed blessing: It hurts, but can pay off in the form of learning and growth and wisdom. Some psychologists, like the University of Virginia"s Jonathan Haidt, go even further, arguing that adversity, setbacks, and even trauma may actually be necessary for people to be happy, successful, and fulfilled. "Post-traumatic growth," it"s sometimes called. Its observers are building a solid foundation under the anecdotes about wildly successful people who credit their accomplishments to earlier failures that pushed them to the edge of the abyss.We do know that learning is error-driven—probably as a result of the brain trying to be efficient. Failures grab our attention. So many things happen the way we expect them to that mistakes register disproportionately. We"re forced to integrate that new information. Researchers have found that the more wildly wrong our prediction was, the quicker we learn. The brain, you might say, feeds on failure. We are acutely sensitive to negative feedback, and this "negativity bias" drives learning, at least from teenagehood on up
2023-08-04 18:47:232


Everyone want his life can without any failures,but nobody can do that, pepole often say:The failure is the mother of the success! So we should think our life must have much failure,and we should never afraid of each failure.Because if we have not any failures in our life ,we will never go up during our way.So I think we should have failure in our life ,and welcome it never afraid it.then our life will full of value.
2023-08-04 18:47:332

失败是成功之母 以此为题 写一篇英语短文 120词左右

Failure is the mother of success. -- Thomas Paine失败乃成功之母 Everybody will have failure.The failure is a successful mother, if there is no failure, that will not have results to show an achievement.Really, the successful man is very happy, they own fresh flowers, applause.But the person, who fail, own of only have lonesome with unfrequented.In fact, we should go to more honorific is those person of[with] failures.Because, there is failure, just have results to show an achievement. Fail don"t mean you is a for failed, fail to just mean you haven"t succeeded; Fail don"t mean you a have no become, fail to mean you get experience; Fail don"t mean you are a stupid person who don"t know to improvise, failing to mean you have Attic faith; Fail don"t mean you have to has been suppressing not and quickly, failing to mean you take pleasure in trying....... This is the failure, precious failure. 每个人都会有失败.失败乃成功之母,如果没有失败,那就不会有成功.的确,成功的人很幸福,他们拥有鲜花,掌声.但失败的人,拥有的只有寂寞和冷落.其实,我们更加应该去尊敬的是那些失败的人.因为,有了失败,才有成功. 失败并不表示你是一为失败者,失败只是表示你尚未成功; 失败并不表示你一无所成,失败表示你得到经验; 失败并不表示你是一个不知变通的蠢人,失败表示你有坚定的信念; 失败并不表示你必须一直压抑不快,失败表示你乐意尝试....... 这就是失败,宝贵的失败.
2023-08-04 18:47:411

英语谚语:Failure is the mother of success 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Failure is the mother of success 中文意思: 失败是成功之母。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: A wise man needs not blush for changing his purpose 智者不耻于改变初衷。 A wise man thinks all that he says a fool says all that he thinks 智者思其所言,愚者言其所思。 A wise man will make tools of what es to hand 聪明的人能随机应变。 A woman"s work is never at an end 妇女的活计做不完。 A word is enough to the wise 对明智者一言已足。 A word spoken is an arrow let fly 一言既出,驷马难追。 A word spoken is past recalling 一言既出,驷马难追。 A work ill done must be twice done 未做好的活,需要重新做。 A young man married is a man that"s marred 男子早婚,种下祸根。 Bacchus has drowned more men than Nepture 酒神淹死的人比海神多。 英语谚语: Failure is the mother of success 中文意思: 失败是成功之母。
2023-08-04 18:47:551


  失败乃成功之母,这是我们耳熟能详的一句话,面对挫折,只有拥有坚定的信念,永不放弃,寻找通往成功的路,虽然曲折,但能享受到成功带来的快乐。以下是我为大家整理的关于失败与成功英语作文,给大家作为参考,欢迎阅读!   失败与成功英语作文篇1:   As the saying goes: "failure is the mother of success." This seems to have become a commonplace talk of an old scholar, but the actions and words are sometimes not consistent. When you report "red light", or the difficulties encountered in the work, your heart is in addition to upset, the other nothing? Are you aware of this failure is pregnant with the seeds of success! In this regard, everyone"s answer is certainly not the same! This is quite necessary to talk about: failure is the mother of success.   There everything is going smoothly. Things, yet failure is always there, otherwise, the "inventor", "literary giant" reputation will not easily fall everyone"s head? Throughout history, those who rise above the common herd men can succeed, it is because they can treat correctly failure, learn from failure to kick in, fail this stumbling block, set foot on the road to success, such as the great inventor Thomas Edison, too many to count - successful students, life is too many to count the failure. He was an invention has undergone eight thousand failed experiment, but he does not think it is a waste, but said: "why should I sad? This failed eight thousand times at least, so I understand the eight thousand experiments is not feasible." Edison"s attitude towards failure. He often draw lessons from failure, sum up experience, thus achieved at a failed many times in the basis of inventions. Failures will bring pain, but it can also make people gain; it is pointed out to us that the errors and shortcomings in work, but also inspire us step by step to success. Failure is the success of negation, and is the foundation of success, that is to say: "failure is the mother of success."   However, in reality the success not failure accumulation, but failed to summary and beyond. If you don"t understand this point, will cause the "absurd conclusion failure of more and more successful". Such as mathematics famous parallel axiom, from its inception, has always been suspicions. For thousands of years, countless mathematicians committed to proving the parallel axiom, but failed. The mathematician Porie engaged in the parallel axiom that there is no success, eventually died a painful death in despair. While the problem like a bottomless pit, gobbling up the people"s wisdom and gives nothing in return, LObachevsky after seven years of verification without results, find out the reasons of failure. LObachevsky after numerous failures, summarizes and analyzes the failure of the antecedents and consequences, from the understanding of the problem, which was a success. Thus, "failure is the mother of success" is an objective law, but really want to transition from failure to success may become a reality, but also must pass through the analysis of exploration and scientific constantly, draw lessons from failure, to guide future work, so it is not "in vain" failure.   Young people prone to failure in the work, also easy to lose heart, therefore, we only remember "failure is the mother of success." this saying, to establish a strong self-confidence, can see the hope from the disappointment, from failure to success.   "Failure is the mother of success" should not only be our favorite motto, it is more important to be our guide to action. "Bao Jianfeng from sharpen out, the plum blossom incense come from the bitter cold", benefit from the failure, rising from the hard work, this is the youth road.   失败与成功英语作文1的译文:   俗话说:";失败是成功之母。";这似乎已经成为老生常谈,但行动和言语有时是不一致的。当你报告";红光";,或者工作中遇到的困难,你的心是除了沮丧,其它什么也没有?你知道这失败是孕育着成功的种子!在这方面,每个人都# 039;的回答肯定是不一样的!这是相当必要的说:失败是成功之母。   那里的一切都很顺利。的东西,而失败是永远存在的,否则,";发明家";,";文学巨人";的声誉将不易被人# 039;的头?纵观历史,那些出类拔萃的人才能成功,这是因为他们能正确对待失败,从失败中学习踢,这次失败的绊脚石,踏上成功之路,如伟大的发明家托马斯爱迪生,太多的数-成功的学生,生活太多计数失败。他是一个发明,经历了八千次失败的实验,但他不认为这是一种浪费,但是说:";我为什么要悲伤呢?这一失败了至少八千倍,所以我理解这八千个实验是不可行的。";爱迪生& # 039的对待失败的态度。他经常从失败中吸取教训,总结经验,从而实现在一个失败了很多次,在发明的基础。失败会带来痛苦,但它也可以使人获得;指出我们工作中的错误和缺点,但也启发我们一步步走向成功。失败是成功的否定,是成功的基础,也就是说:";失败是成功之母。”;   然而,在现实中的成功而不是失败的积累,但未能总结与超越。如果你#039;t明白这一点,将导致";越来越多的成功”的荒谬结论的失败;。如数学著名的平行公理,从成立以来,一直怀疑。千百年来,无数数学家致力于证明平行公理,但失败了。数学家porie从事平行公理,是没有成功,最后死的很痛苦绝望。而像个无底洞问题,吞噬人# 039;的智慧而不给予任何回报,罗巴切夫斯基后七年没有结果的验证,找出失败的原因。罗巴切夫斯基经过无数次的失败,总结分析前因后果的失败,从问题的理解,这是成功的。因此,";失败是成功的母亲";是客观规律,但真的想从失败到成功转型可能成为现实,但也必须通过不断的探索和科学分析,从失败中吸取教训,以指导今后的工作,所以它不是";在徒劳的";失败。   年轻人容易在工作中失败,也容易失去信心,因此,我们只记得";失败是成功之母。";这句话,以建立一个强大的自信,可以看到从失望的希望,从失败到成功。   ";失败是成功之母”;不仅是我们最喜欢的格言,是我们的行动指南更重要。";宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来";,从失败中受益,从艰苦的工作中不断上升,这是青年路。   失败与成功英语作文篇2:   Failure is so common in our life. No one can avoid it. When we fail in doing something, we often feel so depressed that we have no interest in other things. Sometimes failure can also make us lose heart. Therefore, no one wants to be a failure.   Success is what we all hope for, because it can bring us a sense of pride and a good reputation. The moment we succeed, we always feel so proud, as if having everything in our hands. If one enjoys his continuous success in his career, he will be famous and worshiped by others.   However, failure is the mother of success. One failure doesnu2019t mean you can never be successful. It depends on what we do to deal with failure. Those who are always afraid of failure and canu2019t go through it will never win. But as long as we can get some lessons and experience from our failure, weu2019ll be sure to succeed.   失败与成功英语作文2的译文:   失败是生活中是很常见的。没有人能避免失败。当我们做某事失败的时候,我们经常觉得很沮丧,而提不起兴趣去做其他的事情。有时失败会使我们丧失信心。所以,没有人想成为失败者。   成功是我们所希望的,因为它能够给我们带来的自豪感和良好的信誉。成功的那一刻我们都感到很自豪,就好像我们拥有了一切。如果一个人喜欢在他的职业生涯中不断取得成功,他就会出名,被别人崇拜。   不过,失败是成功之母。一次失败并不意味着你永远不能成功。这取决于我们如何面对失败。那些总是害怕失败,不能克服这个心理的人永远都不会成功。但只要我们能吸取教训,我们一定会成功的。   失败与成功英语作文篇3:   Failure is so common in our life. No one can avoid it. When we fail in doing something, we often feel so depressed that we have no interest in other things. Sometimes failure can also make us lose heart. Therefore, no one wants to be a failure.   Success is what we all hope for, because it can bring us a sense of pride and a good reputation. The moment we succeed, we always feel so proud, as if having everything in our hands. If one enjoys his continuous success in his career, he will be famous and worshiped by others.
2023-08-04 18:48:031


Everybody will have failure.The failure is a successful mother, if there is no failure, that will not have results to show an achievement.Really, the successful man is very happy, they own fresh flowers, applause.But the person, who fail, own of only have lonesome with unfrequented.In fact, we should go to more honorific is those person of[with] failures.Because, there is failure, just have results to show an achievement. Fail don"t mean you is a for failed, fail to just mean you haven"t succeeded; Fail don"t mean you a have no become, fail to mean you get experience; Fail don"t mean you are a stupid person who don"t know to improvise, failing to mean you have Attic faith; Fail don"t mean you have to has been suppressing not and quickly, failing to mean you take pleasure in trying....... This is the failure, precious failure.
2023-08-04 18:48:112

英语作文 由失败到成功有什么启发

2023-08-04 18:48:391


Failure is the mother of success(失败是成功之母)   All of us experience failure every now and then.Although some people will avoid failure at all costs,some people welcome it.Failure can be a good teacher.It always teaches us to be better the second time around.As they say,"The more you try,the more you"ll succeed."   There is some wisdom to be learned from failure.If we can learn to turn a failure to our advantage,we will have learned another secret to success.Failure is the mother of success and success that comes after failure is so sweet.
2023-08-04 18:48:481


2023-08-04 18:49:037


失败是成功之母来源有以下几种说法:1、“失败是成功之母”是法国培根说的;2、“失败是成功之母”是美国著名演说家温德尔·菲利普斯说的,他曾参与美国的废除黑人奴隶运动。3、在中国古典神话故事中,尧帝任命鲧治理洪水,鲧治理了九年都没有成功,于是尧帝处罚了鲧。鲧死后,舜帝任命他的儿子禹继续接替父亲治理洪水,禹用疏导的方式治水成功。鲧治水失败,他的儿子禹治水成功,所以有了“失败是成功之母”的说法。扩展资料:“失败是成功之母”的意思是:人们可以从失败中总结经验教训,从而获得成功。失败乃成功之母【注音】:shī bài nǎi chéng gōng zhī mǔ【释义】:《汉语成语大词典》中对“失败乃成功之母”是这样解释的:母,先导。它指人唯有善于从失败中吸取经验教训,才能获得成功。失败是成功的先导,失败是成功的基础。(母的意义不是母亲而是基础)【出自】:源于鲧禹治水的神话。失败是成功的先导,失败是成功的基础。它指人唯有善于从失败中吸取经验教训,才能获得成功。(母的意义不是母亲而是基础)英语:Failure is the mother of success.
2023-08-04 18:49:231

以《失败是成功之母》为题,写一篇英语作文100字左右 急,英语高手帮我下.

失败是成功之母 常言道:“失败是成功之母.”这似乎已成老生常谈,但行动和言语有时是不相一致的.当你的成绩单上出现“红灯”,或是在工作中遇到困难时,你的心中是否除了沮丧,别的一无所有?你是否意识到这失败之中有孕育着成功的种子呢!对此,每个人的回答肯定不一样!在此颇有必要谈谈:失败是成功之母. 世上少有一帆风顺的事,而失败却随时会有,否则,那些“发明家”、“文学巨人”的美名岂不轻易地落到每个人的头上去了?综观历史,那些出类拔萃的伟人之所以会取得成功,正是因为他们能正确对待失败,从失败中获取教益,从而踢开失败这块绊脚石,踏上了成功的大道,比如伟大的发明家爱迪生,—生的成功不计其数,—生的失败更是不计其数.他曾为一项发明经历了八千次失败的实验,他却并不以为这是个浪费,而是说:“我为什么要沮丧呢?这八千次失败至少使我明白了这八千个实验是行不通的.”这就是爱迪生对待失败的态度.他每每从失败中吸取教训,总结经验,从而取得—项项建立在无数次失败基础之上的发明成果.失败固然会给人带来痛苦,但也能使人有所收获;它既向我们指出工作中的错误缺点,又启发我们逐步走向成功.失败既是针对成功的否定,又是成功的基础,也就是说:“失败是成功之母.” 然而,在现实中成功并不是失败的积累,而是对失败的总结与超越.如不认识这一点,就会导致“失败越多越成功”的荒谬结论.比如数学上有名的平行公理,从它问世以来,一直遭到人们的怀疑.几千年来,无数数学家致力于求证平行公理,但却都失败了.数学家波里埃终身从事平行公理的证明却毫无成就,最终在绝望中痛苦地死去.正当这个问题像无底洞—般吞噬着人们的智慧而不给予任何回报时,罗巴切夫斯基在经过七年求证而毫无结果时,找出了失败的原因.罗巴切夫斯基在屡次失败之后,总结分析了失败的前因后果,从本质上认识了这一问题,从而取得了成功.由此可见,“失败是成功之母”是一条客观规律,但真要把失败向成功转化由可能变为现实,还必须经过不断的探索和科学的分析,从失败中吸取教训,指导今后的工作,这样才算没有“白白”地失败. 年轻人在工作中容易失败,也容易灰心,因此,我们只有牢记“失败是成功之母”这一名言,树立起坚定的自信心,才能从失望中看见希望,从失败走向成功. “失败是成功之母”不仅应当成为我们喜爱的一句格言,更重要的是要成为我们行动的指南.“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”,从失败中获益,从勤奋中崛起,这就是有志青年的成才道路.
2023-08-04 18:49:381

高中英语作文:我们必须面对失败(We Must Face Failure)

  as we all know, "failure is the mother of success." but few people can really understand what the saying means.   in the world, i am sure that no one dare say he hasn"t met any trouble all his life. so we must face failure. in fact, failure is not fearful, but important thing is how to face it correctly. facing failure, people will never take their fate lying down.they will try their best to work harder and harder until at last they succeed.   not being courageous to face setbacks, people have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success. so they have nothing to do but feel sad and empty all day and all night. in fact, they lose the chance of success themselves.   my friend, whenever in trouble, please remember, "failure is the mother of success."   我们必须面对失败   我们都知道:“失败是成功之母。”但真正理解这句话的人却不多。   我相信,世界上没有一个人敢说他一生中从没遇到过任何麻烦。因此,我们必须面对失败。其实,失败并不可怕,重要的是如何正确看待它。敢于面对失败,人们将不再由命运摆布。他们将全力以赴的辛勤工作,直到最后成功。   不敢面对挫折,人们也就没有机会享受成功的喜悦。他们会无所事事,终日沮丧而空虚。事实上,是他们自己把成功的机会丧失了。   朋友们,无论何时你遇到了困难,请记住:“失败是成功之母。”
2023-08-04 18:49:451

求一篇120字的英语作文 以成功与失败为主题 谢了哈

2023-08-04 18:50:062

英语翻译 成功等于99%的汗水加1%灵感

success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent aspiration. failure is the mother of success.
2023-08-04 18:50:151


to be or not to be, that"s the question.
2023-08-04 18:50:255


2023-08-04 18:50:585


2023-08-04 18:51:247