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Government reports, examination compositions

2023-08-04 19:09:14


be used in( formal language )






作曲 写作 合成
2023-08-04 17:29:023

Chemical Compositions of the Brines

Chemical analyses of 43 brine samples for 9 brine-bearing aquifers or aquifer groups at 12 localities in the basin are presented in Table 19. 2. The localities sampled are also show n in Figure 19. 2,w hich are Anren,Moxi,Penglai,Longnu,Bajiaochang,Langjiang,Suinan, Laoguanmiao,Youguanding,Luojiaping,Dengguan,and Weiyuan. The aquifers or aquifer groups under consideration include sandstone w ith gypsum in the Guankou Formation of the Upper Cretaceous ( K2g or Guankou aquifer) ,sandstone in the Low er Jurassic ( Jlor Ziliujing aquifer) ,sandstone of the sixth,fourth,and second formation of the Xujiahe Formation of the Upper Triassic ( T3xj or Xujiahe aquifer) ,limestone of the Leikoupo Formation of the Middle Triassic ( T2l or Leikoupo aquifer ) ,limestone of the Jialingjiang Formation of the Low er Triassic ( T1j or Jialingjiang aquifer ) ,and limestone of the Upper Sinian ( Z2or Sinian aquifer) . Chemical analyses for brines from aquifers of Permian,Carboniferous,Devonian, Ordovician,and Cambrian Systems,are not important quantitatively,and are not presented here. Brines of Guankou aquifer are only found in Anren,and brines of Sinian aquifer,only in Weiyuan. Brines from Dengguan are a mixture of those from Leikoupo and Jialingjiang aquifers.Table19.2 Chemical compositions of subsurface brines in the Sichuan Basin (mg/L)continuedNmbersoflocationssampled:1—Anren;2—Moxi;3—Penglai;4—Longnu;5—Bajiaochang;6—Langjiang;7—Suinan;8—Laoguanmiao;9—Youguanding;10—Luojiaping;11—Dengguan; 12—Weiyuan. K2g—GuankouoftheUpperCretaceousSeries;J1—ZiliujingintheLowerJurassicSeries;T3xj— XujiaheGroupoftheUpperTriassic;T2l—LeikoupoGroupoftheMiddleTriassic;T1j—JialingjiangGroupoftheLower Triassic;Z2—theUpperSinian.The Sichuan Basin brines have between 70 g / L and 345 g / L total dissolved solids ( TDS) . Second,hydrochemical characteristics are connected with specific formations and are noteworthy. The TDS of the brines from Leikoupo and Jialingjiang carbonate aquifers in the central basin are the highest. Dissolved chloride ranges from 45 g / L to 202 g / L and constitutes more than 95% equivalent of the anions in all the brines. Sodium varies between 15 g / L and 120 g / L and accounts for more than 50 percent of the cations. Calcium is generally the second major cation in the brines. Calcium is commonly high in brines from Xujiahe and Ziliujing clastic aquifers. Dissolved strontium and barium concentrations are higher in brines from Xujiahe and Ziliujing clastic aquifers than those from carbonate aquifers of older age. Barium has not been detected in brines from Leikoupo and Jialingjiang carbonate aquifers. Dissolved sulfate and bicarbonate are generally low. Brines from Xujiahe and Ziliujing clastic aquifers have no sulfate,and sulfate content is high in brines from the Guankou aquifer. Bromide and iodide are usually high in the brines,with higher values in the Xujiahe and Ziliujing clastic aquifer brines. The bromide content in Guankou brines,however,is low. Brines from Xujiahe and Ziliujing clastic aquifers,where no evaporites have been found,are characterized by high concentrations of Ca,Sr,Ba,Br and I and lack of SO4. Brines from Leikoupo and Jialingjiang carbonate aquifers are characterized by low concentrations of Ca,Sr,Br,I and SO4,and lack of Ba. Brines in the Guankou aquifer have low concentration of Br. Brines in the Sinian aquifer have relatively high proportion of Li.Figure 19. 2 M ap show ing locations sampled and anticlines in the Sichuan Basin 1—Anren; 2—Moxi; 3—Penglai; 4—Longnu; 5—Bajiaochang; 6—Langjiang; 7—Suinan; 8—Laoguanmiao; 9—Youguanding; 10—Luojiaping; 11—Dengguan; 12—WeiyuanFigure 19. 3 is a Piper diagram based on all available data. The cation ternary shows a linear trend,form sodium dominated brines, to brines with higher relative proportions of calcium. The brines fall in two major clusters,one containing Na-Cl type brines from Leikoupo and Jialingjiang carbonate aquifers,the other containing Na·Ca-Cl type brines from Xujiahe and Ziliujing clastic aquifers. Brines from Guankou and Sinian aquifers also fall in the first cluster, indicating that they are of Na-Cl type.Figure 19. 3 Piper diagram show ing mole percentage of major ions in the Sichuan Basin brinesTo identify the possible origin and evolution of subsurface brines,Carpenter in 1978 demonstrated how TDS and chemical compositions of brines can be compared to those of evaporatively concentrated sea water Fisher and kreitler in 1987. used log-log plots of individual component concentrations versus Br of evapo-concentrated sea water to identify the origin of brines in the Palo Duro Basin and the Michigan Basin in the USA. Log-log plots of Br versus Cl and Na during evaporative concentration of sea water are thought to be the most useful. The log-log plots of Br versus Cl and Na for brines in the Sichuan Basin are shown in Figure 19. 4,with the sea-water evaporation trajectories. The brines from Leikoupo and Jialingjiang carbonate aquifers have Cl and Na compositions that fall near the sea-water evaporation trajectories. Marine evaporate conditions of deposition for Leikoupo and Jialingjiang are suggested by anhydrite and halite crystals; sea water was the original fluid for the Leikoupo and Jialingjiang brines. Brines from Sinian aquifer also originated from sea water. Although brines from Xujiahe and Ziliujing fall near or a bit below the trajectories ( Figure 19. 4) ,suggesting that the brines have been concentrated beyond the onset of halite precipitation,we cannot draw the conclusion that the Xujiahe and Ziliujing brines originated from evaporated sea water. The strata of Xujiahe and Ziliujing consist of continental sediments and contain no evaporites. Thus,the brines from Xuijahe and Ziliujing aquifers are not sea water in origin. Figure 19. 4 also shows that the brines from the Guankou aquifer were derived typically from subsurface dissolution of salt-bearing formations.
2023-08-04 17:29:261

that counts 是主语吗?

你说的没错,“思维能力和心智水平”的确是两个词。可是你知道,翻译往往就是这样,总是讲比较简单的词句译成最精准的意思,原文的字面意思应该是“思维的质量”,对吗?可是如果这样翻译就不好了,就没有美感了。所以才会扩充成这样子。that counts也不是主语,主语是the quality of the mind是主语。这是一个强调句,句型是“it is...that”。
2023-08-04 17:30:293


Claude A Debussy was one of the modern composers representing France.Influenced by the impressionism artists and symbolic poetry, he became the first ancestor of impressionism music by creating a unique musical grammar by himself. This Article aims at the research on the musical characteristic and the unique composition technique of Claude A Debussy by the analysis of presentation skills in the composition of pour le piano, and putting forward the theoretical direction while performing his category, so as to help the performers present the composition intention successfully.
2023-08-04 17:30:385

How can I do with English Compositions?

在我的作文中,我总是想造一些复杂的,包含不同类型结构的句子,通常我会以为我将得到一个高分。然而,结果是分数低于我平均水平3-4分 。此外,我的书写相当好。我真的不知道是何原因。或许我的策略错了。你能给我一条捷径让我得到高分吗? 我觉得英语作文要力求简洁,符合西方人的思维,不应一味求复杂,直截了当才是王道。我们的情况相似,我也曾吃过亏,希望你能改正,并快速提高! If you have interest ,we can be English partners ! QQ ;1113123033
2023-08-04 17:30:533

请问final cut pro x里边的generator指的是什么?还有motion5 中的composition又是什么意思?

我在用X系列版本..你说的这个是滤镜 快捷键 A是选择工具 P是位移工具 单击你的素材 在双击滤镜自己看效果
2023-08-04 17:31:001


asisknowntoall,writingisanimportantandnecessaryskillforallstudents.however,manystudentsdon"treallyunderstandthetrueimportanceofwriting,astheyjustconsiderwritingasataskofexam.asfarasiamconcerned,writinghasdeeperimportanceinmanyways.  众所周知,写作对所有的学生来说是一项重要和必要的技能。但是,很多学生没有真正明白写作的重要性,因为他们只把写作当做是考试的一项任务。在我看来,写作在很多方面更重要。  firstly,improvingourabilityofusingwordsisabasicfunctionofwriting.forexample,inordertowriteagoodenglishcomposition,wemustuseeverywordcarefullyasmuchaspossibletoensureitscorrectness.intheprocess,wehaveimprovedourabilityofusingwordsandwritingskillsimperceptibly.inthisaspect,writingisagoodwaytostrengthenourability.  首先,提高我们用词能力是写作的一个基本功能。例如,为了写好一篇英语作文,我们必须极可能谨慎使用每一个词以确保文章的正确性。在这个过程中,我们不知不觉地提高了我们用词能力和写作技巧。从这一方面来看,写作是加强能力的一个好方法。  moreover,writingisaneffectivewaytoenlargeourvocabulary.differentcompositionswewriteneeddifferentvocabularies.therefore,themorecompositionswewrite,themorevocabulariesweget.atthesametime,itishelpfultoenlargeourreading.  其次,写作是扩展我们的词汇量的有效方法。我们所写的不同作文需要不同的词汇。所以,我们写得越多,我们就掌握越多的词汇。同时,这也有助于我们扩大阅读量。  andlastbutnottheleast,writingmakesgreatcontributiontoourlogicalthinkingandanalysisability.foronething,towriteagoodcomposition,wemustcollectandarrangewritingmaterialssystematicallysothatwecanshowoffwhatisessentialandwhatisnotsoimportant.intheprocessofdealingwithmaterials,wearealsolearningtoanalyzeanddealwiththedifferentproblems.foranother,itisalsoaprocesstopracticeourownthinkingabilityandformdifferentthoughts.bydealingwithallkindsofcompositions,wecangetintouchwithmorethoughtsandbecomewiser.  最后但不是最不重要的一点,写作对我们的逻辑思维和分析能力很有帮助。一方面,为了写好一篇作文,我们必须系统地收集和整理写作材料以便能够掌握什么事必要的,什么又不是那么重要的。在处理材料的过程中,我们也学会分析和处理不同问题。另一方面,这也是一个锻炼我们思考能力和形成不同思维的过程。通过处理各种各样的作文,我们可以接触到更多的想法从而变得更理智。  inaword,writingisanimportantskill,especiallyforlanguagelearners.thus,weshouldimproveourwritingabilityasmuchaspossibletoimproveouroveralllevels.  总之,写作是一项重要的技能,特别是对语言学习者。因此,我们应该尽可能提高我们的学做能力以提高我们各方面水平。
2023-08-04 17:31:101


WOULD 指过去的将来。。。时态不对
2023-08-04 17:31:203

Final Cut Pro X 拾遗

【 偏好设置 】里 后台渲染 建议不要勾选,不要自动渲染,降低电脑渲染压力。 为多机位片段创建优化的媒体也不要勾选(我们使用创建代理文件,用代理文件剪辑,没必要创建优化的媒体文件) 将文件保留在原位。(不要拷贝到资源库储存位置,因为会单独拷贝一份素材文件到资源库,占用磁盘容量。不过将文件保留在原位的话,就不能轻易随便移动素材文件的位置了,不然程序就找不到素材文件了) 勾选创建代理媒体,不要勾选优化的媒体。 可以新增删除导出方式/位置。 视频观测仪 ,调色时用 角度 ,多机位剪辑时用 剪辑时勾选 “代理” ,但是要导出时记得将其切换为 “原始状态” 。 显示字幕/操作安全区 ,是用来标识字幕的安全区域。 显示水平 ,用来显示水平垂直参考线。 Q: 将选中的某素材插入当前时间线位置的主故事线的 上方 。 W: 将选中的某素材插入到当前时间线位置。(原主故事线被劈开,故事情节变长) E: 将选中的某素材 追加到故事情节的尾部 。 D: 将选中的某素材 覆盖掉当前时间线的位置 。(若当前选中素材较短,则原视频露尾,若当前选中视频较长,则整个故事情节变长) A: 选择 T: 修剪 P: 位置 R: 范围选择 B: 切割 Z: 缩放 H: 抓手 F: 收藏素材,标为收藏 (绿色条) Delete: 拒绝素材 (红色条) U: 取消标记/评级 (取消收藏、被拒绝等任何标记) /: 播放(选中的视频从头播放) Command + L: 检视器的播放模式切换为循环播放 Ctrl + T: 添加基本字幕 右侧检查器中的Info图标,可查看视频片段的数据信息。(通用/基本/设置等可切换 ) 应用自定名称 ,可以自定制素材命名格式。 可以添加评级标记、关键词、是否使用、媒体类型等等一系列过滤条件。 可以选中素材右键,然后 分配视频角色 、 音频角色 。当然也支持 编辑角色 。 Commond + K : 快速调出关键词窗口,可以为当前选中素材添加关键词。 程序会记录下你添加过的关键词,你可以以快捷键 Ctrl+1、Ctrl+2、Ctrl+3 的方式,在不调启关键词窗口的情况下,快速给其他素材添加关键词。 浏览器左侧事件下面,会出现智能精选分组和关键词分组,当然你也可以选中事件右键手动创建智能精选和关键词。也可以创建文件夹 ,再在文件夹下创建它们。 Optional + [ : 修剪->修剪开头。 Optional + ] : 修剪->修剪结尾。 这里两者的开头和结尾只是当前选中的素材,不是整个时间线。只是将当前素材里时间线之前/之后的片段修剪掉。 检查器面板——>防抖动 可以设置去抖动方法(平滑相机or惯性相机)和平滑度(对画面有裁剪)。 整体来说,FCPX的防抖效果并不是很理想。 果冻效应的形成原因? 果冻效应用软件难以完美消除,最好在前期拍摄时避免。 如果在【 偏好设置 】里勾选了【 创建代理媒体 】,在导入视频素材后,FCPX会自动对素材进行转码,转码为体积小质量稍差的视频。 你可以在检视器中切换使用原始媒体,还是代理媒体。 若在【偏好设置】里不勾选【创建代理媒体】,则在导入视频后FCPX不会自动将素材转码。此时若你在检视器中切换为使用代理媒体,则素材上面显示【 缺少代理 】,此时,你可以选中素材右键,点击【 对媒体进行转码 】,就可以手动将原始素材转码为代理媒体。 在剪辑完成后,最后准备导出时, 一定要记得在检视器中切换为原始媒体 ,然后再等待FCPX将其渲染完成后才能导出。不然你导出的视频质量不会理想,因为那是代理媒体的画质质量。 将某视频直接拖动到故事情节上的某个片段上后,会出现一个弹窗,包括【 替换 】、【 从开头替换 】、【 从结尾替换 】、【 使用重新定时替换以适合 】、【 替换并添加到试演 】、【 添加到试演 】。 【 替换 】,就是完全将其替换掉。整个故事情节的时长可能发生变动。 【 从开头替换 】,时长保持不变,从头替换。若原先的视频比刚拖动的视频长,则原先的视频会露尾。反之,则刚拖动的视频会被截尾。 【 从结尾替换 】,和【从开头替换】道理一样。 【 使用重新定时替换以适 合】,保持时长不变且拖入视频完整(不截取),对拖入视频进行变速。 【 添加到试演 】,用户在实际剪辑的过程中,常常对在某个位置该视频哪个片段或哪种效果犹豫不决,FCPX的试演就能帮助用户方便地在同一个位置预览、对比不同的片段或效果。当用户确定后,点击完成试演( 片段——>试演——>完成试演 ),FCPX就会保留当前选中的试演片段或效果,删除其他片段或效果。 Command + G: 打组。 Shift + Command + G: 将组分开。 对在 非主故事情节 ,且在 同一线上 的片段,可以将多个片段进行打组, 以方便统一移动 。(非主故事情节,同一线) 什么是次级故事情节?就是时间线上主故事情节上方的故事线。次级故事情节可以放视频、图片、字幕,但是不可以放独立的音频。音频有自己的故事线,即位于主故事情节下方。 Optional + G: 新建复合片段。 Shift + Command + G: 取消复合片段。 将时间线上的多个片段选中后,右键后然后点选【 新建复合片段 】,命名一个名字,就建立了一个复合片段。复合片段相当于一个子项目,需要双击点击进去才能编辑。 选中两个片段。然后点选【片段】——> 【同步片段】。FCPX会分析两个片段的音频,然后生成一个对齐好的片段。双击可以查看详情。 在时间线上右键会出现弹窗,点选【 显示视频动画 】,将会在时间线上显示动画详情。 【视频动画详情界面】 你可以对关键帧的位置进行调整(拖动,调整关键帧位置)。 按住Optional键光标出现+号图标,此时点击鼠标,可以 添加新的关键帧 。 光标移动到关键帧上,右键鼠标,点选【删除关键帧】。 点击右下角的折叠按钮,可以展开动画详情,可以看到动画曲线图。 在曲线的部位右键鼠标,可以切换选择不同的曲线类型(线性/加速/减速/先加后减等)。 有些关键帧动画,可以直接在检视器中以可视化的方式编辑。当然可以在右侧检查器中操作滑竿或手动改参数的方式编辑。 检视器中不仅可以新增、编辑、删除关键帧,还可以设置关键帧动画的参数数据(位置、大小等),还可以和PhotoShop的钢笔工具一样,绘制贝塞尔曲线,设置路径为曲线的动画路径。 【效果】——>【遮罩】——>【绘制遮罩】 反转遮罩 设置羽化值,避免遮罩边缘的违和感。 利用遮罩,做遮罩转场。 点击Compressor软件左下角加号+,然后点选【 新建设置 】,然后在弹窗里填选格式(MPEG-4、MP3文件等)、名称和描述。写好后点击完成,则自制的导出格式已新建完成。接下来需要做的就是编辑一些设置参数(右侧的通用、视频和 音频区域)。 【 默认位置 】,指导出的位置。也可以自定义添加。 【 为网络使用而优化 】,建议不勾选。 【 编解码器 】,H.264。 【 数据速率 】,选择自定,然后设置6000kbps(6000是国内平台支持的最高码率)。 【 多通路 】,建议勾选,可以提高视频质量。 【 音频属性-通道布局 】,选立体声。 【 音频属性-采样速率 】,选44.1kHz 【 音频属性-数据速率 】,拉倒最大320kbps。 在FCPX中完成剪辑后想要导出时,点击 【文件】——>【发送到Compressor】 。 就会启动Compressor软件,并载入FCPX中剪辑的项目。然后点击【 添加 】,选择我们自制的导出格式设置。然后点击【 开始批处理 】,Compressor就开始导出了,可以在【活跃】里查看进度。 将插件放入访达的【 影片 】——>【 Motion Templates 】——>【 Compositions 】【 Effects 】效果、【 Generators 】发生器、【 Titles 】字幕、【 Transitions 】转场。 然后重启FCPX,就可以在相应的位置看到添加的插件了。 Shift + N : 常速。出现绿色条——常速(100%)。 Shift + H : 保留。出现红色条——保留(0%)。默认2秒的静帧。 Shift + B : 切割速度。 速度转场: 指勾选后,对视频切割速度并变速时,两端视频间会有一个平缓的速度递变。可以鼠标拖动修改长度。 视频质量: 包括正常,帧融合,光流。主要用于在给视频片段变慢速度后(低于正常帧速)用于消除跳跃感卡顿感。
2023-08-04 17:31:411

英语)翻译:instead of only writing compositions about

代替只写你的老师给你的有关学科的作文,做一些令人愉快的事,像写一个电子邮件给一个朋友 百度知道教育4团为您解答
2023-08-04 17:31:526


1、现在完成时 He has written 10 diaries。 10 diaries has been written by him。2、过去完成时 They had written 1000 words。 1000 words had been written by them。3、现在进行时 I am writing a blog。 A blog is being written by me。4、一般现在时 She writes to her mother every week。 Her mother is written to every week。5、过去将来时 Tom would write to you the next day。 You would be written to by Tom the next day。6、过去将来完成时 I would have written 5 compositions before he came back the next week。 5 compositions would have been written by me before he came back the next week。7、将来完成时 They will have written 2000 words at the end of this year。 2000 words will have been written by them at the end of this year。
2023-08-04 17:32:102


2023-08-04 17:32:319

1.The student must hand in their compositions before school is over.

The students" compositions must be handed in before school is over
2023-08-04 17:33:084

relative clauses是什么意思

relative clause是指的是关系从句。关系从句的理解与翻译人们习惯称由关系代词that,which,who,whom,whose和关系副词when,where等引导的从句为“定语从句”,认为这种从句的功能同汉语定语相当,只不过英语的定语从句后置,汉语的定语前置罢了。但随着对语言认识的不断深入,人们发现很多这样的从句不能用定语来翻译。让我们先看一例:1. Kennedy was rushed to a hospital where he died immediately.若拘泥于“简短的定语从句可译为汉语前置定语”的观点,该句子就可能会被译为:肯尼迪被急忙送到一家他很快就死的医院。译文听上去荒谬可笑,仿佛送医院的目的是为了“很快就死”,这显然有悖原意。这里“where”起过渡连接的作用,相当于“and there”,在语义上属另一新层次,绝无修饰,更无限制“怎样的医院”之意。从句中“died”这一动作发生于主句中“was rushed”的动作之后,进一步交待了事情发展的结果。可见,这种结构难用“定语从句”来解释。所以,例1应译为:肯尼迪被急忙送到一家医院,在那里他很快就死了。让我们再多看几个例子:2. When he was still a little boy, Jack London wrote some compositions which were praised by his teachers.杰克·伦敦还是小孩时,他写的一些作文就受到老师的赞赏。(不宜译为:……他就写受到老师赞扬的作文。)3. I met the boatman who then took me across the ferry.我遇到了那位船夫,他将我渡到对岸。(不宜译为:我遇到那位将我渡到对岸的船夫。)
2023-08-04 17:33:151

求英语翻译高手!!!紧急紧急!! 请务必自己翻译哦!!(如果翻译的好会追加哦!!)

bmgflmllhbknklnklbjkbjklkkljlkhkhklnknm;lknkgjkgkjirjedslkfhghihgreohhgohokngrioejjrkgjklsgioerghierhoighoigehiekgioh hreiohiohkner iokgrlkerjjwijjreiooewiiehknglk trtwherwehrwgew
2023-08-04 17:33:244

一道英语选择题:Do you often play the compositions( ) Mozart?

2023-08-04 17:33:3512


composition英 [u02ccku0252mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n] 美 [u02cckɑ:mpu0259u02c8zu026au0283n]n.作文,作曲; 创作; 构图,布置; 妥协,和解;[例句]Make an outline before trying to write a composition.写作文之前先写个提纲。[其他]复数:compositions 形近词: opposition transposition postposition
2023-08-04 17:34:121


2023-08-04 17:34:202


2023-08-04 17:34:313

composition 可数么? 如题,当composition做“作文”义译时,可数还是不可数?

U代表不可数,C可数,不同含义可不可数不同,作作文来说可数 1.写作;作曲[U] The composition of the report took two months. 写这份报告花了两个月时间. 2.作品;作文;(大型)乐曲[C] There are many spelling mistakes in your compositions. 你的作文有许多拼写错误. 3.构成;构图;成分[C][U] We examined the rock to find out its composition. 我们检验了这一石块,想弄清它的构成成分. 4.气质,脾性[U] He has a touch of stubbornness in his composition. 他脾气有点倔. 5.合成物,仿造物[C] a chemical composition 化合物 6.【印】排字[U] 7.和解协议[C] make a composition with one"s creditors 和债主达成和解协议
2023-08-04 17:34:411

When do we have to give______our compositions? 为什么?要解释

in呈交=hand in
2023-08-04 17:34:493

compositon 的音标、

2023-08-04 17:35:085

killer composition怎样翻译

很棒的作文你可以参考lady killer意思是迷人的
2023-08-04 17:35:232


习作选Project selected长段文字建议使用有道翻译,翻译结果仅供参考 双语例句有些选文缺乏审美性、趣味性和经典性;拼音教学比重较大,识字安排欠合理;习作缺乏体系、读写未能很好结合等。Some articles are lack of beauty, interest and classics, others cannot well combine the reading part with the written ones.
2023-08-04 17:35:312


(1)She is reading the newspaper. 一般疑问句 :Is she reading the newspaper 肯定回答 :Yes ,she is . 否定回答 :No ,she isn"t . (2 ) I have two English books. 一般疑问句 :Have you two English books / Do you have two English books? 肯定回答 :Yes ,I have ./ Yes,I do. 否定回答 :No ,I haven"t ./ No,I don"t. (3)The compositions are very good. 一般疑问句 :Are the compositions very good 肯定回答 :Yes ,they are. 否定回答 :No ,they aren"t . 翻译 (1)这是你的女儿吗?是的她是我的女儿. Is she your daughter Yes ,she is. (2)这是Tom,他是一个新学生. This is Tom.He is a new student . (3)这辆车是什么牌子? What plate is this car (4)打扰一下,这是你的车子吗? Excuse me ,is this your car (5)这是我的朋友.他是一个法国人. This is my friend .He is a French . (6)这是你的书还是他的书? Is this book yours or his
2023-08-04 17:35:401

该为一般疑问句 并做出肯定回答与否定回答(3个)

(1)She is reading the newspaper.--Is she reading the newspaper?他在读报纸吗?Yes,she is. No,she isn"t .(2 ) I have two English books.--Do you have two English books?你有两本英语书吗? Yes,I have. No,I haven"t.(3)The compositions are vary good. Are the compositions vary good?这些作文很好吗?Yes ,they are .No,they aren"t.
2023-08-04 17:35:515

a two-head tortoise 英语作文

热心网友The advantages of writing compositions by computerNowadays, an increasing number of students, especially university students use personal computer to write compositions. Whether it is beneficial to us? The opinions vary from person to person. I hold the aspect that writing compositions by computer brings a lot of advantages to us.Firstly, it is more efficient than writing by hand. According to the present data, the fastest speed of typing is over 500 words per minute, while the highest speed of handwriting is only 90 words per minute. Secondly, it brings a lot of convenience while writing by computer. For example, we can avoid some original mistakes, such as the spelling, punctuation, and some grammar mistakes. Besides, we can e-mail our compositions to teachers, so teachers can check our compositions instantly. In addition, it is easier for us to save our compositions in files. Last but not least, it saves many resources like paper and ink. If we want to write a good composition, we have to correct it again and again. For example, we are writing a TEM4 composition by hand. we make many kinds of mistakes, so we have to waste a lot of paper while consummating it. However, if we write it by computer, we only need to revise it on a computer, without wasting any paper. Writing compositions by computer not only helps us search information, but also does good to thinking visually. Computer is really an excellent writing tool for us, which can help us explore our further writing.
2023-08-04 17:36:071

用适当的介词完成句子 What compositions are there ( ) television , ( ) newspaper or at you

on television, in newspaper
2023-08-04 17:36:162


With the booming information technology, more and more people begin to use computers. Computers are becoming one of the most important parts of our life. There are many arguments for and against the use of computers in everyday life. Some people say that computer make our life more convenient. While others say that they are bad for our health and waste our time. Firstly, Computers make our life easier. People can store a lot of files in the computers, such as documents, photos, even books. This saves our space at home and makes people easy to manage their documents. Also people can buy or know anything they want without going out on the internet through computers. In addition, many computers software benefit us a lot. For example, the Microsoft Word Processer makes you write an article much easier than you write with your hand. Secondly, computers entertain our life in many different ways. There are many entertainments we can do on the computers. Such as playing computer games, chatting with friends, E-mailing others, and so on. These entertainments all enrich our life. However, not all of the uses of computers are positive. Using a computer for a long time will be harmful for our health, especially for our eyes. The radiation of the computer screen hurt our eyes a lot. In addition, computers are bad for the growth of teenagers sometimes. Many teenagers lose themselves in the computer games or the internet. All these affect their daily study and waste their time. Some students play computer games overnight or for several days, this not only affect their study, but also their body health. To sum up, Computers make our life much easier and entertains us in many different ways, but long time use of the computers may affect our health and daily life. So it"s better to control the time of using computers and have a rest after use computer for several hours. .
2023-08-04 17:36:251

You are to hand in your compositions.中为什么用to hard?

You are to hand in your hand in递交。意思是:你要把你的作文交上去。
2023-08-04 17:36:441

International Journal of Science and Research怎么样

一般般的期刊,非sci收录 期刊简介如下:International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Calls for Unique, Unpublished research papers in Engineering, Management, Science and Mathematics. All submitted compositions are assessed by our Review board and Editorial board members utilizing twofold dazzle associate evaluation process. All compositions passing assessment stage will be published online once Author finishes the enrollment procedure. Papers must be composed in English, may as well have sound linguistic use and fitting terminologies. It is expected from Authors that they will check their compositions for written falsification test and determine they are submitting just extraordinary content for thought in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) publication. We attempt our best to assess every composition for its uniqueness, still if in future any composition considered breaking the copyright will be uprooted from International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) list without former perceive.
2023-08-04 17:36:521

______your compositions carefully and some spelling mistakes can be avoided. A.Having checke..

B 试题分析:句意:仔细检查你的作文,一些拼写错误都能避免。这里使用了固定句型“祈使句+and/or+简单句”,所以选B。
2023-08-04 17:36:591

高考英语问题 主谓一致

2023-08-04 17:37:082


55、赋得古原草送别 白居易
2023-08-04 17:37:193

International Journal of Science and Research怎么样

一般般的期刊,非sci收录、非EI收录,投稿时请谨慎 期刊简介如下: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Calls for Unique, Unpublished research papers in Engineering, Management, Science and Mathematics. All submitted compositions are assessed by our Review board and Editorial board members utilizing twofold dazzle associate evaluation process. All compositions passing assessment stage will be published online once Author finishes the enrollment procedure. Papers must be composed in English, may as well have sound linguistic use and fitting terminologies. It is expected from Authors that they will check their compositions for written falsification test and determine they are submitting just extraordinary content for thought in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) publication. We attempt our best to assess every composition for its uniqueness, still if in future any composition considered breaking the copyright will be uprooted from International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) list without former perceive.
2023-08-04 17:37:291

International Journal of Science and Research怎么样

2023-08-04 17:37:392


1.You have never been to Paris,have you? 2.I have already written ten compositions from last term .3.Have you eaten meal yet? Yes,I had a meal for half an hour.4.When his mother came back, he had finished the work already.5.The train already started when I arrived the station.
2023-08-04 17:38:113


1.the classroom is cleaned by him everday.2.their homework was finished by them3.his bike can be minded by me4.ten books will be bought by her tomorrow,5.they shouldn"t be allowed to go out with their friends6.we are often made laugh by the old man7.the trees are being watered by lucy8.our compositions have been finished by us.
2023-08-04 17:38:196


2023-08-04 17:38:361

you muet hand in your compositions after class改被动语态

your compositions must be handed in after class
2023-08-04 17:38:442


摘要 力学性能Al87Ni7RE6和devitrified非晶合金(稀土=铈,钕,香格里拉)的报告在这方面的工作。硬度 退火的样品在不同devitrification阶段决心和改进遵守所有成分 当铝纳米晶目前在非晶基体。进一步增加后发现的第二个转变,由于降水 一个未知的阶段Al87Ni7Nd6 。断裂表面产生拉伸试验非晶样品检查 同扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜,在剪切带,静脉模式和椎间盘突出 被视为。但没有迹象表明结晶在剪切带和静脉模式虽然其形状显示温度上升 在变形。另外,在冷轧样品的结晶过程中避免变形。 ? 2004年埃尔塞维尔B.诉保留所有权利。 PACS系统: 62.20.Fe ; 81.05.Kf 1 。导言 力学性能的Al -商标稀土(商标=转型 金属;稀土=稀土)非晶合金是一种 很重要的课题,鉴于潜在的应用 材料。最近的研究已经完成,以改善 知识不仅对硬度,弯曲韧性, 机械强度,耐磨性,而且还对 变形机理[ 1-5 ] 。众所周知, 该玻璃金属进行不均匀变形 在低温条件下可以看出,形成静脉 模式裂缝表面。的细节,变形 机制还没有完全概述。它 目前尚不清楚该事件引起当地核 孔洞,导致失败。此外,在拉伸和 弯曲试验,形成铝纳米观察 在透射电子显微镜的一些成分,但不是为别人 [ 6 ] ,在剪切带内静脉 模式。出于这个原因的TEM研究断口 生产的拉伸试验中概述了这项工作 其目的是控制结构变形后 和形状的静脉模式在高放大倍率。 三成分的选择( Al87Ni7Nd6 , Al87Ni7La6 , Al87Ni7Ce6 ) ,保持不变的比率 之间的要素,但不同稀土 元素。 退火铝商标稀土非晶合金铝 纳米晶体中嵌入玻璃基质生产 和改善力学性能 关于完全非晶材料是相关的 这个组织[ 7,8 ] 。的演变 硬度随温度 所达成的样品上述合金的研究 其目的是挑出的微观结构显示 更为有用的力学性能。
2023-08-04 17:39:191


自我介绍 作为现代社会交际的必要手段,是展示自己的重要平台,但自我介绍不仅是个人化的表达,同时更具有明确的社会功能。下面是我给大家整理的大一用 英语口语 自我介绍 范文 5篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 ↓▼↓ 更多“英 文自 我介绍 ”相关文 章推荐 ↓▼↓ ★ 大一英语自我介绍范文4篇 ★ 大学英语自我介绍范文五篇 ★ 大一用英语自我介绍范文 ★ 大一150字英语自我介绍作文 ★ 大一新生自我介绍英语的范文 大一用英语口语自我介绍篇一 Good morning ladies and gentlemen,I"m HuangDong from FuJian Province.It"s my pleasure to be here in front of you to introduce myself.I"m a freshman now studying in Materials Science and Engineering and I Just enter the university . About my character, I can"t describe it well, but generally speaking ,I am a hard_working student especially when I do the things I am interested in. And I am optimistic and confident. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I am not lonely, In my spare time,I often go shopping with my friends,surf on the Internet and do some sports,such as running,table tennis and roller_skating. I like badminton very much.I even got the 4th place in the badminton Competition in my school,which was a very glorious memory.But now since I"m faced with School and activities,I can"t spend too much time doing sports.But this busy life has also taught me how to balance between study and entertainment.Also I love English very much.I often write compositions to improve my witten ability, but I know my English is not good enough,I still need to make an effort. This is a brief introduction of myself.At last I really look forward to being admitted and becoming part of the class. Thank you very much. 大一用英语口语自我介绍篇二 good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is ___. it is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. generally speaking ,i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. furthermore,i am a person with great perserverence. during the days preparing for the colledge-entrance e_amination,i insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like.and just owning to this,i could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. well ,in my spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. and english is my favorate subject.i often go to english corner to practise my oral english on every thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but i know my english is not good enough ,i will continue studying hard. ok, that is all,thank you for your attention. 大一用英语口语自我介绍篇三 A new semester approaching, we stand on a new starting point, faced with greater challenges, I am well aware that this is not an easy way to take, but Once we mastered the knack of this, it is e_citing to wait for the better tomorrow. After the study, in order to have a correct direction, I devised a study plan. First, there must be confidence, confidence is the first secret of success, both in life and in learning, self-confidence is crucial. No matter how tomorrow, but today has come, grasp this is the most sen sible choice. No matter how great the gap between themselves and others, but to enter the second semester, and it is a new beginning, always believe they can be successful. 大一用英语口语自我介绍篇四 Hello, everybody, let me introduce myself a minute you know me, know me and accept me. I am from Shandong ___, 20 years old this year, my hometown in Chongqing, Sichuan has given me straightforward character, and yet steady, then the long journey to the city of Nanjing to study. In fact, when the first came to college to learn with a certain ideal of my heart out, some depressed at first, but after some time, I recognize the truth, it is optimistic about the Internet Professional. "The 21st century is the century of network interconnection." This remark is not false, as the Internet"s development, it has stuck for the 21st century to take off. Later, interest in continuous culture process, I began to become interested in the Internet the ne_t three years, I will continue to progress in the study spent. 大一用英语口语自我介绍篇五 I selected proper fairs held in Europe carefully via a powerful tool online and dealt with its procedures and coordinated work planning, implemented resolutions. I registered and arranged hotel and air ticket booking for our clients, translating & filing letters and collecting required documentations for future visa-application. We provide complete solutions to meet our clients" demand. I left the company for a great escape cos" I felt so tired and e_hausted. I then went to Ginde Pipeline Group and Yuandai Group for a couple of months as a formal translator. Frankly the benefits and remuneration there were acceptable. But I didn"t feel rela_ed or say happy with the job. I resigned and grasped the the life-changing opportunity. I was fortunately picked up to act as an interpreter and assistant to an entrepreneur to pay a business visit to Charlotte, NC, USA on Sept. 2006. I completed the mission successfully. I got the B1/B2 Visa to USA for one year multi-entry. On Oct. 14, 2006, I boarded on the flight CA-983 from Peking to Los Angeles. After the 15 hrs long flight and jet lag, I arrived in LA_ on time and started the new life in America. I"ve been travelling over 30 cities, 20 states around the country. I love New York, I love Chicago, I love Las Vegas and I love USA. Now, I"m back to my motherland and on my way to prosperous future. This is me, a man who never stops going forward! Thank you! 大一用英语口语自我介绍范文相关 文章 : ★ 大一用英语口语自我介绍 ★ 大学英语口语自我介绍范文 ★ 英语口语考试自我介绍范文6篇 ★ 大学英语口语比赛自我介绍的范文 ★ 大一新生英语自我介绍范文 ★ 大学英语口语比赛自我介绍范例 ★ 大学英语口语自我介绍范文 ★ 大学简单的用英语口试自我介绍 ★ 大学英语口语比赛自我介绍范文 ★ 大学英语口语比赛自我介绍范文 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-08-04 17:39:401


英语从句的读法如下:1、When he was still a little boy,Jack London wrote some compositions which were praised by his teachers.读为:杰克·伦敦还是小孩时,他写的一些作文就受到老师的赞赏。(不宜读为:他就写受到老师赞扬的作文)。2、I met the boatman who then took me across the ferry.读为:我遇到了那位船夫,他将我渡到对岸。(不宜读为:我遇到那位将我渡到对岸的船夫)。3、While they were waiting there,a dog from one of the houses down the road began a wild,hoarse howl that continued until a voice called out and hushed him.读为:他们正在那儿等时,从路边一幢房屋窜出的一条狗开始狂吠不止,直到有人出来喝住,它才停下来。(不宜读为:一条狗开始了直到有人出来喝住才停止的狂吠)。4、 In the torchlight,he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkines,our local grocer.读为:借着电筒的亮光,他看见一个人影,马上认出是当地杂货商比尔·威尔金斯。(不宜译为:他看见马上认出的是当地杂货商比尔·威尔金斯的影子)。5、The snake catches the toad that eats the insect that nibbles the green leaves that grow on the branches.遇到这种一个从句扣一个从句的句子,汉语只有以简驭繁:断句。读为:蛇吃癞蛤蟆,癞蛤蟆吃虫子,虫子吃生长在树枝上的绿叶子。
2023-08-04 17:39:501

Mrs Smith made her students ____the compositions three times a week A write B to write C writing

2023-08-04 17:40:064


" I am glad to receive your letter. Certainly I am pleased to offer you some advice on learning the English language. It is vital that you do not lose interest easily.Many students find it hard in learning the language, especially in writing good compositions. In my opinion, if you want to improve your writen English, you should learn by heart as much expressions and styles as possible, and then apply them in your compositions. Memorizing the grammar alone is not enough. You must read and write a lot to be an effective learner/writer. To achieve this goal, the most important step you should take is to write every day without giving up."
2023-08-04 17:40:212

英文翻译 急...........

a year has passed, I will be a student in grade 7. In order to summarize my acdemic achievements, I have made a collection of English compositions. My English teacher told us to read more, write more and listen more. So everytime when I wrote compositions, I was very serious. I believe my level of English would be better and better.手打的哈。。。
2023-08-04 17:40:324


2023-08-04 17:40:402


D.16.The teacher ______ him to look up the word in the dictionary.A. hoped B. made C. suggested D. advisedB.17.The Greens _____ table when I went in.A. were at B. was at C. were around D. was aroundA.18. Mr. Brown has lived in this street ____ he came to the city in 1990. A. since B. after C. when D. beforeD.19.The professor you want to see is _____ an important experiment now.A. moving on B. working out C. keeping on D. working onA.20.You should avoid _____ so many spelling mistakes in your compositions.A. making B. to make C. to be making D. being madeC.21.Many young people read the English newspaper named The 21st Century ______ improve their English.A. as to B. so that C. in order to D. in order thatA.22.What books do you think are _____ for 6-year-old children?A. suitable B. able C. comfortable D. interestedA.23.Einstein liked to play _____ violin in his spare time.A. the B. / C. a D someD.24. ______ the letter and I"ll see whom it was written to.A. When read B. Reading C. If you read D. Read A.25.The meat in the fridge, ______ is very fresh, is enough for all of us.A. much of which B. many of which C. much of them D. many of themA.26.We should study hard in order to make contributions _____ our motherland.A. for B. with C. into D. toC.27.I have a lot of work _____ so I can"t go with you.A. doing B. be done C. to do C. to be doneB.28.In our country, sales of cigarettes have risen ____ 25% in the last five years.A. in B. by C. to D. upA.29. We were all ______ when we heard the ______ news.A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excitedC.30. Most of the students" time is spent in class _____.A. for study B. to study C. studying D. to studying
2023-08-04 17:41:011


2023-08-04 17:41:212

Effects of Mixing

A very simple w ay of producing a brine is to take a halite-saturated solution and mix it w ith fresh w ater. The end result w ill be a fluid having a TDS of approximately 150 g / L or so. The ultimate source of chloride,of course,w as the original halite-saturated solution,but the end result of mixing is to produce a much larger volume of hypersaline fluids. This may seem like a trivial w ord game,but it is not. Most fluids in sedimentary basins probably represent blends of various endmembers,and it is likely that the mixing w hich occurs as a result of physical intermingling of fluids as they flow through the complex pore system of a pile of sediments is one of the single most important controls on the salinity and chemical composition of subsurface pore fluids. Waters in direct contact w ith salt are presumably saturated w ith respect to halite and have salinities of 300 g / L or more. As a result of fluid migration and mixing,how ever,a much larger volume of sediment around the dome is filled w ith brine.It is believed that it is more than coincidence that the average salinities of pore fluids in the zone of active halite dissolution in the south Louisiana Gulf Coast are in the range of 125 - 150 g / L. This is roughly a 50∶ 50 mix of halite-saturated brine and fresh w ater. A case can be made for the entire upper few kilometer of this part of the Gulf Coast sedimentary basin being a large and complex mixing zone.While w e are talking about mixing,it w ould be useful to introduce the concepts of conservative and non-conservative behavior during mixing. If during mixing of tw o or more endmember w ater compositions,there are no processes other than physical mixing that affect the concentration of a particular dissolved species, then that species is said to behave in a conservative manner. If,how ever,such processes as precipitation or dissolution or biological uptake also affect the concentration of the dissolved species during mixing,then the species is said to behave in a non-conservative manner. One w ay to test for conservative behavior is to plot the concentration of the species of interest against a know n conservative property of the mixture of solutions. Tw o conservative properties w ill produce a linear plot. Non-linearity can be taken as evidence for non-conservative behavior. Dissolved chloride is often chosen as the conservative reference parameter because in many halite-free environments few processes other than mixing affect its concentration.
2023-08-04 17:41:301