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There were talking_____ . A in whisper B whisper C whispered D in whispers

2023-08-04 18:44:00
TAG: were rs talk

There were talking_____ . A in whisper B whisper C whispered D in whispers


【in whispers】固定词组【耳语 】






选D,句意为:他们在小声谈话。in whispers=in a whisper=in a low voice 低声地,是固定搭配。


求:Tina Dico的Whispers这首歌完整歌词及翻译

如果你给我自由 如果你真的爱我 满足我的要求吧 如果你真的爱我 满足我的要求吧 如果你渴望我拥抱我如果你渴望我拥抱我..
2023-08-04 16:42:221


2023-08-04 16:42:344


语序为:my heart ,listen to the whispers……主语 my heartit 指代 the word
2023-08-04 16:43:076

呼喊与细语(Cries and Whispers)

2017年4月8日,这是我来到上海的第12天,我渐渐习惯了这个城市,也慢慢开启我对上海工作和生活的探索。我希望未来的自己温柔而细腻,热烈并奔放,像喜欢糖葫芦的孩童拥有爽朗笑声,亦如Office Lady 一般知性能干。 我在这个城市许下生活的期许,好好工作,好好生活!所以在工作后的第一个周末,我用了一下午的时间开启了我融入新城市的篇章。我在豆瓣上搜集感兴趣的活动,查好路线,穿着舒适的衣服像个欢脱的兔子一般蹦跶蹦跶的出门。然而,整个一下午我的心情都有一点点down,是因为牙痛嘴难开?抑或三盒107元的止痛消炎药?(药太尼玛贵啦~心塞),大概是因为这部上映于1972年古老的瑞典电影吧——《Cries and Whispers》,观看过程中一度情不自禁地内流满面~ 《Cries and Whispers》中文译作《呼喊与细语》,讲述三姐妹艾格尼丝、卡琳、玛丽亚以及一位女仆Anna的故事,电影整体基调忧伤,但有着镜头稀少的温馨和爱。三姐妹之间看似互相关爱,各人内心却有着积重难返的隔膜和疏离,卡琳和玛丽亚与他们的丈夫之间维持着虚假的“相敬如宾”的关系。艾格尼丝身患绝症,每天挣扎在垂死的边缘,痛苦的呼喊,看着很让人心生悲悯。周一清晨,她在日记中这样写道:x月x日,今天早上我非常痛苦,安娜和我的两个妹妹轮流照顾我。事实上我觉得自始至终只有女仆安娜一直陪伴着她,给她母亲般的爱和关怀。玛丽亚是三姐妹中最得母亲宠爱的孩子,也因此遭到姐妹的嫉妒。玛丽亚拥有可爱的孩子,善良的丈夫,可以说她会是幸福的女人,但是她对爱很贪婪,她还想得到情人的爱,越是拥有爱,越是对爱贪婪。卡琳的生活更加压抑,与丈夫是“最熟悉的陌生人”,与姐妹之间的关系也处于冷淡,常常自虐寻找快感。而大姐艾格尼丝,从小对自己的母亲有着复杂的爱,在她濒临死亡之际,一度想让关系紧张的卡琳和玛丽亚变得亲密,但事与愿违。导演英格玛.伯格曼塑造的人物性格都偏向极端,尤其是卡琳和玛丽亚,她们想摆脱生活的阴影,重新拉近彼此的心,但和好的愿望太过遥远,隔膜似乎不可打破。 艾格尼丝因为癌症的折磨痛苦呻吟,那一声声喘息揪着我的心,也压抑着我的呼吸,但是那种痛苦是我不能体会的,抑是她的妹妹们无法感受到的,真正能够感受她的痛苦和悲伤的,在我看来只有女仆安娜。而安娜长期陪伴艾格尼丝,给予她母亲般的爱和疼惜,即使在艾格尼丝因为癌症全身腐烂发臭时,安娜也会去亲吻她,安抚她,这声声细语是爱、是温情,帮助艾格尼丝舒缓病痛的折磨。另外,艾格尼丝的痛苦还源自姐妹之间的隔膜,她希望卡琳和玛丽亚能够重归于好,更加珍爱彼此,直到她死去这一愿望也没达成。卡琳与丈夫的关系处于僵局,逐渐开始自虐而且不能忍受任何人的触摸,她痛苦的过活着,一度想过自杀;她外表冷漠,言辞犀利,她会直言道出玛丽亚的虚伪、冷漠和风骚;但同时她也希望能跟玛丽亚变得亲密,可是她却用言语伤害玛丽亚,并为自己的言辞道歉求原谅,但是伤害像泼出去的水——收不回。卡琳矛盾极端的性格造就歇斯底里的哀嚎,同时也有无助的婴儿的啼哭。玛丽亚幼时深得母亲喜爱,却得不到姐妹之间的亲密,她守着丈夫的温情又贪恋情人的爱,周旋其中只会二者尽失。 呼喊,同痛苦、愤怒、无力、孤独、内疚等消极的情感状态相关;细语,则与温柔、爱、怜悯、亲密等积极的情感状态联系在一起。英格玛.伯格曼导演用唯美纯情的远景画面以及真实的人物表情的刻画将这“呼喊”与“细语”,简单和复杂的情感交织在一起,再配上莫扎特的钢琴协奏曲,完整深刻的呈现了人与人之间、肉体与灵魂之间的隔膜,以及贯穿其中的小小的温情。 我想以最温情的一句话作这篇随笔的结语,因为我相信爱和温暖依旧存在。 “安娜慢慢地、轻轻地推秋千,我所有的痛苦都消散了,世界上我最爱的人都和我在一起。”
2023-08-04 16:43:221

急 求哈利波特与凤凰社中的英文对白

2023-08-04 16:43:323


2023-08-04 16:43:447

急!!求 :仓木麻衣的三首歌的中文歌词

Just A Little Bit 情况 就好比能将形状记忆住般马上就会回复原状 不应该是这样的啊受困于感情而独自一个人哭泣其实也没什么不好从这开始 将会变成最好的时机要相信自己just a little bit 即使是just a little bit 讨厌的事don"t you like me?don"t you like me just a little bit?just a little bit 只要将观点just a little bit 改变的话don"t you like me?don"t you like me just a little bit?遮起手 看著高挂的太阳让我早一步看见 你那无聊的藉口连我最关心的事物都忘了接下来 让我们将真诚的心展现出来勇敢迈步吧just a little bit 不要害怕just a little bit 所有的一切don"t you like me?don"t you like me just a little bit?just a little bit 想试著just a little bit 跳脱出来看看don"t you like me?don"t you like me just a little bit?just a little bit 我已just a little bit 有所觉悟don"t you like me?don"t you like me just a little bit?just a little bit 让我们从现在开始just a little bit 起飞吧don"t you like me?don"t you like me just a little bit?你在期待些什么呢? 你有伸展出你的情报网吗?将心情转换一下吧! 重要的是你的心啊!即使没有任何改变就算再怎么艰辛的事也好只要拥有自信连烦恼都能消失不见的just a little bit 哭泣的just a little bit 开怀大笑吧don"t you like me?don"t you like me just a little bit?just a little bit 抬头仰望just a little bit 天空don"t you like me?don"t you like me just a little bit? Never gonna give you up [ti:Never gonna give you up 永不放弃你][ar:Rick Astley][al:][by:flyingsoil][00:02]Never Gonna Give You Up 永不放弃你[00:16]Rick Astley[00:19]我们并非相爱的陌生人[00:23]你知道规则我也一样[00:27]一份完全的义务正是我所想[00:31]你再不会从其他男人那得到这个[00:35]我只是想告诉你我的感觉[00:40]想让你明白CHORUS:[03:16][02:59][02:42][01:43][01:25][00:43]永不放弃你,不让你失望[03:21][03:03][02:46][01:47][01:30][00:47]永不会弃你而去[03:07][02:50][01:51][01:34][00:52]永不让你哭泣,永不说再见[03:12][02:55][02:50][01:55][01:38][00:56]永不撒谎,不伤害你[01:01]我们已相识许久[01:05]你的心在痛你只是羞于开口[01:09]心中我们都清楚发生的一切[01:13]我们知道这个游戏并决定参与其中[01:17]如果你问我我的感觉[01:23]不要告诉我你熟视无睹CHORUSCHORUS[02:00](哦 放弃你)[02:04](哦 放弃你)[02:09](哦) 永不, 永不 (放弃你)[02:13](哦) 永不, 永不 (放弃你)[02:17]我们已相识许久[02:21]你的心在痛你只是羞于开口[02:26]心中我们都清楚发生的一切[02:30]我们知道这个游戏并决定参与其中[02:34]我只想告诉你我的感觉[02:39]让你明白[03:27]The End -- flyingsoil Everything"s All Right Everything"s gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonightI could change the world that move the mountain for you在夕阳下只有一个人听着你的声音想要再靠近一点 想要感觉这种心情Always go ahead And give me a chance好几次接起电话在瞬间所传达的不是平常的我Everything"s gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonightI could change the world that move the mountain for youEverything"s gonna be all right If you wanna get down tonightI could change the world that move the mountain for you总是在这不一样的早晨为我多待一会儿渐渐地喜欢伤痛 总是会被嘲笑Always go ahead And give me a chance是死党喔毫不在意的温暖 总是会被迫停止的No matter what you say No matter what you doThings are always gonna be the sameI need you here By my sideWithout you In my Life I just cry罗:Everything"s all right If you wanna get down tonight I could change the world that move the mountain for you yuugure ni tada hitori anatano koe ga kikitakute motto sobani ite hoshikute kono kimochi kizuite hoshii Always go ahead And give me a chance nandomo juwaki nigirishimeta kono shunkan tsutaetai itsumono watashi janaikara Everything"s all right If you wanna get down tonight I could change the world that move the mountain for you Everything"s all right If you wanna get down tonight I could change the world that move the mountain for you itsumo to chigau asaga kitto matteite kureru hazusa suki ni natte kizutsuitemo itsukawa warai aeruyone Always go ahead And give me a chance toki ga mikata shite kureruyo sarigenai yasashisade itsukawa uketomerareruyo No matter what you say No matter what you do Things are always gonna be the same I need you here By my side Without you In my life I just cry
2023-08-04 16:44:012


The Prince of Egypt God: With this staff, you shall do my wonders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God: [whispering] Moses... Moses: Here I am. God: Take the sandals from your feet, Moses, for the place on which you stand is holy ground. Moses: Who are you? God: I am that I am. Moses: I don"t understand. God: I am the God of your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Miriam: [disembodied] You are born of my mother Yocheved! You are our brother! [Moses quickly removes his sandals and throws them behind him] Moses: What do you want with me? Moses: I have seen the oppression of my people in Egypt, and have heard their cry. [sound of screams and cracking whips] God: So I shall stretch forth my hand, and lead them out of Egypt, into a good land. A land flowing with milk and honey. And so, unto Pharaoh, I shall send... you. Moses: Me? W-who am I to lead these people? They won"t follow me, they won"t even listen! God: I shall be with you, and teach you what to say. Moses: [disembodied] Let my people go! Moses: But I was their enemy. I was the prince of Egypt, the son of the man who slaughtered... their *children*! You"ve chosen the wrong messenger! H-how can I even speak to these people? God: WHO MADE MAN"S MOUTH? WHO MADE THE DEAF, THE MUTE, THE SEEING OR THE BLIND? DID NOT I? NOW GO! [Moses falls to the ground, cowering] God: [soothing, lifting Moses up] Oh, Moses, I shall be with you when you go to the king of Egypt. But Pharaoh will not listen. So I will stretch forth my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders! Take the staff in your hand, Moses. With it, *you* shall do *my* wonders. [whispers] God: I will be with you.大概意思埃及王子上帝:这职员,你将尽我的奇迹。 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 上帝: [小声]摩西... 摩西:我这里。 上帝:以凉鞋从你的脚下,摩西,为地方上你的立场是圣地。 摩西:你是谁? 上帝:我,我。 摩西:我不明白。 上帝:我的上帝,你的祖先,亚伯拉罕,以撒和雅各。 刘健仪: [ disembodied ]您正在诞生的Yocheved我的母亲!你们是我们的兄弟! [摩西迅速消除他的凉鞋和全他们身后] 摩西:你想要什么吗? 摩西:我看到的压迫我国人民在埃及,并听取他们的呼声。 [声音,尖叫声和打击皮鞭] 上帝:所以我提出应伸展我的手,带领他们离开埃及,进入一个良好的土地。土地流动的牛奶和蜂蜜。所以,你们法老王,我将发送...您。 摩西:我吗?的W -我是谁导致这些人?他们不会跟着我,他们甚至不会听! 上帝:我将与你,并教你该说些什么。 摩西: [ disembodied ]让我的人民走! 摩西:不过,我是他们的敌人。我是埃及王子的儿子,谁该名男子宰杀...他们*儿童* !您已选择了错误的使者!氢怎么能说我什至对这些人吗? 上帝:城域网人的嘴?谁把聋子,静音,在看到或盲目?没有我?现在就去! [摩西落在地上,缩成一团] 上帝: [抚慰,解除了摩西]噢,摩西,我将与你时,你去埃及国王。但是,法老不会听。所以,我提出将伸展我的手,挝埃及与我所有的奇迹!采取工作人员在你的手,摩西。有了它,你* * *将尽我的*奇迹。 [小声] 上帝:我将与你同在。
2023-08-04 16:44:221


He comes from a foreign place 他来自国外An island far away 一个遥远的小岛上Intrigues me with every move 他的每个举动都能引起我的兴趣Til I"m breathless, I"m helpless 是我不能呼吸使我感到无助Can"t keep my cool 我不能在他面前保持冷静Steals my heart when he takes my hand 当他握住我的手时也偷走了我的心And we dance to the rhythm of the band 当我们随着乐队的节奏跳舞Feel his fingertips grip my hips 感到他的指尖抓住了我的臀部And I slip as we dip into a state of bliss 然后我逐渐沉沦好像我们坠入了天堂之中Mami used to warn me to beware those latin lovers 妈妈曾警告我对那些拉丁情人要保持警觉Said I gave my heart too soon 说我太容易爱上他们了(太快的把心献出就是这个意思吧)And that"s how I became your mother 这就是我如何成为了你的母亲Said ay mama, you seem to forget 妈妈,你似乎忘了I"m not in love yet 我还没恋爱Sweet talk don"t win me over 甜言蜜语比没有战胜我But I realize 当我明白了Big brown eyes I"m hypnotized 我被那双棕色的眼睛催眠了When he says 当他说"I am full blood BORICUA" 我是纯种的Boricua(貌似纽约有个Boricua大学,实在不会翻译)Read the tattoo on his arm 看到他胳膊上的纹身He tells me "Mami, I need ya!" 他告诉我“妈妈,我也想要”And my heartbeat pumps so strong 我的心跳是如此激烈Getting lost in a ritmo 在RITMO(据百度说是节奏拍汽车)中迷失He whispers "Te quiero" 他在我耳边轻声说“我爱你”Te quiero 我爱你I begin to give in with no hesitation 我开始屈服了,开始不再犹豫Can"t help my infatuation 情不自禁的对他着迷It"s pure infatuation 这是真正的热恋Skin the color of cinnamon 肉桂色的肤色(是不是应该是古铜色的皮肤)His eyes light up (和)他明亮的眼睛And I"m filled within 使我Feels so good it must be a sin 感觉美妙的像是在犯罪I can"t stop what I started I"m giving in 我不能停下我刚刚开始的一切,我屈服了He brings life to my fantasies 他为我使我的幻想变得鲜活Sparks a passion inside of me 点燃我内心的激情Finds the words and I cannot speak 找不出词来说出我的感受In the silence, his heartbeat is music to me 沉默中,他的心跳就是美妙的乐器Mami used to warn me not to rush love with another 妈妈曾警告我不要急着恋爱Said I"m not trying to lecture 说我不是想讲道理I just care about my daughter 我只是关心我的女儿Ay mama, you seem to forget 但妈妈你似乎忘了I never will let 我永远不会让A man control my emotions一个男人控制我的感情 When he smiles 当他笑I feel like a little child 我感觉像是个小孩When he says 当他说"I am full blood BORICUA" “我是纯种的Boricua”Read the tattoo on his arm 看到他胳膊上的纹身He tells me "Mami, I need ya!" 他告诉我“妈妈我也想要”And my heartbeat pumps so strong 我的心跳如此激烈Getting lost in a ritmo 在节奏摩托车中迷失He whispers "Te quiero" 他在我耳畔轻喃“我爱你”(这多有意境)Te quiero 我爱你I begin to give in with no hesitation 我开始屈服开始不再犹豫Can"t help my infatuation 开始情不自禁地迷恋上他It"s pure infatuation 这是真正的热恋Caught between my mother"s words 被我妈妈的话言中了And what I feel inside 我内心所想的Wanting to explore his world 是想要探索出他的话真假But part of me wants to hide 但我心里却想要将这一切掩藏Should I risk it 我是否应该冒险?Can"t resist it 我不能反抗This has caught me by surprise 他用惊喜吸引了我Should I let him take me to Puerto Rico 我是否应该让他带我去波多黎各I can"t hold back no more 我不能再退缩了Let"s go tonight 我们今晚就走吧Can"t help my infatuation 我情不自禁地迷恋上他"I am full blood BORICUA" “我是纯种的Boricua”Read the tattoo on his arm 看到他胳膊上的纹身He tells me "Mami, I need ya!" 他说“妈妈,我也要”And my heartbeat pumps so strong 我心跳变得如此激烈Getting lost in a ritmo 在节奏摩托车中迷失He whispers "Te quiero" 他在我耳畔轻喃“我爱你”Te quiero 我爱你I begin to give in with no hesitation 我开始屈服开始不再犹豫Can"t help my infatuation 情不自禁迷恋上他It"s pure infatuation 这是真正的热恋Can"t help my infatuation It"s pure infatuation (Infatuation)
2023-08-04 16:44:291

i knew you were trouble 全英文歌词

2023-08-04 16:44:393


挺明显的第五元素吧 稍微改了改那种
2023-08-04 16:44:563


2023-08-04 16:45:0811

Small whispers是什么意思

Small whispers.
2023-08-04 16:47:205

Careless Whispers 歌词

歌曲名:Careless Whispers歌手:Paulo Ricardo专辑:Paulo Ricardo Ao VivoBarry Manilow - Careless WhisperI feel so unsureAs I take your hand and lead you to the dance floorAs the music dies, something in your eyesCalls to mind the silver screenAnd all its sad good-byesI"m never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThough it"s easy to pretendI know your not a foolShould"ve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste the chance that I"ve been givenSo I"m never gonna dance againThe way I danced with youTime can never mendThe careless whispers of a good friendTo the heart and mindIgnorance is kindThere"s no comfort in the truthPain is all you"ll findI"m never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThough it"s easy to pretendI know your not a foolShould"ve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste this chance that I"ve been givenSo I"m never gonna dance againThe way I danced with youNever without your loveTonight the music seems so loudI wish that we could lose this crowdMaybe it"s better this wayWe"d hurt each other with the things we"d want to sayWe could have been so good togetherWe could have lived this dance foreverBut no one"s gonna dance with mePlease stayAnd I"m never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThough it"s easy to pretendI know your not a foolShould"ve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste the chance that I"ve been givenSo I"m never gonna dance againThe way I danced with you
2023-08-04 16:47:481

Careless Whispers 歌词

歌曲名:Careless Whispers歌手:Maxi Priest专辑:Fe RealBarry Manilow - Careless WhisperI feel so unsureAs I take your hand and lead you to the dance floorAs the music dies, something in your eyesCalls to mind the silver screenAnd all its sad good-byesI"m never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThough it"s easy to pretendI know your not a foolShould"ve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste the chance that I"ve been givenSo I"m never gonna dance againThe way I danced with youTime can never mendThe careless whispers of a good friendTo the heart and mindIgnorance is kindThere"s no comfort in the truthPain is all you"ll findI"m never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThough it"s easy to pretendI know your not a foolShould"ve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste this chance that I"ve been givenSo I"m never gonna dance againThe way I danced with youNever without your loveTonight the music seems so loudI wish that we could lose this crowdMaybe it"s better this wayWe"d hurt each other with the things we"d want to sayWe could have been so good togetherWe could have lived this dance foreverBut no one"s gonna dance with mePlease stayAnd I"m never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThough it"s easy to pretendI know your not a foolShould"ve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste the chance that I"ve been givenSo I"m never gonna dance againThe way I danced with you
2023-08-04 16:47:551

in whispers 等于in a whisper吗

2023-08-04 16:48:453

唯爱的插曲《Cool Whispers》中文歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 要准确的~~ 解析: Cool Whispers drift from the north on the night. 清冷的哭诉在夜间从北面飘来 Yet you warm my heart for we hold the light. 但我们交握着这团光 你温暖着我的心 The land must fade from green into white. 大地肯定已经褪去绿色 一片雪白了吧 Hush my heart this love is a fire. 这份爱情是温暖的火 让我的心情变得宁静 This love will burn like a fire. 这份爱一定会如同火一般燃烧不息 Lie side by side in the soft winter white. 并肩躺在这松软的冬日积雪上 Hold me close to you as we brace for flight. 抱紧我吧 仿如我们就要一起飞翔 In time I pray they"ll see what we feel. 彼时我祈祷着他们会理解我们的感受 Gentle love this pain wont retire. 温柔的爱却无法退却心中的疼痛 This love must burn like a fire. 这份爱一定会如火一般燃烧不息 Close your eyes and dream what I see, 请你闭上眼睛 想象着我所看到的 peace for a moment the future unclear. 此刻如此宁静 未来却模糊不清 Hand by hand as we stand on the wire, 手牵手 仿如站在钢丝上 the ending so near our start close behind. 终点就在前方但来路却已关闭 Light bends through trees, leaves spiral and wind. 光亮透过树丛 树叶盘旋落下 We"re far from here and frozen in time. 我们远离了世俗 时光暂时凝滞 Cool Whispers drift from the north on the night. 清冷的哭诉在夜间从北面飘来 Yet you warm my heart for we hold the light. 但我们交握着这团光 你温暖着我的心 The land must fade from green into white. 大地肯定已经褪去绿色 一片雪白了吧 Hush my heart this love is a fire. 这份爱情是温暖的火 让我的心情变得宁静 This love will burn like a fire. 这份爱一定会如火一般燃烧不息
2023-08-04 16:48:521

Yannis Parios的《Here》 歌词

歌曲名:Here歌手:Yannis Parios专辑:Epithesi AgapisI like,Where we are,When we drive,In your car.I like,Where we are;Here.Cause our lips,Can touch,And our cheeks,Can brush.Our lips,Can touch;Here.When you are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers "Hello, I"ve missed you quite terribly."I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.That there"s no where else I could be but here in your arms.I like,Where you sleep,When you sleep,Next to me.I like,Where you sleep;Here.Our lips,Can touch,And our cheeks,Can brush.Cause our lips,Can touch;Here.When you are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers "Hello, I"ve missed you quite terribly."I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.That there"s nowhere else I could be but here in your arms.Our lips,Can touch.Our lips,Can touch;Here.You are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers "Hello, I"ve missed you quite terribly."I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.That there"s nowhere else I could be but here in your arms.You are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers “Hello, I miss you qu-- I miss you qu--.”I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.That there"s no where else I could be but here in your arms.Here in your armsHere in your arms
2023-08-04 16:49:001


softly英 [u02c8su0252ftli] 美 [u02c8su0254:ftli] adv.柔和地;柔软地;静静地;温和地比较级: more softly 最高级: most softlywhisper英 [u02c8wu026aspu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8hwu026aspu025a,u02c8wu026as-] vt.私语;低声说;密谈,密谋坏事;私下说vi.耳语;沙沙地响;密谈n.低语,耳语;飒飒声;[医]嗫音;传闻第三人称单数: whispers 现在分词: whispering 过去式: whispered 过去分词: whispered
2023-08-04 16:49:081

Prince的《Here》 歌词

歌曲名:Here歌手:Prince专辑:Lotusflow3R/MplsoundI like,Where we are,When we drive,In your car.I like,Where we are;Here.Cause our lips,Can touch,And our cheeks,Can brush.Our lips,Can touch;Here.When you are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers "Hello, I"ve missed you quite terribly."I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.That there"s no where else I could be but here in your arms.I like,Where you sleep,When you sleep,Next to me.I like,Where you sleep;Here.Our lips,Can touch,And our cheeks,Can brush.Cause our lips,Can touch;Here.When you are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers "Hello, I"ve missed you quite terribly."I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.That there"s nowhere else I could be but here in your arms.Our lips,Can touch.Our lips,Can touch;Here.You are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers "Hello, I"ve missed you quite terribly."I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.That there"s nowhere else I could be but here in your arms.You are the one, the one that lies close to me.Whispers “Hello, I miss you qu-- I miss you qu--.”I fell in love, in love with you suddenly.That there"s no where else I could be but here in your arms.Here in your armsHere in your arms
2023-08-04 16:49:151

Cool Whispers的中文意思

2023-08-04 16:49:442

仓木麻衣《NEVER GONNAN GIVE YOU UP》日文、中文、罗马拼音歌词

  4th Single 2000.06.07  NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP  1 NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP  作曲:Michael Africk,Miguel Sa Pessoa,Perry Geyer 作词:仓木麻衣  2 Trying To Find My Way  作曲:大野爱果 作词:仓木麻衣  3 NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP -It"s On Tonight Remix-  Remix by DJ ME-YA  4 NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP~Instrumental~  GZCA-1034 ¥1,260 GIZA studio  ===============================  NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP日文、中文歌词及罗马拼音:  Never gonna give you up  Never gonna let you down…  Can you 気づいてる?  こんなにも Crazy over you  君にめぐり逢った その瞬间から  Together we share this love so strong  Whenever you touch my body  言叶にならない  Cause the love you give"s so good  Whispers that you love me  心で感じたい  I can feel your touch inside  There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  You know There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  目覚めた心が 溢れてく So much more  I dream of you every night  伤ついてもいい 同じ梦を见たいから  Whenever you touch my body  信じていたいよ  Cause the love you give"s so good  Whispers that you love me  君の声だけは  I can feel your touch inside  repeat  [Rap]  I can see it in your eyes what your sayin  Believe in me, girl you know I ain"t playin  In love with you from the very start  Beyond a shadow of a doubt never gonna break your heart  You freak me out when we"re hangin at night  And you whisper the words "baby I Like"  There"s one thing in life I can gurantee  From Mike A. to Mai K. forever will be  There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  You know There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  ===================================  Never gonna give you up  Never gonna let you down  Can you 意识到吗?  如此的 Crazy over you  和你相遇的那一瞬间  Together we share this love so strong  Whenever you touch my body  不准说话  Cause the love you give"s so good  Whispers that you love me  内心的感觉  I can feel you touch inside  There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  You know There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  觉醒的心  充满着 So much more  I dream of you every night  即使受伤也好  做着相同的梦  Whenever you touch my body  相信吧  Cause the love you give"s so good  Whispers that you love me  只有你的声音是  I can feel touch inside  There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  You know There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  [Rap]  I can see it in you eyes what you sayin  Believe in me, girl you know I ain"t playin  In love with you from the very start  beyond a shadow of a doubt never gonna break you heart  You freak me out when we"re hangin at night  And you whisper the words "baby I Like"  There"s one thing in life I can guarantee  from Mike A. to Mai K. forever will be  There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  You know There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  ============================  Never gonna give you up  Never gonna let you down  Can you kizuiteru?  konnanimo Crazy over you  kimi ni meguri atta sono shunkan kara  Together we share this love so strong  Whenever you touch my body  kotoba ni naranai  Cause the love you give"s so good  Whispers that you love me  kokoro de kanjitai  I can feel your touch inside  There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  You know There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  mezameta kokoro ga  afureteku So much more  I dream of you every night  kizutsuitemo ii  onaji yume wo mitaikara  Whenever you touch my body  shinjite itaiyo  Cause the love you give"s so good  Whispers that you love me  kimi no koe dakewa  I can feel your touch inside  There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  You know There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  You know There is nothing I won"t do  In this life I"ll wait for you Yeah  Never gonna give you up  Never gonna let you down
2023-08-04 16:49:511


That original feeling never went away 最初的感觉从未远离, That"s why I"m standing here today. 于是我一直站在这里。 WhoaWhoa So many up and downs 人生有如此多的起伏, And nothing has changed 可这感觉从未改变, That"s why you know I"m here to stay. 于是我一直在这里等待。 Whoa Whoa So put your arms around me And then stay there forever 挽住我的手,永远留在我身边。 Let it always be this way You and me together 让我们就这样永远的在一起。 So put you arms around me And I"ll never let go 挽住我的手,我不会让你走, I know they"re easy words to say 我知道这说起来很简单, But I mean it more then ever 但是对我来说比什么都重要。 Yours is the kind of love makes nothing else feel good enough 没有什么比你的爱让我感觉更好。 And I"m never gonna give you up, 所以我绝不会放弃你。 Oh no, Oh no. That original feeling never went away 最初的感觉从未远离, That"s why I"m standing here today. 于是我一直站在这里。 Whoa Whoa (Ain"t nobody gonna take your place Only you made me feel this way) (没有人能代替你的位子,只有你能给我这样的心动。) So many up and downs 人生有如此多的起伏, And nothing has changed 可这感觉从未改变, That"s why you know I"m here to stay 于是我一直在这里等待。 Whoa Whoa Ain"t nobody gonna replace Only you make me feel this saved 没有人能代替你的位子,只有你能给我这样的心动。 It can"t explain what"s the glue that ho lds us in. 我不能解释是什么吸引我们彼此牵引我们彼此。 Whoa Whoa I can"t refrain if I had a chance to do it over again. 如果重来一次,我仍不能抑制自己爱上你。Whoa Whoa
2023-08-04 16:50:201


  1、《memories》歌词如下:   Memories 回忆(within temptation乐队)   In this world you tried 在这个世界上你努力着   Not leaving me alone behind 不把我丢下   There"s no other way 除此没有其他的选择   I"ll pray to the Gods let him stay 我将祈求上苍让他留下   The memories ease the pain inside 那回忆抚平我内心的伤口   Now i know why 现在我终于知道为什么了   All of my memories 我所有的回忆   Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁   In silent moment 在沉默的时刻   Imagine you"d be here 想象你就在那   All of my memories 我所有的记忆   Keep you near 让你在我身边   The silent whispers 那些喃喃私语   The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴   Made me a promise i"d try 给我一个承诺我会尽力   To find my way back in this life 回到今生   I hope there is a way 我希望有人能指引   To give me a sign you"re okay 给我你还平安的讯号   Reminds me again 再一次提醒我   It"s worth it all 那是无价之宝   So I can go home 这样,我就能回家了。   All of my memories我所有的回忆   Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁   In silent moments 在沉默的时刻   Imagine you"d be here 想象你就在那   All of my memories 我所有的回忆   Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁   Your silent whispers那些喃喃私语   The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴   Together in all these memories 在我所有的记忆中   I see your smile 我都看见你的笑容   All the memories i hold dear 亲爱的,我所拥有的记忆,   Darling you know i love you till the end of time 亲爱的你知道,我爱你,直到海枯石烂。   All of my memories我所有的回忆   Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁   In silent moments 那些喃喃私语   The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴   Imagine you"d be here 想象你就在那   All of my memories 我所有的回忆   Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁   Your silent whispers那些喃喃私语   The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴   All of my memories 我所有的回忆   2、《memories》,是《squirrel24-memories》视频的背景音乐,风格为Gothic Metal/Black Metal(歌特/黑色金属),该曲目主唱是Sharon Janny den Adel ,隶属于荷兰诱惑本质乐队(Within Temptation),该乐队成立于1996年。大约于1995、1996年开始,自从荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团The Gathering在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式,逐渐受到愈来愈多乐迷的喜爱。
2023-08-04 16:50:411

memories歌词 memories歌曲简介

1、《memories》歌词如下: Memories 回忆(within temptation乐队) In this world you tried 在这个世界上你努力着 Not leaving me alone behind 不把我丢下 There"s no other way 除此没有其他的选择 I"ll pray to the Gods let him stay 我将祈求上苍让他留下 The memories ease the pain inside 那回忆抚平我内心的伤口 Now i know why 现在我终于知道为什么了 All of my memories 我所有的回忆 Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁 In silent moment 在沉默的时刻 Imagine you"d be here 想象你就在那 All of my memories 我所有的记忆 Keep you near 让你在我身边 The silent whispers 那些喃喃私语 The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴 Made me a promise i"d try 给我一个承诺我会尽力 To find my way back in this life 回到今生 I hope there is a way 我希望有人能指引 To give me a sign you"re okay 给我你还平安的讯号 Reminds me again 再一次提醒我 It"s worth it all 那是无价之宝 So I can go home 这样,我就能回家了。 All of my memories我所有的回忆 Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁 In silent moments 在沉默的时刻 Imagine you"d be here 想象你就在那 All of my memories 我所有的回忆 Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁 Your silent whispers那些喃喃私语 The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴 Together in all these memories 在我所有的记忆中 I see your smile 我都看见你的笑容 All the memories i hold dear 亲爱的,我所拥有的记忆, Darling you know i love you till the end of time 亲爱的你知道,我爱你,直到海枯石烂。 All of my memories我所有的回忆 Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁 In silent moments 那些喃喃私语 The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴 Imagine you"d be here 想象你就在那 All of my memories 我所有的回忆 Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁 Your silent whispers那些喃喃私语 The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴 All of my memories 我所有的回忆 2、《memories》,是《squirrel24-memories》视频的背景音乐,风格为Gothic Metal/Black Metal(歌特/黑色金属),该曲目主唱是Sharon Janny den Adel ,隶属于荷兰诱惑本质乐队(Within Temptation),该乐队成立于1996年。大约于1995、1996年开始,自从荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团The Gathering在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式,逐渐受到愈来愈多乐迷的喜爱。
2023-08-04 16:50:501


这有什么值得奇怪,我比天使自己的身体, 他们感动了你没有惊醒屏息有如羽毛拂面,我的脖子上你的双手, 他们细语不能等到他们讲过,没有人告诉我的宝宝,这是什么的一回事,没有人告诉我 宝宝,这是什么的一回事,我游走城市,我爱我毯盔甲回忆 当月光会见日出,我看看其他人一样,他们穿着太他给了我一个秘密,我 1982想保住,没有人告诉我的宝宝,这是什么的一回事,没有人告诉我的宝宝,这是一条领带 在它的所有约
2023-08-04 16:51:003

求:席琳迪翁《爱的力量》及英文歌词 谢谢

The whispers in the morning 清晨的呢喃中of lovers sleeping tight 情侣们正在熟睡are rolling by like thunder now 那轻语如雷般回荡As I look in your eyes 当我看着你的眼睛邓丽君“one and only”演唱会I hold on to your body 紧紧拥抱着你的身体and feel each move you make 感受你做的每一个动作your voice is warm and tender 你的声音温暖柔和[3] a love that i could not forsake 这是我不能舍弃的爱Cause I"m your lady 因为我是你的女人and you are my man 而你是我的男人[3] Whenever you reach for me 无论何时你来到我身边I"ll do all that i can 我将为你而做一切Lost is how i"m feeling lying in your arms只要同你在一起,只要枕着你的臂膀,When the world outside"s toomuch to take外面世界一切嘈杂都将远离我们而去  That all ends when i"m with you在你的臂湾中我彻底陶醉Even though there may be times 即使有些时候it seems I"m far away 看起来我会远离你Never wonder where I am 不要惊讶我去了何方cause i am always by your side 因为我的心都永远陪在你身边Cause i"m your lady 因为我是你的女人and you are my man 而你是我的男人Whenever you reach for me 无论何时你来到我身边I"ll do all that i can 我将为你而做一切We"re heading for something 我们朝向共同的目标somewhere i"ve never been 那个我从未到达的地方Sometimes i am frightened 有时我会感到恐惧无助but I"m ready to learn 但我已准备好去领悟of the power of love 爱的力量The sound of your heart beating 你心跳的声音made it clear suddenly 使它突然清晰The feeling that i can"t go on 我不能坚持下去的感觉is light years away 也是若干光年般不可及couse i"m your lady 因为我是你的女人and you are my man 而你是我的男人Whenever you reach for me 无论何时你来到我身边I"m gonna do all that i can 我将为你而做一切We"re heading for something 我们朝向共同的目标somewhere I"ve never been 那个我未曾到达的地方Sometimes i am frightened 有时我会感到恐惧无助[3] but i"m ready to learn 但我准备好去领悟of the power of love 这爱的力量The power of love 爱的力量
2023-08-04 16:51:081


  1、《memories》歌词如下:   Memories 回忆(within temptation乐队)   In this world you tried 在这个世界上你努力着   Not leaving me alone behind 不把我丢下   There"s no other way 除此没有其他的选择   I"ll pray to the Gods let him stay 我将祈求上苍让他留下   The memories ease the pain inside 那回忆抚平我内心的伤口   Now i know why 现在我终于知道为什么了   All of my memories 我所有的回忆   Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁   In silent moment 在沉默的时刻   Imagine you"d be here 想象你就在那   All of my memories 我所有的记忆   Keep you near 让你在我身边   The silent whispers 那些喃喃私语   The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴   Made me a promise i"d try 给我一个承诺我会尽力   To find my way back in this life 回到今生   I hope there is a way 我希望有人能指引   To give me a sign you"re okay 给我你还平安的讯号   Reminds me again 再一次提醒我   It"s worth it all 那是无价之宝   So I can go home 这样,我就能回家了。   All of my memories我所有的回忆   Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁   In silent moments 在沉默的时刻   Imagine you"d be here 想象你就在那   All of my memories 我所有的回忆   Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁   Your silent whispers那些喃喃私语   The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴   Together in all these memories 在我所有的记忆中   I see your smile 我都看见你的笑容   All the memories i hold dear 亲爱的,我所拥有的记忆,   Darling you know i love you till the end of time 亲爱的你知道,我爱你,直到海枯石烂。   All of my memories我所有的回忆   Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁   In silent moments 那些喃喃私语   The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴   Imagine you"d be here 想象你就在那   All of my memories 我所有的回忆   Keep you near 都将你留在我身旁   Your silent whispers那些喃喃私语   The silent tears 那些无言的泪滴   All of my memories 我所有的回忆   2、《memories》,是《squirrel24-memories》视频的背景音乐,风格为Gothic Metal/Black Metal(歌特/黑色金属),该曲目主唱是Sharon Janny den Adel ,隶属于荷兰诱惑本质乐队(Within Temptation),该乐队成立于1996年。大约于1995、1996年开始,自从荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团The Gathering在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式,逐渐受到愈来愈多乐迷的喜爱。
2023-08-04 16:51:261

跪求一首男生唱的英文歌高潮部分的tall your never know the way 什么的很好听有点摇滚

2023-08-04 16:51:342


美国不参加辩论,但看着别的客人他看起来像一个奇怪的表情,他看见女主人的脸上掠过她直直地看着前方,肌肉收缩略她对土著男孩站在她的椅子后面,低声说了些什么这个男孩的眼睛睁大了,他很快就离开了房间。 所有的客人中,只有美国人注意到了这个地方或看见那个男孩一碗牛奶在阳台上打开的门。 美国人突然想起来什么,不由得不寒而栗。 在印度,把牛奶放在一个碗里,来引诱蛇,他认识到必须有一个眼镜蛇的房间。
2023-08-04 16:52:141

请问谁有careless whisper这首歌的歌词啊

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 我要英文的 谢谢! 解析: 是不是这个 ? [00:05.00]Careless whisper-Wham 无心快语(威猛) [00:27.33]Time can never mend.时光永远无法弥补[00:33.56]The careless whispers of a good friend.好友间的无心细语 [00:40.16]To the heart & mind.于内心深处。 [00:43.36]Ignorance is kind.无知是福 [00:46.06]There"s no fort in the truth.真相只会让你难过 [00:48.66]Pain is all U"ll find.你发掘出的只会是痛苦 [01:05.41]Should"ve known better than.我知道本可以更好些的 [01:42.47]I feel so unsure.我没有丝毫把握 [01:48.11]As I take Ur hand.当我牵着你的手 [01:50.41]And lead U 2 the dance floor.带你步入舞池时 [01:55.06]As the music dies.一曲终了 [01:58.05]Something in Ur eyes.你眼中的遗憾 [02:00.84]Calls 2 mind the silver screen.唤起了过去的一幕幕 [02:03.84]And all its sad good-byes.但对这一切我只能伤感的说再见了 [02:07.67]I"m never gonna dance again.我以后不会再跳舞 [02:09.78]Guilty feet have got no rhythm.因为内疚的舞步毫无节奏 [02:13.67]Though it"s easy 2 pretend.尽管我内心的难过很容易掩饰 [02:16.25]I know U"re not a fool.但我知道你不是傻瓜 [02:19.38]Should"ve known better than 2 cheat a friend.我本不该欺骗朋友的 [02:22.34]And waste the chance that I"ve been given.我错过了本应该把握的机会 [02:26.19]So I"m never gonna dance again.所以我打算不再跳舞 [02:28.93]The way I danced with U.以不去重温与你走过的舞步 [02:44.83]Time can never mend.时光永远无法弥补 [02:51.00]The careless whispers of a good friend.好友间的无心细语 [02:57.34]To the heart & mind.于内心深处。 [03:00.68]Ignorance is kind.无知是福 [03:03.34]There"s no fort in the truth.真相只会让你难过 [03:06.36]Pain is all U"ll find.你发掘出的只会是痛苦 [03:10.19]I"m never gonna dance again.我以后不会再跳舞 [03:12.76]Guilty feet have got no rhythm.因为内疚的舞步毫无节奏 [03:16.07]Though it"s easy 2 pretend.尽管我内心的难过很容易掩饰 [03:18.63]I know U"re not a fool.但我知道你不是傻瓜 [03:22.09]Should"ve known better than 2 cheat a friend.我本不该欺骗朋友的 [03:25.03]And waste the chance that I"ve been given.我错过了本应该把握的机会 [03:28.68]So I"m never gonna dance again.所以我打算不再跳舞 [03:31.27]The way I danced with U.以不去重温与你走过的舞步 [03:40.76]Never without Ur love.从此失去你的爱! [03:59.55]Tonight the music seems so loud.今晚的音乐是如此的刺耳 [04:02.50]I wish that we could lose this crowd.我希望我们能远离这喧嚣的人群 [04:06.22]Maybe it"s better this way.也许这样会好些 [04:09.16]We"d hurt each other with the things we"d want 2 say.我们所说的话将打动彼此的心(也会伤害彼此) [04:12.45]We could have been so good together.我们本好好的在一起的 [04:15.27]We could have lived this dance forever.我们本可以让这舞曲无限延续 [04:18.48]But now,who"s gonna dance with me ? 但今夜谁与我共舞? [04:23.53]Please stay.请留步 [04:25.47]And I"m never gonna dance again.因为我以后不打算再跳舞 [04:28.07]Guilty feet have got no rhythm.因为内疚的舞步毫无节奏 [04:31.68]Though it"s easy 2 pretend.尽管我内心的难过很容易掩饰 [04:34.26]I know U"re not a fool.但我知道你不是傻瓜 [04:37.58]Should"ve known better than 2 cheat a friend.我本不该欺骗朋友的 [04:40.68]And waste the chance that I"ve been given.我错过了本应该把握的机会 [04:44.27]So I"m never gonna dance again.所以我打算不再跳舞 [04:46.98]The way I danced with U.以不去重温与你走过的舞步 [05:03.83](Now that U"re gone)Now that U"re gone.现在你走了 [05:16.29](Now that U"re gone)Was what I did is so wrong.我所为是不是错误的? [05:22.52]So wrong that U had 2 leave me alone ? 错到以至你离我而去?
2023-08-04 16:52:211


You Are Not AloneWritten and Composed by R. Kelly.Produced by R. Kelly and Michael Jackson.Another day has goneI"m still all aloneHow could this beYou"re not here with meYou never said goodbyeSomeone tell me whyDid you have to goAnd leave my world so coldEveryday I sit and ask myselfHow did love slip awaySomething whispers in my ear and saysThat you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough you"re far awayI am here to stayBut you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough we"re far apartYou"re always in my heartBut you are not alone"Lone, "loneWhy, "loneJust the other nightI thought I heard you cryAsking me to comeAnd hold you in my armsI can hear your prayersYour burdens I will bearBut first I need your handThen forever can beginEveryday I sit and ask myselfHow did love slip awaySomething whispers in my ear and saysThat you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough you"re far awayI am here to stayFor you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough we"re far apartYou"re always in my heartFor you are not aloneWhisper three words and I"ll come runnin"And girl you know that I"ll be thereI"ll be thereYou are not aloneFor I am here with youThough you"re far awayI am here to stayFor you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough we"re far apartYou"re always in my heartFor you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough you"re far awayI am here to stayFor you are not aloneFor I am here with youThough we"re far apartYou"re always in my heartI am here with you Though we"re far apart You"re always in my heartFor you are not aloneNot alone you are not alone you are not aloneSay it again You are not alone You are not aloneNot alone Not alone you just reach out for me girl In the morning In the evening Not alone Not aloneYou and me Not aloneTogetherTogetherCan"t stop being aloneCan"t stop being alone
2023-08-04 16:52:314


11 慵懒的微风,像看不见的手指, 拨弄着我的心弦 弹奏着一轮轮涟漪之歌 Some unseen fingers,like idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples. 12 “嘿,大海。你从不停息地在说着什么呢?” “我在向永恒寻问” “嘿,天空。你从不停息地在回答什么?” “我以永恒的沉默” “What language is thine.O sea?” “The language of eternal question.” “What language is thy answer,O sky?” “The language of eternal silence.” 13 听哪,我的心儿 当世界在爱着你时 向你轻轻的私语 Listen, my heart,to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you 14 造物的秘密,如黑夜之黑 如伟大本身 知识的虚妄,却像清晨的雾气 The mystery of creation is like The darkness of night—it is great. Delusions of knowledge are like the the fog of the morning. 15 你憧憬着极高处遇见你的爱情 那极高处是一片悬崖 Do not seat your love upon a precipice Because it is high. 16 早晨,我独自坐在窗边 世界像个过客 在窗外对我点头致意后离开了 I sit at my window this morning where the world Like a pass-by stops for a moment. Nods to me and goes. 17 无穷的小小灵思在我心里吟唱着欢乐之歌 如树叶飒飒沙沙地响 These little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; They have their whisper of joy in my mind 18 你看不到自己 除了自己的影子 What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow. 19 主人,当我的心声 咆哮地越过你的灵声 它们是那么的蠢不可及 但请让我聆听啊 My wishes are fools,they shout Across thy songs,My master. Let me but listen. 20 我无法选择最好的 最好的已经选择了我 I can not choose the best. The best chooses me.
2023-08-04 16:52:381


You Are Not Alone 永远相伴 Another day has gone 又一日过往 I"m still all alone 我依然孤单 How could this be 怎会如此? You"re not here with me 你不在我的身边 You never said goodbye 你从不说再见 Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我因缘 Did you have to go 你真得走吗? And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 "Lone, "lone 孤单啊孤单 Why, "lone 为什么 孤单 Just the other night 几天前的晚上 I thought I heard you cry 我想我听到了你哭泣 Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来 And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间 I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿 Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担 But first I need your hand 但先得执子之手 Then forever can begin 方能偕老白头 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 Whisper three words 说出那三个字(我爱你) and I"ll come runnin" 我将飞奔而来 And girl you know that I"ll be there 情人啊,我会常在你身边 I"ll be there 常在你身边 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 你不会孤单……
2023-08-04 16:53:283


Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Can you 気づいてる? こんなにも Crazy over you 君にめぐり逢った その瞬間から Together we share this love so strong Whenever you touch my body 言葉にならない Cause the love you gives so good Whispers that you love me 心で感じたい I can feel your touch inside There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah You know There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah 目覚めた心が 溢れてく So much more I dream of you every night 傷ついてもいい 同じ夢を見たいから Whenever you touch my body 信じていたいよ Cause the love you gives so good Whispers that you love me 君の声だけは I can feel your touch inside There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah You know There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah ******************************** 以下为罗马拼音发音版歌词 Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Can you kizuiteru? konnanimo Crazy over you kimi ni meguri atta sono shunkan kara Together we share this love so strong Whenever you touch my body kotoba ni naranai Cause the love you gives so good Whispers that you love me kokoro de kanjitai I can feel your touch inside There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah You know There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah mezameta kokoro ga afureteku So much more I dream of you every night kizutsuitemo ii onaji yume wo mitaikara Whenever you touch my body shinjite itaiyo Cause the love you gives so good Whispers that you love me kimi no koe dakewa I can feel your touch inside There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah You know There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah You know There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down ********************************* 以下为中文翻译版歌词 (Baby for you) (Baby its true) Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down (Baby for you) Never gonna give you up Can you 察觉到吗? 我是如此的 Crazy over you 自与你相遇的那一瞬间起 Together we share this love so strong Whenever you touch my body 我就无法言语 Cause the love you gives so good Whispers that you love me 我想用心去感受 I can feel you touch inside (Baby for you) There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah (Baby its true) You know There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah 苏醒的心 越来越满溢 So much more I dream of you every night 就算会受伤也好 我也要天天梦见你 Whenever you touch my body 我就愿意相信 Cause the love you gives so good Whispers that you love me 唯有你的声音 I can feel touch inside (Baby for you) There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah (Baby its true) You know There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah [Rap] I can see it in you eyes what you sayin Believe in me, girl you know I aint playin In love with you from the very start beyond a shadow of a doubt never gonna break you heart You freak me out when were hangin at night And you whisper the words "baby I Like" Theres one thing in life I can guarantee from Mike A. to Mai K. forever will be (Baby for you) There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah (Baby its true) You know There is nothing I wont do In this life Ill wait for you Yeah
2023-08-04 16:53:361


2023-08-04 16:49:279


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2023-08-04 16:49:283


每个人都会有不用的 兴趣 爱好 ,当你结识新朋友或者是在其他情况下做 自我介绍 时,肯定会把你的基本信息告诉别人,下面是我给大家整理的个人爱好的 英文自我介绍 范文 5篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 ↓▼↓ 更多“英 文自 我介绍 ”相关文 章推荐 ↓▼↓ ★ 面试英文自我介绍范文十篇 ★ 个人英语自我介绍示例五篇 ★ 个人自我介绍英语范文 ★ 英语的自我介绍范文5篇 ★ 英文自我介绍范文4篇 ●◎ 如果没有找到您想要的内容,点击“ 英 文自 我介绍 ”查看 ◎● 个人爱好的英文自我介绍篇1 I like play football very much.I think it is one of the most popular way to rela_.And it can help your body grow more strong.I often play football on PE lesson and after school.In this way I make friends with a lot of football-liker.we always play together.Football bring me so much,I like it! 个人爱好的英文自我介绍篇2 Different people have different hobbies:for e_ample some one likes reading.someone like swimming and someone like collecting stamp. I have many hoppies.first I like play basketball. sometimes friend invite me play basketball together in school basketball court.I felt interesting.second I like reading beacuse reading english book can improve my english level and improve my knowledge. sometimes I felt often reading book is very bad for you eyes,so I only morning and night reading.tertiary I like running, in china I often with my mother run on the morning 5am-6am.The running is a helpful is can rapid mark heat,than sweat of can immprove my body temperture. running aslo promote metaolism. 个人爱好的英文自我介绍篇3 I am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study, I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano, surfing the Internet. One of my favourite hobby is reading. Reading has been in my life for many years, since I began to learn characters. It can not only kill the time, but also, more important, help improve my comprehension ability. When reading, I can learn a lot. Reading Shakespear"s works, I know how Hamlet looks like. Reading Scorates, I can see how great ancient Greek philosophers are. Reading Lu _u, I come back to the old time of China. Reading really affect my life. 个人爱好的英文自我介绍篇4 In my spare time, I like reading books, collecting cards and coins, playing volleyball, communicating with friends, and so on. I also like English very much, I am fond of watching English films and listening to English songs, I passed College English Test Band si_ in September, 2003, I do believe there is still a long way for me to learn English well enough, however I will not shrink back, Because I realize that English is a bridge connected our country with the outside world. Learning English is the most direct and available method for intercourse among countries and also useful for us to get advanced knowledge and technology from other nations. 个人爱好的英文自我介绍篇5 Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ___ , 24. I come from ______ ,the capital of _______ Province. I graduated from the _______ department of _____ University in July ,2001. In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate e_amination while I have been teaching _____ in NO.____ middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you . I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially those about _______ .Frequently I e_change with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician. So, I have a comparatively good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country"s team. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ______ in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance. 个人爱好的英文自我介绍范文相关 文章 : ★ 个人爱好的英文自我介绍范文 ★ 两分钟关于兴趣爱好英文自我介绍 ★ 关于兴趣的英文自我介绍 ★ 关于兴趣的英文自我介绍 ★ 中英文自我介绍范文3篇 ★ 两分钟关于兴趣爱好英文自我介绍(2) ★ 优秀的英文自我介绍一分钟 ★ 英语考试自我介绍范文3篇 ★ 大学英语自我介绍3分钟范文 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-08-04 16:49:281


some后面加可数名词复数。 some: det. (与不可数名词或复数可数名词连用)一些,若干;(指一集体中的某些成员或一事物的某些类型)某些,部分,有的;好些;不少的;相当多的。 扩展资料   This will be a problem for some time to come.   这将是未来一段时期里的.一个问题。   Researchers in this field have made some important new discoveries.   这个领域的研究人员有了一些重大的新发现。   Teachers are up against some major problems these days.   老师们最近面临着一些重大问题。   Digital television has been around for some time now.   数字电视已经面市一段时间了。   A solution is still some way off.   解决办法尚需时日。
2023-08-04 16:49:301

originals superstarJ和originals superstar的区别?

2023-08-04 16:49:343


some, any,表示一些,前者用于肯定陈述及委婉请求,后者用于否定句及一般疑问句;例:I have some books; Would you like some coffee? I don"t have any books; Is there any coffee in your cup?some和any 既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,some常用在肯定句中,而any则常用在否定和疑问句中.因此 some和any 的用法主要是考虑用在肯定句、疑问句还是否定句中,与名词的可数与否无关.some意为“一些”,可作形容词和代词.它常修饰可数名词复数.如:some books一些书,some boys一些男孩,也可修饰不可数名词,如:some water一些水,some tea一些茶叶,some常用在肯定句中.any意为“任何一些”,它也可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于疑问句和否定句.如:--I have some tea here. 我这儿有些茶叶.--I can"t see any tea. 我没看见茶叶.--Do you have any friends at school? 你在学校有些朋友吗?--I have some English books, they are my best friends. 我有英语书,它们是我最好的朋友.但在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any.如:Would you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡?What about some fruit juice? 来点水果汁如何?当any表示“任何”的意义,起强调作用时,它可以用在肯定句中;Any student can answer this question.任何学生都可以回答这个问题.选题角度:辨析some和any的不同用法:some 常用在肯定句中,而any 则常用在否定和疑问句中.在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any.
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Hello, everyone. My name is Zhang Wenxin, fourteen years old this year. I"m studying in Xiamen PE and Sports School. I am an active, bright, friendly and humorous girl. So happy to stand here and introduce myself to you. Next, I"d like to sing an English song. Its name is ...大家好,我叫某某某,今年14岁,在某某某学校读书。我是一个活泼、开朗、友好、幽默的女孩,很高兴能够在此向你们介绍我自己,接下来,我想给大家唱首英文歌,歌名叫...
2023-08-04 16:49:191


阿迪达斯三个标志代表的含义如下:1. 阿迪达斯三叶草logo:很多人因为外形的原因都认为阿迪达斯三叶草的标志代表的是一朵盛开的花,分别代表着奥运精神(同时也是全世界运动员一直以来追求的目标)。2. 阿迪达斯三条纹标志:阿迪达斯三条纹标志是由阿迪达斯的创办人阿道夫·达斯勒设计的,三条纹的阿迪达斯标志代表山区,指出实现挑战、成就未来和不断达成目标的愿望。3. adidas style 标志:其广告语“没有不可能”(impossible is Nothing)在2002年北京大学生冬季运动会中,ADO三条杠商品首次被启用为大会会徽。希望以上信息对您有帮助,如果需要了解更多阿迪达斯品牌信息,可以到官网查询。
2023-08-04 16:49:191


  在学校当中,我们经常会看到签到表,其实在excel表格当中也可以制作出来。下面就跟我一起看看吧。    Excel 表格制作签到表的步骤   新建【excel】表格,并打开【excel】。   在excel表格中选择需要的部分,并在任务栏的【开始】菜单下,选择【边框】,再选择【所有边框】进行操作。   选中第一行所有单元格,并在【开始】菜单下,选择【合并后居中】,并在居中后的第一行输入【xxx签到表】,在第二行输入【xxx】和【姓名】。  选中所有单元格,在【页面布局】下,修改自己需要的【高度】、【宽度】。   设置完成后,签到表就完成了。Excel制作签到表的相关 文章 : 1. Excel如何制作签到表 2. 怎么用WPS表格来制作签到表
2023-08-04 16:49:191


形容词 (adj.)1. [修饰单数名词] 某一个,某个2. [修饰复数名词] 某些,有些3. [修饰不可数名词] 若干,一些,一点儿4. [修饰数量、大小、程度等] 某种5. [口语] 相当多的,好些,好几个6. [用于疑问句,表示请求,邀请,劝导等] 一点儿,一些;什么7. [口语] 出色的,相当不错的,了不起的8. [口语] [常用于句首,表示厌烦、轻蔑、讽刺等] 说不上,并不怎么样代词 (pron.)1代词pron.①一些,若干Some of the students are from the North.有些学生是北方人。Some of the meat has gone bad.一些肉已经坏了。②有些人,有些事物 Some smoke and some don"t.有些人吸烟,有些人不吸。③【美】【口】许多,大量2不定代词①某个,某些 ,一些如:Would you like some tea?你想喝点茶吗?some用在疑问句中表示询问,并期待对方的肯定回答.拓展:somebody:某人,有人。此时,somebody=someone.(somebodies为名词,译为大人物,重要人物)something:⊙某物,某事 ;some anything:⊙有些东西。⊙若干,几分⊙[口]重要人物或事情。副词 (adv.)①【口】稍稍,有几分His mastery of the language has improved some.他对该语言的掌握有所提高。②【口】很,非常 I felt worried some.我愁得要命。③(与数字连用)约,约莫 Some twenty passengers were killed in the road accident.这次交通事故中约有二十名旅客死亡。后缀 (suf.)形容词词尾,表示有...倾向的,易于...的,造成的.....。
2023-08-04 16:49:171


听力是用调频耳机,英语四级听力的频率是FM,因为听力用的调频耳机只能接收FM,而且英语四六级听力都是由学校负责播放的,所以只能用FM。并且每个学校的听力频率都不相同,学校提前会通知。调频耳机主要特点及用途1、无线调频耳机,调频无线耳机是该公司针对中考、高考、英语四、六级考试耳机专门设计的一款听力考试耳机。2、双调频接收机,FM1为听力考试专用频段,FM2为调频广播频段学生课余时间可以收听新闻,音乐等广播节目。3、内部电路用料考究,制作精细,音质清晰,声音洪亮,灵敏度高,选择性好。是外语听力考试的最佳选择。扩展资料调频耳机技术指标1、频 率 范 围:FM1:50-86MHz(教学专用)FM2:86-108MHz(调频广播电台)2 、灵 敏 度:小于3uV3 、信 噪 比:大于56db4 、频 率 响 应:80Hz-15KHz5 、静 态 电 流:调频FM小于12MA6 、整机 失真度:小于3%7 、额定输出功率:50MW8 、最大输出功率:100MW9 、电 源:直流3V,配两节五号AA电池10、适 应 温 度:-10度—45度参考资料来源:百度百科—调频耳机
2023-08-04 16:49:141


我有许多爱好,例如用英语怎么说 I have many hobbies, for example. 我有许多爱好,例如。 我有许多有趣的爱好 用英语怎么翻译 发的 我有很多爱好怎么说(用英语) I have many hobbies.希望回答对您有所帮助,请及时采纳,多谢! 我有许多兴趣爱好 英文怎么说 I have many interest hobbies ,such as plays the pingpong, plays the basketball, the swimming, plays the Chinese chess and s亥 on .These I like! 我最近有很多爱好 用英文怎么说 Recently, I have many hobbies "我的兴趣爱好很多"的英文翻译 I have a lot of hobbies 我有很多爱好用英语怎么说 I have many hobbies.
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