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Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent( ),or pronghorn.

2023-08-04 17:05:09
TAG: con well ro ng ent elle


考查倒装句。本句话中,主语、谓语、宾语完全倒装,宾语typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent提前,表示强调,后面的主语为The American antelope,or pronghorn。故本题选C。句意:非洲大陆的典型草原动物是美洲羚羊或叉角羚。



continent[英][u02c8ku0252ntu026anu0259nt][美][u02c8kɑ:ntu026anu0259nt]n.大陆,陆地; 欧洲大陆; <美>北美洲大陆; adj.自制的,克制的; 节欲的; 贞洁的; 禁欲的;
2023-08-04 13:12:012


continent 英[u02c8ku0254ntinu0259nt] 美[u02c8kɑntu0259nu0259nt] n. 1.洲, 大陆 2. 欧洲大陆(不包括英国和爱尔兰) adj. 1.自制的, 克制的 名词 n.1.洲, 大陆 Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not.非洲是大陆, 而格陵兰不是。2. 欧洲大陆(不包括英国和爱尔兰)形容词 adj.1.自制的, 克制的
2023-08-04 13:12:112


n.大陆;陆地;洲;欧洲大陆(不包括英国和爱尔兰);adj.自制的;节欲的;禁欲的;例句We"re going to spend a weekend on the Continent.我们要去欧洲大陆度周末。变形复数continents
2023-08-04 13:12:191


continents大洲双语对照词典结果:continentsn.洲,大陆( continent的名词复数 ); 欧洲大陆(不包括英国和爱尔兰); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Survey respondents came from 63 nations on five continents. 受调查者来自五大洲的63个国家.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-08-04 13:12:521

洲和大陆在英语中怎么说?Continent 指的是哪一个

continent英 [u02c8ku0252ntu026anu0259nt] 美 [u02c8kɑ:ntu026anu0259nt] n.欧洲大陆;大陆,陆地;<美>北美洲大陆--------------------------------continent 是大陆的意思,而每个洲有自己的名字,如Asia 亚洲
2023-08-04 13:13:011

谁能告诉我 continent 的音标和汉语意思

continent 英音:["ku0254ntinu0259nt] 美音:["kɑntu0259nu0259nt]名词 n. 1. 大陆,陆地;大洲[C] 2.(大写)欧洲大陆[the S]形容词 a. 【书】自制的,克制的;节欲的网络释义:1.洲;大陆2.克制的,禁欲的3.大陆, 陆地
2023-08-04 13:13:161


大陆英文continent这样读英[u02c8ku0252ntu026anu0259nt]美[u02c8kɑ:ntu026anu0259nt]continent造句1、Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。2、The sleeping sickness has been on the continent of Africa for long time in 36 countries.这种睡眠病已经在非洲大陆的36个国家存在很长时间了。3、Hiring locals might seem unremarkable on a continent with an oversupply of cheap labor.在非洲大陆这个廉价劳动力供大于求的地方,雇佣当地工人似乎并不会引人注目。4、Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean.古代史学家写过有关一个沉没海底大陆的事迹。5、Communities across the continent could be connected by such a green belt.这一条绿化带可以把遍布全大陆的各个国家连接起来。6、Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation.八十七年前我们的先辈在这块大陆上建立了一个新的国家。7、In the far off eastern continent the wild Azor appeared unbeknownst to the other cultures.在遥远的非洲大陆东部出现的野生亚所不知道的是其他文化。8、The continent was ringed with free-trade ports.这片大陆,自由贸易港口遍布。9、The offshore wind farms sprouting around the continent provide another opportunity.欧洲大陆附近遍布的离岸风力发电场提供了另外一个机会。10、The World Cup is called that because teams from every continent have played in it.世界杯之所以被称为世界杯,是因为各个大洲的球队都曾参加过这个比赛。
2023-08-04 13:13:241

"大陆"的英文怎样啊 ??

2023-08-04 13:14:407


2023-08-04 13:14:582


2023-08-04 13:15:082


continent 是洲,全世界只有五大洲:亚洲(Asia)、欧洲(Europe)、非洲(Africa)、美洲(America)和大洋洲(Oceania)。美国的德克萨斯州是没有三点水的,行政级别相当于国内的一个省。州的英文是state,德克萨斯州就是state of Texas。
2023-08-04 13:15:171


2023-08-04 13:15:261

电影《后会无期》英文名为什么叫The Continent?

电影《后会无期》的英文名称为“The Continent”,这与电影中主要的情节和主题有关。电影讲述了一个关于几位年轻人前往美洲大陆旅行的故事。在这个过程中,他们经过了许多地方,遇到了许多人,体验了各种不同的文化和风土人情。因此,“The Continent”这个名称既是指代美洲大陆这个地理位置,也可以理解为电影中主人公们对于探索未知世界和寻找人生意义的冒险之旅。另外,电影中也涉及了人们对于大陆和海洋的向往和探索,以及对于生命和青春的追求和遗憾,这些主题都与“The Continent”这个名称有所呼应。因此,英文名选择“The Continent”这个称呼,也是为了体现电影中的这些主题和情感。
2023-08-04 13:15:374


含糊一点讲,continent 既指大洲又指大陆,这个大陆是指 大块的陆地,比如欧洲大陆,亚洲大陆这样的,如果指小范围的大陆,就是区别于海的,或区别于小岛屿的大陆, 比如台湾岛管我们内地的应该叫大陆吧,这样就可以用 mainland 来翻译大陆 了
2023-08-04 13:16:151

怎样巧妙记住单词 continent ?

2023-08-04 13:16:262

关于on continent

2023-08-04 13:17:031

american continent是什么意思

2023-08-04 13:17:308


8很久以前 随着洪灾 沉入海底的亚特兰蒂斯
2023-08-04 13:17:588


2023-08-04 13:18:268


2023-08-04 13:18:421

the Continent的由来

2023-08-04 13:18:501

四大超级古大陆 四大超级古大陆的简介

1、四大超级古大陆是雷姆利亚大陆、姆大陆、亚特兰蒂斯大陆、根达那大陆。 2、雷姆利亚大陆(Lemuria continent)沉没于印度洋的学说,是19世纪的英国地质学家菲力浦·斯科雷特提出的;是位于印度洋沉没的大陆,与古埃及传说中位于大西洋上的亚特兰蒂斯大陆(Atlantis continent)、玛雅传说中位于太平洋上的姆大陆或称穆大陆(Mu continent)齐名的三大消失的大陆与文明。 3、8000万年前,这块大陆从海底突然崛起,在印度洋上形成东西3500公里、南北4700公里的大陆。 4、姆大陆(Mu continent,又译穆大陆、母大陆)是一个传说中存在的大陆。 5、亚特兰蒂斯位于欧洲到直布罗陀海峡附近的大西洋之岛,传说中拥有高度文明发展的古老大陆、国家或城邦之名。有记载最早的描述出现于古希腊哲学家柏拉图的著作《对话录》里,据称其在公元前一万年被史前大洪水毁灭。 6、传说中,根达那大陆是距今九十六万二千年前,海底火山爆发之后海底隆起的大陆块。现代连结非洲大陆和南美大陆的海域就是该陆块以前所在的位置。其后在距今七十三万五千年前,因大陆分裂、移动,一大陆块消失,出现了二个大陆。那时候的智慧生物高1米左右,男人有翡翠色的第三只眼,而据说有超能力,有预测的,有杀伤力的等等,功能各不相同。而女人却没有,因此女人比较害怕男人。但是女人的子宫有通神的能力,在怀孕前她们都会和天上要投生的神联系,然后再决定是否要孩子。该大陆曾历经四次的文明诞生,本文仅就其最后的文明来谈,该文明就称为根达那文明。
2023-08-04 13:18:571

__India and China are of___same continent.A./;the B.The;the C./;/D./;a

2023-08-04 13:19:053


2023-08-04 13:19:152


continent 英[u02c8ku0252ntu026anu0259nt] 美[u02c8kɑntu0259nu0259nt] n. 大陆,陆地;欧洲大陆;<美>北美洲大陆 adj. 自制的,克制的;节欲的;贞洁的;禁欲的 名词复数:continents [例句]But africa is also a continent full of problems.但是非洲也是一个充满问题的大陆。
2023-08-04 13:19:341


continent 英[u02c8ku0252ntu026anu0259nt] 美[u02c8kɑntu0259nu0259nt] n. 大陆,陆地;欧洲大陆;<美>北美洲大陆 adj. 自制的,克制的;节欲的;贞洁的;禁欲的 名词复数:continents [例句]The market has turned against the continent with a vengeance.市场已经开始对欧洲大陆进行报复性打击。如有疑问,请追问~如果有帮助,请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~
2023-08-04 13:19:411


n.大陆;陆地;洲;欧洲大陆(不包括英国和爱尔兰);adj.自制的;节欲的;禁欲的;例句We"re going to spend a weekend on the Continent.我们要去欧洲大陆度周末。变形复数continents
2023-08-04 13:19:481


2023-08-04 13:20:556


2023-08-04 13:21:331


From space the earth looks like a huge water-covered globe, with a few patches of land sticking out above the water. North of the equator about 61 percent of the surface is covered by water. South of the equator 81 percent of the surface is water. Altogether more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet is covered by water. As you study a globe, you may notice that most of the large land areas are connected, or almost so. We often speak of seven continents, but you can see that Europe, Asia, and Africa are really one landmass. South America is joined to North America, and only a narrow strait separates North America from Asia. Oceania is a separate landmass, but it is separated from Asia by very shallow water. Antarctica is about 600 miles from the tip of South America. The largest landmass is usually divided into two "continents" along the Ural Mountains. Land to the east of the Urals is called Asia; land to the west, Europe. Asia is the largest continent, covering one third of the earth"s land area. Africa is the second largest continent. It is actually connected with Asia at the spot where the Suez Canal was dug. Oceania is the smallest continent. The world"s coldest continent, and the most difficult to reach, is Antarctica. For centuries, people have wondered what this continent is really like, since it is covered with solid thick ice and deep snow. You may think it strange that anyone would live there. Actually a very small number of people do. They are mostly visiting scientists. A lot of research work has been carried out in recent years, but much still has to be learned about the land lying under the ice. As we have seen, oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth. Study of a globe shows that the oceans actually form one continuous body of water. From Antarctica, three main "gulfs" extend northward. These are called the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. The Atlantic is longer and narrower than the other two. The Arctic Ocean is considered by some to be a northern part pf the Atlantic Ocean. The Pacific Ocean is by far the largest ocean and covers almost half of the total ocean area. Because the ocean surface is so smooth, people may think the ocean bottom is made up of smooth plains. Actually the ocean floors are almost as irregular as the exposed land areas. Many scientists are making a study of animal and plant life in the oceans. They hope to find new resources for mankind.
2023-08-04 13:21:411


大陆的英文:mainland中中释义:大陆[dà lù](1) 地壳的隆起部分,面积达几百万平方公里,并有足够的高度,以致大部分高出海平面的陆地(2) 地球上陆地大的划区,特指其大小和结构上与岛屿和半岛不同的大片陆地及以山脉为界的大盆地(如北美洲,南美洲,欧洲,亚洲,非洲,大洋洲,南极洲)(3)对除了 台湾省、 香港和 澳门之外的 中国领土的称呼例句1.古代史学家写过有关一个沉没海底大陆的事迹。Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean. 2.我们要去欧洲大陆度周末。We"re going to spend a weekend on the Continent. 3.欧洲大陆人根本不理解我们为什么喜欢喝温啤酒。The continentals have never understood our preference for warm beer. 4.这个岛有一座桥与大陆相连。The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge. 5.有些政治家想与欧洲大陆建立更加自由的贸易关系。Some politicians want more liberal trade relations with Europe. 6.活动护窗和阳台使这条街看起来颇具欧洲大陆风格。The shutters and the balconies make the street look almost continental. 7.夏威夷的物价常常比美国大陆高。Prices are often higher in Hawaii than in the continental United States. 8.类似的趋势在欧洲大陆也能见到。Similar trends are observable in mainland Europe. 9.这个岛屿可以从大陆乘小船到达。The island may be reached by boat from the mainland. 10.很显然,自然灾害也是造成该大陆经济危机的原因之一。Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the continent"s economic crisis.11.美洲大陆的地形严重限制了进攻路线。The American continent"s geography severely limited the lines of attack.12.伊斯基亚这时已经通上了大陆的水。Ischia was now connected to the mainland water supply.
2023-08-04 13:21:491

which continent does the yellow ring represent的意思?

2023-08-04 13:22:344

the american continents 为什么加s

2023-08-04 13:22:452

为什么非洲被叫做dark continent

2023-08-04 13:23:101


select name,continent,area from world group by continent,name,area having population<250000007题
2023-08-04 13:23:313

电影《后会无期》英文名为什么要翻译成the Continent?

the continent 是大陆的意思0 0.
2023-08-04 13:23:553


Basic key words: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, IN, BETWEEN AND, AS, LIKE... Exclusive OR (XOR). Show the countries that are big by area (more than 3 million) or big by population (more than 250 million) but not both. Show name, population and area. Find the country that has all the vowels and no spaces in its name. You can use the phrase name NOT LIKE "%a%" to exclude characters from your results. Equatorial Guinea and Dominican Republic have all of the vowels (a e i o u) in the name. They don"t count because they have more than one word in the name. 1.Using the result of SELECT as index List each country in the same continent as "Brazil". 2.Subquery returns multiple results In this case: ("North America" and "South America") 3.Subquery(multiple results) with operators Key words: ALL/ANY 4.Subquery on the SELECT line Only one value should be returned from subquery. SELECT嵌套的延申:Correlated Subquery - we can refer to values in the outer SELECT within the inner SELECT. Find the largest country (by area) in each continent, show the continent, the name and the area. ENHANCEMENT: List each continent and the name of the country that comes first alphabetically. ENHANCEMENT: Find the continents where all countries have a population <= 25000000. Then find the names of the countries associated with these continents. Show name, continent and population. ENHANCEMENT: Some countries have populations more than three times that of any of their neighbors(in the same continent). Give the countries and continents. 总结:适用于在某一维度内(continent)使用特定规则进行选择 对比: Show the name and the population of each country in Europe. Show the population as a percentage of the population of Germany. CONCAT(s1, s2 ...) Show the total population of those continents with a total population of at least half a billion. ENHANCEMENT: List the continents that have a total population of at least 100 million. Show the year, subject, and name of Physics winners for 1980 together with the Chemistry winners for 1984. Show the year, subject, and name of winners for 1980 excluding Chemistry and Medicine Find all details of the prize won by EUGENE O"NEILL Escaping single quotes: you can"t put a single quote in a quote string directly. Instead, use two single quotes within a quoted string. List the winners, year and subject where the winner starts with Sir. Show the the most recent first, then by name order. Show the 1984 winners and subject ordered by subject and winner name; but list Chemistry and Physics last. SELECT subject IN ("Physics","Chemistry")可以返回一列(T=1,F=0);升序排列 Show the amount of years where no Medicine awards were given Show the year when neither a Physics or Chemistry award was given Show the years when a Medicine award was given but no Peace or Literature award was given CASE allows you to return different values under different conditions. 例:
2023-08-04 13:24:041

Talking about the unique features of Australia continent英语论文

2023-08-04 13:24:232

Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent( ),or pronghorn.

【答案】:C考查倒装句。本句话中,主语、谓语、宾语完全倒装,宾语typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent提前,表示强调,后面的主语为The American antelope,or pronghorn。故本题选C。句意:非洲大陆的典型草原动物是美洲羚羊或叉角羚。
2023-08-04 13:24:401


1 of(make up of)构成, 组成2 on in (on radio/TV; in+语言)3 via/from(via prep.经, 通过, 经由) in(settle down in 在...里坐下; 在...安定下来 )4 at(at the speed of/at+adj.+speed)
2023-08-04 13:24:484


Four score and seven years ago 状our fathers 主 brought forth 谓 on this continent,状a new nation, 宾concieved in liberty,and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. 定语,定 a new nationNow 状we 主are engaged in 谓语a great civl war,宾语testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,can long endure. 状语
2023-08-04 13:25:002


actually, accomplishing these matters needs great power, such as robust body and steady determination.he believes that human"s strength is,the sixth largest country, locates in the smallest continent: stay on earth, you must be of full heart-concentration, strong attention and good sense of equilibrium.
2023-08-04 13:25:105

Africa is a big continent哪个是表语

a big continent是表语
2023-08-04 13:25:273

澳大利亚大陆用英语说是不是Australia Continent?

是Australian Continent吧,楼主好像少了个n
2023-08-04 13:25:521

finally, connecting Britain to the European continent 为什么两个地理位置一个用the, 一个不用?

Britain 是专有名词, 不可以用定冠词. 再如China. 不能说位置用不用the.
2023-08-04 13:26:012


1从句中缺状语,应用关系副词when2关系代词which作visit的宾语;关系副词where 在从句中作状语。3这是个强调句,强调的是地点.句型结构为It"s/was ....that
2023-08-04 13:26:124


九城老总感觉简单,好记。 哈哈
2023-08-04 13:26:224

[阅读理解]The United States covers a large part of th

美国占北美大陆的很大一部分。它的邻国是 加拿大北部和墨西哥南部。虽然美国是一个 大国,它不是世界上最大的。1964,它的人 口超过185 000 000。 在这片土地上首次成为一个国家赢得独立后 ,(独立)来自英格兰,只有十三个州。每 个国家的代表(代表)的明星美国国旗。所 有这些国家都在大陆的东部。作为国家向西 扩张,又增加了新的国家和新的星星出现在 国旗上。很长一段时间,有48颗星星。1959 ,然而,两颗星出现在国旗上,代表阿拉斯 加和夏威夷新的状态。 印第安人是现在美国的第一人。仍然有许多 现在居住在全国各地的印第安人。有时人们 说印度人是“真正的美国人”。大多数美国人 来自世界各地。那些在人数最多的北美国东 部海岸让他们的家庭谁是第一名主要来自英 格兰。
2023-08-04 13:26:322

the backbone of the north america continent是什么意思

the backbone of the north america continent北美州的支柱.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-08-04 13:26:391


1. 写你认识的一个国家50字英语作文 China is my motherland. It lies in the eat of Asia. Beijing is the capital of China. China"s population is more than 1.3 billion. The population in the east is much bigger than in the west. The weather in China is wetter and warmer in the south and drier and colder in the north. China has a long history, and there are a lot of places of interest in China, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the West Lake and so on. In the last enty years, great changes have taken place in my motherland. I am sure China"s tomorrow will be much better. I love China! 2. 一篇介绍一个国家的英语作文 In land area, Australia is the sixth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It has, however, a relatively *** all population. Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands. The mainland is the largest island and the *** allest, flattest continent on Earth. It lies beeen 10° and 39° South latitude. Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth. Its interior has one of the lowest rainfalls in the world and about three-quarters of the land is arid or semi-arid. Its fertile areas are well-watered, however, and these are used very effectively to help feed the world. Sheep and cattle graze in dry country, but care must be taken with the soil. Some grazing land became desert when the long cycles that influence rainfall in Australia turned to drought. Australia has a remarkable diversity of life forms seen nowhere else in the world. Australian plants and animals evolved in isolation from other parts of the world. When the super-continent of Gondw *** and split up about 160 million years ago, Australia joined Antarctica and drifted towards the South Pole, where glaciers formed a barrier beeen it and other land masses. As the world climate warmed and glaciers melted, oceans gradually rose to their current level and the land bridges to New Guinea and Ta *** ania were cut. Corals colonised a flooded coastal plain, forming the Great Barrier Reef of Queensland. Pressure on native habitats from agriculture and introduced pests like the fox and rabbit have resulted in extinctions of some native species in the past 200 years. Australia now has a strong scientific and legal framework to deal with these issues. Australians care about their unique environment.。 3. 英语作文写关于你对哪个国家的了解 we tried our best and won the first prize in the contest. Finally, she found the right clothes, she often devotes her spare time to helping others. Li yue is always warm-hearted and cares a lot about the class. Besides. Therefore, she deserves the honor and we should learn from hershe spent the whole afternoon searching and selecting . Deeply moved by her efforts . She has set a good example for us 4. 介绍一个国家的英语作文50字的 chinaour country is china. it is where we live.look! this is a map of china . the u.s is east of china.the u.k. is west and a little north of china,and australia is south and east of china. china has many people. it has thirteen hundred million people. the capital city of china is beijing.beijing is very great and famous. it has tian"anmen square,the palace museum,the great wall and summer palace.they are all very famous. the flag of china is red. there are five yellow stars in it.what a great country!。 5. 介绍一个国家的英语作文六年级 您好:In land area,Australia is the sixth largest nation after Russia,Canada,China,the United States of America and Brazil.It has,however,a relatively *** all population. Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands.The mainland is the largest island and the *** allest,flattest continent on Earth.It lies beeen 10° and 39° South latitude. Australia is the driest inhabited continent on earth.Its interior has one of the lowest rainfalls in the world and about three-quarters of the land is arid or semi-arid.Its fertile areas are well-watered,however,and these are used very effectively to help feed the world.Sheep and cattle graze in dry country,but care must be taken with the soil.Some grazing land became desert when the long cycles that influence rainfall in Australia turned to drought. Australia has a remarkable diversity of life forms seen nowhere else in the world.Australian plants and animals evolved in isolation from other parts of the world.When the super-continent of Gondw *** and split up about 160 million years ago,Australia joined Antarctica and drifted towards the South Pole,where glaciers formed a barrier beeen it and other land masses. As the world climate warmed and glaciers melted,oceans gradually rose to their current level and the land bridges to New Guinea and Ta *** ania were cut.Corals colonised a flooded coastal plain,forming the Great Barrier Reef of Queensland. Pressure on native habitats from agriculture and introduced pests like the fox and rabbit have resulted in extinctions of some native species in the past 200 years.Australia now has a strong scientific and legal framework to deal with these issues.Australians care about their unique environment. 希望对您的学习有帮助 【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢 欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~ 祝学习进步~ 6. 用英语介绍某一个国家的介绍 介绍南京的: Nanjing is the capital of China"s Jiangsu Province, and a city with a prominent place in Chinese history and culture. Nanjing (literally: "Southern capital") served as the capital of China during several historical periods and is listed as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. Nanjing was the capital of the Republic of China (ROC) before the Chinese Civil War. Nanjing is also one of the fifteen sub-provincial cities in the People"s Republic of China"s administrative structure, enjoying jurisdictional and economic autonomy only slightly less than that of a province. Located in the lower Yangtze River drainage basin and Yangtze River Delta economic zone, Nanjing has always been one of China"s most important cities. Apart from having been the capital of China for six dynasties and of the Republic of China, Nanjing has also served as a national hub of education, research, transportation and touri *** throughout history. With an urban population of over five million, it is also the second largest mercial center in the East China region, after Shanghai. 7. 介绍一个国家英语作文,不少于40个词 Britain, the full name of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the local British Isles northwest of mainland Europe, surrounded by the North Sea, English Channel, the Celtic Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. United Kingdom of Great Britain from the island of England, Wales and Scotland, northeast of the island of Ireland, Northern Ireland and a series of subsidiary islands together form an island nation in Western Europe. In addition to the local munity, it also has fourteen overseas territories, with a total population of over 64 million, with England national human subjects. Glorious Revolution of 1688 established the British monarchy, Britain is the world"s first industrialized country, the first industrial revolution, the rapid growth of national power. 18th century to the early 20th century, the territory of British rule across all seven continents, is the world"s most powerful nation, known as the sun does not empire. Britain is a highly developed capitalist countries. One of Europe"s largest economy, its citizens have a higher standard of living and a good social security system. As one of the Commonwealth Heads of States, the EU, the Schengen Member States and the Group of Eight, a founding member of NATO, the United Kingdom but also the five permanent members of the UN Security Council 8. 初一英语作文 介绍一个国家或城市 China is my favorite country. The number of people in china is 1300000000. China is very beautiful. The pollution is less then many years ago. There are many trees and flowers here. And the capital of china is Beijing. It"s a famous city in the world. The 29th sport meeting was holding in Beijing. Many foreigners came to Beijing to watch the meeting. And they enjoyed themselves. They said Chinese gave them a big surprised.。 9. 写介绍国家的英语作文带翻译 Everybody knows that China is a very big country in the world .It has a long history .there are many interesting places here.such as the Great wall .the Summer palace and so every year lots of people will e here to visit .and it will hold olympic in 2008.and it will bee more and more beautiful.。
2023-08-04 13:26:481