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2023-05-19 19:09:22
TAG: 翻译

2. 模型规范随机边境生产职能广泛地使用分析技术效率在过去二十年。Aigner 原始的模型、Lovell 和Schmidt (1977) 并且Meeusen 和van den Broeck (1977) 被修改了和被扩大了在numberofways 。Onedevelopmenthasbeentoexpressinefficiencyasanexplicitfunction offirm-specificvariables 。Themodelcanbeestimatedbyatwo-stagetechniquewherethe 随机边境首先被获得并且被预言的效率然后退步在牢固具体可变物。但是,一个同时估计做法有提供一致的好处和高效率的估计。Battese 和Coelli (1993 年,1995) 提出了这样模型根据盘区数据。被指定生产职能,注意现在被转动对因素影响technicalefficiency 。不幸地,thereexistsnoformalprocedurewhichcanbefollowed indecidingwhatvariablesshouldbeincludedintheefficiencyfunctionversustheproduction 作用。在最经验主义的研究中、常规输入譬如劳资或他们的等值通常包括在生产职能,以其它可变物是includedintheefficiencyfunction 。AccordingtoBatteseandCoelli(1993) ,somevariables 也许甚而出现在两个作用。在种植业,技术效率可能由大范围因素影响。这些mayinclude: A. 生物factors..these 与种类属性,相互连续影响有关在庄稼之中根据密集的庄稼系统,土壤特征,并且重音gen- erated 由自然灾害在庄稼期间成长。某种程度上,生产商是能tocontrol 或影响thesefactors viamanagement 决定。B. Humanresources..theseembraceknowledgeandskillsforcarryingoutproductionand managerialactivities 。Humancapitalcanbeaccumulatedthroughformaleducationand 训练,orlearning 由做,andcanbecomplementedbyexternaltechnicalservices 。C. 社会经济conditions..these 包括经济发展、政策框架和协会设置的状况。在中国,政

try to make you spacing better, and make it easier for people to translate!

2. 专用模型

随机边境作物函数已经在过去二十年里被广泛地应用于科技有效性的分析上。Aigner, Lovell和Schmidt(1977)及van den Broeck(1977)双方的原始模型完全可以相互替代,并且已经由它们演化出大量更多的研究方法。其中一个分支就是用于描述企业有效性的外在函数—专用变量。模型参数可以用双战策技巧来估计,即是说,先得出随机边界,再由企业专用变量回归得出预期效率。不过,一种同步估计过程在提供常数和有效估计量上更占优势。Battese和Coelli(1993,1995)根据平面数据提出了这样的一个模型。



A. 生物因素----这些与变量属性有关,在强烈的作物体系中作物间的相互连续的影响,土壤特征,以及作物生长中自然灾害的巨大压力。从一定程度上来说,耕种者通过适当的方法决策能够控制或影响这些有影响的因素。

B. 人力资源----(还是看不懂的句子。。。)

C. 社会经济情形----包括经济发展地位,政策构架和制度的制定。在中国,农业部分在各种程度上依然存在着政府干涉情形。存在着许多不容忽视的区域性的关于食品政策上的改革,尤其是地方谷物市场情形及地方政府的财政能力占有很大的决定性影响力量。特别地,土地使用期限是影响科技有效性的一个重要决定性因素。

基于数据的局限性,并不是上面提及的所有因素都能够引入分析模型。此外,Lovell和Schmidt(1980, 第23页)争论到有效性还和农业管理实施有极大的关系。因此,我们还需要考虑是否把下面的的变量包括进函数:受过良好教育的户主将有可能更能够有效的利用现有的。


2. 模型规范随机边境生产职能广泛地使用分析技术效率在过去二十年。Aigner 原始的模型、Lovell 和Schmidt (1977) 并且Meeusen 和van den Broeck (1977) 被修改了和被扩大了在numberofways 。Onedevelopmenthasbeentoexpressinefficiencyasanexplicitfunction offirm-specificvariables 。Themodelcanbeestimatedbyatwo-stagetechniquewherethe 随机边境首先被获得并且被预言的效率然后退步在牢固具体可变物。但是,一个同时估计做法有提供一致的好处和高效率的估计。Battese 和Coelli (1993 年,1995) 提出了这样模型根据盘区数据。被指定生产职能,注意现在被转动对因素影响technicalefficiency 。不幸地,thereexistsnoformalprocedurewhichcanbefollowed indecidingwhatvariablesshouldbeincludedintheefficiencyfunctionversustheproduction 作用。在最经验主义的研究中、常规输入譬如劳资或他们的等值通常包括在生产职能,以其它可变物是includedintheefficiencyfunction 。AccordingtoBatteseandCoelli(1993) ,somevariables 也许甚而出现在两个作用。在种植业,技术效率可能由大范围因素影响。这些mayinclude: A. 生物factors..these 与种类属性,相互连续影响有关在庄稼之中根据密集的庄稼系统,土壤特征,并且重音gen- erated 由自然灾害在庄稼期间成长。某种程度上,生产商是能tocontrol 或影响thesefactors viamanagement 决定。B. Humanresources..theseembraceknowledgeandskillsforcarryingoutproductionand managerialactivities 。Humancapitalcanbeaccumulatedthroughformaleducationand 训练,orlearning 由做,andcanbecomplementedbyexternaltechnicalservices 。C. 社会经济conditions..these 包括经济发展、政策框架和协会设置的状况。在中国,政

try to make you spacing better, and make it easier for people to translate!


2. 专用模型

随机边境作物函数已经在过去二十年里被广泛地应用于科技有效性的分析上。Aigner, Lovell和Schmidt(1977)及van den Broeck(1977)双方的原始模型完全可以相互替代,并且已经由它们演化出大量更多的研究方法。其中一个分支就是用于描述企业有效性的外在函数—专用变量。模型参数可以用双战策技巧来估计,即是说,先得出随机边界,再由企业专用变量回归得出预期效率。不过,一种同步估计过程在提供常数和有效估计量上更占优势。Battese和Coelli(1993,1995)根据平面数据提出了这样的一个模型。



A. 生物因素----这些与变量属性有关,在强烈的作物体系中作物间的相互连续的影响,土壤特征,以及作物生长中自然灾害的巨大压力。从一定程度上来说,耕种者通过适当的方法决策能够控制或影响这些有影响的因素。

B. 人力资源----(还是看不懂的句子。。。)

C. 社会经济情形----包括经济发展地位,政策构架和制度的制定。在中国,农业部分在各种程度上依然存在着政府干涉情形。存在着许多不容忽视的区域性的关于食品政策上的改革,尤其是地方谷物市场情形及地方政府的财政能力占有很大的决定性影响力量。特别地,土地使用期限是影响科技有效性的一个重要决定性因素。

基于数据的局限性,并不是上面提及的所有因素都能够引入分析模型。此外,Lovell和Schmidt(1980, 第23页)争论到有效性还和农业管理实施有极大的关系。因此,我们还需要考虑是否把下面的的变量包括进函数:受过良好教育的户主将有可能更能够有效的利用现有的。。。






















2023-01-08 15:00:0712


affect的名词effect.v.影响;侵袭;使感染;(感情上)深深打动;使悲伤(或怜悯等)第三人称单数;affects现在分词;affecting过去式;affected过去分词;affected.双语例句:1、New rules on sick leave affect employees of all grades, from managers downwards.新的病假规定影响到经理及其以下所有级别的每一个雇员。2、They dispute the contention that changes in interest rates directly affect the price level.他们就利率变化直接影响价格水平这一论点争辩不休。3、Changes in the levels of vitamins can affect energy and well-being.维生素水平的变化会影响人的活力和安康。4、Your parents" decisions affect you, like it or not, buster.父母的决定影响了你,不管你想不想听,小家伙。5、[with clause]your attitude will affect how successful you are.你的态度会影响你成功的程度。
2023-01-08 15:00:561

the only factors后面为什么要加affecting而不是to affect?

这句英文之所以后面跟affecting,而不是to affect,因为affect是作为正在进行时用的,所以需要加ing,而不是作为主动去影响的,不能用to这个介词。
2023-01-08 15:01:095


2023-01-08 15:01:341


1. affect 的意思是影响,它是个动词。列1:My results affects my mood (我的成绩会影响我的心情)___(名词)_____ affects/will affect(即将影响)/is affecting(正在影响)__(名词)__如果第一个名词是复数,那就用affect. 如果是单数,就用affects.列2:my mood is affected by my results (我的心情被我的成绩所影响)_____(名词)_____ is affected by ____名词____ = (名词) 被 (名词)所影响。如果第一个名词是复数,就要用are. 如果是单数,就能用is.3. Challenge 的意思是挑战。这个字可以当作名词,动词或形容词。名词的用法:this is a challenge (这是一个挑战) 动词的用法:I challenged Tom (我挑战了Tom)形容词的用法:This is challenging (这有挑战性)challenging 有点复杂,应为他也可以用在:i am challenging Tom (我正在挑战Tom)3. Regard 的意思可以是尊敬,也可以使关注/关于 或指某方面。e.g. 1: With regard to this problem : 关于这个问题。e.g. 2: In this regard... : 在这方面e.g.3: I regard him highly : 我很尊敬他。e.g. 4: we need to have regard for safety: 我们需要关注安全。4. instead 有(代替)/(而不是) 的意思。 一般后面都加of (instead of)e.g. 1: We will go to China instead of England (我们回去中国而不是英国)这个(而不是)的意思通常是指本来要去英国,后来中国代替了英国。这有点难直接翻译。e.g. 2: At first, Tom was going to come, but now Nick is coming instead. (本来Tom 要来的,但现在Nick会代替它来。)一般都是:__(什么)__ instead of ____(什么)____ 或: (什么本来会怎么样),but____________instead.希望这有帮助。
2023-01-08 15:01:391

英语语法问题 麻烦看下 非常感谢!!

1.affecting作为前面句子的谓语,前面是are形式,所以要用ing。2。even作为副词形式后面形容词。curtailed。。。find sth. done.3.low-wage形容词。even修饰的词性。作为复合词需要根据在词中的意思来甄别,再就是有些复合词在词典里也能查出来的。4.even副词修饰more。或者是even more修饰do.什么词性需要你根据前后语句或者是前后的修饰词来分别,千万不能太笼统的写出几个单词就说是什么词。5.应该是补语。是前面一句的解释而已。(不是很确定)。 come of age=coming age;形容词的accelerating。后面一个问题迎刃而解了,因为前面是形容词
2023-01-08 15:01:453


抒情的 shu qing express one"s emotion 2.lyric; sentimental 激情 ji qing 1.intense emotion; fervor; passion; enthusiasm; ardor; electricity 感人 gan ren 1.moving; touching; impressive; heart-stirring 感动 gan dong move; to touch; to affect; to pulsate; to dissolve; to strike 甜美 tian mei 1.nice and sweet; luscious 2.pleasant; refreshing; (of a voice, music, etc) mellifluous 轻快 qing kuai 1.brisk; spry; nimble 2.relaxed; lively; lighthearted 欢快 huan kuai 1.cheerful; light-hearted; lively; gay 高雅 gao ya 1.elegant and in good taste; noble and graceful 外文 wai wen 1.written foreign language(s) 2.foreign language(s) 外文 wai wen 1.written foreign language(s) 2.foreign language(s) 中文 zhong wen 1.Chinese language; Chinese 歌曲 ge qu 1.a song; a melody
2023-01-08 15:01:562


.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.句子主干成份:Her study was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 她的研究被发表在体育运动方面的医学科学期刊上。of 62 formerly inactive women 是定语,修饰study,她的研究,是什么研究?是关于62个不活跃的妇女。who began exercising three times a week for six months 是定语从句,修饰women,这62个妇女,是开始每个星期锻炼3次,连续坚持了6个月的那62个妇女,而不是其他女人。Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively.句子主干:Iron deficiency is very common among women in general缺铁在妇女中是非常普遍的。affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. 分词短语做结果状语。(缺铁)影响了四分之一的未成年女性和五分之一18到45岁的成年女性。And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.主句是: they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.她们没有摄入足够的富含铁食物,所以就容易导致缺铁(症状发生)。because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,这是原因状语从句,解释主句没有摄入足够富含铁食物的原因。因为妇女们经常限制她们的饮食来控制自己的体重,
2023-01-08 15:02:046

为什么这个地方could情态动词后面要用be affecting 而不是affect?

be doing表将来,是会影响的意思。be done表被动,be affected才是被影响的意思。
2023-01-08 15:02:291


但是专业化只是科学上的一系列相关发展进程其中的一种(情形),(它)影响着通信的过程。另一种(情况)是科学研究活动的日益职业化。这里specialization意译跟professionalisation差不多,都是专业化、职业化的意味。But specialization was (only one of a series of related }developments (in science }(affecting the process of communication},该局括号内的部分均为修饰语,简化后为specialization was development 其中第三个括号的affecting是动词,它的主语是前面的developments 。
2023-01-08 15:02:356

英语语法状语从句 问题,高手进

affecting 的逻辑主语应当是a blue light continuously flashing on their consoles这个事,可以改为which affects。应当是结果状语,但是是a blue light continuously flashing on their consoles的结果状语。再如: He has won the award five times in a row(连续),making him very popular with the girls. making是结果状语,可以换为which makes,看来逻辑主语应当是前面所说的事情。这种情况很多,下面是摘自高中英语语法通霸2014版73页的一点内容,都是高考真题,你再体会一下。非谓语做结果状语:现在分词作结果状语时,表示一种自然的结果;动词不定式作结果状语,表示一种出乎意料的结果。1. 【2010天津】Itrained heavily in the south, ______ serious flooding in several provinces. A. caused B. havingcaused C. causing cause2. 【2009上海】Asmall plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, ______ allfour people on board.A. killed B. killing C.kills D. to kill3. 【2011陕西】More highways have beenbuilt in China, ______ it much easier for people totravel from one place to another. A. making B. madeC. to make D. havingmade4. 【2010江苏】Theretired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquakein Yushu, ______ the students to return to their classrooms. A. enabling B. having enabledC. to enable D. to haveenabled5. 【2012山东】Georgereturned after the war, only ______ tha this wife had left him. A. to be told B. tellingC. being told D. told6. 【2012四川】Tomtook a taxi to the airport, only ______ his plane high up in the sky.A. finding B. to findC. being found D. to havefoundC B A A A B
2023-01-08 15:03:033


一、moving的释义为:1、英 [ˈmuːvɪŋ]  美 [ˈmuːvɪŋ] 2、adj. 移动的;可移动的;动人的;活动的3、v. 移动;搬家;改变状态;影响;进展;在(一定范围或人群中)进行社交活动;(在会议或立法机构中)提议;使(肠)排空(move 的现在分词)4、n. (Moving) (印、英、丹、挪、以、阿、加拿大)穆文英(人名)二、短语1、moving bolster 移动工作台2、Keep moving 永不止步 ; 勇往直前 ; 永不啻步3、moving coil 动圈式 ; [电] 动圈 ; 动线圈 ; 可动线圈4、moving element 活动元件 ; 动作元件扩展资料一、moving近义词affecting英 [əˈfektɪŋ]  美 [əˈfektɪŋ] 1、adj. 动人的,感人的2、v. 影响;(疾病)侵袭,感染;使感动,打动;假装;炫耀,做作地使用(affect 的现在分词)二、短语1、Affecting factors 影响因素 ; 影2、Profoundly Affecting 动魄惊心3、All Affecting 全部影响4、affecting propagation 影响繁殖力
2023-01-08 15:03:141


  下面是我整理的一些关于 affect与effect的用法,希望对大家有帮助。   1."by/in contrast"和"on the contrary"的用法   By contrast / In contrast   我经常在短 作文 和长作文里使用这2个 短语 。他们的用法完全相同。和however、on the other hand相似,它们用于介绍相反的观点或进行比较。By/In contrast可以用于句首,后面要加逗号。   Example   例如:   Unemployment rose in the UK. By contrast, the number of unemployed people in Canada fell.   On the contrary   I"ve never used this phrase in any of my IELTS lessons. It doesn"t mean the same thing as "by / in contrast". We use "on the contrary" to deny that something is true, and to explain that the opposite is true.   我从未在我的雅思课中用过这个短语。它和by / in contrast的意思不同。我们用on the contrary来否定某事,并解释与之相反的事是真实的。   Example   例如:   - Person 1: "You had some problems with your hotel, didn"t you?"   - Person 2: "On the contrary, the hotel was great, but the airline lost my suitcase."   2. affect和effect的用法   "Affect" is a verb. Don"t write "affect on".   Affect是动词。不要用affect on。   Smoking affects your health. (错误:smoking affects on your health)   The Internet is affecting our way of life.   Children are affected by what they see on television.   "Effect" is a noun. Do write "have an effect on".   Effect是名词。可以用have an effect on。   Smoking has a harmful effect on your health.   The Internet is having a significant effect on our way of life.   Television can have a negative effect on children.
2023-01-08 15:03:241


2023-01-08 15:03:331

larger than life中英文歌词

2023-01-08 15:03:392

后街Larger Than Life的中英文歌词

2023-01-08 15:03:473

larger than life中英文歌词

2023-01-08 15:04:001


2023-01-08 15:04:063

larger than life中英文歌词

2023-01-08 15:04:172

have trouble in communicating

答案是D.本题考查动词不定式;题干中bound常常构成短语be bound to do,表示"一定会…;必然会…";故选D.
2023-01-08 15:04:261

求后街男孩的《langer than life》歌词 最好有中文翻译

2023-01-08 15:04:443

They are free from the greenhouse effects affecting "forced riders".请问这句话是什么意思?

翻译如下They are free from the greenhouse effects affecting "forced riders".它们不受温室效应的影响,这些温室效应会影响“强迫骑手”。be free from意思是不受。。。的影响
2023-01-08 15:05:083

《larger than life》中英对照歌词

2023-01-08 15:05:202


你可能知道垃圾食品像法式炸薯条,但是你是否知道垃圾睡眠?最近,英国一项调查发现青少年床上的电子产品会影响到他们的睡眠。这项调查是在1000个12-16岁的英国小孩之间完成的,经研究发现,他们中的30%每天仅仅睡4-7个小时,但是医生说他们需要8-9个小时。几乎四分之一的孩子说他们每周至少有一次是在看电视、听歌或使用其他电子产品的时候睡着的。”这是非常令人担忧的“,伊德兹科夫斯基 医生,一个英国专家说,“我们称之为垃圾睡眠”,那意味着你没有足够的睡眠和睡眠质量也不好,如果没有得到好的休息,第二天你在学校的表现不会好“。调查发现40%的小孩每天都会很疲倦,13-16岁的女孩尤其这样。几乎所有的青少年在他们的卧室里都有手机,MP4或电视。他们中的好多这三种东西都有。
2023-01-08 15:05:296


2023-01-08 15:05:542


动人的事迹stirring deedsaffecting也是动人的意思望采纳 谢谢
2023-01-08 15:06:091

but specialisation was only

1 But specialization was only one of a series of related developments in science affecting the process of communication. 2 Another was the growing professionalization of scientific activty 第一句中的affecting是动词的分词形式,作science的补足语,意思是“影响交流过程的学科” 第二句中的growing是动词的分词形式,作修饰professionalization的形容词,
2023-01-08 15:06:151

changes affecting the distances goods may be transported.这句话什么意思?(机翻、灌水直接举报)

changes affecting the distances goods may be transported影响货物运输距离的变化changes affecting the distances goods may be transported影响货物运输距离的变化
2023-01-08 15:06:211

factors affecting work performance 说明文

factors affecting work performanceevery manager or business owner wants a staff that performs at an optimum level all day, every day. While some businesses have teams that work at or close to their peak every day .it"s more common to find employees who have short-term or ongoing performance issues. The factors that influence work performance vary. And sometimes more than one factor is causing trouble. People whose age is at 18 years old to 30 years old believe that the chance for personal development and have a relaxed working environment is important. Besides, they think promotion prospects highly as well. But the age who is at 45 years old to 60 years old don"t think so. They think team spirit and have a competent boss and job satisfaction should be think first. Lastly ,all people think money highly . 75% staffs think it"s a important factor. And ,job security and work environment are thought lowly in common. All in all, if I as a staff . I hope I can do my best .just because it is my hobby. I hope I will not be influenced by other factors as possible as I can .
2023-01-08 15:06:271


A pollutant Also known as the "primary pollutants." Directly or indirectly, from sources of pollutants discharged into the environment. Such as clean air and water into the body of chemical toxins, viruses, and so on. Is a major source of environmental pollution. Secondary pollutants Also known as "secondary contaminants." Pollutants discharged from pollution sources (usually referred to as "a pollutant") evolved in the environment of new pollutants. Often on the environment and even more serious health hazards. Such as sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere and water meet and sulfuric acid mist generated, and its strong stimulating effect of sulfur dioxide than ten times; the occurrence of photochemical smog, the generated ozone, formaldehyde and secondary pollutants such as acrolein, and construction of plants and animals materials have a greater harm. Air Pollution [air pollution] and there are a lot of outdoor air, such as dust, smoke, gas, mist, odor, smoke or steam, such as one or more of staining material, its characteristics and duration sufficient to harm human health or animal and plant life. Air pollution (air pollution) the air content of certain substances higher than normal concentration, the formation of harm animals and plants, affecting their survival phenomenon. Atmospheric C0, NH3, SO2, H2S, Cl2, 03 and N02, such as the normal content of the material in the following parts per million of the animals and plants no apparent ill effects. However, since the 19th century, due to the transport industry and the development of a large number of these substances into the atmosphere, so that air pollution is worsening, affecting animal and plant life and even human health. Some of the sources of pollutants from the natural world (such as soot volcano) or from human activity, including industrial and transportation emissions are the main sources of pollution. Can be transformed into water and soil pollution. Radioactive pollution By the environmental pollution caused by radioactive substances are the main pollutants in the phenomenon of nuclear emissions from industrial enterprises, resulting from nuclear testing fallout and the nature of radioactive cosmic rays, radioactive and other minerals and natural radioisotopes. Through the food chain or directly harm the human body. Heavy-metal contamination By heavy metals or their compounds caused by environmental pollution. Mainly by the mining, emissions, waste water irrigation and the use of heavy metals in products such as man-made factors. Such as Japan and the Minamata disease patients痛痛pollution by mercury and cadmium pollution arising. Depends on the harm of heavy metals in the environment, food and organisms that exist in the concentration and chemical form. Exhaust pollution Harmful gas emissions from motor vehicles caused by air pollution. The main harmful gases as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide and so on. And so on can lead to photochemical smog. Species due to gasoline, car load, engine performance, road conditions, weather conditions and other factors, the number and type of different. Due to a high degree of automobile exhaust in the breathing zone of people, so the exhaust pollution harmful to human health.
2023-01-08 15:06:406


不然你会一直影响我的情绪英语Otherwise you will always affect my emotion.
2023-01-08 15:07:043


Anchor: Torrential rains continued to plague(折磨) China on Wednesday, affecting almost 1 million people, disrupting traffic(交通中断) and threatening the safety of reservoirs(水库). Flood control has now become a top priority in many provinces in southern China. Our reporter Wu Jia has the details. Reporter:The water level in the Yangtze River keeps rising as the downpour continues. Authorities are taking every precaution(预防,防范措施) to fight flooding and ensure safety along the major rivers, reservoirs and strategic facilities. Shi Guangqian is a senior official at the Yangtze River"s Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarter. He says the water level in the high-rish sections of the river is being carefully monitored. "As of now, the rainfall in the Yangtze region, especially the middle and low reaches of the river, has been normal. Everything is under control at present."Shi Guangqian adds that the water level in the Yangze"s main Wuhanguan tributary is stable. China"s National Meteorological(adj.气象的, 气象学的) Center estimates that rainfall in South China this year will be 30 to 70 percent heavier than previous years. And according to the latest forecasts, heavy rainfall in the region will continue in the coming days.The drenching rains are expected to pose a serious danger to agricultural production. The situation has prompted China"s Ministry of Agriculture to issue an urgent appeal to the local authorities to prevent possible losses. Hu Yuankun is a senior official from the Ministry of Agriculture. "As of noon, June 11th, the rain had affected seven provinces in South China: Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Guizhou. More than 11 million mu of crops have been damaged in these provinces."However, the official says immediate rescue strategies have been carried out and the damage will not have too much effect on the nation"s overall agricultural output this year. Furthermore, Hu Yuankun says the ministry is working closely with local agricultural authorities. They have taken a series of measures, including strengthening the weather monitoring and forecast system, as well as sending experts to the disaster-hit areas. "We are working on resuming production after the disaster. We have organized farmers to harvest the ripe crops and fruit. We have also sent our experts to help restore agricultural production, and minimize the losses."The deluge began to haunt South China at the end of last month, damaging houses, crops, and industrial plants. In response, the National Meteorological Center has launched an orange alert, the second highest level in China. Wu Jia, CRI news.翻译拿工具翻下就有了~
2023-01-08 15:07:171


题库内容:使人神魂 震惊 。原指文辞 优美 ,意境深远,使人感受极深, 震动 极大。后常 形容 使人十分 惊骇 紧张 到极点。 成语出处: 南朝·梁·钟嵘《诗品》卷上:“文温以丽,意悲而远, 惊心动魄 ,可谓 几乎 一字 千金 。” 成语例句: 只听跑上几个人去,把椤子往地下一摔,霍绰的一声, 惊心动魄 。 繁体写法: 惊心动魄 注音: ㄐㄧㄥ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄉㄨㄙˋ ㄆㄛˋ 惊心动魄的近义词: 动魄惊心 震动内心,令人感动或惊讶 心惊肉跳 因担心灾祸临头而惊恐不安的样子贾政在外,心惊肉跳,拈须搓手的等候旨意。《红楼梦》 惊心动魄的反义词: 泰然自若 形容在使人十分为难的或烦乱的情况下表现得沉着冷静和镇定表现出自制或泰然自若,这是他或她一贯注意举止 见怪不怪 遇到怪异的现象或事物沉着镇静,不受惊扰 成语语法: 联合式;作谓语、定语、状语、补语;用于说明事物壮观 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 联合式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: profoundly affecting 俄语翻译: потрясающий <волнующий> 其他翻译: <德>erschütternd <atemberaubend><法>effrayant <émouvant> 成语谜语: 脑袋上放炮竹 读音注意: 魄,不能读作“pài”。 写法注意: 魄,不能写作“魂”。 歇后语: 脑袋上放炮竹
2023-01-08 15:07:271


1 Do have2.comes from3.doesn"t have4.Yes do5.Her face
2023-01-08 15:07:345

惊心动魄的意思是什么 标准答案

题库内容:使人神魂 震惊 。原指文辞 优美 ,意境深远,使人感受极深, 震动 极大。后常 形容 使人十分 惊骇 紧张 到极点。 成语出处: 南朝·梁·钟嵘《诗品》卷上:“文温以丽,意悲而远, 惊心动魄 ,可谓 几乎 一字 千金 。” 成语例句: 只听跑上几个人去,把椤子往地下一摔,霍绰的一声, 惊心动魄 。 繁体写法: 惊心动魄 注音: ㄐㄧㄥ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄉㄨㄙˋ ㄆㄛˋ 惊心动魄的近义词: 动魄惊心 震动内心,令人感动或惊讶 心惊肉跳 因担心灾祸临头而惊恐不安的样子贾政在外,心惊肉跳,拈须搓手的等候旨意。《红楼梦》 惊心动魄的反义词: 泰然自若 形容在使人十分为难的或烦乱的情况下表现得沉着冷静和镇定表现出自制或泰然自若,这是他或她一贯注意举止 见怪不怪 遇到怪异的现象或事物沉着镇静,不受惊扰 成语语法: 联合式;作谓语、定语、状语、补语;用于说明事物壮观 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 联合式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: profoundly affecting 俄语翻译: потрясающий <волнующий> 其他翻译: <德>erschütternd <atemberaubend><法>effrayant <émouvant> 成语谜语: 脑袋上放炮竹 读音注意: 魄,不能读作“pài”。 写法注意: 魄,不能写作“魂”。 歇后语: 脑袋上放炮竹
2023-01-08 15:07:591

自然灾害英文是 natural disaster 还是nature disaster

natural disaster
2023-01-08 15:08:056


题库内容:使人神魂 震惊 。原指文辞 优美 ,意境深远,使人感受极深, 震动 极大。后常 形容 使人十分 惊骇 紧张 到极点。 成语出处: 南朝·梁·钟嵘《诗品》卷上:“文温以丽,意悲而远, 惊心动魄 ,可谓 几乎 一字 千金 。” 成语例句: 只听跑上几个人去,把椤子往地下一摔,霍绰的一声, 惊心动魄 。 繁体写法: 惊心动魄 注音: ㄐㄧㄥ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄉㄨㄙˋ ㄆㄛˋ 惊心动魄的近义词: 动魄惊心 震动内心,令人感动或惊讶 心惊肉跳 因担心灾祸临头而惊恐不安的样子贾政在外,心惊肉跳,拈须搓手的等候旨意。《红楼梦》 惊心动魄的反义词: 泰然自若 形容在使人十分为难的或烦乱的情况下表现得沉着冷静和镇定表现出自制或泰然自若,这是他或她一贯注意举止 见怪不怪 遇到怪异的现象或事物沉着镇静,不受惊扰 成语语法: 联合式;作谓语、定语、状语、补语;用于说明事物壮观 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 联合式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: profoundly affecting 俄语翻译: потрясающий <волнующий> 其他翻译: <德>erschütternd <atemberaubend><法>effrayant <émouvant> 成语谜语: 脑袋上放炮竹 读音注意: 魄,不能读作“pài”。 写法注意: 魄,不能写作“魂”。 歇后语: 脑袋上放炮竹
2023-01-08 15:08:411


teammate的读法:英 [ˈtiːmmeɪt]   美 [ˈtiːmmeɪt] 。teammate英 [ˈtiːmmeɪt]   美 [ˈtiːmmeɪt]  。n.同队队员;队友。双语例句:1、If a basketball star is, for example, trying to gain a high personal point total, he may take a shot himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate, affecting the team"s performance . 例如,如果一个篮球明星会为了更高的个人总分在本该传球给队友的时候自己投篮,从而影响了球队表现。2、The girls on the Wesleyan Academy softball were waiting for their next turns at bat during practice, stamping their feet to stay warm, Eighth-grader Taylor Bisbee shivered a little as she watched her teammate Paris White play . 卫斯理学院垒球队的女孩们在练习中等待下一轮击球,跺脚取暖,八年级学生泰勒•比斯比看着队友帕里斯•怀特打球时有点发抖。3、For example, "I know you play soccer very well, but we only need one teammate ." 例如,"我知道你踢足球踢得很好,但我们只需要一个队友。"4、There were less than ten seconds left and the ball stopped in front of my son"s teammate, Mickey. 只剩下不到10秒时,球在我儿子的队友米奇面前停了下来。
2023-01-08 15:08:471


Abstract In this paper, the North subtropical cork oak forests, fir, pine torch, Mao bamboo and Chinese fir forest soil in the budding B, Mo, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and effective content distribution in soil profiles in the law affecting their effective of soil factors and the different stands on soil micro-nutrient contents. The results show that forest soils in the region, the effective B, Mo, Cu, the average levels were lower than the respective critical value, the effective average concentration of Zn close to the threshold, Fe, Mn-rich; the effective micro-nutrients in the soil profile in the distribution of a result of forest and element types vary; affect the validity of trace elements in the main soil factors for organic matter and available phosphorus content; different stands on the content of trace elements in soil have a significant effect.
2023-01-08 15:09:072

根据这几句话1.Present a problem affecting one city you konw and propose solutions to the problem

The recent problem occured in Beijing is air polution. With the development in this modern city, people are building more and more factories in the suburban also lots of civizens are purchasing cars instead of solely bicycles. As a result, all situations above have directly led to the severe air pollution in Beijing. For me, I believe there"s no reason to ban the industrial development or the use of cars. It is the hightime for the govenment to raise people"s awareness to save the energy and protect the enviroment. For example, the government can lower the price of public transportation such as underground in order to reduce the use of personal car use. Also, by asking its citizens to recycle sources, Beijing can also improve its air condition.
2023-01-08 15:09:171


工作压力: Today"s society is a high-speed advanced stage of our development, but with a huge work pressure. Become a white-collar workers, time to get up 7:00 am, 12:00 to go to work to eat a meal in the company and work to 5:00 to 6:00 at night sometimes加夜班, the day was that it engaged in a vicious circle, but I pleased that my happiness, I have my young passion, I will strive for. . . Fuel, friends, believe they can.(2):We live in a very well-being of the campus, next to friends of our students also have been concerned about the hard work of teachers such as feeding the gardener with us after school to play basketball, play football together, study together, when serious homework, attending classes seriously , after the completion of our task all play on campus, and this is my school day, I love here, love every corner of campus.(3):Mother Earth gave birth to our common humanity, but now we have what the ecosystem will result in environmental damage and impact of direct, such as desertification, deforestation, also to the ecological systems and human society indirectly caused the harm, and sometimes indirect harmful environmental effects caused by more than direct harm was greater, but also harder to dispel. For example, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, ozone depletion and air pollution is derived from the environmental effects. This derived from the environmental effects of environmental pollution has a lag, often occurring in the pollution is not so noticeable at the time or expected to, however, said the event has been the development of environmental pollution to a very serious stage. Of course, the environmental pollution in the most direct and easily perceived consequence of the decline in the quality of human environment, affecting the quality of human life, health and production activities. Such as urban air pollution caused by polluted air, increased the incidence of people and so on; water so that water quality deterioration in the quality of drinking water sources generally declined, threatening the health of people, caused by premature birth or fetal malformation and so on. Serious pollution incidents caused not only health problems, but also create social problems. With the increased pollution and the improvement of people"s environmental awareness, as a result of pollution caused by disputes and conflicts of people every year. Return her?
2023-01-08 15:09:231

drama 和 poem 有什么区别

1. poem的意思是“诗”,为可数名词,可指具体的一首诗、两首诗、几首诗等;用作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于poem的数(即poem为单数,谓语动词用单数;poem为复数,谓语动词用复数)。如:This poem is worth learning by heart. 这首诗是值得记起来的。His poems have been compared to those of the English Romantics. 他的诗歌被拿来与英国浪漫主义诗歌相提并论。2. poetry的意思也是“诗”,但为诗的总称,是不可数名词;用作主语时,谓语动词总是用单数。如:This writer"s poetry reflects his love of nature. 该作者的诗反映出他热爱自然。Poetry has been composed since ancient times. 从古时起人们就开始创作诗歌了。Poetry serves to stimulate the mind. 诗歌能激发心灵。drama 英[ˈdrɑ:mə] 美[ˈdrɑmə, ˈdræmə] n. 戏剧,剧本; 戏剧效果; 戏剧文学[艺术]; 戏剧性事件[场面]; 全部释义>>[例句]An affecting drama about a woman with a terminal illness关于一位身患绝症的女人的感人戏剧更多例句>>复数:dramas相关单词: Drama DRAMA
2023-01-08 15:09:292

Factors affecting population density 什麽意思

2023-01-08 15:09:442

英语里面 提到合同或者合同法经常提到 structure 具体是什么意思?在与合同相关时怎么翻译?

先把句子拆开 第一部分 :Evaluate the significant commercial issues affectingthe choice 对 会影响决策(或选择)的重大商业问题 做 评估第二部分: by the contracting parties 由缔约方 (在这里是插入语, 意思是决策或者选择由缔约方做出的)第三部分: of one of these structures over the others for the distributionof goods or services to market (接第一部分的choice) 从这些结构中选择出一个最优结构 来(执行) 对商品或服务向市场进行分配(批发,分销)整体译文: 对会影响 缔约双方 选择最优结构来进行产品或服务的市场分销 的重大商业问题 进行评估structure 在这里 意思是 结构, 分配产品或服务进入市场的结构
2023-01-08 15:10:021


2023-01-08 15:10:538


2023-01-08 15:11:198


personal是个人的private 是私有的.(对比:public公有的)2个不容易混淆的啦~~ 希望对你有帮助
2023-01-08 15:11:478

All you people can"t you see?How your love affecting our reality这句英文是什么意思?

All you people can"t you see?所有的人你们难道不能看到吗How your love"s affecting our reality爱能够改变现实来源Larger Than Life
2023-01-08 15:12:192


2023-01-08 15:12:274

the most important problems affecting our society

2023-01-08 15:12:452