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2023-08-04 15:55:34
TAG: diff



短语搭配有indifferent to不在乎;无兴趣;不关心;不在意。indifferentelectrolyte协助电解物;惰性电解质;支持电解物。Indifferent Mingzhi淡泊明志,Indifferent Card杂牌,indifferent genitalia未分化生殖器;翻译。Quiet indifferent恬静淡泊,Feelindifferent感到无所谓,Am indifferent感到无所谓,World indifferent世界真冷漠。


1.Of all the lazy,indifferent,unbusinesslike attitudes to have!


2.Crook liked her well enough,but remained indifferent to her feminine charms.


3.The steel workers were relatively indifferent to the issue of nationalization.


4.She had starred in several very indifferent movies.


5.The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion.




indifferent英 [u026anu02c8du026afru0259nt] 美 [u026anu02c8du026afu0259ru0259nt, -u02c8du026afru0259nt]adj.漠不关心的; 无关紧要的; 中立的; 中等的冷漠的;漠不关心的;冷淡的;无所谓派生词:indifferently 双语例句1. Of all the lazy, indifferent, unbusinesslike attitudes to have! 这是多么懒惰、冷漠、不敬业的态度!2. Crook liked her well enough, but remained indifferent to her feminine charms. 克鲁格还比较喜欢她,只是对她的女性魅力却始终无动于衷。3. The steel workers were relatively indifferent to the issue of nationalization. 相对而言,钢铁工人对国有化的议题并不太关心。4. She had starred in several very indifferent movies. 她主演过几部表现非常一般的电影。5. The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion. 政府不可不关注舆论。
2023-08-04 10:25:571


2023-08-04 10:26:092


indifferent[英][u026anu02c8du026afru0259nt][美][u026anu02c8du026afu0259ru0259nt, -u02c8du026afru0259nt]adj.漠不关心的; 无关紧要的; 中立的; 中等的; 例句:1.Would you be so indifferent? 你会这么无所谓嘛?2.Investors seem indifferent to the risks. 投资者似乎并不在意风险。
2023-08-04 10:26:371


1. 人名:韦氏拼法:Tan Jan; 汉语拼音:Dan Ran2. indifferent淡然的,take...cooly对......淡然处之:He keeps indifferent facing the fame and money.他对名利金钱淡然处之。He takes the fame cooly.他对名利淡然处之。
2023-08-04 10:27:362

Indifferent listless apathetic 的区别

一.indifferent 1. 不感兴趣的;不关心的;冷淡的[(+to/toward)] I was concentrating so hard that I was indifferent to the noise outside. 我思想高度集中,不在乎外面的喧嚷声。 2. 不偏不倚的;中立的 remain indifferent in a dispute 在争端中保持中立 3. 不重要的,无关紧要的[(+to)] It"s quite indifferent to me whether you go or stay. 你去也好,留也好,我无所谓。 4. 中等的;一般性的;平庸的[B] I"m an indifferent cook. 我烧菜水平有限。 5. 不好的,相当差的 indifferent health 较差的健康状况 6. 【化】【物】惰性的;中性的 7. 【生】不分化的;随遇的二.listlessadj.冷淡的; 无精打彩的, 倦怠的与 listless 相关的例句Heat makes some people listless. 天气热使有些人没精打采。a dull and listless state resulting from weariness. 笨拙或无精打采的状态。be idle in a listless or dreamy way. 冷漠、空幻、游手好闲。Reacted to the latest crisis with listless resignation. 对最近的危机所作的反应是无精打采的放弃He makes a listless mistake in answer the question. 他在回答问题时犯了一个不小心的错误。a dispirited and divided Party; reacted to the crisis with listless resignation. 气馁的人心涣散的党;用冷漠的辞职来对抗危机。I feel dizzy [groggy, listless, sore all over, a bit chilly]. 我头晕[身子软,没有精神,全身酸疼,有一点凉]。So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life. 于是我们干着琐碎的事情,几乎意识不到我们对生活的倦怠态度。After another leg of the journey the donkey became listless, the master again lightened his burden. 再走了一段路以后,驴更没精神了。主人又把货物移过去一部分。One of the sheep continued listless and inactive for days, but began to perk up this morning. 有一只羊几天来老是没精打采的,可是今天早上开始活跃起来了。三.apathetica. 缺乏感情的, 无动于衷的, 缺乏兴趣的【医】 无情[感]的, 淡漠的adj.having or showing little or no feeling or emotionadj.having little or no interest or concern更多解释 相关词条 apathetic depression Apathetic behaviour apathetic type Apathetic behavior apathetic thyrotoxicosis apathetic dementia apathetic shock apathetic hyperthyroidism Apathetic-akinetic-abulic syndrome 该解释由词友提供,仅供参考。 免责声明 与 apathetic 相关的例句They wore apathetic toward the proposal. 他们对那项提议无动于衷。be apathetic, gloomy, or dazed. 缺乏兴趣,阴沉或者头晕。To function in an apathetic or ineffective manner. 消极怠工以一种缺乏兴趣或低效率的方式运作I have become complacent, and as a result, apathetic. 我已经变得自满,甚至因此对周遭的事务变得漠不关心。someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic way. 行动或反应像机械或缺乏感情的人。a woman who became active rather than apathetic as she grew older. 这个女人越老越有活力而不是无动于衷的。He wasn"t exactly hostile to facts but he was apathetic about them. 他并非完全对事实怀有敌意,只是没有关心到罢了。Not that the people are apathetic, for they are curious about everything. 不是人们缺乏兴趣,而是他们对一切都很好奇。He is not exactly hostile to fact but he is apathetic about them. 他并非完全对事实怀有敌意,只是没有关心到罢了。an apathetic audience; the universe is neither hostile nor friendly; it is simply indifferent. 一个无动于衷的观众;万物即不敌对也不友好;他们仅仅是公正的。故在表示“感兴趣的;不关心的;冷淡的”时候三个词通用,在表示其他意思时,意思有差别不通用。
2023-08-04 10:27:551


indifferent [u026an"du026af(u0259)r(u0259)nt] adj. 漠不关心的;无关紧要的;中性的,中立的短语indifferent to 不在乎 ; 无兴趣 ; 不关心 ; 无乐趣indifferent electrolyte 协助电解物 ; 惰性电解质Indifferent Mingzhi 淡泊明志objective [u0259b"du0292ektu026av] n. 目的;目标;[光] 物镜;宾格adj. 客观的;目标的;宾格的短语quantitative objective 定量目标 ; 定量目的 ; 定量方针 ; 数量目标objective lens 物镜 ; 接物镜 ; 物镜直径 ; 物镜透镜performance objective 绩效目标 ; 性能目标 ; 语言实践目标 ; 效能目标
2023-08-04 10:28:101


形容词,漠不关心的,用法是be indifferent to
2023-08-04 10:28:192


2023-08-04 10:28:292


2023-08-04 10:28:361

indifferent 在考研英语中,到底有没有中立的意思

2023-08-04 10:28:461


subjective objectice controversial。。
2023-08-04 10:28:563

The weather is different in different parts of the word.In some piaces it is()

2023-08-04 10:29:171


行在北京get around in四处走动beijing 。u know 。北京版本不同,内容好像不同,上传图片内容,给你翻译看看,下面是网友的两个翻译哈,供楼主参考。 PART 1Help your foreign friend get around!带外国友人旅游!getting around in Beijing by taxi is not hard.If your foreign frind cannot speak Chinese,write the place name in Chinese characters for him.Then he can easily show it to the driver.乘出租车在北京旅游并不难.如果你的外国友人不会说汉语,就用汉字把要去的地名写给他.这样他可以很轻松的给司机看.Questions:问题:1.Which language is it easier for you to write the place name for your foreign friend?1 你给外国友人写地名,最容易的语言是什么?Chinese汉语2.What should he do before he takes the taxi?2 他在乘出租车之前应该做什么?Show the driver the address给司机看地址Biking through the streets of Beijing is one of the favourite ways to see the city.Your friend can go form place to place.They can visit,shops along the streets.They can stop and go easily,and they can talk while biking.骑自行车穿过北京的大街小巷是最受欢迎的观光方式之一.你的朋友可以四处游览.他们可以在街上参观并购物.他们可以自如的停车或继续前进,也可以在骑车的同时交谈.Questions:问题:3.What is one of the favourite ways to see the city?3 最受欢迎的观光方式之一是什么?Biking through the streets of Beijing骑车穿过北京的街巷4.What can they do when they are biking?4 他们在骑车时还可以干什么?Talking 交谈There are many different kinds of buses in Beijing.It"s only 1 or 2 yuan.There are two ways to pay for a bus.The other is to pay the minute you get on the bus.The other is that you get on first then pay later.北京有许多不同的公交车.只要1或2元.付车费有两种方式.一是上车的同时付费,二是先上车再付钱.Questions:问题:5.How many ways are there to pay for a bus?5 付公交车费的方式有几种?2种6.How much is the bus ticket?6 车票要多少钱?2yuanThere are just 4 subway lines now.But by 2008 there will be 13 lines in Binjing .By then,you will be able to go everywhere much more easily.目前只有4条地铁线路.但是到2008年北京将会有13条线路.到那个时候,你可以更加方便的到各个地方去.Questions:问题:7.How many subway lines are there now in Beijing?7 现在北京有多少条地铁线路?48.When will there be 13 lines?8 什么时候会有13条线路?PART 2Module 2 行在北京出租车北京大街上的出租车是24小时服务的。只要你招招手,立刻就会有出租车。它们通常都是红色车身,并且在车窗上显示每公里的路价。你要做的,就是确认司机有营运照,并且索要发票。公交车和电车公共交通为人们游览北京提供了低价位的出行方式。北京大约有两万多辆公交车和电车,但是,它们有时会很拥挤。最明智的做法是避免在高峰期(上午6:30-8:00,下午5:00-6:30)乘坐公交车和电车。这些车车票价格便宜,一元起价。空调车则要贵一些。公交线1到100路都是仅限于市中心内的,车号更高一些的线路,可以通达郊区。对于游人来说,最不该错过的是103路电车,它途经紫禁城和北海白塔,沿途风景令人印象深刻。如果你乘坐双层公共汽车,请务必坐在上层,这样你会一览这个飞速发展城市的亮丽风景。小公共汽车在一些地区,这种12个座位的小型公共汽车给人们在昂贵的出租车和拥挤的公共汽车外,提供了第三种选择。它们跟大公共汽车走同样的路线,提供有规律的服务。在小公共汽车上,即使在高峰期也能找到空位。地铁北京有四条地铁线,还有几条线也正在建设之中。地铁方便快捷,但在高峰期,情况会很糟糕。地铁票价单程为三元,站名用拼音标注,运营时间为上午5点到晚上11点。三轮脚踏车游客们喜欢这些人力驱动的“三轮脚踏车”,但价格可能会较贵。因此坐之前要先弄清楚价格,明确价钱是否按人数计算、是单程还是往返双程的问题。如果想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。
2023-08-04 10:29:271

上海 六年级 第二学期 英语期中测试题 牛津版

2023-08-04 10:29:372


2023-08-04 10:29:4914

my best friend and i

Lucy is my best friend.We are familiar in some ways,but we have some diferences in other ways.We both have black eyes and black hairs. She is taller than me .And she is more quiet than me.Besides,she is very serious.I am more outgoing and I am more humorous .We both like reading books and lisening to music.I love to share my ideas with her and she always help me when I meet trouble .I think she is a person you can rely on.
2023-08-04 10:30:191


2023-08-04 10:30:281

Indifferent smile中文是什么意思

2023-08-04 10:30:554

in different ,be different different in 的区别.分别举例.

英语中有一个词indifferent,表示冷漠的、漠不关心的,但是我没有见过in different的用法.be different from:“和...不同”be different in:“在...方面不同”如:Taking a bus is different from taking a taxi.坐...
2023-08-04 10:31:021

in different ,be different from. be different in 的区别。分别举例。谢谢

英语中有一个词indifferent,表示冷漠的、漠不关心的,但是我没有见过in different的用法。be different from:“和...不同”be different in:“在...方面不同”如:Taking a bus is different from taking a taxi.坐公交车和打车是不同的。The two dresses are different in color.这两套衣服在颜色上不同。/这两套衣服颜色不同。
2023-08-04 10:31:112

causal 和 indifferent

2023-08-04 10:31:282


2023-08-04 10:31:361

冷漠 这两个字 的英文?

cold 没那么复杂
2023-08-04 10:31:455


in different situation在不同情境下 在不同的形势下 在不同的情况下We should stipulate whether this duplication is legal or not in different situationand conquer the obstacle of the lag theory. 应该超越理论滞后的障碍,区别不同情况,规定暂时复制的合法与否。望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-08-04 10:32:161


indifferent[英][u026anu02c8du026afru0259nt][美][u026anu02c8du026afu0259ru0259nt, -u02c8du026afru0259nt]adj.漠不关心的; 无关紧要的; 中立的; 中等的;
2023-08-04 10:32:443


词典结果:indifferent[英][u026anu02c8du026afru0259nt][美][u026anu02c8du026afu0259ru0259nt, -u02c8du026afru0259nt]adj.漠不关心的; 无关紧要的; 中立的; 中等的; 例句:1.Government and business were largely indifferent to education. 政府和商业基本上对教育是漠不关心的。
2023-08-04 10:32:542


2023-08-04 10:33:037


"Indifferent"通常可以加上介词"to"或"toward",表示"对...漠不关心"或"对...无动于衷"的意思。例如:"He is indifferent to the opinions of others."(他对别人的看法漠不关心。) "She was indifferent toward the proposal."(她对这个提议无动于衷。)
2023-08-04 10:33:182


indifferentcountries 造句The Chinese Spring Festival is also celebrated in different countries.在许多国家,人们也欢度中国的春节。The spare parts of this airplane are made in different countries.这种飞机零件产自多个国家。
2023-08-04 10:33:261


"漠不关心"的英文可以翻译为 "indifferent"。与"漠不关心"相关的词组:1. be indifferent to:对...漠不关心2. show no interest in:不对...感兴趣3. apathetic towards:对...毫无感觉的4. lack of concern:缺乏关注5. unconcerned attitude:漠不关心的态度6. disinterested in:对...不感兴趣7. indifferent to the plight of:对...的困境漠不关心双语例句:1. 我对这个问题毫不关心。 - I am completely indifferent to this issue.2. 他对工作似乎漠不关心。 - He seems indifferent to his work.3. 她一直保持着漠不关心的态度,仿佛对这一切都不在乎。- She maintained an air of indifference, as if she didn"t care about any of it.4. 这个组织对环保问题之前一直都漠不关心,直到最近才开始采取行动。- The organization had been indifferent to environmental issues before, but it has recently started to take action.5. 我们不能对这件事漠不关心,因为它涉及到我们的未来。- We cannot be indifferent to this matter because it concerns our future.
2023-08-04 10:33:341

be indifferent to后加什么

您好,be indifferent to意思是“对…冷漠/不关心”,其后接名词或代词宾格。例如,I am indifferent to his story.
2023-08-04 10:34:151


2023-08-04 10:34:381


no sad and no delight
2023-08-04 10:35:015


2023-08-04 10:35:211

indifference to是什么意思

indifference to生词本英 [u026anu02c8du026afu0259ru0259ns tu:] 美 [u026anu02c8du026afu0259ru0259ns tu]对…漠不关心 双语例句1. He displayed a sublime indifference to the distinction between right and wrong. 他对是非之间的差别根本就无动于衷。2. his total indifference to what people thought of him 他对别人怎么看他毫不在乎的态度3. He feigned indifference to criticism of his work. 他假装毫不在意别人批评他的作品.4. Her recent indifference to her work is all of a piece with her troubled mental state. 她最近对工作冷淡与她那不安的心境有关.5. Which side is winning is a matter of complete indifference to them.哪一方得胜对他们毫无相干.indifferent to fame or gainbe completely indifferent toindifferent tobe indifferent to
2023-08-04 10:35:563


You are so indifferent
2023-08-04 10:36:045


   different中文解释:   英 ["du026af(u0259)r(u0259)nt] 美 ["du026afru0259nt] adj. 不同的;个别的,与众不同的   短语词组:   different from与u2026不同,不同于   different kinds不同的种类   in different ways以不同方式;用不同的方法;通过不同的方式    different 相关词英语反义词参考:   similar 的反义词是 different   similar: 相似的   different: 不同的   assonant 的反义词是 different   different: adj. 不同的   cookie-cutter 的反义词是 different   different: adj. 不同的   identical 的反义词是 different   identical: adj 1 the ~ [attrib 作定语] the same 同一的:   例子: This is the identical room we stayed in last year. 这是我们去年住过的(同一间)房间.   2 ~ (to/with sb/sth) similar in every detail; exactly alike 完全相同的; 一模一样的:   例子: They"re wearing identical clothes. 他们穿著完全相同的衣服.   different: adj. 不同的   indistinguishable 的反义词是 different   indistinguishable: adj ~ (from sth) that cannot be identified as different or distinct; (virtually) identical 不能区别的; 无法辨别的; (实际上)完全相同的: Its colour makes the moth indistinguishable from the branch it rests on. 这蛾子停在树枝上, 其颜色和树枝几不可辨.   different: adj. 不同的   synoptical 的反义词是 different   different: adj. 不同的   indifferent 的反义词是 interested  
2023-08-04 10:36:201

Indifferent to fame and wealth

In this increasingly materialistic society, people are being more realistic. If they are not rich enough, they are also beneficial; if they have power, they are also famous; if they are not famous enough, they have to surpass others. We are being infected by the value of pursuing fame and wealth. Our outlook on life and values are seduced by money, fame and wealth. Although some people get money, fame and fortune, are they really happy? Don‘t they feel tired? Is life really beautiful? Therefore, we should be indifferent to fame and wealth, and make life better. There was a millionaire and a couple. The rich man was depressed all day, worried that his money would bee other people"s money, so he ran around all day, tired, tired, that was called a tired. The couple talked and laughed all day long, and they had a fortable little day. Although they had no money, their simple life made them feel very happy because they had each other. One day, the rich man gave the couple a million yuan to spend. The couple were busy that day. They didn‘t know where to put a million yuan. Finally, they put the money in their own sight, and they didn"t laugh Give the money back to the rich, and they continue to live happily together.With “money, fame and wealth”, some people are still not happy, while others have no counter example of “money, fame and wealth” to live happily, happily and happily. Indifferent to fame and fortune“Being indifferent to fame and wealth is not peaceful and far-reaching.” Only with Tao Yuanming‘s “don"t bend down for five bowls of rice” can he have the leisure and leisure spirit of “picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the Nanshan mountains”. Only with Chen Zi Gui‘s Taoshi, can they have the quiet and elegant Diaoyutai. Indifferent to fame and wealth, make life better.Life is actually very simple, as long as we are less insincere, more sincere, less pursuit of fame and wealth, more indifferent to fame and wealth, not to pursue material pursuit, as long as enough.We don"t need too much material enjoyment. To make ourselves happy and happy is our constant pursuit. Abandoning these vulgar views of “money first”, establishing a correct outlook on life, values and life, what we need more is a quiet, fortable, full and sincere life. Live your own happy life style, please recognize the fame and wealth, make life better.
2023-08-04 10:36:391

indifferent between用在数学中是什么意思啊

2023-08-04 10:36:471

be indifferent between

2023-08-04 10:36:541

different from的区别是什么?

indifferent是错误的,bedifferentfrom、bedifferentin的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、bedifferentfrom:和…不同。2、bedifferentin:不同的。二、用法不同1、bedifferentfrom:different强调事物存在本质上的差别,有时有对比意义,可以修饰单数和复数名词。different常接介词from、to或than,在英语中常用differentto,在美语中有时用differentthan,而differentfrom英美都用。在口语中,differentfrom有时可接从句。2、bedifferentin:different在肯定句中可用very修饰,在否定句中则用much修余谈饰。表示否定时用no修饰different比用not否定的语气强,后者只指“相同”,而前者蔽毁历则强调“一模一样”[tycloudy.c o m/?p=14231][tycloudy.c o m/?p=14466][tycloudy.c o m/?p=15079][tycloudy.c o m/?p=6187][tycloudy.c o m/?p=1525][tycloudy.c o m/?p=2907][tycloudy.c o m/?p=3549][tycloudy.c o m/?p=15718][tycloudy.c o m/?p=16142][tycloudy.c o m/?p=7388]
2023-08-04 10:37:031


unfriendly unborn indifferent unsociable irreligious unloved inbuilt unaffectionate unkind undecided unmarried undiscovered unable unsmiling 其中某些还可变为reborn uncovered disable
2023-08-04 10:37:205

indifferent to 有不在乎的意思?

有还有不关心 没有兴趣的意思
2023-08-04 10:37:364


2023-08-04 10:37:464


来过 阅 小弟我 才疏学浅 无法回答这位朋友的问题不过这个问题 的确有点意思2楼 3楼 说的好 长知识了 谢谢
2023-08-04 10:26:204

授权书翻译 求高手指教啊

To: Re: POWER OF ATTORNEYThis is to certify that I, xxxx, as the legal representative of xxxx Company Limited which was registered in China in accordance with its relevant law and located at ……………, hereby authorizes Mr. xxx as our legal representative to act on behalf of our company in the matters with respect to the Purchase Contract No.------.He shall have the rights to represent our company in signing tender documents, tender participation, contract negotiations, contract signing and in the execution of all other relevant matters. His authentic signature is shown below. Our company shall take full responsibility for the signature of our authorized representative. This Power of Attorney shall take effect on the date when signature is attached. Legal representative: (signature)Enquiry responded company: Authorized representative: (signature) Date: 4th January 2012 【英语牛人团】
2023-08-04 10:26:241


差速锁是安装在中央差速器上的一种锁止机构,用于四轮驱动车。其作用是为了提高汽车在坏路面上的通过能力,即当汽车的一个驱动桥空转时,能迅速锁死差速器,使两驱动桥变为刚性联接。这样就可以把大部分的扭矩甚至全部扭矩传给不滑转的驱动桥,充分利用它的附着力而产生足够牵引力,使汽车能够继续行驶。不同的差速器,所采用的锁止方式是不同的,工作原理也不一样。现在常见的差速器锁,大致有以下几种锁止方式:强制锁止式、高摩擦自锁式、牙嵌式、托森式和粘性耦合式。其中牙嵌式常用于中重型货车。强制锁止式强制锁止式差速锁就是在普通对称式锥齿轮差速器上设置差速锁,这种差速锁结构简单,易于制造,转矩分配比率较高。但是操纵相当不便,一般需要停车;另外,如果过早接上或者过晚摘下差速锁,那么就会产生无差速器时的一系列问题,转矩分配不可变。高摩擦自锁式高摩擦自锁式有摩擦片式和滑块凸轮式等结构。摩擦片式通过摩擦片之间相对滑转时产生的摩擦力矩来使差速器锁止,这种差速锁结构简单,工作平稳,在轿车和轻型汽车上最常见;滑块凸轮式利用滑块和凸轮之间较大的摩擦力矩来使差速器锁止,它可以在很大程度上提高汽车的通过性能,但是结构复杂,加工要求高,摩擦件磨损较大,成本较高。以上两种高摩擦自锁式差速器锁都可以在一定范围内分配左右两侧车轮的输出转矩,并且接入脱离都是自动进行,因此应用日益广泛。 [2]托森式托森式差速器是一种新型的轴间差速器,它在全轮驱动的轿车(如奥迪TT)上有广泛运用。“托森”这个名称是格里森公司的注册商标,表示“转矩灵敏差速器”。它采用蜗轮蜗杆传动具有自锁特性的基本原理。托森式差速器结构紧凑,传递转矩可变范围较大且可调,故而广泛用于全轮驱动轿车的中央差速器以及后驱动桥轮间差速器。但是由于其在高转速转矩差时的自动锁止作用,一般不能用于前驱动桥轮间差速器。粘性耦合式部分四轮驱动轿车上采用粘性耦合联轴器作为差速器使用。这种新型的差速器使用的是硅油作为传递转矩的介质。硅油具有很高的热膨胀系数,当两车轴的转速差过大时,硅油温度急剧上升,体积不断膨胀,硅油推动摩擦叶片紧密结合,这时粘性耦合器两端驱动轴直接联成一体,即粘性耦合器锁死。这种现象被称为“驼峰现象”。这种现象的发生极其迅速,差速器骤然锁死,因此车辆很容易脱离抛锚地。一旦搅油停止之后,硅油的温度逐渐下降,直至充分冷却后,驼峰现象才会消失。鉴于粘性耦合器传递转矩柔和平稳,差速响应快,它被推广运用到了驱动桥的轴间差速系统,当作轴间差速器,使全轮驱动轿车的性能大幅度的提高。
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