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请就“熟能生巧”这个这个短语写一篇英语作文 要求80字 初三的水平 60分左右就行

2023-08-04 15:05:26

Skill comes from practice

In the summer I play tennis, began to practice, action is good, to rally movement disorder up, there is no essential full swing, foot standing instability, also was criticized by the teacher, the heart can not say how anxious, tears in the eyes roll straight.

Back home, I told my mother, my mother touched my head, comfort said: "don"t worry, will be good, more practice skill comes. Well, mother accompany you practice."

The next month, the mother every evening to accompany me to the field to practice serving and catching, although very hard, also flow a lot of sweat, but have a great harvest, service can already sent to the specified location, the forehand ball is also very skilled, strong interest in playing. I deeply appreciate the "skill comes." the truth, in fact, learning is the same, more practice makes perfect.

Hey. Now I really want to go to the game show.










3 分钟前热心网友北宋有个射箭能手叫陈尧咨,一天,他在家练箭,十中八九,旁观者拍手称绝,陈尧咨自己


It is well known that practice makes perfect. Whatever is worth doing at all is wordl doing well. To do well is to try, try, and try again. That is how I understand "Practice makes perfect."

  Take for example the study of English. In the beginning, it seemed hard to me to pronounce each word correctly and to memorize the grammar rules, sentence structures, the whole texts. By reading the texts over and over, listening to the tape again and again, and writing and speaking more and more, I have overcome the difficulties and become more skillful in mastering the language. Nothing is impossihle if you set your mind on it.

  Another case in point is my learning to play erhu. The first time I played the musical instrument, it was like sawing wood. The sound annoyed everyone in the house including myself, but I kept at it against the complaints of my family. At last, I made it. Now I can make pleasant music on my erhu.

  Experience tells me "Practice makes perfect".



Truly , " practice makes perfect . " 熟能生巧 就是这个意思。 Practice makes perfect . 熟能生巧 。 Like anything else, if you do enough of it, you eventually get the hang of what you"re doing . 凡事总是这样,你做多了,就自然 熟能生巧 。 As we know , " no pains , no gains 正如我们知道的:没有劳作,没有收获; 熟能生巧 。 You know what they say , practice makes perfect 你知道的那句俗话, 熟能生巧 。 B : what you mean is that practice makes perfect 你的意思是说 熟能生巧 。 What you mean is that practice makes perfect 你的意思是说 熟能生巧 。 In short , to write you must write . practice makes perfect 总之,要会写就必须写, 熟能生巧 。 I reapzed that practice makes perfect 我懂得了 熟能生巧 的道理。 They say “ practice makes perfect ” , i don " t doubt it 人们说“ 熟能生巧 ” ,我对这句话毫不怀疑。 We can never learn engpsh well , but practice makes perfect 英语是学不好的,但是“ 熟能生巧 ” ! Don " t worry about your oral engpsh . practice makes perfect 不用担心自己的英语口语, 熟能生巧 嘛。 Crashing one ship isn t enough for you ? - practice makes perfect -毁了一艘航舰还不够? - 熟能生巧 Custom makes all things easy 凡事成习惯就容易做。 / 熟能生巧 。 I do bepeve that practice makes perfect 我很相信 熟能生巧 。 I don " t know , either . but you know " practice makes perfect " 我也不清楚,但是你知道“ 熟能生巧 ”嘛。 As we know , practice makes perfect , she does a lot in engpsh 俗话说, 熟能生巧 ,她学习英语很努力。 L : i don " t know , either . but you know " practice makes perfect " 我也不清楚,但是你知道“ 熟能生巧 ”嘛。 Practice your speech so much that you can do it while on autopilot 经常练习演讲能够让你 熟能生巧 ,发挥自如。 Like most things , people get better at interviewing with a pttle practice 象很多事物一样,面试也是 熟能生巧 。 Practice makes perfect 练习造成完美, 熟能生巧 。 Practice makes perfect 谚 熟能生巧 。 She practices the piano everyday , because she knows that practice makes perfect 她每天都练习弹钢琴,因为她知道, 熟能生巧 。 You shouldn " t worry about that . don " t get so upset . try to speak more . practice makes perfect 不应该为此焦虑,别著急,尽力多说, 熟能生巧 。 B : you shouldn " t worry about that . don " t get so upset . try to speak more . practice makes perfect 不应该为此焦虑,别著急,尽力多说, 熟能生巧 。 I hope you " ll seize every chance to practice speaking . you know , “ practice makes perfect ” 我希望你能抓住每一次机会说英语。要知道, “ 熟能生巧 ” 。 A : i hope you " ll seize every chance to practice speaking . you know , “ practice makes perfect ” 我希望你能抓住每一次机会说英语。要知道, “ 熟能生巧 ” 。 On the 14th saturday shortly after 2 a . m . it was calm and quiet again , to our great repef 凡事 熟能生巧 。在立法局的发言,我一般有稿子,而且自己动笔。 It " s easy to say practice makes perfect and the more you practice , the more successful you will be 熟能生巧 ;操练得越多,你就越成功? ?这些说起来都很容易。 The daily mp3 is patible with pcs , mp3 players with a download function and dvd players 课文朗读cd :将每个月的课文朗读一遍,让您 熟能生巧 、英语朗朗上口。
2023-08-04 08:27:551


熟能生巧应该用英语这样说:practice makes perfect.
2023-08-04 08:28:3015

熟能生巧用英语怎么说 熟能生巧英文到底是什么

1、Practice makes perfect.:熟能生巧。 2、n. 实践;练习;惯例。vi. 练习;实习;实行。vt. 练习;实习;实行。 3、makes英 美 [meks] v. 做,制作(make的第三人称单数)。n. 品质;产量;制作过程(make的复数)。
2023-08-04 08:28:561


Practice makes perfect; Skill comes from practice; Work makes the workman
2023-08-04 08:29:043


熟能生巧的英语:Practice makes perfect。一、熟能生巧的基本释义熟能生巧:shú néng shēng qiǎo:意思是熟练了,就能找到窍门,干起事来得心应手;在句中可充当主语、谓语;含褒义。二、成语典故是一则来源于寓言故事的成语,成语有关典故最早见于宋代欧阳修《归田录·卖油翁》。宋代有个叫陈尧咨的人,射箭技术极为高超,常因此而骄傲。一天,他正在给大家表演射箭,箭全射中靶心,于是就向旁边卖油的老头吹嘘起来。然而老人却说:没有什么了不起,只不过是手法熟练而已罢了。说着,拿来一个葫芦,在葫芦口放上一枚铜钱,用勺子舀了一勺油,高高地举起倒了下去。倒下去的油像一条线一样穿过钱眼而过,金部流进了葫芦,而铜钱上一点油也没沾上。老头说:干任何事都一样,熟能生巧。这个成语指做事熟练了,就会掌握窍门,做得更好。三、熟能生巧例句1、我刚开始接触电脑时十分生疏,经过一段时间的练习,现在已是熟能生巧了。2、我刚开始学打字的时候,动作很慢,可经过几个月的练习,就打得极快了,真是熟能生巧啊!3、不论学习什么,初学时一定困难,但只要肯努力钻研,自然就熟能生巧了。4、任何事情开头难,但时间长了就会熟能生巧,由难变易,由拙变巧。5、她每天都练习弹钢琴,因为她知道,熟能生巧。6、要想菜炒得好吃,就要常常做,熟能生巧嘛!7、这种熟能生巧的活儿,没什么大学问,干久了就会上手。8、写毛笔字没有什么捷径可言,只有苦练,熟能生巧,字自然而然就写得好了。9、不用担心自己的英语口语,熟能生巧嘛。
2023-08-04 08:29:111


pru03b1ctu2170Ce mu03b1kes Perfect
2023-08-04 08:29:393


Practice makes perfect
2023-08-04 08:29:482


practice makes perfect
2023-08-04 08:29:563


2023-08-04 08:30:195


practice makes perfect.地道的说法!
2023-08-04 08:30:364


熟能生巧: Practice makes perfect.
2023-08-04 08:30:468

makesperfect [英语优秀作文:熟能生巧Practice,makes,perfect]

英语资源网权威发布英语优秀作文:熟能生巧Practice makes perfect,更多英语优秀作文相关信息请访问英语资源网。 Practice makes perfect. It means that after plenty of practice, we will be perfect in what we do. Practice is the only way to achieve perfect. 熟能生巧。这意味着,经过大量的练习,我们将完善我们所做的。实践是实现完美的唯一途径。   For example, when we learn grammar, words, expressions and so on, the most important thing may be how to put what we"ve learned into practice. If we only learn the grammatical rules by heart and don"t do enough exercises, it is certain that we can"t understand them perfectly. But if we practice a lot, maybe we will understand them more deeply and we can find some good methods of applying them. Memorize the English words whenever time permits, and we can easily memorize them and even can find a way to memorize them more quickly. 例如,当我们学习语法,单词,公式等,最重要的是如何把我们所学到的知识付诸实践。如果我们只学习语法规则和没有做足够的练习,可以肯定的是,我们无法完全了解它们。但如果我们做了很多的练习,也许我们就能深刻理解它们,而且我们可以找到一些好的方法去运用它们。随时记英语单词,我们就可以很容易地记住它们,甚至可以找到一个更快的记忆单词的方法。   There is another good example for it. A famous singer can sing very well. Of course, his talent is very important but he also practices singing frequently, probably every day. 另外有一个很好的例子。一个著名的歌手歌唱得很好。当然,他的天赋很重要,但是他也可能每天经常练习唱歌。   If we want to improve our studies and work, we should remember that practice makes perfect. 如果我们想提高我们的学习和工作,我们应该记住熟能生巧。
2023-08-04 08:31:021


Practice makes prefect.
2023-08-04 08:31:337


2023-08-04 08:31:512


希望可以帮到你,要记得采纳哦Practice Makes Perfect The saying that practice makes perfect means that after you have plenty of practice in what you are doing, you will be perfect in it. He who practices a lot will master the skill more quickly than he who seldom or hardly practices. For example, when we learn English, we have to learn grammar, words, expressions and so on. The most important thing may be how to put what we have learned into practice. If you only learn the grammar rules by heart and don"t do enough exercises, it is certain that you can"t understand them perfectly. But if you practice a lot, maybe you will understand them more deeply and you can find some good methods of applying them. Memorizing English words whenever time permits,we can easily memorize them and can even find a way to memorize them more quickly. There is another example. A famous singer can sing very welt. Of course, his talent is very important, but practice is necessary. It is necessary to practice to make the singer sing better and better. It is evident that practice is important for everybody. If you want to improve your study and work, you should remember that practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 谚语“熟能生巧”就是说进行大量的练习后,你将会做得完美。比起那些很少或从不练习的人,进行大量练习的人会更快地掌握技能。 比如,我们学英语的时候,我们必须学习语法、单词、词句等等。最重要的是如何把我们所学到的知识运用到实践中去。如果你仅仅牢记语法规则而不做足够的练习,你肯定不能充分理解它们。做大量练习之后,你可能就会深刻理解它们,而且你还能找出一些好的方法去运用它们。只要时间允许就去记英语单词,这样我们能轻易记住它们,甚至能找出一种更快的记忆单词的方法。 还有一个好例子,一个著名的歌手歌唱得非常好。当然他的天赋是非常重要的,但是练习也是必要的。正是练习使这位歌手唱得越来越好。 显然,练习对每个人来讲都很重要。
2023-08-04 08:32:111


reading is benificiala good medicine tastes bitterpractice makes perfect
2023-08-04 08:32:235


熟能生巧 :Practies makes perfect
2023-08-04 08:32:402

英语翻译 Practice makes perfect为熟能生巧

You must again and again do,can achieve practice makes perfect
2023-08-04 08:32:471


Skill comes from practice
2023-08-04 08:32:582


Traffic Problems It"s reported that in many cities, like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, nearly 70% of the families are considering buying a family car within the 5 to 10 years. I think private cares should not be encouraged in China, especially in the big cities. As you know, China"s traffic situation is as bad as other major countries in the world. There is too much traffic in city and it"s getting worse. Too many people drive to work. Commuters have to spend a lot of time on the way. Some times the traffic jams cause long halts. Besides that, another big problem in many cities is the terrible air pollution. Too many private cars are causing too much smog. It"s especially bad in rush hours. Central city or business district in the downtown is especially affected by the air pollution. According to this situation, I think government should plan to extend the extra charge for private cars with high emissions and invest more on uplift of public transportation. This will result in more people taking public transportations as buses and underground. Fewer people will drive to work. Everybody hope to live in a cleaner and safer city. I think if forget buying a family car, you can get more.
2023-08-04 08:33:093


As the old saying: Practices makes perfect.As the old saying: more practicing make you more perfect.
2023-08-04 08:33:161

用英语些一篇题目为 “熟能生巧”的作文,下午两点半以前写好!各路大虾帮个忙!

Practice makes perfect:There is an old saying in China: Practice makes perfect. Practice is a means and perfect is a goal. Only when you do more practice can you make things perfect. This is true not only in our learning but also in other walks of life. Take the study of English for example. Practice enables us to spell words correctly and master the rules of grammar quickly and practice also makes us hecome fluent in speaking and writing. It is ahnost impossible for a person to speak English fluently and accurately without a lot of practice. Another case in point is cooking. A good cook can prepare a delicious meah But you will not be surprised at his performance if you know how much time he has spent practising. Through practice, he then becomes an expert at cooking. It goes without saying that practice makes perfect. Only through practice can one be good at doing things. Since we have realized the importance of practice, why not put it into practice?
2023-08-04 08:33:461


Practice makes perfectMany classmates always ask me a question: how to make their English better? My answers is to practice and practice.Practice is important to make your English well. Not only copying the words, not only to do one pages two pages exercise. You need to talk, you need to use your knowledge to talk to other people. That"s the reason that we learn English. You need to practice you speaking, practice your listening. By the base of the syntax that teachers teaches you on the class and the words in your memory. Without practice, your English won"t be good. So we need to find chances to practice our English. There is a saying, Practice makes perfect, and it means if you always practice something, you will be good.
2023-08-04 08:33:551


Skill comes from practice 或者Practice makes perfect
2023-08-04 08:34:162

英语翻译 比如熟能生巧之类的 记得有一个关于罗马的

Rome was not built in a day. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒(罗马不是一天建成的). When in Rome,do as Roman do. 入乡随俗. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大道通罗马.
2023-08-04 08:34:261


97.1熟能生巧 的名言“熟能生巧”是广为接受的今天。这意味着,如果我们的做法不熟悉的东西一次又一次,我们将能够执行它完美。 的做法,学习英语是一个好例子。我们不是生活在一个讲英语的国家。所以,为了学习好,我们需要额外的做法,如阅读英文书籍,去英语角,或与外国人交流。只有坐在书桌不能导致掌握英语。 另一个例子是,如果我们要熟练使用计算机,我们还需要练习使用它。一些儿童成为一些专家在电脑上,只是因为他们每天都与它发挥。反之,如果我们只是坚持的书籍,我们仍然会感到困惑时,使用电脑。从提供证据,我们可以安全地得出这样的结论:熟能生巧。
2023-08-04 08:34:373


The more you practice English,the better you can say,because practice makes perfect.
2023-08-04 08:35:004


不要失去信心,不要怕犯错,不要怕被别人嘲笑,在课堂上多用英语说话,熟能生巧。Don"t lose confidence, don"t be afraid to make mistakes, do not be afraid of being laughed at, in the classroom use English to talk, practice makes perfect.
2023-08-04 08:35:115


你说的对。Learning English is a process of practice makes perfect
2023-08-04 08:35:303

学习挑战 有困难做某事 不时的 熟能生巧 画思维图 这些用英语怎么说

challeng on study, have difficulty in doing sth
2023-08-04 08:35:371


Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it
2023-08-04 08:35:522


no pain,no gain.
2023-08-04 08:36:033


熟能生巧的英文是Practice makes perfect。双语例句:1、Practice makes perfect. It is true in anything.练习成就完美,这是做任何事的真理。2、It boils down to the old saying that practice makes perfect.这可以归结为一句老话:练习造就完美。3、Finally no matter which memory technique you use, practice makes perfect.不管最终你使用的是何种技巧,记住熟能生巧。4、If you want to improve your study and work, you should remember that practice makes perfect.如果你想提高你的学习和效果,记住:熟能生巧。5、Note that this technique can take a while to perfect, but practice makes perfect.这个技巧需要练习,熟能生巧。6、I hope you"ll seize every chance to practice speaking . you know , “practice makes perfect”我希望你能抓住每一次机会说英语。要知道,“熟能生巧”。
2023-08-04 08:36:221


问题一:“熟能生巧用”英语怎么说? 1 Practice makes perfect.叮 2 Practice results in perfection.== Perfection results from practice. 问题二:熟能生巧用英语怎么说 Practice makes perfect 好像高中英语课本上有, 问题三:熟能生巧用英语怎么说? practice makes perfect! 问题四:请问熟能生巧,用英语怎么说? Practice makes perfect. 问题五:熟能生巧用英语怎么说 Practice makes perfect. 问题六:熟能生巧英语怎么说 Practice makes perfect . 完全正确 !望采纳 !谢谢! 问题七:‘熟能生巧"用英语怎么说 Practice makes perfect 问题八:熟能生巧用英语怎么说 Practice makes perfect.
2023-08-04 08:37:021


2023-08-04 08:37:135


2023-08-04 08:37:411


熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect. skill comes from practice 我们从实际经验中认识到熟能生巧. We learned by actual experience that practice makes perfect
2023-08-04 08:38:281


practice makes perfect.
2023-08-04 08:38:371

熟能生巧用英语怎么说 我急

Practice makes perfect.
2023-08-04 08:38:441


熟能生巧英语谚语为:Practice makes perfect, and vice makes perfect。(熟能生巧,巧能生妙。)英语谚语:1、一样事儿百样做。Do everything in one way.2、豪猪打洞,另有办法。Porcupines have other ways of digging holes.3、熟能生巧,巧能生妙。Practice makes perfect,and vice makes perfect.4、劈柴不照纹,累死劈柴人。He who chops wood is tired of chopping wood.5、戏法人人会变,各有巧妙不同。Playwrights can change,each with its own ingenuity.6、牛大自有破牛法。Cattle have their own way of breaking cattle.7、同样的米面,各人的手段。The same rice noodles,everyone"s means.
2023-08-04 08:38:521


Practice makes perfect
2023-08-04 08:39:283


熟能生巧用英语:As the saying goes, practice makes perfect。1、高考:As, saying, practice, the, as, perfect。2、考研:As, practice, the, as, perfect。3、CET4:practice, perfect。4、CET6:perfect。5、TOEFL:perfect。6、TEM4:perfect。熟能生巧用英文造句1、With enough practice, you will find that the saying “practice makes perfect” is true - 熟能生巧,这句话说得不错。2、It"s not enough to just learn the theory, you also need to put it into practice. Remember that practice makes perfect - 理论学习不足以胜任工作,你也需要加以实践。记住熟能生巧。3、If you want to become a skilled musician, you need to practice your instrument every day. As they say, practice makes perfect - 如果你想成为一名技艺娴熟的音乐家,你需要每天练习自己的乐器。正如人们常说的:熟能生巧。
2023-08-04 08:39:421


practice makes perfect.
2023-08-04 08:40:091


这个成语可以在句子中也可充当主语、谓语,即词性是名词或动词。英文是Practice makes perfect,是名词。
2023-08-04 08:40:161


practice make perfect铺日啊克踢死没课碰飞克特
2023-08-04 08:40:323


希望可以帮到你,要记得采纳哦Practice Makes Perfect The saying that practice makes perfect means that after you have plenty of practice in what you are doing, you will be perfect in it. He who practices a lot will master the skill more quickly than he who seldom or hardly practices. For example, when we learn English, we have to learn grammar, words, expressions and so on. The most important thing may be how to put what we have learned into practice. If you only learn the grammar rules by heart and don"t do enough exercises, it is certain that you can"t understand them perfectly. But if you practice a lot, maybe you will understand them more deeply and you can find some good methods of applying them. Memorizing English words whenever time permits,we can easily memorize them and can even find a way to memorize them more quickly. There is another example. A famous singer can sing very welt. Of course, his talent is very important, but practice is necessary. It is necessary to practice to make the singer sing better and better. It is evident that practice is important for everybody. If you want to improve your study and work, you should remember that practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 谚语“熟能生巧”就是说进行大量的练习后,你将会做得完美。比起那些很少或从不练习的人,进行大量练习的人会更快地掌握技能。 比如,我们学英语的时候,我们必须学习语法、单词、词句等等。最重要的是如何把我们所学到的知识运用到实践中去。如果你仅仅牢记语法规则而不做足够的练习,你肯定不能充分理解它们。做大量练习之后,你可能就会深刻理解它们,而且你还能找出一些好的方法去运用它们。只要时间允许就去记英语单词,这样我们能轻易记住它们,甚至能找出一种更快的记忆单词的方法。 还有一个好例子,一个著名的歌手歌唱得非常好。当然他的天赋是非常重要的,但是练习也是必要的。正是练习使这位歌手唱得越来越好。 显然,练习对每个人来讲都很重要。如果你想提高你的学习和效果,记住:熟能生巧。
2023-08-04 08:40:421


My teacher of elementary school used to say that practice makes perfect
2023-08-04 08:40:492


【典故出处】:清 李汝珍《镜花缘》第31回:「俗话说的『熟能生巧』,舅兄昨日读了一夜。不但他已嚼出此中意味,并且连寄女都听会,所以随问随答,毫不费事。」 【成语意思】:巧:技巧。熟练了;就能找到窍门。 【成语注音】:ㄕㄨˊ ㄣㄥˊ ㄕㄥ ㄑㄧㄠˇ 【通用拼音】:shu neng shēng qiǎo 【拼音简写】:SNSQ 【使用频率】:常用成语 【成语字数】:四字成语 【感 *** 彩】:中性成语 【成语用法】:熟能生巧,主谓式;作主语、谓语;含褒义。 【成语结构】:主谓式成语 【成语正音】:熟,不能读作「shou」。 【成语辨形】:熟,不能写作「孰」。 【英语翻译】:Practice makes perfect. 【日语翻译】:なれれば上手(じょうず)になる 【俄语翻译】:мастерство приобретaется в деле 【其他翻译】:<德>ubung macht den Meister.<法>usage rend maǐtre <l"experience fait le maǐtre> 【成语谜语】:读书破万卷,下笔如有神 【近义词】:得心应手、游刃有余 【反义词】:半路出家 【成语例句】:要想掌握技术,只有勤学苦练,才能熟能生巧。 【成语故事】: 从前有个叫陈康肃,号尧咨的人,箭术精良,举世无双。他因此心里非常的骄傲,常常夸耀自己的本领。「哈,哈,哈,我的箭术没人比得上。你们有谁愿意跟我比比看啊?」 「师父,您实在是太高明了,我们怎么比得上您呢!」「是啊,我们还要多跟您学习,学习呢!师父你再表演一下,让我们开开眼界嘛!」这些想从陈尧咨那儿学得箭术的年轻人,每天都说些恭维他的话,让他开心。 有一天陈尧咨带着徒弟在院子里练习射箭,有一个卖油的老翁正好走过,便停下来看。 陈尧咨举起了弓,搭上箭,一连发出十枝箭,每支箭都正中红心。徒弟们在旁边拍手叫好,陈尧咨也很神气的对老翁说:「你看怎么样?」那个老翁只是微微点头,并不叫好。 陈尧咨心里很不舒服,不客气的问他:「喂,你这个老头也会射箭吗?」「不会。」「那么是我的箭射得不好吗?」「好是好,不过,这只是一平常的技术罢了,并没有什么了不起。」「老头儿,你说的是什么话?竟然这样悔辱我们师父。你知不知道我们师父的箭术,没人能比得上。你简直太看不起人了。」 「年轻人,你先别生气,我说的是真话。你的箭术的确平常的很,没什么值得夸赞的。」「老头儿,听你这么说好像很内行,那你就露两手给我们瞧瞧。不服气就比画比画。光说不练你有个什么用!」「小兄弟,这射箭的本领我可没有,不过让我倒油给你们看看。」「倒油,这还用得着你这个老头来表演吗?倒油谁不会?别开玩笑啊!」「你们还是看了再说吧。」 老翁说完,就拿了一个葫芦放在地上,又在葫芦口上面放了一枚有孔的铜钱。然后舀了一杓油,眼睛看准了,油杓轻轻一歪,那些油就像一条细细的黄线,笔直的从钱孔流入葫芦里。倒完之后,油一点儿也没沾到铜钱。 老翁很谦虚的向陈尧咨说:「这也是一种平常的技术罢了,也就是熟能生巧的道理啊!」陈尧咨听了十分惭愧,从此更加努力的练习射箭,再也不夸耀自己的箭术。后来他的人品和箭术一样好。
2023-08-04 08:40:561

请就“熟能生巧”这个这个短语写一篇英语作文 要求80字 60分左右就行

Skill comes from practice In the summer I play tennis,began to practice,action is good,to rally movement disorder up,there is no essential full swing,foot standing instability,also was criticized by the teacher,the heart can not say how anxious,tears in the eyes roll straight. Back home,I told my mother,my mother touched my head,comfort said:"don"t worry,will be good,more practice skill comes.Well,mother accompany you practice." The next month,the mother every evening to accompany me to the field to practice serving and catching,although very hard,also flow a lot of sweat,but have a great harvest,service can already sent to the specified location,the forehand ball is also very skilled,strong interest in playing.I deeply appreciate the "skill comes." the truth,in fact,learning is the same,more practice makes perfect. Hey.Now I really want to go to the game show. 熟能生巧 暑假里我学打网球,开始练球的时候,动作是蛮好的,一到对打动作就乱了起来,挥拍也没有挥完整,脚也站不稳,还被老师批评了呢,心里别提有多着急了,眼泪直在眼睛里打滚. 回到家,我难过地告诉妈妈,妈妈摸摸我的头,安慰地说:“别急,多练就会好的,熟能生巧嘛,妈妈陪你练.” 接下来的一个月里,妈妈每天傍晚陪我到球场练发球和接球,虽然很辛苦,还流了许多汗,但是有很大的收获,发球已经能发到指定的位置,正手接球也很熟练了,打球的兴趣浓厚了.我深深地体会到了“熟能生巧”的道理,其实学习也一样,多练就能生巧. 嘿嘿!现在的我真想早点到赛场上露一手呢.
2023-08-04 08:41:141


I know that practice makes perfect, so I must read carefully.
2023-08-04 08:41:211