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2023-08-04 13:13:19




水利的英文:Water conservancy拓展:水利是指管理、调度和利用水资源的科学、技术和管理方法。水利工程是指为解决灌溉、防洪、发电、供水、治理河流等问题而建造的各种水利设施和工程,譬如水库、堤坝、引水渠、灌溉管、排水输沙工程、水电站和航道等。水利在社会经济发展中充当着重要的角色。它不仅为人们的生活提供了充足的水资源,而且通过对水资源的科学管理和利用可以提高农业产出,减少灾害的发生,并为城市的工业、商业和市民的饮用等提供了安全可靠的水源,对于国家的经济社会发展有着重要的推动作用。此外,在能源领域,水电是一种清洁的环保型能源,并且输出稳定,在可再生能源中具备重要地位,一直备受青睐。然而,由于地球的生态环境日益恶化,全球水资源的供给量和质量也受到了不小的影响,水质下降、水量不足、水污染等问题已经成为了全球范围内的难题。因此,如何实现对水资源的科学管理和保护,以更好地利用水资源,同时减少水资源的消耗和浪费,是当前水利领域的主要挑战。为有效实现水利管理和保护,需要广泛地采用高端的技术手段和管理模式。传统的水利管理方式已经无法满足日益增长的水资源需求和全球环境保护的要求。相反,当前工业技术的剧烈发展,产业信息化、大数据、云计算等新技术的广泛应用,为水利的管理、调节、利用和保护带来了全新的发展机遇。例如,智慧水利是利用物联网、人工智能、大数据和云计算等技术手段,为水资源管理提供了智能化解决方案,实现了水资源的科学化管理和高效利用。
2023-08-04 05:14:441


土木水利的英文是Civil Engineering and Water Conservancy拓展:"Civil Engineering and Water Conservancy"是一个比较广泛的概念,包括了土木工程和水利工程两个方面。土木工程是指利用科学技术和工程原理,对土地和水资源进行综合开发利用的工程学科,包括道路、桥梁、隧道、建筑、地下工程、园林等。水利工程则是指利用工程措施对水资源进行利用和管理的工程学科,包括水库、输水管道、灌溉、排水、防洪等方面。土木水利工程在现代社会的建设和发展中起着重要作用,涉及到基础设施建设、城市规划、环境保护、资源利用等多个领域。同时,土木水利工程也是国民经济建设中的重要部分,对于促进经济发展和社会进步有着重要的作用。
2023-08-04 05:15:041


Water resources and hydropower engineering
2023-08-04 05:15:416


Water authority
2023-08-04 05:16:185


水利水电工程 Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering Hydropower Engineering Water Conservancy and Hydropower EngineeringIrrigation works and Hydroelectric EngineeringWater Resources & Hydroelectric Engineering
2023-08-04 05:16:351

水利水电工程 用英语怎么说

水利水电工程: Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering 水利电力学院: Institute of Water Conservancy and Electric Power
2023-08-04 05:16:441


Water Conservancy Project 水利工程
2023-08-04 05:16:542


Sewage Treatment:Varying degrees by the sewage treatment, sewage treatment can be divided into the primary treatment, secondary treatment and tertiary treatment. Primary treatment is removal of sewage was suspended in the solid-like pollutants, mainly retention of settlement, grease and other physical methods. The main task of secondary treatment is the removal of sewage was a significant colloidal and dissolved organic pollutants, the use of activated sludge, biofilm, such as biological treatment. Tertiary treatment is also called the depth of processing, the aim is to further remove suspended solids in sewage, inorganic salts and other pollutants, is commonly used method of physical chemistry and chemical technology methods,Such as adsorption, ion exchange, flocculation and precipitation, oxidation, etc..Urban sewage grille, a sedimentation tank (primary sedimentation tank), to remove large suspended solids and gravel, and then into the aeration tanks for biological treatment, secondary sedimentation tank into the (secondary sedimentation tank) for water separation, sedimentation isolated part of the sludge back to the aeration tank, the other part by the concentration, digestion, utilization out after dehydration; second sedimentation tank pool of water disinfection by chlorination before discharge or depth of processing.Water treatment:The basic principles of: raw water - → plus alum - → Precipitation - → filter - → plus chlorineFirst of all, to select a suitable water source water and water intake, with a pumping station and pipeline (water pumping station) and a pumping station in the pre-chlorination to kill algae, shellfish, plants and animals. Through a water pumping station will be sent to the factory processing system. Usually mixed (in the water in the water by adding an appropriate amount of aluminum chloride, commonly known as alum) reaction, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection and other treatment processes, each process with the corresponding structures (such as sedimentation tanks, filter, money pools, etc.), filter After disinfection and chlorination are generally ammonia, adding a water disinfectant by-money pool, and stay in the pool for an hour or so of drinking water has become qualified,After two pumping stations (water pumping station) in the pressure transmitted to thecity pipe networkfor the production of drinking and the use of life.
2023-08-04 05:17:162


Water conservancy studying
2023-08-04 05:17:232


"水力流态""The flow regime of hydraulic power.""挑流跌流过程""The process of deflecting flow and drop flow.""流速分布""velocity distribution""下游冲刷坑地形""Pit terrain scoured by downstream."【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!
2023-08-04 05:17:331


中国水利china water resources中国水利china water resources
2023-08-04 05:17:401


2023-08-04 05:17:492


轻量级管子的发展与quik耦合装置resultde的在喷灌的迅速增量,在世界大战2.Sprinkler灌溉提供灌溉是很不规则的区域之后手段他们防止对所有表面灌溉menthods的用途。通过使用低供应率,深渗透或地面径流过程线和侵蚀可以minmized。抵销这些好处是必要洒的eqeipment和永久的设施的相对地高费用提供水给喷水隆头线。非常低交付率也许也起因于相当高蒸发浪花和被弄湿的植被。近年来,地面灌溉的高人工成本从美国changde的增加的英亩从36到45 百万英亩(14.4到18百万公顷) 25%增量,而喷水隆头用途上升了从3.7到7.6百万英亩(1.5到3.1百万公顷), 106%增量。洒也许完成与固定的多孔管、自转洒水喷头或者洒水喷头。在洒头附近得到完全地水的一致的发行是不可能的,并且必须计划头的间距重叠浪花区域,以便发行是essentiallt制服。
2023-08-04 05:17:561


虽然与水有关的工程师很少被要求选择为一水力发电计划电气装备的,他或者她将去有一些基本要求的知识和这类型的装备的局限性.候补者潮流同时发生的发电机广泛在美国使用.在它的最简单形式中发电机由两原理组成,一磁场,由一交替相反极性的电磁铁的装配和一指挥的电枢金色系统在其中一,当电枢存在轮换的时候,轮流电动势被引起的构成,当一指挥已经通过相反极性的二邻近的极的时候,电动势力量的完整交替发生,根据第二存在循环的数目把它一起交给阿斯一循环处理.虽然仍然有在其它频率方面运作系统,被接受的标准是在每秒60循环的美国一频率中.一台涡轮机可以被管理造成一不断速度,以有选择的速度和发电机用恰当的极的数目的目的是生产渴望频率.轮流-当前发电机公亩认为在朝派千伏--安是为一给出温度上升(kva),通常绝缘情况能安全忍受的温度的上升.一台发电机和明显输出((kva)的不同的真实,根据下列的问题列出: 真实力量((kW)=明显力量((kva)×power分解从不是比功率因数罐大的因子整体.它的价值取决于电感线圈之间的关系和负担的抵抗力.一有例如一照明负担非常小电感线圈的负担将接近整体有一功率因数.通常系统负担有一功率因数射程从0.8到0.9但是如果负担含有一许多的感应电动机,功率因数可以是和0.5一样低. 发电机的重量和尺度改变相当大取决于千伏--运作的安评级和有选择的速度,轮流-随着一3000 kva的等级当前发电机为一900 rpm的运作速度向55吨((50,000千克)为一100 rpm的速度改变从大约18吨((16,000千克)在朝派重量.这些发电机将分别是大约10英尺((3米)高度和8金色16英尺((2.5金色5米)在直径中.特殊结构上问题在提供恰当上支持发电机常常出现.
2023-08-04 05:18:055


典型问题多支墩坝的设计和建造超过50年前使用过时的方法,荷载,和验收标准。因此,许多这些结构已经,或将需要进行修改,克服不足或过度应力稳定性。最关键的领域往往是具体的恶化,冻融破坏,劣质混凝土,设计不当和不足,地震稳定性。病历存在的问题及解决的问题是共同的文学(花环,水域,福赫特,和拉特利奇1995;罗德和zuccolotto 1995;雷诺兹,joyet,和柯蒂斯1993;niziol和保利尼1993;拉玛尔,年轻的,和tenke-white 1991;丰和威尔金斯1991光谱;和1989)。冻融损伤是常见的,在寒冷的气候,因为上游面一般是饱和的下游侧和上游面暴露于温度的季节。非加气混凝土是常用的中老年支墩坝有助融。严重的冻融损伤可能危及大坝安全由于相对变薄的上游面。混凝土强度已发现相当低(小于2000)和变量在某些支墩坝。这些条件已被归因于不足水泥,水的过度,和穷人的施工过程中的质量控制。这种低和可变强度显着影响的支墩坝安全因混凝土相对高度强调。薄,筋,上游面和扶壁不能容忍重大偏转或恶化,因此,很容易受到损害的各种常见的条件。连拱支墩坝,其中个别拱中心角小于180度,施加重大横向荷载扶壁。此负载抵制部分由毗邻的拱门。因此,一个失败的弓可能导致灾难性的失败,整个大坝。扶壁,特别是无筋或无支撑拱,易损坏的横向地震荷载。
2023-08-04 05:18:233

在水利专业英语中large dams是什么意思

翻译为:large dams大型水坝例句:Large dams have harmed Siberia"s delicate ecological balance. 大型水坝对西伯利亚脆弱的生态平衡造成了破坏。
2023-08-04 05:18:411


水利部:Ministry of Water Conservancy
2023-08-04 05:18:481


对乙方u2022。 1。根据Mironenko等。(1984)、梯形 运河携带10立方米/ s的水与纵向的 坡= 0.1%的粗糙度= 0.035、调配、 面积= 10.58平方米,抛物面通道 面积= 10.90平方米。 2。额外的开挖体积为梯形渠道 是第10.58 -10.31。=(2000)= 540立方米。 3。额外的开挖体积为抛物面频道 是第10.90 -10.31。=(2000)=约1180立方米。 总结和结论 一个parabolic-bottomed三角形截面的介绍, 而最有效的液压部分是由使用 拉格朗日乘数法待定。设计 这样的过程模型。截面在横向 参数的抛物线底三角形截面 与梯形,抛物线和吗 round-bottomed三角形截面。这个比较显示 这对所有值的面积、边坡湿周长 在抛物线底三角形截面不到 那些梯形形、抛物线形截面。这个小 在湿润的横截面积、周长、低 正在挖掘和成本。因此,parabolicbottomed 三角形截面已经被证实 更多的经济比梯形形、抛物线形截面。
2023-08-04 05:19:011


Water Resources Department
2023-08-04 05:19:104


水利水电专业英语是水电水利 _工程_ 专业所修的一门专业课,随着 _水利水电工程_ 建设及施工的日益国际化,专业英语在 _教学_ 过程中的作用也愈发突出。 在阐述专业英语特点的基础上,针对教学过程中出现的问题,对专业英语的教学内容、
2023-08-04 05:19:203

水利水电工程 英文名是什么

Hydropower EngineeringWater Conservancy and Hydropower EngineeringHydraulicandHydroPowerEngineering
2023-08-04 05:19:527

2023-08-04 05:21:121


 Water conservancy Engineering
2023-08-04 05:21:191


Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering水利水电工程专业
2023-08-04 05:21:281


Water conservancy and hydropower engineering就是这个啦
2023-08-04 05:21:351


Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering 好些
2023-08-04 05:21:421

水利枢纽 英语怎么说

Hydro 好像是这样的、、、没有音标 对不起啦~~
2023-08-04 05:21:504


Chinese ancient famous water conservancy engineering
2023-08-04 05:21:582

智慧水利 英文翻译

智慧水利可以翻译为Smart Water Conservancy或Intelligent Water Resources Management。
2023-08-04 05:22:062


Chinese ancient famous water conservancy engineering
2023-08-04 05:22:241


2023-08-04 05:22:341


the 7th branch of SINOHYDRO group
2023-08-04 05:22:431


institute of water conservancy
2023-08-04 05:22:531

请高手帮我翻译一下这段水利水电专业英语的短文 谢谢!

2023-08-04 05:23:004


水利工程有限公司Water Conservancy Engineering Co. Ltd.淮安市增广水利工程建筑有限公司。Huaian augmented hydraulic engineering construction company limited.北京大正语言知识处理研究院和郑州金惠计算机系统工程有限公司是软件的开发者。Beijing dazheng language and knowledge processing research center and zhengzhou jinhui computer system and engineering were behind the creation of the software.如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!
2023-08-04 05:23:101


Three Gorges Project
2023-08-04 05:23:182


Solution of hydropower station dam may exist in the panel cavity problem, eliminate safe hidden danger in the operation of the plant, can greatly improve the reliability of the safe operation of power plant. This paper gives a detailed analysis of panel void possible causes, explores the current panel quality void detective methods commonly used in the thermal infrared method, geological radar method, acoustic reflection method principle and field testing matters needing attention. And the author puts forward on the panel for the detection method of void detection of some reflection.
2023-08-04 05:23:263


希望对你有帮助!翻译答案是:Layer mainly by Quaternary, the Pleistocene gravel layer, silty loam and the composition of pieces of gravel, with varying degrees of liquid calcium and ultra-weak cementation compaction consolidation, structure, characteristics with diagenetic . Bottom layer of the five rock units. Among them, the first rock group was weak cement gravel layer, maximum thickness of over 100m, with a certain degree of permeability, the layer, respectively, under section 2 of the less permeable rock group coverage and soil a layer of dark gray stone block backwater layer, so that the layer with the buried depth of groundwater, the high pressure head, dynamic stability characteristics of fractured bedrock and not with the direct exchange of confined water. The rock group in the dam axis, are an extension of several kilometers downstream. Groundwater in the upper reaches of the estuary for more than two to enter the layer, to the lower reaches of the three Chaheji rock group through the No. 2 import channels.
2023-08-04 05:23:331

水利水电工程 英语在线翻译

The tailrace damping well of The Three Gorges Underground Power Station has many characteristics such as small environmental construction, big hidden danger,limit construction period, high quality requirements of the cross section. After studying, we decide to use a scheme that pour a bracket well ring which is made by concrete at the bottom of the tailrace damping well first, and then use a hydraulic slipform to form it by continuous pouring on the ring. When the lining concrete construction is finished, the smooth shaft lining of the tailrace damping well and high quality of the forming obtained the accreditation from the overseeing and owner " s company自己做的,仅供参考。
2023-08-04 05:23:556


表孔弧门Crest Outlet Radial Gate中孔弧门Middle Outlet Radial Gate 底孔弧门Deep-outlet Radial Gate 人字门Miter gate 翻板门Self-collapsing gate平板门Plane Gate
2023-08-04 05:24:111

请问 :水利部农田水利司 的英文翻译是什么啊?

Ministry of Water Conservation Irrigation and water conservation Department
2023-08-04 05:24:212


隧道掘进 : Tunnel excavation石方工程: Rock engineering水利: Water conservancy矿山开采: Mining
2023-08-04 05:24:291


2023-08-04 05:24:382


2023-08-04 05:24:492

英语中 “安徽水利厅” 怎么说?

Anhui Water Resources Station
2023-08-04 05:24:583


2023-08-04 05:25:171

水利专家 英文怎么说?

Hydraulic specialistHydraulic expert
2023-08-04 05:25:254


Construction of water conservancy 1301 Class Faculty
2023-08-04 05:25:332


Decision-making system based planning, water conservancy and hydropower projects forefront of talks, literature review and report topics, construction technology and over budget
2023-08-04 05:25:401


2023-08-04 05:25:471