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2023-08-04 11:27:07
TAG: 白色





In England wigs remain an important part of formal courtroom attire for judges and barristers — the term there for lawyers.


Many of the judges and barristers who wear wigs in court say the headpiece — also known as a peruke — brings a sense of formality and solemnity to proceedings.


Like many uniforms, wigs are an emblem of anonymity, an attempt to distance the wearer from personal involvement and a way to visually draw on the supremacy of the law, says Kevin Newton, a Washington, D.C.-based lawyer who studied law at the University of London. Wigs are so much a part of British criminal courts that if a barrister doesn"t wear a wig, it"s seen as an insult to the court.



Barristers must wear a wig slightly frizzed at the crown, with horizontal curls on the sides and back. In addition, there are two long strips of hair that hang down below the hairline on the neck and sport a looped curl at each end. Different types of lawyers, though, have distinctions in the style of wig.


A judge"s wig is similar, but more ornate. It"s a full wig, from a slightly frizzed top that transitions into tight horizontal curls that range several inches below the shoulders.















2023-08-04 03:54:573


2023-08-04 03:55:083


2023-08-04 03:55:171

Apple Watch表带更新多样款式助你赚足眼球

拿起狗去砍砖头,但是砖头咬了他的手。牛战编辑昨晚做了一个奇怪的梦,告诉了你这个消息。编辑编辑了很长时间,把这篇文章带给了大家。让 咱们吃瓜看热闹。3月18日晚,苹果更新了多款产品,其中少不了新配色的Apple Watch表带。据编辑称,这次苹果给我们带来了多达20款新表带。包括运动表带、皮质表带、爱马仕表带等。都有新的配色。苹果官网换上新表带。简单来说,新的运动表带颜色有仙人掌色、柚子色和波蓝等。新款looped运动表带的配色分为阳光色、亮橘色、波浪蓝、霓虹石灰色、霓虹粉色;新款耐克运动表带的配色是黑色配闪亮绿,深蓝宝石配极光绿;新款Nike loop表带的配色方案为深靛蓝色搭配亮绿色,橙色搭配深海绿色。几款表带已经更新。稍微贵一点的皮质表带和爱马仕表带也有了新的配色。皮革表带加入了覆盆子色、深海蓝和孔雀绿。其中树莓色和深海蓝为40mm表带,孔雀绿为44mm表带。爱马仕表带增加了黑色和白色搭配金色Swift皮革单巡表带、橙色经典橙色Swift皮革单巡表带、黑色Swift全印花皮革双巡表带、Blanc白色Swift全印花皮革双巡表带和黑色Gala皮革单巡Rallye表带。新款爱马仕表带目前,上述新款表带已经在苹果官网正式上架,部分新品可在一个工作日内收到。如果你打算换个新表带,同时改变心情,不妨在苹果官网下单。了解更多《Apple Watch表带获得更新 多元化风格助你赚足眼球》,请关注深空游戏资讯栏目,深空编辑将持续为您更新更多科技消息。来源:深空游戏编辑:匿名王者之心2点击试玩
2023-08-04 03:55:251


回复 5楼 kakachf 的帖子"looped"模式,当磁盘满了自动擦除前面的存储后面的,假的移动硬盘一般都是这样弄出来的
2023-08-04 03:55:441

有人知道或者见过loop in sb.的用法吗

这种是邮件里常见的写法。如果Email沟通进行了几个来回,发现需要让另外的相关人员也知道这件事情,那么就需要在收件人一栏里加上这些相关人员,同时,在邮件正文里礼貌地提一句,啊,我把XXX也加进来了啊。英语是这么说的。I add XXX in(into) loop.我把XXX也加进来了。Loop来形容Email沟通你来我往的环形状态也是很合适的,作为名词,可以下面这么用:I think that the vice president was in the loop.我认为副总统(Kevin Spacey?)是局内人。These activists don"t want to feel out of the loop.这些活跃分子不想做局外人。Loop自然也可以当动词用,比如苹果前几天(2016年3月21日)的新产品发布会,主题就是“Let us loop you in”,大概是要把这几年用不惯动不动就5寸的大屏幕手机、由于价格等原因使用安卓手机的那部分用户,也圈进来。
2023-08-04 03:55:592


1、freeloop什么意思?2、freeloop什么意思?3、freeloop的意思用中文翻译是什么?freeloop什么意思?freeloop这首歌表达了我们可以扭转一切freeloop,共渡难关。希望能展现出自我特殊freeloop的一面freeloop,但同时也希望音乐能引起人们的共鸣。这首歌的灵感来源不是关于美酒豪车的freeloop,而是关于处在各种人际关系之中的人,以及Daniel Powter曾经经历过的情境。freeloop这首歌的歌曲鉴赏:丹尼尔·波特身上总有一股挥之不去的大龄文艺青年范,freeloop他的歌曲永远唱出生活的真实。如同一位长久“在路上”的诗人,无论是街道、地铁站、咖啡厅、楼宇、穿梭的人群中,他始终像一位感性和喜欢随遇而安的诗人在记录着所看到的一切。他的歌总像是在把生活用音乐进行一次叙事的行为,很多地方让人觉得似曾相识,把人带入他歌曲的世界,因为歌曲中总会融入每个人日常的生活。戴着耳机,听着Daniel的歌,游走在城市的真实街道上,那一刻,会发现,似乎每一个街道的转角都有故事正在发生着。freeloop什么意思?Free Loop (管不住的音符)I"m a little used to calling outside your name如果不喊出freeloop你的名字freeloop,freeloop我在窗外会有点难受I wont see you tonight so I can keep from going insane今晚若再见到你,我可能无法控制自己But I don"t know enough, I get some kinda lazy day我不明白这是为什么,时间开始变得有点缓慢Hey yeah嘿耶I"ve been fabulous through to fight my town a name我曾一语惊人,想要名震一方I"ll be stooped tomorrow if I don"t leave as them both the same如果我也离你而去,在人群中随波逐流,只会碌碌无为But i dont know enough, I get some kinda lazy day我不明白这是为什么,时间开始变得有点缓慢Hey yeah嘿耶Cause it"s hard for me to lose因为失去你是一种煎熬In my life I"ve found only time will tell我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切And I will figure out that we can baby宝贝,我会找到答案的We can do a one night stand, yeah至少我们可以一夜相拥And it"s hard for me to lose in my life因为失去你是一种煎熬I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire我发现你被遗弃街头,外表憔悴不堪将要毁灭That we can baby宝贝,我们可以We can change and feel alright扭转一切,共度难关I"m a little used to wandering outside the rain我已习惯在雨中漫步You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same如果你找到依赖,大可天明就离我而去But I don"t know enough, I need someone who leaves the day但我不明白这是为什么,我需要有人和我一起遗忘这一天Hey yeah嘿耶Cause it"s hard for me to lose因为失去你是一种煎熬In my life I"ve found only time will tell我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切And I will figure out that we can baby亲爱的,我会弄明白的We can do a one night stand, yeah至少我们可以一夜相拥And it"s hard for me to lose in my life因为失去你是一种煎熬I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire我发现你被遗弃街头,外表憔悴不堪将要毁灭That we can baby宝贝,我们可以We can change and feel alright扭转一切,共度难关freeloop的意思用中文翻译是什么?free loop:自由循环freeloop,自由圈音标:英 [fri_ lu_p] 美 [fri_ lu_p]关键词语:loop:英 [lu_p] 美 [lu_p] n. 环形freeloop,环状物;循环胶片freeloop,循环磁带;(程序中)一套重复freeloop的指令;回线,回路;英(铁道或公路的)环线;美,非正式大环(指美国芝加哥市的商业中心);英(可改道的)会车线;翻筋斗(一种飞行特技);(滑冰)单刃转圈v. 使成环,使绕成圈;成环形运动;播放一卷磁带,放一卷电影胶片,执行计算机指令【名】 (Loop)(美、丹)劳鄱(人名)[ 复数 loops 第三人称单数 loops 现在分词 looping 过去式 looped 过去分词 looped ]相关短语:Freeloop Danielpowter :一首英文经典Free loop :管不住的音符 ; 丹尼尔 ; 自由循环 ; 挡不住的音符双语例句:Free-Loop Control System for Steel Rolling Production Line轧钢车间生产线自由活套控制系统Then you"re free to loop over the resulting list and quit the database.然后可以自由地在结果列表内循环并退出数据库。
2023-08-04 03:56:161

“a little of”和“a bit of”的区别?

“alittleof”和“abitof”的区别有如下几点:abit和alittle在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级时可以互换,表示"一点儿"的意思.例如:Thespeakerspokeupabit/alittlesoastomakehimselfheardmoreclearly.演讲者把嗓门提高了一点儿,以便使别人听得更清楚.abit和alittle在否定句中的意思恰恰相反,notabit相当于"notatall"(一点儿都不);notalittle相当于"very(much)"或"extremely"(很、非常).例如:Sheisnotabittired.(=Sheisnottiredatall.)她一点都不累.alittle可以直接作定语修饰名词,而abit则要在后面加of构成短语才能作定语,两者都只能修饰不可数名词.例如:Thereisalittle/abitoffoodleftforlunch.午饭只能吃剩下的一点食品了.abitof的另一种形式是bitsof,alittle则没有这种变体.例如:Besidesthis,heusedpartofanoldarmywirelessset,andsomebitsofwood.除此之外,他还利用了一部分旧的军用无线电发报机的一部分零件和一些木片.liile:英[u02c8lu026atl]美[u02c8lu026atl]adj.小的;琐碎的;娇小的;幼小的adv.不多,略微;少许,一点;短时间地n.(表示否定)微少;没有多少;短时间det.(数量上)微少的,少到几乎没有的;(alittle)少量的,一些例句:Ihadlittlemoneyandlittlefreetime我没什么钱,也没多少空闲时间。OntheirwaybacktoMarseilletheyspokeverylittle返回马赛的路上,他们没怎么说话。MrsCaanneedsalittlehelpgettinghergrocerieshome卡安太太需要有人帮把手将食品杂货拿回家。Hewalkedalittlebyhimselfinthegarden.他一个人在花园里散了一会儿步。Hecomplainedalittleofanaggingpainbetweenhisshoulderblades他有几句提到说肩胛骨之间一直在疼。Inthebeginninghehadfeltwell,butlittlebylittlehewasbecomingweake一开始他感觉很好,但慢慢地就变虚弱了。Wesataroundalittletable,eatinganddrinkingwine.我们围坐在一张小桌旁吃吃喝喝。She"sgotthenicestlittlehousenotfarfromthelibrary.她有一幢非常漂亮的小房子,就在离图书馆不远处。I havealittleboyof8.我有一个8岁的小男孩。WheneverDaniel"slittlesisterwasaskedtodosomethingshealwayshadanaughtyreply.每次让丹尼尔的妹妹做什么事,她总是要淘气地回嘴。bit:英[bu026at]美[bu026at]n.一点,一块;少量,少许;一会儿,一转眼;[计]比特(二进位制信息单位)adj.很小的,微不足道的adv.[口语]相当,有点儿,或多或少,多少[abitto的省略]vt.给(马)上嚼子;上衔铁;抑制;制约v.咬,叮(bite的过去式);刺痛;咬饵;有咬(或叮)的习性双语例句:Allitrequiredwasabitofwork.这事儿只需稍费工夫就可以了。Thisgirlwasabitstrange这个女孩有点儿古怪.It"sallabitofamess有点儿乱七八糟。They"reworthquiteabitofmoney它们值不少钱。IstillthinkIhaveabitmoretooffer我还是认为我能再稍微多付出一点儿。Let"swaitabit我们等一会儿吧。That"sthebitofthemeetingthatImissed那就是会议上我错过的那一小段。Onlyabitofstringloopedroundanailinthedoorposthelditshut.仅仅是靠缠在门柱钉子上的一小段细绳把门关紧。Therewasonebitofvitalevidencewhichhelpedwinthecase一个关键的证据帮助打赢了这场官司。BitbybitIbegantounderstandwhattheyweretryingtodo.我逐渐明白了他们想要干什么。
2023-08-04 03:56:251


2023-08-04 03:56:3514


2023-08-04 03:57:026


问题一:怎么样才能适应那个圈子 用英文怎么说的? As long as you make self strong,you can adapt to this society. 问题二:社交圈子的英文怎么说? Public relations circle 或者circles of society这个常用 例子这对夫妇不断地穿梭在国际社交圈里(沃尔特u30fb以撒森) The couple looped constantly around the international social circuit(Walter Isaacson) 她生活在高级社交圈里。 She moves in the highest circles of society. 她于十八岁在纽约城初入社交圈 She came out at age 18 in New York City. 不适当的社交行为 untoward social behavior 与正常社交活动时间相冲突的加班工作时间 unsocial hours 避免社交 to shun society 社交界 the world of fashion 频繁的社交活动 the social whirl. 社交忙季 the social season 社交闲谈造成的纷扰(乔治u30fb桑塔亚那) the plague of social jabbering(George Santayana) 问题三:很难融入当地人的圈子用英语怎么说 您好,翻译为 Difficult to integrate into the local circle 希望帮助您 问题四:“圈子效应”用英文怎么说 “圈子效应” 翻译: Circle effect 问题五:建立起自己的交往圈子用英语怎么翻译 To form(build) a circle of my friends. 问题六:干净的圈子,用英语怎么说,这个圈子是只朋友圈的意思,最好一个单词, 20分 干净的圈子 英文:Clean circle 朋友圈 英文:[电影]Circle of Friends; 圈 动 shut in a pen; pen in; [口]lock up; put in jail 名 pen; fold; sty; a surname 名 circle; ring; group; 动 enclose; encircle; mark with a circle ; 问题七:我的控制台 用英语怎么说? My control and my circle
2023-08-04 03:57:231


哦,这个在网络结构的层次化角度上看问题简单多了,在网络物理底层的连接正确后,接着二层基于帧为基本传输单位下 二层ppp协议、hdlc协议的建立。在接口下 show接口 查看接口状态。双up表示 物理连线和二层的都已经建立。这样的话 就能依据(双up表示 物理连线和二层的都已经建立)来检测线路的联通性。判断lookup就显而易见了。呵呵。。。不知道我表述清楚没。
2023-08-04 03:57:444

公司邮件里英文add sally to loop .汉语怎么理解……

add sally to loop添加外环
2023-08-04 03:57:555


这次给大家带来js怎么封装Canvas成插件,js封装Canvas成插件的注意事项有哪些,下面就是实战案例,一起来看一下。之前就说过,我想写一个canvas画统计图的插件,现在写好了 先说下实现的功能吧: ??1.可以通过自定义X轴坐标属性和Y轴坐标属性按比例画出统计图 ??2.可以选择画折现图还是柱形统计图,或者两者都实现 ??3.可以自由定义折现颜色,坐标颜色,柱形图颜色 和canvas边框颜色,当然边框你也可以选择要或者不要 ??4.可以选择是否实现柱形图和折现图的动画实现 实现过程 画坐标——画箭头——做X轴和Y轴的标注——画柱形图——画折现图 话不多说,上代码(function(window,document){ var ChartDraws = function(options){ if(!(this instanceof ChartDraws))return new ChartDraws(options); this.options = $.extend({ //报表所需的参数 "containerId" : "", //canvas所在容器id "canvasWidth" : 400, "canvasHeight" : 300, "paddingLeft" : 20, "paddingTop" : 20, "columnChartData" :[], //柱形图的数量和对应得名称以及百分比 "yChartData" :[], //y轴的数量及名称 "axisColor" : "white", //坐标轴颜色 "columnChartColor" : "#EEE685", //柱形图颜色 "isNeedAnimation" : true, //是否需要动画 "isNeedLineChart" : true, //是否需要折线图 "isNeedColumnChart" : true, //是否需要柱形图 "lineChartColor" : "#90EE90", //折线图颜色,当isNeedLineChart=true时有效 "isNeedBorder" : false, //canvas是否需要外边框 "borderColor" : "white" //外边框颜色 },options); if(this.options.canvasWidth<=500) { this.axisBorderWidth = 3; this.fontSize = 8; } else if(this.options.canvasWidth<=800){ this.axisBorderWidth = 4; this.fontSize = 12; } else{ this.axisBorderWidth = 5; this.fontSize = 16; } var self = this; _init(); function _init(){ var canvasDom = document.createElement("canvas"); = self.options.containerId+"_"+"canvas"; canvasDom.width = self.options.canvasWidth; canvasDom.height = self.options.canvasHeight; if(self.options.isNeedBorder){ = 1; = "solid"; = self.options.borderColor; } document.getElementById(self.options.containerId).appendChild(canvasDom); self.context = document.getElementById(self.options.containerId+"_"+"canvas"); self.ctx = self.context.getContext("2d"); _drawAxis(); } function _drawAxis(){ var XYData =transformAxis( [{x:self.options.paddingLeft,y:self.options.canvasHeight-self.options.paddingTop},{x:self.options.paddingLeft,y:self.options.paddingTop},{x:self.options.canvasWidth-self.options.paddingLeft,y:self.options.paddingTop}]); self.ctx.strokeStyle=self.options.axisColor; drawLine(self.ctx,XYData,self.axisBorderWidth); //画三角箭头 //画y轴三角箭头 drawLine(self.ctx,transformAxis([{x:self.options.paddingLeft-self.axisBorderWidth,y:self.options.canvasHeight-self.options.paddingTop-self.axisBorderWidth*2},{x:self.options.paddingLeft,y:self.options.canvasHeight-self.options.paddingTop},{x:self.options.paddingLeft+self.axisBorderWidth,y:self.options.canvasHeight-self.options.paddingTop-self.axisBorderWidth*2}]),self.axisBorderWidth); //画x轴三角箭头 drawLine(self.ctx,transformAxis([{x:self.options.canvasWidth-self.options.paddingLeft-self.axisBorderWidth*2,y:self.options.paddingTop+self.axisBorderWidth},{x:self.options.canvasWidth-self.options.paddingLeft,y:self.options.paddingTop},{x:self.options.canvasWidth-self.options.paddingLeft-self.axisBorderWidth*2,y:self.options.paddingTop-self.axisBorderWidth}]),self.axisBorderWidth); _drawCoordinatePoints(); } function _drawCoordinatePoints(){ self.reactAngleWidth = (1-2*0.04)*(self.options.canvasWidth-(2*self.options.paddingLeft))/(self.options.columnChartData.length*2-1); self.lineDataList = []; for(var i = 0;i<self.options.columnChartData.length;i++) { drawXText(self.ctx,2*self.options.columnChartData[i].NO*self.reactAngleWidth+self.options.paddingLeft+0.04*(self.options.canvasWidth-(2*self.options.paddingLeft))+self.reactAngleWidth/2,self.options.paddingTop/2,self.options.columnChartData[i].Name); self.lineDataList.push({ x:2*self.options.columnChartData[i].NO*self.reactAngleWidth+self.options.paddingLeft+0.04*(self.options.canvasWidth-(2*self.options.paddingLeft))+self.reactAngleWidth/2, y:self.options.canvasHeight-(self.options.paddingTop+(self.options.canvasHeight-2*self.options.paddingTop)*self.options.columnChartData[i].PT) }) } //画Y轴title 画y轴虚线 self.reactAngleHeight = (self.options.canvasHeight-2*self.options.paddingTop)/(self.options.yChartData.length+1); for(var j = 0;j<self.options.yChartData.length;j++) { drawYText(self.ctx,3*self.options.paddingLeft/4,self.options.paddingTop+self.reactAngleHeight*(j+1),self.options.yChartData[j].Name); //画虚线 drawDottedLine(self.ctx,self.options.paddingLeft,self.options.paddingTop+self.reactAngleHeight*(j+1),self.options.canvasWidth-self.options.paddingLeft,self.options.paddingTop+self.reactAngleHeight*(j+1),self.options.canvasWidth-2*self.options.paddingLeft,10,self.axisBorderWidth/2); } _drawColumnChart(); } function _drawColumnChart(){ //柱形图循环 var reactAngleTimer = 1; function loopColumnChart() { var columnChartLooped = window.requestAnimationFrame(loopColumnChart); if(reactAngleTimer<=100) { for(var k=0;k<self.options.columnChartData.length;k++) { self.ctx.fillStyle =self.options.columnChartColor; drawRectangle(self.ctx,self.lineDataList[k].x-self.reactAngleWidth/2,self.options.canvasHeight-((self.options.canvasHeight-2*self.options.paddingTop)*self.options.columnChartData[k].PT*reactAngleTimer/100+self.options.paddingTop),self.reactAngleWidth,(self.options.canvasHeight-2*self.options.paddingTop)*self.options.columnChartData[k].PT*reactAngleTimer/100); } reactAngleTimer++; } else { window.cancelAnimationFrame(columnChartLooped); columnChartLooped = null; reactAngleTimer = 1; if(self.options.isNeedLineChart) { loopLineChart(); } } } //折线图循环 var lineTimer = 0; function loopLineChart() { var lineChartLooped = window.requestAnimationFrame(loopLineChart); if(lineTimer<self.lineDataList.length-1) { self.ctx.lineWidth = 2*self.axisBorderWidth/3; if(lineTimer == 0) { drawCircle(self.ctx,self.lineDataList[lineTimer].x,self.lineDataList[lineTimer].y); } drawCircle(self.ctx,self.lineDataList[lineTimer+1].x,self.lineDataList[lineTimer+1].y); self.ctx.beginPath(); self.ctx.moveTo(self.lineDataList[lineTimer].x,self.lineDataList[lineTimer].y); self.ctx.lineTo(self.lineDataList[lineTimer+1].x,self.lineDataList[lineTimer+1].y); self.ctx.strokeStyle = self.options.lineChartColor; self.ctx.lineWidth = 2*self.axisBorderWidth/3; self.ctx.stroke(); lineTimer++; } else { window.cancelAnimationFrame(lineChartLooped); lineChartLooped = null; lineTimer = 0; } } //画柱形图 function drawRectangle(context,x,y,width,height){ context.beginPath(); context.fillRect(x,y,width,height); } //画圆 function drawCircle(context,x,y){ context.beginPath(); context.arc(x,y,self.axisBorderWidth/2,0,2*Math.PI,true); context.strokeStyle=self.options.lineChartColor; context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } if(self.options.isNeedAnimation) { if(self.options.isNeedColumnChart) { loopColumnChart(); } else { if(self.options.isNeedLineChart) { loopLineChart(); } } } else { if(self.options.isNeedColumnChart) { for(var k=0;k<self.options.columnChartData.length;k++) { self.ctx.fillStyle =self.options.columnChartColor; drawRectangle(self.ctx,self.lineDataList[k].x-self.reactAngleWidth/2,self.options.canvasHeight-((self.options.canvasHeight-2*self.options.paddingTop)*self.options.columnChartData[k].PT+self.options.paddingTop),self.reactAngleWidth,(self.options.canvasHeight-2*self.options.paddingTop)*self.options.columnChartData[k].PT); } } if(self.options.isNeedLineChart) { for (var l = 0; l < self.lineDataList.length - 1; l++) { self.ctx.lineWidth = 4; if (l == 0) { drawCircle(self.ctx, self.lineDataList[l].x, self.lineDataList[l].y); } drawCircle(self.ctx, self.lineDataList[l + 1].x, self.lineDataList[l + 1].y); self.ctx.beginPath(); self.ctx.moveTo(self.lineDataList[l].x, self.lineDataList[l].y); self.ctx.lineTo(self.lineDataList[l + 1].x, self.lineDataList[l + 1].y); self.ctx.strokeStyle = self.options.lineChartColor; self.ctx.lineWidth = 2*self.axisBorderWidth/3; self.ctx.stroke(); } } } } function transformAxis(data) { var newData=[]; for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){ newData.push({ x:data[i].x, y:self.options.canvasHeight-data[i].y }) } return newData; } function drawLine(context,point,width){ context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(point[0].x,point[0].y); if(point.length>2) { for(var i=1;i<point.length;i++) { context.lineTo(point[i].x,point[i].y); } } context.lineWidth = width; context.lineJoin="round"; context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } //画y轴title function drawYText(context,x,y,str) { context.beginPath(); context.font = "{fontSize} Microsoft Yahei".replace("{fontSize}",self.fontSize+"px"); context.fillStyle = "white"; context.textAlign = "right"; context.fillText(str,x,self.options.canvasHeight-y); context.closePath(); } //画x轴title funct
2023-08-04 03:58:261


默认情况在/etc/ppp/目录下建立文件gprs-connect-chat,内容如下(每个参数解释在ppp-howto中有详细解释。它是在ppp底层会话的时候给chat进程的参数每行是一个“期望/发送”的组合序列。当出现一些经典的错误如: "LCP: timeout sendingConfig-Requests" ,"serial line is not 8 bit clean...",“serial line isloopedback”等,去参看方式2提到的两个文档,或者google。注意,为什么不能确切地给出解决的方式,原因是打印出来的同一个错误信息,我称之为现象,同一现象可能是由很多种原因造成的,需要自己实地排查。)#/etc/ppp/gprs-connect-chatTIMEOUT 15ABORT " BUSY " ABORT " NO ANSWER " ABORT " RINGING RINGING " #"" AT #"OK-+++c-OK" ATH0 TIMEOUT 40"" ATOK ATS0=0 #这些都是标准的at命令,建议查看随模块的at命令手册OK ATE0V1OK AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","CMNET" #设置isp接入网关为中国移动的cmnet,如果你想 获得更多访问资源的话OK ATDT*99***1# #中国移动gprs的接入号吗CONNECT ""+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++建立文件/etc/ppp/peers/gprs,它的作用是给pppd进程提供配置参数(详见man 8 pppd的输出内容,如果出现问题这个将是非常重要的参考页),内容如下:#/etc/ppp/peers/gprs# Usage: root>pppd call gprs/dev/s3c2410_serial1 #改成自己的端口名115200 #改成自己串口波特率nocrtscts #可能你的串口是需要crtscts,硬件流控的,这是由你的串口决定的,一般嵌入式系统的串口没有带硬件流控,也不需要就加nocrtsctsmodem #这个参数使得pppd进程将等待模块发回的CD (Carrier Detect)信号,与local真好相反#noauthdebug #把调试信息输出到/var/log/messages,在调试成功后去掉它,以减少垃圾的产生。nodetach #hide-passwordusepeerdns #以下的3个参数一般不可少noipdefaultdefaultroute user smsong #设置接入的用户名,在chap-secrets或者pap-secets中使用0.0.0.0: #本地和远端的ip都设为0使得接入的isp分配本地的ip地址ipcp-accept-local #要求peer也就是isp给自己非配动态的IP地址#ipcp-accept-remote#lcp-echo-failure 12#lcp-echo-interval 3noccp #不需要压缩控制协议,有可能对端不需要,根据自己的isp的情况#novj#novjccomppersist #保证在连接断开的情况下不退出,并尝试重新打开连接connect "/usr/sbin/chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/gprs-connect-chat" #pppd调用chat会话进程接入对端isp,启动对端的pppd,然后本地pppd与对端的pppd一起进行协#商网络参数和chap/pap认证,成功后,再进行ncp层的ip的分配。+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#/etc/ppp/chap-secets# Secrets for authentication using CHAP# client server secret IP addresses####### redhat-config-network will overwrite this part!!! (begin) ################# redhat-config-network will overwrite this part!!! (end) ############smsong * 123456 *有点地区的GPRS可能使用pap方式认证接入用户,所以在同一级目录下,创建pap-secets文件,内容与chap-secets类似有4项的内容第2和第4项一般不限制就用*(星号)代表。反正要你在/etc/ppp/下放着这两个文件就好。+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++在建立了ppp0连接以后可以使用ctrl+c或者下面的脚本程序ppp-off断开ppp连接#/etc/ppp/ppp-off#!/bin/sh######################################################################## Determine the device to be terminated.#if [ "$1" = "" ]; thenDEVICE=ppp0elseDEVICE=$1fi######################################################################## If the ppp0 pid file is present then the program is running. Stop it.if [ -r /var/run/$ ]; then kill -INT `cat /var/run/$`## If the kill did not work then there is no process running for this# pid. It may also mean that the lock file will be left. You may wish# to delete the lock file at the same time. if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then rm -f /var/run/$ echo "ERROR: Removed stale pid file" exit 1 fi## Success. Let pppd clean up its own junk. echo "PPP link to $DEVICE terminated." exit 0fi## The ppp process is not running for ppp0echo "ERROR: PPP link is not active on $DEVICE"exit 1++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++做好上面的配置以后,输入pppd call gprs命令,注意如果你的gprs这个文件不在/etc/ppp/peers/目录下,在给出标注路径给pppd[root@localhost ppp_scripts]# pppd call gprstimeout set to 15 secondsabort on ( BUSY )abort on ( NO ANSWER )abort on ( RINGING RINGING )timeout set to 40 secondssend (^MAT^M^M)expect (OK)^M^MOK-- got itsend (ATS0=0^M^M)expect (OK)^MAT^MOK-- got itsend (ATE0V1^M^M)expect (OK)^M^M^MOK-- got itsend (AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","CMNET"^M^M)expect (OK)^MATS0=0^M^MOK-- got itsend (ATDT*99***1#^M^M)expect (CONNECT)^M^M^MOK^MATE0V1^M^MOK^M^MOK^M^MOK^M^MOK^M^MCONNECT-- got itsend (^M)Serial connection established.using channel 20Using interface ppp0Connect: ppp0 /dev/ttyS0Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world and/or group accesssent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 ]rcvd [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 ]sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 ]rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 ]rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 ]sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 ]rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x1 , name = ""]Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/chap-secrets has world and/or group accesssent [CHAP Response id=0x1 , name = "smsong"]rcvd [CHAP Success id=0x1 ""]CHAP authentication succeededCHAP authentication succeededsent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 ]sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 ]rcvd [LCP ProtRej id=0x1 80 fd 01 01 00 0c 1a 04 78 00 18 04 78 00]Protocol-Reject for "Compression Control Protocol" (0x80fd) receivedrcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1]sent [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 ]rcvd [IPCP ConfRej id=0x1 ]sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 ]rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2]sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2]rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x2 ]sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x3 ]rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x3 ]Could not determine remote IP address: defaulting to IP address IP address DNS address DNS address /etc/ppp/ip-up started (pid 4578)Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 4578), status = 0x0使用ctrl+c可以断开连接,这样一般不太好测试是不是连接上了(遇有开发不上的控制台只有一个的原因),可以去掉/etc/ppp/peers/gprs文件中的nodetach参数,要用ping,你需要将eth0即网口给禁用掉,这样ping才会通过ppp0端口寻找路由连接外网。+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++可以用命令tail -f /var/log/messages看到日志:Mar 20 20:55:55 localhost pppd[4557]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: timeout set to 15 secondsMar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: abort on ( BUSY )Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: abort on ( NO ANSWER )Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: abort on ( RINGING RINGING )Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: timeout set to 40 secondsMar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: send (^MAT^M^M)Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: expect (OK)Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: ^M^MMar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: OKMar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: -- got it Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: send (ATS0=0^M^M)Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: expect (OK)Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: ^MMar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: AT^MMar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: OKMar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: -- got it Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: send (ATE0V1^M^M)Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: expect (OK)Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: ^MMar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: ^M^MMar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: OKMar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: -- got it Mar 20 20:55:56 localhost chat[4558]: send (AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","CMNET"^M^M)Mar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: expect (OK)Mar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: ^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: ATS0=0^M^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: OKMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: -- got it Mar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: send (ATDT*99***1#^M^M)Mar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: expect (CONNECT)Mar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: ^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: ^M^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: OK^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: ATE0V1^M^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: OK^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: ^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: OK^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: ^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: OK^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: ^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: OK^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: ^MMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: CONNECTMar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: -- got it Mar 20 20:55:57 localhost chat[4558]: send (^M)Mar 20 20:55:57 localhost pppd[4557]: Serial connection established.Mar 20 20:55:57 localhost pppd[4557]: Using interface ppp0Mar 20 20:55:57 localhost pppd[4557]: Connect: ppp0 /dev/ttyS0Mar 20 20:55:58 localhost pppd[4557]: Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets has world and/or group accessMar 20 20:56:00 localhost pppd[4557]: Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/chap-secrets has world and/or group accessMar 20 20:56:00 localhost pppd[4557]: CHAP authentication succeededMar 20 20:56:00 localhost pppd[4557]: CHAP authentication succeededMar 20 20:56:01 localhost kernel: PPP Deflate Compression module registeredMar 20 20:56:02 localhost pppd[4557]: Could not determine remote IP address: defaulting to 20 20:56:02 localhost pppd[4557]: local IP address 20 20:56:02 localhost pppd[4557]: remote IP address 20 20:56:02 localhost pppd[4557]: primary DNS address 20 20:56:02 localhost pppd[4557]: secondary DNS address
2023-08-04 03:58:341


2023-08-04 03:58:453


2023-08-04 03:58:564

VB中的 while wend 怎么用的

VB中的 while…… wend循环等效于do while ……loop循环,唯一的区别是do while ……loop循环可以用exit do跳出循环,而while…… wend循环想要跳出循环必须使用goto语句。vb的循环语句还包括:do……loop while,do until ……loop,do……loop until,for……next,这些循环都可以用exit语句中途跳出。此外,还可以用if结合goto语句组建循环,不过这种循环可读性差,对基本功要求相对比较高,不建议使用。
2023-08-04 03:59:213


2023-08-04 03:59:528


这是个英文牌子 没有释义就是个名字 而且没有中文意思有近似的词loop 英[lu:p]美[lup]n. 回路; 圈,环; [医] 宫内避孕环; 弯曲部分;vt. (使) 成环,(使)成圈; 以环连结; 使翻筋斗;[网络] 环状; 回圈; 主循环;[例句]Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose.莫雷尔太太伸手去拿绕成圈的花园浇水用的软管。[其他] 第三人称单数:loops 复数:loops 现在分词:looping 过去式:looped 过去分词:looped
2023-08-04 04:01:081


loop 英[lu:p] 美[lup] n. 回路; 圈,环; [医] 宫内避孕环; 弯曲部分; vt. (使) 成环,(使)成圈; 以环连结; 使翻筋斗; [网络] 环状; 回圈; 主循环; [例句]Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose.莫雷尔太太伸手去拿绕成圈的花园浇水用的软管。[其他] 第三人称单数:loops 复数:loops 现在分词:looping 过去式:looped过去分词:looped USA 英[ˌju:es"eɪ] 美[ˌju:es"eɪ] abbr. 美利坚合众国(=United States of America); 美国陆军(=United States Army); 美国钢铁工人联合会(=United Steelworkers of America); [网络] 美国; 美国码; 美国; [例句]In the USA you can ring Social Security or the Department of Welfare and ask what help is available.在美国,你可以致电社会保障部或福利部询问能得到何种帮助。双语例句 柯林斯词典 百度百科 百度知道
2023-08-04 04:01:161

Sweet is the melody的歌词?

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 这首歌是Aselin Debison演唱,不知那位大侠有歌词? 解析: [ti:Sweet is the melody] [ar:艾丝琳Aselin Debison] [al:][by:] [offset:500] [00:07.07]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [00:12.14]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [00:18.20]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [00:24.23]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place [00:32.53]The dance floor"s for gliding [00:34.90]not jumping over ponies [00:37.92]where boots and gold bracelets e and meet as they should [00:44.20]It"s for celebrating a Friday night romance [00:50.12]fetting the bad stuff and just feeling good [00:58.17]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [01:03.74]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [01:09.83]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [01:15.33]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place [01:26.82]An arm"s just an arm [01:29.39]‘til it"s wrapped ‘round a shoulder [01:33.08]looped side by side [01:34.75]they go stepping out together [01:39.05]A note"s just a note [01:40.94]‘til you wake from your slumber [01:44.52]and dare to discover the new melody [01:52.72]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [01:58.23]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [02:04.38]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [02:09.90]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place [02:44.46]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [02:50.15]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [02:56.11]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [03:00.95]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place
2023-08-04 04:01:431

讲解(不要翻译)the incorrectly looped string had thrown the toy off balance

stringthe incorrectly looped 是主语的定语这里throw off应该放在一起解释是摆脱;甩掉的意思
2023-08-04 04:02:021


有一种滚环复制模型叫做噜噗滚环复制(looped rolling circle replication)。它用于双链环状分子复制单链环状分子。
2023-08-04 04:02:121


loop及物动词 vt. 1.把(绳等)打成环,使成圈2.用环扣住(或套住);缠绕She looped the curtain up. 她把帘子打环卷起。 He looped the rope around the pole. 他将绳子绕在柱子上。 3.使(飞机)翻筋斗不及物动词 vi. 1.打环,成圈The path loops around the pond. 这条小路沿池塘绕一圈。 2.(飞机)翻筋斗link及物动词 vt. 1.连接,结合;联系[(+up/together)]The new canal will link the two rivers. 新运河将两条河连在一起。 2.挽住,勾住(手臂)[(+in/through)]The children linked hands to make a circle. 孩子们挽起手来围成一个圈。 不及物动词 vi. 1.连接起来;联系在一起[(+up/together)]
2023-08-04 04:02:191

Sweet Is The Melody (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Is The Melody (Album Version)歌手:Iris Dement专辑:My LifeSweet is the melody, so hard to come byIt"s so hard to make every note bend just rightYou lay down the hours and leave not one tracebut a tune for the dancing is there in its placeThe dance floor"s for glidingnot jumping over ponieswhere boots and gold bracelets come and meet as they shouldIt"s for celebrating a Friday night romanceforgetting the bad stuff and just feeling goodSweet is the melody, so hard to come byIt"s so hard to make every note bend just rightYou lay down the hours and leave not one tracebut a tune for the dancing is there in its placeAn arm"s just an arm‘til it"s wrapped ‘round a shoulderlooped side by sidethey go stepping out togetherA note"s just a note‘til you wake from your slumberand dare to discover the new melodySweet is the melody, so hard to come byIt"s so hard to make every note bend just rightYou lay down the hours and leave not one tracebut a tune for the dancing is there in its placeSweet is the melody, so hard to come byIt"s so hard to make every note bend just rightYou lay down the hours and leave not one tracebut a tune for the dancing is there in its place
2023-08-04 04:02:271


歌手:madonna 专辑:confessions on a dance floor I don"t want to hearI don"t want to knowPlease don"t say you"re sorryI"ve heard it all beforeAnd I can take care of myselfI don"t want to hearI don"t want to knowPlease don"t say "forgive me"I"ve seen it all beforeAnd I can"t take it anymoreYou"re not half the man you think you areMadonnaSave your words because you"ve gone too farI"ve listened to all your lies and storiesYou"re not half hte man you"d like to beI don"t want to hearI don"t want to knowPlease don"t say you"re sorryI"ve heard it all beforeAnd I can take care of myselfI don"t want to hearI don"t want to knowPlease don"t say "forgive me"I"ve seen it all beforeAnd I can"t take it anymoreDon"t explain yourself cause talk is cheapWe stayed because I made it so convenientDon"t explain yourself you"ll never see(Sorry in multiple languages)(Sorry, in english, looped multiple times)I heard it all beforeI don"t want to hearI don"t want to knowPlease don"t say you"re sorryI"ve heard it all beforeAnd I can take care of myselfI don"t want to hearI don"t want to knowPlease don"t say "forgive me"I"ve seen it all beforeAnd I can"t take it anymoreI"ve heard it all before... 我早就已经听过了I don"t wanna hear 我不想再听I don"t wanna know 也不想知道Please don"t say you"re sorry 所以请你不要再说对不起I"ve heard it all before 我早就已经听过了And I can take care of myself 现在我可以好好照顾自己I don"t wanna hear I don"t wanna know Please don"t say forgive me 不用再说原谅我I"ve seen it all before 我早就已经看透And I can"t take it anymore 而且我再也不能接受You"re not half a man you think you are 你认为你是个完美的男人,但你连一半都达不到Save your words because you"ve gone too far 省省你的口舌吧,因为你已经差得太远Listen to your lies and to your stories 听听你的谎言和你的故事吧You"re not half a man youlike to be 你认为你是个完美的男人,但你连一半都达不到 don"t wanna hear I don"t wanna know Please don"t say you"re sorry I"ve heard it all before And I can take care of myself I don"t wanna hear I don"t wanna know Please don"t say forgive me I"ve seen it all before And I can"t take it anymore Don"t explain yourself cause talk is cheap 你不需要再解释因为言语太廉价There"s more important things than hear you speak 这里还有比言语更重要的事情You stay because I made it so convenient 你留下来因为我把事情弄得那么方便Don"t explain yourself you"ll never see 不要再解释了,我们走着瞧Sorry sorry sorry sorry... I"ve heard it all before... I don"t wanna hear I don"t wanna know Please don"t say you"re sorry I"ve heard it all before And I can take care of myself I don"t wanna hear I don"t wanna know Please don"t say forgive me I"ve seen it all before And I can"t take it anymore Don"t explain yourself cause talk is cheap There"s more important than hear you speak I"ve heard it all before...
2023-08-04 04:02:352


sense primer 正义链引物,可当作上游引物antisense primer 反义链引物,可当作下游引物sense-loop-antisense 意思是 正义链-反义链 循环圈。
2023-08-04 04:03:072


形状尺码的英语单词 形状: 圆形 Round 方形Square 三角形 Triangular(Delta Type) 长方形(矩形) Rectangular 菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond) 椭圆形 Oval 圆锥形 Conical 圆柱形 Cylindrical 蛋形 Egg-Shaped 葫芦形 Pear-Shaped 五边形 Pentagon 六边形 Hexagon 七边形 Heptagon 八边形 立菱形 Upright Diamond 菱形 Diamond Phombus 双菱形 Double Diamond 内十字菱形 Gross in Diamond 四等分菱形 Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamond with Projecting Ends 斜井形 Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形 Line in Diamond 内三线突角菱形 Three Line in Projecting Diamond 三菱形 Three Diamond 附耳菱形 Diamond with Looped Ends 正方形 Square Box 长方形 Rectangle 梯形 Echelon Formation 平行四边形 Parallelogram 井筒形 Intersecting Parallels 五边形 Pentagon 六边形 Hexagon 长六边形 Long Hexagon 圆形 Circle/Round 二等分圆 Bisected Circle 双环形 Crossed Circle 双圆形 Double Circle 双带圆形 Zoned Circle 长圆形 Long Circle 椭圆形 Oval 双缺圆形 Double Indented Circle 圆内三角形 Triangle in Circle 三角形 Triangle 六角星形 Hexangular Star 二重三角形 Double Triangle 对顶三角形 Hourgrass Touching Triangle 内外三角形 Three Triangle 十字形 Cross 圆内十字形 Cross in Circle 山角形 Angle 义架形 Crotch 直线 Line 月牙形 Crescent 心形 Heart 星形 Star
2023-08-04 04:03:141


2023-08-04 04:03:2510

add Mary to the loop是什么意思?

add Sally to loop 意思是“把sally加入到本邮件中来”,也就是说“把Sally加到收件人,抄送给Sally”,让Sally一起讨论问题。分析:1、Add Sb To loop 本义是说要把谁给绕到圈子里去,在公司邮件中,add Sally to loop 意思是“把sally加入到本邮件中来”,也就是说“把Sally加到收件人,抄送给Sally”,让Sally一起讨论问题。用法同add somebody in the loop: 把某人加入到本邮件中来。loop本义是“圆圈”,引申为“消息圈”。2、in the loop 在消息圈内;在决策圈内;在参与机密的智囊团内out of the loop 不在圈子里在职场上,in the loop, out of the loop 是非常常见的短语。所谓“在圈子内” “不在圈子里” 在商务语言中,意思是“在……局内”,“是……局外人”。只有in the loop的人,才知道某些消息,知道某些决定。所以大家都会在邮件中写一句 keep me in the loop, 意思是 “让我成为局内人,了解XX进展”。如:These activists don"t want to feel out of the loop.这些活跃分子不想做局外人。扩展资料:一、loop,英 [lu:p] 美 [lup]n. 环状物、圈;弯曲的部分;环状结构;循环电影胶片;重复指令;环路;(铁道或公路的)环线;大环(芝加哥商业中心);翻筋斗;单刃转圈;节育环v. 使成环;环行;放磁带,执行计算机指令;(使飞机)翻筋斗n. (Loop) (美、丹)劳鄱(人名)如:1、Mrs. Write reached for a loop of garden hose.怀特夫人伸手去拿一圈橡胶软管。2、He looped the rope over the wood.他把绳子打了环系在木头上。二、loop本义是“圆圈”,引申为“消息圈”。in the loop 在消息圈内;在决策圈内;在参与机密的智囊团内例:I think that he was in the loop.我认为他是局内人。He is just keeping me in the loop, alright? And I appreciate that.他只是让我和孩子们保持这联系,知道吗? 对此我很感谢。
2023-08-04 04:03:501


采纳吧==========================Vegas Video 快捷键 1===========================Project file 方案文件命令 热键Create new project 建立新方案 Ctrl+NExit Vegas 退出Vegas Alt+F4Open existing project 打开已存在的方案 Ctrl+OProject properties 方案特性 Alt+EnterSave project 保存方案 Ctrl+SWindow view 调用视窗视图命令 热键Set focus to track view Alt+0Explorer 导出 Alt+1Trimmer 修剪器 Alt+2Mixer 混音台 Alt+3Edit Details 编辑细节 Alt+4Media Pool 媒体存储表 Alt+5Video Preview 视频预览 Alt+6Transitions 转变 Alt+7Video FX 视频特技 Alt+8Text/Backgrounds 文本/背景(字幕) Alt+9Plug-Ins 插件 Ctrl+Alt+1Next window 下一个视窗 F6或Ctrl+TabPrevious window 前一个窗口Shift+F6 或Ctrl+Shift+TabToggle focus between track list and timeline在轨道表与时间线之间交替Tab在前一轨与下一轨之间切换 Alt+Shift+上/下箭头键==========================Vegas Video 快捷键 2===========================Edit 编辑命令命令 热键Cut selection 切掉选择区 Ctrl+X或Shift+DeleteCopy selection 拷贝选择区 Ctrl+C或Ctrl+InsertPaste 粘贴 Ctrl+V 或 Shift+InsertPaste Insert 插入粘贴 Ctrl+Shift+VPaste repeat 重复粘贴 Ctrl+BDelete selection 删去选择区 DeleteMix to new track 混合到新轨 Ctrl+MOpen in audio editor 在音频编辑器中打开 Ctrl+EUndo 恢复 Ctrl+Z或Alt+BackspaceRedo 重做 Ctrl+Shift+Z 或Ctrl+YSplit 分裂 STrim/crop selected events 休整/修剪被选择事件 Ctrl+TRebuild Peaks 重新计算波形图 F5Normal tool 切换到普通工具 Ctrl+DCursor placement 安置光标命令 热键Center view around cursor 把光标放置在视窗中心 Go to 把光标放置到(计数器变成蓝色后,直接在计数器中输入时间) Ctrl+GGo to beginning of selection or view (if no selection)把光标放置到选择区或视窗(如果没有选择区)的开始位置,HomeGo to end of selection or view (if no selection)把光标放置到选择区或视窗(如果没有选择区)的结尾位置EndGo to beginning of project 把光标放置到方案的开始位置 Ctrl+Home 或WGo to end of project 把光标放置到方案的结尾位置 Ctrl+End或EJump to opposite side of selection 把光标跳置到选择区的另一边 5 (数字键)==========================Vegas Video 快捷键 3===========================Jump to marker # 把光标跳置到一个标记号上 0-9 keys (非数字键)Move left by grid marks 把光标向左跳置到前一个网格线上 Page UpMove right by grid marks 把光标向右跳置到后一个网格线上 Page DownMove to previous marker 把光标移动到前一个标记上 Ctrl+左箭头键Move to next marker 把光标移动到下一个标记上 Ctrl+右箭头键Move to previous CD track 把光标移动到前一个CD 轨 Ctrl+CommaMove to next CD track 把光标移动到下一个CD 轨 Ctrl+句号Move to previous CD index or region把光标移动到前一个CD 索引或片段CommaMove to next CD index or region 把光标移动到下一个CD 索引或片段 句号Move left to event edit points including fade edges把光标移动到事件编辑点(包括衰减线的边界点)的左边 Ctrl+Alt+左箭头键Move right to event edit points including fade edges把光标移动到事件编辑点(包括衰减线的边界点)的右边 Ctrl+Alt+右箭头键Nudge cursor on timeline 把光标在时间线上移动 左或右箭头键Move one frame left/right 把光标向左或向右移动一帧 Alt+左或右箭头键Time selection commands 时间选择命令命令 热键Snap select to event edges 把选择区咬合到事件边界上 Ctrl+Shift+Alt+左或右箭头键Select loop region 选择要循环的片段 Ctrl+QRecover previous selection areas 恢复先前所选择区域 BackspaceSelect left by grid marks 按网格线向左选择区域 Shift+Page UpSelect right by grid marks 按网格线向右选择区域 Shift+Page DownMake a selection during playback 在回放时标记选择区 I (入点)和O (出点)Select to previous/next CD track 选择前一条/下一条CD 轨 Shift+Comma 或 Shift+句号Enter location for end of selection 键入选择区结尾点的位置 Ctrl+Shift+GCreate time selection while dragging on an event在一个事件上拖拽时产生时间选择区Ctrl+Shift+用鼠标拖拽Expand selection one frame 把选择区按一帧一帧的扩大 Shift+Alt+左或右箭头键==========================Vegas Video 快捷键 4===========================Playback and preview 回放与预览命令 热键Start/Stop playback 起动/停止回放 SpacebarStop playback 停止回放 EscPlay from any window 从任意一个窗口回放 Ctrl+Spacebar或F12Pause 暂停 EnterLooped playback 循环回放 QRecord 录音 Ctrl+RScrub playback 刮擦回放 J, K, or LSelectively prerender video 选择性地再现视频 Shift+MPreview in player 在播放器中预览 Ctrl+Shift+MBuild dynamic RAM preview 构筑动态RAN 预览 Shift+BEvent selection 事件选择区命令 热键Range select 范围选择 Shift+点击第一个和最后一个事件Multiple select 选择多个片段 Ctrl+点击单个事件Select all 选择所有的 Ctrl+AUnselect all 不选择所有的 Ctrl+Shift+AEvent editing 事件编辑命令 热键Move selected events right one pixel 把被选择事件向右移动一个像素 数字键盘 6Move selected events left one pixel 把被选择事件向左移动一个像素 数字键盘 4Move selected events up one track 把被选择事件向上移动一轨 数字键盘 8Move selected events down one track 把被选择事件向下移动一轨 数字键盘 2Move selected events right on grid 把被选择事件向右按网格线移动 数字键盘 6Move selected events left on grid 把被选择事件向左按网格线移动 Ctrl+数字键盘4Move selected events right by the project frame period按方案帧向右移动被选择事件Alt+数字键盘6==========================Vegas Video 快捷键 5===========================Move selected events left by the project frame period按方案帧向左移动被选择事件 Alt+数字键盘4Move selected events by the first selected event"s length按第一个被选择事件的长度移动被选择事件 Ctrl+Alt+4 或 6Slip: move media within event without moving the event滑动:在事件范围移动媒体而不移动事件Alt+用Normal edit tool 拖拽媒体Slip trim: moves the media with the edge as it is trimmed滑动修剪:对已被修剪的媒体拖拽其前后边缘使媒体移动Alt+用Normal edit tool 拖拽媒体前后边缘Trim adjacent: trims selected event ad adjacent event simultaneously修整毗连部位:同时修整两个相邻的被选择事件Ctrl+Alt+用 Normal edit tool 拖拽媒体前后边缘Slide: trims both ends of event simultaneously滑动:同时修剪两个事件Ctrl+Alt+用Normal edit tool拖拽媒体Slide crossfade: moves crossfade滑动交叉淡入淡出:移动交叉淡入淡出Ctrl+Alt+用 Normal edit tool拖拽媒体,一个媒体盖住另一个媒体Stretch (compress) the media in the event while trimming在修整时拉长(压缩)事件中的媒体Ctrl+用Normal edit tool 拖拽事件的边缘Select next take 选择下一轨 TSelect previous take 选择前一轨 Shift+TOpen in audio editor 在音频编辑器中打开 Ctrl+ETimeline 时间线命令 热键New audio track 新的音频轨 Ctrl+QNew video track 新的视频轨 Ctrl+Shift+QEnable/disable snapping 激活/屏蔽咬合功能 F8Quantize to frames 按帧量化 Alt+F8==========================Vegas Video 快捷键 6===========================Snap to grid 咬合到网格线上 Ctrl+F8Snap to markers 咬合到标记上 Shift+F8Ripple edit mode 波纹编辑方式 Ctrl+LAuto crossfade mode 自动交叉淡入淡出模式 XNormal tool 正常化工具 Ctrl+DEdit tool selection 选择编辑工具 D和 Shift+DRender to new track 合并为新轨道(相当于导出命令——译者) Ctrl+MGroup selected events 将被选中事件编组 GUngroup selected events 取消被选中事件编组 UClear group without deleting events 清除编组而不删去事件 Ctrl+USelect all events in group 在编组中选择全部事件 Shift+GInsert/show/hide track-volume envelope插入/展示/隐藏轨道音量包络线 VRemove track-volume envelope 去掉轨道音量包络线 Shift+VInsert/show/hide track-panning envelope 插入/展示/隐藏轨道声像包络线 PRemove track-panning envelope 去掉轨道声像包络线 Shift+PInsert command marker 插入命令标记 CInsert marker 插入标记 MInsert region 插入片段 RInsert CD track region 插入CD 轨道片段 NInsert CD track index 插入CD 轨道索引 Shift+NView 视图命令 热键Decrease height of all tracks 减小全部轨道高度 Ctrl+Shift+下箭头键Increase height of all tracks 增加全部轨道高度 Ctrl+Shift+上箭头键Minimize all tracks 最小化全部轨道高度 ‘ 键Set track height smaller 设置轨道为减小的高度 Shift+" 键Set track heights to default size 设置轨道缺省的高度 Ctrl+" 键Zoom in time (incremental) 时间放大(逐渐增加) 上箭头键Zoom in time until each video thumbnail represents one frame时间放大,直到每个视频连环画为一帧显示Alt +上箭头键==========================Vegas Video 快捷键 7===========================Zoom out time (incremental) 缩小时间(逐渐减小) 下箭头键Zoom in large increments or selection (if one exists)按大级别加大或加大选择区(如果存在的话)Ctrl+上箭头键Zoom out large increments or selection (if one exists)按大级别减小或减小选择区(如果存在的话)Ctrl+下箭头键Zoom waveforms in vertically (audio only) 垂直放大波形(只有音频) Shift+上箭头键Zoom waveforms out vertically (audio only)垂直缩小波形(只有音频)Shift+下箭头键Minimize/restore the window docking area减小/恢复窗口缩短的区域 F11Maximize/restore the timeline vertically and horizontally(window docking area and track list will be hidden)水平和垂直加大/恢复时间线(窗口面积缩小并且声道条被隐藏)Ctrl+F11Minimize/restore the track list (减小/恢复声道条) Shift+F11Trimmer commands 修整器命令下述命令应用于Trimmer(修整器)窗口。应用于时间线中的快捷键也适用于Trimmer。这个表中的热键命令为Trimmer 独有的。命令 热键Add media from cursor从光标位置增加媒体(媒体起始位置放在光标位置)AAdd media to cursor 增加媒体到光标位置(媒体尾部放在光标位置) Shift+ATransfer time selection from timeline to Trimmer after cursor将时间线中的时间选择区转移到Trimmer 上的光标之后的时间区域 TTransfer time selection from timeline to Trimmer before cursor将时间线中的时间选择区转移到Trimmer 上的光标之前的时间区域 Shift+TToggle selected stream: audio/video/both切换被选择的流媒体:音频/视频/音频和视频 TabNext media file in Trimmer 选择Trimmer 中的下一个媒体文件 Ctrl+Tab==========================Vegas Video 快捷键 8===========================Previous media file in Trimmer 选择Trimmer 中的前一个媒体文件 Ctrl+Shift+TabToggle audio/video stream height 音频/视频轨道高度 Ctrl+Shift+上/下箭头键Miscellaneous 杂项命令 热键Online Help 联机帮助 F1Shortcut menu 热键菜单 Shift+F10Rebuild audio peaks 重新计算音频波形图 F5Make fine fader adjustments 微调推子 Ctrl+用鼠标拖拽推子Change relative keyframe spacing 按比例改变关键帧的间隔 Alt+用鼠标拖拽关键帧Move region without changing length 移动片段而不改变它的长度 Alt+用鼠标拖拽标签Mouse wheel shortcuts 鼠标轮热键(指单轮鼠标)命令 鼠标热键Zoom in/out 垂直放大/缩小 卷动鼠标轮Scroll vertically 垂直卷屏 Ctrl+卷动鼠标轮Scroll horizontally 水平卷屏 Shift+卷动鼠标轮Move the cursor in small increments以很小的增量移动光标 Ctrl+Shift+卷动鼠标轮Move the cursor by frames 按帧移动鼠标 Ctrl+Alt+Shift+卷动鼠标轮Auto-scroll 自动卷屏 按住鼠标轮按钮并移动鼠标Move fader/slider 移动推子/滑块 把鼠标指向推子或滑块并转动鼠标轮Move fader/slider in fine increments 微调推子/滑块 Ctrl+把鼠标指向推子或滑块并转动鼠标轮
2023-08-04 04:04:331


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2023-08-04 04:06:126


2023-08-04 04:06:261


  1、U盘真实容量没有标注的那么大   不少童靴买到U盘后就大呼上当,明明8G的U盘,买到手后,在电脑中一看只有7G左右,而16G更是只有14G左右,少了近2GB的空间。对于这种U盘容量变小怎么办呢?   其实这种现象是正常的,我们都知道电脑计算是采用二进制,因此系统里对容量的计算是1MB=1024KB,1GB=1024MB,以此类推。而U盘、硬盘厂商计算是每1000为一进制,即1MB=1000KB,1GB=1000MB。   因此我们可以看到,U盘标注的容量与标称的实际容量存在一些小的误差,这主要由于厂商对容量的计算与电脑计算方法不同导致的,另外U盘内部固件也会占用一小部分空间,因此通常U盘容量的大致算法真实容量乘于93%,也就是说8GB标称的U盘,实际可用在7G左右也是正常的,电脑上硬盘也同样是这种情况。   2、U盘容量变小严重   如果购买8GB U盘其真实容量仅4G或者更少的话,这种情况多为缩水U盘,也称“扩容盘”。这种U盘是不法厂商使用一种量产工具的软件,改变U盘上的主控信息,将U盘容量标注到远大于其实际容量,以欺诈消费者的手段牟取暴利。当U盘的实际容量小于或等于其标称的90%时,即被认定为存在质量问题的缩水U盘。   检测缩水U盘的方法很多,最简单的就是往U盘里面拷贝一大文件,看看文件能否拷贝进行,并且能打开。比如我们购买了一容量为8GB的U盘,理论是实际可用容量至少为7GB左右,因此我们可以网U盘中拷贝一6G左右的大文件,看看能否拷贝进行,拷贝进入后,是否可以正常打开等。   如果所有的数据都能正常读取出来就说明是好的,如果只有一部分能,则说明很有可能是扩容盘,实际上这块硬盘中所带的U盘一直工作在"looped"模式,当用户拷贝大文件的时候,如果空间被占用完就自动擦除前面的.空间继续拷贝,不会提示空间不足。   另外这种缩水扩容U盘我们还可以通过一些工具快速检测出来,比如MyDiskTest、金山U盘卫士,360U盘鉴定器等都可以快速检测U盘是否为扩容缩水假U盘。   缩水U盘(扩容U盘)说白了就是假U盘,出现容量变小严重属于U盘本身的问题,因此我们是无法将其容量变大的,因此在购买U盘的时候,大家最是正规途径购买,切勿贪便宜,购买到这种缩水假U盘。   3、U盘容量突然变小   这种情况是,之前我们U盘容量比较大,但格式化后,容量变的更小了。比如我们之前购买了一8GB容量U盘,之间差不多也是7G左右可用空间,不过使用一段时间格式化后,容量变得6GB或者更小。   导致这种情况的原因,除了上面已经介绍到的可能是缩水假U盘外,还有一种可能就是U盘本身存在坏块了,格式化之后自动屏蔽了损坏的可存储部分,因此容量变小了。如果检测U盘并非缩水U盘,而出现格式化容量变小,那么就属于U盘本身可能出现了一些问题。   对于这种U盘容量变小,我们该怎么办呢?目前可行的方法就是借助相关软件尝试修复,如果能够修复好,就可以恢复部分存储空间,如果无法修复,那也就只能那样用了。   U盘容量变小,大家可以试试这款名为“uformat中文版”软件(百度搜索一下可以找到下载),该工具具备超强内存卡格式化功能,可以修复一些U盘或者存储卡的一些内部错误。   uformat是专业内存卡格式化工具,可以修复绝大部分内存卡硬件软件问题,格式化手机不能格式化的内存卡。   通常来说,U盘容量变小变小主要是以上三种原因,大家需要找到自己U盘属于那种情况,然后选择性检查或者操作即可。
2023-08-04 04:06:401


  诗歌是语言的精髓,是最古老、最具文学特质的文学形式。英语诗歌以其特有的格律与韵律向世人突显了其独特的音乐美。我精心收集了关于经典优美英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   关于经典优美英文诗歌篇1   Somewhere Else   by Matthew Shenoda   It is here on this ridge   exposed to the orange dusk   of mountain autumn   that the story begins.   Buck wood for the stove   feel the heat of shoulder to tendon   greet the mule deer   and water the garden again.   In rhythm, with song   when the ax begins to blend with wind   carry on to warmer days   on the river"s open banks   where the fervor of healing is found in water.   Flow from one origin to another——   there is never a place where we cannot begin   where the current is ancient, the wind is young   teaching each other like the ax and the wood.   Carve a place for dignity   plant a seed and pray for rain   for sun   for understanding outside your self.   There will e a day when they say:   who do you think you are   and another day will e   for you to tell.   On that day the story will appear   but do not tell of yourself   tell the story of the staff that blossomed in the desert   or the one about your enemy"s greatest victory   tell the story of somewhere else   关于经典优美英文诗歌篇2   somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond   by E. E. Cummings   somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond   any experience,your eyes have their silence:   in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,   or which i cannot touch because they are too near   your slightest look will easily unclose me   though i have closed myself as fingers,   you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens   touching skilfully,mysteriouslyher first rose   or if your wish be to close me, i and   my life will shut very beautifully ,suddenly,   as when the heart of this flower imagines   the snow carefully everywhere descending;   nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals   the power of your intense fragility:whose texture   pels me with the color of its countries,   rendering death and forever with each breathing   i do not know what it is about you that closes   and opens;only something in me understands   the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses   nobody,not even the rain,has such *** all hands   关于经典优美英文诗歌篇3   Silence Ravingby Clayton Eshleman   Patters, paters, Apollo globes, sound   breaking up with silence, coals   I can still hear, entanglement of sense pools,   the way a cave might leak perfume——   in the Cro-Magnons went, along its wet hide walls,   as if a flower in, way in, drew their leggy   panspermatic bodies, spidering over   bottomless hunches, groping toward Persephone"s fate:   to be quicksanded by the fungus pulp of Hades" purple hair   exploding in their brains.   They poured their foreheads into the coals and corrals   zigzagged about in the night air——   the animals led in crossed   a massive vulva incised before the gate,   the power that came up from it was paradise, the power   the Cro-Magnons bequeathed to us:   to make an altar of our throats.   The first words were mixed with animal fat,   wounded men tried to say who did it.   The group was the rim of a to-be-invented wheel,   their speech was spokes, looping over,   around, the hub of the fire, its silk of us,   its burn of them, bop we dip, you dip,   we dip to you, you will dip to us, Dionysus   the plopping, pooling words, stirred   by the lyre gaps between the peaks of flame,   water to fire, us to them.   Foal-eyes, rubbery, they looped   back into those caves whose walls could be strung   between their teeth, the sticky soul material pulled to   The sides by their hands, ooh   what bone looms they sewed themselves into, ah   what tiny male spiders they were   on the enormous capable of devouring them   female rock elastic word!   
2023-08-04 04:06:471


  1 、U盘真实容量没有标注的那么大   不少童靴买到U盘后就大呼上当,明明8G的U盘,买到手后,在电脑中一看只有7G左右,而16G更是只有14G左右,少了近2GB的空间。对于这种U盘容量变小怎么办呢?   其实这种现象是正常的,我们都知道电脑计算是采用二进制,因此系统里对容量的计算是1MB=1024KB,1GB=1024MB,以此类推。而U盘、硬盘厂商计算是每1000为一进制,即1MB=1000KB,1GB=1000MB。   因此我们可以看到,U盘标注的容量与标称的实际容量存在一些小的误差,这主要由于厂商对容量的计算与电脑计算方法不同导致的,另外U盘内部固件也会占用一小部分空间,因此通常U盘容量的大致算法真实容量乘于93%,也就是说8GB标称的U盘,实际可用在7G左右也是正常的,电脑上硬盘也同样是这种情况。    2、U盘容量变小严重   如果购买8GB U盘其真实容量仅4G或者更少的话,这种情况多为缩水U盘,也称“扩容盘”。这种U盘是不法厂商使用一种量产工具的软件,改变U盘上的主控信息,将U盘容量标注到远大于其实际容量,以欺诈消费者的手段牟取暴利。当U盘的实际容量小于或等于其标称的90%时,即被认定为存在质量问题的缩水U盘。   检测缩水U盘的方法很多,最简单的就是往U盘里面拷贝一大文件,看看文件能否拷贝进行,并且能打开。比如我们购买了一容量为8GB的U盘,理论是实际可用容量至少为7GB左右,因此我们可以网U盘中拷贝一6G左右的大文件,看看能否拷贝进行,拷贝进入后,是否可以正常打开等。   如果所有的.数据都能正常读取出来就说明是好的,如果只有一部分能,则说明很有可能是扩容盘,实际上这块硬盘中所带的U盘一直工作在"looped"模式,当用户拷贝大文件的时候,如果空间被占用完就自动擦除前面的空间继续拷贝,不会提示空间不足。   另外这种缩水扩容U盘我们还可以通过一些工具快速检测出来,比如MyDiskTest、金山U盘卫士,360U盘鉴定器等都可以快速检测U盘是否为扩容缩水假U盘。   缩水U盘(扩容U盘)说白了就是假U盘,出现容量变小严重属于U盘本身的问题,因此我们是无法将其容量变大的,因此在购买U盘的时候,大家最是正规途径购买,切勿贪便宜,购买到这种缩水假U盘。    3、U盘容量突然变小   这种情况是,之前我们U盘容量比较大,但格式化后,容量变的更小了。比如我们之前购买了一8GB容量U盘,之间差不多也是7G左右可用空间,不过使用一段时间格式化后,容量变得6GB或者更小。   导致这种情况的原因,除了上面已经介绍到的可能是缩水假U盘外,还有一种可能就是U盘本身存在坏块了,格式化之后自动屏蔽了损坏的可存储部分,因此容量变小了。如果检测U盘并非缩水U盘,而出现格式化容量变小,那么就属于U盘本身可能出现了一些问题。   对于这种U盘容量变小,我们该怎么办呢?目前可行的方法就是借助相关软件尝试修复,如果能够修复好,就可以恢复部分存储空间,如果无法修复,那也就只能那样用了。   U盘容量变小,大家可以试试这款名为“uformat中文版”软件(百度搜索一下可以找到下载),该工具具备超强内存卡格式化功能,可以修复一些U盘或者存储卡的一些内部错误。   uformat是专业内存卡格式化工具,可以修复绝大部分内存卡硬件软件问题,格式化手机不能格式化的内存卡。   通常来说,U盘容量变小变小主要是以上三种原因,大家需要找到自己U盘属于那种情况,然后选择性检查或者操作即可。
2023-08-04 04:07:071


2023-08-04 04:07:271


问题一:“社交”用英语怎么说 社交的英语是social 比如 社交网 social networks social worker 社会工作者 社交聚会 social gatherings 问题二:“社交”用英语怎么说? 5分 soc福ality Social Socialization 这三个词都有社交的意思 楼主自己选择吧。 问题三:不喜欢社交的原因及结果的英语作文 我喜欢 问题四:低质量的社交不如高质量的独处 用英文怎么说? 有几种说法: 1. Low-quality social acitivies can not be pared with high-quality alone time. 2. Low-quality social acitivies is not as good as high-quality alone time. 3. Low-quality social interactions are worse than high-quality alone time. 希望可以帮到你。欢迎追问。 问题五:“社交圈”用英语怎么说 Social Circles 社交圈 Social Circles are groups of socially interconnected people. A Social Circle is distinguished from a Social Pyramid in that there are two perspectives that can be used to describe a Social Circle: the perspective of an individual who is the locus of a particular group of socially interconnected people; and the aggregate perspective of a group of socially interconnected people. 问题六:缺乏社交能力用英文怎么说 be lack of social capability 30 pecent students 问题七:社交圈子的英文怎么说? Public relations circle 或者circles of society这个常用 例子这对夫妇不断地穿梭在国际社交圈里(沃尔特u30fb以撒森) The couple looped constantly around the international social circuit(Walter Isaacson) 她生活在高级社交圈里。 She moves in the highest circles of society. 她于十八岁在纽约城初入社交圈 She came out at age 18 in New York City. 不适当的社交行为 untoward social behavior 与正常社交活动时间相冲突的加班工作时间 unsocial hours 避免社交 to shun society 社交界 the world of fashion 频繁的社交活动 the social whirl. 社交忙季 the social season 社交闲谈造成的纷扰(乔治u30fb桑塔亚那) the plague of social jabbering(George Santayana) 问题八:社交网络用英语怎么说? Social intercourse network
2023-08-04 04:07:411


2023-08-04 04:08:311

“a little of”和“a bit of”的区别?

a little of英 [u0259 u02c8litl u0254v]美 [e u02c8lu026atl u028cv]少些, 一点1. He complained a little of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades. 他有几句提到说肩胛骨之间一直在疼。2. I"m sure she won"t mind sparing us a little of her time. 我肯定她不会介意为我们抽点时间。3. Pour a little of the sauce over the chicken. 在鸡肉上浇一点调味汁。4. She laid a little of her pay away each week. 她每周将薪水储蓄一点.5. Add a little of the warmed milk and allow to froth a little. 加一点温牛奶,并让它起点儿沫。
2023-08-04 04:08:583


社交圈子的英语表达可以是 "social circle"。
2023-08-04 04:09:082


_N_ indicates the number of times SAS has looped through the DATA step. This is not necessarily equal to the observation number, since a simple subsetting IF statement can change the relationship between observation number and the number of iterations of the DATA step.
2023-08-04 04:09:182


Bootstrap是Twitter推出的一个用于前端开发的开源工具包。它由Twitter的设计师Mark Otto和Jacob Thornton合作开发,是一个CSS/HTML框架。adj. 依靠自己力量的;自己做的n.拔靴带 也有以上的意思。大概就是靴子上的鞋带,挺好理解的。
2023-08-04 04:09:363


loop名词 n. [C]1.(线,铁丝等绕成的)圈,环Wind the wire in loops and put it away in the toolshed.把铁丝绕成圈圈,放到工具棚里。2.环状物;环路,环线;(河等的)弯曲处The road makes a wide loop around the lake.这条路沿湖绕一大圈。3.节育环[the S]4.(铁路)会车线5.(特技飞行)筋斗,翻筋斗及物动词 vt.1.把(绳等)打成环,使成圈2.用环扣住(或套住);缠绕She looped the curtain up.她把帘子打环卷起。He looped the rope around the pole.他将绳子绕在柱子上。3.使(飞机)翻筋斗不及物动词 vi.1.打环,成圈The path loops around the pond.这条小路沿池塘绕一圈。2.(飞机)翻筋斗Loop名词 n.1.(芝加哥的)一商业区名
2023-08-04 04:09:441


① 按照年度、季度设置OKR都可以,但一定要关联上公司的愿景使命。使命让你保持正确的方向,OKR给你明确的里程碑,关键结果用来量化目标,使团队和个人聚焦在一个有挑战性的目标上。 ② 如果你发现一起床就有做事的激情,说明你设置了一个好的目标;如果你看到关键结果时有点担心,那这个关键结果的设置就是恰当的。 ③ 一个好的OKR的目标必须是可衡量的,是有挑战性却又不至于让人绝望的,对于完成它,你们大约抱有50%左右的信心。 如何设定OKR? ① 在设定OKR之前,先明确你的或企业的使命。它不必多么优雅,但应当简洁、好记,像纲领一样具有指导性,它会提醒你不要把时间消耗在无用的事情上。 ② 如果是一个团队,从OKR的层级上,应自上而下,先设定公司层面的OKR,然后才是部门的OKR、个人OKR(可选)。 ③ 目标必须是有挑战性的,这样大家才会全力以赴,隐藏实力不是实施OKR的目的。 ④ 如果不是拥有多条产品线的企业,目标最好不要多于1个,一次用心做好一件事。 ⑤ 制定目标时,可以自下而上地搜集全员的看法和创意,看看在员工心里认为公司目前最应聚焦的是什么目标,高管开会时再补充上他们的目标。设定OKR的会议上,把这些目标集体过一遍,剔除重复的,整合相似的,最终通过投票把目标减少到三个。 ⑥ 设定好目标后,针对目标设置3~4个能衡量目标是否实现的关键结果。 ⑦ 设定好关键结果后,给每个关键结果设定一个初始信心指数(即你们预估完成这一关键结果的概率为多少,初始值一般建议都为50%),并在今后的OKR运行中跟踪这一数字。 设定OKR目标的3个原则 ① 目标要明确方向且鼓舞人心。 ② 目标要有时间期限,有确定的截止日期更有助于目标实现。 ③ 由独立的团队来实现目标,即执行的主体必须清清楚楚。 如何实现OKR工作法 ① 每周一,团队一起开会盘点OKR,来明确本周具体负责完成哪些任务。可以参考以上OKR展示形式: 本周关注的任务:列出3~4件最重要的事情,只有本周完成了这几件事,团队的目标才能向前推进;明确这些事的优先级(P表示Plan,P1的优先级大于P2,没有P3或更不重要的事)。 未来四周的计划:有哪些事情需要其他团队成员做好准备或支持,都列在这一象限。 OKR当前的状态:每周讨论你们的信心指数,变高了还是变低了?因为发生了什么导致如此? 状态指标:挑出两个影响目标达成的其他因素,简略地用色彩记录它们的变化来关注它们。(例如绿色为好,黄色为警戒,红色为差)当这些因素发生意外时,马上讨论找出应对方案,确保OKR不受影响。 每周一的会议可以用1/4的时间来讲述进度,剩余时间一起讨论下一步计划,并落实每个人本周的职责。 ② 每周五,召开“胜利会议”,让每个团队都可以展示本周的工作成果,并准备一些酒水饮料和点心等庆祝这些成果。 每周重复这些事情,反复这样“明确责任”-“庆祝胜利”的节奏,就实现了OKR的分步骤落实。
2023-08-04 04:00:131


2023-08-04 04:00:143

不确定性原理是什么 不确定性原理简述

1、不确定性原理是由海森堡于1927年提出,这个理论是说,你不可能同时知道一个粒子的位置和它的速度,粒子位置的不确定性,必然大于或等于普朗克常数(Planck constant)除于4π(ΔxΔp≥h/4π),这表明微观世界的粒子行为与宏观物质很不一样。 2、此外,不确定原理涉及很多深刻的哲学问题,用海森堡自己的话说:“在因果律的陈述中,即‘若确切地知道现在,就能预见未来",所得出的并不是结论,而是前提。我们不能知道现在的所有细节,是一种原则性的事情。”
2023-08-04 04:00:081

怎样从考克兰central 如何导入 endnote

自动导入 双击导出的文件Citations.enw即可导入到EndNote数据库 2. 手动导入 打开EndNote,并选择一个数据库,依次选择「File」→「Import」→「File」,打开导入对话框。 Import File:选择刚才导出的文件,如Citations.enw Import Option:选择Reference Manager (RIS)。这个不同于BioMedCentral的导入方法 Duplicates:看情况,如果想去除重复文献Discard Duplicats,也可以选择Import into Duplicats Library,把重复的文献导入到一个单独的数据库。啥也不想就选择Import All Text Translation:选择No Translation
2023-08-04 04:00:081