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英语 选什么?翻译

2023-08-04 09:55:58
TAG: 英语 翻译




A -您买什么?想找些特别的么?

- 只是看看。







I"m just looking.我只是随便看看。A Can I help you, sir? A 先生,我能帮忙吗?B Thank you. I"d like to look at jackets. Where is the men"s clothes department?B 我想看看夹克衫。男士服装商场在哪里?A Over there, sir. On the left.A 先生,在那边。B On the left. Thank you.B 在左侧。谢谢你。A I can show you some jackets, sir. What kind of jacket would you like?A 我可以给你看看几件夹克衫,先生。你想要哪种夹克衫?B Thank you, but I"m just looking at the moment.B 谢谢你,但是我现在只是随便看看。Notes注释1 Shop assistants can offer to help customers, for example: I can show you some jackets, sir. / I can show you some jackets, sir. They will ask you what you like: What kind of jacket would you like?商店的服务员会主动提出帮助顾客买东西,例如: I can show you some jackets, sir. /我可以给你看看几件夹克衫,先生。他们还会问你想要什么样的:What kind of jacket would you like? /你想要哪种夹克衫?2 If you want to look by yourself before buying you can say: I"m just looking at the moment. / I"m just looking at the moment.如果你想在购买前自己随便看看,你可以说:I"m just looking at the moment. /我现在只是随便看看。Key phrases and sentencesCan I help you, sir?Thank you. I"d like to look at jackets. Where is the men"s clothes department?Over there, sir. On the left.On the left. Thank you.I can show you some jackets, sir. What kind of jacket would you like?Thank you, but I"m just looking at the moment.先生,我能帮忙吗?我想看看夹克衫。男士服装商场在哪里?先生,在那边。在左侧。谢谢你。我可以给你看看几件夹克衫,先生?谢谢你,但是我现在只是随便看看。
2023-08-04 00:37:413


I"m just looking
2023-08-04 00:37:512


2023-08-04 00:37:597

英语 “随便看看或者随便逛逛”用英语口语一般怎么表达?

easy look
2023-08-04 00:38:175


just kill my time by aimless shopping
2023-08-04 00:38:352


You can not look at the
2023-08-04 00:38:441


我只是随便看看: I"m just having a look.I"m just browsing/looking.
2023-08-04 00:38:544

在店里招呼客人 随便看看 或者 慢慢看的英语怎么说?

2023-08-04 00:39:023


2023-08-04 00:39:122


“help yourself”语带双关。 如果是商店员工在招呼顾客,将“请随便看看”讲成为“help yourself”便有可能被误会,顾客会以为你在说“请随便,喜欢什么就拿什么吧!”。 在上述情况之下,要准确说出“请随便看看”的意思,可以讲: “you are welcomed to look around at your leisure”
2023-08-04 00:39:311


Hi please looking
2023-08-04 00:39:415


Pleae browse as you like; take your time.
2023-08-04 00:39:573


2023-08-04 00:40:0712


by yourself
2023-08-04 00:40:3215


  随便,指不加任何限制,不受拘束。下面就由我为大家带来关于随便的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于随便的相关短语   随便 feel free   随便 at random   随便吃 help yourself   随便访问 drop by   随便聊聊 Casual talk   随便说说 Say Something   随便文体 the casual style   随便聊天 shoot the breeze   随便挑选 Casual pick   随便语体 the casual style   关于随便的相关短句   chat; chitchat;   随便闲谈   be too free in one"s behaviour;   行为太随便   be rather too free with sb.;   对某人在态度上过于随便   Let"s have a chat.   随便谈谈。   We feel quite free and easy with him, not in the least constrained.   跟他在一起很随便, 一点儿也不拘束。   Don"t commit yourself. It"ll let us in for trouble.   别随便表态, 这会使我们陷入麻烦的。   How could you answer him so casually?   你怎能这样随便回答他呢 ?   关于随便的相关例句   1. "Steve, what do you want?" — "Coke, Pepsi, it doesn"t matter."   “史蒂夫,你要喝点什么?”——“可口可乐,百事,随便啦。”   2. Two historical questions — you can answer them how you like.   两个历史问题——你可以随便回答。   3. You can cobble it together from any old combination of garments.   把以前的衣服随便搭配一下就能拼凑出一套。   4. I"m not one to waste time on just anyone.   我可不是个随便浪费时间在任何人身上的人。   5. If Susanne is off somewhere, I"ll kill time by looking around some.   如果苏珊不在,我就随便看看打发时间好了。   6. She made liberal use of her elder sister"s make-up and clothes.   她随便把姐姐的化妆品和衣服拿来用。   7. You need 3 balls of any 4-ply knitting wool.   需要随便3团4股羊毛线。   8. Lust now seems to be associated with casual sex and loose morals.   色欲如今似乎与性生活随便和道德放纵联系在一起了。   9. A wander around any market will reveal stalls piled high with vegetables.   随便到哪个市场逛逛,都能看见蔬菜堆得老高的菜摊。   10. Were they written tongue-in-cheek, or with an underlying conviction?   它们只是随便写出来的呢,还是有什么深层的信念?   11. She dresses down in baggy clothes to avoid hordes of admirers.   她随便穿了件宽松的衣服以免被大批的粉丝认出。   12. The need to talk to someone, anyone, overwhelmed her.   她迫不及待地要找个人说说话,随便是谁都行。   13. Your life is too valuable to throw away.   你的生命非常宝贵,不要随便浪费。   14. "We"ll go in your car, Billy."—"Whatever you say."   “比利,我们要坐你的车。”——“随便。”   15. Magicians do not dabble, they work hard.   魔术师可不是随便玩两下的,他们下了苦功钻研。   关于随便的双语例句   我很匆忙,所以随便地把衣服穿上了。   I was in such a hurry that I put my clothes on anyhow.   勾搭上的人随便结识的陌生人,通常是在期望性关系中结识的人   A stranger with whom casual acquaintance is made, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.   穿衣随便,穿着邋遢   Casual or lounging attire.   我喜欢站着谈话的聚会的那种随便,友好的气氛。   I like the kind of casual, friendly atmosphere at a stand-up party.   您只要随便招呼一声就能得到您要的。   Anything you need is only a flick of your tail away.   他总是没有按固定顺序随便打开任何一盏灯。   He always turned on the lights in a random order.   她说:“不管怎样,当地人喜欢随便寻个借口就找上门来。”   The locals love any excuse to pop in anyway.   任何形式的以随便步速进行的步行和家务劳动不是有氧运动。   Walking at a casual pace for any reason and housework are not aerobic exercise.   请随便拿一条干净毛巾用。   Help yourself to a clean towel.   有可以随便使用这个实验室。   You may have the liberty of the lab.
2023-08-04 00:40:591


Would you like to just take a look at the school?
2023-08-04 00:41:202


2023-08-04 00:41:294


1, welcome to, look around. We store has make up and nail salon workers and a lot of colour makeup and skin care products2, the skin is dry, need more water someone, you can buy some filling surface film.The third, the eye of a moist very suitable for you to use.4, this brand of toner and emulsion is my home star products sell very well.5, the price is very low, can"t cheap.6, you buy so many can give you a discount.7, rings, and earrings like? Like can try to take it over.8, this kind of special offer great deals.9, our house of quality guarantee cosmetics, please trust to purchase.望采纳o(∩_∩)o
2023-08-04 00:41:381


loose and careless 松散,漫不经心,随随便便eg.he takes a loose and careless style of living.
2023-08-04 00:41:475

酒店英语 汉译英~~

2023-08-04 00:42:034


I would like to ask you where the products are sold I would like to ask you is what kind of work to do or what the company Which country you are from You come to China to how long you have worked in China for several years -- You enjoy Chinese吗What is required Say my bad English, you understand English Mody Please take care Please feel free to see
2023-08-04 00:42:203


2023-08-04 00:42:457


2023-08-04 00:43:0115


  A   1、Absolutely impossible!绝对不可能的!   2、All I have to do is learn English.我所要做的就是学英语。   3、Are you free tomorrow?你明天有空吗?   4、Are you used to the food here?你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?   B   1、Be careful.小心、注意。   2、Be my guest.请便、别客气。   3、Better late than never.迟到总比不做好。   4、Better luck next time.祝你下一次好运。   5、Better safe than sorry.小心不出大错。   C   1、Can I have a day off?我能请一天假吗?   2、Can I help?要我帮忙吗?   3、Can I take a message?要我传话吗?   4、Can I take a rain check?你能改天再请我吗?   5、Can I take your order?您要点菜吗?   6、Can you give me a wake-up call?你能打电话叫醒我吗?   7、Can you give me some feedback?你能给我一些建议吗?   8、Can you make it?你能来吗?   9、Can I have a word with you?我能跟你谈一谈吗?   10、Catch me later.过会儿再来找我。   11、Cheer up!高兴起来!振作起来!   12、Come in and make yourself at home.请进,别客气。   13、Could I have the bill,please?请把账单给我好吗?   14、Could you drop me off at the airport?你能载我到飞机场吗?   15、Could you speak slower?你能说得慢一点   16、Could you take a picture for me?你能帮我拍照吗?   D   1、Did you enjoy your flight?你的飞行旅途愉快吗?   2、Did you have a good day today?你今天过得好吗?   3、Did you have a nice holiday?你假期过得愉快吗?   4、Did you have fun?你玩得开心吗?   5、Dinner is on me.晚饭我请客。   6、Do you have a room available?你们有空房间吗?   7、Do you have any hobbies?你有什么爱好吗?   8、Do you have some change?你有零钱吗?   9、Do you mind my smoking?你介意我抽烟吗?   10、Do you often work out?你经常锻炼身体吗?   11、Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?   12、Don"t be so modest.别这么谦虚。   13、Don"t bother.不用麻烦了。   14、Don"t get me wrong.别误会我。   15、Don"t give up.别放弃。   16、Don"t jump to conclusions.不要急于下结论。   17、Don"t let me down.别让我失望。   18、Don"t make any mistakes.别出差错。   19、Don"t mention it.不必客气。   20、Don"t miss the boat.不要坐失良机。   21、Don"t take any chances.不要心存侥幸。   22、Don"t take it for granted.不要想当然。   23、Don"t worry about it.别担心。   E   1、Easy come,easy go.来得容易,去得快。   2、Enjoy your meal.请慢慢享用吧。   3、Easier said than done.说明容易做时难。   F   1、First come,first served.捷足先登。   2、For here or to go?在这儿吃还是带走?   3、Forget it.算了吧。   4、Forgive me.请原谅我。   G   1、Give me a call.给我打电话。   2、Give my best to your family.代表向你们全家问好。   H   1、Have him return my call.让他给我回电话。   2、Have you ever been to China?你去过中国吗?   3、Have you finished yet?你做完了吗?   4、Have you got anything larger?有大一点儿的吗?   5、Have you got that?你明白我的意思吗?   6、Have you heard from Mary?你收到玛丽的来信吗?   7、He is in conference.他正在开会。   8、Help yourself,please.请自己用。   9、Hold your horses.耐心点儿。   10、How can I get in touch with you?我怎样能跟你联络上?   11、How do I look?我看上去怎么样?   12、How is it going?情况怎么样?   13、How late are you open?你们营业到几点?   14、How long did it last?持续了多久?   15、How long will it take me to get there?到那儿要多长时间?   16、How much is it?多少钱?   17、How often do you eat out?你隔多久在外面吃一次饭?   I   1、I apologize.我很抱歉。   2、I appreciate your invitation.感谢你的邀请。   3、I assure you.我向你保证。   4、I bet you can.我确信你能做到。   5、I can manage.我自己可以应付。   6、I can"t afford it.我买不起。   7、I can"t believe it.我简直不敢相信。   8、I can"t resist the temptation.我不能抵挡诱惑。   9、I can"t stand it.我受不了。   10、I can"t tell.我说不准。   11、I couldn"t agree more.我完全同意。   12、I couldn"t get through.打不通电话。   13、I couldn"t help it.我没有办法。   14、I didn"t mean to.我不是故意的。   15、I don"t know for sure.我不能肯定。   16、I enjoy your company.我喜欢有你做伴。   17、I enjoyed it very much.我非常喜欢。   18、I envy you.我羡慕你。   19、I feel like having some dumplings.我很想吃饼子。   20、I feel terrible about it.太对不起了。   21、I feel the same way.我也有同感。   22、I have a complaint.我要投诉。   23、I have nothing to do with it.那与我无关。   24、I haven"t the slightest idea.我一点儿都不知道。   25、I hope you"ll forgive me.我希望你能原谅我。   26、I know the feeling.我知道那种感觉。   27、I mean what I say.我说话算数。   28、I owe you one.我欠你一个人情。   29、I really regret it.我真的非常后悔。   30、I suppose so.我想是这样。   31、I thought so,too.我也这样以为。   32、I understand completely.我完全明白。   33、I want to report a theft.我要报一宗盗窃案。   34、I want to reserve a room.我想预订一个房间。   35、I was just about to call you.我正准备打电话给你。   36、I was moved.=I was touched.我很受感动。   37、I wasn"t aware of that.我没有意识到。   38、I wasn"t born yesterday.我又不是三岁小孩。   39、I wish I could.但愿我能。   40、I wouldn"t worry about it,if I were you.如果我是你,我就不会担心。   41、I"d like a refund.我想要退款。   42、I"d like to deposit some money.我想存点儿钱。   43、I"d like to make a reservation.我想订票。   44、I"ll be right with you.我马上就来。   45、I"ll check it.我去查一下。   46、I"ll do my best.我将会尽我最大努力。   47、I"ll get it.我去接电话。   48、I"ll give you a hand.我来帮助你。   49、I"ll have to see about that.这事儿我得想一想再定。   50、I"ll keep my eyes open.我会留意的。   51、I"ll keep that in mind.我会记住的。   52、I"ll pick up the tab.我来付帐。   53、I"ll play it by ear.我将随兴而定。   54、I"ll see what I can do.我看一看能怎么办。   55、I"ll show you.我指给你看。   56、I"ll take care of it.我来办这件事。   57、I"ll take it.我要了。   58、I"ll take your advice.我接受你的忠告。   59、I"ll think it over.我仔细考虑一下。   60、I"ll treat you to diner.我想请你吃晚饭。   61、I"ll walk you to the door.我送你到门口。   62、I"m broke.我身无分文。   63、I"m crazy bout English.我非常喜欢英语。   64、I"m easy to please.我很随和。   65、I"m glad to hear that.听到这消息我很高兴。   66、I"m glad you enjoyed it.你喜欢我就高兴。   67、I"m good at it.我做这个很在行。   68、I"m in a good mood.我现在心情很好。   69、I"m in good shape.我的身体状况很好。   70、I"m just having a look.我只是随便看看。   71、I"m looking for a part-time job.我正在找兼职工作。   72、I"m looking forward to it.我盼望着这件事。   73、I"m lost.我给搞糊涂了。   74、I"m not feeling well.我感觉不舒服。   75、I"m not myself today.我今天心神不宁。   76、I"m not really sure.我不太清楚。   英语口语技巧   In life we"re often asked to give our opinion, or in some cases, we give our opinion even if it hasn"t been asked for!   生活中,经常有人会询问我们的意见,或者在某些情况下,即使没有被询问,我们也会给出自己的意见。   Sometimes we can be very direct with our opinion and it won"t upset the other person. However, more often than not we need to be careful how we share our thoughts so as not tooffendor hurt the other person"s feelings. This can be especially true in business where cultural differences can have adetrimentaleffect on business dealings.   有时我们可以非常直接地表达我们的意见,且不会让别人不开心。但是,为了不伤害或冒犯到他人,我们通常需要小心翼翼的分享我们的想法。这在商界尤其重要,因为文化差异可能会对交易产生不利影响。   The British are especially careful when giving their opinion (in business, that is). They often don"t want to cause offence and consequently, will start their sentences using certain expressions to soften the blow. A number of my clients have said that the British are very polite and considerate in their dealings with colleagues and clients. So much so, that the British way of doing business is often admired.   英国人在表达自己的意见时特别小心(在商界)。他们通常不想冒犯别人,所以开始会使用一些特定的表达来缓和接下来的内容。我的顾客中有很多人都说过英国人在和同事及顾客处理问题时都非常地礼貌和体贴。所以,英国人做生意的方式通常都是令人钦佩的。   In this post, I"d like to share with your some common expressions we have of giving one"s opinion. I have used Liz Potter"s excellent article for Macmillan Dictionary"s blog as the main structure and made some changes to it.   在这篇文章中,我想分享一些在表达意见时会用到的常用词组。我用Liz Potter为麦克米伦字典的博客写的一篇优秀文章作为主要结构,并做了一些改动。   ?进入『欧加口语商务系列L5-L7』学习更多讲演表达技巧   1. I think   This is the most common and general way of giving an opinion. You can use it both informally and formally   I think if you offer aconsistentlygood service to your clients, they will keep coming back to you.   1.I think这是最常用、最普遍的表达意见的方式。正式和非正式情况下都可以使用。我认为如果你给客户提供始终如一的优质服务,他们会一直选择你们的服务。   2.I reckon   This is a more informal way of giving your opinion:   I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train.   2.I reckon一种更加非正式的表达意见的方式我认为坐火车去伦敦会更快。   3. In my opinion (4) In my view:   These expressions are more formal and are often used when talking about important issues   In my view, they made a huge mistake in not selling the company when they had the chance.   In my opinion, the Bank of England should not raise interest rates this year.   3.In my opinion (4) In my view:这两个表达更加正式,并且通常在谈论重要问题时使用。在我看来,当他们有机会卖掉公司时却不卖是个重大的错误。在我看来,英国银行今年不应该增加利息。   5. It seems to me (6) All things considered:   When you"ve thought about a situation carefully you could use either of these two expressions.   It seems to me that they are spending more money than they need to to attract new talent into the company.   All things considered, I think we made a wise choice inrecruitingJames.   5. It seems to me (6) All things considered:当你已经仔细考虑过一种情形时,你可以使用两种表达中任意一种:在我看来,在为公司引进新人才时,他们的花费比实际需求多很多。总的来看,我认为招聘詹姆斯是一个明智的选择。   7. If you ask me   This is used when your opinion is critical. Sometimes, people say this even when their opinion hasn"t been asked for! – “If you ask me,…..” “But I didn"t ask you….!”   If you ask me, she has spoilt her children far too much.   7. If you ask me 当你的.意见带有批评性质的时候使用这种表达。有时,人们甚至会在没有被询问意见的时候使用这个短语!-“依我看…”“但是我没有问你…”!依我看,她太过溺爱她的孩子了。   8. To be honest (9) To tell you the truth (10) To be frank   All three expressions are a way of giving your opinion when you know that people may not like what you have to say   To tell you the truth, your father was right when he said that youundersoldthe company.   To be honest, I preferred it when you were blonde.   To be frank, I thought her acting was simply terrible.   8. To be honest (9) To tell you the truth (10) To be frank   知道别人可能不喜欢你要说的话时,可以用这三种表达来给出你的意见。   老实告诉你,你父亲对你低价抛售公司的判断是对的。   老实说,我更喜欢你金发的样子。   坦白地说,我觉得他的表演很糟糕。   11. Frankly speaking   You would use this expression to give your opinion in a more familiar andforthrightway.   Frankly speaking, I don"t know what she sees in him.   11. Frankly speaking这是一种更亲近和直率的表达意见的方式。坦白地说,我不知道她看上他哪一点。   12. Personally   This is used to emphasize that you are giving your own opinion   Personally, I think the CEO should apologize for his appalling behaviour at the shareholders" meeting.   12. Personally这个短语通常用来强调你标的的只是个人意见。就我而言,我认为总裁应该为他在董事会的恶劣行为道歉。   13. To my mind (14) As far as I"m concerned   When you realise that other people may not agree with you you would use either of these expressions:   To my mind, private education is better than state education.   As far as I"m concerned, tennis is a much more interesting sport than football.   13. To my mind (14) As far as I"m concerned   当你意识到其他人可能不同意你的观点时,可以使用这两种表达中的任意一种:依我看,私立教育比公立教育好。就我而言,网球比足球有意思多了。   So there you have it! You have 14 ways to give your opinion in English. Which expressions are you likely to use?   都学会了吧!一共14种用英语表达意见的方式,你喜欢用哪一种呢?
2023-08-04 00:43:351


英语口语常用交际用语大全   你知道英语中常用的交际用语有哪些吗?你对英语常用的交际用语了解吗?下面是我为大家带来的英语口语常用交际用语大全,欢迎阅读。   英语口语常用交际用语大全   1)Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的!   2)All I have to do is learn English. 我所要做的就是学英语。   3)Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?   4)Are you used to the food here? 你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?   5)Be careful. 小心、注意。   6)Be my guest. 请便、别客气。   7)Better late than never. 迟到总比不做好。   8)Better luck next time. 祝你下一次好运。   9)Better safe than sorry. 小心不出大错。   10)Can I have a day off? 我能请一天假吗?   11)Can I help? 要我帮忙吗?   12)Can I take a message? 要我传话吗?   13)Can I take a rain check? 你能改天再请我吗?   14)Can I take your order? 您要点菜吗?   15)Can you give me a wake-up call? 你能打电话叫醒我吗?   16)Can you give me some feedback? 你能给我一些建议吗?   17)Can you make it? 你能来吗?   18)Can I have a word with you? 我能跟你谈一谈吗?   19)Catch me later. 过会儿再来找我。   20)Cheer up! 高兴起来!振作起来!   21)Come in and make yourself at home. 请进,别客气。   22)Could I have the bill, please? 请把账单给我好吗?   23)Could you drop me off at the airport? 你能载我到飞机场吗?   24)Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点   25)Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗?   26)Did you enjoy your flight? 你的飞行旅途愉快吗?   27)Did you have a good day today? 你今天过得好吗?   28)Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?   29)Did you have fun? 你玩得开心吗?   30)Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客。   31)Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗?   32)Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好吗?   33)Do you have some change? 你有零钱吗?   34)Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗?   35)Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗?   36)Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?   37)Don"t be so modest. 别这么谦虚。   38)Don"t bother. 不用麻烦了。   39)Don"t get me wrong. 别误会我。   40)Don"t give up. 别放弃。   41)Don"t jump to conclusions. 不要急于下结论。   42)Don"t let me down. 别让我失望。   43)Don"t make any mistakes. 别出差错。   44)Don"t mention it. 不必客气。   45)Don"t miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。   46)Don"t take any chances. 不要心存侥幸。   47)Don"t take it for granted. 不要想当然。   48)Don"t worry about it. 别担心。   49)Easy come, easy go. 来得容易,去得快。   50)Enjoy your meal. 请慢慢享用吧。   51)Easier said than done. 说明容易做时难。   52)First come, first served. 捷足先登。   53)For here or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走?   54)Forget it. 算了吧。   55)Forgive me. 请原谅我。   56)Give me a call. 给我打电话。   57)Give my best to your family. 代表向你们全家问好。   58)Have him return my call. 让他给我回电话。   59)Have you ever been to China? 你去过中国吗?   60)Have you finished yet? 你做完了吗?   61)Have you got anything larger? 有大一点儿的吗?   62)Have you got that? 你明白我的意思吗?   63)Have you heard from Mary? 你收到玛丽的来信吗?   64)He is in conference. 他正在开会。   65)Help yourself, please. 请自己用。   66)Hold your horses. 耐心点儿。   67)How can I get in touch with you? 我怎样能跟你联络上?   68)How do I look? 我看上去怎么样?   69)How is it going? 情况怎么样?   70)How late are you open? 你们营业到几点?   71)How long did it last? 持续了多久?   72)How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿要多长时间?   73)How much is it? 多少钱?   74)How often do you eat out? 你隔多久在外面吃一次饭?   75)I apologize. 我很抱歉。   76)I appreciate your invitation. 感谢你的`邀请。   77)I assure you. 我向你保证。   78)I bet you can. 我确信你能做到。   79)I can manage. 我自己可以应付。   80)I can"t afford it. 我买不起。   81)I can"t believe it. 我简直不敢相信。   82)I can"t resist the temptation. 我不能抵挡诱惑。   83)I can"t stand it. 我受不了。   84)I can"t tell. 我说不准。   85)I couldn"t agree more. 我完全同意。   86)I couldn"t get through. 打不通电话。   87)I couldn"t help it. 我没有办法。   88)I didn"t mean to. 我不是故意的。   89)I don"t know for sure. 我不能肯定。   90)I enjoy your company. 我喜欢有你做伴。   91)I enjoyed it very much. 我非常喜欢。   92)I envy you. 我羡慕你。   93)I feel like having some dumplings. 我很想吃饼子。   94)I feel terrible about it. 太对不起了。   95)I feel the same way. 我也有同感。   96)I have a complaint. 我要投诉。   97)I have nothing to do with it. 那与我无关。   98)I haven"t the slightest idea. 我一点儿都不知道。   99)I hope you"ll forgive me. 我希望你能原谅我。   100)I know the feeling. 我知道那种感觉。   101)I mean what I say. 我说话算数。   102)I owe you one. 我欠你一个人情。   103)I really regret it. 我真的非常后悔。   104)I suppose so. 我想是这样。   105)I thought so, too. 我也这样以为。   106)I understand completely. 我完全明白。   107)I want to report a theft. 我要报一宗盗窃案。   108)I want to reserve a room. 我想预订一个房间。   109)I was just about to call you. 我正准备打电话给你。   110)I was moved. = I was touched. 我很受感动。   111)I wasn"t aware of that. 我没有意识到。   112)I wasn"t born yesterday. 我又不是三岁小孩。   113)I wish I could. 但愿我能。   114)I wouldn"t worry about it, if I were you. 如果我是你,我就不会担心。   115)I"d like a refund. 我想要退款。   116)I"d like to deposit some money. 我想存点儿钱。   117)I"d like to make a reservation. 我想订票。   118)I"ll be right with you. 我马上就来。   119)I"ll check it. 我去查一下。   120)I"ll do my best. 我将会尽我最大努力。   121)I"ll get it. 我去接电话。   122)I"ll give you a hand. 我来帮助你。   123)I"ll have to see about that. 这事儿我得想一想再定。   124)I"ll keep my eyes open. 我会留意的。   125)I"ll keep that in mind. 我会记住的。   126)I"ll pick up the tab. 我来付帐。   127)I"ll play it by ear. 我将随兴而定。   128)I"ll see what I can do. 我看一看能怎么办。   129)I"ll show you. 我指给你看。   130)I"ll take care of it. 我来办这件事。   131)I"ll take it. 我要了。   132)I"ll take your advice. 我接受你的忠告。   133)I"ll think it over. 我仔细考虑一下。   134)I"ll treat you to diner. 我想请你吃晚饭。   135)I"ll walk you to the door. 我送你到门口。   136)I"m broke. 我身无分文。   137)I"m crazy bout English. 我非常喜欢英语。   138)I"m easy to please. 我很随和。   139)I"m glad to hear that. 听到这消息我很高兴。   140)I"m glad you enjoyed it. 你喜欢我就高兴。   141)I"m good at it. 我做这个很在行。   142)I"m in a good mood. 我现在心情很好。   143)I"m in good shape. 我的身体状况很好。   144)I"m just having a look. 我只是随便看看。   145)I"m looking for a part-time job. 我正在找兼职工作。   146)I"m looking forward to it. 我盼望着这件事。   147)I"m lost. 我给搞糊涂了。   148)I"m not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。   149)I"m not myself today. 我今天心神不宁。   150)I"m not really sure. 我不太清楚。 ;
2023-08-04 00:43:531


集市用英语的说法为:market。market,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“市场;行情;股票市场;市面;集市;销路;商店;人名;(塞)马尔凯特”,作动词时意为“在市场上出售;做买卖”。集市(jí shì)(菜市场)是指定期聚集进行的商品交易活动形式。主要指在商品经济不发达的时代和地区普遍存在的一种贸易组织形式。又称市集。集市起源于史前时期人们的聚集交易,以后常出现在宗教节庆、纪念集会上和圣地,并常附带民间娱乐活动。集市,即农村或小城市中定期买卖货物的市场。古代也叫“墟市”、“集墟”。“集”含“人与物相聚会”之意。到集市买卖称“上集”、“赶集”,到集上随便看看称“逛集”、“赶闲集”。陕南称赶集为“赶场”。大型的集也叫“会”,如“物资交流大会”。集市的种类和值得记述的民俗现象。双语例句:1、You should try the market.你可以试试那个市场。2、How should we broaden our market next?下一步我们应该怎样扩大市场?3、You should be the one controlling your money,not the market.你应该是一个控制你的钱,不是市场。
2023-08-04 00:44:091


问题一:真的好漂亮,我能去就好了.译成英语怎么说? ◆It"s really very beautiful, and how I wish I can go.翻译得更接近中国人容易理解的语气点: ◆It"s really very beautiful, how nice if I can go. 问题二:真的好漂亮,我能去就好了.译成英语怎么说? 漂亮只能为别人提供眼福,却不一定换到幸福 Provide nice treat,only for others,but not necessarily for the happiness 问题三:你真的很漂亮,很可爱,我好喜欢你...的英文怎么说? 晕~注意语法啊.. You are really very beautiful and lovely, I love 埂ou very much! 因为没听过英语中用like形容喜欢一个人的 不知道是它本来就是用来形容事物 还是是因为外国人比较直接 但是LOVE中包含的不只是男女之间的爱 也有喜欢 喜爱一个人的意思 问题四:想这种墨水是不是必须写这种英文才好看?求问怎么写!!求怎么写这种字体!!真的好好看!!!! 这种字要用特殊钢笔写,百乐平行笔 就下面这种 书写方法你可以百度搜百乐平行笔或者花体英文之类的视频 问题五:我来就好了用英语怎么说 看你要在什么场合说了.!(你是想表达不用别人帮助,你自己能行的意思吗.?) 1.比如你跟朋友一起吃饭,朋友想夹菜给你. 这时你就可以说: NO,thank you .I can manage that myself. 翻译过来是(不用,谢谢,我自己来就可以了。) 2.再告诉你个更简单的回答. 比如你在做菜,然后朋友想来帮忙.(这种回答比较适合亲密一点的朋友,因为 这种回答有点直接,所以如果想这么说的话,最好在后面加点东西更好.!!!) 这时你就可以很简单的说:NO,That"s ok.(不,我来就好了) 刚刚不是说做菜吗.所以你可以再加一句This kitchen is too *** all for two. Look around. Make yourself at home.(这个厨房太小,不能容纳两个 人.到处随便看看,不要拘束).这样就使人感觉比较亲近一点..!!嘿嘿.. 还OK吧.??? 问题六:我好喜欢你用英文怎么说 I like you very much 问题七:求一个好听的英文名字,要比较好写并且写出来比较好看的,要带上汉语翻译 男的还是女的?写出谐音吧,这样我也好取
2023-08-04 00:44:361

英文“随便看看”怎么说?我经常是说JUST A LOOK!不知对不对?

2023-08-04 00:44:561


I"m just looking around.
2023-08-04 00:45:051


You can not look at the
2023-08-04 00:45:131

在店里招呼客人 随便看看 或者 慢慢看的英语怎么说?

Take your time.
2023-08-04 00:45:226


2023-08-04 00:45:362

英语翻译 :我只是随便看看 你觉得这件上衣怎么样? 我考虑一下 仍然谢谢你 快点 啊 !四段话 急急急急急

1.i am just have a look.2.what do u think about this coat.3.let me see.4.thank u all the same.
2023-08-04 00:45:443


1.基本上一个老外进来,你按常规问他一句Can I help you?他只想看看的话会说I"m fine之类,然后你可以说:Anyone you like, you could try it on 2.Do you have a medium-size? 你说:Yes we have.I"ll find you one,just a minute 3.Sorry, but we only have large size and extra-large size 4.There is the changing room or changing room is that way/or the side.......5.This(衬衫,裙子等等)looks good on you
2023-08-04 00:46:063


Can I help you (一般商店都是这么说的)? Look around.How many sizes does this shirt come in? Which is the largest size?Which size would you prefer? I"m sorry, we don"t have it in store. How many would you like to order? The minimum number is 500. There are more than 300 here, do you want them all? I can give you a discount.About 50 each.Sorry, no can do, that is even lower than our manufacturing cost.Give it some thought.Take more look around.
2023-08-04 00:46:143


1 A:That day bring you go to the mall and how didn"t stroll B: You want to stroll? 2 A:Are you going out? B:Yes, I went out to buy some clothes A:Your clothes have so much also want to buy? B:Loking
2023-08-04 00:46:201


2023-08-04 00:46:413


问题一:谢谢光临请各位慢走,用英语怎么说 您好 ! 1,“欢迎光临”--Wele ! / Wele to our ... 2, 请慢走“ a. Bye ! Have a good day !--再见! 请慢走 !* (最地道的表达) b. Watch your step ! c. Take care ! d. Mind your step ! 问题二:谢谢光临请慢走英语怎么说 Thank you for ing. - 最好是用在别人道访你家的时后说 在餐厅里说谢谢光临很憋捏,和英文里对顾客不说慢走 可以说: Thank you and e again. 谢谢, 下次在来 Thank you and have a nice day. 谢谢,希望您有愉快的一天 (如果是早餐或午餐) Thank you and enjoy your evening. 谢谢,希望您有享受的一晚 (如果是晚餐) 问题三:请问你需要什么,慢走,用英文怎么说 what can i do for you ? enjoy yourself 是在找商店里买东西用的英语吗? 道别时常用语 1. Thank you for shopping . 谢谢惠顾。 2. Hope to see you again. 欢迎下次光临。 3. Have a good time in WuHan piaza. 祝您在武广购物愉快。 4. Good-bye and good luck.。再见,祝你好运。 5. See you later. 再见 其它场合英语 第一部分:招呼顾客 1, Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,我能为您效劳吗? 2, Good afternoon , madam ,May I halp you ? 太太,中午好, 您想买什么? 3, Good evening ,miss , What can I do for you ? 小姐,晚上好,您需要什么? 4, Wele to our countelr. 欢迎光临本柜 5, Wele to Wuhan plaza . 欢迎光临武汉广场 6, Please take your time . 请随便看看 Conversation A S:sales (营业员) C:Customer(顾客) 7, S:Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,您想买什么? C:I"m thinking of buying a toy for my son. 我想给我儿子买个玩具。 S:May I know how old is he?他几岁了? C:He"ll be six next Sunday. The toy is for his birthday. 下个星期天他就六岁了,玩具是作为他的生日礼物。 S:I see .How about this one? 我明白了,这个怎么样? Conversation B S:Wele to counter madam .what can I do for you ? 欢迎光临本柜,你想买什么? C:I"m just looking around .我只是随便看看。 S:Please take you time .If any thing you like ,just let me now . 请随便看看,如果看中什么,请告诉我。 C:Ok I will . thank you .谢谢,我会的。 第二部分:指路 1. Go straight on ,then make a left turn ,you”ll find the toilet 请笔直走,再向左转,你会找到洗手间的。 2.The Infornation Desk is on the first floor .(Ground floor) 总服务台在一楼。 3.Please go downstairs.(upstairs)请下(上)楼。 4.You can take the escalator up to the 5th floor. 你可以乘坐电梯到五楼。 5.Follow me ,please .请随我来。 6、Thls way,Please. 这边请。 7、You will not miss it. 你不会错过的。 8、Where is the sport-department......>> 问题四:各位慢走欢迎下次光临,用英文怎么说(翻译成中文) 谢谢 口语一点的话: be easy!! hope to see you again!! 庄重一点的话: Take care! Looking forward to your next visit!! 问题五:“慢慢走”用英语怎么说 英语中不会说慢慢走的,他们不这么说。 送别时,你可以说take care。 意思和慢走差不多,都是要对方注意自己、保重。 。。如果你确实要说,那就是walk slowly. 问题六:我们去散步吧 用英语怎么说? Let"s go for a walk. 问题七:“你好,欢迎光临”用英语怎么说? Hello,Wele to e. 欢迎光临的英文: wele 参考例句: Wele to my humble abode. 欢迎光临寒舍。 Wele to our humble abode ! 欢迎光临寒舍! Good evening, everyone, and wele to Washington. 各位晚上好,欢迎光临华盛顿。 How are you, Mr. Smith? I"m glad you"ve e. 史密斯先生,你好?欢迎光临。 Wele to 弗he senior social studies area. 欢迎光临中等社会学习中心。
2023-08-04 00:46:531


Absolutely. 是这样;当然是;正是如此;绝对如此。 Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的! All I have to do is learn English. 我所要做的就是学英语。 Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗? Are you married? 你结婚了吗? Are you used to the food here? 你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗? Be careful. 小心、注意。 Be my guest. 请便、别客气。 Better late than never. 迟到总比不做好。 Better luck next time. 祝你下一次好运。 Better safe than sorry. 小心不出大错。 Can I have a day off? 我能请一天假吗? Can I help? 要我帮忙吗? Can I take a message? 要我传话吗? Can I take a rain check? 你能改天再请我吗? Can I take your order? 您要点菜吗? Can you give me a wake-up call? 你能打电话叫醒我吗? Can you give me some feedback? 你能给我一些建议吗? Can you make it? 你能来吗? Can I have a word with you? 我能跟你谈一谈吗? Catch me later. 过会儿再来找我。 Cheer up! 高兴起来!振作起来! Come in and make yourself at home. 请进,别客户。 Could I have the bill, please? 请把账单给我好吗? Could you drop me off at the airport? 你能载我到飞机场吗? Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点 Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗? Did you enjoy your flight? 你的飞行旅途愉快吗? Did you have a good day today? 你今天过得好吗? Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗? Did you have fun? 你玩得开心吗? Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客。 Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗? Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好吗? Do you have some change? 你有零钱吗? Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗? Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗? Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗? Don"t be so modest. 别这么谦虚。 Don"t bother. 不用麻烦了。 Don"t get me wrong. 别误会我。 Don"t give up. 别放弃。 Don"t jump to conclusions. 不要急于下结论。 Don"t let me down. 别让我失望。 Don"t make any mistakes. 别出差错。 Don"t mention it. 不必客气。 Don"t miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。 Don"t take any chances. 不要心存侥幸。 Don"t take it for granted. 不要想当然。 Don"t worry about it. 别担心。 Easy come, easy go. 来得容易,去得快。 Enjoy your meal. 请慢慢享用吧。 Easier said than done. 说明容易做时难。 First come, first served. 捷足先登。 For here or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走? Forget it. 算了吧。 Forgive me. 请原谅我。 Give me a call. 给我打电话。 Give my best to your family. 代表向你们全家问好。 Have him return my call. 让他给我回电话。 Have you ever been to China? 你去过中国吗? Have you finished yet? 你做完了吗? Have you got anything larger? 有大一点儿的吗? Have you got that? 你明白我的意思吗? Have you heard from Mary? 你收到玛丽的来信吗? He is in conference. 他正在开会。 Help yourself, please. 请自己用。 Hold your horses. 耐心点儿。 How can I get in touch with you? 我怎样能跟你联络上? How do I look? 我看上去怎么样? How is it going? 情况怎么样? How late are you open? 你们营业到几点? How long did it last? 持续了多久? How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿要多长时间? How much is it? 多少钱? How often do you eat out? 你隔多久在外面吃一次饭? I apologize. 我很抱歉。 I appreciate your invitation. 感谢你的邀请。 I assure you. 我向你保证。 I bet you can. 我确信你能做到。 I can manage. 我自己可以应付。 I can"t afford it. 我买不起。 I can"t believe it. 我简直不敢相信。 I can"t resist the temptation. 我不能抵挡诱惑。 I can"t stand it. 我受不了。 I can"t tell. 我说不准。 I couldn"t agree more. 我完全同意。 I couldn"t get through. 打不通电话。 I couldn"t help it. 我没有办法。 I didn"t mean to. 我不是故意的。 I don"t know for sure. 我不能肯定。 I enjoy your company. 我喜欢有你做伴。 I enjoyed it very much. 我非常喜欢。 I envy you. 我羡慕你。 I feel like having some dumplings. 我很想吃饼子。 I feel terrible about it. 太对不起了。 I feel the same way. 我也有同感。 I have a complaint. 我要投诉。 I have nothing to do with it. 那与我无关。 I haven"t the slightest idea. 我一点儿都不知道。 I hope you"ll forgive me. 我希望你能原谅我。 I know the feeling. 我知道那种感觉。 I mean what I say. 我说话算数。 I owe you one. 我欠你一个人情。 I really regret it. 我真的非常后悔。 I suppose so. 我想是这样。 I thought so, too. 我也这样以为。 I understand completely. 我完全明白。 I want to report a theft. 我要报一宗盗窃案。 I want to reserve a room. 我想预订一个房间。 I was just about to call you. 我正准备打电话给你。 I was moved. = I was touched. 我很受感动。 I wasn"t aware of that. 我没有意识到。 I wasn"t born yesterday. 我又不是三岁小孩。 I wish I could. 但愿我能。 I wouldn"t worry about it, if I were you. 如果我是你,我就不会担心。 I"d like a refund. 我想要退款。 I"d like to deposit some money. 我想存点儿钱。 I"d like to make a reservation. 我想订票。 I"ll be right with you. 我马上就来。 I"ll check it. 我去查一下。 I"ll do my best. 我将会尽我最大努力。 I"ll get it. 我去接电话。 I"ll give you a hand. 我来帮助你。 I"ll have to see about that. 这事儿我得想一想再定。 I"ll keep my eyes open. 我会留意的。 I"ll keep that in mind. 我会记住的。 I"ll pick up the tab. 我来付帐。 I"ll play it by ear. 我将随兴而定。 I"ll see what I can do. 我看一看能怎么办。 I"ll show you. 我指给你看。 I"ll take care of it. 我来办这件事。 I"ll take it. 我要了。 I"ll take your advice. 我接受你的忠告。 I"ll think it over. 我仔细考虑一下。 I"ll treat you to diner. 我想请你吃晚饭。 I"ll walk you to the door. 我送你到门口。 I"m broke. 我身无分文。 I"m crazy bout English. 我非常喜欢英语。 I"m easy to please. 我很随和。 I"m glad to hear that. 听到这消息我很高兴。 I"m glad you enjoyed it. 你喜欢我就高兴。 I"m good at it. 我做这个很在行。 I"m in a good mood. 我现在心情很好。 I"m in good shape. 我的身体状况很好。 I"m just having a look. 我只是随便看看。 I"m looking for a part-time job. 我正在找兼职工作。 I"m looking forward to it. 我盼望着这件事。 I"m lost. 我给搞糊涂了。 I"m not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。 I"m not myself today. 我今天心神不宁。 I"m not really sure. 我不太清楚。 I"m on a diet. 我正在节食。 I"m on my way. 我这就上路。 I"m pressed for time. 我赶时间。 I"m sorry I"m late. 对不起,我迟到了。 I"m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我感到遗憾。 I"m under a lot of pressure. 我的压力很大。 I"m working on it. 我正在努力。 I"ve changed my mind. 我已经改变主意。 I"ve got a headache. 我头痛。 I"ve got my hands full. 我手头正忙。 I"ve got news for you. 我要告诉你一个好消息。 I"ve got no idea. 我不知道。 I"ve had enough. 我已经吃饱了。 if I were in your shoes. 如果我站在你的立场上。 Is that OK? 这样可以吗? Is this seat taken? 这位子有人坐吗? It all depends. 视情形而定。 It can happen to anyone. 这事可能发生在任何人身上。 It doesn"t make any difference. 都一样。 It doesn"t matter to me. 这对我来说无所谓。 It doesn"t work. 它出故障了。 It drives me crazy. 它使我快要发疯了。 It isn"t much. 这是微不足道的。 It really comes in handy. 有了它真是方便。 It slipped my mind. 我不留神忘了。 It takes time. 这需要时间。 It will come to me. 我会想起来的。 It will do you good. 这会对你有好处。 It won"t happen again. 下不为例。 It won"t take much time. 不会花很多时间。 It won"t work. 行不通。 It"s nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你。 It"s a deal. 一言为定。 It"s a long story. 真是一言难尽。 It"s a nice day today. 今天天气很好。 It"s a once in a lifetime chance. 这是一生难得的机会。 It"s a pain in the neck. 这真是苦不堪言。 It"s a piece of cake. 这很容易。 It"s a small world. 这世界真小。 It"s a waste of time. 这是浪费时间。 It"s about time. 时间差不多了、是时候了。 It"s all my fault. 都是我的错。 It"s awesome. 棒极了! It"s awful. 真糟糕。 It"s been a long time. 好久不见了。 It"s better than nothing. 总比没有好。 It"s essential. 这是必要的。 It"s hard to say. 很难说。 It"s incredible. 令人难以置信、不可思议。 It"s just what I had in mind. 这正是这想要的。 It"s my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。 It"s no big deal. 这没什么大不了的。 It"s not your fault. 不是你的错。 It"s nothing. 小事情、不足挂齿。 It"s only a matter of time. 这只是时间问题。 It"s out of the question. 这是不可能的。 It"s time for dinner. 该吃晚饭了。 It"s up in the air. 尚未决定。 It"s up to date. 这个很时兴。 It"s up to you. 一切由你决定。 It"s very popular. 它很受欢迎。 It"s worth seeing. 它绝对值得一看。 Just let it be. 就这样吧。 Just to be on the safe side. 为安全起见。 Keep the change. 不用找了。 Keep up the good work. 再接再厉。 Keep your fingers crossed. 为成功祈祷吧。 Kill two birds with one stone. 一举两得。 Let me get back to you. 我过一会儿打给你吧。 Let me guess. 让我猜一猜。 Let me put it this way. 让我这么说吧。 Let me see. 让我想一想。 Let"s call it a day. 我们今天就到这儿吧。 Let"s celebrate! 让我们好好庆祝一下吧! Let"s find out. 我们去问一下吧。 Let"s get to the point. 让我们言归正传。 Let"s get together sometime. 有时间我们聚一下吧。 Let"s hope for the best. 让我们往好处想吧。 Let"s keep in touch. 让我们保持联系。 Let"s make up. 让我们言归于好吧。 Let"s go visit them. 让我们去拜访他们吧。 Let"s talk over dinner. 我们边吃边谈吧。 Long time no see. 好久不见。 Look before you leap. 三思而后行。 May I ask you a question? 我可以问一个问题吗? May I have a receipt? 我可以要一张收据吗? May I have your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字? May I pay by credit card? 我可以用信用卡付款吗? May I try it on? 我能试穿一下吗? Maybe it will work. 也许这个办法会有效。 Maybe some other time. 也许下一次吧。 My mouth is watering. 我在流口水了。 My phone was out of order. 我的电话坏了。 No pain, no gain. 不劳则无获。 No problem. 没问题。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。 Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即是快乐。 Please accept my apology. 请接受我的道歉。 Please don"t blame yourself. 请不要责怪你自己。 Please leave me alone. 请别打扰我。 Please let me know. 请告诉我一声。 Please make yourself at home. 请别客气。 Please show me the menu. 请把菜单给我。 Probably. 可能吧。 So far, so good. 到目前为止还好。 Something must be done about it. 必须得想个办法。 Something"s come up. 发生了一些事。 Storms make trees take deeper roots. 风暴使树木深深扎根。 Suit yourself. 随你便。 Take care. 请多保重。 Take it or leave it. 要不要由你。 Take my word for it. 相信我的话。 Take your time. 慢慢来。 Thank you all the same. 不管怎样还是要谢谢你。 Thank you for everything. 感谢你做的一切。 Thanks a million. 非常感谢。 Thanks for the warning. 谢谢你的提醒。 Thanks for your cooperation. 多谢合作。 That couldn"t be better. 那再好不过了。 That depends. 看情况。 That makes sense. 那可以理解。 That reminds me. 那可提醒我了。 That rings a bell. 我总算想起来了。 That sounds like a good idea. 那听上去是个好主意。 That"s all right. 没关系。 That"s disgusting. 真讨厌。 That"s fair. 那样公平。 That"s for sure. 那是肯定的。 That"s good to know. 幸好知道了这件事。 That"s just what I was thinking. 我也是这么想的。 That"s life. 这就是生活。 That"s more like it. 那样才像话。 That"s not a problem. 那没问题。
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Jan.3rd, 2001 Give me a break! 哒你嘛好啊!(台语) 、你得了吧! (国语) 人是奇怪的动物,根据美国统计,一个人每天说过的话,有三百句以上是口是心非。每天和你来往的人,不管他们是有意无意,总有几百句谎言要传到你耳朵里。 很烦,是不是?给他来句 Give me a break 吧! Jan.4th, 2001 I am just looking. 我只是随便看看 当你到店里看东西时,若有店员过来问你时,你可以回答 I am just looking. 表示你还不需要服务,只是想先看看有什麼喜欢。 Jan.5th, 2001 Put on airs. 臭*(台语)摆架子,装模作样(国语) 优越性是促使文明进步的原动力,所以人们往往喜欢摆上一付架子。日常生活里头常说别人爱臭*、装模作样?英文就叫做 Put on airs! Jan.6th, 2001 Get the green light. 得到许可,获准 英文就是这样简单;用最简单的字,最富生活意味的词来表达一个意思,亲切又容易懂。只要知道十字路口绿灯可以通行的人,哪有不记住这句 Get the green light 的呢? Jan.8th, 2001 Drive (someone) up the wall. 把人逼得快疯了、狗急跳墙 drive的原意是驾驶,当後面接的是人就是『驱使』之意。Up the wall是跳到墙上。drive someone up the wall 就是把人逼到受不了,连墙都可以跳上去了! Jan.9th, 2001 Be my guest. 请便;别客气、让我请客 照字面翻译就是「作我的客人」,也就是和对方说「让我请客的意思」。延伸的意思可以说成「答应对方的要求」。所以当有人想吃你桌上的苹果、想去你家里参加Party,你都可以说Be my guest. Jan.10th, 2001 Allow me . 请让我来 当对方并没有提出要求,而你主动提出要帮忙对方时,就说Allow me. 这是一句很有绅士风度、很有礼貌的说法,大部份是男士对女士说的。 (男士们学一点噢,^-^) Jan.11th, 2001 Do I make myself clear? . 你听得懂我的意思吗? Do I make myself clear? 这句话是用在你禁止对方做什麼事,或是不答应对方做什麼事时,说这句话来问对方真的听得懂你说的话吗? (啊,竟然是在不答应的时候说的,我以前肯定用错地方了,:( ) Jan.12th, 2001 Don""t even think about it. 连想都别想 对方想做某件事,你认为是不可能做成的,或是做了之後的效果肯定不好;为了告诉他别做,甚至於连想都别想,英语就是 Don""t even think about it. Jan.13th, 2001 My point is... 我的重点是... 说话有时说了许多,但是要说的重点其实很简单;要告诉对方你说的重点是什麼,英语就是 My point is.... Jan.15th, 2001 Never mind. 算了 说「算了」表示没什麼重要,就让它过去算了;你要告诉别人什麼事,或要别人帮你做什麼事,但他没听清楚,你也学得不做没关系,那就说 Never mind. Jan.16th, 2001 Down-to-earth. 平易近人,不摆架子 人际关系很重要,所以在人类语言里,有关人的个性语句也很多。我们说神仙是高高在上,那麼相对的,神仙下凡来到地球 down to earth 就跟你我一样平起平坐,当然平易近人了。 Jan.17th, 2001 I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听 Ears 是指「耳朵」,整句话的意思是在告诉对方『我现在全身都是耳朵,在听你说话呢』,也就是告诉对方『我很全神贯注,要听你说话』。 Jan.18th, 2001 I am all thumbs. 笨手笨脚、一窍不通 thumb是大姆指,一个人手巧才有办法把工作做好;如果十只手指全成了大姆指,还指望手巧吗?当然就是笨手笨脚了。 Jan.19th, 2001 I can"t top that. 我赢不过你 top是「顶端」,top that 是「超越某种东西」;I can"t top that 全句的意思是说:对方所提的条件、才能等,你觉得都已经到顶了,无法超越。有时有意恭维对方,也可以说 I can"t top that. Jan.20th, 2001 Don"t bother. 不用麻烦了 bother 是「烦扰」的意思,但 Don"t bother 是指请别人不用麻烦去做某件事。讲这句话的时候,有可能是心存感激或是不领情地说「免了」的意思。 Jan.29th, 2001 back to back. 蝉联、卫冕、连胜两次 很多中国人把蝉联说成 second win,美国人还以为是第二次赢球的意思。back是背部,back to back 是背靠背、一个接一个的意思,所在用在胜负的说法上,就是连胜、蝉联的意思。 Jan.30th, 2001 I didn"t mean to stand you up. 我不是有意要放你鸽子(爽约) Stand up是站起来的意思;而我们和别人约好在某处见面,让人家站在那里痴痴地等,就说 stand (someone) up. Jan.31th, 2001 call it a day (night). 今天到此为止 这句话用在任何场何都行。call是叫或称呼,call it a day是指到此为止算是一天吧,所以就是不再做了。 Feb.1st, 2001 Sugar-free 不加糖的 Free 当形容词可做「没有」的意思;例如不加糖就是 sugar-free、免税就是 tax-free、不含咖啡因就是 caffeine-free、不淮吸烟就是 smoke-free、不淮喝酒就是 alcohol-free. 哈哈,看样子我可以造出好多个生词来了,只要加上-free,:) Feb.2nd, 2001 My watch must be fast. 我的表一定是快了 当你说某人的表或是某个时钟太快了,英语就是用fast 这个字。如果是说快了几分钟或是几小时,句型就是「几分钟 fast」或「几小时 fast」。 例如:The clock is 10 mins fast. Feb.5th, 2001 I can"t say for sure. 我不能确定 怕讲错话吗?说得模稜两可。当别人问起某件事或是人,而你不知道,的答案不是「I don"t know.」而是「I can"t say sure.」即是我不是很确定。例如:I can"t say for sure if he"s here. Feb.6th, 2001 Couldn"t be better. 再好不过 Couldn"t be better 很容易理解,就是好得不能再好。当别人问好的时候,你用 couldn"t be better 回答,对方会感到你非常有精神、非常乐观。比起 Fine, I am fine, I am O.K.都更能让对方被你的风采所吸引。 Feb.7th, 2001 Are you going my way? 你和我顺路吗? 要搭顺风车? 用暗示的就行了。 Are you going my way? 字面意思是说,你走的路和我要走的同一条吗?就是你和我同路吗?含意就是「如果同路,我可以搭你便车吗?」这个说法比「Can I have a ride in your car ?」更简单、更艺术多了。 Feb.8th, 2001 Cut it out. 得了吧;不要再说了 cut 是截断,it 是只正在说的事情,out 是中断。cut it out 合起来就是把正在说的事情中断,不要再说下去了。cut it out 比较礼貌的说法,当别人对你一阵疲劳轰炸,想请他住口时,记得shut up 是比较不礼貌的用词;还是用cut it out 吧! Feb.9th, 2001 You can do better than that. 我对你的表现不太满意 中美文化差异在语言上充份表达出来。同样是对别人的表现不满意,中国人可能很直接的指责,而美国人会说你可以做得更好You can do better than that。 Feb.12th, 2001 Take it easy. 再见、珍重;放轻松点 双方要道别时,除了说Goodbye 之外,也可以说Take it easy. 要对方凡事小心,也就是珍重的意思。除此之外,Take it easy 也可用在说别紧张、放轻松。 Feb.13th, 2001 Back out of something. 食言、不认账 back 是动词,有退却的意思;out of something 是指从某件事情或是地点脱身。两部份接起来,便是指从原本说定的事情抽身而退,也就是不认账的意思。
2023-08-04 00:47:291


  交际常用英语口语1   1. I‘m home. 我回来了。   2. I quit! 我不干了!   3. Let go! 放手!   4. Me too. 我也是。   5. My god! 天哪!   6. No way! 不行!   7. Come on. 来吧(赶快)   8. Hold on. 等一等。   9. I agree。 我同意。   10. Not bad. 还不错。   11. Not yet. 还没。   12. See you. 再见。   13. Shut up! 闭嘴!   14. So long. 再见。   15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)   16. Allow me. 让我来。   17. Be quiet! 安静点!   18. Cheer up! 振作起来!   19. Good job! 做得好!   20. Have fun! 玩得开心!   21. How much? 多少钱?   22. I‘m full. 我饱了。   23.I see. 我明白了。   24. I‘m lost. 我迷路了。   25. My treat. 我请客。   26. So do I. 我也一样。   27. This way。 这边请。   28. After you. 您先。   29. Bless you! 祝福你!   30. Follow me. 跟我来。   31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!)   32. Good luck! 祝好运!   33. I decline! 我拒绝!   34. I promise. 我保证。   35. Of course! 当然了!   36. Slow down! 慢点!   37. Take care! 保重!   38. They hurt. (伤口)疼。   39. Try again. 再试试。   40. Watch out! 当心。   41. What‘s up? 有什么事吗?   42. Be careful! 注意!   43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!   44. Don‘t move! 不许动!   45. Guess what? 猜猜看?   46. I doubt it 我怀疑。   47. I think so. 我也这么想。   48. I‘m single. 我是单身贵族。   49. Keep it up! 坚持下去!   50. Let me see.让我想想。   交际常用英语口语2   A   1、Absolutely impossible!绝对不可能的!   2、All I have to do is learn English.我所要做的就是学英语。   3、Are you free tomorrow?你明天有空吗?   4、Are you used to the food here?你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?   B   1、Be careful.小心、注意。   2、Be my guest.请便、别客气。   3、Better late than never.迟到总比不做好。   4、Better luck next time.祝你下一次好运。   5、Better safe than sorry.小心不出大错。   C   1、Can I have a day off?我能请一天假吗?   2、Can I help?要我帮忙吗?   3、Can I take a message?要我传话吗?   4、Can I take a rain check?你能改天再请我吗?   5、Can I take your order?您要点菜吗?   6、Can you give me a wake-up call?你能打电话叫醒我吗?   7、Can you give me some feedback?你能给我一些建议吗?   8、Can you make it?你能来吗?   9、Can I have a word with you?我能跟你谈一谈吗?   10、Catch me later.过会儿再来找我。   11、Cheer up!高兴起来!振作起来!   12、Come in and make yourself at home.请进,别客气。   13、Could I have the bill,please?请把账单给我好吗?   14、Could you drop me off at the airport?你能载我到飞机场吗?   15、Could you speak slower?你能说得慢一点   16、Could you take a picture for me?你能帮我拍照吗?   D   1、Did you enjoy your flight?你的飞行旅途愉快吗?   2、Did you have a good day today?你今天过得好吗?   3、Did you have a nice holiday?你假期过得愉快吗?   4、Did you have fun?你玩得开心吗?   5、Dinner is on me.晚饭我请客。   6、Do you have a room available?你们有空房间吗?   7、Do you have any hobbies?你有什么爱好吗?   8、Do you have some change?你有零钱吗?   9、Do you mind my smoking?你介意我抽烟吗?   10、Do you often work out?你经常锻炼身体吗?   11、Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?   12、Don"t be so modest.别这么谦虚。   13、Don"t bother.不用麻烦了。   14、Don"t get me wrong.别误会我。   15、Don"t give up.别放弃。   16、Don"t jump to conclusions.不要急于下结论。   17、Don"t let me down.别让我失望。   18、Don"t make any mistakes.别出差错。   19、Don"t mention it.不必客气。   20、Don"t miss the boat.不要坐失良机。   21、Don"t take any chances.不要心存侥幸。   22、Don"t take it for granted.不要想当然。   23、Don"t worry about it.别担心。   E   1、Easy come,easy go.来得容易,去得快。   2、Enjoy your meal.请慢慢享用吧。   3、Easier said than done.说明容易做时难。   F   1、First come,first served.捷足先登。   2、For here or to go?在这儿吃还是带走?   3、Forget it.算了吧。   4、Forgive me.请原谅我。   G   1、Give me a call.给我打电话。   2、Give my best to your family.代表向你们全家问好。   H   1、Have him return my call.让他给我回电话。   2、Have you ever been to China?你去过中国吗?   3、Have you finished yet?你做完了吗?   4、Have you got anything larger?有大一点儿的吗?   5、Have you got that?你明白我的意思吗?   6、Have you heard from Mary?你收到玛丽的来信吗?   7、He is in conference.他正在开会。   8、Help yourself,please.请自己用。   9、Hold your horses.耐心点儿。   10、How can I get in touch with you?我怎样能跟你联络上?   11、How do I look?我看上去怎么样?   12、How is it going?情况怎么样?   13、How late are you open?你们营业到几点?   14、How long did it last?持续了多久?   15、How long will it take me to get there?到那儿要多长时间?   16、How much is it?多少钱?   17、How often do you eat out?你隔多久在外面吃一次饭?   I   1、I apologize.我很抱歉。   2、I appreciate your invitation.感谢你的邀请。   3、I assure you.我向你保证。   4、I bet you can.我确信你能做到。   5、I can manage.我自己可以应付。   6、I can"t afford it.我买不起。   7、I can"t believe it.我简直不敢相信。   8、I can"t resist the temptation.我不能抵挡诱惑。   9、I can"t stand it.我受不了。   10、I can"t tell.我说不准。   11、I couldn"t agree more.我完全同意。   12、I couldn"t get through.打不通电话。   13、I couldn"t help it.我没有办法。   14、I didn"t mean to.我不是故意的。   15、I don"t know for sure.我不能肯定。   16、I enjoy your company.我喜欢有你做伴。   17、I enjoyed it very much.我非常喜欢。   18、I envy you.我羡慕你。   19、I feel like having some dumplings.我很想吃饼子。   20、I feel terrible about it.太对不起了。   21、I feel the same way.我也有同感。   22、I have a complaint.我要投诉。   23、I have nothing to do with it.那与我无关。   24、I haven"t the slightest idea.我一点儿都不知道。   25、I hope you"ll forgive me.我希望你能原谅我。   26、I know the feeling.我知道那种感觉。   27、I mean what I say.我说话算数。   28、I owe you one.我欠你一个人情。   29、I really regret it.我真的非常后悔。   30、I suppose so.我想是这样。   31、I thought so,too.我也这样以为。   32、I understand completely.我完全明白。   33、I want to report a theft.我要报一宗盗窃案。   34、I want to reserve a room.我想预订一个房间。   35、I was just about to call you.我正准备打电话给你。   36、I was moved.=I was touched.我很受感动。   37、I wasn"t aware of that.我没有意识到。   38、I wasn"t born yesterday.我又不是三岁小孩。   39、I wish I could.但愿我能。   40、I wouldn"t worry about it,if I were you.如果我是你,我就不会担心。   41、I"d like a refund.我想要退款。   42、I"d like to deposit some money.我想存点儿钱。   43、I"d like to make a reservation.我想订票。   44、I"ll be right with you.我马上就来。   45、I"ll check it.我去查一下。   46、I"ll do my best.我将会尽我最大努力。   47、I"ll get it.我去接电话。   48、I"ll give you a hand.我来帮助你。   49、I"ll have to see about that.这事儿我得想一想再定。   50、I"ll keep my eyes open.我会留意的。   51、I"ll keep that in mind.我会记住的。   52、I"ll pick up the tab.我来付帐。   53、I"ll play it by ear.我将随兴而定。   54、I"ll see what I can do.我看一看能怎么办。   55、I"ll show you.我指给你看。   56、I"ll take care of it.我来办这件事。   57、I"ll take it.我要了。   58、I"ll take your advice.我接受你的忠告。   59、I"ll think it over.我仔细考虑一下。   60、I"ll treat you to diner.我想请你吃晚饭。   61、I"ll walk you to the door.我送你到门口。   62、I"m broke.我身无分文。   63、I"m crazy bout English.我非常喜欢英语。   64、I"m easy to please.我很随和。   65、I"m glad to hear that.听到这消息我很高兴。   66、I"m glad you enjoyed it.你喜欢我就高兴。   67、I"m good at it.我做这个很在行。   68、I"m in a good mood.我现在心情很好。   69、I"m in good shape.我的身体状况很好。   70、I"m just having a look.我只是随便看看。   71、I"m looking for a part-time job.我正在找兼职工作。   72、I"m looking forward to it.我盼望着这件事。   73、I"m lost.我给搞糊涂了。   74、I"m not feeling well.我感觉不舒服。   75、I"m not myself today.我今天心神不宁。   76、I"m not really sure.我不太清楚。
2023-08-04 00:47:541


Ask that you need anything, walks slowly
2023-08-04 00:48:033

卖数码产品的营业员常用到的英语。 不需要产品介绍,只要简单的沟通就好。

招呼顾客1, Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ?先生,早上好,我能为您效劳吗?2, Good afternoon , madam ,May I halp you ?太太,中午好, 您想买什么? 3, Good evening ,miss , What can I do for you ?小姐,晚上好,您需要什么?4, Welcome to our countelr. 欢迎光临本柜5, Welcome to Wuhan plaza . 欢迎光临武汉广场6, Please take your time . 请随便看看Conversation A S:sales (营业员) C:Customer(顾客)7, S:Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ?先生,早上好,您想买什么?C:I"m thinking of buying a toy for my son.我想给我儿子买个玩具。S:May I know how old is he?他几岁了?C:He"ll be six next Sunday. The toy is for his birthday.下个星期天他就六岁了,玩具是作为他的生日礼物。S:I see .How about this one? 我明白了,这个怎么样?Conversation BS:Welcome to counter madam .what can I do for you ?欢迎光临本柜,你想买什么?C:I"m just looking around .我只是随便看看。S:Please take you time .If any thing you like ,just let me now .请随便看看,如果看中什么,请告诉我。C:Ok I will . thank you .谢谢,我会的。
2023-08-04 00:48:441


I just have a look.(我只是随便看看)there is a big sale in my shop.(本店正在打折出售)
2023-08-04 00:48:521


(先生慢走,欢迎下次再来)用英语 怎么说 一般这场合的说法是 Goodbye Sir. Please e again. 慢走也许可以用上 Farewell,但还是建议不用。 慢走 走好 用英语怎么说 就是告别词 请老师指点 Watch your step请问你需要什么,慢走,用英文怎么说 what can i do for you ? enjoy yourself 是在找商店里买东西用的英语吗? 道别时常用语 1. Thank you for shopping . 谢谢惠顾。 2. Hope to see you again. 欢迎下次光临。 3. Have a good time in WuHan piaza. 祝您在武广购物愉快。 4. Good-bye and good luck.。再见,祝你好运。 5. See you later. 再见 其它场合英语 第一部分:招呼顾客 1, Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,我能为您效劳吗? 2, Good afternoon , madam ,May I halp you ? 太太,中午好, 您想买什么? 3, Good evening ,miss , What can I do for you ? 小姐,晚上好,您需要什么? 4, Wele to our countelr. 欢迎光临本柜 5, Wele to Wuhan plaza . 欢迎光临武汉广场 6, Please take your time . 请随便看看 Conversation A S:sales (营业员) C:Customer(顾客) 7, S:Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,您想买什么? C:I"m thinking of buying a toy for my son. 我想给我儿子买个玩具。 S:May I know how old is he?他几岁了? C:He"ll be six next Sunday. The toy is for his birthday. 下个星期天他就六岁了,玩具是作为他的生日礼物。 S:I see .How about this one? 我明白了,这个怎么样? Conversation B S:Wele to counter madam .what can I do for you ? 欢迎光临本柜,你想买什么? C:I"m just looking around .我只是随便看看。 S:Please take you time .If any thing you like ,just let me now . 请随便看看,如果看中什么,请告诉我。 C:Ok I will . thank you .谢谢,我会的。 第二部分:指路 1. Go straight on ,then make a left turn ,you”ll find the toilet 请笔直走,再向左转,你会找到洗手间的。 2.The Infornation Desk is on the first floor .(Ground floor) 总服务台在一楼。 3.Please go downstairs.(upstairs)请下(上)楼。 4.You can take the escalator up to the 5th floor. 你可以乘坐电梯到五楼。 5.Follow me ,please .请随我来。 6、Thls way,Please. 这边请。 7、You will not miss it. 你不会错过的。 8、Where is the sport-department......>> 在酒店常用的语句用英语怎么说? 15分 1) Good morning (afternoon ,evening),sir (madam).早上好(下午、晚上好),好,先生(夫人礌 2) How do you do? (-- how do you do ?)您好! 3) Hello (or hi )!您好! 4) How is everything (with you )? (您的)一切都好吗? 5) How are you getting on ( or along ) these days ?这几天过得怎么样? 6) How are you ? (- Fine ,thank you .and you? )您的身体好吗? 7) Glad (nice ) to see you . 见到您很高兴。 8) Wele to our hotel. 欢迎到我们的酒店来! 9) It"s nice to meet you again , Mr. Johnson .再次见到您太好了,约翰逊先生。 10) Good –bye.(or bye-bye)再见! 11) Good night.晚安(晚间告别用) 12) Have a good rest.祝您休息好! 13) See you later (tomorrow). 以后(明天)见! 14) Hope to see you again soon. 希望不久再见到您! 15) Have a good time. 祝您过得愉快! 16) We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel.愿您在我们饭店过得愉快! 17) Please don"t leave anything behind.请不要遗忘你的东西。 18) Mind (or watch) your step! 请走好! 19) We wish you a pleasant journey. 祝您旅途愉快! 20) Have a nice trip!一路平安! 21) All the best!万事如意。
2023-08-04 00:49:101


谢谢光临请各位慢走,用英语怎么说 您好 ! 1,“欢迎光临”--Wele ! / Wele to our ... 2, "请慢走“ a. Bye ! Have a good day !--再见! 请慢走 !* (最地道的表达) b. Watch your step ! c. Take care ! d. Mind your step ! 请慢走 的英文怎么说 你好! 请慢走 Please walk slowly请问你需要什么,慢走,用英文怎么说 what can i do for you ? enjoy yourself 是在找商店里买东西用的英语吗? 道别时常用语 1. Thank you for shopping . 谢谢惠顾。 2. Hope to see you again. 欢迎下次光临。 3. Have a good time in WuHan piaza. 祝您在武广购物愉快。 4. Good-bye and good luck.。再见,祝你好运。 5. See you later. 再见 其它场合英语 第一部分:招呼顾客 1, Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,我能为您效劳吗? 2, Good afternoon , madam ,May I halp you ? 太太,中午好, 您想买什么? 3, Good evening ,miss , What can I do for you ? 小姐,晚上好,您需要什么? 4, Wele to our countelr. 欢迎光临本柜 5, Wele to Wuhan plaza . 欢迎光临武汉广场 6, Please take your time . 请随便看看 Conversation A S:sales (营业员) C:Customer(顾客) 7, S:Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,您想买什么? C:I"m thinking of buying a toy for my son. 我想给我儿子买个玩具。 S:May I know how old is he?他几岁了? C:He"ll be six next Sunday. The toy is for his birthday. 下个星期天他就六岁了,玩具是作为他的生日礼物。 S:I see .How about this one? 我明白了,这个怎么样? Conversation B S:Wele to counter madam .what can I do for you ? 欢迎光临本柜,你想买什么? C:I"m just looking around .我只是随便看看。 S:Please take you time .If any thing you like ,just let me now . 请随便看看,如果看中什么,请告诉我。 C:Ok I will . thank you .谢谢,我会的。 第二部分:指路 1. Go straight on ,then make a left turn ,you”ll find the toilet 请笔直走,再向左转,你会找到洗手间的。 2.The Infornation Desk is on the first floor .(Ground floor) 总服务台在一楼。 3.Please go downstairs.(upstairs)请下(上)楼。 4.You can take the escalator up to the 5th floor. 你可以乘坐电梯到五楼。 5.Follow me ,please .请随我来。 6、Thls way,Please. 这边请。 7、You will not miss it. 你不会错过的。 8、Where is the sport-department......>>
2023-08-04 00:49:171


welcome英 ["welkəm] 美 [ˈwɛlkəm] vt. 欢迎;乐于接受 adj. 受欢迎的;令人愉悦的;表示感谢的 n. 欢迎,迎接 欢迎访问; 欢迎; 迎接; 受欢迎 复数:welcomes 过去式:welcomed 过去分词:welcomed 现在分词:welcoming 第三人称单数:welcomes 比较级:welcomer 最高级:welcomest 动词欢迎;迎接 If you welcome someone, you greet them in a friendly way when they arrive somewhere. Several people came by to welcome me... 有几个人过来迎接我。She was there to welcome him home from war... 她在那儿迎接他从战场归来。The delegates received a welcoming speech by the President. 总统致词欢迎代表们。Welcome is also a noun. There would be a fantastic welcome awaiting him back here. 为了迎接他回来,这里将举行一个热烈的欢迎仪式。2. 惯用语(用于表示问候)欢迎来到… You use welcome in expressions such as welcome home ,welcome to London, and welcome back when you are greeting someone who has just arrived somewhere. Welcome to Washington... 欢迎来到华盛顿。Welcome back, Deborah—It"s good to have you here. 欢迎回来,德博拉,有你在这儿真好。3. 动词欣然接受 If you welcome an action, decision, or situation, you approve of it and are pleased that it has occurred. She welcomed this move but said that overall the changes didn"t go far enough... 她欣然接受了这一举措,但是说总体上改变还不彻底。In Germany, the move was welcomed by the Bundesbank president. 在德国,联邦银行行长欣然接受了这项措施。Welcome is also a noun. Environmental groups have given a guarded welcome to the Prime Minister"s proposal. 环保组织对首相的提议表示谨慎的欢迎。4. 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词受欢迎的;令人愉快的 If you describe something as welcome, you mean that people wanted it and are happy that it has occurred. This was certainly a welcome change of fortune... 这确实是命运中一个令人欣喜的转变。The new 25 metre pool for more serious swimmers is a welcome addition... 为更高水平的游泳爱好者新建的25米长的游泳池受到了大家的欢迎。Any progress in reducing chemical weapons is welcome. 削减化学武器的任何进展都是受人欢迎的。5. VERB 动词欢迎;乐于接受 If you say that you welcome certain people or actions, you are inviting and encouraging people to do something, for example to come to a particular place. We welcome you to join us on a special tour which explores this unique Australian attraction... 我们欢迎你加入探索这处独特的澳大利亚景观的特别之旅。We would welcome your views about the survey. 我们欢迎你就这项调查发表意见。6. 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(人)受欢迎的 If you say that someone is welcome in a particular place, you are encouraging them to go there by telling them that they will be liked and accepted. New members are always welcome... 随时欢迎新成员加入。I told him he wasn"t welcome in my home. 我告诉他我家不欢迎他。7. 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词可随意…的;可以做…的 If you tell someone that they are welcome to do something, you are encouraging them to do it by telling them that they are allowed to do it. You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time. 你可以随时来医院。...a conservatory which guests are welcome to use. 客人们可随意使用的温室8. 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(表示十分乐意让别人拥有自己不想要的东西)尽管…好了 If you say that someone is welcome to something, you mean that you do not want it yourself because you do not like it and you are very willing for them to have it. If women want to take on the business world they are welcome to it as far as I"m concerned. 就我而言,如果女人们想进军商界的话,就让她们去好了。9. See also: welcoming; 10. PHRASE 短语使受欢迎;使感觉受欢迎 If you make someone welcome or make them feel welcome, you make them feel happy and accepted in a new place. 短语(做客太久而)不再受欢迎 If you say that someone outstays their welcome or overstays their welcome, you mean that they stay somewhere longer than they are wanted or expected to. After the kindness that had been shown to him, he didn"t want to outstay his welcome. 在受到热情款待后,他决定离开以免过多打搅主人。12. 惯用语没关系;不客气 You say "You"re welcome" to someone who has thanked you for something in order to acknowledge their thanks in a polite way. "Thank you for the information." — "You"re welcome." “谢谢你提供的信息。”——“ 不客气。”address, greet, salute, hail, welcome 这些动词均有“欢迎,致敬,致意,招呼”之意。address:侧重打招呼的方式或指所使用的称谓。greet:常指友好而热诚地欢迎。salute:正式用词,指用敬礼、亲吻或挥帽等动作向他人致意或问候,尤指以某种礼节欢迎某人。hail:主要指怀着敬意欢迎某人,侧重欢快轻松和嘈杂。也指隔得较远的高声招呼。welcome:多指热情的官方的或正式的迎接或欢迎,但也指一般的欢迎。1.You are welcome to come in and browse. 欢迎您光临本店随便看看。 2. Please welcome our next contestant. 请欢迎我们的下一位竞赛选手。 3. She opened her arms wide in an expansive gesture of welcome. 她展开双臂以示欢迎。 4. A drop in interest rates gave a welcome fillip to the housing market. 降低利率给房屋市场带来利好刺激。 5. All joiners will receive a welcome pack. 每位入会者都会收到一个迎新包。
2023-08-04 00:49:251


  【日常交际英语口语大全】   Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的!   All I have to do is learn English. 我所要做的就是学英语。   Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?   Are you used to the food here? 你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?   Be careful. 小心、注意。   Be my guest. 请便、别客气。   Better late than never. 迟到总比不做好。   Better luck next time. 祝你下一次好运。   Better safe than sorry. 小心不出大错。   Can I have a day off? 我能请一天假吗?    Can I help? 要我帮忙吗?   Can I take a message? 要我传话吗?   Can I take a rain check? 你能改天再请我吗?   Can I take your order? 您要点菜吗?   Can you give me a wake-up call? 你能打电话叫醒我吗?   Can you give me some feedback? 你能给我一些建议吗?   Can you make it? 你能来吗?   Can I have a word with you? 我能跟你谈一谈吗?   Catch me later. 过会儿再来找我。   Cheer up! 高兴起来!振作起来!   Come in and make yourself at home. 请进,别客气。    Could I have the bill, please? 请把账单给我好吗?   Could you drop me off at the airport? 你能载我到飞机场吗?   Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点   Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗?   Did you enjoy your flight? 你的飞行旅途愉快吗?   Did you have a good day today? 你今天过得好吗?   Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?   Did you have fun? 你玩得开心吗?   Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客。   Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗?    Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好吗?   Do you have some change? 你有零钱吗?   Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗?   Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗?   Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?   Donu2019t be so modest. 别这么谦虚。   Donu2019t bother. 不用麻烦了。   Donu2019t get me wrong. 别误会我。   Donu2019t give up. 别放弃。   Donu2019t jump to conclusions. 不要急于下结论。   Donu2019t let me down. 别让我失望。    Donu2019t make any mistakes. 别出差错。   Donu2019t mention it. 不必客气。   Donu2019t miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。   Donu2019t take any chances. 不要心存侥幸。   Donu2019t take it for granted. 不要想当然。   Donu2019t worry about it. 别担心。   Easy come, easy go. 来得容易,去得快。   Enjoy your meal. 请慢慢享用吧。   Easier said than done. 说明容易做时难。   First come, first served. 捷足先登。   For here or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走?   Forget it. 算了吧。    Forgive me. 请原谅我。   Give me a call. 给我打电话。   Give my best to your family. 代表向你们全家问好。   Have him return my call. 让他给我回电话。   Have you ever been to China? 你去过中国吗?   Have you finished yet? 你做完了吗?   Have you got anything larger? 有大一点儿的吗?   Have you got that? 你明白我的意思吗?   Have you heard from Mary? 你收到玛丽的来信吗?   He is in conference. 他正在开会。   Help yourself, please. 请自己用。   Hold your horses. 耐心点儿。    How can I get in touch with you? 我怎样能跟你联络上?   How do I look? 我看上去怎么样?   How is it going? 情况怎么样?   How late are you open? 你们营业到几点?   How long did it last? 持续了多久?   How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿要多长时间?   How much is it? 多少钱?   How often do you eat out? 你隔多久在外面吃一次饭?   I apologize. 我很抱歉。   I appreciate your invitation. 感谢你的邀请。   I assure you. 我向你保证。   I bet you can. 我确信你能做到。    I can manage. 我自己可以应付。   I canu2019t afford it. 我买不起。   I canu2019t believe it. 我简直不敢相信。   I canu2019t resist the temptation. 我不能抵挡诱惑。   I canu2019t stand it. 我受不了。   I canu2019t tell. 我说不准。   I couldnu2019t agree more. 我完全同意。   I couldnu2019t get through. 打不通电话。   I couldnu2019t help it. 我没有办法。   I didnu2019t mean to. 我不是故意的。   I donu2019t know for sure. 我不能肯定。   I enjoy your company. 我喜欢有你做伴。    I enjoyed it very much. 我非常喜欢。   I envy you. 我羡慕你。   I feel like having some dumplings. 我很想吃饼子。   I feel terrible about it. 太对不起了。   I feel the same way. 我也有同感。   I have a complaint. 我要投诉。   I have nothing to do with it. 那与我无关。   I havenu2019t the slightest idea. 我一点儿都不知道。   I hope youu2019ll forgive me. 我希望你能原谅我。   I know the feeling. 我知道那种感觉。   I mean what I say. 我说话算数。    I owe you one. 我欠你一个人情。   I really regret it. 我真的非常后悔。   I suppose so. 我想是这样。   I thought so, too. 我也这样以为。   I understand completely. 我完全明白。   I want to report a theft. 我要报一宗盗窃案。   I want to reserve a room. 我想预订一个房间。   I was just about to call you. 我正准备打电话给你。   I was moved. = I was touched. 我很受感动。   I wasnu2019t aware of that. 我没有意识到。   I wasnu2019t born yesterday. 我又不是三岁小孩。   I wish I could. 但愿我能。    I wouldnu2019t worry about it, if I were you. 如果我是你,我就不会担心。   Iu2019d like a refund. 我想要退款。   Iu2019d like to deposit some money. 我想存点儿钱。   Iu2019d like to make a reservation. 我想订票。   Iu2019ll be right with you. 我马上就来。   Iu2019ll check it. 我去查一下。   Iu2019ll do my best. 我将会尽我最大努力。   Iu2019ll get it. 我去接电话。   Iu2019ll give you a hand. 我来帮助你。   Iu2019ll have to see about that. 这事儿我得想一想再定。   Iu2019ll keep my eyes open. 我会留意的。   Iu2019ll keep that in mind. 我会记住的。   Iu2019ll pick up the tab. 我来付帐。    Iu2019ll play it by ear. 我将随兴而定。   Iu2019ll see what I can do. 我看一看能怎么办。   Iu2019ll show you. 我指给你看。   Iu2019ll take care of it. 我来办这件事。   Iu2019ll take it. 我要了。   Iu2019ll take your advice. 我接受你的忠告。   Iu2019ll think it over. 我仔细考虑一下。   Iu2019ll treat you to diner. 我想请你吃晚饭。   Iu2019ll walk you to the door. 我送你到门口。   Iu2019m broke. 我身无分文。   Iu2019m crazy bout English. 我非常喜欢英语。   Iu2019m easy to please. 我很随和。    Iu2019m glad to hear that. 听到这消息我很高兴。   Iu2019m glad you enjoyed it. 你喜欢我就高兴。   Iu2019m good at it. 我做这个很在行。   Iu2019m in a good mood. 我现在心情很好。   Iu2019m in good shape. 我的身体状况很好。   Iu2019m just having a look. 我只是随便看看。   Iu2019m looking for a part-time job. 我正在找兼职工作。   Iu2019m looking forward to it. 我盼望着这件事。   Iu2019m lost. 我给搞糊涂了。   Iu2019m not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。   Iu2019m not myself today. 我今天心神不宁。   Iu2019m not really sure. 我不太清楚。   Iu2019m on a diet. 我正在节食。   Iu2019m on my way. 我这就上路。   Iu2019m pressed for time. 我赶时间。   Iu2019m sorry Iu2019m late. 对不起,我迟到了。   Iu2019m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我感到遗憾。   Iu2019m under a lot of pressure. 我的压力很大。   Iu2019m working on it. 我正在努力。   Iu2019ve changed my mind. 我已经改变主意。   Iu2019ve got a headache. 我头痛。   Iu2019ve got my hands full. 我手头正忙。   Iu2019ve got news for you. 我要告诉你一个好消息。   Iu2019ve got no idea. 我不知道。   Iu2019ve had enough. 我已经吃饱了。   if I were in your shoes. 如果我站在你的立场上。   Is that OK? 这样可以吗?    Is this seat taken? 这位子有人坐吗?   It all depends. 视情形而定。   It can happen to anyone. 这事可能发生在任何人身上。   It doesnu2019t make any difference. 都一样。   It doesnu2019t matter to me. 这对我来说无所谓。   It doesnu2019t work. 它出故障了。   It drives me crazy. 它使我快要发疯了。   It isnu2019t much. 这是微不足道的。   It really comes in handy. 有了它真是方便。   It slipped my mind. 我不留神忘了。   It takes time. 这需要时间。   It will come to me. 我会想起来的。    It will do you good. 这会对你有好处。   It wonu2019t happen again. 下不为例。   It wonu2019t take much time. 不会花很多时间。   It wonu2019t work. 行不通。   Itu2019s nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你。   Itu2019s a deal. 一言为定。   Itu2019s a long story. 真是一言难尽。   Itu2019s a nice day today. 今天天气很好。   Itu2019s a once in a lifetime chance. 这是一生难得的机会。   Itu2019s a pain in the neck. 这真是苦不堪言。   Itu2019s a piece of cake. 这很容易。   Itu2019s a small world. 这世界真小。    Itu2019s a waste of time. 这是浪费时间。   Itu2019s about time. 时间差不多了、是时候了。   Itu2019s all my fault. 都是我的错。   Itu2019s awesome. 棒极了!   Itu2019s awful. 真糟糕。   Itu2019s been a long time. 好久不见了。   Itu2019s better than nothing. 总比没有好。   Itu2019s essential. 这是必要的。   Itu2019s hard to say. 很难说。   Itu2019s incredible. 令人难以置信、不可思议。   Itu2019s just what I had in mind. 这正是这想要的。   Itu2019s my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。   Itu2019s no big deal. 这没什么大不了的。   Itu2019s not your fault. 不是你的错。    Itu2019s nothing. 小事情、不足挂齿。   Itu2019s only a matter of time. 这只是时间问题。   Itu2019s out of the question. 这是不可能的。   Itu2019s time for dinner. 该吃晚饭了。   Itu2019s up in the air. 尚未决定。   Itu2019s up to date. 这个很时兴。   Itu2019s up to you. 一切由你决定。   Itu2019s very popular. 它很受欢迎。   Itu2019s worth seeing. 它绝对值得一看。   Just let it be. 就这样吧。   Just to be on the safe side. 为安全起见。   Keep the change. 不用找了。   Keep up the good work. 再接再厉。   Keep your fingers crossed. 为成功祈祷吧。
2023-08-04 00:49:331


Can I help you?
2023-08-04 00:49:552


问题一:英文刚刚好,怎么说 just right ; just enough better in time. 问题二:因为有你,所以刚刚好 英语怎么说 I just feel it"s enough with you 问题三:英文高手,平衡的刚刚好 的英语怎么说 平衡的刚刚好 The balance is just in place. 问题四:刚刚好,恰到好外用英语怎么说啊,是不是JUST WELL? apropos 比较好,just well 有点中国式英语的味道 问题五:简单的英语翻译 “Exactly!” 经常说的,下面是一些营业员常用的英语,希望对你有用呵呵。 营 业 员 英 语 100 句 第一部分:招呼顾客 1, Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,我能为您效劳吗? 2, Good afternoon , madam ,May I halp you ? 太太,中午好, 您想买什么? 3, Good evening ,miss , What can I do for you ? 小姐,晚上好,您需要什么? 4, Wele to our countelr. 欢迎光临本柜 5, Wele to Wuhan plaza . 欢迎光临武汉广场 6, Please take your time . 请随便看看 Conversation A S:sales (营业员) C:Customer(顾客) 7, S:Good morning ,sir。Can I halp you ? 先生,早上好,您想买什么? C:I"m thinking of buying a toy for my son. 我想给我儿子买个玩具。 S:May I know how old is he?他几岁了? C:He"ll be six next Sunday. The toy is for his birthday. 下个星期天他就六岁了,玩具是作为他的生日礼物。 S:I see .How about this one? 我明白了,这个怎么样? Conversation B S:Wele to counter madam .what can I do for you ? 欢迎光临本柜,你想买什么? C:I"m just looking around .我只是随便看看。 S:Please take you time .If any thing you like ,just let me now . 请随便看看,如果看中什么,请告诉我。 C:Ok I will . thank you .谢谢,我会的。 Exercise 1 练习当外宾走到你面前时,如何向顾客打招呼,员工之间相互练习。 第二部分:指路 1. Go straight on ,then make a left turn ,you”ll find the toilet 请笔直走,再向左转,你会找到洗手间的。 2.The Infornation Desk is on the first floor .(Ground floor) 总服务台在一楼。 3.Please go downstairs.(upstairs)请下(上)楼。 4.You can take the escalator up to the 5th floor. 你可以乘坐电梯到五楼。 5.Follow me ,please .请随我来。 6、Thls way,Please. 这边请。 7、You will not miss it. 你不会错过的。 8、Where is the sport-department?-It"on the flfth floor. --体育用品在几楼?---在五楼。 9、The cashler is on thls wsy. 收银台在那边。 10、It"s on you right hand slde. 在你的右手边。 ConVersati......>> 问题六:爱的深爱的早不如爱的刚刚好用英语怎么翻译 Love that is too deep, love that es too soon, is no parison to love that is just right. 问题七:时间刚刚好。英文怎么说 Just on time. in time 及时,e钉g及时的帮助,强调速度 on time 准时,e.g准时到达,是在规定的时间点上
2023-08-04 00:50:021