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2023-08-04 09:35:52



n.外交; 外交手腕,交际手段; 外交使团; 处世之道;



This is a huge challenge for international economic diplomacy.



Better diplomacy would enhance its power.




英 [du026a"plu0259u028amu0259su026a] 美 [du026a"plomu0259si]

n. 外交;外交手腕;交际手段


Panda diplomacy 熊猫外交

public diplomacy 公共外交 ; 公众外交 ; 民间外交 ; 公共交际

network diplomacy 网络外交


Today"s Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy.









n.外交; 外交手腕,交际手段; 外交使团; 处世之道;




This is a huge challenge for international economic diplomacy.







diplomacy 处理外交的手段foreign affairs 外交事务
2023-08-03 23:47:032


2023-08-03 23:47:135

mass diplomacy是什么意思

mass diplomacy大众外交diplomacy[英][du026au02c8plu0259u028amu0259si][美][du026au02c8plou028amu0259si]n.外交; 外交手腕,交际手段; 外交使团; 处世之道; 例句:1.Fortunately for international diplomacy, reporters didn"t recognize the intelligence chief. 对国际外交来说幸运的是,记者们并没有认出这位情报局长。2.These rumblings of discontent have given an opportunity for the us to reassert itself in asian diplomacy and security. 这些不满之声给了美国在亚洲外交和安全问题上重塑其控制权的机会。
2023-08-03 23:47:401


Countries weak no diplomatic!A weak country without diplomatic!
2023-08-03 23:48:044

equidistant diplomacy是什么意思?

equidistant diplomacy等距离外交。
2023-08-03 23:48:402


2023-08-03 23:48:503

ping-pong diplomacy是什么意思

ping-pong diplomacy乒乓外交Ping-pong diplomacy, as it was dubbed, paved the way for President RichardNixon"s trip to China in 1972 — and for the thaw in relations between the twocountries. 就像被称呼的那样,乒乓外交为理查德尼克松总统1972年访华铺平了道路,看着从乒乓外交到篮球争斗。也为两国之间的关系解冻铺平了道路。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-08-03 23:49:051


外交不是一种选择Diplomacy is Not an Option兵种搭配是游戏中提升战力的关键,本作有哪些兵种可供使用?下面一起来看看Diplomacy is Not an Option兵种数据一览我军单位kenshi——55血5攻1攻速1.4移速 dps5弓箭手——20血5攻0.7攻速1.4移速 dps3.5矛兵——80血8攻1攻速1.2移速 dps8 重型铠甲(70%冷兵器和不死者伤害)医疗兵——20血1攻1攻速1.2移速 dps1 范围治疗弩兵——35血15攻0.5攻速1.2移速 dps7.5锤兵——400血8攻0.3攻速0.8移速 dps2.4+ 范围攻击骑兵——200血10攻1攻速2.4移速投石机——80血5攻击5-14范围0.2攻速0.8移速 dps1+ 范围攻击弩炮——80血100攻击14范围0.20.8移速 dps20敌人单位拿武器的叛军——10血2攻击1攻速0.9移速 dps2拿武器的掠夺者——15血3攻击1攻速1.5移速 dps3拿盾牌的叛军——30血2攻击1攻速0.9移速 dps2巨人叛军——200血5攻击1攻速0.9移速 dps5+ 范围攻击叛军投石机——50血5攻击2-10范围0.2攻速0.9移速 dps1+ 范围攻击可爱的斯科特——2000血30攻击0.5攻速0.9移速 dps15 重型铠甲(70%冷兵器和不死者伤害)僵尸——40血1攻1攻速0.6移速 dps1
2023-08-03 23:49:121


外交的单词有:diplomatese,diplomatize,diplomatism,diplomat,diplomatic ties。 外交的单词有:diplomatize,diplomatism,diplomatic,diplomatese,diplomatic bag。 词性是:形容词。 结构是:外(左右结构)交(上下结构)。 注音是:ㄨㄞ_ㄐ一ㄠ。 拼音是:wài jiāo。外交的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】外交wàijiāo。(1)一个国家在国际关系方面的活动。如互派使节、进行谈判、会谈等。二、引证解释⒈古代指人臣私见诸侯。引《_梁传·隐公元年》:“寰内诸侯,非有天子之命,不得出会诸侯;不正其外交,故弗与朝也。”范宁注:“天子畿内大夫有采地谓之寰内诸侯。”《礼记·郊特牲》:“为人臣者无外交,不敢贰君也。”郑玄注:“私_是外交也。”⒉今称国与国之间的交往、交涉为外交。⒊指与外国私相交往、勾结。引《韩非子·有度》:“忘主外交,以进其与。”陈奇猷集释:“谓释其国法而私与外国为交也。”《史记·苏秦列传》:“夫为人臣,割其主之地以求外交,偷取一时之功而不顾其后。”唐白居易《得景为将敌人遗之药景受而饮之或责失人臣之节不伏》:“军尚隐情,臣宜守道,况幄中之权要,当_外交之嫌。”⒋指与之交往的外国。引《国语·晋语八》:“彼若不敢而远逃,乃厚其外交而勉之,以报其德,不亦可乎?”韦昭注:“谓赂其所适之国,厚寄_之而劝勉焉。”明何景明《何子·策术》:“_宝玉以亲外交,市土地以厚与国。”⒌谓与朝臣交往、勾结。亦指依附于朝廷中某种势力。《东观汉记·郑众传》:“太子储君无外交义。引汉有旧防,诸王不宜通客。”《三国志·魏志·蒋济传》:“今外所言,_云中书,虽使恭慎不敢外交,但有此名,犹惑世俗。”《续资治通鉴·宋英宗治平四年》:“朕以家世用卿,卿当谨家法。人臣病外交阴附,卿宜自结主知。”⒍与朋友、外人的交际。引《墨子·修身》:“近者不亲,无务求远;亲戚不附,无务外交。”《史记·佞幸列传》:“通亦愿谨,不好外交,虽赐洗沐,不欲出。”明刘基《拟连珠》:“_外交则可以守淡泊,专内视则可以全淳精。”⒎一个国家在国际关系方面的活动,如参加国际组织和会议,与别的国家互派使节、进行谈判、签定条约和协定等。三、国语词典以和平的方法,处理对外的关系。通常或指一国的外交政策,或指处理外交的程序。词语翻译英语diplomacy,diplomatic,foreignaffairs,CL:德语Ausw_rtigeAngelegenheiten,Diplomatie,Ausw_rtigerDienst(S)_法语diplomatie,relationsdiplomatiques四、网络解释外交(一个国家在国际关系方面的活动)外交通常是指一个国家为了实现其对外政策,通过互相在对方首都设立使馆,派遣或者接受特别使团,领导人访问,参加联合国等国际组织,参加政府性国际会议,用谈判、通讯和缔结条约等方法,处理其国际关系的活动。国家以和平手段对外行使主权的活动。通常指由国家元首、政府首脑、外交部长和外交机关代表国家进行的对外交往活动。关于外交的近义词应酬社交酬酢交际关于外交的反义词内务内政关于外交的诗词《自题画松·养源斋外交柯树》关于外交的诗句荥阳道人方外交外交内政各操权眉白欣投世外交关于外交的成语忘年交门外汉内外交困尔汝交刎颈交忘形交关于外交的词语物外之交莫逆交内外交困方外人尔汝交忘形交忘年交金石交刎颈交外交词令关于外交的造句1、南斯拉夫正处于内外交困之中。2、我国外交部的这一项声明,义正词严,充分表达了中国人民维护国家主权的强烈愿望。3、这两个从事间谍活动的外交官被驱逐出境了。4、敌军已陷入了内外交困的绝境。5、我国和周围的国家的外交关系都很好。点此查看更多关于外交的详细信息
2023-08-03 23:49:221


grand mother
2023-08-03 23:49:431

奥巴马 诺贝尔颁奖词 英文版

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama"s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.Obama has as President created a new international climate. Politic multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult (international) conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama"s initiative, the United States is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world"s attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world"s population.For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world"s leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama"s appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."
2023-08-03 23:50:001


China"s diplomacyChina"s diplomatic historyHong Kong"s returnMacao"s return
2023-08-03 23:50:083


2023-08-03 23:50:162


Ping Pong Diplomacy
2023-08-03 23:50:242


complacence和complacency都是名词,也都是“自满”,“自得” , “自鸣得意”,的意思。在普通的使用中二者的区别很小,一些著名的大辞典如牛津、企鹅等均是并列二者,并不加以进一步区分,即“complacence”=“complacency”,而柯林斯大辞典则干脆不收列前者,只用了一个例句来解释后者的用法:She warned that there was no room for complacency on inflation。实际生活中可以互换使用,而西人则多喜欢用后者(许是它让言者有一丝学究气吧,就像“diplomacy”一样)。二者之间的区别(否则何必要两个词呢)。其实他们之间还是有一些微小差异的(subtle differences):即前者是“自满”、“自得”这件事和表现,而后者则是“自满”、“自得”这种性质、特性。如上述柯林斯的例子谈到的自满情绪。新企鹅英语大辞典(The New Penguin English Dictionary)里的例句则是Nothing is to me more distasteful than that entire complacency and satisfaction which beam in the countenances of a new-married couple. (Charles Lamb) 也是这个意义。
2023-08-03 23:50:431


民间外交英文翻译:people-to-people diplomacy。民间外交简介民间外交是我国外交工作的重要组成部分。早在上世纪50年代,周恩来总理就说过,中国的外交是官方、半官方和民间的三者结合。半个多世纪以来,民间外交在让世界了解中国和中国了解世界,以及促进中国人民与世界人民的团结与合作等方面,做出了不可磨灭的贡献。民间外交蓬勃发展起来。当时,民间外交活动主要集中在四大人民团体,即:工会、青联、妇联、中国人民保卫世界和平委员会(简称工、青、妇、和)。其他人民团体如外交学会、红十字会、贸易促进会、体育总会等的对外活动也日益增多。民间外交是民间外交活动的一个高潮,当时世界和平运动风起云涌,世界人民要求和平,反对战争已成为时代的潮流。1952年初,在世界和平理事会的支持下,由宋庆龄、郭沫若等中国著名社会活动家倡议,在北京召开亚洲及太平洋区域和平会议。民间外交,又称人民外交,是中国在对外关系上的一个创举。
2023-08-03 23:50:501


无尽空间2控制台代码汇总。不少玩家可能还不太清楚本作的控制台如何开启,下面带来具体的方法以及代码大全,感兴趣的玩家们赶紧来看看吧。控制台代码汇总首先是开启控制台的方法在游戏上右击属性,然后设置启动选项然后输入"--enablemoddingtools"进入游戏按"shift+f1"键即可开启,"shift+f3"键开启整个地图游戏内shift加F2 加全部资源~然后F345678什么的就自己实验吧研发者代码大全Gameplay——Discover All curiosit (直接完成宇宙所有星球探索)Gameplay——Fleet Missions (应该是指定完成某任务 需要打任务名称的 )Gameplay——Diplomacy——Diplomacy(应该是控制其他势力与你当前状态的 例如可以改成冷战 敌对等)Gameplay——Diplomacy——Negotiation(应该是与谈判有关的还有对应外星语言?)Gameplay——Resources——EmpireMonery(这是挑钱的 在控制台后方空格内输入数量)Gameplay——Resources——Empirelifeforce(调生命力的话说生命力是什么鬼)Gameplay——Resources——Empirebattlewon(调战斗胜利的不知道是不是战斗胜利的点数)Gameplay——Resources——Empireresearch(科学点数)Gameplay——Resources——Empireempirepoint(帝国影响力)Gameplay——Resources——Empireoutpostsupply(这个应该是调解星球前哨?的供应?机翻是基地供应)Gameplay——Resources——Strategic 1-6(这个是加各种稀有物品的数量的 后面填写的不是有多少而是加多少例如你有5个铁矿 你后面写5 你的铁矿会变成10)view——reveal galaxy(解开全图迷雾)Network——lobby data(应该是修改游戏的初始设置的 例如游戏速度 难度等等)Meta settings——revert settings(恢复为初始设置的)Utils——Empire Switch(可以换当前游戏内其他势力)view——reveal galaxy(解开全图迷雾)Network——lobby data(应该是修改游戏的初始设置的 例如游戏速度 难度等等)Meta settings——revert settings(恢复为初始设置的)Utils——Empire Switch(可以换当前游戏内其他势力)
2023-08-03 23:51:191


2023-08-03 23:52:171


  擅长,指在某方面有特长。下面就由我为大家带来关于集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于擅长的相关短语   擅长 be good at   擅长 be skilled in   擅长的 skilled expert   擅长体育 is good at sports   擅长言辞 has a way with words   擅长进球 be good at scoring goals   擅长画画 Is good at drawing ; Adept at painting   关于擅长的相关短句   He is a good photographer.   他擅长摄影。   I"m skilful in ink and wash.   我擅长水墨丹青。   关于擅长的相关例句   1. The key to his success is his logical mind.   他成功的关键在于他擅长逻辑思维。   2. They appear masters in the art of making regula-tions work their way.   他们似乎十分擅长利用规章制度为自己服务。   3. Diplomacy was in his blood: his ancestors had been feudal lords.   他天生擅长交际:他的祖先曾是封建领主。   4. I"m not very good at flirting or chasing women.   我不太会和女人调情,也不擅长追求女性。   5. What they were really good at was full-on rock"n"roll.   他们真正擅长的是纯粹的摇滚乐。   6. Hers is the kind of voice that excels at vocal gymnastics.   她的嗓音擅长演绎有难度的歌曲。   7. It"s not a job for anyone who is slow with numbers.   这份工作不适合不擅长算术的人。   8. He had increased Britain"s reputation for being bad at languages.   他加深了人们对英国人不擅长语言的印象。   9. Cooper was a good mixer, he was popular.   库珀擅长交际,人缘很好。   10. He was not a good speaker.   他不擅长演讲。   11. She"s a dab hand at DIY.   她擅长自己动手。   12. I"m not a very good mathematician.   我不太擅长计算。   13. I always was good at *** theatricals.   我一向擅长业余表演。   14. He is a master at blocking progress.   他特别擅长充当拦路虎。   15. Moles have powerful forefeet for digging.   鼹鼠的前足非常有力,擅长挖洞。   关于擅长的双语例句   她擅长绘画。   She is clever at painting.   这个作家不太擅长写对白。   The writer is not very good at writing dialogues.   并不擅长其他运动的孩子们可能真的擅长游泳。   Children that may not excel at other sports can really shine at swimming.   她擅长观察外表而不擅长看透内心。   She is better at observing externals than at reading hearts.   我擅长什么,不擅长什么?   What are my strengths and weaknesses?   擅长找借口的人很少擅长做起他的事。   He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.   企业界目前已逐渐擅长解决正直沦落的问题。   panies are getting better at cracking down on lapses in integrity.   他擅长学习语言。   He has the faculty to learn languages easily.   你老板擅长于管理吗?   Is your boss good at running a business?
2023-08-03 23:52:261


外交的读音是:wài jiāo。 外交的拼音是:wài jiāo。 注音是:ㄨㄞ_ㄐ一ㄠ。 结构是:外(左右结构)交(上下结构)。 词性是:形容词。外交的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】外交wàijiāo。(1)一个国家在国际关系方面的活动。如互派使节、进行谈判、会谈等。二、引证解释⒈古代指人臣私见诸侯。引《_梁传·隐公元年》:“寰内诸侯,非有天子之命,不得出会诸侯;不正其外交,故弗与朝也。”范宁注:“天子畿内大夫有采地谓之寰内诸侯。”《礼记·郊特牲》:“为人臣者无外交,不敢贰君也。”郑玄注:“私_是外交也。”⒉今称国与国之间的交往、交涉为外交。⒊指与外国私相交往、勾结。引《韩非子·有度》:“忘主外交,以进其与。”陈奇猷集释:“谓释其国法而私与外国为交也。”《史记·苏秦列传》:“夫为人臣,割其主之地以求外交,偷取一时之功而不顾其后。”唐白居易《得景为将敌人遗之药景受而饮之或责失人臣之节不伏》:“军尚隐情,臣宜守道,况幄中之权要,当_外交之嫌。”⒋指与之交往的外国。引《国语·晋语八》:“彼若不敢而远逃,乃厚其外交而勉之,以报其德,不亦可乎?”韦昭注:“谓赂其所适之国,厚寄_之而劝勉焉。”明何景明《何子·策术》:“_宝玉以亲外交,市土地以厚与国。”⒌谓与朝臣交往、勾结。亦指依附于朝廷中某种势力。《东观汉记·郑众传》:“太子储君无外交义。引汉有旧防,诸王不宜通客。”《三国志·魏志·蒋济传》:“今外所言,_云中书,虽使恭慎不敢外交,但有此名,犹惑世俗。”《续资治通鉴·宋英宗治平四年》:“朕以家世用卿,卿当谨家法。人臣病外交阴附,卿宜自结主知。”⒍与朋友、外人的交际。引《墨子·修身》:“近者不亲,无务求远;亲戚不附,无务外交。”《史记·佞幸列传》:“通亦愿谨,不好外交,虽赐洗沐,不欲出。”明刘基《拟连珠》:“_外交则可以守淡泊,专内视则可以全淳精。”⒎一个国家在国际关系方面的活动,如参加国际组织和会议,与别的国家互派使节、进行谈判、签定条约和协定等。三、国语词典以和平的方法,处理对外的关系。通常或指一国的外交政策,或指处理外交的程序。词语翻译英语diplomacy,diplomatic,foreignaffairs,CL:德语Ausw_rtigeAngelegenheiten,Diplomatie,Ausw_rtigerDienst(S)_法语diplomatie,relationsdiplomatiques四、网络解释外交(一个国家在国际关系方面的活动)外交通常是指一个国家为了实现其对外政策,通过互相在对方首都设立使馆,派遣或者接受特别使团,领导人访问,参加联合国等国际组织,参加政府性国际会议,用谈判、通讯和缔结条约等方法,处理其国际关系的活动。国家以和平手段对外行使主权的活动。通常指由国家元首、政府首脑、外交部长和外交机关代表国家进行的对外交往活动。关于外交的近义词交际酬酢应酬社交关于外交的反义词内务内政关于外交的诗词《自题画松·养源斋外交柯树》关于外交的诗句欲结尘外交可结尘外交养源斋外交柯树关于外交的单词diplomatic tiesdiplomatic bagdiplomatdiplomatismdiplomateseministerdiplomaticdiplomatize关于外交的成语忘形交尔汝交忘年交刎颈交门外汉内外交困关于外交的词语交际花门外汉忘年交尔汝交物外之交忘形交金石交莫逆交内外交困方外人关于外交的造句1、我国和周围的国家的外交关系都很好。2、为了发展与各国的友好关系,外交上可以求大同,存小异。3、敌军已陷入了内外交困的绝境。4、这两个从事间谍活动的外交官被驱逐出境了。5、我国外交部的这一项声明,义正词严,充分表达了中国人民维护国家主权的强烈愿望。点此查看更多关于外交的详细信息
2023-08-03 23:52:591


2023-08-03 23:53:4511


2023-08-03 23:54:212


  其实只要每个人根据自己的目标,不断的去奋斗,体现出自我的价值,无论结局如何你都是成功的人。那么你知道成功用英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来成功的英文说法,欢迎大家阅读学习。   成功的英文说法:   success   英 [su0259ku02c8ses] 美 [su0259ku02c8su025bs]   成功相关英文表达:   Failure is the mother of success.   失败是成功之母   Success Rate   成功率   pleted successfully   成功完成   checkout success   下单成功   成功英文说法例句:   1. Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned.   成功无法保证,并非唾手可得。成功必须靠自己去争取。   2. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill   成功不是终点,失败也并非末日,最重要的是继续前进的勇气。   3. A fellow doesn"t last long on what he has done. He"s got to keep on delivering as he goes along.--Carl Hubbell, Baseball Player   靠过去完成的无法让人保有成功,必须在路上持续交出成绩。   4. It"s not about making the amazing saves. It"s the little things and *** all things that made great gatekeepers great.   伟大的门将不是靠神奇的扑救成就,而是靠注重小事和细节成功。Tim Howard美国国家队门将   5. Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.   事业要成功,才能、勤奋和顽强的意志都至关重要。   6. Today"s Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy.   今天的安理会决议对于美国外交而言是一次重大的成功。   7. They rose to the challenge of entertaining 80 school-children for an afternoon.   他们一个下午成功接待了80名学童。   8. Somehow, he"d managed to persuade Kay to buy one for him.   不知用了什么方法,他成功说服凯给他买了一个。   9. McGregor"s effort was enough to edge Johnson out of the top spot.   麦格雷戈奋力一搏,成功地将约翰逊从第一的位置上挤了下来。   10. Selling was my game and I intended to be a winner.   销售是我的老本行,我想做一个成功的销售者。   11. The sale is a big coup for the auction house.   这笔交易是该拍卖行的一大成功之举。   12. He succeeded with the aid of a pletely new method he discovered.   借助于自己发现的一种全新的方法,他获得了成功。   13. Experimenters have succeeded in controlling the rate and regularity of the heartbeat.   实验者已经成功控制了心跳的速度和频率。   14. The pany was coasting on the enormous success of its early products.   公司凭借早期产品的巨大成功而在市场上遥遥领先。   15. Anton was able to transfer from Lavine"s to an American pany.   安东成功地从拉文调到了一家美国公司.
2023-08-03 23:54:311


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2023-08-03 23:55:406


1.名词后缀1)-or/er/ess/crat/cis:做某件事情或职业的人或物:worker, debtor2)-acy,表示"性质,状态,境遇" democracy, accuracy, diplomacy3)-ance, -ence表示"性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度” importance, diligence, difference, obedience4)-ancy, -ency,表示"性质,状态,行为,过程" frequency, urgency, efficiency,5)-bility,表示"动作,性质,状态" possibility, flexibility, feasibility,6)-dom,表示"等级,领域,状态" freedom, kingdom, wisdom7)-hood,表示"资格,身份,年纪,状态" childhood, manhood, falsehood8)-ion, -sion, -tion, -ation, -ition,表示"行为的过程,结果,状况" action, solution, conclusion, destruction, expression, correction9)-ism,表示"制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为" socialism, criticism, colloquialism, heroism10)-ity,表示"性质,状态,程度” purity, reality, ability, calamity11)-ment,表示"行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果treatment, movement, judgment, punishment, argument12)-ness,表示"性质,状态,程度" goodness, kindness, tiredness, friendliness13)-ship,表示"情况,性质,技巧,技能及身份,职业” hardship, membership, friendship14)-th,表示"动作,性质,过程,状态" depth, wealth, truth, length, growth15)-tude,表示"性质,状态,程度" latitude, altitude(海拔)16)-ure,表示"行为,结果" exposure, pressure, failure, procedure(手续),17-grapy,表示"……学,写法” biography, calligraphy, geography18)-ic, ics,表示"……学……法" logic, mechanics, electronics, linguistics19)-ology,表示"……学……论”biology, zoology, technology(工艺学)20)-nomy,表示"……学……术" astronomy, economy, bionomy(生态学)2.形容词后缀(1)带有“属性,倾向,相关”的含义1)-able, -ible, visible, flexible2)名词-ish, foolish, bookish, selfish(注意accomplish, vanish)3)-ive, active, sensitive, productive4)-like, manlike, childlike5)名词-ly, manly, fatherly, scholarly, motherly6)-some, troublesome, handsome7)-ful, beautiful, wonderful, helpful, truthful8)-ous, dangerous, generous, courageous, various9)-ent, violent10)-most, foremost, topmost(11)less,表示否定,countless, stainless, wireless3.动词后缀1)-ize, ise,表示"做成,变成,……化“modernize, mechanize, democratize, organize2)-en,表示"使成为,引起,使有” quicken, weaken, soften, harden3)-fy,表示"使……化,使成”beautify, purify, intensify, signify, simplify4)-ish,表示"使,令” finish, abolish, diminish, establish5)-ate,表示“成为……,处理,作用” separate, operate, indicate4.副词后缀(形容词)-ly:bad→badly坏地/恶劣地,careful→carefully小心地-wise(OE):clock→clockwise(a./adv.)顺时针方向的(地);like→likewise同样地-wards:out→outwards向外面地,north→northwards向北方地copy某位博客里的内容的。加油,学习进步!
2023-08-03 23:56:071


The origin of English language.
2023-08-03 23:56:322


2023-08-03 23:56:583


【明星大腕之家】回复:Foreign affairs no small matter 望采纳,谢谢哦!
2023-08-03 23:57:063


2023-08-03 23:57:184


2023-08-03 23:57:312


形容词:-able, -al, - ful, -less, -ly, -ous, -y 名词:-tion, -ment, -nese, -ese, -er, -or, -ist 副词:-ly 动词:没有特别固定的
2023-08-03 23:57:532


2023-08-03 23:58:032

2023-08-03 23:59:033


China has become the main economic body in the current financial crisis, the only significant growth. China will play a key role in the economic and security affairs of the Southeast Asian region. China is using its economic magnetism in the Asia Pacific region to expand its international politics and diplomacy. America and Chinese in the Asia Pacific region the strength of the shift is obviously, Chinese gradually weakened America influence in the region. China is using economic strength to create a diplomatic environment conducive to their own, make international society increasingly leaned toward China with great radiation power of market and economic and trade relations. China is currently the world"s second largest trading country, the economic strength of the second. China"s international status and the development of the third world countries and the United nations.我正好以前写过一篇,存在U盘里呢,给你用吧。望采纳,谢谢哦!一定要采纳!
2023-08-03 23:59:141


大学英语笔译常考词汇   笔译字笔头翻译,下面是我整理的大学英语笔译常用词,希望能帮到大家!   粗放性增长方式 extensive mode of growth; inefficient model of growth   城乡社会救助体系 urban and rural emergency aid system   留守女士/留守男士 grasswidow/widower   农村合作医疗制度 system of rural cooperative medical care   城乡公共就业与服务 urban and rural systems for providing public employment services   加强和改善宏观调控 improve macro control   社会主义核心价值观 core socialist values   《国家发展规划纲要》Outline of the NationalDevelopment Program   (农村)劳动力转移就业 (rural workers) find work in nonagricultural sectors   城镇职工基本养老保险制度 basic old-age insurance system for urban workers   中国执行改革开放政策,争取在五十年内发展起来。   China, bypursuing the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, is striving tobecome developed within 50 years.   就我们中国来讲,首先要摆脱贫穷。要摆脱贫穷,就要找出一条较快的发展道路。   ForChina, the first thing is to shakeoff poverty. To do that, we have to find a way to develop rapidly.   中国人多、底子薄,发展很不平衡,人均国内生产总值还处于世界后列。   We have a huge population, a weak economicfoundation and uneven development, our per capita GDP ranks fairly low amongthe countries in the world.   中国拥有世界上最多的人口,农业人口也是世界第一。   China,with the largest population in the world, also ranks first in agriculturalpopulation.   尽管水资源匮乏,耕地面积只占世界的7%,但中国得养活全世界四分之一的人口。   In spite of water shortages and with just 7percent of the arable land on earth,Chinahas to feed a quarter of theworldu2019s population.   如果非常概括地评价一下我国的贫富差距情况,那就是我国经济差距的上升速度过快了一些。   A very rough study of disparities inChinau2019s wealthwill show that they accelerate too fast.   在短短的20年时间里,我国已经从平均主义盛行的国家,转变为超过了国际上中等不平等程度的国家。   Chinahastransferred from a country where economic equilibrium prevailed to one thatexceeds the medium level of imbalance in wealth distribution n the world in amatter of only two decades.   我国民众的生活水平有了较大的提高,这就是最大的上升流动。   The living standards of the people haveregistered a remarkable elevation. This is the upward movement in the broadestsense of the world.   在中国,以公有制为主体,各种经济成分共同发展的局面已经形成。   InChina, a pattern with the publicsector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side byside has taken shape.   the Bali Road Map 巴厘路线图   transatlantic divergence 大西洋两岸分歧   transformational diplomacy 转型外交   turbulent political scene 政局动荡   UN General Assembly 联合国大会   unilateral action 单边行动   verbal note 普通照会   weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器   widening income gaps 贫富加剧   中国的资源禀赋并不理想。   China is notendowed with sufficient resources.   全面实现农村免费义务教育,这是我国教育发展史上的"重要里程碑。   Free compulsoryeducation made available to all rural students marks an important milestone inthe history of the development of Chinau2019s education.   过去五年是改革开放和全面建设小康社会取得重大进展的五年,是社会生产力和综合国力显著增强的五年。   During the pastfive years, great strides were made in carrying our reform and opening up andbuilding a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and the productiveforces and overall national strength were significantly improved.   农民的生活水平不断提高,大部分农民已解决了温饱问题,不少农民已过上小康生活。   The livingstandards of farmers have kept rising. Most of them have enough food andclothing and quite a few are leading a moderately prosperous life.   香港回归祖国,标志着“一国两制”构想的巨大成功。   Hong Kongu2019sreturn to the motherland marks the great success of the concept of “onecountry, two systems.”   二十年多来,中国经济体制改革不断深化,综合国力明显增强,对外经贸合作日益扩大。   Over the pasttwo decades and more, China has deepened the reform of its economic system,notably increased its overall national strength and steadily expanded itsforeign economic cooperation and trade.   中国地处东亚,幅员辽阔,人口众多,历史悠久。   China is an EastAsian country with a large territory, a huge population and a long history.   中国从生产力到生产关系、从经济基础到上层建筑都发生了意义深远的重要变化。   China hasexperienced far-reaching changes in the productive forces and the relations ofproduction, as well as in the economic base and the superstructure.   人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾是中国社会面临的主要社会矛盾。   A principalchallenge to Chinese societyu2019s is the gap between the ever-growing material andcultural needs of the people and the backward production.   中国人口已超过13亿,约占世界人口的20%.   Our 1.3 billionpeople account for about one-fifth of the worldu2019s population. ;
2023-08-03 23:59:231


以下是关于“单边主义”的英语相关介绍,仅供参考:英文 unilateralism2.以下是关于单边主义一些例句和用法A comment on the unilateral diplomacy of the bush " s government评布什政府的单边主义外交The unilateral diplomatic policy of u . s . a and the north korea nuclear crisis美国单边主义外交政策在朝核危机中的映射On the unilateralist of trade policies carried out by usa in 1990s of 20 century论20世纪90年代美国贸易政策中的单边主义Like america , china can still display a penchant for unilateralism that undermines all its careful diplomacy与美国一样,中国仍可以表现出足以破坏其所有谨慎外交的单边主义倾向。
2023-08-03 23:59:361


歌曲:无尽的爱 歌手:成龙/金喜善 专辑:电影神话主题曲 解开我最神秘的等待 星星坠落风在吹动 终於再将你拥入怀中 两颗心颤抖 相信我不变的真心 千年等待有我承诺 无论经过多少的寒冬 我绝不放手 (韩语:以才那耶少呐儿恰苦努路卡妈又) 译文:现在紧抓住我的手闭上眼睛 (无礼差浪海斗那又三刚开吧又) 请你回想起过去我们恋爱的日子 (无礼脑目差浪海少) 我们是因为太爱 (啊怕少奶又) 所以更使得我们痛苦 (少路差浪哈达妈又没太少奶又) 我们连"爱你"这一句话都无法讲 每一夜被心痛穿越 思念永没有终点 早习惯了孤独相随 我微笑面对 相信我你选择等待 再多苦痛也不闪躲 只有你的温柔能解救 无边的冷漠 让爱成为你我心中 那永远盛开的花 穿越时空绝不低头 永不放弃的梦 金善喜: (无礼脑目差浪海少) 我们是因为太爱 (啊怕少奶又) 所以更使得我们痛苦 (少路差浪哈达妈又没太少奶又) 我们连"爱你"这一句话都无法讲 让爱成为你我心中 那永远盛开的花 金善喜: (无礼少就海斗那少以即那妈拉又) 我们千万不要忘记我们的约定 合唱: 唯有真爱追随你我 穿越无尽时空 金善喜: (少路差浪哈达妈又没太少奶又) 我们连"爱你"这一句话都无法讲 成龙: 爱是心中唯一不变美丽的神话yi jie na ye so gei qia gou 现在紧抓住我的手 nu die ka ma you 闭上眼睛 nu li sha da hai de na zu 请你回想起过去我们 sai de kai ma yo 恋爱的日子 nu li mo mu sa da hai so 我们是因为太爱 ha pa so nie yo 所以更使得我们痛苦 suo lu sa da ha da na yo 我们连"爱你"这句话 mo te so nie yo 都无法讲 yi jie na ye so gei qia gou 现在紧抓住我的手 nu die ka ma you 闭上眼睛 nu li sha da hai de na zu 请你回想起过去我们 sai de kai ma yo 恋爱的日子 nu li mo mu sa da hai so 我们是因为太爱 ha pa so nie yo 所以更使得我们痛苦 suo lu sa da ha da na yo 我们连"爱你"这句话 mo te so nie yo 都无法讲
2023-08-03 23:46:532


2023-08-03 23:46:541

there might be很大损失怎么用英语说

There might be a great loss.
2023-08-03 23:46:592


2023-08-03 23:46:591


三星等离子电视PA51H400AJ和PS51E490B2R, 两台等离子电视都是电源板上面的STD5915中间脚生铁锈腐蚀断,造成不开机,PS51E490B2R还造成Y板几个功率件击穿。STD5915,TO-92封装,(字面左到右脚位 E C B),与MJE13001是小功率高压高速开关三极管,采用TO-92封装,管脚排列一致,分析电路,也是低电压小电流,因此从手机廉价充电器拆来代换,引脚打上7098固化密封胶,烤机8小时,无问题,交给用户。
2023-08-03 23:47:003


造成损失 [词典] [法] cause losses; [例句]因种子问题而造成损失的赔偿范围和责任The Scope of Compensation and Liability of Damage caused by Seed
2023-08-03 23:47:071


2023-08-03 23:47:072


16进制即逢16进1,其中用A,B,C,D,E,F(字母不区分大小写)这六个字母来分别表示10,11,12,13,14,15。故而有16进制每一位上可以是从小到大为0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、A、B、C、D、E、F等16个大小不同的数。16进制到十进制16进制数的第0位的权值为16的0次方,第1位的权值为16的1次方,第2位的权值为16的2次方……所以,在第N(N从0开始)位上,如果是是数 X (X 大于等于0,并且X小于等于 15,即:F)表示的大小为 X * 16的N次方。例:2AF5换算成10进制:用竖式计算:第0位: 5 * 16^0 = 5第1位: F * 16^1 = 240第2位: A * 16^2= 2560第3位: 2 * 16^3 = 8192-------------------------------------10997直接计算就是:5 * 16^0 + F * 16^1 + A * 16^2 + 2 * 16^3 = 10997引自:百度百科供参考
2023-08-03 23:46:522


2023-08-03 23:46:503


And now the end is nearAnd so I face the final curtainMy friend Ill say it clearI"ll state my caseof which Im certainI"ve lived a life thats fullI"ve traveled each and evry highwayAnd more much more than thisI did it my wayRegrets I"ve had a fewBut then againtoo few to mentionI did what I had to doAnd saw it through without exemptionI planned each charted courseEach careful step along the bywayBut more much more than thisI did it my wayYes there were timesI"m sure you knewWhen I bit off more than I could chewBut through it allwhen there was doubtI ate it up and spit it outI faced it all and I stood tallAnd did it my wayI"ve loved Ive laughed and criedI"ve had my fill my share of losingAnd now as tears subsideI find it all so amusingTo think I did all thatAnd may I say not in a shy wayOh no oh no not meI did it my wayFor what is a manwhat has he gotIf not himself then he has naughtTo say the things he truly feelsAnd not the
2023-08-03 23:46:462


2023-08-03 23:46:461


standard 的简称,标准成人票,区别打折的学生,老人票
2023-08-03 23:46:401


2023-08-03 23:46:391