barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-04 09:09:49
TAG: 英语












She must have been crazy .
2023-08-03 22:16:5115


2023-08-03 22:17:2411


I must be mad
2023-08-03 22:17:557


翻译如下:I think that I must be crazy!
2023-08-03 22:18:122


问题一:我疯了用英语怎么说= = I am crazy 问题二:我要疯了用英语怎么说 你咋了??? 答案:I will be crazy。 后语: fanzuzhouxitong 请采纳哦!!! 问题三:你疯了吗英文怎么说? Are you crazy 或者是 are you insane? 这两句是最经常讲的了…… 问题四:我要疯了英语怎么说 I"m going crazy. I"m going mad. I would go crazy. 这些是美国人常常挂在嘴边的说法。 问题五:我快要疯了 用英语怎么说 I am crazy. 问题六:变得疯了用英语怎么说 bee mad 问题七:我想我要疯了u30fbu30fb用英语怎么说 没问题,也可以用going nuts或者going crazy 问题八:我已经疯了 英语翻译 谢谢 I am crazy now. 问题九:“我快要疯了”用英语怎么说 也可以的。只不过不能说gonna to be. 因为gonna 就是going to 的缩写。I"m gonna be crazy.
2023-08-03 22:18:191


He is crazy望采纳
2023-08-03 22:18:285


He must have been crazy at that time, wasn"t he?
2023-08-03 22:18:442


2023-08-03 22:18:528


go mad
2023-08-03 22:19:223


疯了吗?Are you crazy?
2023-08-03 22:19:323

用英语怎么说 我一定是疯了才会这么做

i must be nut to do that
2023-08-03 22:19:474


crazy mad
2023-08-03 22:20:037

疯狂英语怎么说 疯狂的英语是什么

  疯狂英语怎么说   1. 疯狂英语:疯狂,英语[u026anu02c8seu026an]美[u026anu02c8seu026an]。   2. 我对财富的渴望是疯狂而病态的,就像一块沉重的石头压在我的心里。我想发财的欲望是一种疯狂的、不健康的、压抑的欲望。   3.塞巴斯蒂安走不开的时候选择开着的窗户,这有一种疯狂而又可爱的有条不紊的态度。塞巴斯蒂安在走极端时选择了一扇开着的窗户,这里面还有一种疯狂而又可爱的秩序。
2023-08-03 22:20:182


问题一:"疯子"用英语怎么说 loony [例句]一开始他们都以为我是个疯子。 At first they all thought I was a loony. 问题二:疯子的英语单词怎么写? 疯子 : [ fēng zi ] 1. lunatic 2. madman 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. 如果你告诉他们你要乘木筏横渡太平洋,他们一定会认为你是个疯子。 They must think you are a madman if you tell them you want to cross the Pacific on a raft. 2. 有个疯子破坏了那幅画,在上面划了许多窟窿。 A madman mutilated the painting by cutting holes in it. 问题三:你是疯子吗?英语怎么说 Are you a XX? 以下 XX 全都是疯子的单词 lunatic madman loony looney luny loco kook nutcase maniac crackpot crackbrain ding-a-ling bedlamite psychotic nutter insane person 问题四:疯子的英文缩写怎么写 求答 您好,其实疯子的英文翻译有很多种,常用的有madman,maniac,lunatic等。 问题五:褒义的疯子怎么说? 和华语一样,主要是在语气上分别 nuts joke畅 crazy mad 。。。。 问题六:疯子,用英语怎么说 lunatic 名词 1. 疯子,疯傻的人[C] Who was the lunatic who gave the baby matches to play with? 是哪个 *** 把火柴拿给婴儿玩的? 形容词 1. 疯的,精神错乱的 2. 愚妄的,疯狂的 The man"s lunatic behavior is a menace to society. 那个人的疯狂行为构成对社会的威胁。 a lunatic proposal 愚妄的提议 madman 1. 疯子,精神病患者;狂人[C] He drives like a madman. 他开汽车像疯了似的。 madwoman 1. 疯女人 A crazy man/woman A man out of his mind A woman out of her mind 问题七:“疯子”用英语怎么说? bedlamite; crackpot; kook; loco; loony; lunatic; madman; maniac 【法】 insane; lunatic; madman; person of unsound mind 这些都是疯子郸意思,不过口语一点就是madman 问题八:疯子的英文是什么? 疯子 [fēng zi] lunatic ; madman ; madling ; bedlamite ; ding-a-ling 双语例句: 1. That crazy Debbie! He could wring her neck for this! 黛比那个疯子!他会为这把她的脖子拧断的! 2. God knows what"s happening in that madman"s mind, she muttered. 她咕哝着:“天知道那个疯子在想什么。” 3. The cabin looked as if a maniac had been let loose there. 小屋看上去像是被疯子在那撒过野一样。 问题九:你是疯子吗?英语怎么说 Are you a XX? 以下 XX 全都是疯子的单词 lunatic madman loony looney luny loco kook nutcase maniac crackpot crackbrain ding-a-ling bedlamite psychotic nutter insane person 问题十:褒义的疯子怎么说? 和华语一样,主要是在语气上分别 nuts joke畅 crazy mad 。。。。
2023-08-03 22:20:251


3 set. keys
2023-08-03 22:20:334


A bunch of keyssearchemailin classroomlost foundLibrarybookswatch
2023-08-03 22:20:475


You"re mad, or I"m Mad. Either you or I am mad.
2023-08-03 22:21:171


2023-08-03 22:21:342


  感觉有人不正常,可能要发疯,英文你只会用crazy或mad?那么你知道发疯还有哪些英语说法吗?下面来学习一下吧。    发疯的英语说法:   1. Funny farm   Funny farm不是“有趣的农场”,它专指“精神病院”,是种没礼貌的说法。所以,如果你对别人讲:“Do you belong in a funny farm? (你有病啊?)”小心挨揍哦!   2. Not all there   虽然人在你面前,但神志似乎不全在这里~ 英文用not all there形容人不清醒,做事不精明。例如:You canu2019t depend on Paul for much help. Heu2019s really not all there.(你别指望保罗能多帮忙。他这人糊涂着呢。)   3. Not in one"s right mind   人总有不在状态的时候,但要是脑子没在正常的波段里活动,就真的不正常了u2026u2026 Not in one"s right mind意思正是“精神失常”,例如:There"s something wrong with him. He"s not in his right mind. (他有点儿不对劲,神经不正常了。)   4. Mentally unstable   有一种不稳定是情绪的,还有一种不稳定是精神的。“情绪不稳定”英文可以说emotionally unstable。但如果说: She is mentally unstable.就是要疯了。   5. Lose one"s marbles   Marble本身有“大理石”、“弹珠”的意思,但其复数形式marbles还可以指人的心智。所以,lose one"s marbles就可以理解为失了心智,发疯。例:He"s losing his marbles.(他这是疯了。)    发疯的相关例句:   1. He was last seen striding maniacally to the hotel reception.   最后一次看见他的时候,他正发疯般地大跨步走向饭店的前台。   2. I would be insanely jealous if Bill left me for another woman.   如果比尔为了别的女人离开我,我会妒忌得发疯的。   3. He was almost maniacal in his pursuit of sporting records.   他近乎发疯般地追求着打破体育纪录。   4. If I"m inside for three days in a row, I go crazy.   如果连续3天不出来,我会发疯的。   5. This sitting around is driving me crazy.   老这样坐着无所事事快让我发疯了。   6. The driver grunted, convinced that Michael was crazy.   司机嘟哝了一声,认定迈克尔是发疯了。   7. I"m afraid he"s really lost it.   我想他是真的发疯了。   8. I"ll go bonkers if I have to wait any longer.   如果再等下去,我非发疯不可。   9. I"ve been nearly demented with worry about you.   我一直为你担心,都快发疯了。   10. He became almost hysterical when I told him.   我告诉他时,他几乎要发疯了。   11. There were a lot of crazy, dangerous people in the street.   在街上有很多发疯的 、 危险的人.   12. I can"t imagine lying like that. I would go crazy.   我无法想像那样躺着的情形, 我会发疯的.   13. The noise outside the building nearly drove me mad.   楼外的噪音几乎使我发疯.   14. She must have been up the pole to do such a thing.   她干这种事情准是发疯了.   15. The way that you"re doing it is completely crazy.   你这种习惯,简直是发疯了.
2023-08-03 22:21:531


2023-08-03 22:22:115

英语翻译他准是开玩笑,要不他是疯了(or. else)

翻译如下:他准是开玩笑,要不他是疯了He must be joking or else he"s mad
2023-08-03 22:22:531


救命啊!这些人都疯了Help! These people are crazy
2023-08-03 22:23:201


I"m crazy
2023-08-03 22:23:315


whether i am mad。
2023-08-03 22:23:489


Mad or not? 是不是疯了?Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. The airport was built during the war, but for some reason it could not be used then. Last year, however, it came into use. Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right.飞机正在逐渐把我逼疯。我住在一个机场附近,过往飞机日夜不绝于耳。机场是许多年前建的,但由于某种原因当时未能启用。然而去年机场开始使用了。有100多人肯定是被噪音逼得已经弃家远去,我是少数留下来的人中的一个。有时我觉得这房子就要被一架飞过的飞机撞倒。他们曾向我提供一大笔钱让我搬走,但我决定留在这儿。大家都说我肯定是疯了,也许他们说的是对的。
2023-08-03 22:24:061


How do I fall in love with him?
2023-08-03 22:24:152


2023-08-03 22:24:221


She must be out of control
2023-08-03 22:24:4614


2023-08-03 22:25:2311


问题一:我想我是疯了 英文怎么写 I think I"m crazy ;I think I am 供ad ;I think I was crazy 问题二:疯了英文怎么写 crazy 问题三:疯了英文怎么写? crazy 问题四:我快被你们逼疯了英文怎么写 you driven me mad 英文电影的说法 yo叮 got me crazy 英语教科书的说法 you piss me off 街骂的说法 问题五:我快疯了英文怎么写 I am gonna be mad. 电影中经常能听到这种说法。 you make me crazy, 经常用在男的对女的说,表达爱意的方式。 Piss off 形容很生气 问题六:菲尔普斯和索普谁强? 菲尔普斯 问题七:你疯了吗英文怎么说? Are you crazy 或者是 are you insane? 这两句是最经常讲的了…… 问题八:发疯英文怎么写的 go mad go crazy be possessed go ape out of one"s mind 还有个俚语be banana 问题九:英文(他妈的我要疯了)怎么写 不详
2023-08-03 22:25:481


“发疯”用英语怎么说 crazy 我要疯了用英语怎么说 你咋了??? 答案:I will be crazy。 后语: fanzuzhouxitong请采纳哦!!! 使我发疯用英语怎么说 it"s made me crazy 你疯了吗英文怎么说? Are you crazy 或者是 are you insane? 这两句是最经常讲的了…… 我疯了用英语怎么说= = I am crazy 发狂用英语怎么说 sth. freak *** . out 指某事使某人受到惊吓/或使某人发狂 *** is out of *** "s mind 某人疯了 疯狂用英文怎么说 疯狂 [fēng 顶uáng] 基本翻译 insane frenzied unbridled Crazy Smania madness 太疯狂了 用英语怎么说 that is way too crazy! 口语化一点。希望你能看懂 疯狂用英语怎么说? 楼上有点错误梗 crazy 是 疯狂 mad 是 疯子 "发疯的想你" 用英语怎么说? i miss you much i am nearly crazzy
2023-08-03 22:26:431


问题一:“发疯”用英语怎么说 crazy 问题二:我要疯了用英语怎么说 你咋了??? 答案:I will be crazy。 后语: fanzuzhouxitong 请采纳哦!!! 问题三:使我发疯用英语怎么说 it"s made me crazy 问题四:你疯了吗英文怎么说? Are you crazy 或者是 are you insane? 这两句是最经常讲的了…… 问题五:我疯了用英语怎么说= = I am crazy 问题六:发狂用英语怎么说 sth. freak *** . out 指某事使某人受到惊吓/或使某人发狂 *** is out of *** "s mind 某人疯了 问题七:疯狂用英文怎么说 疯狂 [fēng 顶uáng] 基本翻译 insane frenzied unbridled Crazy Smania madness
2023-08-03 22:26:501


问题一:你疯了吗英文怎么说? Are you crazy 或者是 are you insane? 这两句是最经常讲的了…… 问题二:‘你疯了"英文什么意思 You are crazy You are mad 问题三:“你才疯了”和“你疯了”英文意思是什么? 你才疯了It is you who are crazy 你疯了 You are crazy 问题四:关于英语“你疯了吗?”的翻译。 基本上意思相同,前者说起来比较繁琐,所以不常用 但美国人常说:are you out of your mind? ,语气更严重些的还有are you insane,表示你是不丹精神不正常了 问题五:"你疯了"用英语怎么写啊?? You are mad. You are crazy. 问题六:英文:你疯了吗、你有病吗(不是真的有病)、怎么说 Are you crazy? Are you all right? Something wrong?这几个都可以的 问题七:你真的疯了英语怎么说 you are crazyyou are really crazyyou must be mad 问题八:“我已经被你逼疯了”英语翻译。 You drive me crazy. You drive me mad. 问题九:‘你疯了"英文什么意思 You are crazy You are mad 问题十:“你才疯了”和“你疯了”英文意思是什么? 你才疯了It is you who are crazy 你疯了 You are crazy
2023-08-03 22:26:571


2023-08-03 22:27:251


2023-08-03 22:27:322

我疯了用英语怎么说= = 要准确的

I am crazy
2023-08-03 22:27:521

是你疯了还是我疯了 用英语怎么说

are you going mad or am I?
2023-08-03 22:28:003


2023-08-03 22:28:071

想的都快要疯了 用英语怎么说

2023-08-03 22:28:143


I"m crazy
2023-08-03 22:28:264


Yesterday was my friend Kyra"s birthday. He invited me his birthday party. Another friend, Guy, had offered to take me to the party by car. Well, I was getting dressed 1 (B. when) Guy rang and said he was ill, so I decided to go by train. Unluckily, while I was talking 2 (A. on) the phone, the cat walked over my clean shirt, so I had to spend a few minutes finding another one and I was 3 ?? leaving. As I was walking to the station it started snowing and I got very cold. I just 4 (D. missed) a train and I had to wait at the station for half an hour. When the train finally arrived I was frozen! I was so cold and tired that during the journey I 5 (B. fell asleep) and I missed my station. Well, I got off at the next stop and decided to walk 6 (C. back) to Kyra"s. I walked for half an hour and then I realized I was 7 (D. lost) . Luckily I found a 8 (A. phone) and telephoned for a taxi. When I finally arrived at Kyra"s house it was 9 (B. nearly) midnight and people was going home. What a 10 (C. terrible) evening!
2023-08-03 22:28:533

我疯了用英语怎么说= =

I"m crazy!
2023-08-03 22:29:044


Is the world crazy or me ?
2023-08-03 22:29:192


I"m going crazy
2023-08-03 22:29:294


you are cray
2023-08-03 22:29:443


2023-08-03 22:29:539


Would you please u2026u2026uff1fWould you like to u2026u2026uff1fI wonder if you wouldu2026u2026uff1fWould you be so kind as to u2026u2026uff1fI would appreciate it if you u2026u2026uff1fThank you.Good night!See you later.
2023-08-03 22:30:216

别理他 他疯了的英语怎么说

这里呢,你可以这样说 Don"t care him. He fool!之类的。如果你想要别的话。Don"t frighten me, I will be crazy.(别吓我,我会疯狂的)还有就是一个很好用的, stop it. stand near the wall.(别动,站在墙边)之类的。都是可以跟朋友开玩笑的哦!加油学习吧!
2023-08-03 22:30:401

帮忙用英语翻译一段话 都他妈疯了吗?说话像放屁一样!操!!

2023-08-03 22:30:524


用Hers.这是物主代词.意思是"她的".而Her是"她She"的宾格.物主代词后不跟名词.比如 This is my book=The book is mine.
2023-08-03 22:31:091