barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-03 19:32:41

last week I went to the Xiangjiang Zoo in Panyu.with my family.The zoo was very big and very beautiful ,the zoo has a lot of animals ,panda,lion,tiger,snake,elephant,fox… Collected By Panda ws very cute and very fat ,but it was not my favourite animal.Lion ws very strong ,but it wasn"t my favourite animal either,because it wasn"t very handsome.Tiger ws very strong and very handsome ,it"s my favourite animal,because it"s very strong and very handsome.I feel very happy !


Last weekend, I went to the zoo with my family. It was a sunny day, perfect for spending time outside. We arrived at the zoo early in the morning and spent the whole day there.

We saw many different animals, including lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes, and monkeys. The lions were sleeping in the shade, but the tigers were active and playful, chasing each other around their enclosure. The elephants were eating hay and using their trunks to squirt water on themselves. The giraffes were towering over us with their long necks, and the monkeys were swinging from branch to branch, entertaining us with their acrobatics.

We also visited the bird house and saw many different kinds of birds, from parrots to peacocks. The colors of their feathers were so beautiful and vibrant.

One of my favorite parts of the day was the petting zoo, where we got to feed and pet some of the animals. We fed the goats and sheep, and even got to hold a baby chick.

At lunchtime, we had a picnic in a shaded area of the zoo. We brought sandwiches, fruit, and chips, and enjoyed our meal while watching the animals around us.

After lunch, we continued exploring the zoo and saw some more animals, such as zebras, camels, and kangaroos. We also watched a sea lion show, where the trainers taught the sea lions to perform tricks.

As the day came to an end, we were tired but happy. We had seen so many amazing animals and had a great time together as a family. I can"t wait to go back to the zoo again.


宠物用英语怎么说 宠物用英语如何说

1、宠物:pet 2、英[pet]、美[pet] 3、n.宠物; 宠儿; 宝贝; 红人; (昵称)宝贝儿,乖乖; 4、v.抚摸; (爱抚地)摩挲; 亲吻; 调情; 爱抚; 5、adj.很喜欢的; 钟爱的; 很感兴趣的; 6、[例句]People think Im sick for having a rat as a pet.人们认为我养只耗子当宠物是变态。 7、[其他]第三人称单数:pets 复数:pets 现在分词:petting 过去式:petted 过去分词:petted
2023-08-03 15:11:542


英音为[pets] 精——锐
2023-08-03 15:12:242

pet 英语怎么读

pet[英][pet][美][pu025bt]n.宠物; 宠儿; 受宠的人; 生气; adj.宠爱的,溺爱的; 表示亲昵的; vt.宠爱; 爱抚,亲抚; vi.<非正>亲吻; 爱抚; 第三人称单数:pets过去分词:petted复数:pets现在进行时:petting过去式:petted
2023-08-03 15:12:551


  1、pet英[pet],美[pet].   2、n.宠物;宠儿;宝贝;红人;(昵称)宝贝儿,乖乖;   3、v.抚摸;(爱抚地)摩挲;亲吻;调情;爱抚;   4、adj.很喜欢的;钟爱的;很感兴趣的;   5、[例句]Itisplainlycrueltokeepturtlesaspets.显然,养海龟作宠物十分残忍。   6、[其他]第三人称单数:pets复数:pets现在分词:petting过去式:petted过去分词:petted.
2023-08-03 15:13:321


2023-08-03 15:13:495


2023-08-03 15:14:324


electronic pet
2023-08-03 15:15:344

英语翻译 摸摸。 (朋友的手受伤了,我说摸摸 ,但是不知道英语什么词合适,touch 或者pe

2023-08-03 15:15:523

no petting place

应选A 因为before就是用于现在完成时的“since two years before”这样的时间状语才能用于过去完成时 给你举个例子吧:I had known him since three years before I have known him since three years ago或I have known him for three years 这道题前有“knows”说明是以现在为终点,就应为现在完成时 你可以看看“现在完成时”和“过去完成时”的定义: 现在完成时:过去发生并且已经完成的动作对现在造成影响或后果,过去某一时间开始并一直 持续到现在并且有可能还会持续的动作或状态. 过去完成时:①表示#发生在过去的动作#对现在造成的某种影响影响或结果②过去某动作一直持 续到现在将来可能还要延续下去.#句中的动作发生在过去之前(过去的过去)#, 即#过去完成时动作发生在过去的过去#. 注意标#的地方:总的来说,就是过去完成时是对过去有影响并一直持续至今,现在完成时是对现在有影响! “knows”是一般现在时,应用现在完成时 我一直是这么理解的,希望可以帮到你
2023-08-03 15:16:041


Dogs are one of the most beloved pets, known for their loyalty, playfulness, and loving nature. Here are some key features that make dogs special:1. Furry and cuddly: Dogs come in a variety of breeds, each with their own unique coat of fur. From soft and fluffy to short and sleek, petting a dog can be incredibly comforting and calming.2. Playful: Dogs are known for their love of playtime, whether it"s chasing after a ball or playing tug-of-war with their favorite toy. This energy and enthusiasm can be contagious and bring joy to their owners.3. Loyal: Dogs are fiercely loyal and protective of their owners. They will stand by their human companions through thick and thin, making them a perfect companion for those in need of a faithful friend.4. Intelligent: Dogs are capable of learning a wide variety of tricks and commands. They have an excellent sense of smell and can be trained to perform tasks such as finding lost items or assisting those with disabilities.5. Social: Dogs are social creatures and enjoy spending time with their owners and other dogs. They have the ability to form strong bonds with people and animals, making them a favorite among pet lovers.Overall, dogs make for excellent pets because of their loving nature, playful personalities, and loyal companionship. They truly are man"s best friend.
2023-08-03 15:16:313

A little kid is petting a little dog witn smile on the corner in the rainy season. 这句话 有错误

on the corner 不对。on表示在转角的上面用at比较好。在转角处,at是表示在某个地点。例如at home还有就是with smile
2023-08-03 15:16:432

Your Fine Petting Duck 歌词

歌曲名:Your Fine Petting Duck歌手:Devendra Banhart专辑:MalaDevendra Banhart - Your Fine Petting Duck.I"ll take you back"Cause I don"t really love himNo, no, noGive me thatWon"t you gimme gimmeGive me all your lovingAnd I"ll call youAnd hope that you won"t say."If he ever treats you badPlease remember how much worse I treated youIf he doesn"t try his bestPlease remember that I never tried at allAnd if he makes you cry a lotPlease remember that with me you never stoppedI never held on long enough to let you go".Come back babyI never really loved himI"ll take you backI never really loved him."If he don"t give enough timePlease remember that I never gave you mineAnd if he doesn"t have a dimePlease forget how hard I worked to get you lotsYou, you always knewBut you pushed it, babyYeah, you pushed it, babyYou looked away".Come back babyI never really loved himI"ll take you backI never really loved him."If he ever is untruePlease remember I was tooAnd so much more soIf he doesn"t have a cluePlease forget how much I always had a fewIf he ever is unkindAt least he"ll never change his mindNot the way I always did and still will do".Als eine Flamme rei
2023-08-03 15:16:541


1、幼猫突然咬人可能是在跟你玩耍。一些几个月大的小猫咪最喜欢跟主人或者猫妈妈玩耍,玩的过程中经常会用嘴啃咬一些东西,比如你的手指、胳膊还有猫妈妈的尾巴等等,可能是猫咪肉食动物的天性在小的时候会表现的肆无忌惮,这也是自我训练猎食能力的一种方式吧。所以跟它玩耍的时候,它经常会突然抱住你的手咬一咬然后再舔一舔,这个时候不要太担心被咬破,小猫咪通常不会太用力。2、成年猫突然咬人也许是好奇心试探主人。当然,成年猫也有跟主人正玩耍突然就上嘴的时候,咬着你的手还盯着你看,这是它在好奇你会是什么反应,猫都是好奇宝宝,可能是在试探你会不会生气打他,在它看来这也是跟你玩耍的一个方式。有的猫主子甚至会咬你一口就迅速跑到远处,然后看着你会不会追它,你要追它就中计了,它会满屋疯跑,强行让你陪它玩追逐游戏。3、有些咬人的情况可能是猫咪发脾气了。不排除有脾气不好的猫咪,本来给它顺毛顺的正美呢,就突然被咬一口,吓一跳不说还疼的不行,是不是很想揍它一顿。其实人家只是突然心情不好了,你要么就是摸毛摸太久它烦了,要么就是碰到禁忌处了,个别脾气古怪的猫确实是不喜欢被人触碰一些地方,比如肚皮、尾巴附近、脚趾等等。这种情况就注意尽量不要去碰它不喜欢的地方,避免被咬。4、猫咪在紧张不安的状态下也容易咬人。一般家养的猫咪性格通常都会比较温顺,居住和饮食都比较安逸的情况下猫咪咬人的情况不多,除非发生什么事情令它局促不安或者非常紧张,难免性情变急躁,就有可能发生突然咬人的情况。比如家里多出其它宠物猫咪或者狗狗,在自己领域被侵犯到的情况下,还有在吃食被打扰到的情况下,母猫的宝宝被挪动的情况下等等,以上情况是会令猫咪性情变坏的原因。对于猫咪这种疯起来连自己尾巴都会咬的“***”,突然咬人的原因也是千奇百怪。如果从小养的话还是要好好训练,不然养成坏习惯,遭罪的是“铲屎官”自己。今天给大家分析了几个猫咪突然咬人的原因,欢迎来讨论。其实这个现象有个专有名词叫做“抚摸性攻击行为”(Petting-induced aggression),顾名思义就是当你抚摸猫咪时可能会导致猫咪咬你;很多人会因此觉得猫咪实在很任性,然而它其实反映了几件事情,当猫奴疏忽时才会导致被咬的下场!那么,要怎么样才能看出猫咪是不是已经满足了呢?1猫咪开始大幅度地摇甩尾巴猫咪用力摆动尾巴是不耐烦的表示,这一点和狗狗是正好相反的哦!2放下巴的力道减轻当猫奴抓抓猫咪下巴时,如果猫咪觉得很舒服会把下巴整个压在猫奴手上;但如果发现猫咪不再那么放松用力放下巴的话,就表示它觉得差不多了!3耳朵开飞机当猫咪觉得不耐烦时,耳朵就会往后平压,也就是俗称的开飞机!看到猫咪开飞机就表示差不多该停手了!①摸摸时间太久啦有时猫咪会主动过来要求抚摸,然而摸到了一个程度之后,当猫咪觉得够了的时候,你如果还一直摸,它们就会咬你,意思是“够了,不用再摸啰!”②猫咪不喜欢你摸摸的方式如果猫咪觉得你摸的方式它不喜欢,也可能会给你咬下去!因此平常就要了解猫咪喜欢被摸哪里和不喜欢被摸哪里~虽然每只猫咪的喜好不尽相同,不过大致上还是有个原则的。猫咪基本上喜欢被摸它平常自己舔不到的地方,例如下巴、后颈、耳后等等,背和肚子因为自己就舔得到了,再加上是脆弱的地方,因此不太爱给人碰;而四肢则是因为很敏感,大部份的猫咪也都不喜欢被摸到这里。另外值得注意的是,最好不要用整只手掌下去摸猫,那对猫咪来说接触面积有点太大,它们也不喜欢哦!③身体不舒服猫咪是很会隐忍病痛的动物,即使身体不舒服,平常很可能也看不出来!因此若是在摸摸的过程中摸到它不舒服或疼痛的部位,当然它就会咬人!所以在被咬时也要注意一下是否摸到某个固定部位猫咪才会咬你?如果是的话,最好到医院去做详细检查哦!④最后千万不要因为猫咪突然咬你就生气,甚至是惩罚它!这样不仅不会改善,反而会破坏猫咪对你的信任感而使得情况越来越严重!正确的方法应该是多多和你家猫咪沟通,慢慢地掌握好相处之道哦!猫咪的性格是这样的,只是性格活泼好动的猫咪表现非常明显。我的那只小公猫就是这样的,在它不困的时候你摸一下它的头它就会疯狂的抓呀咬呀,以为你跟它玩呢!但是咬起来有时会有点重,当然这是对人的感觉来说,如果猫咪是充满攻击性的咬你,成年的大猫咪可以直接把你的手心咬穿,小猫也能咬破。所以它们咬你的时候主要是在玩耍! 你的猫咪性格和我的很像,除非睡觉的时候特别乖,其它时候就野的很!一般这种性格的猫咪不是小公猫就是从小养起,被宠得。小母猫性格较温和一些。我前段时间抱过一只流浪的小母猫回去,和我的那只简直就是天上地下。乖得不得了,特别喜欢让人抱!也是因为流浪的猫咪更珍惜这来之不易的家!小猫咪自己或与人玩耍时,往往会做出突然咬人的行为,这种行为叫做“游戏型攻击行为”,是小猫在成长过程中发育的需要。猫的天性就是捕猎小动物,小猫必须通过游戏来锻炼其生存技能。如果家中的小猫没有同类玩伴,它就会把游戏的对象转向人。而人往往经常用手逗弄小猫玩耍,小猫就会把人手当成它的假想敌。在玩耍中,小猫有时会渐渐得意忘形,结果就会有突然咬人的行为。 希望能够帮到您
2023-08-03 15:17:042


2023-08-03 15:17:155

I took my 9-year-old daughter,Suzan and 5-year-old son,Robbie to the shopping centre.As we got

小题1:D小题2:B小题3:A小题4:C 试题分析:本文通过Suzan把钱给Robbie,让她去玩。说明爱就是牺牲,就是奉献。小题1:D 主旨大意题。通过文章中讲述的这个故事,告诉我们爱就是要为别人做出牺牲,爱就是真正的行动,故D项正确。小题2:B 细节题。根据本句Then she said the most beautiful thing I ever heard.She repeated the family motto(座右铭),which is “Love is Action!”说明这样的说法是我们加的座右铭,故B正确。小题3:A 推理题。根据第五段1,2行She said sadly,“Well,Daddy,a ticket for Petting Zoo costs fifty cents.So I gave Robbie my quarter.”说明她很无私地把自己的钱给了妹妹,故A正确。小题4:C 推理题。根据文章最后一句I put my hand into my pocket and took out the money.Sure,I must do that !可知我伸手去拿钱给她,那么接下来她也可以和小动物玩了。故C正确。点评:本文旨在告诉我们爱就是要奉献,测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释。考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点。
2023-08-03 15:18:111

getting什么意思 中文

  getting英 [u02c8getu026au014b] 美 ["ɡetu026au014b]  n.获得(物),利益;  v.得到; ( get的现在分词 ) 抓住; 说服; 受到; (惩罚等)  [网络]获得; 采掘; 采煤;  [例句]All sorts of people I found were getting honoraria for various extra duties that they had assigned to them.  我看到各种各样的人都因为承担他们所指派的各种额外工作而获得酬金。  [其他]形近词: petting hatting betting
2023-08-03 15:18:322


Fly in the sky, a breeze through face, that kind of feeling can not use language to express.
2023-08-03 15:18:463

求英语作文,字数120-150字: Why Do People Keep Pets?

Why Do People Keep Pets?People keep pets for various reasons. Firstly, pets provide companionship and emotional support. Many individuals find solace in the unconditional love and loyalty of their pets. Pets offer a sense of comfort and companionship, especially for those who live alone or struggle with loneliness. They become a source of emotional support, offering a listening ear and a warm presence.Secondly, pets can contribute to our overall well-being. Numerous studies have shown that owning a pet can have positive effects on mental and physical health. The act of caring for a pet can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve mood. Pets also encourage physical activity, as walking a dog or playing with a cat promotes exercise and a healthier lifestyle.Furthermore, pets can teach us important life lessons. They teach us responsibility and compassion. Taking care of a pet requires commitment, such as feeding, grooming, and providing medical care. This responsibility helps individuals develop a sense of accountability and empathy towards another living being.In addition, pets can serve as a form of entertainment and provide joy to their owners. Whether it"s playing with a dog, watching a fish swim, or listening to a bird sing, pets bring moments of happiness and amusement into our lives. Their playful nature and unique personalities bring a sense of joy and light-heartedness to our daily routines.Lastly, some people keep pets for practical reasons. Dogs can serve as loyal protectors and guardians, providing a sense of security. Cats can help control pests like mice and rats. Pets can also assist individuals with specific needs, such as guide dogs for the visually impaired or therapy animals for those with physical or emotional challenges.In conclusion, people keep pets for various reasons, including companionship, emotional support, improved well-being, learning life lessons, entertainment, and practical benefits. The bond between humans and their pets is a special one, filled with love, joy, and mutual understanding. Regardless of the reasons, pets have become an integral part of many people"s lives, enriching their daily experiences and bringing immense happiness.
2023-08-03 15:19:353


be a party to sth. 与某事发生关系, 参与某事Boston Tea Party [美]波士顿茶叶事件(1773年12月波士顿人袭击英国茶船; 将船上价值一万八千镑的茶叶倾入海中)coming-out party [口]介绍少女初进社交界的交谊会crash a party [美俚]未经邀请而闯进宴会, 做不速之客firing party (对军事法庭判处死刑的犯人执行枪决的)行刑队 (举行军人葬礼时的)鸣枪队firing squad (对军事法庭判处死刑的犯人执行枪决的)行刑队 (举行军人葬礼时的)鸣枪队hen party [口]妇女的集会house party 留客人在别墅过夜(或小住)的招待会; 参加别墅招待会的全体宾客make one"s party good 作有效的抵抗; 说清自己的立场necktie party [美、俚]绞死; 私刑处死petting party [口](青年男女的)爱抚会(可以拥抱, 接吻等)spoiler party [美](在选举中为击败某一政党而成立的)第三政党stag party [口]只有男人参加的交谊会surprise party 突击队, 奇袭队; [美]为招待某朋友由各人自带食品突然到他家里的聚会tacky party [美]客人故意穿乡下人衣服参加的社交集会; 客人穿着华丽而又俗不可耐的衣服参加的社交集会(最佳者可以得奖)third party 第三者, 第三方; [美](两党制政体的)第三党throw a party [口]举行宴会, 酒会等give a party [口]举行宴会, 酒会等hold a party [口]举行宴会, 酒会等war party 主战派work party (执行特定任务的)工作组, 工作班子 专题调查委员会working party (执行特定任务的)工作组, 工作班子 专题调查委员会
2023-08-03 15:19:501


2023-08-03 15:20:462


pet[英][pet] [美][pu025bt] 生词本 简明释义 n.宠物;宠儿;受宠的人;生气 adj.宠爱的,溺爱的;表示亲昵的 vt.宠爱;爱抚,亲抚 vi.<非正>亲吻;爱抚 复数:pets第三人称单数:pets过去式:petted过去分词:petted现在分词:petting 易混淆的单词:PetPET 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 同反义词 1.N-COUNT宠物A pet is an animal that you keep in your home to give you company and pleasure. It is plainly cruel to keep turtles as pets. 显然,养海龟作宠物十分残忍. ...a bachelor living alone in a flat with his pet dog... 带着宠物狗独自住在一所公寓里的单身汉
2023-08-03 15:20:551


pet[英][pet] [美][pu025bt] 生词本简明释义n.宠物;宠儿;受宠的人;生气adj.宠爱的,溺爱的;表示亲昵的vt.宠爱;爱抚,亲抚vi.<非正>亲吻;爱抚复数:pets第三人称单数:pets过去式:petted过去分词:petted现在分词:petting易混淆的单词:PetPET以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 同反义词1.N-COUNT宠物A pet is an animal that you keep in your home to give you company and pleasure.It is plainly cruel to keep turtles as pets.显然,养海龟作宠物十分残忍。...a bachelor living alone in a flat with his pet dog...带着宠物狗独自住在一所公寓里的单身汉
2023-08-03 15:21:231


2023-08-03 15:21:351


pet[英][pet][美][pu025bt]n.宠物; 宠儿; 受宠的人; 生气; adj.宠爱的,溺爱的; 表示亲昵的; vt.宠爱; 爱抚,亲抚; vi.<非正>亲吻; 爱抚; 第三人称单数:pets过去分词:petted复数:pets现在进行时:petting过去式:petted
2023-08-03 15:21:431

petting zoo什么意思

2023-08-03 15:22:052


pet英[pet]美[pu025bt]n.宠物; 宠儿; 受宠的人; 生气adj.宠爱的,溺爱的; 表示亲昵的vt.宠爱; 爱抚,亲抚vi.<非正>亲吻; 爱抚第三人称单数:pets复数:pets现在分词:petting过去式:petted过去分词:petted
2023-08-03 15:22:121


不一样。pet和get发音不一样。1、pet,美pet英pet,n.宠物;宠儿;宝贝;红人,v.抚摸;(爱抚地)摩挲;亲吻;调情,adj.很喜欢的;钟爱的;很感兴趣的,abbr.(=Peter),网络:聚酯(Polyester);聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯;聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯,复数:pets 过去式:petted,分词:petting。2、get,美ɡet英ɡet,v.得到;获得;使;收到,n.赢利;薪资;牧幼畜;(煤炭)产量,linkv.处于,网络:拿到;获取;到达,过去式:got 过去分词:gotten 现在分词:getting 第三人称单数:gets。
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2023-08-03 15:22:341

its happy to________英语作文

happy to pet a dogThe way you pet a dog can make you his favorite person — or the human he"s always trying to avoid. Certain red-flag petting tactics send most dogs running in the other direction, while other petting strategies will have a dog tail-waggin" happy in your hands. Whether you"re petting your own dog or one you"ve just met, here are some strategies for better petting, including petting styles to avoid and those to employ.Start With a Proper GreetingThe first rule of petting is never pet a dog who doesn"t initiate contact. This is especially important to enforce with children, who will often approach a dog who is lying down, cornered in a room or actively trying to get away.Rather than reaching out and touching the dog, invite him to make the first contact by squatting down so you are closer to his level; with a reserved or fearful dog, turn your body to the side to make yourself less threatening. If you"re dealing with a confident dog, you can invite him to approach you by bending over slightly, patting your legs and backing up while coaxing with your voice.Avoid hovering over the dog when greeting him; this can be perceived as a threat. Instead, turn your body slightly to the side and make minimal eye contact at the first greeting (eye contact can also be interpreted as a threat). Instead, allow the dog to approach you first. With a shy dog, pretend to ignore him and look away for the first few moments until he discovers you"re safe to approach.Ready, Set, PetA friendly dog will approach with his ears held back slightly and his tail held out at medium height behind him, with a wide sweeping wag. When the dog sniffs your body, he is gathering information about you, not necessarily inviting you to pet him. If he backs away or acts leery or jumpy, don"t pet him. If he exhibits a loose, wiggly body posture with relaxed eyes and mouth as he moves toward you or if he initiates brief eye contact, he is most likely indicating friendliness and a desire for interaction.Once the approach has been made, pet the dog slowly in areas where he is comfortable being touched. A dog who enjoys petting will usually lean toward you or actively seek contact with you when you stop petting him. If the dog attempts to move away or displays signs of discomfort, such as licking his lips or showing the whites of his eyes, give him some space.Best Spots to PetMost dogs are comfortable being petted on the chest, the shoulders and the base of the neck. When petting these areas, reach in from the side, rather than moving your hand over the top of the dog"s head. Individual dogs also have specific spots where they like to be petted; common areas are the base of the tail, under the chin or on the back of the neck where the collar hits. Most dogs dislike being touched on top of the head and on the muzzle, ears, legs, paws and tail. Slow petting, similar to gentle massage or light scratching, can calm a dog down. Place your hand on an area where the dog enjoys being handled and gently move your hand or fingers in the same direction the fur lies. Petting should be calming and therapeutic for both dog and person, both reaping the mutual benefits of shared contact. When you pet a dog in a relaxed, slow and gentle manner, he is likely to lean in tight for more.
2023-08-03 15:23:061


happy to pet a dogThe way you pet a dog can make you his favorite person — or the human he"s always trying to avoid. Certain red-flag petting tactics send most dogs running in the other direction, while other petting strategies will have a dog tail-waggin" happy in your hands. Whether you"re petting your own dog or one you"ve just met, here are some strategies for better petting, including petting styles to avoid and those to employ.Start With a Proper GreetingThe first rule of petting is never pet a dog who doesn"t initiate contact. This is especially important to enforce with children, who will often approach a dog who is lying down, cornered in a room or actively trying to get away.Rather than reaching out and touching the dog, invite him to make the first contact by squatting down so you are closer to his level; with a reserved or fearful dog, turn your body to the side to make yourself less threatening. If you"re dealing with a confident dog, you can invite him to approach you by bending over slightly, patting your legs and backing up while coaxing with your voice.Avoid hovering over the dog when greeting him; this can be perceived as a threat. Instead, turn your body slightly to the side and make minimal eye contact at the first greeting (eye contact can also be interpreted as a threat). Instead, allow the dog to approach you first. With a shy dog, pretend to ignore him and look away for the first few moments until he discovers you"re safe to approach.Ready, Set, PetA friendly dog will approach with his ears held back slightly and his tail held out at medium height behind him, with a wide sweeping wag. When the dog sniffs your body, he is gathering information about you, not necessarily inviting you to pet him. If he backs away or acts leery or jumpy, don"t pet him. If he exhibits a loose, wiggly body posture with relaxed eyes and mouth as he moves toward you or if he initiates brief eye contact, he is most likely indicating friendliness and a desire for interaction.Once the approach has been made, pet the dog slowly in areas where he is comfortable being touched. A dog who enjoys petting will usually lean toward you or actively seek contact with you when you stop petting him. If the dog attempts to move away or displays signs of discomfort, such as licking his lips or showing the whites of his eyes, give him some space.
2023-08-03 15:23:131

no spetting是什么意思

no spitting禁止吐痰;请勿随地吐痰;不准随地吐痰;不要随地吐痰1. No spitting on the street. 禁止在大街上吐痰.来自口语例句2. No spitting. No smoking. No talking. 请不要随地吐痰, 不要抽烟, 不要大声交谈.
2023-08-03 15:23:221


决战以拉谷/震撼效应/In the Valley of Elah(美国)(2007年).... .(主演)性与死亡101/Sex and Death 101(美国)(2007年).... Hope Hartlight.(主演)The Night of the White Pants/The Night of the White Pants(美国)(2006年).... Vivian Hagan.(主演)Conversations with God/Conversations with God(美国)(2006年).... .(主演)Mrs. Harris/Mrs. Harris(美国)(2005年).... .(主演)吸引法则/相吸法则/诱惑法则/恋爱法则/Laws of Attraction(英国)(2004年).... Sara Miller.(主演)尘雾家园/House of Sand and Fog(美国)(2003年).... Connie Walsh.(主演)The Lyon"s Den/The Lyon"s Den(美国)(2003年).... Brit Hanley.(主演)The Lyon"s Den/The Lyon"s Den(美国)(2003年).... Brit Hanley.(主演)蓝色汽车/Blue Car(美国)(2002年).... Delia.(主演)Glory Days/Glory Days(美国)(2002年).... Mitzi Dolan.(主演)The Rising Place/The Rising Place(美国)(2001年).... Virginia Wilder.(主演)激情与偏见/Passion and Prejudice(美国)(2001年).... Dr. Gwen Barry.(主演)Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis/Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis(美国)(2000年).... Janet Lee Bouvier Auchincloss.(主演)Titus/Titus(美国)(2000年).... Juanita Titus #2 (2000-2001).(主演)急速60秒/极速60秒/Gone in Sixty Seconds(美国)(2000年).... Junie Halliwell.(主演)奥黛丽赫本的故事/The Audrey Hepburn Story(美国)(2000年).... Ella Hepburn.(主演)迫切的任务/True Crime(美国)(1999年).... D.A. Cecilia Nussbaum.(主演)Traffic/Traffic(美国)(1999年).... .(主演)天才的玩笑/大玩笑/The Big Tease(英国)(1999年).... Candy.(主演)Do Me a Favor/Do Me a Favor(美国)(1997年).... Librarian.(主演)泰坦尼克号/铁达尼号/Titanic(美国)(1997年).... Ruth DeWitt Bukater.(主演)勇闯天涯路/Wild America(美国)(1997年).... Agnes Stouffer.(主演)Female Perversions/Female Perversions(德国)(1996年).... Annunciata.(主演)脱衣舞娘/Striptease(美国)(1996年).... Donna Garcia.(主演)Waiting for Guffman/Waiting for Guffman(美国)(1996年).... Rita Savage (uncredited).(主演)Stars Fell on Henrietta, The/Stars Fell on Henrietta, The(美国)(1995年).... Cora Day.(主演)绝地50尺女巨人/Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman(美国)(1993年).... Dr. Theodora Cushing.(主演)蜘蛛女煞星/Praying Mantis(美国)(1993年).... Betty.(主演)不可饶恕/杀无赦/豪情盖天/不被饶恕的人/Unforgiven(美国)(1992年).... Strawberry Alice.(主演)推动致命的羔羊/Devlin(美国)(1992年).... Maryellen.(主演)L·A·故事/L.A. Story(美国)(1991年).... June.(主演)Lucy & Desi: Before the Laughter/Lucy & Desi: Before the Laughter(美国)(1991年).... Lucille Ball.(主演)无敌警长/Frame Up(美国)(1991年).... Jo Westlake.(主演)我很酷,但我很精灵/Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael(美国)(1990年).... Rochelle Bossetti.(主演)小城风波/Cold Sassy Tree(美国)(1989年).... Loma Williams.(主演)Heavy Petting/Heavy Petting(美国)(1989年).... Herself.(主演)Patty Hearst/Patty Hearst(英国)(1988年).... Yolanda.(主演)Tough Guys Don"t Dance/Tough Guys Don"t Dance(美国)(1987年).... Jessica Pond.(主演)
2023-08-03 15:23:381

英语名著阅读——汤姆·索亚历险记:第三章 3

词汇预习: "Aunt, you don"t 重打;猛击;击败;削减 Sid when he takes it." "Well, Sid don"t 痛苦,苦恼 a body the way you do. You"d be always into that sugar if I warn"t watching you." Presently she stepped into the kitchen, and Sid, happy in his immunity, reached for the sugar–bowl—a sort of glorying over Tom which was wellnigh unbearable. But Sid"s fingers slipped and the bowl dropped and broke. Tom was in ecstasies. In such ecstasies that he even controlled his tongue and was silent. He said to himself that he would not speak a word, even when his aunt came in, but would sit perfectly still till she asked who did the 恶作剧 ; and then he would tell, and there would be nothing so good in the world as to see that pet model "catch it." He was so 盈满的,充满的 of 狂喜 that he could hardly hold himself when the old lady came back and stood above the wreck discharging lightnings of 愤怒 from over her spectacles. He said to himself, "Now it"s coming!" And the next instant he was 蔓延的,杂乱延伸的 on the floor! The 有效的 palm was 上升的;举起的 to strike again when Tom cried out: "Hold on, now, what "er you belting ME for?—Sid broke it!" Aunt Polly paused, perplexed, and Tom looked for healing pity. But when she got her tongue again, she only said: "Umf! Well, you didn"t get a lick amiss, I reckon. You been into some other 无畏的 mischief when I wasn"t around, like enough." Then her conscience reproached her, and she yearned to say something kind and loving; but she judged that this would be 翻译 into a 忏悔,告解 that she had been in the wrong, and discipline forbade that. So she kept silence, and went about her affairs with a troubled heart. Tom sulked in a corner and 高尚的;尊贵的;兴奋的 his woes. He knew that in her heart his aunt was on her knees to him, and he was 愁眉苦脸地 称心的,令人满意的 by the consciousness of it. He would hang out no signals, he would take notice of none. He knew that a 渴望;充满同情 glance fell upon him, now and then, through a film of tears, but he refused recognition of it. He pictured himself lying sick 到,向;直到,到……为止 death and his aunt bending over him 恳求似的 one little forgiving word, but he would turn his face to the wall, and die with that word 未说出口的;未用语言表达出来的 . Ah, how would she feel then? And he pictured himself brought home from the river, dead, with his curls all wet, and his sore heart at rest. How she would throw herself upon him, and how her tears would fall like rain, and her lips pray God to give her back her boy and she would never, never abuse him any more! But he would lie there cold and white and make no sign—a poor little sufferer, whose griefs were at an end. He so worked upon his feelings with the 感染 of these dreams, that he had to keep swallowing, he was so like to choke; and his eyes swam in a blur of water, which 溢出的 when he winked, and ran down and trickled from the end of his nose. And such a luxury to him was this petting of his sorrows, that he could not bear to have any 世俗的;世间的;尘世的 cheeriness or any 栅栏,格子 delight 把…强加;把…硬挤 upon it; it was too sacred for such contact; and so, presently, when his cousin Mary danced in, all alive with the joy of seeing home again after an age–long visit of one week to the country, he got up and moved in clouds and darkness out at one door as she brought song and sunshine in at the other.
2023-08-03 15:23:521


goat英文中读作 [ɡou028at]。1、Goat milk: 山羊奶。2、Goat cheese: 山羊奶酪。3、Goat meat: 山羊肉。4、Mountain goat: 山羊(一种生活在山区的野生羊科动物)。5、Goat farm: 山羊养殖场。6、Goat herder: 放山羊的人,牧羊人。7、Billy goat: 公山羊。8、Nanny goat: 母山羊。9、Goat"s beard: 山羊胡须(一种植物)。10、Scapegoat: 替罪羊(比喻承担过失或错误的人)。以下是goat英文的造句1、I saw a herd of goats grazing in the field。2、The farmer milks the goat every morning。3、The mountain goat gracefully climbed up the rocky slope。4、She enjoys eating a salad with goat cheese on top。5、The goat farmer takes great care of his flock。6、The children were fascinated by the adorable baby goats at the petting zoo。7、The old man had a long, white beard that resembled a goat"s beard。8、The scapegoat was blamed for the company"s financial collapse, even though he had no involvement。9、The hiker encountered a wild goat during his trek in the mountains。10、The mischievous kids goaded each other into pulling pranks on their classmates。
2023-08-03 15:24:131

what does a pet need?翻译回答

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2023-08-03 15:25:0211


单词应该是这样的Bettina。Bettinan.贝蒂娜(Elizabeth 的昵称) (f.)[例句]At 5mm tall, this teddy bear by German artist Bettina Kaminski is the World"s Smallest Teddy Bear.这个由德国艺术家贝蒂娜.卡明斯基制作的5毫米高的泰迪熊是世界上最小的泰迪熊。[其他]形近词: Petting Battino Pettine
2023-08-03 15:26:451

my sweet pet什么意思

2023-08-03 15:27:422

pet怎么读 pet的意思

1、pet的读音:英[pet],美[pet]。    2、pet的意思:n.宠物;受宠的人;adj.宠爱的;v.爱抚;亲抚。 3、第三人称单数:pets。 4、复数:pets。 5、现在分词:petting。 6、过去式:petted。 7、过去分词:petted。
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2023-08-03 15:28:241


帮你找到一些对白:Ada : A novel. Ada : A tintype, with your gun and courage on display. Ada : Are you alive? I pray to god you are. Ada : But how did I keep you? We barely knew each other. A few moments. Ada : Come back to me. Come back to Cold Mountain. Ada : Did you get a picture made? Ada : Everyday of my waiting... Ada : For all your kindness. Coffee and pie. Ada : Hello, I"m Ada Monroe. Ada : I brought you this book... and this photo. I"m not smiling in it. I don"t know how to do that... hold a smile. Ada : I count the number of words that have passed between us, Inman and me - not very many. But I think about it. Ada : I don"t know you. Ada : I had to carry a tray to come out and see you. Ada : I have to eat something. Ada : I made it. Ada : I thought you were thinking on him! Ada : I will not leave Cold Mountain. My last thread of courage is to wait... for you. Ada : I would have followed you anywhere... to Mongolia. Ada : I"m not saying nothing! Ada : If you are fighting, stop fighting. If you are marching, stop marching. Come back to me. Come back to me is my request. Ada : If you saw us this Easter... you would know that every step of your journey is worth it. Ada : Inman. It is three years and I remember your name. Ada : Inman? Ada : Isn"t there some religion where you just say I marry you, three times, and then you"re man and wife. Ada : It is, it is. Ada : It"s where he"s from, it"s not his name. Ada : My love where are you? With no hope of reaching you I write to you... as I have always done. Ada : No, I think it"s I divorce you three times and then you"re not married anymore. Ada : Ruby, this fence may be the first thing I ever did that might produce a result. Ada : What do you care what his name is? Ada : What we have lost will never be returned to us. The land will not heal - too much blood. All we can do is learn from the past and make peace with it. Ada : Yes. It"s still dark. Ada : Yesterday I saw you walking back to me. Ada : You wouldn"t come inside. Ada : [repeats it] W.P. Inman. Ada : [To her father] Daddy, come inside before you drown! Ada : [To Inman] But then who will be waiting for you? Ada : [To Inman] Well, you have your war. Ada Monroe : I can talk about farming... in Latin. I can read French. I can lace up a corset, God knows I can do that. I can name the major rivers in Europe, just don"t ask me about anything around here. I can embroider but I can"t darn. I can arrange flowers but I can"t grow them. Ada Monroe : When this war is over, there will be a reckoning. Bardolph : Don"t shoot me, please. We"re starving. We haven"t eaten. Bardolph : Don"t shoot. Bardolph : Thanks, thank you. I will. Bosie : By order of Zebulon Vance, Governor of this great state of North Carolina: any soldier turned deserter is guilty of treason and shall be hunted down like a dog. Any man takes in a deserter is likewise guilty of treason. Bosie : He dead? Bosie : I give you my gun and you"ll shoot me dead. Bosie : King of Kings! Bosie : No, sir. Here"s fine. Bosie : Shoot her. She"s not mine. You riding Mr. Teague"s mare? Bosie : That"s what you call a conundrum. I tell you what I"ve got on my side. Bosie : The confidence of youth. Ferrygirl : [To Inman and Veasey] Thirty more dollars, we can go to the cabin. I"ll pull this dress over my head. Georgia: What d"you reckon? Think we could eat this? Inman : A thousand moments. They"re like a bag of tiny diamonds glittering in a black heart. Don"t matter if they"re real or things I made up. The shape of your neck, that"s real. You were always carrying a tray. Inman : Ada, I wanna marry you. If you"ll have me. Inman : But I"m a deserter. If they find me here things could get bad for you. Inman : Come out of there. Inman : He"s got a shit coming on. It"s overdue. Inman : I ain"t getting shot again for some cause I don"t believe in. Inman : I am. Inman : I came back for you. Inman : I fear this war; this awful war will have changed us beyond all reckoning. Inman : I hope so. Look, how old are you? Give me your gun and ride home, I"m done fighting. I"m sick of it. Inman : I imagine God is weary of being called down on both sides of an argument. Inman : I marry you, I marry you, I marry you. Inman : I will not shoot you, but nor am I walking down that mountain looking over my shoulder for you. Inman : I wouldn"t come inside. Inman : I"ll just have to shoot the horse from under you. Inman : I"m Inman. Inman : I"m wetter than a fish. Inman : I"ve had to put myself in the way of people"s kindness. Inman : It"s not yours. You take it, you make us another enemy. You are a Christian- don"t you know your commandments? Inman : Look at the sky now. What color is it? Or the way a hawk flies. Or you wake up and your ribs are bruised thinking so hard on somebody. What do you call that? Inman : Move away from the baby! Inman : No, I mean to give it to you. Inman : Not lately. Inman : Repeating a thing doesn"t improve it. Please call me Inman. Inman : Say again? Inman : She"s the place I"m heading. But I hardly know her. I just can"t seem to get back to her. Inman : Take off your boots. Take off your pants and your shirt. Inman : The sky, what color is it? And the way a hawk flies? or when you wake up and your ribs are bruised thinking on something, somebody so hard. What do you call that? Inman : The way you felt when I pulled you to me. That kiss- which I kissed again everyday of my walking. Inman : This doesn"t come out right. If it were enough to stand, without the words. Inman : W.P. Inman. Inman : What have you got on your side? Inman : Why is that funny? Inman : You are all that keeps me from sliding into some dark place. Inman : You"d better get running before you catch your death of cold. Inman : You"re always carrying a tray. Inman : You"re laughing at me. Inman : [in bed with Sara] I"ll go. I love someone. I love someone very much. Inman : [To Ada] If you could see my inside, or whatever you want to name it; my spirit, that"s what I fear. I think I"m ruined. They kept trying to put me in the ground but I wasn"t ready. But if I had... if I had goodness, I lost it. If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead! How could I write to you after what I"d done? What I"d seen? Inman : [To Veasey] I should have shot you when I had the chance. Junior : What"s up? Maddy : Is she waiting for you? Maddy : See, I think there"s a plan. There"s a design for each and every one of us. You look at nature. Bird flies somewhere, picks up a seed, shits the seed out, plant grows. Bird"s got a job, shit"s got a job, seed"s got a job. And you"ve got a job. Maddy : What are they gonna do? Take me young life? Maddy : [while petting one of her goats] I"ve learned a person can pretty much survive off of a goat. A goat gives you company, and milk, and cheese... and when you need it, good meat. Oakley : Play me something sweet... like a girl"s waiting for me. Pangle : It"s frozen. How long it been there for? Pangle : Yeah. Rev.Monroe : My congregation is still disputing the size of the windows. Reverend Monroe : I lost your mother after twenty-two months of marriage. It was enough for a lifetime. Rourke : [To Oakley] Don"t worry son. Those Yankee boys keep store hours. They ain"t open yet. Ruby : Ain"t no man better than me. On account of there"s no man around here that ain"t old, or full o" mischief. Ruby : Have you been shot? Ruby : Hey, let"s agree. You beat me, you abandoned me, you ignored me, and yet you beat me some more. And all that"s better than Ruby with eyes that sparkle. Ruby : I cried one tear for my daddy... I stole it off a crocodile. Ruby : I despise a floggin" rooster. Ruby : I hope that Georgia boy"s been seeing to the animals. Ruby : I know that"s meant to be the ugliest state under the heavens. Ruby : I was not. I was thinking on swollen udders- and before you say same difference. Ruby : I"m still alive! Ruby : If you wanna get three feet up a bull"s ass, just listen to what sweethearts whisper to one another. Ruby : Let"s put him in a pot. Ruby : Miss lovely-dovey! Ruby : My daddy - he"d walk forty miles for liquor but not forty inches for kindness. Ruby : Number one - shut this door, it"s freezing. Number two - shut that door, it"s freezing. I"m laying on my back, with my fingers poked in my ears trying to shut out who"s got a bag of diamonds and who"s carrying a tray. If you want to get three feet up a bull"s ass, listen to what sweethearts whisper to each other. Now, if you"re going to wimble wimble all night, I"m going to sleep in with him. Ruby : Old lady Swanger says you need help. Here I am. Ruby : Tell that to the cows. It"s late! Ruby : That"s my daddy! Ruby : That"s real coffee. It ain"t chicory and dirt. Ruby : Then you have to wake up earlier. What"s that? Ruby : There ain"t no man better than me. Ruby : They call this war a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say "Shit, it"s raining!" Ruby : Unbelieveable. Stobrod Thewes! Ruby : We got something for you. Ruby : What kind of name"s Georgia? Ruby : You want to carry a book, carry one you can write in. Ruby : [grinning at Ada] She made it. Ruby : [to Ada] Am I hard to hear? "Cause you keep repeatin" everything. Ruby : [To Ada] So, you have never wrapped your legs around this Inman? Ruby : [To Ada] We got our own story. Called Black Cove Farm: a catastrophe. I can spell it, too. Learned it the same place you did, in the school room. One of the first words they taught me. "Ruby Thewes, you are a c-a-t-a-s-t-r-o-p-h-e!" Ruby : [to her father] Just so you know - you"re not eating inside. Number one: they hang people round here for taking in deserters. Number two: even if they gave out prizes you"d still eat outside. Ruby : [when Ada comes back with Inman] Congratulations. I"ll send you out with a shot gun a lot more. Ruby : [yelling] Ada? Ada? You up? Sally : Good God in Heaven. Sally : Thank you both. Ruby, I look forward to this. We all do. Esco and me. Sally : [To Ada] You"re skinny as a whippet girl! Sara : I don"t want it. If I had my way they"d take metal altogether out of this world. Every blade, every gun. Sara : I"m alone here, as you can see, with my baby. I need to believe you mean no harm. Stobrod : I wrote several tunes with you in mind - Ruby this, Ruby that, Ruby with the eyes that sparkle. Stobrod : Not very long. Stobrod : Ruby? Stobrod : You cook something long enough you can eat anything. Stobrod : You hungry? Teague : A reckoning is for your world not mine. Teague : He ain"t coming back. You must know that in your heart. Look at me. I"m not nothing. Veasey : Hey! Look at this! This is a good saw. Veasey : Oh God of my God! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Veasey : Thank you. I was going to do a grievous wrong. Veasey : The Israelites! The tribes of Israel are about to flee from the banks of Egypt! Hallelujah! Veasey : Used to be as regular as morning prayers. Matter of fact I could set my watch by my bowels. That beeswax you fed me, day before yesterday, it stops a man up. Open my gut now they"d find turds stacked up like little black twigs. Veasey : You"ll find the good Lord very flexible on the subject of property. We could do a lot with this saw... Veasey : [To Inman] Have we got thirty dollars? Young men outside the church: Whooey! We got our war... it"s about time! [Ada laughs] [Bardolph starts to run, and then Sara shoots him] [Bardolph takes off his boots, pants, and shirt] [from trailer] [Georgia appears with a small, frozen deer] [Inman takes out his gun] [Ruby has just walked in on Inman and Ada talking by the campfire] [Ruby runs up to him and kicks him, then turns to Ada] [she stomps into her father"s hut] [slaughters the goat] [storms off] [Veasey finds a saw] 整个剧本没有,你去官方网站看看吧。
2023-08-03 15:28:331


英文原文:Pet lizard英式音标:[pet] [u02c8lu026azu0259d] 美式音标:[pu025bt] [u02c8lu026azu025ad]
2023-08-03 15:28:542


pet protection cover宠物保护盖pet[英][pet][美][pu025bt]n.宠物; 宠儿; 受宠的人; 生气; adj.宠爱的,溺爱的; 表示亲昵的; vt.宠爱; 爱抚,亲抚; vi.<非正>亲吻; 爱抚; 第三人称单数:pets过去分词:petted复数:pets现在进行时:petting过去式:petted易混淆单词:PetPET例句:Resist the temptation to get another pet right away. 抵制住想马上要个新的宠物的诱惑
2023-08-03 15:29:101


2023-08-03 15:29:192

my favorite pet是什么意思

2023-08-03 15:29:282

请高手帮我翻译成英文,谢谢! 不要机器翻译..

U.S. Open diary of our memory I can see every beautiful day I remember our first encounter, each encounter I have emotional difficulties in falling asleep I open my arms to let you listen to my heart You stroke my hair, I gazed at you, you beautiful face U.S.发梢has white face has withered I have never been concerned about other women We are slow dancing, my eyes looking at you I think you know what I have is an old Man When our young, we also robust I do not have much to do, if I can go back, my good man are must. We are now no longer young, is not robust Tell you the truth, I am very honored to be with you and. Do you know what I want to, you know what to do my Look at me you know what you in this beautiful girl. Time to witness the distance, we created a miracle. The exhaustion of our life, we cherish at the other side. I have always loved you, until I became an old man I tell my children, I love you, you all.
2023-08-03 15:29:373


stroke; fondle; daut; petting都是抚摸的意思用手轻轻的抚摸:Gently with the hand stroke
2023-08-03 15:29:442

关于coat kuratatsu的成员?

: 姓名:sho 身高:180cm 体重:70kg 年龄:21 TAIKI: 姓名:TAIKI 身高:177CM 体重:63KG 年龄:22 NAGI: 姓名:NAGI 出生于:1984年4月2日身高:175CM 体重:60KG
2023-08-03 15:23:351