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2023-08-03 18:41:12
TAG: 英语

豁免条款,英文是 escape clauses

In bilateral or multilateral agreement on trade ,it is allowed to cancel or reduce items of treatment,when domestic business are damaged by import competition ,since the contracting parties share too many tariffs and other trade concession commodities.



exemption from taxes: taxes free



2023-08-03 13:05:002

条款的英文简写 或大家都是怎么写的?

2023-08-03 13:05:083


2023-08-03 13:05:271


合同条款 [词典] [化] terms of the contract; [经] contract clause; contract terms; [例句]伦德尔市长强加了新的合同条款。Mayor Rendell imposed the new contract terms.
2023-08-03 13:06:101


霸王条款英语怎么翻译? 霸王条款英语怎么说? 今天是2008年的3月15日,国际消费者权益保护日。World Consumer Rights Day。 我们知道在各行各业都有属于自己的行规行距,但是一些行业和商家会有一些不平等的条款就是我们常说的霸王条款会损害到消费者的利益,我们今天就要学习一下霸王条款用英语怎么说。 霸王条款可以翻译成:imparity clause,imparity的意思是不平等的,也就是所谓的霸王条款,所以我们可以用imparity clause来形容霸王条款。 我们通过以下这个句子来了解一下imparity clause的用法: Advertisement first then charge you, that"s imparity clause. 先做广告再收你费用,那是霸王条款。 条款还可以用另外一个词来表达: terms。 比如合同条款是:Contract terms(or contract clause)
2023-08-03 13:06:581


2023-08-03 13:07:205


2023-08-03 13:07:493


背景: h *** c 的员工享有免抵押贷款 (unsecured facilities) 而贷款限额 (limit)于入职前已按法例 (ordinance) 或银行内部政策 (internal bank policy) 规定. 员工可能分多次或有多项这类贷款 但贷款总额 (aggregate) 不能超过上述限额. 文件: h *** c 员工授权 h *** c 查核已批出的免抵押贷款 看看贷款总额 (aggregate) 可有超出规定的限额. 如有超额 则员工自愿将贷款总额降低来配合贷款限额 (limit)的规定. 我在此授权汇丰检查由汇丰授予我的无抵押设施。如果其总数超过上述限额,我同意在我受雇于汇丰银行之前减少我在汇丰的无抵押设施,以符合由上述条例或任何银行内部政策@ 所规定的限额 。 I trlate at google. Here is what I have got. 我在此授权汇丰检查无抵押设施授予汇丰给我。如果总无抵押设施给予我的汇丰超过上述限额,我同意我的聚合减少不安全设施,汇丰银行在遵守限额规定由上述条例或任何银行内部政策@生效日期前,我的就业与汇丰银行。 I hope I can help you!
2023-08-03 13:07:561


1 May / June,2006 from Chinese ports to Melbourne, allowing partial shipment and transshipment.2.From Shenzhen to Marseilles before Aug.31,2006.Partial shipment is prohibited and transshipment is allowed.3.time of shipment: no later than Apr.30,2006.Port of shipment: Tianjin, ChinaPort of destination: Cape TownPartial shipment is not allowedTransshipment is allowed.4.July/August/October from Qingdao to Mombasa.In three equal monthly installment with transshipment at Hongkong.5.Shipment on or before Jan.31,2006 from Shanghai to Nagoya,in two equal lots6.Shipment from Guangzhou to Osaka after 40 days of the receipt of L/C. No partial shipment and transshipment. L/C should be opened and arrive at the seller no later than the end of February,2006..希望帮到你。。
2023-08-03 13:08:091


2023-08-03 13:10:321

我们仔细看了里面的条款 英文

Dear sirs, We have received your L/C which was opened by chartered bank lately.Through the carefully checking,we found that there are some discrepancies with our sales contract.The discrepancies are as follows: 1.x05We have agreed the trade term should be “CFR” not “FOB”. 2.x05It should be allowed to transshipment and partial shipment . 3.x05It should add “about” in front of the quantity. Please amend the L/C and the shipment date and the validity of the L/C to the end of September and extends respectively October 15 th.Thank you for your cooperation. Yours sincerely XXX
2023-08-03 13:10:391


1, business opening that month according to the package actually use the day;The validity period of 2, protocol can not apply for teardown, are not allowed to cancel plans; If strong request to cancel the package, the user must pay the rest of the agreement of the cost of rent as liquidated damages;3, during the agreement comes into effect, the user can not handle the package transfer, if you want to change the need to sign a two-year contract;4, the duration of the agreement, the user can deal with the city moving, moving during and after the switching package fee remains the same;5, and duration of the agreement, the user can apply for downtime, down no more than three months, after after automatic extension;
2023-08-03 13:10:502


向你提供正确且完整的译文,最好补分哟:6.4 除22款规定的情况之外,一旦卖方100%收到提前付款,卖方就要承担退货的责任。7.3 所有由于卖方不给出一些指定单据文件锁造成的损失,责任归卖方。7.4 关于出现货品变质,即由买家拟酒关于货品真实情况及其实际价值的声明,卖家依此赔偿损失或替换货品。7.5 如果有一批寄出的各类货物与买家的订单不完全相符,那么买家须偿还由此产生的所有损失。
2023-08-03 13:11:002


2023-08-03 13:11:094


After insurance accident happens, the insured for the insurance accident is brought to an arbitration or litigation, the insured to pay the arbitration or litigation costs and beforehand by the Underwriters agree in writing to pay other necessary, reasonable fees ( hereinafter referred to as the " legal expenses " ), the insured according to the insurance contract is also responsible for compensation.
2023-08-03 13:11:193


文章的英文:article。一、文章英文基本释义文章的英语article读音:英[u02c8ɑ:tu026akl],美[u02c8ɑ:rtu026akl];n.物品;(报章杂志中的)文章,论文;条款; 冠词;vt.使受协议条款的约束;以协议(或契约)约束;订约将…收为学徒(或徒弟);定约雇用;vi.进行控告,提出罪状(或指责)(against);签订协议;二、短语1、jade article玉器;article number商品号;货号2、feature article特写;专题文章;深度文章;point of an article文章的要点3、according to an article根据某一条款;article about关于…的文章4、article of faith信念;信条;article at an exhibition展品三、词语用法1、article的基本意思是“物件”“物品”,常指一套中之一。2、article还可作“文章”解,指报纸、杂志上的短文。引申可表示“项目”“条款”,指法律上的规定,也可指协议或合同上的契约。article还可作“冠词”解。3、an article of常可接不可数名词,意为“一件”。四、例句1、She asked him to contribute a biweekly article on European affairs.她让他每两周写一篇有关欧洲情况的文章。2、If you don"t return the article to the shop within a week, you forfeit your chance of getting your money back.如果你不把物品归还商店,你就丧失了取回钱的机会。3、As I sit down to write this article, I have but one intention.我之所以坐下来写这篇文章,是因为我只有一个意图。4、Her article is a discussion of the methods used in research.她这篇文章论述的是研究中使用的方法。5、Which of these places would you like to visit most?Write an article about why you would like to go there.你最想到这些地方中的哪个地方参观?写一篇有关你想去那个地方的原因的文章。
2023-08-03 13:11:271


the clause without responsibility
2023-08-03 13:12:044

依照相关条款规定 英文怎么说

2023-08-03 13:12:125


2023-08-03 13:12:275


Article III: Return conditions: 1) All products due to poor sales, such as the reasons for the backlog to Party out of the Treasury a year from the date rate of 100 percent returns. 2) the impact of the second product is not a return policy areas. 3) returns from shipping products to bear by the B. 4) the quality of the reasons for non-payment of return Party A Party B returns when commodity procurement costs arising from the loss. Article IV: Return commodity pricing 1. Return Price: first import price declarations. 2. Have to pay import tariffs: Return party. 3. Non-return part of the quality of reasons: to pay suppliers procurement costs arising from the loss. Article V: the responsibility of both sides 1. Party responsibility: to return the goods as agreed, to pay the costs of procurement for the loss. 2. B responsibility: a refund of the money received
2023-08-03 13:12:442


铁桶装,每桶185-190公斤纸箱装,每箱4盒,每盒约91只.每只用蜡纸包裹货物用中性包装,买方的商标在发运45天前到达卖方.题外话,英文的文理不太通,如:第二句的英语应该是: In cartons, each contains 4 boxes, 91 pcs of xxx wrapped with waxed paper to be packed in a box.
2023-08-03 13:12:531


关键词是in independence to, 上面有些翻译已把它改成 in dependence to了。看看这样表达是否更容易理解??机器移交给客户的当日,就是保质期开始的日期,这与所提及的要点是否已进行检查不相关联。满意请采纳。
2023-08-03 13:13:042


2023-08-03 13:13:123


1. 申请费和学费必须同申请表一同递交。申请费不退。费用必须用支票、现金或者银行汇票全额支付给 Wales College.如果支票无法兑现,会另收取20美元。支票一次不兑现,学校从此将不再接受该学生的支票,学生在学校发生的一切费用均以现金形式支付。2. 所有学费和杂费都必须在第一学期的头两个月支付完毕。对迟于两周缴费的学生将处以每门课程30美元的滞纳金罚款。3. 所有金额在任何条件下都不可转让。4. 学生必须保证课堂出席率在110小时以上来获得一个学分。如果该学生缺勤1/4课程,该生将会被该课程除名。学费不予退还。1. 学校仅在以下特殊情况下给予退费:当学生无法获得有效签证进入加拿大学习时,学校会全额退还学费,但申请费不予退还。2. 申请退还学费,学生需要准备以下文件i) 一封申请退款信,由学生署名签字ii)签证被拒证据,由加拿大大使馆或者最高委员会颁布iii) 所有原始资料,包括录取通知和学校颁发的全部收据3. 当学生在本学期内开始之前以合理原因退课,全部学费将会被自动转移到下学期。如果学生在本学期课程开始之后决定退课,所有学费不予退还。4. 如果学生获得学生签证,但是决定不来学校注册,或者注册到其它学校学习,所有学费不予退还。5. 以上所有价格变动,不做另行通知。我再次承诺我已经阅读、理解和接受关于本申请表上的一切有关学费和其它杂费所有条款。
2023-08-03 13:13:191


1, both sides, a, Party A is responsible for export clearance of goods, and bear all expenses. B, Party A is responsible for the entire transport of goods from the factory to the port of destination, Party B shall be responsible for Party A"s designated suppliers and logistics cargo transport agency agreement. The resulting costs borne by the party, Party B to pay about. C, Party A is responsible for the cargo insurance matters, and bear the expenses. D, Party A shall bear the credit payment notice, the fees, mailing costs and telegraphic transfer fees and other related expenses. E, Party B shall be responsible for the credit in the bank and the negotiating bank presentation, negotiation procedures and formalities of foreign payment procedures.2, Party B in the completed the bank for negotiation procedures, reduce the cost of buckle all party in this Agreement shall bear, should the remaining payment within five days after Party A Party B in the bank for negotiation.
2023-08-03 13:13:294

条款 翻译

这两个词汉语翻译相同,但应用的领域不同:(term做条款讲时,必须用复数) clause:指法律条款或有法律效力的条款,a part of a written law or legal document covering a particular subject of the whole law or document: terms,做条款讲时,意思和conditions差不多,翻译成情况、条件更合适,指限制或定义某件事(如协议或合同)的一些条件或规则,大家都同意这些条件的情况下,此事才有效或发生. the conditions or rules that limit something (such as an agreement or a contract) :the things that must be agreed upon in order for something to happen or continue
2023-08-03 13:13:481


18. 与本协议无关的任何人士都可实施的合同法(关于第三方权利),对本协议是不会产生任何权利。19. 除了不影响普通法和衡平法所赋予的权利与补偿之外,本协议保证人的权利与补偿是可累积的。另外,保证人在执行本协议所授予的任何一项权利或补偿时,这并不妨碍或阻止他执行本协议里的其他权利或补偿,或现有的普通法或衡平法所赋予的任何权利。
2023-08-03 13:13:582

法律法规里面的条款第一条 英语 怎么说

The first term of legislative regulation.The first condition of the legislative regulations.
2023-08-03 13:14:081


2023-08-03 13:14:183

适用法律和争议解决条款 英文怎么说

适用法律和争议解决条款 Applicable law and dispute resolution clause 英 [disu02c8pju:t] 美 [du026au02c8spjut] vt.& vi. 辩论,争论; vt. 就…进行争论,辩论; 对…的真实或有效进行争论,怀疑; 争夺,竞争; 抵抗,抵制; n. 辩论; 争端; (劳资)纠纷; 罢工; vi. 激烈争辩; 争执; 争吵; 吵架;
2023-08-03 13:14:281


经供需双方协议同意订立合同条款,以资共同遵守.The agreement between the parties to the supply and demand of the agreement to enter into the contract terms, in order to comply with the capital.经供需双方协议同意订立合同条款,以资共同遵守.The agreement between the parties to the supply and demand of the agreement to enter into the contract terms, in order to comply with the capital.
2023-08-03 13:14:371


The mission clause should specify whether the representative is entitled to a mission on sales made by another person within the same country 在同一个国家,代理是否能得到别人的销售佣金在 佣金条款 中将会明确这一点。 This paper does n " t include all the clauses of the o forms , but focus on the five most important clauses of them , e . g . , 这类条款包括:租约期限条款、转租条款、船舶维修条款、除外免责条款、船东权利条款、姐妹船条款、 佣金条款 。 It is mon practice for panies to pay different mission rates for various types of sales . for example , the mission may be reduced or cpminated if goods are sold through special promotions . the mission clause should specify whether the representative is entitled to a mission on sales made by another person within the same country . similarly , this clause should indicate whether any deductions are allowed against the missions . the currency of payment - preferably a stable one - should be given , as this is an international contract 出售不同的东西支付不同的佣金对公司来说是个惯例.举个例子,如果货物是通过促销卖出的,佣金就可能减少. 佣金条款 应该具体说明代理人是否有权得到由同一国家的另外一人通过销售所得的佣金.同样这个条款也应该说明根据佣金是否允许有折扣.支付货币最好用稳定的货币,因为这是国际合同
2023-08-03 13:14:441


1.singed商业发票显示in10copies分别fobvalue ,运费,保险费, cifvalue和原籍国 2.one一套完整的不可转让的运输单据必须送交申请人空中信使后三天内装运和beneficiary"scertificate在这方面是必要的。 3.beneficiary的证书,证明副本即每个发票,正/科/升已经faxed.to买方传真no.552 - 225后,三天内装运 4.upon收到货运单据 严格遵照升/炭条件,我们将支付您的帐户,那么我们的成本线,如果您的任何指示accordingto 5.draft ( s )和文件发送到我们的快递服务邮寄地址 6.this意见是执行西斯没有确认遵循和符合国际商会1993年修订pub500
2023-08-03 13:15:064

英文-中文 协议条款请帮忙翻译成比较正式的表达.求高手帮忙.

1. NCNR产品的所有订单均须经卖方确认,且须符合卖方确认函中规定的条款。2. 客户承认NCNR产品所有订单的法律约束力。未经卖方事先书面许可,客户不得取消、减少或重新安排NCNR订单。3. 除相关厂商质量保证下的退货之外,客户不得退还任何NCNR产品。NCNR产品的所有订单与订购均受卖方与客户之间就此类产品签订的销售协议条款的约束。如上述NCNR条款与任何其他销售协议之条款发生冲突,则以上述NCNR条款为准。全部认真人工翻译,NCNR怎么翻译请楼主自己斟酌。
2023-08-03 13:15:161


the last point
2023-08-03 13:15:242


provided that 假如provided always 假如总是provided further 假如将来没有什么必然联系,provided 在这里就是假如,倘若的意思。当然要看下文做正确判断。
2023-08-03 13:15:332


II.付款条件 a.50 %存款通过电汇之前生产的平衡由于在装运前-或有效的转让信用证(按照Cocona公司的信用证指示 b.所有电汇必须包括Cocona公司的形式发票号码 IV.客户经理 a.品牌将指定一联系点的品牌和削减和缝制设备。这将是两年的接触点进行沟通和解决任何问题围绕Cocona秩序 b.品牌将指定1点接触或者-子公司采购办事处或各自的采购代理 c.这是品牌的责任,提出了一份本文件到他们的联系人在其指定的削减和缝制设备 V.递交 a.切花及缝制将执行付款后48小时内收到来自商业发票Cocona公司或Cocona亚洲有限公司,以确保按时交货 b.Cocona公司将不会公布交付货物的付款确认。付款确认可以包含一个有效的电汇确认/汇款代码及受益人银行名称 c.第三方的文件必须允许所有的出货量 这是我花好长时间才翻译出来的啊! 我不敢保证全部都正确,但我已经尽力了啊! 希望可以帮到你啊! 回答者: woaini198874 - 经理 五级 12-12 22:59III 付款条件 A. 开始生产前预付50%订金, 余款装运前付清 -或由一个有效的可转让的信用证(须符合COCONA INC的信用证指令)支付 B. 所有电汇必须包含COCONA INC的形式发票号码 IV 账目管理者 A. BRAND 会在BRAND 和剪裁缝纫工厂各指定一个联络人. 这两个联络人将对围绕COCONA订单的任何事项进行沟通和解决. B. BRAND将在附属的采购办公室或者各采购代理中指定一个联络人。 C. BRAND有责任将本文件的副本转交给他们在其指定的剪裁缝纫工厂的联络人。 V.交货 a. 剪裁缝纫厂需要在收到COCONA INC或 COCONA ASIA LTD的商业发票后48小时内付款以确保按期交货。 b. COCONA INC在没有得到付款确认的情况下将不会放货。付款确认可以包括一个有效的电汇确认/汇款号码和受益人的银行名称 c.所有发运都必须接受第三方单据。 因为不明白这份合同中当事各方关系,所以只能这样翻译了。
2023-08-03 13:15:453


1.50% prepaid indemnity clauseIt is agreed that for major insurance accident loss amount in USD2 yuan (or above), and according to insurant or its representatives of the written request, the insurer shall within 5 working days according to preliminary estimates of the amount of damages to 50% advance loss.2 irrevocable policy termsIt is agreed that policy-holder and underwriter common commitment in insurance period shall not cancel this policy.3 errors, omissions and errors clause interpretationIt is agreed and understood that this policy shall be extended to cover the insured unintended and/or negligence of the error or omission or insurance belongings risk covered the misrepresentation or during insurance risk or not is the insured property insurance company changes on the notice, if insurant once found the wrong omission or fails to notify the item, it shall promptly inform the insurance company, the rights and interests of the insured is not compromised.This policy in other conditions remain unchanged.
2023-08-03 13:15:522


2023-08-03 13:16:015


2023-08-03 13:16:291


According to CITIC,they will consider your proposal of revising when issue the guarantee letter.They will help you revising it only on condition that the clause is not included in the contract.
2023-08-03 13:16:361


2023-08-03 13:16:453


Please modify the terms of the letter of credit, and PLATE AND CHEMICAL FOR PRINTING changed PLATE AND BLANKET FOR PRINTING, because the show is hard for us to set CHMEICAL ship.
2023-08-03 13:16:544


Supervision of the manufacturing.1. Raw material and purchasing parts:Chemical component; Mechanical property; Certification reports for good quality and others.(including: quality report and other inspection reports for each lot) 2. Actions for Manufacturing process and quality controlling: Quality of piece parts during the manufacturing process; Quality of assembly process; Reports for quality controlling.3. Actions for welding process and quality controlling: quality control of welding process; cosmetic inspection for welding line. Detecting of cracks or hollow insides; 4. Inspection of final parts: Form and Position Tolerance of each part; Dimensions checking, cosmetic checking, welding quality, mechanical properties; and chemical components.5. Assembling process: Accuracy of the assembly process.6. Painting: Derusting; Inspection of paint; and painting process.7. Packing storage and transportation: All products will be inspected according to this agreement.8. The seller should also be responsible for all equipments even after routine outgoing quality inspections. 累死我了10分? 太吝啬,呵呵
2023-08-03 13:17:021


2023-08-03 13:17:092


unfair clauses
2023-08-03 13:17:294


article 1article 2
2023-08-03 13:17:384


2023-08-03 13:17:471


⑴我们现开立不可撤销信用证项下开立可在任何银行在中国,在90日内凭提单日期。 ⑵60天远期汇票的日期出具在”。 ⑶可在任何银行在中国议付,凭受益人的即期汇票一式两份,申请人。 ⑷所有的草稿应注明:"在纽约的花旗银行信用证日期20040310 No.1956717 ⑸该条款要求和香港上海汇丰银行、上海议付对受益人的汇票这个即期信用证的基础。 ⑹这个信用证是谈判对抗详细单证一受益人的汇票以60天远期渣打银行上海,以:“工资的顺序渣打银行、上海分公司”。 ⑺草案在90天期远期汇票,银行开出的东京有限公司,东京分公司。远期汇票这个信用证是即期议付。贴现及承兑佣金的送达。”(1),本信用证可被Nordea银行Norge Asa奥斯陆”amount5,000.美元汇率。 (2)、“跟单信用证可与你们的单据后付款条款中”。 (三),本信用证可在任何银行议付并详细单证。
2023-08-03 13:17:571


仲裁:1.如发生纠纷,应当按照合同或协议首先进行友好协商。如协商解决此纠纷,应提到到中国国际仲裁委员会深圳或北京委员会进行确认程序。仲裁结果对双方都是有效和具有约束力。仲裁费用由败诉方承担。2. 空运提单应该表明“运费到付”“运费预付”“运费金额”和收货方。3. 收货方发布备忘录。
2023-08-03 13:18:041