barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-03 18:30:30
ambulance / 5AmbjulEns/ 救护车
bike / baik/ 自行车
bicycle / 5baisikl/ 自行车
motorcycle / 5moutEsaikl/ 摩托车
cart / ka:t/ 二轮马车
carriage / 5kAridV/ 四轮马车
car / ka:/ 小汽车
jeep / dVi:p/ 吉普车
tractor / 5trAktE/ 拖拉机
lorry / 5lRri/ 重型卡车
truck / trQk/ 卡车
bus / bQs/ 大客车
coach / kEutF/ 大客车
van / vAn/ 厢式货车
taxi / 5tAksi/ 计程汽车,出租汽车
subway / 5sQbwei/ 地铁
railway / 5reilwei/ 铁路
train / trein/ 火车
locomotive / 5lEukEmEutiv/ 火车头
express / iks5pres/ 快客列车
boat / bEut/ 小船
ship / Fip/ 船
yacht / jRt/ 游船
vessel / 5vesl/ 大船
warship / 5wR:Fip/ 军舰
aeroplane / 5ZErEplein/ 飞机
plane / plein/ 飞机
aircraft / 5ZEkra:ft/ 飞机
airplane / 5ZEplein/ 飞机
jet / dVet/ 喷气飞机
spaceship / 5speisFip/ 宇宙飞船
space shuttle / / 航天飞机
helicopter / 5helikRptE/ 直升飞机



铁路是指用于运输货物和人员的铁制轨道系统。在英语中,铁路通常被称为"railway"或"railroad"。这两个单词在美式英语和英式英语中有不同的使用方式。在英式英语中,"railway"被广泛使用,而"railroad"往往被视为美式英语中的用词。在英式英语中,"railroad"往往被认为是不正式的用法,但在美式英语中,这个用法则很常见。除了这两个常见的术语外,铁路还有其他一些相关的词汇和术语,如:1. Train: 表示一组铁路车辆,通常由机车(locomotive)牵引。2. Track: 表示铁路轨道,通常由两条平行的钢轨构成。3. Platform: 表示站台,通常是乘客上下车的区域。4. Station: 表示车站,通常是乘客等候和上下车的地点。5. Signal: 表示信号灯,用于指示列车前方是否安全。总之,铁路在英语中被称为"railway"或"railroad",并且有许多相关的术语和词汇,这些术语和词汇都在日常交流中被广泛使用。
2023-08-03 12:37:551


2023-08-03 12:38:075


高速铁路High-speed railway
2023-08-03 12:38:402


火车[huǒ chē]train
2023-08-03 12:38:491


交通运输设备 equipment for traffic and communication运筹学 operational research运输经济学 transportation economics铁路行车组织 training organization of railway 铁路货运组织 cargo transportation organization of railway铁路站场及枢纽 cargo station and hinge of railway旅客运输 passenger transportation运输市场营销 operation on transportation market交通运输安全 transportation security集装箱 container
2023-08-03 12:39:204


train英 [treu026an] 美 [tren]
2023-08-03 12:39:302


driver 汽车司机 double decker bus 双层公共汽车 coach, motor coach, bus 大客车 taxi, taxicab 计程汽车,出租汽车 trolleybus 无轨电车 tramcar, streetcar 电车,有轨电车 underground, tube, subway 地铁 stop 停车站 taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽车车站,出租汽车总站 taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机 conductor 售票员 inspector 检查员,稽查员 ride 乘车 minimum fare (of a taxi) 最低车费 railway 铁路 (美作:railroad) track 轨道 train 火车 railway system, railway net-work 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopping train, slow train 慢车 excursion train 游览列车 commuter train, suburban train 市郊火车 railcar 轨道车 carriage 车厢 sleeping car, sleeper 卧车 dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车 sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车 berth, bunk 铺位 up train 上行车 down train 下行车 luggage van, baggage car 行李车 mail car 邮政车 station, railway station 车站,火车站 station hall 车站大厅 booking office, ticket office 售票处 ticket-collector, gateman 收票员 platform 月台,站台 platform ticket 站台票 buffet 小卖部 waiting room 候车室 platform bridge 天桥 left-luggage office 行李暂存处 platform-ticket 验票门 terminal, terminus 终点站 passenger train 客车 car attendant, train attendant 列车员 conductor 列车长 rack, baggage rack 行李架 left-luggage office 行李房 (美作:checkroom) registration 登记 timetable 时刻表 change, transfer 换乘 connection 公铁交接处 ticket inspector 验票员 porter 搬运工人 to change trains at...
2023-08-03 12:39:561


1、高铁:Railway High-speed,动车:bullet train。2、动车和高铁本质上都是属于动车组,只是速度等级不同,动车组的速度在200-250左右,高铁在300-350左右。3、如果是火车票上的D字头,就基本上是走既有线、250KMH标准客运专线的动车组列车。高铁车次为G字头,读高,是在350KMH级别客运专线上开行的动车组列车(有过经由合宁250KMH标准客专的G字头跨线车),一般时速比D字头要快一些。高铁和动车区别:1、严格意义上,动车是列车车型,高铁是铁路线路类型.两者不是同一个概念。但是,在中国,动车、高铁又分别代指不同的铁路线路类型。2、动车组指的是列车的类型。它是中国独有的叫法,区别于以前的普通列车。一般情况下,普通列车是靠机车牵引的,车厢本身不具有动力;而动车车厢本身就具有动力,运行时,不光是机车带动,车厢也会“自己跑”,这样就可以把动力分散,运行速度也就更快。同时,与普通列车相比,动车组的震动和噪音都偏小。所以动车是和普通列车相区别的列车车型。3、铁道部目前定义:动车指代时速在200公里级别的铁路线路;高铁指代时速在300公里级别的铁路线路,一般而言,动车在有砟铁路上,高铁在无砟铁路上(砟,是岩石、煤等碎片的意思,无砟轨道指的就是没有小石头的轨道),在现在的中国,动车和高铁指代两种铁路运行类型,动车的时速在200公里级别,高铁的时速在300公里级别。4、目前,动车有1000多个车次,高铁动车有500多个车次,城际高铁有100多个车次。
2023-08-03 12:40:321


2023-08-03 12:41:081


问题一:高铁英文简称 高铁,高速铁路简称 High-speed Rail (HSR) 又称High Speed Train(s) 问题二:高铁和动车用英语各怎么说? (中国)高铁 CRH (China Railway High-speed) 动车 bullet train P.S. 事实上,场者差不多,但是后者会更为地道 问题三:高铁用英语怎么说? 高铁 highspeed rail 问题四:动车与高铁的英文缩写与全称是什么啊,要专业的哦 这俩词在英语中均没有对应的词汇 硬要译的话,高铁可译成High Speed Railway。但实际上没人这么译。例如日本人喜欢称呼为Super Express(超特急) 动车组是源自中国大陆的地区性名词,没法找出一个合适的英文词来形容。世界各地都有型号和数量众多的动车组,但它们在这些地区一般不使用“动车组”这个名称。在大陆,“动车组”定义一直以来都是不完善的。说不“完善”,是因为已经找到的所谓“定义”都有明显的错误或疏漏,是个混乱的概念。 勉强要译的话,按照其动力的不同,可译为EMU或者DMU,其中的MU代表的“Multiple Units”(单元列车),E代表Electric(电),D则代表Diesel(柴油)。完整的称谓就是“电气单元列车”或“内燃单元列车” 所以,在台湾以及使用繁体中文的地区,分别把EMU和DMU译为“电联车”和“柴联车”,也就是日文里的“电车”和“荻车” 但两个不载客的纯动力车(NZJ1、NZJ2、NDJ3、DJJ2)夹若干客车,或者一个动力车和一个带驾驶室的客车夹若干客车,在中国大陆,也被称作“动车组”。这种车在国外,应该被称作推挽式列车(Push & Pull mode),因为它们并非狭义上的“动车组” ,狭义上的“动车组”应该是高度单元化的列车,而不是这种可以任意加减编组的车组 问题五:热门单词:"高铁"用英语怎么说 High speed rail 例句 全部high-speed rail 但是频发的列车故障使高铁失去了竞争优势。 But frequent train malfunctions are causing it to lose its petitive edge. 问题六:高铁和动车用英语怎么说 这俩词在英语中均没有对应的词汇 硬要译的话,高铁可译成High Speed Railway。但实际上没人这么译 动车浮词则是中国大陆独有英语里没对应词,勉强可译为EMU或者DMU,其中的MU代表的“Mutiple Unit”(单元列车) 问题七:高铁和动车用英语怎么说 高铁:high-speed rail 动车:motor car 问题八:CRH的英语全称,高铁是什么(包括什么)?好像有很多 CRH(China Railways High-speed),即中国高速铁路,是中国铁道部对中国高速铁路系统建立的品牌名称。通常用来指2007年4月鸡8日起在中国铁路第六次铁路大提速后开行的动车组列车。 问题九:在英语里高铁和火车有什么区别,详细一点
2023-08-03 12:41:271


一种新的运输方式投入使用,有其长处,也必有其弱点。第一,高速铁路投资巨大,投资收益的压力自然也大。Anewmodeoftransportinuse,hasitsstrengths,thereisalsoitsweakness.First,high-speedrailinvestmentinhugepressureoninvestmentincomearenaturallylarge. 第二,高铁虽然相对航空具有显然的优势,但350公里时速的动车组8节车厢也就是400-600人左右的运量,只相当于波音757飞机2-3个班次的运量。Second,althoughtherelativelyhighironaviationhasobviousadvantages,butspeedof350kmEMUeightcompartments400-600isaboutthetraffic,onlyBoeing757aircraftequivalentto2-3flightsoftraffic.
2023-08-03 12:41:381


bike / baik/ 自行车 bicycle / 5baisikl/ 自行车 motorcycle / 5moutEsaikl/ 摩托车 cart / ka:t/ 二轮马车 carriage / 5kAridV/ 四轮马车 car / ka:/ 小汽车 jeep / dVi:p/ 吉普车 tractor / 5trAktE/ 拖拉机 lorry / 5lRri/ 重型卡车 truck / trQk/ 卡车 bus / bQs/ 大客车 coach / kEutF/ 大客车 van / vAn/ 厢式货车 taxi / 5tAksi/ 计程汽车,出租汽车 subway / 5sQbwei/ 地铁 railway / 5reilwei/ 铁路 train / trein/ 火车 locomotive / 5lEukEmEutiv/ 火车头 express / iks5pres/ 快客列车 boat / bEut/ 小船 ship / Fip/ 船 yacht / jRt/ 游船 vessel / 5vesl/ 大船 warship / 5wR:Fip/ 军舰 aeroplane / 5ZErEplein/ 飞机 plane / plein/ 飞机 aircraft / 5ZEkra:ft/ 飞机 airplane / 5ZEplein/ 飞机 jet / dVet/ 喷气飞机 spaceship / 5speisFip/ 宇宙飞船 space shuttle / / 航天飞机 helicopter / 5helikRptE/ 直升飞机
2023-08-03 12:41:484


北京铁路局 Beijing Railway Bureau 北京车辆段Rolling stock section of Beijing
2023-08-03 12:41:575


aerial railway?
2023-08-03 12:42:113


Chinese high-speed railway; Chinese rapid transit railways;
2023-08-03 12:42:3511


2023-08-03 12:42:591


2023-08-03 12:43:238


高铁的英语是High-speed Railway。高速铁路,简称高铁,是指设计标准等级高、可供列车安全高速行驶的铁路系统。其概念并不局限于轨道,更不是指列车。中国国家铁路局颁布的《高速铁路设计规范》文件中将高铁定义为新建设计时速为250公里(含)至350公里(含),运行动车组列车的标准轨距的客运专线铁路。中国国家发改委将中国高铁定义为时速250公里及以上标准的新线或既有线铁路,并颁布了相应的《中长期铁路网规划》文件,将部分时速200公里的轨道线路纳入中国高速铁路网范畴。总体特点适合高速铁路的生存环境其实只有两条基本原则:第一是人口稠密和城市密集,而且生活水准较高,能够承受高速轮轨比较昂贵的票价和多点停靠,第二是较高的社会经济和科技基础,能够保证高速轮轨的施工、运行与维修需要。就这两点而言,以巴黎和柏林为核心的欧洲大陆、日本密集的城市带和中国大型的城市群是最适合不过的。因此世界最先进的高速轮轨技术诞生在德、法、日这3个国家并在中国大规模展开就非常合乎逻辑。
2023-08-03 12:44:191


Undoubtedly,railway is the first public transport means invented by human beings,and it appeared in Britain in the early nineteenth century for the first time as well.After that,the high-speed railway came out. According to the definition,the high-speed railway refers to a new type of the railway system,owning the rate over 200 kilometers per hour.In the early 21st century,almost none of the railway systems had a rate more than 200 kilometers per hour.Up to the year 1964,the Japanese shinkansen appeared with a rate of 300 kilometers per hour.In addition,except achieving a certain rate,the train itself and the rail must be improved at the same time.Of course,the broad high-speed railway still include the magnetically levitated train,which will be widely used in the near future. I believe,with the development of the science and technology,our railway system will bee more and more advanced,bring convenience to our life. 希望能帮上你!
2023-08-03 12:44:391


Sichuan-Tibet railway
2023-08-03 12:44:472


问路的几种表示方法: a. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走? b. Could you tell me how I can get to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走? c. Would you please tell me where the post office is? 请告诉我邮局在哪儿? d. Excuse me, but please tell me how to get to the railway station? 请问,去火车站怎么走? e. Excuse me, but I"m trying to find a chemist"s shop. 对不起,我要找一家药店。 f. Would you please tell me if there is a hospital nearby? 请问附近有医院吗? g. Is the zoo far from here? 动物园离这儿远吗? h. Will it take long to get to the airport? 去机场要很长时间吗?
2023-08-03 12:44:561


  火车是人类的现代交通工具之一,是人类利用化石能源运输的典例。是指在铁路轨道上行驶的车辆,通常由多节车厢所组成。人类历史上最重要的机具,早期称为蒸汽机车,有独立的轨道行驶。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    火车英语单词1:   train   火车英语单词2:   choochoo    火车英语单词3:   iron horse    火车的英语例句:   每小时都会发出的、开往佩鲁贾、阿西西与中间站的火车   Hourly trains to Perugia, Assisi, and intermediate stations   火车在站台边停下。   The train pulled to a halt at the platform.   火车因为机械故障停了下来。   The train had stopped due to a mechanical problem.   有点像火车就要撞上了。   There "s something of a train *** ash looming.   他女儿卡莉开车将他送到火车站。   His daughter Carly drove him to the train station.   这列火车由16节车厢组成,设计复杂精巧。   The train was an elaborate affair of sixteen coaches.   我晚了两分钟,没赶上火车。   I was two minutes too late for my train.   如果我现在不走,就赶不上火车了。   If I don"t go now, I will miss the train.   她从火车窗口里伸出手挥动手帕道别。   She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a good-bye.   开往北京的火车将于半小时后从三站台开出。   The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.   那辆火车三点钟准时到达。   The train arrived on the dot of three o"clock.   火车司机使火车头与火车分开。   The driver excused the lootive from the train.   为了不误火车,他乘计程车到火车站。   He took a taxi to the station so that he should not miss the train.   火车向山上爬著,浓浓的烟雾从火车头升起。   Smoke rises from the engine as the train climbs a hill.   从这儿到巴黎坐火车一会儿就到,那里与兰斯的宁静平和相比却又是另一番景象。   Paris is just a short train journey away, providing the perfect counterpoint to the peace and quiet of Reims.   这列火车在沈阳要停多久?   How long does this train stop at Shenyang?   休听着火车呼啸而过。   Hugh listened to the whistle of a train.   你拿到火车票了吗?   Have you got your train ticket?   火车缓缓地进站。   The train slowly came to the station.   这些新火车太棒了。   These new trains are out of this world.   火车终于到站了。   At last the train arrived in the station.
2023-08-03 12:45:191


2023-08-03 12:45:475

这条铁路建成通车了 用英语怎么说

This railway is completed and began to have transport service.
2023-08-03 12:46:441


高速铁路乘务员英语.ppt;英语(广播)乘务员 英语培训课程网页链接
2023-08-03 12:47:072


1、高铁:Railway High-speed,动车:bullet train。2、动车和高铁本质上都是属于动车组,只是速度等级不同,动车组的速度在200-250左右,高铁在300-350左右。3、如果是火车票上的D字头,就基本上是走既有线、250KMH标准客运专线的动车组列车。高铁车次为G字头,读高,是在350KMH级别客运专线上开行的动车组列车(有过经由合宁250KMH标准客专的G字头跨线车),一般时速比D字头要快一些。高铁和动车区别:1、严格意义上,动车是列车车型,高铁是铁路线路类型.两者不是同一个概念。但是,在中国,动车、高铁又分别代指不同的铁路线路类型。2、动车组指的是列车的类型。它是中国独有的叫法,区别于以前的普通列车。一般情况下,普通列车是靠机车牵引的,车厢本身不具有动力;而动车车厢本身就具有动力,运行时,不光是机车带动,车厢也会“自己跑”,这样就可以把动力分散,运行速度也就更快。同时,与普通列车相比,动车组的震动和噪音都偏小。所以动车是和普通列车相区别的列车车型。3、铁道部目前定义:动车指代时速在200公里级别的铁路线路;高铁指代时速在300公里级别的铁路线路,一般而言,动车在有砟铁路上,高铁在无砟铁路上(砟,是岩石、煤等碎片的意思,无砟轨道指的就是没有小石头的轨道),在现在的中国,动车和高铁指代两种铁路运行类型,动车的时速在200公里级别,高铁的时速在300公里级别。4、目前,动车有1000多个车次,高铁动车有500多个车次,城际高铁有100多个车次。
2023-08-03 12:47:171


2023-08-03 12:47:261


Japan built the first high-speed railway.
2023-08-03 12:47:331


地铁用英语可以写作“subway”,这是一种地下铁路交通工具,通常在城市中心地带运营。地铁是一种快速、便捷、环保的交通工具,被广泛应用于世界各大城市。除了地铁之外,还有许多其他的交通工具,以下是一些常见的交通工具及其英语名称:Bus(公交车):公交车是一种常见的城市交通工具,通常在城市中心地带和周边地区运营。其他与公交车相关的单词包括coach(长途客车)、double-decker(双层巴士)等。Taxi(出租车):出租车是一种常见的城市交通工具,通常在城市中心地带和周边地区运营。其他与出租车相关的单词包括cab(出租车)、taxicab(出租车)等。Train(火车):火车是一种陆上交通工具,通常用于长途旅行和货运。其他与火车相关的单词包括locomotive(机车)、freight train(货车列车)等。Bicycle(自行车):自行车是一种环保、健康的交通工具,通常用于短途出行和锻炼身体。其他与自行车相关的单词包括bike(自行车)、cycle(自行车)等。Car(汽车):汽车是一种常见的交通工具,通常用于长途旅行和日常出行。其他与汽车相关的单词包括vehicle(车辆)、automobile(汽车)等。
2023-08-03 12:47:401


问题一:交通用英语怎么说?,,,,,,,, traffic 问题二:交通方式。用英语怎么说? 交通方式 means of transportationmodes of transportation 不过常用transportation 问题三:“交通”用英语怎么说 ambulance / 5AmbjulEns/ 救护车 bike / baik/ 自行车 bicycle / 5baisikl/ 自行车 motorcycle / 5moutEsaikl/ 摩托车 cart / ka:t/ 二轮马车 carriage / 5kAridV/ 四轮马车 car / ka:/ 小汽车 jeep / dVi:p/ 吉普车 tractor / 5trAktE/ 拖拉机 lorry / 5lRri/ 重型卡车 truck / trQk/ 卡车 bus / bQs/ 大客车 coach / kEutF/ 大客车 van / vAn/ 厢式货车 taxi / 5tAksi/ 计程汽车,出租汽车 subway / 5sQbwei/ 地铁 railway / 5reilwei/ 铁路 train / trein/ 火车 lootive / 5lEukEmEutiv/ 火车头 express / iks5pres/ 快客列车 boat / bEut/ 小船 ship / Fip/ 船 yacht / jRt/ 游船 vessel / 5vesl/ 大船 warship / 5wR:Fip/ 军舰 aeroplane / 5ZErEplein/ 飞机 plane / plein/ 飞机 aircraft / 5ZEkra:ft/ 飞机 airplane / 5ZEplein/ 飞机 jet / dVet/ 喷气飞机 spaceship / 5speisFip/ 宇宙飞船 space shuttle / / 航天飞机 helicopter / 5helikRptE/ 直升飞机 问题四:用英语怎么说“交通费用” 交通费有很多种说法 最简单普通的car fare就可以 正规点的可以说travelling expenses或者travelling charges 问题五:“交通便利”用英语怎么说 convenient traffic 问题六:交通状况的英文怎么说 交通状况 traffic condition; [例句]就北京交通状况进行了实例分析,找出了造成拥堵局面的原因,提出了一些针对性的政策建议。 Analysis is made on the existing traffic circumstance in Beijing; finding out the reasons and providing the preventions 问题七:交通安全的英文怎么说 traffic safety 英 [?tr?fik ?seifti] 美 [?tr?f?k ?sefti] 行车安全;交通安全 双语例句: Traffic safety and liquidity is the core of the road traffic management. 道路交通安全与畅通是道路交通管理的核心。 As the nervous system of the automobile, the electric control system affects the traffic safety of the vehicle. 汽车电气系统是汽车的神经系统,它的好坏在很大程度上影响到汽车的行驶安全性能。 问题八:各种交通工具用英语怎么说 ambulance / 5AmbjulEns/ 救护车 bike / baik/ 自行车 bicycle / 5baisikl/ 自行车 motorcycle / 5moutEsaikl/ 摩托车 cart / ka:t/ 二轮马车 carriage / 5kAridV/ 四轮马车 car / ka:/ 小汽车 jeep / dVi:p/ 吉普车 tractor / 5trAktE/ 拖拉机 lorry / 5lRri/ 重型卡车 truck / trQk/ 卡车 bus / bQs/ 大客车 coach / kEutF/ 大客车 van / vAn/ 厢式货车 taxi / 5tAksi/ 计程汽车,出租汽车 subway / 5sQbwei/ 地铁 railway / 5reilwei/ 铁路 train / trein/ 火车 lootive / 5lEukEmEutiv/ 火车头 express / iks5pres/ 快客列车 boat / bEut/ 小船 ship / Fip/ 船 yacht / jRt/ 游船 vessel / 5vesl/ 大船 warship / 5wR:Fip/ 军舰 aeroplane / 5ZErEplein/ 飞机 plane / plein/ 飞机 aircraft / 5ZEkra:ft/ 飞机 airplane / 5ZEplein/ 飞机 jet / dVet/ 喷气飞机 spaceship / 5speisFip/ 宇宙飞船 space shuttle / / 航天飞机 helicopter / 5helikRptE/ 直升飞机 问题九:交通工具用英语怎么说 vehicle? 问题十:交通工具的英语怎么说? 很简单,用transportation就完全可以的
2023-08-03 12:48:021


翻译如下:火车Train例句:我们听见火车来了。We heard the train coming .
2023-08-03 12:48:122


Summer Transport才对!Transportation是指具体的交通工具
2023-08-03 12:48:202


2023-08-03 12:40:581

【薄荷阅读】福尔摩斯探案 chapter10

【前情回顾】: 福尔摩斯在报纸上刊登了该戒指的相关消息,希望能够引君入瓮。失物招领的消息的确吸引了一人登门造访,但来者的老妇人身份让两人大吃一惊。在言语的交锋中他们没有发现破绽,只好归还戒指。 【今日翻译】: Sherlock Holmes sprang to his feet the moment that she was gone and rushed into his room. He returned in a few seconds wearing a coat and a scarf. “I"ll follow her,” he said, hurriedly, “she must be an accomplice(同伙), and will lead me to him. Wait up for me.” The hall door had hardly closed behind our visitor before Holmes had walked down the stair(楼梯). 那老妇一走,Holmes就跳了起来冲进卧室。 几秒钟后就穿着外套围着围巾出来了。 “我去跟踪她,她肯定是个同伙,现在去和凶手回合了。等我。” 那老妇出去了,Holmes 还没下完楼梯,大门就“砰”的一声关上了。 Looking through the window I could see her walking along the other side, while her pursuer followed her some little distance behind. It was almost twelve o"clock before I heard the sharp(尖锐的) sound of Holmes opening the door. The instant he entered I saw by his face that he had not been successful. 我赶紧扑向窗户看去,就见那老妇沿着街另一边走着,几米开外是跟踪她的Holmes。 伴随着一声吱呀的开门声,Holmes回来了,那时候都夜里两点了。 他一进门,我看到他的表情,就知道,这事儿没成功。 “I wouldn"t have the Scotland Yarders know it,” he cried, dropping into his chair, “I have mocked(嘲笑) them so much that they would never have let me hear the end of it.” “What is it then?” I asked. “这事儿说什么都不能让那些苏格兰人知道,我嘲笑过他们不知道多少次,这要是被他们知道了那还了得。”说着,他就把自己扔进了沙发。 “到底怎么样?”我好奇得很。 “Oh, I don"t mind telling a story against myself. That lady had gone a little way when she began to limp(跛行) and show every sign of being tired. Presently she called a cab(马车) which was passing, and said loudly ‘Drive to 13, Duncan Street, Houndsditch." Having seen her safely inside, I hung on the back. I jumped off before we came to the door, and walked down the street. I saw the cab(马车) pull up. The driver jumped down, and I saw him open the door and stand in shock. No one came out. There was no sign or trace(痕迹) of his passenger. On inquiring(调查) at Number 13, we found that no one of the name either of Sawyer or Dennis had ever been heard of there.” “恩,倒是能跟你讲讲。 那老妇不是一直跛着走呢么,而且还处处显露出疲态。 后来她叫停了一辆经过的马车,大声的说:【去 Houndsditch区Duncan街13号!】 然后就看她慢腾腾的爬上了车。我就挂在马车背部。 快到目的地的时候,我先跳了下来,沿着街乱走。 然后马车停了。马夫跳下车,把门帘撩开后,就看到他一脸懵逼的看着车里。 里面没人。毛都没有。 后来我调查了下13号,结果不论是Sawyer或者Dennis什么的,都没在这里住过。 “You don"t mean to say,” I cried, in shock, “that that old woman was able to get out of the cab(马车) while it was in motion(行驶中的), without either you or the driver seeing her?” “Old woman be damned!” said Sherlock Holmes, sharply. “We were fooled by the old woman. It must have been a young man, and a smart one, too, and he must also have been a good actor. He saw that he was followed, no doubt, and used this means of escaping me. It shows that the man we are after is not as lonely as I imagined he was. He has friends who are ready to risk something for him. Now, Doctor, you are looking tired. Take my advice and go to bed.” Holmes said to me. “你不会是说——就那个老妇,在马车行进中就能离开马车,然后你和车夫一前一后结果都没看到?!”我的老天,实在是大吃好几斤! “对!简直是个鬼!”Holmes气得不行。“我们都被那老妇耍了! 那肯定是个年轻人,还且还有智商,也肯定是个能拿奥斯卡的演员! 他发现自己被跟踪了,然后就将计就计来了个金蝉脱壳。 看来根本不像咱想的那样是一个人来的,绝对有同伙帮他。 医生,你现在看起来挺累了,听我的,先去休息把。” I was certainly feeling very weary(疲倦的), so I obeyed his advice. I left Holmes seated in front of the fire, and knew that he was still thinking over the strange problem which he had set himself to solve. 的确,我感觉有些疲倦,所以就乖乖听话睡觉去了。 独留 Holmes坐在火炉前,默默思考着那个他认真解锁的谜案。 “Every effort should be made to find the secretary, Stangerson, and to find out some details(细节) of the habits of the dead man. A great step had been gained by the discovery of the address of the house at which he had stayed— a result which was entirely due to efforts and energy of Mr. Gregson of Scotland Yard.” “本案应致力于找寻秘书Stangerson,以及关于死者生前的习性。 由于发现死者生前居住地而有了大步进展—— 这一切都归功于Scotland Yard(苏格兰法庭)的Gregson侦探的不懈努力。” Sherlock Holmes and I read this notice from The Daily News together at breakfast, and it appeared to afford him considerable enjoyment. “Whatever happened, Lestrade and Gregson will be sure to get some credit.” “That depends on(取决于) how it turns out.” 第二天早饭,我和Holmes都看到了日报上的这则消息,这好像很大的取悦了我的小伙伴。 “不管发生什么,Lestrade和 Gregson肯定都能获得功劳。” “那不是还要看结果。” “Oh, it doesn"t matter in the least. If the man is caught, it will be because of their efforts; if he escapes, the detectives(侦探) will also get praise for trying. It"s heads I win and tails you lose. Whatever they do, they will have followers. They say that ‘a stupid person can always find an even more stupid person to admire him." ” “呵,结果怎样都不会有影响。如果凶手被抓,那肯定是他们的努力; 如果没抓住,那也会大肆表扬侦探过程的努力和艰辛。 就是我能拿到头,但你只有尾巴。典型的我吃肉你喝汤。 不论怎样,他们都会有大批的追随者。 有句老话说得好:【一个笨蛋,总能找到另外的更笨的笨蛋为他喝彩】。” “What on earth is this?” I cried, for at this moment there was a sound of many steps in the hall and on the stairs(楼梯), accompanied(伴随着) by the disgusted(厌烦的) voice of our landlady(房东太太). 这时候楼梯里响起一阵杂乱的脚步声,伴随着房东太太的叠声抱怨。 “发生什么事了?”我问道。 “It"s the Baker Street division of the detective(侦探) police force,” said my companion, and as he spoke, there rushed into the room half a dozen of the dirtiest street Arabs that I had ever put eyes on. “Attention(立正)!” cried Holmes, in a sharp(尖锐的) tone(音调), and the six dirty little Arabs stood in a line. “这是侦探警部在Baker街的分部。” 小伙伴说着,就冲进来了6个我没见过这么脏的阿拉伯小孩儿。 “立正!”Holmes大叫了一声,6个孩子就排成了一排。 “In future you should send up Wiggins alone to report, and the rest must wait in the street. Have you found it, Wiggins?” “No, sir, we haven"t,” said one of the youths. “以后你们就让Wiggins一个人上来进行汇报,其余人等在下面等着。Wiggins你们找到他了吗?” “没先生,我们没找着。”其中一个孩子回到。 “I hardly expected you would. You must continue until you do. Here are your wages(工资).” He handed each of them a coin. “Now, off you go, and come back with a better report next time.” “我也没想着你能找到。你们继续接着找,直到找到为止。这是工资。”他给了他们每人一个硬币,“现在去接着找吧,下次带个好消息回来。” He waved his hand, and they ran away downstairs like so many rats, and we heard their loud voices next moment in the street. “Those children are more useful than all the detectives(侦探) put together,” Holmes remarked. “The mere sight of an official-looking person closes men"s lips. These children, however, go everywhere and hear everything. They are smart, too, and all you need is to organize them.” 他摆了摆手,然后那群熊孩子就跟几只老鼠一样涌下了楼梯,下一秒就通道他们在街上的吼叫声了。 “这些孩子比一队侦探还顶用。”Holmes说,“要是正经的官方人士的话,很难打探到有用的信息。 但是这些孩子们,就能无孔不入。 而且他们也很聪明,你只需要组织一下他们就成。” “Is it on this Brixton case that you are employing them?” I asked. “Yes. There is more I want to learn. It is merely a matter of time. Hello! We are going to hear some news now! Here is Gregson coming down the road with happiness written upon every feature(五官) of his face. Bound for us, I know. Yes, he is stopping. There he is!” “你雇他们是为了这宗谜案吗?” “恩是的,我想知道一些事情。 现在就直接坐等就好了。 哦!看来我们会有个新消息了! 你看门外那笑的一脸褶子的 Gregson侦探,肯定是带来了什么他觉得特别好的消息。 哦,他停了,来了。” There was a violent ring of the bell, and in a few seconds the detective(侦探) came up the stairs(楼梯), three steps at a time, and burst into our sitting-room. “My dear fellow,” he cried, “congratulate me! I have made the whole thing as clear as day.” 然后就听到了门铃声,紧接着上楼声,一步能迈三阶台阶,然后进了屋。 “哦我亲爱的伙计们,恭喜我吧!我把整件事情都理清了!” A shade of anxiety seemed to cross my companion"s face. “Do you mean that you are on the right track?” he asked. “The right track! Oh, sir, we have the man under lock and key.” “And his name is?” “Arthur Charpentier, sub-lieutenant in Her Majesty"s navy,” cried Gregson, rubbing(搓) his fat hands and puffing out his chest. 我好像从小伙伴的脸上看到了一丝焦虑紧张。 “你是说你整个案件都搞明白了?”小伙伴问。 “对!都搞明白了!哦,我们连凶手都抓到了。” “他是?” “Arthur Charpentier,是皇家海军的一名中尉。”Gregson搓着手,挺着胸膛大声说。 Sherlock Holmes gave a sigh of relief, and relaxed into a smile. “Take a seat, and try one of these cigars,” he said. “We are anxious to know how you managed it. Will you have some whiskey(威士忌) and water? Let us hear how you arrived at this most satisfying result.” said Holmes. “The fun of it is,” the officer cried, “that that fool Lestrade, who thinks himself so smart, has gone off upon the wrong track altogether. He is after the secretary Stangerson, who had no more to do with the crime than an unborn baby. I have no doubt that he has caught him by this time.” The idea excited Gregson so much that he laughed until he started coughing. 明显看到小伙伴大松了一口气,露出了蜜汁微笑。 “先坐,抽根烟。我们很想知道您是怎么办到的。要来点威士忌吗?还是水?” “哈哈好,跟你们说啊,笨蛋Lestrade,还老以为自己多聪明,完全走错了路。他一直追踪那个秘书Stangerson,但其实人家跟着案子毛的关系都没有。我肯定他现在已经抓住那个秘书了哈哈哈!” Gregson笑的根本停不下来,笑到后来被自己的口水呛到咳个不停。 over,不定时翻译。
2023-08-03 12:41:021


集烟罩 hood触摸式开关 tactile power switch圆形透光开关 round non-light tight power switch琴键开关 key switch油网 oil screen电机electric motor
2023-08-03 12:41:051


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2023-08-03 12:41:101


NutsSmall screwScrew in the cornetScrew in the tromboneLarge screwShort copper screwLong copper screwIron screw padSpecial small screw rodPlastic lockRed-chipDecorative round padAt the end of the footIschaemum plastic filmRound of small boxesPlastic handleBig box roundPlastic bending filmPlastic bagsPolyester canvas plastic handlePlastic handleCase (9)Case (8)Case(7)Case (6)Case (5)Case (4)Case (3)Case (2)Case (1)Arch board (9)Arch board (8)Arch board (7)Arch board (6)Arch board (5)Arch board (4)Arch board (3)Arch board (2)Arch board (1)On child care (in)On child care (outside)
2023-08-03 12:41:132

like 里的字符处理;通配符;SUBSTR

select * from A where A.att like "%"||(select B.att from B where B.m = "XX")||"%"
2023-08-03 12:41:143


2023-08-03 12:41:163


我们公司有这些端子 ,能发个图到我油箱我,我提供样品!
2023-08-03 12:41:182


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阿基米德原理由阿基米德原理可知F(浮力)=P(液体密度)V(排出水的体积)g (常量).则P=F/Vg 1.如果物体在水中下沉,则其体积等于其排出水的体积,可以先用量筒测出物体体积可将量代如计算.如果物体在液体中悬浮,那么物体的密度就等于液体的密度.如果物体在液体中漂浮,那么它的浮力就等于它所受的重力,用弹簧测力计测出物体的重力,用量筒测出其体积,代入计算可得密度.附:用量筒测物体体积的方法1.先在量筒中倒如一定量的水,体积为V1.2.再将所要测物体放入量筒水中,观察得此时总体积为V2.3.物体的体积为V3=V2-V1弹簧测力计使用方法十分简单,在此不多赘述.
2023-08-03 12:40:501


莎士比亚英文爱情名言   导语:爱情是一朵生长在绝崖边缘的花,要想采摘它必须有勇气。以下我为大家介绍莎士比亚英文爱情名言文章,欢迎大家阅读参考!   莎士比亚英文爱情名言   1, love and other impossible pursuits, fear not, the noise of the island.   2, you should not have believed in me, for virtue does not edify our sinful nature; I have not loved you.   3, I was a fool, heard the heartfelt love, then shed tears.   4, the beginning of the cold, will make the future of love even more enthusiastic.   5. Parting is such sweet sorrow.   6, the halo of her cheeks would mask the brightness of stars, as the lights were eclipsed in the daytime.   7, love, if mixed with its own irrelevant calculation, then it is not true love.   8, when one of our fingers hurts, we feel uncomfortable all over our body.   9, if this is a mistake, and I am really wrong, then when I have never written, and no one has ever really loved.   There are 10 moths and most fragrant buds, the wise man"s heart, will have a heart of love decay.   11, perfect love makes people weak willed. Imperfect love hurts people.   12, I think he is young, so sad, old had always cried.   13, the path of true love never did run smooth.   14, the power of love is peaceful. It never sees reason, rules, shame, shame, but fear, shock, and pain into sweetness.   15, if people do not succumb to grief, excessive grief will soon come to an end.   16, love and carbon the same. It"s too hot to be cooled.   17, love is a sweet pain.   18, love is a beacon lights forever, it watches the storm unmoved.   19, other children, sometimes more than their children, foreign seed, also can grow beautiful flowers.   20 if you live and do not wish to be remembered, die alone, with your portrait.   21, even if we each Xiang Lian, who are helpless, as hell at the end of the ghost to hope the happiness of heaven.   22 people were injured, hurt the name of my chest a bed rest to you, your scars completely over it, let me kiss to kiss your wound.   23, I love Ophelia, even if there are tens of thousands of brothers, love them all together, after all this can not match and a person I love!   24. Love is blind and lovers cannot see the follies of their own doing.   25. Love is like a lighthouse in ancient times. It looks into the distance and remains unmoved.   26, my love will remain young in my poems!   27 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won"t make you cry.   28, two people know is a secret, three people know that it is not a secret?   29, for lovers of cold and breach of the Confederation, the gods are laughed at.   30. The cold of the beginning will make the love of the future even more intense; if she pretend to bear you in Yunnan, it is not because she hates you, but because she wants you to love her more.   31. Love is a flower growing on the edge of a cliff. It takes courage to pick it up!   32, a man"s vow will only make a woman betray him!   33, my love ambition makes me suffer. I hope the reindeer that match the lion must die for love.   34, if I can make you think of grief, I would rather be forgotten in your sweet memories.   35, love is like a flower blooming on a cliff. If you want to pick it up, you must have courage.   36, I love you a little more than yesterday, and less than tomorrow.   37, love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship, the soul of the anastomosis. If human feelings can distinguish between grades, then love should belong to the highest level.   38, all despicable weakness, in love has become insignificant, and become happy and solemn.   39, let a kiss stop us two mouths, and then silently separate, with this one kiss, I gave you my heart, also took your heart.   40, not because of love and obsession.   41, I will not hide, unless the breath of groaning in my heart, like a cloud, will cover me in the eyes of the pursuer.   42, a happy marriage is often destroyed by base deeds and sinister suspicions.   43, she was about to speak, but saying nothing but her eyes, has expressed her mind.   44 love is blind and lovers cannot see the follies that they have done.   45, I am a clumsy person, will not put my heart into my mouth, I love you, just follow my birthright, a little, a lot of points.   46, love can do wonders. Once destroyed, Michael"s love is more magnificent, more beautiful, and more tenacious.   47, the whole world is a stage, all men and women are actors.   48. Love is a kind of sweet pain, and sincere love is never a smooth road.   49, true love can not be expressed by words, behavior is the best explanation of loyalty.   50, those who believe in talented people, actually tend to be a fool. I know I"m no talent, so perhaps can be counted as the wise man.   51 rosemary is to help memories, dear, please remember.   52, Huayin love is not the sweet words, not in the the Peach Garden Valley, not the tears of light cotton, but not forced to die hard, love is built on the basis of a common language.   53, the power of love is peace, never mind reason, rule and honor, it can make all fear, shock and pain become sweet when being.   54, the way of true love is not smooth.   55 love all, trust a few, do no harm to anyone ;
2023-08-03 12:40:501


“资本主义剥削的实质:就是资本家无偿地占有由工人的劳动所产生的剩余价值。 剥削(exploitation)是一些人或集团凭借他们不公平的收入分配或垄断,夺取那些没有或者缺少财产的人或社会群体的剩余劳动和剩余产品。 剥削是人类贪欲的产物。社会上剩余产品的出现是剥削产生的物质前提条件
2023-08-03 12:40:481

空调的各配件的英文名点图片就可以看到了front cover前盖knob旋钮air filter空气过滤器evaporator coil散热器thermostat bulb clip自动调温球形夹thermostat自动调温器selector switch选择开关air deflector空气变流装置fan blade叶片expanding curtain延伸帘fan motor风扇发动机slinger fan blade扇叶模capacitor电容器condenser coil冷凝旋管compressor压缩机cabinet机箱
2023-08-03 12:40:461


2023-08-03 12:40:432

substr(1234567890,0,-8),请问返回值是多少?谢谢! !!

2023-08-03 12:40:422