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2023-08-03 18:15:22
TAG: 英语

four thirty-five


twenty-five to five


It"s 4:35.

It"s twenty-five to five.







2023-08-03 11:44:012


断电英语:power off拓展:断电是指因为各种原因,包括自然灾害、设备故障、供电企业的停电维护等,导致整个或部分地区电力供应中断的现象。断电对人们的生活和工作都会造成很大的影响,因此需要及时采取措施来应对。首先,当遭遇断电时,我们需要确保自身的安全。如果在黑暗中,一定要小心触碰周围的物品,以防发生意外伤害。同时,如果使用石油灯、蜡烛等照明设备,要注意安全问题,避免引起火灾。此外,对于一些特殊群体,如儿童、老年人、患有慢性疾病的人等,也需要特别关注他们的安全问题。其次,断电还会影响到人们的正常生活。在没有电的情况下,冰箱里的食物容易变质,需要尽快处理掉;无法使用电视、电脑等娱乐设备,可以选择读书、玩游戏等其他方式来消磨时间。此外,断电还会影响到供热、供水等方面,需要提前做好准备,存储足够的水和食品,保持身体健康。最后,面对断电,我们需要及时采取措施来恢复电力供应。可以拨打相关企业的服务热线,了解具体情况以及预计的恢复时间;也可以自己动手检查家庭的电路系统,以确定是否存在故障。在等待恢复电力供应期间,可以减少用电量,关闭不必要的电器设备,为电力的恢复创造条件。
2023-08-03 11:44:081


停电英语是:power cut。突然停电可能会毁坏电器,并直接影响人们的正常生活。停电,即停止电力传送,使电器无法获取外部电源。可包括人为停电(如:维修线路、错峰用电、拉闸限电、拖欠电费等)、保护停电(如:防雷击、防止电器过载等)、意外停电(如:人为破坏、恶劣天气、电路短路、意外断路等)。物理学现象,停止供电可通过化学的或物理的方法获得的一种能,用以使灯发光、机械转动等:电力。电能。电热。电台。
2023-08-03 11:44:271


停电的英语:power cut拓展:停电是指电力系统因为各种原因而中断供电,让人们的生活和工作受到了很大的影响。通常情况下,停电会给人们带来一些不便和困扰,但也能够给我们带来一些启示和体验。首先,停电会让我们发现电的重要性。随着科技的发展和普及,电已经成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的要素。电可以点亮我们的家居和办公室,可以提供思维上和娱乐上的支持,可以让我们随时随地与外界联系。但当电源中断的时候,我们的生活就会变得非常不同。没有了电压器,我们可能会感到寂寞和无聊;没有了互联网,我们可能会感到孤立和无助;没有了电梯,我们可能会感到疲惫和无力。停电让我们重新认识了电的价值,让我们更加珍惜和节约这样宝贵的资源。其次,停电也是一种锻炼耐心和适应力的机会。在停电期间,人们需要适应没有电的环境,需要寻找新的生存方式和习惯。比如说,在没有电的情况下,我们可以使用手电筒或蜡烛照明,可以从书本中获取知识和娱乐,可以与家人、朋友进行交流和游戏。虽然这些方式比较困难和不方便,但也能够让我们学会如何在没有电的情况下生存和享受生活。最后,停电也是一种提醒和警示。电的供应是一个系统性的问题,它需要各个环节的协同和安全保障。当电力系统出现故障或者过载的时候,就容易造成停电的情况。这时候,我们就需要认真对待电力安全,减少用电的负担,加强电力设施的维护和管理,提高电力供应的稳定性和安全性。
2023-08-03 11:44:471

停水 停电 用英语怎么说

停水: 1. cut off the water supply停电 : 1. power cut
2023-08-03 11:45:127

停电是the power go out还是the power go off

2023-08-03 11:45:287


 我们生活和工作的每时每刻都离不了电,这次我们就来看看关于电的地道英语表达. 1.The power is off.停电了. "The power is off." 、"The power is gone." 或是 "There is a power outage." 这三句都是停电了.其中前两句是比较口语的说法,例如看到电灯突然熄掉了,老美的第一个反应就是 "Oh!The power is gone.",或是 "The power is off." 而第三句的 power outage 则是用在比较正式的场合上,例如社区公告明天下午一点到五点要停电,他们会说 "There will be a power outage from 1pm to 5pm tomorrow." 这里要提醒大家注意一下,一般我们想到“电”都会很自然地想到 electricity 这个字,但这个字在使用上比较局限于正式的场合.比方说你新搬到一间房子,电还没接上,你就可以提醒房东说 "There is no electricity in my house.". 但是在日常生活当中遇到的大多数情况都是用 power 而非 electricity.比方说请别人把电关了,比较常听到的是 "Please turn off the power." 而不是 "Please turn off the electricity.".还有一些常把 electricity 和 power 搞混的地方,比方像发电厂是 power plant 而非 electricity plant,电线是 power line 而非 electricity line. 另外“电力”有一个比较俚语的讲法,叫 juice,跟“果汁”是同一个词.“省电”就可以说成"Save the juice" . 2.The power is back on.来电了. 也许大家已经注意到了,老美对于某样电器用品是开着或是关着的,会很简单地用 on 跟 off 来形容,比方说 "The TV is on." 意思就是“电视是开着的”.或是"I cannot see anything because the light is off." 就是“因为灯是关着的,所以我什么都看不到.” 记得在这里on 跟 off 就完全足以表达你的意思,再讲些其它的话都是多余的. 3.Please turn off the power.请把电源关掉. Turn on 跟 turn off 算是最常见的把电源打开和关上的字眼了.例如你可以说 "Could you help me turn on the microwave?(能不能帮我打开微波炉?)" 或是 "Please turn off the power before you leave.(请在离开前把电源关掉.)" Turn on 和 turn off 是一对很好用的短语,务必熟记. 4.The power is running low.快要没电了. 电快要用完了叫 running low,例如你使用的刮胡刀看它越转越慢,你知道电快没了,你就可以说 "The power is running low." 或是 "The battery is running low." 要是电已经完全用光了,则可以说,"It"s running out of power." 或是直接了当地说,"The battery is dead.(这个电池挂了.)"
2023-08-03 11:45:441

停电了 英语怎么说?

electricity breakdown
2023-08-03 11:46:087


Power cut suddenly
2023-08-03 11:46:3510


ran out of power
2023-08-03 11:47:013

停电时 用英语说

during a power outage when the power is out
2023-08-03 11:47:081


没电了 out of powerout of juice
2023-08-03 11:47:1911


问题一:“停水”英语怎么说 The water was cut this morning. 问题二:停水了用英文怎么说 Cut off the water supply 问题三:英语的“停水、停电”怎么说? to suspend water supply停水 a power failure; an electric power cut; service interruption; a black-out停电 问题四:停水 用英语怎么说 停水 [词典] cut off the water supply; cut off the water; [例句]明天上午8点至下午3点停水。 There will be no water tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 问题五:停水方面的句子翻译。 The s恭pply of water to their houses has been cut off. Do you know when the supply of water will be resumed There is possibly a cut off of water supply in this area next Monday. The announcement/notice said that there will be water supply/electricity cut off at this place last for 12 hours tomorrow The water supply resumed in the early morning/at dawn 问题六:急需一个关于停水的英文公告,简短的,要中文翻译。 今天某某地方停水一天,给各位带来不便,尽请谅解。谢谢!Today so-and-so place a day to you, water bring inconvenience, do please understanding. Thank you!
2023-08-03 11:47:571

英语作文 停电以后带翻译

停电 Power CutThis morning, when I was watching TV, it suddenly powered off. And I realized it was power cut. It"s very hot today, so power cut makes it harder to stand. I couldn"t stay at home in such hot day, so I called some freinds to go out. We went to the bookshop to read books. It"s so cool in it beacause of the air conditioners. It just liked the heaven. We stayed there until 5 o"clock p.m.. Unluckily, when I arrived at home, it was still power cut. My mother prepared dinner early. After we had dinner, we all went out for a walk. We went home at nine o"clock, we were happy to see the lights have been bright.今天早上,我正在看电视,突然就没电了,停电 Power Cut英语作文。于是我意识到是停电了。今天很热,停电让人觉得很难受。这么热的天我没法待在家里,于是我就打电话给一些朋友叫他们出去。我们到书店看书,因为里面有空调所以很凉快,感觉就像人间天堂。我们在那待到下午五点。不幸的是,当我回到家的时候还是停电的,英语作文。我妈妈早早就准备晚饭了。我们吃过晚饭后就出去散了一会步。九点钟的时候我们就回家了,看到灯是亮着的我们很高兴。
2023-08-03 11:48:051


Power Cut This morning, when I was watching TV, it suddenly powered off. And I realized it was power cut. It"s very hot today, so power cut makes it harder to stand. I couldn"t stay at home in such hot day, so I called some freinds to go out. We went to the bookshop to read books. It"s so cool in it beacause of the air conditioners. It just liked the heaven. We stayed there until 5 o"clock p.m.. Unluckily, when I arrived at home, it was still power cut. My mother prepared dinner early. After we had dinner, we all went out for a walk. We went home at nine o"clock, we were happy to see the lights have been bright.
2023-08-03 11:48:271


Our factory will black out on Monday.
2023-08-03 11:48:373


This morning, when I was watching TV, it suddenly powered off. And I realized it was power cut. It"s very hot today, so power cut makes it harder to stand. I couldn"t stay at home in such hot day, so I called some freinds to go out. We went to the bookshop to read books. It"s so cool in it beacause of the air conditioners. It just liked the heaven. We stayed there until 5 o"clock p.m.. Unluckily, when I arrived at home, it was still power cut. My mother prepared dinner early. After we had dinner, we all went out for a walk. We went home at nine o"clock, we were happy to see the lights have been bright.
2023-08-03 11:48:471


cut off the electricity because of rush hour
2023-08-03 11:48:572

昨天晚上突然停电,英语作文, 急急急

2023-08-03 11:49:052


This morning, when I was watching TV, it suddenly powered off. And I realized it was power cut. It"s very hot today, so power cut makes it harder to stand. I couldn"t stay at home in such hot day, so I called some freinds to go out. We went to the bookshop to read books. It"s so cool in it beacause of the air conditioners. It just liked the heaven. We stayed there until 5 o"clock p.m.. Unluckily, when I arrived at home, it was still power cut. My mother prepared dinner early. After we had dinner, we all went out for a walk. We went home at nine o"clock, we were happy to see the lights have been bright. 今天早上,当我正在看电视,突然断电。我意识到这是停电。今天天气很热,所以停电,使得它更难忍受。我不能呆在家里,在这么热的天,我打电话给一些朋友出去。我们去书店看书。那很酷,因为在它的空调。它就像是天堂。我们在那里呆到下午五点。不幸的是,当我回到家里,它仍然是停电。我的妈妈准备晚餐早。吃完晚饭后,我们都去散步。我们在九点回家了,我们都很高兴看到灯已经亮。
2023-08-03 11:49:151

因为周末停电的关系,产品今天才安排寄出 英语怎么说

Due to the weekend power failure, the products are only sent out today
2023-08-03 11:49:242

他正在看电视,这时停电了 英语

小题1:In order to catch up with the first bus, I got up early. 小题2:As we all know, computer plays an important part in modern society. 小题3:He spoke so fast that we can hardly understand. 小题4:You had better set down what you think in case you forget. 小题5:I was watching TV when the electricity was cut off.
2023-08-03 11:49:321


The factory is suffering a power failure for 3 or 4 days due to the recent typhoon, as a result, the goods may not be ready on time. We will try to send them to you one after another for your cofirmation. Sorry for any inconvenience.
2023-08-03 11:50:091


The phone you are calling is powered off.
2023-08-03 11:50:182


The electric system was shut dowm when we were argueing that question.
2023-08-03 11:50:385

英语翻译几个句子 1.东京全面停电,4万人没有用电。

1.Tokyo, 4 million people without full power electricity.2 According to reports, 4,000 people dead, 2000 people were missing, and thousands of people were injured3. Many famous factories, such as Toyota, Honda, panasonic, SONY discontinued4.Nuclear explosion caused terrible air pollution, many locals were forced to leave their homes, they worry about their health.5. People need help disaster areas.
2023-08-03 11:50:565


Notice Thursday all the power outage. outage time of 8 5 p.m
2023-08-03 11:51:131


Last night,my roomates were doing something in our dormitory.Lily was watching a movie,Lucy was making a call with her boyfriend,Alice was keeping a diary,I was just reading a book.Suddenly the power was off,we decided to have a evening meeting.
2023-08-03 11:51:372


问题一:电的英语怎么读 electric形容词“导电的” electrics名词“电学” electrician名词“电工,电学家” electrical形容词“有关电的” electrically副词“电力地,有关电地” electricity名词“电流,电学” electron名词“电子” electronic形容词“电子的,电传导的” electronics名词“电子学” electronical形容词“电子的” electronically 副词“电子地” 问题二:”进线”和”受电”用英语怎么说电工方面的术语 进线”和”受电” Ining line and receiving 进线”和”受电” Ining line and receiving 问题三:电流和电压的英文是什么? 电流 current 电压 voltage 问题四:机电用英语怎么说 Electrical Electrome厂hanical Electromechanics 问题五:英语中的"停电""堵车"之类的词算是名词吗? 动词啊
2023-08-03 11:51:521


1 Cbe about to 打算go out 灭了2.C根据后面的SHIRT 修饰就可以排出来先说外观然后国籍最后材料
2023-08-03 11:52:005


notice blackout或notice about blackout例如:到现在为止我们没有接到停电通知,请检查一下内部原因。By now, We haven"t received any notice about blackout, please check the reason inside希望对你有所帮助如果满意 还请采纳 谢谢 : )
2023-08-03 11:52:327


out of powerpower off
2023-08-03 11:52:528


停电: power cutRelative explainations:<service interruption> <current failure> <power failure> <black out> <cut-off> <interruption of service> <outage> <mains failure> <current interruption> Examples:1. 频繁的停电使工厂停产。 Production in the factories stopped because of frequent power failures.2. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了. There was a power cut and all the lights went out.3. 停电使水供应陷于瘫痪。 The electricity failure paralysed the water supply.4. 我正在做晚饭时停电了。 While I was cooking supper the electricity went off.5. 表演正好进行到一半时停电了。 The light went out bang in the middle of the performance.求采纳为满意回答。
2023-08-03 11:53:101


Power failure outage
2023-08-03 11:53:217


问题一:停电用英语怎么说? 10分 1 the failure of electricity supply 停电后, 城市一片混乱。 After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos. 2 power failure 停电使交通运输陷入紧急状况。 A power failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation. 问题二:停电了。英语怎么说 停电: power cut Relative explainations: <mains failure> Examples: 1. 频繁的停电使工厂停产。 Production in the factories stopped because of frequent power failures. 2. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了. There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 3. 停电使水供应陷于瘫痪。 The electricity failure paralysed the water supply. 4. 我正在做晚饭时停电了。 While I was cooking supper the electricity went off. 5. 表演正好进行到一半时停电了。 The light went out bang in the middle of the performance. 求采纳为满意回答。 问题三:停电用英语怎么说 停电 power cut power failure 问题四:“突然停电了”用英语怎么说? There was a sudden power outage. 地道地说耿电要说power outage out of power也可以 We were suddenly out of power. 问题五:停电,用英语怎么说 停电: power cut Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 频繁的停电使工厂停产。 Production耿in the factories stopped because of frequent power failures. 2. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了. There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 3. 停电使水供应陷于瘫痪。 The electricity failure paralysed the water supply. 4. 我正在做晚饭时停电了。 While I was cooking supper the electricity went off. 5. 表演正好进行到一半时停电了。 The light went out bang in the middle of the performance. 问题六:停电的英文翻译是 power cut、power failure 问题七:断电用英语怎么说 power off是停电的意思 问题八:停电用英语怎么说? 10分 1 the failure of electricity supply 停电后, 城市一片混乱。 After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos. 2 power failure 停电使交通运输陷入紧急状况。 A power failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation. 问题九:停电了。英语怎么说 停电: power cut Relative explainations: <mains failure> Examples: 1. 频繁的停电使工厂停产。 Production in the factories stopped because of frequent power failures. 2. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了. There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 3. 停电使水供应陷于瘫痪。 The electricity failure paralysed the water supply. 4. 我正在做晚饭时停电了。 While I was cooking supper the electricity went off. 5. 表演正好进行到一半时停电了。 The light went out bang in the middle of the performance. 求采纳为满意回答。 问题十:“家里停电了”用英语怎么说? The power is down in our home.
2023-08-03 11:53:371

突然停电了 英语怎么说? 谢谢

black out
2023-08-03 11:53:4910


停电 Power Cut This morning, when I was watching TV, it suddenly powered off. And I realized it was power cut. It"s very hot today, so power cut makes it harder to stand. I couldn"t stay at home in such hot day, so I called some freinds to go out. We went to the bookshop to read books. It"s so cool in it beacause of the air conditioners. It just liked the heaven. We stayed there until 5 o"clock p.m.. Unluckily, when I arrived at home, it was still power cut. My mother prepared dinner early. After we had dinner, we all went out for a walk. We went home at nine o"clock, we were happy to see the lights have been bright. 如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-08-03 11:54:231


 我们生活和工作的每时每刻都离不了电,这次我们就来看看关于电的地道英语表达。1. The power is off. 停电了。"The power is off." 、"The power is gone." 或是 "There is a power outage." 这三句都是停电了。其中前两句是比较口语的说法,例如看到电灯突然熄掉了,老美的第一个反应就是 "Oh! The power is gone.",或是 "The power is off." 而第三句的 power outage 则是用在比较正式的场合上,例如社区公告明天下午一点到五点要停电,他们会说 "There will be a power outage from 1pm to 5pm tomorrow."这里要提醒大家注意一下,一般我们想到“电”都会很自然地想到 electricity 这个字,但这个字在使用上比较局限于正式的场合。比方说你新搬到一间房子,电还没接上,你就可以提醒房东说 "There is no electricity in my house."。但是在日常生活当中遇到的大多数情况都是用 power 而非 electricity。比方说请别人把电关了,比较常听到的是 "Please turn off the power." 而不是 "Please turn off the electricity."。还有一些常把 electricity 和 power 搞混的地方,比方像发电厂是 power plant 而非 electricity plant,电线是 power line 而非 electricity line。另外“电力”有一个比较俚语的讲法,叫 juice,跟“果汁”是同一个词。“省电”就可以说成"Save the juice" 。2. The power is back on. 来电了。也许大家已经注意到了,老美对于某样电器用品是开着或是关着的,会很简单地用 on 跟 off 来形容,比方说 "The TV is on." 意思就是“电视是开着的”。或是"I cannot see anything because the light is off." 就是“因为灯是关着的,所以我什么都看不到。” 记得在这里on 跟 off 就完全足以表达你的意思,再讲些其它的话都是多余的。3. Please turn off the power. 请把电源关掉。Turn on 跟 turn off 算是最常见的把电源打开和关上的字眼了。例如你可以说 "Could you help me turn on the microwave? (能不能帮我打开微波炉?)" 或是 "Please turn off the power before you leave. (请在离开前把电源关掉。)" Turn on 和 turn off 是一对很好用的短语,务必熟记。4. The power is running low. 快要没电了。电快要用完了叫 running low,例如你使用的刮胡刀看它越转越慢,你知道电快没了,你就可以说 "The power is running low." 或是 "The battery is running low." 要是电已经完全用光了,则可以说,"It"s running out of power." 或是直接了当地说, "The battery is dead. (这个电池挂了。)"
2023-08-03 11:54:381


The power went out at eight o"clock last night.
2023-08-03 11:54:461


问题一:电器的开和关,用英语怎么说? turn on 打开;turn off 关掉 问题二:停电用英语怎么说? 10分 1 the failure of electricity supply 停电后, 城市一片混乱。 After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos. 2 power failure 停电使交通运输陷入紧急状况。 A power failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation. 问题三:带电的怎么说,用英语,谢 带电的 electriferous charged current carrying 带电的鱼 Electric Fishes 在带电的 in the charged of 可带电的 electrifiable 简单的说他做的工作是,用一张非常薄的金属箔,然后用带电的粒子轰击它。 Basically what he did is he took a very thin metal foil and he bombarded it with charged particles. 问题四:电源 用英语怎么说 power source 问题五:不用电器的时候关掉电器用英语怎么说 不用电器的时候关掉电器 Don"t turn off electrical appliances 问题六:打开电视和关掉电视用英语怎么说? 我了 问题七:当你不用电脑时,请关掉电源。英文翻译是什么 当你不用电脑时,请关掉电源。 When you don"t have a puter, please turn off the power. 问题八:关掉电视机英语怎么说 30分 turn off the TV set
2023-08-03 11:55:141


my home suffered a power failure 仅供参考
2023-08-03 11:55:232


Power Cut This morning, when I was watching TV, it suddenly powered off. And I realized it was power cut. It"s very hot today, so power cut makes it harder to stand. I couldn"t stay at home in such hot day, so I called some freinds to go out. We went to the bookshop to read books. It"s so cool in it beacause of the air conditioners. It just liked the heaven. We stayed there until 5 o"clock p.m.. Unluckily, when I arrived at home, it was still power cut. My mother prepared dinner early. After we had dinner, we all went out for a walk. We went home at nine o"clock, we were happy to see the lights have been bright.
2023-08-03 11:55:341


晚上突然停电了: Lost electrical power suddenly at night.The electricity suddenly went out at night.为什么突然停电了?Why did the power go out all of a sudden?停电power cutpower failurepower outage双语例句1.停电后, 城市一片混知乱。After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos.2.停电使交通运输陷入紧急状况。A power failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation.3.每当停电的时候,人们在摇道曳的烛光下四处摸索;汽车在马路上彷徨-因为没回有交通灯做导向;电冰箱不再“嗡嗡”,里面的食物也要变质了答。When there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight, cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators.
2023-08-03 11:55:411


Power Cut This morning, when I was watching TV, it suddenly powered off. And I realized it was power cut. It"s very hot today, so power cut makes it harder to stand. I couldn"t stay at home in such hot day, so I called some freinds to go out. We went to the bookshop to read books. It"s so cool in it beacause of the air conditioners. It just liked the heaven. We stayed there until 5 o"clock p.m.. Unluckily, when I arrived at home, it was still power cut. My mother prepared dinner early. After we had dinner, we all went out for a walk. We went home at nine o"clock, we were happy to see the lights have been bright.
2023-08-03 11:55:521


There was a blackout last night at 8PM.
2023-08-03 11:55:591


no power
2023-08-03 11:56:0810


Last week, we came out from the science and technology museum, to take the subway to three-ring, also with the luggage. This let me feel the Peking man much, much to the realm of unreasonable.We have had more than five out of the science and technology museum, this refers to the peak work in Beijing, my uncle called we went to buy a ticket, three-ring the physical in the beginning, we want to go, but somebody else don"t want to, we have to take the subway, uncle sent us a message: from no. 10 line to line 8, and out of line to line 5, 8, and out of line 5 transfer to line 1, sit to gongzhufen again. The forehead niang drops, so trouble, say, it doesn"t matter, still to sit!We sat in the Olympic park station, we will start from here "combat", we bought tickets, in the platform, there is not much more special, I think, ha ha! Have a seat can do this time, shout! Flashed a subway car, then, is a section of a carriage, wow, so many people like canned sardines, I immediately don"t respond to come over, the door opened, and I began to get into the box, ha, fortunately I load, at the moment the door closed, and entered the carriage, this, is I"ve never experienced.We made two station, line to turn eight place, we carry the box into the elevator, in the first floor, I saw the platform as we left, people very much, that is, suddenly, the subway stop in front of us, ha, not many people inside, but more people outside! Suddenly, the whole car was "filled with" the people, we are very lucky crowded into, this call "good luck, everything", we are very lucky crammed into two, good luck!We do eight line to the east, this is the place where the number five line, we went to the first floor, oh my god! Mouse wheel - big head to come, here, is all people, the elevator, there is full of people, the crowd as the tide wave of open something new, see here, in addition to the head, or head, it is dark, the moon and sun light. We carry the big box, crammed into the crowd, the crowd, because I was short, I can only see the top of the head on the ceiling, there are people. We finally packed into the elevator, the elevator just in the platform, feel suddenly, see the light of day, finally breathing in the fresh air, I very cool! But it is incomplete, also is full of people on the subway, the first subway train, we not go up, the second column the subway train came and I grabbed the suitcase, sticks to the inside crowded, I felt I was more and more closer to the subway, finally, into the subway car, which was really good luck! Is awesome!We need to switch # 1, # 1 on the platform only a few people, the subway train came and is spacious, we went into the smoothly.To take the subway in Beijing, it is a war, the subway station of Beijing, is a battlefield!
2023-08-03 11:56:381


问题一:电用英语怎么说 电 [diàn] electricity electric electrical 问题二:带电的怎么说,用英语,谢 带电的 electriferous charged current carrying 带电的鱼 Electric Fishes 在带电的 in the charged of 可带电的 electrifiable 简单的说他做的工作是,用一张非常薄的金属箔,然后用带电的粒子轰击它。 Basically what he did is he took a very thin metal foil and he bombarded it with charged particles. 问题三:用电量 用英文怎么说 用电量 Electricity consumption 用电量 Electricity consumption 问题四:电源 用英语怎么说 power source 问题五:一度电用英语怎么说 一度电 a kilowatt-hour 问题六:市电--英语怎么说? 市电 mercial power;太阳能电solar electric power. 问题七:停电用英语怎么说? 10分 1 the failure of electricity supply 停电后, 城市一片混乱。 After the failure of electricity supply the city was in chaos. 2 power failure 停电使交通运输陷入紧急状况。 A power failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation. 问题八:“动力电”用英语怎么说? 动力电 380V; power current; dynamic electricity
2023-08-03 11:56:571


Sorry,I did not do my English homework,because I wasn"t feeling very well. Sorry,I did not write my English homework,because I was ill. Sorry,I did not do my English homework,because I have forgotten. Sorry,I have forgotten to do my English homework. Sorry,I did not do my English homework,because there was a power cut(停电) last night. 没有做作业有很多藉口呢!很高兴能够帮到你,希望对你有助,祝你学业进步!(不须要再用藉口)
2023-08-03 11:57:061


When the light went out at eight o"clock yesterday evening, Mr Zhang was watching a baketball match on TV, so he had to listen to the radio instead later. Sally was playing the piano, so she had to stop to have a rest. Tom was doing some reading in his room, so he had to go to bed later. Mrs Wang was then in the lift, so she couldn"t get out. Luckily she called the police by mobile phone and was rescued at last.
2023-08-03 11:57:141